
Other usages
• 因此,古希腊人把月桂树看作是阿波 罗的神木,称为"阿波罗的月桂树 "(The Laurel of Apollo).起先,他们 用月桂枝叶编成冠冕,授予在祭祀太 阳神的节目赛跑中的优胜者.后来在 奥林匹亚(Olympia)举行的体育竞技 中,他们用桂冠赠给竞技的优胜者. 从此世代相传,后世欧洲人以"桂冠" 作为光荣的称号. 由于阿波罗是主管光明.青春.音乐 和诗歌之神,欧洲人又把源自"阿波 罗的月桂树"的桂冠,献给最有才华 的诗人,称"桂冠诗人".第一位著名 的"桂冠诗人"就是欧洲文艺复兴时 期人文主义的先驱者.意大利诗人彼 特拉克(Francesco Petrarch,13041374).
11、Swan song:
• 字面译做“天鹅之歌”,源于 • 希腊成语Kykneion asma。在 古希腊神话中,天鹅是阿波罗 的神鸟,故常用来比喻文艺。 传说天鹅平素不唱歌,而在它 • 死前,必引颈长鸣,高歌一曲, 其歌声哀婉动听,感人肺腑。 这是它一生中唯一的,也是最 后的一次唱歌。早在公元前6世 纪,古希腊寓言作家伊索 (Aisopos)的寓言故事中,就有 • “天鹅临死才唱歌”的说法。 在英国,乔叟、莎士比亚等伟 大诗人、剧作家,都使用过这 个成语典故。 因此,现代英语中这个习语比 喻某诗人、作家、作曲家临终 前的一部杰作,或者是某个演 员、歌唱家的最后一次表演。 莎翁的著名悲剧《奥赛罗》 (Othello)中塑造的爱米莉娅形 象,她在生死关头站出来揭穿 其丈夫的罪行。她临死时把自 己比做天鹅,一生只唱最后一 次歌。 英语成语black swan,用以比喻 稀有罕见的人或物,类似汉语 成语"凤毛麟角"之意。

Stables of Augeas(奥革阿斯的牛圈)
意思是“最肮脏的地方:积累成堆难以解决的问题”。厄利斯国王奥革阿斯有牛数千头,牛圈三十年未扫。赫剌克勒斯 (Heracles)用一天时间将其打扫干净。
apple of discord
apple of discord意思是“不和的根源、发生纠纷的事端”。
佩琉斯和忒提斯举行婚礼时忘记了邀请不和女神厄里斯(Eris)。这位女神大为恼火,留下 一个刻有“献给最美者”的金苹果,引起了雅典娜、赫拉和阿芙罗狄忒的纷争。此事导致漫长的特洛伊战争(Trojan War)。
Penelop's web
Penelope‘s web:源自史诗《奥德赛》(Odyssey)。 泊涅罗珀(Penelop)是奥底修斯(Odysseus)的妻子,以忠贞而著称。特洛伊战争持续 了十年,Odysseus在返家的途中又耽搁了十年。在这漫长的二十年中,许多王公贵族向Penelop求婚,她都托辞说必须等织完布后才能予以考虑,一 到晚上,她又将白天织好的布再拆开。 因此Penelop’s web就成了一项永远也完不成的工作。
Pandora’s box(潘朵拉的盒子)
普罗米修斯()。Zeus决定惩罚人类,于是他命令火神造出一个美貌的女人 Pandora,让她去勾引Prometheus的弟弟埃比米修斯(Epimetheus)。结果Epimetheus上当,接近了 Pandora,Pandora于是就将手中的盒子打开,放出了里面的罪恶、灾难、疾病、不幸,只留下了“希望”在盒子里。

• 天后赫拉(Hera):赫拉是克洛诺斯之女,宙 天后赫拉(Hera):赫拉是克洛诺斯之女, (Hera) 斯的姐姐和妻子;她主管婚姻和生育, 斯的姐姐和妻子;她主管婚姻和生育,是妇 女的保护神;赫拉气质高雅, 容颜美丽, 女的保护神;赫拉气质高雅, 容颜美丽,且 对伴侣忠贞不渝,无愧于天后的地位, 对伴侣忠贞不渝,无愧于天后的地位,但她 的善妒亦闻名于世,因此, 的善妒亦闻名于世,因此,赫拉和宙斯经常 发生激烈争吵,不过, 发生激烈争吵,不过,通常宙斯的花言巧语 又总能让他们和好如初。 又总能让他们和好如初。 赫拉的象征是孔 雀,因为这种五彩缤纷的羽毛如同满天星斗 的鸟是美丽壮观的夜空的象征, 的鸟是美丽壮观的夜空的象征,而天空正是 天后赫拉光彩照人的脸庞。 天后赫拉光彩照人的脸庞。
• 冥王哈得斯(hades):他是宙斯、波赛东、得墨忒 冥王哈得斯(hades) 他是宙斯、波赛东、 尔的兄长,主管冥界,力量很强,但性格平和。 尔的兄长,主管冥界,力量很强,但性格平和。除 了抢夺丰收女神得墨忒尔之女春之女神珀尔塞福涅 为妻外,无它恶行。 最喜爱黑色, 为妻外,无它恶行。 最喜爱黑色,最爱的祭品是全 身裹着黑纱的黑母羊或黑公牛。冥府简介人们死后, 身裹着黑纱的黑母羊或黑公牛。冥府简介人们死后, 由引导之神赫尔墨斯将他们接到冥界。在这里, 由引导之神赫尔墨斯将他们接到冥界。在这里,汹 涌奔流着一条黑色的大河,阿刻戎河——即痛苦之 涌奔流着一条黑色的大河,阿刻戎河 即痛苦之 大河阻住前进的道路, 河。大河阻住前进的道路,只有一个满 面胡须的船 夫卡隆可以将亡灵们摆渡到对岸。但是, 夫卡隆可以将亡灵们摆渡到对岸。但是,亡灵必须 交纳一定的过河费方可上船, 交纳一定的过河费方可上船,否则将在痛苦之河的 沿岸流浪,找不到归宿。 沿岸流浪,找不到归宿。过河之后是一片广阔的灰 色平原,这里叫做真理田园,此处连接着两条路, 色平原,这里叫做真理田园,此处连接着两条路, 分别通往幸福之所——爱丽舍乐园和痛苦之所 爱丽舍乐园和痛苦之所—— 分别通往幸福之所 爱丽舍乐园和痛苦之所 地狱。 地狱。亡灵们在真理田园前的审判台前接受冥界三 大判官弥诺斯、剌达曼达斯和埃阿科斯的审判。 大判官弥诺斯、剌达曼达斯和埃阿科斯的审判。有 罪之人根据他们的罪行在地狱接受轻重不一的惩罚, 罪之人根据他们的罪行在地狱接受轻重不一的惩罚, 而那些无罪的人们将可以在美丽祥和的爱丽舍乐园 过着衣食无忧、吟风弄月的幸福生活。 过着衣食无忧、吟风弄月的幸福生活。 在爱丽 舍乐园和地狱之间,建造着一座雄伟庞大的宫殿, 舍乐园和地狱之间,建造着一座雄伟庞大的宫殿, 这就是冥王哈得斯和冥后珀耳塞福涅的住所。 这就是冥王哈得斯和冥后珀耳塞福涅的住所。

中国古代神话故事英文版Sure! Here is a brief introduction of two famous Chinese ancient mythological stories in English:1. "The Legend of Nüwa"In ancient Chinese mythology, it is believed that the world was once in chaos. Nüwa, a goddess with a human form and a serpent's tail, came to the world with the mission to create balance. She molded yellow clay into human figures, bringing them to life and establishing the human race. Nüwa also repaired the broken heavens, propping them up with stones to restore order. She is revered as the goddess of creation and restoration.2. "The Monkey King""The Monkey King," also known as "Journey to the West," is a renowned Chinese mythological tale. It follows the adventures of Sun Wukong, a mischievous and rebellious Monkey King endowed with incredible strength and magical abilities. Sun Wukong accompanies the monk Xuanzang on a pilgrimage to retrieve the sacred Buddhist scriptures from India. Along the journey, they encounter numerous challenges and face mythical creatures. Sun Wukong's bravery, intelligence, and loyalty make him a beloved and legendary character in Chinese mythology.These are just a glimpse of the vast collection of Chinese ancient mythological stories. They are filled with symbolism, cultural significance, and moral teachings, showcasing the rich imagination and beliefs of ancient Chinese civilization.。

Allusions✧Unit 31. Prometheus2. Pandora’s Box 灾难之盒含义:to open Pandora's box means to create evil that cannot be undone.来源:Pandora's box involves a mythological story in which the a box was given to a human who was warned never to open the box, but his curiosity made him open it resulting in a disaster.✧Unit 51. swan song (最后杰作;绝笔)2. black swan (比喻罕见之人/物;“凤毛麟角”)3. win / gain Laurels (获得荣誉,赢得声望)4. look to one’s Laurels (爱惜名声,保持记录)5. rest on one’s Laurels (坐享清福,光吃老本)6. The Poet Laureate; The Laureate(桂冠诗人)✧Unit 61. Aphrodite’s girdle:2. aphrodisiac [ˌæfrəuˈdiziæk]:n. a drug or other agent that stimulates sexual desireadj. exciting sexual desire3. venereal [viˈniəriəl] / venery [ˈvenəri]4. veneration [ˌvenəˈreɪʃən]: n. 尊敬5. adonis: n. any handsome young man✧Unit 71. atlantean: adj. exceedingly strong(像)巨人阿特拉斯的,力大无比的2. gorgonize: vt. 使吓呆3. mount one’s Pegasus:(humor) write a poem4. the choice of Heracles5. accomplishments of Heracles:tremendous deeds(需要做出超人的努力才得完成的业绩)6. Herculean effort: 巨大/艰巨的努力含义:A Herculean effort is to say that one is strong, vigorous and determined in their attempt to achieve a result, as in a Herculean task.来源:Driven mad by Hera, Heracles slew his own children. To expiate the crime, Heracles was required to carry out ten labors set by his archenemy, Eurystheus. Heracles accomplished these tasks, but Eurystheus did not accept 2 tasks.Then he set two more tasks, which Heracles performed successfully, bringing the total number of tasks up to twelve.eg. He completed the translation of this monumental work with a Herculean effort. 他历尽心血终于完成了这一大套的翻译作品。

中国经典神话故事英语作文1China is a country with a long history and rich culture. Among the many treasures of our heritage, classic mythical stories stand out as beacons of wisdom and imagination.Let's take the story of Nuwa Mending the Sky as an example. In ancient times, the sky collapsed and chaos ensued. Nuwa, a kind and powerful deity, was determined to save humanity. She embarked on a challenging journey to find the right materials. After much effort, she discovered the五色stones. With unwavering perseverance and extraordinary skills, she melted the stones and patched the sky, restoring order and peace to the world. Her selfless dedication and unwavering spirit are truly inspiring.Another remarkable tale is that of Houyi Shooting the Suns. When the ten suns rose together, scorching the earth and bringing suffering to the people, Houyi, a brave hero, rose to the occasion. Armed with his bow and arrows, he fearlessly faced the intense heat and the towering suns. Through his remarkable marksmanship and unwavering determination, he shot down nine of the suns, bringing relief and tranquility to the land.These classic mythical stories not only entertain us but also convey profound values and lessons. They teach us about courage, perseverance,and the power of kindness. They are a testament to the wisdom and creativity of our ancestors, and they continue to fascinate and inspire us to this day.2China has a rich treasury of classic mythological tales that have been passed down through generations. These stories not only entertain but also convey profound meanings and values.One such tale is the story of Kuafu Chasing the Sun. Kuafu, a determined and fearless figure, embarked on an arduous journey to pursue the sun. His unwavering spirit and insatiable longing for light led him forward, regardless of the hardships and obstacles along the way. Despite knowing that the task was seemingly impossible and might cost him his life, he remained resolute. His unwavering pursuit symbolizes humanity's never-ending quest for knowledge and the unknown, as well as our indomitable will to overcome all odds.Another captivating story is that of Jingwei Filling the Sea. Jingwei, a tiny bird with an unwavering determination, was determined to fill the vast sea. Day after day, she carried twigs and pebbles in her beak and dropped them into the sea. Her perseverance and unwavering commitment were unwavering, never giving up in the face of the seemingly insurmountable task. This story teaches us that with unwavering determination and persistence, even the most difficult goals can beachieved.These classic Chinese mythological stories are not just tales of the past but are sources of inspiration and wisdom for us today. They encourage us to be courageous, persistent, and to never stop pursuing our dreams, no matter how challenging the path may seem.3China is a country with a long history and rich culture, and its classic myths are like precious jewels shining in the long river of time. One of the most touching stories is that of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. They fell in love deeply but were separated by the cruel rule of the gods. However, their love was so strong that they still met once a year on the Magpie Bridge. Their story is filled with both joy and sorrow. The joy of love and the sorrow of separation make people feel the power and preciousness of true love.Another remarkable tale is about Chen Xiang splitting the mountain to save his mother. Chen Xiang's bravery and filial piety are truly touching. Despite facing numerous difficulties and powerful enemies, he never gave up. His determination and love for his mother finally enabled him to rescue her. This story shows us the importance of family and the courage to fight for it.These classic myths not only bring us wonderful stories but also carry the wisdom and values of our ancestors. They make us understand thesignificance of love, bravery, and perseverance. Through these stories, we can feel the depth and charm of traditional culture, and they inspire us to cherish and pass on this precious heritage. Let us always keep these beautiful myths in our hearts and let the spirit of them light up our lives.4China is a country with a long history and rich cultural heritage. Among them, classic myths and stories have always been a fascinating part. These stories not only bring us wonderful imagination but also convey profound wisdom and enlightenment.Let's take the story of Pangu creating the world as an example. Pangu, with an axe in hand, split the chaos and created heaven and earth. This story inspires us to have the spirit of exploration and innovation. In modern society, when we face new challenges and unknown fields, we need to have the courage like Pangu to break through the old and create the new.Another story is about Dayu's control of the flood. Dayu spent years working tirelessly to tame the floods. His perseverance and determination teach us that as long as we have the will and keep persisting, no difficulty is insurmountable. This spirit is especially important in today's fast-paced life, where we often encounter setbacks and difficulties. Only by insisting on our goals can we achieve success.These classic mythical stories are like bright stars in the long river of history, guiding us forward. They remind us of our roots and inspire us tomove forward bravely in the pursuit of our dreams and the development of society. Let us carry forward the wisdom and spirit contained in these stories and create a better future.5Chinese classic myths have always been a captivating part of our cultural heritage, carrying profound meanings and values. Take the tale of Chang'e flying to the moon, for instance. Chang'e, out of her longing for a better and more peaceful life, chose to leave the earthly realm and ascend to the moon. This story reflects the deep aspiration of ancient people for a beautiful and ideal existence. It shows that humans have an innate yearning for something beyond the mundane and a pursuit of a higher quality of life.Another remarkable legend is that of Shennong tasting hundreds of herbs. Shennong, with his fearless spirit of exploration and selfless dedication, ventured into the unknown to discover the medicinal properties of various plants. His actions not only demonstrated great courage but also emphasized the importance of sacrificing for the well-being of others. This legend has inspired generations to brave difficulties and contribute to the welfare of society.These classic myths are not merely tales but reservoirs of wisdom and inspiration. They shape our values, ignite our imagination, and connect us to our ancestors' profound thoughts and emotions. Through these stories, we understand the hopes, dreams, and virtues of our predecessors, and theycontinue to guide us on our journey towards a better future.。

1.An Apple of Discord争斗之源;不和之因;祸根An Apple of Discord直译为“纠纷的苹果”,出自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事传说希腊阿耳戈英雄(Argonaut)珀琉斯(Peleus)和爱琴海海神涅柔斯的女儿西蒂斯(Thetis)在珀利翁山举行婚礼,大摆宴席。
因此,在英语中产生了an apple of discord这个成语,常用来比喻any subject of disagreement and contention;the root of the trouble;dispute等意义这个成语最初为公元2世纪时的古罗马历史学家马克·朱里·尤斯丁(Marcus Juninus Justinus)所使用,后来广泛的流传到欧洲许多语言中去,成为了一个国际性成语。

Long, long ago, there were ten suns in the sky, making life on Earth miserable. The hero Hou Yi shot down nine suns, saving humanity, and was given an elixir of immortality by the Queen Mother of the West. His wife, Chang'e, curious about the elixir, secretly took it and her body became light, floating towards the moon. From then on, Chang'e resided in the Moon Palace, becoming the Moon Fairy.

1.An Appleof Discor d争斗之源;不和之因;祸根An Appleof Discor d直译为“纠纷的苹果”,出自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事传说希腊阿耳戈英雄(Argona ut)珀琉斯(Peleus)和爱琴海海神涅柔斯的女儿西蒂斯(Thetis)在珀利翁山举行婚礼,大摆宴席。
他们邀请了奥林匹斯上(Olympu s)的诸神参加喜筵,不知是有意还是无心,惟独没有邀请掌管争执的女神厄里斯(Eris)。
天后赫拉(Hera),智慧女神雅典娜(Athena)、爱与美之神阿芙罗狄蒂(Aphrod ite),都自以为最美,应得金苹果,获得“最美者”称号。
因此,在英语中产生了an appleof discor d这个成语,常用来比喻a ny subjec t of disagr eemen t and conten tion;the root of the troubl e;disput e等意义这个成语最初为公元2世纪时的古罗马历史学家马克·朱里·尤斯丁(Marcus Juninu s Justin us)所使用,后来广泛的流传到欧洲许多语言中去,成为了一个国际性成语。

? 珀伽索斯(Pegasus):飞马;波塞冬与墨杜萨所生,当珀耳修斯割下墨杜萨的头时,与克律萨俄耳一起从墨杜萨头中跳出。
1)Achilles heel ——“致命的地方”或“最薄弱的环节”2) A herculean task ——任务艰巨, 工程浩大3)An apple of discord ——争端, 祸根4)Between Scylla and Charybdis ——进退维谷, 左右为难5)Damon and Pythias ——生死之交, 莫逆之交6)Pandora’s box ——潘多拉的盒子, 灾难的根源7)Sisyphean ——西西弗斯的, 永远做不完的, 徒劳的8)The sword of Damocles ——达摩克利斯之剑, 降临的危险, 形势危急9)Titans ——提坦, 力大无比的人, 巨人, (学术界、政界的)巨头10)Trojan horse ——特洛伊木马, 内部颠夜者, 奸细11)Helen of Troy ——直译“特洛伊的海伦”,红颜祸水;倾国美女12)Greek Gift ( s) ——直译“希腊人的礼物”;阴谋害人的礼物,黄鼠狼拜年,不安好心13)A Penelope’s Web 或The Web of Penelope ——直译为“珀涅罗珀的织物”;故意拖延的策略,永远做不完的工作14)Swan Song ——直译“天鹅之歌”;最后杰作,绝笔15)Win/ Gain Laurels ——获得荣誉;赢得声望16)Under the Ro se ——秘密地;私下地,暗中17)The Augean Stable ( s) ——直译“奥吉亚斯的牛圈”;肮脏的地方,藏垢纳秽之所,积弊18)A Procrustean Bed ——直译“普洛克路斯忒斯的床”;削足适履,使穿小鞋19)A Gordian Knot ——直译“戈耳迪之结”;难解的结,难题,难点20)Cut the Gordian Knot ——直译“斩断戈耳迪之结”; 快刀斩乱麻;果断处置。

源于希腊神话话的英语习语1.Pandora’s box【潘多拉的盒子】普罗米修斯(Prometheus)为人类盗来了天火,激怒了宙斯(Zeus)Zeus决定惩罚人类,于是他命令火神造出一个美貌的女人Pandora,让她去勾引Prometheus的弟弟艾比米修斯(Epimetheus)。
于是Pandora’s box就成了“灾难的根源”的代名词。
2.The sword of Damocle【达摩克利斯之剑】Damocle是徐拉古王朝的一位大臣,非常羡慕帝王的荣华富贵。
因此the sword of Damocles就成了“富贵中隐藏的危险”的同义词,也可指形势危急,千钧一发。
3.Damon and Pythias:Damon 和Pythias是好朋友。
国王深受感动,将二人全部释放,因此,Damon and Pythias意思就是“生死之交”。
4.Penelop’s web源于史诗《奥德赛》(Odyssey)泊涅罗珀(Penelop)是奥底修斯(Odysseus)的妻子,以忠贞而著称。
因此Penelop’s web就成了一项永远也完不成的工作。
5.Apple of discord:意思是“不和的根源,发生纠纷的事端”。

英语作文神话故事好句摘抄The Enchanting World of Mythological Tales: A Collection of Captivating PassagesIn the realm of storytelling, few genres captivate the human imagination as profoundly as mythological tales. These timeless narratives, passed down through generations, offer a window into the rich tapestry of human culture and the eternal quest to understand the mysteries of the world. As we delve into the enchanting world of mythology, we uncover a treasure trove of captivating passages that have the power to transport us to realms of wonder and inspiration.One such passage that exemplifies the poetic beauty of mythological literature is found in the ancient Greek epic, "The Odyssey." As the hero Odysseus navigates the treacherous seas, he encounters the captivating song of the Sirens, whose alluring voices lure sailors to their doom. The passage reads "Ah come this way, renowned Odysseus, great glory of the Achaeans, and stay your ship, that you may listen here to our singing; for no one else has ever sailed his black ship past this way until he has heard the sweet voice from our lips." These words evoke the irresistible power of the Sirens, theirmelody weaving a spell that threatens to ensnare even the most seasoned of sailors.Another captivating passage can be found in the Native American creation myth, "The Navajo Origin Legend." As the Diné (Navajo) people recount the story of their origins, they describe the emergence of the first man and first woman from the underworld, guided by the divine forces of the universe. The passage states "Then the first man and the first woman emerged from the lower world, coming up through a hollow reed. As they came up, they were surrounded by a great light, and they could see the sky and the earth for the first time." This evocative imagery transports the reader to the moment of creation, where the first human beings step into the world, awestruck by the grandeur of the cosmos.Moving across cultures, we find a mesmerizing passage in the ancient Hindu epic, "The Mahabharata." As the great warrior Arjuna grapples with the moral dilemma of engaging in battle against his own kin, the divine Krishna offers him guidance and wisdom. The passage reads "Whenever righteousness declines and unrighteousness prevails, I manifest myself. To protect the good, to destroy the evil, and to reestablish the dharma, I come into being age after age." These words capture the timeless essence of the divine intervention, the eternal struggle between good and evil, and the promise of a higher purpose that permeates the mythologicaltradition.In the realm of Norse mythology, we encounter a poetic passage from the "Poetic Edda," where the goddess Frigg laments the impending doom of the gods. The passage states "Weep not, Frigg, I see the powers of destruction, the wolves that shall devour the sun and moon, the serpent that shall poison the air we breathe. I see the world engulfed in flames, the gods and heroes falling, and the earth sinking into the sea." The vivid imagery and the sense of foreboding in these lines evoke the profound themes of mortality, the cyclical nature of existence, and the inevitability of fate that are central to Norse mythology.Crossing the Pacific, we find a captivating passage in the Māori creation myth of New Zealand. As the primal parents, Ranginui and Papatūānuku, are separated by their children, the passage describes the moment of their division: "When the children of Ranginui and Papatūānuku saw the light, they were amazed. They had lived in the tight embrace of their parents for so long, and now they could see the world and all its wonders." This poetic description captures the awe and wonder of the first beings as they witness the birth of the world, a testament to the universal human experience of discovering the beauty of creation.These captivating passages from the rich tapestry of mythologicalliterature serve as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling. Each passage, with its unique cultural and historical context, invites the reader to engage with the universal themes of the human experience – love, loss, triumph, and the search for meaning. As we immerse ourselves in these enchanting tales, we are reminded of the timeless wisdom and the profound insights that have the power to inspire and transform us, transcending the boundaries of time and space.。

11. Dionysiac frenzy
狄俄尼索斯狂怒; 酒后失控
• 宙斯,塞莫勒→雷电→Dionysiac→被赫拉 逼疯
A mother possessed by a Dionysiac frenzy murdered her own son. --酒后失控的母亲杀死了她的亲生儿子。
12. Dog is man’s best friend or faithful companion
6. To be a Diana
• Diana是Artemis罗马名字,铁石心肠,处 女保护神→严惩失去贞操的女性和冒犯她 尊严的男性→Callisto熊(北极地区); Actaeon鹿 • Since she is still a Diana, I believe she has made up her mind to lead apes in hell. -- 既然它至今还是小姑独处,我相信她一 定是拿定主意终身不嫁了。
• 英俊的猎人Cephalus+雅典公主Procris; 黎明女神 Eos→疑心,离家八年→考验妻子→Artemis随从, 矛和狗→疑心,Breeze • The husband showed great fidelity to his wife, as Cephalus to Procris. --那位丈夫对妻子可真是意笃情深。 She was tormented by jealousy, just like suspicion of Procris towards her husband. -- 她为嫉妒所折磨,就像普洛克里斯猜疑她的丈 夫一样。
13.The face that launched a thousand ships 14. Helen of Troy 13. 一张能使千百艘船启航的面容 14. 特洛伊的海伦(可怕的灾难)

中国神话英文版简短以下是一些中国神话故事的简短英文版:1.The Legend of Nüwa Repairing the SkyLong ago, the sky collapsed, and the earth split open. Giants and wild beasts caused havoc. Nüwa, a goddess, stepped forward to save the world. She melted five colored stones and used them to patch up the sky, killing the monsters and sealing away the floods. Thus, peace returned to the world.2.The Story of Jingwei Filling the SeaJingwei, a determined bird, vowed to fill the Eastern Sea with pebbles and sand. This was her way of avenging her drowned father, who had been killed by the sea god. Day after day, she flew tirelessly, dropping pebbles into the vast ocean. Her perseverance became a symbol of unwavering determination.3.The Legend of the Eight Immortals Crossing the SeaEight legendary immortals, each with unique powers and abilities, embarked on a journey across the sea. They rode on fantastical creatures, waved their magic fans, and performed miraculous feats. Their adventures were filled with wonder and excitement, and their legend lives on to this day.4.The Story of the White SnakeA beautiful white snake, transformed into a maiden, falls in love with a human scholar. Their love is tested by an envious monk, who reveals her true form. Despite obstacles, their love endures, becoming a legend of enduring affection.5.The Legend of the Magic MirrorA magic mirror, capable of reflecting truth, falls into the hands of a kind-hearted young woman. She uses it to expose the evil deeds of a tyrannical emperor, leading to his downfall and the restoration of justice.6.The Story of the Cowherd and the Weaver GirlA forbidden love story between a cowherd from the mortal world and a weaver girl from the heavens. Their romance angers the gods, who separate them with a river. Once a year, they are allowed to meet, forming a bridge of magpies across the sky.7.The Legend of the Flying SwordA swordsman, through rigorous training and meditation, attains the ability to control his sword with his mind. His sword flies at the enemy, slicing through air and defeating foes with ease. This legend symbolizes the power of inner strength and mastery over oneself.8.The Story of the Dragon King's PearlA dragon king's precious pearl is stolen by a cunning fox spirit. A brave hero undertakes a dangerous journey to retrieve it, facing monsters and obstacles along the way. His success restores harmony to the underwater realm.9.The Legend of the Jade EmperorThe Jade Emperor, supreme deity of the heavens, ascended to his throne after overcoming countless trials. His reign is marked by fairness and benevolence, ensuring prosperity and harmony throughout the universe.10.The Story of the Peony PavilionA tale of love and transformation, telling of a young scholar's dream encounter with a spirit from the Peony Pavilion. Their love affair, thoughfleeting, leaves a lasting impression, becoming a symbol of the bittersweet nature of love.。

例句:Money was an apple of discord between Jack and his wife. 翻译:钱就是杰克夫妇俩不和的根源。
8. A Sisyphean task
音标读法:【ə ˌsisiˈfiːən ta:sk】 字面意思:西西弗斯式的任务 实质意思:永无尽头而又徒劳无功的任务 成语来源:西西弗斯(Sisyphus)是希腊神话中一个坏人,因生前作恶多 端,死后受到神的惩罚:他必须将一块巨石推上山顶,而每次到达山顶后巨 石又滚回山下,如此永无止境地重复下去。
成语来源:特洛伊战争中,特洛伊人发现城外有一架希腊人制作的高大木马,就当 做战利品运进了特洛亚城。但是,木马内部是空的,里面埋伏了很多希腊勇士。在 夜间,木马腹中的希腊勇士冲了出来,打开了特洛伊城门,和外面埋伏的希腊大军 里应外合,拿下了特洛伊城,取得了特洛伊战争的胜利。
例句:I know the handsome man is in fact a Trojan horse . 翻译:我知道那个挺帅的男人实际上是个奸细。
1. Achilles' heel
音标读法:【ə,kili:z 'hi:l】
成语来源:阿喀琉斯(Achilles)是古希腊特洛伊战争中的大英雄,全身上 下刀枪不入,横勇无敌。但别人不知道的是:他的脚踵处是其身上唯一的薄 弱环节,不堪一击。后来他在战斗中,脚踵中箭而死。
例句:He faced a Hercules task in those years. 翻译:在那些年里他面临的是非常艰难的任务。
11. The Augean Stable

1. "In the beginning, there was chaos."—这句话表达了许多神话故事的共同起点。
2. "The hero's journey begins."—这句话暗示了许多神话故事中的英雄之旅。
3. "Love conquers all."—这句话反映了许多神话故事中的爱情主题。
4. "Beware of hubris."—这句话警示人们谦虚和谨慎的重要性。
5. "Symbolism in nature."—这句话提醒人们神话故事中常常使用自然象征。
6. "The battle between good and evil."—这句话概括了许多神话故事中的核心冲突。

来源于希腊神话的英语习语accomplishment of Perseus 珀尔修斯的业绩;辉煌的成就、杰出的贡献。
由此,accomplishment of Perseus表示“辉煌的成就、杰出的贡献”,如:You can never look for the accomplishment of Perseus from a man like that.(你永远也不要指望他那样的人能成就大事。
)Wonderful and admirable, your accomplishment rivals that of Perseus.(您杰出的成就,可敬可佩。

As false as Cressida: used to describe those who forsake their lovers. 负心如克瑞西达 Cressida, a Trojan woman whose father has defected to the Greeks, pledges her lover to Troilus, one of king Priam’s sons. However, when her father demands her presence in the Greek camp, she quickly switches her affections to Diomedes, the Greek solider who is sent to escort her. 克瑞西达,一个特洛伊妇女,她开始时是爱着特洛伊罗斯 王子,后来又因为喜欢上她的护卫狄俄墨得斯而背弃了 他。
Pygmalion effect(皮格马利翁效应):皮格马力翁是古希腊 塞浦路斯的国王,也是一位雕塑家;他用神奇的技艺精心地 用象牙雕塑了一位美丽可爱的少女像,在夜以继日的工作中, 皮格马力翁把全部的精力,全部的热情,全部的爱恋都赋予 了这座雕像。渐渐的他深深爱地上了这个“少女”雕像,每 天他都以深情的眼光观赏雕像,对着雕塑倾诉绵绵情话,赞 美她的美貌,真诚地希望她能够幻化为人形,成为自己的妻 子。皮格马利翁的痴情最终感动了女神,女神给雕像以生命, 并使两人结为夫妻。 “皮格马利翁效应”成为一个人只要对艺术对象有着执着追 求精神,便会发生艺术感应的代名词。
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出自希腊神话的习语与典故1. Achilles‘ heel 惟一致命的弱点Achilles通常译为“阿喀琉斯”,是著名希腊史诗《伊里亚特》(相传为希腊诗人荷马所作)中主要的希腊英雄。
亦作Achilles Heel例:The girl is a good student, but pronunciation is her Achill es‘ heel.这个女孩是一个好学生,但是发音是他惟一的弱点。
His Achilles‘ heel was his pride—he would get very angry if anyone criticized his work..他惟一的致命弱点是骄傲,谁批评他的工作,他就发火。
A misbehaving minister is regarded as a government‘s Achil les heel and is expected to resign.一个行为不端的部长被视为一个政府的致命伤,故而要求他辞职.2. Horn of plenty/abundance (Amalthea‘s horn / horn of pl enty)丰饶角:丰饶的象征典出古希腊神话.宙斯(Zeus)出生之后,母亲瑞亚(Rhea)怕他被父亲克洛诺斯(Cronus/Cronos)所吞食,把他藏在克里特岛的一个洞穴里,并且托付给仙女阿玛尔特亚(Amalthea)抚养.阿尔玛特亚用赡养奶哺育他(一说阿尔玛特亚自己就是母山羊,她用自己的乳汁哺育了宙斯).这只山羊折断了一只角,她便在那只角里装满了鲜花和水果送给了宙斯.后来宙斯推翻了他父亲的统治,成为众神之王,把阿玛尔特亚和这只羊角带到天上.这只羊角是件宝物,谁拥有它,就能要什么有什么,它被看作是无穷无尽的财富和丰饶的象征.人们称之为―丰饶之角‖,英语horn ofplenty 或horn of abundance,有时亦可作Amalthea‘s horn 例:Nature, very oddly, when the horn of plenty is quite emp ty, always fills it with babies.说也奇怪,当大自然不丰赐五谷时,却往往多降婴儿.3.Midas touch赚大钱的本领;事事处处能赚钱的本领典出古希腊传说.小亚细亚中西部有一古国叫弗里吉亚(Phrygia),国王迈达斯(Midas)贪恋财富,一心想成为世界上最富有的人.酒神狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus)感恩于迈达斯对他以前一位老师的帮助,答应满足迈达斯请求的一切.一次迈达斯祈求神赐予他点物成金的法术.他如愿以偿的得到了点金术之后,到处点金,凡他所出没的东西都变成了金子.然而,变成金子的不仅只是石块,花朵和屋内的陈设,连食物和饮料,乃至他最心爱的小女儿也都变成了金子.最后,他只好祈求神解除他的点金术.酒神便让他到帕克托洛斯(Pactolus)河里去洗澡,以此收回他的魔力,一切才恢复了原样. 根据这一故事,人们便用the Midas touch喻指―赚大钱的本领,事事处处能赚钱的本领.该短语常与动词have连用。
例:Bob is a merchant banker and really has the Midas touch.鲍博是一位商业银行家,很懂得生财之道.All his firms are extremely profitable. He has the Midas to uch.他所有的公司盈利甚丰.他有赚大钱的本领4. Pile Pelion on Ossa 难上加难,高了又高典出希腊神话.海神波塞东(Poseidon)有两个孙子(一对孪生儿子),名叫鄂托斯(Otus)和俄菲阿特斯(Ephialthes),合称阿洛伊代(Aloidea).他们身材十分高大,自幼力大无比.为了登上天堂向天后赫拉(Hera)和狩猎女神阿尔特密斯(Artemis)求爱,他们试图把伯利翁山(Pelion)垒到奥萨山(Ossa)上。
可是未等他俩动手,他们便被太阳神阿波罗杀掉了,计划终未实现.后人用pile Pelion on Ossa一语表示‖难上加难‖或‖高了又高‖.语亦作heap Pelion on Ossa.例:Asking me to run the department and teach a full load of courses is pile Pelion on Ossa.要求我管理这个系,并教满工作量的课程,这是难上加难.5.Procrustean bed 逼人就范之物;讲求一致的制度(或政策等)典出古希腊神话。
相传在雅典附近有一个著名大盗名叫Procrustes (普罗克拉斯提斯)。
后来,希腊英雄忒修斯(Theseus)奉母命前往雅典寻父路经此地,把这个穷凶极恶的大盗捉住,并以其人之道还治其人之身,缚之于短床,砍其伸出肢体,使之疼痛而死,为民除去一害.据此故事产生了Procrustean bed一语,常用以喻指―逼人就范之物,强求一致的制度(或政策)‖,有时直译作―普罗克拉斯提寺之床.它亦作bed of Procrustes或Procrustes‘bed,常与place on或make fit搭配,作place someone/something on Procrustean bed和make someone/something fit Procrustean bed,表示―逼人就范‖,相当于汉语成语―削足适履‖.Procrustean一词的首字母往往小写.例:The rules were based on Latin syntax and it was into this Procrusteanbed that the grammarians tried to fit the English language.这些规则以阿拉丁字母为基础,而语法家们试图把英语强行纳入的正是这张‖普罗克拉斯提之床Neither must we attempt to confine the Platonic dialogue on the Procrustes bed of a single idea.我们也不应该把柏拉图的对话硬行限制在某个概念上,就像把人硬塞到普罗克拉斯提寺的床上那样.They have some particular theory to maintain, and whateve r does not fit their Procrustean bed is at once condemned. 他们都持有某种特殊理论,凡与他们死板的标准不相符合者,便会立即受到排斥.6. rest on one‘s laurels 固步自封,吃老本.laurel的本以为―月挂树‖.在希腊,罗马神话中月挂树是太阳神阿波罗的圣树。
阿波罗伤感不已,取月挂树枝叶编成冠冕戴在头上,以此表示他对达弗涅的倾慕和怀念.古代希腊人和罗马人把这种冠冕即桂冠授予杰出的诗人,英雄或竞技优胜者.后来欧洲把桂冠作为光荣称号,这一习俗一直流传至今.因此,laurel往往喻指―桂冠‖,―荣誉‖或―殊荣‖,且常以复数形式出现.成语rest on one‘s laurels中的laurels即作此义解,整个短语就是―满足于即得荣誉‖,―固步自封‖,―吃老本‖的意思此语亦作sit(sit back)on one‘s laurels.另有两个相关成语:look to one‘s laurels,reap/gain/win(one‘s)laurels,分别表示―小心保持荣誉‖,―赢得荣誉‖.例:We should not rest on our laurels but should work even harder and become still more successful.我们不应满足于即得荣誉而应更加努力工作,并取得更大成功.The school used to have a good reputation but it has been r esting on its laurels for too long.过去这所学校名声很好,但长期以来却一直在吃老本.The older members of the team will have to look to their la urels when young people join.年轻人参加进来之后老队员就得小心翼翼的保持已得的荣誉.He won the regional laurels and went on to the finals.他荣膺赛区冠军后进入决赛.7. Sop to Cerberus 贿赂原于古代神话故事。
A sop to Cerberus一语直译是“给刻尔柏洛斯的面包片”。
人们用它来比喻“贿赂”,用give a sop to Cerberus 一语表示“贿赂看守(官员,刁难者等)”或“施以贿赂”。