


2 1 P el 理 . c l原
下面用 Pe 创建串联和并联的 M S管的器 cl l O 件版图为例来讲解 P e 的开发和应用。 cl l
其详 细步 骤如 下 :
1 )先绘出一个标准 的 N O M S管 ( 使用 2 m p el 艺 ) 尺寸 为最小 , 图 1 示 。 w l工 , 如 所
节 省磁 盘空 间 , 少尺 寸上 的错误 。 减 22 MO . S晶体 管参数 化 单元 Pe 的应 用 cl l
C dne aec 中的参数化单元 Pe 工具 , cl l 当需 要画一 个 M S管时 , O 只要调用 出这个 P e , cl 在其属性 中 l 填人所需参数( L gt n m e 等等) 就可 以 w、 、 a u br e , 很方便得到想要的 M S管。这样 即可避免单元 O 的重 复创建 , 大减轻 单调 乏 味的创 建 图形 工 作 , 大 也可省下许多繁琐工 作, 就是 Pe 的好处所 这 cl l 在。 2 P el cl
O K。如 图 2所示 。
调用版图时 , 参数会被赋予指定 的值或使用 缺省 值, 系统就会在虚拟 内存 中产生一个 sb a e。 um s r t
当你打开一个包含 i t c 的 cli n a e ev w时 , sn le 如果有 相同参数的 sb at 已经存在时 , um sr e 就不会再产生
的选 项 。
4 )定义 M S晶体管栅的沟道长度 l g : O e t 点 nh
击 L yu dt g窗 口中 的 P e =>Srt a ot in E i cl l t c > e h=
图形化 版 图和参数 组成 , 当编 译这个 m s r at 之 e
后, 它就以 si 程序的形式存储在数据库 中。当 kl l

Cadence --- Pcell 技巧

Cadence --- Pcell 技巧

Cadence --- P-cell 技巧IC设计小镇:當我們在對一電路畫Layout時,若電路很大,便需要畫很多的MOS,工作將變的繁瑣,但只要利用P-cell的功能,建立常用的cell,便可省下許多繁瑣工作,這便是P-cell的好處所在。

當我們電路很大時,需要畫很多不同size的MOS,以下便教導各位建立一個MOS 的P-cell,當我們需要一個MOS時,只要呼叫出這cell,填入所需資料(W, L, gate number),便立即得到想要的MOS。

1.先繪出一個標準的nMOS(使用0.35 m製程,盡量接近座標原點,size為最小),如圖一。

PS.” /chip3/virtuoso/add035/”目錄內有已建好的nMOS,可以直接套用。

步驟一:鍵入”cp –r /chip3/virtuoso/add035 ~/.”將檔案COPY到userhome內。

步驟二:鍵入”~/add035/icfb &”,已開啟cadence。

步驟三:開啟pcell (library)下nmos(pcell)的layout(view),如圖一。

0.351.350.9圖一2.點選LSW視窗中的Edit=>Set Valid Layers…,會出現Set Valid Layer視窗。


5.點選Layout Editing視窗中的P cell=>Stretch=>Stretch in X…後,在Ploy上牽出一條垂直線,如圖二,之後會出現Stretch in X視窗,在”N ame or Expression for Stretch”內填入”length”,在”R eference Dimension”內填入”0.35”,且點取”Stretch HorizontallyRepeated Figures”,再點選OK,如圖三。




我们可以先确定cont的数目,我们知道cont_size=0.5,cont_pitch=0.5,而cont被active包最小距离是0.15,所以就可以推出W-(cont-size/2+0.15)*2+1=cont-number*(cont_size+ cont_pitch)化简得:cont-number=W+0.2。

(1)根据(1)式,得出向上extension的strentch,如图默认的W=1.4,而参数name or Expression for stretch 的表达式是个化简的,我们可以看看原值((W+1.4+fix((W-(cont-size/2+0.15)*2)))/2)得到((W+1.4+fix((W-0.8)))/2)=》((W+1.4+fix((W+0.2-1)))/2)=》((W+0.4+fix((W+0.2)))/2)同理我们也可以得到向下的extension,如图他的表达式是由((W+1.4-fix((W-(cont-size/2+0.15)*2)))/2)的化简得到的!二.Pmos的pcell方法其实两者的方法是一样的,只是cont被active包最小距离不同,pmos是0.3,所以根据nmos的方法得到W-(cont-size/2+0.3)*2+1=cont-number*(cont_size+ cont_pitch)简化得cont-number=W-0.1 (2)向上的extension为(W+1.4+fix((W-(cont-size/2+0.3)*2)))/2)=》W+1.4+fix((W-1.1))/2)=》(W+1.4+fix((W+0.9-2))/2)=》(W-0.6+fix((W+0.9))/2)如图同样的向下extension可得(W+1.4-fix((W-(cont-size/2+0.3)*2)))/2)=》(W+3.4-fix((W+0.9)))/2)如图若想做多管的pcell,只要在单个管子上repeat就可以了,这里如下图:PS:其他的如电阻等方法基本雷同,这里就不介绍了!。

Lab 10 Pcells版图设计

Lab 10   Pcells版图设计

Lab 10 Pcells版图设计1.实验目的熟悉版图操作命令学会Stream格式转换方法学会创建Pcells2.实验原理Stream格式Cadence系统有自己的内部数据格式,为了与其他EDA软件之间进行数据交换,Cadence提供内部数据与标准数据格式之间的转换。

点击CIW的File菜单中的Import,可将各种外部数据格式转换成Cadence内部数据格式,利用CIW 的File菜单中的Export,可将各种Cadence内部数据格式转换成外部标准数据格式。

其中,Stream命令实现Stream格式与DFII(Design Framework II)之间的转换。




















新版本的使用者,虽然有QPcell来制作,但阅读本文也可以对以前制作P cell有一个了解。

)What you can find in this manual.Explanation of the pcell menu, convention of modeling pcell and some instanc es. In addition to saying pcell is parameterized cell.What Are the Parameters?Stretch a group of objects in the X direction, Y direction, or bothInclude or exclude groups of objectsRepeat a group of objects in the X direction, Y direction, or bothModify polygons, paths, or rectangles during placement of the Pcell instance Repeat object along the border of a parameterized shapePlace objects relative to the endpoint of a parameterized pathPlace objects relative to a reference pointInherit parameters form any level of hierarchy to the higher levelChange the layer and purpose of group of objectsCustomize a labelCreate properties whose values are dependent on the parameter valuesPCELL MENUTools Pcell the pcell menu will appear in the dynamic menu.It includes som e tools that are used to make the Pcell.Stretch →stretch in X/ stretch in Y/ Qualify /Modify /Redefine Stretch in X …Defines how to stretch the objects horizontally.Stretch in Y…Defines how to stretch the objects in a cellview in the vertical direction. QualifySpecify which objects are affected by a stretch control line. By default, all obj ects not in repetition groups are affected by the stretch control line.ModifyModify the parameters for a stretch control line.RedefineLets you redefine a previously defined stretch control line or change the param eters assigned to a stretch control line.SKILL functionpcHIDefineStretch(“right”)pcHIDefineStretch(“up”)pcHIQualifyStretchLine( )pcHIModifyStretchLine( )pcHIRedefineStretchLine( )Conditional Inclusion→Define / Modify / Delete /ShowDefine …Assigns a conditional inclusion parameter to a selected group of objects Modify …Change the objects associated with a conditional inclusion or change the expres sion controlling.DeleteDelete a conditional inclusion definition.ShowHighlights objects in a conditional inclusion group and display information abo ut the group.SKILL functionpcHIDefineCondition( )pcHIModifyCondition( )pcHIDeleteCondition( )pcHIDisplayCondition( )Repetition→Repeat in X / Repeat in Y / Repeat in X and Y / Modify / D elete/ShowRepeat in X …Defines objects to be repeated horizontally.Repeat in Y …Defines objects to be repeated vertically.Repeat in X and YDefines objects to be repeated both horizontally and vertically.ModifyChanges a previously defined repetition parameter. Changesthe objects in the r epetition group or parameters assigned to the repetition group.DeleteDeletes a repetition parameter assigned to a group of objects.ShowHighlights objects in a repetition group and information about the group.SKILL functionpcHIDefineRepeat( “horizontal”)pcHIDefineRepeat(“vertical”)pcHIDefineRepeat(“2D”)pcHIModifyRepeat( )pcHIDeleteRepeat( )pcHIDisplayRepeat( )Parameterized Shapes→Define/Modify / Delete / ShowDefine/ModifyAssigns the vertices of a shape as parameters of the Pcell. You can define pat hs, polygons, rectangles, circles, ellipses, or donuts as parameterized shapes.DeleteDeletes the parameters associated with a polygon, path, or rectangle.ShowHighlights a parameterized shape and displays information about the shape and its parameters.SKILL functionpcHIDefineParameterizedShape( )pcHIDeleteParameterizedShape( )pcHIDisplayParameterizedShape( )Repetition Along Shape→Define / Modify / Delete / ShowDefine …Repeats an object or group of objects along a coordinate string controlling a p arameterized shape.Modify …Change a previously defined repetition along shape parameter. Changes the obj ects to be repeated along the parameterized shape or the parameterized shape it self.DeleteDeletes a repetition along shape parameter.ShowHighlights objects in a repetition along shape group and information about it.SKILL functionpcHIDefineSteppedObject( )pcHIModifySteppedObject( )pcHIDeleteSteppedObject( )pcHIDisplaySteppedObject( )Reference Point→Define by Path Endpoint / Define by Parameter / Modify /Delete / ShowDefine by Path Endpoint …Specifies that the location of an object or group of objects be determined by l ocation of the endpoint of a parameterized path.Define by Parameter …Specifies that the location of an object or group of objects be determined by a reference point parameter in the cell. In addition to the master origin of the cell, you can specify a parameterized origin for the associated objects.ModifyModify a reference point parameter. You can use this command to modify eith er a reference point defined by the reference point by parameter form or the r eference point by path endpoint form.DeleteDeletes a previously defined reference point parameter.ShowHighlights objects in a reference point group and display information about it.SKILL functionpcHIDefinePathRefPointObject( )pcHIDefineParamRefPointObject( )pcHIModifyRefPointObject( )pcHIDeleteRefPointObject( )pcHIDisplayRefPointObject( )Inherited Parameters→Define/Modify/ ShowDefine/Modify …Specifies that the Pcell child gets some or all of its parameter values form the parent in which the child instance is placed. You can specify that individual parameter values of the parent Pcell be passed to the child Pcell when you pla ce the Pcell parent in your design.ShowHighlights the child cell instance in an inherited parameter group and display i nformation about the group.SKILL functionpcHIDefineInheritedParameter( )pcHIDisplayInheritedParameter( )Parameterized Layer→Define / Modify /Delete / ShowDefineAssigns a layer parameter to selected objects in a Pcell so you can change the layer of the objects when you place the Pcell.ModifyChanges a layer parameter associated with a group of objects.DeleteRemove a layer parameter from a group of objects.ShowHighlights a group of shapes in parameterized layer group and displays inform ation about the group.SKILL functionpcHIDefineLayer( )pcHIModifyLayer( )pcHIDeleteLayer( )pcHIDisplayLayer( )Parameterized Label→Define/ ModifyDefine…Places a parameterized label on a instance of a Pcell.ModifyModifies a parameterized label you have associated with object.SKILL functionpcHIDefineLabel( )pcHIModifyLabel( )Parameterized Property→Define/Modify/ Delete /ShowDefine/Modify…Attaches parameterized properties to a Pcell.DeleteDeletes one parameterized property at a time from a Pcell.ShowDisplay the parameterized properties assigned in current cellview.SKILL functionpcHIDefineProp( )pcHIDeleteProp( )pcHIDisplayProp( )Parameters→Edit Parameters/ SummarizeEdit Parameters…Displays a list of all completed parameters defined for the cellview. You can change the DataType and Value fields for all parameters.SummarizeDisplay a summary of all parameters defined for the current cellview, includin g parameters added since the last compile.SKILL functionpcHIEditParameters( )pcModifyParam(d_cv s_param t_paramType g_ParamExpr)pcHIShowParams( )pcHISummarizeParams( )Compile→To Pcell / To SKILL FileTo Pcel l …Create a Pcell in the datatype from the design in the current window. If you do not compile a Pcell before you place an instance of it in another design, t he system interprets the design as a standard fixed cell instead of a Pcell. Eac h time you edit the graphic Pcell, you must recompile it so that all placed ins tance reflect the changes.To SKILL File…Creates a SKILL file from the data in the current cellview the file can then b e edited as any skill file.SKILL functionpcHIDefineParamCell( )pcHICompileTo|Skill( )Make Ultra PcellCombines several Pcells into one Pcell.SKILL functionauHiUltraPcell( )OK. This is the end of this trip.INSTANCE(开始学Pcell时整理出来的,因为太长了也就没有精力再翻译过来,大家就将就一下。

利用Cadence virtuoso layout edit制做pcell 芯片版图

利用Cadence virtuoso layout edit制做pcell 芯片版图

基本的mos管的pcell建立在新建的cellview中进行以下操作Tools-pcell先layout出一个最简单的MOS 管定义channal 长度和宽度L,W:点击stretch命令进行横向和纵向拉伸Stretch in X :将出现的控制线,跨过你所需要拉伸的所有layer,然后按enter出现下图所示的图框Name or Expression for stretch:自己取个名字,比如L代表了channal channelReference Dimension (Default):L的尺寸,默认为控制线所经过的最小layer 宽度其他的几个选项可以调整layer 拉伸的方向和最小最大值W用stretch in Y定义然后看看成果点击compile –to pcell,进行编辑点击OK,并且保存。

可以看到现在调用出来的MOS 已经是一个可以编辑W,L的器件了。



我们还需要定义一个X方向的辅助参数ods,选中需要repeatlayer,一般是poly,contact,metal,Repetition-repeat in X,Ok,然后进行compile-to pcell同样的方法不用定义ods,然后其他定义和上相同,调用两个pcell可以看出两者的不同横向的repeat后,要进行纵向的repeat一般选择contact repeat。



利用Cadence virtuoso layout edit制做pcell 作者:admin⁄ 2010-12-24⁄分类:版图设计⁄查看:3,794次⁄4 条评论基本的mos管的pcell建立在新建的cellview中进行以下操作Tools-pcell先layout出一个最简单的MOS 管定义channal 长度和宽度L,W:点击stretch命令进行横向和纵向拉伸Stretch in X :将出现的控制线,跨过你所需要拉伸的所有layer,然后按enter出现下图所示的图框Name or Expression for stretch:自己取个名字,比如L代表了channal channelReference Dimension (Default):L的尺寸,默认为控制线所经过的最小layer宽度其他的几个选项可以调整layer 拉伸的方向和最小最大值W用stretch in Y定义然后看看成果点击compile –to pcell,进行编辑点击OK,并且保存。

可以看到现在调用出来的MOS 已经是一个可以编辑W,L的器件了。

但是我们有的时候我们要用到多个finger并联,所以可以通过设置另外一个参数M 来实现。

因为M实际上就是一个finger复制M次,所以我们要用到repetition选项,如果这样直接使用这个操作,无法实现我们需要的结果,现在进行repetition 的L是原始的L但是希望得到的是L改变后的复制,所以我们用到stretch-qualify点击Qualify,此时控制线可选,点击控制L的线,并希望与其一起变化的layer,并双击或者enter确定现在就可以进行repetition操作了。

我们还需要定义一个X方向的辅助参数ods,选中需要repeatlayer,一般是poly,contact,metal,Repetition-repeat in X,Ok,然后进行compile-to pcell同样的方法不用定义ods,然后其他定义和上相同,调用两个pcell可以看出两者的不同横向的repeat后,要进行纵向的repeat一般选择contact repeat。



簡單建立 PCell作者: Justin Wang如果你的Virtuoso不能使用QCell的功能(QCell需要在IC5141以後版本),或者你覺得PCELL的建立太麻煩,或者你還不曉得要如何建立PCELL,如果你是上列3種原因的使用者,在這裡站長要介紹大家另外一種建立PCELL 的方式,這種方式比起一般使用畫Layout的方式建立PCELL 簡單太多了,整個過程中你只要使用mouse選擇 Next 、OK ,就可以很輕鬆的完成PCELL建立.建立 PCELL步驟:1. 在CIW 下,load "pcell.il"/*********************** pcell.il file ***********************/ setSkillPath(cons(prependInstallPath("samples/ROD/rodPcells ")getSkillPath()))load("install/spcLoadInstall.il")spcInstall()/************************************************************/ 2.load "pcell.il"後,會開啟一個新的視窗3.這個範例是PMOS、NMOS 的 PCELL4.選擇建立PCELL的Library (需要先在Library Manager中建立)5.選擇Layer6.設定Layout Rules7.設定 Cadence ROD 目錄8.Click Next9.Select cdsinit, Click Next10.建立完成PCELL11.開始使用PCELL。


➢主要作为增加偏光板与 Panel 表面间的黏着性,进而将 Panel 表面的气泡均匀 功 分散,使点灯时符合厂内规格要求 能 ➢机台针对外部与易发尘部位需作隔離,防止异物混入 需 ➢具稳定输送机构 求 ➢可设定保持时间、压力、温度的功能
➢具重工加压脱泡制程功能 ➢具充足保养与破片清理空间 ➢符合 华星光电工安规定 ➢易人员维修、操作与更换耗材设计
将大基板变成小 panel
修整锐角以 利IC bonding 及预防裂片
去除前制程 之碎屑
炉子 烘烤
贴附偏 光板
确认品质状 态
确认品质状 态
利用温度去除 偏光板贴附间 的bubble
将偏光板贴附 Panel 两侧
保持panel表面 洁净以利偏光 板贴附
2. PI制程简介
3. 6框胶固化
UV照射部相关参数: * UV波长cut (300nm以下cut(DUV filter),800nm以上cut(IR UV filter). * UV照射强度 (85~130mw/cm2). * UV照射能量 (照射强度*时间 mj/cm2). * UV照射均一度 (±20%以下). * Seal胶材使用UV波长 (365nm).
在高真空状态下,利用机台对位系统读取Mark,将CF 和TFT 基板准确的压合在一起,要确保Stage 表面平行度和压合后组 立基板脱离状况良好,对位精度质量才会稳定。
④Chamber内抽真空 →实施对位




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利用Cadence virtuoso layout edit制做pcell
先layout出一个最简单的MOS 管
定义channal 长度和宽度L,W:
Stretch in X :
Inherieted paraneters
Name or Expression for stretch:自己取个名字,比如L代表了channal channel
Reference Dimension (Default):L的尺寸,默认为控制线所经过的最小layer宽度
Parameterized shapes的定义
选中一层layer ,且只能选种一层layer 然后define:
Reference point的定义
在前面Parameterized shapes的基础上进行下面的定义,选种layer





只能在cadence 中查看。


1)新建一个版图器件库(J170803_DEVICES_PCELLS)2)使用Cadence软件新建不同尺寸的单元,视图名为layout. 并打开,引用同尺寸的PCELL。



3) 新建单元base_cell. 将新建的器件单元都引入该单元中。

4) 导出base_cell的GDSII(base_cell.gds)。

生存新的打散的器件库5)新建一个版图器件库(J170803_DEVICES_Flatten)6) 使用Cadence软件导入base_cell.gds.生成打散的器件单元。

7) 将J170803库另存为J170803_Flatten库,删除所有的单元或者新建库。

8) 将J170803库需要绘制的模块生成到J170803_Flatten中。





10) 替换器件库后,需要到每个模块解散器件,将PCELL直接放置在该层,而不是嵌套引用。



则必须保证J170803_DEVICES_PCELLS, J170803_DEVICES_Flatten库的器件单元一致。



1Overview这一章描述了参数化单元——pcell什么是参数化单元(parameters cell)一个参数化的单元(pcell),是用图形表示的,允许你每次创建器件的时候都可以编辑其参数。



Submaster Cells:你已经创建了一个pcell,当你利用这个pcell创建器件的时候,你需要对创建的instances赋予参数,这样每个不同的instance都具有不同数据存储在虚拟内存中,我们称之为submaster 。

创建一个 Pcell两种编译Pcell 的方式:利用Pcell菜单;用SKILL命令1 创建并编辑一个cell2 添加parameters3编译cell成为master pcell4 测试master.➤From a layout window, choose Tools – Pcell.什么是 parameters当你放置一个instance的时候,你需要将数值赋予不同的参数项以使你:⏹stretch parameter ——向X或Y方向拉伸图形;⏹conditional inclusion parameter ——包含或去除对象;⏹repetition parameter ——在X或Y方向复制对象组;⏹parameterized shapes ——在你放置instance时修改栅paths或矩形;⏹repetition along shape parameter ——沿着参数化图形的边缘复制;⏹reference point defined by path endpoint ——放置与parameterized path端点相关的对象⏹reference point defined by parameter ——放置于参考点相关器件⏹inherited parameters ——从hierarchy的任何一个level获得参数而inherit更高的level⏹parameterized layer ——改变layer目的是对象图形组⏹parameterized label ——定制label⏹parameterized property ——创建一个由参数值决定的属性定义参数:参数名是一个变量,我们可以将其关联到其他定义参数上如果给的拉伸变量名是gate,那么我们定义重复栅的步长的时候我们可以使用SKILL表达式,如gate+1。

简单建立 PCell

简单建立 PCell

簡單建立PCell作者: Justin Wang如果你的Virtuoso不能使用QCell的功能(QCell需要在IC5141以後版本), 或者你覺得PCELL的建立太麻煩,或者你還不曉得要如何建立PCELL,如果你是上列3種原因的使用者,在這裡站長要介紹大家另外一種建立PCELL的方式,這種方式比起一般使用畫Layout的方式建立PCELL 簡單太多了,整個過程中你只要使用mouse選擇Next 、OK ,就可以很輕鬆的完成PCELL建立.建立PCELL步驟:1.在CIW下,load "pcell.il"/***********************pcell.il file ***********************/ setSkillPath(cons(prependInstallPath("samples/ROD/rodPcells")getSkillPath()))load("install/spcLoadInstall.il")spcInstall()/************************************************************/ 2.load "pcell.il"後,會開啟一個新的視窗3.這個範例是PMOS、NMOS 的PCELL4.選擇建立PCELL的Library (需要先在Library Manager中建立)5.選擇Layer6.設定Layout Rules7.設定Cadence ROD 目錄8.Click Next9.Select cdsinit, Click Next10.建立完成PCELL11.開始使用PCELL。







1.1 Stretch (pcell>Stretch)Stretch Type:Horizontal (Qualified) //拉伸类型:水平Name or Expression for Stretch:strR3//拉伸名称或表达式:Stretch Directions(Default):right//拉伸方向(默认):Reference Dimension(Default):0.81//参考尺寸(默认):Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figures¨ //拉伸水平重复的图形Stretch Type:Horizontal (Qualified)Name or Expression for Stretch:strR2Stretch Directions(Default):rightReference Dimension(Default):0.5Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figures¨Stretch Type:Horizontal (Qualified)Name or Expression for Stretch:strR1Stretch Directions(Default):rightReference Dimension(Default):0.5Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figures¨Stretch Type:Horizontal (Qualified)Name or Expression for Stretch:strRStretch Directions(Default):rightReference Dimension(Default):0.9Stretch Horizontally Rep eated Figures¨Stretch Type:HorizontalName or Expression for Stretch:LStretch Directions:rightReference Dimension(Default):0.5Min Value:0.5 //最小值:Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figuresþ //所有情况只有L需要拉伸水平重复Stretch Type:HorizontalName or Expression for Stretch:LStretch Directions:rightReference Dimension(Default):0.5Min Value:0.5 //最小值:Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figuresþ //所有情况只有L需要拉伸水平重复Stretch Type:Vertical (Qualified)Name or Expression for Stretch:WStretch Directions:upAndDownReference Dimension(Default):0.6Min Value:0.6 //最小值:Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figures¨Stretch Type:VerticalName or Expression for Stretch:WStretch Directions:upReference Dimension(Default):0.9Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figures¨1.2 Conditional Inclusion (pcell>Conditional Inclusion)*左上角的pl5管子定义两个名称或表达式:Parallel、(W<0.9)Number of Object in this group:10 //选中该组的对象数量:Name or Expression:Parallel //名称或表达式:并联Dependent Stretch: //依赖性拉伸:Adjustment to Stretch: //调节拉伸:Number of Object in this group:10Name or Expression:(W<0.9)Dependent Stretch:Adjustment to Stretch:*右上角的pl5管子定义两个名称或表达式:Series、(W<0.9)Number of Object in this group:10Name or Expression:SeriesDependent Stretch:Adjustment to Stretch:Number of Object in this group:10Name or Expression:(W<0.9)Dependent Stretch:Adjustment to Stretch:*左下角的pl5管子定义两个名称或表达式:Parallel、(W>=0.9)Number of Object in this group:8Name or Expression:ParallelDependent Stretch:Adjustment to Stretch:Number of Object in this group:8Name or Expression:(W>=0.9)Dependent Stretch:Adjustment to Stretch:*右下角的pl5管子定义两个名称或表达式:Series、(W>=0.9)Number of Object in this group:8Name or Expression:SeriesDependent Stretch:Adjustment to Stretch:Number of Object in this group:8Name or Expression:(W>=0.9)Dependent Stretch:Adjustment to Stretch:1.3 Repetition (pcell>Repetition)*当条件为Parallel、W>=0.9时,管子左侧的cont进行Y方向上的重复。




Cadence -—- P—cell 技巧当我们在对一电路画Layout时,若电路很大,便需要画很多的MOS,工作将变的繁琐,但只要利用P-cell的功能,建立常用的cell,便可省下许多繁琐工作,这便是P-cell的好处所在。

当我们电路很大时,需要画很多不同size的MOS,以下便教导各位建立一个MOS 的P-cell,当我们需要一个MOS时,只要呼叫出这cell,填入所需数据(W,L, gate number),便立即得到想要的MOS。


35 m制程,尽量接近坐标原点,size为最小),如图一。

PS.” /chip3/virtuoso/add035/”目录内有已建好的nMOS,可以直接套用.步骤一:键入"cp –r /chip3/virtuoso/add035 ~/."将档案COPY到userhome内。

步骤二:键入”~/add035/icfb &”,已开启cadence。

步骤三:开启pcell (library)下nmos(pcell)的layout(view),如图一。

0.351.350.9图一2.点选LSW窗口中的Edit=〉S et Valid Layers…,会出现Set Valid Layer窗口。


5.点选Layout Editing窗口中的Pcell=>Stretch=>Stretch in X…后,在Ploy上牵出一条垂直线,如图二,之后会出现Stretch in X窗口,在”Name or Expression for Stretch"内填入”length” ,在"Reference Dimension”内填入”0。

35”,且点取"Stretch HorizontallyRepeated Figures”,再点选OK,如图三。







首先,我为什么分享使用Excel绘图?1、几乎所有人电脑上都安装有Excel;2、 Excel功能强大,可绘制出不逊于编程与其他专业软件的图形效果;3、可导出高分辨图片;4、 Excel还能够实现一些常用软件(如Graphpad prism)绘制不了的图形。

E x c e l绘制南丁格尔玫瑰图南丁格尔玫瑰图(Rose diagrams)是英国护士和统计学家弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔(Florence Nightingale)发明的一种圆形的直方图。



目前常用绘图软件GraphPad Prism暂不能绘制南丁格尔玫瑰图,然而几乎所有人电脑中均安装了的软件Excel却可以轻松绘制漂亮的玫瑰图。

绘制步骤:1. 数据准备模拟与Cell文献中类似的7组数据,每组所占角度为360°除以7为51.4286°:对各组织间角度范围细分如下,此外为了让各组织之间有一定的间隔,使其对应数据为0:得到1-360°各角度对应的组织与上调或下调数据:2. 绘制玫瑰图选择步骤1得到的数据,菜单栏点击插入 -> 插入图表 -> 雷达图下选择填充雷达图:得到填充雷达图:3. 美化玫瑰图3.1 选择并删除玫瑰图外围的数字:3.2 设置上调与下调颜色选中图形,鼠标右击选择设置数据系列格式:标记处依次设置上调与下调填充颜色,例如上调设置为红色,透明度设置为60%,效果如下:设置完成后效果如下:主要网格线处可以设置网格线的颜色、透明度、宽度等:4. 添加序列标签添加序列标签前准备好如下辅助数据:选择数据,插入饼图:饼图右上角加号选择数据标签 -> 更多选项 -> 标签选项选择标签仅包括类别名称,位置为数据标签外:饼图进入设置数据系列格式,图表选项设置为无填充:得到漂亮的南丁格尔玫瑰图:5. 导出高清图片使用XL toolbox(https:///)插件Import&Export下导出高清Tiff图片:E x c e l提取配色方案相信很多人都曾经为绘图配色而苦恼,无论怎么调整都觉得自己的配色“辣眼睛”。

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新版本的使用者,虽然有QPcell来制作,但阅读本文也可以对以前制作P cell有一个了解。

)What you can find in this manual.Explanation of the pcell menu, convention of modeling pcell and some instanc es. In addition to saying pcell is parameterized cell.What Are the Parameters?Stretch a group of objects in the X direction, Y direction, or bothInclude or exclude groups of objectsRepeat a group of objects in the X direction, Y direction, or bothModify polygons, paths, or rectangles during placement of the Pcell instance Repeat object along the border of a parameterized shapePlace objects relative to the endpoint of a parameterized pathPlace objects relative to a reference pointInherit parameters form any level of hierarchy to the higher levelChange the layer and purpose of group of objectsCustomize a labelCreate properties whose values are dependent on the parameter valuesPCELL MENUTools Pcell the pcell menu will appear in the dynamic menu. It includes som e tools that are used to make the Pcell.Stretch →stretch in X/ stretch in Y/ Qualify /Modify /RedefineStretch in X …Defines how to stretch the objects horizontally.Stretch in Y…Defines how to stretch the objects in a cellview in the vertical direction. QualifySpecify which objects are affected by a stretch control line. By default, all obj ects not in repetition groups are affected by the stretch control line.ModifyModify the parameters for a stretch control line.RedefineLets you redefine a previously defined stretch control line or change the param eters assigned to a stretch control line.SKILL function▪pcHIDefineStretch(“right”)▪pcHIDefineStretch(“up”)▪pcHIQualifyStretchLine( )▪pcHIModifyStretchLine( )▪pcHIRedefineStretchLine( )Conditional Inclusion→Define / Modify / Delete /ShowDefine …Assigns a conditional inclusion parameter to a selected group of objects Modify …Change the objects associated with a conditional inclusion or change the expres sion controlling.DeleteDelete a conditional inclusion definition.ShowHighlights objects in a conditional inclusion group and display information abo ut the group.SKILL function▪pcHIDefineCondition( )▪pcHIModifyCondition( )▪pcHIDeleteCondition( )▪pcHIDisplayCondition( )Repetition→Repeat in X / Repeat in Y / Repeat in X and Y / Modify / D elete/ShowRepeat in X …Defines objects to be repeated horizontally.Repeat in Y …Defines objects to be repeated vertically.Repeat in X and YDefines objects to be repeated both horizontally and vertically.ModifyChanges a previously defined repetition parameter. Changes the objects in the r epetition group or parameters assigned to the repetition group.DeleteDeletes a repetition parameter assigned to a group of objects.ShowHighlights objects in a repetition group and information about the group.SKILL function▪pcHIDefineRepeat( “horizontal”)▪pcHIDefineRepeat(“vertical”)▪pcHIDefineRepeat(“2D”)▪pcHIModifyRepeat( )▪pcHIDeleteRepeat( )▪pcHIDisplayRepeat( )Parameterized Shapes→Define/Modify / Delete / ShowDefine/ModifyAssigns the vertices of a shape as parameters of the Pcell. You can define pat hs, polygons, rectangles, circles, ellipses, or donuts as parameterized shapes.DeleteDeletes the parameters associated with a polygon, path, or rectangle.ShowHighlights a parameterized shape and displays information about the shape and its parameters.SKILL function▪pcHIDefineParameterizedShape( )▪pcHIDeleteParameterizedShape( )▪pcHIDisplayParameterizedShape( )Repetition Along Shape→Define / Modify / Delete / ShowDefine …Repeats an object or group of objects along a coordinate string controlling a p arameterized shape.Modify …Change a previously defined repetition along shape parameter. Changes the obj ects to be repeated along the parameterized shape or the parameterized shape it self.DeleteDeletes a repetition along shape parameter.ShowHighlights objects in a repetition along shape group and information about it.SKILL function▪pcHIDefineSteppedObject( )▪pcHIModifySteppedObject( )▪pcHIDeleteSteppedObject( )▪pcHIDisplaySteppedObject( )Reference Point→Define by Path Endpoint / Define by Parameter / Modify /Delete / ShowDefine by Path Endpoint …Specifies that the location of an object or group of objects be determined by l ocation of the endpoint of a parameterized path.Define by Parameter …Specifies that the location of an object or group of objects be determined by a reference point parameter in the cell. In addition to the master origin of the cell, you can specify a parameterized origin for the associated objects.ModifyModify a reference point parameter. You can use this command to modify eith er a reference point defined by the reference point by parameter form or the r eference point by path endpoint form.DeleteDeletes a previously defined reference point parameter.ShowHighlights objects in a reference point group and display information about it.SKILL function▪pcHIDefinePathRefPointObject( )▪pcHIDefineParamRefPointObject( )▪pcHIModifyRefPointObject( )▪pcHIDeleteRefPointObject( )▪pcHIDisplayRefPointObject( )Inherited Parameters→Define/Modify/ ShowDefine/Modify …Specifies that the Pcell child gets some or all of its parameter values form the parent in which the child instance is placed. You can specify that individual parameter values of the parent Pcell be passed to the child Pcell when you pla ce the Pcell parent in your design.ShowHighlights the child cell instance in an inherited parameter group and display i nformation about the group.SKILL function▪pcHIDefineInheritedParameter( )▪pcHIDisplayInheritedParameter( )Parameterized Layer→Define / Modify /Delete / ShowDefineAssigns a layer parameter to selected objects in a Pcell so you can change the layer of the objects when you place the Pcell.ModifyChanges a layer parameter associated with a group of objects.DeleteRemove a layer parameter from a group of objects.ShowHighlights a group of shapes in parameterized layer group and displays inform ation about the group.SKILL function▪pcHIDefineLayer( )▪pcHIModifyLayer( )▪pcHIDeleteLayer( )▪pcHIDisplayLayer( )Parameterized Label→Define/ ModifyDefine…Places a parameterized label on a instance of a Pcell.ModifyModifies a parameterized label you have associated with object.SKILL function▪pcHIDefineLabel( )▪pcHIModifyLabel( )Parameterized Property→Define/Modify/ Delete /ShowDefine/Modify…Attaches parameterized properties to a Pcell.DeleteDeletes one parameterized property at a time from a Pcell.ShowDisplay the parameterized properties assigned in current cellview.SKILL function▪pcHIDefineProp( )▪pcHIDeleteProp( )▪pcHIDisplayProp( )Parameters→Edit Parameters/ SummarizeEdit Parameters…Displays a list of all completed parameters defined for the cellview. You can change the DataType and Value fields for all parameters.SummarizeDisplay a summary of all parameters defined for the current cellview, includin g parameters added since the last compile.SKILL function▪pcHIEditParameters( )▪pcModifyParam(d_cv s_param t_paramType g_ParamExpr)▪pcHIShowParams( )▪pcHISummarizeParams( )Compile→To Pcell / To SKILL FileTo Pcel l …Create a Pcell in the datatype from the design in the current window. If you do not compile a Pcell before you place an instance of it in another design, t he system interprets the design as a standard fixed cell instead of a Pcell. Eac h time you edit the graphic Pcell, you must recompile it so that all placed ins tance reflect the changes.To SKILL File…Creates a SKILL file from the data in the current cellview the file can then b e edited as any skill file.SKILL function▪pcHIDefineParamCell( )▪pcHICompileTo|Skill( )Make Ultra PcellCombines several Pcells into one Pcell.SKILL function▪auHiUltraPcell( )OK. This is the end of this trip.INSTANCE(开始学Pcell时整理出来的,因为太长了也就没有精力再翻译过来,大家就将就一下。
