





1.答题前,考生先将自己的学校、姓名、考试号用0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡相对应的位置上;将考试号、考试科目用2B铅笔涂在答题卡上。





A)单项填空从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡


1. I looked under _________ table and found _________ pen I lost yesterday.

A. the; a

B. the; the

C. /; the

D. the; /

2. Thomas, please don’t shout loudly. The others _________ hear very well.

A. can’t

B. mustn’t

C. shouldn’t

D. needn’t

3. It is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life _________ we’ve actually had that lesson.

A. when

B. after

C. since

D. until

4. Nowadays meteorologists (气象学家) can make good forecast for 3 or 5 days. Perhaps soon they may be to do that for a week or _________.

A. more ahead

B. more behind

C. less ahead

D. less behind

5. There are only _________ new words in the passage, but I know _________ of them.

A. a little; none

B. a few; none

C. little; all

D. few; all

6. Hey, turn it off!We don’t _________ music in the reading-room.

A. like

B. hear

C. play

D. allow

7. -- I don’t like music _________ I can’t sing along with.

-- Me, _________.

A. that; too

B. what; too

C. that; either

D. what; either

8. -- Will you please _________ it to me on Friday?

-- What about Saturday?My computer doesn’t work well these days.

A. post

B. bring

C. email

D. give

9. -- Have you heard of the story Harry Potter? It _________ like this: There was a boy who…

-- Oh, it _________ funny and interesting.

A. tells; looks

B. comes; looks

C. goes; sounds

D. says; sounds

10. Whose CD player is this? It looks nice. How much is it _________?

A. cost

B. pay

C. spend

D. worth

11. -- _________do you water the plants?

-- Twice a day.

A. How long

B. How many times

C. How often

D. How soon

12. I still don’t know what _________ while I was away from home.

A. had happened

B. was happened

C. has happened

D. happened

13. -- Boys and girls, please _________ your compositions after class.

-- Oh, my God! I _________ it at home.

A. hand in; forgot

B. hand in; left

C. hand out; forgot

D. hand out; left

14. -- What did your father say?

-- He asked us _________.

A. how to mend the recorder

B. why we mend the recorder

C. that we mended the recorder

D. where did we mend the recorder

15. -- Would you mind closing the window to keep out the noise?

-- _________.

A. Of course

B. Not at all

C. Pretty good

D. No way



I was a single parent of four small children, working at a low-paid job. Money was always tight, but we had a roof(顶)over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot, always 16 . Not knowing we were poor, my kids just thought I was 17 . I’ve always been glad about that.

It was Christmas time, and 18 there wasn’t money for a lot of gifts, we still planned to celebrate with a family party. But the big excitement for the kids was the fun of Christmas 19 .

They planned for several weeks, asking each other what they wanted for Christmas. Luckily, I had saved $120 for 20 to share by all five of us.

The big day arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and 21 them to look for gifts of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop; then we would 22 back at the “Santa’s Workshop”.

Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits, 23 my younger daughter, Ginger, who was unusually quiet. She had only one small, flat bag with a few candies--fifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didn’t say anything at that time. I ordered her to come to my bedroom and closed the door, ready to be angry again. This is what she told me.

“I was looking around thinking of what to buy, and I 24 to read the little cards on the ‘Giving Trees.’ One was for a little girl, four years old, and all she wanted for Christmas was a doll. So I took the card off the tree and bought the doll for her. We have so much and she doesn’t have anything.”

I never felt so 25 as I did that day.

16. A. little B. less C. enough D. more

17. A. busy B. serious C. kind D. strict

18. A. because B. although C. while D. since

19. A. shopping B. travelling C. parties D. greetings

20. A. toys B. clothes C. presents D. bills

21. A. expected B. reminded C. invited D. taught

22. A. draw B. stay C. move D. meet

23. A. including B. but C. except D. beside

24. A. stopped B. succeeded C. failed D. hated

25. A. angry B. rich C. patient D. sad





At two o’clock a bank robber stole in. “This is a hold-up,” the man said loudly. He took a gun from under his jacket, pointing to George. “Hand it over!” George reached into his money-box and took all the bills from the top part---close to six thousand dollars. The robber took them and turned to leave. Then, while everyone watched the robber, George calmly lifted the top part of the money-box, took bills from the bottom part and put them into his own pocket secretly. The door was shut and the bank robber was gone. George fainted(晕倒). As soon as he was safely behind his bedroom door, George counted the money. He had eight thousand dollars. He was very happy.

The next morning, while the others were check ing the bank’s records, George was asked to go to Mr. Burrow’s office and was introduced to Mr. Carruthers, who used to be president of the bank.

“Good morning, George,I was sorry to give you a hard time yesterday, but with all the banks being robbed these days I thought it would be a good idea to prove that our small bank can be robbed, too. I have retired (退休), but I am always thinking of our bank. That’s why I played my little game yesterday, just to keep everyone on his toes (趾). Now, I have put the money back in your money-box all six thousand.”

26. Which of the following do you think is TRUE?

A. George wanted to protect the money for the bank.

B. George had been thinking of taking money away.

C. This bank had been robbed several times.

D. Nobody knew the bank would be robbed that day.

27. Why was George asked to go to Mr. Burrow’s office?

A. His stealing money was known to all.

B. Mr. Burrow wanted to say sorry to him.

C. Mr. Carruthers wanted to explain the whole thing to him.

D. Mr. Burrow wanted to tell him the money had been put back.

28. In this article “to keep everyone on his toes” means .

A. to make everyone work hard

B. to keep everyone standing straight

C. to make everyone do a kind of exercise

D. to keep everyone preparing for the coming danger

29. Which sentence can be used to end this story?

A. George turned cold with fear.

B. George turned red with anger(愤怒).

C. George was pleased with the end.

D. George was excited with the end.


Some people think that as more and more people have televisions in their homes, fewer and fewer people will buy books and newspapers. Why read an article in the newspaper, when the TV news can bring you the information in a few minutes and with pictures? Why read the life story of a famous man, when a short television program can tell you all that you want to know?

Television has not killed reading, however. Today, lots of newspapers are sold. And books of every kind are sold more than ever before. Books are still a cheap way to get information and enjoyment. Some books with hard covers are expensive, but many books are printed today as paperbooks(平装书), which are quite cheap. A paperback collection of short stories, for example, is always cheaper than an evening at the cinema or the theater, and you can keep a book for ever and read it many times.

Books are a wonderful provider of knowledge and pleasure and some types of books should be in every home. Every home should have a good dictionary. A good encyclopedia(百科全书), though expensive, is useful,

too, because you can find information on any subject. And, you can have such books as history books, science textbooks, cookbooks, and collections of stories and poems(诗). Then from time to time you can take a book of poems off your shelves and read the thoughts and feelings of your favorite poets.

30. We can know from the passage that .

A. TV programs are an important provider of knowledge

B. cinemas are the best choice in getting information

C. reading is a cheap way of learning and having fun

D. newspapers are an expensive way to enjoy oneself

31. What can we learn from the passage?

A. A good dictionary should be kept in every home.

B. Fewer and fewer people will buy books.

C. Books with hard covers sell better than paperbooks.

D. More people like TV programs about famous men.


In every school there is a “top” crowd that sets the pace(榜样), while the others follow their lead. Let’s say the top crowd decides that it is smart to wear bright red sweaters. Very soon everybody is wearing a bright red sweater. There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that bright red is not suitable on some people at all. The situation can even become dangerous, if the top crowd decides that it is smart to drink or to drive cars at 70 miles an hour. Then the people who follow the lead are causing danger to people’s lives. They are like sheep being led to the slaughter(屠宰场).

Perhaps you have come across situations like these more than once in your life. In fact, at one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong. You may have excused yourself by saying, “T he crowd does it.” Well, let the crowd do it, but don’t do it yourself. Learn

to say, “No.” Make your own judgements(判断). If you know the crowd is planning something with which you disagree, have the courage to leave them politely. You’ll have the satisfaction(满足)of standing on your own feet.

32. The writer disagrees with wearing red sweaters if .

A. the crowd is wearing them

B. you don’t look good in red

C. you can’t afford them

D. there are no school rules

33. The writer tells the readers to .

A. obey(服从)their parents

B. take the advice of their elders

C. do what they think to be right

D. do whatever they want

34. People who blindly follow the “top” crowd .

A. are rebels(叛徒)without a cause

B. will lose friends

C. have no respect(尊重)for their parents

D. sometimes don’t follow their own judgements which may be better

35. The main idea of this passage is that .

A. in every school there is a “top” crowd that sets the pace

B. it is a mistake to follow the “top” crowd blindly

C. at one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong

D. you should have the courage to leave them politely when you disagree with what the

“top” crowd is planning

36. Which is the best title for this passage?

A. On Being Yourself

B. The “T op” Crowd

C. Follow the Lead

D. Rules for Young People


As infants(婴儿), we live without a sense of the past; as adults, we can remember events that happened many years ago. Scientists have not a very clear understanding of this change, when our sense of time develops and we can tell the difference between this morning’s f ood and last week’s. Now Conor Liston of Harvard University has found that our sense of the past begins between the ninth and the seventeen th month of a baby’s life, coinciding(一致)with changes in the memory-processing parts of the brain(大脑)and this finding can help us understand more about our sense.

“It wasn’t clear how long children in the first year of life could remember an event, “ Liston says. He showed a simple picture to infants ages 9, 17, or 24 months old. The test results showed a big difference between the children who had been 9 months old when they saw the first picture and those who had been older. While 9-month-o lds don’t really remember a thing after four months, 17-and 24-month-olds do.” Liston says, “Something is happening in the brain between 9 and 17 months old.” Researchers think that changes in some parts of the brain help the development of the memory. Studies scientists did before have shown that a man’s frontal lobe (额叶)begins to mature(成熟)during the last quarter of the first year of life.

Liston’s work may help explain why adults can hardly remember anything from before their

second birthday or so. “B ut it’s not clear why a 40-year-old has plenty of memories for something that happened 20 years ago, but a 20-year-old has no memories for something that happened when he was 2 or 3,” Liston says. Researchers still need to look at other areas of cognition(认知)--such as what role language ability plays in memory--to really fully understand why people can’t remember anything that happened before 2-3 years of age. But one thing is clear: When one-year-old Tom announce s he doesn’t remember breaking the glass five months ago, he’s almost surely telling the truth.

37. Conor Liston .

A. has only an unclear understanding of infants’ poor memory

B. has proved a theory(理论)about memory development

C. has found the parts of the brain having connections with memory-processing

D. has found something more about the parts of long-term memory

38. According to Liston, the changes in the brain between help the development of memory.

A. 1 and 9 months old

B. 9 and 17 months old

C. 17 and 24 months old

D. 2 to 3 years old

39. According to this passage, it is normal that .

A. a one-year-old cannot remember what has happened one month ago

B. a 20-year-old can remember what happened when he was two

C. a 20-year-old fails to remember what has happened one month ago

40. The best title for this passage should be .

A. L iston’s Testing

B. Forgetting and Memory

C. Man’s Memory

D. The Role Language Ability Plays in






41.My little sister is always ▲(穿)red,because red is her favourite.

42.I live ▲(靠近)to my parents,so I see them from time to time.

43.In your opinion,whois ▲(可能)to win the match?

44.The house ▲(属于)to my grandfather ten years ago is now ours.

45.It is ▲(知道)to US all that Sanjuqingan in milk powder does great harmto babies.46.He has just graduated from university,so he has no ▲(经验)in teaching.

47.▲(几百万)ofpeople cometoChinaforavisiteveryyear.

48.My friend Simon often offers me some ▲(建议),which are really very useful.49.Who ▲(发明)this interesting game?

50.All Chinese peopleare ▲(骄傲)of YangLiwei.His name will go down in his tory.四、句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


51. 当你犹豫不决时,红色能帮你拿定主意。

52. 没有你的帮助,我无法解出这道题目。

53. 比起那些衬衫来,他和他父母都更喜欢这些棉质的。

54. 你能告诉我你借这本杂志多长时间了吗。

55. 年轻人应该常向别人学习,而不是卖弄。












Dear friends:

Welcome to our school! Now let me introduce our school to you! Our school is a famous school in Wuxi.


1—5 B A D A B 6—10 D C C C D 11—15 C D B A B

16—20 C D B A C 21—25 B D C A B

A篇26—29 B C D A

B篇30—31 C A

C篇32—36 B C D B A

D篇37—40 D B A C


41.in 42.close 43.likely 44.belonging 45.known

46.experience https://www.360docs.net/doc/8811178685.html,lions 48.suggestions 49.invited 50.proud


51.Red can help you when you are having difficulty making a decision.

52.The problem can’t be worked out without your help .

53.Not only his parents but also he prefers shirts made of silk to those ones.

54.Could you tell me how long you have kept the magazine?

55.Young people should often learn from others instead of showing off.


Dear friends:

Welcome to our school!Now let me introduce our school to you!Our school is a famous school in Wuxi. It was built in 1906.It has a history of nearly 100 years.Many students have graduated from it. Now they have become scientists, engineers, workers and farmers etc.They have achieved great success in the modern world.There are 36 classes with 1500 students and 235 teachers. There are two teaching buildings,four laboratories,a library and a playground.Both the teachers and students are working very hard.I believe our school will become better and better.I hope you will have a good time here.
