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舶的正常工作和航行带来不良影响,而且船舶电力推 进系统各个部件之间的变化关系十分复杂,使得船舶 电力推进系统故障诊断面临巨大的挑战[1]。
中图分类号:TH133 文献标识码:A
文章编号: 1672 – 7649(2019)5A – 0091 – 03
doi:10.3404/j.issn.1672 –来自百度文库7649.2019.5A.031
Research on fault diagnosis technology of marine electric propulsion system
BAI Gui-yin (Hubei Communications Technical College, Wuhan 430079, China)
Abstract: Fault diagnosis technology is the key point in the research of marine electric propulsion system. At present, it is impossible to accurately divide the faults of marine electric propulsion system and to obtain better fault recognition effect of marine electric propulsion system. In order to obtain ideal fault diagnosis effect of marine electric propulsion system, a marine electric propulsion system based on signal denoising and data mining is designed. Fault diagnosis method. Firstly, the fault principle of marine electric propulsion system is analyzed. The fault signal of marine electric propulsion system is adopted. Then the fault signal of marine electric propulsion system is denoised to improve the quality of fault signal of marine electric propulsion system. The fault diagnosis features of marine electric propulsion system are extracted. Finally, the fault classifier of marine electric propulsion system is designed by least square support vector machine. Compared with other methods, the fault diagnosis rate of marine electric propulsion system in this method is higher than about 94%. The error rate of fault diagnosis results of marine electric propulsion system is obviously reduced, and the speed of fault diagnosis of marine electric propulsion system is accelerated. Compared with the comparison method, the fault diagnosis rate of marine electric propulsion system in this paper is higher than about 15%. It has a wider application field.
第 41 卷 第 5A 期 2019 年 5 月
Vol. 41, No. 5A May , 2019
白桂银 (湖北交通职业技术学院,湖北 武汉 430079)
摘 要: 故障诊断技术是船舶电力推进系统研究中的重点,当前无法对船舶电力推进系统的故障进行准确划 分,无法获得较优的船舶电力推进系统故障识别效果,为了获得理想的船舶电力推进系统故障诊断效果,设计一种 信号去噪和数据挖掘的船舶电力推进系统故障诊断方法。首先分析船舶电力推进系统故障原理,采用船舶电力推进 系统故障信号,然后对船舶电力推进系统故障信号进行去噪,提高船舶电力推进系统故障信号质量,并提取船舶电 力推进系统故障诊断特征,最后采用最小二乘支持向量机设计船舶电力推进系统故障分类器,并与其他方法进行船 舶电力推进系统故障诊断对比实验,相对于对比方法,本文方法的船舶电力推进系统故障诊断率高于 94%,不仅船 舶电力推进系统故障结果的误识率明显减少,而且加快了船舶电力推进系统故障诊断的速度,具有更加广泛的实际 应用领域。
Key words: marine power;propulsion system;fault diagnosis and recognition;noise suppression, error rate
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当前,船舶结构越来越复杂,船舶吨位也不断增 加,需要提供的动力也越来越大,电力推进系统作为 船舶动力的主要提供者,具有十分重要的位置。在实 际应用中,船舶电力推进系统受到多种因素的影响以 及自身老化等影响,船舶电力推进系统故障发生概率 日益增加。当前船舶电力推进系统发生故障后,给船