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特殊疑问词:What , When , How , Why , Which , Where , Who练,习Whose总汇姓名:班级:考号:得分:

1. - are you? -I ’ m fine,thanks.

2. - do you go to school? -I go to school at 7 o ’ clock.

3. - are you late? -Because I have a cold.

4. - season do you like best? -I like winter best.

5. - is his name? -His name is Jack.

6. - is the girl in red? - She is Miss Wang ’ s daughter.

7. - are they doing now? -They are watching TV now.

8. - is the school trip? -It ’ s in may.

9. - color do you like,blue or green? -Green.

10. - books are they? -They are Chen Jie ’ s .

11. - is my new pen? -It ’ s in the pencil box.

12. - old are you? -I am eleven years old.

13. - day is it today? - It ’ s Friday.

14. - does she go home on foot? -Because she has no bicycle.

15. - is China ’ s Nationalay? D - It ’ s on October st1.

16. - does he go? -He goes to the zoo.

17. - would you like? -Some beef, please.

18. - is your toy car? -It ’ s under the chair.

19. - is their Chinese teacher? -Mr. Zhang.

20. - much is it? -Ten yuan.

21. - is the weather like today? - It ’ s cloudy and cool.

22. - do you eat lunch every day? -At 12:30.

23. - does she look like? -She is tall and pretty.

24. - ruler is it? -The ruler is mine?

25. - do you have on Monday? -Chinese, maths and PE.

26. - is playing with Zhang Peng? -Sarah.

27. - do you go after school? -I often go to the library.

28. - is the date today? -It ’sJune 19 th .

29. - are they looking at you? -Because I am a superstar.

30. - is Teachers ’Day every year? -It ’son September 10th.
