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9 名声10 爆炸11赞美12 通风13 精彩的14 悲哀的15 极好的

16 冠军17 集中18 满意、满足

19 动物生物20 鼓励

1.议会parliament 2敏感的sensitive 3.同情地symphy




7周围的surruonding8.破坏destruction 9.名声reputation

10 爆炸explosion 11.赞美admire 12.通风ventilation

13.精彩的brilliant 14.悲哀的mournful 15.极好的splendid

16.冠军champion 17.集中concentration 18.满意、满足satisfaction 19.动物生物creature20.鼓励encouragement


1 当我还是一个小孩时经常乘飞机旅行。


3 他无疑为成千上万梦想逃避上学的孩子创造了一项纪录。




7 你介意和我一块去野炊吗?



10 他说可能有人正在偷东西。


1.He ___________ an autobiography last year but I don’t know whether he has finished it .

A. wrote B .was writing C. had written D .has written

2.—Is the book interesting ?

—Yes, but I’m sure it won’t interest ___________.

A .everybody

B somebody C. anybody D. bobody

3.—Would you have written to her had it been possible ?

—Yes , but I ________ busy with my work .

A. was B were C .had been D. would be

4.—He says he has an uncle living in America .

— Nonsense . ________________, his father has no brother .

A. More or less

B. As a matter of fact

C. No matter what he says D .At least

5. —What did you see ?

— We saw _______ police there .

A. many

B. much

C. plenty

D. the

6. — Harry treats his secretary badly .

— Yes . He seems to think that she is the _______ important person in the office.

A hardly B. least C. less D. most

7. — Shall I book a table for the dinner ?

—___________ . The restaurant won’t be full this evening .

A. Yes , you may .

B. No, you mustn’t.

C. No, you needn’t .

D. I’d rather not.

8. — Thank you for a wonderful meal .

— _______________________.

A .No , really . It’s all right .

B .Thank you all the same .

C. The s ame to you . D .I’m glad you enjoyed it .

9. — Excuse me , would you mind passing me that English-Chinese dictionary ? —Sorry , it’s ________ my reach .

A. over B within C. far away D .beyond

10. Tom tried hard to find a good job on this newspaper office , but he had no _______.

A. chance

B. time

C. money

D. luck

1~5 BCABA 6~10 BCDDA



Tom Green spent his 114th birthday the other day and some reporters visited him to find out the secret of a long life .

“The secret of a long life is happiness ,” Green said . “If you are happy , you will live a long time .”

“Are you married ?” a reporter adked . “Yes , ”Green answered . “ I married my third wife when I was 102. If you are happily m arried , you will live better . But for my third wife , I would have died yeare ago .”

“What about smoking and drinking ?” another reporter asked . “Yes, they are important ,” Green said . “Don’t smoke at all and you will feel well . Drink two glasses of wine a day and you will be healthy and happy .”

1. Some reporters visited Green because _____________.

A. he did something peculiar

B. he was a friend of them

C. he had lived much longer than most people

D. he had married three times

2. Green thought that ______________was the most important to life .

A.his third wife




3. Green thought his third wife helped him to live _________ years longer.





4. The writer wants to the us ______________________.

A. drinking a great deal is good for our health

B. drinking within a limit is helpful

C. smoking and drinking are indispensable to good health

D. we should quit smoking or drinking

5. The best title for this passage is __________________.

A .Drinking and Smoking B. The Secret of a Long Life
