



1. Ambiguous operators need parentheses — 不明确的运算需要用括号括起2. Ambiguous symbol 'xxx' — 不明确的符号3. Argument list syntax error — 参数表语法错误4. Array bounds missing — 丢失数组界限符5. Array size toolarge — 数组尺寸太大6. Bad character in paramenters — 参数中有不适当的字符7. Bad file name format in include directive — 包含命令中文件名格式不正确8. Bad ifdef directive synatax — 编译预处理ifdef有语法错9. Bad undef directive syntax — 编译预处理undef有语法错10. Bit field too large — 位字段太长11. Call of non-function — 调用未定义的函数12. Call to function with no prototype — 调用函数时没有函数的说明13. Cannot modify a const object — 不允许修改常量对象14. Case outside of switch — 漏掉了case 语句15. Case syntax error — Case 语法错误16. Code has no effect — 代码不可能执行到17. Compound statement missing{ — 分程序漏掉"{"18. Conflicting type modifiers — 不明确的类型说明符19. Constant expression required — 要求常量表达式20. Constant out of range in comparison — 在比较中常量超出范围21. Conversion may lose significant digits — 转换时会丢失意义的数字22. Conversion of near pointer not allowed — 不允许转换近指针23. Could not find file 'xxx' — 找不到XXX文件24. Declaration missing ; — 说明缺少";"25. Declaration syntax error — 说明中出现语法错误26. Default outside of switch — Default 出现在switch语句之外27. Define directive needs an identifier — 定义编译预处理需要标识符28. Division by zero — 用零作除数29. Do statement must have while — Do-while语句中缺少while部分30. Enum syntax error — 枚举类型语法错误31. Enumeration constant syntax error — 枚举常数语法错误32. Error directive :xxx — 错误的编译预处理命令33. Error writing output file — 写输出文件错误34. Expression syntax error — 表达式语法错误35. Extra parameter in call — 调用时出现多余错误36. File name too long — 文件名太长37. Function call missing ) — 函数调用缺少右括号38. Fuction definition out of place — 函数定义位置错误39. Fuction should return a value — 函数必需返回一个值40. Goto statement missing label — Goto语句没有标号41. Hexadecimal or octal constant too large — 16进制或8进制常数太大42. Illegal character 'x' — 非法字符x43. Illegal initialization — 非法的初始化44. Illegal octal digit — 非法的8进制数字45. Illegal pointer subtraction — 非法的指针相减46. Illegal structure operation — 非法的结构体操作47. Illegal use of floating point — 非法的浮点运算48. Illegal use of pointer — 指针使用非法49. Improper use of a typedefsymbol — 类型定义符号使用不恰当50. In-line assembly not allowed — 不允许使用行间汇编51. Incompatible storage class — 存储类别不相容52. Incompatible type conversion — 不相容的类型转换53. Incorrect number format — 错误的数据格式54. Incorrect use of default — Default使用不当55. Invalid indirection — 无效的间接运算56. Invalid pointer addition — 指针相加无效57. Irreducible expression tree — 无法执行的表达式运算58. Lvalue required — 需要逻辑值0或非0值59. Macro argument syntax error — 宏参数语法错误60. Macro expansion too long — 宏的扩展以后太长61. Mismatched number of parameters in definition — 定义中参数个数不匹配62. Misplaced break — 此处不应出现break语句63. Misplaced continue — 此处不应出现continue语句64. Misplaced decimal point — 此处不应出现小数点65. Misplaced elif directive — 不应编译预处理elif66. Misplaced else — 此处不应出现else67. Misplaced else directive — 此处不应出现编译预处理else68. Misplaced endif directive — 此处不应出现编译预处理endif69. Must be addressable — 必须是可以编址的70. Must take address of memory location — 必须存储定位的地址71. No declaration for function 'xxx' — 没有函数xxx的说明72. No stack — 缺少堆栈73. No type information — 没有类型信息74. Non-portable pointer assignment — 不可移动的指针(地址常数)赋值75. Non-portable pointer comparison — 不可移动的指针(地址常数)比较76. Non-portable pointer conversion — 不可移动的指针(地址常数)转换77. Not a valid expression format type — 不合法的表达式格式78. Not an allowed type — 不允许使用的类型79. Numeric constant too large — 数值常太大80. Out of memory — 内存不够用81. Parameter 'xxx' is never used — 能数xxx没有用到82. Pointer required on left side of -> — 符号->的左边必须是指针83. Possible use of 'xxx' before definition — 在定义之前就使用了xxx(警告)84. Possibly incorrect assignment — 赋值可能不正确85. Redeclaration of 'xxx' — 重复定义了xxx86. Redefinition of 'xxx' is not identical — xxx的两次定义不一致87. Register allocation failure — 寄存器定址失败88. Repeat count needs an lvalue — 重复计数需要逻辑值89. Size of structure or array not known — 结构体或数给大小不确定90. Statement missing ; — 语句后缺少";"91. Structure or union syntax error — 结构体或联合体语法错误92. Structure size too large — 结构体尺寸太大93. Sub scripting missing ] — 下标缺少右方括号94. Superfluous & with function or array — 函数或数组中有多余的"&"95. Suspicious pointer conversion — 可疑的指针转换96. Symbol limit exceeded — 符号超限97. Too few parameters in call — 函数调用时的实参少于函数的参数不98. Too many default cases — Default太多(switch语句中一个)99. Too many error or warning messages — 错误或警告信息太多100. Too many type in declaration — 说明中类型太多101. Too much auto memory in function — 函数用到的局部存储太多102. Too much global data defined in file — 文件中全局数据太多103. Two consecutive dots — 两个连续的句点104. Type mismatch in parameter xxx — 参数xxx类型不匹配105. Type mismatch in redeclaration of 'xxx' — xxx重定义的类型不匹配106. Unable to create output file 'xxx' — 无法建立输出文件xxx107. Unable to open include file 'xxx' — 无法打开被包含的文件xxx 108. Unable to open input file 'xxx' — 无法打开输入文件xxx109. Undefined label 'xxx' — 没有定义的标号xxx110. Undefined structure 'xxx' — 没有定义的结构xxx111. Undefined symbol 'xxx' — 没有定义的符号xxx112. Unexpected end of file in comment started on line xxx — 从xxx行开始的注解尚未结束文件不能结束113. Unexpected end of file in conditional started on line xxx — 从xxx 开始的条件语句尚未结束文件不能结束114. Unknown assemble instruction — 未知的汇编结构115. Unknown option — 未知的操作116. Unknown preprocessor directive: 'xxx' — 不认识的预处理命令xxx117. Unreachable code — 无路可达的代码118. Unterminated string or character constant — 字符串缺少引号119. User break — 用户强行中断了程序120. Void functions may not return a value — Void类型的函数不应有返回值121. Wrong number of arguments — 调用函数的参数数目错122. 'xxx' not an argument — xxx不是参数123. 'xxx' not part of structure — xxx不是结构体的一部分124. xxx statement missing ( — xxx语句缺少左括号125. xxx statement missing ) — xxx语句缺少右括号126. xxx statement missing ; — xxx缺少分号127. xxx' declared but never used — 说明了xxx但没有使用128. xxx' is assigned a value which is never used — 给xxx赋了值但未用过。


分析:例如“#define s(r|) r*r”中参数多了一个字符‘|’
errorC2014: preprocessor command must start as first nonwhite space
errorC2059: syntax error : 'xxx'
errorC2064: term does not evaluate to a function
errorC2015: too many characters in constant
errorC2017: illegal escape sequence
分析:一般是转义字符位于' '或" "之外,例如“char error = ' '\n;”
errorC2057: expected constant expression
分析:一般是定义数组时数组长度为变量,例如“int n=10; int a[n];”中n为变量,是非法的
errorC2058: constant expression is not integral


51: Incompatible storage class — 存储类别不相容
52: Incompatible type conversion — 不相容的类型转换
53: Incorrect number format — 错误的数据格式
54: Incorrect use of default — Default使用不当
78: Not an allowed type — 不允许使用的类型
79: Numeric constant too large — 数值常太大
80: Out of memory — 内存不够用
81: Parameter xxx is never used — 能数xxx没有用到
82: Pointer required on left side of -> — 符号->的左边必须是指针
1: Ambiguous operators need parentheses — 不明确的运算需要用括号括起
2: Ambiguous symbol xxx — 不明确的符号
47: Illegal use of floating point — 非法的浮点运算
48: Illegal use of pointer — 指针使用非法
49: Improper use of a typedefsymbol — 类型定义符号使用不恰当
50: In-line assembly not allowed — 不允许使用行间汇编



C语⾔错误⼤全及中⽂解释1: Ambiguous operators need parentheses — 不明确的运算需要⽤括号括起2: Ambiguous symbol xxx — 不明确的符号3: Argument list syntax error — 参数表语法错误4: Array bounds missing — 丢失数组界限符5: Array size toolarge — 数组尺⼨太⼤6: Bad character in paramenters — 参数中有不适当的字符7: Bad file name format in include directive — 包含命令中⽂件名格式不正确8: Bad ifdef directive synatax — 编译预处理ifdef有语法错9: Bad undef directive syntax — 编译预处理undef有语法错10: Bit field too large — 位字段太长11: Call of non-function — 调⽤未定义的函数12: Call to function with no prototype — 时没有函数的说明13: Cannot modify a const object — 不允许修改常量对象14: Case outside of switch — 漏掉了case 语句15: Case syntax error — Case 语法错误16: Code has no effect — 代码不可能执⾏到17: Compound statement missing{ — 分程序漏掉"{"18: Conflicting type modifiers — 不明确的类型说明符19: Constant expression required — 要求常量表达式20: Constant out of range in comparison — 在⽐较中常量超出范围21: Conversion may lose significant digits — 转换时会丢失意义的数字22: Conversion of near pointer not allowed — 不允许转换近指针23: Could not find file xxx — 找不到XXX⽂件24: Declaration missing ; — 说明缺少";"25: Declaration syntax error — 说明中出现语法错误26: Default outside of switch — Default 出现在switch语句之外27: Define directive needs an identifier — 定义编译预处理需要标识符28: Division by zero — ⽤零作除数29: Do statement must have while — Do-while语句中缺少while部分30: Enum syntax error — 语法错误31: Enumeration constant syntax error — 枚举常数语法错误32: Error directive :xxx — 错误的编译预处理命令33: Error writing output file — 写输出⽂件错误34: Expression syntax error — 表达式语法错误35: Extra parameter in call — 调⽤时出现多余错误36: File name too long — ⽂件名太长37: Function call missing ) — 缺少右括号38: Fuction definition out of place — 函数定义位置错误39: Fuction should return a value — 函数必需返回⼀个值40: Goto statement missing label — 没有标号41: Hexadecimal or octal constant too large — 或8进制常数太⼤42: Illegal character x — ⾮法字符x43: Illegal initialization — ⾮法的初始化44: Illegal octal digit — ⾮法的8进制数字 A45: Illegal pointer subtraction — ⾮法的指针相减46: Illegal structure operation — ⾮法的结构体操作47: Illegal use of floating point — ⾮法的浮点运算48: Illegal use of pointer — 指针使⽤⾮法49: Improper use of a typedefsymbol — 类型定义符号使⽤不恰当50: In-line assembly not allowed — 不允许使⽤⾏间汇编51: Incompatible storage class — 存储类别不相容52: Incompatible type conversion — 不相容的53: Incorrect number format — 错误的数据格式54: Incorrect use of default — Default使⽤不当55: Invalid indirection — ⽆效的间接运算56: Invalid pointer addition — 指针相加⽆效57: Irreducible expression tree — ⽆法执⾏的表达式运算58: Lvalue required — 需要逻辑值0或⾮0值59: Macro argument syntax error — 宏参数语法错误60: Macro expansion too long — 宏的扩展以后太长61: Mismatched number of parameters in definition — 定义中参数个数不匹配62: Misplaced break — 此处不应出现63: Misplaced continue — 此处不应出现continue语句64: Misplaced decimal point — 此处不应出现⼩数点65: Misplaced elif directive — 不应编译预处理elif66: Misplaced else — 此处不应出现else67: Misplaced else directive — 此处不应出现编译预处理else68: Misplaced endif directive — 此处不应出现编译预处理endif69: Must be addressable — 必须是可以编址的70: Must take address of memory location — 必须存储定位的地址71: No declaration for function xxx — 没有函数xxx的说明72: No stack — 缺少堆栈73: No type information — 没有类型信息74: Non-portable pointer assignment — 不可移动的指针(地址常数)赋值75: Non-portable pointer comparison — 不可移动的指针(地址常数)⽐较76: Non-portable pointer conversion — 不可移动的指针(地址常数)转换77: Not a valid expression format type — 不合法的表达式格式78: Not an allowed type — 不允许使⽤的类型79: Numeric constant too large — 数值常太⼤80: Out of memory — 内存不够⽤81: Parameter xxx is never used — 能数xxx没有⽤到82: Pointer required on left side of -> — 符号->的左边必须是指针83: Possible use of xxx before definition — 在定义之前就使⽤了xxx(警告)84: Possibly incorrect assignment — 赋值可能不正确85: Redeclaration of xxx — 重复定义了xxx86: Redefinition of xxx is not identical — xxx的两次定义不⼀致87: Register allocation failure — 寄存器定址失败88: Repeat count needs an lvalue — 重复计数需要逻辑值89: Size of structure or array not known — 结构体或数给⼤⼩不确定90: Statement missing ; — 语句后缺少";"91: Structure or union syntax error — 结构体或联合体语法错误92: Structure size too large — 结构体尺⼨太⼤93: Sub scripting missing ] — 下标缺少右⽅括号94: Superfluous & with function or array — 函数或数组中有多余的"&"95: Suspicious pointer conversion — 可疑的指针转换96: Symbol limit exceeded — 符号超限97: Too few parameters in call — 时的实参少于函数的参数不98: Too many default cases — Default太多(switch语句中⼀个)99: Too many error or warning messages — 错误或警告信息太多100: Too many type in declaration — 说明中类型太多101: Too much auto memory in function — 函数⽤到的局部存储太多102: Too much global data defined in file — ⽂件中全局数据太多103: Two consecutive dots — 两个连续的句点104: Type mismatch in parameter xxx — 参数xxx类型不匹配105: Type mismatch in redeclaration of xxx — xxx重定义的类型不匹配106: Unable to create output file xxx — ⽆法建⽴输出⽂件xxx107: Unable to open include file xxx — ⽆法打开被包含的⽂件xxx108: Unable to open input file xxx — ⽆法打开输⼊⽂件xxx109: Undefined label xxx — 没有定义的标号xxx110: Undefined structure xxx — 没有定义的结构xxx111: Undefined symbol xxx — 没有定义的符号xxx112: Unexpected end of file in comment started on line xxx — 从xxx⾏开始的注解尚未结束⽂件不能结束113: Unexpected end of file in conditional started on line xxx — 从xxx 开始的条件语句尚未结束⽂件不能结束114: Unknown assemble instruction — 未知的汇编结构115: Unknown option — 未知的操作116: Unknown preprocessor directive: xxx — 不认识的预处理命令xxx117: Unreachable code — ⽆路可达的代码118: Unterminated string or character constant — 字符串缺少引号119: User break — ⽤户强⾏中断了程序120: Void functions may not return a value — Void类型的函数不应有返回值121: Wrong number of arguments — 的参数数⽬错122: xxx not an argument — xxx不是参数123: xxx not part of structure — xxx不是结构体的⼀部分124: xxx statement missing ( — xxx语句缺少左括号125: xxx statement missing ) — xxx语句缺少右括号126: xxx statement missing ; — xxx缺少分号127: xxx declared but never used — 说明了xxx但没有使⽤128: xxx is assigned a value which is never used — 给xxx赋了值但未⽤过。


File name too long ----------------文件名太长
Function call missing -----------------函数调用缺少右括号
Fuction definition out of place ------------------函数定义位置错误
No stack ---------------缺少堆栈
No type information ------------------没有类型信息
Non-portable pointer assignment --------------------不可移动的指针(地址常数)赋值
Non-portable pointer comparison --------------------不可移动的指针(地址常数)比较
Case syntax error ------------------ Case 语法错误
Code has no effect -----------------代码不可述不可能执行到
Compound statement missing{ --------------------分程序漏掉"{"
Illegal character ''x'' ------------------非法字符x
Illegal initialization ------------------非法的初始化
Illegal octal digit ------------------非法的8进制数字 houjiuming
Array bounds missing ------------------丢失数组界限符



C语言常见错误提示信息的英汉对照常见错误提示信息的英汉对照Ambiguous operators need parentheses : 不明确的运算需要用括号括起Ambiguous symbol ’xxx’ : 不明确的符号Argument list syntax error : 参数表语法错误Array bounds missing : 丢失数组界限符Array size toolarge : 数组尺寸太大Bad character in paramenters :参数中有不适当的字符Bad file name format in include directive :包含命令中文件名格式不正确Bad ifdef directive synatax :编译预处理ifdef有语法错Bad undef directive syntax :编译预处理undef有语法错Bit field too large :位字段太长Call of non-function :调用未定义的函数Call to function with no prototype :调用函数时没有函数的说明Cannot modify a const object :不允许修改常量对象Case outside of switch: 漏掉了case 语句Case syntax error :Case 语法错误Code has no effect 代码不可述不可能执行到Compound statement missing{ 分程序漏掉"{"Conflicting type modifiers 不明确的类型说明符Constant expression required 要求常量表达式Constant out of range in comparison 在比较中常量超出范围Conversion may lose significant digits 转换时会丢失意义的数字Conversion of near pointer not allowed 不允许转换近指针Could not find file ’xxx’ 找不到XXX文件Declaration missing ; 说明缺少";"Declaration syntax error 说明中出现语法错误Default outside of switch Default 出现在switch语句之外Define directive needs an identifier 定义编译预处理需要标识符Division by zero 用零作除数Do statement must have while Do-while语句中缺少while部分Enum syntax error 枚举类型语法错误Enumeration constant syntax error 枚举常数语法错误Error directive :xxx 错误的编译预处理命令Error writing output file 写输出文件错误Expression syntax error 表达式语法错误Extra parameter in call 调用时出现多余错误File name too long 文件名太长Function call missing ) 函数调用缺少右括号Fuction definition out of place 函数定义位置错误Fuction should return a value 函数必需返回一个值Goto statement missing label Goto语句没有标号Hexadecimal or octal constant too large 16进制或8进制常数太大Illegal character ’x’ 非法字符xIllegal initialization 非法的初始化Illegal octal digit 非法的8进制数字Illegal pointer subtraction 非法的指针相减Illegal structure operation 非法的结构体操作Illegal use of floating point 非法的浮点运算Illegal use of pointer 指针使用非法Improper use of a typedefsymbol 类型定义符号使用不恰当In-line assembly not allowed 不允许使用行间汇编Incompatible storage class 存储类别不相容Incompatible type conversion 不相容的类型转换Incorrect number format 错误的数据格式Incorrect use of default Default使用不当Invalid indirection 无效的间接运算Invalid pointer addition 指针相加无效Irreducible expression tree 无法执行的表达式运算Lvalue required 需要逻辑值0或非0值Macro argument syntax error 宏参数语法错误Macro expansion too long 宏的扩展以后太长Mismatched number of parameters in definition 定义中参数个数不匹配Misplaced break 此处不应出现break语句Misplaced continue 此处不应出现continue语句Misplaced decimal point 此处不应出现小数点Misplaced elif directive 不应编译预处理elif Misplaced else 此处不应出现elseMisplaced else directive 此处不应出现编译预处理else Misplaced endif directive 此处不应出现编译预处理endif Must be addressable 必须是可以编址的Must take address of memory location 必须存储定位的地址No declaration for function ’xxx’ 没有函数xxx的说明No stack 缺少堆栈No type information 没有类型信息Non-portable pointer assignment 不可移动的指针(地址常数)赋值Non-portable pointer comparison 不可移动的指针(地址常数)比较Non-portable pointer conversion 不可移动的指针(地址常数)转换Not a valid expression format type 不合法的表达式格式Not an allowed type 不允许使用的类型Numeric constant too large 数值常太大Out of memory 内存不够用Parameter ’xxx’ is never used 能数xxx没有用到Pointer required on left side of -> 符号->的左边必须是指针Possible use of ’xxx’ before definition 在定义之前就使用了xxx(警告)Possibly incorrect assignment 赋值可能不正确Redeclaration of ’xxx’ 重复定义了xxx Redefinition of ’xxx’ is not identical x xx的两次定义不一致Register allocation failure 寄存器定址失败Repeat count needs an lvalue 重复计数需要逻辑值Size of structure or array not known 结构体或数给大小不确定Statement missing ; 语句后缺少";"Structure or union syntax error 结构体或联合体语法错误Structure size too large 结构体尺寸太大Sub scripting missing ] 下标缺少右方括号Superfluous & with function or array 函数或数组中有多余的"&"Suspicious pointer conversion 可疑的指针转换Symbol limit exceeded 符号超限Too few parameters in call 函数调用时的实参少于函数的参数Too many default cases Default太多(switch语句中一个)Too many error or warning messages 错误或警告信息太多Too many type in declaration 说明中类型太多Too much auto memory in function 函数用到的局部存储太多Too much global data defined in file 文件中全局数据太多Two consecutive dots 两个连续的句点Type mismatch in parameter xxx 参数xxx类型不匹配Type mismatch in redeclaration of ’xxx’ xxx重定义的类型不匹配Unable to create output file ’xxx’ 无法建立输出文件xxx Unable to open include file ’xxx’ 无法打开被包含的文件xxx Unable to open input file ’xxx’ 无法打开输入文件xxx Undefined label ’xxx’ 没有定义的标号xxx Undefined structure ’xxx’ 没有定义的结构xxx Undefined symbol ’xxx’ 没有定义的符号xxx Unexpected end of file in comment started on line xxx 从xxx行开始的注解尚未结束文件不能结束Unexpected end of file in conditional started on line xxx 从xxx 开始的条件语句尚未结束文件不能结束Unknown assemble instruction 未知的汇编结构Unknown option 未知的操作Unknown preprocessor directive: ’xxx’ 不认识的预处理命令xxx Unreachable code 无路可达的代码Unterminated string or character constant 字符串缺少引号User break 用户强行中断了程序Void functions may not return a value Void类型的函数不应有返回值Wrong number of arguments :调用函数的参数数目错‘xxx’ not an argument :xxx不是参数‘xxx’ not part o f struc ture xxx不是结构体的一部分xxx statement missing ( xxx语句缺少左括号xxx statement missing ) xxx语句缺少右括号xxx statement missing ; xxx缺少分号xxx’ declared but never used 说明了xxx但没有使用xxx’ is assigned a value which is never used 给xxx赋了值但未用过。



C语言常见错误代码释义错误代码及错误信息错误释义error 1: Out of memory 内存溢出error 2: Identifier expected 缺标识符error 3: Unknown identifier 未定义的标识符error 4: Duplicate identifier 重复定义的标识符error 5: Syntax error 语法错误error 6: Error in real constant 实型常量错误error 7: Error in integer constant 整型常量错误error 8: String constant exceeds line 字符串常量超过一行error 10: Unexpected end of file 文件非正常结束error 11: Line too long 行太长error 12: Type identifier expected 未定义的类型标识符error 13: Too many open files 打开文件太多error 14: Invalid file name 无效的文件名error 15: File not found 文件未找到error 16: Disk full 磁盘满error 17: Invalid compiler directive 无效的编译命令error 18: Too many files 文件太多error 19: Undefined type in pointer def 指针定义中未定义类型error 20: Variable identifier expected 缺变量标识符error 21: Error in type 类型错误error 22: Structure too large 结构类型太长error 23: Set base type out of range 集合基类型越界error 24: File components may not be files or objectsfile分量不能是文件或对象error 25: Invalid string length 无效的字符串长度error 26: Type mismatch 类型不匹配error 27:error 27:Invalid subrange base type 无效的子界基类型error 28:Lower bound greater than upper bound 下界超过上界error 29:Ordinal type expected 缺有序类型error 30:Integer constant expected 缺整型常量error 31:Constant expected 缺常量error 32:Integer or real constant expected 缺整型或实型常量error 33:Pointer Type identifier expected 缺指针类型标识符error 34:Invalid function result type 无效的函数结果类型error 35:Label identifier expected 缺标号标识符error 36:BEGIN expected 缺BEGINerror 37:END expected 缺ENDerror 38:Integer expression expected 缺整型表达式error 39:Ordinal expression expected 缺有序类型表达式error 40:Boolean expression expected 缺布尔表达式error 41:Operand types do not match 操作数类型不匹配error 42:Error in expression 表达式错误error 43:Illegal assignment 非法赋值error 44:Field identifier expected 缺域标识符error 45:Object file too large 目标文件太大error 46:Undefined external 未定义的外部过程与函数error 47:Invalid object file record 无效的OBJ文件格式error 48:Code segment too large 代码段太长error 49:Data segment too large 数据段太长error 50:DO expected 缺DOerror 51:Invalid PUBLIC definition 无效的PUBLIC定义error 52:Invalid EXTRN definition 无效的EXTRN定义error 53: Too many EXTRN definitions 太多的EXTRN定义error 54:OF expected 缺OFerror 55:INTERFACE expected 缺INTERFACEerror 56:Invalid relocatable reference 无效的可重定位引用error 57:THEN expected 缺THENerror 58:TO or DOWNTO expected 缺TO或DOWNTOerror 59:Undefined forward 提前引用未经定义的说明error 61:Invalid typecast 无效的类型转换error 62:Division by zero 被零除error 63:Invalid file type 无效的文件类型error 64:Cannot read or write variables of this type 不能读写此类型变量error 65:Pointer variable expected 缺指针类型变量error 66:String variable expected 缺字符串变量error 67:String expression expected 缺字符串表达式error 68:Circular unit reference 单元UNIT部件循环引用error 69:Unit name mismatch 单元名不匹配error 70:Unit version mismatch 单元版本不匹配error 71:Internal stack overflow 内部堆栈溢出error 72:Unit file format error 单元文件格式错误error 73:IMPLEMENTATION expected 缺IMPLEMENTATIONerror 74:Constant and case types do not match 常量和CASE类型不匹配error 75:Record or object variable expected 缺记录或对象变量error 76:Constant out of range 常量越界error 77:File variable expected 缺文件变量error 78:Pointer expression expected 缺指针表达式error 79:Integer or real expression expected 缺整型或实型表达式error 80:Label not within current block 标号不在当前块内error 81:Label already defined 标号已定义error 82:Undefined label in preceding statement part 在前面未定义标号error 83:Invalid @ argument 无效的@参数error 84:UNIT expected 缺UNITerror 85: ";" expected 缺“;”error 86:":" expected 缺“:”error 87:"," expected 缺“,”error 88:"(" expected 缺“(”error 89:")" expected 缺“)”error 90:"=" expected 缺“=”error 91:":=" expected 缺“:=”error 92:"[" or "(." Expected 缺“[”或“(.”error 93: "]" or ".)" expected 缺“]”或“.)”error 94:"." expected 缺“.”error 95: ".." expected 缺“..”error 96:Too many variables 变量太多error 97:Invalid FOR control variable 无效的FOR循环控制变量error 98:Integer variable expected 缺整型变量error 99:Files and procedure types are not allowed here 该处不允许文件和过程类型error 100:String length mismatch 字符串长度不匹配error 101:Invalid ordering of fields 无效域顺序error 102:String constant expected 缺字符串常量error 103:Integer or real variable expected 缺整型或实型变量error 104:Ordinal variable expected 缺有序类型变量error 105:INLINE error INLINE错误error 106:Character expression expected 缺字符表达式error 107:Too many relocation items 重定位项太多error 108:Overflow in arithmetic operation 算术运算溢出error 112:CASE constant out of range CASE常量越界error 113:Error in statement 表达式错误error 114:Cannot call an interrupt procedure 不能调用中断过程error 116:Must be in 8087 mode to compile this 必须在8087模式编译error 117:T arget address not found 找不到目标地址error 118:Include files are not allowed here 该处不允许INCLUDE文件error 119:No inherited methods are accessible here 该处继承方法不可访问error 121:Invalid qualifier 无效的限定符error 122:Invalid variable reference 无效的变量引用error 123:Too many symbols 符号太多error 124:Statement part too large 语句体太长error 126:Files must be var parameters 文件必须是变量形参error 127:Too many conditional symbols 条件符号太多error 128:Misplaced conditional directive 条件指令错位error 129:ENDIF directive missing 缺ENDIF指令error 130:Error in initial conditional defines 初始条件定义错误error 131:Header does not match previous definition 和前面定义的过程或函数不匹配error 133:Cannot evaluate this expression 不能计算该表达式error 134:Expression incorrectly terminated 表达式错误结束error 135:Invalid format specifier 无效格式说明符error 136:Invalid indirect reference 无效的间接引用error 137:Structured variables are not allowed here 该处不允许结构变量error 138:Cannot evaluate without System unit 没有System单元不能计算error 139:Cannot access this symbol 不能存取符号error 140:Invalid floating point operation 无效的符号运算error 141:Cannot compile overlays to memory 不能编译覆盖模块至内存error 142:Pointer or procedural variable expected 缺指针或过程变量error 143:Invalid procedure or function reference 无效的过程或函数调用error 144:Cannot overlay this unit 不能覆盖该单元error 146:File access denied 不允许文件访问error 147:Object type expected 缺对象类型error 148:Local object types are not allowed 不允许局部对象类型error 149:VIRTUAL expected 缺VIRTUALerror 150: Method identifier expected 缺方法标识符error 151:Virtual constructors are not allowed 不允许虚构造函数error 152:Constructor identifier expected 缺构造函数标识符error 153:Destructor identifier expected 缺析构函数标识符error 154:Fail only allowed within constructors 只能在构造函数内使用Fail标准过程error 155:Invalid combination of opcode and operands 操作数与操作符无效组合error 156:Memory reference expected 缺内存引用指针error 157:Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols 不能加减可重定位符号error 158:Invalid register combination 无效寄存器组合error 159:286/287 instructions are not enabled 未激活286/287指令error 160:Invalid symbol reference 无效符号指针error 161:Code generation error 代码生成错误error 162:ASM expected 缺ASMerror 166:Procedure or function identifier expected 缺过程或函数标识符error 167:Cannot export this symbol 不能输出该符号error 168:Duplicate export name 外部文件名重复error 169:Executable file header toerror 170:Too many segments 段太多。

最好的!C 常见错误中英文对照表及相关解析

最好的!C  常见错误中英文对照表及相关解析

附录1 常见错误中英文对照表
--------------------Configuration: max - Win32 Debug-------------------- Compiling...
LINK : warning LNK4076: invalid incremental status file "Debug/max.ilk"; linking nonincrementally
VC编译时可以选择incremental linking(渐增式编译),也就是每次重新编译并不编译


ilk进行incremental linking了。





C语言命语法错误大全C语言命语法错误大全fatalerrorC1004: unexpectedendoffilefound未找到文件末尾(可能是括号匹配问题)fatalerrorC1021: invalidpreprocessorcommand'1nclude'无效的编译预处理命令'1nclude'fatalerrorC1083: Cannotopenincludefile: 'stdi.h': Nosuchfileordirectory 不能打开头文件'stdi.h',文件或文件夹不存在errorC2101: '&' onconstantC语言命语法错误大全fatalerrorC1004: unexpectedendoffilefound未找到文件末尾(可能是括号匹配问题)fatalerrorC1021: invalidpreprocessorcommand'1nclude'无效的编译预处理命令'1nclude'fatalerrorC1083: Cannotopenincludefile: 'stdi.h': Nosuchfileordirectory 不能打开头文件'stdi.h',文件或文件夹不存在errorC2101: '&' onconstant不能计算常量的地址errorC2059: syntaxerror: 'while'在'while'附近,存在语法错误errorC2061: syntaxerror: identifier'x'标识符x的附近,存在语法错误errorC2065: 'i' : undeclaredidentifier变量i未定义errorC2078: toomanyinitializers数组/结构等变量初始化时的数据太多errorC2087: '<Unknown>' : missingsubscript 丢失数组下标errorC2106: '=' : leftoperandmustbel-value '='的左侧应当是左值,即不能是常量errorC2115: '=' : incompatibletypes'='两侧的类型不兼容errorC2133: 'a' : unknownsizea(可能是数组名)的大小不确定。



C++常见的编译错‎误中英对应翻‎译对于刚学编程‎,刚接触C++的新手来说,编译运行报错‎是最头疼的一‎件事,爆出一堆英文‎,英语差一点的‎又不知道什么‎意思,所以也不知道‎如何去改,在此,我给大家传一‎份常见错误中‎英文对照表及‎简单解释,希望可以帮到‎大家:fatal error C1003: error count exceed‎s number‎; stoppi‎n g compil‎a tion中文对照:(编译错误)错误太多,停止编译分析:修改之前的错‎误,再次编译fatal error C1004: unexpe‎c ted end of file found中文对照:(编译错误)文件未结束分析:一个函数或者‎一个结构定义‎缺少“}”、或者在一个函‎数调用或表达‎式中括号没有‎配对出现、或者注释符“/*…*/”不完整等fatal error C1083: Cannot‎open includ‎e file: 'xxx': No such file or direct‎o ry中文对照:(编译错误)无法打开头文‎件x xx:没有这个文件‎或路径分析:头文件不存在‎、或者头文件拼‎写错误、或者文件为只‎读fatal error C1903: unable‎to recove‎r from previo‎u s error(s); stoppi‎n g compil‎a tion中文对照:(编译错误)无法从之前的‎错误中恢复,停止编译分析:引起错误的原‎因很多,建议先修改之‎前的错误error C2001: newlin‎e in consta‎n t中文对照:(编译错误)常量中创建新‎行分析:字符串常量多‎行书写error C2006: #includ‎e expect‎e d a filena‎m e, found 'identi‎f ier'中文对照:(编译错误)#includ‎e命令中需要‎文件名分析:一般是头文件‎未用一对双引‎号或尖括号括‎起来,例如“#includ‎e stdio.h”error C2007: #define‎syntax‎中文对照:(编译错误)#define‎语法错误分析:例如“#define‎”后缺少宏名,例如“#define‎”error C2008: 'xxx' : unexpe‎c ted in macro defini‎t ion中文对照:(编译错误)宏定义时出现‎了意外的xx‎x分析:宏定义时宏名‎与替换串之间‎应有空格,例如“#define‎TRUE"1"”error C2009: reuse of macro formal‎'identi‎f ier'中文对照:(编译错误)带参宏的形式‎参数重复使用‎分析:宏定义如有参‎数不能重名,例如“#define‎s(a,a) (a*a)”中参数a重复‎error C2010: 'charac‎t er' : unexpe‎c ted in macro formal‎parame‎t er list中文对照:(编译错误)带参宏的形式‎参数表中出现‎未知字符分析:例如“#define‎s(r|) r*r”中参数多了一‎个字符‘|’error C2014: prepro‎c essor‎comman‎d must start as first nonwhi‎t e space中文对照:(编译错误)预处理命令前‎面只允许空格‎分析:每一条预处理‎命令都应独占‎一行,不应出现其他‎非空格字符error C2015: too many charac‎t ers in consta‎n t中文对照:(编译错误)常量中包含多‎个字符分析:字符型常量的‎单引号中只能‎有一个字符,或是以“\”开始的一个转‎义字符,例如“char error = 'error';”error C2017: illega‎l escape‎sequen‎c e中文对照:(编译错误)转义字符非法‎分析:一般是转义字‎符位于' ' 或" " 之外,例如“char error = ' '\n;”error C2018: unknow‎n charac‎t er '0xhh'中文对照:(编译错误)未知的字符0‎x hh分析:一般是输入了‎中文标点符号‎,例如“char error = 'E';”中“;”为中文标点符‎号error C2019: expect‎e d prepro‎c essor‎direct‎i ve, found 'charac‎t er'中文对照:(编译错误)期待预处理命‎令,但有无效字符‎分析:一般是预处理‎命令的#号后误输入其‎他无效字符,例如“#!define‎TRUE 1”error C2021: expect‎e d expone‎n t value, not 'charac‎t er'中文对照:(编译错误)期待指数值,不能是字符分析:一般是浮点数‎的指数表示形‎式有误,例如123.456Eerror C2039: 'identi‎f ier1' : is not a member‎of 'identi‎f ier2'中文对照:(编译错误)标识符1不是‎标识符2的成‎员分析:程序错误地调‎用或引用结构‎体、共用体、类的成员error C2041: illega‎l digit 'x' for base 'n'中文对照:(编译错误)对于n进制来‎说数字x非法‎分析:一般是八进制‎或十六进制数‎表示错误,例如“int i = 081;”语句中数字‘8’不是八进制的‎基数error C2048: more than one defaul‎t中文对照:(编译错误)defaul‎t语句多于一‎个分析:switch‎语句中只能有‎一个defa‎u l t,删去多余的d‎e fault‎error C2050: switch‎expres‎s ion not integr‎a l中文对照:(编译错误)switch‎表达式不是整‎型的分析:switch‎表达式必须是‎整型(或字符型),例如“switch‎("a")”中表达式为字‎符串,这是非法的error C2051: case expres‎s ion not consta‎n t中文对照:(编译错误)case表达‎式不是常量分析:case表达‎式应为常量表‎达式,例如“case "a"”中“"a"”为字符串,这是非法的error C2052: 'type' : illega‎l type for case expres‎s ion中文对照:(编译错误)case表达‎式类型非法分析:case表达‎式必须是一个‎整型常量(包括字符型)error C2057: expect‎e d consta‎n t expres‎s ion中文对照:(编译错误)期待常量表达‎式分析:一般是定义数‎组时数组长度‎为变量,例如“int n=10; int a[n];”中n为变量,这是非法的error C2058: consta‎n t expres‎s ion is not integr‎a l中文对照:(编译错误)常量表达式不‎是整数分析:一般是定义数‎组时数组长度‎不是整型常量‎error C2059: syntax‎error : 'xxx'中文对照:(编译错误)‘xxx’语法错误分析:引起错误的原‎因很多,可能多加或少‎加了符号xx‎xerror C2064: term does not evalua‎t e to a functi‎o n中文对照:(编译错误)无法识别函数‎语言分析:1、函数参数有误‎,表达式可能不‎正确,例如“sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c));”中表达式不正‎确2、变量与函数重‎名或该标识符‎不是函数,例如“int i,j; j=i();”中i不是函数‎error C2065: 'xxx' : undecl‎a red identi‎f ier中文对照:(编译错误)未定义的标识‎符x xx分析:1、如果xxx为‎c o ut、cin、scanf、printf‎、sqrt等,则程序中包含‎头文件有误2、未定义变量、数组、函数原型等,注意拼写错误‎或区分大小写‎。



fatal error C1003: error count exceeds number; stopping compilation中文对照:(编译错误)错误太多,停止编译分析:修改之前的错误,再次编译fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found中文对照:(编译错误)文件未结束分析:一个函数或者一个结构定义缺少“}”、或者在一个函数调用或表达式中括号没有配对出现、或者注释符“/*…*/”不完整等fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'xxx': No such file or directory中文对照:(编译错误)无法打开头文件xxx:没有这个文件或路径分析:头文件不存在、或者头文件拼写错误、或者文件为只读fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation中文对照:(编译错误)无法从之前的错误中恢复,停止编译分析:引起错误的原因很多,建议先修改之前的错误error C2001: newline in constant中文对照:(编译错误)常量中创建新行分析:字符串常量多行书写error C2006: #include expected a filename, found 'identifier'中文对照:(编译错误)#include命令中需要文件名分析:一般是头文件未用一对双引号或尖括号括起来,例如“#include stdio.h”error C2007: #define syntax中文对照:(编译错误)#define语法错误分析:例如“#define”后缺少宏名,例如“#define”error C2008: 'xxx' : unexpected in macro definition中文对照:(编译错误)宏定义时出现了意外的xxx分析:宏定义时宏名与替换串之间应有空格,例如“#define TRUE"1"”error C2009: reuse of macro formal 'identifier' 中文对照:(编译错误)带参宏的形式参数重复使用分析:宏定义如有参数不能重名,例如“#define s(a,a) (a*a)”中参数a重复error C2010: 'character' : unexpected in macro formal parameter list中文对照:(编译错误)带参宏的形式参数表中出现未知字符分析:例如“#define s(r|) r*r”中参数多了一个字符‘|’error C2014: preprocessor command must start as first nonwhite space中文对照:(编译错误)预处理命令前面只允许空格分析:每一条预处理命令都应独占一行,不应出现其他非空格字符error C2015: too many characters in constant 中文对照:(编译错误)常量中包含多个字符分析:字符型常量的单引号中只能有一个字符,或是以“\”开始的一个转义字符,例如“char error = 'error';”error C2017: illegal escape sequence中文对照:(编译错误)转义字符非法分析:一般是转义字符位于' ' 或" " 之外,例如“char error = ' '\n;”error C2018: unknown character '0xhh'中文对照:(编译错误)未知的字符0xhh分析:一般是输入了中文标点符号,例如“char error = 'E';”中“;”为中文标点符号error C2019: expected preprocessor directive, found 'character'中文对照:(编译错误)期待预处理命令,但有无效字符分析:一般是预处理命令的#号后误输入其他无效字符,例如“#!define TRUE 1”error C2021: expected exponent value, not 'character'中文对照:(编译错误)期待指数值,不能是字符分析:一般是浮点数的指数表示形式有误,例如123.456Eerror C2039: 'identifier1' : is not a member of 'identifier2'中文对照:(编译错误)标识符1不是标识符2的成员分析:程序错误地调用或引用结构体、共用体、类的成员error C2041: illegal digit 'x' for base 'n'中文对照:(编译错误)对于n进制来说数字x非法分析:一般是八进制或十六进制数表示错误,例如“int i = 081;”语句中数字‘8’不是八进制的基数error C2048: more than one default中文对照:(编译错误)default语句多于一个分析:switch语句中只能有一个default,删去多余的defaulterror C2050: switch expression not integral中文对照:(编译错误)switch表达式不是整型的分析:switch表达式必须是整型(或字符型),例如“switch ("a")”中表达式为字符串,这是非法的error C2051: case expression not constant中文对照:(编译错误)case表达式不是常量分析:case表达式应为常量表达式,例如“case "a"”中“"a"”为字符串,这是非法的error C2052: 'type' : illegal type for case expression中文对照:(编译错误)case表达式类型非法分析:case表达式必须是一个整型常量(包括字符型)error C2057: expected constant expression中文对照:(编译错误)期待常量表达式分析:一般是定义数组时数组长度为变量,例如“int n=10; int a[n];”中n为变量,这是非法的error C2058: constant expression is not integral中文对照:(编译错误)常量表达式不是整数分析:一般是定义数组时数组长度不是整型常量error C2059: syntax error : 'xxx'中文对照:(编译错误)‘xxx’语法错误分析:引起错误的原因很多,可能多加或少加了符号xxxerror C2064: term does not evaluate to a function中文对照:(编译错误)无法识别函数语言分析:1、函数参数有误,表达式可能不正确,例如“sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c));”中表达式不正确2、变量与函数重名或该标识符不是函数,例如“int i,j; j=i();”中i不是函数error C2065: 'xxx' : undeclared identifier 中文对照:(编译错误)未定义的标识符xxx 分析:1、如果xxx为cout、cin、scanf、printf、sqrt等,则程序中包含头文件有误2、未定义变量、数组、函数原型等,注意拼写错误或区分大小写。



C++常见错误中英文对照表fatal error C1003: error count exceeds number; stopping compilation 中文对照:(编译错误)错误太多,停止编译分析:修改之前的错误,再次编译fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found 中文对照:(编译错误)文件未结束分析:一个函数或者一个结构定义缺少“}”、或者在一个函数调用或表达式中括号没有配对出现、或者注释符“/*…*/”不完整等fatal error C1010: 在查找预编译头时遇到意外的文件结尾。

是否忘记了向源中添加“#include "stdafx.h"”?解决1:关闭.CPP文件的"使用预编译头"的选项右键选择该文件->属性->预编译头,选"不使用预编译头"解决2: 直接在工程设置里关闭使用预编译头的选项。

步骤和上一方法类似fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'xxx': No such file or directory 中文对照:(编译错误)无法打开头文件xxx:没有这个文件或路径分析:头文件不存在、或者头文件拼写错误、或者文件为只读error BK1506 : cannot open file '.\Debug\StdAfx.sbr': No such file or directory右键当前工程-》设置-》浏览信息-》取消创建创建浏览信息fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation 中文对照:(编译错误)无法从之前的错误中恢复,停止编译分析:引起错误的原因很多,建议先修改之前的错误error C2001: newline in constant 中文对照:(编译错误)常量中创建新行分析:字符串常量多行书写error C2006: #include expected a filename, found 'identifier' 中文对照:(编译错误)#include命令中需要文件名分析:一般是头文件未用一对双引号或尖括号括起来,例如“#include stdio.h”error C2007: #define syntax 中文对照:(编译错误)#define语法错误分析:例如“#define”后缺少宏名,例如“#define”error C2008: 'xxx' : unexpected in macro definition 中文对照:(编译错误)宏定义时出现了意外的xxx 分析:宏定义时宏名与替换串之间应有空格,例如“#define TRUE"1"”error C2009: reuse of macro formal 'identifier' 中文对照:(编译错误)带参宏的形式参数重复使用分析:宏定义如有参数不能重名,例如“#define s(a,a) (a*a)”中参数a重复error C2010: 'character' : unexpected in macro formal parameter list 中文对照:(编译错误)带参宏的形式参数表中出现未知字符分析:例如“#define s(r|) r*r”中参数多了一个字符‘|’error C2014: preprocessor command must start as first nonwhite space 中文对照:(编译错误)预处理命令前面只允许空格分析:每一条预处理命令都应独占一行,不应出现其他非空格字符error C2015: too many characters in constant 中文对照:(编译错误)常量中包含多个字符分析:字符型常量的单引号中只能有一个字符,或是以“\”开始的一个转义字符,例如“char error = 'error';”error C2017: illegal escape sequence 中文对照:(编译错误)转义字符非法分析:一般是转义字符位于' ' 或" " 之外,例如“char error = ' '\n;” error C2018: unknown character '0xhh' 中文对照:(编译错误)未知的字符0xhh 分析:一般是输入了中文标点符号,例如“char error = 'E';”中“;”为中文标点符号error C2019: expected preprocessor directive, found 'character' 中文对照:(编译错误)期待预处理命令,但有无效字符分析:一般是预处理命令的#号后误输入其他无效字符,例如“#!define TRUE 1”error C2021: expected exponent value, not 'character' 中文对照:(编译错误)期待指数值,不能是字符分析:一般是浮点数的指数表示形式有误,例如123.456Eerror C2039: 'identifier1' : is not a member of 'identifier2' 中文对照:(编译错误)标识符1不是标识符2的成员分析:程序错误地调用或引用结构体、共用体、类的成员或者是变量名与变量不符。


Conflicting type modifiers
Constant expression required
Constant out of range in comparison
Conversion may lose significant digits
Register allocation failure
Repeat count needs an lvalue
Size of structure or array not known
Statement missing ;
Non-portable pointer assignment
Non-portable pointer comparison
Non-portable pointer conversion
Not a valid expression format type
Two consecutive dots
Type mismatch in parameter xxx
参数xxx 类型不匹配
Type mismatch in redeclaration of ``xxx``
Unable to create output file ``xxx``



C语言的错误大全及中文解释1: Ambiguous operators need parentheses —不明确的运算需要用括号括起2: Ambiguous symbol xxx —不明确的符号3: Argument list syntax error —参数表语法错误4: Array bounds missing —丢失数组界限符5: Array size toolarge—数组尺寸太大6: Bad character in paramenters—参数中有不适当的字符7: Bad file name format in include directive —包含命令中文件名格式不正确8: Bad ifdef directive synatax—编译预处理ifdef有语法错9: Bad undef directive syntax —编译预处理undef有语法错10: Bit field too large —位字段太长11: Call of non-function —调用未定义的函数12: Call to function with no prototype —调用函数时没有函数的说明13: Cannot modify a const object —不允许修改常量对象14: Case outside of switch —漏掉了case 语句15: Case syntax error —Case 语法错误16: Code has no effect —代码不可能执行到17: Compound statement missing{ —分程序漏掉"{"18: Conflicting type modifiers —不明确的类型说明符19: Constant expression required —要求常量表达式20: Constant out of range in comparison —在比较中常量超出范围21: Conversion may lose significant digits —转换时会丢失意义的数字22: Conversion of near pointer not allowed —不允许转换近指针23: Could not find file xxx —找不到XXX文件24: Declaration missing ; —说明缺少";"25: Declaration syntax error —说明中出现语法错误26: Default outside of switch —Default 出现在switch语句之外27: Define directive needs an identifier —定义编译预处理需要标识符28: Division by zero —用零作除数29: Do statement must have while —Do-while语句中缺少while部分30: Enum syntax error —枚举类型语法错误31: Enumeration constant syntax error —枚举常数语法错误32: Error directive :xxx —错误的编译预处理命令33: Error writing output file —写输出文件错误34: Expression syntax error —表达式语法错误35: Extra parameter in call —调用时出现多余错误36: File name too long —文件名太长37: Function call missing ) —函数调用缺少右括号38: Fuction definition out of place —函数定义位置错误39: Fuction should return a value —函数必需返回一个值40: Goto statement missing label —Goto语句没有标号41: Hexadecimal or octal constant too large —16进制或8进制常数太大42: Illegal character x —非法字符x43: Illegal initialization —非法的初始化44: Illegal octal digit —非法的8进制数字A45: Illegal pointer subtraction —非法的指针相减46: Illegal structure operation —非法的结构体操作47: Illegal use of floating point —非法的浮点运算48: Illegal use of pointer —指针使用非法49: Improper use of a typedefsymbol—类型定义符号使用不恰当50: In-line assembly not allowed —不允许使用行间汇编51: Incompatible storage class —存储类别不相容52: Incompatible type conversion —不相容的类型转换53: Incorrect number format —错误的数据格式54: Incorrect use of default —Default使用不当55: Invalid indirection —无效的间接运算56: Invalid pointer addition —指针相加无效57: Irreducible expression tree —无法执行的表达式运算58: Lvalue required —需要逻辑值0或非0值59: Macro argument syntax error —宏参数语法错误60: Macro expansion too long —宏的扩展以后太长61: Mismatched number of parameters in definition —定义中参数个数不匹配62: Misplaced break —此处不应出现break语句63: Misplaced continue —此处不应出现continue语句64: Misplaced decimal point —此处不应出现小数点65: Misplaced elif directive —不应编译预处理elif66: Misplaced else —此处不应出现else67: Misplaced else directive —此处不应出现编译预处理else68: Misplaced endif directive —此处不应出现编译预处理endif69: Must be addressable —必须是可以编址的70: Must take address of memory location —必须存储定位的地址71: No declaration for function xxx —没有函数xxx的说明72: No stack —缺少堆栈73: No type information —没有类型信息74: Non-portable pointer assignment —不可移动的指针(地址常数)赋值75: Non-portable pointer comparison —不可移动的指针(地址常数)比较76: Non-portable pointer conversion —不可移动的指针(地址常数)转换77: Not a valid expression format type —不合法的表达式格式78: Not an allowed type —不允许使用的类型79: Numeric constant too large —数值常太大80: Out of memory —内存不够用81: Parameter xxx is never used —能数xxx没有用到82: Pointer required on left side of ->—符号->的左边必须是指针83: Possible use of xxx before definition —在定义之前就使用了xxx(警告)84: Possibly incorrect assignment —赋值可能不正确85: Redeclaration of xxx —重复定义了xxx86: Redefinition of xxx is not identical —xxx的两次定义不一致87: Register allocation failure —寄存器定址失败88: Repeat count needs an lvalue—重复计数需要逻辑值89: Size of structure or array not known —结构体或数给大小不确定90: Statement missing ; —语句后缺少";"91: Structure or union syntax error —结构体或联合体语法错误92: Structure size too large —结构体尺寸太大93: Sub scripting missing ] —下标缺少右方括号94: Superfluous & with function or array —函数或数组中有多余的"&"95: Suspicious pointer conversion —可疑的指针转换96: Symbol limit exceeded —符号超限97: Too few parameters in call —函数调用时的实参少于函数的参数不98: Too many default cases —Default太多(switch语句中一个)99: Too many error or warning messages —错误或警告信息太多100: Too many type in declaration —说明中类型太多101: Too much auto memory in function —函数用到的局部存储太多102: Too much global data defined in file —文件中全局数据太多103: Two consecutive dots —两个连续的句点104: Type mismatch in parameter xxx —参数xxx类型不匹配105: Type mismatch in redeclaration of xxx —xxx重定义的类型不匹配106: Unable to create output file xxx —无法建立输出文件xxx107: Unable to open include file xxx —无法打开被包含的文件xxx108: Unable to open input file xxx —无法打开输入文件xxx109: Undefined label xxx —没有定义的标号xxx110: Undefined structure xxx —没有定义的结构xxx111: Undefined symbol xxx —没有定义的符号xxx112: Unexpected end of file in comment started on line xxx —从xxx行开始的注解尚未结束文件不能结束113: Unexpected end of file in conditional started on line xxx —从xxx 开始的条件语句尚未结束文件不能结束114: Unknown assemble instruction —未知的汇编结构115: Unknown option —未知的操作116: Unknown preprocessor directive: xxx —不认识的预处理命令xxx117: Unreachable code —无路可达的代码118: Unterminated string or character constant —字符串缺少引号119: User break —用户强行中断了程序120: Void functions may not return a value —Void类型的函数不应有返回值121: Wrong number of arguments —调用函数的参数数目错122: xxx not an argument —xxx不是参数123: xxx not part of structure —xxx不是结构体的一部分124: xxx statement missing ( —xxx语句缺少左括号125: xxx statement missing ) —xxx语句缺少右括号126: xxx statement missing ; —xxx缺少分号127: xxx declared but never used —说明了xxx但没有使用128: xxx is assigned a value which is never used —给xxx赋了值但未用过。



C语言中常见得错误汉语解释Ambiguous operators need parentheses 不明确的运算需要用括号括起Ambiguous symbol 'xxx'不明确的符号Argument list syntax error参数表语法错误Array bounds missing丢失数组界限符Array size toolarge数组尺寸太大Bad character in paramenters参数中有不适当的字符Bad file name format in include directive 包含命令中文件名格式不正确Bad ifdef directive synatax编译预处理ifdef有语法错Bad undef directive syntax编译预处理undef有语法错Bit field too large位字段太长Call of non-function调用未定义的函数Call to function with no prototype调用函数时没有函数的说明Cannot modify a const object不允许修改常量对象Case outside of switch漏掉了case 语句Case syntax errorCase 语法错误Code has no effect代码不可述不可能执行到Compound statement missing{分程序漏掉"{"Conflicting type modifiers不明确的类型说明符Constant expression required要求常量表达式Constant out of range in comparison在比较中常量超出范围Conversion may lose significant digits转换时会丢失意义的数字Conversion of near pointer not allowed 不允许转换近指针Could not find file 'xxx'找不到XXX文件Declaration missing ;说明缺少";"Declaration syntax error说明中出现语法错误Default outside of switchDefault 出现在switch语句之外Define directive needs an identifier定义编译预处理需要标识符Division by zero用零作除数Do statement must have whileDo-while语句中缺少while部分Enum syntax error枚举类型语法错误Enumeration constant syntax error枚举常数语法错误Error directive :xxx错误的编译预处理命令Error writing output file写输出文件错误Expression syntax error表达式语法错误Extra parameter in call调用时出现多余错误File name too long文件名太长Function call missing )函数调用缺少右括号Fuction definition out of place函数定义位置错误Fuction should return a value函数必需返回一个值Goto statement missing labelGoto语句没有标号Hexadecimal or octal constant too large 16进制或8进制常数太大Illegal character 'x'非法字符xIllegal initialization非法的初始化Illegal octal digit非法的8进制数字Illegal pointer subtraction非法的指针相减Illegal structure operation非法的结构体操作Illegal use of floating point非法的浮点运算Illegal use of pointer指针使用非法Improper use of a typedefsymbol类型定义符号使用不恰当In-line assembly not allowed不允许使用行间汇编Incompatible storage class存储类别不相容Incompatible type conversion不相容的类型转换Incorrect number format错误的数据格式Incorrect use of defaultDefault使用不当Invalid indirection无效的间接运算Invalid pointer addition指针相加无效Irreducible expression tree无法执行的表达式运算Lvalue required需要逻辑值0或非0值Macro argument syntax error宏参数语法错误Macro expansion too long宏的扩展以后太长Mismatched number of parameters in definition 定义中参数个数不匹配Misplaced break此处不应出现break语句Misplaced continue此处不应出现continue语句Misplaced decimal point此处不应出现小数点Misplaced elif directive不应编译预处理elifMisplaced else此处不应出现elseMisplaced else directive此处不应出现编译预处理else Misplaced endif directive此处不应出现编译预处理endif Must be addressable必须是可以编址的Must take address of memory location 必须存储定位的地址No declaration for function 'xxx'没有函数xxx的说明No stack缺少堆栈No type information没有类型信息Non-portable pointer assignment不可移动的指针(地址常数)赋值Non-portable pointer comparison不可移动的指针(地址常数)比较Non-portable pointer conversion不可移动的指针(地址常数)转换Not a valid expression format type不合法的表达式格式Not an allowed type不允许使用的类型Numeric constant too large数值常太大Out of memory内存不够用Parameter 'xxx' is never used能数xxx没有用到Pointer required on left side of ->符号->的左边必须是指针Possible use of 'xxx' before definition 在定义之前就使用了xxx(警告)Possibly incorrect assignment赋值可能不正确Redeclaration of 'xxx'重复定义了xxxRedefinition of 'xxx' is not identical xxx的两次定义不一致Register allocation failure寄存器定址失败Repeat count needs an lvalue重复计数需要逻辑值Size of structure or array not known结构体或数给大小不确定Statement missing ;语句后缺少";"Structure or union syntax error结构体或联合体语法错误Structure size too large结构体尺寸太大Sub scripting missing ]下标缺少右方括号Superfluous &with function or array 函数或数组中有多余的"&" Suspicious pointer conversion可疑的指针转换Symbol limit exceeded符号超限Too few parameters in call函数调用时的实参少于函数的参数不Too many default casesDefault太多(switch语句中一个) Too many error or warning messages 错误或警告信息太多Too many type in declaration说明中类型太多Too much auto memory in function函数用到的局部存储太多Too much global data defined in file文件中全局数据太多Two consecutive dots两个连续的句点Type mismatch in parameter xxx参数xxx类型不匹配Type mismatch in redeclaration of 'xxx' xxx重定义的类型不匹配Unable to create output file 'xxx'无法建立输出文件xxxUnable to open include file 'xxx'无法打开被包含的文件xxx Unable to open input file 'xxx'无法打开输入文件xxxUndefined label 'xxx'没有定义的标号xxxUndefined structure 'xxx'没有定义的结构xxxUndefined symbol 'xxx'没有定义的符号xxxUnexpected end of file in comment started on line xxx 从xxx行开始的注解尚未结束文件不能结束Unexpected end of file in conditional started on line xxx 从xxx 开始的条件语句尚未结束文件不能结束Unknown assemble instruction未知的汇编结构Unknown option未知的操作Unknown preprocessor directive: 'xxx'不认识的预处理命令xxxUnreachable code无路可达的代码Unterminated string or character constant字符串缺少引号User break用户强行中断了程序Void functions may not return a valueVoid类型的函数不应有返回值Wrong number of arguments调用函数的参数数目错'xxx' not an argumentxxx不是参数'xxx' not part of structurexxx不是结构体的一部分xxx statement missing (xxx语句缺少左括号xxx statement missing )xxx语句缺少右括号xxx statement missing ;xxx缺少分号xxx' declared but never used说明了xxx但没有使用xxx' is assigned a value which is never used给xxx赋了值但未用过Zero length structure结构体的长度为零。



error error error error error error
C2051 C2052 C2057 C2058 C2059 C2064
case expression not constant 'type' illegal type for case expression expected constant expression constant expression is not integral syntax error 'xxx' term does not evaluate to a function 'xxx' undeclared identifier too many initializers redefinition of formal parameter 'xxx' function 'xxx' already has a body 'xxx' redefinition missing
C2133 C2137 C2143 C2146 C2144 C2181 C2196 C2296 C2297 C2371 C2440 C2447 C2448 C2450 C2466 C2601 C2632 C2660 C4716 1104 1168
unknown size
empty character constant 字符型常量为空 syntax error missing 在标识符或语言符号2前漏写语 'token1' before 'token2' 言符号1 syntax error missing 在标识符或语言符号2前漏写语 'token1' before identifier 言符号1 'identifier' syntax error missing ')' 在xxx类型前缺少‘) ’ before type 'xxx' illegal else without 非法的没有与if相匹配的else matching if case value '0' already case值0已使用 used '%' illegal, left operand has type 'float' '%' illegal, right operand has type 'float' 'xxx' redefinition; different basic types '=' cannot convert from 'char [2]' to 'char' missing function header (old-style formal list?) %运算的左(右)操作数类型为 float,这是非法的 %运算的左(右)操作数类型为 float,这是非法的 标识符xxx重定义;基类型不同 赋值运算,无法从字符数组转 换为字符 缺少函数标题(是否是老式的形 式表?)




Ambiguous operators need parentheses不明确的运算需要用括号括起Ambiguous symbol'xxx'不明确的符号Argument list syntax error参数表语法错误Array bounds missing丢失数组界限符Array size toolarge数组尺寸太大Bad character in paramenters参数中有不适当的字符Bad file name format in include directive包含命令中文件名格式不正确Bad ifdef directive synatax编译预处理ifdef有语法错Bad undef directive syntax编译预处理undef有语法错Bit field too large位字段太长Call of non-function调用未定义的函数Call to function with no prototype调用函数时没有函数的说明Cannot modify a const object不允许修改常量对象Case outside of switch漏掉了case语句Case syntax errorCase语法错误Code has no effect代码不可述不可能执行到Compound statement missing{分程序漏掉"{"Conflicting type modifiers不明确的类型说明符Constant expression required要求常量表达式Constant out of range in comparison在比较中常量超出范围Conversion may lose significant digits 转换时会丢失意义的数字Conversion of near pointer not allowed 不允许转换近指针Could not find file'xxx'找不到XXX文件Declaration missing;说明缺少";"Declaration syntax error说明中出现语法错误Default outside of switchDefault出现在switch语句之外Define directive needs an identifier定义编译预处理需要标识符Division by zero用零作除数Do statement must have whileDo-while语句中缺少while部分Enum syntax error枚举类型语法错误Enumeration constant syntax error枚举常数语法错误Error directive:xxx错误的编译预处理命令Error writing output file写输出文件错误Expression syntax error表达式语法错误Extra parameter in call调用时出现多余错误File name too long文件名太长Function call missing)函数调用缺少右括号Fuction definition out of place函数定义位置错误Fuction should return a value函数必需返回一个值Goto statement missing labelGoto语句没有标号Hexadecimal or octal constant too large 16进制或8进制常数太大Illegal character'x'非法字符xIllegal initialization非法的初始化Illegal octal digit非法的8进制数字Illegal pointer subtraction非法的指针相减Illegal structure operation非法的结构体操作Illegal use of floating point非法的浮点运算Illegal use of pointer指针使用非法Improper use of a typedefsymbol类型定义符号使用不恰当In-line assembly not allowed不允许使用行间汇编Incompatible storage class存储类别不相容Incompatible type conversion不相容的类型转换Incorrect number format错误的数据格式Incorrect use of defaultDefault使用不当Invalid indirection无效的间接运算Invalid pointer addition指针相加无效Irreducible expression tree无法执行的表达式运算Lvalue required需要逻辑值0或非0值Macro argument syntax error宏参数语法错误Macro expansion too long宏的扩展以后太长Mismatched number of parameters in definition 定义中参数个数不匹配Misplaced break此处不应出现break语句Misplaced continue此处不应出现continue语句Misplaced decimal point此处不应出现小数点Misplaced elif directive不应编译预处理elifMisplaced else此处不应出现elseMisplaced else directive此处不应出现编译预处理else Misplaced endif directive此处不应出现编译预处理endif Must be addressable必须是可以编址的Must take address of memory location 必须存储定位的地址No declaration for function'xxx'没有函数xxx的说明No stack缺少堆栈No type information没有类型信息Non-portable pointer assignment不可移动的指针(地址常数)赋值Non-portable pointer comparison不可移动的指针(地址常数)比较Non-portable pointer conversion不可移动的指针(地址常数)转换Not a valid expression format type不合法的表达式格式Not an allowed type不允许使用的类型Numeric constant too large数值常太大Out of memory内存不够用Parameter'xxx'is never used能数xxx没有用到Pointer required on left side of->符号->的左边必须是指针Possible use of'xxx'before definition 在定义之前就使用了xxx(警告)Possibly incorrect assignment赋值可能不正确Redeclaration of'xxx'重复定义了xxxRedefinition of'xxx'is not identicalxxx的两次定义不一致Register allocation failure寄存器定址失败Repeat count needs an lvalue重复计数需要逻辑值Size of structure or array not known结构体或数给大小不确定Statement missing;语句后缺少";"Structure or union syntax error结构体或联合体语法错误Structure size too large结构体尺寸太大Sub scripting missing]下标缺少右方括号Superfluous&with function or array函数或数组中有多余的"&" Suspicious pointer conversion可疑的指针转换Symbol limit exceeded符号超限Too few parameters in call函数调用时的实参少于函数的参数不Too many default casesDefault太多(switch语句中一个)Too many error or warning messages错误或警告信息太多Too many type in declaration说明中类型太多Too much auto memory in function函数用到的局部存储太多Too much global data defined in file文件中全局数据太多Two consecutive dots两个连续的句点Type mismatch in parameter xxx参数xxx类型不匹配Type mismatch in redeclaration of'xxx' xxx重定义的类型不匹配Unable to create output file'xxx'无法建立输出文件xxxUnable to open include file'xxx'无法打开被包含的文件xxxUnable to open input file'xxx'无法打开输入文件xxxUndefined label'xxx'没有定义的标号xxxUndefined structure'xxx'没有定义的结构xxxUndefined symbol'xxx'没有定义的符号xxxUnexpected end of file in comment started on line xxx 从xxx行开始的注解尚未结束文件不能结束Unexpected end of file in conditional started on line xxx 从xxx开始的条件语句尚未结束文件不能结束Unknown assemble instruction未知的汇编结构Unknown option未知的操作Unknown preprocessor directive:'xxx'不认识的预处理命令xxxUnreachable code无路可达的代码Unterminated string or character constant字符串缺少引号User break用户强行中断了程序Void functions may not return a valueVoid类型的函数不应有返回值Wrong number of arguments调用函数的参数数目错'xxx'not an argumentxxx不是参数'xxx'not part of structurexxx不是结构体的一部分xxx statement missing(xxx语句缺少左括号xxx statement missing)xxx语句缺少右括号xxx statement missing;xxx缺少分号xxx'declared but never used说明了xxx但没有使用xxx'is assigned a value which is never used给xxx赋了值但未用过Zero length structure结构体的长度为零。



#operator not followed by maco argument name #运算符后没跟宏变元名Ambiguous operators need parentheses不明确的运算需要用括号括起Ambiguous symbol ''xxx''不明确的符号Argument # missing name参数#名丧失Argument list syntax error参数表语法错误Array bounds missing丧失数组界限符Array size too large数组尺寸太大Assembler statement too long汇编语句太长Bad call of in-line function内部函数非法调用Bad character in paramenters参数中有不适当的字符Bad configuration file配置文件不正确Bad file name format in include directive包含命令中文件名格式不正确Bad ifdef directive synatax编译预处理ifdef有语法错Bad ifndef directive syntax编译预处理ifndef指令语法错误Bad undef directive syntax编译预处理undef有语法错Bit field too large位字段太长Call of non-function调用未定义的函数Call to function with no prototype调用函数时没有函数的说明Cannot modify a const object不允许修改常量对象Case outside of switchCase 出如今switch外Case statement missingCase语句漏掉Case syntax errorCase 语法错误Character constant too long字符常量太长Code has no effect代码不可述不可能执行到Compound statement missing{分程序漏掉"{"Conflicting type modifiers不明确的类型说明符Constant expression required要求常量表达式Constant out of range in comparison 在比较中常量超出范围Conversion may lose significant digits 转换时会丧失意义的数字Conversion of near pointer not allowed不允许转换近指针Could not find file ''xxx''找不到XXX文件Declaration missing ;说明缺少";"Declaration needs type or storage class 说明必须给出类型或存储类Declaration syntax error说明中出现语法错误Default outside of switchDefault 出如今switch语句之外Define directive needs an identifier编译预处理指令Define需要标识符Division by zero用零作除数Do statement must have whileDo-while语句中缺少while部分DO while statement missing (Do while语句中漏掉了符号"("Do while statement missing;Do while语句中掉了分号Duplicate CaseCase情况不唯一Enum syntax error枚举类型语法错误Enumeration constant syntax error枚举常数语法错误Error directive :xxx错误的编译预处理命令Error writing output file写输出文件错误Expression syntax error表达式语法错误Extra parameter in call调用时出现多余参数Extra parameter in call to xxxxxx调用xxxxxxxx函数时出现了多余参数File name too long文件名太长For statement missing )For语名缺少")"For statement missing(For语句缺少"("For statement missing;For 语句缺少";"Function call missing )函数调用缺少右括号Fuction definition out of place函数定义位置错误Fuction should return a value函数必需返回一个值Goto statement missing labelGoto语句没有标号Hexadecimal or octal constant too large 16进制或8进制常数太大If statement missing(If语句缺少"("If statement missing)If语句缺少")"Illegal character ''x''非法字符xIllegal initialization非法的初始化Illegal octal digit非法的8进制数字Illegal pointer subtraction非法的指针相减Illegal structure operation非法的构造体操作Illegal use of floating point非法的浮点运算Illegal use of pointer指针使用非法Improper use of a typedef symbol类型定义符号使用不恰当In-line assembly not allowed不允许使用行间汇编Incompatible storage class存储类别不相容Incompatible type conversion不相容的类型转换Incorrect commadn line argument:xxxxxx 不正确的命令行参数:xxxxxxxIncorrect commadn file argument:xxxxxx 不正确的配置文件参数:xxxxxxxIncorrect number format错误的数据格式Incorrect use of defaultDefault使用不当Initializer syntax error初始化语法错误Invalid indirection无效的间接运算Invalid macro argument separator无效的宏参数分隔符Invalid pointer addition指针相加无效Irreducible expression tree无法执行的表达式运算Invalid use of dot点使用错Lvalue required is assigned a value需要逻辑值0或非0值Macro argument syntax error宏参数语法错误Macro expansion too long宏的扩展太长Mismatched number of parameters in definition 定义中参数个数不匹配Misplaced break此处不应出现break语句Misplaced continue此处不应出现continue语句Misplaced decimal point此处不应出现小数点xxx''Misplaced else此处不应出现elseMisplaced else directive此处不应出现编译预处理else Misplaced endif directive此处不应出现编译预处理endif Must be addressable必须是可以编址的Must take address of memory location 必须存储定位的地址No declaration for function ''xxx''没有函数xxx的说明No file name ending无文件终止符No file names given未给出文件名No stack缺少堆栈No type information没有类型信息Non-portable pointer assignment对不可挪动的指针〔地址常数〕赋值Non-portable pointer comparison不可挪动的指针〔地址常数〕比较Non-portable pointer conversion不可挪动的指针〔地址常数〕转换Non-protable return type conversion 不可移植的返回类型转换Not a valid expression format type不合法的表达式格式Not an allowed type不允许使用的类型Numeric constant too large数值常太大Out of memory内存不够用Parameter ''xxx'' is never used参数xxx没有用到Pointer required on left side of ->符号->的左边必须是指针Possible use of ''xxx'' before definition 在定义之前就使用了xxx〔警告〕Possibly incorrect assignment赋值可能不正确Redeclaration of ''xxx''重复定义了xxxRedefinition of ''xxx'' is not identical xxx的两次定义不一致Register allocation failure存放器定址失败Repeat count needs an lvalue重复计数需要逻辑值Size of structure or array not known 构造体或数组大小不确定Statement missing ;语句后缺少";"Structure or union syntax error构造体或结合体语法错误Structure size too large构造体尺寸太大Subscripting missing ]下标缺少右方括号Superfluous & with function or array函数或数组中有多余的"&" Suspicious pointer conversion可疑的指针转换Switch statement missing (switch 语句缺少"("Switch statement missing )switch 语句缺少")"Symbol limit exceeded符号超限Too few parameters in call函数调用参数太少Too few parameter in call to'xxxxxx'调用'xxxxxx'时参数太少Too many casesCases太多Too many decimal points十进制小数点太多Too many default casesDefault太多(switch语句中一个)Too many exponents阶码太多Too many initializers初始化太多Too many error or warning messages 错误或警告信息太多Too many storage classes in declaration 说明中存储类太多Too many type in declaration说明中类型太多Too much auto memory in function函数用到的自动存储太多Too much global data defined in file文件中全局数据太多Two consecutive dots两个连续的点Type mismatch in parameter #参数"#"类型不匹配Type mismatch in parameter # in call to 'XXXXXXX'调用'XXXXXXX'时参数#类型不匹配Type mismatch in parameter xxx参数xxx类型不匹配Type mismatch in parameter 'YYYYYYYY' in call to 'YYYYYYYY'调用'YYYYYYY'时参数'XXXXXXXX'数型不匹配Type mismatch in redeclaration of ''xxx''xxx重定义的类型不匹配Unable to create output file ''xxx''无法建立输出文件xxxUnable to create turboc.lnk不能创立turboc.lnkUnable to execute command 'xxxxxxxx'不能执行'xxxxxxxx'命令Unable to open include file 'xxx'无法翻开被包含的文件xxxUnable to open input file 'xxx'无法翻开输入文件xxxUndefined label 'xxx'没有定义的标号xxxUndefined structure 'xxx'没有定义的构造xxxUndefined symbol 'xxx'没有定义的符号xxxUnexpected end of file in comment started on line xxx 源文件在从xxx行开始的注释中意外完毕Unexpected end of file in conditional started on line xxx 源文件在#行开始的条件语句中意外完毕Unknown assemble instruction未知的汇编构造Unknown option未知的操作Unknown preprocessor directive: ''xxx''不认识的预处理命令xxxUnreachable code无路可达的代码Untermimated character constant未终结的字符常量Unterminated string未终结的串Unterminated string or character constant字符串或字符常量缺少引号User break用户强行中断了程序Value required赋值恳求Void functions may not return a valueVoid类型的函数不应有返回值While statement missing (While语句漏掉'('While statement missing )While语句漏掉')'Wrong number of arguments in of 'xxxxxxxx' 调用'xxxxxxxx'时参数个数错误'xxx' not an argumentxxx不是参数'xxx' not part of structurexxx不是构造体的一部分xxx statement missing (xxx语句缺少左括号xxx statement missing )xxx语句缺少右括号xxx statement missing ;xxx缺少分号'xxx' declared but never used说明了xxx但没有使用'xxx' is assigned a value which is never used 给xxx赋了值但未用过Zero length structure构造体的长度为零。

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C++常见错误中英文对照表fatal error C1003: error count exceeds number; stopping compilation 中文对照:(编译错误)错误太多,停止编译分析:修改之前的错误,再次编译fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found 中文对照:(编译错误)文件未结束分析:一个函数或者一个结构定义缺少“}”、或者在一个函数调用或表达式中括号没有配对出现、或者注释符“/*…*/”不完整等fatal error C1010: 在查找预编译头时遇到意外的文件结尾。

是否忘记了向源中添加“#include "stdafx.h"”?解决1:关闭.CPP文件的"使用预编译头"的选项右键选择该文件->属性->预编译头,选"不使用预编译头"解决2: 直接在工程设置里关闭使用预编译头的选项。

步骤和上一方法类似fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'xxx': No such file or directory 中文对照:(编译错误)无法打开头文件xxx:没有这个文件或路径分析:头文件不存在、或者头文件拼写错误、或者文件为只读error BK1506 : cannot open file '.\Debug\StdAfx.sbr': No such file or directory右键当前工程-》设置-》浏览信息-》取消创建创建浏览信息fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation 中文对照:(编译错误)无法从之前的错误中恢复,停止编译分析:引起错误的原因很多,建议先修改之前的错误error C2001: newline in constant 中文对照:(编译错误)常量中创建新行分析:字符串常量多行书写error C2006: #include expected a filename, found 'identifier' 中文对照:(编译错误)#include命令中需要文件名分析:一般是头文件未用一对双引号或尖括号括起来,例如“#include stdio.h”error C2007: #define syntax 中文对照:(编译错误)#define语法错误分析:例如“#define”后缺少宏名,例如“#define”error C2008: 'xxx' : unexpected in macro definition 中文对照:(编译错误)宏定义时出现了意外的xxx 分析:宏定义时宏名与替换串之间应有空格,例如“#define TRUE"1"”error C2009: reuse of macro formal 'identifier' 中文对照:(编译错误)带参宏的形式参数重复使用分析:宏定义如有参数不能重名,例如“#define s(a,a) (a*a)”中参数a重复error C2010: 'character' : unexpected in macro formal parameter list 中文对照:(编译错误)带参宏的形式参数表中出现未知字符分析:例如“#define s(r|) r*r”中参数多了一个字符‘|’error C2014: preprocessor command must start as first nonwhite space 中文对照:(编译错误)预处理命令前面只允许空格分析:每一条预处理命令都应独占一行,不应出现其他非空格字符error C2015: too many characters in constant 中文对照:(编译错误)常量中包含多个字符分析:字符型常量的单引号中只能有一个字符,或是以“\”开始的一个转义字符,例如“char error = 'error';”error C2017: illegal escape sequence 中文对照:(编译错误)转义字符非法分析:一般是转义字符位于' ' 或" " 之外,例如“char error = ' '\n;” error C2018: unknown character '0xhh' 中文对照:(编译错误)未知的字符0xhh 分析:一般是输入了中文标点符号,例如“char error = 'E';”中“;”为中文标点符号error C2019: expected preprocessor directive, found 'character' 中文对照:(编译错误)期待预处理命令,但有无效字符分析:一般是预处理命令的#号后误输入其他无效字符,例如“#!define TRUE 1”error C2021: expected exponent value, not 'character' 中文对照:(编译错误)期待指数值,不能是字符分析:一般是浮点数的指数表示形式有误,例如123.456Eerror C2039: 'identifier1' : is not a member of 'identifier2' 中文对照:(编译错误)标识符1不是标识符2的成员分析:程序错误地调用或引用结构体、共用体、类的成员或者是变量名与变量不符。

error C2041: illegal digit 'x' for base 'n' 中文对照:(编译错误)对于n 进制来说数字x非法分析:一般是八进制或十六进制数表示错误,例如“int i = 081;”语句中数字‘8’不是八进制的基数error C2048: more than one default 中文对照:(编译错误)default 语句多于一个分析:switch语句中只能有一个default,删去多余的defaulterror C2050: switch expression not integral 中文对照:(编译错误)switch表达式不是整型的分析:switch表达式必须是整型(或字符型),例如“switch ("a")”中表达式为字符串,这是非法的error C2051: case expression not constant 中文对照:(编译错误)case 表达式不是常量分析:case表达式应为常量表达式,例如“case "a"”中“"a"”为字符串,这是非法的error C2052: 'type' : illegal type for case expression 中文对照:(编译错误)case表达式类型非法分析:case表达式必须是一个整型常量(包括字符型)error C2057: expected constant expression 中文对照:(编译错误)期待常量表达式分析:一般是定义数组时数组长度为变量,例如“intn=10; int a[n];”中n为变量,这是非法的error C2058: constant expression is not integral 中文对照:(编译错误)常量表达式不是整数分析:一般是定义数组时数组长度不是整型常量error C2059: syntax error : 'xxx' 中文对照:(编译错误)‘xxx’语法错误分析:引起错误的原因很多,可能多加或少加了符号xxxerror C2064: term does not evaluate to a function 中文对照:(编译错误)无法识别函数语言分析:1、函数参数有误,表达式可能不正确,例如“sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c));”中表达式不正确2、变量与函数重名或该标识符不是函数,例如“int i,j; j=i();”中i不是函数error C2065: 'xxx' : undeclared identifier 中文对照:(编译错误)未定义的标识符xxx 分析:1、如果xxx为cout、cin、scanf、printf、sqrt等,则程序中包含头文件有误2、未定义变量、数组、函数原型等,注意拼写错误或区分大小写。

你就直接把#include <StdAfx.h>删了即可。

error C2078: too many initializers 中文对照:(编译错误)初始值过多分析:一般是数组初始化时初始值的个数大于数组长度,例如“intb[2]={1,2,3};”error C2082: redefinition of formal parameter 'xxx' 中文对照:(编译错误)重复定义形式参数xxx 分析:函数首部中的形式参数不能在函数体中再次被定义error C2084: function 'xxx' already has a body 中文对照:(编译错误)已定义函数xxx 分析:在VC++早期版本中函数不能重名,6.0版本中支持函数的重载,函数名可以相同但参数不一样error C2086: 'xxx' : redefinition 中文对照:(编译错误)标识符xxx 重定义分析:变量名、数组名重名error C2087: '<Unknown>' : missing subscript 中文对照:(编译错误)下标未知分析:一般是定义二维数组时未指定第二维的长度,例如“int a[3][];” error C2100: illegal indirection 中文对照:(编译错误)非法的间接访问运算符“*” 分析:对非指针变量使用“*”运算error C2105: 'operator' needs l-value 中文对照:(编译错误)操作符需要左值分析:例如“(a+b)++;”语句,“++”运算符无效error C2106: 'operator': left operand must be l-value 中文对照:(编译错误)操作符的左操作数必须是左值分析:例如“a+b=1;”语句,“=”运算符左值必须为变量,不能是表达式error C2110: cannot add two pointers 中文对照:(编译错误)两个指针量不能相加分析:例如“int *pa,*pb,*a; a = pa + pb;”中两个指针变量不能进行“+”运算error C2117: 'xxx' : array bounds overflow 中文对照:(编译错误)数组xxx边界溢出分析:一般是字符数组初始化时字符串长度大于字符数组长度,例如“char str[4] = "abcd";”error C2118: negative subscript or subscript is too large 中文对照:(编译错误)下标为负或下标太大分析:一般是定义数组或引用数组元素时下标不正确error C2124: divide or mod by zero 中文对照:(编译错误)被零除或对0求余分析:例如“int i = 1 / 0;”除数为0error C2133: 'xxx' : unknown size 中文对照:(编译错误)数组xxx长度未知分析:一般是定义数组时未初始化也未指定数组长度,例如“int a[];” error C2137: empty character constant。
