

全新版大学英语第二版 1 至 4 册单词汇总

第 1 册


reward vt. 报答,酬谢,奖励n. 1. 报答,奖赏 2. 报酬,酬金frustrate vt. 1. 使沮丧,使灰心 2. 使挫败,使受挫折

junior n. 1. 年少者 2. 地位较低者,晚辈

positive a. 1. 积极的,肯定的 2. 确实的,明确的

senior n. 较年长者

former a. 在前的,以前的,旧时的n. 前者

unlike prep. 不像;和 ... ... 不同

▲intimidate vt. 恐吓,威胁

opportunity n. 机会,时机

online a. & ad. 连线的 , 联网的 ; 连线地 , 联网地communication n. 交流,交际;通信

medium n. 媒质,媒介物,传导体 a. 中等的,适中的

phone n. 电话,电话机

modem n. 调制解调器

access n. 1. 接近,进入 2. 通道,入口

technology n. 工艺,技术

participate vi. 参与,参加

virtual a. 1. 虚构的,虚拟的 2. 实质上的,事实上的,实际上的commitment n. 1. 信奉,献身 2. 承诺,许诺,保证

discipline n. 1. 纪律; 控制 2. 惩罚,处分 3. 学科

minimum a. 最低的,最小的 n. 最低限度,最少量

assignment n. 1. (分派的)任务,(指定的)作业 2. 分配,指派notebook n. 笔记簿

embarrass vt. 使窘迫,使尴尬,使不好意思

screen n. 1. 屏幕,银幕 2. 屏风,帘,纱窗

continual a. 1. 不间断的,不停的 2. 多次重复的,频频的continually ad. 1. 不间断地,不停地 2. 多次重复地,频频地finally ad. 最后,终于

▲r eap vt. 1.获得,得到 2.收割,收获

benefit n.益处,好处vt.有益于

insight n.洞察力,洞悉,深刻的见解

culture n.文化,文明

communicate vi.交流,交际vt.传达,传播

favorite ( 英favourite) a. 特别受宠的n. 特别喜爱的人(或物)activity n. 活动,行动

gap n.缺口,裂口

Phrases and Expressions

be well worth + sth./ doing sth.

not only ...but also ... far from一点都不不仅 ... ...

值得 ... ...

而且 ... ...

a couple of 两三个

get access to 可以使用;获得

keep up with 跟上,不落后

feel like sth./doing sth. 想做,想要

give up 停止,放弃

reap the benefits of 获得益处,得到好处

come across 偶然遇上

trade for 用 ... ... 换

participate in 参加

now that 既然 , 由于

reach out to 接触 , 联系

Phrases and Expressions play a role in ... 起 ... ... 作用

be aware of 对 ... ... 清楚

in addition 另外,加之

reflect on 深思,考虑,反省

allow for 考虑到,顾及,为... ... 留出余地

Unit2 weekday n. 工作日(星期六、日以外的日子)

click vi. 发出 " 嘟 " 、 " 咔嗒 " 等轻微响声 n. 咔嗒声blast v. 1. 发出猛烈响声 2. 爆破 3. 以炸药攻击

forth ad. 出来; 向前

horrible a. 可怕的;令人不悦的

stuff n. 东西;材料

rhythm n. 节奏; 韵律

▲w eird a. 古怪的;离奇的

definitely ad. 当然;无疑地

powerful a. 1. 有力的,强壮的 2. 功效大的

youngster n. 青少年 ; 青年

musician n. 音乐师

offensive a. 1. 极讨厌的,令人作呕的 2. 攻击性的disturb vt. 1. 打扰 , 妨碍 2. 使不安,使烦恼

grab vt. 抓取,攫取

thorough a. 1. 彻底的 2. 认真的

thoroughly ad.仔细地;彻底地

bang v. (使)撞击;(使)猛击 , 使劲敲

hustle vt. 催促;赶

towel n. 毛巾

■T-shirt n. 圆领衫

jeans n. 牛仔裤

wrap vt. 包,裹 sweater

n. (羊)毛衣

■m akeup n. 化妆品

toast n. 烤面包

instrument n. 1.乐器2.工具

■y ah interj.表示讨厌、嘲笑、无耐心等发出的惊叹语

disgust vt.使厌恶,使反感

disgusting a.令人厌恶的,令人作呕的

blouse n.女衬衫

▲c loset n.壁柜

▲bug vt.令人生气;使人烦;纠缠

■e ye-liner n. 眼线(笔)

annoy n. 使生气 ; 使恼怒

■t attoo n.纹身

pierce v.穿洞;刺穿,刺破

bolt vi.冲出去,逃跑vt.闩,拴住

Phrases and Expressions

blast forth(声音)突然响起来

along with一道

turn off关

burst into匆匆进入突然爆发

over and over一次次

reach for伸手去抓

turn up增大(声音、火焰等)

turn down减小(声音、火焰等)

as well as和,以及,还有

as usual与往常一样

turn on开,打开

that much那么......

bolt out匆匆离开

Phrases and Expressions

in peace and quiet平静地

make one's blood boil使(某人)生气

get rid of清除驱赶;消除

the knots in one's stomach不安

go too far走极端

drop out of退出

talk over商量


lean vi. 1.倚;靠2.倾斜;倾向;偏向

2. ) 权衡;比较balance n. 1.平衡;均衡 2. 均势 ,平衡v. 1.(使)平衡, (使)均衡

severe a. 1.非常恶劣的;紧张的;困难的 2. 严格的;严肃的;严厉的

severely ad.严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地

▲cripple vt. 1.使跛;使残废 2. 严重地损坏;削弱n.伤残人(或动物

inward a. 1.在内的;内部的(尤指在头脑中、精神上) 2. 向内的

inwardly ad.内心或精神方面

coordinate vt.使协调

halt v. 暂停;中断;中止n.暂停;中断;中止

impatient a. 1.不能冷静地对待或等待的;易烦躁的;不耐心的 2. 急切的;渴望的pace n. 1.(尤指走或跑的)速度 2. 进步或发展的速度(尤指某项活动的速度)vi. 踱步 ,慢步走

adjust v. 1.使适应(新环境);适应 2.调整;校准;调准

subway n. 1.(城市中的)地下铁道 2. (尤指马路或铁路下方的)地下通道;人行隧道despite prep.尽管;不管

▲nasty a. 1.令人不快的;令人厌恶的 2. 不友善的;恶意的

wagon n. 1.儿童手推车 2. 四轮运货马(牛)车 3. 铁路货车( 或客车 )车厢

▲cling vi. 1.抱住;抓紧 2. 坚持;坚守;拒不放弃;抱定

rail n. 1. [C]横挡;栏杆;护栏 2. [C](火车或电车的)铁轨

hand-rail n. [C](楼梯等的)扶手

tunnel n.地下通道;(为公路或铁路穿过山岭河流或海底的)隧道

▲b asement n. 地下室

amaze vt.使大为惊讶;使惊愕

stress n. 1.(由于精神、体力不适或困境等造成的)压力;忧虑;紧张 2. 强调;重视vt. 1.强调,重视2.重读,读重音

complaint n. 1.抱怨;诉苦 2. 控告;投诉;抱怨

envy n.妒忌;羡慕vt.羡慕;妒忌

envious a.嫉妒的;羡慕的

owner n.物主;所有人

precise a. 1.精确的;准确的;明白的;无误的 2. 正好;就在

precisely ad.准确地;精确地;正好;恰恰

engage v. 1.(使)从事;(使)忙于 2. 雇用;聘用


local a.地方的;当地的;本地的n.当地人,本地人

baseball n.棒球运动;棒球

occasion n. 1.(事件发生的)特定时刻;时机 2. (适当的)时机;机会

punch v. 1.用拳猛击 2.用打孔机打孔

▲s hove vi. 推;挤;撞

aid n. 帮助;援助;救护 vt. 帮助 , 援助

unaided a. 无助的;独力的

kid v. 1. 开玩笑 2. 欺骗;哄骗 n. 小孩或年轻人

urge vt. 1. 力劝 2. 鼓励;催促;鞭策n. 强烈愿望 , 迫切需求

dive n. 1. (美俚)(拳击中)假装被击倒 2. 跳水 vi. 跳水 , 潜水

navy n. 1. (一国的)海军 2. 一个国家的军舰及其全体官兵

reluctant a. 不愿意的;迟迟不合作的;不同意的

reluctance n. 不愿;勉强

worthy a. 1. 值得尊敬的;值得考虑的 2. 值得 ...... 的;应 ...... 的;足以 ...... 的unworthy a. 1. 不值得的;不配的 2. (与 ...... 的身份、资格、性质)不适合的;不相称的

complain vi. 抱怨;诉苦

▲trifle n. 无价值的或不重要的东西、问题、行动、琐事、小事v. 轻视, 小看

Phrases and Expressions

grow up成长,长大

start out 出发

make it 及时赶到

even if 即使 , 虽然

subject to 使 ...... 遭受

now that 既然

even though 虽说 , 即使

in some way 以某种方式

have a good time 过得愉快

break out 爆发 , 突然发生

on leave 休假

see to 照料 ; 务必做到 , 务须

Phrases and Expressions

come to 苏醒 , 恢复知觉

now and again 不时地 , 有时候

call for 要求

set out 出发

for a while 一会儿;有一段时间

pay no attention to 不注意 , 没加注意

now and then 不时地 , 有时候 , 时时

with that 接着, 于是

on one's way to 在路上

turn out 结果是 , 证明是


impression n. 1. 印象,效果 2. 感觉,感想

conscious n. 1. 感觉到,意识到 2. 处于清醒状态,有知觉的

consciously ad. 意识到地,感觉到地,神志清楚地

unconsciously ad. 无意识地,无感觉地,神志不清地

self-conscious a. 1. 不自然的,难为情的,忸怩的2. 有自我意识的

self-consciousness n. 害羞,忸怩

attitude n. 1. 姿势,姿态 2. 态度,看法

reaction n. 1. 反应 2. 反应,作用

n. 1. 种类;广range v. 1. (在一定幅度或范围内)变动,变化 2. 排列,把排成行

泛(性) 2.射程;距离,范围

introduction n. 1.介绍,(正式)引见 2. 引进,采用

▲s pouse n. 配偶(指夫或妻)

vt. 对...... interview n. 1. (对求职者等的)面谈,面试 2. (记者等的)采访,访谈

进行面谈(或面试);对 ......采访

encounter n.意外(或偶然)相遇vt.遇到,遭遇(尤指危险或困难)

focus v.使(注意力)集中

▲p ersuasion n.说服,劝说

persuasive a.有说服力的,能说得使人相信的

presentation n.表现,描述

physical a. 1.身体的,肉体的 2. 物质的,有形的,实物的

appearance n. 1.外观,外貌,外表 2. 出现

rate n. 1. 速度,速率 2. 比率,率

pitch n. (说话等)声音(或音调)的高低度;音高

tone n. 音调,音

gesture n. 手势,示意动作

absorb vt. 1. 吸引的注意力,使感兴趣 2. 吸收

▲stride vi. 大踏步走,阔步行进n. 大步 ; 步态 , 步法

impress vt. 给深刻的印象,使钦佩

consistent a. 1. 一贯的 2. 一致的

consistently ad. 一贯地,一直

speaker n. 演讲者,演说家

depress vt. 使抑郁,使沮丧

audience n. 观众,听众

contact n. 1. 接触 2. 接触,联系,交往

relax v. 使( 困难等 ) 减少; ( 使) 休息,放松

■l ighten v.减轻,放松

entertainment n.娱乐,供消遣的东西

roar vi.大声叫喊,咆哮

humor ( 英 humour) n.幽默,诙谐

▲brood v.(不快或怨忿地)想;忧伤;考虑

Phrases and Expressions

make up one's mind 下定决心,打定主意

range from... to... 从 ... 到 ... (范围或幅度内)变化

focus on 使(注意力)集中在

drive someone crazy 逼得某人发疯,或受不了

at one's best 处于最佳状态,在全盛时期

communicate with 与 ...... 交谈,与 ...... 交流

lighten up 放松,不要生气

take ...seriously 认真地对待某人或某事

Phrases and Expressions

lack of 缺乏,不足

find out 找出,查明,发现

actions speak louder than words 行动比言语更响亮;事实胜于雄辩in relation to 有关,关于

become /be acquainted with 与 ... 相识,了解

pick up 获得学会

in part 在某种程度上;部分

account for 作出解释,提出理由,说明

be /feel at home感到无拘束,感到熟悉

be content with 对 ...... 感到满足

a wealth of 大量的,丰富的


acquire vt.获得;学到

▲i mmune a. 1. 免疫的 2. 免除的

▲d eficiency n.不足,缺乏;缺点,缺陷

◆s yndrome n. (具有共同性的性质,事件,症状等的)集合

▲diagnose vt.诊断;判断

infect vt. 1. 感染 2. 影响

virus n. 病毒

rural a. 农村的

constitute vt. 组成

segment n. 部分

alarm n. 惊慌;警报 vt. 1. 使惊慌,使担心 2. 使惊恐 , 使担心federal a. 联邦的,联邦制的

implement vt. 实施,执行

organization ( 英 organisation) n. 1. 组织 2. 组织,安排emerge vi. 出现

network n. 网络

combat vt. 斗争 n. 斗争

resource n. 资源

creative a. 创造性的 ; 有创造力的

creatively ad. 创造性地 ; 有创造力地

client n. 1. 当事人 2. 顾客

video n. 录像,录像机

publication n. 1.公布,发表;出版,发行 2. 出版物educate v. 教育

educational a. 教育的

educator n. 教育工作者;教育家

recently ad. 最近

southeast n. 东南

▲literacy n. 文化;识字

low-literacy n. 低文化水平

literature n. 1. 文学 2. 资料

solve vt. 解决,解答

create vt. 创造

illustrate vt. 说明

relate vt. 1. 讲述 2. 将... ... 联系起来

establish vt. 建立 , 创办

■b uster n.克星

risk n.危险,风险vt.冒着... ...的危险

adult n.成年(人或动物)

pressure n.压力

define vt.下定义,描述

redefine vt.重新考虑

background n.出身背景,经历;背景资料

▲p lague vt.缠绕,烦扰n.瘟疫,鼠疫;灾难,祸患

establishment n. 1. 机构 , 企业 2. 建立 , 确立;确定

emphasize ( 英 emphasise) vt. 强调

regardless a.无论如何

solution n.解决,解答

crisis n.危机

represent vt. 1.表示,表明2.作为... ... 的代表( 或代理)

▲e pidemic n.流行病;传染病的蔓延

threaten v.扬言;威胁

racial a.种族的

efficiency n.效率

inefficiency n.效率低下,无效

Phrases and Expressions

be infected with感染(疾病)

in place of代替

suffer from受... ...之苦,患(某种疾病)

pass out分发;晕倒

as a result因此,结果

at risk有危险,有风险

regardless of不顾,不管

the solution to ......的解答;解决(解答) ......

的办法threaten to do sth.扬言要......

distract ... from使分心

sign up报名参加;签约参加工作( 或组织 )

Phrases and Expressions

in haste匆忙

prior to在......之前

make it成功地做某事

start with从......开始

assist (sb. with) sth. 帮助做某事


widow n.寡妇

considerable a.相当的

considerably ad.相当地,很多

underline vt. 1.划横线 2.强调;使突出

quotation n. 1.语录,引语 2. 报价

cabin n.小屋

▲a lbum n. 相册

bride n. 新娘

◆g room n. 新郎

▲b lur n. 模糊的影子 vt. 使模糊

2. 提出(申请等)file vi. 1.一个接一个地走 2. 提出 vt. 1.归档

n. 1.汇存的文件 2. 文件夹,文件箱 3. 纵列

colleague n.同事

mate n.伙伴

schoolmate n.同学

cheerful a.幸福的,高兴的

surround vt.包围

sympathize ( sympathizer( 英

sympathise) vi.

sympathiser) n.



congratulate vt. 祝贺

■p ortly a.胖的

disappear vi.消失

depart vi.离开

loan vt.借给,贷给n.贷款

■h oneymoon n. 蜜月

lodge n. 小屋 vi. 住宿;投宿

▲o ak n. 橡树

recall vt.回忆,回想

convey vt.传达

respond vi.回答;反应

scan vt.仔细察看;扫描

▲b ulletin n.公告;简明新闻

grand a. 1. 高级的,大的 2. 好的,妙的

grandchild n.(外)孙子(孙女)

▲k nit v. 编织

glove n. 手套

peculiar a. 1.奇怪的2.特别的

peculiarly ad. 1.奇怪地 2.特别地

▲a ssert vt.断言;主张

responsibility n.责任,责任心

restrain vt.抑制

anniversary n.周年(纪念日)

curiosity n.好奇

regarding prep.有关

accidental a.意外的

accidentally ad.意外地

mission n.使命,任务

fade v. 1.使褪色 2.逐渐消失

▲n apkin n. 餐巾(纸)

▲s py n. 密探,侦探;间谍


novel n.长篇小说

▲m essenger n. 信使

nearby a.&ad. 附近

whoever pron. 1.无论谁,不管谁 2. 任何人

Phrases and Expressions

share with be a part of fill with define as mistake for





fill one's need满足需要

bring up save from 提起


Phrases and Expressions

make the rounds 串门拜访,四处走动

go with 与 ... 相配

Who are you to say... 你有什么权利说 ...... 你竟敢说 ..... boast about 吹牛,吹嘘

stay away from 别靠近

stay at 保留,待在

contrary to 与 ...... 相反

be in for 免不了遭受

look down on 蔑视;不赞成

call for 要求

hold water 站得住脚;可证明为真实


cautious a. 十分小心的,谨慎的

unusual a. 异乎寻常的,不平常的

exception n. 除外,例外,除外的人或事

shave v. 剃去 ...... 上的毛发,剃 ...... 的胡须

unshaven a. 未剃须的,未修面的,有短髭的

stocking n. 1. 长(统)袜,袜子 2. 圆锥形绒线帽,针织帽

nylon a. 耐纶制的,尼龙的 n. 耐纶织品,尼龙织品

▲s hrub n.灌木

pad n. 1.(停车的)地方,(简易机场的)飞机起落段 2. 垫,衬垫▲pistol n.手枪

▲contrive v.设法做到

▲t oss vt.扔,抛,掷

bark v. 1.厉声地说,咆哮 2.(狗)吠,叫

instinct n.本能,天性

instinctively ad.(出于)本能地,(出于)天性地

▲w allet n.皮夹子

trousers n. (尤指男子穿的)长裤,西(装)裤

sideways ad. (斜)向一边(或一侧),向旁边

slight a. 1.瘦小的2.少量的;轻微的;不严重的

enlarge vt.扩大,扩展,使增大

polish v. 1. 擦,擦光,擦亮 2. 使完美,改进

unexpected a. 没有料到的,突如其来的

unexpectedly ad.没有料到地,突如其来地

attach vt.系,贴,连接

criminal a.犯罪的,犯法的,刑事的n.罪犯

victim n.受害者,牺牲者

offend v. 1.违法,违犯 2.冒犯,触怒

offender n.犯法的人,犯规的人

user n.使用者,用户

detail n.细节,详情

▲r ip vt.猛力扯掉,猛力移去,猛力去除

wrist n. 腕,腕关节

lawn n. 草坪,草地

dirt n.污物,烂泥,灰尘

forehead n.额,前额

temple n.太阳穴

Lord n.上帝,耶稣基督

mercy n.慈悲,怜悯,仁慈

sin n. (违背道德规范的) 罪;罪恶;(违犯宗教戒律的)罪孽vi.违反教规,违犯戒律,犯罪

sinner n.(宗教、道德上的)罪人

footstep n.脚步(声)

span n.一段时间,持续时间

fry vt.油煎,油炒

eternal a.永恒的,永久的,不断的

▲e ternity n. 1.不朽,来世 2.永恒,无穷

operator n. 1. 电话接线员,机务员,话务员 2. 操作员,技工rob vt. 抢劫

robber n. 抢劫者,强盗,盗贼

robbery n.抢劫罪,抢劫(案)

stiff a. 1. (酒)浓的,烈性的 2. 僵硬的,挺的,不易弯曲的additional a. 额外的,另外的

current n. (水、空气等的)流,潮流 a. 现时的,当前的

■woe n. 哀愁

foundation n. 1. 基础,基本原理,根据 2. 基金会 3. 建立,设立presently ad. 1. 现在,目前 2. 不久,一会儿

dam n. 坝,堤

Phrases and Expressions

face to face (with) 面对面的/地必须面对的,无法回避的pull into (车)停靠;驶向(一旁等)

as if 好象

attach to 系在 ...... 上;连接到 ...... 上

rather than 而不

have mercy on someone 可怜某人

get to one's feet 站起来

look through 仔细检查,浏览

be out of control 失去控制

eat (away) at 逐渐毁掉,侵蚀

Phrases and Expressions

be immune to 不受 ...... 影响的,对 ..... 有免疫力的

believe in 相信 ...... 可行,相信 ...... 的真实性,信任,信仰be capable of 有...... 能力做,能做

hear of听说

in front of

at the sight of 在 .....前面;在


...... 面前


satisfactory a.令人满意的

flash vi. 1.突然产生(想法、灵感) 2. 飞驰,掠过particularly ad.特别是

glow vi. 1.发光,发热 2. 呈现鲜艳的颜色

▲c reation n. 创造

mystery n. 谜

reasonable a.合理的,适当的

psychologist n. 心理学家

process n. 过程,进程

individual n.个体,个人

personality n. 1.名人2.人的品质或条件

▲i ntensify v.增强,加强

genius n. 1. 天才 2. 天赋

religion n. 宗教

philosophy n. 哲学

invention n. 1. 发明 2. 发明物

logic n. 逻辑;逻辑学

truly ad. 1. 真正地 2. 真诚地;真心地

highly ad. 非常

dramatic a. 1. 引人注目的 2. 戏剧的 ; 演戏的

compose v. 创作(文学或音乐)

occupy vt. 1. 把注意力集中于...... 2. 占用(时间或空间)▲f ling vt. 1.猛扔,抛 2.猛烈地移动,急动

▲c ouch n. 沙发

miracle n.奇迹

■m ighty a.强大的,巨大的

recognize vt. 1.注意到,认识到 2. 认出

orchestral a.管弦乐的,管弦乐队的

contrast n.对照, (对照中的)差异

■m athematician n.数学家 a.数学的

combination n.结合,合并;【化】化合物

▲s urge vi. 汹涌 combine v.


stable a.稳定的

existence n.存在

observe vt.观察

explosion n. 1.爆发;骤发;爆炸2.激增,扩大

concept n.概念

▲e xemplify vt.例示,作为......例子

▲c ertainty n.确定性,必然性;确实的事情

enthusiasm n. 1. 热情 , 积极性 2. 爱好的事物

representative a. 有代表性的

source n. 源泉,来源

responsible a. 1. 是 ...... 的原因 2. 需负责任的,承担责任的organize vt. 组织起来

element n. 元素 , 成分

Phrases and Expressions

sleep on sth. 暂时不作决定,过一晚再作决定

a gift from the gods 不期而获又大受欢迎的好处,利益

depend on 依靠,依赖

write down 写下来

be occupied with 忙于做,专心于

seek for 寻找

as though 好象,俨然

take shape 成型

put into 表达

at work 在起作用

arrive at 达成(协议);得出(结论)

search for 搜索,寻找

fill sb. with sth. 使充满(感情)

Phrases and Expressions

right away 立刻

act upon 依照 ...... 行动

come one's way 发生在某人身上,可以被某人利用

fall asleep 睡着

take advantage of 利用

at once 同时

set sth. in motion 使 ...... 运转起来

back and forth 来回,前后

take up 开始,着手做

tap dancing 踢踏舞


editor n. 编辑

futurist n. 未来主义者

publish vt. 1. 出版 2. 发布;公布

impose vt. 1. 把...... 强加于 2. 征(税等),处以(罚款、监禁等)fate n. 命运

volunteer n. 志愿者 v. 甘愿

arithmetic n. 算术 a. 算术的

predict vt. 预测

performance n. 1.表现2. 表演

electrical a. 与电有关的;用电的

analysis n. 分析

◆diagnosis n. 诊断

treatment n. 1.治疗2.处理;对待

▲i nteract vi. 1.相互作用;相互影响 2.互通信息

interactive a. 1.相互作用;互相影响 2. (人机之间)可互通信息的alternative a.可选择的n.(必须作的)选择

▲t oll n. (通过路或桥等的)费用

engine n. 引擎;发动机

connection (英connexion) n. 1.连接2.关系;联系

household n.家庭a.家庭的

security n. 1.治安保卫 2. 安全

worldwide a. & ad.世界范围(的)

site n. 1.网站2.地点;地方

museum n.博物馆

facility n. 1.设施2.便利,容易,方便

▲d atabase n.资料库

globe n. 1.地球2.球状物;地球仪

grocer n.食品杂货商

groceries n. 食品杂货

Internet n. 因特网

purchase n. 购买的物品 vt. 购买

widespread a. 1. 广泛的 2. 展开的

percentage n. 百分率

career n. 1. 职业 2. 生涯

management n. 1. 管理人员 2. 管理

specialist n. 专家

protection n. 1. 保护 2. 保护人(物)

pollution n. 污染

survive v. 1. 幸免于难 2. 比 ...... 活得长

profit n. 1. 利润 2. 得益 v. 得益(于)

emit vt. 排放

emission n. 1. 排放物 2. 排放

permit n. 许可证 v. 容许

output n. 产量

carbon n. 碳

■m onoxide n. 一氧化物

policy n.政策

▲s iege n.包围

advertise v. 1.广告(销售) 2. 公告;广告

ban vt.禁止n.禁止

pill n.药片

tension n. 1.紧张不安 2.拉力

prescribe vt 1.开处方 2.规定

diet n. 1.日常饮食 2.规定的饮食

Phrases and Expressions

impose on (upon)强加于

work on (upon) 努力做 ......

more and more 越来越 ......

pay for 因什么而受苦因购买 ...... 而付钱

bill for 送交某人账单或罚单

start up 开办,开设

on average 平均

at risk 冒险

change from 由 ...... 变来

under siege 被包围

Phrases and Expressions

at an alarming rate 以惊人的速度

wash away (被洪水)破坏

May... 愿 ......

involve in 卷入


living-room n. 客厅

demonstrate vt. 演示,证明 vi. 参加游行;示威

▲integrity n. 诚实

▲morality n. 1. 道德 2. 德行

boundary n. 1. 界限;局限 2. 边界

convenience n. 1.舒适;便利 2. 方便

inner a. 1. 内心的 2. 内在的;内部的

compass n. 1. 圆规 2. 指南针

scarce a. 稀少

apply v. 1. (使)产生作用 , 适用于 ; 运用 2. 申请 3. 致力于triangle n. 三角(形)

consist vi. 由 ...... 组成

assistance n. 帮助,援助

ensure vt. 1. 确保 2. 担保

▲s urgeon n.外科医生

▲s ponge n. 海绵

assure vt. 1.郑重告知 2.使确信

protest v. 1.反对;抗议 2.宣称n. 1.抗议2.宣称

concede v. 1. 让与 2. 承认

intelligent a. 聪明

clarify vt. 弄清楚;解释

appoint vt. 任命

nest n. 巢 vi. 筑巢

doll n. 洋娃娃

progressive a. 1. 连续的;一步一步的 2. 进步的;先进的progressively ad. 逐步;逐渐

▲d warf n.侏儒vt. (由于对比)使显得矮小,使相形见绌

giant n. 1. 巨人 2. 伟人 a. 巨大的;重要的

genuine a. 真实的

core n. 1. 中心或重要部分 2. 核

rely vi. 依靠,依赖 ; 信赖

external a. 1. 外在的;表面的 2. 外部的;外面的

inevitable a. 不可避免的

inevitably ad. 不可避免地

preserve vt. 1. 保存;保护 2. 储存

mask n. 面具;面罩 vt. 1. 戴面具 2. 掩盖

tough a. 1. 很难的 2. 结实的;有力的

conscience n. 良心;良知

component n. 成分;部件

basis n. 1. 基础 2. 主体;基地

▲e nrich vt. 1.改善;改进 2.丰富

relationship n. 1. 亲属关系;友好关系 2. 关系;联系fashionable a. 时髦的;时尚的

yield v. 1. 屈服;放弃 2. 出产;生长于

tempt vt. 诱惑

attraction n. 1. 魅力,吸引力 2. 吸引人的东西

rear a. 后面的 n. 后面;背后

rear-view n. 后视

mirror n. 镜子 vt. 折射

Phrases and Expressions

middle point 中间道路;折中

sell out (to) 背叛事业或立场

at hand 1. 即将到来;近在手边 2. 在考虑之中

in short supply 缺货;短缺

the bottom line 重要因素;关键的东西

demand of 期待;要求

consist of 由 ...... 组成

stand for 1. 主张;相信 2. 承受;忍受 3. 代表

account for 1. 报告(钱如何用) 2. 说明(原因);解释(原因)think of 1. 考虑;为 ...... 设想 2. 回想,想起 3. 想像

do fine 干得很好

give (the) credit 赞扬

rely on/upon 依赖;依靠

feel good 感觉好

engage in 1. 参与 2. (使)关心

in other words 换言之

win the day 赢;成功

Phrases and Expressions

for free 免费

hand over 递交

do the trick 达到目的

get/have access to 有权得到、使用等

hail as 称赞 ......, 为 ......

figure out理解估算

get off搬移;取走

a little bit有点

be inclined to倾向于;容易(做)

sort of有点;有几分

▲make the most of充分利用

第 2 册


budget vt.为......做预算,编制预算vi.(为特定目的)节省或用钱n.预算


acute a. 1.(指感觉或感官)深刻的,敏感的,尖锐的 2. 严重的

replace vt. 1.把放回原处 2. 代替,取代

foreigner n.外国人

restless a. 1.(尤指因厌烦、烦躁和焦虑而引起的)不安定的或不安静的


restlessly ad.不安定地,不安静地

elbow vt.用肘把人推到一旁n.肘

◆abrupt a. 1.(指行为)粗鲁的,无礼的 2.突然的,意外的

brief a. 1.短暂的2.(指说话或写作)用字简练的,简洁的

vt. 预先向 ... ...提供必要信息或指示

opening a.初始的n. 1.开始2.(商号或公司的)职位空缺

▲ritual a.例行的,老规矩的,惯常的n.固定的程序

interaction n.交流;相互作用,相互影响,合作

convention n. 1.惯例,习俗,常规 2. (专业人员、政党的)会议,大会

leisure n. 1.空闲,闲暇 2. 悠闲,安逸

leisurely a. & ad.从容(地),不匆忙(地)

assess vt.估价,评价

surroundings n.周围的事物;环境

golf n.高尔夫球

generally ad. 1.一般地,通常地 2.广泛地;普遍地

◆probe v. 1.刺探,查究,探究,彻底调查 2. (用探针或探测器)检查,探查

n. 1.[C]探针,探子(医生用来检查伤口的一种钝头细长工具)

2.( 尤为新闻用语 )刺探,查究,彻底调查

◆t ick vi.(指钟表等)滴答滴答地响vt.


n. 1. (尤指钟表等)滴答声 2. 勾号 ( √ )

consequently ad.因此,所以

saving n. 1. 节省,贮存 2. 储蓄金

labor-saving a.省工的,节省劳力的,减轻劳动的

device n. 1. 器械,装置 2. 计划,策略,诡计

fax n. 1. 传真通信,电传真 2.[C] 传真机

email n. 电子邮件 (electronic mail 的缩略 )

electronic a. 1. 电子的,电子操作的 2. 和电子设备(如计算机)有关的significance n. 1. 意义 2. 重要性

conduct vt. 1.进行,指导,管理2.传导(电、热等)n.行为,品行

increasingly ad.逐渐地,日益地,逐渐增加地

■t eleconference n.(通过电话、电视等的)电信会议

satellite n. 1.[C]人造卫星 2.[C]卫星

obtain vt.取得,获得,买到,借到

superb a.极好的;壮丽的,华美的

whereas conj.反之;却,而

◆e lapse vi.(指时间)过去,逝去

skillful a.熟练的,有技巧的,灵巧的

skillfulness n.熟练,有技巧,灵巧

competent a.(指人)有能力(技术、知识)的,能干的,胜任的

fulfill vt. 1.履行,执行,完成 2. 满足;与 ... ...相符

Phrases and Expressions

result in 致使,导致,造成... ...的结果

nothing but 只有,除 ... ... 以外什么也不

account for 解释,说明

charge for 收费,要价,索价

sand in the hourglass沙漏中的沙(沙漏上端所盛细沙用一小时从窄缝中漏到下端)

in a rush 匆忙的

under pressure 在压力下,在强力下

go with 同时发生,伴随

work at 工作,从事于,钻研

save for 储存,储蓄

at hand 正考虑的在附近,在手边,临近的

in person 亲身,亲自

due to 由于,因为

be worthy of 值得的,配得上的

Phrases and Expressions

adjust to 使适应(新环境),适应

be familiar to 为 ... ... 所熟悉的,常见(听)到的

culture shock 文化冲击,文化震撼(在陌生的文化环境中不知所措)

in the stage 在 ... ... 阶段,在 ... ... 时期

be tired of 讨厌,不耐烦,厌烦

separate from 使分离,分开

prevent from 阻止,防止

deal with 处理,对付

come to 达到某状态

recover from 从 ... ... 恢复到正常状态

go through 通过;完成(某阶段)


global a. 1. 全球的,世界范围的 2. 包括一切的,总括的

◆e cology n. 生态,生态学

undertake vt. 1.担任,承担 2.同意做,要做,答应

initiative n. 1. 解决困难所采取的行动,初步行动 2. 采取行动的能力(权利或权力),

主动权,优先权 3. 主动,进取精神(尤指不求助于外力的)

abundant a. 1.很多的,丰富的,充裕的 2. 富于,富有

■c od n. 鳕鱼

species n. 物种,种类

■h erring n.鲱鱼

fisherman n.渔民,渔夫,渔工

◆ambitious a. 1.显示或需要雄心的 2. 充满野心的,雄心勃勃的(尤指为金钱或功名的)diverse a. 1.种类不同的,多种多样的 2. 不同的,相异的

diversity n.差异,多样,多样性

tropical a.热带的,(生长在)热带的,炎热的

■clear-cut vt.砍伐殆尽(一块林区)

◆e rosion n. 1.腐蚀,侵蚀 2.削弱,减少;损害

extensive a. 1.(指面积)辽阔的,广阔的 2. 广泛的,大量的

series n.一连串,一系列,连续的事物(件)

jungle n. 1.丛林,密林 2. 斗争激烈的地方

colony n. 1.侨民(集合名词) 2. 【生】群居动物,生长在一地的植物,群体(集合名


colonize vt.在(一个地区)开拓殖民地,使殖民地化

reverse vt. 1.反转,颠倒,翻转2.互换(功能、地位等)3.撤消,取消n. 1. 相

对,相反 2. 背面,反面 3. 挫折,不幸


tax n. 1.税,税额 2. 负担 vt. 1. 对.... 征税,要求... 付税2. 使负重担,使受沉


finance vt.为(项目)提供经费,为提供资金

n. 1.理财(尤指公款),金融财政 2. (个人、公司、政府的)财源,资金

conflict n. 1. (指意见、欲望)冲突,抵触 2.斗争,战斗vi.与......相反, 抵触 , 冲突

industrialize (industrialise) v.(使)工业化

◆contaminate vt.污染,玷污,弄脏,污损

contamination n.污染,玷污

biology n.生物学

biologically ad.生物学上

treaty n. 1.(国与国之间缔结的)条约 2. (尤指购置财产时人与人之间的)协约,约定,协商

fund n. 1.专款,基金 2. 贮藏,储存 3. 财源,金钱,现款


explosive a, 1.激增的,迅速扩大的 2. 爆炸的,爆发的,爆炸性的removal n. 1.去除,消除 2. 挪走,移走,搬迁

sponsor vt. 1. 赞助,支持 2. 发起,举办,主办n. 1. 发起人,保证人n.炸药

2. 资助人,赞助

cash n.现钞■cassava n. [C] ■maize n. [U] generate vt. 1. vt.兑换现金,兑现



生成,产生(光、热、电等) 2. 引起,产生

regenerate vt. observer n. strengthen vt. impact n. 1.




对 ... ...的强烈的印象或影响 2. 碰撞,撞击v. 1. 影响,作用 2. 碰撞,


frown v. 1.不赞成,反对 2.皱眉,蹙额n. [C]皱眉

shelter n. 1.住所,住处 2. 掩蔽部,掩蔽处,躲避处 3. 掩蔽,遮蔽,保护vt.掩蔽,遮蔽,庇护


wage vt.发起,进行(战争、运动等)n.工资,报酬(通常按周计酬)massive a. 1.大量的,大规模的 2. 大的,大而重的,大块的

ad n.广告

◆induce vt. 1. inducement n. convert v. 1. target n. 1.

引诱,诱导 2. 导致,引起


(使)改变(信仰或态度等) 2. 改变,转变

(欲达到的)目标,指标 2. 标的,靶vt. 把 ... ... 作为目标Phrases and Expressions

concern with 忙于,从事,关心

regardless of 不顾,不管

spring up 迅速或突然的出现,发生,长出

take measures to 采取措施,采取办法

as a result of 因 ... ...

aim at 意欲或试图做

agree to 同意,允诺,赞成

set up 建立,创立

lead to 导致

cash crop 经济作物

birth control 节育

Phrases and Expressions

open field 旷野

in fact 事实上,实际上

on top of 在 ... ... 之上

work on 致力于

power line 【电】电力线,输电线,电源线

coordinate one's efforts to 齐心协力

clean up 清扫,收拾,清理

up to 多达,直到

for instance 例如

wash away (指水)洗掉,冲走

lead into 通往,通向


character n. 1.( 指个人、民族、社会特有的

事件的 )特点,特性,特征

tolerance n. 1.容忍,宽容 2. 忍耐力

) 天性 , 性格 , 本质 , 特征 2.( 事物、地方、


Unit 1 lexf Organization

II. More Synonyms in Context 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium. 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words. 4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weather.

- 90 - Appendix I III. Usage 1)But often it is not until we fall ill that we finally learn to appreciate good health. 2)A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks—and nobody knew anything about it. 3)It's said he dropped dead from a heart attack when he was at work 1)Don't sit too close to the fire to keep warm—you could easily get burned, especially if you fall asleep. 4)In those days people believed in marrying young and having children early. 5)Little Tom was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes. ■ Structure 1. 1) To his great delight, Dr. Deng discovered two genes in wild rice that can increase the yield by 30 percent. 2)To her great relief, her daughter had left the building before it collapsed. 3)To our disappointment, our women's team lost out to the North Koreans. 4)We think, much to our regret, that we will not be able to visit you during the coming Christmas. 2. 1) These birds nest in the vast swamps (which lie to the) east of the Nile. 2)By 1948, the People's Liberation Army had gained control of the vast areas north of the Yangtze River. 3)Michelle was born in a small village in the north of France, but came to live in the United States at the age of four. ■ 4) The Columbia River rises in western Canada and continues/runs through the United States for about 1,900 kilometers west of the Rocky Mountains. Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze (A) 1. invasion 3. Conquest 5. launching 7. campaign 9. reckon with 2. s tand in the way 4. c atching... off his guard 6. d eclaration 8. d rag on 10. b ringing...to a


全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案 UNIT1 WAYS OF LEARNING ---------------------------------------------------------------4 Language Sense Enhancement ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Language Focus ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Vocabulary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 II ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 III ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Comprehensive Exercises ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 I. cloze ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 II. translation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 UNIT2 VALUES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Language Sense Enhancement ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Language Focus ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Vocabulary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 II --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 III -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 I. cloze -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 III. Translation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 UNIT3 THE GENERATION GAP --------------------------------------------------------- 12 Language Sense Enhancement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Language Focus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Vocabulary --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 II. Collocation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 III. Usage --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Comprehensive Exercises --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 I. cloze -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 II. Translation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15


Unit1 Ways of Learning Vocabulary I 1. 1)insert 2)on occasion 3)investigate 4)In retrospect 5)initial 6)phenomena 7)attached 8)make up for 9)is awaiting 10)not; in the least 11)promote 12)emerged 2. 1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3)as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating 2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to 3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superior II 1. 1)continual 2)continuous 3)continual 4)continuous 2. 1)principal 2)principal 3)principle 4)principles


Book 2 习题答案(unit 1-unit 5) Unit 1. Inside view 2. They have decided on: 2, 5 and 5 5, 1, c; 2. C; 3. b; 4. A; 5.d 6. 1.Maybe I should 2. Supposing 3. everything’s organized, isn’t it 4. I’ve arranged for people to 5. I’ll count it all up 6. We’d better 7. I’ve got a suggestion 8. How about Outside view 2. The true statements are 3 and 5 3. 1, one of the best universities 2. most talented students 3. well-known around the world 4. have open doors 5. good social life 6.you want it to be 7. on another campus 8. it’s a fun place 9. go to concerts 10. during the week Listening in 8. 1. b; 2. D; 3. D; 4. B ; 5, a Unit 2 Inside view 2. Kate; Kate; Janet; Janet; Janet; Janet; Kate 3 4-1-2-7-3-5-6 6. 1. b; 2, a; 3. D; 4, d; 5. D;


Unit 1 Sports Part C Short Conversations You’re going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 1. a. Basketball. b. Volleyball. c. Table tennis. d. Tennis. 2. a. Boxing is one of his favorite sports. b. Boxing is the only kind of sport he likes. c. He doesn’t like boxing at all. d. He doesn’t like boxing very much. 3. a. He finds it too long. b. He thinks it could be more exciting. c. He doesn’t like it at all. d. He likes it, but not very much. 4. a. H e doesn’t know how to play chess. b. He doesn’t like playing chess very much. c. He can’t play chess well. d. He’s a good chess player. 5. a. He was a good football player in high school. b. He kept track of the football players and games when he was in high school. c. He shows no interest in football now. d. He’s busy playing golf as well as football now. Script: 1. W: I like playing basketball, volleyball and table tennis. What about you? M: Well, tennis is my favorite sport. Q: Which sport does the man like? 2. W: You don’t like boxing very much, do you? M: It’s far from being my kind of sport. Q: What does the man mean? 3. W: I think yesterday’s football game was quite exciting. What about you, John? M: You said it. But it was a bit long. Q: What does the man think about the football game? 4. W: Do you like to play chess? M: I like the game, but I don’t play it often enough. I’m afraid I’m not a very good player. Q: What does the man mean? 5. M: I knew the names of all the football players and the dates of all the games in my high school days. But recently I have failed to keep up with football. W: Now you’re busy with your golf games. Q: What do you know about the man from the conversation? Unit 2 Food and Drinks


Key to Exercises of College English Book 2 Unit 1 ★Text A Vocabulary I. insert 2) on occasion 3) investigate 4) In retrospect 5) initial 6) phenomena 7) attached 8) make up for 9) is awaiting 10) not…in the least 11) promote 12) emerg ed 2. 1) There is a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2) Natural fiber is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 【 3) The city’s importance as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4) His nationality is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5) The poems by a little-known sixteenth-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1) be picked up, can’t accomplish, am exaggerating 2) somewhat, performance, have neglected, they apply to 3) assist, On the other hand, are valid, a superior II. 1. 1) continual 2) continuous 3) continual 4) continuous 2. 1) principal 2) principal 3) principle 4) principles 5) principal III. : 1. themselves 2. himself/herself 3. herself/by herself/on her own 4. itself 5. ourselves 6. yourself/ by yourself/on your own Comprehensive Exercise I. Cloze 1. 1) contrast 2) exaggerating 3) priority 4) on the other hand 5) promoting 6) pick up 7) assist 8) accomplish 9) on occasion 10) neglecting 11) worthwhile 12) superior 2. 1) end 2) perform 3) facing 4) competent 5) equipped 6) designed 7) approach 8) rest 9) definitely 10) quality II. Translation ; 1. 1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition. 2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience. 3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. 4) Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy/purchase it 5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating. 2. To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without

新标准大学英语综合教程二 unit1 课后习题答案

综合教程二unit1 课后习题答案 Active reading(1) 3).Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 a subject that people discuss or argue about (issue) 2 a chance to do something (opportunity) 3 the most important and powerful people in the country (establishment) 4 an area of land containing all the main buildings of a university (campus) 5 something such as a meeting or public statement by people who strongly disagree with a policy, law etc (protest) 6 to start a major activity (launch) 7 chances of success, especially in a job or a career (prospects) 8 work that you are paid regularly to do for a person or company (employment) 4). Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3. What are the most important (1) issues for students today? Is the university (2) campus really such a different place compared to what it was 40 years ago? Perhaps, as the passage suggests, there are fewer (3) protests by students against the (4) establishment than there used to be. And of course, improving your (5)prospects of being competitive in the (6) employment market is a major concern for students everywhere, since a good university degree is the means by which you can (7) launch your career. But in spite of all this, the role of the university is the same as it always has been. It is the place where you have the (8) opportunity to learn to think for yourself. 5).Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box. You may need to make other changes. 1 There were fights between police and protestors outside the US Embassy. (clashes) 2 The two parties formed a temporary political arrangement to respond to the problem. (alliance) 3 I’ve always considered myself as someone who is tolerant of other people’s idea. (liberal) 4 The chief official of an American state has a lot of power. (governor) 5 The financial situation of Western European countries rapidly improved in the 1960s. (economy) 6 The 1960s were associated with a new type of popular music. (characterized) The 1960s were characterized by a new type of popular music. 7 Mark left college without finishing the course and joined a rock band. (dropped out) 8 For many people, listening to their music was an experience which made them feel free. (liberating) For many people, listening to their music was a liberating experience. 9 For some people, an interest in politics went hand in hand with a strong enthusiasm for music. (passion) 6) . Answer the questions about the words. 1 (b) not very clearly? 2 (a) active?


summarize not …in the least critical in retrospect make up for in itial phe nomenon await 1) To use the mach ine, first the correct coins, the n select the drink you want and press the butt on. 2) Professor Smith tran slated not only from the French but also, , __________ from the Polish. 3) Food chemists will the health food on sale to see if it really does give the ben efits claimed. 4) ______, it was the wrong time to open a new data processing center in this city. 5) My reaction to the news was relief, but as I thought more about it I bega n to feel an gry. 6) A full understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain a wide variety of n atural . ______ 7) Make sue the label is firmly to the parcel before you mail it. 8) My boyfriend bought me dinner to being late the day before. 9) The committee a decision from the head office before it takes any actio n. 10) The little girl did __________ seem to be _____ ed of being left by herself in the house. 11) The WTO (=World Trade Organization) is intended to trade among its member states. 12) When the moon from behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the dista nee. bless consequenee curiosity sen time nt dated emoti onal genuine primarily seem in gly abrupt nothing more tha n wear and tear con fusi on deny tickle in con trast to 1) Prof. Williams says that mycomposition is good except for the ending which seems too . ______ 2) Sufferi ng from insomnia for several days, Ann went to see her doctor and was told that the problem was more than physical. 3) The orga ni zer of the charity concert said, “ I ask all of you to join me in praying that God will those who have given so generously for the poor and n eedy. 4) The in sura nee policy does not cover damage to goods caused by no rmal . _____ 1. Vocabulary promote performa nee emerge attach in vestigate on occasi on in sert in due course


Unit3 The Generation Gap Pair Work 1.How many characters are there in this play? Who are they? There are seven characters---Father, Mother, Heidi, Diane, Sean, Restaurant Manager, and Mrs. Higgins. 2.Are the children grateful for what their father does for them? Why or why not? No. Because what he does usually ends up embarrassing them. 3.What did Sean plan to do with the money he earned from his first job? To buy a guitar. 4.Why did Father make a point of coming to the restaurant? To check if Sean was going to embarrass him. 5.Why did Sean try to hide himself when he saw his father in the resraurant? He knew his father was going to embarrass him. 6.What did Sean think of his father’s unexpected visit? It was unnecessary and embarrassing. 7.Why did Father invite Dan Lucas to lunch? He wanted Dan to pressure his son into asking Diane to the senior prom. 8.What did Dan Lucas promise to do? He would speak to his son and insist that the latter give Diane a call. 9.How did Diane react to the surprise Father had for her? She felt humiliated. 10.Why did Heidi change school? Because the Thompson had just moved. 11.What did Father try to impress on Mrs. Higgins? He tried to let her know how exceptionally talented a young woman Heidi was. 12.Why was Heidi so eager to go to class? Because she couldn’t bear being embarrassed by her father.


Unit 1 Outside view Activity 1 Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it's a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in

Passage 1 1.2 2. 6 3.1 4.5 5.3 6.4 to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column. Ceahbgdf Passage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences BDDBA Test CCBBD CDBCB C Unie 2 Outside view Activity 1 the video clip and match the speakers with the statements. K/K/T/S/T/K/S/K Activity 2


全新版大学英语第二册u n i t2期末考试复习资料(总 3页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1 -CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除

Unit 2Values Pair Work 1. What is the Salvation Army What does a Salvation Army bell ringer do The Salvation Army is a religious charitable organization. A Salvation Army bell ringer is a volunteer who helps it collect donations. 2. What did the boy ask the writer What do you think made him raise such a question The boy asked him: Are you poor He did it simply out of confusion and curiosity. Obviously he knew nothing about the Salvation Army bell ringer. 3. How did the writer answer What does the writer's answer to the boy's question mean He said, "I have more than some people, but not as much as others." This means that he was neither poor nor rich. 4. Why did the boy's mother scold him? The boy's mother scolded him because the question was socially inappropriate, especially to a person who looked poor. 5. Is the writer poor or not in terms of material possessions Give facts to support your conclusion. Yes, he's. He’s economically he is poor. He lives in a small basement apartment. He doesn't even have a color TV. He falls into the lowest income category And so on. 6. Does the writer feel poor Why or why not No, the writer does not feel poor. This is because he has enjoyed good health and creativity which he thinks are much more important than material goods. 7. In what situation does the writer feel out of place? He feels out of place among people who ate primarily interested in material things. 8. What did the girl tell him before her visit to his basement apartment And what happened after She told him that she was interested in what's on the inside. But after he Wok her to his poorly furnished apartment, she changed her mind completely. 9. How ought one to understand such "a seemingly abrupt change in her priorities" It only shows that to her the most important thing was still material goods rather than what she had claimed before. 10. Can we infer from the essay what role commercials can play in society? Commercials can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really necessary. 11. Why does the writer say "December is the time of year I feel wealthiest" Because December is the time for him to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in
