商法 outcome 3


Outcome 3 HND 公司法

Outcome 3 HND 公司法
3. Outline thee they held and what is their purpose?
4. Define the difference between a motion and a resolution during the procedure at a company meeting and explain the differences between ordinary, extraordinary and special resolutions.
outcome 3 hnd公司法 搜索 outcome 3 you are required to demonstrate your knowledge of the management and administration of a company. time allowed two hours. to be written under closed-book controlled conditions. answer the following four questions. 1. provide an outline of the duties of a director. include in your answer details on how they are appointed, how their role as directors can be terminated and what their duties and powers entail. 2. outline the qualifications necessary for a company secretary in a public company. include in this how they are appointed and what their duties are. how does this compare for the company secretary of a private company? 3. outline the purpose of agms and egms. how often are they held and what is their purpose? 4. define the difference between a motion and a resolution during the procedure at a company meeting and explain the differences between ordinary, extraordinary and special resolutions. each answer should be completed with a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 150 word


a. Management-①,⑦ b. Employees-①,⑥ c. Present shareholders-①,③ d. Potential shareholders-①,⑥ e. Short-term creditors-⑤ f. Long-term creditors-①,⑥ g. authorities-⑧ h. Competitors-⑦(①,②,③,⑤,⑥) i. Analysts- ⑦(①,②,③,⑤,⑥)
② 评估公司的有效性 (Assess the effectiveness of a business) ③ 评价公司管理层的表现 (Assess the management performance
of a business) ④ 评估经济的稳定性 (Assess the stability of a business) ⑤ 评价公司的流动性 (evaluate the liquidity of a business) ⑥ 预测公司的未来发展前景 (Forecast the future prospects of a
Business Accounting-Review for outcome3
➢The users and sources of financial
1. The definition and classification of financial information user(P14)
• 内部使用者 (Internal Users) • 外部使用者 (External Users)
2. Nine types of users and (P16-18)
① 管理层(Management) ② 员工 (Employees) ③ 公司现有股东 (Present Shareholders) ④ 公司潜在股东 (Potential Shareholders) ⑤ 短期债权人 (Short-term Creditors) ⑥ 长期债权人 (Long-term Creditors) ⑦ 职权机关 (Authorities) ⑧ 竞争对手 (Competitors) ⑨ 分析师 (Analysts)



any act, carrying on in the usual way, bind
the firm and their partners.
Advantages :
❖ greater continuity than sole trader ❖ more possible capital contributors than
❖ There are no formal legal requirements for setting up a partnership.
❖ All partners have an equal say in the
running of the business and in decision
making. The acts of every partner who does
❖ To set up as a sole traders does not require any formalities(手续)- .They need not mak5e any business information public.
❖ 有限责任是与无限责任相对而言的,二者 是投资者对其投资企业的债务承担责任的 形式。
❖ If the business fails, the sole trader is said to have unlimited liability for all debts .
❖ Owner to find all capital
❖ Difficulty to expand because of unlimited liability.
❖ Lack of continuity
❖ Pressure from larger units.


❖ If the sole trader becomes insolvent(无力偿 还的), his personal assets(资产) can be used to satisfy the creditors(债权人) .He∕She has unlimited liability(无限责任).
东所组成,股东以其出资额为限对公司债务承担责任, 公司以其全部资产对其债务承担责任的企业法人。
► 有限责任公司是企业法人,公司的股东以其出资额对公 司承担责任,公司以其全部资产对公司的债务承担责任。
► 有限责任公司的股东人数是有严格限制的。各国对有限 责任公司股东数的规定不尽相同。
➢ The shareholders of a public limited company are free to sell their shares at any time, this does not require the permission of the board of directors.18
Outcome 3
1. Legal Differences between Sole Traders, Partnerships and Incorporated Bodies
Legal Differences between Sole Traders, Partnerships and
Incorporated Bodies
List and explain the key advantages and
disadvantages of Mary’s businesl authority Mary has in taking



HND商务会计高级outcome345报告答案.word 可编写 .Index pageIndex page⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.. Introduction⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.Background ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.. FindingsSection 1⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯Section 2⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯Section 3⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯Conclusion⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯Reference⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.HND商务会计高级outcome345报告答案.word 可编写 .IntroductionBackgroundSSP plc is a company operating in the food manufacturing industry. It is engaged in food processing, supplying all the main supermarket chains with first class process meat products. During the last few years the company has been difficult because of the BSE andFoot and Mouth disease made a declining demand for meat product. The bad outstanding achievement stopped in 2004 and a partial rebound in the market produced an increase in turnover by nearly 15%. It is expected that this rebound in the market will gather momentum over the coming year and the SSP plc is planning to take even greater strides forward by opening a new processing plant in Glasgow.As requested in the chief executive s memo’ of 30 December, here is my reportsummarising and analysising the financial position of the SSP plc for the year 2003 and2004.OutlineThe main body of the report will evaluate five parts:Part 1--- Analyze the users of financial information and the purpose of using.Part 2--- State of financial source and categorize with their characteristics.Part 3---Explain the cash flow statement of SSP plc.Analyze the recent financial performance and position of the SSP plc.(Including my recommendations about how to improvement of business performance).word 可编写 .FindingsSection ers of financial accounts.Users of financial statements are a group of people or organizations who use the information to make evaluations and decisions. Users of financial information can bedivided into two categories: internal and external users.Now, I will use a table to show you the users’ purpose and sources of information to get the statements.Section 2.Source of financesTo run a business, organizations require finance for different proposes and for varyinglengths of time. In the finance, we divide sources of capital into two categories: equitycapital and loan capital. Equity capital is the finance provided by the owner and there is nointerest to pay. Loan capital refers to money that is borrowed from a source outside thebusiness. The interest of loan capital must be paid. Sources of finances could be clarifiedinto short, medium and long term. The short-term refers to finance that are borrowed fora period of no more than one year. The medium-term refers to funds that are borrowed fora period of between two and ten years. Long-term refers to funds that are borrowed for aperiod of more than ten years.In the case study, the source of finances of SSP plc is: trade creditors, tax, bank overdraft, debentures, ordinary share capital and the retained profits from last account period..word 可编写 .Short-term sources:1.Trade creditors:Trade creditors are produced when the purchase of raw materials or stock is delaying topay, thus, there is more cash which would be used for other uses. There is also aninterest free way of raising finance. However, the credit could lead to poor relationswith suppliers and the customers may forfeit discounts.The credit is£544,000 in 2003 and it decreased to he percentage£405,000ofin 2004. T decrease is 25.56%. The decrease of credit infers that SSP plc has a good financialsituation that it has a strong ability to pay credits back to suppliers. This could improvethe relationship with suppliers.2.Bank overdraft:Bank account holders can prearrange with the bank to draw cheques to a greater valuethan the actual balance in the account. Interest should be paid by customers and bankcharges will apply where an overdraft limit has been exceeded. Bank overdraft is flexibleand cheap. It has a low cost. Some small bank overdraft even has a free of charge.SSP plc had no overdraft but the number increased to£86,000 in 2004. The shows that the company borrowed money from bank for its expansion in Glasgow.Long-term sources:1.Debentures:Debentures are loans make to companies that carry a fixed rate of interest.Thecompany ’fixeds assets normally secure debentures. Debentures have a fixed timeperiod or an open time period. The shareholders are not debenture holders.Adebenture interest is paid as an expense not an appropriation of profit.SSP plc has a fixed debenture (£1,560,000) in the year of 2003 and 2004. It tells us the company ’ s fixed assets are steady.2.Ordinary shares:Ordinary shareholders receiving pay-outs from company after preference shareholdersare paid. Ordinary share dividends are not fixed and subject to companyperformances and decisions of management in paying dividend.In SSP Company, the ordinary share capital is£infers that the company has a steady operation situation.3. Retained ProfitsThe retained profit is the finance brought from the last financial period. It is not fixedand may be a negative number. It presents operational situation of last period.The retained profits decreased from 505,000£ to420,000£. The percentage change ofdecrease is 16.83%. The lower ratio shows us the company had made fewer profits in2003 then it was in 2002.Section 3. Ratio Analysis1.Major inflows is Net cash flow op erating activates of£ 1,345,000.Major outflow is Payments to acquire fixed assets, which takes£ 984, 2.Ratio AnalysisProfitability Ratios:Gross Profit Percentage=Gross profit/Turnover x 100%2003: GPP=£ 7,000,000/£%=2004: GPP=£ 8,037,000/£%=Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: The increase of ratio is a good sign. The positive trend can be an indicationthat stock control of meat product has improved, demand for the meat product has increased after the diseases, or purchasing policies have improved. The managers should keep the good trend and go on develop it, such as improving marketing strategy, setting better pricing policy, or improving stock control.Net Profit Percentage=Net Profit before Taxation/ Turnover x 100%2003: NPP=£ 1,182,000/£ 11,674,000 x10100.13%=2004: NPP=£ 901,000/£ 13,382,000 x 6100.73%=Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease of the ratio is a bad sign that it indicates a low profit of the company. From the P&L Account of the SSP plc, we know that although the grossprofit increased, the operation cost is much higher in 2004; it leads to a decrease innet profit. So the managers should think about how to decrease our operation cost tohelp our company earn more profit.Liquidity Ratios:Current Ratio=Total Current Assets/Total Current Liabilities.word 可编写 .2003: CR=£ 1,195,000/£2004: CR=£ 1,248,000/£ 701,000=.78Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: the increase of ratio is a good sign. Generally speaking a healthy current ratiois at least 2:1. The 1.56 and 1.78 indicate the company is a little bit over trading andhave difficulty in meeting its short-term debts. The main reason for the increase is the increase in the total current assets and decrease in the total current liabilities.I suggest that the company may keepmore profit for the short-term debts.The Acid Test Ratio=Liquid Assets/Current Liabilities2003: (£ 1,195,000-£608,000)/£ 767,000=.772004: (£ 1,248,000-£796,000)/£ 701,000=.64Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: The decrease is a bad sign. The ratio should be 1:1. But the ratio in both of2003 and 2004 is less that 1. And unfortunately, the ratio is still decreasing. SSP plcmeets a liquidity problem that the liquid assets decrease. The company managersshould pay attention to this ratio and organizatio n ’ s development.Efficiency Ratios:Fixed Asset Turnover=Turnover/Fixed Assets2003:£ 11,674,000/£ 4,017,000=2.91 times2004:£ 13,382,000/£ 4,318,000=.10times.word 可编写 .Trend: IncreaseAnalysis: Where this ratio gas increase, this is a good sign. It indicates that the existingfixed assets are generating more sales and maybe investment in new fixed assets gascould be been paid off. Managers of SSP plc should develop and focus on it.Debtors Collection Period=Debtors/Turnover x 3652003:£ 306,000/£11,674,000 9x.57365=days2004:£ 452,000/£13,382,000 12x365=.33daysTrend: IncreaseAnalysis: It is a bad sign that there is an increase in DCP. It indicates that SSP’ s m have a poor credit control of poor invoicing system. The bad debts may also increase.The leaders of SSP should check their invoicing and reminder system to keep the ratioa proper range.Investment Ratios:Interest Cover=Profit Before Interest & Tax/Interest Charges2003:£ 1,416,000/£2004:£ 1,135,000/£ 234,000=.85Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: This ratio shows how capable the company is of covering its interest charges.The decrease is not good because the company is less able to meet its interest payments. But the ratio is still in a reasonable range. Leaders should try to increasecompany ’ s profit to keep this ratio a high level..word 可编写 .Debt Ratio=Total Debts/Total Assets x 100%2003: (£ 767,000+£ 1,560,0(£4,017,000+0)/ £1,195,000) x 100%=44.65%2004: (£ 701,000+£ 1,560,000)/(£4,318,000+ £1,248,000) x 100%=40.62%Trend: DecreaseAnalysis: It is a good sign that the ratio increased. However, a healthy ratio shouldkeep around 50%. It indicates that SSP has fewer liabilities or keeps more assets. Thesign should be kept by managers.3.RecommendationAfter reading and analyzing three accounts from SSP Company, I found some problemswith it and now I will present my suggestions about the future management in thesetwo parts.Operational recommendationA ratio of Net Profit Percentage shows us that SSP plc has a high expenditure inoperation cost. It also indicates that the company has a low level of cost control.Therefore, I suggest that SSP should try to decrease the costs of sales and theoperation cost, such as adopting new management system and using contractors tofind distribution channels but to find them itself.Financial recommendationFor the source of finance, SSP has a bad performance of financial operating. In the CashFlow Statement, the Financing is£0, but the company is planning expansion in Glasgo The main inflow of the company is the sales. It is a dangerous phenomenon if theHND商务会计高级outcome345报告答案.word 可编写 .company wants to use the turnover to expanse its business because it is impossible touse the current cash to support long-term investment. So I suggest that the companymay increase the number of share capital or make more debentures to get more long-term capital for expansion.ConclusionBy analyzing the P&L Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement, we can infer thatSSP plc has a good operational performance. However, there are still many parts to improve and develop to help the company maximize profits.ReferenceRay H. Garrison, Managerial Accounting, Business Publications Inc., 1985, Printed inU.S.A.J.R.DYSON, Accounting for Non-accounting Students, Financial Times, 2004, Printed in Great Britain.Frank Wood & Alan Sangster, Business Accounting 2, Financial Times,Pitman Publishing, 1999, Printed in China.。



Case Study 1◆Questions:1. List the main business organizations recognized by Scots Law.2. Given the fact that Lisa will be running the business herself and, for the time being, she is unlikely to be employing anyone, how would you classify her b usiness?3. Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of the type of business organization run by Lisa.◆KeyQuestion 1The main business organizations recognized by Scots Law are:Sole trader, Partnership, Limited partnerships, Limited liability partnerships, Private companies, Public companies.Question 2①Lisa is running a very small business, so the most appropriate form oforganization is sole trader.②According to the Companies Regulation 1992, Lisa’s organization form does notfit for the condition of private company; such a private company is limited by shares or by guarantee and need only have on member.③As a result, we can judge that the organization form of Lisa’s company is soletrader.Question 3Advantages:①very basic legal requirements to comply with②Total control over his/her business and does not have to take into account the opinions of any shareholders.③It is the simplest form of business organization recognized by Scots Law④ A sole trader is to all intents and purposes to be regarded as a self-employed person.Disadvantages:① A sole trader may find it difficult to fund an expansion of the business because she/he can not offer shares to other parties in order to raise funds.(筹集资金)②If the business fail, the sole trader is said to have unlimited liability for any debts or obligations owed to third parties.③The inclusion of new partners would force a change in the nature of business, operation by converting it into a partnership or some other form of corporate body.④(in any case), A business expansion requiring a major injection of capital might entail a loss of control over the business because new members who are a source of new finance will almost certainly demand a say in the running of the business.以上优、缺点各选两个答即可Case Study 2Question 1What are the main differences between a traditional partnership and a limited liability partnership (LLP)?PartnershipUnincorporated bodyPartners have unlimited liability in respect of partnership debtsNo need to be registered with registrar of companies and no need to supply formal documentsRegulated by Partnership Act 1890LLPCorporate bodyMembers enjoy limited liability in respect of LLP debtsMust be registered with the registrar of companies and certain documents must be suppliedRegulated by LLP Act 2000Question 2◆What are the main advantages for an existing partnership when it changes to alimited liability partnership?①The reason why many traditional partnerships try to translate to LLP is that the members can enjoy the limited responsibilities.②Further more, under the conditions of losing of privacy and greatering external regulation for the members, lots of traditional partnerships definitely hope to translate to LLP.(because of LLP…)Question 3◆What is the nature of the legal relationship between partners in firm and membersof a LLP?①There exist a fiduciary relationship in law relationship between company and partners.②举例说明公司与成员之间的忠实关系Pillans Brothers v Pillans [1908]③According to Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000, section 6 regulations, there should be recognized to an agent’s relationship between members and LLP.④The general rule of the law agency that an agent (member) must always act in the best interest of his principal (LLP).⑤ A member is not an agent of his fellow members.Case Study 3Question 1◆What is a company’s objects clause?①Object clause 是存在于Memorandum of Association 之中的。



H N D商法导论O u t c o m e2案例+答案(总5页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Case study 1£500. He entersSamir sees a set of golf clubs displayed in a shop window forthe shop and states he will take the clubs. The shopkeeper however says theclubs are no longer for sale. Samir is demanding that he be sold the clubs and at the price displayed.Identify the essential requirements of a contract and discuss whether a contract exists here.A contract is an agreement between parties having the capacity to make it, inthe form demanded by the law, to perform, on one side or both, acts which arenot trifling, indeterminate, impossible or illegal, creating an obligation enforceable in a court of law. A valid contract has three essential features: there must be a agreement on all material aspects; at least two contracting parties and legal obligations.A contract consists of an offer and an acceptance. If there is no offer in the first place then there can be no contract. The basic elements of a contract include an offer and an acceptance.£500.In the case Samir sees a set of golf clubs displayed in a shop window forHe enters the shop and states he will take the clubs. But shopkeeper says theclubs are no longer for sale. Samir is demanding that he be sold the clubs and at the price displayed.According to this case we can say that these is not exist a contract. In the case that a set of golf clubs are exhibited in a shop window, thus it is not an offer. Because the goods displayed in a shop window as a invitation to treat, we can know that goods displayed in a shop window (even when priced) are classed asa willingness to negotiate on the shops part. Invitations to treat also is considered to inquiry the price of goods, means a party to invite the otherperson to make offers. Different an offer, a willingness to negotiate only as prepared to make a contract of behavior on the issue who is not legally binding. The customer will make the offer to buy the goods which the shop are perfectly within their rights to refuse. The invitations to treat are not legally classed as offers and therefore cannot be accepted.Before the party who gave off the invitations to treat could not accept the other people’s offers they can revocation, and then the contract is not build. When Samir asked to buy the golf clubs the shopkeeper refused hin, and there was no acceptance. So when the shopkeeper refused Samir which is a set of golf clubsare not the good for sale, it just be used as ornament, and attracted the consumers interested. So an offer in this case is not found, either nor contract consists of an offer and an acceptance, we can know that there is on offer and there is on contract.Case study 2Tom is the top salesman for ABC Motors. He has been offered a job by a rival company but is concerned because there is a clause in his contract whichprevents him from working for any other car company for five years.Tom is the top salesman because he regularly tells potential customers whatthey like to hear rather than the facts. He has done this in relation to ages of vehicles, odometer readings and vehicle service histories.Tom recently completed a deal to buy a vintage sports car for ABC Motors from now discover that Barry (not his real name) had stolen the vehicle.Question 1What is a restrictive covenant Advise Tom as to the legality of the clause in his contract.You can refer to Bluebell Apparel Ltd v Dickinson (1980) on page 146Question 2How would you classify Tom’s statements to the customers and what are thepossible consequences for Tom and ABC motors in relation to these statementsYou can refer to Smith v Sim(1954) on page 161Question 3What is the legal position with regard to the vehicle which Tom has purchased from BarryYou can refer to Morrison v Robertson(1908) on page 1531 Restrictive covenant is a agreement which restrict the party liberty to work and trade. Such contracts are VOID unless the restriction can be shown to be reasonable to both parties involved and to the general public. There are three types of restrictive covenants: contracts between employer and employee,‘solus’ agreements.contracts between sellers and purchaser of a business andFor all three types, the party attempting to enforce the agreement must provethat it is reasonable to both parties concerned and to the general public. If they are unable to do this then the contract will be considered void and unenforceable. (from the text bookP142-142) This contract are legality, and the restriction was fair in this contract. Because the relationship of Tom and ABC motor is employer and employee, when enter employment and employee mayagree to some restriction being placed on his future employment or trade. Later the employee may feel the restriction is unfair and therefore he may break it. In such circumstances it would be up to the employer take him to court and seekan ‘interdict’ forbidding the employee to break the agreement. They willconsider the factor the nature of the job the employee was doing(from the text book P142). If Tom worked for any other company within the validity period ofthe contract that he would be in a position to harm his ex employers.2 The 4 main causes of error are: innocent misrepresentation, fraudulent misrepresentation,’s statements to customersnegligent misrepresentation and concealment of facts. And Tomclassify fraudulent misrepresentation,A false and material statement which induces a partyhe regularly tells potentialto enter into a contract this is misrepresentation. Becausecustomers what they like to hear rather than the facts and him without caring whether it is true or false.Fraudulent misrepresentation can lead a contract being madevoid if it involved these points,first is fraudulent misrepresentation causes error in the substantials. Second is the other party relied on the misrepresentation and it was a major influence on them entering the contract, third is the other party can offer restitutio in integrum. So the contracts between Tom and customers is void, he relied on the misrepresentation and it was a major influence on them entering the contract, thus customers can acquire compensation. Or cancel the contract or both of them.3 Tom brought a car from Barry,but Tom discovered that Barry had stolen the vehicle. And in this contract has a error which made the contract void, the Barry stolen the car but Tom did not know before him brought, so he can not get the car’s ownership. An error concerning the identity of the parties. Barry stolen the car so he haven’t ownership of this car and sold car, therefore, he can not give’ ownership actually. And in this ownership to Tom, and Tom does not get the carcase Tom can only lodge a claim to Barry.Case study 3渴望Martina recently attended an auction for the first time. She was very keen((开始) she got的) on a particular painting and when the bidding commencedso carried away that she bid much more than she intended. Martina won theauction but with fees(费用) and commissions(佣金) added on to the price,she cannot pay the full amount for the painting.Question 1What do you understand by the term ‘breach of contract ’ Give two examples.Question 2List the main remedies available for breach of contract.Question 3What is the most appropriate remedy for the auctioneer (拍卖商) in this case1、Where one party fails to fulfil his or her legal obligation under acontract.(from the text book P183)example1Tony and Jane have a contract where Tony will pay June $100 for her car and delivery. Tony pays the $100 but Jane fails to delivery.(from the text book P197)In this case study there has been a Breach of Contract by Jane as she has failed to delivery the car.Example2Shirley and Oliva have a contract where Shirley brought a cake from Oliva forher friend and asked Oliva sent the cake to her friend on 12th December 2012 , but on that day her friend did not receive the cake.In this case study there has been a breach od contract by Oliva as she failed to sent the cake.2、If there is a breach of contract then the innocent party will have the right to seek a remedy for the breach.(from the text book P184)Damages as a remedy for breach of contract. The object of awarding damagesto someone is to place them in the position they would have been in had the contract been completed.So damages are really awarded as compensation- if the party has actually lost money as a result o f the breach then he will b e awarded ‘substantial’ or‘compensatory’ damages.In some cases no actually loss may have been incurred as a result of the breach. If is still possible that damages may be awarded for trouble and inconvenience-‘nominal’ damages.(from the text book P185)these are know asSpecific implement as a remedy for breach of contractSpecific implement is to stop someone for acting in breach of contract. Sospecific implement may be positive---forcing someone who has been in breach their o bligations or negative ---forcing s omeone who has been into fulfilbreach to stop doing something. (from the text book P191-192)Rescission as remedy for breach of contract.Rescission means cancellation .With this r emedy, the innocent party has thethe contract i f t he other party has been guilty of aright t o rescind(cancel)material breach of contract.The main factor to be considered is what is meant by a material of contract. Ifthe breach is not material but only partial then the right of rescission does not exist.Many contracts c ontains a number of conditions, some of which are moreimportant than others.If the contract specifically states that some are material then breach of these will mean that rescission can be taken as a remedy.(from the text book P193-194)The Defensive Remedies for breach od contractThere are two defensive remedies that can be taken by the party who is not in breach.①Lien:物品) on which he has beenIf a person has possession(占有) of an article(employed to do work then he can refuse to return the article to its owner until payment is made for the work done.Example of situations where lien c ould be used as a remedy for breach ofcontract include:②Retention:到期的).This is the right to refuse to pay a debt which is due(Retention can only be used under the following two circumstances:ⅰwhere compensation can be pleaded.(债权确定、到期)ⅱwhere both claims arise under the same(拍卖商) in this caseWhat is the most appropriate remedy for the auctioneer3、in this case the defensive remedies in the most appropriate method for the auctioneer. The defensive r emedies include l ien a nd retention, the auctioneershould take lien measure. If a person has possession of an article on which heto itshas been employed to do work then he can refuse t o return t he articleowner until payment is made for the work done.As a result of Martina won the auction but with fees and commissions added onto the price, she cannot pay the full amount for the painting, the auctioneer can keep the painting until Martina paid off the rest of money.。




问:合同要素是什么,该案中合同存在吗?A valid contract has three essential features.Firstly,the parties must agree on the terms of the contract. For all aspects of the content of contract,the parties reach a consensus through consultation. Sencondly, the conclusion of the contract shall be attended by at least two parties, only one of the parties does not exist the problem of conclusion of the contract.Thirdly,observation of law. In concluding and performing a contract,the parties shall observe tha law and administrative regulations, respect social ethics and they disrupt public and economic order or impair public interests.In case,the contract is not established.Because the essential of contract is not incomplete. The display window demonstration is an important contract invitation merely,the n the customer could be able to walk in and demand the goods.F or example,Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots The Chemists(1952). A sales of a listed poisons must have a registered pharmacist to supervision. If the goods on the shelf is an offer,then the goods in the basket is completed by sales and this behavior is illegal. The judgment of the court is not breaking. The goods on the shelfis an invitation to offer but not an offer.2.t是汽车公司的销售员,竞争公司挖墙角,要他跳槽,但是雇佣合同中有一个条款禁止他为其他任何汽车公司工作在离职后的五年内。



aQuestions:1. List the main business organizations recognized by Scots Law.2. Given the fact that Lisa will be running the business herself and, for the time being, she is unlikely to be employing anyone, how would you classify her business?3. Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of the type of business organization run by LisaCase Question 1The main business organizations recognized by Scots Law are:Sole traderPartnershipLimited liabilityPrivate companyPublic companyQuestion 2①Lisa is running a very small business, so the most appropriate form of organization is sole trader.②According to the Companies Regulation 1992, Lisa’s organization form does not fit for the condition of private company; such a private company is limited by shares or by guarantee and need only have on member.③As a result, we can judge that the organization form of Lisa’s company is sole trader.Question 3Advantages:①very basic legal requirements to comply with②Total control over his/her business and does not have to take into account the opinions of any shareholders.③It is the simplest form of business organization recognized by Scots Law④ A sole trader is to all intents and purposes to be regarded as a self-employed person.Disadvantages:① A sole trader may find it difficult to fund an expansion of the business because she/he can not offer shares to other parties in order to raise funds.(筹集资金)②If the business fail, the sole trader is said to have unlimited liability for any debts or obligations owed to third parties.③The inclusion of new partners would force a change in the nature of business, operation by converting it into a partnership or some other form of corporate body.④(in any case), A business expansion requiring a major injection of capital might entail a loss of control over the business because new members who are a source of new finance will almost certainly demand a say in the running of the business.以上优、缺点各选两个答即可Case Study 2Question 1What are the main differences between a traditional partnership and a limited liability partnership (LLP)?PartnershipUnincorporated bodyPartners have unlimited liability in respect of partnership debtsNo need to be registered with registrar of companies and no need to supply formal documentsRegulated by Partnership Act 1890LLPCorporate bodyMembers enjoy limited liability in respect of LLP debtsMust be registered with the registrar of companies and certain documents must be suppliedRegulated by LLP Act 2000Question 2What are the main advantages for an existing partnership when it changes to a limited liability partnership?①The reason why many traditional partnerships try to translate to LLP is that the members can enjoy the limited responsibilities.②Further more, under the conditions of losing of privacy and greatering external regulation for the members, lots of traditional partnerships definitely hope to translate to LLP.(because of LLP…)Question 3What is the nature of the legal relationship between partners in firm and members of a LLP?①There exist a fiduciary relationship in law relationship between company and partners.②举例说明公司与成员之间的忠实关系Pillans Brothers v Pillans [1908]③According to Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000, section 6 regulations, there should be recognized to an agent’s relationship between members and LLP.④The general rule of the law agency that an agent (member) must always act in the best interest of his principal (LLP).⑤ A member is not an agent of his fellow members.Case Study 3Question 1What is a company’s objects clause?①Object clause 是存在于Memorandum of Association 之中的。

Outcome3 第一题

Outcome3 第一题

Managing can be described as a process by which responsible person in an organisation combine resources to achieve given ends. It can also be defined as the effective use and coordination of resources such as capital, plant, materials and labour in order to achieve defined objectives with maximum efficiency. The process of getting things done, effectively and efficiently, through and with other people.管理的本質就是要保持和提高生產力。

The essence of managing is to maintain and enhance the productivity. Productivity is a performance measure that includes effectiveness, efficiency and equity.Effectiveness是指目標的質量和有效性。





Effectiveness refers to the quality and validity of the goals. An enterprise should take the effectiveness and possibility of the goals when they set up right and effective goals. First of all, the goals should be recognized by the staff members in the enterprise. In addition, the goals should adapt to the surroundings. Finally, the goals can be achieved smoothly and get high rewards. In this case, Brian Tang所指定的目標效率性很低。

SQA HND 商法 Outcome 3 答题思路.doc

SQA HND 商法 Outcome 3 答题思路.doc

Case Study 11List the main business organizations recognized by Scots Law.知识点:商务组织的分类思路:先说出商务组织分为三大类:sole trader, partnership, company然后partnership具体说有三种:Ordinary/traditional/unlimited partnership 最后说company 具体分为private limited company 和public limited company来源:B5小本资料P272~2732Given the fact that Lisa will be running the business herself and, for the time being, she is unlikely to be employing anyone, how would you classify her business?知识点:sole trader的特点思路:回答问题说Lisa应该建立sole trader,然后解释原因:建立sole trader不需要double taxation、启动资金少、不需要政府相关部门审批等原因打乱写3Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of the type of business organization run by Lisa.知识点:Sole trader的优点和缺点最好是四个优点加四个缺点来源:B5小本资料P272或者A4材料1 P1〜P3推荐用这个材料答案更清晰一下每个优缺点下面有三句解释随机选择一个来写解释上面的小标题Case Study 21What are the main differences between a traditional partnership and a limited liability partnership?知识点:无限合伙人(Unlimited partnership UP & limited liability partnership LLP)和有限责任合伙人之间的区别思路:1,法案不同UP: the Partnership Act 1890 (在A4 材料 1 P287) LLP: The limited liability partnership Act 20002.责任不同UP: Unlimited liability LLP: limited liability3.合伙人名称不同UP: Partners LLP: members4.设立条件不同:UP: there are no formal legal requirements for setting up a partnership LLP: forming an LLP is more expensive and complicated than setting up a unlimited partnership (书上原话记得更改语序等)5.UP: partnership agreement is no necessary to have. LLP: LLP agreement is necessary/must.6.UP: not necessary to reveal LLP: have to/must reveal financial information来源:2版书P198〜P201、3版书P209〜P213;再加上课堂笔记;B5小本资料P290以上6个不同点,随机选四个去答打乱顺序改变语序2What is the main advantage for an existing partnership when it changes to a limited liability partnership?知识点:从无限责任更改成有限责任的最主要的好处是责任的改变思路:回答问题说明最主要的好处是责任的不同然后具体说明两个partnership的责任上有什么不同之处UP:责任是unlimited liability并且是无限连带责任(2版书P199第二段第四行到第六行;3版书P210倒数第三行到P211第一行)LLP:责任是limited liability是因投资额为限(2版书P200倒数第四段全部;3版书P212 第三段全部)3What is the nature of the legal relationship between partners in a firm and members of a limited liability partnership?知识点:法律关系是诚心关系fiduciary relationship思路:回答问题the nature of the legal relationship is fiduciary relationship,然后说partner 代表的是公司和合伙人member代表的是只是公司先例:(A4 资料1P9 中间部分)Law v Law [1905] 1 Ch 140来源:A4资料1P9Case Study 31What is a company9s objects clause?知识点:公司备忘思objects clause的概念(A4资料2 P2总共有两个概念2选1或者写书上的2版P229 倒数第三段3版P241倒数第四段)然后写ultra vires (和公司备忘的概念在同一处)来源:A4资料2 P2、2版书P229倒数第三段3版P241倒数第四段2Does MacGregor have the right to withdraw from the project with Construct it?知识点:Ultra vires rule思路:回答问题:没有权利取消;在现代条款,在不违反法律的前提下,公司经营范围是无限制的;法案是the Company Act 1989&2006; ultra vires rule没意义没有权限限制;Macgregor很难胜诉协议继续履行在历史上有一个old ultra vires rule越权无效原则;写出这个的概念(A4资料2 P3或2版P229 3版P241);如果法官参照这个原则那么这个project可以被withdraw;但是这是案例法成文法优先于案例法所以法官需要参照成文法MacGregor很难诉赢先例:A4 资料 2 P3-----------------------------------Ashbury Railway Carriage & Iron Co. V. Riche (1875)来源:A4资料2P3; 2版P229、3版P2413Will the legal action by MacGregor shareholders be successful so that the company will be forced to pay out the expected bonuses?知识点:公司章程思路:回答问题:股东不能要求公司进行分红;根据公司章程,股东没有绝对的权利分红; 公司章程的性质是合同,是公司和股东之间&股东和股东之间的合同;股东没有绝对权利要求分红,公司可以不分红,并没有违约先例:Wood v Odessa Waterworks Co (1889)或者Hickman v Kent or Romney Marsh Sheep Breeders Association [1915]二选一(2 版P237> 3 版P250)来源:2版P237、3版P250Case Study 41List three differences between a private company and a public company知识点:两种公司的区别思路:最好列出4个区别至少3个随机选择来源:A4资料2 P1~P2; B5小本资料P309-P3102Can people simply decide to set up any kind of company and begin to trade immediately?知识点:公司设立的条件思路:回答问题:不能自己决定成立公司并且立刻交易;公司不能自己成立,公司成立需要进行注册;公司成立的5步骤;来源:2版P226, 3版P2383What kind of legal status is a company said to have?知识点:公司的法律地位思路:公司的法律地位是legal entity加上legal personality;公司是一个与其股东相分离的独立的法人;先例:Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd 1897 (2 版P217~P218、3 版P229-P230)(判决部分从第二段的第六行“However,^后面写到这段结束)来源:2 版P216~P218、3 版P228-P2304What management body is responsible for the day-to-day running of a company?知识点:公司谁responsible思路:Ltd 是所有股东responsible; Pic 是all employee responsible; employee 其中分为managers 和directors5What is the most common type of liability for company members?知识点:公司股东的责任思路:普遍的责任类型是有限责任;限于股东的出资额和股数;来源:2 版P200+P230, 3 版P212+P242注:1. 2版书和3版书得区别在封皮右上角2.A4材料1指材料开头有四行加粗的标题3.A4 材料2 指材料开头为Private limited company vs. Public limited company。



1a.Explain the duty of careThe meaning of duty of care is no liability for a failure to take due care unless there was a duty to take care in the first place. A duty of care is imposed by both the common law and by statutory law. For example, the provisions of the Health&Safety At Work Act1974. The duty of care is therefore someone whom the defender ought to have contemplated as within sufficient proximity to the defender to be owed a duty of care.you must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour. Who, then, in law , is my neighbour? The answer seems to be : persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that i ought reasonably to have them in contemplation when i am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called into question. In the Donoghue v Stevenson(1932) case, in this case, Mrs. Donoghue bought an opaque bottle of ginger beer for her friends in a cafe in paisley, and the shopkeeper poured some ginger beer over ice cream in a glass which Mrs. Donoghue drank. Then ,her friends find out the decomposed snail in the bottle. Mrs. Donoghue alleged because drunk the contaminated ginger beer, she suffered a serious illness. Because Mrs. Donoghue didn't have a contract with the seller nor with the manufacturer of the goods, So the only saving way is the manufacturer not taking care in the production of the product.( Business Contractual Relationships F84N 34 P279-283)b.Is Carla correct? The common law and statutory law.It not correct, The definition of Common Law Duty is a personal one to take reasonable care for the employee’s safety. He is required to take the same care as a reasonable and prudent employer would take in the same circumstances. This includes a duty to provide safe working premises. And about the Statutory Duty, the main statute here is the Health and Safety At work Act 1974 (HASAWA). This was imposed on earlier existing safety legislation which was not repealed,and so earlier legislation regulating safety in the workplace can still be relevant. And the implied terms are those which are not actually stated, but still impose obligations on the parties, and the reasons such as necessary to make the contract work, obvious or assumed, by custom and practice, by statute.( Business Contractual Relationships F84N 34 P326-329)2. The defences about the contributory negligence and Volenti non fit injuriaAbout the contributory negligence, as well as the above defences, a defender may argue that the pursuer contributed to his or her own losses. And the defender has been negligent but the pursuer’s own actions, in failing to take care for his own safety, have partly contributed to his injuries. For example, in the case about Sayers v Harlow Urban Council (1958), Sayers because of trying to climb out of a faulty locked toilet cubicle, she got hurt. And her actions were not a novus actus interveniens , the local authority was liable. However, because she tried to climb out whilst putting weight on the toilet roll fitting which was fragile, the damages payable were reduced by 25%. In the case, Chris get hurts because of he fell from the ladder he was on , no one help him with the ladder. But the company during him training always say when he do this work need a person to help him to with the ladder. But he don’t ask anyone to help, this is a contributory negligence.The meaning of V olenti Non Fit Injuria , it must be shown that the pursuer freely and voluntarily with full knowledge of the risk involved agreed to take that risk. The defender must establish that the pursuer had free choice and this would not apply if he/she acted out of duty or out of fear of losing his/her job.in the case of Walton&Morse v Dorrington(1977), a secretary worked in an office where colleagues smoked but there was good ventilation. When they were moved to another office without such ventilation the smoke became an irritant and she left when the employers would not make any changes. The employers were held in breach of a duty to provide" a working environment which is reasonably suitable." In the case, this work which Chrisalways do it, Chris know the risk of this work, but he don’t ask anyone to help, causes him fell from the ladder. This is V olenti Non Fit Injuria.( Business Contractual Relationships F84N 34 P300)3. Explain NegligenceNegligence is the most common delict and an action in delict arises where harm is caused carelessly or inadvertently. The law of negligence has developed to protect individuals from physical harm to the person(including psychiatric harm), and to property. Financial interests (with some exceptions) are only protected where the financial loss is consequential to the harm to the person or to property. in the case of Bourhill v Young (1943), the defender drove a motorcycle , and he collided with a car and was killed. The pursuer was on the far side of the tram when the accident occurred and did not witness the accident although she heard it. And she saw blood on the road later, then because of the nervous shock, get a subsequent miscarriage. It was held that it is not the fault of defender, because defender could not have reasonable foreseen, and would causes injury to the pursuer in her position behind the tram, she did not have the relevant proximity to the accident.( Business Contractual Relationships F84N 34 P278)4. Explain what ‘vicarious liability’The definition of the Vicarious Liability , in certain circumstances, someone can be liable for another’s delictual act. This can arise through agency, partnership and employment. Liability is transferred to the person benefiting or gaining by the actions of the wrongdoer(and they are more likely to be able to pay and/ or be covered by insurance).in the case of Lister v Romford Ice and Cold Storage Co(1957), a father and son were employed by the same company. The son , whilst driving a lorry, Knocked over his father who claimed damages from the company. The company's insurers paid the father and then brought a successful action against the son for the amount paid.( Business Contractual Relationships F84N 34 P266-275)5. Which latin maxim proven to successfully bring a claim for negligenceThere have to be three elements present for a delict- damnum, injuria datum- or loss caused by a wrong.As noted above there must be three elements present:Damnum is a loss or injury, such as physical or personal injury, the loss of earnings, nervous shock, distress, damage to a reputation. Loss can include damage to a person(Personal injury), damage to property, financial loss or interference with the peaceful enjoyment of propertyInjuria datum is caused by a legal wrong(wrongful conduct), an act may constitute both a crime and a civil wrong. For example, an assault can be both a criminal offence and a civil wrong. The criminal offence is prosecuted by the state, and damages may be payable after separate civil action by the injured party.Loss caused by a wrong is caused by culpa( fault, intentionally or negligently done) on the part of the wrongdoer. The pursuer should prove: causa sine qua non: a causal link must be established and the breach must be the factual cause of the loss. And causa causans of loss: the legal cause in the sense of the effective or immediate cause. Sometimes there can be two separate causes or a chain of events or several factors: the causa causans has to be found from them.In the case of Barnett v Chelsea and Kensington Hosipatal Management Committee(1969), a man had a cup of tea then persistently vomited for three hours. HE contacted a hospital doctor who told him to go home and see his own doctor. The man died and had in fact been murdered through arsenic poisoning. An action against the doctor for treating the man failed as he would have died anyway-the failure to treat him, although a breach of duty, did not cause the harm.(PPT 39)。

商务契约outcome 3

商务契约outcome 3

Business Contractual Relationships Student: Liu XuaoTutor: Yuan LinClass: BusinessDate: 12.26.2011Case 1Question 1A duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring that it adheres to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others. And the first element must be established to proceed with an action in negligence. And the pursuer must be able to show a duy of care imposed by law which the defender has breached. In turn, breaching a duty may subject an individual to liability in delict. It is not a requirement that a duty of care be defined by law, though it will often develop through the jurisprudence of common law. So in some way, duty of care may be considered a formalization of the social contract, the implicit responsibilities held by individuals towards others within the society.At the case Tom and Danny has vicarious liability. The vicarious liability is an example of joint and several liability as the injured party can sue both the employee and the employer. So in the case Danny has a duty of care with McGregorFor example: Donoghue v Stevenson 【1932 】That is about Mrs. Donoghue had gone to a cafe in Paisley with her friend who bought her an opaque bottle of ginger beer. Mrs. Donoghue has find a decomposed snail in the bottle of ginger beer when her had drunk the beer. Mrs. Donoghue alleged that as a result of having drunk the contaminated ginger beer she suffered a serious illness. Mrs. Dononghue didn’t hav e a contract with the seller nor with the manufacturer of the goods and so was she can possible remedy in delict against the manufacturer on the basis of his fault in not taking care in the production of the product.Question 2The standard of care should Mrs McGregor have been entitled to expect from Danny is the standard of care varies according o the particular circumstances. Something like driving in a icy conditions would require a greater standard of care than in normal weather conditions.Like the case of Nettleshio v Weston (1971), a learner driver owes the same standard of care to the other road users as an experienced driver, as another road users and pedestrians are entitled to expect a certain standard of care.From this case Danny must pay more attentions on check and repair the break of McGregor’s car. As a result of, Danny understand if he cannot ensure there has not any worry with the brake of McGregor’s car, it may make the accident happen. And it would be a terrible result. But the end Danny did not spend more time on McGregor’s car, he just worked on it for about 45 minutes. And after that he only tightened some screws and the problem appeared to have been sorted. That’s all is Danny didn’t reach his standard of care.Question 3Yes, I think McGregor can claim damage compensation. Because this case is belong of the delict of negligence. In the case it is essential that the pursuer proves that the defender’s wrongful negligence has caused harm or injury to the pursuer.In the ca se, because of McGregor’s car brakes failed so the accident was happen. And McGregor also injured in the accident. Before accident she had put her car in the garage to check and repair, but Danny didn’t pay enough attention to check and repair. So Danny’s negligence is the reason why the accident happen and make McGregor injured. And McGregor can give enough proof to prove her car crash is the reason by Danny’s negligence. And the court can according the effective cause to rule that Danny or the garage owner should pay the compensation of damage to McGregor.Case 2Question 1The liability applies to the keeper of an animal is The Animals (Scotland) Act 1987 Act established provisions to clarify the strict liability for injury or damage caused by animals-that is liability even without deliberate or negligent conduct. It states that a person will be liable for any injury or damage caused by animal if three facts all apply:a) The person was the keeper of the animal at the time;b) The animal belongs to a species known as being likely;( i ) to severely injure or kill people or other animals, or( ii ) to materially damage property; andc) The injury or damage is directly related to those physical attributes or habits. The animals species’ known to be likely to injure or kill’ comprise dogs, and certain dangerous wild animals, which may injure by biting, or otherwise savaging, attacking or harrying.From the case Mark was the keeper of the dog. The dog belongs to a species known as being likely to severely injury or kill people or other animals. Because of the Animals (Scotland) Act 1987 Mark has strict liability with this accident.Question 2The precautions should Mark have taken when going for a walk in the country with Tricky are: a) take the dog chain;b) Sets a cap on the dog’s mouth.That may be can help Mark and his dog.Question 3No he can’t.Under the Animals (Scotland) Act 1987, the following defences are available to the keeper of an animal: if the injury or damage was due wholly to the fault of the pursuer eg where the pursuer goaded a docile animal which then attacked the pursuer in defence; where the pursuer has voluntarily accepted the risk ie volenti non fit injuria; injury or damage is caused by the mere fact that the animal is present on a road or elsewhere9 e.g. an animal straying onto a road and so causing a traffic accident )In this case, above three points are not satisfied, so Mark cannot defend for herself. Mark will carry out the strict liability.Case like Behrens v. Bertram Mills Circus Ltd 【1957 】The cases is about the plaintiffs, husband and wife, were both midgets and were on exhibition inside a booth in the funfair at Olympia, for which their manager had obtained a licence from the defendants, when the booth was knocked down by elephants on their way to perform in the circus ring. A small dog, the property of the daughter of the plaintiffs’ manager, which, contrary to regulations, had been brought into the funfair, had run out of the booth, snapping and barking at one of the elephants, which turned and went after the dog; some of the other elephants followed, and pats of the booth fell on the wife who received injuries. Evidence was given that the husband and wife were exceptionally dependants upon each other. The court hold the circus should have taken precautions to prevent the elephant from causing harm. So he circus should be liable for the injury caused to the plaintiff.Case 3Question 1Five defences available to a defender in a negligence action:a) Statutory justificationA person may have a good defence to an action in delict if he can show that his acts are covered by statutory authority.b) Self-defenceSelf-defence is valid defence if the defender acted to preserve himself, his family or his property, so long as the act was reasonable and in keeping with the nature of the threat. If a blow is struck in response only to verbal attract, there is no defence.c) CriminalityThe pursuer will be unable to claim damages if he and the defender were involved in criminal activity.d) IllegalitySimilar to the criminality defense, a person will not be able to maintain a cause of action if he has to rely on couduct which is illegal or contrary to the public policy.e) V olenti non fit injuriaIt is a common law doctrine which means that if someone willingly places themselves in a position where harm might result, knowing that some degree of harm might result, they cannot then sue if harm actually results. It only applies to the risk which a reasonable person wouldconsider them as having assumed by their actions.Question 2For the case ‘a’, Rab can defend by the defence of criminality. From the statutory justification: A person may have a good defence to an action in delict if he can show that his acts are covered by statutory authority. So Rab can defend because he and Jamesie were involved in criminal activity. For example: Ashton v. Turner 1981 RTR 54:After an evening’s drinking three men committed a bur galary and sought to escape in a ca r owned by one of them. The car crashed and the passenger was injured. He claimed damages alleging negligence against the driver and the car owner. The court hold that dismissing the claim that as a matter of public policy the law might not recognize a duty of care owed by one participant in a crime to another for acts done in the course of that criminal commission.I n the case ‘b’, the driver can defend by the contributory negligence. From the contributory negligence, it is common law defence a claim based on negligence, an action in tort. It applies to cases where a plaintiff has, through his own negligence, contributed to the harm he suffered. Because the driver was negligence due then he didn’t know Margaret would come out before and go across when the light change to amber, but the Margaret was negligent too.The cited is Hanlon v. Cuthbertson 1981:A female passenger in a taxi who was injured as a result of an accideng and he taxi driver argued contributory negligence because she was not wearing a seat belt which otherwise have protected her in the accident. The court hold the pursuer should have her damages reduced by ten percent as a result of the contributory negligence by herself.In the case ‘c’, Knockbuckle player who assaulted Gavin can defend by ‘vonlenti non fit injuria’. The vonlenti non fit injuria it is a common law doctrine which means that if someone willingly places themselves in a position where harm might result, knowing that some degree of harm might result; they cannot then sue if harm actually results. It only applies to the risk which a reasonable person would consider them as having assumed by their actions. Because Gavin is able to think of injure when the sporting. It is implies to agree.Question 3In case ‘a’ can be successful, because it is called criminality, they both committed crime, thus Jamessie can escape obligation.In the case ‘b’ the bus driver can reduce liability by the defence of contributory negligence. Margaret should have her damages reduced by 40% as a result because the action of the bus driver going across under the traffic light change to amber, didn’t break the law, but Margaret was not wearing her seat belt had broken the law.In case ‘c’ cannot be successful, because in the spor t, the action is normal and legal; actions refer to rule of games. In the case, Knockbuckie’s behavior was not out of those actions in the rule, thus he must be make obligation.。



Outcome 11. The two main areas of law are Criminal and Civil Law.- Criminal lawDefinition: deals with all types of offences过错and crimes, concerns itself with the recognition of what amounts to a crime and the punishments suitable for these recognized crimes.Criminal conduct is the behavior which threatens the safety and security of the community. So the offender should be punished by imprisonment or fine or some other sanctions. Examples: murder, culpable homicide, piracy, treason, armed robbery, supplying illegal drugs, fire raising, assault, fraud, theft, house breaking, dangerous driving, and breach of the peace)- Civil lawDefinition: concerned with non-criminal disputes and situation, including the following:a) The settlement of legal disputes between individuals and other bodies (example: divorce case).b) The payment of compensation from one party to another for loss or injury (example: a case where someone was claiming damages after being injured by faulty machinery at work).c) The setting of procedures to govern financial and other matters (example: the legal procedures to be followed when buying or selling a house).2. Sources of Scots Law are Statute Law, European Union Law, and Common Law or Judicial Precedent.- Common LawDefinition: is a numerous legal rules that form the part of unwritten laws of Scotland which has been handed down to us as customs and practices over the centuries.A major source of Common Law is the practice whereby judges make new rules of law will be followed by other court, so that it is legally binding rules.3. Doctrine of Judicial PrecedentDefinition: is a process involves a process whereby a judge can develop a rule of law by making a decision in a test case. A test case refers to the one in which clarification of an important point of law is sought, and judges after listening to opposite legal arguments will have to make the decision about which view of the law is correct. Once this decision has been made, future judges and course will be expected to follow the reasoning in the test case, if they are dealing with a case with similar legal issues.It must be emphasized that not every judge can make a new binding legal rule. The authority of the judge or court should be considered here, if the judge is relatively junior, he/she will be unlikely to be able to create a new rule of law. But on the other hand, if the rule comes from superior courts, this decision will be followed by the lower or inferior courts.Judicial precedent or case law is parts of the unwritten law of Scotland.Donoghue v Stevneson (1932)4. Westminster Parliament and Scottish Parliament (legislative body)Unlike the previous Scottish Parliament which was abolished by the Act of Union in 1707, the new Scottish Parliament is not a completely independence body. The Scottish Parliament is clear and inferior body compared with the Westminster Parliament.It is the Westminster Parliament from which the Scottish Parliament obtains its authority to pass laws for Scotland. So any legislation of the Scottish Parliament is thought to be secondary legislation.It is also necessary to know that a simple Act of the Westminster Parliament is all that it would take to abolish Scottish Parliament. Westminster Parliament has already abolished a local assembly.Acts of Parliament are often referred to as legislation or statute law until the creation of Scottish Parliament, the Westminster Parliament alone made laws for Scotland. However Westminster has given the Scottish Parliament authority in many different areas of policy to make statute law.Abolition of feudal tenure act 2000The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974Sale of Goods Act 1979Employment Rights Act 1996Protection of Children Act 20035. Civil Law v Criminal Law- Criminal Law is primarily used by the state as a means of maintaining law and border by punishing certain individuals who have the behavior as criminally and antisocially. The State uses the Criminal Law to punish criminals on behalf of the community or sociality.- The Civil Law is to resolve legal disputes between private individuals in such areas as 民事纠纷Family Law, Company Law, Partnership Law, Banking and Finance Law, Sale of Goods and Services Law, Consumer Law, Personal Injury Claims Law, and Divorce.- Different courts and standers of evidence and procedures exist depending on whether we are talking about a criminal action or a civil dispute.Conflict between Scottish and european lawIf there is a conflict between Scottish and European law, the court should obey the rules or laws under European law.The European Union is an organization of 25 member states. The members must obey the rules or laws in order to enjoy the benefits of membership.Britain has been a member of the European Union since January 1, 1973. because of the passing of the European Communities Act 1972 by the Westminster Parliament. It is this legislation that recognizes the supremacy of European Law over the domestic law. By the time Britain became a member of European Union 1973. Many of the important law were already in place and Britainhad to accept this as a price of membership of European Union. But if Britain decides to withdrawal from membership from European Union, then its national law will once again get supremacy.6. The Council of MinistersThe European ParliamentThe European Court of JusticeThe European CommissionThe first two have the power to make laws for the people of European.The third one enforces European Union Law.The forth one is effectively the unions civil service and it can propose law. It can also bring breaches of the varies European Union Treaties to the attention of the European courts of justice. The Commission is regarded as the EU Treaties guardian of the varies European Union Treaties.。



Market Failure and Government PolicySCN: 177099996GTB4Li WenxuanTutor: Lou QiuyinNovember 6 , 2016thContent 1.0 introduction2.0 Market Failure2.1 Merit Goods2.2 Public Goods2.3 Imperfect Competition2.4 Externalities3.0 Welfare Policy3.1 Some important welfare3.1.1 child benefits3.2 Case of welfare3.3 Instrument4.0 ConclusionReference1.0 IntroductionEconomy is human activity that consists in producing exchanging, distributing, and consuming goods and services, studied by economics and realized inside on. In this report, discussing the reasons for market failure and probe government roles in relation to each of the following and government policy.2.0 Market FailureThe market is a set of buyers and sellers with the potential to trade with each other. But when the market cannot distribution goods and labor efficiency that is market failure.2.1 Merit goodsMerit goods are products whose consumption or production creates social benefits that exceed the private benefit. Just like education, healthcare, public transport. Because many people cannot know anything the advantages, so the government should intervene people choice. Government can get to make a law. For Chinese, have ‘Nine-year compulsor y education law’. That can help people choose merit goods and benefits of people.2.2 Public GoodsPublic goods are ready for societal members enjoy the items together, strict sense of the public goods with non-competitive and non-exclusive. It is a public thing just like the Park bench or civil defense siren. Someone used it that do not hinder others use it. The government should build this goods, because do not have someone could even want to build build but the society need it. The government use tax to build and maintain it.2.3 Imperfect CompetitionImperfect competition is monopolistic competition and oligopoly. It is meant by perfect competition cannot maintain. Because have some buyers or sellers could affect the market price. The market cannot change the price. Because the imperfect competition will decrease the market efficiency. The government should change it to adjust a market to a new environment. For example make a law. Just likes Antitrust Law.2.4 ExternalitiesThe following sentences are from Wikipedia. In economics, an externality is the cost or benefit that affects a party who did not decide to incur that cost or benefit. Economists often urge all governments adopt policies that "internalize" an externality, so that costs and benefits will affect mainly parties who choose to incur them. Just like the pollution, government thinks who take this who should solve this. If there are external benefits, such as in communal safety, less of the good may be produced thanwould be the case if the producer were to receive payment for the external benefits to others. Thus, unregulated markets in goods or services with significant externalities generate prices that do not take into account the full social cost or benefit of their transactions; such markets are therefore inefficient. So government should make some laws or rules to standard it.3.0 WelfareThe UK as a long-term capitalist country. It is a long and perfect social welfare safeguard system. Society welfare including the benefits of family, child benefits, death and benefits etc.3.1 Some important welfare3.1.1 Child BenefitsThe child benefits in the UK, government ensures that every child can receive education and life even they do not have kinsfolks. From child to adult, government subsidies, aid, guarantee the smooth growth of children. The British government's children's welfare, both in terms of welfare, welfare content and service level, its integrity and comprehensiveness is exemplary. first of all, British children welfare legislation perfect, various kinds of laws and regulations, not only covers the grand, and established the principle of "children's welfare is the highest", for children's right to survival and development, such as participation rights protection are made a detailed regulations and emphasis. second, the completion of the "welfare state" for citizens "from cradle to grave tomb" comprehensive social security, the benefit of children mainly include: the national health insurance, children can enjoy besides dental surgery, visual acuity and glasses all free medical care. Family subsidy system, covering maternity benefits, birth allowance, children stick, Tianjin, children, child care allowance, single special allowance, etc.; Education funding, children receive primary and secondary school education for free, with free books, stationery, lunch at school; Social services, set up the children's home within the community, for too busy to take care of the child's family to provide help and received orphans and abandoned children, and is responsible for their life and education. Again, the whole society to found a multi-level, vertical and comprehensive child welfare system. This way is mainly under the government's macro management, association for the disabled, charitable organizations, social service machine structure, all kinds of schools and community organizations and groups, within their respective fields to carry out the child welfare services, formed a multi-level, three-dimensional type, a full range of child welfare services network. The British not only built up social relief, social insurance, social security, basic education, medical service content such as children's social welfare system, and children's rights in government policies, laws and institutions for medical treatment and teaching education practice of occupies more and more important position.3.2 Case of welfareIn the UK, child benefit is operated by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC). As of April 2015, This is £20.70 per week for the first child (including the eldest of a multiple birth) and £13.70 per week for each additional child.The system was also implemented in August 1946 as "family allowances" under the Family Allowances Act 1945, at a rate of 5s (= £0.25) per week per child in a family, except for the eldest. This was raised from September 1952, by the Family Allowances and National Insurance Act 1952, to 8s (= £0.40), and from October 1956, by the Family Allowances Act and National Insurance Act 1956, to 8s for the second child with 10s (= £0.50) for the third and subsequent children.By 1955, some 5,000,000 allowances were being paid, to about 3,250,000 families.It was revised in 1977, with the payments being termed "child benefit" and given for the eldest child as well as the younger ones; by 1979 it was worth £4 per child per week. In 1991, the system was further altered, with a higher payment now gave the first child than for their younger siblings. In October 2010, the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government announced that Child Benefit would be cancelled from households containing a higher-rate taxpayer from January 2013.After some controversy this was amended so that any householder with a least one person with prescribed income over £50,000 would lose Child Benefit by a taper which removed it altogether when the income reached £60,000. This came into force on 7 January 2013.3.3 InstrumentIn the UK, child benefit is administered by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC)4.0 ConclusionOver the years, the welfare policy help stabilize the social order, ensure the people's living standards, the general improvement of social material and cultural level. Close the gap between the rich and the poor area, ease social contradictions in all walks of life. However,, at the same time, the years of high welfare, let government deficitcontinue to increase, and weakening the enthusiasm of people to work, make social efficiency is low, and the resulting a series of struggle between the parties.ReferenceExternalities https:///wiki/Externality Buchanan, James; Wm. Craig Stubblebine (November 1962). "Externality". Economical. 29 (116): 371–384. doi:10.2307/2551386Case of welfare,https:///wiki/Child_benefit,Https:///government/publications/tax-and-tax-credit-rates-and-thresholds- for-2015-16/tax-and-tax-credit-rates-and-thresholds-for-2015-16#child-benefit-and- guardians-allowanceJump up ^ Whitaker's Almanack: For the year 1958, p. 1127. J. Whitaker & Sons, London, 1957Jump up ^ "Spending Review, October 2010, United Kingdom HM Treasury, Oct 2010. Jump up ^ "HMRC High Income Child Benefit chargeRedo:3.1.1 Child Benefits. No matter how much you earn or how much insurance you pay, you are eligible for Child Benefit as long as you have a duty to caring for the child. Benefits apply to children under 16 years of age and are eligible if children aged 16 to 18 are still enrolled in non-tertiary institutions.How to Apply: Request by the hospital or the Social Security Office.British university before the stage of education is free, university stage, 90% of college students are eligible for government subsidies. Therefore, for low-income families, from kindergarten to university education is a loose way.。



Business Contractual RelationshipsOutcome 2 and 3Candidate Name:Grade and Class:1.Yes. It is aless farorable. The Jeff can be protected by the Employment Rights Act 1996, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Equality Act 2010.In the case, the Jeff has worked in Mullan Enterprises Ltd for six years, Mr. Murray tells Jeff that he will be moved into another department which means Jeff was controlled by the company, and this is the control test. So Jeff is recognized as an employee, and he can be protected by the Employment Rights Act 1996. In this law, the employee has the right to obtain written terms and document called a contract of employment of terms so that the employee cannot be unfair dismissed.Then the disabled person is defined as a person who has substantial physical or mental disability cannot be competent for routine work. In this case, Jeff was suffering from MS, a degenerative disease which will affect his mobility in the workplace, because of his disease; he was told that he will be moved to another department. MS is a long-term and irreversible disease, so Jeff can be defined as a disabled person. Disabled people are protected against unfavorable treatment and failure by the employ or to adjust workplace reasonable for disabled people. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 gives disabled people rights in employment and other areas. However, Jeff worked on the fifth floor, and Mr. Murray did not adjust his workplace so he failed to meet the requirement of disabled person and went against the Disabled Discrimination Act 1996.At last the Equality Act 2010 can ensure the equality of chances and protect special group of people. It can also make sure these people are not worried about being unfairly treated even if the employer does not have discrimination act, he/she needs to be aware of these. In this case, Mr. Murray said that Jeff is probably not going to be much use to the company and want to move him to another department which can be considered as unfair treatment, and Jeff’s dignity has been broken. So Mr. Murray went against the Equality Act 2010.2. There are two types discrimination. Direct discrimination is because of the specialnature of some people to give unfair treatment. One person discriminates another person because of difference between them. Indirect discrimination is not a direct difference. But the difference is in the setting of a certain standard to make some people lose their chance. It looks like everyone is equal, but the standard is unreasonable. In the case. Mr. Murray wants to move Jeff to another department because of his disease, Mr. Murray thought that he is no longer useful to the company which harms Jeff’s confidence and Jeff was treated differently from others. Through this can be judged by direct discrimination. When Mr. Murray know Jeff’s disease, he did not make any adjustment for him which will be considered as discrimination treatment and went against the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.3. (2) Julia can be dismissed fairly. By the Supreme Court found that the element of control that employer can exercise over the employee to determine the relationship between them. Firstly, Julia has a written statement of employment with the company. Secondly, Julia has been an employee in the company for 9 years and she is expected to complete a set amount of hours every week which means she is controlled by the company, this is the control test. Thirdly, her company deals with her tax deductions, this is fiscal test, the fiscal test can decide whether the person run business on his/her own account/ personal account or accounts used in the process of work in Hall v Lorner(1992).According to section 98 the Employment Rights Act 1996, a reason is related to an employee’s conduct. Dismissal: a valid reason that they can justify are reasonably in the circumstance. In this case, Julia has worked for 9 years, her ability is good. However, she punched employees in the workplace when training them which will be very serious. In the Act, the employer dismisses an employee because employee has broken the terms of employee’s employment. So Julia can be dismissed. However, the employer should follow a fair disciplinary procedure before dismissing and give employee chance to explain and appeal. Before Julia was fired, she should be told and warned the bad behavior and the employer should tell the employee how serious the behavior was and show the damage to her.4.In the case, the Tom is an accounting in Company E. And in the company he often makes mistakes in these two years. He lead to the lots of financial loss of the company with he provides the false financial information. So the Company E provided Tom two months accounting training. But after training, Tom’s work was bad too. Not long ago, a staff reported the manager that tom hided drugs in the office. The manager found evidence after work. Company E pointed out that Tom’s action damages company’s image. Tom should be dismissed because of his conduct. Tom broke the terms of employee’s employment.In addition, Tom is lack ability to his work, he cannot do accounting, So it is reasonable to dismiss Tom.5.In the case, the Mary is pregnant. She applies for three months of maternity leave. But the company doesn’t approve. If she insists on the maternity leave that the manager need dismiss her. And at the same time the company need to reduce workforce of employees. Mary is selected to redundancy because she is pregnant. Employer wants to dismiss Mary because of maternity leave.But the behavior breaches statutory employment rights. So it belongs to automatically dismissal. Mary is selected because of pregnant, and this also can be classed as an unfair dismissal.。

SQA-HND-商法-OUTCOME2 题目outcome 2

SQA-HND-商法-OUTCOME2 题目outcome 2

1.Does Samir have a legally enforceable contract with Fairways for the purchase for the Matsumoto golf clubs for 150?首先,Smair并没有与Fairways公司就购买Matsumoto golf成立合同,假使他想要购买那套高尔夫球具,那么他必须支付1,500,这是因为橱窗展示仅仅是一个要约邀请而不是要约。

Carlill v Carbolic Smokeball Co (1893)Harvey v Facey (1893)Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemists (1953)Fisher v Bell (1961)First, Smair has not purchased Matsumoto with Fairways Corporation the golf establishment contract, if he wants to purchase that set of golf to have, then he must pay 1,500, this is because the display window demonstration is an important contract invitation merely, but is not the important contract. Carlill v Carbolic Smokeball Co (1893) Harvey v Facey (1893) Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemists (1953) Fisher v Bell (1961)2.What are the chances of Susan being successful if she goes ahead and sues Samir for the cost of her new designer outfit, the cost of her taxi fare and the disappointment caused? Susan 假使决定要起诉Samir并要求赔偿他的服装费用,乘坐出租车的费用以及精神损失费用的话,那么Susan将不可能获得胜诉。



A director has two types of duty. One is known as a fiduciary duty. This means that the director has a position of trust and must act in the best interests of the company. The other is a duty to act as a professional, to carry out duties with care and skill and not to act negligently.There are circumstances which stop a person from being a director. Age, a director cannot be older than 70 and must retire from office on reaching this age. Specific rules, the company can place specific requirements on their directors in the articles. Rules can also be made to remove someone from office, e.g. if not attending required board meeting, if certified insane, if declared bankrupt, etc. Required to be a shareholder, although legally a director does not have to hold shares in the company, the company rules themselves may require this. The director must buy the specified amount of shares within two months of taking up office. Illegal conduct, if a UK court has found a Director guilty of an offence, they can issue an order to disqualify them from office. Bankruptcy, it is illegal for someone to become a director if they are an ‘undercharged bankrupt’.When the company is set up, there will usually be at least two directors. Signed agreements to act as a director must be included in the documents delivered to the registrar of companies. A person may be regarded as a company director if formally appointed to the board and may be: non-executive director, a member of the board of directors but normally taking no part in the day to day running of the company. They are often appointed to provide the company with an objective/experienced voice on the board. Executive director, this term is usually used to describe a person who is a member of the company’s board accompanied with day-to-day responsibilities. They usually have power to act as an agent of the company.2.The company secretary’s duties are decided by the company’s board of management. These will normally include: dealing with the necessary paperwork and returns to the registrar of companies at companies house; keeping the memorandum and articles up to date; checking that the company complies with current legislation; the preparation and dispatch of the company’s annual return and reports; communicating with the stock exchange; maintaining the register of members—logging existing shareholders, dealing with share transfers and issuing certificates of ownership; issuing dividends to shareholders; maintaining other company registers—registers of charges, registers of directors and their interests; preparing for various company meeting—scripting agendas, notifying attendees and organizing the relevant papers; taking minutes at the meetings and distributing these afterwards; acting as a witness for the authenticity of company documentation and looking after secure documents; providing legal advice to the board; dealing with requests for information from members of the public, the government or other interested parties.The difference between public company secretary and private company secretary is no qualifications are necessary to become the company secretary of a private company, but in public company, strict qualifications are necessary to become the company secretary.A new company has a little more time to begin holding its Annual General Meetings (18 months from incorporation), but thereafter the timing must be once a year. There can be no more than 15 months between successive annual general meetings. This meeting gives members the opportunity to voice their opinion on the running of the company and put these to the DirectorsThere are no strict legal as to what is included in the meeting. However, the following issues are usually covered: the election and retirement of company directors; declaration of the shareholders’ dividends for that year; consideration of the company year-end accounts. The directors will present the accounts to the shareholders and report on the profits or losses of the company; the shareholders will be able to question the directors on their decisions; at the AGM of a public company, the board of management will report on the pay and benefits afforded to the directors and ask the shareholders to approve this report.Extraordinary General Meetings include all of the same people as the Annual General Meeting but can be held in addition to the yearly AGM. The Directors will decide if they wish to convene an EGM to discuss certain company decisions with the members, or whether this business can wait until the next AGM.4.Ordinary resolution: where 50% or more of the members attending vote in favour of the proposal—a simple majority of the vote. These are the most common resolutions.Extraordinary resolution: this requires 75% or more of the vote. The votes are those of the members attending and votes cast by proxies.Notice must be given to shareholders that this type of motion is to be considered at the meeting. If the motion is to be included in an AGM, then 21clear days, notice is required. If the motion is to be included is an EGM, and then 14 days clear, notice is necessary.。



H N D商务文化与策略o u t c o m e3(总3页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--a. Strategy is getting it right and doing it right. It is very important to organizations. Choosing strategy is direct effect organization’s development and future. And every strategy have advantages and disadvantages, so in the different complex situation, we can adopt different strategies to solve problems. Now I will choose four possible strategies which the organizations may adopt. The first is cost leadership strategy. Cost leadership is the low-cost leader in any market gains competitive advantage from being able to produce at the lowest cost. Company can use low cost strategy defeat the competitors among the marketing environment.The second is differentiation. A competitive strategy that allows a company to sell its products for a premium price. This emphasizes creating superior products, products with unique or more desirable features or design.The third is focus strategy. The generic strategy of focus rests on the choice of a narrow competitive scope within an industry. The focuser selects a segment or group of segments in the industry and tailors its strategy to serving them to the exclusion of others. The focus strategy has two variants. One is in cost focus a firm seeks a cost advantage in its target segment, the other is in differentiation focus a firm seeks differentiation in its target segment.The fourth is diversification. This is where we market completely new products to new customers. There are two types of diversification, namely related and unrelated diversification. Related diversification means that we remain in a market or industry with which we are familiar.b. During the 1980s and 1990s, JD Wetherspoon used broad differentiation strategy. Compare other pubs; JD Wetherspoon isspecial and different. They sell a wide range of real ale beers at relatively low price; good quality wine is available; they don’t play music or TV programmers; especially the non-smoking and toilet design.Because its clean comfortable atmosphere and low price high quality products, it bring some benefits to JD Wetherspoon.They provide good services, such as cheap beer, good conversation and solid architecture with 24-hours. It is not only attracting more new customers, but also improves the customers’ loyalty. Then the purchases will increase.Their employees have high loyalty and good quality, it is easy to manage and control. Then it will steadily develop the company’s future.Their delicious food and thoughtful service can build a good reputation and good brand image, and maybe the company will become a trend.JD Wetherspoon can expend to help the company increase market share, make more profits.c. In 1980-1990s, business strategy is broad differentiation strategy. While in the 21st century, business strategy is focus differentiation strategy.In 1980-1990s, they don’t play music or watch TV. But in the 21st century, they have plasma screens and it can watch football.In 1980-1990s, the pub just has only one business. But in the 21st century, the pub serve breakfast and begun developing budget hotel accommodation.In 21st century, JD Wetherspoon Removed price incentives to drink larger measures of spirits and reduced the amount of alcohol. But In 1980-1990s, they just sold real ale beers and good quality wine.d. J D Wetherspoon need to consider some factors when change its business strategy. The first is policy. From the case, we can see during 2002-2004, government concern about binge drinking and the consequent ant special behaviors, particularly in city centers. Before changing a policy, they need to concern about whether the new policy could make more profits.The second is internal environment. Because the customers demand increases, J D Wetherspoon should improve employee’s quality, make the service more thoughtful. Before changing a policy, they need to concern about whether the new policy is suits different customers. The third is social. In this case, the supermarket began selling drinks, encourages drinking at home and increase in the number of bars. It increased more competitors. So before changing policy, they need to consider about whether the policy can bring more customers and whether could reduce competition with other companies.e. Business strategy is the plans choices and decisions used to guide a company to greater profitability and success. It should be designed to bring success and avoid failure. Strategy choice is described of deciding which strategies can benefits organization’s future. This strategy decision is very important to company. From the case, in 21st century, J D Wetherspoon adopts the differentiation business strategy. There are some new products like provide a dedicated family dining area and serve the breakfast. The new market was begun developing budget hotel accommodation known as‘Wetherlodges’. In a competitive pubs market, J D Wetherspoon is different from other pubs by using this way, it had already open the new market for increasing the competitiveness. It is an attractive pubs for customers. Then this strategy brings more profit for JD Wetherspoon.f. JD Wetherspoon is operating well now, but it still needs to consider some key issues: The one is need to enhance communication between managers and employees. This management method can help managers and employees exchanging their ideas and suggestions. It also can help company deeply develop, improve service and products. For some problems, they can solve these problems at once. The other is needed to consider whether the business strategy is flexible. When the environment changes, the strategy can quickly respond and find a way to constant changes.。

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一.1. The type of company in case is sole trader.2. 定义A sole trader is a business owned by one person. The owner can operate business on his or her own, or can employ others and/or go into partnership with others. Most business starts this way. A sole trade is not a company, and neither is a partnership.3. 分析优缺点。

Advantages:This type of business is quick and easy to set up, no registration is needed;The owner can run the business as the owner wishes;The owner can quickly and easily adapt to changes in market supply or demand;The owner can close down easily when business is not operating as envisaged (assuming no debts/liabilities);Accounts are fairly straightforward;In some instances individuals work from home thus minimising running costs. Disadvantages:The owner must undertake most of the work and has sole responsibility for the business;The owner is liable for all of the debts of the business and therefore must pay all the bills. He/she has unlimited liability for the debts of the business.The owner may even has to sell their own possessions in order to pay the accounts if the business gets into trouble;It can be the case that, because some sole traders operate on a very informal basis, private matters of the owner can become indistinguishable from those of the business.4. In this case, xx’s enterprise form is belong to sole trader. So xx have the responsibilities and rights. For example, the owner makes all the decisions on how to manage his/her business.责任。

raising money for the business out of his/her own assets and/or with loans from bank or other lenders. The owner has to make an annual self assessment tax return to HM Revenue & Customer; must also keep records showing his/her business income and expense. Any profits go to the owner, As a sole trader, the owner is personally responsible for any debts run up by his/her business. The owner must undertake most of the work and has sole responsibility for the business. And it is liable for all of the debts of the business and therefore must pay all the bills and unlimited liability for the debts of the business.二.1. xx and yy’ form of business is belong to partnership.2. 定义。

Partnership have two types: traditional partnership and limited liability partnership Definition of a traditional PartnershipA traditional partnership is a relationship which subsists between two or more people carrying ona business in common with a view to profit.3.优点The partnership share workload and responsibility. They contribute different skillsShare all debts. Partnership can expand if necessary。

缺点:There must be agreement from all partners on business decisions。

Profits shared between all partners。

Responsibility for actions of fellow partners may become problematic。

P177.1784. 责任和权利In this case, xx’s enterprise form is belong to partnership. In a partnership, each partner will contribute something to the business whether it be a skill or merely capital investment. Parnters are agents for the partnership and thus an individual partner can bind the partnership to a contract. However partners in the traditional partnership do not enjoy any protection if thebusiness failed. The Partnership Act 1890 states that a partnership is a legal person separate from the partners. This means that the partnership can be sued or can sue. Each partner takes a share of profits. Partners usually manage the business though they can delegate responsibilities to employees; raise money for the business out of their own assets, and/or with loans. It is possible to have sleeping partners who contribute money but are not involved in running business. Each individual partner must make annual self-assessment returns to HM revenue & Customs. Each partner takes a share of profits. Creditors of a partnership will firstly go to the partnership for payment. If the partnership can not pay these debts, then the individual partners will be personally liable for the partnership debts. Partners in Scotland are both jointly and severally liable for paying off the debts. The partners in a partnership have unlimited liability for the debts or obligations owned by business. In most forms of partnerships, each partner shares in the decision-making, takes a share of the profits and has personal liability of the debts incurred by the business.三.1. A form of incorporation that limits the amount of liability undertaken by the company's shareholders. The naming convention for this type of corporate structure is commonly used in the United Kingdom. It is commonly known as a limited liability company (LLC) in the United States and other parts of the world.2. 两个类型p1873.优点:1.A company enters into contracts in its own name, it can sue and be sued in its own name; Limited liability.2.A company is liable for its own debts. If a company fails, the liability of the shareholders is limited to the values of shares they hold;3.A company owns its own property and Assets;4. A company has perpetual succession, irrespective of the fate of shareholders. Changes in the ownership of company do not affect the running;5. The management of a company is separated from its ownership;8. The shareholders need not be involved in running the company.10.one of the advantage of alimited company is the veil of incorporation. Macaura v Northern Life Assurance (1925)Facts: Macaura owned a forest. He formed a company in which he beneficially owned all the shares and sold his forest to it. He however, continued to maintain an insurance policy on the forest in his own name. the forest was destroyed by fire.Held: He could not claim on the policy since the property damaged belonged to the company, not him, and as shareholder he had no insurable interest in the forest.缺点。
