高中英语美语初级口语自学单词1200个第24课素材 (1)

[名词] 世界, 全球.
This is our world.
This airpo rt is the larges t in the world.
[形容词] 错误的, 不对的, 有毛病的.
I got off the train at th e wrong station.
[副词] 邪恶地, 错误地.
Do n't get me wrong.
[名词] 错误, 不道德, 不公正.
[代名词] 你, 你们. (you 的受格亦是 y ou) You are my best friend.
All you have to do is keep quiet.
[代名词] 你的, 你们的. (yo u 的所有格) When does your summer vacation beg in?
This book will b e helpful to your study. 这本书将对你的学习有所帮助.
[代名词] (you 的所有代名词)你的(东西), 你们的(东西).
This is our room, and that is yours.这个是我们的房间, 那个是你们的 (房间). That bike of you rs looks nice.

1000句最常用英语口语1. i see.我明白了。
I see2. i quit! 我不干了!I quit3. let go! 放手!Let go4. me too.我也是。
Me too5. my god! 天哪!6. no way! 不行!No way7. come on.来吧(赶快)Come on8. hold on.等一等。
Hold on9. i agree。
I agree10. not bad.还不错。
Not bad11. not yet.还没。
12. see you.再见。
13. shut up! 闭嘴!14. so long.再见。
15. why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. allow me.让我来。
17. be quiet! 安静点!18. cheer up! 振作起来!19. good job! 做得好!20. have fun! 玩得开心!21. how much? 多少钱?22. i'm full.我饱了。
23. i'm home.我回来了。
24. i'm lost.我迷路了。
25. my treat.我请客。
26. so do i.我也一样。
27. this way。
28. after you.您先。
29. bless you! 祝福你!30. follow me.跟我来。
31. forget it! 休想! (算了!)32. good luck! 祝好运!33. i decline! 我拒绝!34. i promise.我保证。
35. of course! 当然了!36. slow down! 慢点!37. take care! 保重!38. they hurt. (伤口)疼。
39. try again.再试试。
40. watch out! 当心。
41. what's up? 有什么事吗?42. be careful! 注意!43. bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!44. don't move! 不许动!45. guess what? 猜猜看?46. i doubt it 我怀疑。

英语日常最实用1200个基石词汇这是国外权威机构公布的日常最常用词表,是我们继续扩大词汇量,通向词汇珠峰的基石和阶梯.名词要按主题分类来记,最好配之以图.FOLLOW ME,FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!继续登峰,保你不知不觉地造极!1 the2 of3 and4 a5 to6 in7 is8 you9 that10 it11 he12 for13 was14 on15are16 as17 with18 his19 they20 at21 be22 this23 from24 I25 have26 or27 by28 one29 had30 not31 but32 what33 all34 were35 when36 we37 there39 an40 your41 which42 their43 said44 if45 do46 will47 each48 about49 how50 up51 out52 them53 then54 she55 many56 some57 so58 these59 would60 other61 into62 has63 more64 he r65 two66 like67 him68 see69 time70 could71 no72 make73 than74 first75 been76 its77 who78 now79 people80 my81 made83 did84 down85 only86 way87 find88 use89 may90 water91 long92 little93 very94 after95 words96 called97 just98 where99 most100 know 101 get102 through 103 back104 much 105 go106 good 107 new108 write109 our110 m e111 man112 too113 any114 day115 same 116 right117 look118 think119 also120 around 121 another 122 came 123 come 124 work125 three127 because 128 does129 part130 even131 place132 well133 such134 here135 take136 why137 help138 put139 different 140 away141 again142 off143 went144 old145 number 146 great147 tell148 men149 say150 small151 every152 found153 still154 between 155 mane156 should 157 home158 big159 give160 air161 line162 set163 own164 under165 read166 last167 never168 us169 left171 along172 while173 might174 next175 sound176 below177 saw178 something 179 thought180 both181 few182 those183 always184 show185 large186 often187 together 188 asked189 house190 don't191 world192 goin g193 want194 school195 important 196 until197 form198 food199 keep200 children 201 feet202 land203 side204 without205 boy206 once207 animal208 life209 enough210 took211 four212 head213 above215 began216 almost 217 live218 page219 got220 earth221 need222 far223 hand224 high225 year226 mother 227 light228 country 229 father230 let231 night232 pictu r e233 being234 study235 second 236 soon237 story238 since239 white240 ever241 paper242 hard243 near244 sentence 245 better246 best247 across 248 during249 today250 however 251 sure252 knew253 it's254 try255 told256 young257 sun259 whole 260 hear261 example 262 heard263 several 264 change 265 answer 266 room267 sea268 against 269 top270 turned 271 learn272 point273 city274 play275 toward 276 five277 himself 278 usually 279 money 280 seen281 didn't282 car283 morning 284 I'm285 body286 upon287 family 288 later289 turn290 move291 face292 door293 cut294 done295 group296 true297 half298 red299 fish300 plants 301 living303 eat304 short305 United States 306 run307 book308 gave309 order310 open311 ground312 cold313 really314 table315 remember316 tree317 course318 front319 American320 space321 inside322 ago323 sad324 early325 I'll326 learned327 brought328 close329 nothing330 though331 idea332 before333 lived334 became335 add336 become337 grow338 draw339 yet340 less341 wind342 behind343 cannot344 letter345 among347 dog348 shown 349 mean350 English 351 rest352 perhaps 353 certain 354 six355 feel356 fire357 ready358 green359 yes360 built361 special 362 ran363 full364 town365 complete 366 oh367 person 368 hot369 anything 370 hold371 state372 list373 stood374 hundred 375 ten376 fast377 felt378 kept379 notice380 can't381 strong382 voice383 probably 384 area385 horse386 matter387 stand388 box389 start391 class392 piece393 surface394 river395 common 396 stop397 am398 talk399 whether400 fine401 round402 dark403 past404 ball405 girl406 road407 blue408 instead409 either410 held411 already412 warm413 gone414 finally415 summer416 understand 417 moon418 animals419 mind420 outside421 power422 problem423 longer424 winter425 deep426 heavy427 carefully428 follow429 beautiful430 everyone 431 leave432 everything 433 game435 bring436 watch437 shell438 dry439 within440 floor441 ice442 ship443 themselves 444 begin445 fact446 third447 quite448 carry449 distance450 although451 sat452 possible453 heart454 real455 simple456 snow457 rain458 suddenly 459 easy460 leaves461 lay462 size463 wild464 weather465 miss466 pattern467sky468 walked469 main470 someone 471 center472 field473 stay474 itself475 boat476 question477 wide479 tiny480 hour481 happened 482 foot483 care484 low485 else486 gold487 build488 glass489 rock490 tall491 alone492 bottom493 check494 reading 495 fall496 poor497 map498 friend499 language 500 job501 music502 buy503 window 504 mark505 heat506 grew507listen508 ask509 single510 clear511 energy512 week513 explain514 lost515 spring516 travel517 wrote518 farm519 circle520 whose521 correct523 measure524 straight525 base526 m ountain527 caught528 hair529 bird530 wood531 color532 war533 fly534 yourself535 seem536 thus537 square538 moment539 teacher540 happy541 bright542 sent543 present544 plan545 rather546 length547 speed548 machine549 information 550 except551 figure552 you're553 free554 fell555 suppose556 natural557 ocean558 government 559 baby560 grass561 plane562 street563 couldn't564 reason565 difference567 history 568 mouth 569 middle 570 step571 child572 strange 573 wish574 soil575 human 576 trip577 woman 578 eye579 milk580 choose 581 north582 seven583 famous 584 late585 pay586 sleep587 iron588 trouble 589 store590 beside 591 oil592 modern 593 fun594 catch595 business 596 reach597 lot598 won't599 case600 speak601 shape602 eight603 edge604 soft605 village 606 object607 age608 minute 609 wall611 record612 copy613 forest614 especially 615 necessary 616 he's617 unit618 flat619 direction620 south621 subject622 skin623 wasn't624 I've625 yellow626 party627 force628 test629 bad630 temperature 631 pair632 ahead633 wrong634 practice635 sand636 tail637 wait638 difficult639 general640 cover641 material642 isn't643 thousand644 sign645 guess646 forward647 huge648 ride649 regio n650 nor651 period652 blood653 rich655 corner 656 cat657 amount 658 garden 659 led660 note661 various 662 race663 bit664 result665 brother 666 addition 667 doesn't 668 dead669weight 670 thin671 stone672 hit673 wife674 island 675 we'll676 opposite 677 born678 sense 679 cattle680 million 681 anyone 682 rule683 science 684 afraid685 women 686 produce 687 pull688 s o n689 meant 690 broken 691 interest 692 chance 693 thick694 sight695 pretty696 train697 fresh699 lead700 break701 sit702 bought 703 radio704 method 705 king706 similar707 return708 corn709 decide710 position 711 bear712 hope713 song714 engine715 board716 control717 spread 718 evening 719 brown720 clean721 wouldn't 722 section 723 spent724 ring725 teeth726 quie t727 ancient 728 stick729 afternoon 730 silver731 nose732 century 733 therefore 734 level735 you'll736 death737 hole738 coast739 cross740 sharp741 fight743 fill744 deal745 b u sy746 beyond 747 send748 love749 cool750 cause 751 please 752 meat753 lady754 west755 glad756 action 757 pass758 type759 attention 760 gas761 kitchen 762 pick763 scale764 basic765 happen 766 safe767 grown 768 cost769 wear770 act771 hat772 arm773 believe 774 major775 gray776 wonder 777 include 778 describe 779 electric 780 sold781 visit782 sheep 783 I'd784 office785 row787 fit788 equal789 value790 yard791 beat792 inch793 sugar794 key795 product796 desert797 bank798 farther799 won800 total801 sell802 wire803 rose804 cotton805 spoke806 rope807 fear808 shore809 throughout 810 compare 811 movement 812 exercise 813 bread814 process815 nature816 apart817 path818 careful819 narrow820 mental821 nine822 useful823 publi c824 according 825 steel826 salt827 speech828 forth829 nation830 knowledge 831 appear832 ate833 dinner834 hurt835 spend836 experiment 837 touch838 drop839 chair840 east841 separate 842truck843 sing844 column845 twice846 particular 847 shop848 unless849 spot850 neither851 met852 wheel853 none854 hill855 television 856 bill857 solve858 pressure 859 report860 farmer861 count862 trade863 chief864 month865 clothes866 doctor867 indeed868 dance869 church870 original871 enjoy872 string873 sister874 familiar 875 onto876 imagine 877 blow878 quick879 law880 lie881 final882 rise883 loud884 fair885 herself886 slow887 noise888 statement 889 hungry890 join891 tube892 rode893 empty894 twenty895 broke896 nice897 effect898 paid899 motion900 myself901 divide902 supply903 laid904 dear905 surprise 906 gun907 entire908 fruit909 crowd910 band911 wet912 solid913 northern 914 flower915 star916 feed917 wooden919develop 920 shoulder 921 variety922 season 923 share924 jump925 regular 926 represent 927 market 928 we're929 flew930 finger931 expect932 army933 cabin934 camp935 danger 936 purpose 937 break f ast 938 proper939 coat940 push941 express 942 shot943 angry944 southern 945 dress946 bag947 proud948 neck949 breath950 strength 951 member 952 twelve953 mine954 company 955 current 956 p o und957 valley958 double959 till960 match961 average963 liquid964 alive965 stream966 provide967 drink968 experience 969 future970 tomorrow 971 drove972 population 973 finish974 sta t ion975 shook976 stage977 oxygen978 poem979 solution980 burn981 cent982 electricity 983 everybody 984 rate985 dust986 worth987 community 988 captain989 bus990 protect991 cook992 raise993 further994 steam995 guide996 discover 997 plain998 usual999 seat1000 accept1001 police1002 consider 1003 dozen1004 baseball 1005 rubber1007 support1008 exactly1009 industry 1010they're1011 beneath 1012 laugh1013 groceries 1014 popular1015 thank1016 quarter1017 climbed 1018 continue 1019 potatoes 1020 receive1021 design1022 president 1023 charge1024 mistake 1025 hospital 1026 remain1027 service1028 increase 1029 students 1030 insects1031 address 1032 sincerely 1033 dollars1034 belong1035 bottle1036 flight1037 forget1038 bicycle1039 secret1040 soldier1041 silent1042 s t ructure 1043 height1044 observe 1045 indicate 1046 railroad1047 knife1048 married1049 suggested1051 magazine 1052 agree1053 fifty1054 escape1055 threw1056 planet1057 dangerous 1058 eve n t1059 leader1060 peace1061 spelling1062 chapter1063 swimming 1064 opportunity 1065 immediately 1066 favorite1067 settled1068 telephone 1069 repeat1070 prepare1071 instance1072 avenue1073 newspaper 1074 actually1075 employee 1076 review1077 convince1078 allowed1079 nobody1080 details1081 muscles1082 model1083 climate1084 coffee1085 whenever 1086 serious1087 angle1088 feather1089 determined 1090 dictionary1091 ordinary1092 extra1093 rough1095 condition 1096 arrived1097 located1098 program 1099 pencil1100 tongue1101 title1102 enemy1103 garage1104 lose1105 vegetable 1106 parents1107 style1108 education 1109 required 1110 political1111 daughter 1112 individual 1113 progress 1114 altogether 1115 activities 1116 article1117 equipment 1118 discuss1119 healthy1120 perfect1121 recognize 1122 frequently 1123 character 1124 personal 1125 disappear 1126 success 1127 traffic1128 yesterday 1129 situation 1130 realize1131 message 1132 recently 1133 account 1134 physical 1135 neighbor 1136excited1137 whisper1139 college1140 furniture1141 leather1142 husband1143 principal1144 medicine1145 excellent1146 operation1147 council1148 author1149 organize1150 concern1151 barb e cue1152 accident1153 disease1154 construction 1155 motor1156 affect1157 conversation 1158 evidence1159 citizen1160 environment 1161 influence1162 cancel1163 audience1164 apartment1165 worse1166 tran s portation 1167 frozen1168 waste1169 couple1170 function1171 connect1172 project1173 pronounce 1174 offered1175 apply1176 improve1177 stomach1178 collect1179 prevent1180 courage1181 occur1183 quality1184 terrible1185 instrument 1186 balance1187 ability1188 arrange1189 rhythm1190 avoid1191 daily1192 identity1193 standard1194 combine1195 attached1196 frighten1197 social1198 factory1199 license1200 recommend。

1000句最常用英语口语1. i see.我明白了。
I see2. i quit! 我不干了!I quit3. let go! 放手!Let go4. me too.我也是。
Me too5. my god! 天哪!6. no way! 不行!No way7. come on.来吧(赶快)Come on8. hold on.等一等。
Hold on9. i agree。
I agree10. not bad.还不错。
Not bad11. not yet.还没。
12. see you.再见。
13. shut up! 闭嘴!14. so long.再见。
15. why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. allow me.让我来。
17. be quiet! 安静点!18. cheer up! 振作起来!19. good job! 做得好!20. have fun! 玩得开心!21. how much? 多少钱?22. i'm full.我饱了。
23. i'm home.我回来了。
24. i'm lost.我迷路了。
25. my treat.我请客。
26. so do i.我也一样。
27. this way。
28. after you.您先。
29. bless you! 祝福你!30. follow me.跟我来。
31. forget it! 休想! (算了!)32. good luck! 祝好运!33. i decline! 我拒绝!34. i promise.我保证。
35. of course! 当然了!36. slow down! 慢点!37. take care! 保重!38. they hurt. (伤口)疼。
39. try again.再试试。
40. watch out! 当心。
41. what's up? 有什么事吗?42. be careful! 注意!43. bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!44. don't move! 不许动!45. guess what? 猜猜看?46. i doubt it 我怀疑。

英语口语最常用单词Absolutely!--—- 绝对正确!Adorable!———- 可爱极了!Amazing! ---- 太神了!Anytime! ————随时吩咐!Almost!—-——差不多了! - Finished?— Almost! Awful!———- 好可怕呀!After you. --—- 您先。
About when? -—-—大约何时?All set? —-—- 一切妥当?Allow me!——-- 让我来!Baloney! ————胡扯!荒谬!Behave! ——-- 放尊重点!Bingo!——-- 中了!Boring! -—-- 真无聊!Bravo! ——-- 太棒了!Bull太好了! -——- 胡说!C‘mon! ---—拜托了!Check, please! --—- 唔该埋单!Cheers! ---- 干杯!Congratulations!——-- 恭喜啊!Correct! --——对的!Crazy! —-——疯了!d*amn!————该死的!Deal! -——- 一言为定!Definitely! —--- 当然!Disgusting! —--- 好恶心呀!Drat! -———讨厌!Encore! ——-- 再来一次!Exactly! ——-—完全正确!Fantastic!——-- 妙极了!Farewell! ———- 再见啦!Fifty—fifty! -—-- 对半分!Foul! —--- 犯规了!Fresh! -—-—好有型!帅!Gesundheit! ———- 保重!(特别用于对打喷嚏的人说)Gone! ——-—跑了!Gorgeous! —--- 美极了!Great! -——- 太好了!Hey!————嘿!Hopefully! -———希望如此!有希望的话.。
. Horrible! —-——好可怕!Hot! -—-—好辣!Hurray!/Hurrah! ——-—万岁!Hush!———- (肃静)嘘!Hurry! -———快点!Imagine! -——- 想想看!Impossible!—--—不可能吧!Impressive! -—-—很感人,永生难忘!Incredible! ————不可思议! Indeed?———- 真的?Jesus!—--—天啊!Liar!——-- 你撒谎!Listen! ———- 听着!Lousy! —--—差劲!Marverllous! ---- 棒极了!Now!——-- 现在就做!Objection! ---—我抗议! Outrageous!—-—- 不得了!Pardon! -—-- 请再说一遍!Peekaboo! —-—- 躲猫猫!Perfect! ---—很完美!Please! ————拜托了!Present!——-—到(有)!(用于点名时)Probably! -———很可能!Rats! -———差劲!Really?—--—真的?Relax! --——放轻松!Right! ——-—对的!Satisfied? ———- 满意吗?Shhh。

1200个最常用英语口语单词第一单元(mp3)accident ['æksidənt] n.事故,意外,偶然careful ['keəful] a.仔细(小心)的difficulty ['difikəlti] n.困难flag [flæg] n.旗帜horse [hɔ:s] n.马lock [lɔk] n.&v.锁nut [nʌt] n.竖果,螺帽rain [rein] n.&v.雨,下雨silk [silk] n.丝,丝绸注意与ei区分thirty ['θə:ti] a.&n.三十(个) 第一个音节读一声accidental [.æksi'dentl] a.意外的,偶然的carrot ['kærət] n.胡萝卜注意与ai区分dinner ['dinə] n.正餐,晚餐flat [flæt] a.平的,扁平的;n.套间hospital ['hɔspitl] n. 医院重音*lonely ['ləunli] a.孤单的,孤寂的,偏僻的一声聋丽不是LVngOceania [.əuʃi'einiə] n.大洋洲rainy ['reini] a.多雨的simple ['simpl] a.简单的,单纯的,朴素的though [ðəu] ad.可是;conj.虽然,尽管1200个最常用英语口语单词第二单元(mp3)ache [eik] n.&v. 疼痛carry ['kæri]v. 搬运,携带,运载dirty ['də:ti] a.肮脏的flatten ['flætn]v.弄平hotel [həu'tel] n.旅馆floser ['lu:zə] n.输家,失败者offer ['ɔfə] v.&n.提供,出价,提议ə不是L raise [reiz] v.举起,募集,养育睿zsimply ['simpli] ad.简单地,朴素地,仅仅thousand ['θauzənd] a.&n.千骚忍的across [ə'krɔs] prep.&ad.横过catch [kætʃ] v.捕捉,抓住,赶上.钩住æ与a:、ei、ai 区分discover [dis'kʌvə] v.发现注意s后面清辅音发浊辅音t发d,k发gflight [flait] n.飞行,航班,航程,逃亡注意与æ区分house [haus] n.房子;v.容纳loud [laud] a.大声的office ['ɔfis] n.办公室,办事处,事务所rather ['ra:ðə] ad.宁愿,相当,颇singer ['siŋə] n.歌手,歌唱家through [θru:] ad.&prep. 通过,经过,穿过1200个最常用英语口语单词第三单元(mp3) address [ə'dres] n.&v.(写)地址,演说cause [kɔ:z] n.原因;v.引起discovery [dis'kʌəri] n.发现floor [tlɔ:] n.地板,地面,(楼)层housework ['hauswə:k] n.家务loudspeaker [laud'spi:kə] n.扩音器operate [ɔpəreit] v.操作,经营,动手术reach [ri:tʃ] v.到达,伸手取,够得着sister ['sistə] n.姐,妹throughout [θru:'aut] prep.遍及,贯穿advise [əd'vaiz] v.劝告,建议center [sentə] n.中心,中央discuss [dis'kʌs] v.讨论flower [flauə] n.花;v.开花读四声however [hau'evə] ad.无论如何,可是与æ区分lover [lʌvə] n.爱好者,情侣operation [.ɔpə'reiʃən] n.运转,操作,手术reader ['ri:də] n.读者,读本size [saiz] n.大小,尺寸,尺码throw [θrəu] v.&n. 扔,投,摔1200个最常用英语口语单词第四单元(mp3) afraid [ə'freid] a.害怕,恐怕centimeter ['sentimitə] n.厘米discussion [dis'kʌʃən] n.讨论follow ['fɔləu] v.跟随,顺着huge [hju:dʒ] a.巨大的lucky ['lʌki] a.幸运的orange ['ɔrindʒ] n.柑,桶,橙,橙色ready ['redi] a.准备好的skate [skeit] n.溜冰鞋;v. 滑冰Thursday ['θə:zdi] n.星期四afternoon [a:ftə'num] n.午后,下午central ['sentrəl] a.中心的,中央的dish [diʃ] n.碟子,盘子,菜following ['fɔləuiŋ] a.下面的,下述的hundred [hʌndəd] a.&n.百lunch [lʌntʃ] n.午餐order ['ɔ:də] n.次(秩)序reason ['ri:zn] n.原因,理由; v.推理skating ['skeiting] n.滑冰,溜冰tidy ['taidi] a.整洁(齐)的1200个最常用英语口语单词第五单元(mp3) against [ə'geinst] prep.相反,对着,靠着century ['sentʃuri] n.百年,世纪district ['distrikt] n.地区,区域fool [fu:l] n.傻子hunger ['hʌŋgə] n.&v.饥饿machine [mə'ʃi:n] n.机器ordinary ['ɔ:drinəri] a.普通的,平凡的receive [ri'si:v] v.收到,接收skirt [skə:t] n.裙子timetable ['taimteibl] n.时间表,时刻表agree [ə'gri] v.同意,符合certain ['sə:tn] v.确定的,肯定的dollar ['dɔlə] n.美元,元foolish ['fu:liʃ] a.愚蠢的hungry ['hʌŋgri] a.饥饿的mail [meil] n.邮政,邮件;v.邮递ourselves [auə'selvz] pron.我们自己record [ri'kɔ:d] v.记录,记载sleep [sli:p] v.&n.睡(眠)tireless ['taiəlis] a.不倦的1200个最常用英语口语单词第六单元(mp3) ahead ['əhed] ad.在前(头)certainty ['sə:tənti] n.必然(性) doorbell ['dɔ:bel] n.门铃football ['futbɔ:l] n.足球,足球运动hurry ['hʌri] n.&v.匆忙,仓促,赶紧make [meik] v.制造,使成为outside ['aut'said] n.&a.外面(的) remember [ri'membə] v.想起,记得sleepy ['sli:pi] a.想睡的,困的together [tə'geðə] ad.共同,一起airless ['eəlis] a.无空气的,不通风的chair [tʃeə] n.椅子doorway ['dɔ:wei] n.门口foreign ['fɔrin] a.外国的hurt [hə:t] n.&v.伤害maker ['meikə] n.制造者overcoat ['əuvəkəut] n.大衣repair [ri'peə] n.&v.修理slow [sləu] v.放慢;a.慢的tomato [tə'meitəu] n.番茄,西红柿1200个最常用英语口语单词第七单元(mp3) airline ['eəlain] n.航线,航空公司chairman ['tʃeəmən] n.主席double ['dʌbl] a.两倍的,双的;v.加倍forest ['fɔrist] n.森林husband ['hʌzbənd] n.丈夫manage ['mænidʒ] v.管理,处理,设法owner ['əunə] n.物主,所有者report [ri'pɔ:t] n.&v.报告,报道small [smɔ:l] a.小的tomb [tu:m] n.坟墓;v.埋葬airliner [eə'lainə] n.班机,客机chalk [tʃɔ:k] n.粉笔,白垩down [daun] ad.向下forget [fɔ'get] v.忘记idea [ai'diə] n.主意,想法,思想,概念manner ['mænə] n.方式,态度,举止ownership ['əunəʃip] n.所有权republic [ri'pʌblik] n.共和国,团体smell [smel] v.嗅;n.气味tomorrow [tu'mɔrəu] ad.&n.明天1200个最常用英语口语单词第八单元(mp3) airport ['eəpɔ:t] n.机场change [tʃeindʒ] n.&v.改变,变换draw [drɔ:] v.画,拉,吸引forgetful [fə'getfl] a.易忘的,健忘的impolite [.impə'lait] a.不礼貌的,不客气的many ['meni] a.很多page [peidʒ] n.(书)页;v.翻书页restaurant ['restərɔnt] n.餐馆smelly ['smeli] a.有臭味的tonight [tu'nait] ad.&n.今晚alive [ə'laiv] a.活着的,存在的(作表语) cheap [tʃi:p] a.价廉的,便宜的drawing ['drɔ:iŋ] n.图,画form [fɔ:m] n.形式(状) ,表格importance [im'pɔ:təns] n.重要性March [ma:tʃ] n.三月pain [pein] n.疼痛,辛苦;pl.辛劳restless ['restlis] a.不安静(定)的,躁动的smile [smail] n.&v.微笑toothache ['tu:θeik] n.牙痛1200个最常用英语口语单词第九单元(mp3) almost ['ɔ:lməust] ad.几乎,差不多cheer [tʃiə] n.&v.欢欣(呼) ,喜悦dress [dres] n.衣服;v.穿衣,整理forward ['fɔ:wəd] a.在前的,前部的important [im'pɔ:tənt] a.重要的mark [ma:k] v.作标记,作记号;n.标记painful ['peinful] a.痛苦的,疼痛的result [ri'zʌlt] n. 结果smog [smɔg] n.烟雾toothbrush ['tu:θbrʌʃ] n.牙刷along [ə'lɔŋ] ad.&prep.沿着,朝着chemistry ['kemistri] n.化学drink [driŋk] v.喝found [faund] v.打基础,创立impossible [im'pɔsəbl] a.不可能的market ['ma:kit] n.市场,集市;v.推销paint [peint] n.油漆,颜料;v.涂,画retell [ri:'tel] v.复述,改写smoke [sməuk] n.烟;v.冒烟,吸烟toothpaste ['tu:θpeist] n.牙膏1200个最常用英语口语单词第十单元(mp3)alongside [ə'lɔŋsaid] ad.&prep.沿着,靠着chick [tʃik] n.小鸡,幼鸟drive [draiv] v.驱,赶,开(车)fourteen ['fɔ:'ti:n] a.&n.十四(个)impress [im'pres] v.&n.(盖)印,铭记,印象married ['mærid] a.已婚的painting ['peintiŋ] n.绘画,画return [ri'tə:n] n.&v.返回,归还,回报smoking ['sməukiŋ] n.冒烟,吸烟touch [tʌtʃ] n.&v.接触,抚摸,应付already [ɔ:l'redi] ad.己经chicken [tʃikin] n.鸡(肉) ,小鸡,幼鸟driver ['draivə] n.司机,驱赶者fragile ['frædʒail] a.易碎的,易损的impression [im'preʃən] n.印记(象) marry ['mæri] v.结婚,娶,嫁pair [peə] n.一双,一对;v.使成对review [ri'vju:] n.&v.复习,回顾,再检查sock [sɔk] n.短袜towards [tə'wɔ:dz] prep.向,朝,接近于1200个最常用英语口语单词第十一单元(mp3) although [ɔ:l'ðəu] conj.虽然,尽管chip [tʃip] n.薄片,芯片,集成块drop [drɔp] n.滴;v.使滴下free [fri:] a.自由的,免费的;v.释放inconvenient [.inkən'vi:njənt] a.不方便的mask [ma:skl n.( 假)面罩,口罩palace ['pælis]n.宫殿,皇宫rice [rais] n.稻,大米,饭soft [sɔft] a.软的tractor ['træktə] n.拖拉机always ['ɔ:lweiz] ad.永远地,总是chocolate ['tʃɔkəlit] n.巧克力dryness ['drainis] n.干燥freeze [fri:z] v.冻结,结冰indeed [in'di:d] ad.确实mass [mæs] n.块,群众,大量panda ['pændə] n.熊猫rich [ritʃ] a.富有,丰富softly ['sɔftli] ad.( 柔)软地,轻轻地traffic ['træfik] n.交通,交易,买卖1200个最常用英语口语单词第十二单元(mp3) among [ə'mʌŋ] prep.在…之中choose [tʃu:z] v.选择,挑选duck [dʌk] n.鸭子freezer ['fri:zə] n.冰箱,冷库India ['indiə] n.印度match [mætʃ] n.火柴,竞赛paper ['peipə] n.纸,论文ride [raid] v.&n.骑(马) ,乘坐soldier ['səuldʒə] n.士兵,军人translate ['træns'leit] v.翻译angry ['æŋgri] a.愤怒的,生气的chopstick ['tʃɔpstik] n.筷子dumpling ['dʌmpliŋ] n.水饺,馄饨Friday ['fraidi] n.星期五Indian ['indiən] n.印度人,印第安人mathematics [,mæθi'mætiks] n.数学pardon ['pa:dn] n.&v.原谅,饶恕right [rait] a.&ad.右,正确;n.右边somebody ['sʌmbədi] pron.某人translation [træns'leiʃən] n.翻译,译文1200个最常用英语口语单词第十三单元(mp3) animal ['æniməl] n.动物,兽Christmas ['krisməs] n.圣诞节during ['djuəriŋ] prep.在…期间fridge [fridʒ] n.冰箱information [,infə'meiʃən] n.通知,情报,信息matter ['mætə] n.物质(品) ,事情parent ['peərənt] n.父,母,双亲之一ring [riŋ] n.环,戒指,铃声someone ['sʌmwʌn] pron.某人,有人translator [træns'leitə] n.译者,翻译another [ə'nʌðə] a.&pron.再一(个) cinema ['sinimə] n.电影院,电影(艺术) duty ['dju:ti] n.责任,义务,职责friend [frend] n.朋友ink [iŋk] n.墨水,油墨maybe ['meibi:] ad.也许,可能park [pa:k] n.公园,停车场;v. 停车rise [raiz] n.&v.上升(涨) ,升起something ['sʌmθinŋ] pron.某事(物) treasure [tredʒ] n.财富,财宝;以珍视1200个最常用英语口语单词第十四单元(mp3) answer ['a:nsə] n.&v.回答,答复class [kla:s] n.等级,班级,阶级,课dying ['daiiŋ] a.临死的friendship ['frendʃip] n.友谊,友好,友爱inside ['in'said] n.&a.内部(的)meal [mi:l] n.膳食,饭食,餐part [pa:t] n.部分(件) ,角色river ['rivə] n.江,河,川sound [saund] n.声音;v.发声,听起来trouble ['trʌbl] n.&v.麻烦,烦恼anybody ['eni,bɔdi] n.&pron.无论谁,任何人classmate ['kla:smeit] n.同学early ['ə:li] a.&ad. 早,起初(的)frighten ['fraitən] v.恐吓instead [in'sted] ad.代替,顶替mean [mi:n] v.意思是,意味party ['pa:ti] n.聚会,党,团伙,当事人road [rəud] n.道路south [sauθ] n.&a.南方(的)trousers ['trauzəz] n.裤子1200个最常用英语口语单词第十五单元(mp3) anything ['eniθiŋ] pron.无论什么东西,任何事classroom ['kla:srum] n.教室earth [ə:θ] n.地球,泥土,土壤frightful ['fraitful] a.可怕的instruct [in'strʌkt] v.教,指导meaning ['mi:niŋ] n.意思,含义pass [pa:s] v.通过,传递roadside ['rəudsaid] a.&n.路旁(的) southeast ['sauθ'i:st] n.&a.&ad.(在)东南(的)truck [trʌk] n.卡车,货车anywhere ['eniweə] ad.无论哪里,任何地方clean [kli:n] v.清洁(扫)easily ['i:zili] ad.容易地front [frʌnt] n.前面,前线instruction [in'strʌkʃən] n.教导,指令,说明meat [mi:t] n.(食用)肉passenger ['pæsindʒə] n.乘客,旅客rock [rɔk] n.岩石southern ['sʌðən] a.南方(部)的truth [tru:θ] n.真相,真实,真理1200个最常用英语口语单词第十六单元(mp3)apart [ə'pa:t] ad.远离,远隔,分开cleaner ['kli:nə] n.清扫者,清洁工eastern [i:stən] a.东方的fruit [fru:t] n.果实,水果interest ['intrist] n.利益,兴趣;v.使感兴趣medical ['medikə] a.医学的,医疗的pause [pɔ:z] v.&n.停顿,中止rocking ['rɔkiŋ] a.摇动(摆)的southwest [sauθ'west] n.&a.&ad.( 在)西南(的)Tuesday ['tju:zdi] n.星期二April ['eiprəl] n.四月clear [kliə] v.清理(除)eastward ['i:stwəd] a.&ad.向东(的)fry [frai] v.油炸interested ['intristid] a.对…有兴趣的medicine ['medsin] n.医学,(内服)药pea [pi:] n.豌豆room [ru:m] n.房间,空地space [speis] n.空间,太空,间隔turn [tə:n] n.&v.转动,转变(向)1200个最常用英语口语单词第十七单元(mp3) arctic ['a:ktik] a.北极的clever ['klevə] a.聪明的,怜俐的either ['iðə] a.&pron.(两者中)任一个fun [fʌn] n.玩笑interesting ['intristiŋ] a.有趣的,引起兴趣的meet [mi:t] v.遇见,迎接,会见,满足pear [peə] n.梨,梨树round [raund] a.&n.圆形(的)spaceship ['speisʃip] n.宇宙飞船turning ['tə:niŋ] n.拐弯,转向,翻转army [a:mi] n.陆军,军队climb [klaim] v.&n.爬,攀登electric [i'lektrik] a.电的,用电的further ['fə:ðə] a.&ad.更远,更进一步invent [in'vent] v.发明meeting ['mi:tiŋ] n.会议,会见penny ['peni] n.便士,分row [rəu] n.一排,一列;v.&n.划船speak [spi:k] v.讲,发言twin [twin] a.孪生的;n.双胞胎之一1200个最常用英语口语单词第十八单元(mp3) around [ə'raundl ad.在四周,到处clock [klɔk] n.时钟electricity [,ilek'trisrti] n.电furthest ['fə:ðist] a.&ad.最远(同farthest) invention [in'venʃən] n.发明member ['membə] n.成员,会员performance [pə'fɔ:məns] n.履行,表演,行为,性能rule [ru:l] n.&v.统治,规定(则) ,裁定speaker ['spi:kə] n.讲话者,议长unable ['ʌn'eibl] a.不能的,不会的,无能的arrive [ə'raiv] v.到达,抵达close ['kləus] a.近的,紧密的;v.关闭elephant ['elifənt] n.大象future ['fju:tʃə] a.将来的;n.将来inventor [in'ventə] n.发明者,发明家mend [mend] v.&n.修理(补)perhaps [pə'hæps]ad.或许,可能ruler ['ru:lə] n.统治者,(直)尺special ['speʃəl] a.特殊(别)的,专门的uncommon [ʌn'kɔmən] a.不寻常的1200个最常用英语口语单词第十九单元(mp3)arrow ['ærəu] n.箭,箭头cloth [klɔθ] n.布,布料eleven [i'levn] a.&n.十一(个)game [geim] n.游戏,比赛invitation [,invi'teiʃən] n.邀请,请帖menu ['menju:] n.菜单,菜肴person ['pə:sn] n.人,个人runner ['rʌnə] n.跑的人speed [spi:d] n.速度,快速understand [,ʌndə'stænd] v.懂,明白artist ['a:tist] n.艺术家,画家clothes [kləuðz] n.衣服eleventh [i'levnθ] a.&n.第十一(个) ,十一分之一garden ['ga:dn] n.花园,菜园invite [in'vait] v.邀请,招致merry ['meri] a.愉快的,快活的phone [fəun] n.电话,耳机rush [rʌʃ] v.&n.冲,急行(流) ,急促行动spell [spel] v.拼写understanding [,ʌndə'stændiŋ] n.理解(力) ,谅解1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十单元(mp3) asleep [ə'sli:p] ad.睡着clothing ['kləuðiŋ] n.衣物empty ['empti] a.空的;v.排(腾)空gate [geit] n.大门,闸门island ['ailənd] n.岛message ['mesidʒ] n.消息,信息photo ['fəutəu] n.照片sadness ['sædnis]n.悲哀,悲伤spelling ['speliŋ] n.拼写,拼法unhealthy [ʌn'helθi] a.不健康的,不利于健康的August ['ɔgəst] n.八月cloud [klaud] n.云enemy ['enimi] n.敌人,敌军gateway ['geitwei] n.门口jacket ['dʒækit] n.夹克,短上衣meter ['mi:tə] n.米(长度单位)photograph ['fəutəgra:f] n.照片;v.拍照safe [seif] a.安全的spend [spend] v.花费,消耗,度过unite [ju'nait] v.联合,团结,统一1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十一单元(mp3) aunt [a:nt] n.姑(姨,婶,伯,舅)母cloudy ['klaudi] a.有云的,多云的engineer [,endʒi'niə] n.工程师general ['dʒenərəl] a. 一般的,总体的January ['dʒænjuəri] n.一月middle ['midl] a.&n.中间(的),中等(的) picnic ['piknik] n.&v.野餐safety ['seifti] n.安全spit [spit] v.吐口水(痰)united [ju'naitid] a.联合的autumn ['ɔ:təm] n.秋,秋天,秋季cock [kɔk] n.公鸡enjoy [in'dʒɔi] v.享乐(受),享有geography [dʒi'ɔgrəfi] n.地理学,地理Japan [dʒə'pæn] n.日本million ['miljən] a.&n.百万picture ['piktʃə] n.图画,图像;v.描绘salt [sɔ:lt] n.盐,食盐sport [spɔ:t] n.运动(会) ,比赛,说戏universe ['ju:nivə:s] n.宇宙,万物1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十二单元(mp3) backache ['bækeik]n.(腰)背痛coffee ['kɔfi] n.咖啡enjoyable [in'dʒɔiəbl] a.使人愉快的girlfriend ['gə:lfrend] n.女友Japanese [,dʒæpə'ni:z] a.日本的mind [maind] n.(内)心,意识,头脑piece [pi:s] n.片,块,件,条,部分,部件same [seim] a.相同的sportsman ['spɔ:tsmən] n.运动员,爱好运动者university [,ju:ni'və:sti] n.大学baggage ['bægidʒ] n.行李coin [kɔin] n.硬币enough [i'nʌf] a.&ad.足够(的)glad [glæd] a.高兴的,快乐的jeep [ji:p] n.吉普车minute ['minit] n.分(钟)pigsty ['pigstai] n.猪圈(栏)sandwich ['sænwitʃ] n.三明治,夹心面包spring [spriŋ] n.春天,泉unlock ['ʌn'lɔk] v.开锁1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十三单元(mp3) banana [bə'na:nə] n.香蕉collect [kə'lekt] v. 收集,聚积enter ['entə] v.进入,加入glass [gla:s] n.玻璃,玻璃杯join [dʒɔin] v.连接,结合,加入mirror ['mirə] n.镜子;v.反映pill [pil] n.药丸satellite [sætəlait] n.卫星square [skweə] n.&a.正方形(的) unmarried ['ʌn'mærid] a.未婚的basket ['ba:skit] n.篮子,筐子college ['kɔlidʒi] n.专科学校,学院entrance ['entrəns] n.进入,入口,入(学) ,加入goal [gəul] n.目标(的) ,终点,球门joint [dʒɔint] a.共有(同)的missing [misiŋ] a.失去(踪)的,不见了pioneer [,paiə'niə] n.开拓者,先驱(锋) Saturday [sætədi] n.星期六stamp [stæmp]n.印,图章,邮票valley ['væli]n.山谷,流域1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十四单元(mp3) basketball ['ba:skitbɔ:l] n.篮球,篮球运动color ['kʌlə] n.颜色;v.染色equal ['i:kwəl] a.相等的;v.等于gold [gauld] n.金子,金黄色joke [dʒəuk] n.笑话,玩笑;v.开玩笑mistake [mis'teik] n.错误,误会;v.弄错place [pleis] n.地方,位置save [seiv] v.救,储存(蓄),节省star [sta:] n.星,明星vegetable ['vedʒitəbl] n.蔬菜beast [bi:st] n.牲畜,兽comb [kəum] n.梳子,鸡冠erase [i'reiz] v.擦掉,删除,消灭goodbye [gud'bai] int.&n.再见,告别journey ['dʒə:ni] n.旅行,旅程model ['mɔdl] n.模型,模特(儿) ,式样plane [plein] n.平面,机翼,飞机saving ['seiviŋ] n.储蓄start [sta:t] n.&v.开始,开动,出发victory ['viktəri] n.胜利1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十五单元(mp3) beat [bi:t] v.&n.打,击,(心)跳动comfortable ['kʌmfətəbl] a.舒适(服)的eraser [i'reizə] n.擦皮,擦子goodness ['gudnis] n.优良,善良,精华joy [dʒɔi] n.&v.欢(快)乐modern ['mɔdən] a.现代的,时髦的plant [pla:nt] n.植物,工厂saying ['seiiŋ] n.言论,格言state [steit] v.陈述video ['vidiəu] a.&n.电视(的) ,录像(的) beautiful ['bju:tiful] a.美丽的,漂亮的common ['kɔmən] a. 公用的,普通的especial [is'peʃəl] a.特别的grade [greid] n.等级,年级,成绩juice [dʒu:s] n.汁液moment ['məumənt] n.片刻,瞬间plate [pleit] n.盘,碟,板,招牌scarf [ska:f] n.围巾,头巾state [steit] n.状态(况) ,国家,州village ['vilidʒ] n.村子,村庄1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十六单元(mp3) because [bi'kɔz] conj.因为complete [kəm'pli:t] a.完全的,完成的especially [is'peʃəli] ad.特别,尤其grammar [græmə] n.语法,文法July [dʒu:'lai] n.七月Monday ['mʌdi] n.星期一player ['pleiə] n.游戏者,运动员,表演者school [sku:l] n.学校,学院,学派station ['steiʃən] n.(车)站,所,场地,基地,电台voice [vɔis] n.声音,话音become [bi'kʌm] v.变成,变为,适合,相称compute [kəm 'pju:t] v.计算even ['i:vən] ad.甚至,即使grand [grænd] a.重要(大)的,宏大的,jump [dʒʌmp] v.&n.跳(跃) ,突升money ['mʌni] n.钱,货币playground ['pleigraund] n.操场schoolbag ['sku:lbæg]n.书包stay [stei] v.&n.逗留,停留,呆volleyball ['vɔlibɔ:l] n.排球,排球运动1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十七单元(mp3) beef [bi:f] n.牛肉computer [kəm'pju:tə] n.计算机,电脑evening ['i:vniŋ] n.傍晚,晚上granddaughter ['græn,dɔ:tə] n.(外)孙女June [dʒu:n] n.六月monkey ['mʌŋki] n.猴子pleasure ['pleʒə] n.快乐,乐趣science ['saiəns] n.科学step [step] n.脚步,步骤,台阶wait [weit] v.等待,伺候beginning [bi'giniŋ] n.开始,开端,起点comrade ['kɔmreid] n.忠实伙伴,同志(事) every ['evri] a.每一个的grandma ['grænma:]n.奶奶,外婆jungle ['dʒʌŋgl] n.丛林month [mʌnθ] n.月plus [plʌs] a.正(加)的;prep.加上;n.加(号) scientist ['saiəntist] n.科学家stick [stik] n.棍,杖waiter ['weitə] n.等候者,(男)侍者,(男)服务员1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十八单元(mp3) behind [bi'hind] prep.在…后面congratulate [kən'grætjuleit] v.祝贺,庆贺everybody ['evribɔdi] 每个人grandmother ['grænd,mʌðə] n.(外)祖母just [dʒʌst] ad.正好,刚才,只不过,仅monument ['mɔnjumənt] n.纪念碑(馆) pocket ['pɔkit] n.衣袋score [skɔ:i] n.得分,分数,二十stocking ['stɔkiŋ] n.长袜waitress ['weitris] n.女招待(服务员)believe [bi'li:v] v.相信,信任congratulation [kən,grætʃu'leiʃən] n.祝贺,庆贺,贺词everyone ['evriwʌn] n.每人,人人grandparents ['grænd,peərənts] n.(外)祖父母kangaroo [,kæŋgə'ru:] n.袋鼠mooncake ['mu:nkeik] n.月饼point [pɔint] n.点,分,尖端seagull [si:gʌ] n.海鸥stomach ['stʌmək] n.胃,肚子,胃口wake [weik] v.醒,觉醒,唤醒1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十九单元(mp3) belong [bi'lɔŋ] v.属于continent ['kɔntinənt] n.大陆,陆地everything ['evriθiŋ] pron.每样东西,一切grandson ['grændsʌn] n.(外)孙子keep [ki:p] v.保持(存),经营,保养moonlight ['mu:nlait] n.月光pointed ['pɔintid] a.尖的seaman ['si:mən] n.海员store [stɔ:] n.商店,储备;v.储备walk [wɔ:k] n.&v.步行,散步below [bi'ləu] ad.在(向)下面convenience [kən'vi:niəns] n.方便,便利everywhere ['evriweə] ad.&n.到处,处处granny ['græni]n.奶奶,外婆,婆婆kick [kik] v.&n.踢morning ['mɔ:niŋ] n.早晨,上午police [pə'li:s] n.警察(总称,做复数用) ,治安seashore ['si:'ʃɔ] n.海岸(滨)storm [stɔ:m] n.风暴,暴风雨(雪)walker ['wɔ:kə] n.步行者,散步者1200个最常用英语口语单词第三十单元(mp3) beneath [bi'ni:θ] prep.在…下面;ad.在下面convenient [kən'vi:njənt] a.方便的WORD格式-专业学习资料-可编辑examine [ig'zæmin]v.考试,审查,检查grape [greip] n.葡萄kilogram ['kiləgræm]n.千克,公斤mother ['mʌðə] n.母亲polite [pə'lait] a.有礼貌的,客气的,文雅的season ['si:zn] n.季节straight [streit] a.&ad.直,笔直,直接warm [wɔ:m] a.温暖的;v.(使)变暖beside [bi'said] prep.在…旁边cool [ku:l] a.凉爽的;v.使变凉example [ig'za:mpl] n.例子,榜样,样品grass [gra:s] n.草,草地kilometer ['kiləmi:tə] n.千米,公里motor ['məutə] n.马达,电动机popular ['pɔpjulə] a.大众的,流行的,受欢迎的seat [si:t] n.座位,席位straighten ['streitn] v.弄直,使直wash [wɔʃ] v.&n.洗,洗涤--学习资料分享----。

1000句最常用英语口语1. i see.我明白了。
I see2. i quit! 我不干了!I quit3. let go! 放手!Let go4. me too.我也是。
Me too5. my god! 天哪!6. no way! 不行!No way7. come on.来吧(赶快)Come on8. hold on.等一等。
Hold on9. i agree。
I agree10. not bad.还不错。
Not bad11. not yet.还没。
12. see you.再见。
13. shut up! 闭嘴!14. so long.再见。
15. why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. allow me.让我来。
17. be quiet! 安静点!18. cheer up! 振作起来!19. good job! 做得好!20. have fun! 玩得开心!21. how much? 多少钱?22. i'm full.我饱了。
23. i'm home.我回来了。
24. i'm lost.我迷路了。
25. my treat.我请客。
26. so do i.我也一样。
27. this way。
28. after you.您先。
29. bless you! 祝福你!30. follow me.跟我来。
31. forget it! 休想! (算了!)32. good luck! 祝好运!33. i decline! 我拒绝!34. i promise.我保证。
35. of course! 当然了!36. slow down! 慢点!37. take care! 保重!38. they hurt. (伤口)疼。
39. try again.再试试。
40. watch out! 当心。
41. what's up? 有什么事吗?42. be careful! 注意!43. bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!44. don't move! 不许动!45. guess what? 猜猜看?46. i doubt it 我怀疑。

基础词汇1200词the of and ato in is you that it he for was on are as with his they at be this fromIhaveorbyonehadnotbutwhatallwerewhenwetherecananyourwhichtheirsaidifdowilleachabouthowupoutthemthenshemanysomesothesewouldotherintohasmorehertwolikehimseetimecouldnomakethanfirstbeenitswhonowpeoplemymadeoverdiddownonlywayfindusemay water long little very after words called just where most know get through back much go good new write our me mantooanydaysamerightlookthinkalsoaroundanothercamecomeworkthreemustbecausedoespartevenplacewellsuchheretakewhyhelpputdifferentawayagainoffwentoldnumbergreattellmensaysmalleveryfoundstillbetweenmaneshouldhomebiggiveairlinesetownunderreadlastneverusleftendalongwhilemightnextsoundbelowsaw something thought bothfew those always show large often together asked house don't world going want school important until form food keepchildrenlandsidewithoutboyonceanimallifeenoughtookfourheadabovekindbeganalmostlivepagegotearthneedfarhandhighyearmotherlightcountryfatherletnightpicturebeingstudysecondsoonstorysincewhiteeverpaperhardnearsentencebetterbestacrossduringtodayhoweversureknewit'strytoldyoungsunthingwholehearexampleheardseveralchangeanswerroom sea against top turned learn point city play toward five himself usually money seen didn't car morning I'm body upon family laterturnmovefacedoorcutdonegrouptruehalfredfishplantslivingblackeatshortUnited StatesrunbookgaveorderopengroundcoldreallytableremembertreecoursefrontAmericanspaceinsideagosadearlyI'lllearnedbroughtclosenothingthoughideabeforelivedbecameaddbecomegrowdrawyetlesswindbehindcannotletteramongabledogshownmeanEnglishrestperhapscertainsixfeelfire ready green yesbuilt special ranfull town complete oh person hot anything hold statelist stood hundred ten fastfeltkeptnoticecan'tstrongvoiceprobablyareahorsematterstandboxstartthat'sclasspiecesurfacerivercommonstopamtalkwhetherfinedarkpastballgirlroadblueinsteadeitherheldalreadywarmgonefinallysummerunderstandmoonanimalsmindoutsidepowerproblemlongerwinterdeepheavycarefullyfollowbeautifuleveryoneleaveeverythinggamesystembringwatchshelldrywithinflooriceshipthemselves beginfactthird quite carry distance although sat possible heartreal simple snowrain suddenly easy leaveslaysizewild weather misspatternskywalkedmainsomeonecenterfieldstayitselfboatquestionwideleasttinyhourhappenedfootcarelowelsegoldbuildglassrocktallalonebottomcheckreadingfallpoormapfriendlanguagejobmusicbuywindowmarkheatgrewlistenasksingleclearenergyweekexplainlostspringtravelwrotefarmcirclewhosecorrectbedmeasurestraightbasemountaincaughthairbirdwoodcolorwarfly yourself seemthus square moment teacher happy bright sent present plan rather length speed machine information except figureyou're freefellsupposenaturaloceangovernmentbabygrassplanestreetcouldn'treasondifferencemaybehistorymouthmiddlestepchildstrangewishsoilhumantripwomaneyemilkchoosenorthsevenfamouslatepaysleepirontroublestorebesideoilmodernfuncatchbusinessreachlotwon'tcasespeakshapeeightedgesoftvillageobjectageminutewallmeetrecordcopyforestespeciallynecessaryhe'sunitflatdirection south subject skinwasn'tI've yellow party forcetestbad temperature pair ahead wrong practice sandtailwait difficult general cover materialisn'tthousandsignguessforwardhugerideregionnorperiodbloodrichteamcornercatamountgardenlednotevariousracebitresultbrotheradditiondoesn'tdeadweightthinstonehitwifeislandwe'lloppositebornsensecattlemillionanyonerulescienceafraidwomenproducepullsonmeantbrokeninterestchancethicksightprettytrainfreshdriveleadbreaksitboughtradiomethodkingsimilarreturn corn decide position bear hope song engine board control spread evening brown clean wouldn't section spent ring teeth quiet ancient stick afternoonsilvernosecenturythereforelevelyou'lldeathholecoastcrosssharpfightcapitalfilldealbusybeyondsendlovecoolcausepleasemeatladywestgladactionpasstypeattentiongaskitchenpickscalebasichappensafegrowncostwearacthatarmbelievemajorgraywonderincludedescribeelectricsoldvisitsheepI'dofficerowcontainfitequalvalueyardbeatinchsugarkeyproduct desert bank farther wontotalsellwirerose cotton spoke ropefear shore throughout compare movement exercise bread process nature apart pathcarefulnarrowmentalnineusefulpublicaccordingsteelsaltspeechforthnationknowledgeappearatedinnerhurtspendexperimenttouchdropchaireastseparatetrucksingcolumntwiceparticularshopunlessspotneithermetwheelnonehilltelevisionbillsolvepressurereportfarmercounttradechiefmonthclothesdoctorindeeddancechurchoriginalenjoystringsisterfamiliarontoimagineblowquicklawliefinalriseloudfair herself slow noise statement hungry join tube rode empty twenty broke nice effect paid motion myself divide supply laid dear surprisegunentirefruitcrowdbandwetsolidnorthernflowerstarfeedwoodensortdevelopshouldervarietyseasonsharejumpregularrepresentmarketwe'reflewfingerexpectarmycabincampdangerpurposebreakfastpropercoatpushexpressshotangrysoutherndressbagproudneckbreathstrengthmembertwelveminecompanycurrentpoundvalleydoubletillmatchaveragedieliquidalivestreamprovidedrinkexperiencefuturetomorrowdrove population finish station shook stage oxygen poem solution burncent electricity everybody ratedust worth community captain bus protect cook raise furthersteamguidediscoverplainusualseatacceptpoliceconsiderdozenbaseballrubbersymbolsupportexactlyindustrythey'rebeneathlaughgroceriespopularthankquarterclimbedcontinuepotatoesreceivedesignpresidentchargemistakehospitalremainserviceincreasestudentsinsectsaddresssincerelydollarsbelongbottleflightforgetbicyclesecretsoldiersilentstructureheightobserveindicaterailroadknifemarriedsuggestedenteredmagazineagreefiftyescapethrewplanetdangerouseventleader peace spelling chapter swimming opportunity immediately favorite settled telephone repeat prepare instance avenue newspaper actually employee review convince allowed nobody details musclesmodelclimatecoffeewheneverseriousanglefeatherdetermineddictionaryordinaryextraroughlibraryconditionarrivedlocatedprogrampenciltonguetitleenemygaragelosevegetableparentsstyleeducationrequiredpoliticaldaughterindividualprogressaltogetheractivitiesarticleequipmentdiscusshealthyperfectrecognizefrequentlycharacterpersonaldisappearsuccesstrafficyesterdaysituationrealizemessagerecentlyaccountphysicalneighborexcitedwhisperavailablecollegefurnitureleatherhusbandprincipalmedicineexcellentoperationcouncil author organize concern barbecue accident disease construction motoraffect conversation evidence citizen environment influence cancel audience apartment worse transportation frozen waste couplefunctionconnectprojectpronounceofferedapplyimprovestomachcollectpreventcourageoccurforeignqualityterribleinstrumentbalanceabilityarrangerhythmavoiddailyidentitystandardcombineattachedfrightensocialfactorylicenserecommend。
高中英语美语初级口语自学单词1200个第116课素材 (1)

largest[形容词] 最大的. (large 的最高级)T aipei is one of the large st cities in the world.台北是世界上最大的城市中的一个.What is the second largest country in the world?世界上第二大的国家是哪一国?last[形容词] 最后的, 最近的, 最新的.Where did you live las t year?你去年住在哪裡?[副词] 最后地, 上次地, 最近地.At last her dream to be a doctor came true.她想当医生的梦想最后终於实现 (成真) 了.[动词] 持续, 继续.late[形容词] 迟到的, 迟的, 新近的.We'll be late if you d on't hurry up.如果你不快一点, 我们将会迟到的.[副词] 最近地, 迟到地, 来不及.He came to see me late at night.他深夜时来看我 (与我会面).lat er[副词] 稍后, 以后, 后来.See you lat er.待会儿见 (再见).Sooner o r later you will be in troub le. 迟早你会有麻烦的.[形容词] 较晚的, 较迟的. (la te 的比较级)left[动词] 离开, 离去, 留下, 遗弃. (leave 的过去式与过去分词) She left her home countr y one year ago.她一年前离开了她的家乡 (祖国).[形容词] 左边的.He writes with h is left hand.他是用左手写字的.[名词] 左, 左边.[副词] 左边地.。
口语必备 英语最常用单词3000个

adjective25. back 后面的早过去的26. bitter 苦的1. acceptable可接受的合意的痛苦的怀恨的精确的 2. accurate正确的27. blank 空白的失色的28. blind 瞎的盲目的3. active 积极的能起作用的29. blonde 色白的碧眼的 4. additional 另外的额外的附加的30. bloody 血腥的该死的 5. adequate 适当的足够的非常的31. boiling 好斗的沸腾的激昂的6. aggressive 敢做敢为的32. bored 无聊的活泼的烦人的7. alive 活着的33. boring 孤独的8. alone 单独的令人无聊的34. bound 开往…去的9. alternative 选择性的装订的别束缚的勇敢的35. brave 10. amazing 令人吃惊的简短的 36. brief 简要的11. angry 生气的聪明的每年的12. annual 欢乐的37. bright 明亮的明显的主要的 13. anxious 担忧的渴望的宽(广)的? 38. broad断掉的坏掉的分开的14. apart 39. broken棕色的褐色的 40. brown 15. approximate 大约的镇静的 16. armed 有扶手的武器的41. calm 平静的能干的 42. capable 有能力的 17. artificial 人造的假的非原产地的主要的大写的 43. capital 首都的羞耻的 18. ashamed 惭愧的主要的首席的睡着的19. asleep 44. chief?有礼貌的20. attractive 吸引人的 45. civil 市民的有魅力的机灵的自动的21. automatic 46. clever 聪明的机械的限少数人的一般的22. average 47. closed 平均的关闭的舒适的23. awake 醒的48. comfortable 舒服的醒觉的贸易的笨拙的难使用的24. awkward 49. commercial 商业的75. daily 每日的 50. competitive 竞争的日常的76. dangerous 危险的51. complete 完全的完成的77. dark 昏暗的无知的模糊的52. complex 复杂的综合的78. dear 昂贵的难解的亲爱的53. complicated 复杂的79. decent 54. concrete 正派的具体的有形的有分寸的80. deep 深的55. confident 有信心的确信的深奥的难懂的81. definite 明确的困惑的烦恼的一直的56. confused82. delighted 欣喜的57. confusing 使混乱的欢乐的83. demanding 故意的58. conscious 有意识的苛求的84. dependent 依赖的随…而定的 59. considerable 相当大的值得考虑的直达的 85. direct 60. consistent 一致的坚固的直接的下流的卑鄙的持续的不变的61. constant 86. dirty 脏的令人厌恶的持续的87. disgusting, 62. continuous 连续的便利的63. convenient 干燥的88. dry 干的方便的呆滞的枯燥的善于骗人的狡诈的64. crafty 89. dull哑的疯狂的65. crazy 狂热的90. dumb经济上的91. economic 66. creative 创造性的教育性的罪恶的犯罪的67. criminal 92. educational 教育的给人深刻印象的 93. effective 68. critical 评论的批评的有效的有效率的交叉的69. cross 94. efficient 相反的生效的过了中年的稍老的70. crucial 至关紧要的95. elderly电动的电的悲惨的残酷的71. cruel 96. electric有关电的好奇的72. curious 古怪的 97. electrical 电的爱挑剔的电子的卷曲的73. curly 弯曲的 98. electronic可爱的74. cute 情绪的99. emotional 装腔作势的情感的125. financial 财政的空虚的金融的 100. empty 空的126. firm 101. encouraging 奖励的严格的坚定的127. fit 合适的可享受的102. enjoyable 令人愉快的健康的128. fixed 固定的固执的103. enormous巨大的庞大的129. flat 平坦的浅的热心的104. enthusiastic 热情的无力的130. following 完整的下面的其次的105. entire 全部的131. foreign 精华的外国的外来的基本的106. essential 本质的正式的原样的 132. formal 外形的精确的107. exact以前的 108. exciting 令人兴奋的133. former 从前的幸福的109. existing 134. fortunate 现有的幸运的迅速的110. experienced 有经验的 135. forward 早的无经验的111. extraordinary 非凡的 136. fresh 特有的新鲜的友谊的112. extreme 137. friendly 极端的友好的害怕的113. false 错误的受惊的虚伪的 138. frightened 伪造的全部时间的专职的 139. full-time 相似的114. familiar共娱乐用的115. famous 着名的140. fun基本的 141. fundamental 基础的异样的奇特的116. fancy快乐的放荡的 142. gay 同性恋的幻想的117. fantastic 奇异的文雅的温和的 118. far 远的久远的 143. gentle119. fascinating 诚恳的 144. genuine 着迷的迷人的真实的乐意的紧的120. fast 145. glad 耐久的忠实的高兴的灿烂的肥大的121. fat 146. gorgeous 华丽的油腻的重要的122. favourite 147. grand 最喜欢的豪华的盛大的灰白的123. female 148. grey 雌的女性的灰色的毛重的丑恶的不洁的124. filthy 149. gross 总的175. logical 合理的犯罪的心虚的合乎逻辑的150. guilty176. lonely 孤独的151. handy 手边的易得的偏僻的177. loose 松的散漫的152. healthy 健康的178. lost 失去的丧失的153. helpful 有帮助的179. lovely 无药可救的可爱的154. hopeless 绝望的180. lucky 讨厌的幸运的155. horrible 可怕的181. mad 疯的无限的愚蠢的 156. huge 巨大的182. major 主修的荒芜的成年的饿的157. hungry 渴望的183. male 男性的完美的雄的158. ideal 理想的184. married 159. ill 恶意的已婚的有病的185. marvelous 160. immediate 直接的立刻的不可思议的非凡的魁梧的161. impossible 不可能的 186. massive 厚重的最大限度的162. inclined 倾向…的187. maximum药物的 163. individual 可别的单独的医学的 188. medical半成熟的164. instant 立即的中间的即食的 189. medium智力的 190. mental 165. intelligent 聪明的有才华的经历的凌乱的国际的世界的191. messy 肮脏的 166. international军用的 167. involved 棘手的有关的192. military 军事的最低的168. just 最小的193. minimum 公正的正好的次要的锋利的169. keen 194. minor 热心的渴望的未成年的混合的170. key 主要的195. mixed 关键的每月的仁慈的善良的171. kind 196. monthly精神上的道德的法律的 172. legal 合法的197. moral悦耳的活的173. live 精力充沛的音乐的 198. musical未保护的174. lively 199. naked 生机勃勃的活泼的裸体的225. pleased 高兴的狭窄的勉强的满足的200. narrow226. polite 有礼貌的201. nasty 肮脏的下流的客气的227. political 政治的 202. natural 自然的天生的政治上的228. popular 通俗的受欢迎的亲密的203. near 亲近的229. positive 积极的优雅的肯定的204. neat 整洁的230. potential 205. negative 潜在的消极的可能的否定的231. practical 紧张的不安的实际的实用的206. nervous232. pregnant 207. noisy 吵闹的怀孕的233. prepared 准备好的 208. northern 北方的精致的234. present 现在的客观的209. objective 当面的235. pretty 漂亮了 210. obvious 明显的优美的236. primary 主要的临时的211. occasional 偶然的初级的237. professional 212. official 官方的正式的专业的职业的238. proud 有组织的213. organized 自豪的得意的239. pure 纯的外表的完美的 214. outside 外面的240. qualified 有资格的全面的全部的215. overall241. quiet 安静的 216. part-time 兼职的部分时间的从容的242. rare 稀罕的杰出的悲惨的可怜的217. pathetic 半熟的243. realistic 218. peaceful 和平的平静的现实的244. recent 近来的熟练的完美的219. perfect245. regular 永久的220. permanent 持久的规则的定期的resident 有关系的身体的221. physical 246. related 叙述的物质的相应的222. pink 粉红的有关的247. relevant信仰的简单的223. plain 248. religious 普通的清晰的可依赖的224. pleasant 有责任的舒适的令人愉快的249. responsible 275. slow 慢的有钱的中、充足的迟钝呢250. rich 富有的276. smart 聪明的251. ridiculous 荒谬的可笑的时尚的277. social 社会的社交的252. rough 粗糙的大致的278. soft 软的高贵的 . 温柔的253. royal 皇家的279. solid 254. sad 难过的忧愁的固体的坚固的280. sore 疼的255. safe 安全的可靠的剧烈的281. southern 南的256. satisfied 感到满意的南方的282. spare 多余的 257. scared 恐惧的备用的空闲的283. square 正方形的科学的258. scientific 平方的284. standard 标准的 259. secret 秘密的隐秘的一流的285. steep 陡峭的安全的260. secure 可靠的不合理的286. stiff 僵硬的 261. sensible 有感觉的明智的呆板的287. straight 笔直的灵敏的敏感的直接的正直的262. sensitive288. straightforward 直接的个别的率直的 263. separate 分开的289. strange 陌生的严厉的严重的264. severe 奇怪的290. strict 严厉的 265. sexual 性别的性的精确的291. substantial 尖锐的266. sharp 实质的真实的敏感的锋利的充实的成功的267. shocked 震撼的292. successful 吃惊的意外的突然的 293. sudden 非常讨厌的骇人听闻的268. shocking足够的重要的294. sufficient 充足的重大的269. significant相配的无聊的 270. silly 愚蠢的295. suitable 适当的极好的单身的单一的271. single 超级的296. super感到惊讶的似皮的皮的272. skinny 膜状的 297. surprised令人惊讶的微小的轻微的273. slight 298. surprising怀疑的299. suspicious 苗条的274. slim 细长的可疑的325. vast 巨大的芳香的巨额的300. sweet 甜的美好的326. very 301. tall 高的夸大的真正的绝对的327. violent 猛烈的302. technical 技术的强暴的328. warm 暖和的 303. temporary 临时的暂时的热烈的329. weak 虚弱的弄的304. thick 厚的粗的不耐用的330. weekly 每星期的 305. thin 瘦的薄的一周的331. weird 奇怪的紧的306. tight 吝啬的严格的超乎清理的332. welcome 受欢迎的 307. tiny 很少的微小的333. west 西的西方的艰难的308. tough 强硬的334. western 西方的惯例的309. traditional 传统的335. wet 湿的 310. tremendous 极大的巨大的潮湿的336. wide机警的宽呢张大的狡猾的311. tricky337. willing 乐意的典型的312. typical 自愿的338. windy 多风的313. unable不能的不会的吹牛的339. wise 明智的博学的难以置信的314. unbelievable340. wooden 失业的315. unemployed 木质的未被利用的闷闷不乐的不公平的316. unfair 341. worried令人担心的 317. unfortunate 不行的不公平的342. worrying 焦虑的值得做的不幸的不快乐的318. unhappy 343. worthwhile黄色的344. yellow 独特的唯一的319. unique靠不住的未必的320. unlikely与众不同的不平常的321. unusual紧急的 322. urgent 急迫的通常的323. usual 平常的暧昧的含糊的324. vague 茫然的。

adjective1. acceptable可接受的合意的2. accurate正确的精确的3. active 积极的能起作用的4. additional 另外的额外的附加的5. adequate 适当的足够的6. aggressive 敢做敢为的好斗的7. alive 活着的活泼的8. alone 单独的孤独的9. alternative 选择性的10. amazing 令人吃惊的11. angry 生气的12. annual 每年的13. anxious 担忧的渴望的14. apart 分开的15. approximate 大约的16. armed 有扶手的武器的17. artificial 人造的假的非原产地的18. ashamed 惭愧的羞耻的19. asleep 睡着的20. attractive 吸引人的有魅力的21. automatic 自动的机械的22. average 一般的平均的23. awake 醒的醒觉的24. awkward 难使用的笨拙的25. back 后面的早过去的26. bitter 苦的痛苦的怀恨的27. blank 空白的失色的28. blind 瞎的盲目的29. blonde 色白的碧眼的30. bloody 血腥的该死的非常的31. boiling 沸腾的激昂的32. bored 无聊的烦人的33. boring 令人无聊的34. bound 开往…去的装订的别束缚的35. brave 勇敢的36. brief 简要的简短的37. bright 明亮的欢乐的聪明的38. broad 宽(广)的明显的主要的39. broken 坏掉的断掉的40. brown 褐色的棕色的41. calm 平静的镇静的42. capable 有能力的能干的43. capital 首都的大写的主要的44. chief 主要的首席的45. civil 市民的有礼貌的46. clever 聪明的机灵的47. closed 关闭的限少数人的48. comfortable 舒服的舒适的49. commercial 商业的贸易的50. competitive 竞争的51. complete 完全的完成的52. complex 复杂的综合的53. complicated 复杂的难解的54. concrete 具体的有形的55. confident 有信心的确信的56. confused 困惑的烦恼的57. confusing 使混乱的58. conscious 有意识的故意的59. considerable 相当大的值得考虑的60. consistent 一致的坚固的61. constant 不变的持续的62. continuous 连续的持续的63. convenient 便利的方便的64. crafty 狡诈的善于骗人的65. crazy 疯狂的狂热的66. creative 创造性的67. criminal 犯罪的罪恶的68. critical 评论的批评的69. cross 交叉的相反的70. crucial 至关紧要的71. cruel 残酷的悲惨的72. curious 好奇的古怪的爱挑剔的73. curly 卷曲的弯曲的74. cute 可爱的装腔作势的75. daily 每日的日常的76. dangerous 危险的77. dark 昏暗的无知的模糊的78. dear 昂贵的亲爱的79. decent 正派的有分寸的80. deep 深的深奥的难懂的81. definite 明确的一直的82. delighted 欣喜的欢乐的83. demanding 苛求的84. dependent 依赖的随…而定的85. direct 直接的直达的86. dirty 脏的卑鄙的下流的87. disgusting, 令人厌恶的88. dry 干的干燥的89. dull 枯燥的呆滞的90. dumb 哑的91. economic 经济上的92. educational 教育的教育性的93. effective 有效的给人深刻印象的94. efficient 生效的有效率的95. elderly 稍老的过了中年的96. electric 电的电动的97. electrical 电的有关电的98. electronic 电子的99. emotional 情绪的情感的100. empty 空的空虚的101. encouraging 奖励的102. enjoyable 令人愉快的可享受的103. enormous巨大的庞大的104. enthusiastic 热心的热情的105. entire 全部的完整的106. essential 本质的基本的精华的107. exact 精确的原样的108. exciting 令人兴奋的109. existing 现有的110. experienced 有经验的111. extraordinary 非凡的特有的112. extreme 极端的113. false 错误的伪造的虚伪的114. familiar 相似的115. famous 著名的116. fancy 奇特的异样的117. fantastic 幻想的奇异的118. far 远的久远的119. fascinating 迷人的着迷的120. fast 紧的忠实的耐久的121. fat 肥大的油腻的122. favourite 最喜欢的123. female 女性的雌的124. filthy 不洁的丑恶的125. financial 财政的金融的126. firm 严格的坚定的127. fit 合适的健康的128. fixed 固定的固执的129. flat 平坦的浅的无力的130. following 下面的其次的131. foreign 外国的外来的132. formal 外形的正式的133. former 从前的以前的134. fortunate 幸运的幸福的135. forward 早的迅速的136. fresh 新鲜的无经验的137. friendly 友好的友谊的138. frightened 受惊的害怕的139. full-time 专职的全部时间的140. fun 共娱乐用的141. fundamental 基础的基本的142. gay 同性恋的放荡的快乐的143. gentle 温和的文雅的144. genuine 真实的诚恳的145. glad 高兴的乐意的146. gorgeous 华丽的灿烂的147. grand 豪华的盛大的重要的148. grey 灰色的灰白的149. gross 总的毛重的150. guilty 犯罪的心虚的151. handy 手边的易得的152. healthy 健康的153. helpful 有帮助的154. hopeless 绝望的无药可救的155. horrible 可怕的讨厌的156. huge 巨大的无限的157. hungry 饿的渴望的荒芜的158. ideal 理想的完美的159. ill 有病的恶意的160. immediate 直接的立刻的161. impossible 不可能的162. inclined 倾向…的163. individual 可别的单独的164. instant 立即的即食的165. intelligent 聪明的有才华的166. international 国际的世界的167. involved 棘手的有关的168. just 正好的公正的169. keen 锋利的渴望的热心的170. key 关键的主要的171. kind 善良的仁慈的172. legal 合法的法律的173. live 活的精力充沛的174. lively 活泼的生机勃勃的175. logical 合理的合乎逻辑的176. lonely 孤独的偏僻的177. loose 松的散漫的178. lost 失去的丧失的179. lovely 可爱的180. lucky 幸运的181. mad 疯的愚蠢的182. major 主修的成年的183. male 男性的雄的184. married 已婚的185. marvelous 不可思议的非凡的186. massive 厚重的魁梧的187. maximum 最大限度的188. medical 医学的药物的189. medium 中间的半成熟的190. mental 经历的智力的191. messy 肮脏的凌乱的192. military 军事的军用的193. minimum 最小的最低的194. minor 未成年的次要的195. mixed 混合的196. monthly 每月的197. moral 道德的精神上的198. musical 音乐的悦耳的199. naked 裸体的未保护的200. narrow 狭窄的勉强的201. nasty 肮脏的下流的202. natural 自然的天生的203. near 亲近的亲密的204. neat 整洁的优雅的205. negative 否定的消极的206. nervous 紧张的不安的207. noisy 吵闹的208. northern 北方的209. objective 客观的210. obvious 明显的211. occasional 偶然的临时的212. official 官方的正式的213. organized 有组织的214. outside 外面的外表的215. overall 全部的全面的216. part-time 兼职的部分时间的217. pathetic 可怜的悲惨的218. peaceful 和平的平静的219. perfect 完美的熟练的220. permanent 永久的持久的resident221. physical 身体的物质的222. pink 粉红的223. plain 简单的清晰的普通的224. pleasant 令人愉快的舒适的225. pleased 高兴的满足的226. polite 有礼貌的客气的227. political 政治的政治上的228. popular 通俗的受欢迎的229. positive 积极的肯定的230. potential 潜在的可能的231. practical 实际的实用的232. pregnant 怀孕的233. prepared 准备好的精致的234. present 现在的当面的235. pretty 漂亮了优美的236. primary 主要的初级的237. professional 专业的职业的238. proud 自豪的得意的239. pure 纯的完美的240. qualified 有资格的241. quiet 安静的从容的242. rare 稀罕的杰出的半熟的243. realistic 现实的244. recent 近来的245. regular 规则的定期的246. related 叙述的有关系的247. relevant 有关的相应的248. religious 信仰的249. responsible 有责任的可依赖的250. rich 富有的有钱的中、充足的251. ridiculous 荒谬的可笑的252. rough 粗糙的大致的253. royal 皇家的高贵的.254. sad 难过的忧愁的255. safe 安全的可靠的256. satisfied 感到满意的257. scared 恐惧的258. scientific 科学的259. secret 秘密的隐秘的260. secure 安全的可靠的261. sensible 有感觉的明智的262. sensitive 敏感的灵敏的263. separate 分开的个别的264. severe 严重的严厉的265. sexual 性别的性的266. sharp 尖锐的锋利的敏感的267. shocked 震撼的吃惊的268. shocking 骇人听闻的非常讨厌的269. significant 重大的重要的270. silly 愚蠢的无聊的271. single 单一的单身的272. skinny 皮的似皮的膜状的273. slight 轻微的微小的274. slim 苗条的细长的275. slow 慢的迟钝呢276. smart 聪明的时尚的277. social 社会的社交的278. soft 软的温柔的279. solid 固体的坚固的280. sore 疼的剧烈的281. southern 南的南方的282. spare 多余的备用的空闲的283. square 正方形的平方的284. standard 标准的一流的285. steep 陡峭的不合理的286. stiff 僵硬的呆板的287. straight 笔直的直接的正直的288. straightforward 直接的率直的289. strange 陌生的奇怪的290. strict 严厉的精确的291. substantial 实质的真实的充实的292. successful 成功的293. sudden 突然的意外的294. sufficient 充足的足够的295. suitable 适当的相配的296. super 超级的极好的297. surprised 感到惊讶的298. surprising 令人惊讶的299. suspicious 可疑的怀疑的300. sweet 甜的美好的芳香的301. tall 高的夸大的302. technical 技术的303. temporary 临时的暂时的304. thick 厚的粗的弄的305. thin 瘦的薄的306. tight 紧的吝啬的严格的307. tiny 很少的微小的308. tough 艰难的强硬的309. traditional 传统的惯例的310. tremendous 极大的巨大的311. tricky 狡猾的机警的312. typical 典型的313. unable不能的不会的314. unbelievable 难以置信的315. unemployed 失业的未被利用的316. unfair 不公平的317. unfortunate 不行的不公平的318. unhappy 不快乐的不幸的319. unique 唯一的独特的320. unlikely 未必的靠不住的321. unusual 不平常的与众不同的322. urgent 急迫的紧急的323. usual 平常的通常的324. vague 含糊的茫然的暧昧的325. vast 巨大的巨额的326. very 真正的绝对的327. violent 猛烈的强暴的328. warm 暖和的热烈的329. weak 虚弱的不耐用的330. weekly 每星期的一周的331. weird 奇怪的超乎清理的332. welcome 受欢迎的333. west 西的西方的334. western 西方的335. wet 湿的潮湿的336. wide宽呢张大的337. willing 乐意的自愿的338. windy 多风的吹牛的339. wise 明智的博学的340. wooden 木质的341. worried 闷闷不乐的342. worrying 焦虑的令人担心的343. worthwhile 值得做的344. yellow 黄色的。

1000句最常用英语口语1. i see.我明白了。
I see2. i quit! 我不干了!I quit3. let go! 放手!Let go4. me too.我也是。
Me too5. my god! 天哪!6. no way! 不行!No way7. come on.来吧赶快Come on8. hold on.等一等。
Hold on9. i agree。
I agree10. not bad.还不错。
Not bad11. not yet.还没。
12. see you.再见。
13. shut up! 闭嘴!14. so long.再见。
15. why not? 好呀! 为什么不呢?16. allow me.让我来。
17. be quiet! 安静点!18. cheer up! 振作起来!19. good job! 做得好!20. have fun! 玩得开心!21. how much? 多少钱?22. i'm full.我饱了。
23. i'm home.我回来了。
24. i'm lost.我迷路了。
25. my treat.我请客。
26. so do i.我也一样。
27. this way。
28. after you.您先。
29. bless you! 祝福你!30. follow me.跟我来。
31. forget it! 休想! 算了!32. good luck! 祝好运!33. i decline! 我拒绝!34. i promise.我保证。
35. of course! 当然了!36. slow down! 慢点!37. take care! 保重!38. they hurt.伤口疼。
39. try again.再试试。
40. watch out! 当心。
41. what's up? 有什么事吗?42. be careful! 注意!43. bottoms up! 干杯见底 !44. don't move! 不许动!45. guess what? 猜猜看?46. i doubt it 我怀疑。

1200个最常用英语口语单词第一单元(mp3)accident ['?ksid?nt] n.事故,意外,偶然careful ['ke?ful] a.仔细(小心)的difficulty ['difik?lti] n.困难flag [fl?g] n.旗帜horse [h?:s] n.马lock [l?k] n.&v.锁nut [n?t] n.竖果,螺帽rain [rein] n.&v.雨,下雨silk [silk] n.丝,丝绸注意与ei区分thirty ['θ?:ti] a.&n.三十(个) 第一个音节读一声accidental [.?ksi'dentl] a.意外的,偶然的carrot ['k?r?t] n.胡萝卜注意与ai区分dinner ['din?] n.正餐,晚餐flat [fl?t] a.平的,扁平的;n.套间hospital ['h?spitl] n. 医院重音*lonely ['l?unli] a.孤单的,孤寂的,偏僻的一声聋丽不是LVng Oceania [.?u?i'eini?] n.大洋洲rainy ['reini] a.多雨的simple ['simpl] a.简单的,单纯的,朴素的though [e?u] ad.可是;conj.虽然,尽管1200个最常用英语口语单词第二单元(mp3)ache [eik] n.&v. 疼痛carry ['k?ri]v. 搬运,携带,运载dirty ['d?:ti] a.肮脏的flatten ['fl?tn]v.弄平hotel [h?u'tel] n.旅馆 floser ['lu:z?] n.输家,失败者offer ['?f?] v.&n.提供,出价,提议?不是Lraise [reiz] v.举起,募集,养育睿zsimply['si m pli] ad.简单地,朴素地,仅仅thousand['θauz?nd] a.&n.千骚忍的across [?'kr?s] prep.&ad.横过catch [k?t?] v.捕捉,抓住,赶上.钩住?与a:、ei、ai区分discover[dis'k?v?] v.发现注意s后面清辅音发浊辅音t发d,k发g flight[fl ai t] n.飞行,航班,航程,逃亡注意与?区分house [haus] n.房子;v.容纳loud [laud] a.大声的office ['?fis] n.办公室,办事处,事务所rather ['ra:e?] ad.宁愿,相当,颇singer['si??] n.歌手,歌唱家through [θru:] ad.&prep. 通过,经过,穿过1200个最常用英语口语单词第三单元(mp3)address [?'dres] n.&v.(写)地址,演说cause [k?:z] n.原因;v.引起discovery [dis'k??ri] n.发现floor [tl?:] n.地板,地面,(楼)层housework ['hausw?:k] n.家务loudspeaker [laud'spi:k?] n.扩音器operate [?p?reit] v.操作,经营,动手术reach [ri:t?] v.到达,伸手取,够得着sister ['sist?] n.姐,妹throughout [θru:'aut] prep.遍及,贯穿advise [?d'vaiz] v.劝告,建议center [sent?] n.中心,中央discuss [dis'k?s] v.讨论flower [flau?] n.花;v.开花读四声however [hau'ev?] ad.无论如何,可是与?区分lover [l?v?] n.爱好者,情侣operation [.?p?'rei??n] n.运转,操作,手术reader ['ri:d?] n.读者,读本size [s ai z] n.大小,尺寸,尺码throw [θr?u] v.&n. 扔,投,摔1200个最常用英语口语单词第四单元(mp3) afraid [?'freid] a.害怕,恐怕centimeter ['sentimit?] n.厘米discussion [dis'k???n] n.讨论follow ['f?l?u] v.跟随,顺着huge [hju:d?] a.巨大的lucky ['l?ki] a.幸运的orange ['?rind?] n.柑,桶,橙,橙色ready ['redi] a.准备好的skate [skeit] n.溜冰鞋;v. 滑冰Thursday ['θ?:zdi] n.星期四afternoon [a:ft?'num] n.午后,下午central ['sentr?l] a.中心的,中央的dish [di?] n.碟子,盘子,菜following ['f?l?ui?] a.下面的,下述的hundred [h?nd?d] a.&n.百lunch [l?nt?] n.午餐order ['?:d?] n.次(秩)序reason ['ri:zn] n.原因,理由; v.推理skating ['skeiting] n.滑冰,溜冰tidy ['taidi] a.整洁(齐)的1200个最常用英语口语单词第五单元(mp3) against [?'geinst] prep.相反,对着,靠着century ['sent?uri] n.百年,世纪district ['distrikt] n.地区,区域fool [fu:l] n.傻子hunger ['h??g?] n.&v.饥饿machine [m?'?i:n] n.机器ordinary ['?:drin?ri] a.普通的,平凡的receive [ri'si:v] v.收到,接收skirt [sk?:t] n.裙子timetable ['taimteibl] n.时间表,时刻表agree [?'gri] v.同意,符合certain ['s?:tn] v.确定的,肯定的dollar ['d?l?] n.美元,元foolish ['fu:li?] a.愚蠢的hungry ['h??gri] a.饥饿的mail [meil] n.邮政,邮件;v.邮递ourselves [au?'selvz] pron.我们自己record [ri'k?:d] v.记录,记载sleep [sli:p] v.&n.睡(眠)tireless ['tai?lis] a.不倦的1200个最常用英语口语单词第六单元(mp3) ahead ['?hed] ad.在前(头)certainty ['s?:t?nti] n.必然(性) doorbell ['d?:bel] n.门铃football ['futb?:l] n.足球,足球运动hurry ['h?ri] n.&v.匆忙,仓促,赶紧make [meik] v.制造,使成为outside ['aut'said] n.&a.外面(的) remember [ri'memb?] v.想起,记得sleepy ['sli:pi] a.想睡的,困的together [t?'gee?] ad.共同,一起airless ['e?lis] a.无空气的,不通风的chair [t?e?] n.椅子doorway ['d?:wei] n.门口foreign ['f?rin] a.外国的hurt [h?:t] n.&v.伤害maker ['meik?] n.制造者overcoat ['?uv?k?ut] n.大衣repair [ri'pe?] n.&v.修理slow [sl?u] v.放慢;a.慢的tomato [t?'meit?u] n.番茄,西红柿1200个最常用英语口语单词第七单元(mp3) airline ['e?lain] n.航线,航空公司chairman ['t?e?m?n] n.主席double ['d?bl] a.两倍的,双的;v.加倍forest ['f?rist] n.森林husband ['h?zb?nd] n.丈夫manage ['m?nid?] v.管理,处理,设法owner ['?un?] n.物主,所有者report [ri'p?:t] n.&v.报告,报道small [sm?:l] a.小的tomb [tu:m] n.坟墓;v.埋葬airliner [e?'lain?] n.班机,客机chalk [t??:k] n.粉笔,白垩down [daun] ad.向下forget [f?'get] v.忘记idea [ai'di?] n.主意,想法,思想,概念manner ['m?n?] n.方式,态度,举止ownership ['?un??ip] n.所有权republic [ri'p?blik] n.共和国,团体smell [smel] v.嗅;n.气味tomorrow [tu'm?r?u] ad.&n.明天1200个最常用英语口语单词第八单元(mp3) airport ['e?p?:t] n.机场change [t?eind?] n.&v.改变,变换draw [dr?:] v.画,拉,吸引forgetful [f?'getfl] a.易忘的,健忘的impolite [.imp?'lait] a.不礼貌的,不客气的many ['meni] a.很多page [peid?] n.(书)页;v.翻书页restaurant ['rest?r?nt] n.餐馆smelly ['smeli] a.有臭味的tonight [tu'nait] ad.&n.今晚alive [?'laiv] a.活着的,存在的(作表语) cheap [t?i:p] a.价廉的,便宜的drawing ['dr?:i?] n.图,画form [f?:m] n.形式(状) ,表格importance [im'p?:t?ns] n.重要性March [ma:t?] n.三月pain [pein] n.疼痛,辛苦;pl.辛劳restless ['restlis] a.不安静(定)的,躁动的smile [smail] n.&v.微笑toothache ['tu:θeik] n.牙痛1200个最常用英语口语单词第九单元(mp3) almost ['?:lm?ust] ad.几乎,差不多cheer [t?i?] n.&v.欢欣(呼) ,喜悦dress [dres] n.衣服;v.穿衣,整理forward ['f?:w?d] a.在前的,前部的important [im'p?:t?nt] a.重要的mark [ma:k] v.作标记,作记号;n.标记painful ['peinful] a.痛苦的,疼痛的result [ri'z?lt] n. 结果smog [sm?g] n.烟雾toothbrush ['tu:θbr??] n.牙刷along [?'l??] ad.&prep.沿着,朝着chemistry ['kemistri] n.化学drink [dri?k] v.喝found [faund] v.打基础,创立impossible [im'p?s?bl] a.不可能的market ['ma:kit] n.市场,集市;v.推销paint [peint] n.油漆,颜料;v.涂,画retell [ri:'tel] v.复述,改写smoke [sm?uk] n.烟;v.冒烟,吸烟toothpaste ['tu:θpeist] n.牙膏1200个最常用英语口语单词第十单元(mp3)alongside [?'l??said] ad.&prep.沿着,靠着chick [t?ik] n.小鸡,幼鸟drive [draiv] v.驱,赶,开(车)fourteen ['f?:'ti:n] a.&n.十四(个)impress [im'pres] v.&n.(盖)印,铭记,印象married ['m?rid] a.已婚的painting ['peinti?] n.绘画,画return [ri't?:n] n.&v.返回,归还,回报smoking ['sm?uki?] n.冒烟,吸烟touch [t?t?] n.&v.接触,抚摸,应付already [?:l'redi] ad.己经chicken [t?ikin] n.鸡(肉) ,小鸡,幼鸟driver ['draiv?] n.司机,驱赶者fragile ['fr?d?ail] a.易碎的,易损的impression [im'pre??n] n.印记(象)marry ['m?ri] v.结婚,娶,嫁pair [pe?] n.一双,一对;v.使成对review [ri'vju:] n.&v.复习,回顾,再检查sock [s?k] n.短袜towards [t?'w?:dz] prep.向,朝,接近于1200个最常用英语口语单词第十一单元(mp3) although [?:l'e?u] conj.虽然,尽管chip [t?ip] n.薄片,芯片,集成块drop [dr?p] n.滴;v.使滴下free [fri:] a.自由的,免费的;v.释放inconvenient [.ink?n'vi:nj?nt] a.不方便的mask [ma:skl n.( 假)面罩,口罩palace ['p?lis]n.宫殿,皇宫rice [rais] n.稻,大米,饭soft [s?ft] a.软的tractor ['tr?kt?] n.拖拉机always ['?:lweiz] ad.永远地,总是chocolate ['t??k?lit] n.巧克力dryness ['drainis] n.干燥freeze [fri:z] v.冻结,结冰indeed [in'di:d] ad.确实mass [m?s] n.块,群众,大量panda ['p?nd?] n.熊猫rich [rit?] a.富有,丰富softly ['s?ftli] ad.( 柔)软地,轻轻地traffic ['tr?fik] n.交通,交易,买卖1200个最常用英语口语单词第十二单元(mp3) among [?'m??] prep.在…之中choose [t?u:z] v.选择,挑选duck [d?k] n.鸭子freezer ['fri:z?] n.冰箱,冷库India ['indi?] n.印度match [m?t?] n.火柴,竞赛paper ['peip?] n.纸,论文ride [raid] v.&n.骑(马) ,乘坐soldier ['s?uld??] n.士兵,军人translate ['tr?ns'leit] v.翻译angry ['??gri] a.愤怒的,生气的chopstick ['t??pstik] n.筷子dumpling ['d?mpli?] n.水饺,馄饨Friday ['fraidi] n.星期五Indian ['indi?n] n.印度人,印第安人mathematics [,m?θi'm?tiks] n.数学pardon ['pa:dn] n.&v.原谅,饶恕right [rait] a.&ad.右,正确;n.右边somebody ['s?mb?di] pron.某人translation [tr?ns'lei??n] n.翻译,译文1200个最常用英语口语单词第十三单元(mp3) animal ['?nim?l] n.动物,兽Christmas ['krism?s] n.圣诞节during ['dju?ri?] prep.在…期间fridge [frid?] n.冰箱information [,inf?'mei??n] n.通知,情报,信息matter ['m?t?] n.物质(品) ,事情parent ['pe?r?nt] n.父,母,双亲之一ring [ri?] n.环,戒指,铃声someone ['s?mw?n] pron.某人,有人translator [tr?ns'leit?] n.译者,翻译another [?'n?e?] a.&pron.再一(个)cinema ['sinim?] n.电影院,电影(艺术)duty ['dju:ti] n.责任,义务,职责friend [frend] n.朋友ink [i?k] n.墨水,油墨maybe ['meibi:] ad.也许,可能park [pa:k] n.公园,停车场;v. 停车rise [raiz] n.&v.上升(涨) ,升起something ['s?mθin?] pron.某事(物) treasure [tred?] n.财富,财宝;以珍视1200个最常用英语口语单词第十四单元(mp3) answer ['a:ns?] n.&v.回答,答复class [kla:s] n.等级,班级,阶级,课dying ['daii?] a.临死的friendship ['frend?ip] n.友谊,友好,友爱inside ['in'said] n.&a.内部(的)meal [mi:l] n.膳食,饭食,餐part [pa:t] n.部分(件) ,角色river ['riv?] n.江,河,川sound [saund] n.声音;v.发声,听起来trouble ['tr?bl] n.&v.麻烦,烦恼anybody ['eni,b?di] n.&pron.无论谁,任何人classmate ['kla:smeit] n.同学early ['?:li] a.&ad. 早,起初(的)frighten ['frait?n] v.恐吓instead [in'sted] ad.代替,顶替mean [mi:n] v.意思是,意味party ['pa:ti] n.聚会,党,团伙,当事人road [r?ud] n.道路south [sauθ] n.&a.南方(的)trousers ['trauz?z] n.裤子1200个最常用英语口语单词第十五单元(mp3) anything ['eniθi?] pron.无论什么东西,任何事classroom ['kla:srum] n.教室earth [?:θ] n.地球,泥土,土壤frightful ['fraitful] a.可怕的instruct [in'str?kt] v.教,指导meaning ['mi:ni?] n.意思,含义pass [pa:s] v.通过,传递roadside ['r?udsaid] a.&n.路旁(的) southeast ['sauθ'i:st] n.&a.&ad.(在)东南(的) truck [tr?k] n.卡车,货车anywhere ['eniwe?] ad.无论哪里,任何地方clean [kli:n] v.清洁(扫)easily ['i:zili] ad.容易地front [fr?nt] n.前面,前线instruction [in'str?k??n] n.教导,指令,说明meat [mi:t] n.(食用)肉passenger ['p?sind??] n.乘客,旅客rock [r?k] n.岩石southern ['s?e?n] a.南方(部)的truth [tru:θ] n.真相,真实,真理1200个最常用英语口语单词第十六单元(mp3)apart [?'pa:t] ad.远离,远隔,分开cleaner ['kli:n?] n.清扫者,清洁工eastern [i:st?n] a.东方的fruit [fru:t] n.果实,水果interest ['intrist] n.利益,兴趣;v.使感兴趣medical ['medik?] a.医学的,医疗的pause [p?:z] v.&n.停顿,中止rocking ['r?ki?] a.摇动(摆)的southwest [sauθ'west] n.&a.&ad.( 在)西南(的) Tuesday ['tju:zdi] n.星期二April ['eipr?l] n.四月clear [kli?] v.清理(除)eastward ['i:stw?d] a.&ad.向东(的)fry [frai] v.油炸interested ['intristid] a.对…有兴趣的medicine ['medsin] n.医学,(内服)药pea [pi:] n.豌豆room [ru:m] n.房间,空地space [speis] n.空间,太空,间隔turn [t?:n] n.&v.转动,转变(向)1200个最常用英语口语单词第十七单元(mp3) arctic ['a:ktik] a.北极的clever ['klev?] a.聪明的,怜俐的either ['ie?] a.&pron.(两者中)任一个fun [f?n] n.玩笑interesting ['intristi?] a.有趣的,引起兴趣的meet [mi:t] v.遇见,迎接,会见,满足pear [pe?] n.梨,梨树round [raund] a.&n.圆形(的)spaceship ['speis?ip] n.宇宙飞船turning ['t?:ni?] n.拐弯,转向,翻转army [a:mi] n.陆军,军队climb [klaim] v.&n.爬,攀登electric [i'lektrik] a.电的,用电的further ['f?:e?] a.&ad.更远,更进一步invent [in'vent] v.发明meeting ['mi:ti?] n.会议,会见penny ['peni] n.便士,分row [r?u] n.一排,一列;v.&n.划船speak [spi:k] v.讲,发言twin [twin] a.孪生的;n.双胞胎之一1200个最常用英语口语单词第十八单元(mp3)around [?'raundl ad.在四周,到处clock [kl?k] n.时钟electricity [,ilek'trisrti] n.电furthest ['f?:eist] a.&ad.最远(同farthest)invention [in'ven??n] n.发明member ['memb?] n.成员,会员performance [p?'f?:m?ns] n.履行,表演,行为,性能rule [ru:l] n.&v.统治,规定(则) ,裁定speaker ['spi:k?] n.讲话者,议长unable ['?n'eibl] a.不能的,不会的,无能的arrive [?'raiv] v.到达,抵达close ['kl?us] a.近的,紧密的;v.关闭elephant ['elif?nt] n.大象future ['fju:t??] a.将来的;n.将来inventor [in'vent?] n.发明者,发明家mend [mend] v.&n.修理(补)perhaps [p?'h?ps]ad.或许,可能ruler ['ru:l?] n.统治者,(直)尺special ['spe??l] a.特殊(别)的,专门的uncommon [?n'k?m?n] a.不寻常的1200个最常用英语口语单词第十九单元(mp3)arrow ['?r?u] n.箭,箭头cloth [kl?θ] n.布,布料eleven [i'levn] a.&n.十一(个)game [geim] n.游戏,比赛invitation [,invi'tei??n] n.邀请,请帖menu ['menju:] n.菜单,菜肴person ['p?:sn] n.人,个人runner ['r?n?] n.跑的人speed [spi:d] n.速度,快速understand [,?nd?'st?nd] v.懂,明白artist ['a:tist] n.艺术家,画家clothes [kl?uez] n.衣服eleventh [i'levnθ] a.&n.第十一(个) ,十一分之一garden ['ga:dn] n.花园,菜园invite [in'vait] v.邀请,招致merry ['meri] a.愉快的,快活的phone [f?un] n.电话,耳机rush [r??] v.&n.冲,急行(流) ,急促行动spell [spel] v.拼写understanding [,?nd?'st?ndi?] n.理解(力) ,谅解1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十单元(mp3) asleep [?'sli:p] ad.睡着clothing ['kl?uei?] n.衣物empty ['empti] a.空的;v.排(腾)空gate [geit] n.大门,闸门island ['ail?nd] n.岛message ['mesid?] n.消息,信息photo ['f?ut?u] n.照片sadness ['s?dnis]n.悲哀,悲伤spelling ['speli?] n.拼写,拼法unhealthy [?n'helθi] a.不健康的,不利于健康的August ['?g?st] n.八月cloud [klaud] n.云enemy ['enimi] n.敌人,敌军gateway ['geitwei] n.门口jacket ['d??kit] n.夹克,短上衣meter ['mi:t?] n.米(长度单位)photograph ['f?ut?gra:f] n.照片;v.拍照safe [seif] a.安全的spend [spend] v.花费,消耗,度过unite [ju'nait] v.联合,团结,统一1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十一单元(mp3) aunt [a:nt] n.姑(姨,婶,伯,舅)母cloudy ['klaudi] a.有云的,多云的engineer [,end?i'ni?] n.工程师general ['d?en?r?l] a. 一般的,总体的January ['d??nju?ri] n.一月middle ['midl] a.&n.中间(的),中等(的) picnic ['piknik] n.&v.野餐safety ['seifti] n.安全spit [spit] v.吐口水(痰)united [ju'naitid] a.联合的autumn ['?:t?m] n.秋,秋天,秋季cock [k?k] n.公鸡enjoy [in'd??i] v.享乐(受),享有geography [d?i'?gr?fi] n.地理学,地理Japan [d??'p?n] n.日本million ['milj?n] a.&n.百万picture ['pikt??] n.图画,图像;v.描绘salt [s?:lt] n.盐,食盐sport [sp?:t] n.运动(会) ,比赛,说戏universe ['ju:niv?:s] n.宇宙,万物1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十二单元(mp3) backache ['b?keik]n.(腰)背痛coffee ['k?fi] n.咖啡enjoyable [in'd??i?bl] a.使人愉快的girlfriend ['g?:lfrend] n.女友Japanese [,d??p?'ni:z] a.日本的mind [maind] n.(内)心,意识,头脑piece [pi:s] n.片,块,件,条,部分,部件same [seim] a.相同的sportsman ['sp?:tsm?n] n.运动员,爱好运动者university [,ju:ni'v?:sti] n.大学baggage ['b?gid?] n.行李coin [k?in] n.硬币enough [i'n?f] a.&ad.足够(的)glad [gl?d] a.高兴的,快乐的jeep [ji:p] n.吉普车minute ['minit] n.分(钟)pigsty ['pigstai] n.猪圈(栏)sandwich ['s?nwit?] n.三明治,夹心面包spring [spri?] n.春天,泉unlock ['?n'l?k] v.开锁1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十三单元(mp3) banana [b?'na:n?] n.香蕉collect [k?'lekt] v. 收集,聚积enter ['ent?] v.进入,加入glass [gla:s] n.玻璃,玻璃杯join [d??in] v.连接,结合,加入mirror ['mir?] n.镜子;v.反映pill [pil] n.药丸satellite [s?t?lait] n.卫星square [skwe?] n.&a.正方形(的)unmarried ['?n'm?rid] a.未婚的basket ['ba:skit] n.篮子,筐子college ['k?lid?i] n.专科学校,学院entrance ['entr?ns] n.进入,入口,入(学) ,加入goal [g?ul] n.目标(的) ,终点,球门joint [d??int] a.共有(同)的missing [misi?] a.失去(踪)的,不见了pioneer [,pai?'ni?] n.开拓者,先驱(锋) Saturday [s?t?di] n.星期六stamp [st?mp]n.印,图章,邮票valley ['v?li]n.山谷,流域1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十四单元(mp3) basketball ['ba:skitb?:l] n.篮球,篮球运动color ['k?l?] n.颜色;v.染色equal ['i:kw?l] a.相等的;v.等于gold [gauld] n.金子,金黄色joke [d??uk] n.笑话,玩笑;v.开玩笑mistake [mis'teik] n.错误,误会;v.弄错place [pleis] n.地方,位置save [seiv] v.救,储存(蓄),节省star [sta:] n.星,明星vegetable ['ved?it?bl] n.蔬菜beast [bi:st] n.牲畜,兽comb [k?um] n.梳子,鸡冠erase [i'reiz] v.擦掉,删除,消灭goodbye [gud'bai] int.&n.再见,告别journey ['d??:ni] n.旅行,旅程model ['m?dl] n.模型,模特(儿) ,式样plane [plein] n.平面,机翼,飞机saving ['seivi?] n.储蓄start [sta:t] n.&v.开始,开动,出发victory ['vikt?ri] n.胜利1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十五单元(mp3) beat [bi:t] v.&n.打,击,(心)跳动comfortable ['k?mf?t?bl] a.舒适(服)的eraser [i'reiz?] n.擦皮,擦子goodness ['gudnis] n.优良,善良,精华joy [d??i] n.&v.欢(快)乐modern ['m?d?n] a.现代的,时髦的plant [pla:nt] n.植物,工厂saying ['seii?] n.言论,格言state [steit] v.陈述video ['vidi?u] a.&n.电视(的) ,录像(的) beautiful ['bju:tiful] a.美丽的,漂亮的common ['k?m?n] a. 公用的,普通的especial [is'pe??l] a.特别的grade [greid] n.等级,年级,成绩juice [d?u:s] n.汁液moment ['m?um?nt] n.片刻,瞬间plate [pleit] n.盘,碟,板,招牌scarf [ska:f] n.围巾,头巾state [steit] n.状态(况) ,国家,州village ['vilid?] n.村子,村庄1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十六单元(mp3) because [bi'k?z] conj.因为complete [k?m'pli:t] a.完全的,完成的especially [is'pe??li] ad.特别,尤其grammar [gr?m?] n.语法,文法July [d?u:'lai] n.七月Monday ['m?di] n.星期一player ['plei?] n.游戏者,运动员,表演者school [sku:l] n.学校,学院,学派station ['stei??n] n.(车)站,所,场地,基地,电台voice [v?is] n.声音,话音become [bi'k?m] v.变成,变为,适合,相称compute [k?m 'pju:t] v.计算even ['i:v?n] ad.甚至,即使grand [gr?nd] a.重要(大)的,宏大的,jump [d??mp] v.&n.跳(跃) ,突升money ['m?ni] n.钱,货币playground ['pleigraund] n.操场schoolbag ['sku:lb?g]n.书包stay [stei] v.&n.逗留,停留,呆volleyball ['v?lib?:l] n.排球,排球运动1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十七单元(mp3) beef [bi:f] n.牛肉computer [k?m'pju:t?] n.计算机,电脑evening ['i:vni?] n.傍晚,晚上granddaughter ['gr?n,d?:t?] n.(外)孙女June [d?u:n] n.六月monkey ['m??ki] n.猴子pleasure ['ple??] n.快乐,乐趣science ['sai?ns] n.科学step [step] n.脚步,步骤,台阶wait [weit] v.等待,伺候beginning [bi'gini?] n.开始,开端,起点comrade ['k?mreid] n.忠实伙伴,同志(事) every ['evri] a.每一个的grandma ['gr?nma:]n.奶奶,外婆jungle ['d???gl] n.丛林month [m?nθ] n.月plus [pl?s] a.正(加)的;prep.加上;n.加(号) scientist ['sai?ntist] n.科学家stick [stik] n.棍,杖waiter ['weit?] n.等候者,(男)侍者,(男)服务员1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十八单元(mp3)behind [bi'hind] prep.在…后面congratulate [k?n'gr?tjuleit] v.祝贺,庆贺everybody ['evrib?di] 每个人grandmother ['gr?nd,m?e?] n.(外)祖母just [d??st] ad.正好,刚才,只不过,仅monument ['m?njum?nt] n.纪念碑(馆)pocket ['p?kit] n.衣袋score [sk?:i] n.得分,分数,二十stocking ['st?ki?] n.长袜waitress ['weitris] n.女招待(服务员)believe [bi'li:v] v.相信,信任congratulation [k?n,gr?t?u'lei??n] n.祝贺,庆贺,贺词everyone ['evriw?n] n.每人,人人grandparents ['gr?nd,pe?r?nts] n.(外)祖父母kangaroo [,k??g?'ru:] n.袋鼠mooncake ['mu:nkeik] n.月饼point [p?int] n.点,分,尖端seagull [si:g?] n.海鸥stomach ['st?m?k] n.胃,肚子,胃口wake [weik] v.醒,觉醒,唤醒1200个最常用英语口语单词第二十九单元(mp3) belong [bi'l??] v.属于continent ['k?ntin?nt] n.大陆,陆地everything ['evriθi?] pron.每样东西,一切grandson ['gr?nds?n] n.(外)孙子keep [ki:p] v.保持(存),经营,保养moonlight ['mu:nlait] n.月光pointed ['p?intid] a.尖的seaman ['si:m?n] n.海员store [st?:] n.商店,储备;v.储备walk [w?:k] n.&v.步行,散步below [bi'l?u] ad.在(向)下面convenience [k?n'vi:ni?ns] n.方便,便利everywhere ['evriwe?] ad.&n.到处,处处granny ['gr?ni]n.奶奶,外婆,婆婆kick [kik] v.&n.踢morning ['m?:ni?] n.早晨,上午police [p?'li:s] n.警察(总称,做复数用) ,治安seashore ['si:'??] n.海岸(滨)storm [st?:m] n.风暴,暴风雨(雪)walker ['w?:k?] n.步行者,散步者1200个最常用英语口语单词第三十单元(mp3) beneath [bi'ni:θ] prep.在…下面;ad.在下面convenient [k?n'vi:nj?nt] a.方便的examine [ig'z?min]v.考试,审查,检查grape [greip] n.葡萄kilogram ['kil?gr?m]n.千克,公斤mother ['m?e?] n.母亲polite [p?'lait] a.有礼貌的,客气的,文雅的season ['si:zn] n.季节straight [streit] a.&ad.直,笔直,直接warm [w?:m] a.温暖的;v.(使)变暖beside [bi'said] prep.在…旁边cool [ku:l] a.凉爽的;v.使变凉example [ig'za:mpl] n.例子,榜样,样品grass [gra:s] n.草,草地kilometer ['kil?mi:t?] n.千米,公里motor ['m?ut?] n.马达,电动机popular ['p?pjul?] a.大众的,流行的,受欢迎的seat [si:t] n.座位,席位straighten ['streitn] v.弄直,使直wash [w??] v.&n.洗,洗涤。

1000句最常用英语口语1. i see.我明白了。
I see2. i quit! 我不干了!I quit3. let go! 放手!Let go4. me too.我也是。
Me too5. my god! 天哪!6. no way! 不行!No way7. come on.来吧(赶快)Come on8. hold on.等一等。
Hold on9. i agree。
I agree10. not bad.还不错。
Not bad11. not yet.还没。
12. see you.再见。
13. shut up! 闭嘴!14. so long.再见。
15. why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. allow me.让我来。
17. be quiet! 安静点!18. cheer up! 振作起来!19. good job! 做得好!20. have fun! 玩得开心!21. how much? 多少钱?22. i'm full.我饱了。
23. i'm home.我回来了。
24. i'm lost.我迷路了。
25. my treat.我请客。
26. so do i.我也一样。
27. this way。
28. after you.您先。
29. bless you! 祝福你!30. follow me.跟我来。
31. forget it! 休想! (算了!)32. good luck! 祝好运!33. i decline! 我拒绝!34. i promise.我保证。
35. of course! 当然了!36. slow down! 慢点!37. take care! 保重!38. they hurt. (伤口)疼。
39. try again.再试试。
40. watch out! 当心。
41. what's up? 有什么事吗?42. be careful! 注意!43. bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!44. don't move! 不许动!45. guess what? 猜猜看?46. i doubt it 我怀疑。

英语口语中最常用的单词1. important adj. 重要的e.g:It's important to eat healthy food.饮食健康很重要。
2. necessary adj. 必须的;必要的e.g:It's not necessary to thank me.不需要感谢我。
3. convenience n. 便利;方便e.g:Please call me at your earliest convenience. 请尽快打电话给我。
4. determination n. 决心e.g:It takes a lot of determination to succeed.要成功就要下很大的决心。
5. adequate adj. 足够的;适当的e.g:His English is not adequate to study abroad. 他的英语水平不足以令他去国外学习。
6. perseverance n. 毅力;不屈不挠的精神e.g:I admire your perseverance.我钦佩你的毅力。
7. environment n. 环境e.g:We should care more about the environment. 我们应该更加关注环境。
8. understanding n. 理解;谅解;体谅e.g:I really need your understanding.我真的需要你的体谅。
9. resources n. 资源e.g:Don't waste our natural resources.不要浪费我们的自然资源。
10. accomplishment n. 成就e.g:You should be proud of your accomplishment. 你应该为你取得的成就感到骄傲。
11. creativity n. 创造力e.g:We need creativity to solve this problem.要解决这个问题,我们需要创造力。

25. back后面的早过去的adjective26. bitter苦的痛苦的怀恨的1. acceptable可接受的合意的27. blank空白的失色的2. accurate正确的精确的28. blind瞎的盲目的3. active积极的能起作用的29. blonde色白的碧眼的4. additional另外的额外的附加的30. bloody血腥的该死的非常的5. adequate适当的足够的31. boiling沸腾的激昂的6. aggressive敢做敢为的好斗的32. bored无聊的烦人的7. alive活着的活泼的33. boring令人无聊的8. alone 单独的孤独的34. bound开往⋯去的装订的别束缚的9. alternative选择性的35. brave勇敢的10. amazing令人吃惊的36. brief简要的简短的11. angry生气的37. bright明亮的欢乐的聪明的12. annual每年的38. broad宽(广)的明显的主要的13. anxious担忧的渴望的39. broken坏掉的断掉的14. apart分开的40. brown褐色的棕色的15. approximate大约的41. calm 平静的镇静的16. armed有扶手的武器的42. capable有能力的能干的17. artificial人造的假的非原产地的43. capital首都的大写的主要的18. ashamed惭愧的羞耻的44. chief主要的首席的19. asleep睡着的45. civil市民的有礼貌的20. attractive吸引人的有魅力的46. clever聪明的机灵的21. automatic自动的机械的47. closed关闭的限少数人的22. average一般的平均的48. comfortable舒服的舒适的50. competitive竞争的plete 完全的完成的plex 复杂的综合的plicated 复杂的难解的54.concrete 具体的有形的55.confident 有信心的确信的56.confused 困惑的烦恼的57.confusing 使混乱的58.conscious 有意识的故意的59.considerable 相当大的值得考虑的60.consistent 一致的坚固的61.constant 不变的持续的62.continuous 连续的持续的63.convenient 便利的方便的64.crafty 狡诈的善于骗人的65.crazy 疯狂的狂热的66.creative 创造性的67.criminal 犯罪的罪恶的68.critical 评论的批评的69.cross 交叉的相反的70.crucial 至关紧要的71.cruel 残酷的悲惨的72.curious 好奇的古怪的爱挑剔的73.curly 卷曲的弯曲的74.cute 可爱的装腔作势的75.daily 每日的日常的76.dangerous 危险的77.dark 昏暗的无知的模糊的78.dear 昂贵的亲爱的79.decent 正派的有分寸的80.deep 深的深奥的难懂的81.definite 明确的一直的82.delighted 欣喜的欢乐的83.demanding 苛求的84.dependent 依赖的随⋯而定的85.direct 直接的直达的86.dirty 脏的卑鄙的下流的87.disgusting, 令人厌恶的88.dry 干的干燥的89.dull 枯燥的呆滞的90.dumb 哑的91.economic 经济上的cational 教育的教育性的93.effective有效的给人深刻印象的94.efficient生效的有效率的95.elderly 稍老的过了中年的96.electric 电的电动的97.electrical 电的有关电的98.electronic 电子的99.emotional 情绪的情感的100. empty空的空虚的125. financial财政的金融的101. encouraging奖励的126. firm严格的坚定的102. enjoyable令人愉快的可享受的127. fit合适的健康的103. enormous巨大的庞大的128. fixed固定的固执的104. enthusiastic热心的热情的129. flat平坦的浅的无力的105. entire全部的完整的130. following下面的其次的106. essential本质的基本的精华的131. foreign外国的外来的107. exact精确的原样的132. formal外形的正式的108. exciting令人兴奋的133. former从前的以前的109. existing现有的134. fortunate幸运的幸福的110. experienced有经验的135. forward早的迅速的111. extraordinary非凡的特有的136. fresh新鲜的无经验的112. extreme极端的137. friendly友好的友谊的113. false错误的伪造的虚伪的138. frightened受惊的害怕的114. familiar相似的139. full-time专职的全部时间的115. famous著名的140. fun共娱乐用的116. fancy 奇特的异样的141. fundamental基础的基本的117. fantastic幻想的奇异的142. gay同性恋的放荡的快乐的118. far远的久远的143. gentle温和的文雅的119. fascinating迷人的着迷的144. genuine真实的诚恳的120. fast紧的忠实的耐久的145. glad高兴的乐意的121. fat肥大的油腻的146. gorgeous华丽的灿烂的122. favourite最喜欢的147. grand豪华的盛大的重要的123. female女性的雌的148. grey灰色的灰白的124. filthy不洁的丑恶的149. gross总的毛重的150. guilty犯罪的心虚的175. logical合理的合乎逻辑的151. handy 手边的易得的176. lonely孤独的偏僻的152. healthy健康的177. loose松的散漫的153. helpful有帮助的178. lost失去的丧失的154. hopeless绝望的无药可救的179. lovely可爱的155. horrible可怕的讨厌的180. lucky幸运的156. huge巨大的无限的181. mad疯的愚蠢的157. hungry饿的渴望的荒芜的182. major主修的成年的158. ideal理想的完美的183. male男性的雄的159. ill 有病的恶意的184. married已婚的160. immediate直接的立刻的185. marvelous不可思议的非凡的161. impossible不可能的186. massive厚重的魁梧的162. inclined倾向⋯的187. maximum最大限度的163. individual可别的单独的188. medical医学的药物的164. instant立即的即食的189. medium中间的半成熟的165. intelligent聪明的有才华的190. mental经历的智力的166. international国际的世界的191. messy肮脏的凌乱的167. involved棘手的有关的192. military军事的军用的168. just正好的公正的193. minimum最小的最低的169. keen锋利的渴望的热心的194. minor未成年的次要的170. key关键的主要的195. mixed混合的171. kind善良的仁慈的196. monthly每月的172. legal合法的法律的197. moral道德的精神上的173. live活的精力充沛的198. musical音乐的悦耳的200. narrow狭窄的勉强的225. pleased高兴的满足的201. nasty肮脏的下流的226. polite有礼貌的客气的202. natural自然的天生的227. political政治的政治上的203. near亲近的亲密的228. popular通俗的受欢迎的204. neat整洁的优雅的229. positive积极的肯定的205. negative否定的消极的230. potential潜在的可能的206. nervous紧张的不安的231. practical实际的实用的207. noisy吵闹的232. pregnant怀孕的208. northern北方的233. prepared准备好的精致的209. objective客观的234. present现在的当面的210. obvious明显的235. pretty漂亮了优美的211. occasional 偶然的临时的236. primary主要的初级的212. official官方的正式的237. professional专业的职业的213. organized有组织的238. proud自豪的得意的214. outside外面的外表的239. pure纯的完美的215. overall全部的全面的240. qualified有资格的216. part-time兼职的部分时间的241. quiet安静的从容的217. pathetic可怜的悲惨的242. rare稀罕的杰出的半熟的218. peaceful和平的平静的243. realistic现实的219. perfect完美的熟练的244. recent近来的220. permanent永久的持久的 resident245. regular规则的定期的221. physical身体的物质的246. related叙述的有关系的222. pink粉红的247. relevant有关的相应的223. plain简单的清晰的普通的248. religious信仰的250. rich富有的有钱的中、充足的275. slow慢的迟钝呢251. ridiculous荒谬的可笑的276. smart聪明的时尚的252. rough粗糙的大致的277. social社会的社交的253. royal皇家的高贵的 .278. soft软的温柔的254. sad难过的忧愁的279. solid固体的坚固的255. safe安全的可靠的280. sore疼的剧烈的256. satisfied感到满意的281. southern南的南方的257. scared恐惧的282. spare多余的备用的空闲的258. scientific科学的283. square正方形的平方的259. secret秘密的隐秘的284. standard标准的一流的260. secure安全的可靠的285. steep陡峭的不合理的261. sensible有感觉的明智的286. stiff僵硬的呆板的262. sensitive敏感的灵敏的287. straight笔直的直接的正直的263. separate分开的个别的288. straightforward直接的率直的264. severe严重的严厉的289. strange陌生的奇怪的265. sexual性别的性的290. strict严厉的精确的266. sharp尖锐的锋利的敏感的291. substantial实质的真实的充实的267. shocked震撼的吃惊的292. successful成功的268. shocking骇人听闻的非常讨厌的293. sudden突然的意外的269. significant重大的重要的294. sufficient充足的足够的270. silly愚蠢的无聊的295. suitable适当的相配的271. single单一的单身的296. super超级的极好的272. skinny皮的似皮的膜状的297. surprised感到惊讶的273. slight轻微的微小的298. surprising令人惊讶的300. sweet甜的美好的芳香的325. vast巨大的巨额的301. tall 高的夸大的326. very真正的绝对的302. technical技术的327. violent猛烈的强暴的303. temporary临时的暂时的328. warm暖和的热烈的304. thick厚的粗的弄的329. weak虚弱的不耐用的305. thin瘦的薄的330. weekly每星期的一周的306. tight紧的吝啬的严格的331. weird奇怪的超乎清理的307. tiny很少的微小的332. welcome受欢迎的308. tough艰难的强硬的333. west西的西方的309. traditional传统的惯例的334. western西方的310. tremendous极大的巨大的335. wet 湿的潮湿的311. tricky狡猾的机警的336. wide宽呢张大的312. typical典型的337. willing乐意的自愿的313. unable不能的不会的338. windy多风的吹牛的314. unbelievable难以置信的339. wise明智的博学的315. unemployed失业的未被利用的340. wooden木质的316. unfair不公平的341. worried闷闷不乐的317. unfortunate不行的不公平的342. worrying焦虑的令人担心的318. unhappy 不快乐的不幸的343. worthwhile值得做的319. unique唯一的独特的344. yellow黄色的320.unlikely 未必的靠不住的321.unusual 不平常的与众不同的322.urgent 急迫的紧急的ual 平常的通常的。

1000句最常用英语口语1. i see.我明白了。
I see2. i quit! 我不干了!I quit3. let go! 放手!Let go4. me too.我也是。
Me too5. my god! 天哪!6. no way! 不行!No way7. come on.来吧(赶快)Come on8. hold on.等一等。
Hold on9. i agree。
I agree10. not bad.还不错。
Not bad11. not yet.还没。
12. see you.再见。
13. shut up! 闭嘴!14. so long.再见。
15. why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. allow me.让我来。
17. be quiet! 安静点!18. cheer up! 振作起来!????19. good job! 做得好!20. have fun! 玩得开心!21. how much? 多少钱?22. i'm full.我饱了。
23. i'm home.我回来了。
24. i'm lost.我迷路了。
25. my treat.我请客。
26. so do i.我也一样。
27. this way。
28. after you.您先。
29. bless you! 祝福你!30. follow me.跟我来。
31. forget it! 休想! (算了!)32. good luck! 祝好运!33. i decline! 我拒绝!34. i promise.我保证。
35. of course! 当然了!36. slow down! 慢点!37. take care! 保重!38. they hurt. (伤口)疼。
39. try again.再试试。
40. watch out! 当心。
41. what's up? 有什么事吗?42. be careful! 注意!43. bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!44. don't move! 不许动!45. guess what? 猜猜看?46. i doubt it 我怀疑。
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flower [flauə] n.花;v.开花
however [hau'evə] ad.无论如何,可是 与 æ 区分
lover [lʌvə] n.爱好源自,情侣operation [.ɔpə'reiʃən] n.运转,操作,手术
reader ['ri:də] n.读者,读本
size [saiz] n.大小,尺寸,尺码
1200 个最常用英语口语单词 第二单元(mp3) ache [eik] n.&v. 疼 痛 carry ['kæri] v. 搬运,携带,运载 dirty ['də:ti] a.肮脏的 flatten ['flætn] v. 弄 平 hotel [həu'tel] n. 旅 馆 f loser ['lu:zə] n.输家,失败者
offer ['ɔfə] v.&n.提供,出价,提议 ə不是L raise [reiz] v.举起,募集,养育 睿 z
simply ['simpli] ad.简单地,朴素地,仅仅
thousand ['θauzənd] a.&n.千 骚忍的
across [ə'krɔs] prep.&ad. 横 过
catch [kætʃ] v.捕捉,抓住,赶上.钩住 æ 与 a:、ei、ai 区分 discover [dis'kʌvə] v.发现 注意 s 后面清辅音发浊辅音 t 发 d,k 发 g flight [flait] n.飞行,航班,航程,逃亡 注意与æ 区分
1200 个最常用英语口语单词 第五单元(mp3) against [ə'geinst] prep.相反,对着,靠着 century ['sentʃuri] n.百年,世纪 district ['distrikt] n.地区,区域 fool [fu:l] n.傻子 hunger ['hʌŋgə] n.&v.饥饿 machine [mə'ʃi:n] n.机器 ordinary ['ɔ:drinəri] a.普通的,平凡的 receive [ri'si:v] v.收到,接收 skirt [skə:t] n.裙子 timetable ['taimteibl] n.时间表,时刻表 agree [ə'gri] v.同意,符合 certain ['sə:tn] v.确定的,肯定的 dollar ['dɔlə] n.美元,元 foolish ['fu:liʃ] a.愚蠢的 hungry ['hʌŋgri] a.饥饿的 mail [meil] n.邮政,邮件;v.邮递 ourselves [auə'selvz] pron.我们自己 record [ri'kɔ:d] v.记录,记载 sleep [sli:p] v.&n. 睡 ( 眠 ) tireless ['taiəlis] a.不倦的
1200 个最常用英语口语单词 第三单元(mp3) address [ə'dres] n.&v.(写)地址,演说 cause [kɔ:z] n.原因;v.引起 discovery [dis'kʌəri] n.发现 floor [tlɔ:] n.地板,地面,(楼)层 housework ['hauswə:k] n.家务 loudspeaker [laud'spi:kə] n.扩音器 operate [ɔpəreit] v.操作,经营,动手术 reach [ri:tʃ] v.到达,伸手取,够得着 sister ['sistə] n.姐,妹 throughout [θru:'aut] prep.遍及,贯穿 advise [əd'vaiz] v.劝告,建议 center [sentə] n.中心,中央 discuss [dis'kʌs] v.讨论
1200 个最常用英语口语单词 第一单元(mp3) accident ['æksidənt] n.事故,意外,偶然
careful ['keəful] a.仔细(小心)的 difficulty ['difikəlti] n.困难 flag [flæg] n.旗帜 horse [hɔ:s] n.马 lock [lɔk] n.&v.锁 nut [nʌt] n.竖果,螺帽 rain [rein] n.&v.雨,下雨
hospital ['hɔspitl] n. 医院 重音
*lonely ['ləunli] a.孤单的,孤寂的,偏僻的 一声聋丽 不是 LVng Oceania [.əuʃi'einiə] n.大洋洲 rainy ['reini] a.多雨的 simple ['simpl] a.简单的,单纯的,朴素的 though [ðəu] ad.可是;conj.虽然,尽管
house [haus] n.房子;v.容纳 loud [laud] a.大声的 office ['ɔfis] n.办公室,办事处,事务所 rather ['ra:ðə] ad.宁愿,相当,颇 singer ['siŋə] n.歌手,歌唱家 through [θru:] ad.&prep. 通过,经过,穿过
throw [θrəu] v.&n. 扔,投,摔
1200 个最常用英语口语单词 第四单元(mp3) afraid [ə'freid] a.害怕,恐怕 centimeter ['sentimitə] n.厘米 discussion [dis'kʌʃən] n.讨论 follow ['fɔləu] v.跟随,顺着 huge [hju:dʒ] a.巨大的 lucky ['lʌki] a.幸运的 orange ['ɔrindʒ] n.柑,桶,橙,橙色 ready ['redi] a.准备好的 skate [skeit] n.溜冰鞋; v. 滑冰 Thursday ['θə:zdi] n.星期四 afternoon [a:ftə'num] n.午后,下午 central ['sentrəl] a.中心的,中央的 dish [diʃ] n.碟子,盘子,菜 following ['fɔləuiŋ] a.下面的,下述的 hundred [hʌndəd] a.&n.百 lunch [lʌntʃ] n.午餐 order ['ɔ:də] n.次(秩)序 reason ['ri:zn] n.原因,理由; v.推理 skating ['skeiting] n.滑冰,溜冰 tidy ['taidi] a.整洁(齐)的
silk [silk] n.丝,丝绸 注意与 ei 区分 thirty ['θə:ti] a.&n.三十(个) 第一个音节读一 声 accidental [.æksi'dentl] a.意外的,偶然的 carrot ['kærət] n.胡萝卜 注意与 ai 区分
dinner ['dinə] n.正餐,晚餐 flat [flæt] a.平的,扁平的;n.套间