

安美乐TCP(TC) 控制电源模块安全使用说明说明书

安美乐TCP(TC) 控制电源模块安全使用说明说明书

目 录 (01)关于说明书 (02)TCP(TC)控制电源模块安全使用说明 (02)涉及的其它说明书 (02)安全警示说明 (03)免责声明 (03)第一章产品说明 (04)1.1 产品简介 (04)1.2 设计及功能 (05)1.3 性能指标 (06)1.4 订货资料 (06)第二章安装连接 (07)2.1 TCP控制电源模块的安装连接 (07)2.1.1 连接TCP-100、TCP-240控制电源模块和TD驱动模块 (07)2.1.2 D15外控通讯接口 (07)2.1.3 连接供电电源 (08)2.1.4 安装环境要求 (08)2.2 TC-100控制模块的安装连接 (08)2.2.1 连接TC-100控制模块和TD驱动模块 (08)2.2.2 D15外控通讯接口 (09)2.2.3 安装环境要求 (09)第三章 操作方法 (10)3.1 TCP控制电源模块的操作方法 (10)3.1.1 连接TCP-100、TCP-240控制电源模块和TD驱动模块 (10)3.1.2 操作与显示 (10)3.2 TC-100控制模块的操作方法 (14)3.2.1 连接TC-100控制模块和TD驱动模块 (14)3.2.2 操作与显示 (14)第四章售后服务 (15)产品保修单 (16)关于说明书TCP(TC)控制电源模块安全使用说明在安装与使用TCP(TC)控制电源模块前,操作人员都应仔细阅读本说明书,并按照说明书中规定的条款安装与操作,以免造成人员伤害与设备损坏。






电力高频开关电源模块技术手册河南耀睿科技有限公司目录第一章概述 (3)一、简述 (3)二、模块主要特点 (3)三、型号命名 (4)四、技术指标 (5)第二章使用环境 (7)第三章模块构成 (7)一、模块的工作原理 (7)二、模块外观及外形尺寸 (8)三、模块安装 (9)四、操作说明 (10)销售服务热线:177-****6500售后服务热线:180-****8778第一章概述一、简述●我公司研发的ZE系列智能型高频开关电源,是专为电力系统设计,具有“四遥”功能的高频开关电源,具有体积小、重量轻、效率高、可靠性高等优点。












润海通科技RT10A230X整流模块用户手册深圳市润海通科技有限公司目录1.模块功能特点 (1)2.模块技术指标 (2)3.模块工作原理 (3)4.模块外形特点 (4)5.模块功能说明 (5)6.显示说明 (6)7.操作流程 (8)8.操作说明 (8)9.模块外形及安装图 (9)RT10A230X 整流模块§1 模块功能特点l LCD 汉字显示,模块工作状态和工作参数一目了然,通过RS485接口,在系统主监控工作时,模块接收主监控发出的工作参数,无主监控器时,可以在模块面板上方便地设置模块工作参数。

l 软件校准技术:传统模块参数整定都采用电位器整定,但存在固有缺陷,如电位器漂移以及现场调整不便等问题;我公司生产的RT10A230X 模块采用软件校准技术,模块内部没有一个电位器,通过按键和LCD 显示可以校准模块输出电压、输出限流、电压测量、电流测量,模块参数整定方便快捷。

l 自主均流技术:模块采用自主均流技术,模块间均流偏差小于3%。

l ZVS 软开关技术:为了使开关电源能够在高频下高效率地运行,我公司不断研究开发高频软开关技术,已开发成功ZVS 边缘谐振技术,使开关过程损耗大为降低,从而进一步减小体积、减轻重量、极大地提高模块性能。

1.1ZVS 软开关优点² 开关损耗小² 可实现高频化(极限頻率可做到1-2MHz)、开关过程在平滑状态下实现 ² 恒频运行,谐波成份小 ² 无吸收电路 ² 电流、电压应力小 1.2 ZVS 软开关基本原理硬开关过程和软开关开关过程比较如下图:功率MOSFET 损耗由三部分组成:开通损耗、关断损耗和导通损耗,硬开关在开关过程硬开关过程 ZVS 软开关过程中电压和电流同时变化,即存在高压大电流的状态,此时损耗很大,一般需要加吸收电路减小开关损耗,另外在关断过程中,Vds会出现过冲,对功率管有较大的损害。


300W AC DC 电源模块说明书

300W AC DC 电源模块说明书

300W,165-264V AC Input,Dual outputAC/DC battery charging module power supplyRoHSFEATURES●Specially designed for Distribution Automation terminal design,suitable for 220Vdc operating mechanism,and it can charge for capacitor of 50000uF/250V ●Maximum instantaneous power up to 340W●With charging function,the 24V (6-30AH)output Lead-acid battery can be charged,when system connected with battery,it can be used as uninterrupted power supply●Designed in accordance with the power-related requirements of the State Grid Corporation,the main technical indicators meet the relevant industry standards●Battery reverse polarity protection,battery under voltage protection●Output over-current,over-voltage protection ●2.5KVAC high isolation voltage●Industrial grade operating temperature:-40℃to +70℃●Chassis mountingMBP300-2A27D27220is AC/DC battery charge power converter offered by Mornsun.It features wide input voltage range,taking both DC and AC input voltage,output over-current,over-voltage protection,strong ability in adapting power grid.This product has power working status display and Intelligent charging function,it can used to charge the 24V lead-acid battery,when AC is power-off,the battery can supply power to the load;it has battery over discharge protection function,Designed specifically for distribution automation terminal (DTU /FTU).It is widely used in the power industry switch substations,power substation,RMU,Intelligent Package Substation,Intelligent Switch Controller and other industries which need uninterrupted power supply.Selection GuidePart No.Output PowerNominal Output Voltage and Current Maximum Output PowerEfficiency(220VAC,%)(Vo1/Io1)(VB/IB)(Vo2/Io2)MBP300-2A27D2722062.5W27V/1.0A27V/0.5A220V/0.1A340W(No more than 20s,5mins once )80(Io1=1A,Io2=0.1A,disconnect the battery)Input SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit Input Voltage Range AC input 165220264V AC DC input200310370VDC Input Frequency 475063Hz Input Current 220V AC,Typical load -- 1.0--AHot PlugUnavailableOutput SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitRated Output CurrentInput voltage range Io1--1--A Io2--0.1--Peak Output Current *Input voltage range Io1(No more than 20s,5mins once,Io2≤0.1A)----6Io2(No more than 20s,5mins once,Io1≤1A)---- 1.36Output Voltage Input voltage range Vo1(Disconnect the battery)--27--VDC Vo2(Adjustable)200220240Line RegulationFull loadVo1--±0.5--%Vo2--±1--Load Regulation0%-100%load Vo1--±1--% Vo2--±5--Ripple&Noise**20MHz bandwidth(peak-to-peak value)(Io1=1A,Io2=0.1A,disconnect the battery)Vo1--200300mVVo2--2000--Floating Charge Voltage Room temperature,Io1=1A,Io2=0AVB--27--VDCBattery Charge Current Room temperature,Io1=1A,Io2=0AIB--0.5--A Battery Discharge Cut-off point Typical load Vo120.52121.5VDC Battery Discharge Cut-off Delay Time Typical load--3--sBattery Reverse Polarity Protection The green and the red lights are turn off,when the battery has been connected.Short Circuit Protection Input voltage range,disconnect the battery Hiccup,Continuous,self-recovery Over-current Protection Input voltage range,disconnect the battery Io1--16--A Over-voltage Protection Input voltage range,disconnect the battery----34VDC Hold-up Time Room temperature,220V AC input,Po=20W--0.3--s Note:*①When the ambient temperature exceeds50℃,Io1and Io2single peak current continuous output time can not exceed15s;②Io1and Io2can not simultaneously output peak current,product peak output power should not be more than340W.(Battery charging power included) **Ripple and noise are measured by“parallel cable”method,please see AC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific operationGeneral SpecificationsItem Operating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitIsolation Voltage Input-outputTest time:1min,leakage current setting value:5mA2500----VAC Input-case2500----Output-case2500----Output-output1500----Impulse Voltage Input-output Apply5kV impulse test voltage between input andoutput.Add1.2/50us impact waveform,includingthree positive impulse and three negative impulsewhose time interval is no less than5seconds.And thereshould not have disruptive discharge during the test.5000----V Input-case5000----Output-case5000----Isolation Resistance Input-output Room temperature50----MΩInput-case Room temperature50----Output-case Room temperature50----Operating Temperature*-40--+70℃Storage Temperature-40--+85Shell Operation temperature*----+80Storage Humidity----95%RH MTBF MIL-HDBK-217F@25℃>100,000hNote:*①When the ambient temperature exceeds50℃,it should be taken the cooling method of force air cooling or post cooling to ensure that the module shield temperature is not more than80℃.②When the ambient temperature is lower than-10℃,the product should be operated with rated load for1mins,before it output340W peak power. Physical SpecificationsCasing Material MetalPackage Dimensions200.00*102.00*45.00mmWeight850g(Typ.)Cooling method Free air convectionEMC SpecificationsEMS ESD IEC/EN61000-4-2Contact ±8KV Perf.Criteria B RS IEC/EN61000-4-330V/m perf.Criteria A EFT IEC/EN61000-4-4±4KV perf.Criteria B Surge IEC/EN61000-4-5line to line±2KV/line to ground±4KV perf.Criteria B CS IEC/EN61000-4-610Vr.m.s perf.Criteria A Voltage dips,short interruptionsand voltage variations immunityIEC/EN61000-4-110%,70%perf.Criteria BPrinciple block diagramFig1.Internal principle diagram Wiring Description1.Wiring diagram2.Terminal DefinitionTerminal No.Terminal name Definition1AC(L)AC input L phase2Protective grounding3AC(N)AC input N phase4-Vo1(B-)Control unit(-)Battery input(-)5B+Battery input(+)6+Vo1Control unit(+)7NC No electrical connection 8+Vo2Operating mechanism(+) 9-Vo2Operating mechanism(-) 10NC No electrical connectionManual Instruction1.Power supply status indicatorCharge,AC input power,green light on,the battery is in charging or floating charging status.Discharge,AC input power off,green light off,red light on,the battery is in discharging status.Reverse,when the input voltage off(or input voltage normal,Vo1and Vo2output normal),but the green and red light are all off,which shows that the battery is polarity reversed.Please check the wiring diagram to re-connect the battery.Input voltage(V AC)Output voltage(VDC)Whether to connectthe batteryLEDPower state Vo1Vo2green light Red light22027220no connect on off Output normal220Batteryvoltage220connect on off Output normal,battery charging000no connect off off No output000connect off on No output,battery access to normal220→0Batteryvoltage220connect on→off off→onOutput normal,battery from charginginto the discharge000connect off off No output,reverse connection ofbattery22027220connect off off Output normal,reverse connection ofbatterye of PowerThe power supply can work when input is AC the alternating current.The power input current to load is powered by power supply, meanwhile charge battery in constant current and voltage.After the battery is charged,power supply to floating charge state automatically,this moment,the power supply float voltage and current to normal self discharge of battery.When AC input voltage off,the battery will continue to power for load,0switch time.When the battery output voltage is lower than the under voltage protection point and last for3-10S,the power supply will turn off automatically.Without AC input,pass external passive nodes make Vo1and B+in short circuit(short circuit time:1-2S,but pin should not be short for a long time,otherwise the battery will lose the protection function.)that can enable the battery to start the output.Vo2output Voltage:200Vdc–240Vdc continuously adjustable,The user can adjust the output voltage to the knob with“output voltage adjustment”.e of BatteryThe power supply can be equipped with24V,6-30AH lead acid battery or colloidal maintenance-free battery,The battery is connected to the battery terminal(B+、B-)of the power supply.We should make sure that the input voltage is off before connect or disconnect the battery.If the red light on after connected the battery,the battery connected normal;if the red light off when connected the battery,the battery polarity connected reverse,please check the wiring diagram to re-connect it.It is forbidden to short-circuit the battery.After connect with the battery,the over-current protection and short-circuit protection of Vo1will be disabled.Simple calculation of battery charging time:Battery capacity C(AH)/Charging current(A)Dimensions and Recommended LayoutAttention Matters in Application(1)Output please use wire that cross area is more than2.5mm²,input terminal should add10A/250V AC Fuse.(2)Please correct connection according to the wiring diagram,do not connect wrongly,AC input terminal is strictly prohibited connected with other terminals wrong,otherwise will cause permanent damage to power.(3)Vo2output peak current can not be long term work.(4)To further reduce the Vo1output ripple noise,the user can in the Vo1output parallel connection with one470–1000uF/50V electrolytic capacitor and1uF multilayer ceramic Capacitor.(5)The output of this product is not allowed to work in parallel.(6)The PE terminal of this product should be reliably connected to the earth,in order to improve the capability of anti-interference.(7)Casing will distribute heat when the power is during operating,in order to ensure the power dissipation is good,please keep a certain gap around the power supply to ensure the air flow smoothly,the temperature sensitive device as far as possible from the power.Note:1.Packing information please refer to Product Packing Information which can be downloaded from .Packing bag number:58220041;2.If the product is not operated within the required load range,the product performance cannot be guaranteed to comply with all parameters in the datasheet;3.Unless otherwise specified,parameters in this datasheet were measured under the conditions of Ta=25℃,humidity<75%with nominal input voltage and rated output load;4.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on our Company’s corporate standards;5.We can provide product customization service,please contact our technicians directly for specific information;6.Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.Mornsun Guangzhou Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.Address:No.5,Kehui St.1,Kehui Development Center,Science Ave.,Guangzhou Science City,Luogang District,Guangzhou,P.R.China Tel:86-20-38601850-8801Fax:86-20-38601272E-mail:***************。



SITOP 电源选择模块设备手册SITOP select6EP1961-2BA00 SITOP PSE200U 3A 6EP1961-2BA11 SITOP PSE200U 10 A 6EP1961-2BA21 SITOP PSE200U 3 A 6EP1961-2BA31 SITOP PSE200U 10 A 6EP1961-2BA41 概述安全提示 1 说明、设备结构、尺寸图 2 安装/拆卸 3 安装位置,安装距离 4 安装 5 技术数据 6 安全、认证、EMC 7 环境条件8 环保9 服务与支持10Siemens AGDivision Process Industries and Drives Postfach 48 4890026 NÜRNBERG C98130-A7579-A1-1-5D29Ⓟ 01/2015 本公司保留更改的权利Copyright © Siemens AG 2014.保留所有权利法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。












华硕 (ASUS) 电源模块 19D902589G2 产品说明书

华硕 (ASUS) 电源模块 19D902589G2 产品说明书

DESCRIPTIONThe Power Module 19D902589G2 contains switching power supplies for the +12 and -12 volt supplies, and a switching power supply for the +5 volt digital supply. The outputs of the +12 volt and -12 volt supplies are regulated to provide +5 volt and -5 volt outputs. A filtered A+ output is also provided.The Power Module is powered from the 13.8 volt Station Power Supply output. Power is distributed to the T/R Shelf modules through the Backplane Board.Due to the high current switching components, both EMI and RFI shielding are provided by a zinc diecast cover.CIRCUIT ANALYSISThe Power Module connects to 96-pin DIN connector J9 on the Backplane Board. The Power Module provides all operating voltages for the T/R Shelf, and operates from the station power supply A+. The Power Module is designed to operate over an input voltage range of 10.8 to 16.2 volts, and provides the following outputs:FILTERED A+at 1550 mA REGULATED +12V at 350 mA REGULATED -12V at 150 mA REGULATED -5V at 40 mA ANALOG +5V at 40 mA DIGITAL +5V at 1000 mAFILTERED A+Filtered A+ is generated by coupling the input voltage (A+) through an LC filter network consisting of C8, C9, C18and L4. The filter network filters out any low frequency hum and isolates the audio circuits from the noise on A+. Coil L6is used to keep digital noise from getting back onto A+.REGULATED +12VThe regulated +12 volts supply consists of two sections;a switching regulator and a 12 volt linear regulator. If the input voltage is below 13.6 volts, the step-up switching regulator increases the voltage level before the voltage is applied to the linear regulator.TABLE OF CONTENTSPageDESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1CIRCUIT ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1ASSEMBLY DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3OUTLINE DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4PARTS LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6SCHEMA TIC DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7IC DA TA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8MAINTENANCE MANUALFORPOWER MODULE 19D902589G2LBI-38752B1The step-up switching regulator U5, is built around aMotorola MC34063 regulator. This IC is a switching powersupply building block with an internal reference, compara-tors, switch transistors, current limiting, and start-up cir-cuitry. Capacitor C12 controls the maximum ON time, andthe value is selected to reduce ripple.Resistor R16 is used for current limiting. The regulator’sfilter section consists of L1, D2 and C19. Resistor R7 and R8 sense the regulator output voltage by forming a voltage divider on the regulator’s sense pin. Resistor R2 biases a transistor inside the regulator. Capacitor C14 makes sure the regulator can pull its instantaneous load. A high frequency filter formed by FL1 and C6 reduces output noise.Finally, the 13.6 volt power is regulated down to 12 voltsby the linear regulator U2 (LM7812). The linear regulatoralso controls some of the ripple that comes out of the switch-ing supply.When the input voltage is above fourteen volts the sense voltage to the switching regulator is above the IC’s turn on level. This keeps the switching transistor off. The switching regulator is effectively out of the circuit. The input voltage goes through L1, D2 and FL1 to regulator U2 (LM7812). Regulator U2 will hold the input to 12 volts.REGULATED -12VThe -12 volt regulator U6, starts with another MC34063 regulator wired as a voltage inverting switcher. Resistor R17 provides the current sense. Parts L3, D3 and C17 provide the filtering. The voltage is set with R9 and R10. Note that the voltage on the divider is 1.25 volts above (-13.6 volts) the output voltage. The switching frequency is set with C10.The output voltage on the switching regulator U1, is about -13.6 volts. It is brought up to -12 volts by a linear regulator U8 (LM7912). U8 also reduces ripple from the switching supply.REGULATED -5VThe -5 volt supply is generated by further regulating the-12 volt supply to -5 volts using regulator U1 (LM79L05).Capacitors C1, C16 and C20 provide filtering. D4, a Schot-tky diode, is used to limit any positive excursion of the supply during power-up. This helps prevent some CMOSparts from latching up.ANALOG +5VThis is low current regulated +5 volt supply. It is gener-ated by further regulating the +12 volt supply by an LM78L05 (U7) regulator. Capacitors C21 and C22 provide filtering.DIGITAL +5VThis supply is the main power for the station’s logic. The heart of the system is U4, and MC34063 switching regulator in a step down configuration. R15 provides a current limit. U4 has an internal temperature compensated reference, a voltage comparator that controls a variable duty oscillator, and a transistor switch. Capacitor C11 controls the maximum ON time, and the value is selected to reduce ripple.An external power FET switch, Q2, is used because the current requirements exceed the chip’s internal switch capa-bilities. Resistor R1 provides a pull-up on the open collector nature of the internal switch. Filtering is provided by D1, L2, C2 and C3. The voltage is set by R5 and R6. It is purposely set on the high side to allow for the drop through the filter formed by L5 and C23.RESET SWITCHThe system reset switch is mounted on the power mod-ule. It is a momentary closure to ground. Provision for a pull-up resistor to 5 volts (R3) is also provided.Copyright© February 1992, Ericsson GE Mobile Communication Inc.Printed in U.S.A.LBI-38752 2ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMLBI-38752POWER MODULE19D902589G2(19D902589, Sh. 1, Rev. 4)3OUTLINE DIAGRAMPOWER MODULE BOARD19D902962G1(19D902962, Sh. 1, Rev. 3)((19D902961, Rev. 3)COMPONENT SIDELBI-387524OUTLINE DIAGRAM(19D902961, Sh. 1, Rev. 3)(19D902961, Rev. 3)POWER MODULE BOARD19D902962G1SOLDER SIDELBI-387525PARTS LISTSYMBOL PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 219D902485P2Chassis.319D902486P2Cover.419D902555P1Handle.619D702381P506Screw, thread forming: TORX,No. M3.5 - 0.6 x 6.719A702381P513Screw, thread forming: TORX,No. M3.5 - 0.6 x 13.819A702364P208Machine screw: TORX, DriveM2.5 - 0.45 x 8.919A700032P3Lockwasher, tooth, steel, metric: 2.5.1019A701312P3Flatwasher, metric: No. 2.5MM.11N210P9B6Nut, machine.1219A700068P1Insulator, bushing.1319A705469P1Insulator Plate, TO-220.1419A702381P508Screw, thd. form: No. 3.5 - 0.6 x 8.1719B235310P1Nameplate.1819D902962G1Power Supply Board (see below).POWER SUPPLY BOARD19D902962G1— — — — CAPACITORS— — — — C119A700121P106Ceramic: 0.1 µF ±20%, 50 VDCW.andC2C319A701225P5Electrolytic: 680 µF, -10 +50%, 35 VDCW.C419A700121P106Ceramic: 0.1 µF ±20%, 50 VDCW.thruC8C919A701225P5Electrolytic: 680 µF, -10 +50%, 35 VDCW.C1019A700233P3Ceramic: 220 pF ±20%, 50 VDCW.thruC12C1319A701225P4Electrolytic: 330 µF, ±10%, 25 VDCW.thruC15C1619A701534P8Tantalum: 22 µF, ±20%, 16 VDCW.C1719A701225P5Electrolytic: 680 µF, -10 +50%,thru35 VDCW.C19C2019A701534P9Tantalum: 47 µF, ±20%, 6.3 VDCW.C2119A701534P8Tantalum: 47 µF, ±20%, 16 VDCW.C2219A701534P9Tantalum: 47 µF, ±20%, 6.3 VDCW.C2319A701225P8Electrolytic: 470 µF, -10 +75%, 16 VDCW;sim to Sprague 5002D477-G016DGIC.— — — — — DIODES— — — — — D119A702977P1Diode, silicon, SCHOTTKY; sim tothru IN5822.D3D419A134134P2Rectifier, silicon; sim to Motorola1N5818.— — — — — FILTERS— — — — — FL119A705217P1Filter, EMI Suppression.thruFL5*COMPONENTS, ADDED, DELETED OR CHANGED BY PRODUCTION CHANGESSYMBOL PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION L519A149806P1Reactor: 100 µH ±**********.andL6— — — — — PLUGS— — — — — J119B801587P7Connector, DIN: 96 male contacts, rightangle mounting; sim to AMP 650887-1.— — — — TRANSISTORS— — — — Q219A705325P1MOSFET, P-Channel; sim to SeimensBUZ171. (Part of Power ModuleAssembly 19D902589.)— — — — RESISTORS— — — — R1H212CRP210C Deposited carbon: 1K ohms ±5%, 1/4 w.R2H212CRP127C Deposited carbon: 270 ohms ±5%, 1/4 w.R3H212CRP310C Deposited carbon: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/4 w.R519A701250P209Metal Film: 1.21K ohms ±1%, 1/4 w.R619A701250P257Metal Film: 3.83K ohms ±1%, 1/4 w.R719A701250P335Metal Film: 22.6K ohms ±1%, 1/4 w.R819A701250P232Metal Film: 2100 ohms ±1%, 250 VDCW,and1/4 w.R9R1019A701250P332Metal Film: 21K ohms ±1%, 1/4 w.R1519A700050P1Wirewound: 0.1 ohms ±10%, 2 w.R1619A700050P6Wirewound: 0.27 ohms ±10%, 2 w.R1719A700050P1Wirewound: 0.1 ohms ±10%, 2 w.— — — — SWITCHES— — — — SW119A705959P4Switch, toggle.— — INTEGRATED CIRCUITS— — U119A704971P5Linear: -5 Volt Regulator; sim toMC79L05ACP.U219A134717P2Linear: -12 Volt Regulator; sim toMC7812CT. (Part of Power ModuleAssembly 19D902589.)U419A705941P1Linear: DC to DC Converter; sim tothru MC34063.C6U719A704971P1Linear: +5 Volt Regulator; sim toMC78L05ACP.U819A134718P2Linear: -12 Volt Regulator; sim touA7912U. (Part of Power ModuleAssembly 19D902589.)PRODUCTION CHANGESChanges in the equipment to improve performance or to simplify circuits are identified by a "Revision Letter" which is stamped after the model number of the unit. The revision stamped on the unit includes all previous revisions. Refer to the Parts List for the descriptions of parts affected by these revisions.REV. A - Power Supply Board, 19D902962G1.Incorporated in initial shipment.REV. B - Power Supply Board, 19D902962G1.To reduce power supply noise, changed R7.R7 was 19A701250P332, 21k ohms.POWER MODULE19D902589G2ISSUE 1 LBI-387526SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMLBI-38752POWER MODULE19D902589G1(19D903194, Sh. 1, Rev. 2)7IC DATAU2+12 VOLT REGULATOR 19A134717P2Q2MOSFET 19A705325P1U1-5 VOLT REGULATOR 19A704971P5U4, U5, U6DC TO DC CONVERTER 19A705941P1LBI-387528IC DATA U8-12 VOLT REGULATOR19A13478P2U7+5 VOLT REGULATOR19A704971P1LBI-387529。

英威腾AX-PWR 电源模块用户手册说明书

英威腾AX-PWR 电源模块用户手册说明书









2、产品信息2.1 型号与铭牌图 2.1产品铭牌AX–PWR电源模块AX系列图 2.2产品型号2.2 接口描述图 2.3电源模块接口示意图AX-PWR电源模块包含输入、输出两个端口,使用方式参见下表:3、技术参数3.1 一般规格3.2 系统电气规格4、机械设计参考4.1 安装尺寸图4.1安装尺寸(mm)4.2 电气设计参考●以上线耳适用于电源模块,线缆要求额定温度为75℃以上;●接地线缆应使用截面积2mm2以上的线缆。

4.2.2 线缆制作线缆制作步骤:●在电缆顶端,剥除电缆绝缘层,确保铜线裸露长度达到6mm;●将电缆穿入对应线号的套管中;●将裸露的6mm铜线端子穿入线耳圆形孔中,并使用线耳厂商推荐的压线钳压接;●穿入20mm长的φ3热缩套管,完全包裹覆盖铜管部分后热缩处理。

图 4.2线缆制作示意4.2.3 接线注意事项1、进行对输入线缆及接线端子的任何操作前,必须首先确保外部电源处于关闭状态,防止触电及模块损坏;2、 100V/240V交流电源电缆应使用1.0mm2~2.5mm2的导线,并在连接端子处扭绞导线,以较短的长度接入端子,防止螺丝松动等情况下造成短路;3、不要将100V/240V交流电源电缆与直流24V、信号线缆、通讯线缆等捆扎在一起,在空间允许的范围内保持较远的距离;4、配线只能选用75℃以上的铜导线,电源端子螺丝扭力为;5、当AX-PWR电源模块应用于强干扰源的环境(如变频器),建议增加额外的噪声滤波器抑制干扰噪声,详见绝缘变压器;9.5kgf.cm6、 电源接通后,24VDC 指示灯亮表明电源处于工作状态,如不亮,请考虑电源输入异常及模块故障可能。

DC DC 电源模块 URB_S-6WR3 系列 说明书

DC DC 电源模块 URB_S-6WR3 系列 说明书


输入特性项目工作条件Min.Typ.Max.单位输入电流(满载/空载) 3.3V 输出--238/5245/12mA5V 输出--305/5313/12其他--305/10313/16反射纹波电流--50--冲击电压(1sec.max.)-0.7--50VDC启动电压----9输入欠压保护 5.56.5--输入滤波类型电容滤波热插拔不支持遥控脚(Ctrl )*模块开启Ctrl 悬空或接TTL 高电平(3.5-12VDC)模块关断Ctrl 接GND 或低电平(0-1.2VDC)关断时输入电流--610mA注:*Ctrl 控制引脚的电压是相对于输入引脚GND。

输出特性项目工作条件Min.Typ.Max.单位输出电压精度①5%-100%负载--±1±2%线性调节率满载,输入电压从低电压到高电压--±0.5±1负载调节率②5%-100%的负载--±0.5±1.5瞬态恢复时间25%负载阶跃变化,标称输入电压--300500µs 瞬态响应偏差3.3V/5V 输出--±5±8%其它电压--±3±56W ,超宽电压输入,隔离稳压单路输出SIP 封装,DC-DC 模块电源专利保护RoHS产品特点●超宽输入电压范围(4:1)●效率高达87%●空载功耗低至0.12W ●隔离电压1600VDC●输入欠压保护,输出短路、过流保护●工作温度范围:-40℃to +105℃●小型SIP 封装●国际标准引脚方式●通过EN62368认证URB_S-6WR3系列产品输出功率为6W ,4:1超宽电压输入范围,效率高达87%,1600VDC 的常规隔离电压,允许工作温度-40℃to +105℃,具有输入欠压保护,输出过流、短路保护功能,广泛应用于医疗、工控、电力、仪器仪表、通信等领域。

金升阳 LHE20-20Bxx 电源模块产品说明书

金升阳 LHE20-20Bxx 电源模块产品说明书

20W ,AC-DC 模块电源产品特点●全球通用电压:85-264VAC/100-370VDC ●工作温度范围:-40℃to +85℃●4000VAC 高隔离电压●稳压输出、低纹波噪声●输出短路、过流、过压保护●高效率、高可靠性●全塑料外壳,符合UL94V-0●EMI性能满足CISPR32/EN55032CLASS B●通过IEC62368、UL62368、EN62368认证CB RoHSLHE20-20Bxx 系列-----是金升阳为客户提供的小体积模块式开关电源。


产品安全可靠,EMC 性能好,EMC 及安全规格满足IEC62368、CISPR32/EN55032、UL62368和EN62368标准。


选型表认证产品型号输出功率标称输出电压及电流效率(230V AC,%/Typ.)最大容性负载(µF)UL/CE/CBLHE20-20B0311.55W 3.3V/3500mA 7336000LHE20-20B0515.5W5V/3100mA 7712240LHE20-20B0920W9V/2100mA 795600LHE20-20B1212V/1600mA 815000LHE20-20B1515V/1300mA 823000LHE20-20B2424V/850mA84900注:*产品型号后缀加“A2”为接线式封装拓展,后缀加“A4”为导轨式封装拓展,如:LHE20-20B03A2表示接线式封装,LHE20-20B03A4表示导轨式封装。

输入特性项目工作条件Min.Typ.Max.单位输入电压范围交流输入85--264VAC 直流输入100--370VDC 输入频率47--63Hz输入电流115V AC ----0.60A230V AC ----0.34冲击电流115V AC --20--230V AC--30--外接保险管推荐值2A/250V ,慢断,必接热插拔不支持输出特性项目工作条件Min.Typ.Max.单位输出电压精度 3.3V 输出--±3--%其他输出--±2--线性调节率满载--±0.5--负载调节率0%-100%负载--±1--纹波噪声*20MHz 带宽(峰-峰值)--50100mV 温度漂移系数--±0.02--%/℃短路保护打嗝式,可长期短路,自恢复过流保护≥110%Io自恢复过压保护3.3/5VDC输出≤7.5VDC(输出电压钳位或打嗝) 9VDC输出≤15VDC(输出电压钳位或打嗝) 12/15VDC输出≤20VDC(输出电压钳位或打嗝) 24VDC输出≤30VDC(输出电压钳位或打嗝)最小负载0----%掉电保持时间115V AC输入--15--ms 230V AC输入--80--注:*纹波和噪声的测试方法采用平行线测试法,具体操作方法参见《AC-DC模块电源应用指南》。

AC DC电源模块类应用指南说明书

AC DC电源模块类应用指南说明书

AC/DC电源(模块类)应用指南--2022版目录1.前言 (3)1.1警告 (3)1.2注意事项 (3)2.电源模块选型指导 (4)3.AC-DC模块电源应用说明 (6)3.1基本测试电路连接 (6)3.2产品典型应用电路 (6)3.3EMC推荐电路 (7)3.4多路输出的负载要求 (7)4.基本性能测试 (8)4.1输出电压精度 (8)4.2线性电压调节率 (8)4.3负载调节率 (8)4.4转换效率 (9)4.5纹波噪声 (9)4.6隔离及绝缘特性 (11)5.常见疑问 (11)5.1接地----输入和输出 (11)5.2浪涌电流 (12)5.3漏电流 (12)5.4交直流输入 (12)5.5I类、II类设备和保护地FG的关系 (12)5.6输入瞬变 (12)5.7输出空载使用 (12)5.8工作温度 (13)5.9产品外壳电压丝印标示 (13)5.10防辐射干扰 (13)5.11EMC外围推荐电路 (13)5.12电源时序要求 (13)6.AC-DC模块电源应用安全设计 (14)6.1标志要求 (14)6.2材料要求 (14)6.3电气间隙和爬电距离 (14)6.4输入端电容 (14)7.电源模块应用的热设计 (14)7.1采用自然风冷 (14)7.2加强制性散热器 (15)1.前言在使用模块电源前,需特别注意以下警告及注意事项,不正确的安装操作、使用产品可能会发生电击、模块损坏或者着火等危险情况,请仔细阅读并确认相关警告及注意事项。










4)本产品使用时所有室内配线超过30m 的场合以及配线在室外的场合为了防止浪涌发生,需设置适当的浪涌抑制电路。














17) 为了长期安全的使用本产品,定期维修是必要的。








AC DC 高频开关电源模块系列 说明书

AC DC 高频开关电源模块系列 说明书

AC/DC高频开关电源模块系列(恒流/三相输入/单路输出)  HNJ3U100Ⅰ型150V/22A 高频开关电源 HNJ3U100Ⅰ型150V/22A高频开关电源 性能指标:交流三相四线输入电压范围:323Vac~437Vac交流频率范围:45Hz~65Hz功率因数:≥0.9(满载)效率:≥92%(额定输入,满载)输出最大电压:150Vdc输出电流范围:16~22A输出最大功率:3300W电压调整率:≤±0.1%负载调整率:≤±0.5%输出噪声:≤100mVp-p保护特性:过温、过压、过流保护可闻噪声:<55dB工作环境温度:0℃~+40℃遥控遥测:遥控开/关机,故障节点输出工作环境湿度:0~90%(30℃)海拔高度:3000m以下外型尺寸(宽*高*深):315mm*145mm*440mm 产品特点:输出的电压及电流都可在前面板数码显示电源本身设遥控/本控开关、自带冷却风机远程遥控开关机,实时工作状态监测高效率、高可靠性、体积小、结构紧凑整机经严格应力筛选,具有很强的环境适应能力 HNJM3U30 I型125V/10A高频开关电源 性能指标:交流三相四线输入电压范围:304Vac~456VacHNJM3U30 I型125V/10A 高频开关电源 交流频率范围:45Hz~65Hz功率因数:≥0.9(满载)效率:≥91%(额定输入,满载)输出最大电压:125Vdc输出电流范围:6~9A输出最大功率:1125W电压调整率:≤±0.1%负载电流调整率:≤±0.5%输出噪声:≤150mVp-p保护特性:过温、过压、过流保护故障节点输出可闻噪声:<55dB工作环境温度:-10℃~+50℃工作环境湿度:≤98%(30℃时)海拔高度:3000m以下外型尺寸(宽*高*深):133mm*200mm*400mm 产品特点:既可恒压,也可恒流工作-10℃时输出电压纹波小于150mVp-p输出电流数码指示,直观方便且精度高具有防潮湿、防盐雾、防霉菌能力高效率、高可靠性、体积小、结构紧凑经严格应力筛选,具有很强的环境适应能力自然冷却 HN3U100Ⅰ型300V/12A 高频开关电源 HN3U100Ⅰ型300V/12A高频开关电源 性能指标:交流电压范围:342Vac~418Vac交流频率范围:45Hz~65Hz功率因数:≥0.99(满载)效率:≥90%(额定输入,满载)输出最大电压:300Vdc输出电流范围:1.2A~12A输出最大功率:3600W?稳流精度:≤±0.3%(负载电阻变化±30%)纹波:≤±0.3%?保护特性:过温、过压、过流保护遥控遥测:遥控开/关机,故障节点输出(一个) 可闻噪声:<55dB工作环境温度:0℃~+50℃工作环境湿度:0~90%(无冷凝)海拔高度:3000m以下外型尺寸:(宽*高*深)mm*mm*mm质量:≤15Kg产品特点:整机具有防潮湿、防盐雾、防霉菌能力高效率、高可靠性、体积小、结构紧凑整机经严格的应力筛选,具有很强的环境适应能力远程遥控开关机,实时工作状态监测平均无故障时间大于10万小时 。



DPC系列直流电源模块使用说明书(第三版)上海红申电气有限公司2018年11月目录1、性能特点及适用范围 (2)2、技术参数……………………………………………………………………………2-43.电源内部电路原理 (4)4、面板说明 (5)5、接线说明……………………………………………………………………………5-66、命名规则 (6)7、使用说明……………………………………………………………………………6-88、外形及安装尺寸……………………………………………………………………8-99、使用注意事项 (9)10、运行观察 (9)11、保养与维修 (10)12、运输与贮存 (10)13、开箱及检查 (10)14、订货须知 (10)1、性能特点及适用范围DPC系列电池充电电源模块是我司设计生产的充电式模块电源,该电源具有体积小,转换效率高,性能稳定,原副边隔离,隔离强度高的优点;本产品采用金属外壳模块化封装,防尘防潮、抗干扰能力强;输入、输出端为接线端子形式便于连接;本产品电网适应能力强,可在较宽输入电压范围内工作;本产品具有输出短路、过功率等保护功能。



3.电源内部电路原理图1 电源内部原理图图 2 电源内部隔离图4、面板说明图3 电源面板说明1、充电及工作指示灯2、电池放电指示灯3、电池活化指示灯4、电池欠压指示灯5、电源故障指示灯6、手动活化启动按键7、手动活化退出按键8、手动电池投入按键9、手动电池退出按键5、接线说明5.1接线示意图图4 接线示意图接线说明:K1 K2 K3为用户CPU等控制的继电器触点(触点容量无要求,但不可用光耦代替),负载为用户正常负载,接线端子容量300V/15A。

NAM12S06-D 电源模块 技术手册说明书

NAM12S06-D 电源模块 技术手册说明书

NAM12S06-D 电源模块技术手册文档版本 1.0发布日期2021-08-10华为技术有限公司前言概述本文档主要介绍NAM12S06-D模块电源的物理结构、电气特性和简单应用。













文档版本 1.0 (2021-08-10)第一次正式发布。

目录前言 (i)1 安全注意事项 (1)1.1 通用安全 (1)1.2 人员要求 (2)1.3 电气安全 (3)2 产品概述 (4)3 电气规格 (5)3.1 绝对最大额定值 (5)3.2 输入特性 (5)3.3 输出特性 (6)3.4 保护特性 (6)3.5 动态特性 (7)3.6 效率特性 (7)3.7 其他特性 (9)4 推荐电路 (10)5 引脚描述和应用 (12)5.1 封装尺寸图 (12)5.2 结构尺寸图 (12)5.3 引脚分布 (14)5.4 引脚应用 (15)5.4.1 EN (15)5.4.2 输出电压调节(FB) (16)5.4.3 PG (17)6 特性曲线 (18)7 典型波形 (22)7.1 开机/关机波形 (22)7.2 输出电压纹波 (23)7.3 输出电压动态响应 (23)7.4 输入反射纹波电流 (24)8 保护特性 (25)9 二次组装 (26)10 存储要求 (27)11 产品包装 (28)A 可靠性测试 (30)1安全注意事项1.1 通用安全声明在安装、操作和维护设备时,请先阅读本手册,并遵循设备上标识及手册中所有安全注意事项。

XP Power 高压电源模块说明书

XP Power 高压电源模块说明书

Q Series• 0.5W, +/- 100V to +/- 10kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 5/12/15/24VDC• Optional Dual Output/ Center Tap (Up to 900V)• External Copper Shield Option• Control Pin Option• Standard & Extended Temperature Ranges • Input/Output Isolation• UL Recognized G Series• 1.5W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 12VDC• External Mounting Box/Shield (AB Option)• Optional Dual Output/Center Tap• Input/Output Isolation• Short Circuit Protection• Low EMI/RFI• UL RecognizedA / AH Series• A: 1W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV• AH: 1.5W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 5/12/24VDC• Low Profile (0.25 in/6.35 mm)• Control Pin Standard• Standard & Extended Temperature Ranges • Input/Output Isolation• UL Recognized E Series• 3W, +/- 200V to +/- 7kV, 2W, +/-8kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 12/15VDC• Low Ripple, EMI/RFI• External Mounting Box/Shield (AB Option)• Optional Dual Output/Center T ap & Mounting Holes • Alternate Pin Patterns Available• Input/Output Isolation• Low Leakage CurrentAG / AGH Series• AG: 1W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV • AGH: 1.5W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV • Input Voltage: 0 to 5/12/24VDC • Low Profile (0.128 in/3.25 mm)• Control Pin Standard• Surface Mount• Input/Output Isolation• UL Recognized F Series• 10W, +/- 200V to +/- 8kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 12/15VDC• Low Ripple, EMI/RFI• Optional Dual Output/Center T ap & Mounting Holes • Input/Output Filtering• 5-sided Metal Enclosure• Input/Output Isolation• Short Circuit ProtectionGP Series• 1W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 12VDC• External Mounting Box/Shield (AB Option)• User-selectable Output Polarity• Low Power Consumption• Input/Output Isolation• Short Circuit Protection• Low EMI/RFI FS Series• 10W, +/- 200V to +/- 6kV• Input Voltage: 0 to 12/15/24/28VDC• Optional Dual Output/Center Tap• Standard & Extended Temperature Ranges• Input/Output Isolation• Mounting Holes for Chassis Mount or Heat Sink• Arc, Short Circuit Protection, Disable Pin, Alarm Signal• Low EMI/RFIP Series• 2mW, +/- 2kV, 2.4mW, +/- 1.2kV• Input Voltage: 5 to 12VDC• Low Power, Low Profile• Ultra-low Noise Magnetic-free Design & EMI/RFI• 0-100% Programmable• Standard & Extended Temperature Ranges• Voltage Monitor• Reference VoltageCB Series• 1W, 100V to +/- 10kV• Input Voltage: 11.5 to 16VDC• Low Noise, Quasi-sinewave Oscillator• Very Low EMI/RFI• Programming Over-voltage Protection• Voltage & Current Monitor Outputs• External Gain Adjust for Calibration• Thermal ShutdownC Series• 1W, +/- 100V to +/- 8kV• Input Voltage: 11.5 to 16VDC• Very Low Ripple, EMI/RFI• Low Noise, Quasi-sinewave Oscillator• Shield Case with Isolated Case Ground• Analog Voltage Programming: 0 to 5V• External Gain Adjust for Calibration• UL RecognizedSIP Series• 0.1W, 25V to 90V, 1W, 25V to 100V• Input Voltage: 3 to 6.7VDC• SIL Package• Low Ripple, High Stability• Ultra-thin (0.16in/4mm)• Analog Voltage Programming• Disable/Enable• Epoxy CoatedCA Series• 1W, +/- 200V to +/- 2kV• Input Voltage: 4.75 to 5.25/11.5 to 15.5VDC• Precision Regulated• Very Low Ripple, EMI/RFI• Voltage Monitor Output• Analog Voltage Programming• Short Circuit Protection• UL RecognizedHRL30 Series• 30W, +/- 100V to +/- 6kV• Input Voltage: 22 to 30VDC• Output Voltage & Current Regulated• 0 to 100% Programmable Voltage & Current• Voltage & Current Monitor Outputs• Short Circuit, Arc & Overload Protections• Efficiency >80%• Low Ripple and NoiseCA-T Series• 1W, +/- 200V to +/- 2kV• Input Voltage: 4.75 to 5.25/11.5 to 15.5VDC• Precision Regulated• Very Low Ripple, EMI/RFI• Voltage Monitor Output• Analog Voltage Programming• Extended Temperature Ranges• Short Circuit ProtectionC Series Chassis Mounts,CM3 & CM4• Input Voltage 11.5 to 16VDC• C models ≥2.5kVDC (C25-C80)• Three Programming Options• Reverse Polarity Protection• Connectors & Mates Included- CM3 has SHV (C25 to C40)- CM4 has LGH (C50 to C80)CA & CA-T Series ChassisMounts, CM1 & CM2• Input Voltage 11.5 to 16VDC• Three Programming Options• Reverse Polarity Protection• Mating Connectors Included- CM1 has MHV- CM2 has SHVFS-EBEvaluation Board• All FS Models• Easy Prototyping & Evaluation• Banana Jacks for Easy ConnectionFS-VM SeriesAdapter Board• All FS Models• Vertical Mounting Option• Minimizes X-Y Footprint2018For full specifications visit:We offer a broad range of component high voltage power supplies with output voltages from 100 V to 10 kV in both proportional and regulated topologies for use as stand-alone modules or integration into application specific assemblies.These standard modules are miniaturized, PCB mounting, encapsulated, low noise assemblies generating a high voltage output that is fully controllable using standard low voltage circuitry.Our high voltage power supplies meet a wide range of high performance demands. From precision, analytical instruments to mission-critical equipment,whether developing sensitive laboratory instruments, wafer handling electrostatic chuck, detection or scientific equipment, our products can be trusted to fulfil your needs for high performance and reliability.Provides versatile low cost DC to high voltage DC conversion with provenreliability. The output voltage is directly proportional to the input voltage and is linear from 0.7V to the maximum input. Options include an output center tap to provide both positive and negative outputs from one low cost module.Precision regulated DC to high voltage DC modules that feature easy external control and design-in, providing a stable high voltage output over the specified input voltage and load range. Fully programmable from 0 - 100% of the nominal output voltage via a linear low voltage control input.XP Power can design a custom or semi-custom AC-DC or DC-DC power system that meets your project's individual specifications. We design high voltage products for a broad spectrum of applications including satellite communications systems,electrostatic chucks, mass spectrometry and precision scientific instruments.Custom Power SolutionsRegulatedProportional。

dc dc电源模块手册说明书

dc dc电源模块手册说明书

DC/DC电源模块手册电源解决专家PowerGood ,为电源模块而诞生的专家PowerGood 之工业应用电源模块,兼具应用范围广及规格多样化特色,可应用于各种工业化设备与系统之中,功率从1W-600W ,输入电压范围涵盖9-700Vin ,符合多国安规认证及EMC 认证,除了提供电源模块以外、更提供弹性的模组化电源(PSU),提供快速性客制化服务,紧贴着应用市场的脉动。

PowerGood 不断推陈出新,提供客户最适切的产品,成为工业设备应用领域的领航者。

航天应用电源模块 医疗应用电源模块医疗行业所需求的电源模块,倾向于小型化及专业可靠。

为了因应于医疗设备及加强型隔离系统之严苛应用,PowerGood 所提供应用于医疗用之电源模块,为BF 等级设计,并且增强绝缘4k Vac ,低泄漏电流 100uA 。


并且随着新型医疗设备不断涌现,PowerGood 将因应市场需求,设计出更多符合需求之医疗应用电源模块。

PowerGood 创立于1989年,至今已经三十余年,提供客户最优异的品质、专利的拓扑电路、稳定的交期、专业的服务,成为客户最强大的事业后盾及伙伴。

PowerGood 产品线完整,从AC/DC 到DC/DC 电源转换器,提供标准品来满足客户需求,并与终端使用者合作,研发客制化产品,解决客户痛点,成为客户最大的后盾。

工业应用电源模块轨道应用电源模块轨道交通建设已经进入快速发展阶段,并且在AC/DC 及DC/DC 电源模块中提出了更严苛设计及挑战需求,PowerGood 了解轨道应用之环境严峻,因此产品皆符合轨道产业需求的高可靠、高耐用的特性,可应用于轨道之中的牵引设备、监控设备、通讯设备、驾驶设备...等系统之中。

PowerGood 的轨道系列产品工作壳温宽、隔离耐压高,并通过EN50155认证及EN45545-2防火保护认证,是轨道交通应用的最佳解决方案。

ADF500W 系列电源模块 应用指导书说明书

ADF500W 系列电源模块 应用指导书说明书

ADF500W 系列电源模块应用指导书文档版本 02 发布日期2015-11-30华为技术有限公司版权所有© 华为技术有限公司2015。













文档版本02(2015-11-28)增加滤波电路文档版本01(2015-09-28)第一次正式发布应用指导书目录目录前言 (ii)1 概述 (1)2 模块结构........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.1 结构图 (3)2.2 引脚说明 (5)3 模块时序 (8)3.1 开机时序特性 (8)3.2 关机时序特性 (9)3.3 停机、待机、保护及恢复特性 (10)4 推荐电路 (13)4.1 ADF10S48B推荐电路 (13)4.1.1 输入滤波电路 (14)4.1.2 防护电路 (14)4.1.3 PFC母线电路 (15)4.1.4 输出滤波电路 (17)4.2 ADF18S28B推荐电路 (19)4.2.1 输入滤波电路 (19)4.2.2 防护电路 (20)4.2.3 PFC母线电路 (21)4.2.4 输出滤波电路 (22)4.3 ADF42S12B-A推荐电路 (24)4.3.1 输入滤波电路 (24)4.3.2 防护电路 (25)4.3.3 PFC母线电路 (26)4.3.4 输出滤波电路 (27)4.4 并机运行推荐电路 (28)5 热评估和散热器选择 (30)6 故障处理 (32)1 概述ADF500W系列全砖电源模块包含三款产品,输出电压涵盖48V、28V和12V,输出功率500W,输出效率高;支持宽范围交直流输入,支持贴壳和散热器散热,支持多模块并机,并具备PMBus通信及相关保护功能,浪涌防护满足IEC/EN61000-4-5标准。

ER T电源模块说明书

ER T电源模块说明书

第二章 电源模块2.1 ER22010/T 和ER11020/T 整流模块2.1.1 整流模块简介ER22010/T Utilitysure 系列整流模块采用当代先进的电源技术和工艺,专门为各类变电站、电厂及其它直流供电场合的直流屏而设计。


ER22010/T Utilitysure 系列整流模块采用智能风冷的散热方式,功率密度高,占用空间少;采用2U ×4U 标准设计,内置逆止二极管,组屏简便。


ER 220 10 T/ 交流三相输入 额定输出电流10A 额定输出电压220Vdc 艾默生整流模块图2-1 ER22010/T 系列整流模块型号说明产品系列 产品系列见下表。

表2-1 产品系列及订货信息工作原理概述整流模块工作原理框图如下图所示。

图2-2 整流模块工作原理框图整流模块由三相无源PFC 和DC/DC 两个功率部分组成。


前级三相无源PFC 电路由输入EMI 和三相无源PFC 组成,用以实现交流输入的整流滤波和输入电流的校正,以满足相关的输入电流谐波和EMC 标准。

后级的DC/DC 变换器由DSP 产生PWM 波控制前级PFC 输出的直流电压、经过高频变压器输出后再整流滤波输出直流电压,从而将前级整流电压转换成电力操作电源要求的稳定的直流电压。

辅助电源在三相无源PFC 之后,DC/DC 变换器之前,利用三相无源PFC 的直流输出,产生控制电路所需的各路电源。




外观及接口1.整流模块外观图2-3 整流模块外观2.前面板ER22010/T系列整流模块前面板如下图所示。

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●整机无负载功耗:0.5 W
1-棕白 2-橙白 3-绿白 4-棕 5-橙 6-绿 7-蓝 8-蓝白
485总线(超五类线)与信号对应关系:DC24V →棕、橙、绿
信号+ →蓝
信号- →蓝白
公共端 →棕白、橙白、绿白