过 程 。 是 一 种 以学 习者 为 中 心 的理 论 , 它 高 度认 可 学 习者 的 自主 性 、 动性 和 建 构 性 。 能
自我 调控 学 习 者 大 多 具 备 以 下 特 点 。 强 烈的 内在 动机 和 自我效 能 感 ; 慧 的 智 学 习策略 和 个人 负 责制 ; 人 的 自我调 控 和 过 自我 建构 性 。 这跟 研 究生 普 遍具 有 的特 点 而 有 着很 好 的 契 合 点 。 身心 发 育 已经成 熟 , 理 解能 力 强 ; 知 能 力普遍 较 高 , 誉感 较 ; 认 荣 自
随 着 国 际 化 进 程 的 加 速 , 语 作 为 工 英 具 语 言 的 特 点 日益 突 显 出 来 。 为 非 专 业 作 英 语 学 习者 的 研 究生 , 们 大 多 已经 在 本 他 科 阶 段 打 下 了一 定 的 语 言 基 础 , 了研 究 到 生 阶 段 , 们 更 多期 望 的 是 提 高 自 己的 语 他 用 能 力 。 以 , 院 的研 究生 英 语 教学 改革 所 我 是 以 提高 学 生 的 语 用能 力为 宗 旨 的一 次 改 革。 本文 所 讨 论 的 L OHAS模式 , 时 4 , 历 年 几 经 完 善 , 已形 成 为 一 个 比 较 完 整 的 体 现 系 , 括5 包 个要 素( O L HAS 是这 5 个要 素 英语 名称的缩写) 。 ( ) e r ig b — o g 中学 ; ) u - 1La n — y d i 做 n n ( O t 2 pt u-weg e hoc s 重输 出;3Hu n ih d c ie侧 () ma e amo p e e t s h r 人文氛 围 ; ) cie p ri p - ( A t a t ia 4 v c to i ca s ciiy 动的课 堂参 与 ;5 in n ls a tvt 主 () S l—rg ltd la nn f r cas ef e u ae e r ig at ls 自我调 e 控 的课 外 学 习 。
二、改革措施1. 调整教学内容:将课程内容与实际应用紧密结合,注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力。
2. 教学方法多样化:采用情景模拟、角色扮演、小组讨论等互动性强的教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣。
3. 建立多元化评价体系:将形成性评价与终结性评价相结合,注重学生的平时表现和实践成果。
4. 加强教师培训:组织教师进行教学交流,分享教学经验。
5. 建设教学资源库:整理优质教学资源,为学生提供丰富的自主学习材料。
三、改革成果经过一段时间的改革实践,该高校的公共英语教学取得了显著成果:1. 学生英语实际应用能力得到提高:学生的口语表达、听力理解、阅读写作等方面的能力明显提升,能够更好地适应职场和跨文化交流的需要。
2. 教师教学水平得到提升:教师们积极探索新的教学方法和手段,教学水平和创新能力得到提高。
3. 教学资源更加丰富:教学资源库的建设为学生提供了更加丰富的学习材料,在线课程平台的建设也方便了学生的自主学习。
4. 教学质量得到提高:多元化评价体系的建设使得教学质量得到了有效监控和提高,第三方评价机构对学生学习成果的评价也更加客观和公正。
5. 学生对公共英语课程满意度提高:学生对公共英语课程的满意度明显提高,对教师的教学方法和教学内容也更加认可。
关键词:研究生;公共英语;教改构建中图分类号:G 643文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-4107(2017)09-0076-03基于人才培养的研究生公共英语教改构建———以延边大学为例王长友(延边大学,吉林延吉133000)收稿日期:2016-11-23作者简介:王长友(1972—),男,山东诸城人,延边大学外国语学院副教授,主要从事大学英语教学改革研究。
基金项目:延边大学2016年度专业建设项目“大学外语教学改革模式研究与实践”(延大教发〔2016〕17号)(602016158)2017年第9期(总第1221期)N o.9,2017Ser i alN o.1221黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估)H E I LO N G J I A N G E D U C A T I O N (H i gher Educat i on R es ear ch &A ppr ai s al )■研究生教育一、研究生公共英语教学现状(一)学生英语水平较低,且参差不齐延边大学地处边陲,地理位置偏僻,除师资力量和信息渠道相对落后外,学生的英语水平相对较差。
1目 . 标需求 。随着全球政治、 经济、 文化交流的
[ 稿 日期 ] 0 2—0 2 收 21 3— 0
[ 者简 介 ] 岚(9 0 )女 , 西桂 林人 , 西师 范大 学外 国语 学 院讲 师 , 士。 作 蒙 18 一 , 广 广 硕
16 8
基 于学 生需 求的研 究 生公 共英语教 学 改革 发生 了许 多变 化 : 1 阅读 翻译 能力 显 著提 高 , 说 能力 增 长 缓 慢 。 . 听 语 言材 料 , 过 启 发 式 教 学 让 学 生 主 动 寻 找语 言 规 通
生公共英语教学工作面临着前所未有的压力。哈钦 森和艾伦 ・ 沃特斯指 出, 可将学生的英语需求分为 目 标需求和学习需求两个层次 。其 中, 目标需求是 指学习者将来语 言使用 的客观需要 , 也就是在 目标 场合 ( 即未 来市 场 环 境 中) 效 使 用语 言 的需 求 ; 有 学 习需求是指学习者为 了达到客观 目标需要 , 在学 习 过程 中需 要掌 握什 么程度 的知识 与 能力 才 能 够在 目 标场 合 下成 功 达 到 要 求 … 。根 据 学 生 的 需 求 , 们 我
基于 学 生需 求 的研 究 生 公共 英语 教 学 改 革
豕J 蒙岚 x
( 广西师 范大 学外 国语学 来自 , 广西 桂林 5 10 ) 4 04
[ 摘要] 在招生规模不断扩大的形势下, 研究生学习英语的 目 需求、 标 学习需求和 学习个体都发生 了变 化 。对此 , 应从转变教 学观念和模式、 更新教 学内容、 改变评价方式等方面对研究生的英语教 育进行改革。 [ 关键词] 学生需求 研 究生公共英语 教 学改革
出发 , 才能切实提高其有效性。 ( 研 究生 的需求。对 于我 国的研究 生来说 , 一) 可
二、改革目标1. 提高学生的英语听说读写综合能力,使其能够胜任日常生活和工作的英语交流需求。
2. 培养学生的跨文化意识,提高学生的国际视野。
3. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,形成良好的学习习惯。
4. 提升教师的教学水平和专业素养。
三、改革措施1. 优化课程设置(1)调整课程结构,增加听说课程比重,提高学生的实际运用能力。
2. 创新教学方法(1)采用任务型教学法,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习英语。
3. 强化师资培训(1)定期组织教师参加国内外英语教学培训,提升教师的教学水平。
4. 营造良好学习氛围(1)加强校园英语文化建设,营造浓厚的英语学习氛围。
四、实施步骤1. 第一阶段(1-3个月):制定改革方案,进行师资培训,优化课程设置。
2. 第二阶段(4-6个月):实施新的教学方法,开展英语角等活动,提升学生英语水平。
3. 第三阶段(7-9个月):对改革效果进行评估,总结经验,完善改革方案。
4. 第四阶段(10-12个月):持续优化课程设置,巩固改革成果,全面提升英语教学质量。
具体目标如下:1. 提高学生的口语沟通能力,使其能够流利、准确地表达自己的意见和观点。
2. 培养学生良好的听力技巧,使其能够听懂各种场景下的英语对话和讲座。
3. 培养学生的阅读理解能力,帮助他们读懂各种类型的英语文章。
4. 培养学生的写作能力,使其能够用英语写简单的日常生活和工作文档。
二、教学内容:本教学设计根据教材和学生的实际需求,将内容划分为以下四个部分:1. 口语练习:通过角色扮演、对话练习等方式,帮助学生提高口语表达能力。
2. 听力训练:选择与学生生活和工作相关的听力材料,进行听写和听力理解练习。
3. 阅读理解:选取适合学生水平的英语文章,帮助他们提高阅读理解能力。
4. 写作训练:通过模仿写作、写作练习等方式,帮助学生提高英语写作能力。
三、教学步骤:本教学设计将按照以下步骤进行教学:1. 引入新知识:通过引入与本课内容相关的图片、实例或问题,激发学生对于学习的兴趣。
2. 教授知识点:通过教师讲解和示范,将知识点传达给学生,并进行互动交流,确保学生对知识点的理解和掌握。
3. 练习与巩固:通过各种练习活动,如角色扮演、小组讨论等,激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助他们巩固所学知识。
4. 拓展与应用:通过拓展活动,如复习游戏、创作活动等,帮助学生将所学知识应用于实际场景,并提高他们的学习能力和创新思维。
四、教学评估:本教学设计将通过以下方式评估学生的学习成果:1. 口语表达评估:通过讲话比赛、角色扮演等评估学生的口语表达能力和语音语调。
第1篇I. IntroductionThe purpose of this document is to outline a comprehensive reform plan for the English curriculum. This plan aims to enhance the effectiveness of English language teaching and learning, ensuring that students acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in a globalized world. The reform will focus on integrating innovative teaching methods, updating content, and fostering a student-centered learning environment.II. Background and RationaleA. Current Challenges in English Language Education- Lack of student engagement- Inefficient assessment methods- Limited exposure to authentic materials- Inadequate teacher training and supportB. Objectives of the Reform- Increase student motivation and engagement- Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills- Improve language proficiency across all skill areas- Prepare students for global communication and cultural exchangeIII. Goals and ObjectivesA. Short-term Goals (1-2 years)1. Implement a new, student-centered curriculum framework.2. Train teachers in innovative teaching methods and technology integration.3. Introduce authentic materials and resources.4. Develop a comprehensive assessment system.B. Long-term Goals (3-5 years)1. Achieve significant improvements in student language proficiency.2. Establish a culture of continuous learning and improvement.3. Foster a diverse and inclusive learning environment.4. Align the curriculum with international standards and expectations.IV. Curriculum StructureA. Core Components1. Language Skills: Reading, writing, speaking, and listening.2. Grammar and Vocabulary: Systematic development of grammatical structures and vocabulary.3. Cultural Awareness: Exploration of diverse cultures and their impact on language use.4. Critical Thinking: Encouragement of critical thinking and analysis through language learning.B. Electives1. Business English2. Academic English3. Media Literacy4. English for Specific Purposes (ESP)V. Instructional StrategiesA. Student-Centered Approaches1. Project-Based Learning: Students work on real-world projects that require collaboration and critical thinking.2. Flipped Classroom: Students engage with content outside of class and use class time for application and discussion.3. Peer Teaching: Students teach each other to reinforce learning and promote accountability.B. Technology Integration1. Interactive Whiteboards: Use for presentations, collaboration, and interactive activities.2. Online Learning Platforms: Provide access to additional resources, practice exercises, and communication tools.3. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): Enhance immersive learning experiences and cultural exploration.C. Assessment1. Formative Assessment: Regular feedback and assessment to guide learning and adjust instruction.2. Summative Assessment: End-of-unit and end-of-year exams to evaluate overall progress.3. Portfolio Assessment: Collection of student work to demonstrate growth and achievement over time.VI. Professional DevelopmentA. Initial Teacher Training1. Curriculum Training: Familiarization with the new curriculum framework and instructional strategies.2. Methodology Workshops: Hands-on practice with various teaching methods.3. Technology Integration: Training on the use of educational technology in the classroom.B. Continuous Professional Development1. Workshops and Seminars: Regular opportunities to learn from experts and peers.2. Peer Observations: Observing and providing feedback on each other’s teaching practices.3. Online Resources: Access to a wide range of professional development materials and communities.VII. Implementation ScheduleA. Phase 1: Planning and Preparation (Year 1)1. Curriculum Development: Creation of new curriculum materials and resources.2. Teacher Training: Conduct initial training sessions for all teachers.3. Resource Allocation: Ensure availability of necessary materials and technology.B. Phase 2: Implementation (Years 2-3)1. Curriculum Rollout: Introduction of the new curriculum in all grades and levels.2. Ongoing Evaluation: Regular monitoring of the curriculum’s effectiveness and making adjustments as needed.3. Professional Development: Continued support for teachers through workshops and seminars.C. Phase 3: Review and Refinement (Years 4-5)1. Curriculum Review: Comprehensive evaluation of the curriculum’s impact on student learning.2. Feedback Collection: Gather feedback from students, teachers, and parents.3. Refinement: Make necessary adjustments to the curriculum and instructional strategies based on feedback.VIII. ConclusionThis English curriculum reform implementation plan is designed to transform the way English is taught and learned. By focusing on student-centered approaches, technology integration, and continuous professional development, we aim to create a dynamic and effective learning environment that prepares students for the challenges of the 21st century.第2篇I. IntroductionThe purpose of this English Curriculum Reform Implementation Plan is to outline the strategies, methodologies, and resources required to enhance the English language learning experience for students in [Institution Name]. This plan aims to integrate modern teaching techniques, promote critical thinking, and foster a love for the English language among learners. The proposed reforms will be implemented over a [timeframe, e.g., three years] and will be evaluated periodically to ensure their effectiveness.II. Objectives1. To improve students' proficiency in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing.2. To develop critical thinking and analytical skills through English language learning.3. To enhance students' cultural awareness and appreciation of diverse English-speaking cultures.4. To integrate technology into the English language classroom to create interactive and engaging learning experiences.5. To ensure that the curriculum is aligned with the latest educational standards and best practices.III. Target AudienceThis reform plan is intended for all students enrolled in [Institution Name] from [grade level(s) or age group] who are studying English as a second language or foreign language.IV. Implementation StrategiesA. Curriculum Development1. Review and Update the Existing Curriculum: Analyze the current curriculum to identify areas for improvement and alignment with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or other relevant standards.2. Develop New Units and Modules: Create engaging and relevant unitsthat incorporate current events, popular culture, and real-life situations.3. Integrate Skills-Based Learning: Ensure that the curriculum emphasizes the development of all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.B. Teaching Methods1. Flipped Classroom: Implement a flipped classroom approach where students engage with new content outside of class and use class time for interactive activities and discussions.2. Project-Based Learning: Encourage students to work on group projects that require research, critical thinking, and presentation skills.3. Technology Integration: Utilize educational technology tools such as online platforms, interactive whiteboards, and multimedia resources to enhance learning experiences.C. Assessment and Evaluation1. Formative Assessment: Use quizzes, class discussions, and peer feedback to monitor student progress on a regular basis.2. Summative Assessment: Administer periodic exams and assessments to evaluate students' overall proficiency in English.3. Continuous Feedback: Provide students with constructive feedback on their work and progress.D. Professional Development1. Training Workshops: Organize workshops and training sessions for teachers to update their knowledge and skills in English language teaching.2. Peer Observation: Encourage teachers to observe each other's lessons and provide constructive feedback.3. Research and Innovation: Encourage teachers to engage in research and innovation to improve their teaching practices.V. Resources and Materials1. Textbooks and Learning Materials: Select high-quality textbooks and supplementary materials that align with the revised curriculum.2. Online Resources: Utilize online resources such as educational websites, e-books, and video platforms to enrich the learning experience.3. Technology Infrastructure: Ensure that the institution has the necessary technology infrastructure, including computers, internet access, and software.VI. Timeline1. Year 1:- Conduct a comprehensive review of the existing curriculum.- Develop new units and modules.- Train teachers on flipped classroom and project-based learning methods.- Implement formative assessments.2. Year 2:- Integrate technology into the classroom.- Conduct summative assessments.- Provide ongoing professional development for teachers.- Evaluate the effectiveness of the reforms.3. Year 3:- Make adjustments based on feedback and evaluation results.- Continue to promote a culture of continuous improvement.- Celebrate the success of the curriculum reform.VII. Evaluation and Feedback1. Student Feedback: Conduct surveys and collect feedback from students to assess their satisfaction with the new curriculum and teaching methods.2. Teacher Feedback: Gather feedback from teachers on the effectiveness of the reforms and the challenges they face.3. External Evaluation: Consider hiring external evaluators to provide an independent assessment of the curriculum's impact on student learning.VIII. ConclusionThis English Curriculum Reform Implementation Plan aims to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that prepares students for success in the globalized world. By integrating modern teaching techniques, fostering critical thinking, and promoting cultural awareness, [Institution Name] will be well-positioned to produce well-rounded, confident English language learners.Note: This template is intended to serve as a starting point for developing a comprehensive English curriculum reform plan. Each institution should customize the plan to meet its specific needs and goals.。
研究生公共英语教学改革方案一、总体思路1. 根据研究生培养的新形势、新要求,进行全面设计;2. 在帮助学生打基础的同时,着重学术英语能力的培养;3. 实行差异化教学,满足不同层次、不同专业类型学生的需求;4. 充分调动学生的主观能动性,倡导教师引导、学生自主学习的途径;5. 为学生创造学习条件、营造学习氛围;6. 实行研究生院、外国语学院、各研究生培养学部(院)的沟通和合作。
三、教学改革配套措施1. 根据研究生的年龄、智力、学习能力等特点,强调自主、探索、实践、尝试的方法;教学主要任务之一是调节学生的学习兴趣、方法、进度等;培养学生自己学习、主动学习的意识和能力;2. 根据研究生外语学习的要求,重点培养学生的语言应用能力,尤其是参与学术活动所需的口头和笔头表达能力,同时丰富相关的文化、学术要求等知识;3. 增加教学内容的实用性、时代性、前瞻性、科学性、灵活性;4. 充分利用现代信息技术带来的便利条件,营造外语学习的良好环境;5. 要将外语学习放在实际的环境中,提倡实战演练的教学方法,边学习边尝试。
四、学业成绩评定原则1. 采用学分制,学生在读期间必须修满规定学分;2. 学生按课程教学大纲的要求(课程大纲另行公布)修完相应的课程,并考核合格,方能取得相应学分;3. 课程成绩的考核采用形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的方法(考核办法另行公布),主要考查学生的语言综合应用能力,尽量少考死的、孤立的语言知识;4. 课程最终成绩由平时成绩和考试卷面成绩两部分组成,最终成绩=平时成绩×40%+考试卷面成绩×60%。
1. 引言1.1 研究生公共英语教学改革探索的背景在当今社会,全球化的趋势使得英语成为一门重要的国际通用语言。
1.2 研究生公共英语教学改革的意义研究生公共英语教学改革的意义在于提高研究生英语水平,增强他们在国际交流中的竞争力。
英语教研教改工作计划英语教研教改工作计划精选3篇(一)英语教研教改工作计划:1. 设定明确的目标:确定英语教学质量提高、学生英语能力提升的目标,并与教师共同明确工作重点。
2. 教师培训:组织针对英语教学的培训活动,包括最新的教学方法、技巧和资源的分享,帮助教师提升教学水平。
3. 教研活动:组织英语教研活动,促进教师之间的交流与合作,共同研究教学问题并找到解决方案。
4. 教材资源更新:定期评估现有教材的使用情况,及时调整教学内容和资源,确保与时俱进。
5. 课堂观摩:组织教师课堂观摩活动,借鉴他人成功的教学经验,拓展教学思路。
6. 校本课程改革:结合学校实际情况,探索英语课程的改革和创新,提高学生学习的效果和乐趣。
7. 教学评估与反馈:建立有效的教学评估机制,定期对教学效果进行评估,并及时反馈给教师,帮助他们改进教学方法。
8. 学生参与:鼓励学生参与英语教学改进工作,建立学生评价机制,了解他们的学习需求和反馈意见,调整教学策略。
英语教研教改工作计划精选3篇(二)The English teaching research group's annual teaching work plan includes the following aspects:1. Curricular Planning: Review and update the English curriculum to ensure alignment with the latest educational standards and best practices.2. Professional Development: Organize workshops and training sessions for English teachers to enhance their teaching skills and stay updated on new teaching methods.3. Classroom Instruction: Monitor and provide feedback on classroom instruction to ensure high-quality English language instruction for all students.4. Assessment and Evaluation: Develop and implement effective assessment tools to measure students' English language proficiency and progress throughout the academic year.5. Educational Resources: Evaluate and update educational materials, textbooks, and resources to support effective English language teaching and learning.6. Collaboration and Communication: Foster collaboration among English teachers to share best practices, resources, and strategies for improving English language education in the school.7. Student Support: Implement interventions and support services for students who may be struggling with English language learning, ensuring all students have the opportunity to succeed.By implementing this comprehensive plan, the English teaching research group aims to enhance the quality of English language education and support the academic success of all students.英语教研教改工作计划精选3篇(三)英语教研组教学工作计划目标:提高学生英语综合能力,特别是听说读写能力一、教学目标1. 提高学生课堂参与度和注意力,培养学生的自主学习能力;2. 提高学生的听说读写能力,强化语言表达能力;3. 培养学生的英语思维和分析问题能力;4. 培养学生的跨文化交际能力,培养他们的国际视野。
第1篇I. IntroductionThe purpose of this English Research and Teaching Reform Activity is to enhance the quality of English education in our school, foster a research-oriented teaching atmosphere, and promote the professional development of English teachers. The activity will focus on exploring innovative teaching methods, integrating technology into the classroom, and improving student engagement and learning outcomes.II. Objectives1. To promote the application of research-based teaching strategies in English classrooms.2. To encourage teachers to integrate technology effectively into their teaching practices.3. To enhance the professional skills and knowledge of English teachers.4. To improve student learning outcomes and engagement in English language learning.5. To establish a collaborative and supportive environment for teachers to share their experiences and ideas.III. Activity ScheduleThe activity will span over a period of three months, with the following schedule:- Month 1: Planning and Preparation- Week 1: Introduction to the activity and objectives.- Week 2: Workshops on research-based teaching strategies.- Week 3: Workshops on technology integration in English teaching.- Week 4: Formation of research groups and allocation of research topics.- Month 2: Research and Implementation- Week 1-4: Teachers conduct research on their assigned topics.- Week 5: Mid-term presentations and feedback sessions.- Week 6-8: Implementation of innovative teaching methods in classrooms.- Week 9: Peer observations and feedback.- Month 3: Reflection and Sharing- Week 1: Final presentations of research findings.- Week 2: Discussion on the effectiveness of new teaching methods.- Week 3: Sharing of best practices and lessons learned.- Week 4: Evaluation and feedback on the activity.IV. Activities1. Workshops and Seminars:- Research-Based Teaching Strategies: These workshops will focus on evidence-based teaching methods, such as project-based learning,inquiry-based learning, and cooperative learning.- Technology Integration: Seminars will cover the use of educational technology tools like interactive whiteboards, multimedia presentations, and online learning platforms.2. Research Groups:- Teachers will be divided into small research groups, each focusing on a specific topic related to English language teaching and learning.- Topics may include: the effectiveness of flipped classrooms, the impact of gamification on student motivation, or the use of authentic materials in the classroom.3. Classroom Implementation:- Teachers will implement the research findings and innovative teaching methods in their classrooms.- Peer observations will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the new approaches.4. Presentations and Feedback:- Teachers will present their research findings and classroom experiences to their peers.- Feedback sessions will provide an opportunity for reflection and improvement.5. Technology Training:- Training sessions will be provided to help teachers become proficient in using new technology tools.V. EvaluationThe success of the activity will be evaluated based on the following criteria:1. Teacher Participation and Engagement: Assess the level of participation and engagement of teachers in the workshops, seminars, and research activities.2. Research Quality: Evaluate the quality of the research conducted by the teacher groups.3. Implementation Effectiveness: Assess the effectiveness of the new teaching methods implemented in the classrooms.4. Student Learning Outcomes: Measure the impact of the new approaches on student learning outcomes.5. Feedback and Reflection: Gather feedback from teachers and students on the overall experience and suggest areas for improvement.VI. ConclusionThis English Research and Teaching Reform Activity aims to create a dynamic and innovative learning environment that promotes the professional growth of teachers and enhances the learning experience of students. By fostering a culture of research and continuous improvement, we hope to elevate the standards of English education in our school and prepare our students for success in an increasingly globalized world.第2篇I. IntroductionThe purpose of this English research and teaching reform activity is to enhance the quality of English education in our school, promote the application of innovative teaching methods, and foster a positive and interactive learning environment. This plan aims to cover the preparation, implementation, and evaluation stages of the activity, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to English teaching and learning.II. Objectives1. To promote the application of modern educational theories and methods in English teaching.2. To improve the teaching quality and efficiency of English teachers.3. To enhance the English proficiency and communicative ability of students.4. To create a vibrant and interactive English learning atmosphere in the school.III. Activity Schedule1. Preparation Phase (Week 1-2)2. Implementation Phase (Week 3-10)3. Evaluation Phase (Week 11-12)IV. Preparation PhaseA. Organizing Committee- Establish an organizing committee responsible for the overall planning and coordination of the activity.- Include members from the school administration, English department, and teaching staff.B. Resource Collection- Gather relevant teaching materials, research papers, and case studies on English teaching and learning.- Organize a library of resources for teachers and students to access.C. Training Programs- Develop a series of training programs for teachers to enhance their teaching skills and knowledge.- Invite experts in the field of English education to conduct workshops and seminars.D. Student Engagement- Conduct surveys and interviews to understand the students' needs and expectations.- Involve students in the planning and preparation of the activity.V. Implementation PhaseA. Innovative Teaching Methods- Encourage teachers to adopt innovative teaching methods such asproject-based learning, flipped classroom, and gamified learning.- Organize a series of workshops and discussions to share experiences and best practices.B. Curriculum Reform- Review and update the English curriculum to ensure it aligns with the national standards and meets the needs of students.- Introduce new teaching materials and resources that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.C. Collaborative Learning- Foster a collaborative learning environment through group projects, peer tutoring, and mentorship programs.- Organize regular inter-class competitions and events to promote teamwork and healthy competition.D. Technology Integration- Utilize technology tools such as interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and online platforms to enhance the learning experience.- Provide training for teachers to effectively integrate technology into their teaching practice.VI. Evaluation PhaseA. Self-assessment- Encourage teachers to reflect on their teaching methods and student performance.- Use self-assessment tools to evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented reforms.B. Peer Review- Organize peer review sessions where teachers can observe each other's lessons and provide constructive feedback.- Share successful teaching strategies and lessons learned during the activity.C. Student Feedback- Conduct surveys and interviews to gather feedback from students regarding the effectiveness of the reforms.- Analyze the data to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.D. Final Report- Compile a comprehensive report summarizing the outcomes of the activity, including achievements, challenges, and recommendations for future reforms.- Present the report to the school administration and English department for review and implementation.VII. ConclusionThe English research and teaching reform activity aims to revolutionize the way English is taught and learned in our school. By following this plan, we strive to create a more engaging, interactive, and effective learning environment that will ultimately improve the Englishproficiency and communicative abilities of our students.第3篇I. IntroductionIn order to improve the quality of English education, promote the reform of English teaching methods, and enhance the English proficiency of students, our school has decided to organize an English teaching and research reform activity. This activity aims to provide a platform for teachers to share their teaching experiences, explore innovative teaching methods, and discuss the challenges and solutions in English teaching. The following is the detailed plan for the activity.II. Objectives1. Enhance the professional quality of English teachers through sharing and learning.2. Promote the application of innovative teaching methods in English classes.3. Improve the English proficiency of students through effective teaching and learning strategies.4. Foster a collaborative and research-oriented teaching atmosphere in the English department.III. Time and Venue1. Time: Two days, from [Date] to [Date].2. Venue: School auditorium and English classrooms.IV. Participants1. All English teachers in the school.2. Invited experts and scholars in the field of English education.3. Representatives from other schools and educational institutions.V. Activities1. Opening CeremonyWelcome speeches from the school principal and the head of the English department.Introduction to the objectives and significance of the activity.2. Keynote SpeechesInvited experts and scholars will deliver keynote speeches on the latest trends and theories in English education.Topics may include: the importance of English proficiency in the 21st century, innovative teaching methods, and the integration of technology in English teaching.3. WorkshopsBreak into small groups for workshops on specific topics, such as:The application of communicative language teaching in English classes.The use of authentic materials in English teaching.The development of critical thinking skills in English learners.Each workshop will be facilitated by a specialist in the field.4. Case Studies and SharingEnglish teachers will present case studies of successful teaching practices.Teachers will share their experiences and insights on various aspectsof English teaching, such as classroom management, assessment strategies, and student motivation.5. Group DiscussionsParticipants will engage in group discussions on the challenges and solutions in English teaching.The discussions will be centered around topics like:How to improve the reading and writing skills of students.Strategies for motivating students to participate in English classes.The role of technology in English language learning.6. Panel DiscussionA panel of experts and experienced English teachers will discuss the future of English education and the role of teachers in shaping it.The panel will address questions from the audience and provide guidance on how to prepare for the evolving demands of the English language curriculum.7. Closing CeremonySummary of the key points discussed during the activity.Awards presentation to the best workshop presentations and case studies.Thank-you speeches from the organizers and participants.VI. Evaluation1. Feedback forms will be distributed to participants at the end of the activity to gather their opinions and suggestions for future improvements.2. The performance of the workshops, case studies, and panel discussions will be evaluated by a panel of experts.3. The overall success of the activity will be measured by the level of participation, the quality of discussions, and the feedback received.VII. Budget1. Venue rental fees.2. Speaker and expert honoraria.3. Workshop materials and resources.4. Participant certificates and souvenirs.5. Miscellaneous expenses.VIII. ConclusionThe English teaching and research reform activity is an essential step towards enhancing the quality of English education in our school. By bringing together teachers, experts, and scholars, this event will provide a valuable opportunity for professional development and collaboration. We are confident that this activity will contribute significantly to the continuous improvement of English teaching and learning in our school.。
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor.I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolvepractical problems. The document can be customized andmodifiedafter downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs,thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpracticalmaterials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentenceexcerpts,ancient poems,classicarticles,topic composition,worksummary,word parsing,copy excerpts,other materials and so on,wantto know different data formats andwriting methods,please payattention!In the realm of public English education, the implementation of teaching reforms is a pivotal step towards enhancing language proficiency and meeting the demands of a globalized world. The essence of these reforms lies in their ability to adapt to the evolving linguistic landscape and to foster an environment where language learning is both effective and engaging.The cornerstone of this reform is the integration of innovative teaching methodologies that prioritize communication skills and practical language use. This approach marks a departure from traditional rote learning, instead emphasizing interactive and participatory classes. By incorporating real-life scenarios and problem-solving exercises, students are encouraged to think critically and apply their language skills in diverse contexts.Another significant aspect of the reform is the emphasis on teacher training and development. Educators are provided with ongoing professional development opportunities to stay abreast of the latest pedagogical strategies and technologies. This investment in teachers is crucial, as they are the facilitators of the learning process, guiding students through the intricacies of the English language.The curriculum itself undergoes a transformation, with a balanced focus on all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The content is carefully curated to be culturally inclusive and relevant to students' interests, which increases engagement and motivation. Additionally, the use of multimedia resources and digital platforms enriches the learning experience, making it more dynamic and accessible.Assessment methods are also reformed to reflect a more comprehensive evaluation of a student's language abilities. Traditional exams are supplemented with project-based assessments, presentations, and peer reviews. This holistic approach not only measures linguistic competence but also encourages collaborative learning and the development of soft skills such as teamwork and leadership.The implementation of these reforms requires a collaborative effort from all stakeholders involved in public English education. Policymakers, educators, students, and parents must work in unison to create a supportive ecosystem that nurtures language acquisition and celebrates linguistic diversity.In conclusion, the public English education teaching reform is a multifaceted initiative that seeks to revolutionize the way English is taught and learned. Through a combination of innovative teaching practices, comprehensive teacher training, a culturally rich curriculum, and diversified assessment methods, the reform aims to equip students with the language skills necessary to thrive in a global community. The success of this endeavor hinges on the collective commitment to fostering an educational environment where language learning is a journey of discovery, empowerment, and connection. 。
6 第六章:翻译材料与研究方法
7 第七章:翻译研究结果
英汉互译论文结果和图表描述部分 10%
8 第八章:翻译研究结论
9 第九章:翻译实验/调查报告、摘要 英汉互译实验/调查报告、写论文摘要 5%
1. 2011 年 9 月---12 月 项目调研、文献阅读整理、拟定改革方案 2. 2012 年 1 月---3 月 确定改革方案、制定方案实施细则 3. 2012 年 4 月---8 月 教师培训、备课 4. 2012 年 9 月--- 2013 年 7 月 正式实施本方案和教学改革实验
2012 年 4 月
我校“建设国际化研究型大学”的定位和“培养高层次应用型创新人才”的硕士研究生 培养目标为研究生英语教学提出了前所未有的挑战,要求培养的硕士研究生应具有国际视野 和国际竞争力。2011 年我校研究生院的成立和新培养方案的制定为研究生英语教学的发展 提供了新的契机。为适应新形式,新一轮的硕士研究生英语教学改革势在必行。
第一学期:学生人数(2011 年): 1470 人 班级人数: 每班平均约 30.5 人,2 个班合班上课,每个大班平均约 61 人左右 班级数:1470 人/61 人 ≈ 24 个班,需中国教师 8 人
第二学期:英语论文发表辅导工作坊,辅导学生修改常见语言错误及不符合科技语篇规范 之处, 需中教 8 人,2/学时/人/周
14 第十四章:国际学术会议招贴报告 制作国际会议壁报
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1. 根据研究生培养的新形势、新要求,进行全面设计;
2. 在帮助学生打基础的同时,着重学术英语能力的培养;
3. 实行差异化教学,满足不同层次、不同专业类型学生的需求;
4. 充分调动学生的主观能动性,倡导教师引导、学生自主学习的途径;
5. 为学生创造学习条件、营造学习氛围;
6. 实行研究生院、外国语学院、各研究生培养学部(院)的沟通和合作。
1. 根据研究生的年龄、智力、学习能力等特点,强调自主、探索、实践、尝试的方法;教学主要任务之一是调节学生的学习兴趣、方法、进度等;培养学生自己学习、主动学习的意识和能力;
2. 根据研究生外语学习的要求,重点培养学生的语言应用能力,尤其是参与学术活动所需的口头和笔头表达能力,同时丰富相关的文化、学术要求等知识;
3. 增加教学内容的实用性、时代性、前瞻性、科学性、灵活性;
4. 充分利用现代信息技术带来的便利条件,营造外语学习的良好环境;
5. 要将外语学习放在实际的环境中,提倡实战演练的教学方法,边学习边尝试。
1. 采用学分制,学生在读期间必须修满规定学分;
2. 学生按课程教学大纲的要求(课程大纲另行公布)修完相应的课程,并考
3. 课程成绩的考核采用形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的方法(考核办法另行公布),主要考查学生的语言综合应用能力,尽量少考死的、孤立的语言知识;
4. 课程最终成绩由平时成绩和考试卷面成绩两部分组成,最终成绩=平时成绩×40%+考试卷面成绩×60%。