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busy studying to have time to cause trouble.
Q: What does the man imply? A) He doesn’t want Jenny to get into trouble.
√ B) He doesn’t agree with the woman’s remark.
threatening us right now. As a preventative measure (预 防措施), we are told to let in fresh air by opening the windows and not to use air-conditioners.
Q: What does the woman mean?
6. 语气态度题型
这类题型出现的不多,主要特征是:回答者说话内容较短, 需从说话者语气中把握其含义。
例:W: Shouldn’t someone go pick up the clothes from the laundry? They were ready three hours ago.
学习场景 选课场景(选修课程、必修课程、课程难度、教授要求、 同学推荐、参考书目)、作业场景(教师与学生、学生与 学生、课程作业、课程论文、学期论文、期中测试、单 元小节等),考试(临时抱佛脚),论文(进展),听演 讲或报告(枯燥),同学互助(帮忙补课),图书馆场 景(借书、还书、丢书、续借、查询、罚单等)
A) The temperature is not as high as the man claims.
B) The room will get cool if the man opens the windows.
√ C) She is following instructions not to use the air-conditioning.
2. 观点态度题型
例:W: I am worried about Jenny going to college. College
students are so wild nowadays.
M: Actually, only a few are like that. Most students are too
D) She is afraid the new epidemic SARS will soon spread all
over town.
5. 生活场景题型
英语交际通常使用一种模式化的语言,在固定的场景 中其词汇和表达也相对比较固定,平时注意积累场景 高频词汇和习惯表达,考生只要在复习时重点突出, 强化训练,就可以在四级听力短对话部分做到未听半 知的状态。
√ D) Dr. Smith may not be a good choice.
言外之意:女士丝毫不提史密斯的医术如何,只说了一些无 关紧 要的琐事,无非是暗示她的医术很烂,故不愿意向男士 推荐。
疑问回答型 例:W: I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another
√ [D] She got hurt in an accident yesterday.
√ C) It’ll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house.
D) It’s too expensive for the Edwards to live in their present house.
3. 虚拟语气题型
这属于一种隐性考法,用虚拟语气表达一种抱怨、后悔等情绪 ,体现虚拟语气的关键词有:if, if only, I only wish..., couldn’t have done something...without...等。 例:M: I wonder if you find my experience relevant to the job.
二 、 大学英语四级听力考试的题型分析
(1)八个短对话 (short conversation) 题型一般涉及时间,地点,职业,关系,活动,态度,观点或者
看法,直接含义,间接暗示等。 (2)两组长对话 (long conversation)
题型一般随话轮的交替而追问事件的先后次序、事件的因果关系、 事件的逻辑对比和对照等关系,以及对话一方的行为和打算等。 (3)短文理解 (passage) 一般由三篇题材熟悉,内容难度适当,话题比较流行,字数在250 字左右的小品文或者小故事组成。问题往往涉及短文中重要细节, 中心思想,作者态度,特殊词汇的理解。 (4)复合式听写(compound dictation) 包括两个部分,第一部分的空格要求考生根据录音内容准确地填出 空格所缺词汇,一般为每空一个单词。第二部分要求考生听完后根 据自己的理解写出文章中所缺少的信息。考生可以根据正确理解, 用自己的话语,也可以用听到的原文。复合式听写的短文长度一般 为250词左右,全文朗读三遍,第二遍速度较慢,中间有停顿。
W: Yes, certainly, but if only you had sent in your application letter a week earlier.
Q: What does the woman imply? A) The man is not suitable for the position.
4. 理解归纳题型
这类题型难度颇高,关键在于后者话语中的生词及细节较 多,很难在短时间内完全把握对话的实质内容。 例:M: Excuse me, Madam? Is the air-conditioning on? This
room is getting as hot as a furnace(火炉). W: Sorry, sir, a new epidemic (流行病) called SARS is
根据所提出问题的内容和针对性,四级听力短对话 可分为以下六类:
1. “言外之意”题
2. 观点态度题 3.虚拟语气题 4.理解归纳题 5.生活场景题 6.语气态度题
1. “言外之意”题型
这类题型难度较高,对话中的回答者不从正面回答 问题,似乎答非所问,一些句子的真实含义也不是直截 了当地摆在我们面前,而是要根据对话中的内容去寻 找与其相关的信息以及它们之间的联系。这就需要我 们运用解题的逻辑思维与推理来找到正确答案。根据 回答者的语气判断主要有陈述回答和疑问回答。
√ B) The job has been given to someone else.
C) She had received only one application letter. D) The application arrived a week earlier than expected.
C) He thinks Jenny’s worБайду номын сангаасload too heavy at college.
D) He believes most college students are running wild. 分析:从男士说话中的actually一词可以听出他并不同意女士 刚刚说的内容,他有自己的想法,类似的词语还有in fact,这 也提醒我们,抓住短对话中的小词去揣摩说话人的态度也是 非常关键的。
例:M: I need to find a dentist; you said you know Dr. Smith well, do you recommend her?
W: Well, I had to see her a few times, but what impressed me most was the magazines in her waiting room.
不能劳累),不良生活习惯(吸烟、酗酒对身体有害), 天气场景(天气变化、温度变化、降水、降雪、风沙等灾 害性天气、租房场景(租金、押金以及数额、支付方式、 房客应遵循的规则、对房屋设施等的介绍)、娱乐场景(影 院、剧院、舞厅、球场、游泳等娱乐设施),餐馆场景(定 座、点菜、结账、小费、投诉等场景词汇),面试场景(个 人爱好、兴趣、教育背景、工作经历、对应聘职位的了解 和期盼、对工资待遇和上班时间的特殊要求等),搭乘飞 机(预定机票、推迟、改签),天气原因(导致航班延 误),交通事故(事故原因或导致迟到)等
Q: what do we learn about the woman from the conversation?
18. [A] She is black and blue all over.
[B] She has to go to see a doctor.
[C] She stayed away from work for a few days.
应试英语听力——短 对话、长对话
《大学英语课程教学基本要求》对学生英语 听力能力的一般要求(即四级水平)可以量化 为:能听懂英语授课、能听懂日常英语谈 话和一般性题材讲座、能基本听懂英语慢 速节目,语速130词每分钟,并能运用基本 听力技巧帮助理解中心思想和信息要点, 准确率不低于70%。
house. M: Should they be doing that with all the other expenses
they have to pay? Anyhow, they are over 70 now, their present house is not too bad. Q: What does the man imply? A) The Edwards are quite well-off. B) The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses.
M: Don’t look at me, Mom. Q: What does the boy mean?
√ A) He’s unwilling to fetch the laundry.
B) He has already picked up the laundry. C) He will go before the laundry is closed. D) He thinks his mother should get the clothes back. 分析:从男士说话语气看出他不愿意去。
短对话是四级考试中固定而且相对简单的 题型,共8组,每组对话长度为几十词左右, 由一男一女朗读,之后问一个问题,要求 考生从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。其 中绝大部分题的答案不在对话中明示,需 要考生根据听到的内容进行推测。对话内 容涵盖了日常生活的方方面面,如学习、 工作、娱乐、交通等。
Q: What does the woman imply? A) Dr. Smith’s waiting room isn’t tidy. B) Dr. Smith enjoys reading magazines. C) Dr. Smith has left a good impression on her.
W: My hand still hurts from the fall on the ice yesterday. I wonder if I broke something.
M: I’m no doctor, but it’s not black and blue or anything. Maybe you just need to rest it for a few days.
Q: What does the man imply? A) He doesn’t want Jenny to get into trouble.
√ B) He doesn’t agree with the woman’s remark.
threatening us right now. As a preventative measure (预 防措施), we are told to let in fresh air by opening the windows and not to use air-conditioners.
Q: What does the woman mean?
6. 语气态度题型
这类题型出现的不多,主要特征是:回答者说话内容较短, 需从说话者语气中把握其含义。
例:W: Shouldn’t someone go pick up the clothes from the laundry? They were ready three hours ago.
学习场景 选课场景(选修课程、必修课程、课程难度、教授要求、 同学推荐、参考书目)、作业场景(教师与学生、学生与 学生、课程作业、课程论文、学期论文、期中测试、单 元小节等),考试(临时抱佛脚),论文(进展),听演 讲或报告(枯燥),同学互助(帮忙补课),图书馆场 景(借书、还书、丢书、续借、查询、罚单等)
A) The temperature is not as high as the man claims.
B) The room will get cool if the man opens the windows.
√ C) She is following instructions not to use the air-conditioning.
2. 观点态度题型
例:W: I am worried about Jenny going to college. College
students are so wild nowadays.
M: Actually, only a few are like that. Most students are too
D) She is afraid the new epidemic SARS will soon spread all
over town.
5. 生活场景题型
英语交际通常使用一种模式化的语言,在固定的场景 中其词汇和表达也相对比较固定,平时注意积累场景 高频词汇和习惯表达,考生只要在复习时重点突出, 强化训练,就可以在四级听力短对话部分做到未听半 知的状态。
√ D) Dr. Smith may not be a good choice.
言外之意:女士丝毫不提史密斯的医术如何,只说了一些无 关紧 要的琐事,无非是暗示她的医术很烂,故不愿意向男士 推荐。
疑问回答型 例:W: I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another
√ [D] She got hurt in an accident yesterday.
√ C) It’ll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house.
D) It’s too expensive for the Edwards to live in their present house.
3. 虚拟语气题型
这属于一种隐性考法,用虚拟语气表达一种抱怨、后悔等情绪 ,体现虚拟语气的关键词有:if, if only, I only wish..., couldn’t have done something...without...等。 例:M: I wonder if you find my experience relevant to the job.
二 、 大学英语四级听力考试的题型分析
(1)八个短对话 (short conversation) 题型一般涉及时间,地点,职业,关系,活动,态度,观点或者
看法,直接含义,间接暗示等。 (2)两组长对话 (long conversation)
题型一般随话轮的交替而追问事件的先后次序、事件的因果关系、 事件的逻辑对比和对照等关系,以及对话一方的行为和打算等。 (3)短文理解 (passage) 一般由三篇题材熟悉,内容难度适当,话题比较流行,字数在250 字左右的小品文或者小故事组成。问题往往涉及短文中重要细节, 中心思想,作者态度,特殊词汇的理解。 (4)复合式听写(compound dictation) 包括两个部分,第一部分的空格要求考生根据录音内容准确地填出 空格所缺词汇,一般为每空一个单词。第二部分要求考生听完后根 据自己的理解写出文章中所缺少的信息。考生可以根据正确理解, 用自己的话语,也可以用听到的原文。复合式听写的短文长度一般 为250词左右,全文朗读三遍,第二遍速度较慢,中间有停顿。
W: Yes, certainly, but if only you had sent in your application letter a week earlier.
Q: What does the woman imply? A) The man is not suitable for the position.
4. 理解归纳题型
这类题型难度颇高,关键在于后者话语中的生词及细节较 多,很难在短时间内完全把握对话的实质内容。 例:M: Excuse me, Madam? Is the air-conditioning on? This
room is getting as hot as a furnace(火炉). W: Sorry, sir, a new epidemic (流行病) called SARS is
根据所提出问题的内容和针对性,四级听力短对话 可分为以下六类:
1. “言外之意”题
2. 观点态度题 3.虚拟语气题 4.理解归纳题 5.生活场景题 6.语气态度题
1. “言外之意”题型
这类题型难度较高,对话中的回答者不从正面回答 问题,似乎答非所问,一些句子的真实含义也不是直截 了当地摆在我们面前,而是要根据对话中的内容去寻 找与其相关的信息以及它们之间的联系。这就需要我 们运用解题的逻辑思维与推理来找到正确答案。根据 回答者的语气判断主要有陈述回答和疑问回答。
√ B) The job has been given to someone else.
C) She had received only one application letter. D) The application arrived a week earlier than expected.
C) He thinks Jenny’s worБайду номын сангаасload too heavy at college.
D) He believes most college students are running wild. 分析:从男士说话中的actually一词可以听出他并不同意女士 刚刚说的内容,他有自己的想法,类似的词语还有in fact,这 也提醒我们,抓住短对话中的小词去揣摩说话人的态度也是 非常关键的。
例:M: I need to find a dentist; you said you know Dr. Smith well, do you recommend her?
W: Well, I had to see her a few times, but what impressed me most was the magazines in her waiting room.
不能劳累),不良生活习惯(吸烟、酗酒对身体有害), 天气场景(天气变化、温度变化、降水、降雪、风沙等灾 害性天气、租房场景(租金、押金以及数额、支付方式、 房客应遵循的规则、对房屋设施等的介绍)、娱乐场景(影 院、剧院、舞厅、球场、游泳等娱乐设施),餐馆场景(定 座、点菜、结账、小费、投诉等场景词汇),面试场景(个 人爱好、兴趣、教育背景、工作经历、对应聘职位的了解 和期盼、对工资待遇和上班时间的特殊要求等),搭乘飞 机(预定机票、推迟、改签),天气原因(导致航班延 误),交通事故(事故原因或导致迟到)等
Q: what do we learn about the woman from the conversation?
18. [A] She is black and blue all over.
[B] She has to go to see a doctor.
[C] She stayed away from work for a few days.
应试英语听力——短 对话、长对话
《大学英语课程教学基本要求》对学生英语 听力能力的一般要求(即四级水平)可以量化 为:能听懂英语授课、能听懂日常英语谈 话和一般性题材讲座、能基本听懂英语慢 速节目,语速130词每分钟,并能运用基本 听力技巧帮助理解中心思想和信息要点, 准确率不低于70%。
house. M: Should they be doing that with all the other expenses
they have to pay? Anyhow, they are over 70 now, their present house is not too bad. Q: What does the man imply? A) The Edwards are quite well-off. B) The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses.
M: Don’t look at me, Mom. Q: What does the boy mean?
√ A) He’s unwilling to fetch the laundry.
B) He has already picked up the laundry. C) He will go before the laundry is closed. D) He thinks his mother should get the clothes back. 分析:从男士说话语气看出他不愿意去。
短对话是四级考试中固定而且相对简单的 题型,共8组,每组对话长度为几十词左右, 由一男一女朗读,之后问一个问题,要求 考生从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。其 中绝大部分题的答案不在对话中明示,需 要考生根据听到的内容进行推测。对话内 容涵盖了日常生活的方方面面,如学习、 工作、娱乐、交通等。
Q: What does the woman imply? A) Dr. Smith’s waiting room isn’t tidy. B) Dr. Smith enjoys reading magazines. C) Dr. Smith has left a good impression on her.
W: My hand still hurts from the fall on the ice yesterday. I wonder if I broke something.
M: I’m no doctor, but it’s not black and blue or anything. Maybe you just need to rest it for a few days.