



Chinese name: score:


( )1. A. car B. farm C. class D. table

( )2. A. thank B. three C. mouth D. that

( )3. A. excuse B. red C. bed D. leg

( )4. A leaf B lemon C. girl D. like

( )5. A. magazine B. bag C. basket D. have


1. I (宾格):__________ 2,his (主格):_________

3,teapot (复数): _________ 4,sheep (复数):____________ 5,knife(复数):____________ 6,box (复数):____________ 7,中国人(英语):__________ 8,France(汉语):___________ 9,家庭作业(英语):_______ 10,interesting(汉语):______ 11,refrigerator(汉语):__________ 12, eat(第三人称单数)_______ 13, have(第三人称单数)__________ 14, wash(第三人称单数______ 15,drink(现在分词):____________ 16,jump (现在分词):________ 17,take(现在分词):_____________ 18,put现在分词) ________ 19,can(否定形式):_________ 20,does(否定形式):________


( )1. ______is Sally? --She’s in the garden.

A、 What

B、 Where C 、Who

( )2.What’s the dog doing? --It’s ________after a cat.

A、run .



( )3.Sally is looking ____ a big ship.


B、at C 、after

( )4. What are you going to do now? ----I________ the bookcase.


B、am paint

C、am going to paint

( )5.Jenny comes from Italy, she is _________.

A 、Danish B、Italian C、German

( )6.Where do you live? --I live ____87Jiefang street.

A、at B 、on C、in

( )7.There ____ _____ bread on the table.

A 、is , some B、 is,any C、 are,some

( )8.What’s in the bag? --There is ____tabacoo.

A、a bar of

B、a tin of C a bottle of

( )9.What can you do? --I can ____dishes.

A 、wash B、washes C、 washing

( )10. I like chicken, but my father______.

A 、not B、doesn’t C、don’t


1. look,Sam is _____(watch)TV at the moment.

2. I’m going to _____(swim) tomorrow afternoon .

3. Peter _____(like) beef, but he____ (do not)like steak.

4. The children _____(go)to school in the morning.

5. Pamela can _____(type) letters..


1、tell you the truth, I don’t like Peter __________________________________

2、He come from Japan. ___________________________________________________

3、It is always hot at summer. ___________________________________________

4、I can making cakes. __________________________________________________

5、My mother are making the bed now.______________________________________

6、We often go to school by foot.__________________________________________

7、Mr Sawyer usually reads newspaper in the night._________________________

8、Does he likes chicken?________________________________________________ 六、给问题找答句,只填序号。(10分)

( )1.What are you doing? A、He’s going to shave.

( )2.Where,s Penny? B、I am jumping off the tree.

( )3.What’s he going to do ? C、She is in the garden.

( )4.Can you wash this shirt for me? D、No,he doesn’t.

( )5.Does Tim like oranges? E、 Yes, please.

( )6.Do you want any sugar? F、No, I cant.

( )7. What’s the climate like in Greece? G、read books.

( )8. Where do you come from? H、No,I don’t have any meat. ( )9.What do you usually do in the evening? I、It’s very pleasant. ( )10.Do you have any meat? J、England.


1、you, do, beef, want, lamb, or __________________________________________

2、going, the, you, do, to, what, are , with,vase

________________________________________________________________ _______ 3、My , at, father , always, night ,TV, watch

________________________________________________________________ _______ 4、some, is, in, box, chocolate, the ,there

________________________________________________________________ _______ 5、they, to, by, every , school, day, go, bus,

________________________________________________________________ _______


1. I come from the U.S. (就划线部分提问)

________________________________________________________________ _______ 2. It is five o’clock. (就划线部分提问)

________________________________________________________________ _______ 3. The tea is behind the teapot. (就划线部分提问) ________________________________________________________________ _______ 4. Sam is playing with a dog. (变为否定句)

________________________________________________________________ _______ 5. He often play computer games in the evening. (变为否定句)

________________________________________________________________ _______ 6. I don’t like chicken,either. (变为肯定句)

________________________________________________________________ _______ 7. We are going to have lunch. (变为一般疑问句) ________________________________________________________________ _______ 8. They go to bed at nine o’clock.(变为一般疑问句) ________________________________________________________________ _______ 9. My brother comes from Beijing. (变为一般疑问句) ________________________________________________________________ _______ 10.Open the window and air the room,please.(变为否定句)

________________________________________________________________ _______ 11.Give the book to me,please.(变为同义句)

________________________________________________________________ _______ 12.I am flying a kite in the garden.(变为一般现在时态) ________________________________________________________________ _______





________________________________________________________________ _______ 4、冬天的天气怎么样?--非常冷。

________________________________________________________________ _______ 5、天很长,夜很短。______________________________________________________


Lesson 31 and Lesson 32 一根据句意填词(10分) 1. is Sally She’s in the garden. 2. What is she She is reading in the garden. 3. What is Tim doing He is the tree. 4. I your pardon 5. What going swimming 6. The light is on. Please turn it . 7. The knives are blunt. Please them. 8. Amy is the floor. The floor is clean now. 9. Look,the dog is running a cat in the garden. 10. Emma is cooking a . 二用所给动词短语的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. The basket is full. Lily . 2. She on the computer. 3. The dog likes bones. Look,it . 4. She must ,then goes to bed. 5. The water is too much. Please . 6. He is getting up,but he . 7. Who I’m hungry. 8. The baby now. 9. He is holding a glass of water and a brush. He . 10. The dog is in the garden. It . 三用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. What your mother (do). She is making the bed. 2. Must we (sweep) the floor 3. Look,Sandy (shut) the door. 4. Sally (sit) under the tree Yes,she is. 5. Tim (climb) the tree now. 6. not (read) this magazine. 7. (put) on your new shoes,please. 8. Emma (cook) a meal No,she isn’t. 9. the dog (eat) a bone. Yes,it’s eating a bone. 10. What is Mrs. Jones doing She (take) off her coat. 四用所给词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. She is (dust) the dressing table.


新概念英语31——50测试题 姓名__________ 一.翻译下列短语:(50分) 1,在花园里 50,坐在树下 2,爬树 51,请你再说一遍 3,跑过草地 52,追逐一只猫 4,打一封信 53,倒空蓝子 5,吃骨头 54,看杂志 6,刷牙 55,做饭 7,喝牛奶 56,扫地 8,关上水龙头 57,穿上大衣 9,削尖铅笔 58,好天气 10,天空中的几朵云 59,走过大桥 11,飞过河流 60,做家庭作业 12,从墙上跳下来 61,等候公共汽车 13,洗盘子 62,刮脸 14,一张我们村的照片 63,在山谷里 15,沿着河岸走 64,在左边 16,在河里 65,另一张照片 17,学校大楼 66,在公园旁边 18,从大楼里出来 67,走进花园 19,走在草地上 68,去商店 20,走过马路 69,沿着墙跑 21,在两个警察中间 70,在大桥下 22,在客厅读书 71,飞过大桥 23,坐在草地上 72,工作努力 24,做书架 73,把锤子漆成黑色 25,最喜欢的颜色 74,听音响 26,在......的前面 75,把它放在桌子上 27,给我这个花瓶 76,当心 28,别掉下 77,关上灯 29,打开电视 78,送给你一张画 30,给她拿来一束花 79,一块奶酪 31,一条面包 80,一块肥皂 32,一块巧克力 81,一瓶牛奶 33,一磅糖 82,半磅咖啡 34,一盒烟丝 83,1/4磅茶叶 35,一张报纸 84,盘子上的一把勺 36,衣柜里的套装 85,书柜上的报纸 37,树上的一些鸟 86,收音机上的护照 38沏茶 87,当然 39,在水壶 88,在那边 40,在茶壶后边 89,在我前面


新概念英语第一册阶段性测试(一)(含答 案) 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 新概念阶段性测试(一)姓名: 仔细思考,认真审题,相信自己~希望你能考出自己满意的成绩! 写出下列单词的汉语意思(10) excuse daughter number busy lazy perhaps blouse carpet tourist Korean blunt heavy light office thin policeman hairdresser catch clean lovely 写出下列单词(10) 连衣裙相同的衬衣大衣手表(看)祖母空的小的大的年轻的满的事情短的护士房子父亲兄弟母亲姐妹冷的写出下列词的复数形式(10) boy city man dress man

knife book tooth policeman wife child dish watch cat umbrella cup bottle toy sheep box 辨音(10) ()1.pen 2.pencil 3.dress 4.excuse ()1.five 2.like 3.ticket 4.hi ()1.number 2.teacher 3.sister 4.here ()1.good 2.cool 3.too 4.school ()1.cold 2.old 3.coat 4.house 下列单词拼写有误的是(10) ()A.student B.postman C.taix D.new ()A.Japanese B.Chinesa C.nice D.nationality ()A.operator B.nama C.housewife D.fine ()A.teday B.dirty C.tie D.smart ()A.customs B.friend C.yellow D.whiet 完成下列表格(20) 个些 这 那 A. B. 主格宾格形容词性物主代词


Lesson 31-36 一.填入下列单词中所缺的字母10% 1.g__ __ den 2. gra__ __ 3.c__ __mb 4.tr__ __ 5.c__ __k 6.b__ __ket 7.cl__ __n 8.dr__ __ 9 bri__ __e 10.fa__ __ly 11.sw__m 12.cl__ __d 13.j__ mp 14.sl__ __p 15.pho__ __graph 16.b__ __lding 17.betw__ __n 18.ano__ __er 19.va__ __ey 20.be__ __de 二.从ABCD中选出读音不同的选项15% 21.A.garden B.sharpen C.park D.wardrobe 22.A.climb https://www.360docs.net/doc/8819152820.html,k C.bridge D.ship 23.A.family B.untidy C.fly D.empty 24.A.left B.between C.letter D.bedroom 25.A.basket B.wash C.after D.grass 26.A.across B.bone C.over D.open 27.A.eat B.clean C.meal D.heavy 28.A.tooth B.school C.cook D.too 29.A.sun B.jump C.shut D.put 30.A.village B.valley C.cat D.bank 三.用所给单词的正确形式填空10% 31.What ___________Sally doing? (be) 32.Tina is __________under the tree. (sit) 33.Her sister is __________the bed. (make) 34.Who is _______________the floor? (sweep) 35.The keyboard operators are __________those letters. (type) 36.What __________________they doing? (be) 37.That boy is _________________across the river. (swim) 38.Where ________________my friends? (be) 39.The children are ________________. (cry) 40.Mr. Jones and his wife ________________waiting for the bus. (be) 四.从下列选项中选出恰当的词语将句子补充完整,每词只用一次10%A.where B.coimbing C.too D.living E.near F.cooking G.what H.in I.children J.is 41.Jean: ____is Susan? Jack:She is in the kitchen. Jean:___ is she doing? Jack:She is ____a meal. Jean:Is Tina in the kitchen,____? Jack:No,she isn’t.She’s in the ____room. 42. Ann:Where are the _____? Eric:They are ____teh garden. Ann:What are they doing? Eric:They are ___ the tree. Ann:Where ___ their mother? Eric:She is sitting ___ the tree. 五.判断句子正T误F,并改正20% 43.Our dog is running after a cat. ( ) 44.Jack is reads a magazine in the living room. ( ) 45.Is your brother cleaned his teeth? ( ) 46.What is Tina and Tom doing? ( ) 47.Mr. Jones and his wife is looking at the boats.( ) 48.Those birds are flying over the river. ( )


新概念英语第一册31-60课_阶段测试卷 博文外语培训中心 新概念英语II期阶段测试卷 Chinese name: score: 一、找出下列单词中划线部分发音不同的一个(5分) ( )1. A. car B. farm C. class D. table ( )2. A. thank B. three C. mouth D. that ( )3. A. excuse B. red C. bed D. leg ( )4. A leaf B lemon C. girl D. like ( )5. A. magazine B. bag C. basket D. have 二、写出下列单词的正确形式。(20分) 1. I (宾格):__________ 2,his (主格):_________ 3,teapot (复数): _________ 4,sheep (复数):____________ 5,knife(复数):____________ 6,box (复数):____________ 7,中国人(英语):__________ 8,France(汉语):___________ 9,家庭作业(英语):_______ 10,interesting(汉语):______ 11,refrigerator(汉语):__________ 12, eat(第三人称单数)_______ 13, have(第三人称单数)__________ 14, wash(第三人称单数______ 15,drink(现在分词):____________ 16,jump (现在分词):________ 17,take(现在分词):_____________ 18,put现在分词) ________ 19,can(否定形式):_________ 20,does(否定形式):________ 三、择正确的答案(10分) ( )1. ______is Sally? --She’s in the garden. A、 What B、 Where C 、Who ( )2.What’s the dog doing? --It’s ________after a cat. A、run . B、runs.


新概念阶段测试(31-40) (总分100)name_______ mark_______ 一,听力回答题:听问题从每题的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选择正确的回答(每题1分=10) ( ) 1. A. She is English. B.She is 30. C. She is in the bedroom. D.She is a housewife ( ) 2. A.a tree B. a dog C. a river D.a garden ( ) 3. A.Yes, he can. B. Yes, she can. C.Yes, they can. D. Yes, we can. ( ) 4. A. A tree B. A car C. His D. Mr Jones ( ) 5. A. No, he isn’t. B. No, she isn’t C. No, it isn’t D. No, there isn’t ( ) 6. A. He is looking at a picture. B. She is looking at a picture . C. It is looking at a picture. D. They are looking at a picture. ( ) 7. A. tea B.dog C. pink D.vally ( ) 8. A. Yes, there is. B.Yes, it is. C. Yes, he is. D. Yes, she is. ( ) 9. A. No, they aren’t. B. No, there aren’t. C. No, we aren’t. D. No, you aren’t. ( ) 10. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, he is. D. Yes, it is. 二. 选择题:从每题的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出 最佳答案填在括号中。(每题1分=50) ( ) 1. Is Mrs Jones in the living room ?的回答是: A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, she is. D. Yes, they are. ( ) 2. Is the bedroom tidy? 的回答是: A. No, he isn’t. B.No, she isn’t. C. No, they aren’t. D. No, it isn’t. ( ) 3. Are these clothes in the wardrobe ? 的回答是: A. No, they aren’t. B. No, there aren’t. C. No, these aren’t. D. No, we aren’t. ( ) 4. Where is Amy? 的回答是: A.He is in the kitchen. B. She is in the kitchen. C. It is in the kitchen. D. They are in the kitchen. ( ) 5.“整理一下床”的英文是: A. Sweep the bed B. Make the bed C. Clean the bed D. Empty the bed. ( ) 6. “air the room” 的中文是: A.打扫房间 B.清洁房间. C. 腾空房间 D.给房间通风( ) 7. Is Sally sitting under the tree ? 的回答是: A. Yes, she is. B. No, she is. C.Yes, it is. D.Yes, they are. ( ) 8. What is Tim climbing ? 的回答是: A.It is climbing the tree. B. He is climbing the tree. C. She is climbing the tree. D. They are climbing the tree. ( ) 9. What’s the dog doing ? 的回答是: A.H e is running across the grass. B. She is running across the grass. C.They are running across the grass. D. It is running across the grass. ( ) 10. Is Nicola typing a letter or opening the window ? 的回答是: A.Y es, She is. B. No, She isn’t C. She is typing a letter. D.She is. ( ) 11. Is Mr. Richards opening the window? 的回答是:A.Y es, he is. B.Yes, she is. C. Yes, it is. D.Yes, they are. ( ) 12. “Mrs. Jones is taking off her coat.” 的中文是:A.琼斯夫人正在穿她的外套。 B. 琼斯夫人正在脱她的外套 C. 琼斯夫人正在整理她的外套 D. 琼斯夫人正在清洗她的外套 ( ) 13.My mother is __the door. A.shut B.shuting C. shutting D. shuts ( ) 14. She is __the bed. A.m ake B. makes C. makeing D. making ( ) 15. What is Emma cooking ?的回答是: A.A dog. B. A cat. C. A book. D. A meal. ( ) 16.What is the aeroplane doing ? 的回答是: A.S wimming across the river. B. Drinking the water. C. Eating the meal. D. Flying over the river. ( ) 17.Where is the ship going? 的回答是: A.It is going in the sky. B. It is going across the grass. C. It is going over the bridge. D. It is going under the bridge. ( ) 18. Are there any clouds in the sky ? 的回答是: A.Y es, these are. B.Yes, there are. C. Yes, it is. D.Yes, they are. ( ) 19. Are there______boats on the river? A.s ome B. any C. a D. an. ( ) 20.“在河上”的英文意思是: A. in the river B. under the river C.on the river D. over the river. ( ) 21. There are_______clouds in the sky. A.s ome B. any C. not D. a lot ( ) 22. What are they doing ?的回答是: A.I am washing dishes. B.H e is waiting for the bus. C.S he is typing a letter. D. They are jumping off the wall ( ) 23. What are you doing ? 的回答是: A.They are walking over the bridge. B. You are climbing the tree C. We are cooking a meal. D. It is eating a bone. ( ) 24. Are they cooking or eating ? 的回答是: A.Y es, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. They are cooking. D. We are eating. ( ) 25. Are they sweeping the floor ? 的回答是: A.N o, he isn’t. B. No, she isn’t. C. No, it isn’t. D. No, they aren’t. ( ) 26. Where are your wife and you walking ? 的回答是:A.i n the river B. on the river C. along the banks of the river. D. under the river. ( ) 27. What are you going to do ? 的回答是: A.I’m painting it. B. I’m going to pain t it. C. I paint it. D. I painted it ( ) 28. Is there a __on the table? A, milk B. bread C.tea D. passport ( ) 29. Is there any __in front of the door? A. milk B. newspaper C. car D. teaport ( ) 30. Are there any__behind that box? A.s oap B.water C. hammers D. coffee


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(参考答案) 请注意,这篇文章中存在着格式错误,例如数字后面的括号和斜杠,以及缺少空格和标点符号等。此外,题目和答案也没有分别列出来,使得文章难以阅读和理解。因此,需要对其进行修改和改写。 New Concept English Book One Stage Test Total Score: 100 Points Part One: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Words (1 Point per n。10 Points in Total) 01.Excuse me。can you ive me? 02.XXX XXX. 03.She wore a beautiful dress to the party last night. 04.I live in a house on the hill. 05.XXX it rains. 06.I need to buy a ticket for the train. 07.What's your phone number? 08.He'XXX.

09.I usually wake up early in the morning. 10.Today is a fine day for a ic. Part Two: Write the Antonyms of the Following Words (1 Point per n。10 Points in Total) XXX - fat short - tall clean - dirty cold/cool - hot/warm young/new - old hardworking - lazy black - XXX sit - stand go - come these - those Part Three: XXX (1 Point per n。5 Points in Total) 1.What's her job。- She's an engineer. 2.What are their jobs。- They're policemen. 3.What's Michael's job。- He's a sales rep.

新概念1 41-60测试题

新概念英语第一册lesson 41-60阶段性测试 Name : Scores: 第一卷:听力测试卷(20分) 一. 从下面选项中选出你所听到的单词。 ( ) 1. A. meat B. meal C. milk ( ) 2. A. hundred B. hill C. husband ( ) 3. A. neither B. weather C. either ( ) 4. A. place B. piece C. please ( ) 5. A. true B. truth C. twelfth 二、听句子,按顺序选出与图片内容相同的选项。 A. B . C. D. E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、听对话,根据对话内容选择正确选项。 ( ) 1. It is really . A. cold. B. sunny. C. rainy. ( ) 2. Kate likes best . A. snow. B.summer C. spring. ( ) 3. It is in summer in Hong Kong. A. cold and windy B. cool and sunny C. hot and sunny ( ) 4. Ben is from . A. Thailand B. Korea C. India ( ) 5. It is in Beijing. A. warm and sunny B.hot and wet C.windy and rainy. 四、听力填词,根据所听内容完成短文,每空一词。 Hello, my name is Li Lei. I am a student, I come from Wuchang. The climate is very there. It’s often windy in . And it’s often in April and May. It’s always hot in June, July and August. It’s always warm in September and October. What’s the like in winter? It’s not very cold and it snows . 第二卷:基础知识运用(80分) 一、语音辨析:选出划线部分读音与其他不同的选项。(5) ( ) 1. A. time B. rise C. size D. piece ( ) 2. A. best B. son C. always D. set ( ) 3. A. late B. arrive C. assistant D. about ( ) 4. A. warm B. large C. park D. March ( ) 5. A. pea B. bean C. pleasant D. read 二、选词填空用适当的介词填空。(10)


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(Lesson1—36) 姓名:________ 得分: 一.单项选择(35’) 1.( )The sun us light and heat. A。give B。gives C.will give D.often gives 2.( )His sister cakes。That's why her hands are all covered with flour(面粉). A.makes B。made C.will make D。is making 3.() Mr。Brown, together with his two children, having a picnic this time yesterday。 A。is B。are C。was D。were 4.( )The family TV now。 A。is watching B。was watching C.are watching D.were watching 5.( )The ships are passing the bridge one by one。 A。under B.on C。of D。in 6.( ) There are two windows the wall。 A。on B。in C。about D.over 7.( )Spring is the best season the year. A。about B。of C。within D。through 8.()My mother bought me . A.a new trouser B.a new pair of trousers C.a new trousers D.a pair of new trouser 9.( ) A clock has three hands. One is short,two are long. A.the others B。the other C.others D.other 10.() I don’t like this blue skirt。Would you show me one? A.other B.the others C.the other D.another 11.( )is one of the most beautiful gardens in the world. A。The summer palace B。A summer palace C.The Summer Palace D.A Summer Palace 12.( ) We have no classes in afternoon on Saturdays. A./;the B.the;/ C。the; the D。/;/ 13.( )John did well his work。Soon he got a rise。 A.with B.about C。in D。at 14.( ) I think you be hungry now. Would you like some bread and milk? A。must B.can C。will D.shall 15.( ) come back tonight。 A.May be he will B。Maybe he will C。He may be will D。He may be 16.()dog is useful animal。 A。The; a B.A;an C.A; the D.The; / 17.( ) Our teacher told us that Moon moves around Earth,and Earth circles Sun. A。the;the; the;the B。a;a;a;a C.an; an; an; an D。


新概念一-31-36课同步测试卷 1.He is playing with his dog。(T) 2.XXX) 3.It XXX) 4.The grass is green in the park。(T) 5.What type of music do you like。(T) 6.Please clean the table after dinner。(T) 7.The tap is dripping。(T) 8.The bone is XXX) 9.I feel weak after running for an hour。(T) 10.The sun is XXX(T) 11.XXX XXX(T) 12.I need to get some sleep before work tomorrow。(T) 13.XXX(T) 14.The athlete jumped over the hurdle。(T) 15.I like to take a walk in the park。(T) 16.The road is long and winding。(T) 17.XXX) 18.XXX)

19.The ship is going under the bridge。(T) 20.XXX) 二、用适当的介词填空。(10分) 1.Here is another photograph of our village. 2.The girl is sweeping the floor。What about the boy? 3.Lily is playing with a cat. 4.XXX. 5.XXX. 6.The ship is going under the bridge. 7.The children are swimming in the river. 8.There are some boats on the river. 9.There are some clouds in the sky. 10.Our village is een two hills. 三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(20分) 1.What is Sally doing? 2.Is Tina under the tree? 3.My mother is making the bed. 4.Who is sweeping the floor?


新概念英语第一册31-60课英语测试 课程概述 本次测试包括新概念英语第一册第31至60课的内容,旨在考察学生对这些课程的理解和运用能力。测试共分为三个部分,包括选择题、填空题和简答题。请阅读题目并如实作答。 选择题 1. 以下哪个单词的发音与其他三个不同? - A. cat - B. bat - C. hat - D. mat 2. 在下列选项中选择一个适当的词填空: - My sister is afraid __________ spiders. - A. about - B. with - C. of - D. to

3. 选择正确的词组完成句子: - I __________ dinner at the moment. - A. am having - B. is having - C. be having - D. had 填空题 1. 请根据上下文填入适当的单词: - I ________ TV every evening. (watch) - We ________ a good time at the party. (have) - She ________ books in the library. (read) 2. 请将下列单词按照正确的顺序组成一个完整的句子:- books / library / are / reading / we / in / the 3. 请根据提示填入适当的单词以完成句子: - I ________ up at 7 o'clock every morning. (get) - They ________ to music in their free time. (listen)


新概念英语一Lesson 31—60 综合测试 一、按要求写单词 1, drop__________(现在分词)6, valley__________(复数) 2, fly____________(现在分词)7, potato__________(复数) 3, wife___________(复数)8, live_____________(现在分词)4, windy____________(名词)9, late____________(反义词) 5, meet____________(同音词)10, tooth___________(复数) 二、单项选择 ( )1. Tom usually ____ TV ____ night. A. watch, at B. sees, at C. watches, at D. see at ( )2. Would you like _____ coffee? A. any B. some C. an D. many ( )3. The plane is flying ______ the bridge. A. in B. over C. on D. for ( )4. Please give the book ___ me. A. to B. for C. at D. in ( )5. ---Where ____ you ____? ---I’m ___ Japan. A. do, from, from B. are, from, from C. are, from, for D. come, from, from ( )6. Do you want _____? A. something else B. anything else C. else something D. else anything ( )7. My father often goes to work ____ 7:00 ____ the morning. A. at, on B. in, in C. at, at D. at, in ( )8. Do you go to school ___ bus or ___ foot? A. by, on B. by, by C. on, on D. at, in ( )9. There ____ a desk and four chairs in the room. A. are B. is C. be D. / ( )10. I have some envelopes ____ A. either B. too C. yet D. neither ( )11. Look! He ___ the radio. A. listening to B. is listening C. is listening to D. listens to ( )12. ___ the moment, he __ his homework. A. In, is doing B. At, is doing C. At, do D. In, does ( )13. This is ___ interesting book. I like it very much. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )14. What’s the climate ____ in your country? A. likes B. like C. look like D. looks like ( )15. In spring the sun rises ___ and sets ____ A. early, late B. late, early, C. lately D. early D. early, lately ( )16. ---Do you want beef ____ lamb? ---Beef, please. A. and B. yet C. but D. or ( )17. ___ there ____ milk in the bottle? A. Is, some B. Is, any C. Are , some D. Are, any ( )18. ---What’s the matter ___ your bike? ---It’s broken. A. with B. along C. in D. about ( )19. ____ I don’t like English at all. A. Telling you the truth. B. To tell you the truth.


新观点英语30-60课测试 一、选出你所听到的时间(10分) 1. 二、单词默写(20分) 春季夏季秋季冬季一月 九月五月暖和的下雪下雨 鸡蛋牛肉鸡橙子面包 花园西红柿树草跑 三、连线(10分) stayathome整理床铺穿上shutthedoor makethebed呆在家喝牛奶puton dohomework等公交车脱掉turnon washthedishes造作业翻开drinkthemilk waitforabus洗碗关上门takeoff 四、写出以下词的此刻分词和第三人称单数(10分) live________________run_________________read________________ go__________________wash___________________ 五、单项选择。(20分) ( ( (A )1.______isSally? --She’sinthegarden. 、What B、Where C、Who )2.Canyou________abookcase? A.make B.play C.drop D.catch )3.Areyou________,too? A.France B.French C.America D.Americas

( )4.She A.stand ’s________underthetr ee.B.sitC.standding D.sitting ( ()5.What’stheclimate____inyourcountry? Alikes BlikeClooklikeDloo kslike )6.JennycomesfromItaly,sheis_________. A、Danish B、Italian C、German ( ()7. —______arethesepants. A.Howmany B.How )8.We_________likeicecream. A. —They’re90dollars. C.What D.Howmuch do B.does C.aren’t D. don’t ( )9.—Doyouhaveacomputer?—_____________ have. ( any A.Yes,Idon ’t.B.No,Ido. C.I D.Yes,Ido. )10._________there_________vegetablesinthekitchen? A.Are;some B.Is;some C.Are; D.Is;any 六.请用所给动词正确的形式填空。(10分) 1.look,Samis_____(watch)TVatthemoment. I’mgoingto_____(swim)tomorrowafternoon. Peter_____(like)beef,buthe____(donot)likesteak. Thechildren_____(go)toschoolinthemorning. Pamelacan_____(type)letters.. 七、按要求改写句子(10分) 1、Thisisyourumbrella.( 变成一般疑问句)
