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本设计是为330吨/年红霉素生产工厂而进行的初步工艺设计。根据毕业设计大纲和设计任务要求该设计分别对各工艺作了详细阐述,以理论计算为依据,以实际工厂设计为参考,力求接近并切合实际。其主要包括生产工艺的各种指标、设备选形设计计算、物料衡算、水、电、汽的估算以及工艺流程图的设计。整个设计过程在保证达到设计要求和实际需要的前提下力求环保节能,从而能够获得更好的收益,降低对环境的影响,减少对环境的压力。最终理论计算结果在总收率65%的前提下,在发酵工段检测红霉素含量14000 U/mL,成品单位为720 U/mg,最终确定选用发酵罐体积为100 m3(8个),一级种子发酵罐0.5 m3(4个),二级种子发酵罐4 m3(4个),三级种子罐32 m3(4个)。提取工段总收率为70%,选取板框压滤机6个,溶媒萃取池3个,三足式离心机6个。符合设计的基本要求,同时满足国家标准。该设计成果主要采用形式为发酵车间平面布置图(1张),发酵工艺流程图(1张),发酵车间设备布置立面图(1张),提取车间设备布置图(1张)和发酵罐的三视图(1张)并编写详细数据说明书。


An Initial Technological Design for 330 t/a

Erythromycin Factory

Mao Hailong

Biology Engineering 0801, School of Environmental and Biological Engineering, LiaoNing Shihua University, 113001, Fushun


This subject is an initial technological design for Erythromycin with year output of 330 ton. According to the requirement, the process of erythromycin production and the calculation of the mass balance and heat quantity balance are completed. In this subject, all of them processes are expounded in detail. All the contents are based on the academic calculations. We refer to the practical designs in companies and make our best to approach to the practice. it mainly includes the production craft each kind of target, the equipment chooses the shape design calculation, material of the graduated arm of a steelyard calculation, the water, the electricity, the steam estimate as well as the flow chart design. The entire design process strives to guarantee the achievement of the design requirements and the actual needs.We also notice the environmental protection and energy conservation, which can bring a better income, reduce the diverse impact on the environment, and reduce the pressure on the environment. Under the condition of the final erythromycin's calculation 65%, the content of erythromycin fermentation broth is 14000 U/mL.The content of the end erythromycin product is 720μ/mg.The final selection of fermenter's volume is 100 m3. We need eight fermenters, four 0.5 m3First seed fermenters, four 4 m3 Second seed fermenters, four 32 m3 Third seed fermenters . The yield coefficient of Extraction process is 70%. Finally, we chose 6 Plate and frame filter presses, 3 Solvent extraction pools and 6 Centrifuge. All in all ,the designation meets the

normal requirements and meet the national standards . In the end ,there is a Fermentation floor-plan (1), Flow chat (1), Fermentation process equipment general arrangement (1), Extraction process equipment general arrangement (1), Fermenter orthographic views (1) and compilation particular data instruction booklet.

Key word: Erythromycin; Process; Design
