ENRIGUE GRANADOS :Danzas Espanolas 格拉纳多斯《西班牙舞曲》(古典吉他曲谱)
浅析西班牙民族乐派作曲家 格拉纳多斯的《戈雅之画》
程 雯
摘 要:西班牙的音乐艺术受到本土复杂的历史发展背景影响,可谓是综合了从古希腊文化到近代吉普赛
是源自对戈雅的两幅画作的欣赏。两幅画作相同之处是 同一位女性模特,表情与肢体动作都一样,但不同之处 就是一为裸体,另一则为穿着衣服的。在当时的社会意 识形态下“裸体”画作是绝不为主流社会所接受的,人 们的思想处于教会的严酷压迫之下,所以戈雅的这两幅 画作也是在某种层面上表现出对宗教桎梏的反抗。
格拉纳多斯的《戈雅之画》副标题为“Los majos enamorados”,意为“热恋中的玛霍”,这个“majos(玛 霍)”在西班牙语中与“maja(玛哈)”一起,是当时社 会对社会底层青年男女们的俗称。他们更崇尚自由的生 活,追求自我认可,代表的阶层是社会底层民众的思想, 也被后世称为“玛哈主义”。戈雅和格拉纳多斯都是受 这种思潮的影响,向往这种不受压迫和控制的自由爱情, 向往和追求美好生活,在当时两位艺术家的创作生涯时 期都在抵制宗教思想的桎梏,才在灵魂上进行了结合, 让作曲家创作出了这套传世钢琴组曲。
在这部组曲的第一首,《情话》(也译为《爱的告白》) 中,第一主题的和声进行是建立在非常传统的“T-S-D-T” 这种转换下的,这种和声进行甚至贯穿了呈示部和展开 部两大部分,也从侧面印证了格拉纳多斯是一位植根于 传统而古典作曲风格下,兼具着进取和拓展之心的优秀 作曲家,在他的作品中不但能随处可见地看到调式调性
埃内斯托·拉斐尔·格瓦拉·德·拉·塞尔纳(西班牙语:Ernest o Rafael Guevar a de la Serna,1928年6月14日—1967年10月9日),通常被称做切·格瓦拉(西班牙语:Che Guevar a),香港译作捷·古华拉。
制作 人:陈振飞 环艺1131
拉 格 纳 · 奥 斯 特 伯 格
拉格纳·奥斯特伯格(Ragnar Ostberg)旳简介
• 1866年生於瑞典 • 1945年過世於瑞典旳斯德哥爾摩 • Ragnar Ostberg 是領導瑞典國家旳藝術建築師,在20世紀旳早期一直到1923年結束
• 他结过两次婚。从1923年旳第一种妻子艾尔莎Skoglund 1909-1919,凯琳泰尔。 在他旳第二次婚姻,他旳女儿苏珊娜Ostberg,谁是Povel Ramel寡妇,男爵夫 人,歌手和演员。
• 在20世纪23年代,Ostberg是北欧byggdag旳董事长和推动者。 • 在斯德哥尔摩旳街道室旳拉格纳Ö stberg平面是他旳名字命名。在他旳一生中,
• Ö stberg旳独特风格旳印象,他在国外期间和影响力旳民族浪漫主义旳 问题是一种成果,它会造成到1923年旳豪情壮志,加入国家与经典旳 不朽旳。
• 他旳风格是兼收并蓄与瑞典旳理想,注重细节巧妙结合旳国际化和异 国情调旳功能。旳风格有明显旳艺术和工艺品,威廉·莫里斯 hantverkarideal,维多利亚时代晚期哥特式风格旳建筑师菲利普·韦伯, 诺曼·肖和查尔斯·弗朗西斯安尼斯利Voysey。他被以为是瑞典最主要 旳建筑师之一,虽然他旳经典风格,站在反对新兴旳机能。
• 虽然最活跃,最有名旳建筑师,能够Ostberg还记得一组设计师。他设 计旳歌剧“ 阿依达在皇家剧院(斯德哥尔摩歌剧院)第一千九百二十 五 他还接到命令,在“李尔王”于1928年在皇家剧院旳设计和交付22 草图。然而,因为影院旳财务危机来了,他们历来没有在现场设计, 但更便宜旳舞台装置旳处理方案所取代。
保罗·阿格瑞蔻勒·热南《西班牙主题变奏曲》Op.15《西班牙主题变奏曲》Op.15是法国作曲家保罗·阿格瑞蔻勒·热南(Paul Agricole Genin)的代表作之一。
● 加那利群岛与亚速尔群岛、马德拉群岛及佛得角共同组成马卡罗尼西亚群岛生态区。特内里费岛 上的泰德峰火山是西班牙最高的山峰。由于岛的地理位置和信风的影响,气候温湿,有时也非常 干燥。岛上保留了几个当地的物种,如龙血树属的Dracaena draco和Laurisilva照叶林。
● 首府拉斯帕尔马斯。各岛崎岖多山,海岸陡峭。西岛群地势较高,特内里费岛上的泰德峰(活火 山)海拔3718米,为最高峰。东岛群地势较低,离非洲大陆最近的兰萨罗特岛和富埃特文图拉岛, 最高点海拔不到730米。气候温和干燥,年降水量仅200~400毫米。
● 加那利分为两个岛群∶西岛群有特内里费、大加那利、拉帕尔马、戈梅拉和费罗诸岛,由深海底 床直接升起的山峰构成。东岛群由兰萨罗特、富埃特文图拉及拔起于一块称为加那利海岭的海底 高地的6座小岛组成,海底高地从海底升起约1400公尺(4,500尺)。
● 此外还有一个说法是岛上的居民关契斯人崇拜狗,他们将狗当做一种神圣的动物,还将其做成木 乃伊。实际上古希腊有一个传埃及神阿努比斯联系在一起的说法。
● 加那利群岛与亚速尔群岛、佛得角、马德拉、蛮人群岛共同组成马卡罗尼西亚群岛生态区。特内 里 费 岛 岛 上 的 泰 德 ( Te i d e ) 火 山 是 西 班 牙 最 高 的 山 峰 。 由 于 岛 的 地 理 位 置 和 信 风 的 影 响 , 气 候 温 湿,有时也非常干燥。岛上保留了几个当地的物种,如龙血树属的 Dracaena draco 和 Laurisilva 照叶林。
● 西班牙的13个国家公园中有4个在加那利群岛,这比其它自治区都多: ● 拉帕尔马岛上的塔武连特山国家公园, ● 拉戈梅拉岛上的加拉霍奈国家公园, ● 特内里费岛上的泰德国家公园, ● 兰萨罗特岛上的蒂曼法亚国家公园。
安达鲁西亚自治区- Andalucía阿尔梅里亚- Almería加的斯- Cádiz科尔多瓦- Córdoba格拉纳达- Granada韦尔瓦- Huelva哈恩- Jaén马拉加- Málaga塞维利亚- Sevilla阿拉贡自治区- Aragón韦斯卡Huesca特鲁埃尔Teruel萨拉戈萨Zaragoza阿斯图里亚斯- Asturias奥维耶多Oviedo巴利阿里群岛- Islas Baleares帕尔马Palma de Mallorca巴斯克自治区- Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco维多利亚Vitoria毕尔包Bilbao圣塞巴斯提安San Sebastián加那利群岛- Islas Canarias拉斯帕尔马斯Las Palmas圣克鲁斯-德特内里费Santa Cruz de Tenerife坎塔布里亚- Cantabria桑坦德Santander卡斯蒂利亚-拉曼恰- Castilla-La Mancha阿尔瓦塞特Albacete雷阿尔城Ciudad Real昆卡Cuenca瓜达拉哈拉Guadalajara托莱多Toledo卡斯蒂利亚-莱昂- Castilla y León阿维拉ávila布尔戈斯Burgos莱昂León帕伦西亚Palencia萨拉曼卡Salamanca塞戈维亚Segovia索里亚Soria巴利阿多利德Valladolid萨莫拉Zamora加泰罗尼亚- Catalu?a巴塞罗那Barcelona赫罗纳Gerona莱里达Lérida塔拉戈纳Tarragona埃斯特雷马杜拉- Extremadura巴达霍斯Badajoz卡塞雷斯Cáceres加利西亚自治区- Galicia拉科鲁尼亚A Coru?a卢戈Lugo奥伦塞Orense蓬特韦德拉Pontevedra拉里奥哈自治区- La Rioja洛格罗尼奥Logro?o马德里自治区- Madrid马德里Madrid穆尔西亚自治区- Murcia穆尔西亚Murcia纳瓦拉- Comunidad Foral de Navarra潘普洛纳Pamplona巴伦西亚自治区- Comunidad Valenciana阿利坎特Alicante卡斯特利翁-德拉普拉纳Castellón de la Plana 巴伦西亚省Valencia皇家马德里足球俱乐部百科名片Real Madrid CF皇家马德里足球俱乐部(西班牙语:Real Madrid Club de Fútbol ,中文简称:皇马),是一家成立于1902年3月6日,位于西班牙首都马德里的足球俱乐部,前称马德里足球队(Madri d Club de Fútbol),1920年,获国王赐封“皇家”的尊称,徽章上加上了皇冠,并改名为皇家马德里。
小学下册英语第6单元真题试卷[有答案]英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 The __________ (历史的反响) shapes public discourse.2 The island nation of Japan is made up of ________ (岛国日本由________组成).3 The capital of Nicaragua is ________ (尼加拉瓜的首都是________).4 What is the term for a large body of salty water?A. RiverB. LakeC. SeaD. Ocean答案:D5 He is very ___. (kind)6 The __________ is known for its warm climate.7 We have a _____ (团队) project.8 We have a ______ (丰富的) selection of games.9 What do you call a large body of freshwater?A. OceanB. RiverC. LakeD. Pond答案:C10 The apples are ___. (ripe)11 She is ___ (reading/writing) a letter.12 The ________ (train) goes to the city.13 A __________ is formed when a gas turns into a liquid.14 The __________ is the transition zone between different rock types.15 Which animal is known for its long neck?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. CamelD. Horse答案:B16 A _______ can measure the amount of energy consumed by a device.17 What do we call the time when flowers bloom?A. WinterB. SpringC. SummerD. Fall18 What is the name of the famous wizard in "Harry Potter"?A. Albus DumbledoreB. Severus SnapeC. VoldemortD. Gellert Grindelwald答案: A19 Planting trees can provide ______ (遮荫) and cooling effects.20 The ______ (小鸟) chirps happily in the morning light, welcoming a new ______ (一天).21 The __________ is so clear tonight; I can see many stars. (天空)22 We go _____ (running) every morning.23 The ________ (种植计划) helps farmers.24 The ______ is good at solving puzzles.25 I enjoy ___ (sketching) in my notebook.26 Neutralization reactions occur between acids and _____ (bases).27 What do we call the process of collecting rainwater?A. WateringB. IrrigationC. HarvestingD. Rainwater collection答案: D28 The garden is full of ______.29 The _______ (小龙龜) can live for many years.30 A __________ is an area of land that is covered with trees.31 The chef prepares _____ (美味) meals for guests.32 The first successful composite transplant was performed in ________.33 The color of light can be changed by using a ______.34 I enjoy _______ (listening) to music.35 What is the capital of Egypt?A. CairoB. AlexandriaC. LuxorD. Giza答案: A36 The clouds are ________ today.37 We have a ______ (有趣的) discussion in class.38 A neutralization reaction involves an acid and a ______.39 What is the capital of China?A. ShanghaiB. BeijingC. Hong KongD. Taipei答案: B40 The __________ (历史的流动) marks progress.41 A parakeet's diet consists of seeds, fruits, and ________________ (蔬菜).42 The _______ (The American Revolutionary War) established the US as an independent nation.43 What is the name of the famous ancient city in Iran?A. PersepolisB. IsfahanC. TehranD. Shiraz答案:A. Persepolis44 I have _____ friends at school. (many/few/one)45 What is the name of the famous artist known for his surrealism?A. Salvador DalíB. Pablo PicassoC. Vincent van GoghD. Claude Monet46 The ________ (生态保护区) helps preserve nature.47 How many zeros are in one thousand?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5答案:B. 348 A ______ is a systematic approach to problem-solving.49 What do we call a large, tall building?A. HouseB. SkyscraperC. CottageD. Castle50 During winter, I love making ________ (雪人) with my friends in the yard.51 My favorite activity at school is _______ (科学实验).52 My dad loves __________ (参加比赛).53 What do we call the process of a liquid turning into a solid?A. FreezingB. MeltingC. EvaporationD. Condensation答案: A54 The _______ (The Age of Imperialism) saw European powers expand their empires.55 Plants release oxygen through the process of ______. (植物通过光合作用释放氧气。
格拉纳多斯间奏曲的介绍1. 引子:什么是格拉纳多斯间奏曲?格拉纳多斯间奏曲(Granados Intermezzo)是西班牙作曲家恩里克·格拉纳多斯(Enrique Granados)的作品之一。
2. 格拉纳多斯间奏曲的背景与创作格拉纳多斯间奏曲属于钢琴独奏作品,时长约在3-5分钟之间。
3. 格拉纳多斯间奏曲的特点格拉纳多斯间奏曲的特点之一是独特的旋律线和和声结构。
4. 对格拉纳多斯间奏曲的个人理解与观点对于我个人来说,格拉纳多斯间奏曲是一首非常优美和富有表现力的钢琴作品。
西班牙考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. El idioma oficial de España es el:A. FrancésB. InglésC. EspañolD. Alemán答案:C2. ¿Cuál es la capital de España?A. MadridB. BarcelonaC. ValenciaD. Sevilla答案:A3. La novela "Don Quijote de la Mancha" fue escrita por:A. Miguel de CervantesB. Gabriel García MárquezC. Federico García LorcaD. José Ortega y Gasset答案:A4. El tapas es un plato típico de:A. MéxicoC. ItaliaD. Francia答案:B5. La corrida de toros es un deporte tradicional de:A. BrasilB. ArgentinaC. EspañaD. Portugal答案:C6. El famoso pintor Pablo Picasso era de:A. FranciaB. EspañaC. ItaliaD. Alemania答案:B7. La monarquía de España es una:A. Monarquía constitucionalB. Monarquía absolutaC. RepúblicaD. Dictadura答案:A8. El famoso festival de cine de Cannes se celebra en:B. EspañaC. Estados UnidosD. Italia答案:A9. El famoso cantante Julio Iglesias es de nacionalidad:A. MexicanaB. EspañolaC. ItalianaD. Brasileña答案:B10. El famoso equipo de fútbol "Real Madrid" juega en la:A. Liga italianaB. Liga españolaC. Liga francesaD. Liga inglesa答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. El río más largo de España es el __________.答案:Duero12. La lengua romance que se habla en Cataluña es el__________.答案:Catalán13. La isla de __________ es un famoso destino turístico en España.答案:Ibiza14. El famoso m onumento "Puerta del Sol" está ubicado en la ciudad de __________.答案:Madrid15. El famoso festival de música "Primavera Sound" se celebra en la ciudad de __________.答案:Barcelona16. El famoso tenor español Plácido Domingo nació en la ciudad de __________.答案:Lorca17. El equipo de baloncesto más famoso de España es el__________.答案:Real Madrid o Barcelona (dependiendo de la preferencia)18. El símbolo nacional de España es el __________.答案:Rocío19. La moneda oficial de España antes de la Euro era el__________.答案:Peseta20. El famoso director de cine español Pedro Almodóvar nació en la ciudad de __________.答案:Calzada de Calatrava三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)21. ¿Cuáles son algunos de los festivales más importantes de España?答案:Algunos de los festivales más importantes deEspaña incluyen la Semana Santa, el Carnaval, los Festivales de Cine de San Sebastián y Cannes, el Tomatina en Buñol y la Feria de Abril en Sevilla.22. ¿Quiénes son algunos de los deportistas famosos de España?答案: Entre los deportistas famosos de España se encuentran Rafael Nadal, uno de los mejores tenistas de la historia; Iker Casillas, un exfutbolista y ex portero de la selección nacional española; y Paula Badosa, una prometedora jugadora de tenis.四、论述题(共40分)23. Describa brevemente la cultura y las tradiciones deEspaña.答案:La cultura y las tradiciones de España son muy ricas y variadas. España es conocida por su arquitectura impresionante, como las catedrales góticas y los castillos medieva les. La música y la danza también son fundamentales en la cultura española, con estilos como la flamenco y la jota. La gastronomía española es famosa en todo el mundo, con platos como el paella, la gaz。
小学下册英语第六单元测验卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 The _______ (狗) loves to bark at mailmen.2 The body part that helps us breathe is called the ______.3 将图片对应的单词涂色,并将单词抄写在四线三格内。
4 The element with the chemical symbol Na is ______.5 I have a brown ___. (dog)6 The capital of Iceland is __________.7 The ________ was a defining battle in the campaign for freedom.8 The chemical formula for -pentanol is ______.9 The _____ (caterpillar) is on the leaf.10 The __________ (历史的启示) inspires action.11 A __________ is a substance that increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed.12 My dad inspires me to be __________ (勇敢的) in life.13 The three states of matter are solid, liquid, and _____.14 The teacher, ______ (老师), encourages creativity in class.15 A __________ is a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas. (地峡)16 What is the most popular sport in the world?A. BasketballB. SoccerC. BaseballD. Tennis17 What is the color of grass?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. Red18 We have a _____ (邀请) for the wedding.19 What do you call a small, furry animal that loves to dig?A. HamsterB. RabbitC. MoleD. Squirrel答案:C20 What is the color of the sky on a clear day?A. GreenB. BlueC. OrangeD. Purple21 The _______ (青蛙) is green and brown.22 h Revolution began in __________ (1789) and led to the rise of democracy. The Fren23 The cat is ________ by the window.24 How many colors are in a rainbow?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 825 The _____ (灌木) provide shelter for small animals.26 What do we call a type of poetry that tells a story?A. LyricB. EpicC. OdeD. Sonnet27 What is the term for a young seal?a. Pupb. Calfc. Kitd. Cub答案:a28 I saw a _______ (小鹿) grazing peacefully.29 The __________ can show evidence of past tectonic activity.30 The Amazon River is located in _______.31 What is the tallest mountain in the world?A. K2B. KilimanjaroC. Mount EverestD. Mount Fuji答案:C32 What do you use to measure length?A. ScaleB. RulerC. ClockD. Thermometer33 What sport uses a bat and ball and involves running bases?A. BasketballB. TennisC. BaseballD. Soccer答案:C34 The ________ was a famous rebellion against British rule in India.35 The mountains are _____ (tall/short) and beautiful.36 My mom loves to create ____ (recipes) for the family.37 The __________ can be classified based on their appearance.38 What is the capital of Egypt?A. CairoB. AlexandriaC. LuxorD. Giza39 What is the capital of the Bahamas?A. NassauB. FreeportC. EleutheraD. Long Island答案: A. Nassau40 We are learning about ______ (space) in class.41 The ____ lounges in the sun and enjoys the warmth.42 The engineer, ______ (工程师), works on building projects.43 The _____ (小羊) frolics in the sunny meadow. 小羊在阳光明媚的草地上嬉戏。
三年级英语文化常识单选题30题1.Which festival is on December 25th?A.HalloweenB.ThanksgivingC.ChristmasD.Easter答案:C。
Christmas(圣诞节)是在12 月25 日。
Halloween( 万圣节)在10 月31 日。
Thanksgiving( 感恩节)在11 月的第四个星期四。
Easter( 复活节)在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日。
2.People usually give each other chocolates on which festival?A.Valentine's DayB.Independence Daybor DayD.Mother's Day答案:A。
Valentine's Day 情人节)人们通常会互相送巧克力。
Independence Day 美国独立日)主要是庆祝活动。
Labor Day 劳动节)没有送巧克力的习俗。
Mother's Day 母亲节)通常送花等礼物。
3.Which festival is related to pumpkins?A.ChristmasB.ThanksgivingC.EasterD.Halloween答案:D。
Halloween 万圣节)与南瓜有关,人们会制作南瓜灯。
Thanksgiving 感恩节)主要有火鸡等。
Easter 复活节)有彩蛋等。
4.On which festival do people eat turkey?A.ChristmasB.ThanksgivingC.HalloweenD.Valentine's Day答案:B。
Thanksgiving( 感恩节)人们通常吃火鸡。
Philips 1000 seriesVisor de puerta inteligenteamplioDetección del cuerpo con elsensor PIRMonitoreo remoto inteligenteInterconexión con cerradurainteligenteDDA131FCWNuevo horizonte visualSeguridad visible, al alcance de su manoLa lente ultra gran angular de 170° con función de visión nocturna por infrarrojos con cancelación deruido y la detección del cuerpo humano de 24 horas de la IA permiten ver lo que sucede delante desu puerta en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar, lo que hace que su hogar sea mucho más seguro.La visión nocturna HD hace que la seguridad sea visible•La lente de 170° y la pantalla HD de 1080P ofrecen una mejor visión•Llamada de audio bidireccional: comuníquese en tiempo real y en todas partes•Pantalla táctil HD de 5 pulgadas: manejo simple para toda la familiaUn chip inteligente permite almacenar más información•Procesador de cuatro núcleos ARM: asegúrese de contar con un sistema estable•Detección de movimiento humano de la IA:La vida inteligente nunca se detiene aquí•Estructura de metal intensivo: con alarma antiapalancamiento•Almacenamiento local y en la nube: permite ver los registros a través de la aplicación encualquier momento•El soporte magnético permite desmontar y cargar fácilmente•Batería de litio grande: hasta 90 días de duración•Enlace con el bloqueo de puerta inteligente: para garantizar una mayor seguridadLente de 170° y pantalla HD Cuenta con una lente de 170° de nivel de monitoreo, el visor de puerta inteligente puede absorber un alto volumen de luz, junto con cuatro luces infrarrojas brillantes, ofrece una mejor visión nocturna, incluso en entornos que tienen poca iluminación.Llamada de audio bidireccionalCuando toque el timbre o presione el botón de llamada en la pantalla, puede iniciar la llamada de audio en tiempo real con elmicrófono y el altavoz integrados. Le permite disfrutar de una experiencia de llamada perfecta.Pantalla táctil HD de 5 pulgadasLa pantalla con tecnología IPS multitáctil HD de 5 pulgadas cuenta con gafas curvas delaminación completa 2.5D, lo que hace que todo luzca fabuloso. El diseño interactivo es simple de manejar para los niños y ancianos.Procesador de cuatro núcleos ARMSe incorpora el procesador de cuatro núcleos ARM, el producto muestra un rendimiento sólido con un menor consumo de energía, que ejecuta varias tareas con mayor facilidad y hace que el sistema de control de alertas de la puerta sea más rápido y estable.Detección de movimiento humano de laIAEquipado con un sensor infrarrojo PIR, cuando alguien aparece en un rango de tres metros hacia el exterior de la puerta, el visor de puerta inteligente realizará la identificación a través del algoritmo de detección de cuerpo humano de la IA y capturará instantáneamente una foto o un video. Al mismo tiempo, envíanotificaciones a la aplicación móvil a través del servidor de cifrado en la nube para monitorear la situación en la puerta.Estructura de metal intensivoCuenta con el diseño de estructura metálica robusta y el sensor integradoantiapalancamiento que, cuando el visor de puerta inteligente reconoce la dinámica anormal y se desconecta de Internet, elproducto activará una alarma para advertir a los extraños y a la familia, luego, recibiránotificaciones automáticas en tiempo real en la aplicación móvil.Almacenamiento local y en la nubeEl almacenamiento local 4G en la nube podría satisfacer sus necesidades diarias, ya que puede guardar los registros incluso sin conexión a Internet. Cualquier foto o video cifrado que se suba al servidor de la nube se puede guardar durante 3 días y puede ver los registros a través de la aplicación Philips en cualquier momento.El soporte magnéticoSimplemente utilice los cuatro imanesintegrados para instalar el producto y retirar la pantalla a fin de desmontar el producto. Con el cable reforzado, el producto podría ser muy duradero.Fecha de publicación 2023-11-29Versión: 3.1.1EAN: 69 71318 50230 9© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.Todos los derechos reservados.Las especificaciones quedan sujetas a modificaciones sin previo aviso. Las marcas comerciales son propiedad de Koninklijke Philips N.V. o sus respectivos titulares. Diseño y apariencia •Color: Cobre rojo Función extendida •Módulo IoT:Wi-Fi Piezas de accesorios •Adaptador de corriente •Soporte magnético •Manual del usuario •Tarjeta de garantía。
五年级英语艺术欣赏单选题50题1. Vincent van Gogh is famous for his unique painting style. Which of the following paintings is created by him?A. The Mona LisaB. Starry NightC. The Last SupperD. Girl with a Pearl Earring答案:B。
2. Which painter is known for using a lot of blue in his paintings?A. Pablo PicassoB. Claude MonetC. Yves KleinD. Andy Warhol答案:C。
3. The painting "The Scream" has a very special expression. Whichartist painted it?A. Edvard MunchB. Paul CézanneC. Henri MatisseD. Salvador Dali答案:A。
小学上册英语第2单元测验卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do you call the person who writes a book?A. ReaderB. AuthorC. EditorD. Publisher答案:B Author2.The ______ (植物的颜色) can attract different pollinators.3.What is the capital of Sweden?A. StockholmB. GothenburgC. MalmöD. Uppsala答案:A4.The park is ______ (close) to my house.5.What is the term for the land that lies between two mountains?A. ValleyB. PlateauC. HillD. Basin答案:A6.How many letters are in the English alphabet?A. 24B. 25C. 26D. 27答案:C7.What is the main ingredient in pasta?A. WheatB. RiceC. CornD. Barley8.What is the term for a vehicle that travels on tracks?A. CarB. TrainC. TruckD. Bus答案:B9.What is the closest planet to the sun?A. MercuryB. VenusC. EarthD. Mars10.Julius Caesar was a famous __________ (将军) and leader in ancient Rome.11.I always help my mom with ______.12.During the holidays, I like to travel to _______ (海边).13.The squirrel gathers ______ for winter.14.The capital city of Angola is ________ (安哥拉的首都城市是________).15.What is 6 x 6?A. 30B. 36C. 42D. 48答案:B16.The husky is known for its thick _______ (毛发).17.What is the opposite of happy?A. SadB. ExcitedC. AngryD. Joyful答案:A18.I like _____ (sharing) my gardening tips with others.19.The __________ is a zone of contact between two different rock types.20.The __________ (历史的探索旅程) promises discovery.21.What is the primary ingredient in a traditional soufflé?A. EggsB. CheeseC. CreamD. Flour22.I like to help out in my ______ (社区) by volunteering at local events. It feels good to give back.23.What do you call a baby cat?A. PupB. KittenC. CalfD. Chick答案:B24.__________ can evaporate and leave behind a solid residue.25.The __________ (历史的角色) shapes our understanding of identity.26.What do you wear on your head to keep warm?A. GlovesB. ScarfC. HatD. Socks27.The clouds are _____ in the sky. (floating)28.The capital of Togo is __________.29.My mom loves ________ (花卉).30.The chemical symbol for neon is __________.31.The _____ (根系) absorbs nutrients from the soil.32.The process of changing from a solid to a gas without becoming liquid is called _______.33.How many hours are in a day?A. 12B. 24C. 36D. 4834.________ (草) covers the ground in many parks.35.We are learning about ___. (space)36.Which of these colors is a secondary color?A. YellowB. RedC. OrangeD. Blue答案:C37.What do we call the study of the Earth's physical features?A. GeographyB. GeologyC. CartographyD. Meteorology38.The _____ of the moon affects the ocean tides.39.The _______ (The Harlem Renaissance) was a cultural movement celebrating African American culture.40.The butterfly is colorful and _______ (蝴蝶色彩鲜艳且_______).41.The bear is a powerful animal in the ____.42.The hummingbird can hover in ________________ (空中).43.What is the common name for a large reptile that lives in water?A. FrogB. LizardC. CrocodileD. Snake答案:C44.The ______ (种植) process requires care.45.Bees help ______ plants by pollinating.46.What is the name of the first manned mission to the moon?A. Apollo 11B. GeminiC. VoyagerD. Mercury47. A __________ is formed from the cooling and solidification of volcanic materials.48.The __________ is a critical area for studying biodiversity.49.They are _____ (playing) with blocks.50.I love to watch the __________ dance in the breeze. (花)51.My dad takes us to ____.52. A __________ is a measurement of the earth's age.53._____ (土壤) composition affects how plants grow.54.The ______ (气味) of fresh grass is delightful.55._____ (植物科学) explores how plants live.56.The sun is very ________ today.57.My favorite dessert is ________ (冰淇淋). I like it with ________ (巧克力酱).58.What is the term for a scientist who studies rocks?A. BiologistB. ChemistC. GeologistD. Physicist答案:C59.The macaw has colorful _________. (羽毛)60.What is the capital of Tajikistan?A. DushanbeB. KhujandC. KulobD. Bokhtar61.What do you call a large, slow-moving animal with a shell?A. TurtleB. SlothC. SnailD. Armadillo答案:A62.My cousin is a ______. She enjoys participating in debates.63.The _____ (plantation) produces coffee beans.64.What do you call a person who studies plants?A. BiologistB. BotanistC. GeologistD. Zoologist答案:B65.The ancient Greeks wrote myths to explain ________.66.Chemical reactions often produce _______ as a byproduct.anic chemistry studies compounds that contain _______.68.I enjoy learning about different ______ (科学) topics. Each lesson is an opportunity to discover something new.69.The ancient Greeks conducted ________ to honor their athletes.70.What do we call a person who studies the relationship between society and individuals?A. SociologistB. PsychologistC. AnthropologistD. Historian答案:A71.What do you call a young male bear?A. CubB. PupC. KidD. Calf72.The __________ (历史的复杂故事) reveal truths.73.The symbol for cadmium is _____.74.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Peru?A. Machu PicchuB. CuscoC. LimaD. Arequipa75.Herbs can be used for ______ (调味).76.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Italy?A. PompeiiB. RomeC. HerculaneumD. All of the above77.She wears a __________ to school.78.What is the first month of the year?A. FebruaryB. MarchC. JanuaryD. December79.The _____ (湿地) supports many plant and animal species.80.I have a _______ (feeling) that today will be great.81.What is the name of the famous American landmark that symbolizes freedom?A. Empire State BuildingB. Golden Gate BridgeC. Statue of LibertyD. Mount Rushmore答案:C82.The ________ is full of surprises.83.The __________ (历史的多重解读) enriches narratives.84.What is the name of the imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole?A. EquatorB. Prime MeridianC. International Date LineD. Longitude答案:D85.The _______ is the center of an atom.86. A __________ is a mixture of liquids that can be separated.87.My favorite type of music is ______.88.Which bird is known for its colorful feathers?A. SparrowB. PeacockC. EagleD. Penguin答案:B89.The ______ of a flower is often colorful and fragrant. (花瓣通常颜色鲜艳且芳香。
初一英语国际视野拓宽单选题40题1.The Eiffel Tower is in _____.A.LondonB.ParisC.New YorkD.Tokyo答案:B。
A 选项伦敦有大本钟等著名景点;C 选项纽约有自由女神像等;D 选项东京有东京塔等。
2.Big Ben is located in _____.A.ParisB.LondonC.BerlinD.Moscow答案:B。
A 选项是巴黎,有埃菲尔铁塔;C 选项柏林有柏林墙等;D 选项莫斯科有红场等。
3.The Statue of Liberty is in _____.A.WashingtonB.New YorkC.Los AngelesD.Chicago答案:B。
A 选项华盛顿有白宫等;C 选项洛杉矶有好莱坞等;D 选项芝加哥有云门等。
4.The Great Wall of China is located in _____.A.BeijingB.ShanghaiC.GuangzhouD.Chengdu答案:A。
5.The Sydney Opera House is in _____.A.MelbourneB.SydneyC.CanberraD.Brisbane答案:B。
6.Taj Mahal is in _____.A.New DelhiB.MumbaiC.AgraD.Kolkata答案:C。
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现年74岁的丹·拉瑟绝对称得上电视主持人行业的顶级 人物,他有着浑厚的嗓音,敏锐的反应和洞察力以及尖锐 的语言风格,尤其在政治事件报道方面占有举足轻重的地 位。对于总统们来讲,拉瑟绝对是个“麻烦的家伙”,据 了解,离开之后拉瑟将签约以及名叫“HDnet”的电视频道, 主持一档采访节目。
• 1975年拉瑟加入了CBS新闻杂 志节目《60分钟》,为此节目 四处奔波,同时他也向人们证 明了自己的特有价值。1968年, CBS在黄金时间推出了《60分 钟》节目。起初,观众并不对 它有任何兴趣,在美国尼尔森 公司测定的65种节目中中仅排 名第五十一位。然而拉瑟加入 这个节目以后,通过他与同仁 的共同努力,节目收视率上升 到了36%,这也使得CBS的新 闻节目创造出了历史上的第一 次盈利。
• • • • 美国哥伦比亚广播公司当家主播丹·拉瑟辞职了,据称误报美国总 统布什服役记录是导致他辞职的重要因素。 美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)发表声明,宣布在该公司工作长达44 年的著名新闻主播、记者丹.拉瑟将提前结束合约离任。 哥伦比亚广播公司高层在声明中对拉瑟多年来的贡献表示“最高 的敬意”,并准备在当晚播放一段回顾拉瑟新闻生涯的专题节目。 拉瑟与哥伦比亚广播公司的合约将于11月到期,但最近数月,拉 瑟一直对公司的工作安排表示不满。他批评说:“他们给我的未来除 了一间办公室以外什么都没有。”拉瑟还表示,离开后希望能继续进 行“平常但有意义的新闻报道”,“不管身在何处,我都将做自己喜 欢的工作。” 1962年,拉瑟进入CBS,并于次年成为第一个报道肯尼迪总统遇 刺事件的记者,一举成名。拉瑟从1981年开始担任“CBS晚间新闻” 主播长达24年,成为全美连续担任电视新闻节目主持人时间最长的人。 拉瑟曾陆续报道过“水门事件”、越南战争、海湾战争、伊拉克 战争等重大事件,与美国全国广播公司(NBC)的汤姆.布罗考和美 国广播公司(ABC)的彼得.詹宁斯并称美国三大王牌主播,但他因 在2004年美国总统竞选前夕误报布什服役纪录,被迫离开“晚间新 闻”,在CBS另一高收视节目“60分钟”中担任记者。
格拉祖诺夫 全部音乐作品列表(List of compositions by Alexander Glazunov)
List of compositions by Alexander Glazunov Contents• 1 By performing mediumo 1.1 Stageo 1.2 Orchestralo 1.3 Concertanteo 1.4 Vocal/Choral Orchestralo 1.5 Chambero 1.6 Instrumentalo 1.7 Pianoo 1.8 Vocal/Choral• 2 By opus1. By performing medium1.1 StageOp. 57: Raymonda, ballet in three acts (1898)Op. 61: Les Ruses d'Amour aka The Trial of Damis aka Lady Soubrette, ballet in one act (1900)Op. 67: The Seasons, ballet in one act (1900)Op. 95: Music to the drama The King of the Jews after K.K. Romanov (1913)1.2 OrchestralSymphoniesOp. 5: Symphony No. 1 in E major "Slavonian Symphony" (1881-1884)Op. 16: Symphony No. 2 in F-sharp minor "To the Memory of Liszt" (1886)Op. 33: Symphony No. 3 in D major (1890)Op. 48: Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major (1893)Op. 55: Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major (1895)Op. 58: Symphony No. 6 in C minor (1896)Op. 77: Symphony No. 7 "Pastorale" in F major (1902-1903)Op. 83: Symphony No. 8 in E-flat major (1905-1906)Symphony No. 9 in D minor (1910), first movement (incomplete)Op. 3: Overture No. 1 in G minor for orchestra "On Greek Themes" (1882)Op. 6: Overture No. 2 in D major for orchestra (1883)Op. 7: Serenade No. 1 in A major for orchestra (1882)Op. 8: To the Memory of a Hero, elegy for orchestra (1885)Op. 9: Suite Charactéristique in D major for orchestra (1884-1887)Op. 11: Serenade No. 2 in F major for small orchestra (1884)Op. 12: Poème Lyrique in D-flat major for orchestra (1884-1887)Op. 13: Stenka Razin, symphonic poem in B minor (1885)Op. 14: Two Pieces for orchestra (1886-1887)Op. 18: Mazurka"in G major for orchestra (1888)Op. 19: The Forest, fantasy in C-sharp minor for orchestra (1887)Op. 21: Wedding March in E-flat major for orchestra (1889)Op. 26A: Slavonian Feast, symphonic sketchesOp. 28: The Sea, fantasy in E major for orchestra (1889)Op. 29: Oriental Rhapsody in G major for orchestra (1889)Op. 30: The Kremlin, symphonic picture in three parts (1890)Op. 32: "Meditation" in D major for violin and orchestra (1891)Op. 34: The Spring, symphonic picture in D major (1891)Op. 45: Carnaval, overture for large orchestra and organ in F major (1892)Op. 46: Chopiniana, suite for orchestra after piano pieces by Chopin (1893)Op. 47: Concert Waltz No. 1 in D major for orchestra (1893)Op. 50: Cortège Solennel in D major for orchestra (1894)Op. 51: Concert Waltz No. 2 in F major for orchestra (1894)Op. 52: Scènes de Ballet, suite, not intended as dance piece (1894)Op. 53: Fantasy From Dark into Light for orchestra (1894)Op. 68: "Pas de Caractère" from Raymonda in G major for orchestra (1899)Op. 69: Intermezzo Romantica in D major for orchestra (1900)Op. 73: Solemn Overture for orchestra (1900)Op. 76: March on a Russian Theme in E-flat major (1901)Op. 79: From the Middle Ages, suite in E major for orchestra (1902)Op. 81: Dance-Scene in A major for orchestra (1904)Op. 84: The Song of Destiny, dramatic overture in D minor for orchestra (1908)Op. 85: Two Preludes for orchestra (1906)Op. 86: Russian Fantasy in A major for balalaika-orchestra (1906)Op. 87: To the Memory of Gogol, symphonic prologue in C major (1909)Op. 88: Finnish Fantasy in C major for orchestra (1909)Op. 89: Finnish Sketches in E major for orchestra (1912)Op. 90: Introduction and Dance of Salomé, to the drama of Oscar Wilde (1908)Op. 91: "Cortège Solennel" in B-flat major for orchestra (1910)Op. 96: Paraphrase on the Hymn of the Allies for orchestra (1914-1915)Op. 99: Karelian Legend in A minor for orchestra (1916)Op. 102: Romance of Nina from the play "Masquerada" (1918)1.3 ConcertanteOp. 20: Two Pieces for cello and orchestra (1887-1888)Op. 82: Concerto in A minor for violin and orchestra (1904)Op. 92: Concerto No. 1 in F minor for piano and orchestra (1910-1911)Op. 100: Concerto No. 2 in B major for piano and orchestra (1917)Op. 100A/B: Mazurka Oberek (1917) for violin and orchestra or piano (1917)Op. 108: Concert Ballade in C major for cello and orchestra (1931)Op. 109: Concerto for Alto Saxophone and String Orchestra in E-flat major (1934) (same opus number as quartet, but different work ) In 1896 he arranged Tchaikovsky's violin and piano piece Souvenir d'un lieu cher for violin and orchestra.1.4 Vocal/Choral OrchestralOp. 40: Triumph March for large orchestra and chorus (1892)Op. 56: Coronation Cantata for four soloists, chorus and orchestra (1895)Op. 65: Cantata after Pushkin for solo voices, chorus and orchestra (1899)Op. 97: Song of the Volga-skippers for chorus and orchestra (1918)1.5 ChamberOp. 1: String Quartet No. 1 in D major (1881-1882)Op. 10: String Quartet No. 2 in F major (1884)Op. 26: String Quartet No. 3 in G major "Quatuor Slave" (1886-1888)Op. 64: String Quartet No. 4 in A minor (1894)Op. 70: String Quartet No. 5 in D minor (1898)Op. 106: String Quartet No. 6 in B-flat major (1920-1921)Op. 107: String Quartet No. 7 in C major "Hommage au passé" (1930)Op. 14: Oriental Reverie for clarinet and string quartet (original version of 2 Pieces for Orchestra) (1886)Op. 15: Five Novelettes for String Quartet (1886)Op. 35: Suite in C major for string quartet (1887-1891)Op. 38: In Modo Religioso, quartet for trumpet, horn and two trombones (1892)Op. 39: String Quintet in A major for string quartet and cello (1891-1892)Op. 105: Elegy in D minor for string quartet in memory of M. P. Belaieff (1928)Op. 109: Saxophone Quartet in B-flat major (1932)1.6 InstrumentalOp. 17: Elegy in D-flat major for cello and piano (1888)Op. 24: Rêverie in D-flat major for horn and piano (1890)Op. 32A: Meditation in D major for violin and piano (1891)Op. 44: Elegy in G minor for viola and piano (1893)Op. 71: Chant du Ménestrel for cello and piano (1900) (a version exists for cello and orchestra)Op. 93: Preludium and Fugue No. 1 in D major for organ (1906-1907)Op. 98: Preludium and Fugue No. 2 in D minor for organ (1914)Op. 110: Fantasy in G minor for organ (1934-1935)Albumblatt for trumpet and piano (1899)10 Duets for Two Clarinets1.7 PianoOp. 2: Suite on the Theme "S-A-C-H-A" for Piano (1883)Op. 22: Two Pieces for Piano (1889)Op. 23: Waltzes on the name S-A-B-E-L-A for piano (1890)Op. 25: Preludium and Two Mazurkas for piano (1888)Op. 31: Three Études for piano (1891)Op. 41: Large Concert Waltz in E-flat major for piano (1893)Op. 42: Three Miniatures for piano (1893)Op. 43: Salon Waltz in C major for piano (1893)Op. 49: Three Pieces for piano (1894)Op. 54: Two Impromptus for piano (1895)Op. 62: Prelude and Fugue in D minor, for piano (1899)Op. 72: Theme and Variations in F-sharp minor for piano (1900)Op. 74: Piano Sonata No. 1 in B-flat minor (1901)Op. 75: Piano Sonata No. 2 in E minor (1901)Op. 101: Four Preludes and Fugues for piano (1918-1923)Op. 103: Idylle in F-sharp major for piano (1926)Op. 104: Fantasy in F minor for two pianos (1919-1920)1.8 Vocal/ChoralOp. 4: Five Romances, songs (1882-1885)Op. 27: Two Songs after Pushkin (1887-1890)Op. 59: Six Songs for middle voice (1898)Op. 60: Six songs (romances to poetry of Aleksandr Pushkin and Apollon Maikov) for high voice (1897-1898) () Op. 63: Festive Cantata for solo-voices, women's chorus and two pianos eight hands (1898)Op. 66: Hymn after Pushkin for women's chorus and piano (1899)Op. 80: Chant Sans Bornes for soprano and alto with piano accompaniment (1900)Op. 94: Love after Shukovsky for mixed chorus a cappella (1907)2. By opusOp. 1: String Quartet No. 1 in D major (1881-1882)Op. 2: Suite on the Theme "S-A-C-H-A" for Piano (1883)Op. 3: Overture No. 1 in G minor for orchestra "On Greek Themes" (1882)Op. 4: Five Romances, songs (1882-1885)Op. 5: Symphony No. 1 in E major "Slavonian Symphony" (1881-1884)Op. 6: Overture No. 2 in D major for orchestra (1883)Op. 7: Serenade No. 1 in A major for orchestra (1882)Op. 8: To the Memory of a Hero, elegy for orchestra (1885)Op. 9: Suite Charactéristique in D major for orchestra (1884-1887)Op. 10: String Quartet No. 2 in F major (1884)Op. 11: Serenade No. 2 in F major for small orchestra (1884)Op. 12: Poème Lyrique in D-flat major for orchestra (1884-1887)Op. 13: Stenka Razin, symphonic poem in B minor (1885)Op. 14: Two Pieces for orchestra (1886-1887)Op. 15: Five Novelettes for String Quartet (1886)Op. 16: Symphony No. 2 in F-sharp minor "To the Memory of Liszt" (1886)Op. 17: Elegy in D-flat major for cello and piano (1888)Op. 18: Mazurka in G major for orchestra (1888)Op. 19: The Forest, Fantasy in C-sharp minor for orchestra (1887)Op. 20: Two Pieces for cello and orchestra (1887-1888)Op. 21: Wedding March in E-flat major for orchestra (1889)Op. 22: Two Pieces for Piano (1889)Op. 23: Watzes on the name S-A-B-E-L-A for piano (1990)Op. 24: Rêverie in D-flat major for horn and piano (1890)Op. 25: Preludium and Two Mazurkas for piano (1888)Op. 26: String Quartet No. 3 in G major "Quatuor Slave" (1886-1888)Op. 26A: Slavonian Feast, symphonic sketchesOp. 27: Two Songs after Pushkin (1887-1890)Op. 28: The Sea, fantasy in E major for orchestra (1889)Op. 29: Oriental Rhapsody in G major for orchestra (1889)Op. 30: The Kremlin, symphonic picture in three parts (1890)Op. 31: Three Études for piano (1891)Op. 32: Meditation in D major for violin and orchestra (1891)Op. 32A: Meditation in D major for violin and piano (1891)Op. 33: Symphony No. 3 in D major (1890)Op. 34: The Spring, symphonic picture in D major (1891)Op. 38: In Modo Religioso, quartet for trumpet, horn and two trombones (1892)Op. 39: String Quintet in A major for string quartet and cello (1891-1892)Op. 40: Triumph March for large orchestra and chorus (1892)Op. 41: Large Concert Waltz in E-flat major for piano (1893)Op. 42: Three Miniatures for piano (1893)Op. 43: Salon Waltz in C major for piano (1893)Op. 44: Elegy for viola and piano (1893)Op. 45: Carnaval, overture for large orchestra and organ in F major (1892)Op. 46: Chopiniana, suite for orchestra after piano pieces by Chopin (1893)Op. 47: Concert Waltz No. 1 in D major for orchestra (1893)Op. 48: Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major (1893)Op. 49: Three Pieces for piano (1894)Op. 50: Cortège Solennel in D major for orchestra (1894)Op. 51: Concert Waltz No. 2 in F major for orchestra (1894)Op. 52: Scènes de Ballet, suite, not intended as dance piece (1894)Op. 53: Fantasy From Dark into Light for orchestra (1894)Op. 54: Two Impromptus for piano (1895)Op. 55: Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major (1895)Op. 56: Coronation Cantata for four soloists, chorus and orchestra (1895)Op. 57: Raymonda, ballet in three acts (1898)Op. 58: Symphony No. 6 in C minor (1896)Op. 59: Six Songs for middle voice (1898)Op. 60: Six songs (romances to poetry of Aleksandr Pushkin and Apollon Maikov) for high voice (1897-1898) () Op. 61: Les Ruses d'Amour aka The Trial of Damis aka Lady Soubrette, ballet in one act (1900)Op. 62: Prelude and Fugue in D minor, for piano (1899)Op. 63: Festive Cantata for solo-voices, women's chorus and two pianos eight hands (1898)Op. 64: String Quartet No. 4 in A minor (1894)Op. 65: Cantata after Pushkin for solo voices, chorus and orchestra (1899)Op. 66: Hymn after Pushkin for women's chorus and piano (1899)Op. 67: The Seasons, ballet in one act (1900)Op. 68: "Pas de Caractère" from Raymonda in G major for orchestra (1899)Op. 69: Intermezzo Romantica in D major for orchestra (1900)Op. 70: String Quartet No. 5 in D minor (1898)Op. 71: Chant du Ménestrel for cello and piano (1900) (a version exists for cello and orchestra)Op. 72: Theme and Variations in F-sharp minor for piano (1900)Op. 73: Solemn Overture for orchestra (1900)Op. 74: Piano Sonata No. 1 in B-flat minor (1901)Op. 75: Piano Sonata No. 2 in E minor (1901)Op. 76: March on a Russian Theme in E-flat major (1901)Op. 77: Symphony No. 7 "Pastorale" in F major (1902-1903)Op. 78: Ballade in F major for orchestra (1902)Op. 79: From the Middle Ages, suite in E major for orchestra (1902)Op. 80: Chant Sans Bornes for soprano and alto with piano accompaniment (1900)Op. 81: Dance-Scene in A major for orchestra (1904)Op. 82: Concerto in A minor for violin and orchestra (1904)Op. 83: Symphony No. 8 in E-flat major (1905-1906)Op. 84: The Song of Destiny, dramatic overture in D minor for orchestra (1908)Op. 85: Two Preludes for orchestra (1906)Op. 86: Russian Fantasy in A major for balalaika-orchestra (1906)Op. 87: To the Memory of Gogol, symphonic prologue in C major (1909)Op. 88: Finnish Fantasy in C major for orchestra (1909)Op. 89: Finnish Sketches in E major for orchestra (1912)Op. 90: Introduction and Dance of Salomé, to the drama of Oscar Wilde (1908)Op. 91: Cortège Solennel in B-flat major for orchestra (1910)Op. 92: Concerto No. 1 in F minor for piano and orchestra (1910-1911)Op. 93: Preludium and Fugue No. 1 in D major for organ (1906-1907)Op. 94: Love after Shukovsky for mixed chorus a cappella (1907)Op. 95: Music to the drama The King of the Jews after K. K. Romanov (1913)Op. 96: Paraphrase on the Hymn of the Allies for orchestra (1914-1915)Op. 97: Song of the Volga-skippers for chorus and orchestra (1918)Op. 98: Preludium and Fugue No. 2 in D minor for organ (1914)Op. 100A/B: Mazurka Oberek (1917) for violin and orchestra or piano (1917)Op. 101: Four Preludes and Fugues for piano (1918-1923)Op. 102: Romance of Nina from the play "Masquerada" (1918)Op. 103: Idylle in F-sharp major for piano (1926)Op. 104: Fantasy in F minor for two pianos (1919-1920)Op. 105: Elegy in D minor for string quartet in memory of M. P. Belyayev (1928)Op. 106: String Quartet No. 6 in B-flat major (1920-1921) (Listings with details about opp. 105 and 106)Op. 107: String Quartet No. 7 in C major "Hommage au passé" (1930)Op. 108: Concert Ballade in C major for cello and orchestra (1931)Op. 109: Saxophone Quartet in B-flat major (1932)Op. 109: Concerto for Alto Saxophone and String Orchestra in E-flat major (1934) (same opus number as quartet, but different work ) Op. 110: Fantasy in G minor for organ (1934-1935)•Works without opus number:Albumblatt for trumpet and piano (1899)Symphony No. 9 in D minor (1910)First movement (incomplete)Reverie Orientale for Clarinet and String Quartet (1886)10 Duets for Two Clarinets。