翻译技巧之转化法 PPT课件

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• 会计包括设计会计制度,准备财务报 表、审计账目和对成本的研究报告,
机的应用,以及分析和解释有助于制 定商业决策的会计信息。
• His father is a non-smoker, but he is a chain-smoker.
• 他父亲不抽烟,他抽起来却一根接一根。 • We are exporters of the above
1. Undoubtedly they don’t have the intention of making an engineer of him, and I suspect they never will.
2. The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.
3. He is utterly ignorant of the US. How can we expect him to enlarge the market for our products there?
二、 转译成名词
1. 动词转名词 英语中很多由名词派生的动词,以 及由名词转化的动词,在翻译成汉 语的过程中往往很不容易找到对应 动词,这时可以将其转译成名词。
the newly developed device.
• 研究人员深知新研制的装置缺点在哪 里
• Ex:
1. The students are afraid that
this chemical reaction will take place with great violence.
2. He is quite familiar with the performance of this machine.
6. Differences between the social systems of
states shall not be an obstacle to their
contact and cooperation.
2. 介词、副词变动词
• 介词与动词在语法特征上具有共性,两者都 可以带宾语。实际上不少介词是从动词演变 而来,仍然带有动词的意味。这些介词包括 :across, around, by, for, in, into, past, through, toward, with
2. 副词变形容词
• Her lecture impressed us deeply.
• 它的讲演给我们以很深的印象
• The computers are widely used
and play an important part in industry. • 电脑得到了广泛的应用并在工业上起 到了重要作用
Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young man’s past wrongdoings.
译文一:和儿子谈话时,老人是年轻人过去 做错事的原谅者。
译文二:在和儿子谈话时,老人宽恕了年轻 人过去做的错事。
一、 转译成动词
三、 转译成形容词
• He found some difficulties to
design a reactor without a computer. • 她感到没有电脑要设计反应堆是困难 的。
• They admitted the feasibility of
our proposal. • 他们承认我们的建议是可行的。
• A tramp may ask you for money, but he will never ask you to feel
sorry for him.
• 一个流浪汉可能向你讨钱,但他绝不 要你同情他
• The researchers have been quite
aware of the shortcomings of
world, they think they can speak to you as they like.
• 他们一看见你穷困潦倒,就认为他们可 以想怎么跟你说话就怎么跟你说话。
• That dictionary will be out pretty
• 那本辞典很快就要出版了。
• A call for papers is being issued.
• 征集论文的通知正在陆续发出
• She has gained her master’s
degree and is finally off
• 她已经获得了硕士学位并终于摆脱了 救济
• When they see you down in the
• I did not notice the approach of
a policeman when talking with my old classmate in the street.
• 当我在街道上和一个老同学谈话时, 没有注意到一名警察正在走近。
• The doctor’s extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery.
• Accounting includes the design of accounting systems, preparation of financial statements, audits, cost studies, development of forecasts, income tax work, computer applications, and the analysis and interpretation of accounting information as an aid to making business decisions.
3. The engine has given a constantly good performance.
4. Professor Wilson is said to be a lady killer.
5. The well known scientist was a great lover of literature when he was a child.
Байду номын сангаас
• The lecturer gave an excellent
picture of the living conditions in
Africa. • 讲演者生动地描绘了非洲的生活状况
• We can make use of atomic
energy in the production processes. • 我们可以在这些生产过程中应用原子 能
• 英语的谓语动词只有admires一词,其它用的是过 去分词stated, 动词派生名词decision,不定式to fight,和介词for。汉语没有词形变化,但可以几 个动词连用。因此,英语中不少词类,尤其是名 词、介词、形容词和副词,在汉译时往往可以转 译成动词。
1. 名词转动词
由动词派生的名词和具有动作含义的名词可以翻 译成汉语动词。
• 美国总统林肯在葛底斯堡的著名演说词结尾 有句话:
• …and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
• 这个民有、民治、民享的政府将永远不会从 世界上消失。。。
• 你在这方面是行家 • The cattle feeding industry will
need to be more flexible.
• 养牛需要较大的灵活性. • Stevenson was eloquent and elegant
---but soft. • 史蒂文森有口才、有风度,但很软弱。
• 英语中表示知觉、情欲、欲望等心理 状态的形容词,在系动词后作表语用 时,往往可以转译成动词。如, confident, certain, careful, cautions, angry, sure, ignorant, afraid, doubtful, aware, concerned, glad, delighted, sorry, ashamed, thankful, anxious等。
• All peace-loving people demand unconditional prohibition of atomic weapons.
• 一切热爱和平的人民要求无条件地禁止原 子武器。
Note: 我们可以得出这样的结论,英语中“具备 动态概念的名词+of+名词”这种结构在翻 译成汉语时几乎斗殴可以将“具备动态概 念的名词”翻译成动词,将“of+名词”的 翻译成名词短语充当宾语。
political change. • 我们的时代是深刻的政治变革的见证
1:Formality has always characterized their relationship.
2. The design aims at automatic operation, easy regulation, simple maintenance and high productivity.
goods, having a background of over 30 years. • 我们出口上述商品,已经经营了三十余年 • The economic environment is characterized by buyers, sellers and competitors. • 经济环境的特点就是买、卖与竞争
• 一、词类转换 • 二、句子成分转换 • 三、表达方式转换 • 四、语序转换 • 五、正面、反面表达转换 • 六、主、被动转换 • 七、分句转换 • 八、文化转换
They can fish. ? 词性判断 如果can为助动词,而fish为动词,则翻译为: 他们会捕鱼 如果can做动词,fish做名词,则翻译为: 他们把鱼制成罐头
• 英语和汉语比起来,汉语中动词用得比较多,这 是一个特点,往往在英语句子中只用一个谓语动 词,而在汉语中则可以几个动词或动词性结构连 用。
• He admired the President’s stated decision to fight for the job.
• 他对总统声明为保住其职位而决心奋斗表示钦佩 。
• He had never seen Clem act like
that before, and he did not know what to do. • 她以前从没看见Clem有这样的举动, 所以不知所措
• They are shaped like sharks.
• 他们的外形像鲨鱼 • Our age is witnessing a profound
• When I first met my husband, I
was still a stranger to China.
• 我第一次见到我的丈夫的时候,我对 中国还是陌生的
• Peter doesn't consider it a
shame to cheat in exams.
• Peter 不认为考试作弊是可耻的
3. Even today the American dollar is technically “backed” by the store of gold which the US government maintains.
• You are skillful in all such matters.