金融时间序列分析英文试题(芝加哥大学) (3)




《金融时间序列模型》期末考试试卷(1)课程代码及课序号:学号: 姓 名: 成 绩: 班级: 课序号: 任课教师:一 判断题: 得分 如果下面说法正确则在括号内添入T ,否则添入F ,每个2分,共20分。

( )1、某项投资分为4个周期,每个周期的收益率不同,用R i ,i =1,…,4表示,那么该项投资与投资期4个周期,每个周期收益率都是441∑=i iR 的投资是等价的。

( )2、 如果εt 满足一个GARCH(2,1)模型,那么εt 平方后满足一个ARMA(2,2)模型。

( )3、 如果以t 分布作为对照分布画出的Q-Q 图是直线说明该组数据服从t 分布。

(根据t 分布计算理论上的分位数标在纵轴上,根据数据计算出的样本分位数画在横轴上) ( )4、 使用JB 检验判断数据的分布是否是正态分布,如果检验的p -值等于0.78,说明该组数据不服从正态分布。

( )5、自回归过程Y t = 0.1Y t-1 -1.4Y t-2 + 0.7Y t-3 +εt 的偏自相关系数*4ρ等于0。

( )6 、Q 检验的缺陷是经常把不是白噪声的残差误认为是白噪声过程。

( )7、 如果某银行宣布该银行1-天内,99%置信水平下,风险价值等于30(百万),说明该银行有1%的可能性1天内的损失会小于30(百万)。

( )8、假设半年支付利率一次,周期利率5%(以半年为一个周期),那么年简单收益率是10%,年复利收益率是10.25%,年连续复利收益率9.89%( )9、 对某模型的残差的平方进行检验,发现存在自相关,所以应该对残差建立ARCH 类模型。

( )10、 对MA(1)模型Y t =0.4+εt +0.6εt-1的3-步预测值等于0.4。

二 选择题: 得分 可能有多个选项是正确的,把正确选项前的标号填入括号中,每题3分,共15分 1、下面是对几个时间序列做单位根检验的结果, 哪些序列是I(1)的,把标号写在括号中( )水平变量单位根检验临界值5% -3.41 差分后临界值 5% -2.862、偏自相关函数是拖尾的模型包括()A AR模型B MA 模型C ARMA-ARCH模型D ARCH模型3 、Y t = 0.9+ϕY t-1 + ϕ2Y t-2 +εt,如果ρ1=10/21,那么ϕ等于多少?()A 2.5B 0.4C -0.4D -2.54、下面是几个模型, 写出满足平稳条件模型的标号()A Y t=0.1+1.3 Y t-1–0.3 Y t-2 +εtB Y t=0.75 Y t-1–0.125 Y t-2 +εtC Y t= 0.44Y t-1+εt +1.9εt-1D Y t=εt +0.7εt-1+0.03εt-25、假设某只股票的年收益率是10%,年波动率是30%,初始投资10M(M表示货币单位是百万),5%显著水平下, 1-年内的VaR等于()A 3.95M B 4.88M C 0.395M D 4.95M三简答题:(每个5分,共20分)得分1、用AIC准则来定阶,假设自回归部分滞后阶数p的上界为2,滑动平均部分滞后阶数q 的上界为2,计算的AIC表如下:那么确定的阶数是多少?为什么?2、同学A 建立了一个消费模型,用C 表示消费,I 表示收入。



高三英语统计学分析单选题60题及答案1.The average score of a class is calculated by adding all the scores and dividing by the number of students. This is an example of _____.A.meanB.medianC.modeD.range答案:A。


A 选项mean(平均数)是通过将所有数据相加再除以数据个数得到的,符合题干描述。

B 选项median((中位数)是将数据从小到大排列后位于中间位置的数。

C 选项mode(众数)是数据中出现次数最多的数。

D 选项range(极差)是数据中的最大值与最小值之差。

2.In a set of data, if there is a value that occurs most frequently, it is called the _____.A.meanB.medianC.modeD.range答案:C。

A 选项mean 是平均数。

B 选项median 是中位数。

C 选项mode 众数是出现次数最多的值,符合题意。

D 选项range 是极差。

3.The middle value in a sorted list of data is called the _____.A.meanB.medianC.modeD.range答案:B。

A 选项mean 是平均数。

B 选项median 中位数是排序后位于中间的数,符合题干描述。

C 选项mode 是众数。

D 选项range 是极差。

4.The difference between the highest and lowest values in a set of data is known as the _____.A.meanB.medianC.modeD.range答案:D。

金融时间序列分析英文试题(芝加哥大学) (1)

金融时间序列分析英文试题(芝加哥大学) (1)

Graduate School of Business,University of ChicagoBusiness41202,Spring Quarter2008,Mr.Ruey S.TsaySolutions to MidtermProblem A:(30pts)Answer briefly the following questions.Each question has two points.1.Describe two methods for choosing a time series model.Answer:Any two of(a)Information criteria such as AIC or BIC,(b)Out-of-sample forecasts,and(c)ACF and PACF of the series.2.Describe two applications of volatility infinance.Answer:Any two of(a)derivative(option)pricing,(b)risk management,(c)portfolio selection or asset allocation.3.Give two applications of seasonal time series models infinance.Answer:(a)Earnings forecasts and(b)weather-related derivative pricing or risk man-agement.4.Describe two weaknesses of the ARCH models in modelling stock volatility.Answer:Any two of(a)symmetric response to past positive and negative shocks,(b)restrictive,(c)Not adaptive,and(d)provides no explanation about the source ofvolatility clustering.5.Give two empirical characteristics of daily stock returns.Answer:any two of(a)heavy tails,(b)non-Gaussian distribution,(c)volatility clus-tering.6.The daily simple returns of Stock A for the last week were0.02,0.01,-0.005,-0.01,and0.025,respectively.What is the weekly log return of the stock last week?What is theweekly simple return of the stock last week?Answer:Weekly log return is0.03938;weekly simple return is0.04017.7.Suppose the closing price of Stock B for the past three trading days were$100,$120,and$100,respectively.What is the arithmetic mean of the simple return of the stock for the past three days?What is the geometric average of the simple return of the stockfor the past three days? Answer:Arithmetic mean=12120−100100+100−120120=0.017.and the geometric mean is120×100−1=0.8.Consider the AR(1)model r t=0.02+0.8r t−1+a t,where the shock a t is normally distrib-uted with mean zero and variance1.What are the variance and lag-1autocorrelation function of r t?Answer:Var(r t)=11−0.82=2.78and the lag-1ACF is0.8.19.For problems6and7,suppose the daily return r t,in percentages,of Stock A followsthe model r t=1.0+a t+0.3a t−1,where a t=σt t withσ2t =1.0+0.4a2t−1and t beingstandard normal.What is the unconditional variance of a t?What is the variance of r t?Answer:Var(a t)=11−0.4=1.67.Var(r t)=(1+0.32)σ2a=1.82.10.Suppose that a n=3.0,what is the1-step ahead forecast for r n+1at the forecast originn?What is the1-step ahead volatility forecast of r t at the forecast origin n?Answer:r n(1)=1+0.3a n=1.9,andσ2n (1)=1+0.4a2n=4.6.11.Consider the simple AR(1)model r t=100+0.8r t−1+a t,where a t is normally distributedwith mean zero and variance10.Is the r t series mean-reverting?If yes,what is the half-life of the series?Answer:Yes,r t series is mean-reverting.The half-life is ln(0.5)/ln(0.8)=3.11.12.Describe two test statistics for testing the ARCH effect of an asset return series.Writedown the associated null hypotheses.Answer:(a)The Ljung-Box statistic Q(m)of the squared shocks,i.e.a2t .The nullhypothesis is H o:ρ1=ρ2=···=ρm=0,whereρi is the lag-i ACF of a2t .(b)TheEngle F-test for the regression a2t =β0+β1a2t−1+···+βm a2t−m+e t.The null hypothesisis H o:β1=β2=···=βm=0.13.Consider the following two IGARCH(1,1)models for percentage log returns:Model A:σ2t =1.0+0.1a2t−1+0.9σ2t−1Model B:σ2t =0.1a2t−1+0.9σ2t−1.Suppose thatσ2100=20and a100=−2.0.What are the3-step ahead volatility forecastsfor Models A and B?Answer:For model A:3-step ahead volatility forecast isσ2100(3)=2+(1.0+0.1×(−2.0)2+0.9×20)=21.4.For model B,the3-step ahead volatility forecast isσ2100(3)=0.1(−2.0)2+0.9×20=18.4.14.Consider the following two models for the log price of an asset:Model A:p t=p t−1+a tModel B:p t=0.00001+p t−1+a twhere the shock a t is normally distributed with mean zero and varianceσ2>0.Suppose further that p100=5.Let p n( )be the -step ahead forecast at the forecast origin n.What are the point forecasts p100( )for both models as →∞?Answer:For model A,p100( )=5for all .For model B,p100( )converges to infinity as →∞.215.Suppose that we have T =1000daily log returns for the Decile 1portfolio.Supposefurther that the sample autocorrelation at lag-12is ˆρ12=0.15.Test the hypothesis H o :ρ12=0against the alternative hypothesis H a :ρ12=pute the test statistic and draw your conclusion.Answer :t =0.151/√1000=√1000×0.15=4.74,which is highly significant.Thus,the lag-12ACF is not zero.Problem B .(20pts)It is well-known in economics that growth rate of the domestic gross product (GDP)is negatively correlated with the change in unemployment rate.Consider the U.S.quarterly real GDP and unemployment rate from the first quarter of 1948to the first quarter of 2008.Let dgdp t be the growth rate of the GDP,i.e.dgdp t =ln(GDP t )−ln(GDP t −1),and dun t be the change in unempolyment rate,i.e.dun t =U t −U t −1with U t being the civilian unemployment rate.The data were seasonally adjusted and obtained from the Federal Reserve Bank at St.Louis.The sample size after the differencing is e the attached R output to answer the following questions.1.(5points)Write down the fitted linear regression model with dgdp t and dun t representing the dependent and independent variable,respectively,including residual standard error.What is the R 2of the linear regression?Is the fitted model adequate?Why?Answer :The fitted linear regression isdgdp t =0.017−0.017dun t +e t ,ˆσe =0.0088.The R 2is 0.37.The model is not adequate because the Q (m )statistics of the residuals show that the residuals have serial correlations,i.e.Q (12)=219.4with p-value close to zero.2.(5points)To take care of the serial correlations in the residuals,a linear regression model with time-series errors is built for the two variables.Write down the fitted model,including the residual variance.Answer :The fitted linear regression model with time-series errors is(1−0.21B −0.12B 2)(1−0.86B 4)(dgdp t −0.017+0.018dun t )=(1−0.72B 4)a t ,ˆσ2a =6.01×10−5.3.(2points)Is the model in Question 2adequate?Why?Answer :Yes,the model is adequate.The Q (m )statistics of the residuals fail to indicate the existence of any serial correlations.We have Q (12)=17.53with p-value 0.13.4.(4points)Based on the fitted model in Question 2,is the growth rate of GDP negatively correlated with the change in unempolyment rate?Why?Answer :Yes,the growth rate of GDP is negatively related to the change in unemploy-ment rate.The estimated coefficient is −0.018which is highly significant,because it standard error 0.0014is small,resulting in a large t -ratio.35.(4points)To check the predictive power of the model,it was re-estimated using thefirst236data points.This re-fitted model is used to produce1-step to4-step ahead forecasts at the forecast origin t=236.The actual value of the GDP growth rates are also given.Construct the1-step ahead95%interval forecast of the model.Is the actual growth rate in the forecasting interval?Answer:The95%interval forecast is0.012±1.96×0.0077,i.e.[−0.0031,0.027].The actual value is0.0159,which is in the interval.Problem C.(16pts)Consider the quarterly earnings per share of the Microsoft stock from thefirst quarter of1992to thefirst quarter of2008.The data were obtained from First Call. To take the log transformation,we add0.5to all data points.The R output is attached. Let x t=ln(y t+0.5)be the transformed earnings,where y t is the actual earnings per share.1.(5points)Write down thefitted model for x t,including the variance of the residuals.Answer:Thefitted model is(1−B)r t=(1−0.70B+0.39B2)(1+0.39B4)a t,ˆσ2a=0.0016, where r t=ln(x t+0.5)with x t being the earnings per share.2.(2points)Is there any significant serial correlation in the residuals of thefitted model?Why?Answer:No,the Q(m)statistics of the residuals give Q(12)=9.65with p-value0.65.3.(4points)Let T=65be the forecast origin,where T is the sample size.Based on thefitted model,and,for simplicity,use the relationship y t=exp(x t)−0.5,what are the 1-step and2-step ahead forecasts of earnings per share for the Microsoft stock?Answer:The1-step and2-step earnings forecasts are0.56and0.54,respectively.4.(2points)Test the null hypothesis H o:θ4=0vs H a:θ4=0.What is the test statistic?Draw your conclusion.Answer:The test statistic is t=0.39120.1442=2.71with two-sided p-value0.0067.Thus,the seasonal MA coefficientθ4is significantly different from zero.5.(3points)Consider the regular(i.e.,non-seasonal)part of the MA model.Is it invertible?Why?Answer:Yes,it is invertible,because the polynomial1−0.6953x+0.3889x2has roots0.89±1.33i so that the absolute value of the roots(Mod in R)is1.6,which is greaterthan1.[If you compute the roots of x2−0.6953x+0.3889,the the absolute value of the roots is less than1.]Problem D.(34pts)Consider the daily log returns of the Starbucks stock,in percentages, from January1993to December2007.The relevant R output is attached.Answer the following questions.41.(2points)Is the mean log return significant different from zero?Why?Answer:No,the basic statistics show the95%confidence interval of the mean is [−0.0103,0.1624],which contains zero.2.(2points)Is there any serial correlation in the log return series?Why?Answer:Yes,the Q(m)statistics show Q(15)=38.39with p-value0.0008.3.(2points)An MA model is used to handle the mean equation,which appears to beadequate.Is there any ARCH effect in the return series?Why?Answer:Yes,because the Q(m)statistics of the squared residuals show Q(15)=112.61 with p-value close to zero.4.(6points)A GARCH(1,1)model with Student-t distribution is used for the volatilityequation.Write down thefitted model,including the degrees of freedom of the Student-t innovations and mean equation.Answer:Thefitted model isr t=0.037+a t−0.043a t−1−0.048a t−2,a t=σt t, ∼t5.27.σ2 t =0.012+0.026a2t−1+0.973σ2t−1.5.(4points)Since the constant term of the GARCH(1,1)model is not significantly differentfrom zero at the1%level,an IGARCH(1,1)model is used.Write down thefitted IGARCH(1,1)model,including the mean equation.Answer:Thefitted IGARCH(1,1)model isr t=0.077+a t−0.029a t−1−0.044a t−2,a t=σt t, t∼N(0,1).σ2 t =0.022a2t−1+0.978σ2t−1.6.(3points)Is the IGARCH(1,1)model adequate?Why?What is the3-step aheadvolatility forecast with the last data point as the forecast origin?Answer:Yes,the Q(m)statistics for the standardized residuals give Q(10)=1.77, Q(15)=10.79,and Q(20)=18.66.The p-values of these statistics are all greater than0.05.In addition,the Q(m)statistics of the squared standardized residuals also havelarge p-values.The3-step ahead volatility forecast is √3.779=1.94.7.(5points)A GJR(or TGARCH)model with Student-t distribution is alsofitted to thelog return series.Write down thefitted model,including the mean equation and all parameters.Answer:Thwfitted GJR model isr t=0.032+a t−0.043a t−1−0.048a t−2,a t=σt t, t∼t5.31.σ2 t =0.015+(0.021+0.017N t−1)a2t−1+0.970σ2t−1,where N t−1=0if a t−1≥0and=1,otherwise.58.(2points)Is the fitted GJR (or TGARCH)model adequate?Why?Answer :Yes,the Q (m )statistics of the standardized residuals and those of the squred standardized residuals all have large p-values.9.(2points)Among the GARCH(1,1),IGARCH(1,1)and GJR(1,1)models,which one is preferred?Why?Answer :The GJR(1,1)model because it has the smallest AIC value.10.(2points)Is the leverage effect of the GJR model significant?Why?Answer :Yes,the t -ratio of the leverage parameter is 2.01,which is significant at the 5%level.11.(4points)To better understand the leverage effect,use the fitted GJR to calculate theratio σ2t (a t −1=−5.10)σ2t(a t −1=5.10),assuming σ2t −1=7.5.Answer :σ2t (a t −1=−5.10)σ2t (a t −1=5.10)=0.0154+0.0379×(−5.10)2+0.97×7.50.0154+0.0208×(5.10)2+0.97×7.5=1.057.6。



2.2解:ErEr()0.010.2(),,(1)因为 tt,1r是若平稳序列 tEr()Er()所以= tt,1Er()=0.0125 即t,,,,,(2)因为 , =1 ll11,0,,=0.2, =0.04 故21,ae(1)(3)=,其中为向前一步预测误差,h=100, er(1)(1),,h,1hhh1,rh VareVara((1))(),=0.02*0.02 hh,12同理VareVara((2))()(1),,, hh,11故向前一步和两步的标准差分别为0.02和0.020004 2.4解:代码:w=read.table("m-deciles08.txt") decile2=w[,3];decile10=w[,5] Box.test(decile2,lag=12,type="Ljung")Box-Ljung testdata: decile2X-squared = 55.7363, df = 12, p-value = 1.335e-07,从中可以看出拒绝原假设,即拒绝decile2前十二个间隔的自相关系数都为0Box.test(decile10,lag=12,type="Ljung")Box-Ljung testdata: decile10X-squared = 10.6872, df = 12, p-value = 0.5559,因为P值大于0.5,不能拒绝原假设,即可认为Decile10前十二阶无序列自相关。

b,decile2timeseris=ts(decile2,frequency=12,start=c(1970,1))plot(decile2timeseris)points(decile2timeseris,pch="*")从图中我们可以看出样本几乎是平稳的,我们对其做检验library(fUnitRoots)adfTest(decile2timeseris,lags=12,type=c("c"))##############平稳性检验Title: Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Test Results:PARAMETER:Lag Order: 12STATISTIC:Dickey-Fuller: -4.8996P VALUE:0.01从中可以看出无法拒绝原假设平稳性的假定acf(decile2timeseris,lag.max=36) pacf(decile2timeseris,lag.max=36)从自相关函数来看在间隔36,24,12以及1处显著不为0,如果接受季节性ARMA模型,m2=arima(decile2timeseris,order=c(1,0,0),seasonal=list(order=c(1,0,1),period=12))##########结果如下Series: decile2timeserisARIMA(1,0,0)(1,0,1)[12] with non-zero meanCoefficients:ar1 sar1 sma1 intercept0.1981 0.9891 -0.9389 0.0093 s.e. 0.0454 0.0129 0.0392 0.0090 sigma^2 estimated as 0.003684: log likelihood=643.14AIC=-1276.28 AICc=-1276.15 BIC=-1255.54 因此ARMA模型可以写成r,,0.00930.198r,0.9891r,a ,0.9389a tt,12tt,12t,1对残差进行检验看是否存在自相关Box.test(m2$residuals,lag=20,type='Ljung')Box-Ljung testdata: m2$residualsX-squared = 23.0335, df = 20, p-value = 0.2872 从结果来看,无法拒绝残差无自相关的假设,因此可以认为该模型较好。




( )1、某项投资分为4个周期,每个周期的收益率不同,用R" i=l,…,4表示,y4R那么该项投资与投资期4个周期,每个周期收益率都是二的投资是等价的。

4( )2、如果&满足一个GARCH(2, 1)模型,那么&平方后满足一个ARMA(2, 2)模型。

( )3、如果以t分布作为对照分布画出的Q-Q图是直线说明该组数据服从t分布。

(根据t分布计算理论上的分位数标在纵轴上,根据数据计算出的样本分位数画在横轴上) ( )4、使用JB检验判断数据的分布是否是正态分布,如果检验的p —值等于0. 78,说明该组数据不服从正态分布。

( )5、自回归过程% = 0. 1Y- -1.4Y T + 0. 7丫3 +&的偏自相关系数等于0。

( )6、Q检验的缺陷是经常把不是白噪声的残差误认为是白噪声过程。

( )7、如果某银行宣布该银行1 —天内,99%置信水平下,风险价值等于30 (百万),说明该银行有1%的可能性1天内的损失会小于30 (百万)。

( )8、假设半年支付利率一次,周期利率5% (以半年为一个周期),那么年简单收益率是10%,年复利收益率是10. 25%,年连续复利收益率9. 89%( )9、对某模型的残差的平方进行检验,发现存在自相关,所以应该对残差建立ARCH类模型。

( )10、对MA⑴模型Y t=0. 4+e t +0. 6e t-i的3 一步预测值等于0. 4。

二选择题:得分可能有多个选项是正确的,把正确选项前的标号填入括号中,每题3分,共15分1、下面是对几个时间序列做单位根检验的结果,哪些序列是1(1)的,把标号写在括号中A AR 模型B MA 模型C ARMA-ARCH 模型D ARCH 模型3、Yt = 0. 9+(pY t -i +(p 2Y - +£如果pi = 10/21,那么cp 等于多少? (A 2. 5BC -D -2.(A 3.95MB 4.88MC 0.395MD 4.95M得分2、偏自相关函数是拖尾的模型包括4、 下面是几个模型,写出满足平稳条件模型的标号( )A Yt 二0. 1+1. 3 Yt-i -0.3 Yt-2 +讯B Yt 二0. 75 Yt-i - 0. 125 Y t -2 +&C Yt= 0. 44Y t -i+8t +1. 98t -iD Y t =£t +0. 7gt -i+0. 03gt-25、 假设某只股票的年收益率是10%,年波动率是30%,初始投资10M (M 表示货币单位是百万),5%显著水平下,1 —年内的VaR 等于三简答题:(每个5分,共20分)1、用AIC 准则来定阶,假设自回归部分滞后阶数Q 的上界为2,滑动平均部分滞后阶数q2、同学A 建立了一个消费模型,用C 表示消费,I 表示收入。











二、单项选择题:1. 某一时间序列经一次差分变换成平稳时间序列,此时间序列称为(A)。

A.1阶单整B.2阶单整C.K阶单整 D.以上答案均不正确2. 如果两个变量都是一阶单整的,则(D)。


A DF检验B.ADF检验C.EG检验D.DW检验4.有关EG检验的说法正确的是(A)。

A.拒绝零假设说明被检验变量之间存在协整关系B.接受零假设说明被检验变量之间存在协整关系C.拒绝零假设说明被检验变量之间不存在协整关系D.接受零假设说明被检验变量之间不存在协整关系( 与A重复)三、多项选择题:1. 平稳性检验的方法有(ABCD)。

A.散点图B.自相关函数检验C.单位根检验D. ADF检验2.当时间序列是非平稳的时候(ABCD)。



金融时间序列分析 期中试卷(答案)一.名词解释(每小题5分,共20分) 1.白噪声序列解答:若序列{}t ε满足0t E ε=,()2,cov ,t s t s εεσδ=,其中,10t s t st sδ≠=⎧=⎨⎩则称{}t ε为零均值白噪声序列。

2. 严平稳序列解答:设{}0,1,2,...Z =±±, 12,,,,m Z m t t t Z τ∀∀∈∈正整数,以及,有其中()121,121(,,,),...,mm t t m t t t m F x x x P X x x X ≤=≤则称序列t X 为严平稳序列。

3. 自协方差函数 解答:自协方差函数的定义为(,)()()t t s s t s E X X γμμ=--,其中t t EX μ=。

4. 均方意义下收敛 解答:如果2lim 0t t E X X →∞-=称t X 均方意义下收敛到X 。

二.简答题(每小题10分,共20分) 1. 请简述ARMA(p,q)序列的之平稳域的定义。

解答:对于ARMA(p,q)序列1111......t t p t p t t q t q X X X φφεθεθε----=+++---,使得t X 保持二阶宽平稳的所有11,...,,...,p q φφθθ所成的集合称为该序列的平稳域。

(其他等价定义也可以得分)2. 请简要描述Ljung-Box 检验的过程(包括原假设、备择假设、统计量的定义和抽样分布)解答:原假设和备择假设各1分:1212,12,12(,,,)(,,,)mm t t t m t t t m F x x x F x x x τττ+++=H0:1...0k ρρ=== v.s. H1:至少存在一个0i ρ≠检验统计量为21ˆ()(2)mk k LB m n n n k ρ=⎛⎫=+ ⎪-⎝⎭∑(3分)其渐近分布为自由度为m 的chi-方分布(2分)。

三.计算分析 1. 1a:()()22(,)cov ,cos()cos()sin()sin()cos().t t k t t k t t k X X E X X t t k E t t k E k γξη+++==++==+(5分)(,)(,)/(,)cos()/cos(0)cos().t t k t t k t t k k ργγ+=+==(5分)1b:由于(,)t t k γ+存在且只与k 有关,所以{}t X 是二阶宽平稳序列。



一、单项选择题(每题 2 分,共 20 分)P61 对于严安稳与(宽)安稳的关系;弱安稳的定义:对于随机时间序列 y t,假如其希望值、方差以及自协方差均不随时间 t 的变化而变化,则称 y t为弱安稳随机变量,即 y t一定知足以下条件:对于所有时间 t ,有(i )E(yt ) =μ为不变的常数;(ii )Var( yt ) =σ2不的常数;(iii )γj =E[y t - μ][y t-j - μ] ,j=0 ,±1,,2 ,⋯(j 相隔的数)(μ =0, cov(y t,y t-j)=0,Var(yt )=σ2时为白噪音过程,常用的安稳过程。

)从以上定义能够看到,凡是弱安稳变量,都会有一个恒定不变的均值和方差,而且自协方差只与y t和 y t-j之间的以后期数 j 有关,而与时间 t 没有任何关系。

严安稳过程的定义:假如对于任何 j 1,,j 2,...,j k,随机量的会合(y t,y t+j1,,y t+j2,⋯, y t+jk)只依靠于不一样期之间的间隔距离(j 1, j 2,⋯,j k),而不依靠于时间t ,那么这样的会合称为严格安稳过程或简称为严安稳过程,对应的随机变量称为严安稳随机变量。

P46X t的k阶差分是;△kX t=△k-1X t-△k-1X t-1,△表示差分符号。

滞后算子; P54 对于 AR : L p y t=y t-p,于MA:Lpεt=εt-pAR(p)模型即自回归部分的特色根—安稳性;确立好差分方程的阶数,则其pp-1p-2=0,若所有的特色根的│λ│<1则安稳特色方程为:λ-α1λ-α2λ - ⋯-αp增补:逆特色方程为:1- α1z1- α2z2- ⋯ - αpzp=0,若所有的逆特色根│z│ >1,则安稳。


如:p57作业3:yt =1.2y-0.2y+2λ,为二阶差分,其特色方程为:λt-1-1.2+0.2=0 t-2εt,解得λ121=1,λ=0.2,因为λ=1,因此不安稳。



金融英语业务知识练习试卷3(题后含答案及解析) 题型有: 2. 单项选择题单项选择题1.The “law of demand” implies that as prices______.A.fall, demand increasesB.rise, demand decreasesC.fall, quantity demanded increasesD.rise, quantity demanded increases正确答案:C解析:答案为C项。

the law of demand“需求定律”,指在其他条件不变的情况下,消费者的需求量与商品价格之间呈反方向变动。


知识模块:金融英语业务知识2.Market efficiency refers to______.A.the correct pricing of assets relative to their risks and rate of returnB.the equality of assets and liabilities within a firmC.producing more assets with less effortD.the largest firm having the lowest stock prices正确答案:A解析:答案为A项。

market efficiency“市场效率”,指资产的价格与其风险和收益的匹配。


知识模块:金融英语业务知识3.If a good is a luxury, its income elasticity of demand is______.A.positive and less than 1B.negative but greater than —1C.positive and greater than 1D.zero正确答案:C解析:答案为C项。

income elasticity of demand“需求的收入弹性”,指百分之一的收入变化引起的需求的变化率。



金融英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是“股票”的正确英文表达?A. StockB. BondC. DerivativeD. Option答案:A2. 金融英语中,“利率”通常指的是什么?A. Interest RateB. Exchange RateC. Inflation RateD. Stock Price答案:A3. 在金融领域,“风险管理”的英文表达是什么?A. Risk ManagementB. Asset ManagementC. Fund ManagementD. Portfolio Management答案:A4. 以下哪个选项不是金融工具?A. SharesB. BondsC. LoansD. Software答案:D5. “外汇”在金融英语中通常指的是什么?A. Foreign CurrencyB. Foreign ExchangeC. Foreign TradeD. International Market答案:B6. 金融英语中,“通货膨胀”的英文表达是什么?A. InflationB. DeflationC. HyperinflationD. Stagflation答案:A7. “信用评级”在金融英语中如何表达?A. Credit RatingB. Credit ScoreC. Credit ReportD. Credit History答案:A8. 以下哪个选项是“期货”的正确英文表达?A. FutureB. ForwardC. OptionD. Swap答案:B9. “资产负债表”在金融英语中如何表达?A. Balance SheetB. Income StatementC. Cash Flow StatementD. Statement of Changes in Equity答案:A10. 金融英语中,“市场分析”的英文表达是什么?A. Market AnalysisB. Financial AnalysisC. Economic AnalysisD. Risk Analysis答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在金融英语中,"_____" 指的是一种金融衍生品,允许持有者在特定时间内以特定价格购买或出售资产。




1.在DW检验中, 当d统计量为0时, 表明()。

A.存在完全的正自相关B.存在完全的负自相关C.不存在自相关D.不能判定2、在检验异方差的方法中, 不正确的是()。

A. Goldfeld-Quandt方法B.ARCH检验法C. White检验法D. DW检验法3. 的2阶差分为()。

A. B、C. D.4.ARMA(p,q)模型的特点是()。

A.自相关系数截尾, 相关系数拖尾B.自相关系数拖尾, 相关系数截尾C、自相关系数截尾, 相关系数截尾D、自相关系数拖尾, 相关系数拖尾5、以下选项中, 正确地表达了序列相关的是()。

A. B、C. D.6.在线性回归模型中,若解释变量和的观测值有如的关系,则表明模型中存在( )。

A. 异方差B. 多重共线性C. 序列自相关D. 设定误差7、如果样本回归模型残差的一阶自相关系数ρ接近于0, 那么DW统计量的值近似等于()A.0B.1C.2D.48、当多元回归模型中的解释变量存在完全多重共线性时, 下列哪一种情况会发生()A、OLS估计量仍然满足无偏性和有效性;B、OLS估计量是无偏的, 但非有效;C.OLS估计量有偏且非有效;D.无法求出OLS估计量。

9、在多元线性线性回归模型中, 解释变量的个数越多, 则可决系数R2()A.越大; B、越小; C、不会变化; D、无法确定二、填空题。

1.AR(1)过程, 其中, 则Var( )=___12___2、对于时间序列, 若经过三阶差分后才能平稳 , 则。

3.条件异方差模型中, 形如的模型可简记为__ GARCH _(6,5)___ 模型。

4、为一时间序列, 为延迟算子, 则__ Xt-3 ____5、_____ 面板数据是用来描述一个总体样本中给定样本在一段时间的情况, 并对每个样本单位都进行多重观察。



时间序列期末考试英文Title: Characterizing Long-Term Temporal Patterns in Stock Market DataAbstract:This study presents an analysis of long-term temporal patterns in stock market data, aiming to identify trends, cycles, and potential predictability. We employed advanced time series techniques to extract meaningful patterns from historical stock price data. Our findings suggest the presence of distinct long-term cycles, which may offer valuable insights for investors and traders.Keywords: Stock Market, Time Series Analysis, Long-Term Trends, CyclesIntroduction:The stock market is a complex system, characterized by high volatility and unpredictability. However, understanding its long-term temporal patterns can provide valuable insights for investors. In this study, we aim to identify long-term trends and cycles in stock market data, utilizing advanced time series analysis techniques.Methodology:We collected historical daily closing prices for a broad market index (e.g., S&P 500) spanning over a period of 20 years. We employed various time series analysis techniques, including autocorrelation, cross-correlation, Fourier analysis, and wavelet transforms, to extract meaningful patterns from the data.Results:Our analysis revealed several long-term temporal patterns in the stock market data. We identified significant autocorrelation in the data, suggesting the presence of persistent trends. Fourier analysis revealed distinct long-term cycles with periods ranging from 5 to 10 years. Wavelet transforms further confirmed these cycles and provided insights into their evolution over time.Conclusion:Our findings suggest that the stock market exhibits distinct long-term temporal patterns characterized by persistent trends and cycles. These patterns may offer valuable insights for investors and traders, enabling them to make more informed decisions. Future research should focus on exploring the underlying mechanisms responsible for these patterns and their implications for portfolio management and investment strategies.References:[Please provide the references here]Appendix:[Please provide the appendix here]。



PartⅠ.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false (10%)每题1分, 答错不扣分1.I.perfec.market.existed.resource.woul.b.mor.mobil.an.coul.therefor.b.transferre.t.thos.countrie.mor.willin.t.pa..hig.pric.fo.them.. .. .2.Th.forwar.contrac.ca.hedg.futur.receivable.o.payable.i.foreig.currencie.t.insulat.th.fir.agains.exchang.rat.risk ... . )3.Th.primar.objectiv.o.th.multinationa.corporatio.i.stil.th.sam.primar.objectiv.o.an.firm.i.e..t.maximiz.sharehol de.wealth.. .. )4..lo.inflatio.rat.tend.t.increas.import.an.decreas.exports.thereb.decreasin.th.curren.accoun.deficit.othe.thing.e qual......5..capita.accoun.defici.reflect..ne.sal.o.th.hom.currenc.i.exchang.fo.othe.currencies.Thi.place.upwar.pressur.o.tha.hom.currency’.value.. .. )parativ.advantag.implie.tha.countrie.shoul.specializ.i.production.thereb.relyin.o.othe.countrie .fo.som.products.. .. .7.Covere.interes.arbitrag.i.plausibl.whe.th.forwar.premiu.reflec.th.interes.rat.differentia.betwee.tw.countrie.sp ecifie.b.th.interes.rat.parit.formula. .. . )8.Th.tota.impac.o.transactio.exposur.i.o.th.overal.valu.o.th.firm.. .. .9. .pu.optio.i.a.optio.t.sell-b.th.buye.o.th.option-.state.numbe.o.unit.o.th.underlyin.instrumen.a..specifie.pric.pe.uni.durin..specifie.period... . )10.Future.mus.b.marked-to-market.Option.ar.not.....)PartⅡ:Cloze (20%)每题2分, 答错不扣分1.I.inflatio.i..foreig.countr.differ.fro.inflatio.i.th.hom.country.th.exchang.rat.wil.adjus.t.maintai.equal.. purchasin.powe... )2.Speculator.wh.expec..currenc.t..appreciat..... .coul.purchas.currenc.future.contract.fo.tha.currency.3.Covere.interes.arbitrag.involve.th.short-ter.investmen.i..foreig.currenc.tha.i.covere.b.....forwar.contrac...... .t. sel.tha.currenc.whe.th.investmen.matures.4.. Appreciation.Revalu....)petitio.i.increased.5.....PP... .suggest..relationshi.betwee.th.inflatio.differentia.o.tw.countrie.an.th.percentag.chang.i.th.spo.exchang.ra t.ove.time.6.IF.i.base.o.nomina.interes.rat....differential....).whic.ar.influence.b.expecte.inflation.7.Transactio.exposur.i..subse.o.economi.exposure.Economi.exposur.include.an.for.b.whic.th.firm’... valu... .wil.b.affected.modit.a..state.pric.i..... pu..optio..i.exercised9.Ther.ar.thre.type.o.long-ter.internationa.bonds.The.ar.Globa.bond. .. eurobond.....an....foreig.bond...).10.An.goo.secondar.marke.fo.financ.instrument.mus.hav.a.efficien.clearin.system.Mos.Eurobond.ar.cleare.thr oug.eithe...Euroclea... ..o.Cedel.PartⅢ:Questions and Calculations (60%)过程正确结果计算错误扣2分rmation:A BankB BankBid price of Canadian dollar $0.802 $0.796Ask price of Canadian dollar $0.808 $0.800rmation.i.locationa.arbitrag.possible?put.t h.profi.fro.thi.arbitrag.i.yo.ha.$1,000,e.(5%)ANSWER:Yes! One could purchase New Zealand dollars at Y Bank for $.80 and sell them to X Bank for $.802. With $1 million available, 1.25 million New Zealand dollars could be purchased at Y Bank. These New Zealand dollars could then be sold to X Bank for $1,002,500, thereby generating a profit of $2,500.2.Assum.tha.th.spo.exchang.rat.o.th.Britis.poun.i.$1.90..Ho.wil.thi.spo.rat.adjus.i.tw.year.i.th.Unite.Kingdo.experience.a.inflatio.rat.o..percen.pe.yea.whil.th.Unite.State.experience.a.inflatio.rat.o..perc en. pe.year?(10%)ANSWER:According to PPP, forward rate/spot=indexdom/indexforth.exchang.rat.o.th.poun.wil.depreciat.b.4..percent.Therefore.th.spo.rat.woul.adjus.t.$1.9..[..(–.047)..$1.81073.Assum.tha.th.spo.exchang.rat.o.th.Singapor.dolla.i.$0.70..Th.one-yea.interes.rat.i.1.percen.i.th.Unite.State.a n..percen.i.Singapore..Wha.wil.th.spo.rat.b.i.on.yea.accordin.t.th.IFE?.(5%)ANSWER: according to the IFE,St+1/St=(1+Rh)/(1+Rf)$.70 × (1 + .04) = $0.7284.Assum.tha.XY.Co.ha.ne.receivable.o.100,00.Singapor.dollar.i.9.days..Th.spo.rat.o.th.S.i.$0.50.an.th.Singap or.interes.rat.i.2.ove.9.days..Sugges.ho.th.U.S.fir.coul.implemen..mone.marke.hedge..B.precis. .(10%)ANSWER: The firm could borrow the amount of Singapore dollars so that the 100,000 Singapore dollars to be received could be used to pay off the loan. This amounts to (100,000/1.02) = about S$98,039, which could be converted to about $49,020 and invested. The borrowing of Singapore dollars has offset the transaction exposure due to the future receivables in Singapore dollars.pan.ordere..Jagua.sedan.I..month..i.wil.pa.£30,00.fo.th.car.I.worrie.tha.poun.ster1in.migh.ris.sharpl.fro.th.curren.rate($1.90)pan.bough...mont.poun.cal.(suppose.contrac.siz..£35,000.wit..strik.pric.o.$1.9.fo..premiu.o.2..cents/£.(1)Is hedging in the options market better if the £ rose to $1.92 in 6 months?(2)what did the exchange rate have to be for the company to break even?(15%)Solution:(1)I.th..ros.t.$pan.woul. exercis.th.poun.cal.option.Th.su.o.th.strik.pric.an.premiu..i.$1.90 + $0.023 = $1.9230/£Thi.i.bigge.tha.$1.92.So hedging in the options market is not better.(2.whe.w.sa.th. compan.ca.brea.even.w.mea.tha.hedgin.o.no.hedgin.doesn’. matter.An.onl.whe.(strik.pric..premiu.).th.exchang.rat.,hedging or not doesn’t matter.So, the exchange rate =$1.923/£.6.Discus.th.advantage.an.disadvantage.o.fixe.exchang.rat.system.(15%)textbook page50 答案以教材第50 页为准PART Ⅳ: Diagram(10%)Th.strik.pric.fo..cal.i.$1.67/£.Th.premiu.quote.a.th.Exchang.i.$0.022.pe.Britis.pound.Diagram the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price for this call optionSolution:Following diagram shows the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price of this put option:PART Ⅴa) b) Calculate the expected value of the hedge.c) How could you replicate this hedge in the money market?Yo.ar.expectin.revenue.o.Y100,00.i.on.mont.tha.yo.wil.nee.t.cover.t.dollars.Yo.coul.hedg.thi.i.forwar.market.b.takin.lon.position.i.U.dollar.(shor.position.i.Japanes.Yen).B.lockin.i.you.pric.a.$..Y105.you.dolla.revenue.ar.guarantee.t.b.Y100,000/ 105 = $952You could replicate this hedge by using the following:a) Borrow in Japanb) Convert the Yen to dollarsc) Invest the dollars in the USd) Pay back the loan when you receive the Y100,000。





一、选择题1. What is the meaning of IPO?a) Initial Public Offeringb) International Purchase Orderc) Investment Portfolio Optimizationd) International Partnership Organization答案:a) Initial Public Offering2. What does the term "capital market" refer to?a) The market for physical capitalb) The market for financial assets with a maturity of less than a yearc) The market for financial assets with a maturity of more than a yeard) The market for real estate properties答案:c) The market for financial assets with a maturity of more than a year3. Which of the following is an example of a derivative?a) Stockb) Bondc) Optiond) Certificate of Deposit答案:c) Option4. What is the opposite of a deficit?a) Surplusb) Debtc) Liabilityd) Equity答案:a) Surplus5. What is the term for a loan that is secured by collateral?a) Unsecured loanb) Subordinated loanc) Secured loand) Revolving loan答案:c) Secured loan二、填空题1. The study of how individuals and institutions make financial decisions and how these decisions affect the allocation of resources is known as__________.答案:finance2. When a company issues shares for the first time and offers them to the public, it is called an ____________.答案:IPO (Initial Public Offering)3. The interest rate that a commercial bank charges its most creditworthy customers is known as the _________.答案:prime rate4. A financial instrument that represents ownership in a corporation is called a ___________.答案:stock5. The basic economic problem of having seemingly unlimited human wants in a world of limited resources is known as ________.答案:scarcity三、解答题1. Explain the concept of time value of money.答案:The time value of money refers to the idea that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future. This is because money can be invested and earn interest over time. Therefore, receiving a dollar today ismore desirable than receiving the same amount in the future. The time value of money is an important concept in finance and is used to calculate the present value of future cash flows.2. What are the main functions of a central bank?答案:The main functions of a central bank include:- Monetary policy: Central banks are responsible for formulating and implementing monetary policy to control the money supply and interest rates in an economy. This is done to achieve specific macroeconomic objectives, such as price stability and economic growth.- Banker to the government: Central banks act as the government's bank and provide services such as managing the government's accounts, issuing government securities, and acting as a lender of last resort.- Banker to commercial banks: Central banks also provide banking services to commercial banks, including maintaining accounts, providing short-term loans, and overseeing the stability of the banking system.- Currency issuance: Central banks are responsible for issuing and circulating the national currency.- Financial stability: Central banks play a crucial role in maintaining financial stability and monitoring risks in the banking system.总结:本文为大家提供了一些常见的金融英语考试试题及答案。

exam12s经典教材《金融时间序列分析》Ruey S. Tsay 英文第三版2012年试题及答案高清版

exam12s经典教材《金融时间序列分析》Ruey S. Tsay 英文第三版2012年试题及答案高清版

Booth School of Business,University of ChicagoBusiness41202,Spring Quarter2012,Mr.Ruey S.TsaySolutions to MidtermProblem A:(34pts)Answer briefly the following questions.Each question has two points.1.Describe two improvements of the EGARCH model over the GARCHvolatility model.Answer:(1)allows for asymmetric response to past positive or negative returns,i.e.leverage effect,(2)uses log volatility to relax parameter constraint.2.Describe two methods that can be used to infer the existence of ARCHeffects in a return series,i.e.,volatility is not constant over time.Answer:(1)The sample ACF(or PACF)of the squared residuals of the mean equation,(2)use the Ljung-Box statistics on the squared residuals.3.Consider the IGARCH(1,1)volatility model:a t=σt t withσ2t =α0+β1σ2t−1+(1−β1)a2t−1.Often one pre-fixesα0=0.Why?Also,suppose thatα0=0and the1-step ahead volatility prediction at the forecast origin h is16.2%(annualized),i.e.,σh(1)=σh+1=16.2for the percentage log return.What is the10-step ahead volatility prediction?That is,what isσh(10)?Answer:(1)Fixingα0=0based on the prior knowledge that volatility is mean reverting.(2)σh(10)=16.2.4.(Questions4to8)Consider the daily log returns of Amazon stockfrom January3,2007to April27,2012.Some summary statistics of the returns are given in the attached R output.Is the expected(mean) return of the stock zero?Why?Answer:The data does not provide sufficient evidence to suggest that the mean return is not zero,because the95%confidence interval con-tains zero.5.Let k be the excess kurtosis.Test H0:k=0versus H a:k=0.Writedown the test statistic and draw the conclusion.1Answer:t-ratio =9.875√24/1340=73.79,which is highly significant com-pared with χ21distribution.6.Are there serial correlations in the log returns?Why?Answer:No,the Ljung-Box statistic Q (10)=10.69with p-value 0.38.7.Are there ARCH effects in the log return series?Why?Answer:Yes,the Ljung-Box statist of squared residuals gives Q (10)=39.24with p-value less than 0.05.8.Based on the summary statistics provided,what is the 22-step ahead point forecast of the log return at the forecast origin April 27,2012?Why?Answer:The point forecast r T (22)=0because the mean is not signif-icantly different from zero.[Give students 1point if they use sample mean.]9.Give two reasons that explain the existence of serial correlations in ob-served asset returns even if the true returns are not serially correlated.Answer:Any two of (1)bid-ask bounce,(2)nonsynchronous trading,(3)dynamic dependence of volaitlity via risk premuim.10.Give two reasons that may lead to using moving-average models inanalyzing asset returns.Answer:(1)Smoothing (or manipulation),(2)bid-ask bounce in high frequency returns.11.Describe two methods that can be used to compare different modelsfor a given time series.Answer:(1)Information criteria such as AIC or BIC,(2)backtesting or out-of-sample forecasting.12.(Questions 12to 14)Let r t be the daily log returns of Stock A.Assume that r t =0.004+a t ,where a t =σt t with t being iid N(0,1)random variates and σ2t =0.017+0.15a 2t −1.What is the unconditionalvariance of a t ?Answer:Var(a t )=0.0171−0.15=0.02.13.Suppose that the log price at t =100is 3.912.Also,at the forecastorigin t =100,we have a 100=−0.03and σ100=pute the21-step ahead forecast of the log price (not log return)and its volatility for Stock A at the forecast origin t =100.Answer:r 100(1)=0.004so that p 100(1)=3.912+0.004=3.916.Thevolatility forecast is σ2100(1)= 0.017+0.15(−0.03)2=pute the 30-step ahead forecast of the log price and its volatilityof Stock A at the forecast origin t =100.Answer:p 100(30)=3.912+0.004×30=4.032and the voaltility is the unconditional stantard error √0.02=0.141.15.Asset volatility has many applications in finance.Describe two suchapplications.Answer:Any two of (1)pricing derivative,(2)risk management,(3)asset allocation.16.Suppose the log return r t of Stock A follows the model r t =a t ,a t =σt t ,and σ2t =α0+α1a 2t −1+β1σ2t −1,where t are iid N(0,1).Under whatcondition that the kurtosis of r t is 3?That is,state the condition under which the GARCH dynamics fail to generate any additional kurtosis over that of t .Answer:α1=0.17.What is the main consequence in using a linear regression analysis whenthe serial correlations of the residuals are overlooked?Answer:The t -ratios of coefficient estimates are not reliable.Problem B .(30pts)Consider the daily log returns of Amazon stock from January 3,2007to April 27,2012.Several volatility models are fitted to the data and the relevant R output is attached.Answer the following questions.1.(2points)A volatility model,called m1in R,is entertained.Write down the fitted model,including the mean equation.Is the model adequate?Why?Answer:ARCH(1)model.r t =0.0018+a t ,a t =σt t with t being iidN(0,1)and σ2t =7.577×10−4+0.188a 2t −1.The model is inadequatebecause the normality assumption is clearly rejected.2.(3points)Another volatility model,called m2in R,is fitted to the returns.Write down the model,including all estimated parameters.3Answer:ARCH(1)model.r t=4.907×10−4+a t,a t=σt t,where t∼t∗3.56with t∗vdenoting standardized Student-t distribution with v degreesof freedom.The volatility equation isσ2t =7.463×10−4+0.203a2t−1.3.(2points)Based on thefitted model m2,test H0:ν=5versus H a:ν=5,whereνdenotes the degrees of freedom of Student-t distribution.Perform the test and draw a conclusion.Answer:t-ratio=3.562−50.366=−3.93,which compared with1.96is highlysignificant.If you compute the p-value,it is8.53×10−5.Therefore, v=5is rejected.4.(3points)A third model,called m3in R,is also entertained.Writedown the model,including the distributional parameters.Is the model adequate?Why?Answer:Another ARCH(1)model.r t=0.0012+a t,a t=σt t,where t are iid and follow a skew standardized Student-t distribution with skew parameter1.065and degrees of freedom3.591.The volatility equationisσ2t =7.418×10−4+0.208a2t−1.Ecept for the insigicant mean value,thefitted ARCH(1)model appears to be adequate based on the model checking statistics shown.5.(2points)Letξbe the skew parameter in model m3.Does the estimateofξconfirm that the distribution of the log returns is skewed?Why?Perform the test to support your answer.Answer:The t-ratio is1.065−10.039=1.67,which is smaller than1.96.Thus,the null hypothesis of symmetric innovations cannot be rejected at the 5%level.6.(3points)A fourth model,called m4in R,is alsofitted.Write downthefitted model,including the distribution of the innovations.Answer:a GARCH(1,1)model.r t=0.0017+a t,a t=σt t,where t are iid and follow a skew standardized Student-t distribution with skew parameter1.101and degrees of freedom3.71.The volatility equationisσ2t =1.066×10−5+0.0414a2t−1+0.950σ2t−1.7.(2points)Based on model m4,is the distribution of the log returnsskewed?Why?Perform a test to support your answer.Answer:The t-ratio is1.101−10.043=2.349,which is greater than1.96.Thus,the distribution is skew at the5%level.48.(2points)Among models m1,m2,m3,m4,which model is preferred?State the criterion used in your choice.Answer:Model4is preferred as it has a smaller AIC value.9.(2points)Since the estimatesˆα1+ˆβ1is very close to1,we consideran IGARCH(1,1)model.Write down thefitted IGARCH(1,1)model, called m5.Answer:r t=a t,a t=σt t,whereσ2t =3.859×10−5+0.85σ2t−1+0.15a2t−1.10.(2points)Use the IGARCH(1,1)model and the information providedto obtain1-step and2-step ahead predictions for the volatility of the log returns at the forecast origin t=1340.Answer:From the outputσ21340(1)=σ21341=3.859×10−5+0.85×(0.02108)2+0.15(.146)2=0.00361.Therefore,σ21340(2)=3.859×10−5+σ2 1340(1)=0.00365.The volatility forecasts are then0.0601and0.0604,respectively.11.(2points)A GARCH-M model is entertained for the percentage logreturns,called m6in the R output.Based on thefitted model,is the risk premium statistical significant?Why?Answer:The risk premium parameter is−0.112with t-ratio−0.560, which is less than1.96in modulus.Thus,the risk premium is not statistical significant at the5%level.12.(3points)Finally,a GJR-type model is entertained,called m7.Writedown thefitted model,including all parameters.Answer:This is an APARCH model.The model is r t=0.0014+a t,a t=σt t,where t are iid and follow a skew standardized Student-tdistribution with skew parameter1.098and degrees of freedom3.846.The volatility equation isσ2 t =7.583×10−6+0.0362(|a t−1|−0.478a t−1)2+0.953σ2t−1.13.(2points)Based on thefitted GJR-type of model,is the leverage effectsignificant?Why?Answer:Yes,the leverage parameterγ1is signfiicantly different from zero so that there is leverage effect in the log returns.5Problem C.(14pts)Consider the quarterly earnings per share of Abbott Laboratories(ABT)stock from1984.III to2011.III for110observations.We analyzed the logarithms of the earnings.That is,x t=ln(y t),where y t is the quarterly earnings per share.Two models are entertained.1.(3points)Write down the model m1in R,including residual variance.Answer:Let r t be the log earnings per share.Thefitted model is=0.00161.(1−B)(1−B4)r t=(1−0.565B)(1−0.183B4)a t,σ2a2.(2points)Is the model adequate?Why?Answer:No,the Ljung-Box statistics of the residuals give Q(12)=25.76with p-value0.012.3.(3points)Write down thefitted model m2in R,including residualvariance.Answer:Thefitted model is=0.00144.(1−B)(1−B4)r t=(1−0.470B−0.312B3)a t,σ2a4.(2points)Model checking of thefitted model m2is given in Figure1.Is the model adequate?Why?Answer:Yes,the model checking statistics look reasonable.5.(2points)Compare the twofitted model models.Which model ispreferred?Why?Answer:Model2is preferred.It passes model checking and has a smaller AIC value.6.(2points)Compute95%interval forecasts of1-step and2-step aheadlog-earnings at the forecast origin t=110.Answer:1-step ahead prediction:0.375±1.96×0.038,and2-step ahead prediction:0.0188±1.96×0.043.(Some students may use2-step ahead prediction due to the forecast origin confusion.)Problem D.(22pts)Consider the growth rate of the U.S.weekly regular gasoline price from January06,1997to September27,2010.Here growth rate is obtained by differencing the log gasoline price and denoted by gt in R output.The growth rate of weekly crude oil from January03,1997to September24,2010is also obtained and is denoted by pt in R output.Note that the crude oil price was known3days prior to the gasoline price.61.(2points)First,a pure time series model is entertained for the gasolineseries.An AR(5)model is selected.Why?Also,is the mean of the gtseries significantly different from zero?Why?Answer:An AR(5)is selected via the AIC criterion.The mean of g tis not significantly different from zero based on the one-sample t-test.The p-value is0.19.2.(2points)Write down thefitted AR(5)model,called m2,includingresidual variance.Answer:Thefitted model is=0.000326.(1−0.507B−0.079B2−0.136B3+0.036B4+0.086B5)g t=a t,σ2a3.(2points)Since not all estimates of model m2are statistically signifi-cant,we refine the model.Write down the refined model,called m3.Answer:Thefitted model is=0.000327.(1−0.504B−0.074B2−0.122B3+0.101B5)g t=a t,σ2a4.(2points)Is the refined AR(5)model adequate?Why?Answer:Yes,the Ljung-Box statistics of the residuals give Q(14)=10.27with p-value0.74,indicating that there are no serial correlationsin the residuals.5.(2points)Does the gasoline price show certain business-cycle behavior?Why?Answer:Yes,thefitted AR(5)polynomial contains compplex solutions.6.(3points)Next,consider using the information of crude oil price.Writedown the linear regression model,called m4,including R2and residualstandard error.Answer:Thefitted linear regression model isg t=0.287p t+ t,σ =0.0184,and the R2of the regression is33.66%.7.(2points)Is thefitted linear regression model adequate?Why?Answer:No,because the residuals t are serially correlated based onthe Ljung-Box test.78.(3points)A linear regression model with time series errors is enter-tained and insignificant parameters removed.Write down thefinalmodel,including allfitted parameters.Answer:The model is(1−0.404B−0.164B2−0.096B3+0.101B5)(g t−0.191p t)=a t,σ2=0.000253.a9.(2points)Model checking shows that thefittedfinal model has noresidual serial correlations.Based on the model,is crude oil pricehelpful in predicting the gasoline price?Why?Answer:Yes,because thefitted coefficient of p t is signficantly differentfrom zero.10.(2points)Compare the pure time series model and the regression modelwith time-series errors.Which model is preferred?Why?Answer:The regression model with time series error is preferred as ithas a smaller AIC criterion.8。



Part11.Multiple Choice(Part1 单选DDDAD ADABD 阅读CDDA CDBBD)(1) The People's Bank of China has been divided into ________district banks since 1999.A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 9(2) The PBC has operated as the central bank since________.A. 1987B. 1986C. 1985D. 1984(3)China formally lifted all remaining current account restrictions in _________.A. 1993B. 1994C. 1995D. 1996(4) ________remains the principle foreign exchange bank.A. The Bank of ChinaB. The Commercial and Industrial BankC. The Construction BankD. The Agricultural Bank(5) The indirect instruments such as ________have emerged as major monetary policy tools that the PBC relies on.A. required reserve ratioB. interest rate adjustmentC. open market operationsD. all of the above(6) With China's entry into WTO, China has decided to implement a phased reform of________.A. the wholly state-owned commercial banksB. the policy banksC. joint-equity commercial banksD. the non-bank financial sector(7) Banks play a unique role in the economy through ________.A. mobilizing savingsB. transmitting monetary policyC. providing a payment systemD. all of above(8) The evolution of the Chinese banking system can be broadly divided into ________phases.A. 3B.4C. 2D. 5(9) Although capital market development is expected to speed up, banks in China currently provide about________percent of aggregate financing in the economy.A. 65B. 75C. 50D. 80(10) Apart from traditional deposit taking and lending business, commercial banks now offer a broad range of intermediary services such as________.A. international settlementB. bank cardsC. private bankingD. all of the above2.True or False(1)Since the enactment of the Law of the People's Bank of China in March 1995, the PBC has no longer played the role of financing fiscal deficits in national budgetary.(2) The People's Bank of China was made as a central bank in 1948.(3) The indirect policy instruments include required reserve ratio, interest rate adjustment, and credit ceiling.(4) Before 1979 the foreign exchange control was strictly enforced.(5) The wholly state-owned commercial banks in China today used to be known as state-owned specialized banks.(6) One of the important goals of liberalizing the banking sector is to give foreign banks nationaltreatment.(7) The increase of the presence of foreign banks in China is likely to introduce new products and expertise.(8) Now China still remains some current account restrictions.(9) In recent years, there has been a great improvement in the conduct of monetary policy with great reliance on direct policy instruments.(10) Now China is an Article Ⅷ member of the International Monetary Fund.3.ClozeDirections: Read the following paragraphs and then put the suitable words or phrases into the blanks.The banking sector has played an important role in ________the implementation of the stabilization and structural measures as well as sustaining strong economic growth. The macroeconomic stability and ________improvement in turn have enabled the banking sector to________vigorously. Although capital market development is expected to speed up, banks in China, which currently provide about 75 percent of aggregate financing in the economy, are likely to continue playing a ________role in financing economic and technological development as well as the economic________ in the foreseeable future.1.facilitating2.reform3.structural4.develop5.dominantIn recent years, there has been a significant improvement in the ________of monetary policy with greater reliance on ________policy instruments. The central bank used to rely on credit ceilings for commercial banks as a major tool for monetary policy. This direct instrument has been abolished while such indirect instruments as required reserve ratio, interest rate adjustment and open market operations have ________as major monetary policy tools. The required reserve account and excess reserve account of the commercial banks with the central bank have been ________and the consolidated required reserve ratio has been reduced from 13 percent to 8 percent. Since 1996, the central bank has________ interest rates on many occasions to reflect the weakening domestic and global demand. These policy measures have helped sustain strong economic growth 1.emerged 2.conduct 3.lowered 4.indirect 5.mergedThe reform efforts have resulted in greater openness of the banking sector, integrated financial markets, increased diversification of banking institutions, strengthened competition and improved efficiency of ________allocation. Despite these achievements, the banking sector in China is faced with ________challenges, including the high level of ________loans and the need to prepare for greater competition from foreign banks, as China becomes a member of the World Trade Organization. These challenges call for ________efforts on the part of the authorities in institutional building to facilitate greater enforceability of bank claims, faster market infrastructure development and better ownership structure. These efforts have to be accompanied by parallel actions of the banks to improve corporate governance, particularly ________structure and internal controls.1.incentive2.non_performing3.resource4.formidable5.intensifying4. Translation(1) Although banks share many common features with other profit-seeking businesses, they play a unique role in the economy through mobilizing savings, allocating capital funds to finance productive investment,transmitting monetary policy, providing a payment system and transforming risks.尽管银行与其他以盈利为目的的企业具有许多共同的特征,但它在国民经济中还发挥着特殊的作用。



金融英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is NOT a type of financial instrument?A. StocksB. BondsC. DerivativesD. Real estate答案:D2. What is the term used to describe the process of converting interest into capital?A. AmortizationB. CompoundingC. DiscountingD. Accrual答案:D3. In finance, what is the term for the risk that an investor faces due to changes in interest rates?A. Credit riskB. Market riskC. Interest rate riskD. Operational risk答案:C4. Which of the following is NOT a function of a central bank?A. Monetary policy implementationB. Financial regulationC. Currency issuanceD. Stock trading答案:D5. What is the term for the practice of borrowing in a foreign currency to take advantage of lower interest rates?A. ArbitrageB. HedgingD. Carry trade答案:D6. What is the term for a financial contract that obligates the buyer to purchase an asset or the seller to sell an asset at a predetermined future date and price?A. Forward contractB. Futures contractC. Options contractD. Swap contract答案:A7. What is the term used to describe the process of evaluating an investment based on its risk and potential return?A. Portfolio managementB. Risk assessmentC. Due diligenceD. Valuation8. What is the term for the difference between the bid and ask prices of a financial instrument?A. SpreadB. YieldC. DiscountD. Margin答案:A9. In finance, what is the term for the risk that a borrower will default on a loan?A. Liquidity riskB. Credit riskC. Market riskD. Interest rate risk答案:B10. What is the term for a financial institution that provides loans and other financial services to individuals and businesses?A. Investment bankB. Commercial bankC. Insurance companyD. Hedge fund答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. The process of converting future cash flows into their present value is known as ________.答案:Discounting12. A ________ is a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities.答案:Bank13. The ________ is the risk that an asset's value will decrease due to a change in the market or economic conditions.答案:Market risk14. A ________ is a financial instrument that represents an ownership position in a corporation.答案:Stock15. The ________ is the process of determining the value of an asset or security by using financial models.答案:Valuation16. A ________ is a financial instrument that represents a creditor relationship with a financial organization.答案:Bond17. The ________ is the risk that a financial institution will not be able to meet its short-term obligations.答案:Liquidity risk18. A ________ is a financial instrument that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specified price.答案:Option19. The ________ is the risk that a financial institution will not be able to meet its long-term obligations.答案:Solvency risk20. A ________ is a financial institution that provides services such as underwriting or acting as a client's agent in the issuance of securities.答案:Investment bank三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)21. Explain the concept of "leverage" in finance.答案:Leverage in finance refers to the use of borrowed funds to increase the potential return of an investment. It is the process of using various financial instruments or borrowed capital to increase the potential return of an investment. However, leverage also increases the risk of loss if the investment's value declines.22. What are the main differences between a commercial bank and an investment bank?答案:A commercial bank primarily deals with retail banking services such as accepting deposits, providing loans, and offering basic financial services to individuals and businesses. An investment bank, on the other hand, focuses on services like securities underwriting, mergers and acquisitions advice, and other capital market activities. Investment banks are typically involved in more complex financial transactions and services related to corporate finance.23. Describe the role of a central bank in an economy.答案:A central bank plays a crucial role in an economy by implementing monetary policy, regulating financial institutions, issuing currency, and maintaining the stability of the financial system. It also acts as a lender of last resort to banks and other financial institutions, and it oversees the payment systems within the country.24. What is the purpose of financial regulation, and why is it important?答案:The purpose of financial regulation is to ensure the stability, integrity, and efficiency of financial markets while protectingconsumers and investors. It is important because it helps to prevent financial crises, maintain confidence in the financial system, and promote economic growth by reducing the risk of fraud, market manipulation, and other unethical practices.四、论述题(每题20分,共20分)25. Discuss the importance of risk management in financial institutions and how it can be implemented.答案:Risk management is crucial in financial institutions as it helps to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks that could lead to financial losses. It involves the use of various tools and strategies such as diversification, hedging, and stress testing to manage risks effectively. Implementing risk management involves setting up a robust framework that includes risk identification, risk assessment, risk control, and monitoring and reporting. This ensures that financial institutions can operate within acceptable risk parameters and maintain their financial health and stability.。



内蒙古财经学院2011——2012学年第1学期《金融时间序列分析》试卷答案一、填空题(1分*15空二15分)1.Xt =0心_1+0X^2 ---------- 0pXt・p+$t 一厲斫-1 ------ %、朝、…帖厲、…、%。

2.描述性:3.兀=斗』+耳,0,1,0;4平稳性检验,纯随机性检验;5. VPx t = (1 - B)Pxt, V k x t = (1 - B k)x t;6 宽平稳,严平稳,宽平稳:7.自回归二、不定项选择题(2分*5题=10分)1、AC2、ABD3、AB4、ABCD5、ABD三、判断并说明理由(2题*5分=10分)1、如果一个时间序列宽平稳,则它肓定不是严平稳;如果一个时间序列严平稳,则它一定是宽平稳。





(2分)但两种情况各有例外,如多元正态分布,二阶矩包插所有•统计性质,所以对于服从多元正态分布的序列,宽平稳也是严平稳:再比如柯酋分布不存在二阶矩,因此如果一个序列服从柯西分布,且为严平稳, 但却推不出其为宽平稳。




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Graduate School of Business,University of ChicagoBusiness41202,Spring Quarter2005,Mr.Ruey S.TsaySolutions to MidtermAll tests are based on the5%significance level.Problem A:(30pts)Answer briefly the following questions.1.For problems1to6,consider the daily log return,in percentages,of the S&P500composite index from January1996to December31,2004for2267data points.Sum-mary statistics of the percentage log returns from SCA and Splus are attached.See Page 1of the attached output.Is the mean of percentage log returns significantly different from zero?Why?A:t-ratio=1.187<1.96.Thus,the mean return is not significantly different from zero.2.Suppose one invested$1dollar on the S&P500index at the very beginning of1996andheld the investment until the end of2004.What was the value of the investment at the market closing on December31,2004?A:total log return=0.0299*2267/100=0.67783so that the value=exp(0.67783)≈1.97.3.Test the null hypothesis that the skewness of the log returns is zero.Draw your conclu-sion.A:t-ratio=−0.0939/0.0514=−1.83<1.96so that the skewness is no signifiacnt different from zero.4.Given that the last percentage log return was−0.134(i.e.T=December31,2004),which is the corresponding simple return?A:R t=exp(−0.134/100)−1=−0.001339=.1339%.5.Are the log return serially correlated?You may use Q(10)of the series to answer thequestion.A:Q(10)=13.9with p-value0.178so that there is no serial correlation.6.Is there any ARCH effect in the log return series?You may use Q(12)of the squaredseries to answer the question.A:Yes,Q(12)of squared return is large at490(in SCA)and has a p-value of0.0from Splus.7.Give two empirical features of daily log returns of afinancial asset.A:Any two of(a)high kurtosis,(b)volatility clustering,(3)skew to left.18.What is the purpose of studying kurtosis of an asset return series?A:Understanding the tail behavior(or risk)of the return.9.Describe two applications of studying sample autocorrelation function(ACF)of an assetreturn series.A:(a)To test serial correlations in the return series,(b)to identify MA order.10.Describe two methods that can be used to identify the order of an AR model.A:(a)PACF,(b)Criterion functions such as AIC or BIC.11.Consider the AR(1)model(1−0.9B)r t=0.2+a t,where{a t}is an independent andidentically distributed random variables with mean zero and variance1.0.What is the half-life of the series?A:Half-life=ln(0.5)/ln(0.9)=6.58time units.12.Suppose that the log return r t of an asset follows the model below:r t=0.02+a t,a t=σt t,σ2t=0.116+0.42a2t−1.Let p t be the log price of the asset at time t and p T( )be the -step ahead forecast of the log price at the forecast origin T.Then,what is the value of p T( )as increases?A:0.02is the slope of time trend so that p T( )→∞as increases.13.For problems13-14,consider quarterly series of U.S.unit labor cost from1947to2004.The data were seasonally adjusted and obtained from the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis.Let x t=(1−B)ULC t be thefirst-differenced series of the data at time t.The model(1−0.371B2)x t=0.265+(1+0.171B4)a t,σa=0.5998,fits the data reasonably well.Under thefitted model,what is the mean of x t,i.e.E(x t) =?A:E(x t)=0.265/(1−0.371)=0.421.14.Does the model imply that there exist business cycles in the unit labor cost?Why? A:No,because the two roots are real.From1−0.371x2,we have x=±1/ (0.371).15.Give two weaknesses of the GARCH-type of models for modeling asset volatility.A:Any two of(a)symmetric response to past positive and negative returns,(b)restric-tive,(c)providing no explanation of volatility clustering,(d)no adaptive in forecasting.2Problem B.(20pts)This problem is concerned with the analysis of quarterly earnings per share of the Procter&Gamble(PG)Company from1992to thefirst quarter of2003 for45data points.The data were obtained from First Call.Log transformation was taken to stabilize the variability of the puter output is attached;p.2-6of output. Due to strong seasonal pattern,which results in models that are close to being non-invertible, we analyze the seasonally differenced series in Splus.Let x t be the logarithm of quarterly earnings per share and w t=(1−B4)x t.Thus,SCA uses x t and Splus uses w t.1.(5points)Because ACF of the log earnings shows strong seasonal pattern,the seasonaldifference(1−B4)is taken.The ACF of the seasonally differenced data indicates no further differencing is necessary.Write down thefitted model for the x t series(not the differenced w t).A:(1−0.47B)(1−B4)x t=0.0508+(1−0.307B4)a t,σa=0.0502.2.(4points)Is the AR coefficient of thefitted model statistically significant?Why?A:Yes,the t-ratio is3.26,which is greater than the critical value1.96.3.(4points)Is there any serial correlation in the residuals of thefitted model?Use Q(12)of the ACF of residuals to answer the question.[Hint:for a chi-square distribution with m degrees of freedom,the expected value is m.]A:Q(12)=8.8which is less than E(χ210)=10so that p-value>0.05.4.(4points)Let T=45be the forecast origin.What are the1-step and2-step aheadforecasts of thefitted model(after taking anti-log transformation)?A:x45(1)=0.912and x45(2)=3.95(from SCA).For Splus,x45(1)=exp(0.0087−.1743)=0.847,x45(2)=exp(−.012479+1.278152)=3.55.5.(3points)Give an interpretation of the estimated constant0.0508of thefitted modelfor x t.A;Slope of time trend.3and the S&P500index from January1999to December2004with sample size T=1508.We employ the market model:r t=α+βr m,t+e t,where r t and r m,t are Wal-Mart stock return and S&P500index return,respectively.Splus output is attached;page6of output.Answer the following questions.1.(4points)Write down thefitted market model.A:r t=0.0205+0.9606r m,t+e t.2.(4points)The Ljung-Box statistics of the ACF of residuals show some minor serialcorrelations,but the ACFs are relatively small so we ignore the serial correlations and perform the ARCH effect test.Is there an ARCH effect in the residuals of thefitted market model?A:Yes,archTest gives a p-value about0.0.3.(4points)We employ a GARCH(1,1)model(called“m2”in the output).Write downthefitted ment on thefitted model.A:Let r t and r m,t be the Wal-Mart stock return and S&P500index return,respectively.The model isr t=0.9386r m,t+a t=0.9386+σt t, t∼t6.41σ2t=−4.29×10−5+0.0377a2t−1+0.963σ2t−1.The negative estimate ofα0does not make sense,but it is statistically not different from0.Also,theˆα1+ˆβ1≈1so that thefitted model indicates an IGARCH(1,1)model without the constant.4.(6points)Further analysis indicates that an EGARCH(2,1)modelfits the data better.There are two leverage effect parameters.Are these two effects statistically significant?Why?You may test the effect individually.A:Examine the t-ratio of the two leverage parameter estimates.For Lev(1),the t-atio is−2.129.For Lev(2),the t-ratio is−1.847.In both cases,the p-values are less tha0.05so that they are both significant.[It you use two-sided tests,then Lev(2)is notsignificant.]5.(2points)What are the1-step ahead forecasts for the return and its volatility of Wal-Mart stock at the forecast origin T=1508using the EGARCH model.A:zero for return and0.7082for volatility.4from January1995to December2004with2519observations.Splus output is attached;page 8of output.Answer the following questions.The ACFs of the returns are small so that the mean equation consists of a constant term only.1.(5points)Consider thefitted GARCH(1,1)model.The volatility equation isσ2t=0.042+0.049a2t−1+0.944σ2t−1.Letηt=a2t−σ2t.Rewrite the prior volatility equation in an ARMA form for the{a2t} series.A:a2t=0.042+0.993a2t−1+ηt−0.944ηt−1.2.(5points)Write down thefitted EGARCH(1,1)model with leverage effect(both meanand volatility equations and the parameter of the conditional distribution used).A:The model isr t=0.04918+a t=0.04918+σt t, t∼t6.68ln(σ2t)=−0.06316+0.1033(|a t−1|−0.5464a t−1σt−1)+0.989ln(σ2t−1).3.(4points)Test the hypotheses H o:v=5vs H a:v=5,where v is the degrees offreedom of the conditional Student t distribution.Draw your conclusion.[Hint:you may use the usual t-ratio test.]A;t-ratio=6.684−5=2.62>1.96.Thus,reject H o:v=5.4.(5points)To better understand the leverage effect,use thefitted EGARCH(1,1)modelto calculate the ratioσ2t( =−3)2t ,where t denotes the iid sequence of the innovationsdefined in class.A:From thefitetd volatility equation,we haveσ2t=exp(−0.06316)(σ2t−1).989exp(0.1033| t−1|−0.0564 t−1). Therefore,σ2t( =−3)σ2t( =3)=exp(−0.0564(−3))exp(−0.0564(3))=exp(0.0564×6)=1.403.5.(4points)Used thefitted EGARCH model and T=2519as the forecast origin.Whatare the1-step ahead forecasts of log return and volatility?A:Forecast of log return is0.0492and forecast of volatility is1.184.6.(4points)Write down the mean equation of thefitted GARCH-M model for the data.A:r t=0.058+0.00629σ2t+a t.7.(3points)Based on the GARCH-M model,is the risk premium statistically significant?Why?A:No,the t-ratio is0.453with p-value=0.65(two-sided).5。
