



北交《大学英语下》在线作业一-0001试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 100 分)1.A complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standards and should ____ new operating procedures.A.result inB.match wit hC.subject toD.proceed with答案:A2.The doctor should be here soon. ______ the mea nti me, try to relax.A.OnB.InC.FromD.At答案:B3.Tom had t he paper ()as soon as he finished()it.A.to be typed ….to writeB.typed… to writeC.being t yped…writingD.typed … writing答案:D4.The words of his old teacher left a ________ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them.A.longB.livelyC.liberalsting答案:D5.Although Anne is happy wit h her success she wonders ________ will happen to her private life.A.thatB.whatC.itD.this答案:B6.Parks and open spaces are essential to the quality of life in dense ( ) areas such as New York City.A.agriculturalB.ruralC.suburbanD.urban答案:D7.It ____________ whether he will go on wi th his study at the university.A.hasn't been decidedB.isn't decidedC.hasn't decidedD.doesn't decide答案:A8.Seeing the police coming, away____________ .A.the thieves ranB.had the thieves runC.ran the thievesD.did the thieves run答案:C9._____ her beauty, she is also intelligent and kind-hearted.A.ExceptB.Except forC.In additionD.Apart from答案:D10.____________ the matter with the teacher, we had a better understanding about it.A.To discussB.DiscussedC.Being di scussedD.Having discussed答案:D11.You aren't using this typewriter, ____________ ?A.are youB.do youC.will youD.have you答案:A12.I can't fi nd my dictionary. I wonder whether Mary ____________it now.A.haveB.hasC.is havingD.had答案:B13.I rang the hotel to ____ a double room for a week.A.reserveB.conserveC.preserveD.deserve答案:A14.Jack____________ in the street when I____________on him.A.walked...calledB.was walking ... was callingC.walked ... was callingD.was walking ... called答案:D15.The thought of dying slowly and painfully ()me. I really can't understand why so many people are opposed to euthanasia (安乐死).A.terrifiesB.cursesC.puzzlesD.injures答案:A16.Will you lend him a magazine ____________?A.to be readB.for readi ngC.to readD.he read答案:C17.In the last few years, the Internet and the World Wide Web have become ( ) words; al most everyone has heard of them.A.familyB.homeC.houseD.household答案:D18.Various programs____________on TV. Worl d news____________best received.A.will show, areB.are shown, isC.are showing, isD.have shown, are答案:B19.The hopes, goals, fears and desires ________ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.A.alterB.shiftC.transferD.vary答案:D20.Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful ________ it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.A.by whichB.to whichC.in thatD.so that答案:C21.The problem of poverty is particularly () in rural areas where one in three adults is unemployed.A.offensiveB.significantC.acuteD.frail答案:C22.It is essential that these application forms ________ back as early as possible.A.must be sentB.will be sentC.are sentD.be sent答案:D23.David ____________himself while he ____________the machine.A.hurt ... was fixingB.hurts... is fixingC.hurt ... fixedD.hurted... was fixing答案:A24.( ) their service, many taxi drivers in Shanghai are now learning everyday English.A.ImprovingB.Having improvedC.ImprovedD.To improve答案:D25.________ she realized it was too late to go home.A.No sooner it grew dark thanB.Hardly di d it grow dark thatC.Scarcely had it grown dark thanD.It was not until dark that答案:D。





1).Wouldyouriskyourlifeforacountrythatconsideredyouasecond-classcitizen?Wouldyoujoinamilitaryth ataskedyoutorisksacrificingyourlifebutseparatedyoufromothersoldiersbecauseofthecolorofyourskin ?ThatispreciselywhattheTuskegeeAirmendid.Theywerebrave,intelligent,African-Americanmenand womenwhofoughtfortheUnitedStatesinWorldWarII.In1940,PresidentFranklinDelanoRooseveltagreedtoallowAfricanAmericanstoflyairplanesinthemilit ary.Beforethat,AfricanAmericanscouldonlyserveintheArmedForcesaspartofthegroundtroops.Thefir stAfricanAmericanairmenreportedfordutyin1941.TheybegantheirtrainingoutsideofTuskegee,Alaba ma.Thesoldierswerecompletelyseparatedbvraceandthetworacescouldnotcommunicate.About450Af ricanAmericanpilotsfinishedthetraining.ThesemenweretheoriginalTuskegeeAirmen.TheTuskegeeAirmenhadanamazingrecord.Theydidnotloseanyofthebomberstheywereescorting(护航)Whenthewarwasoverin1945,theTuskegeeAirmenwereheroes.ButwhentheyreturnedtoAmerica,theywereappalledtofindoutthatthe ywerestilltreatedlikesecond-classcitizens.Theyfacedthesamesegregation(种族隔离)anddiscrimination(歧视)astheyhadbeforetheybegantheirtraining.FrederickHenry,oneoftheoriginalTuskegeeAirmen,livesinDetroit,Michigan.Becausehewasfromthe North,hewouldoftenforgetthesegregationrulesoftheSouth.Once,Henrywasonabusalonewithawhitebusdriv er.Soon,afterthetwohadtalkedforawhile,awaveofotherpassengerscameonthebus.Aproblemarosewhensomewhitepassengerswerestillstandin g,whichwasagainsttherules.Henrywasputoffthebus,eventhoughhewasthefirstpersontoboardthebusa ndhadpaidhisfare.Onethingdidchange,however.In1948,PresidentHarryS.Trumansignedanexecutiveorderprohibitingsegregationinthemilitary.Eventually,th eTuskegeeAirmenwereofficiallythankedfortheiramazingeffortsinthewar.1. Whichofthefollowingisthebesttitleforthepassage?A.AmericanSoldiersinWorldWarIIB.AmericanCivilRightsMovementC.TheTuskegeeAirmenD.RacialDiscriminationintheU.S.2. Whatdoestheword“appalled”inthethirdparagraphprobablymean?A.Reluctant.B.Pleased.C.Shocked.D.Relieved.3. ItcanbeinferredfromthepassagethatHenry___.A.refusedtogiveuphisseattoawhitepassengerB.refusedtopayhisbusfareC.hadafightwiththebusdriverD.wasthelastpersontoboardthebus4. In___,PresidentHarryS.Trumanorderedtoendmilitarysegregation.A.1940B.1941C.1945D.19485. Accordingtothepassage,whichofthefollowingstatementsabouttheTuskegeeAirmenisTRUE?A.InWorldWarII,theyneverlostabombertoenemyfire.B.Theywerethefirstgroupofblacksoldiersevertrainedbythegroundtroops.C.Theywerenotsubjectedtoracialdiscriminationinthearmy.D.TheywerealreadysoldiersinthegroundtroopsbeforetheirtrainingatTuskegeebegan.2).Whenwe’relearningaforeignlanguage,makingsenseofwhatwehearisthefirststeptowardfluency.Itsoun dsobvious,butuntilrecently,wedidn’tknowmucha bouthowlisteningworks.Newresearchdemonstrates thateffectivelisteninginvolvesmorethansimplyhearingthewordsthatfloatpastourears.Rather,it’sanact iveprocessofreceivinginformationandmakingmeaning.Thiskindofengagedlisteningisaskillthat’sascr iticalforlearningarangeofsubjectsatschoolandworkasitisforlearningtounderstandaforeigntongue.Studiesofskilledlanguagelearnershaveidentifiedspecificlisteningstrategiesthatleadtosuperiorcompre styear,forexample,UniversityofOttawaresearcherLarryVandergriftpublishedhisstudyof1 06undergraduateswhowerelearningFrenchasasecondlanguage.Halfofthestudentsweretaughtinaconv entionalfashion,listeningtoandpracticingtextsspokenaloud.Theotherhalf,possessingthesameinitial(最初的)skilllevelandtaughtbythesameteacher,weregivendetailedinstructiononhowtolisten.Itminedouttha tthesecondgroup“significantlyoutperformed”(胜过)thefirstoneonatestofcomprehension.Sowhataretheselisteningstrategies?Skilledlearnersgointoalisteningclasswithasenseofwhattheywantt ogetoutofit.Theysetagoalfortheirlisteningandtheygeneratepredictionsaboutwhatthespeakerwillsay. Beforethetalkingbegins,theymentallyreviewwhattheyalreadyknowaboutthesubject,andformanintent ionto“listenoutfor”what’simportantorrelevant.Oncetheybeginlistening,theselearnersmaintaintheirfo cus;iftheirattentionwander s,theybringitbacktothewordsbeingspoken.Theydon’tallowthemselvestob ethrownoffbyconfusingorunfamiliardetails.Instead,theytakenoteofwhattheydon’tunderstandandma keinferencesaboutwhatthosethingsmightmean,basedonothercluesavailabletothem:theirpreviouskno wledgeofthesubject,thecontext(语境)ofthetalk,,theidentityofthespeaker,andsoon.6. Whatisthemainideaofthispassage?A.Effectivelisteningmeanshearingthewordsthatfloatpastourears.B.Developingyourlisteningskillsisthefirststeptowarddevelopingfluency.C.Skilledlistenersusespecificstrategiestogetthemostoutofwhattheyhear.D.Listeningisoneofthemostpowerfultoolswehavetogaininformation.7. WhatdoesVandergrift’sresearchshow?A.Learnerswhoadoptspecificlisteningstrategiesbecomebetterlisteners.B.Learnerstaughtinthetraditionalwayarebetteratreinforcingwhattheylearn.C.Learnersaremoreconfidentiftheymakefewermistakes.D.Learnerswholistenonaregularbasisimprovefaster.8. WhichofthefollowingstatementsaboutVandergrift’sresearchisTRUE?A.TheparticipantswerepostgraduateslearningFrenchasasecondlanguage.B.Alltheparticipantsweretaughtusingtheconventionalmethod,withthefocusonlisteningstrategies.C.Thetwogroupsweretaughtbydifferentteachers.D.Theparticipantswereatthesameinitialskilllevel.9. Theexpression“thrownoff”inthethirdparagraphisclosestinmeaningto“___”.A.infectedB.confusedC.ruinedrmed10. Accordingtothepassage,whichofthefollowingstrategiesisNOTusedbyskilledlearners?A.Reviewtheirpriorknowledgeofthesubject.B.Concentrateonthespeaker’swords.C.Translateintotheirnativelanguage.D.Predictwhatthespeakerwillsay.二、词汇与结构(共15题,每题2分,共30分)11. Thefriedfishweateattherestaurantyesterdayisdelicious.I'dliketohaveitagainevenifitcosts___.A.astwicemuchB.twiceasmuchC.muchastwiceD.asmuchtwice12. ___toomuchtodo,theyhavetokeepthemselvesbusyalldaylong.A.HavingB.HaveC.HadD.Being13. Airpollution,togetherwithoverpopulation,___manyproblemsinbigcities.A.arecausingB.iscausingC.arecausedD.iscaused14. Tedworkedlikeahorseinhisyouth,___contributedtohisgreatsuccesslaterasabusinessman.A.thatB.whoC.whatD.which15.Afewhoursago,asmallsuitcasewithsomeimportantpapers___stolenfromthegeneralmanager'soffice.A.isB.areC.wereD.was16. GeneralBlairhadbeeninthearmy___for35yearswhenheretiredfromthenavy.A.serviceB.workC.jobD.homework17. Lindaisquitedifferent___hersisterincharacter:shelikesfriendsandgoesoutalotwhilehersisteralwaysstaysaloneathome.A.toB.fromC.atD.on18. Theygotoworkeveryday___SaturdayandSunday.Thosedaysareholidays.A.besidesB.onC.fromD.except19. Shehas___chancetowintheelectionasheropponentistoostrong.A.littleB.alittleC.fewD.afew20. Itisknowthat___Galileoinvented___telescope.A.the…theC.a…/D.the….a21. ThesilkproducedinHangzhoufeelsextremely___.A.softB.softlyC.softnessD.softy22. Jimwasabsentfromschoolforthewholeweek___abadcold.A.becauseofB.inadditiontoC.accordingtoD.infrontof23. Somepeopleliketo___asmallsumofmoneyincaseofurgentneed.A.dealwitheupC.setasideD.takeoff24. Youcan’taffordtoletthesituationgetworse.Youmusttake___toputitright.A.decisionsB.directionsC.sidesD.steps25. Howthesebigstonesweremovedtothemountaintopsremainsa___,thatis,nobodyknowshow.A.mysteryB.possibilityC.responsibilityD.faith三、改错(共5题,每题2分,共10分)请在以下句子划线部分中,挑出错误的选项。


11. It would be unwise to________ too much importance to what he said;
A. pay
B. attach
C. provide
D. indicate
12. The idea that the earth is flat was ______ centuries ago.
A. assumed
B. admitted
C. acknowledged
D. realized
3. If you can't do the job, ______ it on to someone who can.
A. put
B. let
C. pass
D. carry
4. The number of teachers in this school_______ unknown.
A. turning out
B. trailing off
C. tracing back
D. tracking down
9. l. In our university, a dormitory usually ______ six students.
A. involves
B. accommodates
6. it is impossible to know ______ what will happen.
A. in front of
B. in advance
C. in the place of
D. in return



东北师范大学16秋大学英语(一)高起专16秋在线作业3满分答案1:Painting in _____ is one of theirspare-time activities. A:oilB:an oilC:oilsD:the oil正确答案:C2:The climate here is often said to besimilar to ______. A:JapanB:one of JapanC:that of JapanD:in Japan正确答案:C3:The Philippines ______ to thesouth-east of China.A:liesB:lieC:layD:lays正确答案:A4:Nobody will believe how difficulthis work has been ______?A:will heB:won’t nobodyC:will theyD:won’t they正确答案:C5:He ______ still be thinking aboutthe question you raised. A:mayB:mightC:mustD:should正确答案:B6:Her politics ______ neitherconservative nor liberal.A:isB:areC:wasD:has been正确答案:B7:Your friend needs to come earlier, ______?A:does heB:doesn’t heC:need heD:needn’t he正确答案:B8:He told me _____ would come to hisbirthday party.A:many Jack friendsB:Jack’s manyfriendsC:many Jack’sfriendD:many friends of Jack’s正确答案:D9:The students asked whether he ______take the books out of the reading-room.A:couldB:mightC:shouldD:would正确答案:A10:Some of my students study a lot,______ just don’t care. A:anothersB:the otherC:some otherD:others正确答案:D11:There are ______ that I can’t finish them.A:so long assignmentsB:such long assignmentsC:long assignmentsD:so very long assignments正确答案:B12:______, Imust do another experiment.A:Be it ever so lateB:It is ever so lateC:It be ever so lateD:So late it be ever正确答案:A13:Her voice is ______.A:loudB:aloudC:loudlyD:loudness正确答案:A14:The magician picked several persons______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.A:by accidentB:on occasionC:on averageD:at random正确答案:D15:I had my hair cut at the _____around the corner.A:barberB:barbersC:barber’sD:barbers’正确答案:C16:Since she is angry, we ______.A:had better leaving her aloneB:should leave her aloneC:might as well leave her aloneD:had rather leave her alone正确答案:D17:This is a left hand glove and thatis ______.A:otherB:the other oneC:other oneD:another正确答案:B18:Under no circumstances will there bewage control while I am ______ of the government.A:the headB:a headC:headD:that head正确答案:C19:I know it isn’t important but I can’t help ______ aboutit. A:but to thinkB:thinkingC:thinkD:to think正确答案:B20:She ______ her mother’s work since she was admitted into hospital.A:is doingB:has been doingC:has doneD:has been done正确答案:B21:If a claim is kept ______,it is more likely to be recognized.A:liveB:livedC:aliveD:living正确答案:C22:_____ Nat Turner who led a revoltagainst slavery in Virginia in 1831.A:Where wasB:It wasC:He wasD:it was him正确答案:B23:he did everything he could toprevent if from ______ into fighting.A:breaking offB:breaking upC:breaking outD:breaking of正确答案:C24:Not only ______ the data fed into it, but it can also analyze them.A:the computer can memorizeB:can the computer memorizeC:do the computer memorizeD:can memorize the computer正确答案:B25:Your application will be considered______ your file is completed.A:as quickly asB:as soon asC:as fast asD:as early as正确答案:B26:“I know she was in because I heardher radio, but she didn’t openthe door.”“She ______ the bell.”A:may not be hearingB:may not have heardC:must not have heardD:must not be hearing正确答案:B27:The boy is ______ of a musician.A:anyoneB:anythingC:someoneD:something正确答案:D28:For ______ interested in nature, the club offers hikes andovernight camping each week during thesummer.A:themB:whomC:themselvesD:those正确答案:D29:It won’t beany use ______ to borrow any more money. A:you to tryB:of your tryingC:trying youD:your trying正确答案:D30:The teacher expects us to do all theexercises, to study the spelling list and to get ourpaper ______ time.A:inB:onC:atD:by正确答案:B31:______ notebook and report that Ipromised you last week. A:Here is theB:Here are theC:Is here theD:Are here the正确答案:B32:“Paul was riding a bicycle along themotorway when he was hit by the trailer of a lorry.”“He_____ a bicycle along the motorway; bicycles are not allowed.”A:shouldn’thave been ridingB:couldn’thave been ridingC:oughtn’thave been ridingD:can’t havebeen riding正确答案:A33:_____- I realized the consequences Iwould never have contemplated getting involved.A:HadB:HaveC:HavingD:Has正确答案:A34:he was a good runner so he ______escape from the police. A:mightB:succeeded toC:wouldD:was able to正确答案:D35:They must have stayed at hotel lastnight, ______?A:mustn’t theyB:haven’t theyC:didn’t theyD:hadn’t they正确答案:C36:______ he was in error will scarcelybe disputed by his warmest friends.A:WhatB:ThatC:WhichD:Though正确答案:B37:The company is going to hand ______the free samples tomorrow.A:upB:outC:onD:down正确答案:B38:Tom has been writing letters allafternoon, but he should have finished them by now, ______?A:hasn’t heB:has heC:shouldn’t heD:didn’t you正确答案:C39:Those examples are not enough, you should give ______ examples to make your argument convincing.A:someB:anyC:some moreD:any more正确答案:C40:Unwanted tickets can be given ______at the theatre office window up to half an hour before the performance.A:inB:outC:offD:over正确答案:A。

北交《大学英语1》在线作业一 I found all the seats were taken

北交《大学英语1》在线作业一                I found all the seats were taken

大学英语11 单选题1 ____________ , I found all the seats were taken. CA To enter the classroomB Entered the classroomC Entering the classroomD To be entered the classroom2 It is a problem that doesn't need____________right now. BA to solveB solvingC being solvedD to be solving3 They are considering ____________ before the prices go up. CA of buying the houseB with buying the houseC buying the houseD to buy the house4 There's a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means____________trouble. BA makingB to makeC to have madeD having made5 Today's weather isn't as cold as it was yesterday,____________ ?CA was itB wasn't itC is itD isn't it6 In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they____________. BA have survivedB are to surviveC would survivedD will survive7 The class ____________ over, we had a ____________discussion. BA been ... heatB being ... heatedC is ... heatingD be ... heated8 It was to save the child____________he got drowned. AA thatB whenC butD while9 I suppose you're not serious, ____________ ? DA don't IB do IC aren't youD are you10 Various programs____________on TV. World news____________best receive. BA will show, areB are shown, isC are showing, isD have shown, are11 If you refuse to go to the party,____________. CA so would sheB so does sheC so will sheD neither will she12 I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in my life____________so excited. DA did I feelB I feltC I had feltD had I felt13 Kate said that ____________. AA she had finished writing the composition the night beforeB she had finished writing the composition last dayC I finished writing the composition on the last nightD she finished writing the composition before the night14 The problem of housing____________ lead to the problem of social instability. CA itselfB mustC didD never15 My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate ____________ from you sometime. DA to have heardB to hearC for hearingD hearing16 One____________if one breaks the law. AA will be punishedB will punishC is being punishedD has been punished17 If you____________quiet, I'll tell you what happened. CA beB are to beC areD will be18 Robert is said to____________abroad, but I don't know what country he studied in. AA to have studiedB to studyC to be studyingD to have been studying19 I don't know whether you happen____________, but I am going to study in the U.S.A this September. DA to be heardB to be hearingC to hearD to have heard20 The little girl must have lain there for a long time,____________ ? BA mustn't sheB hasn't sheC wasn't sheD didn't she21 I didn't see the minister,____________ did I see the secretary.BA soB norC eitherD none22 A number of paintings in the castle are believed____________ina fire. DA being destroyedB having been destroyedC to be destroyedD to have been destroyed23 Everything seems all right, ____________ ? AA doesn't itB won't itC hasn't itD don't they24 I can't find my dictionary.I wonder whether Mary____________it now. BA haveB hasC is havingD had25 My classmate____________a lot of good deeds for others. BA has been doneB didC was doingD had done。


4:These books,which you can get at any bookshop,will give you________ you need.
A:all the information
B:all the informations
A:having seated
D:having been seated
6:He is ________ about his chances ofwinning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.

1:We agreed to accept ________ theythought was the best tourist guide.
C:all of information
D:all of the information
5:The sale usually takes place outsidethe house,with the audience ________ on benches,chairs or boxes.




1. -You speak very good English.- _________A. Just so so.B. No, not good.C. Thank you very much.D. You are good.2. - Mike, I am going to skate in the mountains tomorrow. - Oh, really? _________A. I am sorry.B. Thank you.C. Have a good time.D. Congratulations!3. - Hi, is Mary there, please?- _____A. Hold on. I'll get her.B. No, she isn't here.C. Yes, she lives here.D. Yes, what do you want?4. - Who's speaking?- This is Tom ________.A. speaksB. spokenC. speakingD. saying5. -I think he is a good lecturer.- _________A. Sorry, it doesn't matter.B. So do I.C. Yes. It's a good idea.D. I don't mind.6. -What's the problem with your bike?- _________A. Not at all.B. Good, thank you.C. Nothing serious.D. Sure.7. -Good morning, John. How are you doing?- _________A. I'm pleased.B. Good night.C. Not so bad. And you?D. How do you do?8. - Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic.- ______A. Great, I am very art-conscious.B. Don't mention it.C. Thanks for your compliments.D. It's fine.9. -I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me.- _________A. Not too bad.B. That's all right.C. It's a pleasure.D. Thank you.10. - What's wrong with you, dear?- _________A. I didn't go to school.B. I have a terrible headache.C. I took the kids shopping today.D. It is a beautiful dress.二、词汇结构(共10题,每题2分,共20分)11. Mike is better than Peter _______swimming.A. forB. atC. onD. in12. Though we have spent two nights in _______ the problem, we still can't find a solution.A. working inB. working outC. working upD. working on13. They got there an hour _____than the others.A. earlyB. much earlyC. more earlyD. earlier14. The manager will not _________ us to use his car.A. haveB. letC. agreeD. allow15. At first I showed great interest in the play, but soon I ________ it.A. tiredB. got tired ofC. was tired fromD. was tired wiith16. Neither John ______ his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.A. norB. orC. butD. and17. My uncle _______ until he was 45.A. marriedB. didn't marryC. has marriedD. would marry18. We worked hard and completed the task _____.A. in the timeB. on the timeC. ahead of timeD. before time19. I don’t know the park, but it's______ to be quite beautiful.A. saidB. toldC. spokenD. talked20. His salary as a driver is much higher than ________.A. a porterB. is a porterC. as a porterD. that of a porter三、阅读理解(共10题,每题2分,共20分)请阅读以下文章,回答文章后的五个小题。



16秋《大学英语》(一)作业11:Tompson was once summoned to thecourt of law and accused_______.being involved in a murder case.A:withB:onC:ofD:about正确答案:C2:He has difficulty ___ the word.A:to pronounceB:for pronouncingC:pronouncingD:of pronouncing正确答案:C3:He was a much older tennis playerbut he had the great_____of experience. A:interestB:advantageC:benefitD:profit正确答案:B4:He prefers to live with his mother than ___ her alone.A:to leaveB:leavingC:leaveD:leaves正确答案:C5:Be sure to ___ your work at the endof the exam.A:look overB:hang upC:set asideD:catch sight of正确答案:A6:This room was_____for the children.A:projectedB:schemedC:designedD:described正确答案:C7:It was in Britain ___ he got hisPh.D.A:whereB:in whichC:thatD:there正确答案:C8:On his way (A)to school yesterdaymorning Prof. Wang met (B)an old friend and stopped talking (C)with him forquite a while(D).A:On his wayB:metC:stopped talkingD:for quite a while正确答案:C9:I have no objection ______ his staying in the library as long as he keeps quiet.A:ofB:toC:inD:over正确答案:B10:You may _____ an aircraft light_____ a star in evenings.A:mistake…forB:misunderstand…forC:misuse…forD:mistrust…for正确答案:A11:I promised to look_________ thematter as soon as I got there. A:forB:inC:intoD:after正确答案:C12:In ___ of his international fame, he is a very easy-going person. A:faceB:steadC:spiteD:front正确答案:C13:The ___ runner can run 2miles infifteen minutes.A:commonB:usualC:averageD:general正确答案:C14:Washington D.C was named _______ the first President of the U.S.A.,GeorgeWashington.A:fromB:afterC:byD:with正确答案:B15:My wife said she _____ a classmateof hers in the street today. A:caught glance ofB:caught sight ofC:glanced atD:lost sight of正确答案:B16:He could not help walking to and fro, for he was_____at the false accusation.A:indifferentB:indignantC:indicativeD:indigenous正确答案:B17:Tony is very disappointed ___ theresult of the exam.A:withB:forC:towardD:on正确答案:A18:My father_____me by taking out manysweets from his bag. A:surprisedB:mistookC:forgaveD:annoyed正确答案:A19:Nobody but a young woman _________theairplane crash.A:endureB:rejectedC:survivedD:lived正确答案:C20:Vickie had most probably ___ her foranother sort of girl. A:regardedB:viewedC:mistakenD:looked正确答案:C21:They _____the southern part of thekingdom with ease.A:conqueredB:vanquishedC:overcameD:conquest正确答案:A22:We should learn to _____those whoare in trouble.A:comfortB:careC:relaxD:persuade正确答案:A23:She _____the handkerchief and put itin her pocket.A:foldedB:focusedC:bentD:curved正确答案:A24:The children were _____ the teacherto tell them a story. A:longing forB:hoping forC:longing afterD:wishing for正确答案:A25:Who is the first man to make a ___across the Atlantic Ocean alone? A:tourB:tripC:voyageD:route正确答案:C。



大工16秋《大学英语1(远程英语1)》在线测试3满分答案1.She was the first woman to be elected to such a post.2.A good teacher should not only teach students how to learn。

but also tell them how to behave.3.With the money lost。

XXX.4.Chained up。

the eight dogs can do nothing but wait fortheir master to return.5.XXX for the keys。

but they are nowhere to be found.6.She has been doing her mother's work since she was admitted to the hospital.7.XXX.8.I am XXX(改写并删除格式错误)9.The test results were disappointing。

(改写并删除明显有问题的段落)10.The assistant worked late into the night。

preparing aXXX(改写)11.The policy of reform and opening up has had a positive impact on Chinese economic development。

(改写)12.His XXX(改写)13.XXX。

(改写)14.XXX with the talks。

adding that he had enjoyed his stay here。

(改写)15.Despite being ill。

she still went to school。

(改写)正确答案:B6.XXX.A.错误B.正确正确答案:B7.The word “inflammable” means the same as “non-flammable”.A.错误B.正确正确答案:A8.The use of passive voice XXX.A.错误B.正确正确答案:A9.The word “irregardless” is considered a standard English word.A.错误B.正确正确答案:A10.The use of XXX.A.错误B.正确正确答案:B16.The teacher is expected to teach the students how to learn.17.I felt cold in the night.18.On maps。



一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。

)V 1. Tony is vry isppoint ___ th rsult of th xm.. with. for. towr. on标准答案:2. I promis to look_________ th mttr s soon s I got thr.. for. in. into. ftr标准答案:3. Tompson ws on summon to th ourt of lw n us_______.ing involv in murr s. . with. on. of. out标准答案:4. Viki h most proly ___ hr for nothr sort of girl.. rgr. viw. mistkn. look标准答案:5. It ws in ritin ___ h got his Ph... whr. in whih. tht. thr标准答案:6. sur to ___ your work t th n of th xm.. look ovr. hng up. st si. th sight of标准答案:7. My wif si sh _____ lssmt of hrs in th strt toy.. ught gln of. ught sight of. gln t. lost sight of标准答案:8. W shoul lrn to _____thos who r in troul.. omfort. r. rlx. prsu标准答案:9. H oul not hlp wlking to n fro, for h ws_____t th fls ustion.. iniffrnt. inignnt. initiv. inignous标准答案:10. In ___ of his intrntionl fm, h is vry sy-going prson.. f. st. spit. front标准答案:11. H prfrs to liv with his mothr thn ___ hr lon.. to lv. lving. lv. lvs标准答案:12. This room ws_____for th hilrn.. projt. shm. sign. sri标准答案:13. You my _____ n irrft light _____ str in vnings.. mistk…for. misunrstn…for. misus…for. mistrust…for标准答案:14. I hv no ojtion ______ his stying in th lirry s long s h kps quit. . of. to. in. ovr标准答案:15. H hs iffiulty ___ th wor.. to pronoun. for pronouning. pronouning. of pronouning标准答案:16. My fthr_____m y tking out mny swts from his g.. surpris. mistook. forgv. nnoy标准答案:17. H ws muh olr tnnis plyr ut h h th grt_____of xprin.. intrst. vntg. nfit. profit标准答案:18. Th hilrn wr _____ th thr to tll thm story.. longing for. hoping for. longing ftr. wishing for标准答案:19. Wshington . ws nm _______ th first Prsint of th U.S..,Gorg Wshington. . from. ftr. y. with标准答案:20. Nooy ut young womn _________th irpln rsh.. nur. rjt. surviv. liv标准答案:21. Sh _____th hnkrhif n put it in hr pokt.. fol. fous. nt. urv标准答案:22. Who is th first mn to mk ___ ross th tlnti On lon. tour. trip. voyg. rout标准答案:23. Th ___ runnr n run 2mils in fiftn minuts.. ommon. usul. vrg. gnrl标准答案:24. On his wy ()to shool ystry morning Prof. Wng mt ()n ol frin n stopp tlking ()with him for quit whil().. On his wy. mt. stopp tlking. for quit whil标准答案:25. Thy _____th southrn prt of th kingom with s.. onqur. vnquish. ovrm. onqust标准答案:。




1. Tom's father has taught English here since he graduated from Peking University.汤姆的爸爸从在北京大学毕业后就在这里教英语了。


考生得分:***是否评分:未评分评价描述:***2. Don’t you know that all the animals are good friends now?你难道不知道现在所有的动物都是好朋友吗?试题编号:试题类型:简答题标准答案:***试题难度:一般试题解析:***考生答案:你难道不知道现在所有的动物都是好朋友吗?考生得分:***是否评分:未评分评价描述:***3. Economists study the way a society uses scarce resources such as land, labor and raw materials.经济学家研究的是社会是如何利用诸如土地,劳动力还有原材料等稀缺资源。


考生得分:***是否评分:未评分评价描述:***4. He wanted to help all the wounded people no matter which side they were fighting for.。



奥鹏17春16秋华师《大学英语(1)》在线作业100分满分答案(红色部分为答案)一、单选题(共50 道试题,共100 分。

)1. John: Paul, this is Mr Smith, my landlord. Paul: I'm pleased to meet you. Mr Smith: ( ).A. Good morning, Paul.B. Very pleased to meet you, too.C. I'm fine, too.满分:2分得分:2分2. One of these books easy for you to read; the others all very difficult.A. are, isB. is, areC. were, wasD. are, will be满分:2分得分:2分3. A:( )like to have a coffee? B:Yes, please.A. Are youB. Would youC. Can you满分:2分得分:2分4. – Where to? I'm so thirsty. – ( )?A. Why don't we go nowB. Why don't we enjoy some beer at that barC. Why didn't you look up the mapD. Why didn't you tell me about it earlier满分:2分得分:2分5. – David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately. – ( ).A. I haven’t been getting much sleep eitherB. You’d better not push yourself too hard, or you’ll get sickC. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like thatD. You’d better do exercises regularly满分:2分得分:2分6. we stopped to look at the map.A. Knowing not which road to takeB. Not knowing which road to takeC. Not know which road to takeD. Not to know which road to take满分:2分得分:2分7. – I don't like the sports programs on Sundays. – ( ).A. So do IB. Neither do IC. So am ID. Neither am I满分:2分得分:2分8. Does David ( )?A. like flyingB. likes flyC. likes to fly满分:2分得分:2分9. Not that John doesn’t want to help you, _______ it’s beyond his power.A. in thatB. but thatC. for thatD. and that满分:2分得分:2分10. Though her fellow students laughed at her, she ____ success.A. gotB. foundC. tastedD. sought满分:2分得分:2分11. A:( ), Polly? B:I'd like a glass of wine, thank you.A. Do you wantB. What would you likeC. What you like满分:2分得分:2分12. The students hurried to the classroom the bell rang.A. untilB. as soon asC. ifD. so that满分:2分得分:2分13. – I haven't seen Belly for 10 years. – ( ).A. Either have IB. Neither have IC. Haven't ID. So have I满分:2分得分:2分14. I've got a lot of photos of my traveling. Would you ( )them?A. like to seeB. like seeingC. like see满分:2分得分:2分15. —Which of the twin sisters is a doctor? —__________are.A. AllB. BothC. EitherD. Neither满分:2分得分:2分16. Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice,_______ they knew it to be valuableA. as ifB. now thatC. even thoughD. so that满分:2分得分:2分17. A:Hello. I'm David Manning. Nice to meet you. B: ( ).A. I'm nice, tooB. Fine, thank youC. Nice to meet you too. I'm Xiaoyan满分:2分得分:2分18. A:I have got a pain in my chest. B:You ( )see the doctor.A. haveB. needC. should满分:2分得分:2分19. A new hotel( )in the centre of town at the moment.A. has been builtB. is builtC. is being builtD. was built满分:2分得分:2分20. A:What TV programmes do you like? B: I ( )London Lives.A. like watchingB. like to watchingC. like watch满分:2分得分:2分21. It is vital that enough money _______ to fund the project.A. be collectedB. must be collectedC. is collectedD. can be collected满分:2分得分:2分22. – Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? – ( ).A. From EnglandB. At the officeC. He's workingD. He's very busy满分:2分得分:2分23. He hasn't got ( ) cousins.A. anyB. someC. many满分:2分得分:2分24. A:Could you ring them up please? I'm sometimes quite nervous on the phone. B:( ).A. Are you? I am fine.B. Yes, why don't you call them?C. Yes, of course. I will phone them for you.满分:2分得分:2分25. A:I don't get up late on Sundays. B:( ).A. Neither have IB. Neither am IC. Neither do I满分:2分得分:2分26. A: Whose dog is it? B: ( )our dog. ( )name is Rex.A. It's…It'sB. Its… ItsC. It's… Its满分:2分得分:2分27. He is ( )on the 6 o'clock train on Friday evening.A. travellingB. travelC. travels满分:2分得分:2分28. —You have lovely children. —_______________.A. No, no, no. They are notB. Oh, no, noC. You're talking too muchD. Thanks满分:2分得分:2分29. Are there among the new books that interest youA. someB. oneC. anyD. both满分:2分得分:2分30. John: Linda, this is Rose, my wife. Rose, this is Linda, my new student from Beijing. Rose: ( ). Linda: Pleased to meet you, too.A. Hello, Linda! How are you?B. Hello, Linda! I am pleased to meet you.C. Good evening, Linda.满分:2分得分:2分31. The little was _______ one meter fifty high.A. almost more thanB. hardly more thanC. nearly more thanD. as much as满分:2分得分:2分32. A:What do you do? B: ( ).A. I am washing the dishes nowB. I am a policemanC. I do my homework满分:2分得分:2分33. Mr Manning ( ) in Paris today and tomorrow.A. workB. workingC. is working满分:2分得分:2分34. A: ( )time do you have lunch? B:I usually have lunch at 12.A. WhereB. WhatC. When满分:2分得分:2分35. A:I prefer watching TV. B:So ( ) I.A. haveB. amC. do满分:2分得分:2分36. My uncle ( )in the IT Department. But now he ( ) on a plan for the marketing department.A. works, is workingB. work, is workingC. is working, works满分:2分得分:2分37. A:The classroom is not big enough for 50 students. B:Yes,I agree. It's ( ).A. too smallB. no enoughC. not enough bigger满分:2分得分:2分38. A:( ) you like a drink? Wine? Beer? B:A beer, please.A. CouldB. WouldC. Do满分:2分得分:2分39. Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _______ sicknessesA. normalB. regularC. averageD. ordinary满分:2分得分:2分40. My father ( ) for an important phone call at the moment. He can't go to have lunch with you, I am afraid.A. waitB. waitingC. is waiting满分:2分得分:2分41. There's a man at the reception desk who seems very angryand I think he means trouble.A. makingB. to makeC. to have madeD. having made满分:2分得分:2分42. ________ by a crowd of people, I felt nervous, _____ what to say.A. Watching, didn't knowB. Having watched, and not knewC. Having been watch, not knownD. Being watched, not knowing满分:2分得分:2分43. The president made a _______ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.A. vigorousB. tediousC. flatD. harsh满分:2分得分:2分44. It is important that these application forms ________ back as early as possible.A. must be sentB. will be sentC. are sentD. be sent满分:2分得分:2分45. The police have decided to____ the traffic accident as soon as possible.A. look onB. look upC. look intoD. look for满分:2分得分:2分46. Please ____ anytime you are in town. I shall be glad to seeyou.A. call forB. call outC. call uponD. call in满分:2分得分:2分47. A:( ). B:Hi. My name's Rose. Are you from London?A. Hello, I'm Paul. What's your name?B. Hello, who are you? What's your name?C. Where are you from?满分:2分得分:2分48. —What can I do for you, madam? —_________.A. I want a kilo of applesB. You can go your own wayC. ThanksD. Excuse me. I'm busy满分:2分得分:2分49. The doctor’s mistakes in judgement ________ the death of the patient.A. resulted fromB. brought outC. broke offD. led to满分:2分得分:2分50. Don't blame him for the fault. ______, he is new to the work.A. Above allB. All in allC. All alongD. After all满分:2分得分:2分[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。



东北师范大学16秋大学英语(一)高起专16秋在线作业1满分答案1:For young people, Carpenter is ______ singer.A:most their popularB:most popular of theirsC:their most popularD:most popular of their正确答案:C2:The insects would devour all ourcrops and kill our flocksand heads,if ______ for theprotection we get from insect-eating animals.A:it is notB:it were notC:were it notD:they were not正确答案:B3:John told Mary that he ______ whathe was doing during the vacation.A:was just askedB:was just askingC:had just been askedD:had just asked正确答案:C4:Let’s listento the radio program that the teacher mentioned,______?A:do weB:don’t weC:shall weD:shan’t we正确答案:C5:I was s upposed to be a mathematicsmajor, but I actually took ______ courses in physics, if not more.A:so manyB:as manyC:good manyD:such many正确答案:B6:The reason he was late is ______ hisclock didn’t give the alarm.A:becauseB:due toC:sinceD:that正确答案:D7:_____ usually go to church everySunday.A:The BrownB:A BrownC:BrownsD:The Browns正确答案:D8:It was ______ that he did not go toMount Lao with us.A:because he was illB:as he was illC:since he was illD:though he was ill正确答案:A9:By no means ______ their ownlanguage well.A:it is true that all English peopleknowB:is it true that do all Englishpeople knowC:it is true that do all Englishpeople knowD:is it true that all English peopleknow正确答案:D10:______ that they may eventuallyreduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.A:Such construction robots are cleverB:So clever the construction robotsareC:So clever are the constructionrobotsD:Such clever construction robots are正确答案:C11:You should spend ______ in the studyof the various sensesand uses of the common words.A:much time as you canB:as time much as you canC:time as many as you canD:as much time as you can正确答案:D12:When I am i n trouble, my friends will give me t heir hands without ______ hesitation.A:someB:aC:anyD:the正确答案:C13:What caused the accident ______ onthe road.A:were stoneB:were stonesC:was stoneD:was stones正确答案:D14:I’d get itfor you ______ I could remember w ho l ast borrowed the book.A:on condition thatB:now thatC:except thatD:considering that正确答案:A15:______, Irealize that I owe a debt to my e arly country life. A:Lover of towns I amB:As lover of townsC:Lover of towns as am ID:Though am I the lover of towns正确答案:A16:I want an assistant with ______knowledge of French and______ experience of office routine.A:the…theB:a…theC:a…anD:the…an正确答案:C17:Each man and woman ______ the samerights.A:hasB:haveC:hadD:is having正确答案:A18:I don’t______ the expense; I want the party to be a real success.A:care forB:care aboutC:be in care ofD:take care of正确答案:B19:The boy is ______ of a musician.A:anyoneB:anythingC:someoneD:something正确答案:D20:Tom h as been writing letters allafternoon, but he should have finished them by now, ______?A:hasn’t heB:has heC:shouldn’t heD:didn’t you正确答案:C21:“May we take the books out?”A:No, you maynotB:No, you cannotC:No, you can’tD:Please don’t正确答案:D22:Let the porter take all the baggageout and put ______ in the lobby.A:itB:theyC:themD:its正确答案:C23:Mr Wu ______ to work by bus everyday.A:has been travelingB:has traveledC:travelsD:is traveling正确答案:C24:It is fitted with a smalltransformer, by means of ______ the voltage of thecurrency can be adjusted.A:whomB:whichC:whatD:that正确答案:B25:I wish to recollect where I met her, ______?A:would IB:may IC:may not ID:can I正确答案:B26:I ______ go to bed until I ______finished my work.A:don’t/hadB:didn’t/haveC:didn’t/hadD:don’t/have正确答案:C27:Many a girl wants to become ______.A:some secretaryB:a secretaryC:secretaryD:secretaries正确答案:D28:These misfortunes almost deprivedhim ______ his future career.A:withB:ofC:fromD:beyond正确答案:B29:______ comparison to my boyhood, my undergraduate years in Oklahoma were paradise.A:InB:WithC:ByD:For正确答案:A30:You should remember ______ from thepoint when you are writing a composition.A:don’t wanderB:not to wanderC:no wanderingD:not wander正确答案:B31:Having been told bad weather was onthe way, the climbers decided to ______ their attempton Mount Tai until the following week.A:give upB:deny toC:put offD:refuse to正确答案:C32:She can’tseem to help herself. And ______ can help her,either.A:none elseB:no one elseC:not anyD:somebody else正确答案:B33:Was it ______ she agreed to help?A:very reluctantly so thatB:very reluctantly thatC:so reluctantly thatD:very reluctantly when正确答案:B34:One of the properties of light is______ traveling in waveform as it goes from one place to another.A:itB:it’sC:itsD:their正确答案:C35:The doctor’sadvice is that the patient ______ about hisreal physical condition.A:be not toldB:not be toldC:will not be toldD:must not be told正确答案:A36:Those of us who w ear glasses shouldhave ______ eyes examined at regular intervals.A:theirB:ourC:hisD:her正确答案:B37:_____ is worth doing at all is worthdoing well.A:ThatB:WhateverC:WhicheverD:However正确答案:B38:The doctor was always ______ thepoor and the sick, often giving them free medicalservices.A:reminded ofB:absorbed inC:tended byD:concerned about正确答案:D39:He is by far the best player ______the team.A:forB:onC:inD:to正确答案:B40:The car pulled ______ beside me andthe driver asked me toway to the Great Wall.A:downB:offC:upD:out正确答案:C。



西工大16秋《大学英语1》在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 38 道试题,共 100 分)1. To be honest, usually I don't like _____.A. making fun ofB. being made fun ofC. to make fun ofD. having made fun of满分:2.5 分正确答案:B2. Not until Mr. Smith came to China _____ what kind of country she is from.A. he knewB. he didn't knowC. did he knowD. he couldn't know满分:2.5 分正确答案:C3. The child was sorry _____ his mother when he arrived at the station.A. to missB. having missedC. missingD. to have missed满分:2.5 分正确答案:D4. —Thank you very much for allowing us to be here. —________A. It doesn't matter.B. It is my pleasure.C. Thank you all the same.D. The same to you.满分:2.5 分正确答案:B5. —Congratulations to you on passing the maths exam. —_________.A. You’re welcomeB. Never mindC. Don’t mention itD. Thanks a lot满分:2.5 分正确答案:D6. If you had told earlier, I _____ like that.A. would not have doneB. would not doC. would doD. didn't do满分:2.5 分正确答案:A7. As I have given up trying to convince her, _____.A. there is no point to argue with herB. there is no point arguing with herC. it is no point arguing with herD. it is no point to argue with her满分:2.5 分正确答案:B8. —I'd like to invite you to dinner at my flat before I move. —________.A. Oh, that's too much troubleB. You'd better notC. That would be niceD. No, let's not满分:2.5 分正确答案:C9. I wish I _____ to the movie with you last night.A. have goneB. could goC. wentD. had gone满分:2.5 分正确答案:D10. He rarely goes to the cinema, _____.A. so does sheB. she doesn't as wellC. nor does sheD. either does she满分:2.5 分正确答案:C11. The only thing _____ really bothers students is whether they will have access to the resources room of the department.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. where满分:2.5 分正确答案:C12. —Which concert are you going to listen to this afternoon? —________A. I'll go that.B. I haven't decided.C. No, I'm not sure.D. Have fun.满分:2.5 分正确答案:B13. _____ yesterday, I would have asked him not to do that.A. Had he comeB. Provided he cameC. If he cameD. Has he come满分:2.5 分正确答案:A14. Mary got to the station in a hurry only _____ that the last train had gone.A. tellB. having been toldC. being toldD. to be told满分:2.5 分正确答案:D15. We were all overjoyed at the news _____ the experiment turned out to be a success.A. whichB. thatC. whenD. what满分:2.5 分正确答案:B16. I didn't know what to do but then an idea suddenly _____ me.A. happened toB. happened uponC. occurred toD. occurred upon满分:2.5 分正确答案:C17. _____, I decided to send them a cable.A. Haven't received an answerB. Having not received an answerC. Not receiving an answerD. Not having received an answer满分:2.5 分正确答案:D18. —What do you think of that tea set as a gift for Mary's birthday —_________, but I don't particularly care for the design.A. It's the right thingB. I think it's a Chinese styleC. Not badD. Let me think it over once again满分:2.5 分正确答案:C19. —I'm interested in that chair. How much do you want for it —$25.00. —_______. I'll give you $15.00. —No, that's not enough.A. The chair is really niceB. That's too muchC. Please lower the priceD. Nobody will have it except me满分:2.5 分正确答案:B20. — Why not take my car to the museum instead of walking? — _______.A. No, thanks. I'm used toB. No, thanks. I’m able toC. No, thanks. I'm about toD. No, thanks. I've got to满分:2.5 分正确答案:A21. I am going to the passport office _____.A. to stamp my passportB. for stamping my passportC. to have stamped my passportD. to have my passport stamped满分:2.5 分正确答案:D22. —Do you think I could use your bike? —________.A. Yes, help yourselfB. Yes, you couldC. Yes, go onD. Yes, you may use满分:2.5 分正确答案:A23. Learning to do routine car maintenance oneself is often easier _____ competent people to do it.A. as findingB. than findingC. than to findD. as to find满分:2.5 分正确答案:B24. —I was wondering if you'd like to see a film tonight. —________.A. That sounds very niceB. Me tooC. Yes, I'd love toD. It's my favorite满分:2.5 分正确答案:C25. — Your name again, please. ______. —It's Bell Green.A. I didn't quite catch youB. I couldn't quite catch youC. I don't hear youD. It's your name满分:2.5 分正确答案:A26. Difficult _____ the project was, I managed to finish it on schedule.A. no matterB. asC. despiteD. though满分:2.5 分正确答案:B27. —Your English is quite good. —A. No, my English is still poor.B. I don’t think so.C. Do you really think so?D. Thank you.满分:2.5 分正确答案:D28. Three-fourths of the surface of the earth _____ sea.A. isB. have beenC. areD. was满分:2.5 分正确答案:A29. —Could I first ask you a few questions about your life? —________A. Yes, of courseB. What are they?C. As you like.D. Nothing interesting.满分:2.5 分正确答案:A30. The advertisement said that an expanding company wished to _____ a secretary at their head office.A. exploreB. exploitC. employD. accept满分:2.5 分正确答案:C31. —Would you mind if I read the book here? —________.A. CertainlyB. Yes, pleaseC. Not at allD. No, you'd better not满分:2.5 分正确答案:C32. The reason I didn't take the trip was _____ I got a new profitable job.A. thatB. whichC. becauseD. why满分:2.5 分正确答案:A33. —What do you do? —________.A. I cook supperB. I do some shoppingC. I'm a businessmanD. I'm sorry满分:2.5 分正确答案:C34. —My children are always arguing. —________.A. Just ignore them.B. That's all fight.C. Are you sureD. How old are the boys满分:2.5 分正确答案:A35. —Can we carry out the plan now? —________.A. Yes, you'd better do it nowB. No problemC. Easy to do itD. Don't worry about it满分:2.5 分正确答案:B36. My watch is nowhere to be found. I _____ when I was on the bus.A. must drop itB. should have dropped itC. must have dropped itD. ought to have dropped it满分:2.5 分正确答案:C37. —________ —Yeah, mine too, I'm just crazy about himA. I like the pop singer.B. Do you enjoy it?C. I had a good time.D. He is one of my favorites.满分:5 分正确答案:D38. —Shall we go to see a film tonight? — .A. Thank youB. That's a good ideaC. It's very kind of youD. I have no time满分:5 分正确答案:B。



—( )—He teaches physics in a school.—( ). I hope I haven’t hurt you.—It’s all right.— ( )—If it weren’t for the climate, I’d like it very much.—( ). It will help you a lot.—That’s a good idea. Let’s make some.—( ).—I’ve cau ght a bad cold and got a sour throat. —( ).—Oh, well, I will speak a little slower.—( ).—Ten yuan a kilo.—( ).—Yes, I think so.—A table for two, please.—( ).—Allow me introduce myself. I’m Li Hua.—( ).—Are there many drugstores around here?—( ).—Are you fond of reading novels?—( ).—Are you ready to order dessert, please?—( ).—Bob, you have a very successful business! ( ).—Thank you!—Can I ask you a few questions?—( ).—Can I borrow your camera for a couple of days?—( ).—Can I get you a cup of tea?—( ).—Can I do anything for you?—( ). I can manage myself.—Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?—Of course. ( ) sir.—Can I speak to Mr. Brown, please?—Yes,( ).—Can you go to the concert with us?—( ).—Can you mend the bike?—( ).—Carol, you look very well.—Thank you, Jane. You look wonderful too. Your weekend tennis must have done you good.—( ).—Congratulations! You won the first prize in the English speech contest.—( ).—Could you buy some salt on your way home?—( ).—Could you please help me with my homework, please?—( ). I have to go to a meeting right now.—Could you pass me the salt and pepper?—( ).—Could you tell me where the nearest parking lot is?—( ).—David injured his leg playing football yesterday.—Really? ( ).—Did you say you liked this novel?—( ). I said it’s not bad.—Do we have any assignment for next class?—( ).—Do you happen to have twenty dollars with you?—( ).—I want to buy a notebook.—Do you know the girl over there?—( ).—Do you like to play basketball?—( ).—Do you mind if I close the window? I feel a bit cold.—( ).—Do you think this is a nice place?—( ).—Does No. 20 bus stop at our school?—( ).—Don’t forget to phone me when you get home. Just to let me know you’ve arrived safely. ( ).—OK.—Excuse me, can I have a seat?—( ).—Excuse me, I think there seems to be a mistake.—( ).Jane always enjoys ( ) to popular music at home on Friday evenings.Jane’s dress is similar in design ( ) her sister’s.Jenny is learning Japanese. ( ) her brother.John and Bob h ave returned but ( ) students in the class haven’t come back yet. John didn’t know how to get to the station, so he stopped ( ).John has never been on time, ( )?He succeeded ( ) what he wanted—Can I borrow your CD player?—Sorry,( ) is broken.Let us ( ) the picture.Let’s start our meeting immediately ( ) everyone has arrived.He wrote a poem when he made a tour to ( ) was once a battle field.He says he will study physics as his ( ), and he hopes to be a physicist.Listen! Someone ( ) the piano in the next room.Little ( ) about his own safety, though he was in great danger himself.Look at ( )! How nice it looks!Lucy’s answer is different from ( ). I agree with ( ).Many people complained that the hospital ( ) patients too much for the medicine and medical treatment.Mark told me that the job would be finished by September, ( ) personally I doubt very much.Mathematics ( ) study or science of numbers.Mike is better than Peter ( ) swimming.He insists ( ) in this hotel.She said she met him ( ) chance yesterday morning.More than one passenger ( ) in this accident.He isn’t likely ( ) now. It’s too late.Mom, I’m thirsty. Would you please give me some ( )?My cousin is very busy with his work. He has ( ) time to read newspaper.My leg has ( ) completely, so I can take part in the competition.My sister has been working in that factory ever ( ) it was set up.His teaching has profound ( ) on me.—My watch is missing.—You ( ) it on the desk in your room.Nancy is ( ) girl.Nearly everybody ( ) colds in winter.Neither Jack nor I ( ) able to persuade his father to attend the wedding.Never before ( ) see such a terrible car accident on the road.No one can ( ) how the election will turn out, as there are many unknown facts. No one can deny the fact that he was the person ( ) for the death of that lovely boy. No one was aware ( ) the danger ahead at that time.No sooner ( ) taken off ( ) the engine went out of order.He is so tired that he falls ( ) within minutes.Not only ( ) study well, but also he is always ready to help others.( ) of the farmers has a watch.Nowadays science fiction isn’t as ( ) as cartoons among teenagers.Children usually prefer ( ) TV to ( ).Oh, dear! The key ( ) the lock ( ) in the room.One must try his best to ( ) to the new environment in his life.One needs a good sense of ( ) to ride a bike.Over 50,000 people ( ) in the earthquake that occurred in India.People are still talking about the historic event of years ago, ( ) man walked in space for the first time.Please don’t have your schedule ( ), or there would be a lot of trouble.Please help me to give ( ) all the test papers during the break.Be sure to keep everything in ( ) so that you can find it easily in time of need.Prices ( ) from season to season.Sam enjoys ( ) stamps and now he has 226 of them.He could do nothing but ( ) to his teacher that he was wrong.Scholars believe that social development can easily ( ) language changes.The weather is too dry. The flowers need ( ).She has two best friends and ( ) of them is in China now.She stared at me ( ) her sharp bright eyes.She told us such a ( ) story that we were ( ) to tears.She went to school as usual ( ) she was ill.—( )—He teaches physics in a school.—( ). I hope I haven’t hurt you.—It’s all right.— ( )—If it weren’t for the climate, I’d like it very much.—( ). It will help you a lot.—That’s a good idea. Let’s m ake some. —( ).—I’ve caught a bad cold and got a sour throat.—( ).—Oh, well, I will speak a little slower.—( ).—Ten yuan a kilo.—( ).—Yes, I think so.—A table for two, please.—( ).—Allow me introduce myself. I’m Li Hua.—( ).—Are there many drugstores around here?—( ).—Are you fond of reading novels?—( ).—Are you ready to order dessert, please?—( ).—Bob, you have a very successful business! ( ).—Thank you!—Can I ask you a few questions?—( ).—Can I borrow your camera for a couple of days?—( ).—Can I get you a cup of tea?—( ).—Can I do anything for you?—( ). I can manage myself.—Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?—Of course. ( ) sir.—Can I speak to Mr. Brown, please?—Yes,( ).—Can you go to the concert with us?—( ).—Can you mend the bike?—( ).—Carol, you look very well.—Thank you, Jane. You look wonderful too. Your weekend tennis must have done you good.—( ).—Congratulations! You won the first prize in the English speech contest.—( ).—Could you buy some salt on your way home?—( ).—Could you please help me with my homework, please?—( ). I have to go to a meetingright now.—Could you pass me the salt and pepper?—( ).—Could you tell me where the nearest parking lot is?—( ).—David injured his leg playing football yesterday.—Really? ( ).—Did you say you liked this novel?—( ). I said it’s not bad.—Do we have any assignment for next class?—( ).—Do you happen to have twenty dollars with you?—( ).—I want to buy a notebook.—Do you know the girl over there?—( ).—Do you like to play basketball?—( ).—Do you mind if I close the window? I feel a bit cold.—( ).—Do you think this is a nice place?—( ).—Does No. 20 bus stop at our school?—( ).—Don’t forget to phone me when you get home. Just to let me know you’ve arrived safely. ( ).—OK.—Excuse me, can I have a seat?—( ).—Excuse me, I think there seems to be a mistake.—( ).Jane always enjoys ( ) to popular music at home on Friday evenings.Jane’s dress is similar in design ( ) her sister’s.Jenny is learning Japanese. ( ) her brother.John and Bob have returned but ( ) students in the class haven’t come back yet. John didn’t know how to get to the station, so he stopped ( ).John has never been on time, ( )?He succeeded ( ) what he wanted—Can I borrow your CD player?—Sorry,( ) is broken.Let us ( ) the picture.Let’s start our meeting immediately ( ) everyone has arrived.He wrote a poem when he made a tour to ( ) was once a battle field.He says he will study physics as his ( ), and he hopes to be a physicist.Listen! Someone ( ) the piano in the next room.Little ( ) about his own safety, though he was in great danger himself.Look at ( )! How nice it looks!Lucy’s answer is different from ( ). I a gree with ( ).Many people complained that the hospital ( ) patients too much for the medicine and medical treatment.Mark told me that the job would be finished by September, ( ) personally I doubt very much.Mathematics ( ) study or science of numbers.Mike is better than Peter ( ) swimming.He insists ( ) in this hotel.She said she met him ( ) chance yesterday morning.More than one passenger ( ) in this accident.He isn’t likely ( ) now. It’s too late.Mom, I’m thirsty. Would you please give me some ( )?My cousin is very busy with his work. He has ( ) time to read newspaper.My leg has ( ) completely, so I can take part in the competition.My sister has been working in that factory ever ( ) it was set up.His teaching has profound ( ) on me.—My watch is missing.—You ( ) it on the desk in your room.Nancy is ( ) girl.Nearly everybody ( ) colds in winter.Neither Jack nor I ( ) able to persuade his father to attend the wedding.Never before ( ) see such a terrible car accident on the road.No one can ( ) how the election will turn out, as there are many unknown facts. No one can deny the fact that he was the person ( ) for the death of that lovely boy. No one was aware ( ) the danger ahead at that time.No sooner ( ) taken off ( ) the engine went out of order.He is so tired that he falls ( ) within minutes.Not only ( ) study well, but also he is always ready to help others.( ) of the farmers has a watch.Nowadays science fiction isn’t as ( ) as cartoons among teenagers.Children usually prefer ( ) TV to ( ).Oh, dear! The key ( ) the lock ( ) in the room.One must try his best to ( ) to the new environment in his life.One needs a good sense of ( ) to ride a bike.Over 50,000 people ( ) in the earthquake that occurred in India.People are still talking about the historic event of years ago, ( ) man walked in space for the first time.Please don’t have your schedule ( ), or there would be a lot of trouble.Please help me to give ( ) all the test papers during the break.Be sure to keep everything in ( ) so that you can find it easily in time of need.Prices ( ) from season to season.Sam enjoys ( ) stamps and now he has 226 of them.He could do nothing but ( ) to his teacher that he was wrong.Scholars believe that social development can easily ( ) language changes.The weather is too dry. The flowers need ( ).She has two best friends and ( ) of them is in China now. She stared at me ( ) her sharp bright eyes.She told us such a ( ) story that we were ( ) to tears. She went to school as usual ( ) she was ill.。



东农16秋《大学英语Ⅰ》作业答案东农16秋《大学英语I》在线作业一、单选题(共25 道试题,共100 分。

)1. —Please help yourself to some seafood. —DA. No, I can’t.B. Sorry, I can’t help.C. Well, seafood don’t suit.D. Thanks, but I don’t like seafood.2. —A— Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week.A. How long have your parents been in Paris?B. When did your parents arrive at Paris?C. Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday?D. When will your parents go to Paris?3. The girl isBof a film star.A. somebodyB. somethingC. anybodyD. anything4. There's a lot of public A about dangerous toxins recently found in food.A. concernB. conceptC. conductD. conflict5. — Are you getting a new flat this year? —D. I can’t afford to pay my bills, let alone a new flat.A. Without question.B. Are you sure?C. Good idea!D. You must be joking6. — Who is that speaking? — This is Tom C .A. speaksB. spokeC. speakingD. saying7. Can I get you a cup of tea? AA. That’s v er y kind of you.B. With pleasure.C. You can, pleaseD. Thank you for the tea8. — What can I do for you? — AA. I want a kilo of pears.B. You can do in your own way.C. Thanks.D. Excuse me. I’m busy.9. — My birthday is tomorrow. —CA. Ho, I have no idea.B. I’m glad you like it.C. Many happy returns of the day!D. You must be very happy.10. She’s part of a team of scientists who are Cupon cancer research.A. workedB. arrangedC. engagedD. involved11. My fish was delicious but Charles' beef had almost no CA. sauceB. smellC. flavorD. appetite12. I had my meals Cwhen I was ill in bed with a bad cold.A. to bringB. bringC. broughtD. bringing13. Contrary to expectations, the film was successful D when it was released.A. currentlyB. FastC. ReadilyD. instantly14. —D— He teaches physics at a school.A. What does your father want to do?B. Who is your father?C. How is your father?D. What is your father?15. Oil is an important Bmaterial which can be processed into many different products, including plastics.A. uncoveredB. rawC. freshD. crude16. — I was worried about my math, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.— BA. Don’t worry ab out it.B. Congratulations! That’s difficult course.C. Mr. Brown is very good.D. Good luck to you!17. Please prepare the medicine for me according to thisAA. prescriptionB. descriptionC. InscriptionD. subscription18. The Bdoesn’t cover household items.A. intelligenceB. insuranceC. instanceD. insult19. Tourism has Dagriculture as the nation’s main industry.A. recalledB. reckonedC. redirectedD. replaced20. Students should be encouraged to use ___ Internet as Dresource.A. /; aB. /; theC. the; theD. the; a21. Stocks are regarded as a good long-term CA. involvementB. installmentC. investmentD. instrument22. —Mike injured his leg playing football yesterday. —Really? CA. Who did that?B. What’s wrong with him?C. How did that happen?D. Why was he so careless?23. One potential danger is A the information could be used by others to your disadvantage.A. thatB. whatC. itD. which24. Many A shops will be forced to close if the new supermarket is built.A. localB. broadC. generalD. public25. This fire extinguisher is to be used only in case of DA. urgencyB. crisisC. immediacyD. emergency。




1. - Ben, would you like to play football with us?- ______, but I have to wash the dishes first.A. No, I can'tB. I don't want toC. Yes, pleaseD. I'd love to2. -I've just locked my keys in my room. What should I do now? - _________A. Sorry, I have no idea.B Let's calm down and try to open it.B. Let's calm down and try to open it.C. It's not my business.D. Who is to blame You are always careless.3. - Please help yourself to the seafood.- ________A. No, I can't.B. Sorry, I can't help.C. Well, seafood don't suit.D. Well, I'm afraid I don't like seafood.4. - Must I take a taxi?- No, you ________ . You can take my car.A. had better toB. don'tC. must notD. don't have to5. -Have you handed in your final paper?- ________A. Leave a message for me.B. What How rude you are!C. I am fine.D. Not yet. How about you?6. - Happy New Year to you and your parents!- ________________.A. No,thank youB. You are happy, tooC. Yes, we are happyD. The same to you7. -Did you use to play the piano?- ________A. Yes, I do.B. No, I didn't.C. Yes, I play it every day.D. No, I do.8. -let me introduce myself. I am Tom.- ________A. What a pleasureB. Excuse meC. Thank youD. Pleased to meet you9. - Sorry I'm late.- _________A. You are welcome.B. It's a pleasure.C. Take care.D. Don't worry.10. -_____I think you have given me the wrong change.- I'm sorry about that.A. Pardon?B. Excuse me,C. Good idea.D. How are you?二、词汇结构(共10题,每题2分,共20分)11. She wonders ____will happen to her private life in the future.A. thatB. itC. thisD. what12. ________ you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.A. SinceB. WhileD. Before13. The boy is not happy at the new school. He has ________ friends there.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little14. She is not only my classmate ________ also my good friend.A. orB. butC. andD. too15. It's reported that a new hospital _____________here next year.A. would be set upB. was going to set upC. will be set upD. is going to set up16. ____ you know, David has been well lately.A. WhichB. AsC. WhatD. When17. Tom is so talkative. I'm sure you'll soon get tired _______ him.A. ofB. withC. atD. on18. I am not used to speaking ________ public.A. inB. atC. onD. to19. The boys enjoyed _______football very much.A. playedB. playingC. play20. When father was young, he ______from morning till night.A. was made workB. was made workingC. made to workD. was made to work三、阅读理解(共10题,每题2分,共20分)请阅读以下文章,回答文章后的五个小题。



东北师范大学16秋大学英语(一)高起专16秋在线作业2满分答案1:If the design was wrong,the project is bound to fail,______ goodall the other ideas might be.A:whateverB:howeverC:whatsoeverD:even正确答案:B2:We are worried about our son becauseno one is aware ______ he has gone.A:the placeB:of whereC:about the placeD:where正确答案:B3:______ tend to bemoan the lack ofcharacter in the young generation.A:The oldB:OldC:ElderlyD:Older正确答案:A4:I ______ his face when he opened theletter.A:should like you to seeB:would have liked you to be seenC:should like you to have seenD:would like you to see正确答案:C5:_____ Nat Turner who led a revoltagainst slavery in Virginia in 1831.A:Where wasB:It wasC:He wasD:it was him正确答案:B6:Most of his savings ______ in theXin Hua Bank.A:has been keptB:is being keptC:have keptD:have been kept正确答案:D7:Everyone ______ the cake becausethere wasn’t evena small piece left.A:must likeB:must have likedC:must have been likingD:had liked正确答案:B8:After several day’s hardworking,we have made ______ on thedesign.A:much improvementB:several improvementsC:many improvementD:some improvement正确答案:C9:You must follow the directionsexactly and if you become ______,you must take thetime to go back again and reread them.A:to confuseB:confusingC:confuseD:confused正确答案:D10:In the experiment we kept a watchfuleye ______ thedevelopments and recorded every detail.A:inB:atC:forD:on正确答案:D11:Only when you have obtainedsufficient data ______ come to a sound conclusion.A:can youB:you canC:would youD:you would正确答案:A12:If he had followed the directionscarefully in taking the medicine,he would have feltbetter ______.A:much quickerB:more quickC:much quicklyD:more quickly正确答案:D13:The reason I plan to go is ______ ifI don’t.A:because she will be disappointedB:because she will have adisappointmentC:that she will be disappointedD:for which she will be disappointed正确答案:C14:The young doctor could not sleep atnight,his thoughts ______ him no peace.A:gaveB:givingC:being givenD:to give正确答案:B15:The manager accused one of the hotelservants ______ stealing the money.A:forB:withC:ofD:about正确答案:C16:When the three boys met one another,they found they looked very much ______. Then they knew they weretriplet.A:likeC:likelyD:liked正确答案:B17:It is fitted with a smalltransformer,by means of ______ the voltage of thecurrency can be adjusted.A:whomB:whichC:whatD:that正确答案:B18:Painting in _____ is one of theirspare-time activities. A:oilB:an oilC:oilsD:the oil正确答案:C19:Those of us who wear glasses shouldhave ______ eyes examined at regular intervals.A:theirB:ourC:his正确答案:B20:I started my teaching career at theschool. That was more than twenty years ago,and I______ there ever since.A:wasB:had beenC:will beD:have been正确答案:D21:It is four months since I last sawKeats ______.A:at Mrt Smith’s ,the book sellerB:at my aunt’s,Mrs Palmer’sC:at my aunt’s,a book sellerD:at Mrs Palmer’s,the book seller’s正确答案:D22:______,wecould not have finished the work on time. A:If they do not help usB:Was it not for their helpC:Should they offer to help usD:But for their help正确答案:D23:Children should be taught how to getalong with ______.A:anotherB:otherC:othersD:any other正确答案:C24:_____ is worth doing at all is worthdoing well.A:ThatB:WhateverC:WhicheverD:However正确答案:B25:I intended ______ the matter withyou,but I had some guests hen.A:discussB:discussingC:having discussedD:to have discussed正确答案:D26:he attempted ______ to set up acompany of his own. A:with vainB:on vainC:in vainD:of vain正确答案:C27:Some of my students study a lot,______ just don’t care.A:anothersB:the otherC:some otherD:others正确答案:D28:I’d be gladif you______ give me an account of the fact.A:shallB:shouldC:wouldD:may正确答案:C29:Those of us who are over fifty yearsold should get ______ blood pressure checked regularly.A:theirB:their’sC:ourD:ours正确答案:C30:Give the message to ______ is at thetable.A:whomeverB:whoseverC:whateverD:whoever正确答案:D31:The center of gravity of the humanbody ______ behind his joint.A:locatedB:locatingC:to locateD:is located正确答案:D32:“You’d likesome tea,______?”A:wouldn’t youB:shouldn’tyouC:hadn’t youD:didn’t you正确答案:A33:You think you’re funny,______?A:didn’t youB:are youC:don’t youD:do you正确答案:D34:All the people at the conference are______.A:mathematic teachersB:mathematics teachersC:mathematics teacherD:mathematic’s teachers正确答案:B35:He was eager to make some extramoney,since during these years he could hardly live onhis_______. A:little wageB:few wageC:wageD:wages正确答案:D36:I should very much like to have goneto the party but I ______.A:am not invitedB:was not invitedC:shall not be invitedD:am not being invited正确答案:B37:This room is ______.A:the editor’s-in-chief’s officeB:the editor-in-chief officeC:the editor-in-chief’s officeD:the editor’s-in-chiefoffice正确答案:B38:The United States is a majorconsumer of coffee,yet it does not have the climate togrow any ______ its own.A:onB:forC:ofD:to正确答案:C39:Not until I shouted at the top of myvoice ______ his head.A:that he turnedB:did he turnC:he didn’tturnD:he had turned正确答案:B40:Tuition at American university runs______ one thousand dollars a semester.A:so high asB:as high toC:as high asD:as higher than正确答案:C。

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一、交际英语(共10题,每题2分,共20分) 鼓励独立完成作业,严惩抄袭。

1. - Can I get you a cup of tea?- _________A. That's very kind of you.B. With pleasure.C. You can, please.D. Thank you for the tea.2. -Do you mind if I ask for leave this afternoon? - _________A. Not at all, but why?B. Do you know what you're doing?C. Never mind.D. Where are you going?3. - How do you enjoy your life after work?- _________A. It’s none of your business.B. I like to go out for a meal with my wife.C. Reading is funny.D. I’ve always l iked my work and my life.4. - Excuse me, could you help to find my son? - _________A. Why?B. Certainly.C. No, I can’t.D. Where is he?5. - How about going for a drive?- _________A. It’s too fast.B. Yes, we shall.C. Yes, let’s go by bike.D. A good idea.6. - Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening? - ________A. No, I already have plans.B. I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight.C. No, I really don't like being with you.D. I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out.7. - Thank you very much for your help.- _________A. It’s my duty.B. It has no trouble.C. I’m serving the people.D. It’s my pleasure.8. - This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.- _______A. You may ask for help.B. I'll give you a hand.C. Please do me a favor.D. I'd come to help.9. - I’m sorry I broke your mirror.- _________A. It's OK with me.B. It doesn't matter.C. You are welcome.D. I don't care.10. -What do you do?- _________A. What do you do?B. Fine. Thank you.C. I’m a college studen t.D. I do well in my studies.二、词汇结构(共10题,每题2分,共20分)11. ____ you change your plan if the flight should be cancelled?A. WouldB. ShallC. MayD. Can12. He _______ lives in the house where he was born.A. alreadyB. yetC. stillD. ever13. A new hospital ______ in our hometown now.A. is builtB. is buildingC. is being builtD. has built14. She wonders ____will happen to her private life in the future.A. thatB. itC. thisD. what15. I just found this problem ______ chance in my work.A. inB. withC. byD. of16. Do you want to try on these shoes to see _______ they're the right size?A. ifB. howC. thatD. which17. I greatly thank my teachers _____ have offered me a lot of help.A. whichB. whoC. forD. whom18. He has ________ on his farm.A. 20 head of cattlesB. 20 heads of cattlesC. 20 heads of cattleD. 20 head of cattle19. Anyone ______ in this illegal activity will be arrested by the police.A. involvedB. involvingC. have involvedD. having involved20. The painter lived more than a decade in Europe, ________ he could be in close contact with other masters(大师).A. whereB. in whichC. thatD. in that三、阅读理解(共10题,每题2分,共20分)请阅读以下文章,回答文章后的五个小题。


1). Man has always wanted to fly. Some of the greatest men in history had thought about the problem. One of them, for example, was the great Italian artist, Leonardo Da Vinci. In the sixteenth century he made designs for machines that would fly, but they were never built. Throughout history, other less famous men had wanted to fly. An example was a man in England 800 years ago. He made a pair of wings from chicken feathers. Then he fixed them to his body and jumped into air from a tall building. He did not fly very far. Instead, he fell to the ground and broke every bone in his body.The first real steps took place in France, in 1783. Two brothers, the Montgolfiers, made a very large “hot air balloon”. They knew that hot air rises. Why not fill a balloon with it? The balloon was made of cloth and paper. In September of that year, the King and Queen of France came to see the balloon. They watched it carry the very first air passengers into the sky. The passengers were a sheep and a chicken. We do not know how they felt about the trip. But we do know that the trip lasted eight minutes and that the animals landed safely. Two months later, two men did the same thing. They rose above Paris in a balloon of the same kind. Their trip lasted twenty-five minutes and they traveled about eight kilometers.21. Leonardo Da Vinci ________.A. built a kind of machine which never flewB. said that man would fly in the sky one dayC. drew many beautiful pictures of birdsD. made designs for flying machines22. In fact, the Englishman who tried to fly ________.A. lost his lifeB. flew only 8 minutesC. succeeded in flyingD. got a little bit wounded23. Eight hundred years ago an Englishman ________.A. made a kind of flying machineB. tried to fly with wings made of chicken featherC. wanted to build a kind of balloonD. tried to fly on a large bird24. The very first air passengers in the balloon were ________.A. two FrenchmenB. the King and the QueenC. two animalsD. the Montgolfiers25. When did the two Frenchmen rise above Paris?A. In December 1783.B. In September 1783.C. In November 1783.D. During the seventeenth century.2). In the UK, in business situations, when you meet someone for the first time you shake hands and say, "How do you do?". This is not really a question, and the reply to it is another greeting such as "How do you do?" or "Hello" or "I'm very pleased to meet you" or, if you have met the person sometime before, "It's good to see you again".You don't shake hands every time you meet someone, you just greet them. If you are invited to someone's house for dinner, it is usual to take a present - some chocolates or flowers or, if you know them quite well, a bottle of wine. If you do not know the host well, don't be the last person to leave. Telephone the next day to thank the host for the meal. English people don't like to talk about personal things, and tend to avoid religion, politics and money.Good topics for small talk (闲谈) are the weather, holidays, weekend activities, gardens and architecture (建筑物), especially houses and homes. When you go to a pub or bar, it's usual to take turns to buy a drink for everyone in your group and pay for the drinks when you get them from the bar and before you drink them.26. If you are invited to someone's house for dinner, it's better to leave before the last guest leaves if you don't know the host quite well.A. TB. F27. The subject matter of the passage is British way of greeting people.A. TB. F28. The first paragraph tells us how to greet someone in business situations.A. TB. F29. In the last paragraph the sentence “…, it's usual to take turns to buy a drink for everyone in your group…”means it's usual to go Dutch (平摊费用).A. TB. F30. English people don't like talking about money and marriage.A. TB. F四、完形填空(共5题,每题2分,共10分)第31小题对应(1);第32小题对应(2)……以此类推。
