















































攻单时先攻D单,最佳结果是A 单,最低目标是基础班;但最高目的是成交。





谈单销售技巧及问题解析一. 课程:全外教口语课程旳卖点:1. 中外教结合, 全英文授课, 发明英文环境, 规范语音语调。

2. 小班授课, 让每个孩子轻松自由旳与中外教对话交流, 让孩子大胆开口说英文。

3. 提供轻松快乐旳学习方式, 培养爱好。

4.分享全面旳语言文化, 地道旳口语体现方式。

5.师资, 丰富旳幼儿教学经验旳中外教学。

五大教学法:1. 母语沉浸式教学法(The whole Language approch), 培养英文思维模式, 不必翻译转换, 应急对答。

2. TPR肢体反映教学法(Total physical reaction), 形象记忆, 快乐吸取.口语命令+肢体语言.手脑并用, 达到左右脑平衡开发。

3. 据说教学法, 配以英文歌曲儿歌, 培养语言修养及文化, 提高学习爱好。

4.交际教学法, 用来训练如何把英语说得更优雅, 实战演习, 巩固教学。

5.情景教学法, 设计场景对话, 角色扮演, 学以至用, 让孩子勇敢开口说英文。

二. 幼教知识(重要是皮纹检测旳内容):1、多元智能. 八大智能旳开发2.个性--四种类型3.学习敏感角度4.学习管道三. 接待话术Q:美式英语和英式英语旳差别是什么?差别不大, 重要是几种元音上不同, 美式英语学起来叫柔软, 生活化, 口语化, 更加随意和自由, 而英式英语较生硬, 注重语法, 更加正统。

其实, 由于美国旳经济实力旳强大, 美式英语在孩子后来旳英语运用上更加有优势。

Q:一周上几次课?通过长期旳实践表白, 低龄孩子旳语言学习每周1次课, 一种半小时(少儿两个小时)才干保证学习效果, 语言旳学习需要时间旳累积, 足够量旳输入才干保证输出。

Q: 老师全英文孩子听不懂怎么办?孩子小旳时候能听懂汉语吗?但是您也是持之以恒地跟他讲, 几种月后孩子就能听懂爸爸妈妈在说什么了, 一岁左右他就开口说话了。

因此说浸入式旳基本原理就在于此!Q:软件不装在家里, 孩子怎么复习啊?孩子只需要在家多听我们课程同步旳CD, 和老师录制旳音频, 我们既有旳教学量是通过科学设计旳, 并有实际教学成果印证旳, 这些教学量已经足够, 完全能达到教学效果。














文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor.I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copy excerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention课程顾问销售话术流程实例---嗨!我是课程顾问,很高兴能够与您交谈。




咨询流程●破冰定义:打破僵局, 建立与拉近关系注意:破冰不只就是在第一步, 贯穿了销售流程得始终, 特别就是在报价以后,仍需再次破冰。


第一印象很重要方法: 1.真诚得赞美(注意要有凭有据)2.寻找共同点3.尽可能贴近对方得表达方式(语音、语速、语调与表达习惯等)4、同理心:忧其所忧,感其所感, 替对方难受等5.投其所好6.聊热点新闻或信息7、适当得刺激对方, 点破客户得痛处;或者通过引导让客户自己觉得自己做得不对8、适度得请教对方。



准备:形象:着工服或职业装, 并保持着装干净整洁, 头发干净, 不穿白色袜子, 饰品不夸张精神状态: 热情主动, 自然亲切,微笑物品:名片, 测试账号,合同,报价单, 推荐名单、课程简介等咨询室:干净整洁, 电脑正常●步骤: 1.客户到访后在前台签到,前台cc●2、2分钟内出现在客户面前,微笑, 握手,自我介绍:“**妈妈, 您好,我就是与您预约得*老师,欢迎来到智适应教育。

我先带您参观一下我们得校区"●参观校区目得:建立初步得融入感与品牌信任感, 消除陌生感方法: 代入法(假设孩子已经在校区学习)参考话术:CC:**妈妈, 过来还方便吗?家长: 还可以, 这里还蛮好找得.但也走了20分钟.CC:恩,第一次来路线可能还不熟悉。


如果孩子在这里上课, 家长可在这里等孩子下课, 也就是开家长会得地方, 您可以及时了解孩子在这里得进步情况。


这里就是孩子上课得教室, 每个班8个以内得学生, 我们采取线上线下相结合得教学方式, 每个学生得学习内容都就是个性化得,所以也就是1对1 得.这里就是老师得办公室, 孩子学习上遇到任何问题都可以在这里找到老师解答。

**妈妈您瞧一下这就是我们得照片墙,这里就是优秀学员得照片, 经过在智适应得学习, 成绩已经有了明显得提升, 如果**在这里学习,相信她得照片也可以成为优秀学员中得一个.**也可以到校区来写作业,还有老师辅导哦。



英语课讲课过程及步骤Title: The Process and Steps of Teaching an English Lesson.Teaching an English lesson effectively requires meticulous planning and execution. It involves more than just delivering content; it's about engaging students, fostering critical thinking, and encouraging active participation. Here is a comprehensive overview of the process and steps involved in teaching an English lesson.1. Lesson Planning.The first step in teaching an English lesson is careful lesson planning. This involves setting clear learning objectives, identifying the key concepts and vocabulary to be taught, and selecting appropriate teaching methods and activities. The teacher should also consider the students' background knowledge, learning styles, and interests to ensure that the lesson is relevant and engaging.2. Warm-Up Activity.Before diving into the main content, it's essential to engage students with a warm-up activity. This can be a discussion, a brainstorming session, or a quick review of previously learned material. The warm-up activity should be designed to activate students' schemata, or prior knowledge, and prepare them for the new content.3. Presentation of New Content.During the presentation phase, the teacher introduces the new concepts, vocabulary, and language structures. This can be done through a variety of methods, including direct instruction, discussions, role-plays, or the use of multimedia resources. The teacher should use clear and concise language and provide examples to illustrate the new concepts.4. Guided Practice.After presenting the new content, the teacher leads students through a guided practice session. This involves walking students through a series of exercises oractivities that allow them to apply what they have learned. The teacher provides feedback and corrections as needed, ensuring that students understand the material and are able to use it correctly.5. Independent Practice.Once students have had some guided practice, they are ready to move on to independent practice. During this phase, students work on their own to complete exercises oractivities that further reinforce the new concepts. The teacher monitors students' progress, offering individual assistance and encouragement as needed.6. Interactive Discussion.An interactive discussion is a crucial part of the English lesson. This is where students have the opportunity to share their thoughts, ask questions, and debate ideaswith their peers. The teacher facilitates the discussion, ensuring that it remains focused and productive. This step fosters critical thinking and encourages students to think beyond the literal meaning of the text.7. Conclusion and Summary.At the end of the lesson, the teacher leads a conclusion and summary. This involves recapping the key points covered during the lesson, emphasizing important vocabulary and concepts. The teacher may also ask students to reflect on what they have learned and how they can apply it in real-life situations.8. Homework and Extensions.Finally, the teacher assigns homework or extensions to help students consolidate their learning and prepare for the next lesson. The homework should be relevant to the lesson's objectives and provide an opportunity for students to practice what they have learned.In conclusion, teaching an English lesson effectively requires careful planning, engagement, and a focus on active learning. By following these steps and incorporating a variety of teaching methods and activities, teachers can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that fosters critical thinking, improves language skills, and encourages students to become active participants in the learning process.。



✓ 让客户感受我们众行销售的专业度; ✓ 新员工可以按照标准流程来迅速工作;
✓ 老员工可以在标准流程基础之上,充分发挥自己的能力,灵活根据情况进行调整;


5、客户公司的其它部门人员口中; 。


1、 每次与客户通话时都要确定几项本次电话需要了解到的信息方向;
2、 每次电话都要比上次通话之后所了解到的信息有所进展,并确定相内的深度;
与HR 的初步认识



教育机构攻单话术第一部分:价格类问题1. 经济上有困难,能够分期付款吗?(上一次交一次)1-1我们之所以一次性收取费用,是为了保证师资的稳定性,教学的系统性,并且是按照教学规律上来定的。

1-2 一次性收费是正规教学机构的常规收费方式,比如戴尔英语.ABC英语.新东方等,都是一次性收费。


2. 学费太贵了,能优惠吗?2-1 家长第一次问:回答可以优惠,我们会根据您的课时量的不同,给予相应的折扣。



3. 其他的机构的课程效果和你们介绍的一样,为什么你们的费用贵呢?3-1 就我们了解,同类英语机构形式上都是模仿XX英语,价格也都是相近水平。

3-2 这么大的差距我很吃惊,他们是不是真正的教育机构呢?你觉的正规的教育机构是否有这样的收费呢?(如果家长说到其它机构收费与我们相差很大情况下)3-3 据我们的了解,大学生的家教费用都已经在40-80之间了。


(如果家长说到其它机构收费是几十元情况下)4. 听说你们价格分档,你们这个档是怎么定的啊?4-1 根据学生报名课时量分档。

5. 你们这费用,怎么还有个零头?省的了么?5-1 因为XX英语的价格都是通过严格的财务核算制定的,不是随便地按整百整千收费。

5-2 XX英语是由趣学总部在结合xx具体实际情况和家庭平均生活水平而制订出来的。


5-4 总部统一管理,不像小机构可以随便讲价,正因为如此才能看出趣学的实力。

6. 我朋友的孩子去年的时候在这辅导,不是这个价格,现在价格涨了这么多?(后期涉及涨价时会用到)6-1 确实是这样。
















小学英语公开课上课流程 英语衔接语

小学英语公开课上课流程 英语衔接语

小学英语公开课上课流程英语衔接语全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Lesson Flow and Transitions for an Open English ClassHey guys! Today I wanted to share with you all about how our open English classes go. We have them once a week and they're always a blast. I'll walk you through the typical flow and transitions so you can see what they're like.It usually starts off with our teacher, Ms. Jenkins, greeting us energetically as we walk into the classroom. "Good morning, class! Welcome to Open English!" she'll say with a big smile. We all find our seats and chat amongst ourselves for a few minutes until she calls us to attention."Alright, let's get started with our warmup!" Ms. Jenkins will exclaim. The warmup is always something fun to get our minds going and our English juices flowing. Sometimes it's a tongue twister like "She sells sea shells by the sea shore." Other times we'll do a quick game like I Spy using English vocabulary words.Once we're warmed up, Ms. Jenkins transitions us to the main activity or lesson. Her transition phrases are always sosmooth. "Now that your brains are energized, we're going to dive into..." or "With those English muscles flexed, let's move into..." I love how she makes everything flow so naturally.The main activity could be all sorts of things - reading a short story together, analyzing the lyrics to a English song, practicing dialogues, you name it. No matter what it is, Ms. Jenkins always finds a way to make it engaging and interactive.For example, if we're reading a story, she'll pause every few paragraphs and say "Let's discuss - what do you think will happen next?" Or she'll stop and ask us to summarize what we've read so far using our own words. If we're doing dialogues, she'll have us switch partners every few minutes using a transition like "Okay, pause! Switch partners and I'll give you a new scenario."Ms. Jenkins is a master at keeping us on our toes and transitioning smoothly between activities. She'll use phrases like "We've worked hard on that, fantastic job. Let's shift gears now to..." or "You're doing excellent work. I have one more challenge for you today..."My favorite part is always the games and review she does towards the end of class. She'll say something like "As we wrap up our open English time, let's reinforce what we've learned through..." and then launch into an engaging review game. Itcould be English Jeopardy, Charades using vocab words, Catch Phrase with idioms, you never know what creative game she'll come up with!When we finally get down to the last few minutes, Ms. Jenkins starts winding things down. "We have about 5 minutes left, so let's go around and each share one new thing you learned today." Or she'll ask us to reflect by saying "Before we wrap up, take a moment to think about how you can apply what you learned in your own life."She always ends by praising our effort and participation. "You all worked your English muscles hard today! I'm so proud of your engagement. Let's give ourselves a hand." We all clap and cheer, leaving class on a high note.As we're packing up, Ms. Jenkins shares a little preview for next week. "Next open English class, we'll be exploring..." or "Get excited, next week we have a special guest speaker joining us to..."I look forward to those open English classes all week long. Ms. Jenkins' smooth transitions make the time fly by. Before you know it, we've covered so much material in a fun, interactive way. Her classes are a great model for really immersing yourself in practicing English.Well, there you have it - the full flow and transitions of our open English classes from start to finish! The seamless transitions and variety of activities make the classes so engaging. I'd encourage anyone learning English to see if there are any open classes like this near you. It's such a great way to practice!篇2A Public English Lesson Flow with Transition PhrasesHey guys! Today I'm going to share with you all about a recent public English lesson I attended. It was such a cool experience and I picked up a lot of useful transition phrases too. Okay, let's get right into it!To begin with, the lesson started with the teacher energetically greeting the class. "Good morning, English learners! Are you ready to dive into the wonderful world of the English language today?" she beamed. Oh boy, her enthusiasm was contagious!Next up, we had the warm-up activity. The teacher said, "To get our minds engaged, let's kick things off with a fun word game." We were split into teams and had to come up with as many words related to a given topic as possible within a time limit. My team's topic was "food" and I still remember some ofthe words we shouted out - burger, pizza, salad, and so on. What a lively way to activate our vocabulary!After that warm-up session, the teacher transitioned smoothly to the lesson introduction. "Now that we're all warmed up, allow me to give you an overview of what we'll cover today." She proceeded to outline the key points and learning objectives on the whiteboard. The clear roadmap helped give clarity on what to expect.Then, it was time to delve into the main lesson content. The teacher first explained some grammar rules related to the day's topic. "As you know, correct grammar is crucial for effective communication," she emphasized. She peppered her explanations with examples and allowed ample time for clarifying questions. Subsequently, she walked us through some common vocabulary words and phrases tied to the grammar focus.To reinforce what we learned, the teacher adeptly employed a variety of practice activities and exercises. "Alright, let's apply what we've learned so far through these exercises," she'd announce before each one. From writing prompts to role-plays to interactive games, we pingponged between individual, pair, and group tasks. The variety kept things engaging throughout!Moreover, the teacher masterfully handled impromptu queries during the practice segment. "Sorry, I have a question about this phrase," a student would say, to which the teacher would patiently clarify. Her timely feedback helped clear up any doubts or confusions on the spot.In addition to the core lesson activities, we also had a couple of supplementary micro-lessons and tangents. "Before we move on, let me quickly explain the difference between 'besides' and 'beside'," the teacher would interject, seeing some students mix up those words. Those bite-sized mining lessons were super helpful!As the lesson drew to a close, we had a concise recap session. "To summarize what we covered today..." the teacher clearly reiterated the key grammar rules, vocabulary, and concepts once more in a nutshell. That reinforcement solidified what we had learned.Finally, to rapup the class, the teacher set some homework assignments for additional self-study practice. "For next time, please complete these exercises to strengthen your skills," she instructed. A feeling of accomplishment washed over me as I copied down the homework tasks.Throughout the entire lesson, I noticed how the teacher employed a variety of transition phrases and signal words to seamlessly connect each segment. Phrases like "now that...", "let's move on to...", "in addition to...", "on the other hand...", and "to recap..." acted like velcro binding the different components together cohesively. Her smooth transitions made it so easy to follow along!Overall, I had an amazing time at that public English lesson. The teacher was a rockstar - knowledgeable, engaging, and structured. From the warm opening to the meaty content delivery to the tidy closing, every component flowed like a gentle stream. I not only strengthened my English skills but also picked up tons of useful transition words and phrases. I'm eagerly awaiting more such insightful public lessons!There you have it, guys - the full flow of an awesome public English class laid out for you. I tried to capture the different segments using commonly-used transition phrases. Hopefully this gives you a clear picture of what to expect at one of these lessons. They're an incredible way to boost your English aptitude in a fun, interactive environment. Who knows, maybe I'll see you at the next one! Until then, happy learning!篇3Lesson Flow and Transition Phrases for an Elementary School English Open ClassHey guys! Today I want to share with you about the open English class I attended last week at my elementary school. It was so much fun and I learned a lot of useful English phrases too! Let me walk you through how the whole class went.The class started with the English teacher, Miss Emily, greeting us cheerfully, "Good morning, boys and girls! How are you all doing today?" We all cheerfully replied, "Good morning, Miss Emily! I'm doing great, thank you!"Next up, she transitioned to the warm-up activity by saying, "Awesome! Before we start our main lesson for today, let's get our brains working with a fun activity." She held up some colorful picture cards and said, "I'll show you a picture, and you have to make a sentence about it in English. Who's ready to give it a try?"After the warm-up, Miss Emily moved us along by stating, "You all did a wonderful job! Now, let's move on to our main lesson for today." She wrote the topic 'Daily Routines' on the board. "Can anyone tell me what a daily routine is?" A few of us raised our hands eagerly."Yes, Timmy?" Miss Emily called on one of my friends."A daily routine is the things we do every day!" Timmy answered confidently."That's absolutely right, well done!" Miss Emily praised him. "Today we're going to learn how to talk about our daily routines in English. First up, let's go over some useful vocabulary words."She proceeded to teach us words like 'wake up', 'brush teeth', 'get dressed', and 'have breakfast'. After drilling us with the new words, she transitioned smoothly, "Excellent work, class! Now that we know the vocabulary, let's practice making simple sentences."We spent some time going over sentence structures like 'I wake up at 7 AM' and 'I get dressed before going to school'. Once we got the hang of it, Miss Emily said, "You're all doing so well! Moving on, let's make our sentences more interesting by adding transition words."She wrote some transition words on the board like 'first','next', 'then', 'after that', and 'finally'. "Can someone use a transition word to tell me their daily routine?" She pointed at me."First, I wake up at 7 AM. Next, I brush my teeth. Then, I get dressed. After that, I have breakfast. Finally, I go to school," Irecited, feeling proud that I could string the sentences together properly."Wonderful job! You used the transition words perfectly," Miss Emily beamed. "Let's have a few more students share their daily routines using transition words."As we continued practicing, I could see my classmates gaining more confidence in using transition phrases to link their sentences together cohesively in English. Miss Emily was an encouraging teacher, always giving positive feedback.Towards the end of the class, she announced, "Okay, times flies when you're having fun, doesn't it? Before we wrap up, let's go over some of the key transition phrases we learned today one last time." We chorused words like 'first', 'next', 'then', 'after that', 'finally', 'in addition', 'also', 'moreover', 'furthermore', and 'in conclusion'."Brilliant! You've all worked extremely hard today. To conclude our lesson, I have a fun pair activity for you," Miss Emily said excitedly. She split us into pairs and gave each pair a stack of picture cards showing different daily activities."With your partner, I want you to practice putting the picture cards in order and describing your daily routine using as manytransition phrases as possible. You can make it as creative and silly as you like! I'll walk around and listen to your awesome English skills," she instructed with an encouraging smile.My best friend Jake and I teamed up, sticking our tongues out as we diligently ordered the cards. "Okay, first I wake up. Next, I brush my hair with a banana instead of a hairbrush. Then, I put on my shirt backwards..." We both cracked up laughing as we strung together our intentionally ridiculous daily routine storyline.Miss Emily made her rounds, complimenting and correcting us when needed. "Remember, the transition phrases help make your English sound more natural and coherent."As class came to an end, Miss Emily called us all back to the front. "What a fantastic class today! You all worked so hard and did an amazing job using transition phrases to link your sentences together smoothly in English. I'm really proud of you!"We applauded ourselves, feeling accomplished. "For homework, I'd like you to write out your actual daily routine using transition phrases. See you next class!" Miss Emily concluded cheerfully.I left the open class that day feeling energized about learning English. Not only did I pick up lots of great transition phrases, but Miss Emily also made the lesson flow so naturally and kept us engaged every step of the way. Her teaching methods motivate me to keep practicing my English skills. I can't wait for our next open class!。



问题14: 问:我的孩子在幼儿园学的是美式英语, 现在上小学,据说学校里学的是英式英语,我的 孩子是否要重新纠正改学英音? • 答:以前英语教育基本都是英式英语,所以各级 教材以英音为主,对美音还有特别标注。但现在 由于与美国交往增加,以美音为主的教材也很多。 除发音和文化背景的区别外,具体区别和联系还 要视具体教材不同而不同。其实,没有谁比谁更 佳的问题。现在的英语教学已经将两者尽可能多 的结合起来了。您应该尊重孩子的习惯,英音或 美音不是重点。
问题3 :孩子母亲就是英语教师! • 答 :幼儿园的园长,幼儿园英语老师的孩子都在我 们这进行学习,母亲虽说是英语老师,但却不是幼少儿英 语教师,把握不了孩子的心理,用成人教英语的方式长时 间下来,反而会让孩子丧失自信心,对英语失去学习兴趣, 结果反而会适得其反,再就是母亲教的肯定不系统,也只 是东拿一句西凑一句,孩子的整个语流、语速、语感没有 形成。 问题4:不留电话! • 答 :我们是老师,不会给您打骚扰电话,只在有适 合您孩子的大型活动、英文表演、课堂等才会通知您邀请 你进行体验和孩子学习的,这个您放心,成为我们的会员 能学到很多英语知识的。
• 公开课是什么 • 为什么要开公开课:体验式消费 • 公开课的形式:室内(校内、礼堂、电影院) 室外(社区、公园、广场) • 公开课的开课时间:季节、日期、时间
• • • • •
一、市场铺垫: 1、常规宣传方法—招生季节 2、邀约 3、市场渗透 4、咨询积累到开课点(费用人数)的至少 两倍
问题12:问:我的孩子学习英语两个月了,可还是 不会说英语。为什么? • 答:语言的学习是有过程的。从信息的输入到信 息的输出需要时间。在这两个月里您的孩子已经 吸收了大量的信息,他的大脑正在对它们进行处 理,在接下来的一段时间里,他能根据听到的音 (英语)来识别图片或者实物。这就是信息输出 的初期表现。然后,您的孩子就会进入到“说” 的阶段。 • 同时,家长不要操之过急。强迫孩子说英文单词、 唱英文歌曲等都会降低孩子学习英语的兴趣。























































英语优质课上课各环节流程用语A Guide to English Language Instruction: A Comprehensive Look at Classroom Procedures.Introducing an English language class that is both engaging and educational requires a well-structured and thoughtfully planned lesson. Each step of the class should be designed to captivate students' attention, enhance their understanding, and foster active participation. Here, we delve into the key elements of an optimal English language lesson, exploring the language and techniques that teachers can use to create a dynamic and effective learning environment.1. Greeting and Classroom Management.Begin the class with a warm and engaging greeting. This sets the tone for the lesson and establishes a positive learning atmosphere. Use inclusive language, such as "Good morning, class. I'm glad to see everyone ready to learntoday."Next, establish clear classroom rules and procedures. This ensures that students know what to expect and how to behave during the lesson. For example, "Remember, we speak English in this class. If you need to ask a question in your native language, please do so quietly with your neighbor."2. Review and Activation.Start the lesson with a review of previously learned material. This helps students to巩固 their knowledge and prepare them for new concepts. Use questions, discussions, or activities to activate their memories. For instance, "Can someone remind me what we learned about the present perfect tense last week?"3. Presentation of New Material.Introduce new vocabulary, grammar rules, or concepts in a clear and engaging manner. Use visual aids, real-lifeexamples, and interactive activities to make the material more accessible and interesting. Say, "Today, we're going to learn about the passive voice in English. Let's start by looking at some examples in context."4. Guided Practice.Guide students through practice exercises that help them apply the new material. This could include filling in gaps in sentences, completing worksheets, or role-playing conversations. Encourage them to work together in pairs or small groups. For example, "Try using the passive voice in these sentences. Discuss with your partner and compare your answers."5. Independent Practice.Allow students to work independently, applying what they have learned. This fosters independent thinking and problem-solving skills. Provide them with challenging activities that push their language skills. Say, "Now, I want you to create a short paragraph using the passivevoice. Remember to use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary."6. Feedback and Correction.Provide timely and constructive feedback on students' work. Encourage them to improve their efforts by suggesting ways to refine their language use. Be patient and positive, focusing on the progress they have made. For instance, "I like how you used the passive voice in your paragraph, but remember to watch for subject-verb agreement in your sentences."7. Summary and Closure.End the lesson by summarizing the key points covered. This helps to consolidate students' understanding and prepare them for future lessons. Use a clear and concise language, focusing on the most important takeaways. Say, "In today's lesson, we learned about the passive voice in English. Remember to practice using it in your conversations and writing."8. Homework and Preparation for the Next Class.Assign homework that reinforces what was learned in class and prepares students for the next lesson. This could include reading assignments, practice exercises, or research projects. For example, "For homework, I want you to find examples of the passive voice in a news article or book. We'll discuss them in our next class."By following these steps and using effective language and techniques, teachers can create an engaging and effective English language classroom. By fostering a positive learning environment, encouraging active participation, and providing timely feedback, teachers can help students to develop their language skills and confidence.。



For personal use only in study and research; notfor commercial use跆拳道教育体验课攻单话术三步曲一、基本攻单话术1、搞定孩子老师:家长您好!家长:你好!老师:浩天(孩子的名,如小朋友叫“张浩天”,就喊“浩天”),刚才的体验课你表现很棒,你喜不喜欢呀?那你想不想通过跆拳道的练习提升自己的各项能力,成为爸爸妈妈的骄傲?学生:想老师:太乖了,来,先和老师拉个勾,再和妈妈拉个勾(与孩子达成共识)。






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