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A Historical Investigation of the Contemporary American Women"s Movement



论文单位华中师范大学,点击次数23,论文页数56页File Size2503k

2005-05-01论文网/lunwen_89595667/ 美国妇女;女权运动;平等权利American Women; Women"s Rights Movement; Equal Rights

本文将当代美国妇女运动作为考察的对象,将其放在特定的历史背景中去认识和把握,既注意到特定的文化背景与文化特征是当代美国妇女运动不可或缺的要素,更认识到二战后社会经济因素、政治氛围的变化对妇女运动产生的重大影响。此外,本文也探讨了此次运动的内容及特点,归纳出其存在的问题,阐述了其深远的影响。本文内容分为四个部分: 一、美国妇女运动的历史回顾对美国历史上发生过的规模较大的两次妇女运动的历史作一下简要回顾。

二、当代美国妇女运动的原因追踪主要从思想渊源、社会历史根源及导火索三方面作较为全面的探讨。三、当代美国妇女运动的两大分支论述当代美国妇女运动的两大分支:妇女平等权利运动和要求妇女解放的激进女权运动。四、当代美国妇女运动的特点及影响概括这次妇女运动的四大特点: 1、规模更大,内容更广,影响更深远。2、女权运动与民权运动紧密结合。3、参加者以中产阶级妇女为主体。4、妇女运动的理论工作取得很大成绩。同时也阐述了这次运动对美国政治、经济及社会生活等一些方面的影响。总之,当代美国妇女在争取自身解放、争取民主权利等方面的斗争,取得了较大的成果并对全世界妇女运动做出了重要的贡献。

This thesis takes the contemporary American women"s movement as the object of the exploration and puts it in the definite historical surrounding for studying and getting an idea .This article not only observes that the definite cultural background and cultural characteristics are indispensable elements of contemporary American women"s movement, but also recognizes that the social and economic factors and the change of political atmosphere have made significant influence on women"s movement. In addition ,this article also explores the contents and characteristics of this movement ,induces its existing issues and expounds its profound influence.This dissertation consists of four parts :Ⅰ. The historical retrospect of the American women"s movement . This sector makes a brief retrospect of the history of the twice great scale movements in the USA history.Ⅱ. The searching for the reasons of the contemporary American women"s movement . This part will mainly make a relatively comprehensive exploration on thought origins ,social and historical roots and direct causes.Ⅲ. The two great branches of the contemporary American women"s movement .This part will discuss the main contents of women"s rights movement and women"s emancipation movement. Ⅳ. The contents and influence of the contemporary American women"s movement.This women"s movement has four notable parts:1、The movement has much larger scale and much wider contents and much profounder influence.2、Women"s rights movement and civil rights movement are closely combined.3、The major participants are middle class women.4、The theory work of this women"s movement achieves a great success.


An Investigation of the Contemporary American Women"s Movement



论文单位西南师范大学,点击次数32,论文页数31页File Size2206k

2002-04-01论文网/lunwen_296906772/ 整理国故;历史传统;现代意义;文化困境

Sorting out the Traditional Civilization, the Historic Tradition, Modern Significance, Cultural Swamp

美国妇女运动是美国历史的一个重要组成部分,其内容涉及历史、政治、经济、文化等许多方面,在美国社会生活各方面留下了不可磨灭的印迹,因而对于我们认识了解美国社会历史有很大帮助。笔者试图把妇女运动放在产生它的特定环境中来考察、了解、认识,并以马克思主义联系和发展的观点对其加以辨证的分析,以期对美国妇女运动及美国社会能够有一个客观全面的认识,并在此基础上进行深入的探究。本文内容分为五部分:一、美国妇女运动的历史回顾。美国妇女运动从19世纪中期开始,经历了两次大的浪潮,即19世纪末20世纪初的争取选举权运动和20世纪60年代的争取平等权利运动。与第一次相比,后一次浪潮规模更大,内容更广,并且影响也更深远。二、当代美国妇女运动的起因探寻。当代美国妇女运动产生的原因有许多方面,包括哲学渊源、社会历史背景和政治经济现实原因。三、当代美国妇女运动的内容及特点。当代美国妇女运动涉及妇女利益的方方面面,早期以妇女解放运动和妇女权利运动为中心,在各个不同的层次上展开了形形色色的斗争。后来,两大中心合而为一,为共同的目标——妇女的全面解放而共同斗争。特殊的社会背景造就了这次妇女运动与以往不同的特点。四、当代美国妇女运动的成就及影响。当代美国妇女运动取得了多方面的成就,并在改善美国妇女的政治、经济和社会地位方面产生了广泛而深刻的影响,也对美国政治和文化产生了广泛而深远的影响。五、当代美国妇女运动陷入困境之原因探寻。当代美国妇女运动陷入困境的原因,一方面在于传统的价值观念的根深蒂固,另一方面,美国妇女自身的弱点及妇女运动中的策略失误等也是运动陷入困境的重要原因。The American women"s movement is an important part of the American history, the content of which touching on many fields such as history, politics, economics, culture, etc. The movement also leaved footprints in the American history that will never be attrited. So it’s very useful for us to learn the history of American. The article tried putting the American women"s movement in the definite surrounding for studying and getting an idea of it. The article also analyzed it with the method of Marxism"s view of relevance and development. In doing so, we can get an objective and wholly knowledge of the American women"s movement and the American society, and then we can form the basis for the further research of the American women"s movement. The dissertation consists of five parts:Ⅰ. The historical retrospect of the American women"s movement Beginning at the middle of the nineteenth century, the contemporary American women"s movement experienced two great waves, that is, the enfranchisement movement happened during the period between the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century; the women"s equal rights movement began at the sixties of the twentieth century. Compared with the former, the latter with many kinds of aims is magnificent, so it has a more far-reaching influence.Ⅱ. The searching for the origins of the contemporary American women"s movement The reasons for the contemporary American women"s movement are manifold, including philosophical fountainhead, social and historical background, the political and economic situation of the period.Ⅲ. The contents and characteristics of the contemporary American women"s movement The movement covered almost every aspect of the women"s interests. It centered on women"s emancipation movement and women"s rights movement in the earlier time, having all
