



1.dynamicity of language 语言的动态性It refers to a distinctive feature of Chinese. Compared with English, Chinese have a much higher degree of dynamicity. It puts more emphasis on motion or action, which finds its expression in verbs and adverbs; however, English seems to lay more focus on the concept, as is expressed by nouns.例:你怎么看?How do you think? What do you think?2.semantic motivation 语义理据It refers to the mental associations of the conceptual meaning of a word. It explains the connection between the literal meaning and figurative meaning of a word. It can be achieved through rhetorical devices such as metaphor, hyperbole, analogy, metonymy and image.例:metaphor: 喇叭花,纸老虎,鹅卵石3.lexical gap 词汇空缺Lexical gap refers to the fact that no corresponding lexical items of the source language can be found in the target language. There are several causes for such gaps: different motivations behind nomenclature, different ways of grouping things, differences among synonyms, and things unique to a culture, etc.例:billions, millions4.parataxis 意合It means that the connections between sentences depend on the meanings of the languages or their logical relationship. Compared with English, Chinese is more paratactic because of its perceptional thing and holistic comprehension.例:留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。



1.plain prose2.seckill 秒杀3.chinadonisia 中国、印度、印度尼西亚4.broken society 道德沦丧的社会5. PIIGS 欧猪五国(欧洲主权债务危机最严重的葡萄牙,意大利,爱尔兰,希腊,西班牙五个国家的首字母合成词。

Portugal,Italy,Ireland,Greece,Spain)6.game theory 博弈论(博弈论又被称为对策论(Games Theory),是研究具有斗争或竞争性质现象的理论和方法,它既是现代数学的一个新分支,也是运筹学的一个重要学科。


)7.ghost estate 三无房产、废弃房产(无人居住,无人修缮,或尚未完工的废弃房产)8.defriend:解除好友关系9.cultural pluralism10.Obama-mess:奥巴马乱/困境11. Localization本土化12. 敲门砖:a stepping stone (to)13. 蜗居: humble abode14.富二代:affluent second generation15.房奴:home mortgage slave16汉化英语:Chinglish17. 典故:allusion/ literary quotation18. 典籍英译:old scripture19. 模拟国际会议口译:stimulated international conference interpreting20. 陪同口译: escort interpreting21.翻译专业硕士:Master of translating and interpreting22. 建设中国特色社会主义: build socialism with Chinese characteristics23. 偏方: folk prescription26.隐婚族: concealing-marriage clan27.翻译标准: translation criteria28.增强政治和文化建设: strengthen the construction of political culture29.农家乐: rural/farm tourism30.Escorticism:31.orientalize:东方化32.copycatting:山寨,模仿的产品33.功能对等:functional equivalence34.学术翻译: academic translation31.NASA:national aeronaustics and space administration航空航天医学:aerospace medicine水利枢纽工程:water conservancy project储蓄银行:savings bankAIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndromes),affirmative action:反歧视行动实施科教兴国战略: implement the strategy of vitalizing the country through science and educationGATT: General Agreement on T arrifs and Trade关税暨贸易总协定UNESCO联合国教科文组织CPPCC(Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)中国人民政治协商会议hard currency硬通货,强势货币favorable balance of trade:贸易顺差,贸易出超天人合一:unity of man and nature实事求是:seek truth from facts公诚勤朴:严谨求实团结创新:妄自菲薄:belittle/ look down upon/underestimate oneselfYogi瑜伽修行者IMF:International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织SPCA:Society for the Prevention of the Cruelty of Animals英国动物保护协会speak in tongue:讲方言,讲不为人知的语言物流logistics家电下乡:home appliances going to the countryside畅通重庆:traffic-smooth Chongqing面子工程:image/vanity project二线城市:second-tier city医患纠纷:doctor-patient dispute酒驾:driving under the influence叙利亚危机:the crisis in SyriaTOEFL :Test of English as a Foreign Language托福考试NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织smog雾霾4、intellectual property知识产权5、 5、first-aid treatment急救6、6、the voice of people is the voice of god人民的声音就是神的声音7、7、diplomatic ettiquet 外交礼仪8、拜年 a New Year’s visit9、同学会 :homecoming/alumni association10、民意调查:opinion poll11、自助者天助 :God help those who help themselves.12、经济一体化 :economic integrationad hoc: 临时的,特定的,特别地NASA:美国国家航空和航天管理局national aeronaustics and space administration Socrates:苏格拉底~argument苏格拉底论证rule of law:法治worst-case scenario :最恶劣情形(in the worst-case scenario)Midas :迈达斯,传说中的弗里吉亚国王Ponzi scheme:庞氏骗局庞氏骗局”是金字塔传销的模板之一,是一种非法集资。



project manager quality control request(application) review risk river closure river diversion safety signature site site engineer specification staff Subcontractor submission supervise Supplier the International Chamber of Commerce unit price variation(change) World Bank Excavation and Support Open Excavation bench excavation concrete excavation fault excavation foundation excavation local excavation mass(bulk) excavation protective layer excavation rock excavation slope excavation soft ground excavation soil excavation structural excavation tooth excavation unclassified material excavation coefficient of nonuniformity cutoff trench dewatering(drainage) excavation pit
工程师 工程师代表 工程项目 国际工程 海外工程 国内工程 设备 外籍职员 专家 出口 土木工程承包商联合会 正式的 金结工程 进口 负责、主管 非正式的 土木工程师协会 仪器、器械 保险 劳务 布置 牵头公司、责任公司 责任、义务 总包 机械 人力资源 制造商 材料 办法、措施 采取有效措施 测量、计量 备忘录 进场 反对 支付 设备 观点、意见 资格预审 采购 利润 进度控制



商务英语中常用术语的翻译定价和支付price and payment1.CIF 到岸价格/ 成本加保险费,运费价2.FOB离岸价格/ 装运港船上交货3.CFR离岸加运费价格/ 成本加运费价格4.佣金commission5.折扣discount6.净价,单价net price / unit price7.定金down payment8.分期付款installment payment询盘和报盘1.询盘inquiry2.发盘offer3.还盘counter-offer4.实盘firm offer5.虚盘non-firm offer6.规格specification7.样品sample8.交货delivery9.定货order10.最低价rockbottomprice11.价格单price list单据document1.形式发票proformainvoice2.商业发票commercial invoice3.领事发票consular invoice4.汇票draft / bill of exchange5.即期信用证sight draft6.远期信用证usancedraft7.信用证letter of credit / L/C8.即期信用证sight L/C9.远期信用证usanceL/C10. 装船通知shipping advice11.装箱单packing list11.货运单据shipping documents12.海运提单bill of lading / B/L13.清洁提单clean B/L14.不清洁提单unclean B/L16.保险单insurance policy17.检验证书certificate of inspection18.质检证书certificate of quality19.原产地证明书certificate of origin20.进口许可证import license21.出口许可证export license22.合同contract23.确认书confirmation24.售货确认书sales confirmation25.购货确认书confirmation of purchase。



霍尔姆斯 (Holmes) 奈达(Nida) 和泰伯 (Taber) 霍尔姆斯 (Holmes) 范·路文兹瓦 特(van LeuvenZwart) 罗斯(Rose) 波波维奇 (Popovic) 凯斯(Keith) 韩礼德 (Halliday) 纽马克 (Newmark) 纽马克 (Newmark)
Interlineal translation Interlinear translation Interlingual translation Intersemiotic translation Intralingual translation Intra-system shift Inverse translation Kernel sentence Keyword translation
翻译 绝对翻译 摘要翻译 滥译 可接受性 准确 改编 充分性 调整 类同形式 分析 应用翻译研究
贡献者 古阿德克 (Gouadec) 古阿德克 (Gouadec) 路易斯 (Lewis) 托利(Toury)
元译素 自立幅度 自译 回译 双边传译 词类转换 贴近翻译 传意翻译;交际 翻译 社群传译 补偿 能力 语义成分分析 综合理论 会议传译 接续传译 语境一致 常规 语料库 对应 法庭传译
术语 Absolute Translation Abstract Translation Abusive translation Acceptability Accuracy Adaptation Adequacy Adjustment Analogical Form Analysis Applied Translation Studies Architranseme (ATR) Autonomy Spectrum Autotranslation Back Translation Bilateral interpreting Class Shift Close Translation Communicative Translation Community interpreting Compensation Competence Componential Analysis Comprehensive theory Conference interpreting Consecutive interpreting Contextual consistency Conventions Corpora Correspondence Court interpreting



感觉记忆(SM)—senso‎r y memor‎y短期记忆(STM)—short‎-term M。

长期记忆(LTM)—long-term memor‎y复诵——rehea‎r sal预示(激发)——primi‎n g童年失忆症‎——child‎h ood amnes‎i a视觉编码(表征)——visua‎l code(repre‎s enta‎t ion)听觉编码—acous‎t ic code运作记忆——worki‎n g memor‎y语意性知识‎—seman‎t ic knowl‎e dge记忆扫瞄程‎序—memor‎y scann‎i ng proce‎d ure竭尽式扫瞄‎程序-exhau‎s tive‎S.P。

自我终止式‎扫瞄—self-termi‎n ated‎S。

程序性知识‎—proce‎d ural‎knowl‎e dge命题(陈述)性知识——propo‎s itio‎n al(decla‎r ativ‎e)knowl‎e dge 情节(轶事)性知识—episo‎d ic K。

讯息处理深‎度—depth‎of proce‎s sing‎精致化处理‎—elabo‎r atio‎n登录特殊性‎—codin‎g speci‎f icit‎y记忆术—mnemo‎n ic位置记忆法‎—metho‎d of loci字钩法—peg word(线)探索(测)(激发)字—prime‎关键词——key word命题思考——propo‎s itio‎n al thoug‎h t心像思考——imagi‎n al thoug‎h t行动思考——motor‎i c thoug‎h t概念——conce‎p t原型——proto‎t ype属性——prope‎r ty特征——featu‎r e范例策略——exemp‎l ar strat‎e gy语言相对性‎(假说)—lingu‎i stic‎relat‎i vity‎th。




一、翻译1. Translation 翻译:将一种语言的文本用另一种语言表达的过程。

2. Translator/Interpreter 翻译员:从一种语言转换为另一种语言的专业人士。

3. Source Language(SL)源语言:被翻译文本的语言。

4. Target Language(TL)目标语言:翻译后的目标语言。

5. Bilingual 双语的:能听说读写两种语言的人。

6. Multilingual 多种语言的:能听说读写多种语言的人。

7. Translate 翻译:将源语言文本转换成目标语言文本。

8. Interpretation 口译:将源语言口述转换成目标语言口述。

9. Localization 本地化:将一个产品从一种语言转换成另一种语言,并符合该地区的文化、政治、习俗等环境。

二、文本类型1. Technical Text 技术文本:对某种科技、专业领域的知识、技能、思想等进行描述的文本。

2. Legal Text 法律文本:含法律内容的文本,如合同、法规等。

3. Medical Text 医学文本:含医学内容的文本,如医学论文、病历等。

4. Financial Text 金融文本:含金融内容的文本,如财经新闻、报告等。

5. Literary Text 文学文本:小说、诗歌等文学作品。

6. Commercial Text 商业文本:广告、宣传资料等商业性文本。

三、翻译术语1. Translation Theory 翻译理论:研究翻译规律、方法和技巧的学科。

2. Translation Studies 翻译研究:研究翻译现象、理论和实践问题的学科。

3. Translation Criticism 翻译批评:通过对原著和译文进行分析、比较和评价来评判翻译质量的学科。

4. Translation Equivalence 翻译等值性:翻译过程中,源语言和目标语言表达方式和意义上的相当性。



胡壮麟的语言学术语英汉对照翻译表1. 语言的普遍特征:任意性arbitrariness双层结构duality 既由声音和意义结构多产性productivity移位性displacement:我们能用语言可以表达许多不在场的东西文化传播性cultural transmission2。

语言的功能:传达信息功能informative人济功能:interpersonal行事功能:Performative表情功能:Emotive寒暄功能:Phatic娱乐功能recreatinal元语言功能metalingual3. 语言学linguistics:包括六个分支语音学Phonetics音位学phonology形态学Morphology句法学syntax语义学semantics语用学pragmatics4. 现代结构主义语言学创始人:Ferdinand de saussure提出语言学中最重要的概念对之一:语言与言语language and parole ,语言之语言系统的整体,言语则只待某个个体在实际语言使用环境中说出的具体话语5. 语法创始人:Noam Chomsky提出概念语言能力与语言运用competence and performance1. Which of the following statements can be used to describe displacement. one of the unique properties of language:a. we can eas ily teach our children to learn a certain languageb. we can use both 'shu' and 'tree' to describe the same thing.c. we can u se language to refer to something not presentd. we can produce sentences that have never been heard before.2.What is the most important function of language?a. interpersonalb. phaticc. informatived.metallingual3.The function of the sentence "A nice day, isn't it ?"is __a informativeb. phaticc. directived. performative4.The distinction between competence and performance is proposed by __a saussureb. hallidayc. chomskyd. the prague school5. Who put forward the distinction between language and parole?a. saussureb. chomskyc. hallidayd anomymous第二节语音学1.发音器官由声带the vocal cords和三个回声腔组成2.辅音consonant:there is an obstruction of the air stream at some point of the vocal tract.3.辅音的发音方式爆破音complete obstruction鼻音nasals破裂音plosives部分阻塞辅音partial obstruction擦音fricatives破擦音affricates等4.辅音清浊特征voicing辅音的送气特征aspiration5.元音vowel分类标准舌翘位置,舌高和嘴唇的形状6双元音diphthongs,有元音过渡vowel glides1. Articulatory phonetics mainly studies __.a. the physical properties of the sounds produced in speechb. the perception of soundsc. the combination of soundsd. the production of sounds2. The distinction between vowel s and consonants lies in __a. the place of articulationb.the obstruction f airstreamc. the position of the tongued. the shape of the lips3. What is the common factor of the three sounds: p, k ta. voicelessb. spreadc.voicedd.nasal4. What phonetic feature distinguish the p in please and the p in speak?a. voicingb. aspirationc.roundnessd. nasality5.Which of the following is not a distinctive feature in English?a. voicingb.nasalc. approximationd. aspiration6.The phonological features of the consonant k are __a. voiced stopb. voiceless stopc. voiced fricatived. voiceless fricative7.p is divverent from k in __a. the manner of articulationb. the shape of the lipsc. the vibration of the vocal cordsd.the palce of articualtion8.Vibration of the vocal cords results in __a. aspirationb.nasalityc. obstructiond. voicing第三节音位学phonology1.音位学与语音学的区别:语音学着重于语音的自然属性,主要关注所有语言中人可能发出的所有声音;音位学则强调语音的社会功能,其对象是某一种语言中可以用来组合成词句的那些语音。




Absolute Translation。


According to Gouadec,one of 7 types of translation which can be used by professional translators to respond to the various translation requirements2摘要翻译。

Abstract Translation 古阿德提出的用以对付不同翻译要求的七种翻译策略之一。

One of seven strategies proposed by Gouadec to fulfil the various translation needs which arise in a professional environment。


Abusive Translation。


A term used by Lewis to refer to a radical approach to literary translation。




A term used by Toury to denote one of two tendencies which can be observed in translated texts。




A term used in translation evaluation to refer to the extent to which a translation matches its original。








A•Acceleration: 加速度•Actuator:执行器•Angular velocity: 角速度•Automation:自动化•Axis:轴B•Bearing:轴承•Bevel gear:锥齿轮•Bolt:螺栓•Bore:孔径•Bushing:套筒C•Cam:凸轮•Carrier:承载体•Clutch:离合器•Crankshaft:曲轴•Cylinder:气缸D•Deflection:挠曲•Die:模具•Drive:驱动•Dynamic:动态的E•Efficiency:效率•Elasticity:弹性•Encoder:编码器•Engine:发动机F•Fastener:紧固件•Fatigue:疲劳•Friction:摩擦•Fuel:燃料G•Gear:齿轮•Generator:发电机•Grinder:砂轮•Guide:导轨H•Heat exchanger:换热器•Hydraulic:液压的•Hose:软管•Hub:轮毂I•Idle:空闲的•Inertia:惯性•Inlet:进口•Implement:工具•Jack:千斤顶•Joint:接头•Junction:连接点•Jig:夹具K•Key:键•Kinematics:运动学•Knurling:滚花L•Laser:激光•Lever:杠杆•Lubricant:润滑剂•Lathe:车床•Machine:机器•Machining:加工•Maintenance:维护•Martensite:马氏体N•Nozzle:喷嘴•Newton:牛顿•Nonferrous:有色的•Nylon:尼龙O•Orifice:孔隙•Outlet:出口•Overload:过载P•Piston:活塞•Pulley:滑轮•Pressure:压力•Pneumatic:气动的Q•Quenching:淬火•Quick-release:快速释放•Quill:芯轴•Queue:队列R•Reducer:减速器•Reliability:可靠性•Rivet:铆钉S•Shaft:轴•Screw:螺丝•Spring:弹簧•Static:静态的T•Torque:力矩•Tolerance:公差•Thread:螺纹•Turbine:涡轮机U•Ultrasonic:超声的•Upset:擴頭•Uniform:均匀的•U-bolt:U形螺栓V•Velocity:速度•Valve:阀门•Vibration:振动•Vacuum:真空W•Welder:焊工•Worm gear:蜗杆齿轮•Welding:焊接•Wear:磨损X•X-axis:X轴•Xenon:氙气•X-ray:X射线•Xerography:静电复印Y•Yoke:夹具•Y-axis:Y轴•Yield strength:屈服强度•Yarn:纱线Z•Z-axis:Z轴•Zinc:锌•Zero clearance:零间隙•Zone:区域以上是机械名词英译汉大全,包含了机械工程领域中常见的名词和术语。



翻译专业术语汇编(英汉对照) Absolute Translation 绝对翻译绝对翻译Abstract Translation 摘要翻译摘要翻译Abusive Translation 滥译滥译Acceptability 可接受性可接受性Accuracy 准确准确Adaptation 改编改编Adequacy 充分[性]Adjustment 调整调整Aesthetic-Poetic Translation 美学诗体翻译美学诗体翻译Agent 经纪人经纪人A. I. I. C 国际会议口译联合会国际会议口译联合会Analogical Form 类同形式类同形式Analysis 分析分析Appeal-focused Texts 感染型问题本感染型问题本Applied Translation Studies 应用翻译研究应用翻译研究Archaism/Archaicism 古词;废词古词;废词Architranseme (ATR) 元译素元译素Area-restricted Theories of Translation 关于范围的翻译理论关于范围的翻译理论Audio-medial Texts 听觉媒介型文本听觉媒介型文本Auftrag 委托委托Automatic Translation 自动翻译自动翻译Autonomy Spectrum 自立幅度自立幅度Autotranslation/Self Translation 自译自译Babel, Tower of 巴别塔巴别塔Back-transformation 逆转换逆转换Back Translation 回译回译Bilateral interpreting 双边传译双边传译Bilingual Corporal 双语语料库双语语料库Bi-text 双文本双文本Blank Spaces 空位空位Blank Verse Translation 无韵体翻译无韵体翻译Borrowing 借用借用Calque/Loan Translation 仿造仿造CAT (Computer-aided Translation/ Computer-assisted Translation) 计算机辅助翻译计算机辅助翻译 Category Shift 范畴转换范畴转换Chuchotage 耳语传译耳语传译Class Shift 词类转换词类转换Close Translation 贴近翻译贴近翻译Coherence 连贯连贯Commission 委托委托Communication Load 传意负荷(又名传意负荷(又名 Information Load 信息负荷)信息负荷) Communicative Translation 传意翻译;交际翻译(又名(又名 Communicative Approach [传意途径;交际途径])Community interpreting 社群传译(又名社群传译(又名Dialogue Interpreting [对话传译] 、Public Service Interpreting [公共服务传译])Commutation 对换对换Compensation 补偿补偿Competence 能力能力Componential Analysis 成分分析成分分析Computer-aided Translation 计算机辅助翻译(又名(又名 Computer-assisted Translation ;简称简称 CAT ) Concordance 一致性一致性Comprehensive Theory 综合理论综合理论 Conference Interpreting 会议传译会议传译Consecutive interpreting 接续传译接续传译Constitutive Translational Conventions 建构性翻译常规建构性翻译常规 Content-derivative Form 派生内容的形式(又名派生内容的形式(又名Organic Form [有机形式]) Content-focused Texts 重内容文本重内容文本Contextual consistency 语境一致语境一致Controlled Language 受控语言受控语言Conventions 常规常规Corpora 语料[库](单数为Corpus )Correspondence 对应对应Correspondences, Hierarchy of 对应层级对应层级Court Interpreting 法庭传译法庭传译Covert Translation 隐型翻译隐型翻译Cross-temporal Theories of Translation 跨时翻译理论跨时翻译理论Cross-temporal Translation 跨时翻译跨时翻译跨时翻译 Creative T ransposition 创造性转换创造性转换 Creative T reason 创造性叛逆创造性叛逆Cultural Approach 文化途径文化途径文化途径 Cultural Translation 文化翻译文化翻译文化翻译 Cultural Transplantation 文化移植文化移植文化移植 Cultural Transposition 文化置换文化置换文化置换。

英语 中高级口译 专业术语 中英翻译对照

英语 中高级口译 专业术语 中英翻译对照

1.科学发展观the Outlook of Scientific Development(也有一说outlook 应为conception,有兴趣自己去查字典了解了解两词的区别2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefit4.推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination5.主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新文明观foster a new thinking on civilization that respects diversity6.新能源观new thinking on energy development有关先进文化的词汇1.古为今用、洋为中用旧译let the ancient serve the present, let the foreign serve the national 现译draw from past and foreign achievements2.文艺工作cultural and art work; work in the cultural field3.牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向firmly keep to the direction of an advanced culture/cultural advancement4.文化与经济和政治互相交融interaction between cultural work, and economic and political activitiescultural elements/factors intermingle with economic and political factors5.民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化 a socialist culture that is distinctly Chinese, pro-science and people-oriented6.弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化promote mainstream values and uphold cultural diversity7.以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以崇高的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人Equip/empower people with scientific theories, guide them with correct opinions/ convey to them right messages/provide them with correct media guidance, imbue them with a noble spirit and inspire them with excellent/fine works8.具有中国气派的社会主义文化Chinese-style socialist culture; socialist culture with Chinese appeal9.越是民族的,越是世界的The pride of a nation is also the pride of the world.What's unique for a nationis also precious for the world.When you are unique, the world comes to you.10.文艺应当贴近群众,贴近生活,贴近实际。



二十个翻译术语解释1.归化:“采取民族中心主义的态度,使外语文本符合译入语的文化价值观,把原作者带入译语语文化”【Lawrence Venuti】即在翻译中尽可能用本民族的方式去表现外来作品。



2.异化:“对这些文化价值观的一种民族偏离主义的压力,接受外语文本的语言及文化差异,把读者带入外国情境”【Lawrence Venuti】异化法要求译者向作者靠拢,采取相应于作者使用的原语表达方式,来传达原文的内容。


3.语际翻译:(interlingual translation)。




(简单来说,语际翻译就是不同语际之间的翻译活动)4.语内翻译:(intralingual translation)某一种语言内部为着某种目的进行的词句意义的转换。






6.同声传译:(simultaneous interpretation)简称同传,又称同声翻译、同步口译。



物流专用术语物流基本概念术语1.物品article2.物流logistics3.物流活动logistics activity4.物流作业logistics operation5.物流模数logistics modulus6.物流技术logistics technology7.物流成本logistics cost8.物流管理logistics management9.物流中心logistics center10.物流网络logistics network11.物流信息logistics information12.物流企业logistics enterprise13.物流单证logistics documents14.物流联盟logistics alliance15.供应物流supply logistics16.生产物流production logistics17.销售物流distribution logistics18.回收物流returned logistics19.废弃物物流waste material logistics20.绿色物流environmental logistics21.企业物流internal logistics22.社会物流external logistics23.军事物流military logistics24.国际物流international logistics25.第三方物流third-part logistics (TPL)26.定制物流customized logistics27.虚拟物流virtual logistics28.增值物流服务value-added logistics service 29.供应链supply chain30.条码bar code31.电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI) 32.有形消耗tangible loss33.无形消耗intangible loss物流作业术语1.运输transportation2.联合运输combined transport3.直达运输through transport 4.中转运输transfer transport5.甩挂运输drop and pull transport 6.集装运输containerized transport 7.集装箱运输container transport 8.门到门door-to-door9.整箱货full container load (FCL) 10.拼箱货less than container load (LCL 11.储存storing12.保管storage13.物品储存article reserves14.库存inventory15.经常库存cycle stock16.安全库存safety stick17.库存周期inventory cycle time 18.前置期(或提前期)lead time 19.订货处理周期order cycle time 20.货垛goods stack21.堆码stacking22.搬运handing/carrying23.装卸loading and unloading24.单元装卸unit loading and unloading 25.包装package/packaging26.销售包装sales package27.定牌包装packing of nominated brand 28.中性包装neutral packing29.运输包装transport package30.托盘包装palletizing31.集装化containerization32.散装化containerization33.直接换装cross docking34.配送distribution35.共同配送joint distribution36.配送中心distribution center 37.分拣sorting38.拣选order picking39.集货goods collection40.组配assembly41.流通加工distribution processing 42.冷链cold chain43.检验inspection物流技术装备及设施术语1.仓库warehouse2.库房storehouse3.自动化仓库automatic warehouse 4.4.立体仓库stereoscopic warehouse5.虚拟仓库virtual warehouse6.保税仓库boned warehouse7.出口监管仓库export supervised warehouse8.海关监管货物cargo under customer’s supervision9.冷藏区chill space10.冷冻区freeze space11.控湿储存区humidity controlled space12.温度可控区temperature controlled space13.收货区receiving space14.发货区shipping space15.料棚goods shed16.货场goods yard17.货架goods shelf18.托盘pallet19.叉车fork lift truck20.输送机conveyor21.自动导引车automatic guided vehicle (AGV)22.箱式车box car23.集装箱container24.换算箱twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU)25.特种货物集装箱specific cargo container26.全集装箱船full container ship27.铁路集装箱场railway container yard28.公路集装箱中转站inland container depot29.集装箱货运站container freight station (CFS)30.集装箱码头container terminal31.国际铁路联运international through railway transport 32.国际多式联运international multimodal transport33.大陆桥运输land bridge transport34.班轮运输liner transport35.租船运输shipping by chartering36.船务代理shipping agency37.国际货运代理international freight forwarding agent38.理货tally39.国际货物运输保险international transportation cargo insurance 40.报关customs declaration41.报关行customs broker42.进出口商品检验commodity inspection 奖罚物流管理术语1.物流战略logistics strategy2.物流战略管理logistics strategy management3.仓库管理warehouse management4.仓库布局warehouse layout5.库存控制inventory control6.经济订货批量economic order quantity (EOQ)7.定量订货方式fixed-quantity system (FQS)8.定期订货方式fixed-quantity system (FIS)9.ABC分类管理ABC classification10.电子订货系统Electronic order system (EOS)11.准时制just in time (JIT)12.准时制物流just-in-time logistics13.零库存技术zero-inventory logistics14.物流成本管理logistics cost control15.物料需要计划material requirements planning (MRP) 16.制造资源计划manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) 17.配送需要计划distribution requirements planning (DRP) 18.配送资源计划distribution resource planning (DRP II) 19.物流资源计划logistics resource planning (LRP)20.企业资源计划enterprise resource planning (ERP)21.供应链管理supply chain management (SCM)22.快速反映Quick response (QR)23.有效客户反映efficient customer response(ECR)24.连续库存补充计划continuous replenishment program (CRP) 25.计算机付诸订货系统computer assisted ordering (CAO) 26.供应商管理库存vendor managed inventory (VMI)27.业务外包outsourcing度量单位汇总克Gram g.公斤Kilogram Kg.公担Quintal q.公吨Metric ton m.t.长吨Long ton l.t.短吨Short ton Sh.t.英担Hundredweight Cwt.美担Hundredweight cwt.磅Pound lb.两(常衡)Ounce oz.两(金衡)Ounce oz.t司马担Picul米Metre m.公里Kilometre Km.码Yard Yd.英尺Foot Ft.英寸Inch In.平方米Square metre Sq.m.平方英尺Square foot Sq.ft.平方码Square yard Sq.yd.立方米Cubic metre Cu.m.立方英尺Cubic foot Cu.ft.升Litre l.毫升Millilitre Ml.加仑Gallon Gal.蒲式耳Bushel Bu.克拉Carat Car.马力Horse Power h.p.千瓦Kilowatt Kw.公吨度Metric ton unit m.t.u.表6 :常见英文单位Bag 袋bale 包bottle 瓶Box 箱carton/ctn 纸盒箱Case(c/s) 箱、合、套coil 圈Container 集装箱Crate 板条箱Dozen 打gross 罗(12打)drum 桶In bulk 散装lot 批package 件pallet 托盘Pieces/pcs 件Ream 令roll 卷set 套、台、坐Sheet 张、件strand 股unit 辆、台、单位Vial 药瓶专有名词汇总出口信贷export credit出口津贴export subsidy商品倾销dumping外汇倾销exchange dumping优惠关税special preferences保税仓库bonded warehouse贸易顺差favorable balance of trade贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade进口配额制import quotas自由贸易区free trade zone对外贸易值value of foreign trade国际贸易值value of international trade普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences-GSP最惠国待遇most-favored nation treatment-MFNT 价格术语trade term (price term)运费freight单价price码头费wharfage总值total value卸货费landing charges金额amount关税customs duty净价net price印花税stamp duty含佣价price including commission港口税port dues回佣return commission .装运港port of shipment折扣discount, allowance卸货港port of discharge批发价wholesale price目的港port of destination零售价retail price进口许口证import licence现货价格spot price出口许口证export licence期货价格forward price现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price国际市场价格world (International)Market price离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F-cost and freight到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight 交货delivery轮船steamship(缩写S.S)装运、装船shipment租船charter (the chartered ship)交货时间time of delivery定程租船voyage charter装运期限time of shipment定期租船time charter托运人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor收货人consignee班轮regular shipping liner驳船lighter舱位shipping space油轮tanker报关clearance of goods陆运收据cargo receipt提货to take delivery of goods空运提单airway bill正本提单original B\\L选择港(任意港)optional port选港费optional charges选港费由买方负担optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或optional charges for Buyers’ account一月份装船shipment during January 或January shipment一月底装船shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on orbefore Jan.31st.一/二月份装船shipment during Jan./Feb.或Jan./Feb. shipment在......(时间)分两批装船shipment during....in two lots在......(时间)平均分两批装船shipment during....in two equal lots分三个月装运in three monthly shipments分三个月,每月平均装运in three equal monthly shipments立即装运immediate shipments即期装运prompt shipments收到信用证后30天内装运shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C允许分批装船partial shipment not allowed partial shipment notpermitted partial shipment not unacceptable订单indent订货;订购book; booking电复cable reply实盘firm offer递盘bid; bidding递实盘bid firm还盘counter offer发盘(发价)offer发实盘offer firm询盘(询价)inquiry;enquiry指示性价格price indication速复reply immediately参考价reference price习惯做法usual practice交易磋商business negotiation不受约束without engagement业务洽谈business discussion限**复subject to reply **限* *复到subject to reply reaching here ** 有效期限time of validity购货合同purchase contract销售合同sales contract购货确认书purchase confirmation销售确认书sales confirmation一般交易条件general terms and conditions以未售出为准subject to prior sale需经卖方确认subject to seller’s confirmation需经我方最后确认subject to our final confirmationINT (拍卖auction)寄售consignment招标invitation of tender投标submission of tender一般代理人agent总代理人general agent代理协议agency agreement累计佣金accumulative commission补偿贸易compensation trade (或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatory trade(又叫:往返贸易)counter trade来料加工processing on giving materials来料装配assembling on provided parts独家经营/专营权exclusive right独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement独家代理sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency;exclusive agent轮船steamship(缩写S.S)装运、装船shipment租船charter(the chartered shep)交货时间time of delivery定程租船voyage charter;装运期限time of shipment定期租船time charter托运人(一般指出口商)shipper,consignor收货人consignee班轮regular shipping liner驳船lighter舱位shipping space油轮tanker报关clearance of goods陆运收据cargo receipt提货to take delivery of goods空运提单airway bill正本提单original B\L选择港(任意港)optional port选港费optional charges选港费由买方负担optional charges to be borne by the Buyers或optional charges for Buyers' account 一月份装船shipment during January 或January shipment一月底装船shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.一/二月份装船shipment during Jan./Feb.或Jan./Feb. shipment在……(时间)分两批装船shipment during....in two lots在…(时间)平均分两批装船shipment during....in two equal lots分三个月装运in three monthly shipments分三个月,每月平均装运in three equal monthly shipments立即装运immediate shipments即期装运prompt shipments收到信用证后30天内装运shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C允许分批装船partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable运费freight单价price码头费wharfage总值total value卸货费landing charges金额amount关税customs duty净价net price印花税stamp duty含佣价price including commission港口税portdues回佣return commission装运港portof shipment折扣discount,allowance卸货港port of discharge批发价wholesale price目的港portof destination零售价retail price进口许口证inportlicence现货价格spot price出口许口证exportlicence期货价格forward price现行价格(时价)current price国际市场价格world (International)Marketprice离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F-cost and freight到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight 感谢您的支持与配合,我们会努力把内容做得更好!。

英汉互译 汉语词汇的英译

英汉互译 汉语词汇的英译

并列关系 安定团结 stability and unity 典雅大方 elegant and graceful 送旧迎新 to set off the old and welcome the new 改革开放 reform and opening up 丰衣足食 well-fed and well clothed
2. 根据具体搭配
进行 进行一场激烈的争论 to carry on a spirited debate 进行实地调查 to make an on-the-spot investigation
to have a cordial conversation 进行核试验

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Absolute Translation。


According to Gouadec,one of 7 types of translation which can be used by professional translators to respond to the various translation requirements2摘要翻译。

Abstract Translation 古阿德提出的用以对付不同翻译要求的七种翻译策略之一。

One of seven strategies proposed by Gouadec to fulfil the various translation needs which arise in a professional environment。


Abusive Translation。


A term used by Lewis to refer to a radical approach to literary translation。




A term used by Toury to denote one of two tendencies which can be observed in translated texts。




A term used in translation evaluation to refer to the extent to which a translation matches its original。



A term traditionally used to refer to any TT in which a particularly strategy has been adopted。




A term used by some commentators on translation to discuss the nature of the relationship between ST and TT,按照图里的解释,指翻译过程中与规范相关的连续体的两极之一。

According to Toury ,one of the two poles of the continuum relates to the NORMS used in the translation process。




According to Nida,a set of techniques used in Bible translation which are designed to “produce correct equivalents”in TL and thus help a translation achieve dynamic equivalences9美学诗体翻译。

Aesthetic-Poetic Translation:按照卡塞格兰德的解释,指四种翻译类型之一。

According to Casagrande ,one of four types of translation。



A rerm used by Sager to the person who is “in an intermediary position between a translator and an end user of a translation。


AIIC(AssoicationIternationale Iterpretes de Conference)为包含会议口译员利益而成立于1953 年11 月的组织。

An organization founded in November 1953 to protect the interests of conferences interpreters12类同形式。

Analogical form。


According to Holmes,one of four approaches which a traslator may use when translating verse form。




A term used by Nida&T aber to describe the first of the three stages of the translation process。


Applied translation studies。


The area of investigation within translation studies constrasted by Holmes with theoretical and descriptive translation studies(the two of which together make up the field of pure translation studies)15古词,废词。



A term which refers to the use of obsolescent language in a translation (or alternatively,a single instance of such language)16元译素(简称ATR)。




A term coined by Leuven-Zwart to designate a theoretical concept used in the close linguistic comparision of literary texts and their translations。


Area-restricted theories of translation。


Defined by Holmes as partial theories of translation which are restricted with regard to the languages and/or culteurs which are being considered18自立幅度。

Autonomy spectrum罗斯为翻译分类提供框架而引进的一个概念。

A concept introduced by Rose to providea framework for categorizing translation19自译。

Autotranslation or self translation波波维奇将此界定为“由作者本人将原作变成另一种语言的翻译。

”Defined by Popovic as “the translation of an original work into another language by the author himself.”20巴别塔。

Bable ,tower of。


A biblical narrative explaining why man is destined to speak a multiplicity languages。



A process in whicha text which has been translated into a given language is retranslated into SL。

22双语料库(Bilingual Corpora),平行语料库(Parallel Corpora)。

按照贝克的解释,指“用A 语写成的源语文本和用B 语翻译的译文”组成的一种语料库。

Accoeding to Baker,a type of corpus “consists of original ,source language-texts in language A and theirtranslated versions in language B。

”23双文本(Bi-text )哈里斯引进的术语,用来指既包括源文本又包括目标文本在内的一种概念。

A term used by Harris to refer to a construct comprising both ST and TT,which exists as a psychological reality for the translator (or the bilingual reader )。


Blank verse translation 勒坲维尔所提译诗的七种策略之一。

Presented by Lefevere as one of seven strategies for translating poetry 。


Borrowing 维纳与达尔贝勒纳描述的七种翻译程序之一。

One of seven translation procedures described by Vnay&Darbelnet。


Calque or loan translation 。

