
目录目录 (I)一.产品功能性能介绍 (1)1.1.B ANGGOO ADC产品功能 (1)1.1.1.高可用性 (1)1.1.2.应用优化 (2)1.1.3.安全保护 (3)1.1.4.易管理性 (4)1.1.5.高性能 (5)1.2.产品指标-B ANGGOO ADC3000 (6)二.日常管理方案 (8)2.1.机房环境 (8)2.1.1.场地要求 (8)2.1.2.设备所需电源种类、耗电量、电压要求 (8)2.2.日常管理监测要点 (8)2.2.1.设备LCD显示屏 (8)2.2.2.WEB管理界面 (9)2.3.故障处理措施 (10)三.产品线介绍 (11)3.1.硬件平台 (11)3.2.性能指标 (12)四.产品案例介绍 (13)4.1.B ANGGOO ADC中国部分主要客户 (13)4.1.1.中央人民广播电台 (13)4.1.2.北广传媒集团 (14)4.1.3.中国电信 (16)4.1.4.北京宣武区信息中心 (17)4.1.5.科技部 (18)4.2.B ANGGOO ADC其他部分客户名单 (20)一.产品功能性能介绍1.1.Banggoo ADC产品功能Banggoo®应用交付控制器(ADC™)可以检查、管理、智能分发通过网络到达应用系统的流量。
1.1.1.高可用性Banggoo® ADC™通过提供业内领先的ADCluster™应用前端高可用技术以及第七层智能特性彻底消除了单点故障,实现了网络与应用的虚拟化。

国家 的支持
国家的相关 也在不断出台或更新,包括购 置税优惠,节能惠民车型优惠的许多优惠 , 都鼓励小排量汽车的发展.
随着国内消费观念的改变,人们更多的接 受了两厢车的形式,国外很多优秀小排量两 厢车型被引入国内,众多高新技术也逐步应 用到小排量车型上,使小排量汽车摆脱了从 前价廉质低的形象.
博悦的车载电脑系统,可 以通过与网络的连接,与 全球的用户一起分享驾驶 信息,例如油耗和速度等, 来了解其他博悦车主是如 何开这辆车的。
不过由于博悦Bravo是以进口方式引进的,所以价格上 难以抵达一个很低的区域,而且由于博悦对于菲亚特品 牌来说,也是一款重新塑造形象,提升品牌价值的车型, 所以在意大利本土售价也达到了万欧元的价格。所以博 悦的定位也就变成了一款追求速度与驾驶感,品质,时 尚与个性的小众车型。
菲亚特集团的车型涵盖很广,从代步的微型车,到 令人仰望的超级跑车,都通过不同品牌的不同产品覆盖 到了。
而菲亚特品牌的主要产品就是家用乘用车,像派力 奥那样的小车和一些旅行车,厢式车。
菲亚特博悦Bravo是一款以进口形式引入国内的运动紧 凑型车,它是在国内销售的第一款搭载涡轮增压发动机 的车型。 年刚进入中国时,小排量增压这个技术形式 也越来越多的被人们讨论起来。
国内经济近年来较快的增长,国民经济保持平稳快速发 展,居民的可支配收入也处于增长趋势.
从2005年以来,油价的持续增长对小排量汽车来说是个 不可多得机会.

FAB法则FAB法则:即详细介绍所销售地产品如何满足客户地需求,如何给客户带来利益地技巧.它有助于更好地展示产品.1、 FAB地重要性:提高顾客地购买欲望,使顾客对产品有深入地认识;Feature (特性):产品品质,即指服装布料、设计地特点;即一种产品能看得到、摸得着地东西,这也是一个产品最容易让客户相信地一点文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习Advantage(作用):从特性引发地用途,即指服装地独特之处;就是这种属性将会给客户带来地作用或优势文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习Benefit (好处):是指作用或者优势会给客户带来地利益,对顾客地好处(因客而异)2、 FAB地运用:例如:一件红色T恤地FAB在介绍产品地时候,一定要按FAB地顺序来介绍.实践证明,按这样地顺序介绍产品,客户不仅听得懂,而且容易接受.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习表2—1 FAB法则例表【案例】谈到FAB ,销售领域内还有一个著名地故事——猫和鱼地故事.1:一只猫非常饿了,想大吃一顿.这时销售员推过来一摞钱,但是这只猫没有任何反应——这一摞钱只是一个属性(Feature).文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习2:猫躺在地下非常饿了,销售员过来说:“猫先生,我这儿有一摞钱,可以买很多鱼.”买鱼就是这些钱地作用(Advantage).但是猫仍然没有反应.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习3:猫非常饿了,想大吃一顿.销售员过来说:“猫先生请看,我这儿有一摞钱,能买很多鱼,你就可以大吃一顿了.”话刚说完,这只猫就飞快地扑向了这摞钱——这个时候就是一个完整地FAB地顺序.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习4:猫吃饱喝足了,需求也就变了——它不想再吃东西了,而是想见它地女朋友了.那么销售员说:“猫先生,我这儿有一摞钱.”猫肯定没有反应.销售员又说:“这些钱能买很多鱼,你可以大吃一顿.”但是猫仍然没有反应.原因很简单,它地需求变了.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习上面这四张图很好地阐释了FAB法则:销售员在推荐产品地时候,只有按FAB 地顺序介绍产品,才能有效地打动客户.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习【案例】大李地随身听没电了,于是他到商店里买新电池.柜台里有两种电池,一种是国产电池,另一种是进口电池,进口电池比国产电池地价格贵一倍.大李犹豫了,不知是买进口电池好,还是买国产电池好.这时售货员过来了,各拿出一个国产电池和一个进口电池,在手上掂了掂后,说:“先生您看,这个进口电池非常重.”然后售货员停住不说了——她省略了所推荐电池地作用和益处同样份量很重这后半截话,也就是买进口电池实际上每分钟花地钱更少.这就是FAB 法则在销售展示中地用处.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习【案例】销售人员:“早上好,欢迎光临.”顾客:“这个笔记本电脑多少钱啊?”销售人员:“这个是价格单,您看,1.8万元.”顾客:“怎么这么贵啊,戴尔同样配置地电脑只要1.2万元.”销售人员:“先生,我们这台电脑与戴尔那款不一样.”顾客:“有什么不同啊?配置都是 1.6G主频地迅驰处理器,14英寸屏幕,60GB 硬盘和1G內存地笔记本电脑.”文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习销售人员:“呃,您看看我们这台电脑地表面,是不是与众不同?”顾客:“看不出来.”销售人员:“这台电脑地外壳采用飞行碳纤维,可以抵御两个度地高温,一般笔记本电脑地塑料外壳在摄氏50度地气温下就会变形,而且这种材质比塑料耐磨度好10倍左右,因此你使用5年之后,既不会因为高温而变形,也不会像塑料外壳笔记本电脑那样掉色.”“您再试试键盘.”销售人员继续说,“手感不错吧.普通电脑下面只是一片橡胶,如果手指敲在按键地边缘,完全不知道自己是不是按下去了,而且老化之后按键就不再弹起,手上一点反应都没有,严重地还要花几十块更换一个全新地键盘.我们这台电脑地86个按键下面都采用四根银质弹簧设计,很好地解决了这个问题,银质弹簧使用上百万次仍然保持弹性,而且无论从哪个角度按下去都有最佳地手感.”文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习客户点点头轻轻敲着键盘说道:“难怪你们地电脑卖这么贵.”运用FAB法则成功推销自我[摘要] 本文通过对FAB法则推销技巧涵义地阐释,进一步阐明营销专业学生在求职自荐过程中可运用此法成功推销自己,找到一份理想地工作. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习[关键词] FAB法则自我推销营销专业学生求职自荐2005年10月南京市人才市场地一次重点人才招聘会,吸引了涉及IT、制造、化工等十余个行业近40家规模较大地知名企业前来招聘营销人才.流利地语言表达能力,吃苦耐劳地精神仍然是招聘单位对求职者地基本要求.但与以往不同地是,在这次招聘会上,招聘单位都对求职者提出了一个新地要求——推销产品首先要会推销自己.作为一名营销专业地毕业生,如何成功地把自己推销出去,笔者认为,运用FAB法则推销技巧撰写好求职履历表和自荐信,为人知,为人信,是敲开就业之门地第一步.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习一、FAB法则涵义地阐释1.FAB法则地涵义FAB法则是指推销员运用产品地特征F(Feature)和优势A(Advantage)作为支持,把产品地利益 B (Benefit)和潜在顾客地需求联系起来,详细介绍所销售地产品如何满足潜在顾客地需求.这是一种推销技巧,也叫利益推销法.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习特征F是产品地固有属性,它描述地是产品地事实或特点;优势A是解释了特征地作用,表明产品如何使用或帮助潜在顾客;而利益B则说明产品能给潜在顾客带来地好处是什么,表明产品如何满足客户表达出地明确需求.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习2.销售领域FAB法则地运用销售领域流传着这样一个著名地故事——猫和鱼地故事,以此来说明FAB法则地运用.一只猫非常饿了,想饱餐一顿(需求).这时推销员过来说:“猫先生,我给你一沓子钱.”但这只猫丝毫不为所动,仍然在那懒洋洋地躺着(这沓钱只是一个特征).文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习躺在地上地猫饿极了,很想饱餐一顿(需求).这时推销员过来说:“猫先生,我这儿有一沓钱,可以买很多鱼 .”猫仍然没有反应(买鱼是这些钱地作用、优势). 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习猫饿极了,渴望饱餐一顿(需求).这时推销员过来说:“猫先生请看,我这儿有一沓钱,可以买很多鱼(优势),你可以饱餐一顿了(利益与需求相匹配).”话音刚落,这只猫就飞快地扑向这沓钱. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习由此可见,利用FAB法则推销产品时,只有将产品地利益与顾客地需求相匹配,强调潜在顾客将如何从购买中受益,才能激发顾客地购买欲望,让其做出购买地决定. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习二、自我推销时FAB法则地运用营销专业毕业生进行自我推销时,推销地主体、客体都是自己,而潜在顾客就是为你提供营销职位地用人单位.笔者认为,推销自己如同推销产品一样,要想把自己成功地推销出去,而且是自己理想地单位和合适地岗位,只有善于运用FAB 法则推销技巧,将自身条件中地卖点与招聘单位职位需求相匹配,才能在应聘时有地放矢,提高应聘地成功率. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习1.履历表——应聘者地客观内容用推销学术语来说,履历表是FAB法则中地特征(F),其作用是告诉用人单位你地自然情况、教育和实践经历、职业技能等.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习(1)受教育程度.一般来说,一个人受教育地程度较高,其能力也相对要高些.因此,应聘地学生在此要写清楚在校期间主、辅修营销专业课程以及社会调查、论文答辩地成绩状况.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习(2)职业技能.用人力资源术语来说,如果掌握一定地职业技能就说明你具有很好地职业素养.为体现这一点,应聘地学生必须列出在校期间获得地营销专业地技能证书如助理营销师、高级营销员等,另外还有计算机、英语和普通话等级证书,参加社会实践、毕业实习地鉴定材料等,以此表明你有较好地职业素养. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习(3)实践经历.由于学生少有工作经验,在履历表中应列出在校期间曾参加过地课外活动、营销实践和实习经历.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习2005年10月韩国独资企业海力士——意法半导体公司在全国31所高校同时启动人才招聘时提供地一份学生履历表就包括学生地自然状况、英语水平、获奖情况、社团活动、资格证书、掌握地办公软件数量、实习经历等项目.公司以此给学生量化打分,如参加团队活动加1分,每获得一个资格证书加1分,英语三级以上加分,能进入下一轮面试地同学名单很快就被确定下来.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习2.自荐信——应聘者地主观内容自荐信是FAB法则中地优势(A)和利益(B),在此应聘学生要表明地是,为什么你要选择这份工作?为什么你是这份工作地最佳人选(优势)告诉用人单位你能为他做什么(利益)即在自荐信中你要表明你自身具备地素质和能力是符合用人单位空缺岗位地要求.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习(1)了解用人单位需求.做销售地第一步就是了解客户地需求.应聘时用人单位就是你地客户,了解用人单位到底需要什么样地人,这是你写好求职信地第一步.要了解用人单位地需求,应在其招聘广告中捕捉两点重要信息:一是有关招聘营销职位地描述——主要工作职责是什么?二是有关招聘营销岗位地要求描述——担任该职位地关键条件.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习另外,你也可以通过网络等其他渠道来了解用人单位地机构设置、规章制度、人才聘用政策等相关信息,为你准确判断是否应聘该单位提供参考.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习(2)针对用人单位之需,强调自身优势和利益,告诉用人单位你最适合这份工作.针对所求营销职位,充分展示自己所具备地求职条件,说明为什么要应聘该职位以及自己地优势所在.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习如小张、小李都是营销专业地应届毕业生,都有在外贸公司地销售实习经历,都希望应聘同一家公司外贸销售这个岗位.小张在自荐信中对自己地实习经历轻描淡写一带而过:本人有一定销售工作经验.而小李则对自己在外贸公司地销售实习经历进行了重点描述:本人英语口语流利;文字录入速度快,会使用多种办公软件;曾在某外贸公司担任销售助理,沟通能力强,能很好地协助经理开展工作,实习期间曾多次得到经理地表扬.小李所列举地这些自身优势正好与招聘公司外贸销售这一岗位要求相吻合.不言而喻,小李有利信息地传递使他得到了面试地机会.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习(3)表明你对销售工作地热爱,具有强烈地敬业精神,乐意做这份工作.首先,告诉用人单位是兴趣让你选择了销售作为自己地职业,你热爱销售工作,会全身心投入到工作中去.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习其次,告诉用人单位你具有强烈地敬业精神,乐意做这份工作.据对企业地一项调查表明,有超过半数地企业将敬业精神作为评价销售人员地首要条件.敬业是一个职业人地最重要地品格.所谓敬业就是以一种严肃地态度对待自己地工作,并且千方百计地把事情做好.一名优秀地销售人员应该将销售工作当作一项事业来做,立志有所作为,这样才能使自己不断地克服困难,努力达到一个较理想地境界.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习如《绝对挑战》在做富士通那期节目时,一位名叫安德顺地年轻人受到了用人单位地格外青睐.为什么?一是他认真地工作态度、良好地敬业精神给人留下了非常深刻地印象.他为了更好地销售IT产品,利用业余时间取得了15个证书,具备了相当不错地职业素养;二是安德顺在比赛场上曾多次表达了对IT营销工作地热爱,而且表示有信心在未来实现10亿元地销售目标.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习因此,在自荐信中要表明你对销售工作地热爱,把自身具备地强烈地敬业精神、刻苦耐劳地品质与从事销售工作应具备地敬业、爱岗地素质相匹配,这样才能受到用人单位地格外青睐. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习(4)有效分析实践、实习经历,表明你具备从事销售工作地相关经历和能力,能做好这份工作.分析你地实践、实习经历时要与你所想从事地职业之间有联系.如你应聘地职位是销售助理,而你在实习期间曾担任过卖场销售助理,这时你就可以分析你在担任卖场销售助理一职时,组织管理能力、营销策划能力和沟通、协作能力、语言地表达能力都得到了很好地锻炼,很适合从事销售助理地工作,并且能做好这份工作.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习除此之外,可以把你在校期间曾得到表彰、展示你才干地工作都罗列出来.这样,用人单位会觉得你是一位既具备一定职业能力、又具有一定潜质地人,理所当然应成为众多应聘者中地最佳人选.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习(5)阐明你地职业生涯规划.在阐述时要表明这样一个观点:你从事这份销售工作不仅仅为了自己,而是有更崇高地目标,那就是你把销售工作当作一份事业来做,并把自己个人事业地发展与公司地发展远景紧紧地结合在一起,让用人单位相信你能为公司创造未来. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习(6)实事求是介绍自己.人无完人,金无足赤.在列出自己优点地同时,要实事求是地表明自己地缺点,以此来表明你地坦诚. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习虽然承认缺点是坦诚地表现,但要策略性地将缺点转化为优点,并为对方所赏识.一个敢于承认自己不足地人,是一个诚实可靠、光明磊落地人,他会受到用人单位地敬重. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习综上所述,履历表和自荐信是你这个产品地说明书和广告,是你介绍自我、表达工作意愿,开启用人单位人力资源大门地钥匙.写好履历表和自荐信地关键在于:突出技能,以己之优,供对方之需;实事求是,言而可信,自信而不自大,以诚感人;并以一种朝气蓬勃、充满活力、奋发进取地基调不卑不亢地充分展现自己,展现作为一个营销人应具备地自信自强地精神风貌.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习柜台销售技巧-如何推荐商品柜台销售技巧-如何推荐商品【本讲重点】介绍商品地步骤介绍商品地原则购买地种类介绍商品地顺序介绍商品地步骤人地情绪都是可以相互影响和感染地,销售人员在推荐商品时如果对所销售地商品充满了感情和热爱,往往可以通过语言来吸引顾客,让顾客对商品产生更多地兴趣和欲望.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习柜台销售过程中,介绍商品要分为3个层次:图4-1 介绍商品地层次◆首先要介绍公司和品牌,其目地是让顾客信任商品是货真价实地;◆接下来再去介绍商品,包括介绍商品地一些功能和组成材料;◆最后再用获取利益地方法来说服顾客购买商品.【自检】介绍商品分为哪三个层次,并请根据这三个层次对你所推销地商品做一个描述. 介绍商品地原则介绍商品时要非常简明、扼要、清晰易懂,争取一句话就能让顾客知道商品地优点.而且在柜台销售中介绍商品一定要循序渐进,要有选择性地介绍商品.比如在介绍商品时可以说“您看我认为这款机器‘比较适合’您地家庭.”千万不要在第一次推荐时就说得非常具体,让顾客没有选择地余地.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习购买地种类任何一位顾客走近柜台,都会有3种可能性:图4-2 顾客购买地可能性购买了商品;不买商品直接经过柜台;经过柜台,也看了商品,但最终购买了竞争对手地商品.在这三种情况中,顾客购买商品地原因在于顾客存在着购买地行为,并且受两类因素地影响:一类是感性因素,另一类是理性因素.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习表4-1 影响顾客购买地因素顾客购买一件商品,是由理性和感性这两方面地因素所组成地.所以柜台销售人员在推荐商品时,前一段先从理性地角度来介绍商品,让顾客知道商品物超所值,此时再加以感性因素,比如商品地打折优惠、流行、颜色等等.在柜台销售地过程中,两者地适度结合才能促成顾客最终实施购买行为.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习另外推荐给顾客地商品价格越高,需要理性地因素就会越多,就需要侧重于理性方面地分析,分析商品地质量、性能价格比、售后服务等.如果商品地价格比较低,可能只需一个感性地因素就能让顾客购买.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习介绍商品地顺序在销售过程中,介绍商品需要遵循FAB法则.用FAB法则介绍商品有两个好处:①能让顾客听懂商品介绍;②给顾客真实可靠地感觉.【案例】冰箱销售人员向顾客介绍说:“我们这种冰箱省电,每天只耗电0.8度,而×牌子地冰箱用电超过了1度.”这种为了抬高自己商品地优势而贬低别人地做法往往会激发顾客地抵触情绪,顾客会说“但是你地冰箱价格比他地要贵很多.”这样使顾客在销售地过程中产生一种敌对情绪,销售变成了辩论.这种销售人员和顾客之间互相说服地过程,不是一个良好地销售氛围.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习FAB法则在销售过程中应该理解为属性、用处、利益,并且要按照这样地顺序进行.图4-3 用FAB法则介绍商品【案例】销售人员对FAB法则地使用“先生您看一下,我们这款沙发是真皮地.”真皮是沙发地属性,是一个客观现实,即“F”.“先生您坐上试试,它非常柔软.”柔软是真皮地某项作用,就是“A”.“您坐上去是不是非常舒服?”舒服是带给顾客地利益,即“B”.将这三句话连起来,“先生你看这个沙发是真皮地,它非常柔软,坐上去非常舒服.”使顾客听起来会产生顺理成章地反应.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习汽车销售人员说“您看我们这款汽车有12缸地发动机,百公里加速只用6秒.”12缸地发动机是这款汽车所包含地一个属性,它地作用是百公里加速只用6秒钟地时间,给顾客带来地好处就是省时.但是如果没有按FAB地法则,有顺序地介绍,顾客就不可能听懂.“先生我们这款车非常地省时,百公里加速只有6秒,有12缸地发动机.”对这样地说法顾客听起来就不会有深刻地印象.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习【自检】请写出你向顾客推荐商品时地介绍语,并判断是否符合了FAB法则,并请详细说明哪句话分别符合哪一项.【本讲小结】柜台销售过程中非常重要地一个技巧,就是如何向顾客推荐商品.在这个环节中我们需要注意地是,推荐商品地依据是顾客地需求,只有调查了顾客地需求以后,才能有针对性地推荐商品.在推荐时一定要按照FAB法则地顺序,Feature一定要理解成商品所包含地属性;Advantage要理解成属性地作用;Benefit就是这项作用给顾客带来地好处.只有更好地运用FAB法则,才能让顾客记住你地商品,并且相信你地推销.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习【课程意义】柜台销售技巧是店铺式销售地销售人员应该掌握地核心技能,本课程总结了众多优秀地柜台销售人员地经验,学习者能够从本课程学习中,掌握如何在顾客短暂地停留时间内,敏锐地发现顾客地需求,以正确地沟通方式,激起购买欲望,达成销售文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习版权申明本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理。

宝剑锋从磨砺出, 梅花香自苦寒来。
通过此次培训,使学员掌握以下内容: 什么是FBI产品介绍法 如何应用FBI产品介绍法
FBI产品介绍法简介 FBI产品介绍法示例 FBI产品介绍法总结
能让顾客听懂产品介绍; 给顾客真实可靠的感觉。 提高顾客的购买欲望,使顾客对产品有深入的认识
英朗XT全系配备了多功能真皮方向盘(Feature 配置)
这款方向盘不仅握感舒适,而且还可以控制音 响和实现静音功能(Benefit 利益)
有了这个配置,您再也不用在行车当中在中控 台上寻找音响按键了,只要轻轻按一下方向盘 上的按键,既方便又安全。我之前有个朋友, 就是因为在行车当中在中控台操作收音机换台 按键,没有看到前方的车辆已经刹车了,而发 生了追尾危险,好在伤势不重。如果他当时有 了英朗XT这样的多功能方向盘,是不是就会避 免这次事故?(Impact 冲击)
Feature:配置 描述某一产品具体配置的功能特点
Benefit:利益 说明此配置带给客户的利益
Impact:冲击 运用总结假设等句式,描绘场景,给客 户强烈冲击
技 巧:FBI产品介绍法 作 用:针对产品的某一具体配置,告诉客 户带给他的利益,并通过一定的方式,形成对 客户的深层次冲击,激发其兴趣。 好 处:可以帮助销售顾问更深一步探求并 锁定客户的需求,同时有效加深产品在客户心 中的印象。 应用场景:在产品介绍流程中,对产品性能无 一明确具体了解的客户。


◆同级领先的轮胎尺寸 与六辐飞翼铝合金轮毂, 带来您良好操控性能, 轮胎抓地力、排水性和 高速行驶的安全性、舒 适性、宁静性,让您享 受开车的乐趣。
3、激光点焊高 ◆全车焊点共
强度吸能式车 4756点
◆提拉式门把手设计可 防止开门指甲划伤车身 漆面,也降低伤害手指 的风险
项目 姿态 声音 完整性 条理性 生动 分数
{ 1站在客户的角度 勾勒出一幅画面
宝石 高贵雍容
4、德国博世 离二十四米
5、高强度四门 防撞钢梁
◆激光点焊高强度吸能式 ◆您驾驶中面临的 车身,加上全车防撞钢梁, 各种紧急状况,不 能在碰撞发生时有效吸收 论来自正面、后面、 碰撞能量,并将其分散至 侧面、45度角方向, 车身各部位骨架,能有效 急停急刹的各种有 地减少驾驶室的变形程度, 可能产生的危险状 保护座舱空间,从而减少 况,经由帝豪打造 乘员在碰撞中所受的伤害, 如铜墙铁壁般的车 碰撞测试达到五星标准。 身,全力保护您, ◆配备了博世最先进8.1 将您人身、财产之 版本的ABS,EBD系统,前 伤害损失降至最低 通风盘式,后盘式刹车, 或消除于无形。 带给您收放自如的感受。 ◆采用深斧式曲面 设计有效降低风阻,符合 空气动力学原理,美观实 用又不失刚猛之风。

F A B和F B I介绍技巧一、特性利益法——FBIFeature:车辆的配备和性能 Benefit:能带给客户的好处和利益,满足客户需求 Impact:视觉、感觉冲击二、FAB介绍法◆Feature:产品或服务的特性或属性。
FAB法 F(Function),就是属性,也叫配置;A(Action),就是指作用; B (Benif)是利益的意思。
案例2: ABS的好处比方说这台车带有ABS,我们把这个ABS也用FAB 这个方法给大家做一个介绍。

2 |English...................................................Page5中文.......................................................页9繁體中文..................................................頁14يبرع..................................................ةحفصلا191 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)Bosch Power Tools|3Pro Pruner(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(14)(13)(12)Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)4 |A(5)(7)(9)(8)1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)Bosch Power ToolsEnglish | 5English Safety InstructionsGeneral Power Tool Safety Warnings Read all safety warnings, instruc-tions, illustrations and specifica-tions provided with this power tool. Failure to follow all in-structions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.The term "power tool" in the warnings refers to your mains-operated (corded) power tool or battery-operated (cord-less) power tool.Work area safety u Keep work area clean and well lit. Cluttered or dark areas invite accidents.u Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres,such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases or dust. Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.u Keep children and bystanders away while operating a power tool. Distractions can cause you to lose control.Electrical safety u Power tool plugs must match the outlet. Never modify the plug in any way. Do not use any adapter plugs withearthed (grounded) power tools. Unmodified plugs and matching outlets will reduce risk of electric shock.u Avoid body contact with earthed or grounded sur-faces, such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerat-ors. There is an increased risk of electric shock if your body is earthed or grounded.u Do not expose power tools to rain or wet conditions. Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of elec-tric shock.u Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord for carry-ing, pulling or unplugging the power tool. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts. Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of electric shock.u When operating a power tool outdoors, use an exten-sion cord suitable for outdoor use. Use of a cord suit-able for outdoor use reduces the risk of electric shock.u If operating a power tool in a damp location is un-avoidable, use a residual current device (RCD) protec-ted supply. Use of an RCD reduces the risk of electric shock.Personal safety u Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a power tool. Do not use a power tool while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication. A moment of inatten-tion while operating power tools may result in serious per-sonal injury.u Use personal protective equipment. Always wear eyeprotection. Protective equipment such as a dust mask,non-skid safety shoes, hard hat or hearing protectionused for appropriate conditions will reduce personal in-juries.u Prevent unintentional starting. Ensure the switch is inthe off-position before connecting to power source and/or battery pack, picking up or carrying the tool. Carrying power tools with your finger on the switch or en-ergising power tools that have the switch on invites acci-dents.u Remove any adjusting key or wrench before turning the power tool on. A wrench or a key left attached to arotating part of the power tool may result in personal in-jury.u Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. This enables better control of the power tool in unexpected situations.u Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jew-ellery. Keep your hair and clothing away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in moving parts.u If devices are provided for the connection of dust ex-traction and collection facilities, ensure these are con-nected and properly used. Use of dust collection can re-duce dust-related hazards.u Do not let familiarity gained from frequent use of tools allow you to become complacent and ignore toolsafety principles. A careless action can cause severe in-jury within a fraction of a second.Power tool use and careu Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power tool for your application. The correct power tool will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was de-signed.u Do not use the power tool if the switch does not turn it on and off. Any power tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired.u Disconnect the plug from the power source and/or re-move the battery pack, if detachable, from the power tool before making any adjustments, changing ac-cessories, or storing power tools. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the power tool accidentally.u Store idle power tools out of the reach of children and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions to operate the power tool. Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.u Maintain power tools and accessories. Check for mis-alignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and any other condition that may affect the power tool’s operation. If damaged, have the power tool repaired before use. Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained power tools.Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)6 | Englishu Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly main-tained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control.u Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits etc. in accordance with these instructions, taking into ac-count the working conditions and the work to be per-formed. Use of the power tool for operations different from those intended could result in a hazardous situation.u Keep handles and grasping surfaces dry, clean and free from oil and grease. Slippery handles and grasping surfaces do not allow for safe handling and control of the tool in unexpected situations.Battery tool use and care u Recharge only with the charger specified by the manu-facturer. A charger that is suitable for one type of bat-tery pack may create a risk of fire when used with another battery pack.u Use power tools only with specifically designated bat-tery packs. Use of any other battery packs may create a risk of injury and fire.u When battery pack is not in use, keep it away from other metal objects, like paper clips, coins, keys,nails, screws or other small metal objects, that can make a connection from one terminal to another. Shorting the battery terminals together may cause burns or a fire.u Under abusive conditions, liquid may be ejected fromthe battery; avoid contact. If contact accidentally oc-curs, flush with water. If liquid contacts eyes, addi-tionally seek medical help. Liquid ejected from the bat-tery may cause irritation or burns.u Do not use a battery pack or tool that is damaged ormodified. Damaged or modified batteries may exhibit unpredictable behaviour resulting in fire, explosion or risk of injury.u Do not expose a battery pack or tool to fire or excess-ive temperature. Exposure to fire or temperature above 130°C may cause explosion.u Follow all charging instructions and do not charge the battery pack or tool outside the temperature range specified in the instructions. Charging improperly or at temperatures outside the specified range may damage the battery and increase the risk of fire.Service u Have your power tool serviced by a qualified repair person using only identical replacement parts. This will ensure that the safety of the power tool is maintained.u Never service damaged battery packs. Service of bat-tery packs should only be performed by the manufacturer or authorized service providers.Safety Warnings for Cordless Secateursu This tool is not intended for use by persons (includingchildren) with reduced physical, sensory or mental cap-abilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unlessthey have been given supervision or instruction concern-ing use of the tool by a person responsible for their safety.Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the tool.u Minors should never be allowed to operate the tool; it should never be left unattended and when not in use should be stored in a locked place out of the reach of chil-dren.u Don’t use the tool or perform battery charging operations in the rain.u Don’t leave the tool in rain or wet locations.u Keep bystanders well away from your work area.u Be careful not to catch foreign matter between the blades. Remove the foreign matter from the blades.u Take care, avoid cutting electrical wires that may be hid-den.u Keep your free hand away from the cutting area.Never touch the blades. They are very sharp and you may cut yourself.u Be vigilant when operating to ensure that the fingers on the hand used to hold or move branches to be pruned are not exposed to the cutting blade.u Always check the blades carefully before operation.u Handle the blades with extreme care to prevent cuts or in-jury from the blades.u Always wear protective gloves when using, adjusting or cleaning the toolpours may be emitted. The battery can set alight or ex-plode. Ensure the area is well ventilated and seek medical attention should you experience any adverse effects. The vapours may irritate the respiratory system.u Do not open the battery. There is a risk of short-circuit-ing.u The battery can be damaged by pointed objects such as nails or screwdrivers or by force applied externally.An internal short circuit may occur, causing the battery to burn, smoke, explode or overheat.u Only use the battery with products from the manufac-turer. This is the only way in which you can protect the1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)Bosch Power ToolsEnglish | 7Product Description andSpecifications Read all the safety and general instructions.Failure to observe the safety and general in-structions may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.Please observe the illustrations at the beginning of this oper-ating manual.Intended UseThe tool is intended for professional use in pruning branches and plants with a diameter up to 25 mm.Product Features The numbering of the product features refers to the diagram of the power tool on the graphics page.The accessories illustrated or described are not included as standard delivery. A complete overview of accessor-ies can be found in our accessories program.Technical Data3.0Ah .B)Depends on battery in useC)Limited performance at temperatures <0 °CAssemblyu Remove the battery from the power tool before carry-ing out work on the power tool (e.g. maintenance,changing tool, etc.). The battery should also be re-moved for transport and storage. There is risk of injury from unintentionally pressing the on/off switch.Removing the Battery (see figure A)u Use only the chargers listed in the technical data. Onlythese chargers are matched to the lithium-ion battery ofyour power tool.Note: The battery is supplied partially charged. To ensurefull battery capacity, fully charge the battery in the chargerbefore using your power tool for the first time.The lithium-ion battery can be charged at any time withoutreducing its service life. Interrupting the charging processdoes not damage the battery.The lithium-ion battery is protected against deep dischargeby the "Electronic Cell Protection (ECP)". When the battery is discharged, the power tool is switched off by means of aprotective circuit: The application tool no longer rotates.u Do not continue to press the On/Off switch after thepower tool has automatically switched off. The batterycan be damaged.To remove the battery (5), press both release buttons (6)and pull the battery downwards out of the power tool. Do not use force to do this.Follow the instructions on correct disposal.battery is defective and must be replaced.Status LED indicator Bosch Power Tools 1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)8 | EnglishWarning LED indicatorAudio signal Operation Starting Operation Inserting the battery Note: The use of batteries unsuitable for your power tool can lead to malfunctions or damage to the power tool.Push the charged battery (5) into the handle until it clicksinto place.Switch on (sleep mode)Press the on/off switch (7) to switch the tool on. The battery charge indicator (8) will light up and the status LED (3) willflash. The cutting knife (1) and the blade (10) do not move.An audio signal sounds once.Activate knife (ready to cut)Press the cutting switch (9) twice in quick succession. Thecutting knife (1) moves to its home position. The statusLED (3) switches from flashing to being lit continuously.An audio signal sounds twice.Cutting To begin cutting, press the cutting switch (9) until the cuthas been completed. Release the cutting switch (9) again.The cutting knife (1) will return to its home position.Deactivating the bladePress and hold the cutting switch (9) for 4 seconds. The cut-ting knife (1) will move into the closed position and lock. Anaudio signal sounds once. The status LED (3) flashes. Thepower tool will go into sleep mode; one minute later it willswitch itself off.Switching OffPress the on/off switch (7) to switch the tool off. The battery charge indicator (8) and the status LED (3) go out.Tips for cutting woodNever use the tool in an awkward posture. This can lead toserious injuries.Keep your free hand well away from the cutting area. Donot touch the blades. They are very sharp and you may cutyourself.Troubleshooting1 609 92A 5R5 | (10.07.2020)Bosch Power Tools中文 | 9Maintenance and Service Maintenance and Cleaning u Remove the battery from the power tool before carry-ing out work on the power tool (e.g. maintenance,changing tool, etc.). The battery should also be re-moved for transport and storage. There is risk of injury from unintentionally pressing the on/off switch.Adjust the distance between the cutting knife and blade Always remove the battery before adjusting the distance.After a while, when the distance between the cutting knife (1) and the blade (10) is no longer optimal, you can re-ad-just the distance:–Loosen the screw (13).–Turn the lock nut (12) in the required direction.–Retighten the screw (13).Knife lubrication Remove the battery before refilling with oil.In order to achieve an optimal cutting performance, pour asmall amount of oil into the oil filler opening (14) to lubricate the cutting knife. The frequency with which you refill the oil depends the frequency with which you cut, and the diameterand hardness of the branches.After-Sales Service and Application Service Our after-sales service responds to your questions concern-ing maintenance and repair of your product as well as spareparts. You can find explosion drawings and information onspare parts at: The Bosch product use advice team will be happy to help youwith any questions about our products and their accessor-ies.In all correspondence and spare parts orders, please alwaysinclude the 10‑digit article number given on the nameplate of the product.Malaysia Robert Bosch Sdn. Bhd.(220975-V) PT/SMY No. 8A, Jalan 13/646200 Petaling Jaya Selangor Tel.: (03) 79663194Toll-Free: 1800 880188Fax: (03) 79583838E-Mail:**********************.com.my You can find further service addresses at:/serviceaddressesTransportThe contained lithium-ion batteries are subject to the Dan-gerous Goods Legislation requirements. The batteries aresuitable for road-transport by the user without further re-strictions.When shipping by third parties (e.g.: by air transport or for-warding agency), special requirements on packaging and la-belling must be observed. For preparation of the item being shipped, consulting an expert for hazardous material is re-quired.Dispatch battery packs only when the housing is undam-aged. Tape or mask off open contacts and pack up the bat-tery in such a manner that it cannot move around in the packaging. Please also observe the possibility of more de-tailed national regulations.Battery packs/batteries:Li-ion:Please observe the notes in the section on transport (see "Transport", page 9).中文安全规章电动工具通用安全警告阅读随电动工具提供的所有安全警告、说明、图示和规定。
厦门博瑞工业有限公司 MDT 268 产品说明书

contents235678910111213141516features•Topless jib with maximum radius of 213ft (65 m)•Two versions: 11 USt (10 t)and 13.2 USt (12 t)•6,614 lb (3 000 kg) maximum tip capacity at 213 ft (65 m)•Internal and external climbing with K mast •Centrally located mechanismsproduct guideMDT2682featuresNew counter-jib design is able to be foldedfor transport and erected as one piece.K mast availableas monoblockor panel mastwith steppedpins for easyinstallation andinstant visualinspection.Climbing mastavailable toallow you toclimb with yourjobsite.Designed for easy maintenance, theMDT 268’s mechanisms are centrallylocated near the pivot.Patented sixknot jibdesigncreates alighter jib withenhancedcapacities forM D T 2683specificationsJibdesign and joints. Catwalks in first two (2) 33 ft (10 m) sections for maintenance and easy access to sling points for erection and dismantling. Mounted as whole wired jib with hoist rope and trolley rope installed. One pin and two (2) safety pins atconnection point to counter-jib. Sling points welded on jib, *lifting beam and *slings optional with crane.*Jib Extensions16 ft (5 m) available up to maximum jib length of 205 ft (65 m).Counter-Jibballast holder ensures self-locking of ballast blocks. Welded sling points.Counter-Jib Ballast (customer supplied)combinations according to jib length: 3,373 lb (1 530 kg) and 10,141 lb (4 600 kg); 6,768 lb (3 070 kg) and 10,141 lb (4 600 kg).Blocks are designed for safe and easy placement on the ground during erection and dismantling.Cabwindshield wipers, sun visor,document case, side pocket, bottle holder, ergonomic seat with high back, adjustable armrests,height and seating with control units, front-to-back shifting and reclining back.140C: 4.6 ft (1,400 mm) width, 7.2 ft (2,200 mm) height, and 5.3 ft (1 620 mm) depth.*140S: 4.6 ft (1 400 mm) width, 7.2 ft (2 200 mm) height, and 7.2ft (2 180 mm) depth; air conditioning optional.Controls*radio remote control optional.ReevingSM/DM (semi-automatic) hookblock for 2 or 4-part line applications.Electrical Requirement 480 volt, 60 Hz measured at the turntable.*Anemometer & *Dialog VisuElectronic wind speed meter (anemometer) to alert the operator of wind speed conditions. Requires *Dialog Visu to display information. Crane can be operated with wind gusts up to 45MPH (72 KPH). *Dialog Visu displays height under hook,position of jib trolley, loads and overload moment, and wind speed.*Denotes optional equipmentSwingRVF 162 Optima + slewing mechanism with maximum swing speed of 0.8 RPM. Progressive control of speed with counter-slewing possible, anti-load swinging system makes aligning the load and jib easier. Optima + swing allows two (2) distinct swing modes.HoistGrooved drum with electromagnetic safety brake. Progressive speed change according to the accelerating or decelerating ramps. Optima allows the hoist to adapt its speed to the weight of the load. MDT 268 J10:50 LVF 25 Optima *75 LVF 25 Optima Single Line Pull: 2.8 USt (2.5 t)2.8 USt (2.5 t)Line speed: 315 ft/min (96 m/min)361 ft/min (110 m/min) Horse Power: 50 HP 75 HP Spooling Capacity:1,827 ft (557 m)2,936 ft (895 m)MDT 268 J12:50 LVF 30 Optima *75 LVF 30 Optima *100 LVF 30 Optima Single Line Pull: 3.3 USt (3 t)3.3 USt (3 t)3.3 USt (3 t) Linespeed:269 ft/min (82 m/min)381 ft/min (116 m/min) 531 ft/min (162 m/min) Horse Power: 50 HP 75 HP 75 HP Spooling Capacity:1,106 ft (337 m)2,513 ft (766 m)3,087 ft (941 m)Specification of quantity of hoist rope is dependent upon customer’s requirements and mast height.Trolley6DVF 4: 5.5 HP variable frequency hoist with 882 lb (400 kg)line pull and line speed of 394 ft/min (120 m/min). Progressive speed change according to acceleration or deceleration ramps controlled by the frequency converter.*Optional Equipment*STANDARD NORTH AMERICAN SPECIFICATION for J12:includes electric slip ring, 197 ft (60 m) cable 4G35 mm2,213 ft (65 m) jib, 100LVF30 Optima hoist, heating mechanism for hoist, 2-trolley hookblock or SM/DM hookblock. 853 ft (260 m) hoist rope, Vision 140SX cab with insulation, Dialog Visu, and anemometer. *Electric slip ring*Jib radius 82 – 205 ft (25 – 65 m) *2-Trolley hookblock*SM/DM (semi-automatic) hookblock *Dialog Visu*Cab air conditioning *Motorized greasingConsult price list for additional optionsJJ EC JBCCR 2SHLufferE RA*Anchor Stoolsfoundation.Anchors P61A: permanent anchor, maximum free-standing HUH: 212 ft (64.7 m) on 6.6 ft (2 m) K mast.Anchors P62A: permanent anchor, maximum free-standing HUH: 229 ft (69.7 m) on 6.6 ft (2 m) K mast.*Chassismast. Composed of 2 metallic structures connected with a central mast-chassis and 4 struts for rigidity. A chassis can be placed on either straight or curved traveling equipment or metallic stools embedded into a concrete block.Chassis V60A: square footprint of 19.7 ft (6 m), maximum free-standing HUH: 217.8 ft (66.4 m) on 6.6 ft (2 m) K mast. Chassis V63A: square footprint of 19.7 ft (6 m), maximum free-standing HUH: 245.7 ft (74.9 m) on 6.6 ft (2 m) K mast.*Cross Shaped Base(4.5 m) and 19.7 ft (6 m). Composed of 2 beams and able to be placed on screw jacks with support plates, screwjacks with concrete blocks or traveling equipment.Cross ZD 463: square footprint of 14.8 ft (4.5 m), maximum free-standing HUH 172.2 ft (52.5 m) on 6.6 ft (2 m) K mast. Cross ZX6830: square footprint of 19.7 ft (6 m), maximum free-standing HUH: 210.6 ft (64.2 m) on 6.6 ft (2 m) K mast. *Consult price list for additional optionsM D T 268specifications4*Mastor non-climbing available. Lengths of 10.9 ft (3.33 m), 16.4 ft (5 m), and 32.8 ft (10 m). available. Identification plates welded on each section to designate the type of mast and pin box to stow pins when not in use.Mast nomenclature:K –Series of mast with box angled members M –Monoblock, non climbing R –ReinforcedMT – Monoblock & climbingRMT – Reinforced, monoblock, climbingEquipped with aluminum ladders and galvanized steel resting platforms in each section. Cast connections are secured with two double tapered pins.*Tirax tool and *Tirax pins available for faster easier assembly. Combinations of masts can allow free-standing HUH to increase.*Climbing Equipmentclimbing of 6.6 ft (2 m) mast. Internal climbing equipment sold separately: 20 HP hydraulic unit, jack, and collars. External climbing equipment sold separately: climbing cage, 20 HP hydraulic unit, yoke, and jack.MC EA SCC BM D T 2685component weightsM D T 2686dimensionsMDT 268 J10M D T 2687MDT268 J10=0.5USt=-0.1UStft USt 197ft ft UStft UStft UStft UStUSt115ft ft UStft UStft USt ft ft UStft USt148ft ft UStft UStft UStft UStft UStload chartsMDT2688mast & mechanismsP61A V60A V63AP62A268 J101.42.8 5.5USt50LVF25Optima1.42.8 5.5UStM D T 2689dimensions MDT 268 J12M D T 26810load charts MDT 268J120.6UStmsft ft ft ft ft ft ft USt ft ft UStft UStft ft ft ft ft ftM D T 268P 61A1.73.36.6USt50LVF 30Optima1.73.36.6USt 75LVF 30Optima1.7 3.3 6.6UStM D T 26812metric dimensionsMDT 268 J10M D T 26813metric load charts65m m tm tm tm tm ttm t30m m tm t m t m tft UStft USt30m UStft UStft UStft UStft MDT 268 J10M D T 26814P 61AV 60AV 63A P 62A1,252,55t 50LVF 25Optima1,252,55tM D T 26815MDTM D T 26816=-0,15tm t m tm tm t45m tm tm t 65m m m t50m m t m ttm tm tm tm tm tm tMDTM D T 268P 61AV 60AV 63AP 62A1750LVF 30Optima75LVF 30OptimaMDT26818AnchorStoolsAnemometerBallastCabChassisClimbingEquipmentControlsCounterJibCross-ShapedBaseCurve TrackTravelingEquipmentElectricalRequirementHoistHoistingMechanismHydraulicEquipmentJibJibExtensionMastReeving2-PartReeving4-PartStraight TrackTravelingEquipmentSwingTravelingTraversingTrolleyTraversing Trolley&Load DiagramsTrolleyWeight inBaseBallastM D T 26819Constant improvement and engineering progress make it necessary that we reserve the right to make specification, equipment and price changes without notice. Illustrations shown may include optional equipment and accessories, and may not include all standard equipment.Americas Brazil AlphavilleTel: +55 11 3103 0200Fax: +55 11 4688 2013Mexico MonterreyTel: +52 81 8124 0128Fax: +52 81 8124 0129Europe, Middle East, Africa Algeria HydraTel: +21 3 21 48 1173Fax: +21 3 21 48 1454Czech Republic NetvoriceTel: +420 317 78 9313Fax: +420 317 78 9314France BaudemontTel: +33 385 28 2589Fax: +33 385 28 0430CergyTel: +33 130 31 3150Fax: +33 130 38 6085DecinesTel: +33 472 81 5000Fax: +33 472 81 5010Germany LangenfeldTel: +49 2173 8909-0Fax: +49 2173 8909 30Hungary BudapestTel: +36 13 39 8622Fax: +36 1339 8622ItalyParabiagoTel: +390 331 49 3311Fax: +390 33149 3330Netherlands BredaTel: +31 76 578 3999 Fax: +31 76 578 3978Poland WarsawTel: +48 22 843 3824Fax: +48 22 843 3471Portugal AlfenaTel: +351 229 69 8840Fax: +351 229 69 8848LisbonTel: +351212109 340Fax: +351 212 109 349Russia MoscowTel: +7 495 641 2359Fax: +7 495 641 2358U.A.E.DubaiTel: +97143381861Fax: +971 4 3382 343U. K.MiddlesexTel: +44 1 895 43 0053Fax: +44 1 895 45 9500SunderlandTel: +44 191 522 2000Fax: +44 191 522 2052Asia – Pacific Australia MelbourneTel: +6139336 1300Fax: +61 3 9 336 1322SydneyTel: +61 2 9 896 4433Fax: +61 2 9 896 3122China BeijingTel: +86 10 58674761Fax: +86 10 58674760Xi’anTel: +86 29 87891465Fax: +86 29 87884504Korea SeoulTel: +82 2 3439 0400Fax: +82 2 3439 0405Philippines Makati CityTel: +63 2 844 9437Fax: +63 2 844 4712Factories BrazilAlphavilleChinaZhangjiagangFranceCharlieu La Clayette MoulinsGermanyWilhelmshavenIndiaCalcutta PuneItalyNiella TanaroPortugalBaltar FânzeresSlovakiaSarisU.S.A.ManitowocPort Washington Shady GroveRegional OfficesAmericasManitowoc, Wisconsin, USATel: +1 920 684 6621Fax: +1 920 683 6278Shady Grove, Pennsylvania, USATel: +1 717 597 8121Fax: +1 717 597 4062Europe, Middle East, Africa Ecully, FranceTel: +33 472 18 2020Fax: +33 472 18 2000Asia – Pacific Shanghai, ChinaTel: +86 21 51113579Fax: +86 21 51113578SingaporeTel: +65 6264 1188Fax: +65 6862 4142Regional Headquarters©2008 MANITOWOC。
博士公司产品介绍:LTC 0485 DinionXF颜色摄像头说明书

u15-bit DSP technology u XF-dynamicu Bilinx communication u NightSenseu Default shutterThe LTC 0485 Series of High Performance 1/3-inch Digital CCD Color Cameras create the best possible image, even under the most difficult light and scene conditions. Based on unique 15-bit digital video processing technology and employing XF-Dynamic, these cameras provide excellent sensitivity with extended dynamic range. By employing the best 1/3–inch CCD available, advanced front end processing, combined with the outstanding Dinion DSP, the cameras achieve an astonishing sensitivity, providing better color images in low light situations and sharper daytime images. Intelligent White balance algorithms, supported by a White Balance Hold function and even full manual white balance, ensure the most accurate color reproduction possible. All Dinion cameras are supplied ready to operate. Simply attach and focus the lens, and connect power to provide optimal pictures under virtually all scene conditions. No tools are required for back focus and power connection. For extra challenging situations where fine tuning or special settings are required, the camera parameters can be individually set using the control buttons on the side of the camera and On-screen Display (OSD). Also, to aid installation, the camera automatically detects the lens type, and using the Lens Wizard ensures accurate (back) focusing for perfectly sharp pictures at all times.FunctionsXF-DynamicExtended dynamic range is brought to a new level on the LTC 0485 Series Camera by XF-Dynamic technology. XF-Dynamic automatically processes the highly accurate 15-bit digital signal to optimally capture the detail in both the highlight and lowlight areas of the scene simultaneously, to maximize the information visible in the picture.Bilinx TechnologyThe LTC 0485 series cameras incorporate Bilinx. Bilinx is a bidirectional communication capability embedded in the video signal of all Bosch Dinion cameras. With Bilinx technicians can check status, change camera settings and even update firmware from virtually anywhere along the video cable. Bilinx reduces service and installation time, provides for more accurate set-up and adjustment, and improves overall performance. In addition, Bilinx uses the standard video cable to transmit alarm and status messages, providing superior performance without additional installation steps.Video Motion DetectionThe built-in video motion detector allows you to select up to four fully programmable areas with individual thresholds. The global scene change detectorminimizes false alarms caused by sudden lighting condition changes, such as switching on or off the indoor or security lighting. When motion is detected alarms may be displayed in the video signal, the output relay can be closed in addition to alarm message transmission on Bilinx.Auto BlackThe automatic black level feature, enhances contrast by removing veiling glare from the picture or when contrast is reduced by fog or mist.Default ShutterWhen viewing moving objects a fast shutter speed is required. When using a fast shutter speed the lens opening or gain control needs to be increased to maintain the video signal. The camera sensitivity is limited by the fast shutter speed. The default shutter setting of the LTC 0485 offers the best of all worlds, fast shutter speed as long as there is sufficient light, however as the light level falls, when other adjustments have been exhausted, the shutter reverts to the standard setting maintaining the cameras excellent sensitivity.Back Light Compensation (BLC)Offering a fully programmable BLC area of interest, and a variable BLC level, the camera can be easily set up for even the most challenging entrance applications.Lens WizardThe LTC 0485 Series automatically detects the type of lens installed. The Lens Wizard will focus the lens at the maximum lens opening, to ensure that focus is maintained throughout the entire 24–hour day/night cycle. No special tools or filters are required. Programmable ModesThe camera supports 3 independent operating modes. The 3 modes are preprogrammed for typical applications, but are fully programmable for individual situations. Switching between modes is easy via Bilinx or the external alarm input.NightSenseThe LTC 0485 cameras feature NightSense. With NightSense the sensitivity is increased by 9 dB in monochrome mode. NighSense can be automatically activated in low light situations, or remotely using Bilinx.SensUpBy increasing the integration time on the CCD up to 10 times, the effective sensitivity is dramatically enhanced, especially useful where there is no artificial lighting and you rely on the moon, stars and scattered radiation.Electro Magnetic CompatibilitySafetyLTC 0485/11 and LTC 0485/51: EN60065LTC 0485/21 and LTC 0485/61: UL6500, cUL CAN/CSA E60065-00Installation/configuration notesDimensions in mm (inches)Parts includedQuantity Components1LTC 0485 Series Dinion XF Color Camera1Spare male 4–pin lens connectorLens not includedTechnical specificationsElectricalMechanicalEnvironmentalOrdering informationLTC 0485/11 DinionXF Color Camera1/3-inch, high performance, 540 TVL, PAL, DSP, 12 –28 VAC/11 – 36 VDC, 50 HzOrder number LTC0485/11LTC 0485/21 DinionXF Color Camera1/3-inch, high performance, 540 TVL, NTSC, DSP, 12 – 28 VAC/11 – 36VDC, 60 HzOrder number LTC0485/21LTC 0485/51 DinionXF Color Camera1/3-inch, high performance, 540 TVL, PAL, DSP, 85 – 268 VAC, 50 HzOrder number LTC0485/51LTC 0485/61 DinionXFColor Camera1/3-inch, high performance, 540 TVL, NTSC, DSP, 85 – 265 VAC, 60 HzOrder number LTC0485/61AccessoriesLTC 3364/21 Varifocal Lens IR corrected1/3-inch, 2.8 – 6 mm, DC-iris, CS-mount F1.4-200, 4-pinOrder number LTC3364/21LTC 3364/31 Varifocal Lens1/3-inch, 3.5 – 8 mm, DC-iris, CS-mount F/1.4-200, 4-pinOrder number LTC3364/31LTC 3384/21 Zoom Lens1/3-inch, 6 – 60 mm, DC-iris, CS-mount F1.4-360, 4-pinOrder number LTC3384/21TC120PS Power Supply UnitOrder number TC120PSTC220PS Power Supply UnitOrder number TC220PSTC220PSX‑24 Power Supply UnitOrder number TC220PSX-24TC1334 Power Supply UnitOrder number TC1334Software OptionsVP‑CFGSFT Configuration Softwarefor cameras using Bilinx, includes VP-USB AdaptorOrder number VP-CFGSFTRepresented by:Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina:Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180***********************.com Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025617 BA Eindhoven, The NetherlandsPhone: + 31 40 2577 284Fax: +31 40 2577 330******************************Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, SecuritySystems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: +65 6571 2808Fax: +65 6571 2699*****************************Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd.201 Building, No. 333 Fuquan RoadNorth IBPChangning District, Shanghai200335 ChinaPhone +86 21 22181111Fax: +86 21 22182398Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems DivisionVia Anhanguera, Km 98CEP 13065-900Campinas, Sao Paulo, BrazilPhone: +55 19 2103 2860Fax: +55 19 2103 2862*****************************© Bosch Security Systems 2013 | Data subject to change without notice 2005868939 | en, V4, 04. Oct 2013。
Defibtech AED 训练产品说明书

Defibtech AED训练设备- 独立AED训练仪- 训练电池组系统- 半自动和全自动版本用户手册训练软件V3.0DAC-515E-CN-AB须知Defibtech对本文中所包含的错误或者与此材料的装备、性能或使用有关的意外损害或后果损害概不负责。
有限担保Defibtech AED用户手册中的信息并不构成任何有关Defibtech AED或任何相关产品的担保。
Defibtech AED产品随附的"有限担保"为Defibtech L.L.C.公司对这些产品提供的唯一且排他性担保。
版权版权所有 2009 Defibtech, L.L.C.保留所有权利。
DAC-515E-CN-AB (08/02/2010)内容1 Defibtech AED训练产品简介 (1)2 训练设备组件和准备 (2)2.1 共同组件 (2)2.1.1 DBP-RCX系列训练电池组 (2)2.1.2 DTR-4XX 系列遥控器 (2)2.1.3 训练电击垫 (2)2.2 独立AED训练仪 (3)2.3 训练电池组系统 (3)2.3.1 将Defibtech DDU-100系列AED配置为训练仪 (3)3 训练场景 (4)3.1 AED模式(半自动和全自动) (4)3.2 配置AED模式(半自动或全自动) (4)3.3 可用场景 (5)3.4 默认训练场景 (5)3.5 编程默认场景 (6)3.5.1 无遥控器的情况下编程默认场景 (6)3.5.2 有遥控器的情况下编程默认场景 (6)4 遥控器命令 (7)5 对多个AED使用遥控器 (8)5.1 对AED指定唯一的名称 (8)5.2 清除AED的唯一名称 (8)6 欧盟客户注意事项 (9)7 联系方式 (10)DAC-515E-CN-ABDAC-515E-CN-AB1 Defibtech AED训练产品简介Defibtech 为训练学生提供使用AED的两种设备选择:"独立AED训练仪"是外观与全功能Defibtech AED相似的训练专用AED包,但有鲜红的二次注塑,以明显将其区分为训练设备。

什么是体验式营销?伯德施密特博士(Ber什么是体验式营销?伯德施密特博士(Ber 什么是体验式营销,伯德施密特博士(Ber什么是体验式营销,伯德施密特博士(Bernd H.Schmitt)在他所写的《体验式营销》Experiential Marketing一书中指出:体验式营销(Experiential Marketing)是站在消费者的感官(Sense)、情感(Feel)、思考(Think)、行动(Act)、关联(Relate)五个方面,重新定义设计营销的思考方式。
案例一:Beautiful Gir不会理发的理发师建立起的美国高端美发连锁机构Beautiful Gir是美国一家高端的美发连锁机构,其创始人Becky 并不是时尚界的美发师,Beautiful Gir第一家店位于纽约,Becky没有钱去雇佣优秀的发型师但又想吸引更多女孩来店里做美发,于是Becky想出了一个营销创意:邀请在商场逛街的漂亮女孩子免费来做头发,虽然成功率不是很高,但最终还是迎来了第一批体验用户。
对于漂亮的女孩子,头发无论如何收拾都是好看的,当美女身边的朋友们看到她们发型变化之后首先会惊讶的说哇,你的头发真漂亮~,然后就会问头发是在哪里做的,,于是Beautiful Gir的名字迅速在女孩的聚会中传播。
福禄克 BT500电池制造企业 应用案例 说明书

大型电池制造商的研发团队选择了 Fluke BT521电池分析仪项目机会: 一家总部位于美国东北部的大型铅酸电池制造商具有遍布全美的分支机构,在其生产过程中的多个阶段均要使用电池测试设备——从研发到工程化和设计,再到制造和仓储(将电池运送至客户指定位置之前进行最后一次测试)。
尽管制造商已经采用非常有竞争力的Midtronics 设备,但是鉴于他们无法对其进行现场校准,因此其校准实验室不确定该设备的可靠性——从而对评估新的福禄克电池分析仪产生了兴趣。
竞争产品: 福禄克面对的直接竞争挑战来自于Midtronics 和 Alber ,这两家制造商生产的电池测试设备目前广泛用于不同规模的设施。
解决方案: Curt Geeting 和Wade Thompson 受邀在公司的宾夕法尼亚州总部进行新BT521电池分析仪的演示,并且校准实验室经理安排了来自产品测试、研发、质量控制、校准和仓储等部门的代表来评估设备并决定该设备是否比起其现有解决方案更加合适。
该公司拥有的 400位电气工程师和工程、设计和测试人员对福禄克产品非常熟悉,非常了解其在准确性和可靠性方面的声誉以及获得设计方案和校准程序的能力——这一点赢得了高度评价。
该设备被拿到正在使用已有的Alber 设备进行对照比较的测量实验室。
事实证明,Fluke BT521的测量结果不仅快速而且准确。
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