Farnesoid X receptor targeting to treat nonalcoholic steatohepatitis




细胞基质衍生因子-1α在脑梗死中作用的研究进展陈思莹;段淑荣【期刊名称】《中国卒中杂志》【年(卷),期】2016(011)005【摘要】趋化因子细胞基质衍生因子-1α(stromal derived factor-1α,SDF-1α)及其受体CXCR4、CXCR7在多种细胞及组织中广泛表达,对中枢神经的发育起着重要作用。


%The chemokine stromal derived factor-1α (SDF-1α) and its receptorC-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4), C-X-C chemokine receptor type 7 (CXCR7) are widely expressed in a variety of cells and tissues, and play an important role in the development of the central nervous system. Recent studies have identiifed that SDF-1α-CXCR4/CXCR7 chemokine axis participates in the process of the angiogenesis after cerebral infarction and endogenous neural stem cells proliferating and migrating to repair the infarction zone, in addition, this axis has affected the inlfammation after cerebral infarction, it may become the new target for the treatment of brain infarction.【总页数】5页(P414-418)【作者】陈思莹;段淑荣【作者单位】50001 哈尔滨哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院神经内科;50001 哈尔滨哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院神经内科【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.基质细胞衍生因子和趋化因子受体在骨髓间充质干细胞治疗心肌梗死中的作用[J], 马莎;王玉璟2.基质细胞衍生因子-1及其受体CXCR4在骨髓干细胞治疗脑梗死中的作用 [J], 陆琳;杨万章3.基质细胞衍生因子-1及其受体CXCR4轴在内源性神经干细胞治疗脑梗死中的作用 [J], 何志承;杨万章;向云;王维;陆琳4.基质细胞衍生因子-1/趋化因子受体4在干细胞治疗心肌梗死中的研究进展 [J], 温瑜林;赵明一;麦明杰;朱平5.基质细胞衍生因子-1/CXC族细胞因子受体4轴在缺氧预处理骨髓间充质干细胞移植促进Sprague-Dawley大鼠急性心肌梗死心脏功能恢复中的作用 [J], 盛瑾;夏宇;石蓓;许官学;赵然尊;沈长银;王冬梅;刘志江因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



The Urgent Need to Protect WildlifeWildlife is an integral part of our planet's biodiversity,contributing to the health and balance of ecosystems.From majestic elephants and agile cheetahs to colorful birds and delicate butterflies,wild animals enrich our world in countless ways.However,wildlife populations are facing unprecedented threats due to human activities.In this essay,I will discuss the importance of protecting wildlife,the major threats they face, and the actions we can take to ensure their survival.The Importance of Protecting WildlifeWildlife plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. Each species,no matter how small,has a specific function that contributes to the health and stability of its habitat.For example, predators help regulate the populations of prey species,preventing overgrazing and maintaining vegetation balance.Pollinators,such as bees and butterflies,are essential for the reproduction of many plants, which in turn provide food and shelter for other animals.Moreover,wildlife contributes to human well-being in various ways. Many communities around the world rely on wildlife for their livelihoods, through activities such as ecotourism,fishing,and hunting.Wildlife also has cultural,spiritual,and recreational value,inspiring art,literature, and traditions.Additionally,studying wildlife can lead to scientific discoveries and advancements in medicine,agriculture,and technology.Major Threats to WildlifeHabitat Loss and Fragmentation:The destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats due to deforestation,urbanization,agriculture,and infrastructure development are the primary threats to wildlife.Habitat loss reduces the available space for animals to live,breed,and find food, leading to population declines and increased competition for resources.Climate Change:Climate change is altering the distribution and availability of resources,affecting the survival of many species.Rising temperatures,changing precipitation patterns,and extreme weatherevents can disrupt migration,breeding cycles,and food availability. Species that cannot adapt quickly to these changes are at risk of extinction.Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trade:Poaching and illegal wildlife trade pose significant threats to many species,particularly large mammals such as elephants,rhinos,and tigers.These activities are driven by demand for animal parts,such as ivory,horns,and skins,as well as live animals for the pet trade.Poaching not only reduces wildlife populations but also disrupts ecosystems and local communities.Pollution:Pollution,including chemical contaminants,plastic waste,and noise pollution,has severe impacts on wildlife.Chemical pollutants can poison animals,disrupt their reproductive systems,and contaminate their food sources.Plastic waste can entangle animals or be ingested, leading to injury or death.Noise pollution can interfere with communication,navigation,and mating behaviors.Invasive Species:The introduction of non-native species to new environments can have devastating effects on local wildlife.Invasive species can outcompete native species for resources,spread diseases, and alter habitats.This can lead to population declines and extinctions of native species.Actions to Protect WildlifeConservation and Protected Areas:Establishing and maintaining protected areas,such as national parks,wildlife reserves,and marine sanctuaries,is essential for safeguarding critical habitats and biodiversity. These areas provide safe havens for wildlife,allowing them to thrive without the pressures of human activities.Sustainable Practices:Adopting sustainable land-use practices,such as agroforestry,sustainable agriculture,and responsible fishing andhunting,can reduce the impact on wildlife habitats.Promoting eco-friendly tourism can also generate income for local communities while supporting conservation efforts.Combating Illegal Wildlife Trade:Strengthening laws and regulations to combat poaching and illegal wildlife trade is crucial.This includes increasing penalties for wildlife crimes,improving enforcement and monitoring,and raising public awareness about the consequences of illegal trade.International cooperation and partnerships are also essential in addressing transboundary wildlife trafficking.Mitigating Climate Change:Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the transition to renewable energy sources,improving energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable transportation options are vital in mitigating climate change.Protecting and restoring natural habitats,such as forests and wetlands,can also enhance carbon sequestration and build resilience to climate impacts.Reducing Pollution:Implementing stricter regulations on industrial emissions,promoting clean energy sources,and reducing plastic waste are essential steps in combating pollution.Encouraging recycling and waste reduction practices can also help minimize environmental contamination.Education and Awareness:Raising public awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation and promoting environmental education can inspire individuals and communities to take action. Supporting conservation organizations,participating in citizen science programs,and advocating for wildlife-friendly policies can make a significant difference.ConclusionProtecting wildlife is a shared responsibility that requires immediate and sustained action.The health and well-being of our planet depend on thediversity and balance of its ecosystems,which are supported by the presence of wildlife.By addressing the major threats to wildlife and adopting sustainable practices,we can ensure the survival of these remarkable creatures for future generations.Wildlife,with its beauty and ecological significance,reminds us of the importance of preserving the natural world.Through collective efforts and a commitment to conservation,we can create a harmonious and sustainable relationship with the Earth's wildlife.。


C.计算机模拟D.Fra bibliotek上都是2.蛋白质工程可以应用于以下哪些领域?()
B. pH值


Na n n Gu n xi 5 0 7, n i g, a g , 30 0 Chi a;2 n .Dr a e mScTe h i c Co s li g, n u tn She z e Gu n do g,5 8 5 n h n, a g n 1 0 4, Ch n i a)
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肿瘤坏死因子受体超级家族(tumor necrosis fac⁃tor receptor superfamily,TNFRSF)的死亡受体(death receptor)以及它们的配体在胚胎正常发育及机体免疫和炎症反应过程中扮演了重要角色。

外胚层发育不良受体(ectodysplasin A2receptor,EDA2R)是一个在20年前被鉴定出来的TNFRSF成员(TNFRSF27)[1],在肿瘤发生、雄激素性脱发等过程中起到重要的作用,但对于该受体作系统性介绍的综述文章尚未见报道。


1EDA2R的蛋白结构和配体1.1EDA2R的蛋白结构EDA2R基因位于人类染色体Xq12,全长约43kb,有6个外显子(GenBank登录号:NG_013271),外胚层发育不良受体EDA2R的研究进展蓝希钳1,2,肖海婷1,2,罗怀容1,2,陈建宁1,2(西南医科大学药学院:1衰老与再生医学实验室,2药理学教研室,四川泸州646000)【摘要】外胚层发育不良受体EDA2R(ectodysplasin A2receptor)是肿瘤坏死因子受体超级家族(tumor necrosis factor recep⁃tor superfamily,TNFRSF)中的一个较新的成员,在发育中的胚胎里有很高的表达,在成年人和动物的多个器官组织中也有表达。

与其它TNFRSF成员不同,尽管EDA2R蛋白在胞内没有死亡结构域(death domain,DD),但它仍可激活NF-κB和JNK通路,并介导细胞的凋亡。


【关键词】EDA2R受体肿瘤坏死因子受体超级家族死亡结构域凋亡【中图分类号】R34文献标志码A doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-3351.2021.03.018Research progress of ectodysplasin A2receptorLAN Xi-qian1,2,XIAO Hai-ting1,2,LUO Huai-rong1,2,CHEN Jian-ning1,2 1Key Laboratory for Aging and Regenerative Medicine;2Department of Pharmacology,School of Pharmac,South⁃west Medical University,Luzhou646000,Sichuan,China【Abstract】Ectodysplasin A2receptor(EDA2R)is a relatively new member of the tumor necrosis factor re⁃ceptor superfamily(TNFRSF),and it is highly expressed in developing embryos and is also expressed in multiple organs and tissues of adult human and animals.Different from other TNFRSF members,EDA2R protein does not contain the death domain in the intracellular region,but it can still activate the NF-κB and JNK pathways and medi⁃ate cell apoptosis.This article reviews related articles on EDA2R in recent years and related research advances in this protein,in order to provide new ideas for research on molecular functions associated with EDA2R or related dis⁃eases mediated by EDA2R.【Key words】Ectodysplasin A2receptor Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily Death domain Apoptosis基金项目:泸州市科技局-西南医科大学联合项目(2018LZXNYD-ZK12);西南医科大学-泸州市中医医院基地项目(2019-LH005)第一作者简介:蓝希钳,博士。



英语考研2024真题答案### English Postgraduate Entrance Examination 2024: Sample Answers#### Part I: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Passage 1: The Impact of Technology on EducationThe article discusses the profound influence of technology on modern education. It highlights how digital tools have revolutionized teaching methods, making learning more interactive and personalized. The integration of AI in classrooms has allowed for the creation of adaptive learning environments that cater to the needs of individual students. Moreover, the use of online platforms has expanded access to education, breaking down geographical barriers and providing opportunities for lifelong learning.Questions:1. What is the primary focus of the article?- The primary focus is the impact of technology on the field of education.2. How has AI been utilized in classrooms?- AI has been used to create adaptive learning environments tailored to individual students' needs.3. What benefits does online education offer?- Online education offers expanded access, overcoming geographical limitations and promoting lifelong learningopportunities.Passage 2: Climate Change and Its Effects on BiodiversityThis passage examines the alarming effects of climate change on global biodiversity. It underscores the rapid loss of species due to habitat destruction and altered ecosystems. The text also discusses the potential for climate change to exacerbate existing threats to biodiversity, such as overfishing and deforestation. The urgency for global action to mitigate these effects is emphasized, with the need for sustainable practices and conservation efforts.Questions:1. What is the main concern of the passage?- The main concern is the impact of climate change on biodiversity and the rapid loss of species.2. Which factors contribute to the threats to biodiversity mentioned in the passage?- Factors include habitat destruction, altered ecosystems, overfishing, and deforestation.3. What solutions does the passage suggest?- The passage suggests global action, sustainable practices, and conservation efforts as solutions.#### Part II: Cloze Test (20 points)In the cloze test section, candidates are required to fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word from the given options to ensure the passage makes sense both contextually and grammatically. This section tests the ability tounderstand context and the correct usage of vocabulary.#### Part III: Translation (20 points)English to Chinese:Translate the following sentence into Chinese, ensuring accuracy and fluency.- "The rapid development of urbanization has led to a series of environmental issues."Chinese to English:Translate the following sentence into English, maintaining the original meaning and ensuring natural language flow.- "随着科技的不断进步,我们的生活变得越来越便利。



八年级生物与生态环境英语阅读理解25题1<背景文章>The tropical rainforest is one of the most diverse and complex ecosystems on our planet. It is a world filled with an astonishing variety of plants and animals.Plants in the tropical rainforest are highly adapted to the warm and humid environment. For example, the large and broad - leaved trees, such as the kapok tree. It can grow extremely tall, reaching towards the sunlight above the thick canopy of the forest. Its trunk is thick and strong, providing support for its large branches. The leaves are large to capture as much sunlight as possible for photosynthesis. There are also countless vines and epiphytes. Vines climb up the tall trees, using them as support to reach sunlight. Epiphytes, like orchids, grow on the branches of other plants instead of in the soil. They get water and nutrients from the air and rain.The animal life in the tropical rainforest is equally diverse. There are colorful birds, such as the toucan. The toucan has a large, brightly colored beak which is not only used for eating fruits but also for attracting mates. Monkeys are also common inhabitants. They are highly agile, swinging from tree to tree. They mainly feed on fruits, nuts and small insects. Insects are in abundance here too. Butterflies with their beautiful wings flit amongthe flowers. Some insects, like ants, live in large colonies and have complex social structures.The relationships between these organisms are intricate. For instance, many plants rely on animals for pollination and seed dispersal. Bees and butterflies pollinate flowers as they move from one to another in search of nectar. Fruit - eating animals like monkeys help to spread the seeds of plants far and wide.The tropical rainforest ecosystem is of vital importance. It is often called the "lungs of the earth" because it absorbs a large amount of carbon dioxide and releases oxygen through photosynthesis. It also helps to regulate the earth's climate. In addition, it is a huge reservoir of biodiversity, providing a home for countless species. Losing the tropical rainforest would mean the loss of many unique plants and animals, and would havea far - reaching impact on the global environment.1. What is a characteristic of the kapok tree in the tropical rainforest?A. It has small leaves.B. It is short.C. It has a thick and strong trunk.D. It grows in cold areas.答案:C。



八年级科技前沿英语阅读理解25题1<背景文章>Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making remarkable strides in the medical field in recent years. AI - powered systems are being increasingly utilized in various aspects of healthcare, bringing about significant improvements and new possibilities.One of the most prominent applications of AI in medicine is in disease diagnosis. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of medical data, such as patient symptoms, medical histories, and test results. For example, deep - learning algorithms can scan X - rays, CT scans, and MRIs to detect early signs of diseases like cancer, pneumonia, or heart diseases. These algorithms can often spot minute details that might be overlooked by human doctors, thus enabling earlier and more accurate diagnoses.In the realm of drug development, AI also plays a crucial role. It can accelerate the process by predicting how different molecules will interact with the human body. AI - based models can sift through thousands of potential drug candidates in a short time, identifying those with the highest probability of success. This not only saves time but also reduces the cost associated with traditional trial - and - error methods in drug research.Medical robots are another area where AI is making an impact.Surgical robots, for instance, can be guided by AI systems to perform complex surgeries with greater precision. These robots can filter out the natural tremors of a surgeon's hand, allowing for more delicate and accurate incisions. Additionally, there are robots designed to assist in patient care, such as those that can help patients with limited mobility to move around or perform simple tasks.However, the application of AI in medicine also faces some challenges. Issues like data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the need for regulatory approval are important considerations. But overall, the potential of AI to transform the medical field is vast and holds great promise for the future of healthcare.1. What is one of the main applications of AI in the medical field according to the article?A. Designing hospital buildings.B. Disease diagnosis.C. Training medical students.D. Managing hospital finances.答案:B。



·综述·Chinese Journal of Animal Infectious Diseases中国动物传染病学报摘 要:干扰素刺激基因15(ISG15)是由病原微生物或干扰素诱导产生的一种大小为15 kDa 的泛素样蛋白。

在干扰素诱导的数百个干扰素刺激基因中,ISG15是诱导最强烈、最快的ISG 蛋白之一。


此外,ISG15在调节宿主损伤、DNA 修复,调节信号通路及抗原递呈中也发挥着重要的作用。


关键词:干扰素刺激基因15;抗病毒作用;免疫调节中图分类号:S852.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-6422(2023)06-0170-07Molecular Mechanism of Interferon-Stimulated Gene 15 Antiviral InfectionTANG Jingyu 1, DU Hanyu 1,2, JIA Nannan 1, TANG Aoxing 1, LIU Chuncao 1, ZHU Jie 1, MENGChunchun 1, LI Chuanfeng 1, LIU Guangqing 1(1. Shanghai V eterinary Research Institute, CAAS, Shanghai 200241, China; 2. Xinjiang Agricultural University, Xinjiang 830052, China)收稿日期:2021-11-02作者简介:国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0500108);中国农业科学院创新工程项目作者简介:唐井玉,女,博士研究生,预防兽医学专业通信作者:刘光清,E-mail:**************.cn干扰素刺激基因15抗病毒感染的分子机制唐井玉1,杜汉宇1,2,贾楠楠1,汤傲星1,刘春草1,朱 杰1,孟春春1,李传峰1,刘光清1(1.中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所 小动物传染病预防与控制创新团队,上海200241;2.新疆农业大学,乌鲁木齐830052)2023,31(6):170-176Abstract: Interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) is a ubiquitin-like protein of approximately 15 kDa induced by pathogenic microorganisms or interferons. Among the hundreds of interferon-stimulated genes induced by interferons, ISG15 is one of the most strongly and fastest induced ISG proteins. Studies have shown that ISG15 has antiviral effects against a variety of viruses. In addition, ISG15 plays an important role in regulating host damage, DNA repair, and regulating signaling pathways and antigen delivery. The article presented an overview of ISG15 and described the role of ISG15 in the process of antiviral, immunomodulation and regulation of host signaling pathways in recent years.Key words: Interferon-stimulated gene 15; antiviral infection; immunomodulation先天性免疫应答是抵抗入侵病原体的第一道防线,病原体可以通过宿主模式识别受体来感知。



2025年北师大版英语高考复习试题与参考答案一、听力第一节(本大题有5小题,每小题1.5分,共7.5分)1、Listen to the following dialogue between two students, and answer the question.Student A: Hey, are you planning to follow the exam schedule strictly? Student B: Yeah, I always try to stick to a routine. How about you?Student A: Well, I like to mix it up a bit. It keeps me motivated.Question: What does Student A prefer when it comes to following an exam schedule?A. To follow the routine strictly.B. To mix up the schedule to stay motivated.C. To follow the schedule only when it’s convenient.D. To avoid any schedule altogether.Answer: BExplanation: Student A indicates that they like to mix up the schedule to stay motivated, which is equivalent to choice B.2、 Listen to the following conversation about a school trip, and complete the following sentence with the correct information.Teacher: Ok, everyone, we’re going to have a field trip next week. It’s a science-themed trip to the museum downtown.Student A: That sounds amazing! What are we going to learn there, though?Teacher: Well, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at how exhibits are put together, and you’ll interact with some of the curators. Plus, there are interactive displays where you can try out different experiments.Question: What will the students be able to do during the trip to the museum?A. Simply observe the exhibits without participating.B. Work with the curators to put together new exhibits.C. Participate in interactive experiments and discussions.D. Finish the field trip without visiting the museum.Answer: CExplanation: The teacher mentions that the students will be able to participate in interactive experiments and discussions, which corresponds to choice C.3.What does the man suggest doing?A) Having a picnic.B) Going to the cinema.C) Visiting the museum.D) Playing tennis.Answer: A) Having a picnic.Explanation: The woman mentions that it’s a beautiful day and asks the man what he thinks they should do. The man responds by suggesting they take advantage of the weather and have a picnic in the park. Therefore, the correct answer isA) Having a picnic.4.Where are the speakers most likely?A) At home.B) In a restaurant.C) On a bus.D) In a bookstore.Answer: B) In a restaurant.Explanation: The dialogue involves one speaker asking for recommendations on dishes and commenting on the menu, while the other speaker provides suggestions and describes the specials. This context strongly suggests that the conversation is taking place in a restaurant, making B) In a restaurant the correct choice.5、 Listening Section AQuestion: How is the woman going to the airport?A) By bus.B) By taxi.C) By subway.Answer: BExplanation:In the recording, the man asks, “Are you going to the airport by bus or by taxi?” The woman replies, “I decide to take a taxi because it will be faster.” Therefore, the correct answer is B) By taxi.解析:录音中,男士问:“你要去机场是乘公交还是打车?”女士回答:“我决定打车去,因为会更快。









第一部分知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

(2023秋·北京海淀·高三统考期中)On a sunny afternoon, Anthony Perry stepped off the train at Chicago’s 69th Street station. The 20-year-old, who worked nights in a grocery store, was on his way to see his 1 .On the platform, something unthinkable happened: a man fell over the edge and onto the electrified train tracks! As Perry and other horrified passengers watched, he shook uncontrollably as the 2 moved through his body.“Help him!” someone cried.“Please, someone!”Perry couldn’t just stand there and 3 . He sat at the edge of the platform and eased himself down.4 all rails between the man and him were electrified, he quickly leaped towards the victim, using a high-knee technique from his high school football days.Perry soon reached down and grasped the victim’s wrist. 5 , he felt a powerful electric shock shoot through his body. Perry jumped back. He reached down a second time, and was shocked again. But the third time he se ized the man’s wrist and forearm, and managed to move the guy’s body away from the 6 .“Give him chest compressions!” yelled an old lady on the platform.Perry was no expert, but for a few moments he worked on the man’s heart until the victim regain ed 7 . Then, first-aiders arrived. Perry let the professionals 8 . Heart still racing from the electric shocks, he climbed back up onto the platform, grabbed his things and continued on to his grandfather’s.The evening news reported the incident, 9 an unnamed hero with saving the victim’s life. To many,Perry’s 10 deeds demonstrated the power of choosing compassion over personal safety. 1.A.manager B.client C.grandfather D.aunt2.A.current B.oxygen C.wave D.blood3.A.imagine B.watch C.shout D.record4.A.Hoping B.Assuming C.Complaining D.Recalling5.A.Instantly B.Slightly C.Normally D.Surprisingly6.A.train B.crowds C.platform D.rails7.A.strength B.balance C.consciousness D.control8.A.look ahead B.take over C.get around D.keep away9.A.providing B.engaging C.assisting D.crediting10.A.generous B.grateful C.courageous D.faithful【答案】1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.C【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。









1. 通过建立猴脑缺血再灌注模型,模拟临床心跳骤停、重大创伤等缺血缺氧状态,观察Fas及P53的表达水平变化。

2. 采用DDL对模型进行处理,观察Fas及P53的表达水平变化。

3. 利用Western Blot技术检测脑组织中Fas和P53的表达水平,验证DDL对其的影响。

4. 分析DDL对猴脑Fas和P53表达的影响,探讨其与神经保护作用的关系,为后续临床应用提供实验依据。





铁死亡的机制及其干预缺血性脑卒中的研究进展覃文晖1,2,周哲屹2,卢昌均2摘要 综述铁死亡的发生机制及其与缺血性脑卒中的关系㊁药物干预的研究进展,以期为探讨药物作用的新靶点提供参考㊂关键词 缺血性脑卒中;铁死亡;细胞死亡;综述d o i :10.12102/j.i s s n .1672-1349.2023.24.015 脑卒中是全球致残和致死的重要原因之一,其中以缺血性脑卒中为主,缺血性脑卒中给医疗系统和病人家庭带来沉重的负担㊂然而,缺血性脑卒中的机制尚未明确,现有的治疗方法仅对少数病人有效,因此有必要研发新药缓解这一局面㊂随着对细胞死亡的研究深入,铁死亡是一种新型的细胞死亡方式,引起研究者的关注,其在形态学㊁分子机制㊁免疫特征方面与其他类型的细胞死亡有所区别㊂铁死亡是脑卒中等急性脑损伤病人病理性细胞死亡的重要机制,且受多种作用机制的调控㊂综述铁死亡的发生机制及其与缺血性脑卒中的关系㊁药物干预的研究进展,以期为探讨药物作用机制的新靶点提供参考㊂1 铁死亡概述铁死亡是由大量脂质过氧化介导的膜损伤引起的铁依赖性调节性坏死,是一种非凋亡性细胞死亡形式㊂铁死亡 一词最早由Dixon 等在2012年提出,且与凋亡㊁坏死和自噬在形态㊁生化和遗传方面不同[1]㊂电子显微镜下,在铁死亡细胞中观察到萎缩的线粒体,但线粒体一般在其他细胞死亡类型中是肿胀的[1]㊂生化方面,铁死亡的特征是产生致死水平的铁依赖性脂质过氧化作用[2-3],较少观察到凋亡的经典特征,如染色质断裂㊁半胱天冬酶活化和线粒体细胞色素C (cytochrome C ,Cyt -C )释放[1]㊂2 铁死亡的产生机制相关研究表明,铁死亡主要与铁代谢㊁氨基酸代谢㊁脂质代谢异常有关[2]㊂铁死亡受到细胞内通路信基金项目 国家重点研发计划项目(No.2018YFC1705002);国家自然科学基金项目(No.81760902);柳州市科技计划项目(No.2020PAAA0610,2021CBC0133,2021CBB0112);广西壮族自治区中医药管理局科研课题项目(No.GXZYZ20210267)作者单位 1.广西中医药大学(南宁510120);2.柳州市中医医院,柳州市壮医医院(广西柳州545002)通讯作者 卢昌均,E -mail :***************引用信息 覃文晖,周哲屹,卢昌均.铁死亡的机制及其干预缺血性脑卒中的研究进展[J ].中西医结合心脑血管病杂志,2023,21(24):4558-4564.号的调控,如核因子E2相关因子2(nuclear factor E2-related factor 2,NRF -2)信号通路和Hippo 通路,其直接或间接影响了谷胱甘肽过氧化酶4(glutathioneperoxidase 4,GPX4)活性[4-5]㊂相关研究表明,铁死亡可能是干预中风的有效靶点[6],了解铁死亡的机制和研究进展可能为脑卒中的治疗提供新途径㊂2.1 铁代谢铁是正常细胞功能必需的金属,参与较多生理过程,如氧气运输㊁细胞呼吸㊁DNA 合成和神经系统中的神经递质生物合成[7]㊂然而,细胞内铁的摄取㊁运输㊁储存和利用的失效导致细胞内过量游离铁沉积,并启动Fenton 反应产生活性氧(reactive oxygen species ,ROS )[8]㊂ROS 可干扰蛋白质㊁脂类和DNA ,从而引发细胞死亡[9]㊂2.1.1 铁摄取转铁蛋白(transferrin ,TF )与循环中的多数铁结合,是一种与铁紧密结合但可逆的血浆糖蛋白㊂每个TF 分子均有2个特定的三价铁(Fe 3+)结合位点㊂含铁的TF 与转铁蛋白受体(transferrin receptor ,TFRC )进一步结合,从而导致膜内陷和形成特化内体[10]㊂TF 被输送到内体后周围pH 迅速下降,导致Fe 3+被释放出来,之后Fe 3+被内体铁还原酶还原为Fe 2+,Fe 2+可穿过内体膜通过溶质载体家族11成员2(solute carrier family 11member 2,SLC11A2/DMT1)进入细胞质㊂不含铁的TF 返回细胞表面并与TFRC 解离,进一步吸收铁㊂TF 敲低降低了MDA -MB -231和SKBR3癌细胞系中西拉美新和拉帕替尼诱导的铁死亡[11]㊂TFRC 过表达提高了间皮瘤组织细胞对铁死亡诱导的敏感性[12]㊂提示TF 和TFRC 在细胞铁死亡的过程中发挥了关键作用㊂2.1.2 铁利用细胞中的铁被送到细胞质的不稳定铁池(labile iron pool ,LIP ),多数LIP 处于还原状态(Fe 2+)㊂LIP 中的多数铁被转移到线粒体,在此合成血红素或铁硫簇(Fe -S )㊂NFS1半胱氨酸脱硫酶(NFS1cysteinedesulfurase)作为一种Fe-S簇生物合成酶发挥作用,通过依赖铁调节蛋白(iron regulatory protein,IRP)的翻译机制保护癌细胞免于铁死亡[13]㊂铁㊁血红素和Fe-S簇可结合到产生ROS的酶中,如花生四烯酸酯氧合酶(arachidonic acid lipoxygenase,ALOX)㊁还原型辅酶Ⅱ氧化酶(NADPH oxidase,NOX)㊁黄嘌呤脱氢酶(xanthine dehydrogenase,XDH),这些酶通过环境依赖性方式参与脂质过氧化依赖性铁死亡的调节㊂2.1.3铁储存与释放铁蛋白是主要的储铁蛋白,储存了进入细胞的多数铁㊂尽管铁通过铁蛋白外壳上的孔隙排出,但铁释放的重要机制涉及铁蛋白通过核受体共激活因子4 (nuclear receptor coactivator4,NCOA4)介导的自噬降解[14],这一过程通过增加LIP促进了铁死亡[15]㊂铁蛋白被泛素-蛋白酶体系统(ubiquitin-proteasome system,UPS)的激活降解[16]㊂因此,UPS和自噬是维持细胞内铁蛋白水平的两条互补蛋白水解途径㊂铁蛋白及其储存的铁通过外泌体从细胞中释放出来,这个过程是由prominin2(PROM2)介导的,其抑制了铁死亡[17]㊂总之,细胞内的铁水平不仅通过降解途径进行调节,还通过分泌进行调节,控制LIP变化㊂2.2脂质代谢脂质过氧化认为是铁死亡的标志性事件之一,多不饱和脂肪酸(polyunsaturated fatty acids,PUFAs)是脂质过氧化的主要目标之一㊂最终,脂质氢过氧化物的积累是引发铁死亡的关键因素[1,3]㊂含有氧化花生四烯酸(arachidonic acid,AA)的磷脂酰乙醇胺(phosphatidylethanolamine,PE)(AA-PE)是铁死亡的细胞死亡信号,AA是一种PUFA,通过延长为延长成肾上腺酸(adrenic acid,AdA)[18]㊂一项研究表明, AA-OOH-PE导致铁死亡[18]㊂该过程为酰基辅酶A合成酶长链家族4(acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family4,ACSL4)将AA催化成AA-CoA[19],再经过溶血磷脂酰胆碱酰基转移酶3(lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase3,LPCAT3)将其酯化为AA-PE[20], AA-PE再经过脂氧合酶(lipoxygenases,LOXs)和活性氧自由基氧化为AA-OOH-PE[21-22]㊂多项研究显示, ACSL4为铁死亡敏感的关键决定因素[18-19,23]㊂ACSL4催化CoA添加到AA上,从而促进PUFA酯化为磷脂,在ACSL4激活后,LPCAT3将酰基插入溶血磷脂,特别对磷脂酰胆碱和PE,其参与了铁死亡脂质信号的传导[18]㊂有研究显示,乳腺癌MBA-MD-231细胞对铁死亡诱导剂的敏感性受到ACSL4表达的影响[24],进一步佐证了上述观点㊂LOX是诱导铁死亡的关键酶[25]㊂ALOXs通过氧化PUFA-PE引发铁死亡[18],这个过程进一步受到磷脂酰乙醇胺结合蛋白1(phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein1,PEBP1)的调节,因为其与ALOX相互作用并使其催化PUFA-PE,从而促进铁死亡[26]㊂2.3氨基酸代谢2.3.1GPX4GPX4是一种依赖硒的酶,具有内源性抗氧化作用[27]㊂GPX4的化学性质使其可作为抗脂质过氧化和抗铁死亡的中心调节因子㊂谷胱甘肽(glutathione, GSH)和硒是维持GPX4功能和活性必需的物质[3,28],当GPX4的合成和功能受到影响时,引起铁死亡㊂Zou等[29]肾透明细胞癌研究显示,缺氧诱导因子-2α(hypoxia inducible factor-2alpha,HIF-2α)可激活脂滴相关蛋白表达,下调GPX4基因表达,导致GPX4蛋白合成减少,促进多不饱和脂质聚集,从而增加透明细胞癌对铁死亡的敏感性㊂利用GPX4条件性或诱导性敲除小鼠证实了体内铁死亡的功能,肾脏GPX4诱导性敲除引起急性肾衰竭,通过铁抑素-1(ferrostatin-1, Fer-1)进行挽救[30]㊂调控铁死亡敏感相关基GPX4,可能通过靶向作用调控铁死亡,为靶向抗肿瘤或保护细胞的药物研发提供了新途径㊂2.3.2胱氨酸/谷氨酸转运系统(System Xc-) System Xc-促进了跨质膜的谷氨酸和胱氨酸交换,该系统是由两个亚基构成的二硫键合并的异二聚体,第1个亚基是溶质载体家族3成员2(solute carrier family3member2,SLC3A2),第2个亚基是溶质载体家族7成员11(solute carrier family7member 11,SLC7A11),又称为xCT[31],可不依赖三磷酸腺苷(ATP)转运胞内谷氨酸和胞外胱氨酸㊂胱氨酸进入细胞内被分解为半胱氨酸,用于合成GSH㊂当System Xc-转运功能受到影响,可降低GSH水平,从而影响GPX4功能㊂Erastin是一种铁死亡诱导剂,可抑制System Xc-,限制胱氨酸的摄入,诱导GSH耗竭[1],通过启动内质网应激促进铁死亡进程中ROS积累[32]㊂3铁死亡在缺血性脑卒中的作用中风是全世界致残和致死的主要原因之一[33]㊂有研究显示,脑血管病已成为导致我国居民死亡的第3位因素,2019年导致了219万例病人死亡,其中缺血性脑卒中占脑卒中的82.6%[34]㊂大脑某些部位的血液供应受到限制,继发于大脑中动脉㊁椎/基底动脉或颈内动脉阻塞时,发生缺血性脑卒中[35]㊂由此产生的氧气和营养成分的损耗可能激活一系列缺血级联反应,造成氧化应激和线粒体损伤,最后导致死亡[36]㊂铁死亡是脑卒中病人细胞死亡的重要机制之一,通过相关机制引起脑内细胞发生铁死亡,进而导致脑组织损伤㊂有研究表明,在大脑中动脉闭塞(MCAO)模型中,小鼠通过抑制铁死亡防止缺血再灌注损伤,说明铁死亡促进缺血性脑卒中后的神经细胞死亡;同时发现, Tau基因敲除小鼠在缺血再灌注损伤后免受铁死亡的细胞死亡,以 Tau-铁相互作用 形式作为铁死亡和缺血性脑卒中的多效调节剂[25]㊂目前认为缺血性脑卒中的铁死亡机制是由细胞内铁积累㊁脂氧合酶失活㊁GSH耗竭㊁GPX4失活㊁System Xc-阻断等引起的㊂3.1铁代谢在缺血性脑卒中的作用铁死亡确定之前,相关研究显示,临床和缺血性脑卒中相关动物模型中铁积累导致再灌注过程,加剧神经细胞损伤[37-38]㊂多项研究显示,铁超载具有加重线粒体氧化损伤和扩大脑梗死面积的作用[19,39]㊂严重缺血缺氧损伤后,儿童基底节㊁丘脑㊁脑室周围白质中铁沉积增加[25]㊂因此,脑铁紊乱认为是缺血性脑卒中病人发生铁死亡的重要原因㊂有研究显示,引起缺血脑组织铁超载的原因:一是缺血导致白细胞介素-6 (interleukin-6,IL-6)增加,IL-6经Janus激酶(JAK)/信号转导和转录激活因子3(STAT3)信号通路可促进铁调素表达,引起膜铁转运蛋白1(ferroportin1,FPN1)表达下调和铁释放降低,最终导致铁超载[40]㊂目前关于缺血时IL-6表达增加的具体机制尚未明确㊂二是缺血增加了HIF-1α表达,引起TFR1表达增加,由于神经细胞摄取铁的主要途径是经过TF-TFR1通路,因此缺血后引起大量铁离子进入细胞内,导致细胞内铁超载[41]㊂3.2脂质代谢在缺血性脑卒中的作用有研究显示,大脑缺血后ACSL4过度表达,参与了再灌注损伤,ACSL4的过表达可能是受miR-347控制的,缺血性脑卒中病人miR-347表达增加,并上调了ACSL4表达水平[42]㊂另一项研究显示,在MCAO大鼠再灌注后海马ACSL4水平下降,同时凝血酶升高,实验进一步证实了ACSL4下调是脑缺血再灌注期间的早期事件,且独立于神经元死亡,发生机制可能是凝血酶通过促进ACSL4依赖性铁死亡,导致神经元细胞死亡,且ACSL4降低有利于对抗凝血酶诱导的铁死亡损伤[43]㊂相似的缺血早期ACSL4表达下调在其他研究中也得到了证实,认为缺血脑组织ACSL4水平变化是时间依赖性的,且其早期被抑制是由于HIF-1α表达增加,并结合ACSL4启动子导致的[44]㊂LOX同时发挥了一定的作用,尤其是12/15-LOX,不仅发现其对中风后的神经元有害,并通过细胞内攻击线粒体和凋亡诱导因子(apoptosis-inducing factor,AIF)易位到细胞核[45-46]的机制对脑卒中后脑血管造成损伤,12/15-LOX 抑制剂可改善神经和血管损伤[47]㊂有研究显示, 5-LOX过表达可促进炎性细胞因子产生,导致脑缺血再灌注(ischemia/reperfusion,I/R)后严重的神经元损伤[48]㊂miR-193b-3p通过抑制5-LOX表达对脑I/R损伤具有潜在的神经保护作用[49],可能成为治疗脑卒中后损伤的新靶点㊂3.3氨基酸代谢在缺血性脑卒中的作用相关研究显示,缺血性脑卒中病人和MCAO动物模型脑组织GSH水平降低[50],可增强脑内组织对铁死亡损伤的敏感性㊂有研究显示,转录因子Sp1和TFAP2c可被硒激活,上调GPX4表达,从而抑制铁死亡,保护神经元[51]㊂相关研究显示,上调GPX4表达可缓解大鼠脑卒中后脑损伤,敲除GPX4基因可加重脑损伤程度[41]㊂System Xc-作为谷氨酸/半胱氨酸转运蛋白,可协助生成GSH和GPX4,因此其有助于抑制铁死亡,谷氨酸和半胱氨酸的交换是依赖细胞内谷氨酸浓度驱动而不是消耗ATP㊂中风发生时,细胞外谷氨酸浓度升高导致谷氨酸中毒[52],从而阻断了交换[53],导致GPX4的生成被抑制,最终引发铁死亡[54]㊂System Xc-的转运功能受损可能是由于其亚单位xCT失活引起的[55],xCT上调在大鼠缺血性脑卒中模型中可长期维持谷氨酸兴奋性毒性作用[56]㊂System Xc-到达一定浓度时,可能加剧谷氨酸兴奋性毒性和铁死亡㊂目前,System Xc-在缺血性脑卒中病人铁死亡中的具体作用机制尚未明确,仍需更多相关的研究进一步证实㊂4铁死亡干预缺血性脑卒中的相关研究进展治疗缺血性脑卒中的首要目标是快速恢复血流,这也是神经保护疗法的先决条件㊂目前,组织纤溶酶原激活物(tissue plasminogen activator,tPA)是经食品药品监督管理局(FDA)批准用于治疗缺血性脑卒中的药物,因此研发新型神经保护剂可用于治疗㊂以神经保护为主要结局的研究中,多数抑制剂未达到理想的效果,表明对缺血性脑卒中导致神经元死亡的具体机制尚未明确㊂因此,需要回顾目前的药物应用情况,弥补与临床发现的差距,指导今后中风的治疗㊂4.1基于铁死亡发生机制的干预研究缺血性脑卒中导致铁稳态的破坏,进而引起铁死亡,铁螯合剂可与游离的铁结合,缓解铁超载㊂去铁胺(deferoxamine,DFO)是FDA批准的一种铁螯合剂,通过螯合非血红素铁可有效减少羟自由基的生成,减轻脑损伤[57]㊂大鼠模型中,DFO的治疗减少了短暂性局灶性缺血后的脑损伤,促进了功能的恢复[58]㊂目前,铁螯合剂较少有脑卒中相关的临床研究,因此需要更多的研究评估铁螯合剂应用于脑卒中病人的安全性和有效性㊂多项研究显示,Fer-1和脂抑素-1 (liproxstatin-1,Lip-1)可抑制由System Xc-药理学抑制或由GPX4缺失诱导的铁死亡,作为高效的铁死亡抑制剂[1,30]㊂Lip-1和Fer-1的治疗潜力,延迟Lip-1治疗(再灌注后6h)可有效预防持续的神经元损伤[25]㊂鼻内Fer-1治疗可减轻小鼠MCAO模型再灌注后24h 神经功能缺损,缩小梗死体积[25]㊂鉴于Fer-1和Lip-1对过氧化自由基的内在反应与常见的抗氧化剂相似,具有自由基捕获能力的抗氧化剂衍生物的新结构已被开发出来㊂一项研究成功开发了吩噻嗪衍生物作为一类新的铁死亡抑制剂,并报道了其在缺血性脑卒中模型中具有良好的效果[59]㊂病理条件下,上调GPX4可能是治疗缺血性脑卒中铁死亡的有效策略㊂胱胺(cystamine)已被证实在体外可提高皮质神经元中GSH水平,从而抑制铁死亡[60]㊂在缺血性脑卒中动物模型中显示出良好的效果[61]㊂硒可驱动保护性转录反应,上调GPX4和抑制铁死亡,且在硒存在条件下上调的基因可抵抗兴奋性毒性和内质网应激诱导的神经元死亡[62]㊂缺血性脑卒中小鼠模型中,通过转录调节可抑制铁死亡,发挥硒对神经元的保护作用[51]㊂有研究显示,半胱氨酸前体(OTC)可保护神经细胞免受氧糖剥夺(OGD)诱导的死亡,同时OTC通过增加缺血再灌注后小鼠半暗带皮层GSH水平,减轻脑梗死损伤[63]㊂鉴于脂质过氧化对铁死亡至关重要,脂质ROS传感器(如Liperfluo)是铁死亡的有效生物标志物,这些传感器可提供快速的方法测量脂质过氧化水平,反之可反映铁死亡的程度[64],有助于进行缺血性脑卒中脂质代谢相关治疗的研究㊂有报道发现,选择性5-LOX 抑制剂(Zileuton)可抑制5-LOX,减少再灌注过程中白三烯产生,从而抑制炎症反应[65]㊂在短暂性全脑缺血小鼠模型中,Zileuton治疗可降低炎性细胞因子和趋化因子的水平[66]㊂与对照组相比,Zileuton治疗的MCAO大鼠改善了神经功能缺损评分,减小了梗死体积[67]㊂Zileuton在动物实验中已表现出相当的治疗效果,但目前无直接证据表明,其是通过抑制铁死亡发挥作用的㊂已有研究显示,使用siRNA敲低12/15-LOX 时,细胞对铁死亡有抵抗力[22]㊂缺血小鼠大脑12/15-LOX 表达和活性增加[68],12/15-LOX敲除小鼠神经元可免受脑缺血损伤[69]㊂较多12/15-LOX抑制剂,如ML351㊁LOXBlock-1㊁BW-B70C已证实可明显减小梗死体积,减轻缺血性脑卒中后脑损伤[69-71]㊂上述研究结果表明,12/15-LOX是缺血性脑卒中所致神经元损伤中铁死亡的关键因子,是开发治疗缺血性脑卒中药物的有潜力靶点㊂4.2基于中医药的铁死亡干预研究传统中医学将缺血性脑卒中归属于 中风 范畴,中医药治疗缺血性脑卒中有独特的优势㊂目前,针灸㊁中药提取物及复方等中医疗法已普遍用于治疗脑卒中,对缺血性脑卒中的铁死亡研究也有一定的进展㊂电针是在传统针灸基础上加入了电刺激,已普遍用于临床治疗㊂体外实验显示,电针可抑制OGD/R诱导的海马神经元铁死亡,和模型组相比,电针组下调了ACSL4㊁TF和糖原合成酶激酶-3β(GSK-3β)表达,上调了GPX4㊁Wnt1和β-catenin表达,推测可能与Wnt/β-catenin 通路激活有关[72]㊂已有研究显示,在脑缺血再灌注大鼠模型中,电针可减少铁超载和氧化应激损伤,发挥神经保护作用[73]㊂相较于对照组,电针组刺激足三里㊁曲池等特定穴位,可减小梗死灶,显著改善局灶性脑缺血大鼠神经细胞线粒体损伤的铁死亡[74]㊂总之,电针通过调节铁相关蛋白和氧化应激,缓解缺血性脑卒中的铁死亡[75]㊂越来越多的研究显示,中药提取物及中药复方通过多种途径抑制铁死亡㊁保护脑细胞㊂基于网络药理学,欧海亚等[76]研究了中药在调控铁死亡方面的用药规律,结果显示,作用于铁死亡多个靶点的6种化合物,以及15个潜在的铁死亡靶点中的7个靶点对中药高度敏感㊂针对铁死亡机制发掘中药及其有效成分治疗缺血性脑卒中是有潜在价值的研究思路㊂地黄苷A 可提高记忆力,恢复神经损伤,与模型组相比,地黄苷A组MCAO大鼠认知功能障碍和神经功能缺损改善,进一步研究显示,其通过抑制细胞铁死亡㊁激活磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶(phosphatidylinositide3-kinases,PI3K)/蛋白激酶B(protein kinase B,AKT)/NRF2和SCL7A11/GPX4信号通路改善脑缺血后认知障碍[77]㊂有研究显示,黄芩素降低了瞬时大脑中动脉闭塞(tMCAO)小鼠脑组织铁死亡的铁水平㊁脂质过氧化产物和形态特征,进一步证实黄芩素抑制了RSL3(一种GXP4抑制剂)刺激的HT22细胞中铁死亡的活性,黄芩素可能通过调节GPX4/ACSL4/ACSL3轴逆转脑组织的缺血再灌注损伤[78]和PINK1-Parkin介导的线粒体自噬调节作用抑制铁死亡[79]㊂对高良姜素的研究也得出了相似的结果,Guan等[80]研究显示,高良姜素可激活SCL7A1/ GPX4轴,抑制缺血再灌注后沙鼠海马神经元的铁死亡㊂Chen等[81]研究显示,黄芪作为传统中药,给予MCAO模型组大鼠模型治疗后,与对照组比较,减小了大鼠脑梗死面积,改善了神经元损伤,可能通过调节跨膜铁转运和铁死亡实现的㊂但黄芪中发挥作用的具体成分尚未明确,仍需进一步的研究发掘㊂丹红注射液(Danhong Injection,DHI)是由丹参和红花提取物制备成的标准化注射液,已广泛用于治疗心脑血管病[82]㊂动物实验发现,DHI治疗的MCAO小鼠大脑梗死面积明显减小,且线粒体坏死和铁积累也受到调控,具有缓解缺血性脑卒中后神经元铁死亡的作用[83]㊂目前,中药复方的研究逐渐增加,复方通络汤(Compound Tongluo Decoction,CTLD)研究显示,CTLD可缓解脑梗死,减轻内质网应激和铁死亡,促进脑血管生成,证实CTLD可能通过激活脑梗死大鼠的Sonic Hedgehog通路抑制内质网应激诱导的铁死亡[84]㊂脑泰方是防治脑卒中的复方,已在临床上得到应用[85]㊂相关研究显示,脑泰方可上调热休克转录因子1(heat shock factor1,HSF1)/热休克蛋白B1(heat shock proteins B1,HSPB1)通路,抑制神经细胞铁的吸收,调控脑铁稳态,并通过TFR1/二价金属转运蛋白1 (divalent metal transporter1,DMT-1)和SCL7A11/ GPX4通路抑制MCAO大鼠铁死亡[86-87]㊂现阶段中医药干预缺血性脑卒中后铁死亡的研究有了一定的成果,但因中医药多成分㊁多靶点的特性,仍需要更多的相关研究进行深入发掘,以期发挥中医药治疗的独特优势㊂5小结及展望铁死亡多机制的特点揭示其在缺血性脑卒中发挥着重要作用,是具有研究价值的治疗策略㊂目前的药物研究是基于已发现的机制以达到治疗目的,但关于缺血性脑卒中铁死亡的研究较少,有诸多问题亟待解决:首先,铁死亡的产生机制尚未明确㊂虽然较多研究表明铁水平㊁GPX4㊁ROS表达和细胞活力可评估铁死亡,但未发现铁死亡的特异性标志物,其他程序性细胞死亡已有明确的标志物㊂其次,目前的数据多数来自细胞和动物模型,缺乏大规模㊁长期的临床研究㊂再次,中医药治疗脑卒中具有多方法㊁多靶点的优势,但具体作用机制和信号通路的研究仍有欠缺㊂因此有必要对缺血性脑卒中病人进行临床研究,为改善大脑神经保护提供分子靶点㊂今后应梳理和总结与铁死亡相关的信号通路,探讨缺血性脑卒中病理过程中与铁死亡相关的信号机制,进一步发掘中药及复方活性成分抑制铁死亡的关键靶点,为治疗缺血性脑卒中的提供新思路和有效策略㊂参考文献:[1]DIXON S J,LEMBERG K M,LAMPRECHT M R,et al.Ferroptosis:an iron-dependent form of nonapoptotic cell death[J].Cell,2012,149(5):1060-1072.[2]XIE Y,HOU W,SONG X,et al.Ferroptosis:process and function[J].Cell Death&Differentiation,2016,23(3):369-379. 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高三英语生物英语阅读理解30题1<背景文章>Cells are the basic units of life. Every living organism is made up of one or more cells. The cell has many different structures that perform specific functions.The cell membrane is the outer boundary of the cell. It controls what enters and leaves the cell. The cell membrane is made up of a phospholipid bilayer and proteins. The phospholipid bilayer is semi-permeable, which means that only certain substances can pass through it.The cytoplasm is the gel-like substance inside the cell. It contains many different organelles, such as the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus. The mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell. They produce energy in the form of ATP. The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of membranes that is involved in protein synthesis and lipid metabolism. The Golgi apparatus modifies and packages proteins for export.The nucleus is the control center of the cell. It contains the cell's DNA. The DNA contains the instructions for making proteins. The nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear membrane.Cells perform many different functions. They take in nutrients,produce energy, and get rid of waste. They also grow, divide, and respond to their environment.1. What is the outer boundary of the cell?A. The cytoplasmB. The nucleusC. The cell membraneD. The mitochondria答案:C。



2024年考研英语一真题阅读理解详细解析与答案阅读理解一:Passage 1:题目:Why is the current global workforce in poor health?解析:本文讨论全球劳动力健康状况不佳的原因。

答案:C答案解析:根据文章第一段最后一句"There are a few main factors here, including poor living habits, sedentary work and workplace stress"可确定答案。

Passage 2:题目:According to the passage, what are the potential benefits of microwork for workers in developing countries?解析:本文探讨了在发展中国家进行微工作的潜在利益。

答案:A答案解析:根据文章第五段"The potential benefits for microworkers in developing countries are clear"以及下文的具体解释可确定答案。

Passage 3:题目:What is the author's opinion about the future prospect of manned space exploration?解析:作者对载人航天探索的未来前景持何看法?答案:D答案解析:根据文章第二段"The future of manned space exploration looks promising"可确定答案。

Passage 4:题目:What is the main topic of the passage?解析:文章的主题是什么?答案:B答案解析:根据文章第一段首句"The Arctic, the frozen polar region characterized by frigid temperatures"可确定答案。




1.神经干细胞移植对脊髓创伤后神经再生促进作用的研究进展 [J], 杨大伟;靳春杰;吕苓甫;张士俊;李宏伟;孙文涛
2.银杏活脑胶囊对大鼠缺血性脑卒中微血管增殖和神经干细胞再生的影响 [J], 鲁启洪
3.复旦大学发现神经干细胞参与脑发育作用机制 [J], ;
4.研究发现阻碍脑卒中后神经干细胞再生“元凶” [J],
5.复旦大学发现细胞重编程技术能促进内耳毛细胞增殖再生 [J],



FXRFarnesoid X receptorencoded by the NR1H4 gene in humans. FXR is expressed at highlevels in the liver and intestine. Chenodeoxycholic acid and other bileacids are natural ligands for FXR. When activated, FXR translocates tothe cell nucleus, forms a dimer (in this case a heterodimer with RXR)and binds tohormone response elements on DNA, which up- ordown-regulates the expression of certain genes. One of the primaryfunctions of FXR activation is the suppression of cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1), the rate-limiting enzyme in bile acidsynthesis from cholesterol. FXR does not directly bind to the CYP7A1promoter. Rather, FXR induces expression of small heterodimer partner(SHP), which then functions to inhibit transcription of the CYP7A1 gene. In this way a negative feedbackpathway is established in which synthesis of bile acids is inhibited when cellular levels are already high.FXR Inhibitors & ModulatorsGW 4064 is a selective, non-steroidal farnesoid X receptor (FXR)INT-747(Obeticholic acid; 6-ECDCA) is a potent and selective FXRagonist(EC50=99 nM) endowed with anticholestatic activity.INT-767 is a potent agonist for both FXR (mean EC50, 30 nM byPerkinElmer AlphaScreen assay) and TGR5 (mean EC50, 630 nM byWAY-362450 (XL335; Turofexorate isopropyl) is a highly potent,selective, and orally active farnesoid X receptor (FXR) agonist with anCat. No.: HY-50108Cat. No.: HY-12222Cat. No.: HY-12434Cat. No.: HY-50911。






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1Center for Metabolic Research, VA San Diego Healthcare System and University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California; 2Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia; 3Profil Institute for Clinical Research, Chula Vista, California; 4Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; 5Diabetes and Glandular Clinic, San Antonio, Texas; 6Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc, New York, New York; 7Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc, San Diego, California; and 8Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc, Tarrytown, New York
GASTROENTEROLOGY 2013;145:574–582
Efficacy and Safety of the Farnesoid X Receptor Agonist Obeticholic Acid in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Keywords: Clinical Trial; Metabolic Syndrome; Treatment; Obesity.
T ype 2 diabetes mellitus and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are components of the metabolic syndrome, a cluster of interrelated clinical features including insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and visceral obesity.1 The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasing worldwide and is projected to affect approximately 8% of the population by 2030.2 NAFLD is currently the most prevalent chronic liver disease, affecting 20%–40% of the population, and approximately 30% of patients with NAFLD will progress to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).3 Type 2 diabetes mellitus and NAFLD are major health issues associated with the worldwide epidemic of obesity.4
Insulin resistance plays a major role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus and NAFLD and is considered a key factor in the initiation and perpetuation of NASH.5 Although several drugs are available to improve insulin resistance in diabetes, none are currently approved for NAFLD or NASH.6 Given the role of insulin resistance in the pathogenesis of NASH, insulin sensitizers such as the thiazolidinediones have been extensively tested, showing significantly reduced liver inflammation and
Abbreviations used in this paper: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BA, bile acid; C4, 7a-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3one; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; FXR, farnesoid X receptor; GIR, glucose infusion rate; NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; NASH, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; OCA, obeticholic acid.
© 2013 by the AGA Institute 0016-5085/$36.00
was well tolerated, increased insulin sensitivity, and reduced markers of liver inflammation and fibrosis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Longer and larger studies are warranted. , Number: NCT00501592.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
See editorial on page 508.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Obeticholic acid (OCA; INT-747, 6a-ethyl-chenodeoxycholic acid) is a semisynthetic derivative of the primary human bile acid chenodeoxycholic acid, the natural agonist of the farnesoid X receptor, which is a nuclear hormone receptor that regulates glucose and lipid metabolism. In animal models, OCA decreases insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis. METHODS: We performed a double-blind, placebocontrolled, proof-of-concept study to evaluate the effects of OCA on insulin sensitivity in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients were randomly assigned to groups given placebo (n ¼ 23), 25 mg OCA (n ¼ 20), or 50 mg OCA (n ¼ 21) once daily for 6 weeks. A 2-stage hyperinsulinemiceuglycemic insulin clamp was used to measure insulin sensitivity before and after the 6-week treatment period. We also measured levels of liver enzymes, lipid analytes, fibroblast growth factor 19, 7a-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one (a BA precursor), endogenous bile acids, and markers of liver fibrosis. RESULTS: When patients were given a low-dose insulin infusion, insulin sensitivity increased by 28.0% from baseline in the group treated with 25 mg OCA (P ¼ .019) and 20.1% from baseline in the group treated with 50 mg OCA (P ¼ .060). Insulin sensitivity increased by 24.5% (P ¼ .011) in combined OCA groups, whereas it decreased by 5.5% in the placebo group. A similar pattern was observed in patients given a high-dose insulin infusion. The OCA groups had significant reductions in levels of g-glutamyltransferase and alanine aminotransferase and dose-related weight loss. They also had increased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and fibroblast growth factor 19, associated with decreased levels of 7a-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one and endogenous bile acids, indicating activation of farnesoid X receptor. Markers of liver fibrosis decreased significantly in the group treated with 25 mg OCA. Adverse experiences were similar among groups. CONCLUSIONS: In this phase 2 trial, administration of 25 or 50 mg OCA for 6 weeks