九年级全一册 Unit4 SectionB 2a-2f 阅读课优质课课件-2024-2025学年

Read and match the main idea of each paragraph.
Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4
The problems Li Wen used to have.
The background of Li Wen.
• Let’s think and talk. Why don’t their parents stay at home?
Their parents have moved to the city to
look for jobs.
They seldom come back home.
• Let’s think and talk. Where do the left-behind children live?
Li Wen changed to be better.
A conversation with his parents
changed his life.
Read Para.1 and complete the introduction to Li Wen.
Li Wen’s background card Sex(性别):__b_o_y___ Age:__1_5_______ From:__th_e__c_o_u_n_t_r_y_si_d_e__ In school:_H__e_w__o_rk__s_h_a_r_d_a_n__d_d_o_e_s_w__e_ll___ Families: he used to live with_h_i_s_p_a_r_e_n_t_s_but now_h_i_s_g_r_a_n_d_p__a_re_n_t_s_take care of him It's hard to believe that_h_e__u_s_e_d_t_o_h_a_v_e__d_if_f_ic_u_l_t_ie_s_i_n_s_c_hool

4、放弃日常人生活。 give up your normal life. 5、你永远也想象不出结果路是多么难。 You can never imagine how difficult
the road to success is. 6、很屡次我想放弃,但还是坚持了。 Many times I thought about giving up,
success is. Many times I thought about
giving up, but I fought on. You
• really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed. Only a very small number of people make it to the top.”
but I fought on.
3a Read quickly and number the information 【1-3】.
___2____ how Candy’s life has changed ___3____ Candy’s advice to young
___1____ Candy’s background
3b Read and complete the sentences about Candy.
1. She used to be shy, but now she’s not shy ___a_n__y_m_o_r_e.
2. She used to sing to _d_e_a_l _w_i_th_ her shyness, but now she loves singing in front of c_r_o_w_d__s.
人教版九年级下册英语Unit 4 Section A (3a-3c)课件

Careful reading
Please read paragraph 3 and complete the sentences. Advice on success: 1. Young people have to be prepared to ___g_i_v_e_u_p__th_e_i_r_n_o_r_m__a_l_l_if_e_______. 2. The road to success is so __d_i_f_fi_c_u_lt___.
Go for it ! Just do it!
Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.
Where is a will, there is a way.
Asian pop star used to be ... dare to ... isn’t shy ...
appeared to others.
1.She’s not shy anymore.
2.She gets_t_on_s__o_f _a_t_te_n.tion
3.It’s _im__p_os_s_ib_l_e for her to hang out with her friends now.
4.She has to_b_e_c_a_r_e_fu_l_a_b_out what she says or does.
4. 她总是不够勇敢去问问题。 _S_h_e_w__a_s_n_e_v_e_r_b_r_a_v_e__e_n_o_u_g_h_t_o__a_sk__ _q_u_e_s_ti_o_n_s_.
人教版九年级英语unit4 sectionA 3a--3b课件和教案2

最大最全最精的教育资源网 新世纪教育网 最新、最全、最精的教育资源网 观课记录肖燕老师在本节课中充分体现了何为有效教学。
课前幽默的视频和“Who is the best drawer ”小游戏的设计,即有效的起到了引入、操练目标语言的目的,也让学生以愉悦的心情融入了浓厚的英语氛围。
同时课堂后部分精心设计了拓展部分,分享观点“外貌 性格谁更重要”升华了本课的情感目标,是个亮点。
在used to 句式转换中,是在学生自己说出的句子中慢慢变成一般疑问句或反义疑问句;在操练used to 时,学生在小组中发挥了集体的优势,完成了非常丰富的对话;在拓展部分,学生感同身受,写出了青春期常见的烦恼并找到了结局办法,句句肺腑之言。
比如1b 听力前后的活动太多,可以适当压缩;2d 部分可以在增加学生跟读,齐读,男女分组读的练习,以便纠正学生的读音。


Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. (Period 2)Section A (3a3c)教材分析本单元话题是“我们所发生的变化”(How we have changed)。
教学目标学完这一课,学生能够掌握:1.词汇:background、interview、Asian, deal、deal with、shyness、dare、crowd、ton、private、guard、require;2.能力:根据上下文语境推测生词或短语的含义;3.交际功能:谈论人物过去的特点。
教学重点1.重点词汇:background、interview、Asian, deal、deal with、shyness、dare、crowd、ton、private、guard、require;2.重点句型:谈论人物过去的特点的相关句型,如“I didn’t use to be popular in school.”。
教学难点使用used to结构谈论人物过去的特点;根据上下文语境推测生词或短语的含义。
新知探究Step 1: Prereading【教师活动】呈现教材插图,提出问题与学生展开讨论。
·What do you think the girl in the picture is doing?·What’s in her hand?·What’s she like?·Is she outgoing or shy?简单交流后,呈现课文标题From Shy Girl to Pop Star,师生继续讨论以下问题:·What was the girl like in the past?·What kind of music does she like?·What do you think the reading passage is about?【学生活动】完成学习任务单上的课堂学习任务一的第1题。
人教英语九年级全册 Unit4 SectionA(3a-3c)(共18张PPT)-课件

4.H__a_n_g_in_g__o_u_t_w__it_h_f_r_i_en__d_sis almost impossible for her now because there are always _g_u_a_r_d_s__a_ro_u_n__d_h_e_r_.
WAhsaintgdeore/ps osphe sdtaor?.
Careful reading
Please read paragraph 2 and then fill in a chart about how Candy’s life has changed.
Careful reading
Please read paragraph 3 and complete the sentences. Advice on success: 1. Young people have to be prepared to
___g_i_v_e_u_p__th_e_i_r_n_o_r_m__a_l_l_if_e_______. 2. The road to success is so __d_i_f_fi_c_u_lt___.
3. They really require__a_l_o_t_o_f_t_a_le_n_t_a_n_d__h_a_r_d__w_o_r_k______.
4. Only a small number of people__m_a_k_e__it_t_o__th_e__to_p___. can be successful

deal v. 对待;处理 (dealt, dealt) deal with 应对;处理 e.g. Have you dealt with these letters yet? 这些信件你处理了吗? shy adj. 害羞的——shyness n. 害羞
2. As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school. dare v. 敢于;胆敢 dare to do sth. 敢于做某事 e.g. Hedoesn’t dare to jumpfrom the top of the wall. 他不敢从墙上跳下来。
3.She used to
3.It’ism_p_o_s_s_ib__le___ for her
_ha_n_g__ou_t__with friends.
to stay with friends because
4_to._Sohhtoehwedrissdh.ne’apt puesaertswoo_r_ry__ab_o_utt4wh.hSeahrteeshhaaersestaoabyel_sw_vo_aer_ryd_yso_ce_gas_ur._ea_fru_d_l _as_.bout
Find the phrases
11.准备好做某事 12.放弃 13.继续奋斗 14.需要天赋和努力工作 15.许多 16.极少数
1.开始做某事 2.在人群前面 3.处理,应付 4.敢于做某事 5.不再 6.担心;担忧 7.得到太多的关注 8.私人时间 9.与朋友一起闲逛 10.准备好做某事
Find the phrases
Fast reading

九年级英语人教版全册Unit4_SectionA3a-3c阅读课教学设计Unit 4 Section A 3a-3c Reading Lesson PlanObjective:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read and comprehend a passage about the benefits of music and identify the main ideas and supporting details in the text.Materials:- Handout with the passage about the benefits of music- Worksheets with comprehension questions- Whiteboard and markersProcedure:1. Warm-up (5 minutes)Start the class by playing a popular song in English and ask students if they recognize it. Engage them in a short discussion about music, asking questions such as: "What kind of music do you like? Why?" or "How does music make you feel?"2. Pre-reading (10 minutes)Display the following sentence on the board: "Listening to music can improve your concentration and memory." Ask students if they agree ordisagree with the statement and why. Allow them to share their opinions and discuss as a class.3. Reading (20 minutes)Distribute the handout with the passage about the benefits of music. Instruct the students to read silently and underline any unfamiliar words. Encourage them to read slowly and carefully to fully understand the content.4. Comprehension Questions (15 minutes)After the students have finished reading, hand out the worksheets with comprehension questions. Instruct them to answer the questions based on the information in the passage. Allow them sufficient time to complete the task.5. Discussion (10 minutes)Go over the answers to the comprehension questions as a class. Encourage students to provide explanations and discuss their reasoning behind the answers. This will help reinforce their understanding of the passage and improve their critical thinking skills.6. Extension activity (10 minutes)To further engage the students, divide them into small groups and ask them to share their personal experiences with music. They can discuss questions such as: "Has music ever helped you concentrate while studying?" or "Do you use music to relax? What kind of music do you listen to?"7. Wrap-up (5 minutes)Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson. Ask students if their initial opinion about the benefits of music has changed after reading thepassage. Encourage them to think critically and use evidence from the text to support their opinions.8. Homework assignmentAssign a short writing task related to the topic of the lesson. For example, students can write a paragraph about how music has influenced their lives or create a list of their favorite songs with a brief explanation of why they like them.Note: The time allocated for each section can be adjusted based on the pace of the class and the level of proficiency.。

2. Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.
take up 开始;从事;接纳; 占据;继续做
e.g. The table takes up too much room. 这桌子太占地方了。 They have taken up golf. 他们开始学起打高尔夫球了。
deal v. 对待;处理 (dealt, dealt) deal with 应对;处理 e.g. Have you dealt with these letters
yet? 这些信件你处理了吗? shyness n. 害羞
3. As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school. dare v. 勇于;胆敢 dare to do sth. 勇于做某事
拓展:take相关词组 take off 起飞;脱下;动身 take on 负担;展现 take over 接收;接管;借用;接办 take down 记下;取下 take place 发生;进行;举行 take a look 看一下 take a walk 散步 take away 带走,拿走,取走 take care of 照料;注意;抚养 take charge 掌管,负责
(4) What’s she like now? She’s not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.
九年级英语人教版全册 Unit4_SectionA(3a-3c)名师课件

3. … because there are always guards around me. guard n. 哨兵;警戒;防护装置;警卫 The guard won’t let you in if you don’t show him your pass. 如果你不出示通行证, 哨兵不会让你进去的。 All the prisoners are under close guard. 所有的犯人都在严密的看守之下。 Miners wore a helmet as a guard against falling rocks. 矿工头戴钢盔,防备落下的岩石。
How have you changed since you was a child? What does it help you with? Is it easy to change yourselves?
How to deal with the problem?
Read the first paragraph and answer the questions. (1)How old is Candy Wang? She’s 19 years old. (2)What was she like? She used to be really shy. (3)Why did she take up singing? To deal with her shyness.

人教版九年级英语上册《Unit 4 Section A 3a-3c》课堂教学课件PPT初中公开课

Unit 4Section A 3a-3c人教版 英语 九年级上册u To learn to read the passage about Candy.u To learn the new words and expressions: background, interview, Asian, dare, ton, private, guard, require, deal with, take up, be prepared to...ØWarming upWork in pairs and talk about your changes now than three years ago. You can use the following words.Free TalkIn the past Now hairheightbuildpersonalityhobbyshort/ long/ black/ brown/ straight/ curly hair short/ tall/ thin/ heavy/ big/ strongserious/ funny/ quiet/ shy/ outgoing/ friendly/ lazy/ hardworkinglike cartoons/ moviesbe interested in music/ sports/ drawing/ swimmingCan you guess what she was like in the past?Do you know the beautiful and outgoing girl?She used to be a shy girl.Yeah. She’s the famous singerCandy Wang.She took up singing to deal withher shyness.As she got better, she was notshy anymore and loved singingin front of crowds. Now she’sthe Asian pop star.Do you want to know her story?______ how Candy’s life has changed______ Candy’s advice to young people______ Candy’s background 3a Read the article and identify the paragraphs in which the following information appears.Number the information [1–3].321For this month’s Young World magazine, I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang. Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school. Nowshe’s not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.From Shy Girl to Pop StarI asked Candy how life was different after she became famous. She explained that there are many good things, like being able to travel and meet new people all the time. “I didn’t use to be popular in school, but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.” However, too much attention can also be a bad thing. “I always have to worry about how I appear to others and I have to be very careful about what I say or do. And I don’t have much private time anymore. Hanging out with friends is almost impossible for me now because there are always guards around me.”What does Candy have to say to all those young people who want to become famous? “Well,” she begins slowly, “you have to be prepared to give up your normal life. You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is. Many times I thought about giving up, but I fought on. You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed. Only a very small number of people make it to the top.”Read Paragraph 1 and complete the chart about Candy’s background.Candy Wang Asian pop starIn the past Nowreally shy not shy anymore and loves singing in front of the classtake up ________singingRead Paragraph 2 and fill in a chart about how Candy’s life has changed.In the past Now1. She used to be shy.2. She didn’t use to be________ in school.3. She used to ________with friends.4. She didn’t use to ________ how she appeared to others. She’s not shy________.She gets__________.It’s _________ for her to stay with friends but guards. She has to ______________ what she says or does.popularhang outworry aboutanymoreattention impossiblebe very careful aboutRead Paragraph 3 and fill in the chart. Advice to success:Young people have to be prepared to _____________________.The road to success is so _________.They really require _______________________.Only a small number of people _______________.give up their normal life difficult a lot of talent and hard workmake it to the top can be successfulGood things Bad things1. Being able to travel and meet new people all the time.2. Get tons of attention everywhere she goes.1. Always have to worry about how she appears to others.2. Have to be careful about what she says or does.3. Don’t have much private time anymore.4. There are always guards around her. Read the passage again and fill in the chart.Many teenagers want to be an actor, a sportsman or a singer. What do you think of it now?1.She used to be shy, but now she’s not shy _________.2. She didn’t use to be ___________ in school, but now shegets lots of attention.3.She used to _________ with friends, but it is almostimpossible now.4.She didn’t use to ____________ how she appeared toothers, but now she does.3b Read the article again and complete the sentences about Candy.anymore popular hang out worry about3c Suppose you are the interviewer and your partner is Candy. Ask and answer questions.Pair work1.Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.坎迪告诉她过去真的很羞涩,开始唱歌是为了克服自 己的羞涩。
九年级全一册 Unit4 SectionA 3a-3c 阅读课优质课课件-2024-2025学年九

__in__fr_o_n_t__o_f _c_r_o_w_d_s_____ and now she i_gs_ono_d’t_t_hinsghsy: _a_n_y_m__o_r_e__.
travel and meet ...
After she became famous, she was able tgoet_tt_orn_as_vo_ef_la_t_tenatniodn._.m.__e_e_t new
and meet new people all the time. “I didn’t use to be popular in
school, but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.” However,
too much attention can also be a bad thing. “I always have to worry
and hard work
3. You only require a lot of talent to succeed. 少数人
4.Only a very small number of people
make it to the top . 到达成功的顶峰
Q: How many pieces of advice does Candy give?
Talk about your changes.
tall, short, thin, funny, outgoing,
serious, quiet, kind,
short hair…
人教版英语九年级全册-Unit 4 Section A (3a—3c)教案

Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A (3a—3c)一、教学目标1. 熟练掌握下列词汇和短语:background, interview, Asian, deal, dare, ton, private, guard, require, deal with, take up, dare to, give up2. 熟练掌握下掌握和运用下列句型:Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school. “Well,” she begins slowly, “you have to be prepared to give up your normal life.”She used t o be shy, but now she’s no t shy anymore.She didn’t use to be popular in school, but now she gets lots of attention.3. 能够运用查读、细读的方式阅读短文,按要求获取相关的信息,并且通过阅读训练来提高阅读能力。
4. 能够用英语描述自己或他人过去常常做的事情;发现自己或他人在外表、性格、兴趣等方面所发生的变化。
5. 让学生意识到成功的不易,培养学生积极向上的心态,并鼓励学生乐观面对生活中的挫折打击,永不放弃,努力追求成功。
二、教学重点及难点重点:1. 掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。
2. 能够用used to描述自己或他人过去常常做的事情。

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Task 1
Read quickly and number the main idea of each paragraph(1-3).
1.She’s not shy anymore.
2.She didn’t use to be
2.She gets_to_n_s_o_f_a_tt_e_nt_io_n.
popular in school. 3.She used to_h_a_n_g _o_ut_with
3.It’s imtoponsssibol额ef f大or量he的r
( C ) 2. As Candy got better ,what did she dare to do?
A . she dared to speak in front of her class.
B . she dared to jump from the top of the wall.
C . she dared to sing in front of her class ,
used to … but now …
have long hair have short hair I used to _h_a_v_e_l_o_n_g_h_a_ir_, but now I h_a_v_e_s_h_o_r_t_h_a_ir_.
used to …
but now …
shyness [ˈ ʃainəs] 害羞
ton [tʌn] 吨 private [ˈpraivət] 私人的、私立的 guard [gɑ:d] 警卫、守卫 require [riˈkwaɪə(r)] 要求 dare [deə(r)] 敢于、胆敢
Say the words quickly! (眼疾口快)
She used to _b_e_y_o_u_n_g__, but now she____is_o_l_d_____.
used to … but now …
drink a lot
stop drinking
They used to d_r_i_n_k_a__lo_t_, but now they_s_t_op__d_r_in_k_i_n_g_.
to hang out with her
friends. hang out 闲逛 friends now.
4.She didn’t use to __w_or_r_y _a_bo_u_t_____how she
4.She has to_b_e_c_a_re_f_u_l a_b_o_ut
Learning aims:
2、会用fast reading(快速阅读)和 careful reading (仔细阅读)文章,捕捉有用信息,完成所设任 务;同时学习Candy注重自我发展,自我提高的 积极健康的心态。
Use used to and now to describe the following pictures.
___2___ how Candy’s life has changed ___3___ Candy’s advice to young people ___1___ Candy’s background
Task 2
Read Para 1 and choose the best answer.
take up 从事
From Shy Girl to Pop Star
Candy Wang
Candy used to be shy , but now she is a pop star. Do you want to know how she becomes a pop star?
New words
background [ˈbækgraʊnd] 背景 interview [ˈintəvju:] 采访、面试 Asian [ˈeiʃn] 亚洲人、亚洲的 deal [di:l] 对付、对待
make it to the top 4.Only a small number of people __________________.
___g_iv_e__u_p__th_e_i_r_n_o_r_m__a_l _li_fe________.
difficult 2.The road to success is so ___________.
a lot of talent and hard work 3.They really require _________________________.
( B ) 1. Why did Candy take up singing?
A . To show her talent.
B .To deal with her shyness.
C .To take part in singing contest. dare to do
deal with处理
wbhaetcsahreefsualysabbboor udto对es…. 谨慎
Task 4
Read Para 3 and complete the sentences.
Advice to success:
be prepared to do 准备好做……
1.Young people have to be prepared to
and then the whole school.
Task 3
Read Para 2 and compБайду номын сангаасete the table.
how Candy’s life has changed
In the past
not .. annoywm额 ore 不再
1.She used to be shy.