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一.Multiple choice (15‟)

( )1. What ____ you do if you were free ?

A. will

B. would

C. can

( )2. Can you tell me _______ ?

A. what to do it

B. how to do

C. what to do

( )3. It‟s raining outside. You‟d better ____ your umbrella

A. to bring

B. take

C. fetch

( )4. Don‟t be late ____ school. Or the teacher will be angry____ you.

A. to ; for

B. for ; with

C. at ; to

( )5. The room is ___ small that we can‟t live in it.

A. so

B. such

C. too

( )6. Tony hardly said anything at the meeting , _____ he?

A. didn‟t

B. does

C. did

( )7. The old invention was used ____ a teapot ___ keep the wine warm.

A. as ; to

B. for ; to

C. as ; for

( )8. I‟m terrified_____ speaking in public. Can you give me _____?

A. in ; some advise

B. of ; an advice

C. of ; some advice

( )9. Tom is made _____ the room every day.

A. clean

B. cleaning

C. to clean

( )10. As a student, we should refuse____ .

A. smoke

B. to smoke

C. smoked

( )11. Jim is a _____ boy.

A. 12 years old

B. 12-years-old

C. 12-year-old

( )12. –Do you know ____ the camera?

A. when she buy

B. where did she buy

C. when she bought

( )13. Don‟t keep others _____ for a long time. It‟s impolite.

A. waiting

B. wait

C. to wait

( )14.Help ____ to some apples. My friends.

A. you

B. yourself

C. yourselves

( )15.I enjoy reading , but I can‟t ___ much time ___ it.

A. spend ; on

B. pay ; in

C. take ; in

( )16.The old building is dangerous, it should _____.

A. pull down

B. is pulled down

C. be pulled down

( )17.-Do you know when Dr. White ___ for dinner this evening?

-No, but I think he will come when he ____ time..

A. will come ; has

B. comes , has

C. will come, will have ( )18. The ___ you work , the ______ mistakes you make.

A. carefully ; few

B. more careful ; less

C. more carefully ; fewer ( )19. The teacher said to Li Lei , “Be careful .You missed ___ “f”in ___ word “different”.

A. a , the

B. an , the

C. the , a

( )20. _____Sunday ___ Monday is OK. I‟ll be free during those two days.

A. Neither ; nor

B.Both ; and

C. Either ; or

二.Close test (15‟)

There are many serious problems in the world today. The population problem is one of the _1_ one..The world‟s population is growing_2_ . Two thousand years ago, there were only 250_3_ people in the world. One thousand six hundred years _4_ , the number was over 500 million. In 1990, there were over five billion. In 2000, the world‟s population passed 6 billion. _5_ if has reached 6.6 billion.

_6_ the large population, there will be _7_ living space for people. And it‟s very hard for _8_ many people _9_ jobs. A large population will _10_ cause many _11_ for the whole world. For example, we will _12_ energy and water. Most cities will be _13_ than before, and the traffic will be _14_ heavier. So we must ___15___ways to control the population problem.

( ) 1. A. great B. greater C. greatest

( ) 2. A. fastest B. more fast C. faster and faster

( ) 3. A. thousands B. million C. millions of

( ) 4. A. late B. later C. after

( ) 5. A. So far B. From now on C. At that time

( ) 6. A. As B. Because C. Because of

( ) 7. A. less B. more C. much

( ) 8. A. so B. so a C. such a

( ) 9. A. finds B. to find C. finding

( ) 10. A. too B. neither C. also

( ) 11. A. difficult B. difficulty C. difficulties
