Rhetoric in the advertisements 广告中的英语修辞
An Analysis of Rhetorics in Advertisement广告英语中的修辞

Comparing a car's smooth ride to "floating on a cloud" or a skincare product's effectiveness to "turning back the clock."
Parallelism is the use of similar grammatical structures in successful clauses or phrases, while duality involves the pairing of two contrasting or complementary ideas
02 rhetorical devices in advertising English
An analysis is a comparison between two unlike things that
share some common qualities or relationships
The specific
application of
03 rhetorical devices in
Rhetoric in the title
Methodology and Simile
Titles often use methodologies or families to create a vivo and attractive image in the reader's mind, such as comparing a product to a symbol of luxury or speed
广告翻译修辞 方法 举例11-38页精选文档

夸张(hyperbole) Citibank 银行广告--A word to wealth 一言致富
对偶(antithesis) Budget 出租车:Big thrills. Small bills 大刺激,小花费
Methods of Translation
直译法(Literal Translation) 直译,就是在翻译过程中,把句子视为翻译的 基本单位,同时考虑语篇和语境的制约,保留 原文句子结构和修辞,努力再现原文的形式、 内容和风格(同上),也就是把原文的语法结 构转换为译文语言中最接近的对应结构,词汇 做到一一对应。
The structural characteristics and rhetoric in advertisieng
Sentences should be short, simple powerful,impressive.
Use appropriately Simile, metaphor, personification, pun, alliteration, etc, All sorts of figure with concise and vivid humorous.
直译法举例: 例1:眉笔广告
Our eyebrow pencils are as soft as petals 眉笔像花瓣一样柔和。 例2:Challenge the limits.(SUMSUNG) 挑战极限。 例3:Unlike me,my Rolex never needs a rest.(劳力克斯手表) 与我不同,劳力克斯从不需要休息。
In China, much of the documentation, brochures and suchlike created by producers or providers, is written in a very polite way with long and flowery descriptions. In the West the same is brief and to the point. The western audience simply will not read long glowing descriptions of your product, and are not impressed by elaborate descriptions, extravagant claims, or of the awards that have been won from agencies that are unknown outside China.

论文题目A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Euphemisms英汉委婉语对比研究Characteristics of English Vocabulary in Advertising广告英语的词汇特点An Inter-communication View of Words and Their Translation从跨文化角度看词的文化意义及其翻译The Features of Adjective Suffixes形容词后缀的特征Politeness Principles in English Communication and Pragmatic Failure英语交际中的礼貌原则和语用失误The Comparative Study of Color in Cutural Meaning Between English and Chinese 英语中颜色词的翻译S trategies for Improving Students’ Listening Abilities提高学生听力能力之策略Modal Expressions of Adjectives and Adverbs in the Context英语形容词、副词在语境中的情态表达A Comparative Study Between English and Chinese Passive Voice英汉被动语态cf 比较研究A Comparative study of English and Chinese Onomatopoeia英汉摹声比较Features of Computer English Word-formation计算机英语的词法特征The Characteristics of Web English网络英语的特点Vivid Characters, Deep Impressions – An Analysis of the Characters in Oliver Twist 鲜明的人物,深刻的印象-《雾都孤儿》人物分析Analysis of Puritanism Perspectives The Scarlet Letter红字中的清教主义思想The notional passive and comparison between English and Chinese意义被动句及其英汉比较The Forms and Uses of Genitive Nouns of English英语名词属格的形式和用法A Comparative of Existential Sentence in English and chinese英汉存在句对比The English and Chinese comparison of Rhetoric in Advertisements英汉广告修辞对比The Referential Function of the Definite Article定冠词的指涉功能The Characteristics and Translation of Trademark Words商标英语的特点和翻译On the Phenomena of Sentence Contraction in English and Chinese Marks论英汉语中的句子紧缩现象Functions and Application of English Punctuations英语标点符号的功能及应用A Comparison of Animal Figures in Chinese and English中英有关动物的比喻的比较The Linguistic Features of Punning Advertisement广告双关语的言语美特点The Image of Tess by Hardy哈代笔下的苔丝形象A Comparison of English and Chinese Phonetic Ambiguity英汉语音歧义的比较Translation Techniques of Proverbs and Idioms谚语和习语的翻译技巧The Choice of Contents and Ways in Translation论翻译的内容与译法的选择Semantic Abnormality and Rhetorical Collocation in English英语中的语义异常与修辞搭配The Analysis of Gertrude’s Psychological Description in Sons and Lovers 浅析《儿子与情人》中格鲁德的心理描写The Nature of Metaphor—From the Nature of Metaphor to Its Differences Between English and Chinese 隐喻的本质—从隐喻本质看英汉差别On the Translation of Trademark Words浅谈商标词的翻译Application of Body Language体态语的应用A Comparison of the Forms of Plural Nouns between Chinese and English 中英名词复数形式的对比The Comparative Study between Metonymy and Metaphor借代与隐喻辞格的比较研究The Differences Between British and American English英式英语和美式英语区别Characteristic Language—Analyzing Desdemona’s Charater from the Words 性格语言—从Desdemona的语言看其性格The Realism in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn现实主义《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中的表现A Comparative Study of the English and Chinese Color Terms英汉颜色词使用的对比研究A Minor Classification of English Modals and Semi-modals英语助动词与和半助动词之细微分类A Study of English Active Form With Passive Meaning英语主动形式被动意义研究An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisings广告英语的语言特点分析Transitional Words and Their Usage论过渡词及其用法The Development of the American Civil Rights Movement in 1960s论美国六十年代民权运动的发展Cultural Factors and Limitations of Translation翻译的文化因素局限性Contest Immersion and Emergence in the Translation of Chinese Poetry into English 汉诗英译中的语境与“融入”和“化入”On Gray’s Elegy论格雷的《墓畔幽思》Body Language in English Teaching in Middle School中学英语教学中的体态语On the Fighting Spirit in The Grapes of Wrath论《愤怒的葡萄》中的斗争精神Sexual Discrimination in English英语中的性别歧视On the Betrayal and Rebellion in Wuthering Heights论《呼啸山庄》中的背叛与反抗An Analysis of When You are Old评析叶芝各诗《当你老了》Holden’s Confusion, Struggle and Self-salvation—A Psycho-analysis of the Hero of The Catcher in the Rye霍尔顿的困惑、抗争与自救——《麦田里的守望者》主人公的心理解析A n Analysis of Elizabeth’s Character in Pride and Prejudice对《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白性格的分析English Idioms and Culture英语习语与文化The Characterization of Robinson Crusoe论鲁滨逊的性格塑造A Comparative Study of Black Women and White Women’s Social Status in the U.S 论美国黑人妇女和白人妇女的社会地位比较The Translation of Indefinite Numerals in English英语不确定数词的翻译Marfin Eden’s Choice of Death论马丁伊登的死亡选择On the Use and Translati on of “as…as…”论as…as…的用法与翻译A C omparative Study of Two Concepts of Privacy and “Ladies First”in China and the Western Countries 有关隐私和女性优先观念在中国和西方国家的比较研究A Comparative Study of Western China Development and American Westward Expansion 中国西部开发与美国西进运动的比较研究The Political Essence of American Economic Aid in Modern Times论新时期美国经济援助的政治内涵A Look at the Mass Media of China and Britain Today and its Words Characteristics 浅谈中英大众媒体之现状及词汇特点On English Passive Voice小议被动态On the Flexible Use of English Animal Words浅谈英语动物动词的活用The Flexibility of the Translation of Chinese Idioms汉语成语英译的灵活性On Ursula in The Rainbow论《虹》中的厄修拉Analysis of Ceategorized Context and the Politeness Principle of Lrony 反语的分类语境和礼貌原则浅析On English Color Terms英语颜色词的研究On the Associative Meaning of the Main Color Words小议颜色词的联想意义On the Rhetorical Value of Taboo Words论禁忌语的修辞价值On the Free Translation in the Translation of Idioms试论习语翻译中的意译The Infinitive Active in Form and Passive in Meaning英语不定式主动结构表被动意义A Comparison of English and Chinese Proverbs and Their Translation 英汉谚语的比较与翻译A Comparative Study of the “Be” Subjunctive and the Imperative Mood Be型虚拟语气与祈使语气的比较研究Faithfulness in Translation论翻译的忠实性The Pursuit of Gatzby论盖茨比的追求C ompson’s Family Tragedy in The Sound and Fury论《喧华与骚动》中康普生家族的悲剧On the Metaphoric Meaning of Colors and Their Translation论英汉颜色的喻义及其翻译Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Color Words and their Translation 英汉颜色词的文化差异及翻译A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Passive Sentences英汉被动句比较研究On the Interactive Teaching Method交互式教学方法Some Ways of Expressing Implied Negation英语含蓄否定的若干表达方式On the Rhetorical Features of English Proverbs论英语谚语的修辞特征On English Noun Modifier论英语名词定语A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Onomatopoeias中英拟声词对比研究Domestication and Foreignization in the Translation of English Idioms 英语习语翻译的归化与异化Differences of Body Language in Cross-Culture Communication跨文化交际中身体语言的差异性On English Subjunctive Verb Forms and Their Classifications论英语虚拟语气动词及其分类On the Structure Classification of English Tag Question附加疑问句的分类研究On Functions of Semantics and Discourse in There-Existential Sentences 论存在句的语义功能和语篇功能Study on Vogue-Words论英语中的时髦词On the Social Value of Gone with the Wind and Scarlett’s Chara cter 论《飘》的社会价值和斯佳丽的人物性格On the Development of Jane Eyre’s Character试论简爱·性格的发展A Comparison between American Puritanism and New Transcendenlism 美国清教主义与超验证主义比较A Tentative Study on English Euphemism浅论英语委婉语On The Hard-boiled Image in Hemingway’s Works论海明威作品中的“硬汉”形象On the Art of Rhetorical Devices浅谈广告中英语中修辞的艺术On the Rhetorical Structures of Texts语篇的修辞结构分析On Transferred Epithet and Its Translation浅谈移就修辞及其翻译The Latest Development of English & Chinese Vocabulary英汉词汇的新发展The Different Fate of the Two Women Love Defenders—My Comments on Lin Daiyu and Jane Eyre 两个为爱而战的两个女性的不同命运---我看林黛玉和简爱Cutural Metaphoric Meaning of Food Language in Englsih Colloquialism 论英语口语中饮食语言的文化喻义Changes of Value in Gone With The Wind《飘》中所体现的价值观念转化赏析On Comparison Between ways of Thinking and Value Tendencies of Americans and Chinese论中美思维方式的差异及价值取向之比较The lnterpersonal Function in Business Letter商务信函中的人际功能The Textual Functions of Pre-Predicate That- ClausesThat -Clauses前置的语篇功能Female Characters As Spirit ual Educate In Spenser’s The Faerie Queene 斯宾塞《仙后》中作为精神教育家的女性Symbolism in Idiomatic Expressions习语的象征意义On the Main Differences between American English and British English 美式英语与英式英语的差异On the Semantic and Pragmatic Meaning of Utterance论话语的字面意义和语用意义Translation Skills of Culture-loaded Words—On“Setected stories of LuXun” 文化员找词汇的翻译方法和技巧——《鲁迅小说选》英译谈On the Image of Women in Jan Eyre论《简爱》中的女性形象A n Analysis of the Part of Speech of “As” and Its UsesAs的词性与用法分析The Translation of the Passive Voice in EST科技英语被动语态的翻译The Useage of Articles冠词的用法Wordsworth’s View on Nature and Life论华兹华斯的自然观及人生观Mastering the Studying Law of Children’s Language Learning and Promoting the Second Language Acquisition 掌握儿童语言学习规律,促进二语习得Advertisement Translation广告的翻译Some Aspects of Articles in English Study英语冠词学习要点The Comparison between English and Chinese Nonce Words英汉仿词比较O n the Creation of Characters in Dicken’s A Tale of Two Cities论狄更斯《双城记》中的人物塑造On Similarities and Differences in the Formation English and Chinese 浅谈英汉仿词在构成形式上的异同Love Always Overcomes Hatred爱总能战胜恨The Characteristics of American English美国英语的语言特点Aanalysis on the Chineses Borrowings in English英语中汉语借词探析The Rhetoric in The Merchant of Venice论《威尼斯商人》中的修辞现象The Textual Function of Passive Voice论被动语态的语篇功能Features of Network English网络英语的特点The Use of Body Language in Middle Schools中学英语教学中体态语言的运用A Comparison Between American and Chinese Higher Education in the 21st Century 二十一世纪中美高等教育之比较The Use of the Comma and the dash in EST科技英语中逗号与破折号的用法On Phenomena of Sexism in English英语中的性别歧视现象On the Transferred Negation in English浅析英语中的否定转移On How to Translation of the Chinese Reduplicated Words into English 汉语叠词英译The Classification and translation of English Idiom Preposition英语成语介词的分类及翻译On Hardy’s Fatalism in Tess论《苔丝》中哈代的宿命论The Features and Origin of French Borrowings in English英语中法语外来词的特点及由来Symbolism of Colors in idomatic Expressions颜色习语表达的象征意义The Difference of Styles in Translation翻译中的文体差异On the Translation of Noun Phrases in EST科技英语名词术语的译法初探Tess’ Sense of Responsibility苔丝的责任心Teacher’s Roles in Class教师在课堂中的角色On Euphemistic Expressions in English论英语中的委婉表达法The Nominalization and Grammatical Metaphor英汉名词化和语法隐喻The Structures and Characteristics of English Simile and Metaphor 英语中的比喻结构的特征Humanitarianism in A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》中的人道主义思想On Satire and Humor in Pride and Prejudice浅析《傲慢与偏见》中的讽刺与幽默English Phrasal Verbs论英语短语动词Cultural Difference of English—Chinese Idioms and Its Translation 英汉习语的文化差异与翻译On English Rhetorical Elliptical Sentences英语修辞省略句Communication Failures Appeared in Intercultural Communication论跨文化交际中的语用失误On Zeugma’s Rhetorical Effect and Translation浅析轭式搭配的修辞效果与翻译A Comparative Study on Oxymoron and Duiding英语矛盾修辞比较研究The Translation of Long Sentences in EST科技英语的长句翻译The Differences and Application of Chinese and English Palindrome 中英回文辞格的发展差异与应用Lolita, the Tragedy of Pedophilia《诺莉塔》:恋童癖的悲剧S arah’s Way to Freedom萨拉的自由之路Jane Eyre’s Sense of Interiority简爱的自卑感Coherence in Interpretation of Discourse论语篇翻译中的连贯Influence of Cultural Differences on Translation文化差异对翻译的影响On the Form of Emphasis in English英语中的强调的表达形式On Translation of English New Words论英语新词的翻译A Brief Exploration of Lexical Ambiguity in English and Its Pragmatic Effects Words 浅谈英语词汇的歧义与语用效果On Ellipsis论省略The Cultural differences and translation of English and Chinese idioms 英汉习语与文化差异的翻译On Emphatic Patterns in English英语中的强调形式研究On Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation中英翻译的中式英文Elementary Analysis of Translating Attributive Clause浅析定语从句的翻译A Brief Research on the English Infinitive Structure英语不定式初探与研究English Words Sanantic Variattion and the Society英语词汇语义变化与社会的关系On the Symbolism in Blake’s Poems论布莱克诗歌中的象征主义Some Ways of Expressing Implied Negation in English英语含蓄否定表达法种种On Franslation of Trademarks and Names of Export Commodities论商标、出口商品名称的翻译A Brief Introduction to Grammatical Ambiguity in English浅谈英语中的语法歧义现象On the Basic methods and skills of translation of Business English Terms 商务英语词汇翻译常用方法与技巧初探The Functions of Pre-Posed Infinitive clauses不定式分句前置的使用功能On The Borrowed Elements in the English Vocabulary浅谈英语词汇中的外来成份English Synonyms and Vocabulary Enlargement英语同义词及词汇扩展On the Use of Euphemisms in The Daily Life浅议委婉语在日常生活中的运用Parody in advertisement A study on Translation广告中的仿似现象探悉On the Semantic Function and Usage of the Conjunction “and”连词“and”的语义功能与用法A BriefTalk on Differences and Translatability of English and Chinese Idioms 浅析英汉习语的文化差异及其可译性On Steps of Learning English英语学习步骤浅议A Comparative Study of Ambiguity and Pun in English英语中歧义与双关的对比研究Slangs about Vegetables & Fruits in English and Their Uses英语中有关蔬菜和水果的俚语及其运用On Absolute Nomination Construction浅析独立主格结构A Balanced Approach to Oral English Teaching英语口语教学平衡方法On the Verb Forms of English Subjective Mood浅谈英语虚拟语气的动词形式A Contrastive Study on English and Chinese Idioms英中习语对比On Translation of English Allusion英语典故的翻译A Constrastive Analysis of Euphemism Between Chinese and English 中英委婉语的对比分析On the Fuzziness and Vagueness of Language论语言的模糊与含糊Refle ctions on Animals in and out of China从国内外的动物说起Translation Techniques of Chinese Idioms汉语成语的翻译技巧Idioms and Features of Idioms习语及其习语特征A Comparative Study on the English and the Chinese Metaphor英汉隐喻对比研究A Comparative Study of Euphemism and Fuzzy Language in English and Chinese委婉语与模糊语中英对比研究On Idioms Used in Colloquial English论习语在英语口语中的使用A Probe into the Feminist Idea of Jane Eyre简·爱女权主义思想初探Translation of the Peculiar Speech of Each Participant in the Conversation 论小说个性语言翻译On the Cognition and Usage of Metaphor论隐喻的认知及其运用The Classification of Metaphor隐喻的分类On the Types and Uses of the Passive Voice论英语被动语态的类型及用法A Detailed Study on THERE in English Existential Sentence试论英语存在句结构中的引导词THEREThe Differences of Rhythm between Chinese and English英汉节奏差异On The Usage of “T hat”论“That”的用法The Exploration of Oral English Teaching Methodology英语口语教学法探讨To Cultural Difference between English and Chinese Idioms and Their Translation 浅谈英汉习语的文化差异及翻译On Feminism in Pride and Prejudice试论《傲慢与偏见》中的女权意识Appropriate Use of Body Language in Spoken English Teaching英语口语教学中体态语的适当使用On Translation of Trade Marks论商标的翻译The Rhetoric in Advertising English广告英语中的修辞The Hegemonic Nature of Unilateralism of the Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy 布什政府外交政策单边主义的霸权主义实质The Linguistic Characteristics of Business English and Its Translation 商务英语的语言特点及翻译刍义On the Borrowed Words in English英语中的外来词Color Words in English英语中的颜色词研究The Existence and adaptation of Untranslatable From不可译现象的存在和转化The Tense-Aspect System of English Grammar-Forms and Meanings英语语法中的时体体系:形式和意义On Vague Terms in Everyday Spoken English论英语日常口语中的模糊词语A Tentative Study on the Translation of Adverbial English Dallses in Clause 英语状语从句汉译初探Euphemism and Its use in Translation委婉语及其在翻译中的使用The Communicative Functions of Euphemism委婉语的交际功能On the Usage of “It”“It”的用法On English Linguistic Taboos论英语语言的禁忌A Tentative Analysis of English Color Words探英语中的颜色词On English Siamese Twins英语成对词词组初探On English Elliptical Sentence英语省略句The Characteristics of Attributes in English英语定语之我见Feminism in Jane Eyre论女权主义在简爱中的体现The Translation of Idioms谈习语翻译A Comparative Study of Chinese Jokes and Western Humor中国笑话和西方幽默Cultural Differences in English and Chinese Everyday Conversation 中英日常会语中的文化差异The Form and Function of the Euphemism英语委婉语的构成及其功能O n the Pessimistic Fendencies in Hemingway’s later works试论海明威后期中作品中的颓废主义倾向On the Cultural Differences between Chinese—English Translation 论中英翻译中的文化差异On Translation of English of Colour Words论颜色词的翻译An Analysis of the Usage of Infinitive in English不定式的用法剖析Culture Differences and Translation文化差异与翻译The cultural Connotation and Expressive Technique of Euphemism委婉语的文化内涵和表现手法A Comparative Study of “Pun” and “Shuangguan”“Pun”与“双关”的比较研究English from Sexism to Neutralization英语中的性别歧视与中性化。

On C-E Translation of Tourist Promotion Materials From Perspective of Skopostheorie目的论视角下旅游宣传材料的汉英翻译
The Cultural Connotation and E-C Translation of English Plant Words英语植物词汇的文化内涵与汉译
A Research on the Theory of Zero Translation零翻译漫谈
Polymorphic Transformation Mechanism of Translation Units翻译单位的多元性转换机制
An Analysis of Common Errors and the Standard Translation of Office Signs办公室标示语翻译中常见错误的分析及翻译规范
A Comparative Study of the Two English Versions of Teahouse《茶馆》两个英译本的比较研究
On Translation of Long and Complicated Sentences in The Call of The Wild谈《野性的呼唤》中英文复杂长句的翻译
Characteristics of English Cosmetics Directions and Translation英文化妆品说明书的特点及翻译
Translation of Communication in Business English商务英语中交流的特点及翻译

英语大作文广告结尾词Title: Concluding Remarks in English Advertisements。
In the realm of advertising, the art of persuasion often hinges on the finesse of the concluding remarks. These closing lines possess the power to leave a lasting impression, to compel action, and to etch the brand into the minds of consumers. Drawing inspiration from the most downloaded samples online, let’s delve into crafting a high-quality English essay that delves into thesignificance and effectiveness of these conclusions.Introduction:Advertising is the lifeblood of modern commerce, serving as the bridge between products and consumers. Within this landscape, the concluding remarks of an advertisement stand as the final flourish, the ultimatecall to action. Through carefully chosen words and compelling rhetoric, advertisers seek to leave an indeliblemark on the audience, compelling them to engage with the brand or product.The Power of Closure:In the realm of advertising, the concluding remarks are akin to the crescendo of a symphony, the moment where all elements converge to create a lasting impact. These closing lines serve multiple purposes, from reinforcing the key message of the advertisement to motivating consumers to take action. Whether it’s a catchy slogan, a compelling call to action, or a memorable tagline, the effectiveness of these conclusions cannot be overstated.Crafting Compelling Conclusions:The art of crafting compelling conclusions lies in understanding the psychology of the consumer. Advertisers must tap into emotions, aspirations, and desires, leveraging language and imagery to create a sense of urgency and relevance. From instilling a fear of missing out to offering a solution to a pressing problem, thepossibilities are endless. Moreover, the tone and style of the conclusion must align with the overall message of the advertisement, ensuring coherence and resonance with the target audience.Examples of Effective Conclusions:1. Call to Action: "Don't miss out on this limited-time offer! Visit our website today and experience thedifference for yourself."2. Appeal to Emotion: "Join the thousands who have already discovered the secret to happiness. Try our product now and unlock a brighter tomorrow."3. Creating Urgency: "Act fast before it's too late! Supplies are running out, and this opportunity won't last forever. Seize the moment and transform your life today."4. Highlighting Benefits: "Discover the power of innovation with our revolutionary product. Say goodbye to [problem] and hello to [solution]. Your journey to [benefit]starts now."5. Incorporating Social Proof: "Join the millions of satisfied customers who have made us their trusted choice. Don't just take our word for it—experience the difference yourself."Conclusion:In conclusion, the concluding remarks of an advertisement serve as the linchpin of its effectiveness, encapsulating the essence of the message and compelling action. By understanding the psychology of the consumer and employing persuasive language and imagery, advertisers can create conclusions that resonate deeply with their audience. Whether it’s through a compelling call to action, anappeal to emotion, or a sense of urgency, the power ofthese closing lines lies in their ability to leave alasting impression and drive engagement. So, the next time you craft an advertisement, remember the importance of the concluding remarks—they just might be the difference between success and obscurity.。
英语论文-The Rhetoric Features of Advertising English

The Rhetoric Features of Advertising English1 Introduction (1)2 The Rhetoric Features in Advertising English (3)2.1 Rhetoric features in advertising English (3)2.1.1 About rhetoric (3)2.1.2 The important effects of rhetoric features in advertising English (4)3 Rhetorical Devices in Advertising English (5)3.1 Metaphors (5)3.1.1 Definition of metaphors (5)3.1.2 Feature of metaphor in advertising English (5)3.1.3 Metaphors in advertising (6)3.2 Pun (9)3.2.1 Definition of pun (9)3.2.2 Feature of puns in advertising English (10) Ambiguity (10) The double context (10)3.2.3 Puns in advertising (11)3.3 Irony (14)3.3.1 Definition of irony (14)3.3.2 Feature of irony in advertising English (15) Making advertisements attractive (15) Making advertisements humorous (16) Making advertisements brief (18)4. Conclusion (20)References (21)1 IntroductionIn modern society, advertisements can be seen or heard everywhere—in newspaper and magazine, on radio and television, on Internet and mobile phone, on street and bus. Advertising, as the international commercial language, are penetrating every corner of life. The main purpose of an advertisement is to catch people‟s attention by means of a short message and persuade them to buy their products. Geis defines advertising language as below:“The language of advertising is language thatis used in efforts to persuade or otherwise entice to purchase products or services, vote for practical candidates, modify their behavior( just say No!), or come to adopt a favorable view of some corporate entity( we are working to keep your trust. )”(1994:42)According to Geis‟s definition, people can get a better comprehension in advertising language. Advertising language is a way of communication, with persuasive intention for sales promotion and other communicative purposes. As the essential role in society, successful advertisement must accomplish the following: first, advertising establishes the identity of a product and distinguishes it from others in the line; second, it conveys information about the product; third, it can induce consumers to try the products and to suggest reuse; fourth, it can help build brand of the advertised products to others. However, how can advertising arouse consumers‟interest and make consumers desire to buy the products? How can advertising convince consumers that they need the product, and rush to buy it? The answer is rhetoric. Advertising may resort to different rhetorical devices, such as alliteration, allusion, hyperbole, metaphor, metonymy, irony, personification, pun, rhyme, and simile. These distinctive linguistic styles not only attract the consumers‟ attention, but also catch most English learners‟ attention. A great number of researches in rhetorical devices have been concluded in advertising language. This paper will chiefly write about metaphor, pun and irony in advertising through the analysis of practical examples.2 The Rhetoric Features in Advertising English2.1 Rhetoric features in advertising English2.1.1 About rhetoricRhetoric, according to Oxford English Dictionary, is the skill of using language in speech or writing in a special way that influence or entertains people. (2004:1492). To be effective, one has to study and acquire this art, this art is particularly essential to advertising and to those who use rhetoric as a communication means in advertising, since advertising is most popular in our life. Almost everyone uses rhetoric because everyone attempts to discuss questions, establish propositions, protect himself and refute others.The advertiser expects the audience to appreciate the wit and intelligence and then cultivate more favor of and more confidence in the product. Please look at two advertisements below which are used as a communication means:(1) Mind your own business. Move it to Milton Keynes.(Advertisement for Milton Keynes)(2) I‟m more satisfied. (Advertisement for More cigarettes)Thus the advertisements noted above will almost be more successful in attracting attention than captions such as (1a) and (2a):(1a) Milton Keynes is a good location for business.(2a) Our More have a top quality.From the examples above, it is not difficult to find that the rhetorical devic e—pun has a greater capability of evoking the audience‟s attention. There is no doubt that the advertisements without using rhetoric appear to be uninspiring.2.1.2 The important effects of rhetoric features in advertising EnglishAdvertising has played a very important part in our daily life. In order to achieve the goal of persuading and influencing, advertising usually employ rhetorical devices, most popular of which are metaphors, puns and ironies. Using the three rhetorical devices, the advertisement can have good effects. It can transfer an audience‟s attention by means of metaphors, which express idea in an elegant and beautiful way. It can capture the audience‟s attention in puns for its wit and humor. Advertisement with puns will attract the audience‟s attention despite his apathy. It can deepen the audience‟s impression by ironies, which often says other than what one means or means the opposite of what it said. In a word, adopting rhetorical devices is to attract the audiences and sustain their interest in advertising.3 Rhetorical Devices in Advertising English 3.1 Metaphors3.1.1 Definition of metaphorsMetaphor, according to A Handbook to Literature,is “an implied comparison in contrast to the explicit comparison of simile, as implied analogy which imaginatively identifies one object with another and describes to the first one or more of the qualities of second or invests the first with emotional or imaginative qualities associated with the second” (1972:48). Metaphor points out resemblance but with no acknowledge words. It is generally regarded as the fundamental figure of speech, which is also widely used in advertising.3.1.2 Feature of metaphor in advertising EnglishMetaphors are very popular with advertisers. With metaphors, advertisers can transfer an audience‟s attention from a message. The advertising would almost be successful in attracting audience‟s attention with the vivid and unusual descriptions. As Qin Xiubai says, metaphors can make the language of advertisements poetic, colorful or figurative. Besides, advertisement with metaphors can raise greater interest of the audience and lead to more contextual effects. (1986:86).Metaphor, perhaps the most important and most frequently used figure of speech, points out resemblance of the product in advertisement. It is a figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another. What is more, metaphors express theconcept by means of elegant and beautiful ways. So the audience can see some resemblance between things, and have much new interpretation of the product. Many advertisers use this feature of metaphor to advertise, in order to catch the audience‟s attention and persuade them to buy their products. The next section, the author will give some examples to interpret what the audience would think about when they see the metaphors in advertisements, in order to make them understand implied meaning.3.1.3 Metaphors in advertisingIn this section, the author explores the use of metaphors in advertising,focusing especially on the features of creative metaphors.The following is a slogan promoting Toshiba Computer:(3)Pick an Ace from Toshiba.The slogan suggests the audience to compare Toshiba computer to Ace. At first sight,the audience may feel confused by the slogan, because the word “Ac e”is a playing card with a mark on it. But if they turn to their encyclopedic information to search for the meanings of “Ace”,they might see that Ace usually has the highest value. Then the audience may be able to derive the following meaning: (3a) Toshiba computer is of highest value.“Ace”can also refer to “an expert”. It, then, might be able to derive another meaning:(3b) Toshiba is an expert at producing computer.However, the audience will not stop here. He may be encouraged to derive othermeanings:(3c) If you choose Toshiba computer, you have chosen the best computer.(3d) The high quality of Toshiba computer will help you win in your field.(3e) People hope to have one Toshiba computer.In this example, (3a) and (3b) are fairly strongly communicated, whereas (3c), (3d) and (3e) are somewhat weakly communicated, thus leave the audience to take a larger responsibility for imagination and interpretation, which is a better advantage for the advertiser. But whether the audience is able to get the intended assumptions depends on the audience‟s encyclopedic knowledge, particularly, the linguistic knowledge. So the advertiser takes some risks in employing the metaphor, though the metaphor catches the audience‟s attention.The following is the advertising slogan of Kodak:(4)American‟s storyteller.On reading the headline, the audience will immediately have the image of a storyteller in his mind: at night, sitting before a fire, a kind old man is vividly telling the stories of his life to his grandchildren. Because it is an advertising for cameras and films, the audience will have this image with Kodak cameras and films, and then derive the following strong meaning:(4a) Kodak cameras and films record American people‟s colorful life.However, the audience will not stop here. He might be encouraged to derive some weak meanings:(4b) Kodak boasts a long history.(4c) American people like to use Kodak to take photos.(4d) The high quality of Kodak cameras and films will make the colors of the photos remain fresh even though times goes by.Car advertisements are also filled with metaphors to strengthen the audience‟s impression. Let‟s look an advertisement for Mazda 626:(5) It‟s not a family car. It‟s family.In this advertisement, under the slogan is an illustration of a car, beside which stands a pet dog. This illustration and the slogan suggest the audience to compare Mazda 626 to family. Family is the most comfortable place in the world, so the audience can recover the following:(5a) Mazda 626 is very comfortable, just like your home.And since family is the safest place to stay in, so the audience can recover another meaning:(5b) It is very safe to drive a Mazda 626.Based on the above interpretations, the audience might come to the following meaning:(5c) since it is so comfortable and safe to drive a Mazda 626 that everyone desires it.The above examples analyze how people acquire resemblance from metaphors. Metaphor can invite the audience to process the advertisement with its creativity through the interpretation process. The metaphor makes the audience see some resemblance between things that he may not have seen before. However, thisparticular style must indicate a certain relationship between the hearer and himself. The speaker must consider the audience‟s attention, encyclopedic knowledge and processing abilities. Otherwise, the audience will be frightened away because the advertising is too ambiguous and abstract. The key point is to keep a balance between the processing effort by the audience and the effects.3.2 Pun3.2.1 Definition of punThe term “pun” origins in the Latin word “paranomazein”, mean “calling by a different name”. It is also called paronomasia.According to Oxford English Dictionary, a pun is defined as below:“A pun is the use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations, or the use two or more words of the same or nearly the same sound with different meaning, so as to produce a humorous effect. (2004:1393).The present study has its own definition as below:“A pun skillfully employs phonemic or semantic conditions and deliberately makes the utterance bear a double meaning, that is, by saying one thing while meaning another, one meaning being explicit and the other meaning implicit, one true and one false.” (Zhao Jing, 1993).Generally speaking, there are two kinds of puns. One is called homonyms, and the other is called homophones. The former means that a word has several meanings, whereas the latter means that several words sound the same. Both homophones andhomonyms can be phrases rather than single words.3.2.2 Feature of puns in advertising English3.2.2.1 AmbiguityThe first characteristic of a pun is that the focus of its meaning lies in its ambiguity. No matter they are homophones or homonyms, the speaker aims to achieve an ambiguity. In our daily communication, people try to avoid the presence of ambiguity, but as for puns, ambiguity is intentionally created, for the essence of a pun lies in its ambiguity. For example,(6)Keds every wear. (Advertisement for Keds wear)The pun is triggered by the same pronunciation of “every wear”and “everywhe re”. “Every wear”surely refers to the clothing, while “everywhere”indicates that Keds wear is so popular that you will find it everywhere. The three-word headline thus becomes interesting and lively because of the pun. Homophones used in this example evoke an imagination in readers and make them relaxed and comfortable.It is important to keep in mind that the central and fundamental phenomenon upon which puns operate is ambiguity. A pun deliberately employs phonemic or semantic conditions to express one meaning on the surface while hiding another. The double contextAnother characteristic is that a pun contains a double context. According to Li,there are three elements in analyzing and composing a pun: a double context, a hinge and a trigger. (2000:55). A hinge is the pun himself, and a trigger refers to the intention and background that hide behind the exploitation of puns. Take the advertisement of Coca-cola as an example:(7) Coke refreshes you like no other can.Here, the word “can” is the hinge. It has a double context in this advertisement: (7a) Coke refreshes you like no other (drinks) can (refresh you);(7b) Coke refreshes you like no other can (can refresh you).At the first sight of this advertisement, most audiences may interpret this sentence according to context (7a). When they think out context (7b), they begin to appreciate this creative idea and are deeply impressed.3.2.3 Puns in advertisingPuns are full of wisdom, adding color to advertisement. Readers will easily be caught by the charm of the language. So the advertiser always employs pun when creating the advertisement. Homonymic pun is a kind of pun that advertisers usually used to advertise their product and service. The advertisers make use of similar spelling and pronunciation to make their advertisements humorous, persuasive and impressive. In advertising, headlines and slogans are used to say something about the product or service, and a pun is one of most popular ways which is used in headlines and slogans in advertising. Take the following as an example:(8) Trust us. Over 5,000 ears of experience.This is an advertisement for a hearing aid. On reading the words …ears‟and …experience‟, the audience will probably process the advertisement as the following: (8a) You can trust us because more than 5,000 people have used our products.And in this advertisement, …ear‟ is the homonym of …year s‟. Considering this, the audience should recover the following conclusion:(8b) You can trust us because our product has a very long history and good quality.Another advertisement for toothpaste is also a good example of homonymic puns:(9) I scream. You scream. No scream.--------- Golgate Sensitive Maximum Strength ToothpasteIn this advertisement, under each sentence is printed an illustration showing ice cream. …I scream‟is the homophone of …ice cream‟. When first look at this advertisement, the audience will probably derive the following conclusion: (9a) If you eat ice cream, your sensitive teeth will make you scream.Considering this is an advertisement for toothpaste, …No scream‟ would help the audience recover the following conclusion:(9b) You can enjoy ice cream with Golgate toothpaste for it will provide maximum strength relief for sensitive teeth.This advertisement is especially attractive because the pun lies in the combination of words and illustration. The audience will be moved and amused by the creativity of the advertiser in the process of acquiring optimal relevance.Then, in some cases, the advertiser would take advantage of a word, phrase or sentence to form puns in specific context. That is semantic pun. Take the following as examples:(10)Spoil yourself and not your figure.This is advertisement for Weight-watcher ice cream which is manufactured especially for dieters. On reading the words …spoil‟ and …figure‟, the audience will probably take the word …spoil‟ to mean …damage or ruin‟. This would be the most accessible interpretation, as …spoil‟here is used together with …figure‟. But considering another word …yourself‟, …spoil‟might have another meaning. The audience would probably make the following assumption:(10a) Treat yourself and it would not ruin your figure.Since it is an advertisement for ice cream, the audience would derive the following conclusion:(10b) You can enjoy ice cream as much as you like. It would not make you overweight and you can still remain slim.By using two different meaning of the same word …spoil‟, the advertiser make the audience accept the advertisement naturally and desire to buy.The following is an advertisement for Sprite:(11)Obey your thirst.The most accessible interpretation for the audience would be the following:(11a) If you are thirsty, drink Sprite.In this advertisement, …thirst‟ is used with the verb …obey‟. The audience mightremember that …thirst‟also means …a strong desire‟. Then he would derive the following conclusion:(11b) Follow your desire and have Sprite.Processing the advertisement in this context, the audience would then derive (11c) from the advertisement:(11c) Sprite is a kind of drink that everybody desires to have.From the above advertisements in which puns are employed, punning plays a significant role in attracting the attention of the audience. These puns sustain the audience‟s attention and linger in the audience‟s mind until they finally find the interpretation intended by advertiser.It is true that puns are ambiguous, since they usually lead to several interpretations. But most ambiguities can be solved if the correct context has been chosen. Puns can not be too implicit and abstruse to be accepted by the audience. Thus the advertiser should be cautious; they should not choose puns too hard to be solved. What they need is amusing, witty and tactic puns to help them to advertise their products or services.3.3 Irony3.3.1 Definition of ironyIrony is a figure of speech in which the meaning literally expressed is the opposite of the meaning intended and which aims to ridicule, humor or sarcasm. Sometimes irony is used to show people‟s intimate feeling, but in most cases it is usedto criticize or expose bad and ugly things. In certain context, it can hold the reader‟s attention and deepen his impression.On the whole, the traditional view of the understanding of irony can be summarized as dualism .Within the framework of traditional semantics, the use of irony in advertising, like other figures, is seen as an ornament to a text. It makes the text more pleasant and more convincing. Irony is considered to be capable to achieve this ornamental effect. A simple metaphor might be used to illustrate the classical view of irony. That is, irony to a text is like cosmetics to a girl. However, a girl makes herself up with whatever cosmetics; the girl is always the girl herself. What is conveyed by irony in advertising is equal to what is conveyed by an ordinary expression. It is clear that the traditional analysis of irony is based on the code model of communication: what is encoded in one way can be easily and safely decoded in another.3.3.2 Feature of irony in advertising English3.3.2.1 Making advertisements attractiveWhy the advertiser prefers irony in advertisement? The first reason is that they attract attention. If a consumer has interest in reading an advertisement, then it means that the advertisers have got a better opportunity to influence the customers‟ decision of purchase. Ir onies attract readers‟ attention, because they contain ambiguities. They create a sense of surprise and arouse the audience‟s interest by making them think. The purpose is not to convey a novel idea, for there are few new things to say aboutmany products. Creating a puzzle is one way of trying to make a stale message more appealing. The advertiser expects the audience to appreciate the wit and intelligence, and then they cultivate more favor of and more confidence in the product. The advertisement below is supposed to be a good example of attracting attention.(12)The only drawback of Swiss-made mink coat——you have to desert your previously purchased coats. (Swiss-made mink coat)It is particularly important for advertisers to divert the audience‟s attention away from a message which is either expected or boring. Ironical advertising attracts attention because it produces ambiguity which requires more time for processing and gets the audience involved in deep thinking. In short, the use of irony ensures that the message is communicated with more “strength”; it is a necessary way in advertising. An advertiser is particularly concerned with the problem of attracting and holding the audience‟s attention, for it is possible that the audience does not notice the advertiser‟s message at all. Making advertisements humorousAnother reason why the advertiser prefers irony is that it brings humor. Ironical device is one of the important ways to create humorous effect in utterance. The irony serves to make fun of the statement. When the element of humor is put into advertising, the advertisement becomes amusing, which is accepted by the audiences. Therefore the advertiser tends to combine humor and promotion when designing advertisements. For instance:(13)“If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarettes, don‟t listen. They‟re probably trying to trick you into living.”(American Cancer society) First sight at the advertisement may make audiences feel puzzled. It is quite common to see the advertisements as “No smoking” and “Smoking is bad for your health”in public places. However, this advertiser denies these ways and advocates smoking. After reading this advertisement the readers find that the advertiser is American Cancer Society which is supposed to publicize “no smoking”.Therefore, there is unbalance: an anti-smoking organization ignores the harm that smoking brings to health and advocates smoking. If the reader or prospective customer can not understand what is intended in the advertising utterance, they will feel confused. But why does this anti-smoking organization advocate smoking? It has become widely known that smoking is bad for our health. Smoking not only leads the smokers to deadly cancer but also threatens others‟health. The government and all kinds of anti-smoking organizations try their best to ban cigarette smoking. They hang anti-smoking slogans in public places and make public-spirited advertisements on TV, which actually help smokers who once refused to quit smoking well recognize the harm of smoking. If this advertisement follows the stereotype, it could hardly strike the smokers as ironic advertisements will do. Instead of conventional ways of persuasion, the advertiser in this case disobeys the regulation and advocates smoking under the name of American Cancer Society which would leave large room for the smokers to reflect. Irony would have less effect on the reader than plain language that is just persuading. It is clear that irony employed in this advertisement could makethe audience feel amused and leave a lasting impression in the audience‟s mind.Another example:(14) Children, hold your mother‟s hand firmly, or you will get her lost!(Seen in children‟s garden) This is an ironical utterance, and the humorous element is obvious in that the advertiser reverses the subject and object on purpose when designing this advertisement. This advertisement makes audience feel odd: why does the slogan warn children against losing mothers? After serious thinking, the audience would reach the optimal relevance, and then they are rewarded with a smile. Making advertisements briefThe last reason why the advertiser prefers irony is that they are brief. Humans always expect to achieve the best communicative effect with the minimum processing. In some case, irony is also usually used in headlines or slogans, which should be memorable, and be brief, because advertising space is costly and economy is essential. The slogans or headlines should be characterized by brief for easy memory. According to statistics, a headline with six or twelve words can always achieve the best promotion effects. For this purpose, advertisers try to design in as few words as possible. The following examples are collected for the purpose of analysis.(15) Obey your thirst——SpriteIt contains only 3 words, which bring the contextual effect quite well. It gets people to be interested in the product and hence to buy it. The intended and the literalmessage clearly stand in opposition to each other, which, first of all, is a way to attract the attention of the audience and is brief whereas impressive and powerful. And then, this mismatch message will guide the audience to rely on the mutuality to recognize the irony in this advertisement and deeply impress them. However, it might lead to ambiguity owing to limited message. When the amount of the message is too small, it is likely to produce ambiguity.From the above analysis of irony in advertising, the author proves that irony is a popular device with advertising designers. Ironic device can appeal to its prospective consumers because of its humor and intelligence. The audience, of course, will be amused and impressed, during which the audience‟s attention can be captured. Irony in advertisements has three functions: making advertisements attractive; making advertisements humorous; making advertisements brief. Furthermore, irony can help the advertiser improve relationship with his consumers. The audiences may enjoy the wit, humor or honesty so much that it helps overcome their distrust of the advertiser. The advertiser's choice of irony is a choice of styles, to pursuit the best result of the advertisement.Specifically speaking, the advertiser's choice of irony is based on the evaluation of the audience's abilities and considerations of the characteristics of products. Clearly, it is these assumptions that force the advertiser's choices of styles. Advertiser chooses irony to give the audience the information that is consistent with the principle of relevance.4. ConclusionTo sum up, advertising is a special kind of communication. The purpose of advertising determines the trust and cooperation between the advertiser and his audience. In order to achieve the goal of persuading and influencing, the advertiser firstly should attract the audience‟s attention. So, employing metaphors, puns and ironies is the most popular way. These three devices are very important for the audience, because they can attract the audience‟s attention and persuade them to purchase.This thesis analyzes the interpretation process of metaphor, pun and irony to help the audience to understand the intended meaning of advertisement. These three rhetorical devices not only attract audience‟s attention but also serve to retain their attention by involving them in the interpretation process.In the introduction part, two questions have been put forward: how can advertising arouse consumers‟ interest and make consumers desire to buy the products? How can advertising convince consumers that they need the product, and rush to buy it? Through the case study and rhetorical analysis of the whole article, the above two questions are answered. Due to the insufficiency of time and on-hand resources, there are some limitations in this thesis. But a conclusion is achieved: with the help of rhetorical devices, the charm of the language used in advertisements can be better demonstrated and appreciated.。

修辞在广告中的运用英文版Use of Rhetoric in English Advertisement【Abstract】Advertisement is a popular cultural phenomenon in people’s daily life. It not only provides the information about products and stimulates the purchasing power, but also enriches people’s ideological life.Rhetoric is one kind of important expressive device in language. It refers to interpreting abstract and complex ideas or processes through simple and concrete methods. Since rhetoric is full of imagination, it can promote the transmission and communication of emotions and ideas.Rhetoric exists in writings with various styles, especially, in advertisements. Rhetoric plays a very important role in English advertisement, acting as a key element for the success of an advertisement. The thesis, based on the respective studies of the definition of advertisement and rhetoric, makes a careful analysis of the use of main rhetorical devices in English advertisement, including simile, metaphor, pun, personification, parallelism and rhyme, targeting at promoting the further development of advertisement.【Key Words】English advertisements; rhetoric; function【摘要】广告是人们日常生活中最常见的一种文化现象,不仅提供产品信息,刺激购买力,而且丰富人们的精神生活。
Rhetorical Devices 修辞手法

Importance of Rhetorical Study
杭州大学1984年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 V. Define the following terms: (20%) 1. allegory 2. comedy 3. epic 4. epistolary novel 5. euphemism 6. neo-classicism 7. onomatopoeia 8. oxymoron 9. realism 10. romanticism 国际关系学院1987年研究生入学考试试题 I. Tell what you know about ten of the following terms: (5% each)
Importance of Rhetorical Study
山东师范大学1986年招收研究生试题 IV. Rhetoric (20%) 1. How many figures of speech can you give? Try to name five at least, each with an example: (15 points) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Importance of Rhetorical Study
1. He has never read Shakespeare before. 2. The pupils took a leaf out of their teacher‟s book. 3. Malene called my conviction a “Victorian defeat.” 4. Neither his vanity nor his purse is any concern of the dictionary‟s. 5. Mark Twain became clear about the difference between what people claim to be and what they really are.
On the Skills of Rhetoric and Translation Approaches in Advertising English

关键词:广告;翻译;英语引言广告以促销为目的,它的功能被概括为AIDMA原,即Attention (唤起注意),Interest(引发兴趣),Desire(激起购买欲望),Memory(进入消费者记忆中),Action(促使行动)。
例如:Give me a Timex to all ,to all a good time.该广告是Timex牌手表,是杜撰新词,由time加excellent 合成,可以给读者联想到“时间”和“优秀”,翻译时尽可能反映原新词构成的含义。
如:Are you going grey too early?你的头发是不是过早的变白了?You will buy this special gift to your darling , don't you ?难道你就不打算买一个特别的礼物送给你心爱的人吗?祈使句具有明显的劝购导向作用。
如:Our sandal wood soap not only possesses all the merits sandalwood soap may have, but also does no harm whatever to your skin.Just try it, and you will see our sincere recommendation is rather convincing.我厂生产的檀香皂不仅具有檀香皂的独特优点,而且对皮肤无害,君请试之,方知言而有信。
rhetorics in advertising__ English

• So, conclude our lessons on English in advertising and branding.
• Thank youTranslation of foreign brand names into Chinese • criteria • new trends • cultural problems • 3. Globalization of Chinese brand names into English • 4. Brand naming and culture
• 5. Linguistic characteristics of brand names • sound • meaning • form • • 6. ESP and brand naming • naming industry • profession • new field of ESP
• Here I suggest a number of topics for the term paper. • 1. Brand name in modern English • genericization • becoming verb • becoming adj. • vogue use
• Spoil yourself and not your figure. • A good deal with us means a good deal to you. • Which lager can claim to be truly German? This can. • Coke refreshes you like no other can. • You’ll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux. • The Unique Spirit of Canada: We bottled it.

关键词:英语广告;双关语;翻译技巧ABSTRACTAs an applied language, advertising English has its own specific language style and features. With appealing dictions, succinct sentence structures, rich connotation and varied use of rhetoric devices, advertisements surprisingly give full play to the charm of language, using the simplest language to express the most complex meanings. Advertisements aim to stimulate people’s desire for shopping. Therefore, manufacturers wrack their brains to be creative with the use of rich puns. The artful use of such rhetorical devices makes advertisements connotative, humorous, vivid and witty—impressive in a roundabout way. Thus pun becomes widely and frequently used to achieve purposed effects of advertisements. This article aims to elaborate on the various forms of puns such as homophonic pun, paronomasia, antalaclasis and syllepsis, and to probe into some common techniques of translating English puns in advertisements such as fit translation, semantic translation, sets translation, priority translation, and compensation translation.Keywords:English advertisements; pun; translation techniquesContents1.Introduction of pun (1)1.1 The definition and features of pun (1)1.2Classification of pun (2)2. Function of puns in English advertisement (3)2.1 Rhetoric function (3)2.2 Pragmatic function (4)3. Translation of puns in English advertisement (4)3.1The importance of pun translation in English advertisement (4)3.2Delabastita's theory for translating puns (5)3.2.1The comment on Delabastita's method for translating puns (5)3.2.2 Translation methods of puns on basis of Delabastita's theory (6)3.3 Translating techniques of puns in English advertisement (7)3.3.1 Fit translation(契合译法) (7)3.3.2 Semantic difference(分别表义法) (8)3.3.3 Sets translation(套译法) (9)3.3.4 Priority translation(侧重译法) (9)3.3.5 Compensation translation(补偿译法) (10)4.Conclusion (11)Acknowledgements .................................................................错误!未定义书签。

英 语 专业 1999 年级毕业论文(设学号 姓 名 指导教师 论 文 题 目2099001 唐 萍 吕 艳 A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Euphemisms 英汉委婉语对比研究 2099002 郑 梅 雷志敏 Characteristics of English Vocabulary in Advertising 广告英语的词汇特点2099003 杨婷婷 余富林 An Inter-communication View of Words and Their Translation 从跨文化角度看词的文化意义及其翻译 2099004 梅光幸 雷志敏 The Features of Adjective Suffixes 形容词后缀的特征2099005 杨 英 吕 艳 Politeness Principles in English Communication and Pragmatic Failure 英语交际中的礼貌原则和语用失误2099006 李春花 龙纯良 The Comparative Study of Color in Cutural Meaning Between English and Chinese 英语中颜色词的翻译 2099007 周 杰 何敏慧 S trategies for Improving Students’ Listening Abilities 提高学生听力能力之策略2099008 李海燕 阙道彬 Modal Expressions of Adjectives and Adverbs in the Context 英语形容词、副词在语境中的情态表达 2099009 李文英 刘开军 A Comparative Study Between English and Chinese Passive Voice 英汉被动语态cf 比较研究 2099010 李 平 宗乐善 A Comparative study of English and Chinese Onomatopoeia 英汉摹声比较 2099011 陈 英 刘淑芳 Features of Computer English Word-formation 计算机英语的词法特征 2099012 唐 淼 余富林 The Characteristics of Web English 网络英语的特点2099013 谢玉平 吴传凤 Vivid Characters, Deep Impressions – An Analysis of the Characters in Oliver Twist 鲜明的人物,深刻的印象-《雾都孤儿》人物分析2099014 伍平华 莫善清 Analysis of Puritanism Perspectives The Scarlet Letter 红字中的清教主义思想2099015 李建萍 刘淑芳 The notional passive and comparison between English and Chinese 意义被动句及其英汉比较 2099016 黄赛花 刘淑芳 The Forms and Uses of Genitive Nouns of English 英语名词属格的形式和用法 2099017 张 镟 刘肇云 A Comparative of Existential Sentence in English and chinese 英汉存在句对比 2099018 向亚萍 徐明初 The English and Chinese comparison of Rhetoric in Advertisements 英汉广告修辞对比 2099019尹卫玲高绍祥The Referential Function of the Definite Article 定冠词的指涉功能计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099020 向延梅吴传凤The Characteristics and Translation of Trademark Words商标英语的特点和翻译2099021 刘彩霞余富林On the Phenomena of Sentence Contraction in English and Chinese Marks论英汉语中的句子紧缩现象2099022 游丽娟刘肇云Functions and Application of English Punctuations英语标点符号的功能及应用2099023 左光辉余富林 A Comparison of Animal Figures in Chinese and English中英有关动物的比喻的比较2099024 彭锦红陈勇The Linguistic Features of Punning Advertisement广告双关语的言语美特点2099025 佘晶丹熊云甫The Image of Tess by Hardy哈代笔下的苔丝形象2099026 李晓靓余富林 A Comparison of English and Chinese Phonetic Ambiguity英汉语音歧义的比较2099027 杨瑜徐明初Translation Techniques of Proverbs and Idioms 谚语和习语的翻译技巧2099028 郑奇陈勇The Choice of Contents and Ways in Translation论翻译的内容与译法的选择2099029 肖清芳陈勇Semantic Abnormality and Rhetorical Collocation in English英语中的语义异常与修辞搭配2099030 刘劲宗乐善The Analysis of Gertrude’s Psychological Description in Sons and Lovers 浅析《儿子与情人》中格鲁德的心理描写2099031 罗秋霞宗乐善The Nature of Metaphor—From the Nature of Metaphor to Its Differences Between English and Chinese 隐喻的本质—从隐喻本质看英汉差别2099032 胡芳刘肇云On the Translation of Trademark Words 浅谈商标词的翻译2099033 唐亚兰吕艳Application of Body Language体态语的应用2099034 龙兰丽何敏慧 A Comparison of the Forms of Plural Nouns between Chinese and English中英名词复数形式的对比2099035 骆娟杨玲The Comparative Study between Metonymy and Metaphor借代与隐喻辞格的比较研究2099036 李丹吕艳The Differences Between British and American English英式英语和美式英语区别2099037 伍华高绍祥Characteristic Language—Analyzing Desdemona’s Charater from the Words 性格语言—从Desdemona 的语言看其性格英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099038 陈岚李钢The Realism in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn现实主义《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中的表现2099039 李娟雷志敏 A Comparative Study of the English and Chinese Color Terms英汉颜色词使用的对比研究2099040 王焕相刘开军 A Minor Classification of English Modals and Semi-modals英语助动词与和半助动词之细微分类2099041 陈莹李诗平 A Study of English Active Form With Passive Meaning英语主动形式被动意义研究2099042 章静陈兴An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisings广告英语的语言特点分析2099043 梅宏娟杨玲Transitional Words and Their Usage论过渡词及其用法2099044 张凤年莫善清The Development of the American Civil Rights Movement in 1960s论美国六十年代民权运动的发展2099045 罗兆毓龙纯良Cultural Factors and Limitations of Translation翻译的文化因素局限性2099046 李丹娄胜平Contest Immersion and Emergence in the Translation of Chinese Poetry into English 汉诗英译中的语境与“融入”和“化入”2099047 卫雁熊云甫On Gray’s Elegy论格雷的《墓畔幽思》2099048 文卓吴传凤Body Language in English Teaching in Middle School中学英语教学中的体态语2099049 王令牛张莉On the Fighting Spirit in The Grapes of Wrath论《愤怒的葡萄》中的斗争精神2099050 毕维陈兴Sexual Discrimination in English 英语中的性别歧视2099051 曹晓燕张杨莉On the Betrayal and Rebellion in Wuthering Heights论《呼啸山庄》中的背叛与反抗2099052 李泽民熊云甫An Analysis of When You are Old评析叶芝各诗《当你老了》2099053 唐华松金泽民Holden’s Confusion, Struggle and S elf-salvation—A P sycho-analysis of the Hero of T he C atcher in the Rye霍尔顿的困惑、抗争与自救——《麦田里的守望者》主人公的心理解析2099054 范胜兰张杨莉A n Analysis of Elizabeth’s Character in Pride and Prejudice对《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白性格的分析2099055 任艳霞吕艳English Idioms and Culture英语习语与文化英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099056 郑剑湘张杨莉The Characterization of Robinson Crusoe 论鲁滨逊的性格塑造2099057 潘叶青牛张莉A Comparative Study of Black Women and White Women’s Social Status in the U.S论美国黑人妇女和白人妇女的社会地位比较2099058 刘炎斌娄胜平The Translation of Indefinite Numerals in English 英语不确定数词的翻译2099059 谢艳丽熊云甫Marfin Eden’s Choice of Death 论马丁伊登的死亡选择2099060 杨红盛海玲On the Use and Translation of “as…as…”论as…as…的用法与翻译2099061 刘定宏牛张莉A C omparative Study of Two Concepts of Privacy and “Ladies First”in China and the Western Count ries 有关隐私和女性优先观念在中国和西方国家的比较研究2189062 何莉牛张莉A Comparative Study of Western China Development and American Westward Expansion 中国西部开发与美国西进运动的比较研究2279063 李洁莫善清The Political Essence of American Economic Aid in Modern Times论新时期美国经济援助的政治内涵2369064 付丽兰牛张莉A Look at the Mass Media of China and Britain Today and its Words Characteristics 浅谈中英大众媒体之现状及词汇特点2459065 蒋春凤刘肇云On English Passive Voice小议被动态2549066 肖江蓠刘开军On the Flexible Use of English Animal Words 浅谈英语动物动词的活用2639067 蔡凤莲娄胜平The Flexibility of the Translation of Chinese Idioms汉语成语英译的灵活性2729068 谭保华熊云甫On Ursula in The Rainbow论《虹》中的厄修拉2819069 戴郁静陈勇Analysis of Ceategorized Context and the Politeness Principle of Lrony 反语的分类语境和礼貌原则浅析2099070 冯丽陈兴On English Color Terms英语颜色词的研究2099071 陈娉婷娄胜平On the Associative Meaning of the Main Color Words小议颜色词的联想意义2099072 尹佳陈兴On the Rhetorical Value of Taboo Words论禁忌语的修辞价值2099073 胡丽妮娄胜平On the Free Translation in the Translation of Idioms 试论习语翻译中的意译英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099074 代利群雷志敏The Infinitive Active in Form and Passive in Meaning 英语不定式主动结构表被动意义2099075 杨翠萍袁妮A Comparison of English and Chinese Proverbs and Their Translation 英汉谚语的比较与翻译2099076 吴丹绮雷志敏A Comparative Study of the “Be” Subjunctive and the Imperative Mood Be型虚拟语气与祈使语气的比较研究2099077 刑剑袁妮Faithfulness in Translation论翻译的忠实性2099078 张碧海熊云甫The Pursuit of Gatzby论盖茨比的追求2099079 李冬华熊云甫C ompson’s Family Tragedy in The Sound and Fury论《喧华与骚动》中康普生家族的悲剧2099081 周琴娄胜平On the Metaphoric Meaning of Colors and Their Translation 论英汉颜色的喻义及其翻译2099082 毛丹张英慧Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Color Words and their Translation 英汉颜色词的文化差异及翻译2099083 易平雷志敏 A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Passive Sentences英汉被动句比较研究2099084 赵静宗乐善On the Interactive Teaching Method交互式教学方法2099085 邵春花杨玲Some Ways of Expressing Implied Negation英语含蓄否定的若干表达方式2099086 伍俊刘淑芳On the Rhetorical Features of English Proverbs论英语谚语的修辞特征2099087 唐媚芬雷志敏On English Noun Modifier论英语名词定语2099088 刘颖颖李诗平 A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Onomatopoeias 中英拟声词对比研究2099089 刘红梅余富林Domestication and Foreignization in the Translation of English Idioms 英语习语翻译的归化与异化2099090 成霞陈勇Differences of Body Language in Cross-Culture Communication跨文化交际中身体语言的差异性2099091 周孟瑜刘开军On English Subjunctive Verb Forms and Their Classifications论英语虚拟语气动词及其分类2099092 张漫红刘开军On the Structure Classification of English Tag Question附加疑问句的分类研究英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099093 陈琼华徐明初On Functions of Semantics and Discourse in There-Existential Sentences 论存在句的语义功能和语篇功能2099094 颜红亮徐明初Study on Vogue-Words论英语中的时髦词2099095 刘玲牛张莉On the Social Value of Gone with the Wind and Scarle tt’s Character论《飘》的社会价值和斯佳丽的人物性格2099096 罗利波牛张莉On the Development of Jane Eyre’s Character试论简爱·性格的发展2099097 洪国旗刘肇云 A Comparison between American Puritanism and New Transcendenlism美国清教主义与超验证主义比较2099098 程艺李诗平 A Tentative Study on English Euphemism浅论英语委婉语2099099 洪芳牛张莉On The Hard-boiled Image in Hemingway’s Works 论海明威作品中的“硬汉”形象2099101 徐佳丽何敏慧On the Art of Rhetorical Devices浅谈广告中英语中修辞的艺术2099102 李红英杨玲On the Rhetorical Structures of Texts 语篇的修辞结构分析2099103 杨石英徐明初On Transferred Epithet and Its Translation浅谈移就修辞及其翻译2099104 陈顺意李诗平The Latest Development of English & Chinese Vocabulary 英汉词汇的新发展2099105 易杨牛张莉The Different Fate of the Two Women Love Defenders—My Comments on Lin Daiyu and Jane Eyre 两个为爱而战的两个女性的不同命运---我看林黛玉和简爱2099106 曾德洁陈勇Cutural Metaphoric Meaning of Food Language in Englsih Colloquialism论英语口语中饮食语言的文化喻义2099107 涂增莫善清Changes of Value in Gone With The Wind《飘》中所体现的价值观念转化赏析2099108 陈英莫善清On Comparison Between ways of Thinking and Value Tendencies of Americans and Chinese论中美思维方式的差异及价值取向之比较2099109 代立高绍祥The lnterpersonal Function in Business Letter商务信函中的人际功能2099110 彭俊高绍祥The Textual Functions of Pre-Predicate That- Clauses That -Clauses前置的语篇功能2099111 王文升宗乐善Female Characters As Spiritual Educate In Spenser’s The Faerie Queene斯宾塞《仙后》中作为精神教育家的女性英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099112 付依娜陈兴Symbolism in Idiomatic Expressions习语的象征意义2099113 黄亦贵刘淑芳On the Main Differences between American English and British English 美式英语与英式英语的差异2099114 孙艳高绍祥On the Semantic and Pragmatic Meaning of Utterance论话语的字面意义和语用意义2099115 曹云辉徐明初Translation Skills of Culture-loaded Words—On“Setected stories of LuXun” 文化员找词汇的翻译方法和技巧——《鲁迅小说选》英译谈2099116 定莹张杨莉On the Image of Women in Jan Eyre论《简爱》中的女性形象2099117 袁琦刘淑芳A n Analysis of the Part of Speech of “As” and Its Uses As的词性与用法分析2099118 裴静余富林The Translation of the Passive Voice in EST 科技英语被动语态的翻译2099119 彭云佳阙道彬The Useage of Articles冠词的用法2099120 徐欣张杨莉Wordswort h’s View on Nature and Life 论华兹华斯的自然观及人生观2099121 易玲陈兴Mastering the Studying Law of Children’s Language Learning and Promoting the Second Language Acquisition 掌握儿童语言学习规律,促进二语习得2099122 杨薇娄胜平Advertisement Translation广告的翻译2099123 张家武刘开军Some Aspects of Articles in English Study英语冠词学习要点2099124 谭智凤吴传凤The Comparison between English and Chinese Nonce Words英汉仿词比较2099125 张志华牛张莉O n the Creation of Characters in Dicken’s A Tale of Two Cities论狄更斯《双城记》中的人物塑造2099126 郑曼陈勇On Similarities and Differences in the Formation English and Chinese 浅谈英汉仿词在构成形式上的异同2099127 万前珍吴传凤Love Always Overcomes Hatred爱总能战胜恨2099128 杨丛李诗平The Characteristics of American English美国英语的语言特点2099129 陈丽娟盛海玲Aanalysis on the Chineses Borrowings in English 英语中汉语借词探析英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099130 刘美华张杨莉The Rhetoric in The Merchant of Venice论《威尼斯商人》中的修辞现象2099131 蒋英杰高绍祥The Textual Function of Passive Voice论被动语态的语篇功能2099132 金燕飞陈兴Features of Network English网络英语的特点2099133 袁涛吴传凤The Use of Body Language in Middle Schools中学英语教学中体态语言的运用2099134 刘茵莫善清A Comparison Between American and Chinese Higher Education in the 21st Century 二十一世纪中美高等教育之比较2099135 杨小芳余富林The Use of the Comma and the dash in EST科技英语中逗号与破折号的用法2099136 姜建华雷志敏On Phenomena of Sexism in English 英语中的性别歧视现象2099137 王华平盛海玲On the Transferred Negation in English浅析英语中的否定转移2099139 段岚龙纯良On How to Translation of the Chinese Reduplicated Words into English汉语叠词英译2099140 张警方阙道彬The Classification and translation of English Idiom Preposition英语成语介词的分类及翻译2099141 金佳宗乐善On Hardy’s Fatalism in Tess论《苔丝》中哈代的宿命论2099142 韩飞岸刘淑芳The Features and Origin of French Borrowings in English英语中法语外来词的特点及由来2099143 姚燕群张英慧Symbolism of Colors in idomatic Expressions颜色习语表达的象征意义2099144 黄书何敏慧The Difference of Styles in Translation 翻译中的文体差异2099145 江友君余富林On the Translation of Noun Phrases in EST科技英语名词术语的译法初探2099146 王湘艳熊云甫Tess’ Sense of Responsibility苔丝的责任心2099147 彭术连何敏慧Teacher’s Roles in Class教师在课堂中的角色2099148 胡小玲张英慧On Euphemistic Expressions in English论英语中的委婉表达法英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099149 熊梅何敏慧The Nominalization and Grammatical Metaphor英汉名词化和语法隐喻2099150 侯海英徐明初The Structures and Characteristics of English Simile and Metaphor 英语中的比喻结构的特征2099151 赵禹熊云甫Humanitarianism in A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》中的人道主义思想2099152 刘亦伶何敏慧On Satire and Humor in Pride and Prejudice浅析《傲慢与偏见》中的讽刺与幽默2099153 彭娟李诗平English Phrasal Verbs论英语短语动词2099154 印晓蕾刘肇云Cultural Difference of English—Chinese Idioms and Its Translation英汉习语的文化差异与翻译2099155 唐琳吕艳On English Rhetorical Elliptical Sentences英语修辞省略句2099156 刘怡君刘肇云Communication Failures Appeared in Intercultural Communication论跨文化交际中的语用失误2099157 钱晓静杨玲On Zeugma’s Rhetorical Effect and Translation浅析轭式搭配的修辞效果与翻译2099158 李永红徐明初 A Comparative Study on Oxymoron and Duiding英语矛盾修辞比较研究2099159 姚维余富林The Translation of Long Sentences in EST科技英语的长句翻译2099160 刘园园余富林The Differences and Application of Chinese and English Palindrome中英回文辞格的发展差异与应用2099161 曾欢张杨莉Lolita, the Tragedy of Pedophilia《诺莉塔》:恋童癖的悲剧2099162 艾华香熊云甫S arah’s Way to Freedom萨拉的自由之路2099163 陈雪张杨莉Jane Eyre’s Sense of Interiority简爱的自卑感2099164 彭翔高绍祥Coherence in Interpretation of Discourse论语篇翻译中的连贯2099165 刘琢徐明初Influence of Cultural Differences on Translation 文化差异对翻译的影响2099166 张欣子盛海玲On the Form of Emphasis in English 英语中的强调的表达形式英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099167 刘婉萍袁妮On Translation of English New Words论英语新词的翻译2099168 欧勇刘开军A Brief Exploration of Lexical Ambiguity in English and Its Pragmatic Effects Words 浅谈英语词汇的歧义与语用效果2099169 陆晓红娄胜平On Ellipsis论省略2099170 朱兰红余富林The Cultural differences and translation of English and Chinese idioms 英汉习语与文化差异的翻译2099171 高艳琴张英慧On Emphatic Patterns in English英语中的强调形式研究2099172 田薇琪徐明初On Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation中英翻译的中式英文2099173 田湘群徐明初Elementary Analysis of Translating Attributive Clause浅析定语从句的翻译2099174 胡秋明刘开军 A Brief Research on the English Infinitive Structure英语不定式初探与研究2099175 唐冰芳陈勇English Words Sanantic Variattion and the Society英语词汇语义变化与社会的关系2099176 昌佩仙熊云甫On the Symbolism in Blake’s Poems论布莱克诗歌中的象征主义2099177 许剑凤张英慧Some Ways of Expressing Implied Negation in English英语含蓄否定表达法种种2099178 梁怡君吴传凤On Franslation of Trademarks and Names of Export Commodities论商标、出口商品名称的翻译2099179 周菡盛海玲 A Brief Introduction to Grammatical Ambiguity in English浅谈英语中的语法歧义现象2099180 伍海英余富林On the Basic methods and skills of translation of Business English Terms 商务英语词汇翻译常用方法与技巧初探2099181 刘金娥高绍祥The Functions of Pre-Posed Infinitive clauses不定式分句前置的使用功能2099182 田芝盛海玲On The Borrowed Elements in the English Vocabulary 浅谈英语词汇中的外来成份2099183 吴红梅宗乐善English Synonyms and Vocabulary Enlargement英语同义词及词汇扩展2099184 傅亚辉吕艳On the Use of Euphemisms in The Daily Life浅议委婉语在日常生活中的运用英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099185 杨才有徐明初Parody in advertisement A study on Translation广告中的仿似现象探悉2099186 戴杏花盛海玲On the Semantic Function and Usage of the Conjunction “and”连词“and”的语义功能与用法2099187 刘桂郴徐明初A BriefTalk on Differences and Translatability of English and Chinese Idioms 浅析英汉习语的文化差异及其可译性2099188 叶荣兴宗乐善On Steps of Learning English 英语学习步骤浅议2099189 刘忆平张英慧 A Comparative Study of Ambiguity and Pun in English英语中歧义与双关的对比研究2099190 鲁亚丽何敏慧Slangs about Vegetables & Fruits in English and Their Uses英语中有关蔬菜和水果的俚语及其运用2099191 赵生群刘开军On Absolute Nomination Construction浅析独立主格结构2099192 何乐吴传凤 A Balanced Approach to Oral English Teaching英语口语教学平衡方法2099193 李艳刘开军On the Verb Forms of English Subjective Mood浅谈英语虚拟语气的动词形式2099194 尹晔玲李诗平 A Contrastive Study on English and Chinese Idioms 英中习语对比2099195 石子娟袁妮On Translation of English Allusion英语典故的翻译2099196 文芬高绍祥 A Constrastive Analysis of Euphemism Between Chinese and English中英委婉语的对比分析2099197 向淑敏陈兴On the Fuzziness and Vagueness of Language 论语言的模糊与含糊2099198 陈兰龙纯良Refle ctions on Animals in and out of China从国内外的动物说起2099199 徐颖刘肇云Translation Techniques of Chinese Idioms汉语成语的翻译技巧2099201 李召军徐明初Idioms and Features of Idioms习语及其习语特征2099202 孙慧李诗平 A Comparative Study on the English and the Chinese Metaphor英汉隐喻对比研究2099203 石娜杨玲A Comparative Study of Euphemism and Fuzzy Language in English and Chinese委婉语与模糊语中英对比研究英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099204 卜成芳盛海玲On Idioms Used in Colloquial English论习语在英语口语中的使用2099205 涂少芳张英慧 A Probe into the Feminist Idea of Jane Eyre简·爱女权主义思想初探2099206 胡丰龙纯良Translation of the Peculiar Speech of Each Participant in the Conversation 论小说个性语言翻译2099207 文慧红阙道彬On the Cognition and Usage of Metaphor论隐喻的认知及其运用2099208 彭慧玲雷志敏The Classification of Metaphor隐喻的分类2099209 程竹玲阙道彬On the Types and Uses of the Passive Voice论英语被动语态的类型及用法2099210 夏金锦刘开军 A Detailed Study on THERE in English Existential Sentence试论英语存在句结构中的引导词THERE 2099211 傅诺诚何敏慧The Differences of Rhythm between Chinese and English英汉节奏差异2099212 杨见清阙道彬On The Usage of “T hat”论“That”的用法2099213 李玲何敏慧The Exploration of Oral English Teaching Methodology英语口语教学法探讨2099214 李志文龙纯良To Cultural Difference between English and Chinese Idioms and Their Translation 浅谈英汉习语的文化差异及翻译2099215 赵娟鹃刘淑芳On Feminism in Pride and Prejudice试论《傲慢与偏见》中的女权意识2099216 舒丽颖何敏慧Appropriate Use of Body Language in Spoken English Teaching 英语口语教学中体态语的适当使用2099217 文慧袁妮On Translation of Trade Marks论商标的翻译2099218 洪林阙道彬The Rhetoric in Advertising English广告英语中的修辞2099219 杨艳莫善清The Hegemonic Nature of Unilateralism of the Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy 布什政府外交政策单边主义的霸权主义实质2099220 李凤娟徐明初The Linguistic Characteristics of Business English and Its Translation 商务英语的语言特点及翻译刍义2099221 谭静刘淑芳On the Borrowed Words in English英语中的外来词英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099222 刘桂花李诗平Color Words in English英语中的颜色词研究2099223 周辉龙纯良The Existence and adaptation of Untranslatable From不可译现象的存在和转化2099224 刘莉英陈兴The Tense-Aspect System of English Grammar-Forms and Meanings英语语法中的时体体系:形式和意义2099225 石亚娟陈兴On Vague Terms in Everyday Spoken English论英语日常口语中的模糊词语2099226 谢艳泓徐明初A Tentative Study on the Translation of Adverbial English Dallses in Clause 英语状语从句汉译初探2099227 林池容杨玲Euphemism and Its use in Translation 委婉语及其在翻译中的使用2099228 蒋丹刘淑芳The Communicative Functions of Euphemism委婉语的交际功能2099229 胡焱平阙道彬On the Usage of “It”“It”的用法2099230 李红阙道彬On English Linguistic Taboos论英语语言的禁忌2099231 雷彩云阙道彬 A Tentative Analysis of English Color Words探英语中的颜色词2099232 雷国红李诗平On English Siamese Twins 英语成对词词组初探2099233 谭林池李诗平On English Elliptical Sentence英语省略句2099234 邓晖吕艳The Characteristics of Attributes in English英语定语之我见2099235 道霞李钢Feminism in Jane Eyre论女权主义在简爱中的体现2099236 左欢袁妮The Translation of Idioms 谈习语翻译2099237 李彦妮牛张莉 A Comparative Study of Chinese Jokes and Western Humor中国笑话和西方幽默2099238 李小红张英慧Cultural Differences in English and Chinese Everyday Conversation中英日常会语中的文化差异2099239 游菲菲盛海玲The Form and Function of the Euphemism英语委婉语的构成及其功能英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099240 李子祥莫善清O n the Pessimistic Fendencies in Hemingway’s later works试论海明威后期中作品中的颓废主义倾向2099241 彭旭娟龙纯良On the Cultural Differences between Chinese—English Translation论中英翻译中的文化差异2099242 陈昊袁妮On Translation of English of Colour Words论颜色词的翻译2099243 韩雨飞盛海玲An Analysis of the Usage of Infinitive in English不定式的用法剖析2099244 王燕袁妮Culture Differences and Translation文化差异与翻译2099245 田津雷志敏The cultural Connotation and Expressive Technique of Euphemism委婉语的文化内涵和表现手法2099246 雷文君杨玲 A Comparative Study of “Pun” and “Shuangguan”“Pun”与“双关”的比较研究2099247 刘奕兵阙道彬English from Sexism to Neutralization英语中的性别歧视与中性化。

高中英语广告写作单选题60题1. In the advertisement, the phrase "top quality" means _____.A. best qualityB. high qualityC. low qualityD. bad quality答案:A。
“top quality”意为“顶级质量”,即“best quality”,表示最好的质量。
选项B“high quality”指高质量,但没有“top quality”表达的程度高。
选项C“low quality”是低质量,与“top quality”意思相反。
选项D“bad quality”是劣质,也与“top quality”相反。
2. The slogan "Limited Time Offer" in the ad implies that _____.A. the offer is foreverB. the offer is for a short periodC. the offer has no time limitD. the offer is available anytime答案:B。
“Limited Time Offer”意思是限时优惠,意味着这个优惠是在短时间内有效的。
选项A 表示永远有效,与原意相反。
选项C 说没有时间限制,不符合“Limited Time”。
选项D 表示随时可用,也不符合“Limited Time”的含义。
3. In the commercial, "Exclusive Deal" refers to a deal that is _____.A. commonB. special and only for some peopleC. available to everyoneD. not special at all答案:B。
The rhetorical use of advertising

Give me Green World,or give me yesterday. 译文:要么给我绿世界晚霜,要么还我昨 日的青春容颜。这是绿世界牌系列晚霜 广告。
取于Henry的诗句“Give me liberty,or give me death(不自由,毋宁死)”。 本广告通过对该诗所用句式的巧妙仿拟, 在消费者心中产生强烈的共鸣和奇妙的 联想。
(轻如风,柔如云。) 形容此衣服之薄及柔软.消费者看了这一标 题,自然可以想象到用这种面料所做的服装的 轻松感和舒适感,会情不自禁产生购买的冲动。
The definition of metonymy
Metonymy is not directly say the name of things , and switch to another name or another argument
2.For example:
(1) Go for the Gold
这是Gold Seal酒的广告, 充分利用了Gold一词的意 义,使人觉得该酒象金子一 样宝贵,同时使人联想到淘 金时代(Rush for the Gold) 的韵味.
(2) You’re better off under the Umbrella. (在“伞”的保护下,你可以无忧
(2) Give a Timex to all,and to all a good time. 译文:人带"Timex"表,准时乐道。
(3) 好娃娃生病好娃娃帮,好娃娃让好娃娃 更健康 —— 好娃娃系列药品广告语 (4) 买保险,买平安 —— 平安保险
2.Homophonic pun(谐音双关)
The application of rhetoric in ads(广告语中修辞的运用)

喝 孔 府 宴 酒 , 作 天 下 文 章
The Rolex watch
• We bring high technology home 。 (NEC)我们 把高科技带回 家。(日本电 气)
• With so many carrots ,I’ll be a real gem !(B。C。 Muffins)有这么多 克拉(胡萝卜), 我是颗真宝石 !
Today, we find that many advertisements use quote , of course ,making quote can make the advertisements rich connotation and more attrachangyin .
Does your stomach hurt?stomachache ,hyperacidity, gasteremphraxis,count on SiDashu.
• 胃,痛吗?胃,酸吗?胃,胀吗?胃痛,胃酸,胃胀, 交给斯达舒
Dual in ads
五味生活,七彩人生 Flavourful livelihood, colorful life
The function of rhetoric question is to emphasize view, render atmosphere,intensify tone,and strengthen the effect of expression.
“Where’s the beef ? ”(Wendy’s Hamburger)“牛肉在哪里?”(温迪汉堡包)

高中英语广告写作练习题50题(答案解析)1.Which word is the best to describe a beautiful sunset in an advertisement?A.goodB.niceC.fantasticD.ok答案解析:C。
2.In an advertisement for a sports shoe, which verb can best show its durability?stB.stayC.continueD.endure答案解析:D。
3.Which noun can be used to attract customers in an advertisement fora luxury watch?A.goodnessB.beautyC.luxuryD.niceness答案解析:C。
4.For an advertisement of a juice, which adjective can make people want to drink it?A.tastyB.goodC.niceD.ok答案解析:A。

中考英语广告分析单选题30题1. In the advertisement, the word “quality” is closest in meaning to _____.A.quantityB.standardC.priceD.color答案:B。
2. The ad says “This product is unique.” The word “unique” means _____.monB.specialC.cheaprge答案:B。
3. In an ad for a car, “reliable” is a word that can be replaced by _____.A.unreliableB.dependableC.expensiveD.small答案:B。
4. The ad claims that the new phone is “affordable”. The word “affordable” means _____.A.expensiveB.cheapC.beautifulrge答案:B。
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Rhetoric in the advertisements1204402048 英语学术班夏松Advertisement is not only an economic activity, but also a cultural communication. In the advertisement, the application of all kinds of rhetoric is very common. Advertisements generally use simile, metaphor, personification, pun, alliteration etc. Most sorts of figures are concise, vivid and humorous. The application of rhetoric is to make the thought expressed more striking and effective, for the rhetoric has the power to illustrate and vivify it. After taking this semester’s course of English Rhetoric, I would like to looking into the application of rhetoric in advertisement by discussing some typical cases one by one.Parallelism comes the first. Parallelism means giving two or more parts of the sentences a similar form so as to give the whole a definite pattern. It’s a balance of two or more similar words, phrases, or clauses. The application of parallelism in sentence construction can sometimes improve writing style clearness and readability. It helps create balanced structure, powerful tone; improves expressive force, appeal; and illustrate the idea clearly. Hence, it is widely used in advertisement.“For racer, is speed.For child, is red.For father, is blood.For car fan, is lover.For individual, is challenge.For group, is legend.For us, is everything.”This is a piece of advertisement of Ferrari. The seven sentences are in a parallel structure that can impress the listeners deeply. It can make the listeners have a brief view of this sort of car. It seems to be attracted by all kind of people, no matter what you are and no matter you are. In that case, the consumers are likely to pay attention to this for the sake of their eager for appreciation from others.And Repetition comes the second. Like parallelism, it has the same elements, but the repetition focuses on the repeated parts while parallelism with similar structure and related content does not concentrate on the same elements. Poems, songs and advertising slogan make full use of repetition. It is mainly to emphasize, to clarify the meaning of a piece of writing or to express strong feelings. There are two examples.“Introducing FITNESS magazine. It’s about health, it’s about exercise, it’s about your image, your energy, and your outlook.”The use of repetition forms a strong tone to convince readers of the abundant content of the magazine. It seems that this magazine cares abouteverything of yourself and all the consumers will care about the fitness of themselves and their families. And this piece of advertisement is able to drive the consumers to pay attention to it.And now we can move on to Antithesis. Antithesis is a counter-proposition and denotes a direct contrast to the original proposition. In setting the opposite, an individual brings out a contrast in the meaning by an obvious contrast in the expression.“Going East , Staying Westin.”The slogan of the hotel, Westin, is designed subtly. Westin looks and pronounces like West which corresponds to East. It makes customers feel like going across a long distance. And followed are some other examples.“We lead, others copy. (Ricoh Company)”“No business too small,no problem too big. (IBM)”“Tide’s in, Dirt’s out. (Tide)”“The choice is yours.The honor is ours.”The slogans not only have nice rhythms but also express the products performance.And there is another function of this kind of advertisements. For example, “Tide’s in, Dirt’s out. (Tide)”, when us consumers hear this piece of advertisement, we can have an illusion that Tide is the best company to produce washing powder. In that case, whenthe consumers choose this kind of product in the supermarket where quantities of same kinds of products placed side by side, they will come up with this advertisement and choose the best at once. At least, I will do so. That is the function of advertisement.Hyperbole is also comely used in the advertisement. Hyperbole is a common figure of speech popular known as exaggeration or over statement. It’s not the same as telling lies. With hyperbole, there is no intent to deceive the audience. In fact, in the speaker’s mind he is truly describing his intense feeling at the time. For instance,“Take Toshiba, take the world.”It is impossible for you to take the world, so the advertiser puts emphasis on that the Toshiba can give you what you need. And it also indicates that the technology can assist you get access to the world easily. And Toshiba succeeds in telling the audience that we can connect to the world by their products. And another example is “Look young in only two weeks.” We are so familiar with this kind of advertising that we can hear it everyday. Hyperbole applied here not to cheat the consumers but emphasize on the function of the product for making up. As far as I am concerned, this kind of advertisements are the most common ones in our daily life. And almost all the female consumers will be attracted by this kind of advertisement since all the girls or the women want to keep young and amazing as soon as possible although they know that it is impossiblein two weeks. And this kind of advertisements can also be seen in the advertisements of teeth protection products and the medicine for easing headache.Ans Metaphor is also an important rhetoric device applied in the advertisements.Metaphor in advertisement can express more implication with fewer words. It not only attracts audience's attention, but also delivers commercial intention in a distinctive language form, then provokes the potential audience's desire to purchase, finally achieves seller's purpose of promotion and sale. For instance,“EBEL, the architects of time.”(EBEL Watch)Time is so elusive for a human being that it is a complex concept. So people create many vehicles to simplify the concept. The use of metaphor not only simplifies the concept of time, but also tell people that EBEL watch is stronger than others and is perfect.Another example is “Sophisticated, sweet-to drink pink Lady.” (Wine)In this advertisement, advertiser associates the beer bottle with “sophisticated, sweet-to drink pink Lady”that can stimulate the consumptive appetite of people.And then we come to the device of Rhetorical question which is a statement that is formulated as a question but that is not supposed to be answer. The advantage of the rhetorical question is that it can cause readers' attention with a curious question and offer some informationabout the product or highlight the product with an answer.“—What kind of man reads Playboy?—He's a man who demands the best life has to offer.”This is a advertisement of magazine Playboy. The headline catches customers' attention and the answer indicates the importance of the book in order to have a best life."Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick?"This is a high-grade car advert of Data General Corporation. It reminds customers' attention and arouses their purchasing desire."What are luxury car should be?"(advert of Lincoln car)This advertisement is simple but wonderful. It causes readers' inquisitiveness to seek the answer, then the answer comes out to be the luxury car—Lincoln.After listing these kinds of rhetoric devices,we can conclude that rhetoric is quite useful in making the expression more appropriate, more attractive, more forcible, and more humorous; and thus in ensuring a higher rate of success in advertising.。