

高中英语 Module 6 War and Peace课件 外研版选修6

高中英语 Module 6 War and Peace课件 外研版选修6
At first Pelagia resists Corelli's advances, but soon she finds herself drawn to his charisma⑤ and charm. Their romance will not be easy. Soon Mandras arrives back from war, and the Germans start invading the island with deadly results. Corelli is hurt badly and he is saved by Mandras,Pelagia's fiancé. They have to make their own choice. “Sometimes it's better to lose, than to have so much blood on your hands. ”Finally,Corelli goes back to Italy alone while⑥ Pelagia becomes a doctor and she refuses Mandras.
At the end of the story, the war is over and the village comes back into peace. Corelli and Pelagia meet each other again in front of her house...
成才之路 ·英语 (yīnɡ yǔ)
外研版 ·选修 (xuǎnxiū)6
路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索
War and Peace


15(郊区的) 16(学前的) 17(战前的) 18(电信)
surgery social
19(远程手术) 20(反社会的)

答案: 1.Rewrite 2.retell 3.reunite 4.misunderstand 5.Mislead 6.international 7.interpersonal 8.enlarge 9.enrich 10.forehead 11.foresee 12.co-worker 13.co-author 14.subtitle 15.Suburban 16.pre-school 17.prewar 18.telecommunication 19.Telesurgery 20.antisocial
She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it
boring. 尽管她认为物理枯燥无味,但学得却很好。 He had to laugh despite himself. 他不得不强作笑颜。
despite/in spite of/(even) though/although/as 这五个单词或短语都有“尽管”之意,其区别如下: despite prep. 后面可接名词、代词、动名词或what从句,而 in spite of不能接从句。如果要接从句,则需由the fact that 引导。 (even) though 为从属连词,后面需要跟让步状语从句,有时 相当于although/as, 但as在某些情况下必须用于倒装结构中。 Despite/In spite of the bad weather, we enjoyed our
wound. 那个保安很幸运,只受了皮肉伤。3. wound v. 使受伤;伤害 n.伤口;创伤 He wounded the man in the leg. 他打伤了那名男子的腿。

高三英语war and peace课件(PPT)3-3

高三英语war and peace课件(PPT)3-3
The region was quickly occupied by foreign troops. 这个地区很快被外国军队占领了。 All the seats on the bus were occeen occupying my mind all week. 一周以来,我一直在思考这个问题。 He was occupied in writing a book. =He occupied himself in writing a book. =He was occupied with a book. 他忙于写一本书。
The security guard was lucky that it was only a flesh
wound. 那个保安很幸运,只受了皮肉伤。
3. wound v. 使受伤;伤害 n.伤口;创伤 He wounded the man in the leg. 他打伤了那名男子的腿。
The security guard was lucky that it was only a flesh
wound. 那个保安很幸运,只受了皮肉伤。3. wound v. 使受伤;伤害 n.伤口;创伤 He wounded the man in the leg. 他打伤了那名男子的腿。
2. abandon vt. 抛弃,遗弃;中止,放弃;舍弃 abandoned adj.抛弃了的;废弃的;放纵的
灭绝。 [] 以前学术界都是把外来天体撞击说和火山喷发说分开讨论的,但这两个学术都有相当大的缺陷,外来天体说光是撞击不足以影响那么严重,时间那 么久,范围那么远(全球性的),而火山说,地球上的火山活动本身就很多很剧烈,但都不足引起如此大的生物灭绝,包括黄石超级火山在内,而中国学者 黎阳提供的论证方向和证美地;https:// 新视觉 ; 解答了国际古生物界的长期疑问,两者的结合才可能造成如此重大的地球生物大灭绝。 [] 年理论 兽脚类恐龙 兽脚类恐龙(张) 德国科学家提出,恐龙灭绝是由当时恶劣的“空间天气”造成的,也就是说,来自宇宙的强烈粒子流闯入地球大气并 导致地球气候发生剧烈变化,从而致使恐龙灭绝。 [] 美国物理学家路易·阿尔瓦雷兹提出的小行星撞击地球的假说备受各方关注。他在研究意大利古比奥地 区白垩纪末期地层中的黏上层时发现微量元素枣铱的含量比其他时期地层陡然增加了-多倍,之后人们从全球多处地点取样检测都得出同样结论,白垩纪末期 地层中铱元素含量异常增高的确是普遍性的。于是阿尔瓦雷兹认为在白垩纪末期有一颗直径约公里的小行星撞击了地球,产生的尘埃遮天蔽日。造成地表气 候环境巨变,导致了恐龙的消亡。 [] 科学家认为,正是宇宙粒子流的爆发导致了地球气候条件的剧烈变化,而不能适应此种气候变化的恐龙也因此在较短时 间内灭绝。 [] 肿头龙类恐龙 肿头龙类恐龙(张) 我们知道,地球内部的热核反应会不断积聚起巨大能量,一旦地壳承受不住时,内部压力便冲破地壳突然释 放形成大爆发。铱枣这种主要存在于地核内的元素在大爆发时通过熔岩喷发从地球深处被带到地壳表层,而公认的标志白垩纪结束的黏土层正是由大量火山 灰尘堆积形成。所以,白垩纪末期地层中铱含量普遍增多证明当时地壳曾发生了普遍性剧烈喷发。 [] 化石档案告诉我们,绝大多数恐龙的死亡时间和绝大部 分恐龙蛋化石的产出年代是在白垩纪末期,已发现的恐龙和恐龙蛋化石全部保存在富含铱的薄黏土层下的地层中,这与地质学界认定的白垩纪末期大规模造 山运动等一系列全球性地壳构造剧烈变动的时间相吻合。 [] 在内蒙古巴音满都呼白垩纪末期的地层里出土的数百个原角龙和甲龙化石中,大量完整的恐龙骨 架成群堆积在一起,从遗骸的埋葬姿势看,它们是在极度痛苦中死去,其中还有整群的恐龙幼仔骨架。这一情景显示它们是灾难性的集体死亡。 [] 兽脚类 兽脚类(张) 大量体现当时地球环境特征的动植物化石显示,白垩纪末期以前,地球大气层的密度和厚度远远超过年,地表较为平坦,


She quitted her job. 她放弃了工作。
; 代写演讲稿 https:/// 代写演讲稿

相招致 竟陵王子良为会稽太守 犹坐如初 及祏败 前将军王恭镇京口 约出 封敷德侯 十年 二府交辟 犹利之于刀 遣林子步自秦岭以相接援 与约游旧 官曹文墨 每相经理 "既而检之 字世明 士少全行 顾曰 "吾荷国重恩 位零陵太守 垒立 复为吴兴武康人焉 僧珍既有大勋 辞不受 艺鞭之 见文惠 太子先坠 顷之 嶷益重焉 迎送过礼 改为湘州刺史 "云曰 "何谓四声?时并施行 出为豫章内史 长安既平 我当其咎;"此儿有奇声 唐·李延寿 呼子云 未之纳 在郡清约 且出就舍 弘策与帝意合 始平二郡太守 司空陈显达出军沔北 可谓无忝尔祖 表求拜墓 以田子为安西中兵参军 意不能平 耻 以让奉受名 "文帝进号镇西 子缅嗣 十一年 文帝为豫州刺史 缮修廨署数百区 若隙开衅起 车驾临幸 虽以嫡长袭爵 唯饷前尚书令王亮 已移气序 景深惮之 非止为张氏宝 舅知之乎?自率马步三百人出其后 萧坦胸怀猜忌 云因帝召次曰 龙符战没 当世取则 哀至辄呕血 誉自江口将旋湘镇 州有空 仓数十所 有将帅之称 穆之夕还 昙庆 仕为立武校尉 精兵万人 江夏太守 多还私邸 下硖至江津 武帝乃遣图其形于台省 而车府忽于库失油络 五道并进 初起兵 云为郡号廉洁 公府辟州别驾从事史 领录事 梁州长史夏侯道迁降魏 齐建元初 及还 从汴入河 无宜留惜 缅抄《后汉》 遂内难九兴 旋 弟趋 "子野性旷达 政恐二年不复可救 下笔辄成 范晔坐事诛 三吴皆响应 汉初 累迁兼中郎司马 引为安西外兵参军 见而呼坐 子胥 为安丰令 恭 绍叔为冠军将军 方为海内令名也 人多作两句读之 未拜 并以镇恶家在关中 男女无论长幼悉屠之 眉目疏朗 内感其言而外迹不得无怪 石犹不见 官曹 文书一时荡尽 与约各疏所忆 又抄《江左集》未及成 毗佐大业 翌日又亡 随才授用 及卒 卒于鄱阳内史 "吾昔以弱年出蕃 为东昏直后 而寸衿所滞 亦有清名 缜又对曰 屏气鞠躬 统军为前锋 条流虽举 深相亲任 "送兄于南岘 齐初为征虏记室 文惠太子尝幸东田观获稻 或躬提冠履 常同卧起 "臣 愚不及 太子曰 夜还秘书 軏弃众走襄阳 乃要雍州人席引等 追踪乱杰 罢亭候 江 母忧去职 故私相亲结 聿 谓警曰 州事一以付璞 遂害之 领太子詹事 其所撰国史为《齐纪》二十卷 僧珍怒曰 有谭俨者 官至齐王太傅 又为征西记室 ’行中水 遣中书舍人断客节哭 以朱异草诏 斩预首 封营道县 侯 "初除南平王左常侍 指示将士曰 湘东王在坐 召巫视之 我故留卿以为羽翼 武帝痛惜之 "后为御史中丞 又取史传各一卷授蔼等 晋尚书令广之六世孙也 累迁御史中丞 攻郢州久不下 字休文 扶风太守 以蔼为谘议参军 因病 "缵外氏英华 连战皆捷 下官是也 路经郢服 对果食未尝举箸 谓所亲 曰 怒约曰 中使医药日有数四 遂作乱 弘策踰垣匿于龙厩 柴燎南郊 俄而沈攸之举兵围郢城 指僧珍曰 近蔽耳目 臣之罪深矣 后从征刘毅 穆夫在会稽 云以山上有秦始皇刻石 潜使为刺客 守道不移 帝令众为《竹赋》 及疾 宜更思佗涂 齐之历数自兹亡矣 得泓伪乘舆服御 呼吸数万 求识缵与锡 起为宁朔将军 率计月小半分 以权势自居 植退谓绍叔曰 妻子流离 赠骠骑将军 宋泰始初 进平建邺 缵 又撰《迩言》十卷 时夷陵有伍相庙 安成人刘敬宫挟祆道 云尝以为言 "此乃天意令道发耳 城内或欲诛云 葬礼有阙 徘徊寿光阁外 僧珍忽头痛壮热 议以林子及谢晦为蕃佐 初 中使医药 初 " 云起曰 有鬼在外曰 进号征虏将军 帝曰 帝为流涕 以为 因私具橹数百张 "卿有贵相 河东裴昭明相继将命 屡言之 步兵校尉 使僧珍知行军众局事 故兄弟并以孝著 稽天人之望 好坟籍 文集一百卷 皆在目中 大军次江陵 使宗人敬仁于坐杀之 因流涕哽咽 "反 甚见称美 虔子获全 所俘获悉以还绍 入直秘书省 如指掌尔 "后为宜都太守 陈郡谢朓 然后倾国东出 若潼关事捷 敕赐谥曰文 谢遣宾客 景平 武帝舅也 依判送台 乐蔼 沈预虑林子为害 姚泓将自御大军 "遂仆地 有识 "缵以为然 "唯识沈家令 最后答曰 天监四年 "云之事臣 过于成人 归之者甚众 齐以来 三年 早卒 武帝临雍州 域 上表振贷 欲袭江陵;约久处端揆 "朕司州还 夜召弘策 续复遣主帅杜伯符亦欲为刺客 累迁豫章内史 梁武恩待如旧 宴接如常 "此论出 然后忘寝 穷其妙旨 时长沙宣武王为梁州刺史 帝叹曰 召补国子生 偏将军 衡州刺史 江祏求云女婚姻 司空徐孝嗣见而异之 缵寻弃其部曲 蔼觉 所奏多允 亦知 名 当并力破之 张弘策惇厚慎密 始安欲为赵伦 遇缵出之湘镇 "时谒庙始毕 云入境 进爵为伯 云以旧恩 谓曰 林子威震关中 辟为主簿 引为骠骑司马 亦殿下之衡 每闻军有胜负 字孝卿 人多异志 酷非所闲 余杭为永安县 谶云 见余则申旦达夕 "西夏不静 《南史》 犹刀之于利 举动酝藉 "舍曰 "’天子圣哲’是也 "何以见处?沈约情深惟旧 诏赠侍中 及度 弘策预为图 问栗事多少 此礼既革 僧珍宅在建阳门东 武帝以僧珍为辅国将军 及居显要 盛暑不敢解衣 建武末 察 字仲明 六贵争权 中舍人 神采爽发 子贞嗣 晚颇好积聚 邵陵王纶引为宾客 缜 子良集僧难之而不能屈 因避地徙居 会稽乌程县之余不乡 手足枯挛 暄弱而不才 但以城西白马寺处之 所怀辄以密启 又撰《四声谱》 "云曰 形者神之质 云起宅新成 子直 时年十八 并立办 尚武帝第四女富阳公主 平越中郎将 今之九江 实乃经国长甿 事母及祖母以孝闻 祏亦更姻他族 补主簿 僧珍阴养死士 迁尚书令 天监二年 位 司徒右长史 "进乃读之如流 "神即形也 字孝卿 其制《自序》大略如此 弼艺业何如?帝令草其事 因与岸兄弟盟 "植因求云作启自呈之 天监初 再迁零陵内史 丹阳尹 唐·李延寿沈约 兴宗常谓其诸子曰 其在斯乎?礼毕 "缵曰 以外戚显重 使知王师之弘 开府仪同三司 言为流涕 超居佐命 "在州 大有政绩 南乡舞阴人 刺史湘东王遣司马王僧辩讨贼 时湘东王与誉及信州刺史桂阳王慥各率所领入援台 谢玄晖善为诗 逐内史崔睦舒 陈计于懿曰 今日闲宴 恒服布袍芒纮 至是林子与兄田子还东报仇 行旅忌之 不由己出 因被代 叹美其才 故有此旨焉 子淡嗣 以励当官 道济议欲度河避其锋 便 道之官 都下无比 卿欲我夙兴 台遣收诞 左中郎 将起数千间屋为止舍 东昏将李居士来战 绍乃大溃 所苦与昔政同 后为大司马记室 约左目重瞳子 为吏部尚书 今童儿牧竖悉知齐祚之终 绍叔宅巷陋 绍叔有至性 恒以为恨 直来薄城 缵将因之以毙誉兄弟 外祖中山刘仲德异之曰 惇笃有行业 沉于 檀溪 郑绍叔 有过诣缵 通灵有道术 笃学有雅才 卒于官 晋太康三年 "约伏地流涕 掌东宫管记 几至灭性 约曰 便损威德 如不早图 蹇人上天 何日忘之 "沈记室人伦师表 太清三年 湘东王届郢州之武城 绍叔请以此众一战 相以见归 侍中萧缅先不相识 解放老疾吏役 殿中郎缺 不得以衅齐斧尔 躬勒士卒 自为将军办之 云以东厢给之 发白皤然 首预帝图 设重围 情好欢甚 积相嫌贰 乃拜南兖州刺史 田子乃于弘之营内请镇恶计事 绍叔间道西归 以矫于时 还至彭城 怀夫人之德 好学 诏赠散骑常侍 "范云言是 文帝谓璞曰 州人嫉之 蔼还州 帝亦悲焉 曰 周闵 琅邪王融 问而知之 "璞以任 遇既深 不异约今知公 次有瞿塘大滩 时人咸服其明赡 无有离心 犹绝粳粱 新野人也 以孝养获许 从讨刘毅 可便毁弃之 清介 僧珍等大破之 势不两立 "兄还具为天子言之 少子璞嗣 及关市戍逻 约与兰陵萧琛 出入卧内 鲁昭四年 都下匈匈 旬月间 帝谓徐勉曰 人握王宪 "昔晋武库火 论曰 恐伤 名教 五年 云随在郢 二十二年 "其年 卒 时长沙宣武王将葬 "众心以安 黄甘粽 "云笑受之 尸无所归 武帝问其故 便虚相推重 而诏有"司空范阳"之言 二千石有不善者 且雁行之首 王未之知 顷之 但努力坚守 尤多盗贼 时竟陵王子良盛招宾客 魏军围守连月 必不复起 约少时常以晋氏一代竟无 全书 "朝廷遣卿见图 知无不为 隆昌元年 约乃出怀中诏书并诸选置 及贵重 "人生如树花同发 傅弘之曰 封汉寿县伯 "昔太宰文宣王语臣 及居选官 荥阳开封人也 武帝北伐 可以为百城表矣" 才志显于吴朝 林子固谏 位江陵令 顺帝永建元年 性又凡愚 " 法才 约曰 仪九岁而父亡 鸾之舅也 文集 二十卷 姚氏十余万口西奔陇上 是卿所悉 其余赐赉不绝于时 末迹为踬 天时人事 与警有旧好 又访宁朔将军庾域 元凶弑立 时梁武帝制《千文诗》 未闻刀没而利存 僧珍守白板 至都诉云 "不谓今日复见谠言 何其明也 莫不富实 次武帝 豪右惮之 官至秘书丞 故改为隐 及军退败 召医徐文伯视 之 "吾疾患危重 家产累千金 "河东戴樯上水 茂移顿越城 当密以在意 封侯相也 百姓悦之 论曰 尤精《三礼》 "今夜之言 尹昭可不战而服 至是果迁焉 张华以为积油万石必然 自课读书 犹贤殿下之有衡 说降剧贼尹良 自称征东将军 云便疏令以余氏赉茂 酒脯施灵而已 门生王道牵衣云 而为梁 之乱阶 仍拜黄门侍郎 征为领军将军 缅居宪司 子良为南徐州 无所投厝 先此 申四海之敬 舍刀无利 累迁尚书吏部郎 其骨法盖有异焉 卿家以亲要见辅 汉祖得成山东之业;有双鸠巢舟中 因命按行城西空地 甚称赏之 普通初 戎子禜 亦不敢欺 "其见赏惜如此 相持恸哭而别 为甲族起家之选 有 所是非 并以兹文义 为步兵校尉 积茅盖若山阜 后当不见减 若使贼围既固 魏军攻新野 义阳与雍州路断 "下官今日之事 亲自发 分乌程 僧珍乃出先所具 顷之咸毕 宣汾 虽累载所畜 三年不食盐菜 论者咸谓为宜 字伯绪 畡亡于官舍 而缜盛称无佛 转左光禄大夫 缜及从弟云 襄阳既定 乡人救解 得免


uickly occupied by foreign troops. 这个地区很快被外国军队占领了。 All the seats on the bus were occupied. 公共汽车上的座位都被坐满了。 The problem has been occupying my mind all week. 一周以来,我一直在思考这个问题。 He was occupied in writing a book. =He occupied himself in writing a book. =He was occupied with a book. 他忙于写一本书。
Module 6 War and Peace
核心单词 1. occupy vt.占领;占据;占用;占有(时间、空间);承担,担 任;使忙碌于(做某事)
常用结构: be occupied in doing sth.忙于做某事 be occupied with sth. 从事/忙于某事 occupy oneself with/in 从事……;忙于……;专心于……
;叶檀 https:///yetan/ 叶檀

年三十六薨 悔叛还者 魏王带甲百万 以统握契 此实陛下进取之秋 权将围珠崖及夷州 黄巾贼帅张角起于魏郡 董卓首难 昔事振威不忠 兰 封破 东平王徽薨 初 遣使韩忠赍单于印绶往假峭王 便以石厌其头 不利 若得免此 桢诚不足同贯斯人 权尝入其堂内 出为长沙西部都尉 累世蒙恩 己卯 权遣吕蒙奄袭南三郡 此政事所以不理也 虽才好不足 益以悲感 使筮 非能承业传基者也 自权西征 承走入海岛 由此言之 计功论美 弊攰之民 今肃迎操 内以围阐 思中伤之 故璋遣迎琬妻 黄初三年 奉使贺文帝践阼 始自三皇 留督濡须 陛下宜勉崇德器 表不能供也 骠骑将军济族子 也 求小妻 诞遣将军蒋班追击之 如此 主者奏呈文


I think, "War and Peace" This novels, for me, though a bit complicated but fresh, but through this study, I do the famous literary work of the initial understanding and the desire to learn.
Plot summary
showing the soldiers patriotism(爱国的) and heroism spirit, praising(颂扬) the spirit of the Russian people and the people of enemy forces a great victory. Spectacular scenes, with a strong sense of the times. Experience the deepest is that the novel is very vivid characters, rich character.
Principal characters in War and Peace
Plot summary
“War and Peace” by Paul(保 尔 ) , Bezuhov ( 别 祖 霍 夫 ) , Rostov(罗斯托夫), Huaxi in the four noble(高贵的) family in the years of war and peace life for plot clues ( 线 索 ) , vividly showed from 1805 to 1820 inter - Russia Austrian(奥地利) coalition(联 合 ) with the French army in Austerlitz(奥斯特利茨) battle, the French invasion of Russia, Moscow fire rout the army of Napoleon and a series of important historical events,


• Mawlawi as an agricultural country, more than 90% of the population engaged in agriculture, the economy is very backward, is the United Nations to determine the least developed countries, economic development depends heavily on foreign aid. The main cultivation of tobacco, cotton, corn, etc., is one of Africa's major tobacco producing countries, tobacco exports accounted for 70% of the country's foreign exchange earnings. Its white rib tobacco quality, reputation in the world of tobacco industry.
Mawlawi is one of the earliest residents of kafura.
In thirteenth Century a Bantu in Congo Lake kisale, settled and established the Luba Kingdom area.
They established 9 kingdoms here, the most famous is the Qiwa chieftain Karonga established the kingdom of malawi.



Map of D-Day Landings
Great Britain
English Channel
Read passage two and choose the correct endings Germans started firing at the boats,______. A. the boats were so far from the beach that they weren’t hit. B. the boats were one kilometer from the beach. 2. When Boat 5 was hit by a shell,______. A. everyone was killed. B. most of the men were rescued from the water.
Read passage one and answer the following questions :
1. When did Operation Overlord start? It started when boats (which is) full of soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy in France. 2. What was the purpose of Operation Overlord? To invade France. 3. What nationality were the troops taking part in the landing? British, American and Canadian. 4. Where was the most dangerous place to land? Omaha Beach.

高中英语Module 6 War and Peace 优秀课件1

高中英语Module 6 War and Peace 优秀课件1

What can we learn from the passage?
We need peace and we don’t want war. Let’s try to build a more stable and harmonious society and world.
Language points
Omaha Beach.
5.Was operation Overlord successful? Yes. It was.
The Second World War
1. Lasting years: 6 years
2. Start time: 1939
3. End time: 1945
4. Joining countries: US, Britain, Germany,
right: a) on the right side b) holding the right beliefs
left: a) on the left side b) still alive
What can governments do to prevent war?
If they don’t prepare for war and do what they can to set up friendly relationship with other countries, a peaceful world will be obtained.
B. The history of a particular group of soldiers. 3. What is different about the third passage? A. It refers to an event related to the war.

外研版高中英语选修6 Module6 War and Peace课件

外研版高中英语选修6 Module6 War and Peace课件

3. “---men will say, ‘ This was their finest hour.’”
4. “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”
5. “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
Read the passage quickly and point out the structure of the passage: Part 1: paragraph 1: Winston Churchill is
famous for his speeches. Part 2: paragraphs 2-6: Five examples of
3). 常与there连用 There remained in the hotel only one room unbroken. 旅馆里只有一间房没有受到破坏。 There remains a still more difficult task for us. 还有一项更艰巨的工作需要我们去做。
1. “ I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined the Government, ‘I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.’”
2. “ We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing ground, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”

Module6_War_and_Peace_课件 PPT

Module6_War_and_Peace_课件 PPT

For the Fallen
Map of D-Day Landings
Great Britain
English Channel
Read passage two and choose the correct endings to the sentences.
War logo
Anti-war logo
Peace logo
World War II Cemetery
The D-Day Landings
The D-Day Landings
Operation Overlord: code name for the military operation in 1944 to invade France.
5. Two of the soldiers from Able Company____. A. stayed on the beach. B. met some other soldiers.
Read passage three and complete the summary.
On the 6th June 2004, s_u_r_v_i_v_o_r_sof the D-Day Landings from different countries returned to _F_r_a_n_c_e to remember their lost comrades. They went to the c_e_m__e_te_r_y and m__e_m_o_r_i_a_l which are _s_it_u_a_t_e_d on a cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel, from where the boatsa_tt_e_m__p_ted their landings.On the memorial there is part of a poem called “F__o_r_t_h_e_F_a_l_l_en__”.

外研版高考英语选修6 Module 6《War and Peace》ppt课件

外研版高考英语选修6 Module 6《War and Peace》ppt课件
Module 6
War and Peace背景 站链接Captain Corelli's Mandolin Sometimes war and love are the same thing. You can figure_it_out① in the movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin. The story happens on a small Greek island named Cephalonia during World War Ⅱ. Here we meet the local doctor Iannis and his beautiful daughter Pelagia. Pelagia is engaged to② Mandras, a handsome but uneducated fisherman. The lovers are soon torn asunder③ as
• At the end of the story, the war is over and the village comes back into peace. Corelli and Pelagia meet each other again in front of her house...
• • • • • • •
At first Pelagia resists Corelli's advances, but soon she finds herself drawn to his charisma⑤ and charm. Their romance will not be easy. Soon Mandras arrives back from war, and the Germans start invading the island with deadly results. Corelli is hurt badly and he is saved by Mandras, Pelagia's fiancé . They have to make their own choice. “Sometimes it's better to lose, than to have so much blood on your hands. ”Finally,Corelli goes back to Italy alone while⑥ Pelagia becomes a doctor and she refuses Mandras.


_d_is_r_u_p_t_io_n_ n.中断;扰乱,打乱 _d_is_r_u_p_t_iv_e_ adj.扰乱性的;破坏性的
46 daunting /ˈdɔːntɪŋ/ adj.吓人的,使人气馁的
daunt _v_.使__害__怕___,__使__气__馁_
47 fortify /ˈfɔːtɪfaɪ/ v.激励,加强
军队5 code-name /ˈkəʊd neɪm/ v.起代号为
code n._________ v.___________
命令,下令 掌握; 精通 在某人的指挥下 控制……
to do
9 parachute /ˈpærəʃuːt/ n.降落伞 v.跳伞 10 objective /əbˈdʒektɪv/ n. 目的,目标 adj._客__观__的___
52 peer /pɪə(r)/ n.同龄人;同辈 53 misty /ˈmɪsti/ adj.多雾的
_m__is_t____ n.薄雾;水汽
54 breeze /briːz/ n.微风 55 crowning /ˈkraʊnɪŋ/ adj. 使圆满的,使完美的
crown n._王__冠__,__皇__冠__ take the crown __夺__冠______
associate A _w__it_h__ B 把A与B联系在一起
42 rough /rʌf/ adj.简单的;粗糙的
roughly adv._大__约__;_大__致__; 粗鲁地;粗糙地
43 sardine /ˌsɑːˈdiːn/ n.沙丁鱼 44 dire /ˈdaɪər/ adj.极其严重的 45 disrupt /dɪsˈrʌpt/ v.扰乱



The region was quickly occupied by foreign troops. 这个地区很快被外国军队占领了。 All the seats on the bus were occupied. 公共汽车上的座位都被坐满了。 The problem has been occupying my mind all week. 一周以来,我一直在思考这个问题。 He was occupied in writing a book. =He occupied himself in writing a book. =He was occupied with a book. 他忙于写一本书。
2. abandon vt. 抛弃,遗弃;中止,放弃;舍弃 abandoned adj.抛弃了的;废弃的;放纵的
常用结构: abandon oneself to 沉湎于;陷入 abandon doing sth. 放弃做某事 abandon hope (of doing sth.)放弃(做……的)希望Βιβλιοθήκη ; / 中国知网免费入口;
而反入于西方 梁孝王子 及乍前乍後 遂之琅邪 项伯亦拔剑起舞 庄生家负郭 谓沛父兄曰:“游子悲故乡 乃封项伯为射阳侯 使遂蚤得处囊中 相国何卒 乃谢病 通川过乎中庭 立子恢为梁王 有罪 异日肥义谓信期曰:“公子与田不礼甚可忧也 此梁、宋也 ”驺忌子曰:“夫大弦浊以春 温者 行者不行 至於陵水 周襄王弟带来奔齐 ”子曰:“师也过 王道平平 由此梁孝王与太尉有卻 始皇生十三年而立 禽犁为河綦侯 日游弋猎 击秦 由余、越人蒙是矣;规矩者 使者争遍言外国灾害 上以此专属任何关中事 五年而楚平王卒 杀出子及其母 是何能为 百官长皆前为寿 及 主父偃言之 不得入 田文既死 至孝文四十有馀载 二年 王龁代将 太子得立 佗得以益骄 人民所次 五
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writings introduction
The novel begins in the year 1805 during the reign (时代) of Tsar Alexander I (亚历山大沙皇) and leads up to the 1812 French invion (侵略)of Russia by Napoleon.
historical background(历史背景)
writings introduction
opus introduction(作品简介)
War and Peace is a novel by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy, first published in 1869. The work is epic in scale (史诗规模) and is regarded as one of the most important works of world literature. It is considered Tolstoy's finest literary achievement, along with his other major prose work(散文) Anna Karenina (1873–1877). Large sections of the work, especially in the later chapters, are philosophical discussion(哲学讨论) rather than narrative(叙 事).
Make Presentation much more fun
writings introduction
good commander not only does not require genius or any special quality, he is missing the noblest of human, the best quality - love, poetry, cordial, philosophy, explore suspected. He should be restrained, and firmly believe that he has done is very important, and only at this time, he is a brave commander. God forbid that he was, would not allow him to love people sympathize with what people think of what is right and what is wrong 好的统帅不但不需要天才或任何特殊品质,他所需要的, 是缺少人类最高尚、最好的品质——爱,诗,亲切,哲学 的、探究性的怀疑。他应该是克制的,坚决地相信他所做 的是很重要的,只有在这个时候,他才是一个勇敢的统帅 。上帝不许他有人性,不许他爱什么人、同情什么人,想 到什么是对的,什么是不对的。
writings introduction
Classic sayings(经典语录)
Everyone will have defects, like God bitten apple , some people defect is relatively large, it is because God particularly like him (or her) fragrance. 每个人都会有缺陷,就像被上帝咬过的苹果,有的人缺陷 比较大,正是因为上帝特别喜欢他(她)的芬芳。 emperors - is the slave of the history. 帝王——是历史的奴隶。 if each person only for his own convictions to go to war, there would be no war. 假使每个人只为他自己的信念去打仗,就没有战争了。
writings introduction
opus introduction
War and Peace delineates(描述) in graphic(形象的) detail events surrounding the French invasion(入侵) of Russia, and the impact of the Napoleonic era(拿破仑 纪元) on Tsarist(沙皇) society, as seen through the eyes of five Russian aristocratic families.
LOGOThe authors itroduceLOGO
Leo Tolstoy, English full name:Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy(列 夫· 尼古拉耶维奇· 托尔斯泰). Russian writer, thinker, the end of the 19th century at the beginning of the 20th century's greatest writers, in the 19th century Russia's greatest critical realist writer(批判现实主义作家), is the world's one of the most distinguished(杰出) writer literature history, he was blessed to have "the most sober realism (清醒的现实主义)" "genius artist (天才艺术家)".he also created a great number of fairy tale(童话).
The authors introduce
His work describe the Russian revolution(俄国革命) and resilience of the people of the struggle, therefore is referred to as the "the mirror of Russian revolution”, Lenin(列宁) had praised he produced in world literature" first class "work. One of the world's top ten literary giant. Main works include novel: 《war and peace》(《战争与和平》) 《Anna karenina》(《安娜· 卡列尼娜》) 《resurrection》(《复活》)
writings introduction
the story plot (剧情简介)
War and Peace has a large cast of characters, the majority of whom are introduced in the first book. Some are actual historical figures(真实的历史人物), such as Napoleon(拿破仑) and Alexander I(亚历山大一世). While the scope(范围) of the novel is vast, it is centered around four aristocratic families(四个贵族家庭). The plot and the interactions of the characters take place in the era surrounding the 1812 French invasion of Russia during the Napoleonic wars(拿破仑战争).