Adapt 16-20K 中文用户手册
Nicerizer 16 mk2 用户手册说明书

PHOENIX AUDIOCosta MesaCA 92626USATelephone +1 866 302 1091Email:**********************The “NICERIZER 16 mk2” Owner’s ManualFirstly, let us congratulate you on your purchase of the “Nicerizer 16 mk2”. We know you will be as pleased with its sonic qualities as we are.You are now the proud owner of a “Nicerizer 16 mk2” that has the advantages of more than 25 years experience in audio engineering, today’s component and manufacturing technology, but still retaining “that sound” uniquely achievable through Class A design.As you can tell, Phoenix Audio is dedicated to the development of Class A discrete technology used within high build-quality equipment.The “Nicerizer 16 mk2” was originally conceived because of the demand from customers for something that would "sweeten" the output from Digital Audio Workstations, and to make the final mix easier to distribute and handle.The “Nicerizer 16 mk2” is designed to take the output out of the digital realm, and to add the Class A characteristics and feel before the final recording.The ““Nicerizer 16 mk2”” uses our well proven and loved Class A output stage (DSOP-2), but also has our latest breakthrough in transformer-less Class A, Discrete Input Technology which gives a "valve-like" sound, and our Class A, Discrete, Virtual Earth mixing stage, and Unique Class A Discrete Stereo Width mixing stage.You CAN hear the difference!!!The “Nicerizer 16 mk2” is a 2U, 19" rack mountable 16 channel Input unit, which can be stacked and linked up to 6 units.Applications: Range from "digital sweetening" to source routing, to DAW mixing and from studio to stadium.Specifications:•16 channels of our Class A, discrete, truly balanced transformer-less input•stage.•Our proven and loved Class A, discrete, transformer balanced output stage (DSOP-2).•Class A, Discrete, High Gain, Inverting (Virtual Earth) Mixing stage.•Individual pan control for each channel (16 x Pan pots).•16 x Balanced Input XLR's. Can accept balanced or unbalanced input with no -6dB loss.• 2 x mix busses (Stereo Mix Bus).•¼” TRS Inserts on Busses (L + R Bus Insert points).•+8dB Boost button on each channel.•Master mix bus output level control.•Stereo LED level monitoring. Switchable for each channel and Main Output.•Stereo/mono External/Headphone monitoring Output. Switchable to each channel, external input (via 2T Return), Auxiliary and Main output, includes monitoring of the mix bus. (L, R, and Stereo).•Main Outputs on Balanced XLR's•Auxiliary Outputs on ¼” TRS Jacks.•2T Return inputs on ¼” TRS Jacks.•Class A Stereo Width control with Loss-less Bass. Pan-able from mono through to +25% Wider + Width control Bypass switch.•Huge headroom available on all channels. Input Headroom +26dB. Output Headroom +26dBOverview:The Input signal is fed to the “Nicerizer 16 mk2” via the Input XLR’s on the rear panel. The input signal is panned by the associated pan control on the front panel and can be monitored by selecting the associated channel on the Monitor control on the front panel. Monitoring can be achieved via the Front ¼” jack, and rear connections, and visually by the LED metering on the front panel.The Nicerizer 16 mk2 is usually used in channel pairs Eg: 1- Left, 2 –Right.All channels can be monitored individual, and the L bus and R bus can also be monitored individually. The main bus output level is adjusted via the main levelcontrol on the front panel.All connections to the “Nicerizer 16 mk2” are wired as follows:3 Pin XLR connectors: Pin 1 – Ground, Pin 2 – Hot (signal +ve), Pin 3 – Cold (signal –ve).¼” (6.35mm) TRS Stereo Jack Sockets: Tip – Hot (signal +ve), Ring - Cold (signal –ve), Sleeve- Ground.¼” (6.35mm) TS Mono Jack Sockets: Tip – Signal, Sleeve – Ground.¼” (6.35mm) TRS Bus Insert Jack Sockets: Tip – Send, Ring – Return, Sleeve – Common.Rear Panel Connections:Inputs:On the rear panel there are 2 rows of XLR connectors Numbered 1 – 16. These correspond with the Pan controls and monitor control on the front panel.These are Balanced XLR Inputs, but are equally capable of accepting an unbalanced signal without the 6dB loss often associated with sending an unbalanced signal into a balanced input.¼” Jacks on Rear Panel:Inserts:There are two TRS ¼” Jacks marked Insert L and R. These are unbalanced inserts to allow you to insert outboard equipment across the busses (such as a compressor). The inserts can be used as unbalanced or balanced inserts,providing the correct cable is used. (see connections and functions for wiring detail).Aux O/P:The Auxiliary Output ¼” Jacks are unbalanced outputs. These outputs can be used to drive external monitoring amplifiers or other equipment. The Auxiliary signal is monitored after the Bus and Stereo Width stage, but before the Main Output level control and Output Transformers. The Auxiliary Output level is independently controlled by the Aux Level Control on the front panel.2T Return:The 2T Return jacks are ¼” inputs. The input can be either balanced or unbalanced signal. The purpose of the 2T Return is so that external equipment (such as analogue tape machines, CD Burners, A/D Converters, Etc.) can be fed back to the Nicerizer 16’s monitoring system to be monitored on the headphone output jack on the front panel. The 2T Return does not return the signal to the bus.Main Outputs:There are 2 x Main output XLR’s Labelled Output L and R. These provide access to the 2 mix busses which are transformer-balanced Outputs driven by our Class A, Discrete DSOP-2 Output stages, and can be used in either balanced or un-balanced mode. These outputs can also be chained to any number of pieces of external equipment as long as total loading does not exceed 600R.Front Panel:Pan ControlsThe front panel has 2 rows of Pan controls numbered 1 - 16 associated with theInput XLR’s on the rear panel. Each channel is individually controlled and can be panned From Left to Right, and anywhere in between.+8 dB Push-button switchesBetween the rows of Pan controls there is a row of Push-button switches marked+8. Each switch is associated with an individual channel, and pressing a switchwill add an additional gain of +8dB to the input of that channel.Monitor Selector Switch (Rotary)The monitor Selector switch is a 12 position switch that selects pairs of channels for monitoring purposes Eg: 1 and 2, 3 and 4 Etc. It also allows monitoring of the main L and R outputs, Pre-Fade signal, Auxiliary Output, and 2T Input. Monitoring is achieved visually by the LED meter, and is also available on the Auxiliary Output Jack sockets on the rear and Output Jack socket on the front panel.Front Output Jack SocketThe ¼” TRS Monitor output jack is used to monitor individual channels (mono), stereo channels (channel pairs), The Auxiliary Output, 2T Return, Pre-fade level and the Main Output. The Monitor Jack Socket is capable of driving directly into headphones but is also capable of driving external monitoring equipment or studio talk-back style systems Etc.Level ControlThe Level Control adjusts the level available at the front Output Jack Socket only.Monitor selector Toggle Switch (Left/Stereo/Right)The switch has 3 positions. L, R and Stereo. When the switch is in the L positionthe Left signal being monitored via the Monitor Selector switch is sent to both sides of the headphone at once (mono). Eg: Channel 1 sent to both sides of headphone. When the switch is in the R position the Right Signal being monitored by the Monitor Selector switch is sent to both sides of the headphone at once (mono) Eg: Channel 2 sent to both sides of headphones. When the switch is in the Central position (stereo) The left signal is sent to the left headphone, and the Right signal to the Right headphone (Eg: 1 on Left, 2 on Right), this also allows you to hear any mixing that may have occurred via the pan controls across the two associated channels.LED Level monitoringThe LED Level metering follows the monitor selector switch. Eg: If the Monitor Selector switch is in position 1 / 2, the Left row of LED’s will show the input Level of Channel 1(L), and the right row will show the input level Channel 2 ( R). This is measured as the level after the input amplifier, and is the level being sent onto the busses. When the monitor selector switch is set in the L/R position, the meter displays the level being sent to the Output XLR’s. The LED Level indicator lights an LED as each indicated level is reached. (-2, +4, +10, +13, +16 dB). Although the metering only shows a maximum level of +16dB and the LED’s are Red, this in NO WAY indicates that the unit is clipping!! The Nicerizer 16 is capable of delivering up to +26dB, way beyond the capability of the LED Meters…….So, if you want a much hotter output, just turn it up!!Stereo Width Control and Toggle switchThe Stereo Width control is a Class A, Discrete, lossless-bass circuit that can beused to control the perceived “width” of the stereo image. The control only affectsthe output of the signal after the bus (it has no effect on individual channels before the bus). The width control will alter the image from mono, round to approximately 25% wider than the original image sent to the busses.The stereo width toggle switch can be used to bypass the width control so that the control has no effect on the stereo image regardless of its position.Main Output Level ControlThe Main Output Level control is used to adjust the Main Output Level of the unit on the main Output XLR’s. The Output level can be seen on the Level LED Meter when the Monitor Selector Switch is in the L/R position. Remember!! You can turn this control almost all the way to it’s maximum position, way beyond the LED Metering Display’s Capability, and still be sure that the Output will not clip! (The output can actually be driven another +10dB beyond the last Red LED before the output stages in the unit “might” clip).Illuminated Mains switch.Switching this switch into the ‘ON’ position so that the Neon glows, has a profound effect on the sound quality and gain of the unit. This is best left in the “ON” position for normal use. J。
Liebert.ITA 16kVA和20kVA UPS用户手册11.16

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警告电危池电险压高于 400Vdc
所有电池的物理保养和维护都需使用工具或钥匙,并应由接受过相关培训的人员执行。 电池的使用需要特别小心。电池连接后,电池端电压将超过 400Vdc,人身接触会有致命的危险。 电池厂家提供了使用电池组或在其附近所应遵守的注意事项,这些注意事项在任何时候都应得到遵守。并且应特别注意关于当 地环境条件的相关建议及提供防护工作服,急救设备和消防设备的相关规定。
警 告警危告:险反灌保护
本 UPS 提供一零电压触点闭合信号配合外部自动断路器(单独供电)一起使用,以防止电压通过静态旁路电路回馈到输入端。 如果设备安装人员无需使用此信号,必须在外部旁路输入空开设备上贴上标签,以示维护人员此电路与 UPS 系统相连。 上文意即:请在操作此电路前将 UPS 隔离。
警 告用危户可险维护器件
2.2.1 选位 ............................................................................................................................................................................7 2.2.2 环境要求.....................................................................................................................................................................7 2.2.3 安装工具.....................................................................................................................................................................9 2.3 外部保护器件 .........................................................................................................................................................................9 2.3.1 整流和旁路输入.........................................................................................................................................................9 2.3.2 电池输入...................................................................................................................................................................10 2.3.3 UPS 输出 ...................................................................................................................................................................10 2.4 机械安装...............................................................................................................................................................................10 2.4.1 塔式安装...................................................................................................................................................................10 2.4.2 机架式安装...............................................................................................................................................................11 2.5 连接功率电缆.......................................................................................................................................................................13 2.5.1 输入输出电缆连接...................................................................................................................................................14 2.5.2 配电方式...................................................................................................................................................................14 2.5.3 更改配电方式...........................................................................................................................................................17 2.6 电池电缆连接.......................................................................................................................................................................18 2.6.1 注意事项...................................................................................................................................................................18 2.6.2 电池安装...................................................................................................................................................................18 2.6.3 外接电池组接线原理图...........................................................................................................................................18 2.6.4 电池模块电缆连接...................................................................................................................................................19

艾默生Adapt产品方案1 艾默生Adapt 模块化UPS系统1.1 模块化UPS系统方案可行性分析模块化UPS系统由于具有可靠性高、便于扩容、安装维护容易、节能环保而成为UPS 未来的发展趋势,而我们在此次项目中采用的即为此类UPS系统。
Norgren GmbH Adaptix 软钢指软钢指操作手册说明书

Operation ManualThe Adaptix™ Soft JawBefore starting work read these instructions.This manual contains proprietary information. No part of thispublication may be reproduced, transcribed or transmittedin any form without the written consent of the publisher.Every effort has been made to ensure that the informationcontained in this manual is accurate. All rights reserved.Contents 1.0- Product information 21.1- Intended use 21.2- Description of device 21.2.1- Definition of parts 21.3- Description of function 21.4- T echnical data 22.0- Fingertip & Stud information 42.1- Intended use 42.2- Description of device 42.2.1- Definition of parts 42.3- Description of function 42.4- Technical data 53.0- Safety instructions 5Misapliaction 53.1-3.3- Spare parts 53.4- Fingertip & stud change 53.5- Operator qualification 53.6- Personal protective equipment 54.0- Operation 5vise 54.1-Upgrading4.1.1- ASJ-KT 5-64.1.2- ASJ-SC 64.2- Reversing lock position 64.3- Installing fingertips 64.4- Installing studs 74.5- Configuring jaws 74.5.1- Finger adjustment range 74.5.2- Square fingertip position 74.5.2- Adjusting drag force 84.5.3- Locking fingers 84.6- Dressing fingertips 84.6.1- Description of dressing 84.6.2- Procedure 84.6.3- Fingertip order 84.6.4- Re-dressing 84.7- Installing studs 84.7.1- Accessing stud anchor 84.7.2- Fixed studs 84.7.3- Rotating studs 85.0- Maintenance 8-95.1- Field stripping the device 95.2- Cleaning and lubrication 96.0- Troubleshooting 107.0- Warranty information 118.0- Notes 111.0- Product information1.1- Intended useThe Adaptix™ adaptable soft jaw (Adaptix™ or the “ASJ”), when used in compliance with the Safety, Operation, and Maintenance sections provided herein, is designed for stationary work-holding in milling machine operations utilizing single station, fixed-jaw machine vises. The manufacturer accepts no liability for any damage arising from use that is not compliant with the aforementioned sections provided herein. Avoiding misapplicationis necessary for safety, satisfactory performance and product life.1.2- Description of deviceThe system uses two sets of six adjustable laminated plates (i.e., fingers), constrained bya housing and symmetrical clamping apparatuses (i.e., wedges) fixtured by a transverse screw (i.e., locking bolt). Each individual plate mates with a workpiece interface component (i.e., tip) via a dovetail feature. This component utilizes a highly precise bore to house interchangeable ‘studs’ that contact machine workpieces; as well as a shelf to justify workpieces in the vertical Z-axis. The system replaces similarly sized soft jaws for common machining operations by mounting directly to the vise, using the original method.1.2.1- Definition of parts1.3- Description of functionThe ASJ replaces both the OEM jaw and soft jaw components used in single station,fixed-jaw machine vises. The ASJ allows the laminated plates to be freely adjusted to any linear, clamping-axis position within 1 inch (25.4mm) from the fully retracted state.(i.e., when the tip is completely justified against the front face of the jaw).The plates are locked into a rigid body via clamping force applied by the transverse screw. When the system is locked, the shape setting is maintained as the rigid body. The system can then be used to effectively clamp parts by matching their parameter. The ASJ clamps parts by using the same mechanism and method as the vise it is paired to.1.4- Technical dataDevice Technical Data2.0- Fingertip & Stud information 2.1- Intended useThe Adaptix fingertips and studs, when used in compliance with the establishedtechnical specifications and installation procedure found below, are designed to function as the working surfaces of the Adaptix adaptable soft jaw (Adaptix or ASJ).The manufacturer accepts no liability for any damage arising from use that is not compliant with its specifications, guidelines, and procedures. Avoiding misapplication is necessary for safety, satisfactory performance, and product life. 2.2- Description of deviceThe system consists of a cylindrical stud that is inserted into the mating hole of afingertip and constrained via a screw. The fingertip and stud assembly can be exchanged with different variants and combinations to suit different workholding needs. 2.2.1- Definition of parts2.3- Description of functionWhen used in pairs on opposing jaws the fingertips function like parallels via the integrated steps. The steps support the part from the bottom while the studs contact the workpiece along its profile. The studs transmit the force generated from the vise into the workpiece via the working surface. If the working surface of the stud becomes worn, the stud can be rotated into a different indexed position to utilize a new area. The stud can also be indexed for the purpose of referencing certain workpiece geometries or for reduction of blemishing. 2.4- Technical dataFINGERTIP AND STUD TECHNICAL DATAFingertipApplications that are not in accordance with “Intended use” are considered “Misapplication” and could lead to damage or injury. Alternative uses of the device are subject to confirmation from the manufacturer.Examples of misapplication can include, but are not limited to:‣ Clamping workpieces that extend largely beyond the width of the jaws.‣ Clamping tall workpieces with insufficient contact depth or without additional fixturing. ‣ Clamping thin workpieces that are insufficiently supported or without additional fixturing. ‣ Clamping workpieces without locking the fingers to the specified minimum torque. ‣ Supporting workpieces via the fingertip steps without preforming the initial dressing procedure. 3.3- Spare partsTo assure safety, satisfactory performance, and product life, only use original parts or parts approved by the manufacturer. Using spare parts from a third party manufacturer may lead unintended function and elevated risk. 3.4- Fingertip & stud changeAlways use the supplied torque screwdriver when changing and replacing fingertips and studs. Damage to the device may occur if the fingertips and studs are not sufficiently tightened. 3.5- Operator qualificationInstallation, operation, monitoring and maintenance of this device must be carried out by personnel with relevant machining qualifications. 3.6- Personal protective equipmentPersonal protective equipment must always be worn when operating this device.We recommend using: ‣ Safety glasses ‣ Safety gloves ‣ Safety shoes 3.0- Safety instructions 3.1- Misapplication4.0- Operation4.1- Upgrading vise 4.1.1- ASJ-KT Preparing the Kurt DX61. Remove the chip guard.2. Remove the free jaw set screw with a ¼” hex drive wrench.3. Pivot the free jaw up and towards the fixed jaw to remove it.4. Remove the 4X fixed jaw screws with a 3/8” hex drive wrench.5. Lift the fixed jaw straight up to remove it.Installing the Adaptix Dovetail6. Remove the Adaptix dovetail from the bottom of the Adaptix fixed jaw by loosening the jaw set screw with a ¼” hex drive wrench.7. Install the Adaptix dovetail on the vise by dropping it in place of the fixed jaw.8. Use (2X) 7/16 SHCS supplied with the Adaptix soft jaws to fix the dovetail in place. a. Torque to 50 ft-lbs (68 N-m).Installing the Adaptix jaws9. Apply a generous amount of the supplied grease on to the round AND flat surface of botspherical segments.10. Install the spherical segments into the sockets on the inside of both Adaptix jaw housings.11. Orient the Adaptix fixed jaw so that the fingertips are facing towards the center of the vise.12. Install the Adaptix jaws on to the Adaptix dovetail and vise carriage by pivoting it down and away from the center of the vise.13. Tighten the jaw set screws with a ¼” hex drive wrench.a. Torque the fixed jaw set screw to 50 ft-lbs (68 N-m).b. Tighten free jaw set screw until snug.c. IMPORTANT: Verify the set screw head is just below or above the surface of the jaw. If it is deep, the spherical segment is not seated. Remove the jaws and repeat from step 10taking care when inserting spherical segment.4.1.2- ASJ-SCPrepare the Schunk KSC-1601. Remove the fixed and floating jaws by loosening the top mount screw with a 16mm hexdrive wrench.2. Verify the fixed jaw dowel pin is not in the carriage of the vise. Remove it if it is.Installing the housing shims3. Place the fixed and free Adaptix jaws on the vise body temporarily.4. With a feeler gage, measure the gap between the housing and the vise carriage. Recordthis number for each jaw.a. IMPORTANT: If there is gap < 0.001” (25μm), shims are not necessary.5. Remove the Adaptix jaws from the vise and set aside.6. Select and combine the supplied Adaptix housing shims to equal the size of the gap andplace them on the vise carriage.Installing the Adaptix jaws7. Follow the field stripping procedure further in this document to expose the mounting holes ofthe Adaptix housings.8. Insert the supplied dowel pin into the bottom of the Adaptix fixed housing and install on the vise. Install the Adaptix free housing on the vise.a. IMPORTANT: Be careful not to shift the shims when installing the housings.9. Install the supplied 4X M16 SHCS.a. Torque to 100 ft-lbs (136 N-m).10. Complete the field stripping procedure to re-assemble the Adaptix jaws.4.2- Reversing lock positionThe Adaptix locking bolt head can be reversed to access easier in certain setups or machines.1. Remove the locking bolt with a 10mm hex drive wrench or by hand via the knob.2. Remove the driving wedges and reverse their positions.3. Reinstall the locking bolt.4.3- Installing fingertips1. Using the supplied 3mm hex drive torque screwdriver, loosen the finger clamp screw until the clamp is below the bottom surface of the finger clamp pocket.2. Orient the fingertip so the stud mating hole is upwards.3. Install the fingertip dovetail into the mating feature of the finger or housing. The tip shouldlay flat against the mating surface and the key should be engaged fully.4. Tighten the finger clamp with the 3mm hex drive torque screwdriver until the screwdrivermakes an audible “click”.4.5.2- Adjusting drag force4.4- Installing studs1. Orient the stud so that the threaded hole is facing down, and the working surface is pointing in the desired direction.2. Insert the stud into the mating hole on the fingertip.3. The stud should be flush or below the top surface of the fingertip. If it isn’t, rotate the stud slightly and it will drop in place.4. Install the supplied M4 SHCS into the bottom of the fingertip.5. Tighten the stud screw with the 3mm hex drive torque screwdriver until the screwdriver makes an audible “click”. 4.5- Configuring jaws4.5.1- Square fingertip positionFor certain operations, it might be desirable to use the Adaptix jaw as a standard square jaw to grip square workpieces. Pushing the fingers completely backwards until the fingertips touch thehousing and locking will create a square surface that can be used like a traditional vise jaw.Tightening and loosening the locking bolt via the thumb knob will increase and decrease the drag on the fingers in each jaw. This can be used to assure fingers are stationary during setup from either adjacent fingers moving, gravity, or forces transmitted from the workpiece.ForceDragDecreaseIncrease4.5.3- Locking fingers1. Hand tighten the locking bolt via the thumb knob to fix the fingers in place.2. With a 10mm hex drive bit and a torque wrench, tighten the bolt to the specifiedminimum torque.a. IMPORTANT: Always use a torque wrench to assure the locking bolt is at the minimumtorque.b. IMPORTANT: Do not clamp the vise without assuring the locking bolt is at minimum torque.4.6- Dressing fingertips4.6.1- Description of dressingBefore work can be preformed with the Adaptix jaws, the fingertip steps must first befirst dressed on a milling machine with a cutting tool to assure the workpiece will lay flat across both jaws.4.6.2- Procedure1. Install the fingertips on both jaws without studs.2. Install the vise into a vertical milling machine or other precision machining center ofyour choice.3. Place a 3-2-1 block or a ¼” parallel between the jaws, resting flat on the vise ways.4. Clamp the vise down against the 3-2-1 block.a. IMPORTANT: The 3-2-1 block should be in contact with the housings only and notthe fingertips.5. Using a felt tip marker or some other marking method, create a witness mark across thesteps of the fingertips.6. Preform a 0.005” [0.13mm] deep skim cut with a cutting tool (0.5” [12mm] recommendedacross both sets of fingertips.a. IMPORTANT: Do not adjust the z-depth between cutting the fixed and free fingertip sets.7. Inspect the steps and assure no witness marks remain. If any remain, preform an additional 0.005” [0.13mm] deep skim cut.4.6.3- Fingertip orderAfter the fingertips are dressed, it is important that they remain matched to both the finger they are fixed to as well as the jaw they are on. If the tips are removed, they can be placed back on to the same finger and their calibration will be maintained. If the finger and fingertips are removed as an assembly, they can be placed in any position on the same jaw and their calibration will be maintained.4.6.4- Re-dressingThe fingertips can be re-dressed as many times as the fingertip step relief can accept. With each skimming, the fingertip step height will increase.Fingertip re-dressing will be necessary in the following conditions:‣ A fingertip is replaced in a set that has been previously dressed.‣ Dressed fingertips are scrambled from their original order.‣ Dressed fingertips and finger assemblies are placed on different jaws.5.0- Maintenance5.1- Field stripping the deviceWhen following the outlined instructions; the ASJ system can be completely disassembled and reassembled in end user environments.‣During reassembly, apply low-friction extreme pressure grease to the areas notedin the figure below.6.0- Troubleshooting6.1- Fingers moving when clamping partsInadequate lubrication can result in lower locking bolt tension when torqued.1. Apply grease to the threads of the locking bolt and under the head of thelocking bolt and washer.2. I f problem persists, field strip and clean the device.6.2- Part flatness is not repeatingPart flatness may vary if finger tips are not properly seated or contaminants havesettled under contact points.1. Verify all tips are fully seated against the fingers. Redress if necessary.2. F ield strip and clean the device.6.3- Jaw liftJaw lift can occur if mounted improperly1. Verify all mounting bolts are properly torqued.2. Verify mounting surfaces to be clean and free of imperfections.3. Verify areas requiring grease are adequately greased.7.0- Warranty informationPlease visit https:///en/warranty 8.0- NotesIncorporating For further information, scan this QR code or visit Norgren operates four global centres of technical excellence and a sales and service network in 50 countries, as well as manufacturing capability in Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Mexico UK and the USA.For information on all Norgren companies visitSupported by distributors worldwide.Norgren, Buschjost, FAS, Herion, Kloehn, Maxseal and Thompson Valves are registered trademarks of Norgren companies.Due to our policy of continuous development, Norgren reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice.OM_XX_XXX en/01/22。
Axon DTH1620主题娱乐设备增强器用户手册模型:DTH1620说明书

TD-001622-01-A*TD-001622-01*Axon DTH1620 Themed Attraction AmplifierUser ManualModel: DTH1620®EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLSThe term “WARNING!” indicates instructions regarding personal safety. If the instructions are not followed the result may be bodily injury or death.The term “CAUTION!” indicates instructions regarding possible damage to physical equipment. If these instructions are not followed, it may result in damage to the equipment that may not be covered under the warranty.The term “IMPORTANT!” indicates instructions or information that are vital to the successful completion of the procedure.The term “NOTE” is used to indicate additional useful information.The intent of the lightning flash with arrowhead symbol in a triangle is to alert the user to the presence of un-insulated«dangerous» voltage within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to humans.The intent of the exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is to alert the user to the presence of important safety, and operating and maintenance instructions in this manual.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSTO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS EQUIPMENT TO RAIN ORWARNING!MOISTURE.Elevated Operating Ambient Temperature – If installed in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly, the ambient operatingtemperature of the rack environment may be greater than room ambient. Consideration should be given to ensure that the maximum operating temperature range -10°C to 50°C (14°F to 122°F ) is not exceeded. Reduced Air Flow – Installationof the equipment in a rack should be such that the amount of air flow required for safe operation of the equipment is not compromised.1. Read these instructions.2. Keep these instructions.3. Heed all warnings.4. Follow all instructions.5. Do not use this apparatus near water.6. Clean only with a dry cloth.7. Do not block any ventilation opening. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.8. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus that produce heat.9. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, the power cord shall be connected to a mains socket outlet with a protective earthingconnection.10. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than theother. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.11. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where theyexit from the apparatus.12. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.13. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.14. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such aspower-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.15. The appliance coupler, or the AC Mains plug, is the AC mains disconnect device and shall remain readily operable after installation.16. Adhere to all applicable, local codes.17. Consult a licensed, professional engineer when any doubt or questions arise regarding a physical equipment installation.18. Do not use any aerosol spray, cleaner, disinfectant or fumigant on, near or into the apparatus. Clean only with a dry cloth.19. Do not unplug the unit by pulling on the cord, use the plug.20. Do not submerge the apparatus in water or liquids.21. Keep ventilation opening free of dust or other matter.iiTD-001622-01-AiiiTD-001622-01-AMaintenance and RepairWARNING! Advanced technology, e.g., the use of modern materials and powerful electronics, requires specially adapted maintenance and repair methods. To avoid a danger of subsequent damage to the apparatus, injuries to persons and/or the creation of additional safety hazards, all maintenance or repair work on the apparatus should be performed only by a QSC authorized service station or an authorized QSC International Distributor. QSC is not responsible for any injury, harm or related damages arising from any failure of the customer, owner or user of the apparatus to facilitate those repairs. In the event of malfunction, contact QSC Customer Support for assistance.FCC StatementNOTE: NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A or Class B digital device when ferrite clamps are installed on the output cables, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. To meet Class A or Class B emission requirements two Ferrite 0431176451 clamps are required to be on the customer-supplied output cables connected to J1 and J5. Place the ferrite clamps as close to connectors J1 and J5 as possible.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.EnvironmentalLife cycle 10 years / Storage temperature -20 ° C to + 70 ° C / Relative humidity 5 - 85% RH Service life - 10 years. Storage conditions: temperature from -20 ° C to + 70 ° C, humidity 5% - 85%.If you wish to discard electronic equipment, please contact your dealer or supplier for further information.RoHS StatementThe QSC DTH1620 Series Amplifier is in compliance with “China RoHS” directives. The following chart is provided for product use in China and its territories:QSC DTH1620 and DTH1620 Series Amplifiers有毒有害物质或元素(Toxic or hazardous Substances and Elements)部件名称(Part Name)铅(Pb)汞(Hg)镉(Cd)六价铬(Cr(vi))多溴联苯(PBB)多溴二苯醚(PBDE)电路板组件(PCB Assemblies)XOOOOO 机壳装配件(Chassis Assemblies)X O O O OOO: 表明这些有毒或有害物质在部件使用的同类材料中的含量是在 SJ/T11363_2006 极限的要求之下。

PD20K 系列 智能型低压电动机保护器
辑器 使用手册 迅捷PDF编 USER’S MANUAL
PD20K 智能型低压保护器使用手册
低压开关设备和控制设备 总则; 低压开关设置和控制设置 机电式接触器和电动机启动器; 低压开关设备和控制设置 控制电路电器和开关元件 第 1 部分:机电式控制电路电器 低压开关设备和控制设备 第 2 部分:交流半导体电动机控制器和启动器
编 1.2 产品特点
1. 可用于 0.66KV 及以下电压等级各种电流规格电动机或馈出线路的全面保护;
外置零序电流互感器,测量范围为 AC0~2000mA(0%~200% Is)
继电器输出触点 开关量输入
器 正常使用环境
J1、J2、J3 都为常开触点,继电器触点容量:AC 250V/3A 4 路开关量状态或命令输入(内置 12V 电源),外接无电干接点 外形尺寸:96mm×48mm×95mm;开孔尺寸:91mm(横向)×43mm(纵向) 工作温度:-10℃~55℃ 相对湿度:5%~90%不结露 海拔≤2500m
PD20K 智能型低压保护器使用手册
第1章 产品介绍
1.1 产品设计说明
PD20K 智能型低压电动机保护器/线路保护器(以下简称 PD20K 或保护器)是我公司针对低压电动机或低压
新Adapt系列 16-20KVA UPS销售配置指导书(0912)

+8 U16-07C1
5.4KW 4.5KW
UHA3R-0160L/ UHA3R-0200L
+2 U16-07C1 +4 U16-07C1 +6 U16-07C1
38m 1h 1h36m
50m 1h25m 1h54m
+8 U16-07C1
共用电池组设计,且电池节数 30-40 节可灵活设置 超宽输入电压/频率范围,适应恶劣电网环境 超强输出过载及短路能力,确保极限状态的系统安全 机架式/塔式兼容,安装方式随心所欲 操作显示面板旋转设计,自由匹配安装方式 支持同步双母线系统,方案配置更多选择 可平滑接入艾默生易睿 TM 系统 输入标配防浪涌电路,实现卓越的抗电网浪涌能力 并机系统输入功率缓启动功能,减少对电网冲击 兼容艾默生机房监控软件 SiteMonitor,也可接入主流 NMS(网管)系统 出色的节能环保特性:
16/20K 单机用机架式 输出配电单元
待定 待定
SIC 卡(可接网口 型温湿度传感器)
干结点扩展卡 UF-DRY320
干结点卡 UF-DRY310 MODBUS 卡 UF-MOD21Z1
RS485 卡 UF-RS485
16/20K 用并机通讯 电缆
2h 2h30m
<5m 9m 16m 27m 38m 3.6KW 25m 1h 1h48m 2h30m 3h10m
HDS-16P 16-Port 4K 2K HDMI Splitter 用户手册说明书

Tel: (818) 503-6200 | Fax: (818) 503-6208 11651 Vanowen St. North Hollywood, CA 91605
16-Port 4K/2K HDMI Splitter
HDMI Version HDMI Resolution Video Color Format Max Bandwidth
Max Transmission Bandwidth
HDMI 1.4b Up to 3840X2160 @ 30Hz Deep color 8/10/12 bit 320MHz
Cables Output up to 25m (82 ft) AWG26 HDMI
No loss of quality
Hardware-only solution
Restaurants/Bars Home Entertainment Wall Displays Digital Media Airports Dealer Rooms Control Rooms Audio/Visual Presentations Shopping Centers Security Point-of-Sale Hotels/Resorts
HONET 综合业务接入网FA16 灵活接入设备 用户手册

目 录
第 1 章 系统概述 .....................................................................................................................1-1
业业业业业 接接接 租用用用用用
64Kbit/s V.35/V.24 双双租
ONU 2B+D/30B+D
图1-1 FA16 系统的总体结构
1.1.1 光纤线路终端 OLT
OLT(Optical Line Terminal)属于接入网的业务节点侧设备。 OLT 通过 E1 接口与交换机相连,使用 V5.2 接口协议。另外,FA16 系统还 有一个可选设备信令转换架 STE。 在 LE 侧不能提供 V5 接口时需选用此设备。 STE 与 LE 之间通过 No.7 或 No.1 信令连接,STE 与 OLT 之间通过 V5 协议 连接。 OLT 可以通过 E1 接口与 DDN 网相连,以中继方式接入 DDN 网。
1.1 FA16 总体结构
FA16 在设备上主要由光纤线路终端(OLT:Optical Line Terminal)、光纤网络 单元(ONU:Optical Network Unit)、光传输系统和接入网网管系统(AN-NMS: Access Network Management System)组成(当采用 V 系列 ONU 时,可以 没有 OLT)。完成接入网的业务接入、传输和网络管理三大部分。结构如图 1-1所示:
ASUS ZenScreen Touch MB16AMT 便携式触摸显示器 用户指南说明书

ZenScreen Touch MB16AMT便携式触摸显示器用户指南ii版权所有© 2019 ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.保留所有权利。
除了购买者出于备份目的而保留的文档外,未经 ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.(以下简称“ASUS ”)明确书面许可,不得以任何形式或通过任何方式复制、传播、转录本手册的任何部分,包括其中介绍的产品和软件,也不得将其存储到检索系统中或翻译成任何语言。
(“ASUS ”)在下列情况下,不能享受产品保修或维修服务:(1) 未获得ASUS 书面授权,而修理、修改或改动产品;(2) 产品序列号损毁或缺失。
ASUS “按原样”提供本手册,不提供任何明示或隐含的担保,包括但不限于对于适销性或针对特定目的的适用性的隐含担保或条件。
无论在任何情况下,ASUS 及其董事成员、高级职员、员工或代理不对由于本手册或产品中存在任何缺陷或错误而导致的任何间接、特殊、偶然或必然损失(包括收益损失、业务损失、不能使用或数据丢失、业务中断等)承担任何责任,即使 ASUS 已被告知此类损失的可能性。
本手册中包含的规格和信息仅供一般性参考,可能会随时变更而不另行通知,因此不应构成 ASUS 的承诺。
ASUS 对本手册(包括其中介绍的产品和软件)中可能存在的任何错误不承担任何责任。
声明...............................................................................................................iii 安全信息 .......................................................................................................iv 保养和清洁.....................................................................................................v 回收服务 小心 1.1 欢迎使用! .....................................................................................1-11.2 物品清单.........................................................................................1-11.3显示器简介 .....................................................................................1-21.3.1 前部概览和充电说明........................................................1-21.3.2 QuickFit 功能....................................................................1-42.1 显示器侧立位置 ..............................................................................2-12.2 连接USB 显示器和系统...................................................................2-22.3 声明 ................................................................................................2-42.4触摸操作.........................................................................................2-53.1 OSD (屏幕显示)菜单...................................................................3-13.1.1 如何重新配置 ..................................................................3-13.1.2 OSD 功能介绍 .................................................................3-23.2 规格 ..............................................................................................3-103.3 故障排除(常见问题) .................................................................3-113.4支持的时序列表 ............................................................................3-13联邦通信委员会声明本设备符合 FCC 规则第 15 部分的要求。
新Adapt系列1-3KVA UPS销售配置指导书

ITrust Adapt系列1~3V A UPS销售配置指导书一、 产品概述iTrust Adapt 1~3KVA系列UPS是艾默生网络能源公司根据IT行业交流不间断电源的应用动态,依托世界领先的DSP控制技术,IGBT开关技术,最新推出新一代单进单出在线式UPS。
该系列UPS产品容量为1/1.5/2/3KVA二、产品图片立式摆放卧式摆放(附一个电池模块)三、 应用范围:z Internet/Intranet 网管系统,机架式服务器、存储器、重要终端等;z通信系统网管系统,计费系统,室内覆盖系统等;z金融行业网点,ATM;z数据网络中路由器,交换机等重要设备的节点供电z工业电气自动控制和传输等自动化管理系统;z医疗诊断及成像系统;z地铁轨道交通调度系统z其他重要的功率匹配场合。
四、 适用场合办公终端,小机房,网络间,营业厅,实验室,仪器室,控制室,医疗检验室等五、产品特点:z输出功率因数高达0.9,匹配服务器的用电特性,带载能力超强z采用机架式和塔式兼容性设计,易于安装,配置灵活z可通过简单地添加电池模块实现系统后备时间的增加z显示面板旋转设计,操作明确简洁,维护便利z含多种交流输出方式,国标/IEC标准/端子排方式,方便不同型号的设备插头的直接使用。
z可提供多种接口(B型USB, 485,干接点和SNMP卡)z兼容多平台(Windows、Linux、HP-UX、Sun Solaris、IBM AIX等多种操作平台)z可接入BMS楼宇监控系统z可通过新型SIC卡接入机房的温度/湿度/门禁/水禁/烟感等环境量进行集中监控和处理。
艾默生 Adapt 系列1

艾默生Adapt 系列1-20K UPS是基於艾默生的全球技術平台,新開發的面向機房環境的升級產品。
此款產品無論從性能、方案能力以及性價比都較以往型號有重大提升,體現了小型UPS的業界最新技術成果以及最新的應用趨勢,將作為面向中小機房IT 應用的全新一代產品,滿足國內客戶對小型UPS的新要求。
Adapt此次新發布的機型涉及:l 1/1.5/2/3KV A:單進單出;l 10KV A:單進單出/三進單出兼容;l 16/20KV A:三進單出/三進三出兼容Adapt系列1-20KV A突出特點:l 輸出功率因數全線提升到0.9,l 面板可旋轉,l 機架式/塔式兼容,小體積l 系統效率可高達94%l 支持軟線並聯(up to 3+1),無需額外機框(5K及以上)l 可共用電池組(10K以上)l 可平滑接入易睿TM機房監控體系l 雙變換純在線式l 超寬輸入電壓範圍,可接入油機l 風扇可調速,節能靜音廣州艾默生UHA1R-0010 UHA1R-0020 UHA1R-0030廣州艾默生UHA1R-0010L UHA1R-0020L UHA1R-0030L廣州艾默生UHA1R-0020L廣州艾默生UHAIR-0030L項目型號編碼描述主機Adapt 1000V A 標機UHA1R-0010 01200382 1000V A/900W, 2U, 500mm深;內置電池,後備時間約5分鐘,電池可熱插拔;電池組電壓48VAdapt 1000V A 長機UHA1R-0010L 01200385 1000V A/900W, 2U, 500mm深;無內置電池,內置8A充電器;輸出含一個IEC 10A插座,3個國標10A插座。
電池組電壓48VAdapt 1500V A 標機UHA1R-0015 01200360 1500V A/1350W, 2U, 500mm深;內置電池,後備時間約5分鐘,電池可熱插拔;輸出含一個IEC 10A插座,3個國標10A插座。
APC RT20k,15k说明书

联系人信息. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 两年的质保期. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
SURT15k/20k UXI/UXICH 塔式
APC® by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS® SURT15k/20k UXI/UXICH 塔式 是一种高性能的不间断电源 (UPS)。它为您的电子设备免遭市电电源断电、电压变低、突降和浪涌,以及较小的市电电压波动和较大 的电压干扰的影响提供了保护。在市电电源恢复到安全水平或电池完全放电之前,该 UPS 可一直提供电 池备用电源。
安装 UPS 前请阅读安全指南。
到货后,请对 UPS 进行检查。如有损坏,请通知运货商和经销商。
• UPS • 输入线路盘 • 输出线路盘 • PowerView 显示模块 • 前面板 • DB9 串行电缆 • 用于后面板网络接入的以太网跳线 • 电池电缆组件 • 接地导线
2. 使用两个连接在 PowerView 上的翼形螺钉将 PowerView 固定在 UPS 上。
连接 PowerView
将 PowerView 电缆连接至 UPS 上的 PowerView 连接器。
SURT15k/20k UXI/UXICH 塔式
艾特锐能9E UPS 20 kVA 16 kW 用户手册说明书

Eaton 9E20KIXLEaton 9E UPS XL, 20 kVA, 16 kW, Input: Hardwired, Output:Hardwired, TowerGeneral specificationsEaton 9E UPS9E20KIXL74317206772270.6 cm81.55 cm35 cm47.78 kg 1 yearCE Marked TUV IEC/EN 62040-1 IEC/EN 62040-2 CEEACProduct Name Catalog Number UPC Product Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Warranty Compliances Certifications60 HzSine wave416 kW0.8Tower3NoHardwired/fixed connection110 V240 V50 HzEaton Intelligent Power Manager, Eaton Intelligent Power ProtectorNo battery931EU declaration of conformity Eaton 9E UPSEaton 9E UPS - Installation and user manual Eaton 9E UPS - User ManualEaton 9E UPS - DatasheetSecondary frequency - maxOutput waveformMax number of battery packsWattageOutput power factorForm factorVoltage distortion output (linear load) - max Includes network cardInput connectionInput voltage - minOutput voltage - maxSecondary frequency - minSoftware compatibilityBattery replacementEfficiencyNumber of outputs hardwiredSpecial features Compliance information Manuals and user guides Technical data sheetsDouble conversion topologyConstantly monitors power conditions and regulates voltage and frequency Internal bypass allows service continuity in case of UPS faultLCD display for real-time status and measurements Compatible with Virtual environments (VMware, Hyper-V, Citrix Xen, Redhat)Construction typeFree standing modelOutput voltage - min220 VColorBlackExtended battery capability YesOutput voltage range220/230/240 V +/- 2%TopologyOnline/Double-conversionBTU RatingOnline: 4913Efficiency (eco-mode)97Runtime at half load0 minInput nominal voltage230V default (220/230/240V)Input power factor>.99Input frequency range45-66HzInternal bypassYesInput voltage - max276 VVoltage typeACPhase (output)1Battery managementAutomatic battery test Deep discharge protectionAuto shutdown functionYesVA rating20 kVAPotential free switch contact YesPackage contentsUPSUSB cableSerial cableUser manualNoise level<55 dB at 1 meterFeed type1Runtime graphView runtime graphUser interfaceLCD DisplayBattery quantityVoltage230/400VHot swap powerNoTemperature range0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F)Ethernet interfaceNoCommunicationUSB port (HID compliant)Serial port (RS232)Mini-terminal block forremote power offCommunication slotRelative humidity0-95% non-condensingRack mounting kitNoOutput frequency50/60 HzRuntime at full load0 minType of interfaceOtherPrimary frequency - min45 HzTypeUPSOutput nominal voltage230V default (220/230/240V)Expansion slotsOne slot for optional communication cardInput voltage range176-276 V (110-276 V with derating)Nominal frequency50/60 HzPrimary frequency - max66 HzAltitude3000 mEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。
舒尔 AD1 Axient 数字式腰包发射机 用户手册说明书

AD1 -- 腰包式发射机警告•电池组可能爆炸或释放有毒物质。
不要拆开、挤压、修改、拆卸、或加热到 140°F (60°C) 以上或焚烧。
只能使用两节 AA 电池供电。
AD1 Axient 数字式腰包发射机AD 系列腰包式发射机可提供完美的音频质量和具有宽调谐、高密度 (HD) 模式及加密特点的射频性能。
该发射机带有坚固耐用的金属结构、AA 或 SB900A 充电电源(可进行底座式充电),并有 TA4 或 LEMO3 接头可供选择。
特点性能•20 Hz 至 20 kHz 范围内具有平坦的频率响应Shure Incorporated•自动输入分段可优化增益设置•AES 256 位加密以实现安全传输•> 120 dB 动态范围•100 米(300 英尺)视线范围内的操作范围•可选调制模式可优化频谱效率的性能◦标准 - 最佳覆盖范围、低延迟◦高密度 - 大大增加了最大系统通道数量•内置音频发生器和射频标记以便于执行步行测试•可切换功率 = 2/10/35 mW(因区域而异)•使用两台腰包发射机的频率分集选择设计•TA4 或 LEMO3 音频接插件选择•带有易于导航的菜单和控制部件的背光液晶显示屏•加强型金属结构•柔性 ¼ 波长天线•菜单和电源锁定功率• 2 节AA 碱性电池可提供超过8个小时的连续使用时间•Shure SB900A 锂离子充电电池可提供更长的电池使用时间、准确的电量显示并不会出现记忆效应•外部充电触点以进行对接充电附带组件AA(五号)碱性电池 (2)80B8201¼ 波长天线视不同地区而有所区别带螺纹的 TAF4 适配器WA340拉链包26A13皮带夹44A12547选配附件腰包式可充电锂离子电池SB900A适用于腰包发射机的 Y 形线缆AXT652适用于腰包发射机的 LEMO Y 形线缆AXT652LEMO3乐器线缆WA302Shure Incorporated替换用皮带夹44A12547带有直角 1/4" 接头的乐器线缆WA304适用于腰包发射机的静音开关WA661适用于 2 腰包发射机的静音开关WA662AD1 发射机概览①射频天线用于发射射频信号。

ADL USB-IIRO-16 产品说明书

Embedded Solutions ISOLATED DIGITALINPUT / RELAY OUTPUTBOARDMODEL USB-IIRO-16USB-IIRO-8USB-RO-16USB-II-16USER MANUALFile: USB-IIRO-16.B1gADL Embedded Solutions Inc., 4411 Morena Blvd., Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92117-4345P. +1 858 490-0597 F. +1 858 490-0599e-mail: *****************; web: NoticeThe information in this document is provided for reference only. ADL Embedded Solutions Inc. does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the information or products described herein. This document may contain or reference information and products protected by copyrights or patents and does not convey any license under the patent rights of ADL Embedded Solutions Inc., nor the rights of others.IBM PC, PC/XT, and PC/AT are registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation.Printed in USA. Copyright 2001, 2006 by ADL Embedded Solutions Inc., 4411 Morena Blvd. Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92117. All rights reserved.WARNING!!ALWAYS CONNECT AND DISCONNECT YOUR FIELD CABLING WITH THE COMPUTER POWER OFF. ALWAYS TURN COMPUTER POWER OFF BEFORE INSTALLING A BOARD. CONNECTING AND DISCONNECTING CABLES, OR INSTALLING BOARDS INTO A SYSTEM WITH THE COMPUTER OR FIELD POWER ON MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE I/O BOARD AND WILL VOID ALL WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR EXPRESSED.TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1: Introduction (4)Figure 1-1: Block Diagram (6)Figure 1-2: Example of one Input Circuit (6)Chapter 2: Installation (7)Chapter 3: Option Selection (8)Figure 3-1: Option Selection Map (9)Chapter 4: USB Address Information (11)Chapter 5: Programming (12)Chapter 6: Connector Pin Assignments (13)Chapter 7: Specifications (15)Chapter 1: IntroductionThis board is an ideal solution for adding portable, easy-to-install digital I/O to any computer with a USB port. As a USB 2.0 high speed device it offers the fastest speed available with the USB bus, while being compatible with both USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 ports. The board is plug-and-play allowing for quick connect/disconnect whenever you need additional I/O on your computer.Model Options16 isolated digital inputs and 16 relay outputs, enclosure, module and screw terminal board16 isolated digital inputs only version16 relay outputs only version8 isolated digital inputs and 8 relay outputs versionAccessories:Internal plug in screw termination board (Green screw terminals = AWG 26-16)(Gray screw terminals = AWG 28-20)External power supply AC/DC adapterOptions:-OEM Board Only version (no enclosure or screw terminal board)-E Economy model (no screw terminal board)-DIN DIN rail mounting provisionFunctional DescriptionFEATURES:•High-Speed USB 2.0 device, USB 1.1 compatible•16 optically isolated inputs•16 Form C electromechanical 1A relays•Internal, removable screw terminal board for easy wiring•Small (4" x 4"x 1.25") rugged industrial enclosure•Custom high-speed function driver•PC/104 module size and mounting compatibilityINPUTSThe board provides sixteen optically-isolated inputs. These inputs can accept either AC or DC signals and are not polarity sensitive. Input signals are rectified by photocoupler diodes while unused power gets dissipated through a 1.8k-ohm resistor in series. The inputs may be driven by either DC sources of 3 to 31 volts (rms) or AC sources at frequencies of 40 Hz to 10 KHz. Standard 12/24 AC control transformer outputs can be accepted as well. External resistors connected in series may be used to extend the input voltage range, however this will raise the input threshold range. Consult with factory for available modified input ranges.Each input circuit contains a switchable filter that has a 4.7 millisecond time constant. (Without filtering, the response is less then 40 microseconds) The filter must be selected for AC inputs in order to eliminate the on/off response to AC. The filter is also valuable for use with slow DC input signals in a noisy environment. The filter may be switched out for DC inputs in order to obtain faster response. Filters are individually selected by jumpers. The filters are switched into the circuit when the jumpers are installed in position FLT0 to FLT15.OUTPUTSThe board’s outputs are comprised of sixteen FORM C SPDT electro mechanical relays. These relays are all de-energized at power-on.SCREW TERMINAL ACCESSORY BOARDA Screw Terminal Accessory board is included with the unit, except for the Economy (E) and OEM versions. The board provides access to all 80 I/O signals via removable screw terminals. Each removable screw terminal carries 8 I/O signals, signal names are clearly marked on the accessory board's silk screen. The screw terminal board plugs directly onto the I/O board while fitting inside the rugged industrial enclosure.USB CONNECTORThe USB connector is a Type B connector and mates with the cable provided. The USB port provides communication signals along with +5 VDC power. The board can be powered from the USB port or, if needed for higher current applications, an external power supply can be used.LEDThe LED on the front of the enclosure is used to indicate power and data transmissions. When the LED is in an illuminated steady green state, this signifies that the board is successfully connected to the computer and has been detected and configured by the operating system. When the LED flashes continuously, this signifies that there is data being transmitted over the USB bus.Figure 1-1: Block DiagramVcc.1uF4.7K1.8KFILTER JUMPER47KAC or DC INPUTFigure 1-2: Example of one Input CircuitChapter 2: InstallationSoftware CD InstallationThese paragraphs are intended to detail the software installation steps as well as describe what is being installed.The software provided with this board is contained on one CD and must be installed onto your hard disk prior to use.To do this, perform the following steps as appropriate for your operating system. Substitute the appropriate drive letter for your drive where you see d: in the examples below.WIN98/Me/2000/XP/2003a. Place the CD into your CD-ROM drive.b. The CD should automatically run the install program. If the install program does not run,click START | RUN and type G LQVWDOO, click OK or press ..c. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the software for this board.Hardware InstallationThe board can be installed in any USB 2.0 or USB 1.1 port. Please refer to the USB I/O Quick Start Guide which can be found on the CD, for specific, quick steps to complete the hardware and software installation.Chapter 3: Option SelectionRefer to the setup programs on the CD provided with the board. Also, refer to the Block Diagram and the Option Selection Map when reading this section of the manual.Input PowerThis is an option for applications that use more current than what your computer can provide on the USB port (typically 500 mA). The DC jack has a 2.00mm post on board and is designed to be used with the 9 VDC AC/DC external power supply that ships with this option. The voltage regulator on board regulates the 9 VDC and provides 5 VDC to the onboard circuitry. When using external power, switch the jumper located near the USB connector to VEXT, otherwise when the jumper is in the VUSB position current is drawn from the USB port.Filter Response SwitchJumpers are used to select input filtering on a channel-by-channel basis. When jumper FLT0 is installed, additional filtering is introduced for input bit 0, FLT1 for bit 1, etc.JUMPER SELECTION Bit Filtered JUMPER SELECTION Bit FilteredFLT-0 FLT-1 FLT-2 FLT-3 FLT-4 FLT-5 FLT-6 FLT-7 IN00IN01IN02IN03IN04IN05IN06IN07FLT-8FLT-9FLT-10FLT-11FLT-12FLT-13FLT-14FLT-15IN08IN09IN10IN11IN12IN13IN14IN15This additional filtering provides a slower response for DC signals as described previously and must be used when AC inputs are applied..Figure 3-1: Option Selection MapChapter 4: USB Address InformationUse the provided driver to access the USB board. This driver will allow you to determine how many supported USB devices are currently installed, and each device’s type. This information is returned as a Vendor ID (VID), Product ID (PID) and Device Index.The board’s VID is “0x1605", and its PID is “0x8010".The Device Index is determined by how many of the device you have in your system, and provides a unique identifier allowing you to access a specific board at will.Chapter 5: ProgrammingThe driver software provided with the board uses a 32-bit .dll front end compatible with any Windows programming language. Samples provided in Borland C++Builder, Borland Delphi, Microsoft Visual Basic, and Microsoft Visual C++ demonstrate the use of the driver.The following functions are provided by the driver in Windows.These functions will allow you to read or write individual bits, bytes, or the entire board worth of data. In addition, counter-timer functionality and board-level functions complete the driver package.For detailed information on each function refer to the .html Driver Manual located in the Win32 directory for this board.unsigned long GetDevices(void )unsigned long QueryDeviceInfo(DeviceIndex, pPID, pName, pDIOBytes, pCounters)unsigned long DIO_Configure(DeviceIndex, bTristate, pOutMask, pData)unsigned long DIO_Write1(DeviceIndex, BitIndex, bData)unsigned long DIO_Write8(DeviceIndex, ByteIndex, Data)unsigned long DIO_WriteAll(DeviceIndex,pData)unsigned long DIO_Read8(DeviceIndex, ByteIndex,pBuffer)unsigned long DIO_ReadAll(DeviceIndex,Buffer)unsigned long CTR_8254Mode(DeviceIndex, BlockIndex, CounterIndex, Mode)unsigned long CTR_8254ModeLoad(DeviceIndex, BlockIndex, CounterIndex,Mode, LoadValue) unsigned long CTR_8254ReadModeLoad(DeviceIndex, BlockIndex, CounterIndex, Mode, LoadValue, pReadValue)unsigned long CTR_8254Read(DeviceIndex, BlockIndex, CounterIndex, pReadValue)unsigned long CTR_StartOutputFreq(DeviceIndex, CounterIndex, pHz)Chapter 6: Connector Pin AssignmentsRelay outputs are connected to the board via a 50-pin HEADER type connector named P3. The mating connector is an IDC type with 0.1 inch centers or equivalent. The wiring may be directly from the signal sources or may be on ribbon cable from screw terminal accessory boards such as the STA-50. Pin assignments follow.Isolated Inputs are connected to the board via a 34-pin HEADER type connector named P2. The mating connector is an IDC type with 0.1 inch centers or equivalent.PIN NAME FUNCTION1 IN00 A Isolated Input 00 A2 IN00 B Isolated Input 00 B3 IN01 A Isolated Input 01 A4 IN01 B Isolated Input 01 B5 IN02 A Isolated Input 02 A6 IN02 B Isolated Input 02 B7 IN03 A Isolated Input 03 A8 IN03 B Isolated Input 03 B9 IN04 A Isolated Input 04 A10 IN04 B Isolated Input 04 B11 IN05 A Isolated Input 05 A12 IN05 B Isolated Input 05 B13 IN06 A Isolated Input 06 A14 IN06 B Isolated Input 06 B15 IN07 A Isolated Input 07 A16 IN07 B Isolated Input 07 B171819 IN08 A Isolated Input 08 A20 IN08 B Isolated Input 08 B21 IN09 A Isolated Input 09 A22 IN09 B Isolated Input 09 B23 IN10 A Isolated Input 10 A24 IN10 B Isolated Input 10 B25 IN11 A Isolated Input 11 A26 IN11 B Isolated Input 11 B27 IN12 A Isolated Input 12 A28 IN12 B Isolated Input 12 B29 IN13 A Isolated Input 13 A30 IN13 B Isolated Input 13 B31 IN14 A Isolated Input 14 A32 IN14 B Isolated Input 14 B33 IN15 A Isolated Input 15 A34 IN15 B Isolated Input 15 BChapter 7: SpecificationsISOLATED INPUTSNumber of inputs: SixteenType: Non-polarized, optically isolated from each other and from the computer(CMOS compatible)Voltage Range: 3 to 31 DC or AC Rms (40 to 10000 Hz)Isolation: 500V*(see note) channel-to-ground or channel-to channelInput Resistance: 1.8K ohms in series with opto couplerFilter Response Times: Rise Time = 4.7 mS / Fall Time = 4.7 mSNon-Filter Response Times: Rise Time = 10 uS / Fall Time = 30 uSRELAY OUTPUTSNumber of outputs: Sixteen SPDT form CContact Type: Single crossbar; Ag with Au cladRated Load AC: 0.5 A at 125 VAC (62.5 VA max.)Rated Load DC: 1A at 24 VDC (30 W max.)Max. Switching Voltage: 125 VAC, 60 VDCMax. Switching Current: 1 AContact Resistance: 100 mΩ max.Contact Life: mech'l: 5 million operations min.Operating Time: 5 milliseconds max.Release Time: 5 milliseconds max.POWER REQUIRED5V@ 30mA typical (all relays off, add 30mA per relay)5V@ 510mA typical (all relays ON)+5VDC provided via USB cable up to 500mA****optional external power supply can be ordered if relay use of the board is expected to be greater than what can be supplied by the USB cable.ENVIRONMENTALOperating Temp: 0 - 70 o C (Non-icing)Weight: 14.5 oz*Notes on Isolation: Opto-Isolators and connectors are rated for at least 500V, but isolation voltage breakdowns will vary and is affected by factors like cabling, spacing of pins, spacing between traces on the PCB, humidity, dust and other environmental factors. This is a safety issue so a careful approach is required. For CE certification, isolation was specified at 40V AC and 60V DC. The design intention was to eliminate the influence of common mode. Use proper wiring techniques to minimize voltage between channels and to ground. For example, when working with AC voltages do not connect the hot side of the line to an input. Tolerance of higher isolation voltage can be obtained on request by applying a conformal coating to the board.Customer CommentsIf you experience any problems with this manual or just want to give us some feedback, please email us at: *****************.Please detail any errors you find and include your mailing address so that we can send you any manual updates.Embedded SolutionsADL Embedded Solutions Inc., 4411 Morena Blvd., Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92117-4345P. +1 858 490-0597 F. +1 858 490-0599e-mail: *****************; web: 。

ADAPT产品特点1、高可靠性—双变换在线式设计,市电掉电无中断— DSP全数字控制,输出稳压精度高—支持N+X冗余方式,系统可靠性大幅提升—采用最新IGBT器件,实现输入超宽抗电网波动范围—输入标配防浪涌电路,具备卓越的抗电网浪涌能力2、节能环保—整机效率高达94%,节能效益明显—输入功率因数高达0.99,电能利用率高—满足欧盟ROHS指令,物料/工艺无有毒物质—可调速智能风扇,风扇转速自适应调节,有效节能—提供ECO运行模式,效率高达98%,显著节能3、节省投资—高达0.9的输出功率因数,较一般UPS可多挂接10%~30%以上负载—采用软线并联方式,省去复杂的并机插框,大幅节省系统成本—系统效率高,省电、运行成本低—功率密度高,占用机架空间小,节省机架数量4、维护方便—超大尺寸LCD和LED显示(16K/20K),各类运行数据/系统状态/历史情况一目了然—操作显示面板旋转设计,可随安装方式不同自由调整角度,方便直观5、方案配置灵活,实施监控方便— 5~10K单单和三单兼容,16/20K三三/三单兼容—支持多达4台并机,系统N+X冗余随意选择—支持同步双母线系统,配置方案更多选择—共用电池组设计,可通过级联电池模块方便地延长后备时间—提供USB监控端口,可集成环境量的SIC网络支配卡—后台软件兼容多种操作系统(Windows/Linux/HP-UX/Sun Solarus/IBM AIX 等)—兼容艾默生机房监控平台SiteMonitor,支持Web监控及服务器自动安全关机功能—提供Mib库,方便接入各类NMS系统6、保护及延长电池组寿命—超宽输入电压/频率范围,有效减少电池放电几率,延长寿命—具备温度补偿功能,减少环境温度对电池寿命的影响—超强充电能力,有效缩短电池回充时间—电池组节数设置灵活,便于电池系统的调节(16/20KVA)—支持共用电池组(16/20KVA),节省电池投资技术参数表。
BenQ WiT MindDuo S (AR16 _D) 说明书

WiT MindDuo S (AR16 _D)e-Reading Lamp Array© 2018 BenQ Corporation.All rights reserved. Rights of modification reserved.P/N: 4J.3EC07.0044J.W4152.0041English Package ContentsCheck the packaging for the following items. If any is missing or damaged, please contact the place of purchase immediately.• The illustrations in this guide are for your reference only and may look different from the appearance of the actual product.• Actual accessories (e.g., pedestal base or desk clamp) included in the package will depend on the model you purchase. The desk clamp is also provided as separate purchase. Please contact your dealer for availability.For Y our Safety• Use only the supplied power adapter and connect only to suitable outlet power (100-240V AC, 50-60 Hz). Otherwise the lamp will fail to work normally or result in a fire hazard.• In order to prevent any damages to the lamp, do not hang or place any objects on the lamp.• Route the power cord so as to avoid it from being walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against it.• Place the lamp only on a solid, flat and stable surface. Otherwise the lamp may topple over and result in damages.• If the lamp will not be used for a long period of time, unplug it from the power outlet.InstallationPedestal Base1. Insert the shaft on the lamp body into the hole on the top of the lamp arm [Figure ]. When inserting, note the direction of the shaft and ensure that the lamp body is horizontally seated on the lamp arm.2. Secure the lamp body to the lamp arm by tightening the two screws using the hex L-key provided [Figure ].3. Place the pedestal base on a solid, flat and stable surface.4. Insert the shaft on the pedestal base into the hole on the end of the lamp arm [Figure ] and then secure it by tightening the screw [Figure].• Be sure to tighten the screw to secure the pedestal base to the lamp arm. Otherwise the pedestal base will detach from the lamp arm and result in damages or personal injuries if the lamp is unwittingly moved by grasping the lamp arm.• Use only the pedestal base supplied in the packaging to ensure that the lamp can stand firmly.5. Press the cable into the groove on the lamp arm [Figure ]. Note that at least 8 cm of excess length should be left in order for the lamp body to move freely.6. Connect the power cord to the power adapter [Figure ] and plug it into a power outlet [Figure]. When the power is plugged, the lamp will automatically turn ON.Upon receiving power from the power outlet, the lamp’s built-in infrared sensor will start to calibrate automatically, and the process will take approximately 1 minute. Please DO NOT turn off the lamp during the calibration process. Y ou can start using the lamp when the calibration is complete.• WiT MindDuo S lamp x 1• Pedestal base (or desk clamp) x 1• Hex L-key x 1• Power adapter x 1• Screw x 2• User guide x 1A 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 72English Desk Clamp 1. Insert the shaft on the lamp body into the hole on the top of the lamp arm [Figure ]. When inserting, note the direction of the shaft and ensure that the lamp body is horizontally seated on the lamp arm.2. Secure the lamp body to the lamp arm by tightening the two screws using the hex L-key provided [Figure ].3. Press the cable into the groove on the lamp arm [Figure ]. Note that at least 8 cm of excess length should be left in order for the lamp body to move freely.4. Place the desk clamp onto the edge of the desk surface [Figure ] and then secure the desk clamp by tightening the clamp screw [Figure ]. The maximum clampable thickness of the desk clamp is 6 cm.5. Insert the shaft on the desk clamp into the hole on the end of the lamp arm [Figure ], and then secure it by tightening the screw [Figure].Be sure to tighten the screw to secure the desk clamp to the lamp arm.6. Connect the power cord to the power adapter [Figure ] and plug it into a power outlet [Figure ]. When the power is plugged, the lamp will automatically turn ON.Upon receiving power from the power outlet, the lamp’s built-in infrared sensor will start to calibrate automatically, and the process will take approximately 1 minute. Please DO NOT turn off the lamp during the calibration process. Y ou can start using the lamp when the calibration is complete.Using the LampT urning On/Off theLamp T o turn on or off the lamp, place your hand at least 2 cm under the on/off sensor [Figure , ]. If the presence detection function is turned on, the lamp will turn on automatically when you enter the detection area. T o turn off the lamp, place your hand at least 2 cm under the on/off sensor.If power supply to the lamp is interrupted unexpectedly, the lamp will resume the factory default mode upon the recovery of power supply. The lamp’s built-in infrared sensor will start to calibrate automatically, and the process will take approximately 1 minute. Please DO NOT turn off the lamp during the calibration process. Y ou can start using the lamp when the calibration is complete.T urning On/Off the Presence Detection FunctionThe presence detection function allows for the lamp to turn on automatically when you enter the detection area [Figure ].T o turn on the presence detection function, move the presence detection switch located on the lamp body to the ON position[Figure ]. T o turn the function off, move the switch to the OFF position.• Do not block the presence sensor on the lamp. Otherwise the presence detection function will not work properly.• When the presence detection function is on, the lamp will turn • With the presence detection function turned on, the lamp will automatically calibrate the Presence sensor when power is connected to the lamp or when the lamp is turned off. The Lighting mode indicator will light up green and orange alternately, and the presence detection function will be disabled temporarily.• T o ensure normal operation of the presence detection function, please keep the lamp away from strong electromagnetic sources (like a Wi-Fi router).T oggling Preset/Manual Lighting ModesThe lamp provides two preset lighting modes and one manual lighting mode that allows you to adjust the brightness and color temperature manually.1234567B 8B 9C 1C 2D E Lighting modeSetting Lighting mode indicator color Color temperature Brightness level Book reading5000K Automatically optimized according to ambient lighting condition Orange Digital reading4000K Green ManualAdjustable Adjustable None (off)3English T o toggle among lighting modes, press and hold the rotary knob on the lamp body for 2 seconds. The Lighting mode indicator lights up in the Book reading mode (orange) and Digital reading mode (green), and becomes off in the Manual mode.In the Manual mode, you can manually adjust color temperature and brightness level using the rotary knob on the lamp body.1. Press the rotary knob to select the setting: the inner white circle on the rotary knob represents brightness level setting, and the outer color circle represents color temperature setting.When pressing the knob, be careful not to block the on/off sensor.• Rotate the rotary knob clockwise to increase brightness level, or counter-clockwise to decrease it.• Rotate the rotary knob clockwise to increase color temperature (the light becomes whitish), or counter-clockwise to decrease it (the light becomes yellowish).In the Manual mode, the lamp’s sensor detects the illuminance of the desktop and the Illuminance indicator on the rotary knob indicates the illuminance condition in three different colors:• Red: The illuminance condition is too dark. Please increase the lamp’s brightness level.• Green: The illuminance condition is good.• Blue: The illuminance condition is too bright. Please decrease the lamp’s brightness level.• When the lamp is turned off, the illuminance indicator will still light up in red, green or blue toindicate the illuminance condition of the desktop.• If the lamp is left on for 30 minutes, the Illuminance indicator will flash (in red, green or blue) to remind you that your eyes need a rest after a 30-minute reading.Adjusting AngleY ou can adjust the angle of the lamp arm according to your desktop space to obtain a suitable lighting effect. • The lamp arm pivot is spring-loaded. Tighten the lamp arm pivot by turning the pivot knob clockwise [Figure ].• Refer to [Figure ] for the safe angle range of lamp arm adjustment.Maintenance and T roubleshooting• T urn off the lamp first, and unplug the lamp from the power outlet. Wipe any smears or dusts off the lamp’s outer casing using a soft, lint-free cloth lightly moistened with a mild detergent solvent. Do not use alcohol or any other chemical solvents like kerosene, naphtha and so on, as the lamp’s casing may become damaged.• Do not rinse the lamp or any of its components directly with water.• If the lamp does not turn on, check to make sure that there are no loose connections between the power cord, power adapter, and the power outlet. • If the problem persists, please contact the original place of purchase for help.SpecificationsF G ModelAR16 _D DC power input12V , 1.5A Max. power consumption18W Dimensions [Figure ]320 x 450 x 430 mm (Width x Depth x Height)Power adapter model no. (United States, T aiwan, Japan)WB-18D12FUH1繁體中文包裝內容請檢查產品包裝中是否含有下列物品。
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资料版本 V1.0 归档时间 2009-09-09 BOM 编码
iTrust Adapt 15kVA and 20kVA
User Manual
Revision date Sep 09, 2009
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UPS 应用于下述负载设备前,务必事先与经销商讨论,其应用、设置、管理和维护等等必须有特别的考虑和设计: 与病人生命有直接关联的医疗仪器 电梯等有可能危及人身安全的设备 类似于上述设备的其它设备
第一章 产品介绍 ................................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 特点...................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 机型配置............................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 外观及部件 ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3.1 外观........................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3.2 部件........................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.4 工作原理............................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.5 UPS 状态及运行模式............................................................................................................................................. 3 1.5.1 市电逆变供电模式 ..................................................................................................................................... 3 1.5.2 旁路供电模式 ............................................................................................................................................ 3 1.5.3 电池供电模式 ............................................................................................................................................ 4 1.5.4 ECO 模式................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.5.5 故障状态 ................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.6 产品规格............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Emerson Network Power provides customers with technical support. Users may contact the nearest Emerson local sales office or service center.
艾默生网络能源有限公司 版权所有,保留一切权利。内容如有改动,恕不另行 通知。
Emerson Network Power Co., Ltd. Address: No.1 Kefa Rd., Science & Industry Park, Nanshan District 518057, Shenzhen China Homepage: E-mail: support@
艾默生网络能源有限公司 地址:深圳市南山区科技工业园科发路一号 邮编:518057 公司网址: 客户服务热线:4008876510 E-mail:service@
Copyright © 2009 by Emerson Network Power Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. The contents in this document are subject to change without notice.
超出技术指标规定(温度 0℃~40℃,相对湿度 5%~95%)的高温、低温和潮湿场所 阳光直射或靠近热源的场所 有振动、易受撞的场所 有粉尘、腐蚀性物质、盐份和可燃性气体的场所 5.保持进气孔和排气孔的通畅。进气孔和排气孔的通风不畅会导致 UPS 内部温度升高,使 UPS 中元器件的寿命缩 短,从而影响 UPS 寿命。 6.液体或其他外来物体不允许进入 UPS 机箱内。 7.万一周围起火,必须使用干粉灭火器,使用液体灭火器会有触电危险。 8.电池模块的寿命随环境温度的升高而缩短。为了保证 UPS 的正常运行和维持足够的电池后备时间,应定期更换 电池模块,更换工作必须由艾默生授权技术人员执行。 9.如果长时间放置不使用,必须将 UPS 存放在干燥的环境中。标准机型(含电池模块)的存贮温度范围:-20℃~ +55℃;长延时机型(不含电池模块)的存贮温度范围:-40℃~+70℃。
第二章 安装 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.1 开箱检查............................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 安装准备............................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.3 机械安装............................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.3.1 塔式安装 ................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.3.2 机架式安装................................................................................................................................................ 8 2.4 电缆连接............................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.4.1 输入输出接线排......................................................................................................................................... 9 2.4.2 连接输入输出电缆 ..................................................................................................................................... 9 2.4.3 连接电池电缆 .......................................................................................................................................... 12 2.4.4 连接通讯电缆 .......................................................................................................................................... 12 2.5 N+1 并机系统(可选)........................................................................................................................................ 13 2.5.1 机械安装 ................................................................................................................................................. 13 2.5.2 设置并机地址 .......................................................................................................................................... 14 2.5.3 连接并机电缆 .......................................................................................................................................... 14 2.5.4 连接 POD 电缆........................................................................................................................................ 15