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4)Chongqing: the Financial Center in Western China
5)Chongqing: the Only Municipality in Central and Western China
重庆人口3200万,面积8.24万Km2,是三市面积总和的2.4倍,是台湾 的2.5倍。中国第二代领导核心邓小平曾在重庆主政西南。
1) Chongqing: the Transport and Logistics Center in Western China
On May 5 of this year, Liangjiang New Area was approved by the State Council.
It was formally founded on June 18, the 13th anniversary for Chongqing’s emerging as China’s fourth municipality.
进入新世纪滨海新区的开发从盐碱地起步,10年GDP年均增速达到20% 以上。570K㎡滨海新区开发极大地促进了环渤海地区33万k㎡的开放开发。
The development of Binhai New Area in the new century, which develops from saline-alkali land that hardly bare any life to an economic growth pole of Tianjin and Northern China, with a annual GDP growth rate of over 20% in the past decade. The development of 570Km2 Binhai New Area has promoted the opening up and development of Pan-Bohai Area of 330, 000 k㎡.
Chongqing’s population is 32 million. The area of 82,400 Km2 is 2.4 times of the total area of the other three municipalities, and 2.5 times of Taiwan. The secondgeneration core leader of the PRC, Deng Xiaoping was responsible for administration of the southwestern Chongqing in Chongqing.
Байду номын сангаас
1) Chongqing: the Transport and Logistics Center in Western China
2) Chongqing: Processing and Manufacturing Center in Western China
3) Chongqing: Culture, Science and Education Center in Western China
II. Chongqing’s Strategic Position in China’s Regional Economic Development
两江新区规划1200k㎡ ,其中可开发面积550k㎡。国务院希望两 江新区在带动重庆发展,推进西部大开发,促进区域协调发展中发挥 更大作用。
Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Covering 1200 km2, with 550 km2 awaiting development. The State Council expects that Liangjiang New Area should take a greater role in leading Chongqing’s development, accelerating Western Development, as well as promoting balanced regional development.
1) Chongqing: the Transport and Logistics Center in Western China
重庆正在打造“一江两 翼三洋”的出海通道大战略。 一江即重庆东接上海,可经 2400公里长江黄金水道通达 太平洋。两翼即向北700km接 西安,由兰州通过欧亚大陆 桥通达大西洋,重庆到欧洲 将比沿海省时24天。向西南 可通过1300公里中国西南出 海大通道,由渝黔铁路经昆 明—缅甸到达印度洋,进入 东盟各国和中东地区。
I. Chongqing Is the Strategic Center for the Balancing of Eastern and Western China, the Coordination of Urban and Rural Development, and the Realization of Scientific Development in the New Century
王 毅
Vice President Vice President
The Administrative Committee of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area China Council for International Investment Promotion
Dr. Wang Yi
90年代浦东大荒滩的开发。20年来,浦东新区GDP年均增长17%, 650K㎡的浦东新区开发激活了上海进而驱动了长三角地区的强劲发展。
The development of Pudong—a desolate sands in 1990s. within 20 years, Pudong New Area’s annual GDP growth rate averages 17%, and it has grown into an international financial and shipping center. The 650K㎡ Pudong New Area activated Shanghai, which further promotes the strong development of Yangtze Delta Area.
I. Chongqing Is the Strategic Center for the Balancing of Eastern and Western China, the Coordination of Urban and Rural Development, and the Realization of Scientific Development in the New Century II. Chongqing’s Strategic Position in China’s Regional Economic Development III. The Comparative Advantages of Liangjiang New Area in Chongqing and Western China IV. Immense Business Opportunities for the Cooperation between Chongqing Liangjiang New Area and Investors Home and Abroad V. The Cooperation between Liangjiang New Area and Singapore Has Broad Prospects in the Future
胡锦涛总书记希望重庆成为“重要增长极”、“长江上游经济中 心”,温家宝总理提出“在推进西部大开发中,应把重庆放在更加突出 的地位”。
Chairman Hu Jintao expects that Chongqing will become an “important growth pole” and the economic center in the upper reaches of Yangtze River, and Premier Wen Jiabao puts forward that “Chongqing should be placed in a more prominent position during Western Development”.
80年代深圳小渔村的开发。30年来,深圳GDP年均增速达到了25.8%, 595Km2的深圳特区开发,带动了广东乃至引领了珠三角192万Km2区域的 崛起。
The development of Shenzhen—a small fishing village in the 1980s. Within 30 years, Shenzhen’s GDP growth has reached an annual rate of 25.8. The development of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone of 595K㎡ in 1980’s leads to the rise of Guangdong Province and Pearl River Delta area of 1,920,000K㎡ . Second is the development of Pudong desolated neaches in the 1990s.
China’s Third New Area: Chongqing Liangjiang New Area
— Powerful Engine for China’s Western Development in the New Decade
两江新区管委会副主任 中国国际投促会副会长
中国东西部的差距在不断加大。西部地区GDP平均增速比东部慢1个百 分点,总量差由10年前的3万亿扩大到11万亿,人均GDP由6430元扩大到 1.8万元,工业化水平约为东部的1/4。
The gap between eastern and western China is greater and greater. The average GDP growth rate in Western China is 1% slower than Eastern, and the gap of total amount has expanded from 3 trillion 10 years ago to 11 trillion now. Gap of GDP per capita has expanded from 6430 Yuan to 18,000 Yuan. The industrialization level in the western area is around one quarter of the eastern.