



高三英语医学用语练习题30题1<背景文章>When we talk about common medical conditions, two that often come to mind are the common cold and fever. The common cold, also known as a cold, is a viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms of a cold can include a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and a sore throat. People may also experience a mild headache and fatigue.A fever, on the other hand, is an increase in body temperature. It is often a sign that the body is fighting an infection. A normal body temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius. When the body temperature rises above this, it is considered a fever. Fevers can be caused by a variety of factors, including viral and bacterial infections.Some common medical terms related to these conditions are 'antibiotics', which are used to treat bacterial infections. 'Vaccine' is another term that we hear often. Vaccines are used to prevent certain diseases by stimulating the body's immune system.In addition to these, there are terms like 'symptom', which refers to a sign or indication of a disease. 'Diagnosis' is the process of identifying a disease or condition based on symptoms and medical tests.Understanding these medical terms can help us better communicatewith healthcare providers and take better care of our health.1. The common cold is a(n) ________ infection.A. bacterialB. viralC. fungalD. parasitic答案:B。



医学基础英语自主练习1. mening-, meningo- [单选题] *meninges(正确答案)eardrumrecord of datavein2. angi-, angio- [单选题] *blood vessel(正确答案)dilation, dilatation,distentionhearingfoot3. -ectasia, -ectasis [单选题] *ileummindlymph vesselsdilation, dilatation,distention(正确答案)4. cephal-, cephalo- [单选题] *tonguehabithead(正确答案)all or everywhere5. pharyng-, pharyngo- [单选题] * pharynx, throat(正确答案)egg, ovarytissuejaw6. arteri- [单选题] *rectumartery(正确答案)sensationbone7. optic/o, opt/o [单选题] *seeing, sight(正确答案)kidneypertaining toIncision8. hepat-, hepatico-, hepato- [单选题] * liver(正确答案)musclespinal cord OR bone marrowexcision, surgical removal9. dactyl-, dactylo- [单选题] * Hearingtonguedigit (finger or toe)(正确答案)Heart10. cardi-, cardio- [单选题] *stonesaliva, salivary glandrecording data,act of recording data heart(正确答案)11. -ectomy [单选题] * performanceColonribexcise, surgical removal of(正确答案)12. hemi- [单选题] *glucose; sugaranus, rectumfathalf(正确答案)13. -edema [单选题] *condition of bloodair, lungproteinaccumulation of fluid , swelling(正确答案)14. dors/i, dors/o [单选题] *duct, blood vesselsurgical openingback or posterior(正确答案)vertebra, spine15. rect-, recto- [单选题] *radiation, radiusrectum(正确答案)to govisual examination16. spir- [单选题] *chestirisbreathe(正确答案)accumulation of fluid , swelling17. muscul-, musclo- [单选题] *thyroid glandcancerbronchus18. crani-, cranio- [单选题] * prostatebrain(正确答案)hernia, localized,dilationsurgical reconstruction19. -ium [单选题] *muscleblood clotirisnoun suffix;scientific names(正确答案)20. lacrim-, lacrimo- [单选题] *painBloodveintear (from your eyes)(正确答案)21. febr/i [单选题] *radiation, radiuscondition of bloodskin22. lip-, lipo- [单选题] * milkfat(正确答案)prostatemouth23. trachel/o [单选题] * colorneck or necklike(正确答案) abdomenfemale24. cardi/o [单选题] *heart(正确答案)fetusovarypertaining to25. vesic-, vesico- [单选题] * origin, formationbursavesicle (cyst or pouch)(正确答案) Heart26. pulmon/o [单选题] * again, backwardnewlungs(正确答案)like, resembling27. -gram [单选题] *record of data(正确答案)bloodvisual examinationspinal cord OR bone marrow28. pharmaco- [单选题] * drug, medicine(正确答案) fungus; mushroomhernia, localized,dilationpain29. brachi/o [单选题] *bonearm(正确答案)enzymetestis30. hem/o [单选题] *cellchest/thoraxblood(正确答案)surgical fixation31. -blast [单选题] *IntestineViscera (internal organs)immature cell, productive cell, embryonic cell(正确答案) Eyes32. arthr-, arthro- [单选题] *toothFrontjoint(正确答案)nerve33. thyr/o [单选题] *thyroid gland(正确答案)bronchusstomachliver34. derm/a, derm/o, dermat/o [单选题] * skin(正确答案)iriskidneyblood35. bronch/i, bronch/o [单选题] *ribbronchus(正确答案)vaginaeyes36. cyano- [单选题] *thyroid glandduodenumvaginablue(正确答案)37. proct-, procto-* [单选题] *retina (of the eye)hallucinationmilkrectum(正确答案)38. -desis [单选题] *arterybinding, fusion(正确答案) air, lungeyelid39. prostat- [单选题] * eardrumbileearprostate(正确答案)40. stern- [单选题] *ischiumsternum (breastbone)(正确答案) liverArm41. -ostomy [单选题] * opening(正确答案)kidneytestisworm42. varic-, varico- [单选题] * pelvisvaricose veins(正确答案)fibercutting; incision43. ur-, uro- [单选题] *nosevisceraurine(正确答案)fetus44. -esthesia, -esthesi/o [单选题] *Eyeeyessensation(正确答案)nose45. sperma-, spermato-, spermo- [单选题] * toothvesicle (cyst or pouch)sperm(正确答案)producing; forming46. -centesis [单选题] *sunbreakingpuncture, tap(正确答案)47. ren-, reno- [单选题] * ulcergood; normalmusclekidney(正确答案)48. encephal/o [单选题] * brain(正确答案)good; normalsurgical reconstructionchest49. gastr/o [单选题] *in strument forstomach(正确答案)headsurgical binding50. kerat-, kerato- [单选题] * cornea (eye or skin)(正确答案) tear (from your eyes) promoter,stimulator51. -hemi [单选题] *liverhernia, localized,dilation heredityhalf, one side(正确答案)52. pharmac/o [单选题] * drug(正确答案)outsideabdomen, loin or flank female53. phleb-, phlebo- [单选题] * headin the urinearteryvein(正确答案)54. gnos/o [单选题] * knowledge(正确答案) suturebloodspleen55. lymph-, lympho- [单选题] * Intestineredcarbon dioxide(level of)lymph(正确答案)56. -ar [单选题] *pertaining to(正确答案)ovarycondition of blooddrug, medicine57. -form [单选题] *blackfacecarbon dioxide(level of)like, resembling(正确答案)58. trich/o [单选题] *heartnucleusskinhair or hairlike(正确答案) 59. -dilatation [单选题] *mouthexpansion,widening(正确答案) duodenum60. -graph [单选题] *GlandEyeinstrument for(正确答案) green61. ischi-, ischio- [单选题] * vesicle (cyst or pouch) ischium(正确答案)earblood62. uri-, uric-, urico- [单选题] * fingernail, toenailneck or necklikebreasturic acid(正确答案)63. hallucin/o [单选题] * openingradiation, radiushallucination(正确答案)64. splanchn-, splanchni-, splanchno- [单选题] * Bronchusinternal organs(正确答案)eardrumpertaining to65. coron- [单选题] *blackmeningesbonycoronary artery(正确答案)66. heli/o [单选题] *Abdomenglucose; sugarsun(正确答案)puncture, tap67. hapl/o [单选题] *visionblood vesselLymph vesselssimple, single(正确答案)68. neo- [单选题] *Colonnew(正确答案)earfemale69. acous-, acouso- [单选题] * hearing(正确答案)Mouthveinthyroid gland70. pyel-, pyelo- [单选题] * brainCellpelvis(正确答案)red71. hyster-, hystero- [单选题] * uterus(正确答案)pertaining tovertebracondition of blood72. or/o [单选题] * painmouth(正确答案) greenstructure or tissue73. blephar- [单选题] * eyelid(正确答案) suturevisual examination duct, blood vessel74. hepat/o [单选题] * puncture, tapair, lungmilkliver(正确答案)75. arteri/o [单选题] * enzymeartery(正确答案) like, resembling body, bodily76. chondr- [单选题] *pelviscartilage(正确答案)Arterybody, bodily77. ventr/i, ventr/o [单选题] * kidneycrushingfront of body(正确答案)in strument for78. -tripsy [单选题] *glandspermcrushing(正确答案)pregnancy79. thromb-, thrombo- [单选题] * Skinwhitemeningesblood clot(正确答案)80. tympan-, tympano- [单选题] *Stomacheardrum(正确答案)Incisionmind81. adren-, adreno- [单选题] *MuscleLifebloodgland(正确答案)82. gloss-, gloss- [单选题] *self, one’s ownbody, bodilytongue(正确答案)liver83. -ectomy [单选题] *condition of bloodcut out, removal(正确答案)immature cell, productive cell, embryonic cell uterus84. hidr-, hidro- [单选题] *vaginabloodsweat(正确答案)immature cell, productive cell, embryonic cell85. -gram [单选题] *crushingtonguerecording, written(正确答案)puncture, tap86. re- [单选题] *bronchusspinecornea (eye or skin)again, backward(正确答案)87. thyr-, thyro- [单选题] *bonyChest/thoraxBack or posteriorthyroid gland(正确答案)88. estr/o [单选题] *pregnancyHair or hairlikeblood clot89. retin- [单选题] *hemoglobinoutsideretina (of the eye)(正确答案)ovary90. stom-, stoma-, stomat-, stomato- [单选题] * veinfacemouth(正确答案)jaw91. pneum-, pneuma- [单选题] * Abdomen, loin or flankFront of bodyair, lung(正确答案)gland92. lith-, litho- [单选题] *IncisionjointViscera (internal organs)93. -al [单选题] *Front of bodyjointpertaining to(正确答案)half, one side94. lingu-, linguo- [单选题] * surgical bindingChest/thoraxtongue(正确答案)uric acid95. sial-, sialo- [单选题] * pertaining tosaliva, salivary gland(正确答案) digit (finger or toe)bony96. -algia [单选题] *EyeNeck or necklikepain(正确答案)vertebra, spine97. herni/o [单选题] *to gonosehernia(正确答案)ischium98. -capnia [单选题] * duodenumskintear (from your eyes)carbon dioxide(level of)(正确答案)99. sept/o [单选题] *septum(正确答案)colorpaininfection。



高三英语医学用语练习题40题(带答案)1. The doctor said there was something wrong with my ____. It helps me digest food.A. heartB. stomachC. lungD. kidney答案解析:B。



2. She has a ____. She can't stop coughing.A. headacheB. toothacheC. coughD. fever答案解析:C。


A选项“headache”是头疼,症状是头部疼痛,与咳嗽无关;B选项“toothache”是牙疼,是牙齿部位的疼痛;D选项“fever”是发烧,主要症状是体温升高;C 选项“cough”就是咳嗽的意思,根据句子中“can't stop coughing”可知答案为C。

3. The patient has a pain in his ____. It is very important for our balance.A. earB. eyeC. legD. ankle答案解析:A。



4. I have a ____. Every time I eat something sweet, it hurts terribly.A. backacheB. stomachacheC. cavityD. cut答案解析:C。



人教版高三英语医学用语练习题40题含答案解析1. In the hospital, the doctor said the patient had a ______, which is an inflammation of the lungs.A. headacheB. pneumoniaC. stomachacheD. backache答案:B。


2. The patient told the doctor that he often felt a sharp ______ in his chest when he exercised.A. painB. cureC. treatmentD. prevention答案:A。

解析:病人说在运动时胸部有尖锐的什么,A选项pain 是疼痛,符合语境;B选项cure是治愈,C选项treatment是治疗,D 选项prevention是预防,这三个选项都不符合描述胸部的感觉。

3. The doctor examined the patient and found that he had a ______, which is a high body temperature.A. coughB. feverC. coldD. flu答案:B。


4. The nurse asked the patient if he had any history of ______, like diabetes or hypertension.A. diseasesB. recoveriesC. operationsD. examinations答案:A。



高三英语医学用语练习题30题1. The patient complains of a sharp pain in his _______. It gets worse when he bends over.A.liverB.lungC.stomachD.heart答案解析:C。


根据题干中“sharp pain(剧痛)”以及“gets worse when he bends over(弯腰时加重)”,这一症状比较符合胃部疼痛的特点。


2. The doctor found that the _______ was inflamed during the examination.A.throatB.kneeC.earD.arm答案解析:A。


在医疗场景中,“throat (喉咙)”是容易发炎的部位,与题干中“inflamed(发炎)”相匹配。

B选项“knee”膝盖,发炎时多表述为“knee joint inflammation”等,但通常不会简单表述为“the knee was inflamed”;C选项“ear”耳朵,耳朵发炎一般会有更具体的描述如“middle ear infection”等;D选项“arm”手臂,发炎表述与题干不符。

3. A _______ is a medical condition in which a person has difficulty in breathing.A.feverB.asthmaC.headacheD.cough答案解析:B。





高一英语医学知识练习题50题答案解析版1. In the hospital, the doctor used a ____ to listen to my heartbeat.A. telescopeB. microscopeC. stethoscopeD. thermometer答案:C。



C 选项“stethoscope”是听诊器,医生用听诊器来听心跳,符合题意,所以C正确。


2. She has a bad headache. She may need to see a ____.A. dentistB. surgeonC. neurologistD. cardiologist答案:C。





3. The patient has a high fever. The nurse will use a ____ to measure his body temperature.A. scaleB. syringeC. thermometerD. bandage答案:C。





高三英语医学用语练习题40题含答案解析1.The patient is suffering from a high fever and headache. The doctor suspects it might be _____.A.coldB.fluC.pneumoniaD.allergy答案解析:B。





2.The child has a rash on the skin. It could be _____.A.chickenpoxB.measlesC.mumpsD.rubella答案解析:A。





3.The old man has difficulty breathing. He may have _____.A.asthmaB.diabetesC.heart diseaseD.stroke答案解析:A。



“heart disease”是心脏病,呼吸困难不是其唯一症状。


4.The patient complains of stomach pain. It might be _____.A.appendicitisB.gastritisC.ulcerD.enteritis答案解析:B。





高一英语医学知识练习题50题(答案解析)1. I have a ______, so I need to see a doctor.A. coldB. bookC. penD. chair答案解析:A。


题干说需要看医生,在选项中“cold”( 感冒)是一种病症,而“book”( 书)、“pen” 笔)、“chair” 椅子)都与病症无关,所以A正确。

2. My headache is very ______, I can't bear it.A. mildB. severeC. happyD. beautiful答案解析:B。


“severe”表示严重的,“mild”表示轻微的,“happy”( 高兴的)和“beautiful”( 美丽的)不能用来形容头痛,根据“can't bear it” 无法忍受)可知头痛很严重,所以B正确。

3. She went to the ______ because she had a stomachache.A. parkB. hospitalC. schoolD. cinema答案解析:B。


因为肚子疼所以应该去的地方是“hospital”( 医院),“park”( 公园)、“school”( 学校)、“cinema” 电影院)都不是看病的地方,所以B正确。

4. The doctor said my fever was ______, just need some rest.A. highB. lowC. tallD. short答案解析:A。


形容发烧的程度用“high” 高)或者“low”(低),这里说只需要休息,说明发烧程度高的可能性大,“tall”(高的,一般形容物体高度)和“short”(矮的)不能形容发烧,所以A正确。

5. I feel ______ all over, I think I'm getting sick.A. wellB. illC. goodD. great答案解析:B。



高一英语医学知识练习题50题(答案解析)1.The patient is suffering from a serious _____.A.illnessB.sicknessC.diseaseD.disorder答案解析:C。

illness 和sickness 通常比较宽泛地指生病的状态;disease 更强调具体的疾病;disorder 侧重于失调、紊乱。

本题中,suffering from a serious 后面接具体的疾病,所以选disease。

2.The doctor diagnosed him with a _____ disease.A.chronicB.acuteC.severeD.critical答案解析:A。

chronic 表示慢性的;acute 表示急性的;severe 和critical 都表示严重的,但不特指疾病的性质。

diagnosed him with 后面接慢性疾病更符合表达习惯,所以选chronic。

3.The symptom of this _____ is a high fever.A.illnessB.sicknessC.infectionD.disorder答案解析:C。

illness 和sickness 比较宽泛;infection 表示感染,后面说症状是高烧,通常高烧是感染引起的;disorder 表示紊乱。


4.The patient has a _____ headache.A.terribleB.horribleC.severeD.intense答案解析:C。

terrible 和horrible 更多是形容可怕;severe 和intense 都有严重的意思,但severe 更常用于形容疼痛等身体不适,所以选severe。

5.This medicine is used to treat _____ diseases.A.infectiousB.contagiousC.spreadableD.transmittable答案解析:A。



高三英语医学用语练习题40题含答案解析1.The doctor gave the patient a(n) ______ to check his heart rate.A.stethoscopeB.thermometerC.syringeD.bandage答案解析:A。




2.The nurse used a ______ to take the patient's blood pressure.A.sphygmomanometerB.otoscopeC.stethoscopeD.tourniquet答案解析:A。




3.The patient was given a ______ to relieve pain.A.antibioticB.analgesicC.vaccineD.sedative答案解析:B。




4.The doctor used a ______ to examine the patient's eyes.A.otoscopeB.stethoscoperyngoscopeD.opthalmoscope答案解析:D。




八年级英语医疗用品练习题30题带答案1. This is used to measure body temperature. What is it?A. StethoscopeB. ThermometerC. SyringeD. Bandage答案解析:B。

Thermometer 是温度计,用来测量体温。

Stethoscope 是听诊器,Syringe 是注射器,Bandage 是绷带,都不是测量体温的工具。

2. What medical supply is used to cover wounds?A. ScalpelB. GlovesC. BandageD. Tweezers答案解析:C。

Bandage 是绷带,用于包扎伤口。

Scalpel 是手术刀,Gloves 是手套,Tweezers 是镊子,都不是用来包扎伤口的。

3. This is used to listen to the heart and lungs. What is it?A. SphygmomanometerB. StethoscopeC. OtoscopeD. Thermometer答案解析:B。

Stethoscope 是听诊器,用于听心脏和肺部。

Sphygmomanometer 是血压计,Otoscope 是耳镜,Thermometer 是温度计,都不是听心脏和肺部的工具。

4. What medical supply is used to inject medicine?A. SyringeB. ScalpelC. BandageD. Tweezers答案解析:A。

Syringe 是注射器,用于注射药物。

Scalpel 是手术刀,Bandage 是绷带,Tweezers 是镊子,都不是注射药物的工具。

5. This is used to hold liquids. What is it?A. BeakerB. Test tubeC. FlaskD. Syringe答案解析:C。



高一英语医学知识练习题50题含答案解析1. When you have a high body temperature, you may have a ____.A. coughB. coldC. feverD. headache答案:C。


“have a high body temperature”表示体温高,这是“发烧(fever)”的症状,而“cough”是咳嗽,“cold”是感冒,“headache”是头疼,均不符合题意。

2. If you feel ____, you should go to see a doctor.A. wellB. goodC. sickD. happy答案:C。




3. The first step to see a doctor is usually to ____.A. take medicineB. have an operationC. make an appointmentD. do a check - up答案:C。


就医的第一步通常是预约 make an appointment),“take medicine”是吃药,这是看医生之后的事情;“have an operation”是做手术,也是后续的事情;“do a check - up”是做检查,通常是在见到医生之后进行的,所以C正确。

4. “I have a runny nose and sneeze a lot.” You may have a ____.A. toothacheB. coldC. backacheD. stomachache答案:B。




高一英语医学知识练习题50题含答案解析1.The doctor gave the patient a(n) ____ to ease the pain.A.medicineB.pillC.drugD.tablet答案解析:D。


2.The nurse took the patient's ____ to check the body temperature.A.pulseB.temperatureC.blood pressureD.breath答案解析:B。

“pulse”是脉搏;“temperature”是温度;“blood pressure”是血压;“breath”是呼吸,护士量病人的体温符合常理。

3.The patient has a serious ____ and needs immediate treatment.A.diseaseB.illnessC.sicknessD.injury答案解析:A。


4.The doctor recommended a ____ diet for the patient.A.healthyB.nutritiousC.balancedD.good答案解析:C。


5.The hospital has advanced ____ equipment.A.medicalB.doctorC.nurseD.patient答案解析:A。



六年级英语医疗词汇练习题40题含答案解析1.She has a high fever. What's wrong with her?A.coldB.headacheC.feverD.cough答案解析:C。



2.He has a bad cough. What should he do?A.take medicineB.drink waterC.go to bedD.see a doctor答案解析:D。

选项A“take medicine”是吃药;选项B“drink water”是喝水;选项C“go to bed”是上床睡觉;选项D“see a doctor”是看医生。


3.She has a stomachache. What might cause it?A.eating too muchB.drinking too much waterC.getting enough sleepD.doing exercise答案解析:A。

选项A“eating too much”是吃太多;选项B“drinking too much water”是喝太多水;选项C“getting enough sleep”是有足够睡眠;选项D“doing exercise”是做运动。


4.He has a headache. What can he take to feel better?A.painkillersB.cough syrupC.vitaminsD.antibiotics答案解析:A。

选项A“painkillers”是止痛药;选项B“cough syrup”是止咳糖浆;选项C“vitamins”是维生素;选项D“antibiotics”是抗生素。







一、医学词汇翻译1、心血管系统动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis)心肌梗死(myocardial infarction)心律失常(arrhythmia)心力衰竭(heart failure)2、呼吸系统肺炎(pneumonia)哮喘(asthma)慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)肺癌(lung cancer)3、消化系统胃炎(gastritis)胃溃疡(gastric ulcer)肝炎(hepatitis)结肠癌(colon cancer)4、泌尿系统肾炎(nephritis)肾结石(kidney stone)膀胱炎(cystitis)肾衰竭(renal failure)5、神经系统脑梗死(cerebral infarction)帕金森病(Parkinson's disease)癫痫(epilepsy)神经衰弱(neurasthenia)二、医学句子翻译1、 The patient was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus and was prescribed metformin for glycemic control(该患者被诊断为 2 型糖尿病,并开具了二甲双胍以控制血糖。

)2、 The biopsy results indicated a malignant tumor in the liver(活检结果表明肝脏中有恶性肿瘤。

)3、 The doctor recommended a lowsodium diet to manage hypertension(医生建议采用低钠饮食来控制高血压。



六年级英语医疗词汇练习题40题(答案解析)1. In the hospital, the doctor asks the patient, “What's wrong with you?” The patient says, “I have a high _. I feel so hot.”A. coughB. coldC. feverD. headache答案:C。

解析:根据题干中患者说感觉很热(feel so hot),这是发烧(fever)的典型症状。


2. At the clinic, the nurse says, “You keep _ a lot. Do you have a sore throat?”A. sneezingB. coughingC. sleepingD. eating答案:B。

解析:从护士问是否喉咙痛(sore throat)可知,是与喉咙有关的症状,咳嗽 cough)常伴随着喉咙不适,所以这里是咳嗽。


3. The doctor tells the patient, “You have a _. You should drink morewater and have a good rest.”A. toothacheB. stomachacheC. coldD. backache答案:C。





医学英语单元练习题### 医学英语单元练习题#### 一、词汇匹配题请将下列医学术语与它们的英文对应词匹配。

1. 心电图- A. Electrocardiogram (ECG)2. 血压- B. Blood pressure3. 骨折- C. Fracture4. 糖尿病- D. Diabetes5. 肿瘤- E. Tumor#### 二、填空题请用适当的医学术语填空。

1. 患者出现持续性的 __________ 可能需要进行进一步的心脏检查。

(chest pain)2. 医生建议患者减少 __________ 来控制血压。

(sodium intake)3. 在 __________ 后,患者需要定期复查以监测恢复情况。

(surgery)4. 患者被诊断为 __________ ,需要调整饮食和药物治疗。

(hyperthyroidism)5. 定期进行 __________ 可以帮助早期发现皮肤癌。

(skinexamination)#### 三、阅读理解题阅读以下医学摘要,并回答问题。

摘要:A recent study has shown that the prevalence of obesity has increased significantly over the past decade. Obesity is associated with a range of health problems, including hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. The study emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet and regular physical activity in preventing obesity and its related health issues.问题:1. 根据摘要,肥胖与哪些健康问题有关?2. 摘要中提到的预防肥胖的方法是什么?#### 四、翻译题请将下列句子从中文翻译成英文。



六年级英语医疗词汇练习题40题【含答案解析】1. In the hospital, the doctor uses a ______ to listen to your heartbeat.A. thermometerB. stethoscopeC. syringeD. scalpel答案:B。



2. If you cut your finger, you may need a ______ to stop the bleeding.A. cotton swabB. bandageC. pillD. eyedrops答案:B。


cotton swab是棉签,主要用于清洁等;pill是药丸,用于口服治病;eyedrops是眼药水,用于眼睛,均不符合止血的要求。

3. The nurse will take your temperature with a ______.A. stethoscopeB. thermometerC. forcepsD. crutch答案:B。


stethoscope 是听诊器,用于听心跳等;forceps是镊子,用于夹取东西;crutch是拐杖,用于辅助行走,都不能用来量体温。

4. When you have a headache, the doctor may give you a ______.A. bandageB. injectionC. pillD. plaster答案:C。





六年级英语医疗词汇练习题40题含答案解析1.The doctor takes care of sick people. “doctor” means().A.护士B.医生C.病人答案解析:B。


2.“医院” is translated as().A.schoolB.hospitalC.library答案解析:B。


3.“病人” in English is().A.doctorB.patientC.nurse答案解析:B。


4.The place where you can see a doctor is().A.hotelB.restaurantC.hospital答案解析:C。


5.“medicine” means().A.食物B.药品C.饮料答案解析:B。


6.“体温计” is().A.thermometerpassC.calculator答案解析:A。


7.“头疼” is translated as().A.headacheB.stomachacheC.toothache答案解析:A。


8.“咳嗽” in English is().A.coughB.sneezeC.fever答案解析:A。









比如说一个病人说他“stomach hurts(肚子疼)”,医生就得开始进一步的检查啦。



如果有人“have a headache(头疼)”,那他可能是没休息好或者是有其他的健康问题哦。



病人可能会说“I don't feel well(我感觉不舒服)”或者“I'm not feeling good today(我今天感觉不好)”。

医生呢,就会问一些问题,像“What's wrong with you?(你怎么了?)”或者“Where does it hurt?(哪里疼?)”这时候病人就要准确地回答啦,比如说“It hurts here, in my left leg(这里疼,我的左腿)”。


比如“You should take some medicine three times a day(你应该一天吃三次药)”或者“You need to have a good rest (你需要好好休息)”。

如果是比较严重的情况,医生可能会说“You have to behospitalized(你必须住院)”,这时候病人可能就会有点害怕啦,不过医生会安慰说“Don't worry. We will take good care of you(别担心,我们会好好照顾你的)”。

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Chapter Review 1-1Fill in the blanks:1. A root with a vowel added to aid in pronunciation is called a(n) _____.2. A word part that comes before a root is a(n) _____ .3. Combine the word parts dia-, meaning “through,” and -rhea, meaning “flow,” to form a word meaning “passage of fluid stool.” _____4. Combine the root psych, meaning “mind,” with the suffix -logy, meaning “study of,” to form a wordmeaning “study of the mind.” _____Multiple choice: Select the best answer and write the letter to the left of each number._____ 5. Which of the following is a compound word?a. urinaryb. skeletalc. gastrointestinald. coronarye. artery_____ 6. The adjective for thorax isa. thoraxicb. thoracicc. thorald. thoriale. thoraxial_____ 7. An acronym is formed froma. a proper nameb. Latin or Greekc. a compound wordd. the first letter of each word in a phrasee. two or more rootsCase Study 1-1: Multiple Health ProblemsSecondary to InjuryD.S., a 28-year-old woman, was treated for injuries sustained in a train derailment accident. During the course of her treatment, she was seen by several specialists. For pain in her knee and hip joints, she was referred to an orthopedist. For migraine headaches and blurry vision, she consulted a neurologist. For pain on urination and occasional bloody urine, she saw a urologist. Later, for a persistent dry cough and problems resulting from a fractured nose, she was referred to an otorhinolaryngologist. During herinitial course of treatment, she had a CT scan of her abdomen and brain and an MRI of her hip andknee. Both imaging studies required her to lie motionless on her back for 45 minutes.Several months after the accident, D.S. was still experiencing some discomfort, and she decided to investigate alternative therapies. She made an appointment with a naturist practitioner who specialized inhomeopathy and herbal medicine. Before herappointment, she browsed in the Nutra-Medica Shop, which carried nutritional supplements, vitamin and mineral products, homeopathic remedies, and herbal formulas.She planned to ask the therapist about some of the products that she saw there, which included remedies with the trade names Pneumogen, Arthogesia-Plus, Renovite, Nephrostat, and Hematone.CASE STUDY QUESTIONSMultiple choice: Select the best answer and write the letter to the left of each number._____ 1. The -ist in the word neurologist is a:a. prefixb. rootc. suffixd. combining forme. conjunction_____ 2. Endo- in endoscopic is a:a. rootb. suffixc. combining formd. prefixe. derivation_____ 3. MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. This term represents a(n):a. combining formc. prefixd. suffixe. abbreviation_____ 4. D.S. needed plastic surgery on her nose to repair the postfracture deformity. This procedureis called a(n):a. septoscopeb. rhinoplastyc. neurectomyd. cardioplastye. rhinitis_____ 5. Several of the radiological imaging studies required D.S. to lie on her back for 45 minutes.This position is referred to as:a. supineb. pronec. lateral recumbentd. lithotomye. Trendelenburg_____ 6. The products Renovite and Nephrostat are named for their action on the:a. lungc. liverd. hearte. kidney____ 7. The pn in Pneumogen is pronounced as:a. p d.upb. pa e.fc. nFill in the blanks.8. Use Appendix 4 to find roots that mean blood. __________________________________9. Use the index to find the chapter that contains information on imaging techniques.10. Use the flash cards at the back of this book to find the meaning of the word part endo-._________11. Another word part with the same meaning as endo- is__________________________________12. Use Appendix 3 to look up the meaning of the roots in otorhinolaryngology.ot/o __________________________________rhino __________________________________laryng/o __________________________________13. Use Appendix 3 to find the meaning of the word part homeo-_________________.14. When the word larynx has a suffix added, the x is changed to a______________.15. Appendix 2 tells you that the abbreviation CT in CT scan means________________.C H A P T E R 1 Answer SectionAnswers to Chapter Exercises Array 1. combining form2. Prefix3. Diarrhea4. Psychology5-7. c b d8. dis-FUNK-shun9. RU-ma-toyd10. kron-o LOJ-ik11. FAR-inks12. narcotic13. nitrogen14. surface15. vascular16. thoracicChapter Review 2-1Identify the suffix that means “condition of” in each of the following words:1. egotism2. anemia3. stenosis (4. dystrophy (5. acidosis6. anesthesiaGive the suffix in the f ollowing words that means “specialty” or “specialist”:7. psychiatry8. orthopedist9. obstetrics10. urologyGive the name of the specialist in each of the following fields:11. pediatrics12. dermatology13. pharmacy14. gynecologyIdentify the adjec tive suffix in each of the following words that means “pertaining to” or “resembling”:15. physiologic16. local17. cutaneous18. lymphoid19. cellular20. basic21. salivary22. oral23. rheumatoid24. virile25. anatomical26. circular27. exploratoryWrite the plural for each of the following words. The word ending is underlined:28. patella (kneecap)29. prognosis (prediction of disease outcome)30. bacterium (type of microorganism)31. fungus (simple, nongreen plant)32. protozoon (single-celled animal)33. pharynx (throat)34. apex (high point; tip)Write the singular form for each of the following words. The word ending is underlined:35. foramina (openings)36. nuclei (center; core)37. ganglia (small masses of nerve tissue)38. vertebrae (spinal bones)39. indices (directories; lists)40. carcinomata (cancers)Case Study 2-1: Health Problems on ReturnFrom the Rain ForestE.G., a 39-year-old archaeologist and university professor, returned from a 6-month expedition in therain forest of South America suffering from a combination of physical symptoms and conditions thatwould not subside on their own. He was fatigued, yet unable to sleep through the night. He also had amild fever, night sweats, occasional dizziness, double vision, and mild crampyabdominal pain accompanied by intermittent diarrhea. In addition, he had a nonhealing wound on his ankle from an insect bite. He made an appointment with his family doctor, an internist.On examination, E.G. was febrile (feverish) with a temperature of 101°F. His heart and lungs were normal,with a slightly elevated heart rate. His abdomen was tender to palpation (touch), and his bowel sounds were active and gurgling to auscultation (listening with a stethoscope). His skin was dry and warm.He had symmetrical areas of edema (swelling) around both knees and tenderness over both patellae (kneecaps). The ulceration on his left lateral ankle had a ring of necrosis (tissue death) surrounding an area of granulation tissue. There was a small amount of purulent (pus-containing) drainage.E.G.’s doctor ordered a series of hematology lab studies and stool cultures for ova and parasites. The doctor suspected a viral disease, possibly carried by mosquitoes, indigenous to tropical rain forests. He also suspected a form of dysentery typically caused by protozoa. E.G. was also possibly anemic, dehydrated,and septic (infected). The doctor was confident that after definitive diagnosis and treatment, E.G. would gain relief from his insomnia, diplopia (double vision), and dizziness. CASE STUDY QUESTIONSMultiple choice: Select the best answer and write the letter to the left of each number._____ 1. Diplopia, the condition of having double vision, has the suffix:a. lopiab. opiac. iad. piae. plopia_____ 2. The adjective septic is formed from the noun:a. sepsisb. septosisc. septemiad. septerye. anemia_____ 3. E.G. was suspected of having anemia (diminished hemoglobin). The adjective form of thenoun anemia is _____________, and the field of health science devoted to the study of bloodis called _______________.a. anemic; hematologyb. hematosis; hematismc. dehemia; hematomegalyd. anemic; parasitologye. microhematic; hemacologyWrite the suffix that means “condition of” in each of the following words:4. necrosis5. dysentery6. insomniaWrite the adjective ending of each of the following words:7. febrile8. symmetrical9. anemicWrite the singular form of each of the following words:10. patellae11. ova12. protozoa13. The word virus used as an adjective14. The noun form of the adjective necrotic15. Expert in the field of archeology16. Expert in the field of internal medicine17. The noun abdomen used as an adjectiveAnswers to Chapter ExercisesEXERCISE 2-11. -ism2. -y3. -ia4. -ism5. -sis, -osis6. -sis, -asis7. -ia8. -sis, -osis9. -yEXERCISE 2-21. -ist2. -logy3. -iatrics4. -ist5. -iatry6. anatomist7. pediatrician8. radiologist9. orthodontistAnswers to Case Study Questions1. c2. a3. a4. -sis5. -y6. -ia7. -ile8. -ical9. -ic10. patella11. ovum12. protozoon13. viral14. necrosis15. archeologist16. internist 17. abdominalFill in the blanks:1. Monoclonal refers to a colony (clone) derived from_____ cell(s).2. The quadriceps (KWAD-ri-seps) muscle has _______________________ part(s).3. To unify means to make two or more parts into ____________________ part(s).4. The term semilunar means _____________________ moon(s).5. A dichotomy has __________________ part(s).6. A multicellular organism has ___________________________________ cell(s).7. A tetralogy is composed of ____________ elements or factors.8. A triangle has _________________________ angle(s).9. Bipolar means having _______________ pole(s).Give a prefix that is similar in meaning to each of the following:10. bi- ___________________________________11. poly- ___________________________________12. semi- ___________________________________13. mon/o ___________________________________Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:_____ 1. melanocytea. pertaining to bluish discoloration_____ 2. xanthomab. redness of the skin_____ 3. cyanoticc. yellow raised area on the skin_____ 4. erythrodermad. cell that produces dark pigment_____ 5. leukemiae. overgrowth of white blood cellsIdentify and define the prefix in each of the following words:Prefix Meaning of Prefix1. amorphous (without form) (root morph/o) a- not, without, lack of, absence (a-MOR-fus)2. antibody3. amnesia4. disintegrate5. contralateral6. incontinent7. dehumidify8. noncontributoryAdd a prefix to form the negative of each of the following words:9. coordinated uncoordinated10. adequate11. infect12. permeable (capable of being penetrated)13. congestant14. compatibleIdentify and define the prefix in each of the following words:Prefix Meaning of Prefix1. perforate _______ ___________________________________2. adjacent _______ ___________________________________3. abnormal _______ ___________________________________4. diarrhea _______ ___________________________________5. transfer _______ ___________________________________Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:_____ 1. pandemic (pan-DEM-ik) a. located at the surface (above otherstructures)_____ 2. hyposecretion b. less than the normal number of teeth _____ 3. Hypertension c. underproduction of a substance_____ 4. oligodontia d. disease affecting an entire population _____ 5. superficial e. high blood pressureMatch the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:_____ 1. Reflux a. an irregularly shaped cell_____ 2. orthodontic b. pertaining to normal body temperature_____ 3. Pseudoreaction c. backward flow_____ 4. Poikilocyte d. false response_____ 5. Normothermic e. pertaining to straight teethIdentify and define the prefix in each of the following words:Prefix Meaning of Prefix6. equidistant _______ ___________________________________7. orthopedics _______ ___________________________________8. recuperate _______ ___________________________________9. euthyroidism _______ ___________________________________10. neocortex _______ ___________________________________11. megacolon _______ ___________________________________12. isometric _______ ___________________________________Write the opposite of each of the following words:13. heterogeneous (composed of different materials) ___________________________________14. macroscopic (visible with the naked eye) ___________________________________Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:1. postnasal a. throwing or extending forward2. antecedent b. occurring before the proper time3. projection c. behind the nose4. premature d. before birth5. prenatal e. occurring before another eventIdentify and define the prefix in each of the following words:Prefix Meaning of Prefix6. premenstrual7. post-traumatic8. progenitor9. antedateMatch the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:_____ 1. Endonasal a. placement of the heart outside its normal position_____ 2. Syndrome b. middle layer of the developing embryo_____ 3. Mesoderm c. the last stage of cell division_____ 4. Ectocardia d. within the nose_____ 5. Telophase e. group of symptoms occurring togetherIdentify and define the prefix in each of the following words:Prefix Meaning of Prefix6. synthesis _______ ___________________________________7. extract _______ ___________________________________8. ectopic _______ ___________________________________9. symbiosis _______ ___________________________________10. endoplasm _____ ___________________________________Write the opposite of each of the following words:11. exogenous (outside the organism) ___________________________________12. sinistromanual (left handed) ___________________________________13. endoderm (outermost layer of the embryo) ___________________________________Chapter Review 3-1Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:_____ 1. Primary a. one half or one side of the chest_____ 2. Trisect b. having many forms_____ 3. unilateral c. to cut into three parts_____ 4. Polymorphous d. pertaining to one side_____ 5. hemithorax e. first_____ 6. Neonate a. cell with yellow color_____ 7. melanoma b. through the skin_____ 8. Xanthocyte c. dark tumor_____ 9. percutaneous d. a newborn_____ 10. leukoderma e. loss of color in the skin_____ 11. heterothermic a. endbrain_____ 12. mesencephalon b. having varying body temperature_____ 13. panplegia c. total paralysis_____ 14. telencephalon d. correcting or preventing deformities_____ 15. orthopedic e. midbrainMatch each of the following prefixes with its meaning:_____ 16. oligo- a. equal, same_____ 17. pseudo- b. right_____ 18. eu- c. few, scanty_____ 19. iso- d. good, true, easy_____ 20. dextro- e. falseFill in the blanks:21. A monocular microscope has ___________________________________ eyepiece(s).22. To bisect is to cut into ___________________________________ parts.23. A quadruped animal has ___________________________________ feet.24. Sinistrad means toward the ___________________________________.25. A triad has ___________________________________ part(s).26. A unicellular organism is composed of ___________________________________ cell(s).27. A diatomic molecule has ___________________________________ atom(s).28. A tetralogy is composed of ___________________________________ part(s).Identify and define the prefix in each of the following words:Prefix Meaning of Prefix29. nonexistent _______ ___________________________________30. transmit _______ ___________________________________31. equivalent _______ ___________________________________32. react _______ ___________________________________33. exhale _______ ___________________________________34. absent _______ ___________________________________35. contraindication _______ ___________________________________36. detoxify _______ ___________________________________37. predict _______ ___________________________________38. perforate _______ ___________________________________39. adduct _______ ___________________________________40. dialyze _______ ___________________________________41. antiserum _______ ___________________________________42. microsurgery _______ ___________________________________43. disease _______ ___________________________________44. ectoparasite _______ ___________________________________45. symbiotic ____ ___________________________________46. prognosis ______ ___________________________________47. inadequate _______ ___________________________________Opposites. Write a word that means the opposite of each of the following:48. responsive ___________________________________49. mature ___________________________________50. active ___________________________________51. sufficient ___________________________________52. exotoxin ___________________________________53. macroscopic ___________________________________54. homograft ___________________________________55. hypoactive ___________________________________56. preoperative ___________________________________Synonyms. Write a word that means the same as each of the following:57. supersensitivity ___________________________________58. megalocyte (extremely large red blood cell) ___________________________________59. antenatal ___________________________________60. equilateral (having equal sides) ___________________________________Case Study 3-1: Displaced Fracture of the Femoral NeckWhile walking home from the train station, M.A., a 72-year-old woman with osteoporosis, tripped overa broken curb and fell. In the emergency department, she was assessed for severe pain, swelling, andbruising of her left thigh. A radiograph showed a displaced left femoral neck fracture. M.A. was pre-pared for surgery and given a preoperative injection of an analgesic to relieve her pain.Intraoperatively,she was given spinal anesthesia and positioned on an operating room table, with her left hip elevatedon a small pillow. Intravenous antibiotics were given before the incision. Her left hip was repaired witha bipolar hemiarthroplasty. Postoperative care included maintaining the left hip in abduction, bloodand fluid replacement, physical therapy, and vigilance for development of avascular necrosis and possibledislocation.Case Study 3-2: Intertrochanteric FractureA.R., age 88, slipped on the wet grass and fell while gardening in his back yard. His neighbor was unable to help him to a standing position and called for an ambulance.A.R. had excruciating pain in his right leg, which was externally rotated, slightly shorter than his left leg, and adducted. Preoperative radiographs showed a non-displaced right intertrochanteric fracture. Intraoperatively, Mr. R. was given spinal anesthesia and positioned on an orthopedic table with his right hip abducted and secured in traction. He had an open reduction and internal fixation with a compression screw and side plate with screws. His postoperative recovery was unremarkable, although he was at risk for deep vein thrombosis, that is, blood clots in his legs. He was discharged to a rehabilitation facility for several weeks of physical therapy and assistance with activitiesof daily living, such as personal hygiene, dressing, eating, ambulating, and toileting. CASE STUDY QUESTIONSWrite a word from the case histories that means the same as each of the following:1. replacement of half of the joint component ___________________________________2. substances that act against microorganisms ___________________________________3. in a position away from the midline of the body ___________________________________4. position toward the midline of the body ___________________________________Identify and define the prefixes in the following words:Prefix Meaning of Prefix5. displace and dislocate _______ ______________________________6. replacement, recovery, and rehabilitation _______ ______________________________7. avascular _______ ______________________________8. anesthesia and analgesic _______ ______________________________9. orthopedic _______ ______________________________10. externally _______ ______________________________11. bipolar _______ ______________________________12. unremarkable _______ ______________________________Fill in the blanks:13. The adjective for the operative time span from decision for surgery to placement on the operatingroom table is ___________________________________.14. The adjective for the operative time span from placement on the operating roomtable until transferto postanesthesia recovery unit or intensive care unit is___________________________________.15. The adjective for the operative time span from admission to postanesthesia is________10. neo-; new11. mega-; large, abnormally large12. iso-; equal, same13. homogeneous14. microscopicC H A P T E R 3 Answer Section Array Answers to Chapter ExercisesEXERCISE 3-1 Array 1. one2. four3. one4. half5. two6. many7. four8. three9. two10. di-11. multi-12. hemi-13. uniEXERCISE 3-21. d2. c3. a4. b5. eEXERCISE 3-31. a-; not, without, lack of, absence2. anti-; against, opposite3. a-4. dis-; absence, removal, separation5. contra-; against6. in-; not7. de-; down, without, removal, loss8. non-; not9. uncoordinated10. inadequate11. disinfect12. impermeable13. decongestant14. incompatible1. e2. c3. d4. b5. a6. d7. c8. a9. b10. e11. b12. e13. c14. a15. d16. c17. e18. d19. a20. b21. one22. two23. four24. left25. three26. one27. two28. four29. non-; notFill in the blanks:1. Karyomegaly is enlargement (-megaly) of the ___________________________________.2. Adenitis is in.ammation (-itis) of a ___________________________________.3. A papilla (pa-PIL-a) is a projection that resembles a(n)___________________________________.4. A .bril is a small ___________________________________.5. Histogenesis is the formation (-genesis) of ___________________________________.6. A myxoma is a tumor of tissue that secretes ___________________________________.7. The term reticular means resembling or pertaining to a(n)___________________________.8. A dimorphic organism has two ___________________________________.9. The term mucosa is used to describe a membrane thatsecretes___________________________.10. Nucleoplasm is the material that .lls the ___________________________________.11. Somatotropin also called growth hormone, has a general stimulating effect on the______.Use the suf.x -logy to build a word with each of the following meanings:12. The study of cells ___________________________________13. The study of tissues ___________________________________14. The study of form ___________________________________Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:_____ 1. erythroblast a. organism capable of manufacturing its own food_____ 2. Hypertrophy b. formation of a nucleus_____ 3. phagocytosis c. increased growth of tissue_____ 4. Karyogenesis d. ingestion of waste by a cell_____ 5. autotroph e. immature red blood cell_____ 6. somatotropic a. attracting color_____ 7. Chromophilic b. acting on the body_____ 8. neoplasia c. substance that acts on the sex glands_____ 9. aplasia d. new formation of tissue_____ 10. gonadotropin e. lack of developmentIdentify and de.ne the root in each of the following words:Root Meaning of Root11. esophagus (e-SOF-a-gus) _______ ___________________________________12. normoblast (NOR-mo_-blast) _______ ___________________________________13. dystrophy (DIS-tro_-f ) _______ ___________________________________14. aplastic (a-PLAS-tik) _______ ___________________________________15. regenerate_______ ___________________________________Fill in the blanks:1. Amylase (AM-i-la_s) is an enzyme that digests ___________________________________.2. The ending -ose indicates that maltose is a(n) ___________________________________.3. Glucogenesis (gl u-ko-JEN-e-sis) is the formation of___________________________________.4. Hydrotherapy is treatment using ___________________________________.5. Liposuction is the surgical removal of ___________________________________.6. Adipose tissue stores ___________________________________.Identify and de.ne the root in each of the following words:Root Meaning of Root7. glucolytic (glu_-ko_-LIT-ik) _______ ___________________________________8. asteatosis (as-te -a-TO_-sis) _______ ___________________________________9. normoglycemia (nor-mo_-gli-SE_-me_-a) _______ ___________________________________10. lipoma (l i_-PO_-ma) _______ ___________________________________Diagram of a Typical Animal CellWrite the name of each numbered part on the corresponding line of the answer sheet.CentrioleCytoplasmEndoplasmic reticulum (ER)Genetic material (DNA)Golgi apparatusLysosomeMitochondrionNuclear membraneNucleolusNucleusPlasma membraneRibosomesChapter Review 4-1Match the following terms and write the appropriate letter to the left of each number:_____ 1. ribosomes a. genetic material_____ 2. ATP b. state of internal stability_____ 3. Homeostasis c. organelles that contain RNA_____ 4. DNA d. a type of connective tissue_____ 5. Cartilage e. energy compound of the cells_____ 6. Cytoplasm a. organelles that produce ATP_____ 7. metabolism b. immature red blood cell_____ 8. Mitochondria c. material that .lls the cell_____ 9. Erythroblast d. cell division_____ 10. mitosis e. all the activities of the cell_____ 11. Megakaryocyte a. resembling a gland_____ 12. Reticulocyte b. .brous tumor_____ 13. Chromosome c. cell with a very large nucleus_____ 14. adenoid d. cell that contains a network_____ 15. .broma e. structure that contains genes_____ 16. .broplasia a. without form_____ 17. Amorphous b. wasting of tissue_____ 18. Papillary c. attracting basic stain_____ 19. atrophy d. formation of .brous tissue _____ 20. Basophilic e. like or resembling a nipple _____ 21. hyperplasia a. resembling mucus_____ 22. Hypoglycemia b. low blood sugar_____ 23. Amylase c. enzyme that digests fat_____ 24. mucoid d. overdevelopment of an organ or tissue。
