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Do you have some time tomorrow 明天有空吧?

Yes, I do. 有啊。

How about having lunch with me 一起吃顿中饭怎样?

Good idea. 好主意。

If you're free, how about lunch 有空的话一起吃顿中饭如何?

When did you have in mind 你想什么时候呢?

I was thinking about Thursday 我看星期四怎样?

That will be fine with me. 没问题。

I'm calling to see if you would like to have lunch tomorrow. 我打电话给你,是想知道明天一起吃顿中饭怎样?

I'm sorry, but this week isn't very convenient for me. 对不起,这个星期我都不方便。

Perhaps we van make it later. 那么,也许改天吧。

That would be better. 好啊。

I'm calling to confirm our luncheon appointment. 我打电话来,是想确定一下我们约好吃饭的事。

It's tomorrow at twelve o'clock, right 是明天12点吧?

Yes, that's right. 是的,没错。

I'll be there. 我会去的。

I'm sorry, but I have to cancel out luncheon appointment. 真抱歉,不过我不得不取消我们午餐的约会。

I'm sorry to hear that. 真遗憾。

I have pressing business to attend to. 我有紧急的事情要处理。

No problem. we'll make it later in the month. 没关系,这个月改天再说吧。

I need to change the time we meet for lunch. 我需要更改我们见面吃午饭的时间。What time would be good for you 什么时间你合适呢?

I'll be about half an hour late. 我大概要慢半个小时。

Good, I'll see you there at 12:30. 好的,十二点我会在那儿与你碰面。

I'll get the check. 我来付帐。

No, let me pay this time. 不,这次由我付。

No, I insist. 不,还是我来。

Well, thank you very much. 好吧,那就谢谢你啦?

This lunch is on me today, 今天这顿饭算我请客。

I think you got it last time. 我记得上回也是你请的。

It's my pleasure. 我请得心里高兴。

That's very nice of you. 既然这样,那就多谢了。

Shall we split the check. 大家分摊吧?

Why don't you let me pick it up. 就让我来付帐好了。

Oh, that's not necessary. 啊,不必这样。

I know it's not necessary. I want to do it. 我知道不必这样,可是我愿付.

I really enjoyed the lunch. 这顿饭我吃得好高兴。

Yes, let's do it again real soon. 是啊,让我们不久再一起用餐吧。

I'll be back in town next month. 我下个月会再回这里来。

Good, I'll invite you out when you're here.好极了,等你来的时候,请再接受我的招待。Apologizing 道歉

Sometimes it is necessary to tell someone bad news gently.

: I'm afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth.

B: Oh, don't worry about it.

A: I want to apologize. Is there anything I can do

B: Just forget about it. I never did like it anyway.

: I'm really sorry, but I seem to have misplaced your scarf.

B: Oh, that's all right.

A: I'm very sorry. Can I get you another one

B: No. Forget about it. It's not important.

: I'm sorry, but I can't find the book you lent me.

B: That's OK.

A: I really feel bad about it. Let me buy you a new one.

B: No. Don't be silly. I wouldn't dream of letting you do that.

: I feel terrible, but I've just broken your ashtray.

B: It's nothing to get upset about.

A: I don't know what to say. I'd like to replace it.
