ISO14001内部审核程序(中英文版)内部审核程序The procedure of internal audit1.目的Purpose定期进行内部审核,寻找符合或不符合适用标准或程序的客观证据,确保制定环境管理体系是否符合环境管理工作的预定安排和标准的要求,是否得到正确的实施和保持质量管理体系的符合性和有效性。
Internal audit regularly,find out the correct or incorrect applicable standard or the procedure of the objective evidence,make sure the environmentalmanagement system whether meet the environmetal management standard or not.Get correct implementation and keep the correct and efficiency quality management system.2.适用范围Scope of application适用于公司质量管理体系和环境管理体系的内部审核。
Suitable for company’s quality management system and internal audit.3.职责Duty3.1管理者代表负责批准内审计划,指定审核组长和内审员,审批纠正措施,批准内审报告。
Administrators represent are responsible for approving the internal plan,appoint the audit team leader and the internal auditor,examine and approve the measure of correcting and approve the internal audit report.3.2环工组负责编制内审计划,协助管理者代表组织内审工作。
审查指南2023英文Here's a sample of a review guideline written in English, following the given requirements:Let's get straight to the point. This review guideline is for 2023, and it's all about keeping it simple and conversational. No fancy titles or formal introductions here, just the raw guidelines you need.First up, remember to keep it conversational. Don't write like you're addressing a boardroom full of execs. Use everyday language, like you're talking to a friend over a cup of coffee. It'll make your reviews more relatable and easy to understand.And speaking of understanding, make sure each paragraph stands on its own. Don't worry about connecting them with fancy transitions or summaries. Just jump straight into the next point and let the reader follow along.Now, let's talk about variety. Don't be afraid to mix up your language. Use short sentences, long sentences, simple words, and even the occasional fancy vocabulary.It'll keep the reader engaged and make your reviews more interesting to read.Lastly, remember to avoid starting each paragraph with the same type of word or phrase. It can make your writing seem repetitive and boring. Mix it up a bit, and you'll have a review that's as lively as it is informative.So, there you have.。
专利审查指南中英文对照版pdfPatent Examination GuidelinesIntroductionPatents are a form of intellectual property that grants exclusive rights to inventors over their inventions for a limited period of time. In order to obtain a patent, inventors must go through a rigorous examination process conducted by the patent office.The patent examination guidelines provide a framework for patent examiners to evaluate the patentability of an invention. These guidelines help examiners ensure that patents are granted only to inventions that meet the legal requirements for patentability.Key Steps in Patent Examination1. Filing of ApplicationThe first step in the patent examination process is the filing of a patent application by the inventor. The application must contain a detailed description of the invention, along with any drawings or diagrams that are necessary to understand the invention.Once the application is filed, the inventor may request examination of the application by the patent office. The examination request triggers the examination process, during which the patent examiner will evaluate the patentability of the invention.3. Novelty and Inventive StepThe patent examiner will assess whether the invention is novel and involves an inventive step. An invention is considered novel if it is not identical to any existing prior art. An inventive step is present if the invention is not obvious to a person skilled in the relevant field.4. Industrial ApplicabilityThe invention must also be capable of industrial application in order to be patentable. This means that the invention must be capable of being made or used in any kind of industry.5. Unity of InventionThe patent examiner will also determine whether the invention meets the requirement of unity of invention. This means that the invention must be directed to a single general inventive concept.After evaluating the patentability of the invention, the patent examiner will issue an examination report to the inventor. The report will outline the examiner's findings and may request additional information or amendments to the application.ConclusionThe patent examination guidelines play a crucial role in ensuring that patents are granted only to inventions that meet the legal requirements for patentability. By following these guidelines, patent examiners can ensure that patents are granted to inventors who have made a genuine contribution to the field of technology.。
2021商标审查审理指南英文2021 Guidelines for Examination and Review of Trademarks Chapter 1: General Provisions1.1 Purpose and Scope1.2 Principles of examination and reviewChapter 2: Trademark Application2.1 Filing requirements2.2 Examination of formalities2.3 Examination of substantive requirements2.4 Amendments and divisions2.5 Priority claims2.6 Examination of collective marks2.7 Examination of certification marksChapter 3: Trademark Examination3.1 Examination procedure3.2 Distinctiveness assessment3.3 Likelihood of confusion assessment3.4 Examination of elements3.5 Examination of geographical names and false indications 3.6 Examination of generic or descriptive signs3.7 Examination of well-known trademarksChapter 4: Opposition and Opposition Review4.1 Filing and examination of oppositions4.2 Evidence and arguments4.3 Decision on oppositions4.4 Review of opposition decisionsChapter 5: Trademark Revocation and Invalidation5.1 Grounds for revocation and invalidation5.2 Filing and examination of revocation and invalidation requests 5.3 Evidence and arguments5.4 Decision on revocation and invalidation requestsChapter 6: Trademark Renewal and Change6.1 Renewal procedure6.2 Amendments and corrections6.3 Transfer of ownership6.4 Licensing agreementsChapter 7: Trademark Use and Enforcement7.1 Use requirements7.2 Monitoring and enforcement7.3 Administrative and judicial remedies7.4 Customs protectionChapter 8: International Trademark Registration8.1 Madrid Protocol applications8.2 Examination of international applications8.3 Substantive examination of international registrations Chapter 9: Trademark Disputes and Settlements9.1 Mediation and negotiation9.2 Administrative dispute resolution9.3 Judicial litigationChapter 10: Miscellaneous Provisions10.1 Transitional provisions10.2 Effective dateThese guidelines provide comprehensive guidance and instructions for the examination and review of trademarks in 2021. They aim to ensure consistency and fairness in the trademark registration process and facilitate efficient dispute resolution.。
◎关键文档清单的项目应提前准备,如果主审核员(审核组长)预先要求任何这些项目副本◎第二张表列出了审核人员到达现场时必须提供的最低限度的文件和记录关键文档清单◎营业执照◎工厂布局和平面图◎生产流程图/过程描述◎工厂在过去12个月内的变化◎过去12个月的产品/服务、数量、新设备概况◎组织结构图◎集体谈判协议(现行有效的)◎员工手册◎新工人培训材料(培训教材)◎空白劳动合同◎工人登记包括尽可能多的信息(工人分类:按职位、国籍、雇用条件(直接雇用,通过劳动中介机构、学生工、实习生……),所提供的住宿◎所有合法许可证、许可证、授权◎政府机构的豁免(如:综合计时批文)◎有效管理体系证书(如:ISO14001,OHSAS18001)◎最近的政府提交的报告(劳动、商业道德、健康与安全、环境)◎风险管理流程(劳动、商业道德、健康与安全、环境)◎应急响应(所有紧急情况)和业务连续性和恢复计划◎危险材料清单◎危险废物清单审核人员可在现场获得的最低限度文件和记录(审核开始)审核部分提供一般信息一般工厂信息◎工厂布局和图纸◎工厂内工艺和建筑物的描述◎工厂在过去12个月内的变化◎过去12个月产品服务概述、数量、新设备、新许可证◎与工人就RBA最低要求的沟通◎与供应商就RBA行为守则符合性进行的沟通◎与供应商签署关于RBA行为守则符合性的合同要求◎验证供应商实施RBA行为守则要求的证据审核人员可在现场获得的最低限度文件和记录(审核开始)审核部分劳动规定A1 自由选择就业◎与劳动代理、劳动中介、劳动服务商签订的服务合同◎工人(劳动)合同的例子●永久员工●领薪员工●按小时支付的员工●临时员工/工人●季节性(如使用)工人●青少年工人●学徒工●外籍工人●职业工人(如使用的话)◎雇佣记录,包括年龄证明、身份和政府颁发的工作许可证明◎工人贷款和信贷计划文件A2 避免使用童工◎公司有关青年工人保护及适当的工时/轮班的政策◎最低雇用年龄政策◎获得和验证年龄文档证明的程序◎培训和学徒计划的记录◎学校出勤记录和公司支付的学费或书籍◎青少年工人保护程序A3 工作时间◎政府机构颁发的非传统工作时间许可证或加班豁免(例如:综合计时工作制、不定时工作制)◎向工人提供的信息,描述有关工作时间和加班的法律规定◎工作时间政策◎分配和控制加班时间的流程◎工作时间登记流程/程序(打卡……)◎工人考勤表或时间表(最近12个月)◎工人同意加班(超时工作)的证据(例如,签字声明)◎传达加班的证据A4 工资和福利◎向工人提供的信息,描述工资、扣除、计算和福利◎处罚性的工资扣除和奖金的做法/惯例◎津贴清单,例如:食物、住宿和程序◎工人的缴款清单和程序◎当地最低工资的定义(标准)◎工人过去12个月的工资记录和工资条,显示了所有扣除、缴款、收入和汇款情况◎为工人购买所有适用保险的证据◎工人产假证据(母亲产假、父亲陪产假)A5 人道待遇◎关于可接受的工人惯例和处罚措施的工厂规则和条例◎处罚流程/程序A6 非歧视◎雇佣前、入职前的体检要求◎医疗保密程序与惯例◎关于工人分布的资料(类型(永久合同)、性别、职能、民族(籍贯)、年龄、……)◎目前的招聘广告和职位要求◎职能和职位描述A7 结社自由◎向工人提供的信息,描述有关结社自由和工会的地方法规◎过去12个月关于申诉机制和统计的政策和程序、采取(并向工人通报)的行动◎工人会议及/或工会管理会议的会议记录◎与员工定期沟通和反馈的证据◎有关工人投诉和采取(并传达给工人)行动的记录审核人员可在现场获得的最低限度文件和记录(审核开始)审核部分健康和安全条款B1 职业安全◎安全程序(如:封锁/加标、密闭空间、热工许可证)◎操作机械(叉车等)的许可证/认证◎个人防护装备(PPE)计划和各种任务所需的个人防护装备(PPE)清单◎医疗人员证书,现场诊所(医务室),……◎关于采取措施保护孕妇和哺乳期妇女的记录B2 应急准备◎消防计划、消防系统和火灾报警系统维护记录◎消防/疏散演习记录◎化学泄漏响应演习记录◎应急、业务连续性和恢复计划◎应急团队(ERT)组织B3 工伤和职业病◎事故/职业病的调查及跟进报告◎当年度伤害/疾病的日志◎“侥幸避免”日志、分析和跟踪◎旷工记录B4 工业卫生◎工业卫生监测结果(噪音,化学和物理制剂)◎对从事危险工作的工人进行医疗监测的结果◎听力保护和呼吸保护计划◎对有(职业危害)暴露风险的工人进行工业卫生数据的沟通记录B5 体力劳动◎对从事重体力劳动的工人的评估记录◎为减轻工人体力压力而对工作区或设备装置的改装纪录◎对频繁重复操作的工人工进行人体工程学风险评估/手动操作风险评估B6 机器安全防护◎预防性维护记录◎机器安全风险评估记录◎评估员工暴露在人工操作、重复工作、尴尬姿势等危险中的过程和程序B7 公共卫生、食物和住房◎食堂经营许可证与食品操作人员健康检查记录◎在宿舍进行疏散演习的纪录B8 健康与安全沟通◎H&S培训需求分析◎H&S培训计划、培训材料(教材)和培训记录◎危害沟通的程序◎工人提出的安全问题记录审核人员可在现场获得的最低限度文件和记录(审核开始)审核部分环境条款C1 环境许可证和报告◎工厂运作许可证及检查或传唤的记录的副本◎政府机构针对许可证要求颁发的官方豁免资料(排污许可证)◎环境许可证要求的监测、检查和维护记录◎过去2年的环境排放登记册(水、空气、废物的数量)◎污染的预防和减少计划和成果◎温室气体(GHG)计划和成果◎节水计划C2 污染防治与资源减少◎对环境方面进行的实质性评估◎重大环境影响基线◎年度减少目标C3 危险物质◎化学品和其他危险材料清单◎泄漏控制计划和程序◎现场所有危险材料的MSDS◎危险物质许可证/登记◎储罐完整性检查和测试报告C4 固体废物◎现场产生的固体废物(危险和非危险)清单◎处理票据/处置记录(清单、收据、发票)◎废物供应商许可证◎废物许可证或登记和监测/检查报告C5 空气排放◎空气监测报告◎提交个哦监管机构的空气排放许可证和报告◎减少空气污染设备的维护记录◎环境噪声监测报告C6 材料限制◎采购和制造规范,描述工厂如何满足法律和客户对产品内容限制◎向供应商传达RoHS、REACH、WEEE和其他客户产品内容限制的记录◎分析测试结果C7 水管理◎设施地图,其中包括风暴水流域的概述;附近水体的位置;雨水收集和输送系统的位置;设施不透水区域的轮廓;暴露于降水中的材料的位置◎雨水排放的监测结果◎废水处理厂的维修记录和图纸◎供水或地下水监测、井水质分析C8 能源消耗和温室气体排放◎按类别分列的下列温室气体的年度消耗使用情况(范围1和2)审核人员可在现场获得的最低限度文件和记录(审核开始)审核部分商业道德条款D1 诚信经营◎商业行为准则/商业道德守则◎公司捐赠和赞助的政策◎商业道德、反腐败和贿赂的政策◎违反商业道德的调查程序◎商业登记D2 没有不正当的优势◎有关政策,确保来自供应商和客户的礼品或向供应商和客户提供的礼品在费用、频率和好客程度、支出或承诺上不过分◎对涉嫌作出或接受不正当支付或馈赠及企图进行一切形式贿赂行为的工人或代理人提起诉讼的有效程序◎制定和采用调查程序和后续的制裁◎处罚程序/政策◎处罚记录D3 信息披露◎保密协议(非披露协议)模板/表格◎与供应商和客户达成的保密协议(非披露协议)◎与服务供应商达成的保密协议(非披露协议)D4 知识产权◎知识产权审查和保护政策D5 公平商业广告和竞争◎由财务审计公司独立审计的年度财务报告◎公平交易/反勾结政策◎广告政策/沟通政策◎广告/招聘广告D6 保护身份和不报复◎有关秘密举报的政策/程序◎向国人/员工清晰传达杜绝打击报复的政策◎对所有涉嫌打击报复的指控进行调查的程序D7 负责性的矿物采购◎矿物采购的风险评估不包括3TG或(如果由冶炼厂/精炼厂地采购)是无冲突◎关于信息收集的行动计划/行动以确保负责任的矿物采购D8 隐私◎有关保护隐私的正式政策和计划◎有关隐私保护的培训材料(培训教材)和培训记录审核人员可在现场获得的最低限度文件和记录(审核开始)审核部分管理体系条款(注:工厂管理体系描述/手册的副本可以解决大量信息请求,如下) E0 管理体系认证◎管理体系认证(例如:SA8000,ISO14001,OHSAS18001,……) E1 公司/工厂的政策或承诺声明◎劳工、雇佣、商业道德、健康与安全和环境的政策◎公司社会责任政策◎有关公司/工厂的商业道德或商业行为准则政策或手册E2 管理问责制和责任◎组织结构图◎管理体系代表、人力资源管理、商业道德、劳工、健康与安全和环境的经理的角色和责任◎管理体系评审记录E3 法律和客户要求◎客户要求(例如:RBA)的副本◎跟踪体系以监控有关设备和环境责任(SER)的法规及执行或分发日志◎适用法律的副本E4 风险评估和风险管理◎识别、评估SER风险及其排名的程序◎重大变更发生时的风险评估记录◎为最高已识别 SER 风险制定的行动计划E5 改善目标◎当年的阶段性执行目标和总目标,包括定期审查目标的实施情况及及是否实现目标的状态◎当前的改进计划和进展情况E6 培训◎培训分析◎培训日程(培训计划)◎培训记录◎培训评价E7 沟通◎工厂SER规则(例如:工人手册)◎向工人、供应商和客户传达沟通公司业绩和期望的流程◎向工人和管理人员沟通的公告栏、通讯稿、内部网网站E8 员工反馈、参与和不满◎向工人和外部利益相关者提供的关于如何秘密举报所关注的商业道德问题的信息◎“秘密举报”的政策/程序◎保密调查程序及对“秘密举报”的行动◎举报的数据统计◎对工人参与计划制定和实施的正式方式(例如,委员会、负责小组,……)进行了描述◎工人投诉记录、纪律调查和所采取的行动(和沟通)◎管理层提供的工人调查、投诉和反馈E9 审核和评估◎审核流程和程序◎过去3年进行的审核的副本E10 纠正措施流程◎纠正措施管理程序。
审查指南 英文版
审查指南英文版As a reviewer, it is important to carefully follow the guidelines provided for the task at hand. This ensures that the evaluation process is consistent and fair for all individuals involved. By adhering to the established criteria, reviewers can effectively assess the quality of submissions and provide valuable feedback to help improve overall performance.作为一名审查人员,必须仔细遵循所提供的任务指南。
In order to conduct a thorough review, it is essential to pay attention to details and be diligent in the assessment process. Reviewers should carefully read through the submission, taking note of any strengths and weaknesses that may be present. By critically analyzing the content, reviewers can provide constructive feedback that can help the author improve their work.为了进行彻底的审查,需要注意细节,并在评估过程中要勤奋。
审查指南2023英文English Response:Review Guidelines for 2023。
1. Objectivity and Fairness: Reviews should be unbiased, fair, and based on the reviewer's own experiences and observations. They should avoid personal attacks, unsubstantiated claims, or subjective opinions.2. Accuracy and Veracity: Reviews should accurately represent the product or service being reviewed. Theyshould avoid factual inaccuracies, exaggerations, or false statements. Reviewers should have a clear understanding of the product or service and should provide specific detailsto support their claims.3. Thoroughness and Comprehensiveness: Reviews should provide a comprehensive overview of the product or service being reviewed. They should cover all relevant aspects,including features, performance, benefits, drawbacks, and any other important considerations.4. Clarity and Organization: Reviews should be written in clear and concise language, with proper grammar and spelling. They should be organized logically and structured in a way that makes it easy for readers to understand the reviewer's thoughts and recommendations.5. Constructive Criticism: While reviews should be objective and fair, they should also be constructive. They should identify areas for improvement and provide suggestions that can help the product or service being reviewed. Avoid using overly negative or dismissive language.6. Avoid Conflict of Interest: Reviewers should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that mayaffect their objectivity. This includes any personal or financial ties to the product or service being reviewed.7. Compliance with Legal and Ethical Standards: Reviewsshould comply with all applicable laws and ethical standards. They should not infringe on any copyrights or trademarks, and they should respect the privacy of individuals.中文回答:2023 年审查指南。
2023英文审查指南English Response:Content.Prohibited Content:Plagiarism or copyright infringement.Explicit or graphic violence, gore, or nudity.Hate speech, racial or sexual discrimination, or other forms of harassment.Harmful or dangerous content, including instructions on how to commit violence or harm oneself.Abusive or threatening language.Spam.Illegal or unlawful content.Restricted Content:Content that promotes violence, drug use, or other harmful activities.Content that contains personal information or images without consent.Content that is sexually explicit or suggestive.Content that is violent or disturbing.Content that is discriminatory or promotes hate.Format.Length: Articles must be between 800-1500 words in length.Structure: Articles should be well-structured and easy to read. They should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.Citation: All sources and ideas should be properly cited.Language: Articles must be written in clear and concise language. They should be free of grammatical and spelling errors.Review Process.Automated Checks: Articles are first screened by automated checks for plagiarism and other prohibited content.Human Review: Articles that pass the automated checks are then reviewed by human reviewers. Reviewers assess the articles for content, format, and language.Feedback: Reviewers provide feedback to authors ontheir articles. They may suggest revisions or ask for clarifications.Approval: Once an article meets the review criteria,it is approved for publication.中文回答:内容。
ayered Audit
Layered Audit
Layered Audit is an effective tool to confirm the processes are operating at standard, and enhance continuous improvement. Layered audits are in place to assess compliance to standardized Leadership utilizes an audit process by going and seeing on the shop floor to processes, identify opportunities for continuous improvement , and check process compliance, employee behavior and knowledge. Leadership provides coaching opportunities. uses Layered Audit as an opportunity for coaching. Recognition is used to reinforce the right behaviors. Layered audit process is owned by Management. Audit plan shall include multiple levels of Management. Ask Leadership how Layered Audit works in the organization, who is involved in the layered audit process, what is the frequency of layered audits. Audits are tracked and their results recorded. Is the layered audit sheet content relevant for the user (have each principle calibrator review respective part of the audit sheet)? Layered audit questions Follow up to address non compliance is in place. are reviewed from time to time to focus on the plant weaknesses. 1.有分层审核流程以确认标准化作业的实施,识别持续改善机会, 并对员工提供现场指导 Check that all findings are recorded on the audit sheet and those not solved 2.领导层负责分层审核的实施,分层审核计划应该包含每一级管理 within the shift are transferred to countermeasure sheets. 层。 3.跟踪分层审核的实施并记录审核结果。 4.对审核发现的不符合项需要改进对策。
TS16949产品审核操作指导书QA Product audit work instruction1.Purpose 目的In this work instruction the types, frequency and inspection items of product audit are described.本操作指导描述了产品审核的类型、频次及检查项目。
2.Scope应用范围This work instruction applies to the activities of product audit.本操作指导书适用于工厂的产品审核等相关活动。
3.Definitions, Abbreviations定义,缩略语None. 无。
4.Task Description 任务描述To conduct product audit on assembly products, thereby ensuring that the products comply with the technical specifications and customer requirements. The product plans are as following:通过对总成产品实施产品审核,以确认产品是否符合技术规范及客户要求。
具体审核计划描述如下:Product audit type 产品审核类型Frequency频次Inspection items检查项目Responsible负责人Spot check 抽检1 piece Min. of all variantproducts per shift每班每种产品至少一件QM_013 2nd handcheck sheet检验员/产品审核员Inspector/productauditorQ data in PVS check 在PVS中核对质量数1 piece Min. of all variantproducts per day每天每种产Torque list inControl plan产品审核员product据品至少一件auditorFinal Check 终检1 piece Min. of all variantproducts per day每天每种产品至少一件QM_014 FinalInspection Record产品审核员productauditorDelivery audit 发货审核1 piece Min. of all variantproducts per week每周每种产品至少一件Sequence, loadingstatus, quantityetc.排序,装载状态,数量等产品审核员productauditorConduct product audit according to audit plan and keep record.根据产品审核计划进行审核,并保持记录。
International Organization for Standardization International Accreditation ForumDate: 21 September 2004 ISO 9001 Auditing Practices GroupThe ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group is an informal group of quality management system (QMS) experts, auditors and practitioners drawn from the ISO Technical Committee 176 Quality Management and Quality Assurance (ISO/TC 176) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).It has developed a number of guidance papers and presentations (see "QMS auditing topics" below) that contain ideas, examples and explanations about the auditing of QMSs. These reflect the process-based approach that is essential for auditing the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 Quality management systems - Requirements.The guidance is primarily aimed at QMS auditors, consultants and quality practitioners, but is not definitive. The papers and presentations reflect a number of different views in QMS auditing. As such, their content may not always be consistent. It is not intended that the guidance will be used as specified requirements, an industry benchmark, or as criteria that all QMS auditors, consultants or practitioners have to follow.QMS auditing topics•The need for a 2-stage approach to auditing 2阶段审核的必要性•Measuring QMS effectiveness and improvements测量QMS的有效性及其改进•Identification of processes 过程的识别•Understanding the process approach 过程方法的理解•Determination of the “where appropriate” processes 确定”适当的”过程•Auditing the “where appropriate” requirements审核”适当的”要求•Demonstrating conformity to the standard 证明符合标准•Linking an audit of a particular task, activity or process to the overall system•Auditing continual improvement 审核持续改进•Auditing a QMS which has minimum documentation审核QMS文件化的最低要求•How to audit top management processes 如何审核最高管理层•The role and value of the audit checklist 审核检查表的角色和价值•Scope of ISO 9001:2000, Scope of Quality Management System and Defining Scope of Certification ISO9001:2000的范围,质量管理体系的范围和定义认证范围•How to Add Value during the audit process审核过程如何增值•Auditing competence and the effectiveness of actions taken审核能力要求和采取措施的有效性•Auditing Statutory and Regulatory requirements审核法规和指令要求•Auditing the Quality Policy andQuality Objectives审核质量方针和质量目标•Auditing ISO 9001, Clause 7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring devices审核ISO9001, 7.6条款监视和测量装置的要求•Making effective use of ISO 19011ISO19011的有效应用•Auditing Customer Feedback processes审核顾客反馈过程•Documenting a Nonconformity文件化不符合项•Guidance for reviewing and closing nonconformities评审和关闭不符合项指南•Auditing Internal Communications审核内部沟通•Auditing Preventive Action审核预防措施•Auditing Service Organizations审核服务组织•Auditing the Effectiveness of the Internal Audit审核内部审核的有效性•Auditing Electronic Based Management Systems审核电子管理体系A "Zip" file of all the above documents is also available. 可获得以上文件的ZIP档。
2021商标审查审理指南 英文版
2021商标审查审理指南英文版Introduction1. The importance of trademark in business2. The purpose of trademark examination and review3. The significance of the 2021 trademark examination and review guidelinesChapter 1: General Principles1.1 Legal basis1.2 Objectives of examination and review1.3 Principles of f本人rness and impartiality1.4 Protection of public interestsChapter 2: Application Process2.1 Application requirements2.2 Examination procedures2.3 Documentation and evidence2.4 Timeframe for examinationChapter 3: Examination Criteria3.1 Distinctiveness3.2 Similarity to existing trademarks3.3 Prohibited and restricted signs3.4 Non-registration groundsChapter 4: Review Procedures4.1 Reviewable decisions4.2 Review application process4.3 Review timeframes4.4 Grounds for reviewChapter 5: Examination and Review Authorities5.1 Responsibilities of the trademark office5.2 Powers and discretion of the examiners5.3 Role of the review board5.4 Judicial review optionsChapter 6: Measures for Potential Infringement6.1 Precautionary measures during examination 6.2 Handling of potential infringement cases6.3 Remedies for trademark infringementChapter 7: International Considerations7.1 International classification of goods and services 7.2 Madrid System and international registrations7.3 Examination of foreign language trademarks7.4 Recognition of foreign trademark decisionsConclusion1. Recap of the key points in the 2021 trademark examination and review guidelines2. Implications for trademark applicants and rights holders3. Future developments and potential changes in the trademark examination and review process4. References and further resources for trademark applicantsBy following the structure outlined above, we can ensure that the article isprehensive and covers all relevant aspects of the 2021 trademark examination and review guidelines in an organized and easy-to-read manner.。
Year of foundation 贵司成立年份:Annual turnover 年销售额:Number of Employees 职工总人数:Sales department 销售部:Production 生产部:Finances 财务部:Quality assurance 品控部:Supplied product 供应产品:Complied standard 产品符合标准:Shelf life 保质期:Export countriy for this product 产品出口国:Compared with other factory, advantage of your factory and product 与同行相比,贵司产品的优势:Production flow chart or simple description(please attach a copy) 生产流程,请简单描述或附工艺流程图:Zip Code 邮编:3. QUESTIONNAIRE 问卷2. PRODUCT INFORMATION 产品信息Manufacture capability 生产能力:Other product 其他可供应产品:Company LogoSUPPLIER AUDIT REPORT供应商审核报告Address 地址:1. SUPPLIER DATA 供应商信息Supplier name 供应商名称:Guidlines for filling 填写指南1- The porpose filling of this questionnaire is to collect information about the Quality System of supplier. 填写该问卷的目的是了解供应商质量控制体系。
2- Mark with (X ) the alternative that matches replies to your answer. Please do not leave any question without answer. If necessary make observations. 在符合项下画“X ”,请回答所有问题,如需说明请备注。
4.3.1 确定质量管理体系的范围----补充
本汽车QMS标准唯一允许的删减是ISO 9001第8.3条中的产品设计和开发要求。删减应以形成文件的信息(见ISO 9001第7.5条)的形式进行证明和保持。
最高管理者应确定过程拥有者,由其负责组织的各过程和相关输出的管理。过程拥有者应了解他们的角色,并且具备胜任其角色的能力(见ISO 9001第7.2条).
产品审核指南Product Audit Guide1.目的Purpose:验证产品质量是否与技术文件、规范、标准、法规、顾客要求等相符,通过抽取少量的产品按照检验流程进行检验,发现产品质量缺陷及质量趋势,对不符合及时采取纠正措施,确保产品质量。
To verify whether the product quality conforms to technical documents, specifications, standards, regulations, customer requirements, etc, to inspect in accordance with the inspection process though extracting a small amount of product, to find product quality defects and quality tendency, for nonconformity to take corrective actions in time, to ensure product quality.2.范围Scope:本指南仅适用于本公司的产品审核。
This guide is only applicable to company’s product audit.3.术语Terms:产品审核:对产品质量的特性进行测量和评价,以确定产品质量特性符合所要求的程度。
Product audit: to measure and value the characteristics of product quality, to determine product quality character conforms to the level required.4.职责Responsibility:CTO为本指南的归口管理部门,负责产品审核策划、组织实施、管理工作;CTO is the centralized management department for this guide, is responsible for product audit planning, organizing implement, management work.相关部门负责配合产品审核的实施,并负责不符合整改;Related department is responsible for cooperating with the implementation of product audit, and correcting the nonconformity.审核员负责产品审核的实施,对责任部门不符合整改效果验证;Auditor is responsible for the implementation of product audit, and verifying the effectiveness of nonconformity corrective.5.活动程序Activity procedure:5.1 审核人员Audit person参与产品审核人员由获任命的内审员担任。
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International Organization for Standardization International Accreditation ForumDate: 21 September 2004 ISO 9001 Auditing Practices GroupThe ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group is an informal group of quality management system (QMS) experts, auditors and practitioners drawn from the ISO Technical Committee 176 Quality Management and Quality Assurance (ISO/TC 176) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).It has developed a number of guidance papers and presentations (see "QMS auditing topics" below) that contain ideas, examples and explanations about the auditing of QMSs. These reflect the process-based approach that is essential for auditing the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 Quality management systems - Requirements.The guidance is primarily aimed at QMS auditors, consultants and quality practitioners, but is not definitive. The papers and presentations reflect a number of different views in QMS auditing. As such, their content may not always be consistent. It is not intended that the guidance will be used as specified requirements, an industry benchmark, or as criteria that all QMS auditors, consultants or practitioners have to follow.QMS auditing topics•The need for a 2-stage approach to auditing 2阶段审核的必要性•Measuring QMS effectiveness and improvements测量QMS的有效性及其改进•Identification of processes 过程的识别•Understanding the process approach 过程方法的理解•Determination of the “where appropriate” processes 确定”适当的”过程•Auditing the “where appropriate” requirements审核”适当的”要求•Demonstrating conformity to the standard 证明符合标准•Linking an audit of a particular task, activity or process to the overall system•Auditing continual improvement 审核持续改进•Auditing a QMS which has minimum documentation审核QMS文件化的最低要求•How to audit top management processes 如何审核最高管理层•The role and value of the audit checklist 审核检查表的角色和价值•Scope of ISO 9001:2000, Scope of Quality Management System and Defining Scope of Certification ISO9001:2000的范围,质量管理体系的范围和定义认证范围•How to Add Value during the audit process审核过程如何增值•Auditing competence and the effectiveness of actions taken审核能力要求和采取措施的有效性•Auditing Statutory and Regulatory requirements审核法规和指令要求•Auditing the Quality Policy andQuality Objectives审核质量方针和质量目标•Auditing ISO 9001, Clause 7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring devices审核ISO9001, 7.6条款监视和测量装置的要求•Making effective use of ISO 19011ISO19011的有效应用•Auditing Customer Feedback processes审核顾客反馈过程•Documenting a Nonconformity文件化不符合项•Guidance for reviewing and closing nonconformities评审和关闭不符合项指南•Auditing Internal Communications审核内部沟通•Auditing Preventive Action审核预防措施•Auditing Service Organizations审核服务组织•Auditing the Effectiveness of the Internal Audit审核内部审核的有效性•Auditing Electronic Based Management Systems审核电子管理体系A "Zip" file of all the above documents is also available. 可获得以上文件的ZIP档。
Feedback from users will be used by the ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group to determine whether additional guidance documents should be developed, or if these current ones should be revised. Comments on the papers or presentations can be sent to the following emailaddress:*****************************.The other papers and presentations may be downloaded from the web sites:www.iaf.nu/iso-tc176-sc2The need for a 2 stage approach to auditing2阶段审核的必要性Auditing ISO 9001:2000 requires auditors to obtain a good understanding of an auditee’s quality management system (QMS) and the nature of its business. This is why it is beneficial for an organization to be visited prior to its certification audit and for a1st stage audit to be conducted.审核ISO9001:2000要求审核员很好地理解受审核方的质量管理体系和业务性质。
This 1st stage audit is primarily for scoping and planning a certification audit (the stage 2 audit) and to allow the auditor to obtain an understanding of the organisation. For example, to gain knowledge of its QMS, policies, objectives, risks, processes, locations, etc. It is also may be used for the auditing body to communicate its needs and expectations to the auditee.第一阶段审核可初步确定认证审核(第二阶段审核)范围并进行策划,让审核员了解组织。
Activities performed at a preliminary 1st stage audit include第一阶段审核活动包括: •Identification of the key risks of the business and related statutory, regulatory aspects and compliance识别业务的主要风险和相关的法令法规及其符合性•An assessment of whether the auditee's defined processes are adequate to meet its objectives and customer requirements评价受审核方确定的过程是否充分,并满足目标和顾客要求•Conducting aDocumentation Review进行文件审核•This review should determine if the organisation's QMS documentation adequately covers all the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. The review would normally be carried out at the auditee's premises (unless otherwise requested and justified). As a result of this activity, a report should be provided that notes any deficient areas. As part of thedocumentation review, the auditor should assess the extent and availability of supporting procedures and process descriptions. Collecting necessary information regarding the scope of the organization's management system, processes and location(s)确定组织的质量管理体系文件是否充分覆盖了ISO9001:2000的要求。