
39 光伏组件反向额定电流PV module reverse current rating 光伏组件允许注入的不致使其发生热斑的与光电流方向相反的最大电流 40 电气间隙 41 总效率 42 孤岛效应 43 计划性孤岛效应 44 非计划性孤岛效应 45 防孤岛效应 46 模拟电网 47 品质因数 48 谐振频率 49 短时 50 电网扰动发生装置 51 分闸时间 52 恢复并网 53 单元发电模块 54 低电压穿越能力测试 装置 electric clearance overall(total) efficiency islanding intentional islanding unintentional islanding anti-islanding simulated utility quality factor resonant frequency temporary grid simulator trip time reconnet PV power unit LVRT test device anti-islanding test device 不同电位的两个导电部件间最短的空间直线距离 在规定的测量周期 TM 时间内,逆变器在交流端口输出的能量与理论上 PV 模拟器在该段时间 内提 供的电能的比值。 电网失压时,光伏系统仍保持对失压电网中的某一部分线路继续供电的状态 按预先配置的控制策略,有计划地发生孤岛效应 非计划、不受控地发生孤岛效应 禁止非计划性孤岛效应的发生;危害:电网人员安全、干扰合闸、损害设备 用来模拟公共电网的测试装置,其电压和频率可调 防孤岛效应保护试验中试验负载谐振能力的评估指标 并联RLC电路谐振时的频率 用于量化短时间变化持续时间的修饰词,指时间范围3s~1min 能够模拟电网电压异常和频率异常状态的装置 异常状态发生到光伏电站停止向电网送电的时间 光伏电站在系统异常发生脱网后,当电网电压和频率恢复正常并经过一个可调的延时时间后重 新并网 具备独立发电单元能力的光伏发电最小单元 能够模拟电网低电压跌落曲线的测试装置 能够模拟孤岛现象发生的测试装置

一、光伏词汇篇光伏行业P h o t o v o l t a i c i n d u s t r y光伏电站P h o t o v o l t a i c p o w e r s t a t i o n并网光伏电站G r i d-c o n n e c t e d P V p o w e r s t a t i o n 铸锭I n g o t硅片W a f e r多晶P o l y c r y s t a l l i n e单晶M o n o c r y s t a l l i n e电池C e l l光伏组件P V m o d u l e光伏支架P V s u p p o r t b r a c k e t光伏阵列P V a r r a y光伏组串P V s t r i n g调试D e b u g g i n g产能C a p a c i t y电池效率E f f i c i e n c y接线盒J u n c t i o n b o x焊接S o l d e r i n g串焊S t r i n g i n g层叠L a y o u t层压L a m i n a t i o n装框F r a m i n g包装P a c k a g i n g汇流箱C o m b i n i n g m a n i f o l d s逆变器G r i d-c o n n e c t e d i n v e r t e r电力变压器P o w e r t r a n s f o r m e r油浸式变压器o i l-i m m e r s e d t y p e t r a n s f o r m e r干式变压器D r y-t y p e t r a n s f o r m e r中性点端子N e u t r a l t e r m i n a l绕组W i n d i n g分接T a p p i n g变压器绕组的分级绝缘N o n-u n i f o r m i n s u l a t i o n o f a t r a n s f o r m e r w i n d i n g变压器绕组的全绝缘U n i f o r m i n s u l a t i o n o f a t r a n s f o r m e r w i n d i n g并联电抗器S h u n t i n d u c t o r消弧线圈A r c-s u p p r e s s i o n c o i l互感器I n s t r u m e n t t r a n s f o r m e r电压互感器V o l t a g e t r a n s f o r m e r接地极G r o u n d i n g e l e c t r o d e接地线G r o u n d i n g c o n d u c t o r接地装置G r o u n d i n g c o n n e c t i o n接地网G r o u n d i n g g r i d短路电流S h o r t–c i r c u i t c u r r e n t标准测试条件S t a n d a r d T e s t C o n d i t i o n s(S T C)光伏组件反向额定电流P V m o d u l e r e v e r s e c u r r e n t r a t i n g 电气间隙E l e c t r i c c l e a r a n c e总效率O v e r a l l(t o t a l)e f f i c i e n c y孤岛效应I s l a n d i n g防孤岛效应A n t i-i s l a n d i n g防孤岛能力测试装置A n t i-i s l a n d i n g t e s t d e v i c e大型接地装置I a r g e-s c a l e g r o u n d i n g c o n n e c t i o n施工总平面布置C o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e l a y o u t p l a n施工总进度T o t a l s c h e d u l e f o r c o n s t r u c t i o n潜在性能衰减(P I D)P o t e n t i a l i n d u c e d d e g r a d a t i o n光致衰减(L I D)L i g h t i n d u c e d d e g r a d a t i o n功率衰减P o w e r d e g r a d a t i o n模拟电网S i m u l a t e d u t i l i t y谐振频率R e s o n a n t f r e q u e n c y短时T e m p o r a r y电网扰动发生装置G r i d s i m u l a t o r分闸时间T r i p t i m e恢复并网R e c o n n e t单元发电模块P V p o w e r u n i t低电压穿越能力测试装置L V R T t e s t d e v i c e二、光伏参数词汇篇短路电流 Short-circuit current注:在一定的温度和辐照度条件下,光伏发电器在端电压为零时的输出电流。

太阳能电池行业英语词汇太阳能行业英语词汇2010-06-10 21:48AA, Ampere的缩写, 安培a-Si:H, amorph silicon的缩写, 含氢的, 非结晶性硅.Absorption, 吸收.Absorption of the photons:光吸收;当能量大于禁带宽度的光子入射时,太阳电池内的电子能量从价带迁到导带,产生电子——空穴对的作用,称为光吸收。
Absorptionscoefficient, 吸收系数, 吸收强度.AC, 交流电.Ah, 安培小时.Acceptor, 接收者, 在半导体中可以接收一个电子.Alternating current, 交流电,简称“交流. 一般指大小和方向随时间作周期性变化的电压或电流. 它的最基本的形式是正弦电流. 我国交流电供电的标准频率规定为50赫兹。
AM, air mass的缩写, 空气质量.直射阳光光束透过大气层所通过的路程,以直射太阳光束从天顶到达海平面所通过的路程的倍数来表示。
amorphous silicon solar cell:非晶硅太阳电池(a—si太阳电池)用非晶硅材料及其合金制造的太阳电池称为非晶硅太阳电池,亦称无定形硅太阳电池,简称a—si太阳电池。
Angle of inclination, 倾斜角,即电池板和水平方向的夹角,0-90度之间。
Anode, 阳极, 正极.BBack Surface Field, 缩写BSF, 在晶体太阳能电池板背部附加的电子层, 来提高电流值.Bandbreak, 在半导体中, 价带和导带之间的空隙,对于半导体的吸收特性有重要意义.Becquerel, Alexandre-Edmond, 法国物理学家, 在1839年发现了电池板效应.BSF, back surface field的缩写.Bypas-Diode, 与太阳能电池并联的二极管, 当一个太阳能电池被挡住, 其他太阳能电池产生的电流可以从它处通过.CCadmium-Tellurid, 缩写CdTe; 位于II/VI位的半导体, 带空隙值为1,45eV, 有很好的吸收性, 应用于超薄太阳能电池板, 或者是连接半导体.Cathode, 阴极,或负极,是在电池板电解液里的带负电的电极,是电池板电解液里带电粒子和导线里导电电子的过渡点。

AC交流电Alternating currentAmorphous silicon solar cell 非晶硅太阳能电池Thin-film solar cells are usually produced by evaporating several semi-conductor films onto a so-called "substrate"Ampère 安培Unit indicating the strength of electric currentAssembling system 集成系统System to install solar modules on roofs, façades or in the field.Azimuth angle 方位角Describes the deviation from the South towards East-western directionBuilding-integrated PV (BIPV)Used to describe a structure where PV replaces conventional materials and is integrated into the building. Typically, a photovoltaic array is incorporated into the roof or walls of a building. Roof tiles with integrated PV cells can now be purchased. Arrays can also be retrofitted into existing buildings; in this case they are usually fitted on top of the existing roof structure. Alternatively, an array can be located separately from the building but connected by cable to supply power for the building.By-pass diode 旁路二极管Conducts the electricity automatically past a module in case it is shadowed in one series. This is supposed to prevent any destruction due to overheating.Circuit 电路A system of conductors that convey electricity.CdTe solar cell碲化镉太阳能电池Thin-film solar cell made of very thin CdTe semi-conductor films (< 3 microns)CIS solar cellThin-film solar cell made of several films of differently doped copper-indium-diselenideCircuit breaker 断路开关A safety device that shuts off power when it senses too much current.Combiner box 和路箱Where the electrical wiring from the PV modules is joined together in parallel to combine electrical currents.Conductor 导体A material that is used to convey electricity, i.e. wires.Conversion efficiency 转换效率The percentage of electricity that is created by a solar cell as compared to the amount of energy needed to generate that electricity.Current 电流The flow of electricity between two points. Measured in amps.DC 直流电Direct currentEnergetic amortization period 能量偿还期Period of time a photovoltaic system requires to produce the energy required for production. Efficiency 功率The ratio of output energy to input energy.Electrical grid 电网A large distribution network that delivers electricity over a wide area.Electrode 电极A conductor used to lead current into or out of a nonmetallic part of a circuit.Energy 能量Usable power. Measured in kWh.Energy audit 能量审核A process that determines how much energy you use in your house or apartment.Energy yield 能量输出Electric energy indicated in kWh yielded by a photovoltaic systemENSEquipment to control the grid with attributed all-pole control element in series. The ENS includes a redundant voltage and frequency control of the electricity grid and evaluates any leaps ascertained in the grid impedance. If the set limits are exceeded, the ENS will switch off the inverter. When the line voltage is re-established, the inverter will restart operation automatically. European efficiency rateWeighted efficiency rate is calculated by weighting different partial load efficiency rates and the full-load efficiency rate in line with the frequency of their appearance.Facade system 正面系统Photovoltaic system installed on the facade of a building or an integral part of a facade.Feed-in meter 输入计Measuring instrument for the supply of electric energy into the public power grid (unit in kWh) Mismatching interconnection of better and worse modules in one string as a consequence of which the worst module of one series determines the electricity.Field system 野外系统Photovoltaic system installed in a fieldFlat-roof system 平台屋顶系统Photovoltaic system installed on a flat roof.Fossil fuels 矿物燃料Fuels that are formed underground from the remains of dead plants and animals. i.e. oil, natural gas, and coal are fossil fuels.Global radiation 总辐射Sum of diffuse, direct and reflected solar radiation onto a horizontal surface.Greenhouse effect 温室效应When heat from the sun becomes trapped in the Earth's atmosphere due to certain gases. Greenhouse gases 温室气体The gases responsible for trapping heat from the sun within the Earth's atmosphere. i.e. water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, and nitrogen oxides.Grid 电网A distribution network, including towers, poles, and wires that a utility uses to deliver electricity. Grid-connected PV system 并网光伏系统When the electricity grid is available but electricity from a clean source (solar) is desired, solar panels can be connected to the grid. Provided that sufficient panels are placed, the appliances inthe house/building will then run on solar electricity. A grid-connected solar electricity system basically consists of one or more solar panels, an inverter, cables, the electric load and a support structure to mount the solar panels.Hertz (HZ) 赫兹The frequency of electrical current described in cycles per second, i.e. Appliances in the United States use 60 HZ.Inverter 逆变器Converts the DC output of the PV system into usable AC output that can be fed directly into the building load.Irradiance 辐照度the amount of solar energy that strikes a surface during a specific time period. Measured in kilowatts.I-V curve IV曲线A graph that plots the current versus the voltage from the solar cell as the electrical load (or resistance) is increased from short circuit (no load) to open circuit (maximum voltage). The shape of the curve characterizing cell performance. Three important points on the IV curve are the open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, and peak or maximum power (operating) point. Junction box The point on a solar module where it connects, or is strung, to other solar modules. In-roof installation 镶嵌屋顶系统Photovoltaic system which is integrated into the roof claddingIsland system 独立系统Grid-independent power supply systemkWh – kilowatt hourUnit indicating energy/work and corresponding with the performance of one kilowatt during a period of one hourkWp - Kilowatt peakUnit indicating the maximum performance under standard test concitions (STC)Load 负载The amount of electrical demand used in the building at any given time.Mono-crystalline silicon solar cell 单晶硅太阳能系统Basic raw material is a monocrystal drawn from melted silicon.Multi-crystalline silicon solar cell 多晶硅太阳能电池Basic raw material is solar silicon cast in blocks.National Electrical Code (NEC) 国家电气代码The U.S. minimum inspection requirements for all types of electrical installations, including solar systems.National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 国家电力生产商协会The U.S. trade association that develops standards for the electrical manufacturing industry. NREL The National Renewable Energy Laboratory 国家可再生能源实验室A national lab that concentrates on studying and developing renewable energy sources.Open circuit voltage 开路电压Maximum voltage in an electric circuit which is generated when the electricity I equals zero (depending on termperature).Performance guarantee 性能质保Extended guarantee of the module producer for the performance of the solar modules. Performance tolerance 性能公差Tolerance stated by the producer with regards to the nominal power.Poly-cristalline solar cell 多晶硅太阳能电池See multi-crystalline silicon solar cell.PSC 电力供应公司Power supply companies.Peak load 最大负荷The largest amount of electricity being used at any one point during the day.Photovoltaic (PV) 光伏the conversion of light into electricity. The term "photo" comes from the Greek "phos," meaning light. "V oltaic" is named for Alessandro V olta (1745-1827), a pioneer in the study of electricity for whom the term "volt" was named. Photovoltaics, then, means "light electricity."Photovoltaic (PV) module 光伏组件A number of photovoltaic cells electrically interconnected and mounted together, usually in a sealed unit of convenient size for shipping, handling and assembling into arrays. The term "module" is often used interchangeably with the term "panel.Photovoltaic array 光伏阵列An interconnected system of solar modules that function as a single electricity-producing unit. Photovoltaic cell 光伏电池(格)This is the basic unit of a solar module that collects the sun's energy.Photovoltaic system 光伏系统A complete set of components that converts sunlight into usable electricity.Rectifier 整流器Transforms alternating current into direct currentRoof inclination 屋顶倾斜度Angle of a roof towards the horizontalRated power 额定功率Nominal power output of an inverter; some units cannot produce rated power continuously. Semiconductor A material that has an electrical conductivity in between that of a metal and an insulator. Typical semiconductors for PV cells include silicon, gallium arsenide, copper indium diselenide, and cadmium elluride.Short-circuit electricity 短路电流Maximum electricity in an electric circuit, which is generated when the voltage U at the terminals equals zero (proportional to solar radiation).Solar generatorSum of solar modules.Specific energy yield 能量生产率(比能率)Electric energy indicated in kWh and yielded by a photovoltaic system divided by the installed performance (kWp).Standard Test Conditions – STC 标准测试条件General conditions under which the perfomance of a solar module is measured in a laboratory. Constant factors for measuring are: Irradiance of 1,000W/m²5f; light spectrum after penetration of 1.5fold density of the atmosphere (AM1,5); temperature of the solar cell 25°C.Supply meter 电源表Measuring instrument for the supply of electric energy from the public power grid (unit in kWh) Termperature coefficient 温度系数Indicates to what extent the individual factor changes with the temperature. Temperature-independent factors are voltage, electricity and consequently also performance.Thin-film solar cell 薄膜太能能电池Roughly a hundred times thinner than crystalline cells. Industrial production procedure (evaporation, atomization procedure…) onto the substrate lowers the cost. Doping specific contamination of purest silicon with impurity atoms. In a so-called diffusion procedure, impure atoms (e.g. borum, phosphor), which can give off electrons, are transported below the surface of the wafers.Three-phase voltage control 三相电压控制器Equipment to control the grid. V oltage control of the three phases. If a voltage falls below a stipulated limit, the equipment will be switched off.Tilt angle 倾斜角The angle of inclination of a module measured from the horizontal.Transformer 变压器Used to step up or down the voltage emerging from the inverter to match the required voltage of the onsite load or the utility interconnection.V olt 伏特Unit indicating the voltage.Watt 瓦特Unit indicating the performance.WhUnit indicating the watthour.WpUnit indicating the wattpeak.。

光伏行业名词术语大气质量(AM)Air Mass (AM)直射阳光光束透过大气层所通过的路程,以直射太阳光束从天顶到达海平面所通过的路程的倍数来表示。
Po 等于1.013巴θ为太阳高度角AM1.5条件AM1.5 condition系指在大气质量为1.5时,标定地面用太阳电池所规定的测试光源的辐照度和光谱分布(其中包括大气浑浊度、沉积水蒸气含量,臭氧含量等一组条件)。
太阳高度角solar elevation angle太阳光线与观测点处水平面的夹角,称为该观测点的太阳高度角。
总辐照(总的太阳辐照)total irradiation (total insolation)在一段规定的时间内,(根据具体情况而定为每小时,每天、每周、每月、每年)照射到某个倾斜表面的单位面积上的太阳辐照。
直射辐照度direct irradiance照射到单位面积上的,来自太阳圆盘及其周围对照射点所张的圆锥半顶角为8o的天空辐射功率。
散射辐照度diffuse irradiance除去直射太阳辐照的贡献外,来自整个天空,照射到单位面积上的辐射功率。
太阳常数solar constant在地球的大气层外,太阳在单位时间内投射到距太阳平均日地距离处垂直于射线方向的单位面积上的全部辐射能,称为太阳常数,常用毫瓦/厘米2或瓦/米2来表示。
环境温度ambient temperature是光伏发电器周围空气的温度。
电池额定工作温度nominal operating cell temperature系指在辐照度为800Wm-2、环境气温20℃,风速Lms-1,电气开路在中午时太阳光垂直照射于敞开安装的框架,这个标准参考环境中,组件内太阳电池的平均平衡温度。

switching duration切换时间
energy shortfall电量短缺
regulation energy of a system
slack bus松驰结点
voltage controlled bus电压控制母线
reference busbar参考节点
load flow calculation负荷潮流计算
network calculation网络计算
power-flow calculation潮流计算
voltage deviation电压偏差
topological diagram of a network
droop of a system系统静特性
droop of a unit机组的静特性
(annual) equivalent interruption duration(年度)等效停电时间
series compensation串联补偿
shunt compensation并联补偿
under compensation欠补偿
controlling power range控制功率范围
power frequency control功率频率控制
voltage control电压控制

太阳电池 solar cell通常是指将太阳光能直接转换成电能的一种器件。
硅太阳电池silicon solar cell硅太阳电池是以硅为基体材料的太阳电池。
单晶硅太阳电池single crystalline silicon solar cell单晶硅太阳电池是以单晶硅为基体材料的太阳电池。
非晶硅太阳电池(a—si太阳电池)amorphous silicon solar cell用非晶硅材料及其合金制造的太阳电池称为非晶硅太阳电池,亦称无定形硅太阳电池,简称a—si太阳电池。
多晶硅太阳电池polycrystalline silicon solar cell多晶硅太阳电池是以多晶硅为基体材料的太阳电池。
聚光太阳电池组件photovoltaic concentrator module系指组成聚光太阳电池,方阵的中间组合体,由聚光器、太阳电池、散热器、互连引线和壳体等组成。
电池温度cell temperature系指太阳电池中P-n结的温度。
太阳电池组件表面温度solar cell module surface temperature系指太阳电池组件背表面的温度。
大气质量(AM)Air Mass (AM)直射阳光光束透过大气层所通过的路程,以直射太阳光束从天顶到达海平面所通过的路程的倍数来表示。
太阳高度角 solar 太阳高度角 solar elevation angle太阳光线与观测点处水平面的夹角,称为该观测点的太阳高度角。
辐照度 irradiance系指照射到单位表面积上的辐射功率(W/m2)。
总辐照(总的太阳辐照)total irradiation (total insolation)在一段规定的时间内,(根据具体情况而定为每小时,每天、每周、每月、每年)照射到某个倾斜表面的单位面积上的太阳辐照。
直射辐照度direct irradiance照射到单位面积上的,来自太阳圆盘及其周围对照射点所张的圆锥半顶角为8o的天空辐射功率。

中文1125字译文:光伏并网逆变器最近,人们越来越关注的替代能源,因为化石燃料和核电厂的环境影响及其稳定性(长尾和原田,1997年; Myrzlk,2001年)。
具体体现在单相并网光伏逆变器中,它具有普遍的拓扑结构,这是标准的全桥电压源逆变器(电平逆变器),它可以创建一个正弦电网电流(Kjaeret al., 2005; Kojabadi et al., 2006)。
( 1 )电池是太阳能发电厂必不可少的储存电能设备。
在这个过程中,接口电路为逆变环节的直流电( DC )输出的太阳能电池阵列的交流电源系统。
( 2 )在一般的微处理器作为控制器,以实现良好的特点时,太阳能发电系统与电流源逆变器的设计。
图.1显示的结构电流源逆变器用作接口电路连接太阳能电池的实用线(Mohan et al,1995年)。
它由五个开关,一个电感器, LC滤波器,输出端口。
因此,与一般全桥PWM 逆变器执行完整的一块,该系统减少了开关损耗。

一、光伏词汇篇光伏行业P h o t o v o l t a i c i n d u s t r y光伏电站P h o t o v o l t a i c p o w e r s t a t i o n并网光伏电站G r i d-c o n n e c t e d P V p o w e r s t a t i o n 铸锭I n g o t硅片W a f e r多晶P o l y c r y s t a l l i n e单晶M o n o c r y s t a l l i n e电池C e l l光伏组件P V m o d u l e光伏支架P V s u p p o r t b r a c k e t光伏阵列P V a r r a y光伏组串P V s t r i n g调试D e b u g g i n g产能C a p a c i t y电池效率E f f i c i e n c y接线盒J u n c t i o n b o x焊接S o l d e r i n g串焊S t r i n g i n g层叠L a y o u t层压L a m i n a t i o n装框F r a m i n g包装P a c k a g i n g汇流箱C o m b i n i n g m a n i f o l d s逆变器G r i d-c o n n e c t e d i n v e r t e r电力变压器P o w e r t r a n s f o r m e r油浸式变压器o i l-i m m e r s e d t y p e t r a n s f o r m e r干式变压器D r y-t y p e t r a n s f o r m e r中性点端子N e u t r a l t e r m i n a l绕组W i n d i n g分接T a p p i n g变压器绕组的分级绝缘N o n-u n i f o r m i n s u l a t i o n o f a t r a n s f o r m e r w i n d i n g变压器绕组的全绝缘U n i f o r m i n s u l a t i o n o f a t r a n s f o r m e r w i n d i n g并联电抗器S h u n t i n d u c t o r消弧线圈A r c-s u p p r e s s i o n c o i l互感器I n s t r u m e n t t r a n s f o r m e r电压互感器V o l t a g e t r a n s f o r m e r接地极G r o u n d i n g e l e c t r o d e接地线G r o u n d i n g c o n d u c t o r接地装置G r o u n d i n g c o n n e c t i o n接地网G r o u n d i n g g r i d短路电流S h o r t–c i r c u i t c u r r e n t标准测试条件S t a n d a r d T e s t C o n d i t i o n s(S T C)光伏组件反向额定电流P V m o d u l e r e v e r s e c u r r e n t r a t i n g 电气间隙E l e c t r i c c l e a r a n c e总效率O v e r a l l(t o t a l)e f f i c i e n c y孤岛效应I s l a n d i n g防孤岛效应A n t i-i s l a n d i n g防孤岛能力测试装置A n t i-i s l a n d i n g t e s t d e v i c e大型接地装置I a r g e-s c a l e g r o u n d i n g c o n n e c t i o n施工总平面布置C o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e l a y o u t p l a n施工总进度T o t a l s c h e d u l e f o r c o n s t r u c t i o n潜在性能衰减(P I D)P o t e n t i a l i n d u c e d d e g r a d a t i o n光致衰减(L I D)L i g h t i n d u c e d d e g r a d a t i o n功率衰减P o w e r d e g r a d a t i o n模拟电网S i m u l a t e d u t i l i t y谐振频率R e s o n a n t f r e q u e n c y短时T e m p o r a r y电网扰动发生装置G r i d s i m u l a t o r分闸时间T r i p t i m e恢复并网R e c o n n e t单元发电模块P V p o w e r u n i t低电压穿越能力测试装置L V R T t e s t d e v i c e二、光伏参数词汇篇短路电流 Short-circuit current注:在一定的温度和辐照度条件下,光伏发电器在端电压为零时的输出电流。

1. Solar energy - 太阳能Solar energy refers to the energy derived from the sun's radiation. It is the primary source of power in the solar industry, driving the generation of electricity through solar panels.2. Photovoltaic (PV) - 光伏的Photovoltaic, often abbreviated as PV, is the technology used to convert sunlight directly into electricity. It involves the use of solar cells or modules to capture and convert solar energy.3. Solar panel - 太阳能电池板A solar panel is a device that consists of multiple solar cells connected together. It converts sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect.4. Solar cell - 太阳能电池A solar cell, also known as a photovoltaic cell, is the basic building block of a solar panel. It converts sunlight into electricity by absorbing photons and releasing electrons.5. Solar module - 太阳能模块A solar module, also referred to as a solar panel module, is a packaged assembly of interconnected solar cells. It provides a larger surface area for capturing sunlight and generating electricity.6. Solar farm - 太阳能发电场A solar farm is a large-scale installation of solar panels or modules. It is designed to generate significant amounts of electricity for commercial or utility-scale applications.7. Inverter - 逆变器An inverter is a device used in photovoltaic systems to convert the direct current (DC) produced by solar panels into alternating current (AC) for use in electrical grids or appliances.8. Net metering - 净计量Net metering is a billing arrangement that allows solar energy system owners to receive credit for the excess electricity they generate and feed back into the grid. It promotes the integration of solar power into existing electrical grids.9. Feed-in tariff - 上网电价A feed-in tariff is a policy mechanism that promotes renewable energy generation by providing financial incentives for the production of electricity from renewable sources, such as solar power.10. Solar irradiance - 太阳辐照度Solar irradiance refers to the power per unit area received from the sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation. It is a key parameter in evaluating the potential energy output of solar panels.11. Off-grid - 脱网Off-grid refers to systems or applications that are not connected to the main electrical grid. Off-grid solar systems often rely on batteries to store excess energy for use during periods of low or no sunlight.12. Grid-connected - 并网Grid-connected systems are connected to the main electrical grid and feed excess electricity back into the grid. They allow for both the consumption of solar-generated power and the use of grid power when necessary.13. Photovoltaic efficiency - 光伏效率Photovoltaic efficiency measures how effectively a solar cell or module converts sunlight into electricity. Higher efficiency means a greater conversion rate and more power output.14. Solar thermal - 太阳能热利用Solar thermal refers to the use of solar energy to generate heat. It often involves the use of solar collectors to absorb sunlight and transfer the heat to a fluid, which can then be used for heating or generating electricity.15. Renewable energy - 可再生能源Renewable energy refers to energy sources that can be replenished naturally or essentially indefinitely. Solar energy is considered a renewable energy source, as it relies on the continuous availability of sunlight.以上是光伏行业中常见的英文单词及其中文意义。
GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 网络并网型光伏逆变器 HT 系列 (73

User Manual Grid-Tied PV InverterHT Series(73-136kW)V1.3-2022-11-21Copyright StatementUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-21The information in this user manual is subject to change due to product updates or other reasons. This manual cannot replace the product labels or the safety precautions unless otherwise specified. All descriptions in the manual are for guidance only.TrademarksNoticeNo part of this manual can be reproduced or transmitted to the public platform in any form or by any means without the prior written authorization of GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.Copyright ©GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd., 2022. All rights reservedand other GoodWe trademarks are trademarks of GoodWe Company.All other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned in this manual are owned by GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.Content User Manual V1.3-2022-11-21 CONTENT1 About This Manual (1)1.1 Applicable Model (1)1.2 Target Audience (1)1.3 Symbol Definition (2)1.4 Updates (2)2 Safety Precaution (3)2.1 General Safety (3)2.2 DC Side (3)2.3 AC Side (4)2.4 Inverter Installation (4)2.5 Personal Requirements (4)3 Product Introduction (5)3.1 Application Scenarios (5)3.2 Circuit Diagram (5)3.3 Supported Grid Types (7)3.4 Appearance (8)3.4.1 Parts (8)3.4.2 Indicators (10)3.4.3 Nameplate (11)4 Check and Storage (12)4.1 Check Before Receiving (12)4.2 Deliverables (12)4.3 Storage (13)5 Installation (14)5.1 Installation Requirements (14)5.2 Inverter Installation (17)5.2.1 Moving the Inverter (17)5.2.2 Installing the Inverter (17)6 Electrical Connection (21)6.1 Safety Precautions (21)6.2 Connecting the PE Cable (23)Content User Manual V1.3-2022-11-216.3 Connecting the PV Input Cable (24)6.4 Connecting the AC Output Cable (26)6.5 Communication (29)6.5.1 Connecting the Communication Cable (29)6.5.2 Installing the Communication Module (optional) (34)7 Equipment Commissioning (35)7.1 Check Items Before Switching Power ON (35)7.2 Power On (35)8 System Commissioning (36)8.1 Indicators and Button (36)8.2 Setting Inverter Parameters via LCD (37)8.3 Setting Inverter Parameters via App (40)8.4 Monitoring via SEMS Portal (40)9 Maintenance (41)9.1 Power Off the Inverter (41)9.2 Removing the Inverter (41)9.3 Disposing of the Inverter (41)9.4 Troubleshooting (42)9.5 Routine Maintenance (48)10 Technical Parameters (49)User Manual V1.3-2022-11-2101 About This Manual1 About This ManualThis manual describes the product information, installation, electrical connection,commissioning, troubleshooting, and maintenance. Read through this manual before installing and operating the product. All the installers and users have to be familiar with the productfeatures, functions, and safety precautions. This manual is subject to update without notice. For more product details and latest documents, visit .1.1 Applicable ModelThis manual applies to the listed inverters below (HT for short):1.2 Target AudienceThis manual applies to trained and knowledgeable technical professionals. The technical personnel has to be familiar with the product, local standards, and electric systems.*1: For Brazil Nominal Output Voltage (V): 380V, 3L/N/PE or 3L/PE.*2: For Australia is 99.99kW/kVA.*3: For Brazil Nominal Output Voltage (V): 380V, 3L/N/PE or 3L/PE.01 About This ManualUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-211.3 Symbol Definition1.4 UpdatesThe latest document contains all the updates made in earlier issues.V1.0-2022-05-04• First Issue.Different levels of warning messages in this manual are defined as follows:V1.1 2022-07-20• Updated technical parameters and electrical connections.V1.2 2022-10-26• Add the mounting plate installation method.• Add cautions about the noise during the inverters' running in 5.1.8.V1.3 2022-11-21• Modify the description about RCD in 6.4.User Manual V1.3-2022-11-2102 Safety Precaution2 Safety Precaution2.1 General Safety2.2 DC Side02 Safety PrecautionUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-212.4 Inverter InstallationUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-2103 Product Introduction3 Product Introduction3.1 Application ScenariosThe HT inverter is a three-phase PV string grid-tied inverter. The inverter converts the DC power generated by the PV module into AC power and feeds it into the utility grid. The intended use of the inverter is as follows:PV StringInverter cabinet3.2 Circuit DiagramThe circuit diagram of GW75K-HT/GW80K-HT/GW100K-HT is as follows.2.5 Personal Requirements03 Product IntroductionUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-21The circuit diagram of GW73KLV-HT/GW110K-HT/GW120K-HT is as follows.The circuit diagram of GW136K-HTH is as follows.User Manual V1.3-2022-11-2103 Product IntroductionThe grid structures supported by GW73KLV-HT, GW75K-HT, GW80K-HT, GW100K-HT, GW110K-HT, GW120K-HT are TN-S, TN-C,TN-C-S, TT, IT, as shown in the figure below:The grid structures supported by GW136K-HTH is IT, as shown in thediagram below:InverterInverterInverterInverterInverter3.3 Supported Grid TypesTN-STN-CTN-C-STTITL1L2L3PEL1L2L3PE N L1L2L3PEPEN PEL1L2L3PE N PEL1L2L3N PEInverterITL1L2L3PE03 Product IntroductionUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-213.4 Appearance3.4.1 Parts12678910111214345151617181913User Manual V1.3-2022-11-2103 Product Introduction[a]. The number of PV terminals varies depending on the different inverters. The actual accessories may differ.03 Product Introduction User Manual V1.3-2022-11-21 3.4.2 IndicatorsUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-2103 Product Introduction3.4.3 NameplateThe nameplate is for reference only.Technical parametersSafety symbols and certification marksContact information and serialnumber04 Check and StorageUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-214 Check and Storage4.1 Check Before Receiving4.2 DeliverablesCheck the following items before receiving the product.1. Check the outer packing box for damage, such as holes, cracks, deformation, and others signs of equipment damage. Do not unpack the package and contact the supplier as soon as possible if any damage is found.2. Check the inverter model. If the inverter model is not what you requested, do not unpack the product and contact the supplier.3. Check the deliverables for correct model, complete contents, and intact appearance. Contact the supplier as soon as possible if any damage is found.User Manual V1.3-2022-11-2104 Check and Storage4.3 StorageIf the equipment is not to be installed or used immediately, please ensure that the storage environment meets the following requirements:1. Do not unpack the outer package or throw the desiccant away.2. Store the equipment in a clean place. Make sure the temperature and humidity are appropriate and no condensation.3. The height and direction of the stacking inverters should follow the instructions on the packing box.4. The inverters must be stacked with caution to prevent them from falling.5. If the inverter has been long term stored, it should be checked by professionals before beingput into use.05 Installation User Manual V1.3-2022-11-21 5 Installation5.1 Installation RequirementsInstallation Environment Requirements1. Do not install the equipment in a place near flammable, explosive, or corrosive materials.2. Install the equipment on a surface that is solid enough to bear the inverter weight.3. Install the equipment in a well-ventilated place to ensure good dissipation. Also, the installation space should be large enough for operations.4. The equipment with a high ingress protection rating can be installed indoors or outdoors. The temperature and humidity at the installation site should be within the appropriate range.5. Install the equipment in a sheltered place to avoid direct sunlight, rain, and snow. Build a sunshade if it is needed.6. Do not install the equipment in a place that is easy to touch, especially within children’s reach. High temperature exists when the equipment is working. Do not touch the surface to avoid burning.7. Install the equipment at a height that is convenient for operation and maintenance, electrical connections, and checking indicators and labels.8. Install the inverters far away from noise-sensitive areas, such as the residential area, school, hospital etc., in order to avoid the noises bothering people nearby.9. Install the inverter away from high magnetic field to avoid electromagnetic interference.If there is any radio or wireless communication equipment below 30MHz near the inverter, you have to:• Install the inverter at least 30m far away from the wireless equipment.• Add a low pass EMI filter or a multi winding ferrite core to the DC input cable or AC output cable of the inverter.User Manual V1.3-2022-11-2105 InstallationMounting Support Requirements1. The mounting support shall be nonflammable and fireproof.2. Make sure that the support surface is solid enough to bear the product weight load.Installation Angle Requirements• Install the inverter vertically or at a maximum back tilt of 25 degrees.•Do not install the inverter upside down, forward tilt, back forward tilt, or horizontally.05 InstallationUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-21The following tools are recommended when installing the equipment. Use other auxiliary tools on site if necessary.Installation Tool RequirementsUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-2105 InstallationStep 1 Put the mounting plate on the wall horizontally and mark positions for drilling holes.Step 2 Drill holes to a depth of 65mm using the hammer drill. The diameter of the drill bit should be 13mm.Step 3 Fix the mounting plate on the wall or the bracket.Step 4 Install the handles or the hoisting rings.Step 5 Grab the handles to lift the inverter or hoist the inverter to place it on the mounting plate.Step 6 Tighten the nuts to secure the mounting plate and the inverter.5.2 Inverter Installation05 InstallationUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-21Installing the mounting plateUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-2105 InstallationInstalling the Inverter05 Installation User Manual V1.3-2022-11-21User Manual V1.3-2022-11-2106 Electrical Connection6 Electrical ConnectionUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-2106 Electrical ConnectionUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-2106 Electrical Connection 6.2 Connecting the PE Cable06 Electrical ConnectionUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-21Step 1 Prepare DC cables.Step 2 Crimp the crimp contacts.Step 3 Disassemble the PV connectors.Step 4 Make the DC cable and detect the DC input voltage.Step 5 Plug the PV connectors into the PV terminals.Connecting the DC Input Cable6.3 Connecting the PV Input CableUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-2106 Electrical Connection Vaconn DC Connector06 Electrical ConnectionUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-216.4 Connecting the AC Output CableQC4.10 DC ConnectorSelect and Install RCD depending on local laws and regulations. Type A RCDs (Residual Current Monitoring Device) can be connected to the outside of the inverter for protection when the DC component of the leakage current exceeds the limit value. The following RCDs are for reference:User Manual V1.3-2022-11-2106 Electrical ConnectionAn AC circuit breaker should be installed on the AC side to make sure that the inverter can safety disconnect the grid when an exception happens. Select the appropriate AC circuit breaker in compliance with local laws and regulations. Recommended AC circuit breakers:06 Electrical ConnectionUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-21Step 1 Make the AC output cable.Step 2 Dismantle the AC cover and take out the rubber ring. Step 3 Cut the rubber ring to right size.Step 4 Crimp the AC cable OT terminalStep 5Connect the AC output cables and install the cover.Multi-core cable:Single-core cable6.5 Communication6.5.1 Connecting the Communication CablePower limit networking scenarioAfter completing cable connections, set related parameters via LCD or SolarGo app to enable export power limit control or output power limit control.06 Electrical ConnectionUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-21Connecting the RS485 Communication CableRouterRS485 networking scenario06 Electrical ConnectionUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-21Connecting the Remote Shutdown Communication Cable Remote Shutdown networking scenarioInverter NInverter 2Inverter 11User Manual V1.3-2022-11-2106 Electrical Connection06 Electrical Connection User Manual V1.3-2022-11-21 6.5.2 Installing the Communication Module (optional)Plug a communication module into the inverter to establish a connection between the inverter and the smartphone or web pages. The communication module can be a WiFi module, or 4G module. Set inverter parameters, check running information and fault information, and observe system status in time via the smartphone or web pages.User Manual V1.3-2022-11-2107 Equipment Commissioning7 Equipment Commissioning7.1 Check Items before Switching Power ON7.2 Power OnStep 1 Turn on the AC switch between the inverter and the utility grid.Step 2 Turn on the DC switch of the inverter.PVPower ON Power OFF Turn off08 System Commissioning User Manual V1.3-2022-11-218 System Commissioning8.1 Indicators and ButtonModel without LCDModel with LCDUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-2108 System Commissioning8.2 Setting Inverter Parameters via LCDStop pressing the button for a period in any page, the LCD will get dark and go back to the initial page, which means the parameter in that page has been saved successfully.LCD Button Description08 System Commissioning User Manual V1.3-2022-11-21 LCD Menu IntroductionThis part describes the menu structure, allowing you view inverter information and set parameters more conveniently.First level menu Second level menu08 System CommissioningUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-2108 System CommissioningUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-218.3 Setting Inverter Parameters via AppSolarGo AppSolarGo App User ManualSolarGo is an application used to communicate with the inverter via Bluetooth module, WiFi module, Wi-Fi/LAN module, or 4G module. Commonly used functions:1. Check the operating data, software version, alarms of the inverter, etc.2. Set grid parameters and communication parameters of the inverter.3. Maintain the equipment.For more details, refer to the SolarGo APP User Manual. Scan the QR code or visit https:///Ftp/EN/Downloads/User%20Manual/GW_SolarGo_User%20Manual-EN.pdf to get the user manual.8.4 Monitoring via SEMS PortalSEMS Portal is an monitoring platform used to manage organizations/users, add plants, and monitor plant status.For more details, refer to the SEMS Portal User Manual. Scan the QR code or visit https:///Ftp/EN/Downloads/User%20Manual/GW_SEMS%20Portal-User%20Manual-EN.pdf to get the user manual.SEMS Portal User ManualSEMS PortalUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-2109 Maintenance9 Maintenance9.1 Power Off the InverterStep 1 Issue a command to the inverter for halting the grid via SolarGo APP.Step 2 Turn off the AC switch between the inverter and the utility grid.Step 3 Turn off the DC switch of the inverter.9.2 Removing the InverterStep 1 Disconnect all the cables, including DC cables, AC cables, communication cables, the communication module, and PE cables.Step 2 Handle or hoist the inverter to take it down from the wall or the bracket.Step 3 Store the inverter properly. If the inverter needs to be used later, ensure that the storage conditions meet the requirements.9.3 Disposing of the InverterIf the inverter cannot work any more, dispose of it according to the local disposal requirements for electrical equipment waste. Do not dispose of it as household waste.09 MaintenanceUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-219.4 TroubleshootingPerform troubleshooting according to the following methods. Contact the after-sales service if these methods do not work.Collect the information below before contacting the after-sales service, so tha the problems can be solved quickly.1. Inverter information like serial number, software version, installation date, fault time, fault frequency, etc.2. Installation environment, including weather conditions, whether the PV modules aresheltered or shadowed, etc. It is recommended to provide some photos and videos to assist in analyzing the problem.3. Utility grid situation.User Manual V1.3-2022-11-2109 Maintenance09 MaintenanceUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-21User Manual V1.3-2022-11-2109 Maintenance09 MaintenanceUser Manual V1.3-2022-11-21。

太阳电池solar cell通常是指将太阳光能直接转换成电能的一种器件。
硅太阳电池silicon solar cell硅太阳电池是以硅为基体材料的太阳电池。
单晶硅太阳电池single crystalline silicon solar cell单晶硅太阳电池是以单晶硅为基体材料的太阳电池。
非晶硅太阳电池(a—si太阳电池)amorphous silicon solar cell用非晶硅材料及其合金制造的太阳电池称为非晶硅太阳电池,亦称无定形硅太阳电池,简称a—si太阳电池。
多晶硅太阳电池polycrystalline silicon solar cell多晶硅太阳电池是以多晶硅为基体材料的太阳电池。
聚光太阳电池组件photovoltaic concentrator module?系指组成聚光太阳电池,方阵的中间组合体,由聚光器、太阳电池、散热器、互连引线和壳体等组成。
电池温度cell temperature系指太阳电池中P-n结的温度。
太阳电池组件表面温度solar cell module surface temperature系指太阳电池组件背表面的温度。
大气质量(AM)Air Mass (AM)直射阳光光束透过大气层所通过的路程,以直射太阳光束从天顶到达海平面所通过的路程的倍数来表示。
太阳高度角solar太阳高度角solar elevation angle太阳光线与观测点处水平面的夹角,称为该观测点的太阳高度角。
总辐照(总的太阳辐照)total irradiation (total insolation)在一段规定的时间内,(根据具体情况而定为每小时,每天、每周、每月、每年)照射到某个倾斜表面的单位面积上的太阳辐照。
直射辐照度direct irradiance照射到单位面积上的,来自太阳圆盘及其周围对照射点所张的圆锥半顶角为8o的天空辐射功率。

1光伏逆变器Photovoltaic grid-connected inverter 断路器circuit-breaker直流/交流滤波器DC/AC filter熔丝/熔断器fuse变压器transformer2端子terminal钣金件sheet metal电解电容electrolytic capacitor热缩管heat shrink tube避雷器surge arrester3电流传感器electric current transducer导轨guide rail接触器contactor母排busbar连接器connector螺丝刀screwdriver4螺母nut扳手(Am.)a wrench;(Br.)a spanner剥线钳wire strippers压线钳crimping pliers散热器radiator电阻resistor阻抗impedance5型式实验type test放电discharge试验顺序sequence of tests电气参数试验electrical ratings test危险hazard电气间歇clearance爬电距离creepage distance6绝缘insulation模拟电网simulated utility品质因素quality factor谐振频率resonant frequency最大功率跟踪maximum power point tracking (MPPT) 外壳enclosure击穿break down7中性neutral额定值rated定额rating剩余电流residual current有效值r.m.s value8孤岛效应islanding计划性孤岛效应intentional islanding非计划性孤岛效应unintentional islanding防孤岛效应anti-islanding直接接触direct contact防护等级degree of protection公共连接点point of common coupling 9电压偏差voltage deviation基波fundamental谐波harmonic不平衡度unbalance factor校准calibration校验verification10可接触accessible电力转换设备power conversion equipment保护连接protective bonding次级电路secondary circuit静电放电electrostatic discharge (ESD)电磁兼容性electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 11刻度/量程scale弹簧spring分流/分路/并联/旁路shunt整流器rectifier极性polarity(保险丝)烧断blow12阴极cathode集电极collector发射极emitter漏电流leakage夹住/夹紧clamp通风/流通空气ventilation紧密/结合compound13故障malfunction发电机generator湿度humidity潮湿/湿气moisture万用表multimeter半导体semiconductor 二极管diode14晶闸管thyristor电子晶体管transistor相位(控制) phase硅silicon晶体crystal薄片wafer阳极/正极anode15热的/热量的thermal线电压line停止/终了cease标准/判据criteria示波器oscilloscope 使…饱和saturate动态区域active region有源滤波器active filter带通滤波器narrowband filter低通滤波器low-pass filter高通滤波器high-pass filter16门限/阈值threshold应变计量器strain gage编码encode反向放大器inverting amplifier同相放大器uninverting amplifier制造fabricate集成电路integrated circuit封装capsule截止/关闭cutoff为…标号label触发器flip-flop上升沿leading edge下降沿lagging(trailing)edge线圈/绕组coils/winding17允许温升allowable temperature rise 并联in parallel with串联in series with损耗loss固有的inherent必需的/必不可少的indispensable空载no load满载full load过载overload欠电压undervoltage继电器relay合金alloy频率frequency转/分、秒revolutions per minute/second 18发电generating检修overhauling斩波电路chopper circuit光纤optical fiber波导/波导管waveguide带宽bandwidth发光二极管light emitting diode载波carrier传导/传播propagate调制器modulator解调器demodulator19延时time delay瞬态响应transient response反馈信号feedback signal动态响应dynamic response失配mismatch晶体管transistor无功功率reactive power电压互感器potential transformer电路元件circuit components电路参数circuit parameters电气设备electrical device电能electric energy电能转换器energy converter20自感self-inductor互感mutual-inductor电介质dielectric蓄电池storage battery电动势 e.m.f = electromotive fore电路图circuit diagram支路circuit branch有效值effective values均方根值r.m.s value = root mean square values 变比/匝比turns ratio工频power frequency21电压表voltmeter电流表ammeter千分尺micrometer温度计thermometer插座receptacle应力stress操作/控制/处理manipulations振动/冲击jerk传感器transducer。

微型并网逆变器(micro-inverter)一、 微型并网逆变器所谓的“微型并网逆变器”,就是将并网逆变器直接与单个光伏组件集成,为每个光伏组件单独配备一个具备交直流转换功能和最大功率点跟踪功能的逆变器模块,将光伏组件发出的电能直接转换成交流电能供交流负载使用或传输到电网,通俗地讲,就是通过微型并网逆变器把光伏电池直流组件(DC-module)转变成了交流(AC—module)电池组件。
目前市场上见到的微型逆变器如下图所示:二、 适用场合和特点这类设备的适用场合和特点:(1)太阳能电池板生产的初期,电池板的参数严重不一致性时,光伏电池板的串并联后,损耗很大,利用这种微型并网逆变器,就能够化解这一问题,因为带微型并网逆变器的光伏组件输出的是与电网频率、电压幅值、相角一致交流量,不再是直流量(直流电压和直流电流);电池板的参数不一致性只能导致各个交流组件之间输出电流(功率)的不同。

光伏相关的英文术语Technical words(技术术语) :Photovoltaic power station (光伏电站)Grid-connected PV station(并网光伏电站)Point of common coupling(公共连接点)Point of interconnect of PV power station(光伏电站并网点)Transmission line of PV power station(光伏电站送出线路)Active power of PV station(光伏电站有功功率)Reactive power of PV station(光伏电站无功功率)Active power change(有功功率变化)Low voltage ride through(低电压穿越)Islanding(孤岛现象)Unintentional islanding(非计划性孤岛现象)Intentional islanding (计划性孤岛现象)Anti-islanding(防孤岛)Grid simulator(电网扰动发生装置)Trip time(分闸时间)reconnect(恢复并网)PV power unit(单元发电模块)LVRT test device(低电压穿越能力测试装置)Anti-islanding test device(防孤岛能力测试装置)Current harmonics(电流谐波)Distortion rate(畸变率)Harmonic current(谐波电流)DC component(直流分量)Unbalance factor(不平衡度)Positive-sequence component(正序分量)Negative-sequence component(负序分量)Deviation of frequency(频率偏差)Deviation of supply voltage(电压偏差)Flicker(闪变)由于电压波动引起的人眼对灯光闪烁的主观感觉。

光伏专业英语术语屋顶光伏电源系统 Roof-mounted PV power system独立家庭电源系统 Off-grid home power system小区太阳能发电系统 Residential area PV power system光伏建筑一体化 BIPV products太阳能发电在宾馆、学校中的应用 Applications of solar PV in hotels and schools移动信号塔太阳能发电装置 Solar PV power systems for mobile communicationsignal stations移动通信基站-直放站电源 PV power systems for GSM base stations 小型并网光伏电站 small on-grid PV power station大型并网光伏电站 large on-grid PV power station乡镇公路太阳能路灯的应用 Solar streetlights for rural roads 太阳能建设新农村工程 Solar projects for new villages城市太阳能庭院灯的应用 Solar garden lights for cities乡镇太阳能庭院灯的应用 Solar garden lights for towns郊区太阳能草坪灯工程 Solar lawn lights for suburbs太阳能交通信号灯工程 Installation of solar traffic signs城乡风光互补路灯实例 Wind and PV hybrid streetlights小区风光互补系统 Wind and PV hybrid power systems for residential areas风力发电系统的应用 Wind generating systems太阳能术语知多少光伏矩阵或发电板阵 (Array - photovoltaic)太阳能发电板串联或并联连接在一起形成矩阵.阻流二极管 (Blocking Diode)用来防止反向电流, 在发电板阵中, 阻流二极管用来防止电流流向一个或数个失效或有遮影的发电板 (或一连串的太阳能发电板) 上. 在夜间或低电流出的期间, 防止电流从蓄电池流向光伏发电板矩阵."光伏发电系统平衡 (BOS or Balance of System - photovoltaic)光伏发电系统除发电板矩阵以外的部分. 例如开关, 控制仪表, 电力温控设备, 矩阵的支撑结构, 储电组件等等.旁路二极管 (Bypass Diode)是与光伏发电板并联的二极管. 用来在光电板被遮影或出故障时提供另外的电流通路.光伏发电板 (电池) (Cell-photovoltaic)太阳能发电板中最小的组件.充电显示器 (表) (Charge Monitor/Meter)用以测量电流安培量的装置, 安培表.充电调节器 (Charge Regulator)"用来控制蓄电池充电速度和/或充电状态的装置, 连接于光伏发电板矩阵和蓄电池组之间. 它的主要作用是防止蓄电池被光伏发电板过度充电, 同时监控光伏发电矩阵和/或蓄电池的电压."组件 (Components)指用于建立太阳能电源系统所需的其他装置.交直流转换器 (Converter)将交流电转换成直流电的装置.晶体状 (Crystalline)具有三维的重复的原子结构.直流电 (DC)"两种电流的形态之一, 常见于使用电池的物件中, 如收音机, 汽车, 手提电脑, 手机等等."无序结构 (Disordered)减小并消除晶格的局限性. 提供新的自由度, 从而可在多维空间中放置其他元素. 使它们以前所未有的方式互相作用. 这种技术应用多种元素以及复合材料. 它们在位置, 移动及成分上的不规则可消除结构的局限性, 因而产生新的局部规则环境. 而这些新的局部环境决定了这些材料的物理性质, 电子性质以及化学性质. 因此使得合成具有新颍机理的新型材料成为可能.电网连接 - 光伏发电 (Grid-Connected - photovoltaic)是一种由光伏发电板阵向电网提供电力的光伏发电系统. 这些系统可由供电公司或个别楼宇来运作.直流交流转换器 (Inverter)用来将直流电转换成交流电的装置.千瓦 (Kilowatt)1000瓦特, 一个灯泡通常使用40至100瓦特的电力.百万瓦特 (Megawatt)1,000,000瓦特光伏发电板 (Module - photovoltaic)光伏电池以串联方式连在一起组成发电板.奥佛电子 (Ovonic)[以S. R. 奥佛辛斯基(联合太阳能公司创始人)及电子的组合命名] - 用来描述我们独有的材料, 产品和技术的术语.奥佛辛斯基效应 (Ovshinsky effect)一种特别的玻璃状薄膜在极小电压的作用下从一种非导体转变成一种半导体的效应..并联连接 (Parallel Connection)一种发电板连接方法. 这种连接法使电压保持相同, 但电流成倍数增加峰值输出功能 (Peak Power)持续一段时间(通常是10到30秒)的最大能量输出.光伏 (Photovoltaic - PV)光能到电能的直接转换.光伏发电板 (电池) (Photovoltaic Cell)经过特殊处理可将太阳能辐射转换成电力的半导体材料.卷到卷工序 (Roll-to-Roll Process)将整卷的基件连续地转变成整卷的产品的工序.串联连接 (Series Connection)电流不变电压倍增的连接方式.太阳能 (Solar)来自太阳的能量.太阳能收集器 (Solar Collectors)用以捕获来自太阳的光能或热能的装置. 太阳收集器用于太阳能热水器系统中 (常见于住家), 而光伏能收集器则是用于太阳能电力系统.太阳能加热 (Solar Heating)利用来自太阳的热能发电的技术或系统. 太阳能收集器用于太阳能热水器系统中(常见于住家), 而光伏能收集器则是用于太阳能电力系统中太阳能发电模块或太阳能发电板 (Solar Module or Solar Panel)一些由太阳能发电板单元所组成的太阳能发电板板块.稳定能量转换效率 (Stabilized Energy ConversionEfficiency)长期的电力输出与光能输入比例.系统, 平衡系统 (Systems; Balance of Systems)"太阳能电力系统包括了光伏发电板矩阵和其它的部件. 这些部件可使这些太阳能发电板得以应用在需要可控直流电或交流电的住家和商业设施中. 用于太阳能电力系统的其它部件包括:接线和短路装置, 充电调压器,逆变器, 仪表和接地部件."薄膜 (Thin-Film)在基片上形成的很薄的材料层.伏特 (Volts)电动势能单位. 能促使一安培的电流通过一欧姆的电阻.电压 (Voltage)电势的量.电压表 (Voltage Meter)用以测量电压的装置.瓦特 (Watts)用电压乘以电流的值来衡量的电力度.。

光伏常用英语精编W O R D版IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】一、光伏词汇篇光伏行业 P ho to vo lt a ic i nd us tr y光伏电站Ph ot ov ol t ai c po we r st ati o n并网光伏电站Gr id-co nn ec te d PV po w er s ta ti on 铸锭 I ng ot硅片Wa fe r多晶Po ly c ry sta l li ne单晶Mo no c ry sta l li ne电池 C el l光伏组件PV m od ul e光伏支架PV s up po r t br ac ke t光伏阵列PV a rr ay光伏组串PV s tr in g调试De bu gg in g产能Ca pa ci ty电池效率Ef fi ci en c y接线盒 J un ct io n b ox焊接So ld er in g串焊St ri ng in g层叠La yo ut层压La mi na ti on装框Fr am in g包装Pa ck ag in g汇流箱 C om bi ni ng ma ni fo ld s逆变器 G ri d-co nn e ct ed i nv er te r电力变压器 P ow er t ra ns fo rm er油浸式变压器oi l-i mm er se d ty pe tr a ns fo rm er干式变压器 D ry-ty p e tr an sf or me r中性点端子 N eu tra l t er mi na l绕组Wi nd in g分接Ta pp in g变压器绕组的分级绝缘N on-u ni for m in su la ti on of a tr an sf or me r w i nd in g变压器绕组的全绝缘Un if or m in su lat i on o f a tr an sfo r me r wi nd in g并联电抗器 S hu nt i nd uc to r消弧线圈Ar c-su pp r es si on c oi l互感器 I ns tr um en t t ra ns fo rm er电压互感器 V ol tag e t ra ns fo rm er接地极 G ro un di ng el ec tr od e接地线 G ro un di ng co nd uc to r接地装置Gr ou nd in g c on ne ct io n接地网 G ro un di ng g r id短路电流Sh or t–c i rc ui t cu rr en t标准测试条件St an d ar d Te st C on dit i on s(ST C)光伏组件反向额定电流P V mo du le r ev e rs e cu rr en t rat i ng 电气间隙El ec tr ic cl ea ra nc e总效率 O ve ra ll(t o ta l) e ff ic ie ncy孤岛效应Is la nd in g防孤岛效应 A nt i-i s la nd in g防孤岛能力测试装置An ti-i sl an di ng t es t de vi ce大型接地装置Ia rg e-s ca le g ro un din g c on ne ct io n施工总平面布置 Co n st ru ct io n si te l ay ou t pl an施工总进度 T ot al s ch ed ul e fo r con s tr uc ti on潜在性能衰减(P ID) Po te nt ia l in duc e d de gr ad at io n光致衰减(L ID) L ig h t in du ce d de gra d at io n 功率衰减Po we r de g ra da ti on模拟电网Si mu la te d u ti li ty谐振频率Re so na nt fr eq ue nc y短时Te mp or ar y电网扰动发生装置G ri d si mu la to r分闸时间Tr ip t im e恢复并网Re co nn et单元发电模块PV p o we r un it低电压穿越能力测试装置LV RT t es t d e vi ce二、光伏参数词汇篇短路电流 Short-circuit current注:在一定的温度和辐照度条件下,光伏发电器在端电压为零时的输出电流。
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光伏逆变器Photovoltaic grid-connected inverter 断路器circuit-breaker
直流/交流滤波器DC/AC filter
钣金件sheet metal
电解电容electrolytic capacitor
热缩管heat shrink tube
避雷器surge arrester
电流传感器electric current transducer
导轨guide rail
扳手(Am.)a wrench;(Br.)a spanner
剥线钳wire strippers
压线钳crimping pliers
型式实验type test
试验顺序sequence of tests
电气参数试验electrical ratings test
爬电距离creepage distance
模拟电网simulated utility
品质因素quality factor
谐振频率resonant frequency
最大功率跟踪maximum power point tracking (MPPT) 外壳enclosure
击穿break down
剩余电流residual current
有效值r.m.s value
计划性孤岛效应intentional islanding
非计划性孤岛效应unintentional islanding
直接接触direct contact
防护等级degree of protection
公共连接点point of common coupling 9
电压偏差voltage deviation
不平衡度unbalance factor
电力转换设备power conversion equipment
保护连接protective bonding
次级电路secondary circuit
静电放电electrostatic discharge (ESD)
电磁兼容性electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 11
半导体semiconductor 二极管diode
相位(控制) phase
示波器oscilloscope 使…饱和saturate
动态区域active region
有源滤波器active filter
带通滤波器narrowband filter
低通滤波器low-pass filter
高通滤波器high-pass filter
应变计量器strain gage
反向放大器inverting amplifier
同相放大器uninverting amplifier
集成电路integrated circuit
上升沿leading edge
允许温升allowable temperature rise 并联in parallel with
串联in series with
空载no load
满载full load
转/分、秒revolutions per minute/second 18
斩波电路chopper circuit
光纤optical fiber
发光二极管light emitting diode
延时time delay
瞬态响应transient response
反馈信号feedback signal
动态响应dynamic response
无功功率reactive power
电压互感器potential transformer
电路元件circuit components
电路参数circuit parameters
电气设备electrical device
电能electric energy
电能转换器energy converter
蓄电池storage battery
电动势 e.m.f = electromotive fore
电路图circuit diagram
支路circuit branch
有效值effective values
均方根值r.m.s value = root mean square values 变比/匝比turns ratio
工频power frequency