遗传学课件第10章 基因突变

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How is Fragile-X syndrome inherited? An altered gene on the X-chromosome causes Fragile-X syndrome. A girl will normally have a working gene on her other X-chromosome, which partially makes up for the altered gene, so girls are usually less severely affected than boys. The genetic change in Fragile-X is very unusual; it tends to change between parent and child, so predicting the exact risk of having an affected child is complicated.
Inheritance of Fragile-X syndrome.
自发化学改变引起的基因突变 (碱基脱嘌呤 (depurination)、脱 氨基 (deamination)
转座因子及插入序列引起的基 因突变
二 酯 键链 仍上 保脱 持嘌 完呤 整,
自发化学改变引起的基因突变(碱基脱 嘌呤 (depurination)、脱氨基 (deamination)
在DNA复制中由于互变异构移位所产生的突 变
在DNA复制中由于碱基的错误跳格 自发产生碱基的插入和缺失
由于DNA复制中跳格所引起的E. coli lacI基因中的4碱基CTGG热点突变
脆性X染色体综合症 (Fragile-X syndrome)
The fragile X syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by mutation of the FMR1 gene on the X chromosome. Normally, the FMR1 gene contains between 6 and 55 repeats of the CGG (trinucleotide repeats) in the 5’UTR. In people with the fragile X syndrome, the FMR1 allele has over 230 repeats of this codon.
leaky mutation(渗漏突变):指仍能部分表达 (残余水平)原先活性的突变。
spontaneous mutation induced mutation
根据DNA发生改变的情况,有下列突变 方式可以改变基因的信息内容:
(base-pair substitutions) 移码突变
(fr来自百度文库meshift mutation) 缺失突变
This methylation of the FMR1 locus in chromosome band Xq27.3 is believed to result in constriction of the X chromosome which appears 'fragile' under the microscope at that point, a phenomenon that gave the syndrome its name.
但 磷 酸
无嘌呤位点没有碱基特异地与之互补, 而是随机地选择一个碱基插入。
胞嘧啶和5-甲基胞嘧啶脱氨基后分别 变成尿嘧啶和胸腺嘧啶
自发化学改变引起的基因突变(碱 基脱嘌呤 (depurination)、脱氨基 (deamination)
(deletion mutation)
不 同 类 型 基 因 突 变 产 生 不 同 构 型 和 活 性 的 蛋 白
正向突变(forward mutation) A→a
回复突变(reverse mutation或back
a →A
抑制因子突变(suppressor mutation): intragenic或intracistronic suppressor extragenic或extracistronic suppressor
Mutation of the FMR1 gene leads to the transcriptional silencing of the fragile Xmental retardation protein, FMRP. In normal individuals, FMRP binds and facilitates the translation of a number of essential neuronal RNAs. In fragile X patients, however, these RNAs are not translated into proteins.
Expansion of the CGG repeats to such a degree results in a methylation of that portion of the DNA, effectively silencing the expression of the FMR1 protein.
第十章 基因突变和表观遗传变异
体细胞突变(somatic mutation):是不能 遗传给后代的,但是可以通过无性途径传递。
生殖细胞突变(germ-line mutation):若 突变的性细胞参与受精过程,那么突变基因 就会传给下一代。
null mutation(无效突变):完全丧失基因功能 的突变。