二、功能1. 运行监控:柴油发电机控制器可以实时监测发电机组的运行状态,包括发电机输出电压、电流、频率等参数,确保发电机组正常运行。
2. 自动启停:柴油发电机控制器配备了自动启停功能,可以根据设定的条件自动启动或停止发电机组,提高发电机组的使用效率。
3. 负载分配:柴油发电机控制器可以根据负载大小自动调整发电机组的输出功率,实现负载均衡,避免过载或欠载情况。
4. 电池管理:柴油发电机控制器可以监测和管理发电机组的蓄电池状态,包括电池电压、电流、剩余容量等参数,确保蓄电池处于良好工作状态。
5. 告警保护:柴油发电机控制器配备了多种告警保护功能,如过载告警、低油压告警、高水温告警等,及时发现并解决发电机组故障,保护设备安全运行。
三、特点1. 高度可靠:柴油发电机控制器采用先进的电子技术和可靠的硬件设计,具有高度稳定性和抗干扰能力,能够在恶劣环境下正常工作。
2. 易于操作:柴油发电机控制器操作界面简单直观,具有友好的人机交互界面,用户可以轻松掌握设备的使用方法。
3. 多种通信接口:柴油发电机控制器支持多种通信接口,如RS485、CAN等,方便与其他设备进行联网通信,实现远程监控和控制。
4. 多种保护功能:柴油发电机控制器具备多种保护功能,如过载保护、短路保护、过压保护等,能够有效保护发电机组和外部设备的安全。
5. 自动诊断:柴油发电机控制器能够自动诊断设备故障,并显示故障代码或故障信息,方便用户及时排除故障。
四、使用方法1. 首先,确保柴油发电机组与电源连接正常,蓄电池电量充足。
2. 打开柴油发电机控制器的电源开关,待显示屏亮起后,进入操作界面。
3. 根据需要设置发电机组的参数,如启停条件、输出功率限制等。
4. 检查各项参数是否正常,如发电机输出电压、频率等,确保设备处于正常工作状态。
方法 1、设置前准确取得启动飞轮的齿数(由发动机生产厂提供或成套前直接数出),然后计
Tel:84003203 Fax:84470169 E-mail:syais@
算出转速信号频率,计算公式:齿数×(额定转速/分钟÷60),例如:国产 6135 机型的飞轮为
2.3.5 低冷却液位传感器安装/测试: 低冷却液位传感器是一个安装在冷却水箱上部合适位置的开关量信号(有电容式、电阻式及
浮子式),信号是传感器将+DC 电压加在控制器端子(15)上,可设定 21WTST 项 (预报警设 “0” 停机设“1”)。用户若不进行低水位检测,可留空不接传感器,或作为电量报警停机。
125 齿,在发电为 50Hz 场合应用时,其转速频率应为:125×(1500÷60)=3125Hz。在“01TCAL”
状态下通过▲ ▼键使其显示数字为 3125,注意:不须↙键确认。此时计算机将把 3125Hz 作为
1500 转的对应转速信号频率记录并保存下来,作为额定转速及与转速有关的运行、保护参数的
油压传感器——正压力系数电阻,工作压力:0~1.0Mpa 兼容 VDO 0~10bar
水温传感器——负温度系数热敏电阻 工作温度 0~160℃ 兼容 VDO 60℃~120℃
油温传感器——负温度系数热敏电阻 工作温度 0~160℃ 兼容 VDO 60℃~120℃
பைடு நூலகம்
液位变送器——0~1V DC 燃油位变送器,显示 0~100%油量(须进行燃油量监测时增加)
120℃ 23Ω
130 ℃ 17Ω
140℃ 13Ω
150℃ 10Ω
在相应的温度下可用电阻表测量出对应的电阻值(控制器开路时测量), 水温传感器有两个出线端,将其中任意一个出线端应可靠接控制器的(9)信号地端子,另一 个接在控制器端子(6)上,引线应使用不小于 1.5mm2 的软线加压接端子接入(引线越短越好, 但在 15 米的泛围内不会造成较大的误差,超过 15 米须把引线加粗)。
扬州市华东动力机械有限公司DACTS704C 柴油发电机组自动控制器(VERSION:V2.0)使用说明书目录公司简介 (1)一. 功能概述 (3)二.组成结构 (3)1.液晶显示器 (3)2.手动按键 (4)3.通讯接口 (5)三.菜单操作及参数说明 (5)1.模拟量参数 (6)2.延时参数 (8)3.系统参数 (12)4.输入状态 (14)5.输出状态 (14)四.控制器接线端说明 (14)五.规格说明 (15)六.主要参数值表 (16)七.注意事项 (17)八.附件 (18)九.外部接线图 (19)DACTS704C油机自动控制器说明书DACTS704C油机自动控制器采用美国高性能微处理器和工业级元器件制造,具有结构紧凑、体积小巧、安装方便等特点。
*** DACTS704C控制器面板示意图 ***电压380 380 380电流 400 400 400 频率 50.0 功率 263 功率因数 1.00电池 11.8 水温 70油压 600 转速 1500 运行时间 30:05 05-03-09 PM 03:12:18一. 功能概述◆可以通过704C的面板按键、外部开关、通讯口控制油机的运行或停机。
3.1 控制屏控制屏用优质钢板冲压焊接而成,经减震橡胶垫安装在机组座上与发电机组组成一体,或者是镶嵌在静音箱外罩上与静音机组组成一个整体。
3.2 控制器3.2.1控制器功能介绍IG-NT面板IL-NT-AMF25面板IL-NT-MRS10/11/15/16面板(1) 按钮1.方式选择右键向右移动选择发电机组操作状态(关——手动——自动——测试)。
目录安全警告 (3)目录 (4)1. 安全须知 (6)1. 安全规范 (6)2. 特殊要求 (7)2. 安全警示标贴 (8)3.各部件名称 (9)1. 结构特征 (9)2. 控制面板 (10)3. 机型及序列号 (11)4. 控制系统 (12)1.机油报警系统(红色) (12)2.过载指示灯(红色) (12)3.交流指示灯(绿色) (13)4.节能开关 (13)5.接地端子 (13)5. 准备事项 (14)1. 燃油 (14)2 .机油 (15)3. 起动手柄 (15)4. 燃油开关 (16)5. 阻风门 (16)6. 交流断路保护器 (17)7. 接地端子 (17)6. 发电机使用方法 (18)1. 连接到家庭电源 (18)2. 发电机接地 (19)3. 交流电 (19)4. 高海拔地区使用 (20)7. 起动发电机 (21)1. 手拉启动 (21)2. 电起动 (21)8. 停止发电机 (22)9. 维护 (22)1. 更换机油 (24)2. 保养空滤器 (25)3. 火花塞 (25)10. 储存 (27)11. 故障检修 (28)12. 线路图 (29)13. 参数 (31)14、售后服务信息: (32)1. 安全须知1. 安全规范在操作发电机之前,阅读和理解说明书,熟悉发电机的安全操作流程能够请勿在室内使用请勿在潮湿的环境中使用请勿直接连接家用电器加注燃油时请勿吸烟加注燃油时请勿将油溢出加注燃油时请先停止发电机请将可燃物隔开至少1m2. 特殊要求·电器设备包括导线和插头应无裸露。
1. 自动控制:柴油发电机控制器能够自动启动和停止发电机,根据电网负荷的变化自动调节发电机的输出功率。
2. 保护功能:柴油发电机控制器具有多种保护功能,如过载保护、短路保护、低水温保护等,能够及时发现并保护发电机免受损坏。
3. 数据监测:柴油发电机控制器能够监测发电机的运行状态和参数,如电压、电流、功率因数等,以便及时了解发电机的运行情况。
4. 远程控制:柴油发电机控制器支持远程控制和监测,通过互联网或其他通信方式,可以实现对发电机的远程启停和参数设置。
5. 可编程性:柴油发电机控制器可以根据用户需求进行编程,实现自定义的控制策略和保护参数设置。
6. 显示与操作:柴油发电机控制器配备LCD显示屏,可以显示当前的运行状态和参数,同时具备按键操作接口,便于用户进行设置和操作。
3、#3柴油发电机#3柴油发电机采用无锡电机厂按照西门子公司技术生产的IFC5电机,装有A VR自动电压调节器。
DEEP SEA ELECTRONICS PLC 51xx series configuration software for Windows™Software ManualAuthors – Anthony Manton & Anthony PlaterDeep Sea Electronics PlcHighfield HouseHunmanby Industrial EstateNorth YorkshireYO14 0PHENGLANDTel +44 (0) 1723 890099Fax +44 (0) 1723 893303Email: sales@<<<THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK>>>TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Page 1DESCRIPTION (4)1.1CLARIFICATION OF NOTATION USED WITHIN THIS PUBLICATION (4)1.2MANUAL STRUCTURE (4)2PC INTERFACE MODULE 810 (5)2.1INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (5)3CONFIG MANAGER (10)4EDIT CONFIG (12)4.1MODULE (12)4.2MISC (13)4.3INPUTS (15)4.4OUTPUTS (23)4.5LCD’s (FRONT PANEL INDICATORS) (25)4.6TIMERS (27)4.7MAINS (5120 AMF MODULE ONLY) (30)4.8GENERATOR (31)4.9ENGINE (32)5SETUP (33)1 DESCRIPTIONThe DSE 51xx series configuration software allows the 51xx family of modules to be connected to a PC. Once connected the various operating parameters within the module can be viewed or edited as required by the engineer. This software allows easy controlled access to these values and also has diagnostic monitoring facilities (diagnostic monitoring not applicable to the 51xx modules).The Configuration interface should only be used by competent, qualified personnel, as changes to the operation of the module may have safety implications on the panel / generating set to which it is fitted. Access to critical operational sequences and settings for use by qualified engineers, are barred by a PC software security code. Timers are protected by a separate code allowing operator changes to be made.The information contained in this manual should be read in conjunction with the information contained in the appropriate module documentation. This manual only details which settings are available and how they may be used. The operation of the module is detailed in its own relevant manual.The P810 USB interface is housed in a robust plastic case. Connection to the module is via an FCC 68 RJ45 ‘CAT5E Network’ type cable (‘straight-through’ type), this allows for easy replacement in the field should the connecting lead be damaged or lost.For legacy support an RS232 version is also available with an adapter cable to allow connection to the 9 pin D type RS232 connectors as required.1.2 MANUAL STRUCTUREThis manual is designed to assist users of the 51xx series configuration software; this is the common configuration software for all modules of the 51xx range. All software operations such as file handling (loading and saving to disk, reading from and writing to the module) and printing are identical regardless of the module being configured. Some options are only available on the different variants of the 51xx module such as Mains failure detect setting (5120 AMF Modules only). A separate manual deals with the operation of the individual modules..2 PC INTERFACE MODULE 810The PC interface 810 kit comprises the following:-•810 (USB) Interface Module or 810 (RS232) Interface Module•USB cable, (25 to 9 way adapter supplied with the RS232 version).• FCC 68 (8 Pin) Connecting Lead•1x CD with configuration software2.1 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSMinimum system requirementsProcessor 486 66MhzOperating System Windows Xp, 2000, NT4, Me, 98, 95Ram 32MbMonitor 14 inch SVGA (640x480 resolution)Fixed disk 10Mb free (80Mb minimum)Disk drive CD-Rom for software installation (see note below)Communications A USB port or an RS232 comms port is needed to communicate with the 810 interface and 5xxx configuration software (see note below)Installing ‘51xx series configuration software For Windows™’ program From Software CDInsert the Software CD into the CD-ROM drive on the PC. The CD will then Auto-run if this feature is enabled on your PC.AlternativelyDouble click on My Computer:Then double click on CD-ROM Drive:There will be a short delay while the CD-ROM is accessed, then the install program will runClick on the ‘Install 5xxx series ‘ button to install the software onto your PC in its own folder (directory). It will also create ‘START MENU’ items.To run 5xxx series configuration software For Windows program Press the:á StartAnd then select ‘Programs’ - ‘5xxx’ as shown below: -The screen will then display: -The module type selector will appear after a short delayClick on the 51xx button and the PC will then load P51xx for Windows.The password page will appear after a short delay.The software provides two levels of password protection. The first level is the operator level; if the operator password is entered it will only be possible to edit the Timers not the module configuration. In addition, operator level only allows the creation of new configuration files, existing files cannot be over-written.The second level of password is the Engineer level, if this password is entered all of the module functions can be configured. Password for all levels can also be changed with this level.It is intended that the engineering passwords be given to qualified engineers who are responsible for initial configuration of the unit, or modification of settings at a later stage.The operator password is intended to be given to personnel who will not need to be altering the configuration of the module, but may need to visit a controller and modify timer settings, record these changes in a new file and view diagnostic information from the module.Users without a password will not be able to gain access to the software at all.Enter the correct password for the required access level then; Click ‘OK’ or press the ENTER key.3 CONFIG MANAGEROnce loaded the ‘Main’ Menu is displayedModule Type: - This indicates the type of module for which the 51xx series software is currently configured. This will automatically be selected to the correct module when a configuration file is ‘Loaded’ from disk or ‘Read’ from the module. It can also be changed under the ‘Misc’ tab in the ‘Edit Config’ menu.Access Level: - This indicates the current level of access to the software. Access is gained depending on the password typed to enter to program on start-up. It is the access level that determines what configuration options are available.File Loaded: - This indicates the name of the configuration file currently loaded into the 51xx series software, the ‘DEFAULT’ configuration is loaded at start up, If the configuration was ‘Read’ from the module then ‘FROM MODULE’ will be displayed.Load from Disk: - This is used to load an existing configuration from disk into the 51xx series software. The file can then be edited (if required) and then ‘Written’ to the module. To load a file, simply click this button and enter the name of the file to be loaded in the dialog box. Then click‘OK’. The ‘File Loaded’ will then be indicated.Save to Disk: - This is used to save the current configuration file to disk. The required filename for the configuration can be typed in the dialog box. Then click ‘OK’.Print Configuration: - This is used to produce a printout of the current configuration. A list of all the settings will then be produced.Read from Controller: - This is used to ‘Read’ the configuration which exists in the module. The module must be connected to the PC via the 810 interface and have a DC supply feeding it. It is possible to read from the module while the generating set is running. Clicking the ‘Read’ button will transfer the current configuration to the 51xx series software to allow the setting to be inspected or modified.Write to Controller: - This is used to write a new configuration to the module. To write to the module it must be connected to the PC via the 810 interface and be fed from a suitable DC supply. Additionally the module must be in the correct operating mode in order for re-configuration to be accepted.If a module security PIN number has been set, this will be asked for and must be correctly entered before the configuration file will be sent to the controller.Should the module not be ready to receive data i.e. generator not at rest and in stop mode, the software senses that the engine is running and a warning message will be displayed. Steps should then be taken to ensure that the engine is at rest and the module is in the ‘STOP’ mode before attempting to write to the module.Exit: - This is used to exit the 51xx series software and return to windows. If any configuration files are open which have not been saved, the software will query if it is OK to continue or if they need to be saved.4 EDIT CONFIGThis menu allows the module configuration to be changed, such that the function of Inputs, Outputs and LED’s can be altered. System timers and level settings can also be adjusted to suit a particular application.Access to the various configuration parameters depends on the password entered when the program was started. If the Operator password was entered, then selecting the Edit Configuration option will take the user directly to the Edit Timers page, as this is the only editable section with operator level clearance.If the Engineering level password was entered then full access to the settings is possible.4.1 MODULEThis menu allows the user to change the type of module to be configured. This menu is used to determine which options are presented to the user elsewhere in the configuration. The following is displayed:MODULE DESCRIPTIONBase Module These settings are used to select the base module on which the configuration is based.Module Type -~= 5110 Remote Start Module{= 5120 Automatic mains failure moduleThis setting determines whether the configuration file is for a 5110 or a 5120module. Depending upon selection, non-relevant options are hidden and thesoftware will not allow the operator to ‘Write’ the wrong configuration file tothe ‘wrong’ module type.4.2 MISCThis menu allows the user to change the nominal operating parameters and also select themodules special operating modes, according to individual requirements. The following is displayed:4.3 INPUTSThis menu allows the configurable inputs to be changed to suit the users requirements. The following is displayed: -ANALOGUE INPUTSOIL PRESSURE INPUTCustom curve editorTo enter the curve editor select the iconThis allows senders to be used which have not been pre-configured in the 5xxx software. Each sender curve has 16 points which map the relationship between sender resistance and reading. Once the curve direction is started the curve must continue to follow the set direction – I.e. If resistance increases with rising oil pressure then each point on the graph must follow this. So each point must show a higher value than the one previous. If any two points on the graph are equal or reverse the initial direction the module will consider this the end of the curve and show ‘over-range’ for values which are past this point.Oil Pressure settings This section is used to configure the Oil Pressure sender input.Input Type: -Not Used - The Oil pressure input will not be monitored.Digital - closed for low oil pressure - The Oil Pressure input is fed from anengine mounted digital pressure switch. This switch returns a closedsignal during low oil pressure conditions (and engine at rest), once oilpressure is established the switch will open.Digital - open for low oil pressure - The Oil Pressure input is fed from anengine mounted digital pressure switch. This switch returns an opensignal during low oil pressure conditions (and engine at rest), once oilpressure is established the switch will close.VDO match, 0-5bar - The Oil Pressure input is connected to a resistivetype engine mounted oil pressure transducer. The output of thistransducer matches that of a VDO type sender with an operating rangeof 0-5bar.VDO match, 0-10bar* - The Oil Pressure input is connected to a resistivetype engine mounted oil pressure transducer. The output of thistransducer matches that of a VDO type sender with an operating rangeof 0-10bar.Datcon match, 0-5bar - The Oil Pressure input is connected to a resistivetype engine mounted oil pressure transducer. The output of thistransducer matches that of a Datcon type sender with an operatingrange of 0-5bar.Datcon match, 0-10bar - The Oil Pressure input is connected to a resistivetype engine mounted oil pressure transducer. The output of thistransducer matches that of a Datcon type sender with an operatingrange of 0-10bar.Datcon match, 0-7bar - The Oil Pressure input is connected to a resistivetype engine mounted oil pressure transducer. The output of thistransducer matches that of a Datcon type sender with an operatingrange of 0-7bar.Murphy, 0-7bar - The Oil Pressure input is connected to a resistive typeengine mounted oil pressure transducer. The output of this transducermatches that of a Murphy type sender with an operating range of 0-7bar.User Configured - The Oil Pressure input is connected to a resistive typeengine mounted oil pressure transducer. The output of this transduceris defined by the user by means of the Custom Curve Editor.Shutdown Level -Engine oil pressure will give a shutdown alarm in the event of theengine oil pressure falling below the displayed ‘oil pressure trip’ value.The ‘oil pressure trip’ value can be adjusted to suit user requirements.ENGINE TEMPERATURE INPUTCustom curve editorTo enter the curve editor select the iconThis allows senders to be used which have not been pre-configured in the 5xxx software. Each sender curve has 16 points which map the relationship between sender resistance and reading. Once the curve direction is started the curve must continue to follow the set direction – I.e. If resistance increases with rising oil pressure then each point on the graph must follow this. So each point must show a higher value than the one previous. If any two points on the graph are equal or reverse the initial direction the module will consider this the end of the curve and show ‘over-range’ for values which are past this point.High Coolant Temperature settings Not Used - The Coolant Temperature input will not be monitored.Digital Closed, Normally Closed - The Coolant Temperature input is fed from an engine mounted digital temperature switch. This switch returns a closed signal during low temperature conditions, should the temperature rise above the switch manufacturers trip point the switch contacts will open.Digital Open, Normally Open - The Coolant Temperature input is fed from an engine mounted digital temperature switch. This switch returns an open signal during low temperature conditions, should the temperature rise above the switch manufacturers trip point the switch contacts will close. VDO match, 120o C* - The Coolant Temperature input is connected to a resistive type engine mounted temperature transducer. The output of this transducer matches that of a VDO type sender with an operating range of up to 120o C.Datcon HIGH match - The Coolant Temperature input is connected to a resistive type engine mounted temperature transducer. The output of this transducer matches that of a Datcon HIGH type sender.Datcon LOW match – The Coolant Temperature input is connected to resistive type engine mounted temperature transducer. The output of this transducer matches that of a Datcon LOW type senderMurphy - The Coolant Temperature input is connected to a resistive type engine mounted temperature transducer. The output of this transducer matches that of a Murphy type sender.Cummins – The Coolant Temperature input is connected to a resistive type engine mounted temperature transducer. The output of this transducer matches that of a Cummins type sender.PT100- The Coolant Temperature input is connected to a resistive type engine mounted temperature transducer. The output of this transducer matches that of a PT100 type sender however accuracy is limited to + - 5 °C.User Configured - The Coolant Temperature input is connected to a resistive type engine mounted temperature transducer. The output of this transducer is defined by the user by means of the Custom Curve Editor. Shutdown -Coolant temperature will give a shutdown alarm in the event of the engine coolant temperature rising above the displayed ‘coolant temperature trip’ value. The ‘coolant temperature trip’ value can be adjusted to suit user requirements.DIGITAL INPUTSPolarityThe polarity of the input switching can be configured to be either “Close to Activate”, this is a normally open switch, and closes to negative when activated. Alternatively “Open to Activate”, this is a Normally Closed switch to negative, and opens when activated.Warning Gives an alarm only when activated (no shutdown)Always active – Will activate as long as the module is poweredup.Active from safety on – Is only active when the safety on timerhas timed out.Shutdown Gives an alarm and shuts down the engine.Remote Start on Load If this input is active, the 51xx will operate thus: - To use thisfunction the 51xx should be placed in the AUTO mode. Themodule will perform the start sequence and transfer load to thegenerator.Electrical Trip An alarm condition will be given; the set will be removed fromthe bus and shutdown after the cooling timer.Lamp Test This input is used to provide a test facility for the front panelindicators fitted to the 51xx module. When the input is activatedall LED and LCD indicators will illuminate.Simulate Mains available This function is provided to over-ride the 5120 module’s (AMFmodule only) internal monitoring function. If this input is activethe module will not respond to the state of the incoming ACmains supply. This can be used to control the operation of thegenerator during a mains failure by allowing generator operationonly if equipment operation requires the genset to runLow Oil Pressure Switch This input forces the oil pressure sender to be metering only.The low oil pressure shut down is then activated by this input. Always Active The input selected to be a warning or a shutdown alarm evenwhen the module is in the STOP/RESET MODE.Active from Safety on Auxiliary inputs are only active once the Safety On timer hastimed out. This allows a delay on start up for faults, such as OilPressure and High Engine Temperature Warnings, or othershutdown conditions which require a delay during start-up, suchas Under-voltage.4.4 OUTPUTSThis menu allows the configurable output to be changed to suit the users requirements. The following is displayed: -PolarityEach of the outputs can be configured as:a) Energised - Normally open relay contact which closes on activation.b) De-energised - Normally closed relay contact, which opens on activation.Output Not Used This output in not used.Air flap Relay This output controls the closing of the air-flaps in an Emergency Stopor Over-speed situation.Auxiliary input 1 active This output indicates that the auxiliary input number 1 is active. Auxiliary input 2 active This output indicates that the auxiliary input number 2 is active Auxiliary input 3 active This output indicates that the auxiliary input number 3 is active. Auxiliary input 4 active This output indicates that the auxiliary input number 4 is active. Auxiliary input 5 active This output indicates that the auxiliary input number 5 is active.Close Generator This output source is intended to be used to control the load switchingdevice. Whenever the 51xx module selects the generator to be onload this control source will be active.Common alarm This output indicates that a warning, electrical trip or shutdown alarmhas been activated. If a Warning alarm is activated, this output isnormally self-resetting on removal of the fault, if a Shutdown orElectrical fault alarm is activated, this output can only be reset byremoval of the fault and by then pressing the Stop Reset button. Energise to stop This output controls the fuel solenoid on an ETS type generator,energising for the time period selected in the Edit Timer Menu. Thenormal fuel output (pin 4) should not be connected to the fuel solenoid,however it can be used for controlling panel instruments and otherfunctions required whilst the engine is running.Engine Running This output indicates when the engine is running and the generator isready to accept load, i.e. after safety on and warm up timers havetimed out. It could be used to connect to an Automatic TransferSystem or PLC to give a signal that the set is available.Pre-heat (during preheat timer) This output controls the pre-heater. Pre-heat output is available for the duration of the pre-heat timer, which terminates prior to cranking.Pre-heat (until end of cranking) This output controls the pre-heater. As ‘Pre-heat (during preheat timer)’ mode but pre-heat is also available during cranking.Pre-heat (until end of warming) This output controls the pre-heater. As ‘Pre-heat until safety on’ but pre-heat continues to be available until the warming up timer has elapsed.Pre-heat (until safety on) This output controls the pre-heater. As ‘Pre-heat until end of cranking’but pre-heat is also available while waiting for the delayed alarms tobecome active.Shutdown alarm This output indicates that a shutdown alarm has been activated. Thisoutput can only be reset by removal of the fault and by then pressingthe Stop Reset button.System in Auto Mode This output indicates that the module is in the Auto mode.Warning alarm This output indicates that a warning alarm has been activated. Thisoutput is normally self-resetting on removal of the fault.4.5 LCD’s (FRONT PANEL INDICATORS)This menu allows the configurable LCD indicators to be changed to suit the users requirements. The following is displayed:-(Typical Settings for information only).PolarityEach of the LCD’s can be configured as:Lit - Normally extinguished LCD indicator, which illuminates on activation.Control SourceRefer to Output Selection shown in Edit Outputs section of this manual.LCD identificationThe above diagram indicates which LCD number in the configuration corresponds to which LED/LCD indicator on the front label.4.6 TIMERSThis menu allows the configurable system timers to be changed to suit the users requirements. The following menu is displayed: -Timer Descriptions:Start delay This timer dictates how long the module will wait after it has received aremote start signal (or mains failure signal 5220 only) before it willattempt to start. This prevents unnecessary starting on a fluctuatingmains supply, etc.Pre-heat This timer dictates the duration that the pre-heat output will be activebefore an attempt is made to start the engine. Once this timer hasexpired cranking will commence.Cranking time This is the maximum amount of time that the module will energise thestarter motor for during starting attempts once the starter has engaged. Crank rest time This is the amount of time the module will wait for between startattempts. This is to allow the starter motor to cool and the starterbatteries to recover.Sensor fail delay (Only available if using Magnetic pick-up)This can only be used if magnetic pick speed sensing is selected.Once cranking has commenced the module must receive a speedsignal within this time. If no signal is present the generator will beshutdown and a Loss of Speed Sensing alarm given.Safety on delay This timer dictates how long the module will ignore the Low oilpressure, High Engine Temperature, Underspeed, Undervolts and anyother inputs configured as active from safety on. It allows the valuessuch as oil pressure to rise to their operating values on starting withouttriggering an alarm. Once the timer has expired all alarm conditionsare monitored again.If configured to use ‘fast loading’, should all the monitored conditions,such as oil pressure, come to the expected state prior to the end of thesafety on timer, the timer will be terminated prematurely ensuringmaximum protection as soon as possible.Warm up timer This timer is initiated once the engine is up and running. It delaysloading the generator until it has stabilised. Once this timer has expiredthe ‘Close generator’ signal will be given and the generator is availableto be loaded.Return delay This timer dictates how long the module will wait before it will un-loadthe generator (back to the mains supply if AMF) and initialise it’s run-on and shutdown cycle. This is to ensure that the mains supply hasstabilised before transferring the load back to mains.Cooling Time This is the time the generator is to run off-load once the load transfersignal has ceased. This gives the engine time to cool down beforeshutdown.ETS Solenoid hold time This timer is used if the unit is configured to operate an Energise tostop engine. It dictates the duration that the ETS output will remainactive after the module has detected the engine has come to rest. Ifthe ETS output is not configured, this timer will still operate, preventingan immediate restartFail to stop delay time Once the module has given a shutdown signal to the engine it expectsthe engine to come to rest. It monitors the oil pressure and speedsensing sources and if they still indicate engine movement when thistimer expires, a ‘fail to stop’ alarm signal is generated.4.7 MAINS (5120 AMF MODULE ONLY)This menu allows the mains sensing configurable trip values to be edited to the users required levels. The following menu is displayed:FunctionMains Under voltage These settings are used to configure the mains under voltage alarm:-Under Voltage Trip -This is the minimum voltage that the 5120 will consider the incoming ACmains supply to be within limits. Should the input fall below this value themodule will indicate a mains failure and function accordingly.Under Voltage Return -This is the voltage above the under voltage trip that the incoming mainssupply must return to before the 5120 module will consider that the supplyis back within limits. (i.e. With a UV trip of 184.0V and a UV return of207.0V, the mains voltage must return to 207.0V following an undervoltage event to be considered within limits.)Mains Over voltage These settings are used to configure the mains Over voltage alarm:-Over Voltage Trip -This is the maximum voltage that the 5120 will consider the incoming ACmains supply to be within limits. Should this value be exceeded themodule will indicate a mains failure and function accordingly.Over Voltage Return -This is the voltage that the incoming mains supply must return to beforethe 5120 module will consider that the supply is back within limits. (i.e.With a OV trip of 276.0V and a OV return of 253.0V, the mains voltagemust return to 253.0V following an over voltage event to be consideredwithin limits.)4.8 GENERATORThis menu allows the generator configurable trip values to be edited to the users required levels. The following menu is displayed:FunctionCT Primary (L1,2,3) This setting is used to set the primary current rating of the three phasemonitoring CT’s. The secondary of the CT’s should be rated at 5 ampsoutput.Generator Under frequency This setting is used to configure the generator under frequency trip / shutdown level.Generator Over frequency This setting is used to configure the generator over frequency trip / shutdown level.。
3、#3柴油发电机#3柴油发电机采用无锡电机厂按照西门子公司技术生产的IFC5电机,装有A VR自动电压调节器.4、仪表盘及控制屏在#3柴油机上装有一只辅助用仪表盘,包括油压表、水温表、转速表等。
2、手动方式在该方式下,可在机组控制柜进行机组启动、停机等操作,并可通过速度选择开关“怠速/全速”设定机组运行时的速度,该方式主要在机组自动功能出现故障时使用. 3、试验方式:在该方式下,当将试验开关由“断"打向“通”时,机组将自动启动,当发电机各出口主开关不能自动合闸,如需带负载维护,可通过手动方式将各出口主开关合闸,使发电机带负荷运行。
一、系统组成部分1. 发动机管理模块(Engine Management Module,简称EMM)发动机管理模块是自动控制系统中的核心,主要负责监测发动机的运行状态、调节燃料供应和空气进入,以实现发动机的自动启动、运行和停止。
2. 电压调节器(Voltage Regulator)电压调节器是负责调整发电机输出电压的重要组成部分。
3. 控制面板(Control Panel)控制面板位于柴油发电机的外部,提供了用户与自动控制系统进行交互的界面。
二、系统功能特点1. 自动启停功能柴油发电机的自动控制系统具备自动启停功能。
2. 远程监控与控制柴油发电机的自动控制系统支持远程监控和控制功能。
3. 故障诊断与保护功能自动控制系统配备了完善的故障诊断与保护功能。
控制屏说明书一.控制屏说明1. 概述Deepsea 5220 自动控制器为控制核心,可以实时检测油机的工作状态,用户通过Deepsea 5220 可以控制柴油发电机的启动运转和停机,具有并机功能,并具有自动保护功能。
2. 工作条件2.1 工作温度:-30℃~70℃2.2 储存温度:-30℃~70℃2.3 相对湿度:93%RH(无凝露)2.4 工作电压:DC24V(范围:8-35V)DC12V(范围:8-35V)4.1 控制屏具有体积小巧、性能可靠、操作简单等优点,内部线路清晰、简单,便于检测。
4.2 具有自动检测保护功能,保护油机安全、稳定运行。
4.3 性能优越、经济实用。
4.4 有蓄电池浮充电装置,可用市电对蓄电池进行充电。
5. 控制操作说明5.1 机组启动前检查冷却水液位、机油油位、燃油油位,检查机组机械紧固件和接线有无松动。
5.2 合上电源,提供控制器直流电源,控制器进行初始化,初始化完成后停机按钮上方的指示灯点亮。
5.3 按下启动按钮,启动按钮上方的指示灯点亮,机组启动;当机组一次启动不成功,控制器自动延时再重新启动,当3次启动失败后自动锁机报警。
5.4 机组启动后,机组运行,当电量参数符合供电要求时,控制器上的供电指示灯自动点亮,发动机自带的充电电机开始对蓄电池充电,按停机按钮机组自动停机。
5.5 在机组运行过程中,如机组出现了故障,在控制器的液晶显示器上显示故障说明,同时进行故障延时,在延时过程中如故障消失,控制器自动复位,否则机组在延时后自动报警停机。
5.6 选择机组在自动状态,控制器自动监测远端启动信号。
控制器LED液晶显示功能:测量数据发电机组三相相电压L1-N,L2-N,L3-N发电机组三相线电压L1-L2,L2-L3,L3-L1发电机组三相电流L1,L2,L3发电机组频率 Hz发动机转速RPM发动机机油压力KPa或bar\psi(可选)发动机冷却水温度℃和℉电池电压显示信息及测量数据发动机运行小时模块报警保护功能超速/欠速充电故障紧急停车低油压高水温启动失败报警显示图标恢复停车失败转速信号丢失另外,指示、报警或停机等可设定的报警输入均能通过液晶显示屏和LED指示灯来标识。
二、功能特征1.基于微处理器的设计2.自动故障状态紧急停机3.用户化图形按钮显示模式4.LCD显示发动机、发电机数据5.显示发动机报警及状态信息6.前面板设定输入、输出、报警及时间三、控制器规格1.电源:直流8~35V 连续。
2.启动电压下跌:在启动前提供的电压不小于10V ,电压恢复电压达到5V 的状况下,可以确保控制系统在0V 电压经过50ms 后维持正常。
3.启动继电器输出:16Amp DC 系统直流电压 4.燃油继电器输出:16Amp DC 系统直流电压 5.辅助继电器输出:5Amp DC 系统直流电压 6.工作温度范围:-30~+70℃ 7.充电失败/励磁范围:0V~35V 8.最大操作电流:425(12V);215MA(24V).9.最大备用电流:250(12V);125(24V).10. 发电机输入范围:75V~277V 三相四线AC (+20﹪) 11. 发电机输入频率:50~60Hz 在额定发动机转速 12. 磁性转速探头输入电压范围:+/-0.5V~70V 峰值 四、控制器面板1. 按钮图标图标 功能说明 图标 功能说明 图标 功能说明停止/复位 自动模式手动模式启动(在手动模式下) 滚动 2.报警指示3.状态/仪表显示图标 功能说明 图标功能说明 图标 功能说明 告警指示停机故障 电气跳闸充电故障低油压超速 紧急停机 高水温 欠速辅助报警启动失败辅助指示图标 功能说明 图标 功能说明图标 功能说明 L1 相 L2 相 L3 相 L1-N 相-中线 L2-N 相-中线 L3-N 相-中线 L1-L2 相-相 L2-L3 相-相 L3-L1 相-相 BAR 机油压力 Kpa机油压力 PSI 机油压力 V 电压 温度Hz 频率 A电流 温度 RPM转速 运行时间 交流 参数调整 直流五、操作说明给模块供直流电源,模块被激活。
实用标准柴油发电机使用说明一、柴油发电机组的构成:主要分为:柴油发电机组本体、柴油发电机控制柜、柴油发电机出口开关等3大组成部分1、柴油机采用的是康明斯发动机生产的NTA855-GA2型,发动机形式为四冲程、直列6缸,排量为14L2、发电机采用的是stamford300KW发电机二、交流柴油发电机组:1、柴油发电机组参数:型号:300GF 相数: 3额定功率:额定频率:50HZ额定电压:400/230V 额定电流:540A额定转速:1500r/min 额定功率因数cos&:0.8三、控制部分发电机控制柜按钮说明:手动/自动转换开关:控制柴油发电机起动方式的高速怠速:指在手动方式下旋转加速指令发出电源启动:在这里是控制电源不动作时发电机控制器无控制电源急停按钮:用于紧急情况使用其它指示灯作用:市电合闸指示灯:指的是保安变低压侧4800开关在合闸位置发电机合闸指示灯:指的是发电机控制柜断路器合闸报警指示:综合报警闪烁蜂鸣报警器(具体报警检查屏幕)HGM6100U C系列发电机组控制器1.概述HGM6100UC系列电站自动化控制器集成了数字化、智能化、网络化技术,用于单台发电机组自动化及监控系统,实现发电机组的自动开机/停机、数据测量、报警保护及“三遥”功能。
控制屏与一台MTU12V183TB12G型柴油机、一台LSA47.1 L11-4P 540kVA发电机以及柴油发电机组附属系统一起组成一个AC400V/230V三相四线制移动电站,输出至空调客车的一路供电主干线。
二使用环境环境温度 -20℃~+40℃最大相对湿度 90%(环境温度25℃时)海拔高度≤1500m机车正常运行所产生的振动和冲击三机组技术性能数据额定功率环温≤25℃时 Pe=416kW;环温=40℃时 Pe=398kW(功率修正);额定电压(线电压/相电压) 400V/230V额定电流 751A(Pe=416kW)718A(Pe=398kW)额定频率 50Hz额定功率因数 COSΦ=0.8(滞后)四结构形式本控制屏外形尺寸为2100mm×800mm×650mm(高×宽×厚),采用封闭式结构,具有强度大、重量轻、抗震性能好的特点。
1.2 EP- 20、EP-40 适用于以柴油发动机成套的动力装置配套使用。 1.3 具有防潮、防水花飞溅功能,可在温度-20℃~+50℃(可订购-40℃~+50℃),在相对湿 度 95%时不凝露的环境下连续工作,可应客户要求进行防盐雾处理。 1.4 EP- 10、EP-30 用户无需设定任何程序和参数,只需进行简易接线便可使用。 1.5 EP- 20、EP-40 由于采用电磁速度传感器作速度检测,所以用户必须输入飞轮的有关参数(详 见安装、调试说明)。
EASYPANEL 系列 当系统通电后,同时按下显示屏下方的▲▼(上、下)两个键 2 秒钟,即进入基本运 行参数设置序列,进入后会显示第一个设置参数的序号:“1.XXXX”(额定转速),按下“▲” 可在“1.XXXX”(额定转速)、“2.XXXX”( 脉冲频率)、“3.SEEP”、“4.XXXX”(低速报警)、 “5.XXXX”(超速报警)“6.XXXX”(低油压报警)“7.XXXX”(高温报警)等几项参数中选择。 选中要修改的参数后按“启动”进入修改(进入后前面序号不显示),按动▲▼键,显示的数值 便会顺序增减,设定后按“启动”键确认,按“复位”键退出设值。 首次运行使用前应先进行转速校准,控制器的转速信号是取自启动飞轮的电磁传感器, 其校准与设定的方法有两种: 方法 1:设置前准确取得启动飞轮的齿数(由发动机生产厂提供或成套前直接数出),然后计算
四种数据的检测和数字显示,带蓄电池电压过高/过低报警及超速/低速报警停机,低油压、高 冷却温度报警停机由开关量输入进行触发(系统适用于发动机已带油压表及水温表)。 1.7 EP- 30 控制器与 EP-10 同样设计用于发电机组的装配:但油压、温度传感器采用模拟量输 入,系统含转速、发电频率、润滑油压力、冷却温度、运行时间、蓄电池电压等六种信号的检 测和数字显示,带蓄电池电压过高/过低报警及超速/低速、低油压、高冷却温度报警停机(系 统适用于裸机,发动机没带油压表及水温表)。 1.8 EP- 20、EP-40 的控制对象主要是动力机械(也可用于发电机),EP- 20 与 EP-40 的区别是: EP- 20 的油压、水温采用开关量输入,而 EP- 40 采用模拟量油压、温度传感器,系统带数字油 压、温度显示。EP-40 控制器已含转速、油压、水温、运行时间、蓄电池电压等六种信号的检 测和显示。 1.9 配置 EP-10、EP-20 控制器的机组应具有柴油机配套的低油压报警开关、超温度报警开关, 并另行配套油门控制机构(电子调速或电磁铁)则可组成智能控制机组。 1.10 EP-**系列控制器装配的机组只须配套油门控制机构(电子调速或电磁铁)则可组成智能控 制机组 1.11 EP-**系列产品均提供一路扩展外部输入的开关量报警信号供用户使用。 2 功能特点 2.1 带手动及全自动控制功能。当自启动信号输入或人工按下启动按键,控制器便自动完成自 启动、机组运行、故障停机保护等程序控制和过程控制。 2.2 自动监控功能。自动监控发动机在启动、怠速、升速、全速等过程的速度变化,自动完成 启动电机的投入与撤出、转速过高与过低的超限停机、速度正常后输出运行(合闸)信号等。 2.3 柴油机运行状态显示功能。根据系统现时运行状况,由指示灯或显示屏指示设备当前所处 的状态,包括:待机、开机、供油、自启动、怠速延时、正常运行、冷却停机、紧急停机等。 显示屏显示的符号所代表的状态和参数请参照本说明书 4.7 表格。 2.4 运行参数检测、显示功能。在系统运行过程中,显示屏显示实时转速并通过翻页显示发电 频率、(EP-30、EP-40 增加油压、水温显示)、运行时间及蓄电池电压等现时数值。(EP-10、EP-20) 的机油压力、冷却水温的参数则由用户原机配套仪表进行测量和显示。 2 .5 故障自诊断、故障显示及自动停机保护功能。机组在自启动及运行过程中出现异常情况时, 控制器可根据预设参数判断其故障,并通过面板的显示屏和相应的指示灯同时显示故障原因, 外接蜂鸣器用户可接收自动报警信号;机组也将同时停机,对机组实施保护。自动报警并停机 保护的项目包括:无转速信号(启动转速过低、发电机不发电、启动电机与启动飞轮打滑)、超 速、低速、低油压、高冷却温度、启动失败、停机失败、外接扩展报警输入等。 3 安装、调试说明 3.1 注意事项
大气压力(KPa) 100环境温度(?) 25相对湿度(%) 30当使用条件与规定不符或超出12 h连续工作时,机组在非标准大气状况下,输出功率应按柴油机使用保养说明书的规定进行修正。
(三)机组在下列条件下能可靠地工作:环境温度(?) 5-40海拔高度(m)<1000相对湿度(%)<90(四)机组只适宜在室内或具有能避免日晒雨淋的场合使用。
柴油发电机使用说明书二、机组主要技术规格常用功率KW 40 50 64 75 90 100 120 150 180 200 250 280 300 320 备用功率KW 44 55 70 82 100 110 132 165 200 220 275 300 320 350 柴油机型号4135D-1 6135D-3 6135AD 6135JZD 6135AZD-1 G128ZLD G128ZLD2 12V135JZD12V135AZD 12V135AZLD 发电机型号 MP-40 MP-50 MP-64 MP-75 MP-90 MP-100 MP-120 MP-150 MP-180 MP-200 MP-250 MP-280 MP-300 MP-350 额定电压 400/230V额定电流 72A 90A 115A 135A 162A 180A 216A 271A 324A 361A 451A 504A 540A 576A 额定转速 1500rpm额定频率 50Hz功率因数 0.8相数及接法 3相4线Y形接法励磁方式无刷可控硅直励启动方式直流24V电启动冷却方式闭式循环水冷却绝缘等级 H燃油消耗率 225g/kw.h 241 g/kw.h 外形近似尺寸 2.68*1 2.7*1.1 3.43*1.4 4*1.6 2.1*0.8*1.3 2.57*0.9*1.4 2.65*1.0*1.5 3.5*1.2*1.78 3.6*1.45*1.96 长*宽*高(m) *1.73 *1.74 *1.96 *2.2 净重 1510kg 1510kg 1820kg 1820kg 1920kg 1920kg 2140kg 2800kg 3200kg 3220kg 3560kg 3600kg 3640kg 3800kg 柴油发电机使用说明书三、机组的主要性能(一)当机组功率因数为0.8,三相对称负载在0-100%或100%-0额定值的范围内渐变或突变时,能达到下列性能:电压频率机组功率稳态调瞬态调稳定时波动率稳态调瞬态调稳定时波动率 KW 整率 % 整率 % 间 S % 整率 % 整率 % 间 S % 40 - 90 3 ?10 5 100 120 4 ?15 7 150 3 ?10 5 +20 180 ?1 1 0.5 4 0.5 -15 200 3 ?15 7 250 3 280-320 5注:1、机组在0-25%额定负载下其电压波动率和频率波动率允许比表列数值大0.5。
HGM6100N系列(HGM6110N/6120N/6110NC/6120NC/6110CAN/6120CAN)发电机组控制器用户手册目次前言 (4)1 概述 (5)2 性能特点 (5)3 规格 (7)4 操作 (8)4.1 按键功能描述 (8)4.2 控制器面板 (9)4.3 自动开停机操作 (10)4.4 手动开停机操作 (11)4.5 应急开机 (11)5 保护 (11)5.1 警告 (11)5.2 停机报警 (12)6 接线 (14)7 编程参数范围及定义 (16)7.1 参数设置内容及范围 (16)7.2 可编程输出口1-4可定义内容 (21)7.3 可编程输入口1-5定义内容 (22)7.4 传感器选择 (23)7.5 起动成功条件选择 (24)8 参数设置 (25)9 传感器设置 (26)10 试运行 (27)11 典型应用 (28)12 安装 (30)12.1 卡件 (30)12.2 外形及开孔尺寸 (30)13 控制器与发动机的J1939连接 (32)13.1 CUMMINS ISB/ISBE(康明斯) (32)13.2 CUMMINS QSL9 (32)13.3 CUMMINS QSM11(进口) (32)13.4 CUMMINS QSX15-CM570 (33)13.5 CUMMINS GCS-MODBUS (33)13.6 CUMMINS QSM11(西安康明斯) (34)13.7 CUMMINS QSZ13(东风康明斯) (34)13.8 DETROIT DIESEL DDEC III / IV(底特律) (34)13.9 DEUTZ EMR2(道依茨) (35)13.10 JOHN DEERE(强鹿) (35)13.11 MTU ADEC(SMART模块) (35)13.12 MTU ADEC(SAM模块) (36)13.13 PERKINS(珀金斯) (36)13.14 SCANIA (36)13.15 VOLVO EDC3(沃尔沃) (37)13.16 VOLVO EDC4 (37)13.17 VOLVO-EMS2 (37)13.18 玉柴 (38)13.19 潍柴 (38)14 故障排除 (39)前言是众智的注册商标不经过本公司的允许,本文档的任何部分不能被复制(包括图片及图标)。
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