英伦文化拾遗第三章答案1、问题What does blue mean in the phrase"Blue Monday"?选项:A:Noble B:High status C:Economy D.unhappy答案:(D unhappy)2、问题:St.Patrick was the Patron Saint of()选项:A:lreland B:England C:Wales D:London答案:(A Ireland)3、问题;What is a standard kilt?选项:A:knee-length B:1.5m in width,6m in length C:29 pleats at the back D:made of tartan cloth答案:knee-length;1.5m in width,6m in length;29pleats at the back;made of tartan cloth4、问题:Which of the following statements are true about Saint Patrick's Day?选项:A:On St.Patrick's Day people are trying to catch the little manB:Everything becomes green.C:People usually wear shamrock.D:People would decorate their house green.答案:On St.Patrick's Day people are trying to catch the little man;Everything becomes green;People usually wear shamrock;5、问题:The material of making a kilt is called Tartan.选项:A:对B:错答案:(对)6、问题:People could wear green hat on St.Patrick's Day.选项:A:对B:错答案:(对)见面课:Royal Family and Dress Code7、问题;How many Queens in UK history till now?选项:A:7 B:6 C:5 D:4答案:(7)8、问题:Why does Queen Elizabeth ll have so few private photos?选项:A:She dosen't like taking pictures.B:Monarchy needs to be shrouded in mystery.C:She is afraid of taking pictures.D:She is forbidden to take pictures.答案:(Monarchy needs to be shrouded in mystery.)9、问题:What are the advantages of being a queen?选项:A:Queen has trooping the color every year.B:Queen has many Crowns and TiarasC:Queen has many colorful clothesD:Queen can do whatever she wants答案:(Queen has trooping the color every year.;Queen has many Crowns and Tiaras;Queen has many colorful clothes)10、问题:Which kind of clothes are not suitable for an interview?选项:A:Jeans B:T-shirts C:Button down shirts D:Suits答案:(Jeans;T-shirts)11、问题:A man's imperfections are considered part of his character.Whereas a woman's flaws are evidence of her unsuitability.选项:A.对B:错答案:(对)12、问题:The first judgement an interviewer makes is going to be based on how you look and what you are wearing.选项:A对B:错答案:(对)。
智慧树全球文明通史章节答案见面课:伊丽莎白一世与大英殖民帝国1、问题:英国都铎王朝的最后一任君主是以下哪位?选项:A:凯瑟琳B:血腥玛丽C:伊丽莎白一世D:伊莎贝拉答案: 【伊丽莎白一世】2、问题:英格兰舰队击败西班牙无敌舰队是在哪一年发生的?选项:A:1588B:1488C:1688D:1566答案: 【1588】3、问题:世界历史上第一位环球航行的英国人是以下哪位人物?选项:A:麦哲伦B:弗朗西斯·德雷克C:马丁·弗罗比歇D:沃尔特·雷利答案: 【弗朗西斯·德雷克】4、问题:在一幅1588年的肖像画的右下方,伊丽莎白一世坐着的椅子上嵌刻着一樽美人鱼雕像。
答案: 【美人鱼的寓言暗示建立殖民帝国应具有的自律精神。
】5、问题:在英国星期五街(Friday Street)上的圣保罗大教堂的东面有一家叫“美人鱼”的俱乐部,在伊丽莎白一世时代聚集了伦敦的一些名流、文学人士和思想家,他们在每个月的第一个星期五聚在一起讨论。
其中包括戏剧《亨利四世》的作者()选项:A:威廉·莎士比亚B:约翰·弗莱彻C:理查德·胡克D:埃德蒙德·斯宾塞答案: 【威廉·莎士比亚】见面课:古印度文明1、问题:以下不属于古印度文明内容的是()选项:A:哈拉巴文化B:摩亨佐-达罗文化C:婆罗门种姓D:维西尔答案: 【维西尔】2、问题:以下哪一种现象出现的时间最早?选项:A:哈拉巴文化B:瓦尔纳种姓制度C:孔雀帝国D:佛教答案: 【哈拉巴文化】3、问题:以下不属于佛教主要主张的是()选项:A:四谛说B:八正道说C:男女皆可修行D:以吠陀为经典答案: 【以吠陀为经典】4、问题:“四谛”不包括()选项:A:苦谛B:集谛C:灭谛D:正精进答案: 【正精进】5、问题:以下不属于阿育王的举措的是()选项:A:修建医馆B:广建舍利塔C:定都华氏城D:传扬佛教答案: 【定都华氏城】见面课:欧洲中世纪的大学1、问题:以下哪所大学的诞生时间最早?选项:A:博洛尼亚大学B:海德堡大学C:洪堡大学D:剑桥大学答案: 【博洛尼亚大学】2、问题:以下哪项不可能属于中世纪巴黎大学教师的授课内容?选项:A:圣经篇章B:教父著作C:亚里士多德作品D:休谟的作品答案: 【休谟的作品】3、问题:licentia ubique docendi指的是()选项:A:执教资格B:财产继承资格C:个人权益D:布道的资格答案: 【执教资格】4、问题:欧洲中世纪的大学的名称为下列哪一种?选项:A:UniversitasB:CollegiumC:FacultasD:Magister答案: 【Universitas】5、问题:中世纪巴黎大学的圣托马斯•阿奎那属于下列哪个修会?选项:A:多明我会B:方济各会C:本笃会D:奥斯定会答案: 【多明我会】见面课:美利坚合众国:历史与现实1、问题:以下哪个不是“哥伦布大交换”的主要物种?选项:A:玉米B:棉花C:烟草D:野牛答案: 【野牛】2、问题:下面哪场战争不是北美独立战争时期发生的?选项:A:萨拉托加战役B:葛底斯堡战役C:考彭斯战役D:约克镇战役答案: 【葛底斯堡战役】3、问题:林肯在《葛底斯堡演说》中提到()选项:A:我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的:造物者创造了平等的个人,并赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。
参考答案:认知过程;生理状态;外部事件3.岂曰无衣?___ 。
参考答案:李白的诗歌具有飘逸奔放、雄奇壮丽的艺术风格;有“诗仙”之称;与杜甫合称“李杜”2.《定风波·莫听穿林打叶声》:“回首向来萧瑟处, ___,也无风雨也无晴。
智慧树西方文学经典鉴赏章答案第一篇:智慧树西方文学经典鉴赏章答案目录目录........................................................................................................................... .......................1 第一章........................................................................................................................... . (1)一、《伊利亚特》 (1)第二章........................................................................................................................... . (4)二、《神曲》....................................................................................................................... ......4 第三章........................................................................................................................... . (6)三、塞万提斯...........................................................................................................................6 第四章........................................................................................................................... . (8)四、莎士比亚...........................................................................................................................8 第五章........................................................................................................................... .. (10)五、歌德的《浮士德》.........................................................................................................10 第六章........................................................................................................................... .. (13)六、斯丹达尔 (1)3 第七章........................................................................................................................... .. (15)七、《简.爱》.............................................................................................................. ............15 第八章........................................................................................................................... .. (17)八、托尔斯泰 (1)7 第九章........................................................................................................................... .. (19)九、易卜生........................................................................................................................... ..19 第十章........................................................................................................................... .. (21)十、哈代........................................................................................................................... ......21 手动整理,请注意选项顺序,下方为智慧树校核后答案,请放心使用!第一章一、《伊利亚特》1【单选题】(5分)下列关于《伊利亚特》的说法不正确的是:A.《伊利亚特》描写了10年战争中的51天战事和其他活动B.《伊利亚特》是由荷马独立创作完成的C.《伊利亚特》表现了英雄主义精神D.《伊利亚特》堪称古希腊生活的百科全书正确• 5分 2 【单选题】(5分)关于《伊利亚特》,说法正确的是A.《伊利亚特》描写了海伦被帕里斯拐到特洛伊的经过。
智慧树知到《英语国家文化》章节测试答案第一章1、The landscape of England is more rugged in the north and the west.A.对B.错答案: 对2、Wales is the smallest country in the UK.A.对B.错答案: 错3、The United Kingdom is the second-largest in the Commonwealth.A.对B.错答案: 错4、In Wales, there are cultural and political differences between Welsh-speaking Wales in the north-west and center and English-influenced Wales in the east and south-west.A.对B.错答案: 对第二章1、The current population in America is less than 315 million, rendering it the world’s third largest population, following China and India.A.对B.错答案: 错2、Like many other countries, the United States has an identity that depends on ethnic continuity.A.对B.错答案: 错3、The USA is a Federal republic made up of 50 states, with 48 states located on the mainlandA.对B.错答案: 对4、The majority of the population of the United States is of __ origin, with the largest groups having primary ancestry traceable to the United Kingdom, Germany, and Ireland?A. EuropeannC.AfricanD.Australian答案: European5、Among the 50 states, __ is the largest in terms of size, and Rhode Island is the smallest.A. CaliforniaB. AlaskaC. HawaiiD.Florida答案: Alaska6、Geographically, the United States can be divided into six regions which share similar culture and history: The Mid-Atlantic, The South, The Midwest, The Southwest, the West and __ .A.New EnglandB. The EastC.The NorthD.The Northeast答案: New England7、The first permanent British settlement in North America was __.A.VirginiaB.New YorkC.MassachusettsD.Maryland答案: Virginia8、It’s believed that the idea of “the Great Melting Pot” first originated in __.A.VirginiaB.MassachusettsC.MarylandD.Pennsylvania答案: Pennsylvania9、Which day is the Independence Day in the United States?A. July 4thB.July 14thC. June 14thD. June 4th答案: July 4th10、The Senate is composed of 100 Senators who are elected to serve for a term of 2 years.A.对B.错答案: 错11、If the President refuses to sign a bill, then the bill would neverbecome a law.A.对B.错答案: 错12、Which of the following is NOT one power of the President?A.to nominate the heads of all executive departmentsB.to make lawsC.to call the National Guard into federal serviceD.to appoint the judges答案: to make laws13、The United States’ economysuffered severely from the two World Wars in the 20thcentury.A.对B.错答案: 错14、The “Americansystem” of mass production was first used in.A.carindustryB.textile industryC.firearms industryD.agriculture答案: firearms industry15、The United States produces as much as half of the world’s.A.wheatB.cottonC.tobacco and vegetable oilD.soybeans and corn答案: soybeans and corn16、Mark Twain was a great realist as well as a regionalist, or local color writer.A.对B.错答案: 对17、The American educational system is based on the idea that as many people as possible should have access to as much as education as possible.A.对B.错答案: 对18、The United States has a national system of education.A.对B.错答案: 错19、Which of the following does NOT belong to formal education in the US?A.Pre-elementary educationB.Elementary educationC.Secondary educationD.Higher education答案: Pre-elementary education20、In order to go to university, secondary school students must meet the following requirementsEXCEPT that_____.A.they have high School records and recommendations from their teachersB.they make good impressions during the interviewsC.they get good scores in the Scholastic Assessment TestsD.they pass the college entrance examinations答案: they pass the college entrance examinations第三章1、From west to east, Canada encompasses five time zones.A.对B.错答案:2、The Five Great Lakes form a connected system that is the world’s largest body of fresh water.A.对B.错答案:3、The largest lake fully within the Canadian borders is ____.A. Lake SuperiorB. Great Slave Lakeke MichiganD.Great Bear Lake答案:4、The three main groups of Aboriginal people do not include________.A.the InuitB.the QuebecersC. the First NationD.the Métis答案:5、The largest geographical feature in Canada is ___.A. the Atlantic ProvincesB. the Pacific CoastC.the Canadian ShieldD.St. Lawrence Lowlands答案:6、As one of the Aboriginal peoples, the majority of _ live in the Prairie Provinces.A.the InuitB.the QuebecersC. the IndiansD. the Métis答案:7、The self-governing Dominion of Canada wasnotestablished on July 1, 1867.A.对B.错答案:8、Canada is a country born from the European fascination with exploration, imperialism, and colonization that began in the century.A. 14thB.15thC.16thD.17th答案:9、In the 1830s, Canada enter a considerable period of political unrest, with a well-organized group of Reformers, led by mostly middle-class and Catholic professionals, against the corruption.A.IndiansB.AmericanC.BritishD.French答案:10、In 1841, Britain passed , which created the United Province of Canada.A.the Quebec ActB.The Quebec LawC.theAct of UnionD.theAct of Reunion答案:11、The federal form of government in Canada was patterned after the United Kingdom.A.对B.错答案:12、National voting is available to Canadian citizens aged 18 or older who reside in Canada or have been abroad for shorter than five years.A.对B.错答案:13、____ is the Head of State in Canada.A.the Governor GeneralB.the Prime MinisterC.the QueenD.the federal government答案:14、____ is the largest party in Canadian parliament.A.The Conservative PartyB.The Liberal PartyC.Le Bloc QuebecoisD.the New Democratic Party答案:15、The Free Trade Agreement came into effect in 1989, with a schedule ofremoving traffic protection on most items by 1990.A.对B.错答案:16、Which of the following industriesaccount for more than half of the GDP in Canada?A.Primary industriesB.Secondary industriesC.Tertiary industriesD.None of them答案:17、Which of thefollowing provinces is themanufacturing heartland of Canada?A.AlbertaB.OntarioC.British ColumbiaD.Nova Scotia答案:18、All the French speakers in Canada live in Quebec.A.对B.错答案:19、Post-secondary education is compulsory in Canada.A.对B.错答案:20、Which of the following is NOT a reason that students go to Canada to study?A.Canada is safe and friendly.B.There is no need of high English language proficiency.C.Canada is multicultural.D.Canadian education has a good reputation in the world.答案:第四章1、The original immigrants that came to Australia were scattered in different tribes but spoke the same languageA.对B.错答案:2、During Gold Rush , many Chinese people came to Australia.A.对B.错答案:3、The original migration into Australian land was said to start from ____.A.AfricaC.EuropeD.North America答案:4、Which statement about didgeridoo is NOT true?A. It is a kind of musical instrumentB. It is invented by Australian Aborigines.C.It is still in use nowadays.D. It is a device used for hunting.答案:5、Which city/cities has/have hosted the Olympic Games in Australia?A.MelbourneB. Melbourne and SydneyC.CanberraD. Sydney答案:6、Sydney is the second largest city in Australia.A.对B.错答案:7、Rice has always been a big part of the Australian dietA.对B.错答案:8、There are 15 per cent of Australians speak other languages, such as Italian, Greek, Vietnamese, Arabic, and Chinese with their families at homeA.对B.错答案:9、How many parts Australian National flag consists of:A.3B.4C.5D.6答案:10、The capital of Australia is:A.MelbourneB.SydneyC.PerthD.Canberra答案:11、Which statement is NOT true about Australia?A.It is in the European and Pacific sphere.B.It is the smallest continentC.It is the largest islandD.It is the only continent made up of a single country.答案:12、The Australian Democrats , founded by former Liberal Don Chipp in 1977, became one of the most enduring of all minor parties in Australian political history.A.对B.错答案:13、Australian Parliament consists of three components: the Monarch, the Senate, and the House ofRepresentatives.A.对B.错答案:14、Which position is the President of the Federal Executive Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force.A.State governorernor-GeneralC.Prime MinisterD.Vice President答案:15、Australia’s system of government is founded in the ____tradition.A.liberal democraticB.democraticC.freedomD.multi-party coexistence答案:16、Australia has the eighth-highest total estimated value of natural resources.A.对B.错答案:17、Australia's per-capita GDP is lower than that of the UK, Canada, Germany and France in terms of purchasing power parity.A.对B.错答案:18、Which of the following is NOT considered as partof the serviceindustry?A.BankingB.TourismcationD.Steelmaking答案:19、Which of the following doesAustralia NOT belong to?A.ASEANB.APECC.G20D.OECD答案:20、Australia enjoys a worldwide reputation for academic excellence. Generally, its higher education system follows a similar model to the US, and the students have different range of choices if they decide to pursue education.A.对B.错。
英伦历史文化拾遗(黑龙江联盟)第一章单元测试1. 这是一门专业课程.( )答案:错误答案2. 课程目标包含一下几个方面?( )A. 素质养成B. 语言技能C. 兴趣爱好D. 文化知识答案: A,B,D答案3. 本门课程涉及( )个主要民族的文化和历史.A. 3B. 1C. 4D. 2答案: C答案4. 你将学习到英国的( )个历史时期.A. 4B. 1C. 2D. 3答案: A答案5. 以下哪个民族不是课程的主要讲解部分( ).A. 苏格兰B. 美国C. 爱尔兰D. 威尔士答案: B答案第七章单元测试1. Celtic peoples inhabiting Britain called ( ).A. BrownB. BrainC. BorrowD. Briton答案: D答案2. Emperor Hadrian built a massive wall right across the country, named ( ).A. Hadrian’s WallB. Great WallC. Antonine's WallD. North Wall3. The Anglo-Saxon invaders shaped England into ( ) major kingdoms.A. SevenB. EightC. FiveD. Six答案: A答案4. The Anglo-Saxon spoke a language which we now call ( ).A. New EnglishB. Half EnglishC. Old EnglishD. Y oung English答案: C答案5. Anglo-Saxon couldn’t conquer ( ).A. WalesB. ScotlandC. IrelandD. England答案: B答案第三章单元测试1. ( ) actually managed to hold back the Vikings.A. Demon the GreatB. Ethan the GreatC. Cannon the GreatD. Alfred the Great答案: D答案2. ( ) was the queen of Ethelred and later the queen of Canute.A. AmyB. AnneC. EmmaD. Gucci答案: C答案3. The nike name of King Edward was ( ).A. Edward the Lion HeartB. Edward the ConfessorC. Edward the Long legD. Edward the Harefoot答案: B答案4. Famous Vikings number one was King ( ).A. Canute the GreatB. EmmaC. WilliamD. Edward5. Which modern day words for days of the week originate from the Vikings?( ).A. MondayB. SundayC. ThursdayD. Friday答案: C答案第九章单元测试1. William Conqueror won the Battle of ( ), then he became the first Norman King.A. HastingsB. LondonC. Stamford BridgeD. Westminster答案: A答案2. William the Conqueror had ( ) sons.A. ThreeB. FourC. T woD. Five答案: A答案3. William the Conqueror built at least 90 castles for ( ).A. a kind of protectionB. visitingC. good lookingD. swimming答案: A答案4. Norman Conquest happened on the year of ( ).A. 1001B. 1002C. 1066D. 1000答案: C答案5. ( ) of England marked the establishment of feudalism in England.A. CastleB. Norman ConquestC. French languageD. T ower of London答案: B答案第二章单元测试1. The Angevin Empire, also called ( ).A. the House of FlowerB. the House of PlantagenetC. the House of FoodD. the House of Fruit答案: B答案2. ( ) owned more land in France than the French King .A. Edward the ConfessorB. Henry IIC. Canute the GreatD. Emma答案: B答案3. Henry’s quarrels with ( ), have cast a long shadow over his reign.A. his queenB. his fatherC. Thomas BecketD. his mother答案: C答案4. Richard I was called ( ).A. the man heartB. the Lion HeartC. the girl heartD. the cat heart答案: B答案5. King John was forced to accept the historic Magna Carta,and in English it is called ().A. the small chapterB. the big chapterC. the Great ChapterD. the large chapter答案: C答案第五章单元测试1. The Wars of the Roses were a series of dynastic wars for ( ).A. the throne of EnglandB. red rosesC. pink rosesD. white roses答案: A答案2. Queen Margaret of Anjou was the ( ).A. Red QueenB. White queenC. green queenD. black queen答案答案: A3. Elizabeth Woodville was the ( ).A. Red QueenB. orange queenC. White queenD. pink queen答案: C答案4. Elizabeth Woodville became a queen when married with Edward IV.That was her ( )mariage.A. ThirdB. SecondC. FifthD. First答案: B答案5. King Henry VI had ( )that he couldn’t run the country.A. tumorB. mental illnessC. feverD. cancer答案: B答案第八章单元测试1. The reign of the T udor dynasty also became known as the time of the ( ) in England.A. Golden ageB. Sweat ageC. RenaissanceD. Good age答案: C答案2. Henry VIII had ( ) wives.A. fiveB. twoC. oneD. six答案答案: D3. How many days did LADY JANE GREY be the Queen of T udor?( ).A. tenB. nineC. oneD. two答案: B答案4. Mary I persecuted 300 Protestants earned her the nickname ( ).A. Pure MaryB. Bloody MaryC. Pretty MaryD. Beautiful Mary答案: B答案5. Queen Elizabeth never married all her life, regarded as a ( ) married her nation.A. old queenB. lonely queenC. virgin queenD. good queen答案: C答案第六章单元测试1. James VI of Scotland succeeded to the English throne, and he was ( ) of England in the Union of the Crowns.A. James IIB. James IVC. James ID. James III答案: C答案2. James I firmly believed “the Divine Right of Kings”, which held that a king’s actionsare approved of ( ).A. by teacherB. by motherC. by GodD. by father答案: C答案3. Gunpowder plot was an assassinate toward ( ) in 1605.A. Bloody MaryB. James IC. Queen AnneD. Queen Elizabeth答案: B答案4. The supporters of Parliament were called ( ) while the adherents of the King were called Cavaliers.A. RoundheadsB. small headsC. big headsD. bad heads答案: A答案5. Who was the leader of New Model Army?( ).A. Oliver CromwellB. James IIIC. James ID. James II答案答案: A第十一章单元测试1. George III was interested in agricultural improvement, so he was given the nickname ( ).A. Worker GeorgeB. Lawyer GeorgeC. Farmer GeorgeD. Singer George答案: C答案2. In 1801, under the Act of Union, Great Britain and Ireland were united a single nation, the United Kingdom, George III became the first king of the ( ).A. USAB. UNC. UFOD. UK答案: D答案3. Queen Victoria came to the throne shortly after her ( ) birthday.A. 28thB. 18thC. 17thD. 16th答案答案: B4. Britain was considered the Empire on which ( ).A. the sun never downB. the sun never setC. the sun never redD. the sun never right答案: B答案5. The great Victorian Era has left us one legacy that we still enjoy today, that is the British ( ).A. morning teaB. afternoon teaC. evening teaD. goodmorning tea答案: B答案第十二章单元测试1. George V first made ( ) broadcast across the Empire at Christmas in 1932.A. internetB. KTVC. radioD. TV答案: C答案2. King Edward VIII abdicated because he fell in love with ( ).A. EdwardB. Mr SimpsonC. Wallis SimpsonD. Edison答案: C答案3. King George VI was the origin figure of movie ( ).A. The King's MouthB. The King's SpeechC. The King's T eethD. The King's Love答案答案: B4. ( ) has become the United Kingdom's longest-reigning monarch, that means she hasruled for longer than any other Monarch in British history.A. Elizabeth IIIB. Elizabeth IC. Elizabeth IVD. Elizabeth II答案: D答案5. Diana died on Sunday, August 31,1997, following a ( ) crash in Paris.A. boatB. trainC. carD. airplane答案: C答案第十章单元测试1. In the movie Brave Heart, the Scottish national hero ( ) gathered his people, and defeated England army.A. William WallaceB. William WatteC. William WallD. William White答案: A,C答案2. T raditionally, Scotsmen don’t wear underwear with kilts?( ).A. I don't know.B. Y es,they do.C. No, they don't.D. Sometimes.答案: C答案3. The haggis is made of the liver, heart and lungs of a ( ).A. cowB. catC. dogD. sheep答案答案: D4. The national flower of Scotland is ( ).A. roseB. thistleC. sunflowerD. lily答案: B答案5. At the battlefields bagpipes have led many brave soldiers to fight, the pipers’duty was to stand on the battlefield and play stirring tunes to rouse his ( ) out of trenches and into battle.A. warriorsB. enemiesC. boysD. girls答案: A答案第四章单元测试1. The famous Irish Proverb is “It's easy to halve the ( ) where there's love”.A. appleB. potatoC. pineaplleD. orange答案答案: B2. Irish in a New World was the flood of Irish into the ( ).A. United StatesB. UKC. FrenchD. Asia答案: A答案3. The author of poem When Y ou Are Old is ( ). He is regarded by many as Ireland’s greatest ever poet.A. William Butler Y eatsB. Maud DownC. Maud GonneD. Maud Anne答案: A答案4. Claddagh ring represents ( ).A. loyaltyB. all of aboveC. friendshipD. love答案: B答案5. The Irish claim that they have been making wine ( ) for anywhere between 1000 and 1600 years.A. white wineB. beerC. whiskeyD. red wine答案: C答案绪论单元测试1. Wales has ( ) National Parks and five Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.A. fourB. oneC. twoD. three答案: D答案2. There is a ( ) dragon on the national flag of Wales.A. blueB. whiteC. redD. green答案答案: C3. In Wales legend, Arthur was ( ) for sure. He lived in Wales landscape and lived in Welsh heart.A. not realB. realC. magicD. half real答案: B答案4. T o mark the St David, Welsh people around the world wear one or both of their national emblems - a ( ) or leek.A. sunflowerB. daffodilC. lilyD. rose答案答案: B5. According to legend on the eve of the battle against the Saxons St David advised the Britons to wear ( ) in their caps so as to easily distinguish friends from foes.A. onion ringsB. leekC. garlicD. onion答案: B答案。
2019年精选岳麓版历史选修6 世界文化遗产荟萃第21课 警钟长鸣巩固辅导[含答案解析]第一篇
2019年精选岳麓版历史选修6 世界文化遗产荟萃第21课警钟长鸣巩固辅导[含答案解析]第一篇第1题【单选题】1970年,联邦德国总理应波兰政府之邀访问波兰,在参观奥斯威辛集中营的犹太人殉难者纪念碑前,他做了一个所有人都出乎意料的动作——向死难者下跪致哀。
在“三角贸易”中,英国殖民者出发时携带的物品应是①枪支②小饰物③象牙④黄金⑤原棉⑥烟草⑦茶叶⑧丝织品A、①②B、③④C、⑤⑥D、⑦⑧【答案】:【解析】:第7题【单选题】奥斯威辛集中营体现了( )①德国法西斯的禽兽行为②纳粹的极端种族主义理论③弱小民族的逆来顺受? ④犹太人的血泪史A、①②③B、②③④C、①②④D、①②③④【答案】:【解析】:第8题【单选题】【加试题】有一类文化遗产是黑暗的历史和残酷的暴行的见证,它们具有其特殊的内涵。
英国文学经典鉴赏智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下齐鲁师范学院齐鲁师范学院第一章测试1.Beowulf is an epic of 3182 lines, which is the greatest work of literature of theOld English Period.答案:对2.The year 1066 marks the beginning of the Middle English or Anglo-NormanPeriod.答案:对3.Robin Hood is the hero in the collection of 15th-century medieval romances.答案:错4.The Canterbury Tales is a masterpiece by Geoffrey Chaucer, the firstpreeminent English poet in history.答案:对5.The structure of The Canterbury Tales is similar to Boccacio's Decameron.答案:对6. ( ) refers to a long narrative poem celebrating the great deeds of somelegendary heroes.答案:Epic7.( ) is also known as “head rhyme” or “initial rhyme”.答案:Alliteration8.Who introduced heroic couplet into England?答案:Geoffrey Chaucer9.Which of the following works belong to the Old English Period?答案:Beowulf;Christ;Anglo-Saxon Chronicle10.Which of the following literary works come from the Middle English Period?答案:Piers the Plowman;Chanson de Roland第二章测试1.The Faerie Queene, fusing adroitly the strands of legend, fable, and praise ofElizabeth I's England in iteself, is a masterpiece written by Thomas Wyatt,who introduced sonnet into English poetry.答案:错2.“University Wits” were all graduates from Oxford or Cambridge during the1580s; Christopher Marlowe, Robert Greene, George Peele, Thomas Lodge,Thomas Nash, and Ben Jonson were outstanding representatives of thisschool.答案:错3.Tamburlanine the Great, The Jew of Malta, and The Tragical History of DoctorFaustus are great tragedies written by Christopher Marlowe, the mostprominent figure among the "University Wits."答案:对4.William Shakespeare had produced 154 sonnets in total, and the first 126sonnets seem to be addressed to a young woman, who possesses extreme beauty.答案:错5.All Shakespeare's plays take place in England.答案:错6.( ) is a nine-line stanza of eight lines of iambic pentameter plus an iambichexameter.答案:Spenserian stanza7.Who coined the term "Metaphysical Poets"?答案:Samuel Johnson8.Who is the most popular and most widely respected writer in all Englishliterature?答案:William Shakespeare9.Which of the following adjectives can be used to describe Francis Bacon'sessays?答案:powerful;vigorous;fresh10.Who were dramatists during the Elizabethan Age?答案:Robert Greene;Thomas Kyd;Thomas Nash;Ben Jonson第三章测试1.Alexander Pope was the representative poet of the neo-classical school, andthe early 18th century has often been named as the Age of Pope.答案:对2.Gulliver's Travels is the most enduring work by Jonathan Swift, which is asavage satire in the form of a fabulous travelogue.答案:对3.Henry Fielding is regarded as the father of English fiction by Sir Walter Scott,and he had applied first-person narration in his novels.答案:错4.William Blake is renowned now for his Songs of Innocence and Songs ofExperience.答案:对5.Robert Burns wrote in Scottish dialect, and he followed the Scottish songtradition in his poetry.答案:对6.( ) refers to a lyric poem lamenting a dead friend, or a public figure.答案:Elegy7.Who defined novel as a genre?答案:Henry Fielding8."Auld Lang Syne" praises ( ).答案:friendship9.Which of the following are the features of Enlightenment?答案:Strong belief in the clarity of thought.;A devotion to harmony,proportion, and balance.;Profound faith in the powers of human reason.10.Who are writers of neo-classicism?答案:Henry Fielding;Alexander Pope;John Dyden第四章测试1.The Romantic Age began with the publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798 andended with the death of Sir Walter Scott in 1832.答案:对2.The romantic poets paid great attention on reason or rationality in theirpoetry.答案:错3.In the preface for the first edition of Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth put forwardhis principles of poetry.答案:错4.The Revolt of Islam is P. B. Shelley's first long poem of importance.答案:错5.Jane Austen is the first important English woman novelist, who wrotealtogether six novels.答案:对6.Who is the author of Biographia Literaria?答案:S. T. Coleridge7.Which of the following novel by Scott has its spatial setting in England?答案:Ivanhoe8.Which of the following are ideals advocated by the French Revolution?答案:fraternity;liberty;equality9.Which of the following are characters from Prometheus Unbound?答案:Panthea;Demogorgon;Eternal Love10.Which work made Byron famous?答案:Childe Harold's Pilgrimage第五章测试1.The critical realists criticised the capitalist social system from a proletarianpoint of view.答案:错2.Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, and John Ruskin were all eminent figuresamong the Victorian poets.答案:错3.Dickens took the French Revolution as the background of A Tale of Two Cities,and the two cities are Paris and London.答案:对4.Wuthering Heights, the masterpiece of Emily Brontë, narrates the tragic lovestory of a governess.答案:错5.Thomas Hardy is one of the representatives of English critical realism in theearly part of the Victorian period.答案:错6.Which is the most popular form of all the literary art during the Victorianperiod?答案:fiction7.Who wrote the bewitching Sherlock Holmes cycle of detective stories?答案:Conan Doyle8.What is an archetypal Dickensian hero like?答案:An orphan.9.Which of the following are spatial settings in Jane Eyre?答案:Ferndean;Lowood;Thornfield;Gateshead10.Which of the following characters are included in The Importance of BeingEarnest?答案:Cecily;Jack Worthing;Algernon;Gwendolyn第六章测试1.Realism and modernism coexisted in the 20th-century British literature.答案:对2.The theoretical base of modernism is rationalism.答案:错3.Sons and Lovers, an autobiographical novel by D. H. Lawrence, deals with astory of a father's dominant and debilitating love over the sons.答案:错4.The Waste Land, T. S. Eliot's masterpiece, uses the past as a yardstick tomeasure the present and underscore what is missing from the present.答案:对5.W. B. Yeats played a major role in the Irish literay revival.答案:对6.Who wrote The Time Machine?答案:H. G. Wells7.Who won the Nobel Pize in 1923?答案:W. B. Yeats8.Which of the following work suggests Eliot had turned conservative?答案:Ash Wednesday9.Who were "Edwardians" as termed by Woolf?答案:H. G. Wells;John Galsworthy;Arnold Bennett10.Which of the following poems are written by Yeats?答案:"The Second Coming";"Sailing to Byzantium"。
聆听并观赏,你认为音乐的风格属于:答案:20世纪本集课程视频的4分41秒处,音乐的情绪发生了变化,你认为此时的舞蹈者在表现:答案:紧张第二章西方音乐历史段分的客观依据是:答案:风格特征音乐的不同种类为称为乐种,区分不同乐种的客观依据是:答案:风格构成风格一词的西文原义是:答案:一种带尖的工具风格一词的中文语源要追溯到中国哪个朝代建立的乐府文化运动?答案:秦朝(公元前221年至前207年)风格一词中的“风”,在中国音乐里的解释是:答案:民歌风格体的构成包括几个部分:答案:6个音乐风格体的空间构成包括几个部分:答案:5个与音乐风格体空间构成相对应的是:答案:时间构成旋律的希腊语原义是:答案:歌曲音乐的固定时间值指的是:答案:节拍声音的协和关系,被称为:答案:和声有主次关系的声音织体,被称为:答案:主调织体只有先后,没有主次,这种声音织体,被称为:答案:复调织体大型西方交响乐队根据音色被划分为几个区域:答案:4个视频5分6秒处的卡通片音乐,你认为最重要的织体形式(不包括和弦,即一大组声音同时发响的部分)是:答案:单声织体第三章音乐空间的最重要聆听对象是:答案:旋律和段落约翰·凯奇的作品《想象中的风景》中的“想象”,所指的是音乐的:答案:抽象感音乐的线条的所指的是:答案:旋律音乐的线条是否包括音乐的节奏:答案:是以下关于轮唱的说法中,哪一个是对的:答案:这是一种复调音乐垂直分布的点对点的声音,在纵向关系上,会产生怎样的音乐风格构成要素?答案:和声《D大调卡农曲》是哪个国家的哪位作曲家完成的?答案:德国的帕赫贝尔帕赫贝尔的生活年代处于以下哪个时期:答案:德国巴洛克时期《青年少管弦乐指南》由几个核心主题构成:答案:2个《D大调卡农曲》由几个声部构成?答案:4个《青少年管弦乐指南》中的第一主题段落,从音乐织体上来说是:答案:主调音乐仔细聆听《青少年管弦乐指南》,并观察视频11分34秒至14分11秒的呈示,思考作品由第二主题形成的声音的天罗地网,是按照怎样的顺序展开的:答案:音色顺序贝多芬的《欢乐颂》是一个几句体的段落:答案:4个第四章西方人对音乐时间的探索,基本工作共有:答案:5步如下节拍型不是单拍子的是:答案:4/4强-弱-弱关系的节拍型是:答案:3/4四拍子在中国文化中的表述是:答案:一板三眼中国音乐文化中的“板”相当于西方音乐文化中的:答案:重拍西方人开始系统探索音乐时间的关键世纪是:答案:14以下哪一项描述是关于音乐节拍的?答案:走板《小步舞曲》是一种几拍子的音乐?答案:3以下乐曲,往往以二拍子为主要节拍的是:答案:进行曲西方音乐自14世纪以来通行的时值比例是:答案:1:2斯特拉文斯基在以下哪部作品中大规模尝试不规则重音:答案:《春之祭》节拍器指示的是:答案:速度视频24分12秒处的Chaconne,你认为这是一种什么名称?答案:舞曲视频2分14秒处出现的歌唱,请问音乐开始在第几拍?答案:4视频2分14秒处出现的歌唱,是:答案:圣咏视频7分09秒所出现的乐队中的键盘乐器是:答案:羽管键琴视频18分49秒出现的巴赫《乐队组曲》的样本,其中图示中的“0”,代表:答案:休止第五章20世纪西方音乐的三大领域,不包括:答案:仪式音乐西方音乐历史上第一部最重要的打击乐作品是:答案:电离Beat Box 是一种怎样的音乐?答案:人声节奏约翰·凯奇将以钢琴作为打击乐器创作的作品为称为:答案:预置钢琴古典音乐领域在20世纪的第二阶段是:答案:实验音乐约翰·凯奇的音乐创作在20世纪西方音乐历史上往往被划归:答案:偶然音乐20世纪西方音乐创作的二次高峰分别出现在:答案:20世纪20年代和50年代瓦雷兹在成为美国作曲家之前是:答案:法国人视频1分14秒至6分12秒,出现了大段由多种音色混合一体的音乐,请问它的织体形态是:答案:单声在视频6分40秒处,Beat Box出现了节奏形态的变化,请问以下哪个组合是正确的?答案:噼里啪啦-大萝卜-老鼠-噼里啪啦聆听《电离》,你认为以下那个选项,可以作为划分段落的依据:答案:速度视频26分处听到的人声音乐,是欧洲民间唱歌,这种复杂的声音形态是:答案:复调第六章贝多芬被世人熟知的《月光》,是一首:答案:奏鸣曲德彪西的《月光》,出自:答案:Bermagasque组曲德彪西在1905-1907年完成的钢琴代表作品集是:答案:意象集德彪西的《前奏曲集》是一部:答案:钢琴作品《幻想交响曲》是一部:答案:标题交响曲大小调音阶系统是哪个德国确定的?答案:德国以下哪位没有在德彪西艺术思想确立过程中发挥作用的?答案:布索尼视频2分8秒处出现的独奏作品《Syrinx》,是德彪西著名的:答案:长笛独奏曲视频3分36秒处出现的钢琴作品《变化的音乐》,是哪位作曲家的作品?答案:约翰·凯奇视频3分36秒处出现的钢琴作品《变化的音乐》,是一部:答案:偶然音乐作品视频3分36秒处出现的钢琴作品《变化的音乐》,使用了以下哪一种文化因素:答案:中国易经因素视频12分19秒处出现的《幻想交响曲》,钟声暗示着死亡,随后在低音区出现铜管演奏的主题旋律,来自中世纪著名的《末日经》。
人教版五年级英语历史文化传承练习题50题含答案解析1. Big Ben is a famous ____ in London.A. bridgeB. clock towerC. museumD. park答案:B。
2. Stonehenge is an ancient ____ in the UK.A. cityB. templeC. stone circleD. castle答案:C。
3. Which of the following is a traditional British food?A. PizzaB. SushiC. Fish and ChipsD. Tacos答案:C。
4. Buckingham Palace is the ____ of the British monarch.A. former residenceB. current residenceC. holiday homeD. old castle答案:B。
5. The Tower of London was used as a ____ in the past.A. schoolB. prisonC. libraryD. hospital答案:B。
6. The red double - decker bus is a symbol of ____.A. LondonB. ParisC. New YorkD. Sydney答案:A。
智慧树2019英伦历史文化拾遗(黑龙江联盟)答案work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR智慧树2019英伦历史文化拾遗(黑龙江联盟)答案智慧树答泰入英伦史化拾遗(黑龙江联盟绪论--问题:本门课程涉及()个主要民族的文化和历史。
选项:像A:对B:错答案:【错】英伦历史文化拾遗(黑龙江联盟)第一章测试oR: The Anglo-Saxon invaders shaped England into () major kingdoms 选项:A:EiveB: 51xC: sevenD: Eight答案:【 Seven】不问:19以的A: New EnglishB: Young EnglishC: Half EnglishD: Old English答案:【o1dEng11sh】uE:Ang -o-5axon count conquer (选项:A: scotlandB: Eng landC: WalesD: Ireland答案:【sct1ana】问题: Emperor Hadrian bu11tama1神单学等 9ss the country, named o选项A: Antonine's wallB: Hadrian′sWa11C: Great WallD: North Wall答案:【 Hadrian’sWa11】问题:ce1 tic peoples inhabiting Britain ca1lea()选项:2: Bri tonB:B¥tnC: BrainD:B。
6、《红楼梦》中的”平儿’本为王熙凤的侍女,后也嫁给王熙凤的丈夫贾琏,这是( )婚。
7、父亲死后,儿子可以娶庶母,这种婚俗叫做( )。
9、婚姻的结合是出于某种迷信心理,宗教信仰成为结婚的动因,为死去的人找配偶,叫做( )。
7、勘定国与国,私家封地与封地间的疆界、树立界碑的活动,属于( )。
8、春朝、夏宗、秋觐、冬遇,属于( )。
9、祭祀先祖、先王属于”凶礼’,这种说法( )。
10、”虎符是古代皇帝调兵遣将用的兵符,用青铜或者黄金做成伏虎形状的令牌,劈为两半,其中一半交给将帅,另一半由皇帝保存,只有两个虎符同时使用,才可以调兵遣将。’这种说法( )
6、”旗’的声符、形符位置特点是( )。
7、”四体二用’中的( )是用字法。
8、”建类一首,同意相受,考老是也’这句话说的是( )用字法。
9、”本无其字,依声托事,令长是也。’这句话说的是( )用字法?
10、”夕’使用的是指事字的造字法,这种说法( )。
2、孔子对人性论主要持什么观点?( )
3、下面这段话,是谁说的?( )“饥而欲食,寒而欲暖,劳而欲息,好利而恶害。是人之所生而有也,是无待而然者也,是禹桀之所同也。’
5、成语”以荻画地’说的是( )的母亲?
智慧树知到《英伦历史文化拾遗》2021见面课答案智慧树知到《英伦历史文化拾遗》2020见面课答案见面课:Famous Symbols of Scottish and Irish Culture1、What does blue mean in the phrase "Blue Monday'?A.NobleB.High statusC.EconomyD.unhappy正确答案:unhappy2、St.Patrick was the Patron Saint of〔〕A.IrelandB.EnglandC.WalesD.London正确答案:Ireland3、What is a standard kilt?A.knee-lengthB.1.5m in width, 6m in lengthC.29 pleats at the backD.made of tartan cloth正确答案:knee-length;1.5m in width, 6m in length;29 pleats at the back;made of tartan cloth4、Which of the following statements are true about Saint Patricks DayA.On St. Patricks Day people are trying to catch the little manB.Everything becomes green.C.People usually wear shamrock.D.People would decorate their house green.正确答案:On St. Patricks Day people are trying to catch the little man; Everything becomes green.;People usually wear shamrock.;People would decorate their house green.5、The material of making a kilt is called Tartan.A.对B.错正确答案:对6、People could wear green hat on St. Patrick s Day .A.对B.错正确答案:对见面课:Royal Family and Dress Code1、How many Queens in UK history till now?A.7B.6C.5D.4正确答案:72、Why does Queen Elizabeth II have so few private photos?A.She dosent like taking pictures.B.Monarchy needs to be shrouded in mystery.C.She is afraid of taking pictures.D.She is forbidden to take pictures.正确答案:Monarchy needs to be shrouded in mystery.3、What are the advantages of being a queen?A.Queen has trooping the color every year.B.Queen has many Crowns and TiarasC.Queen has many colorful clothesD.Queen can do whatever she wants正确答案:Queen has trooping the color every year.; Queen has many Crowns and Tiaras;Queen has many colorful clothes4、Which kind of clothes are not suitable for an interview?A.JeansB.T-shirtsC.Button down shirtsD.Suits正确答案:Jeans ;T-shirts5、A mans imperfections are considered part of his character.Whereas a womans flaws are evidence of her unsuitability.A.对B.错正确答案:对6、The first judgement an interviewer makes is going to be based on how you look and what you are wearing.A.对B.错正确答案:对见面课:The Black Death and Black Cats1、In1351 , the government issued a _ which led to the Peasants Revolt.A.Statute of LabourersB.the Bill of RightsC.Hammer of The WitchesD.The English Witchcraft Act正确答案:Statute of Labourers2、Till 1736, _____ was repealed, formally ending witch hunts and trials in Britain.A.Hammer of the WitchesB. Great CharterC.The English Witchcraft ActD.Westminster Act正确答案:The English Witchcraft Act3、What are the real causes of the Black Death?A.It was carried and spread by fleas on rats.B.There was no isolation of patients.C.The source of water was no safe.D.God was punishing mankind for its sins.正确答案:It was carried and spread by fleas on rats.;There was no isolation of patients.;The source of water was no safe.4、What were the characteristics of the spread of this plague ?A.From the ports to inlandB.From the city to countrysideC.From south to northD.From far east正确答案:From the ports to inland;From the city to countryside;From south to north5、In the English Middle lands, a black cat is a wedding gift to bring good luck to the bride.A.对B.错正确答案:对6、House of Anjou is also called House of Plantagenet.A.对B.错正确答案:对见面课:Those Great Kings in the House of Plantagenet1、Baldness has something to do withA.The hardness of waterB.the bad weather in BritainC.the geographical location of the UKD.It has nothing to do with anything正确答案:The hardness of water2、What was the judges wig made of ?A.pig hairB.horse hairC.fabricD.dogs hair正确答案:horse hair3、Who are the monarchs in the House of Anjou?A.Henry IIB.William the ConquerorC.Richard ID.King John正确答案:Henry II;Richard I ;King John4、Which of the following statements are true about Henry II ?A.He was considered as a good king.B.He institutionalized common law.C.He was best remembered for his reform of the courts and the laws.D.He built up a large empire which included England and more than half of France.正确答案:He was considered as a good king.;He institutionalized common law.;He was best remembered for his reform of the courts and the laws.; He built up a large empire which included England and more than half of France.5、The House of Anjou also called the House of York.A.对B.错正确答案:错6、Henry II introduced the jury system.A.对B.错正确答案:对。
高一英语故事的文化内涵丰富挖掘单选题50题及答案1.In the traditional story of Japan, what is often used as a symbol of power?A.SwordB.FlowerC.BookD.Stone答案:A。
2.In the traditional stories of India, which animal is considered sacred?A.CowB.LionC.ElephantD.Tiger答案:A。
3.In the traditional tales of England, what is often associated with knights?A.HorseB.DogC.CatD.Bird答案:A。
4.In the traditional stories of Greece, who is the god of thunder?A.ZeusB.HadesC.PoseidonD.Apollo答案:A。
地位比“媵”( )”。
6、《红楼梦》 中的“平儿”本为王熙凤的侍女, 后也嫁给王熙凤的丈夫贾琏, 这是( )婚。 答案:媵、妾制
9、婚姻的结合是出于某种迷信心理, 宗教信仰成为结婚的动因, 为死去的人找配偶, 答案:冥婚
7、“饮御诸友,炮鳖脍鲤。” (《诗经·小雅·六月》)这句话中的“鳖”是用什么技法制 作的?( )
8、《清异录》曰:“酱,八珍主人;( ),食总管也。”
8、筑物的屋面在顶部交汇为一点,形成尖顶,这种建筑的屋顶叫( )。 答案:攒尖顶
10、( )屋顶造型的最大特点是比较简单、 朴素,有一条正脊和四条垂脊。 只有前后两面坡, 而且屋顶在山墙墙头处与山墙齐平,没有伸出部分,山面裸露没有变化。
A:波吕斐摩斯B:魔女基尔克C:斯克里亚国王D:特勒马科斯正确答案:斯克里亚国王4、下列有关奥德修斯和他的同伴遇险的情节排序正确的是?①女妖塞壬的歌声②食忘忧花而不思家③误打开风神口袋④吃人的独眼巨人A:④②③①B:②④③①C:④②①③D:②④①③正确答案:②④③①5、奥德修斯在冥府遇到了哪位先知?A:卡珊德拉B:基尔克C:忒瑞西阿斯D:普罗米修斯正确答案:忒瑞西阿斯6、奥德修斯漂泊的十年中,有七年是在()的岛上度过的. A:公主瑙西卡B:魔女基尔克C:女妖塞壬D:卡吕普索正确答案:卡吕普索7、下列哪位神明与奥德修斯产生了尖锐冲突?A:宙斯B:赫拉C:波塞冬D:阿波罗正确答案:波塞冬8、下列关于奥德修斯的形象特征,表述不准确的是?A:足智多谋B:能言善辩C:随心所欲D:谨慎多疑正确答案:随心所欲9、奥德修斯的冥府之行,第一个见到的是:()。
A:埃阿斯B:阿伽门农C:埃尔佩诺尔D:赫拉克勒斯正确答案:埃尔佩诺尔10、奥德修斯在归乡时,第一个主动认出其真实身份的是:(). A:儿子特勒马科斯B:妻子佩涅洛佩C:乳母欧律克勒娅D:老狗阿尔戈斯正确答案:老狗阿尔戈斯11、下列哪部作品受到《奥德赛》的强烈影响?A:《伊利亚特》B:《神曲》C:《尤利西斯》D:《局外人》正确答案:《尤利西斯》见面课:索福克勒斯的《俄狄浦斯王》:命运与意志之战1、古希腊的三大悲剧诗人不包括:()。
A:埃斯库罗斯B:索福克勒斯C:欧里庇得斯D:阿里斯托芬正确答案:阿里斯托芬2、古希腊悲剧起源于祭祀哪位神灵的活动?A:狄奥尼索斯B:阿波罗C:雅典娜D:阿弗洛蒂忒正确答案:狄奥尼索斯3、古希腊酒神祭祀仪式及戏剧表演中,()担当了重要作用: A:公牛B: 火炬C:山羊D:橄榄枝正确答案:山羊4、下列哪部作品不是出自索福克勒斯?A:《俄狄浦斯王》B:《俄狄浦斯在科罗诺斯》C:《安德洛玛刻》D:《安提戈涅》正确答案:《安德洛玛刻》5、《俄狄浦斯王》中,俄狄浦斯被忒拜人拥立为国王的原因是()A:俄狄浦斯根除了忒拜城的瘟疫B:俄狄浦斯破解了斯芬克斯之谜C:俄狄浦斯是忒拜城的王子D:俄狄浦斯杀死了忒拜城的国王正确答案:俄狄浦斯破解了斯芬克斯之谜6、下列关于俄狄浦斯父亲的说法,不正确的是?A:卡德摩斯的第四代子孙B:科任托斯国的国王C:受到佩罗普斯的诅咒D:在岔路口被俄狄浦斯打死正确答案:科任托斯国的国王7、《俄狄浦斯王》中,忒拜城的先知是:()。
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选项:像A:对B:错答案:【错】英伦历史文化拾遗(黑龙江联盟)第一章测试oR: The Anglo-Saxon invaders shaped England into () major kingdoms 选项:A:EiveB: 51xC: sevenD: Eight答案:【Seven】不问:19以的A: New EnglishB: Young EnglishC: Half EnglishD: Old English答案:【o1dEng11sh】uE:Ang -o-5axon count conquer (选项:A: scotlandB: Eng landC: WalesD: Ireland答案:【sct1ana】问题: Emperor Hadrian bu11tama1神单学等9ss the country, named o选项A: Antonine's wallB: Hadrian′sWa11C: Great WallD: North Wall答案:【Hadrian’sWa11】问题:ce1 tic peoples inhabiting Britain ca1lea()选项:2: Bri tonB:B¥tnC: BrainD:B。
YYw答案:【Briton】智慧树答案/英伦历史文化拾遗(黑龙江联盟)第二章测试问题: he ni ke name of King Edward、eg选项:A: Edward the Long legB: Edward the HarefootC: Edward the ConfessorD: Edward the lion Heart答案:【Edward the Confessor】问题: Famous Vikings number one was King()选项:A: EdwardB: WilliamC: EmmaD: Canute the Great答案:【Canute the great】题:()20:1311y1292141选项:A: Alfred the Great4会6B: Ethan the Great念为C: Cannon the GreatD: Demon the great答案:【A1 fred the Great】OE: Which modern day words for days of the week originate from theVikings()选项:A: SundaB: ThursdayC: MondayD: Friday答案:【hursday】a:()was the queen of Ethelred add later the queen of Canute选项A: AnneB: ErmaC: AmyD: GucCI答案:【Emma】像智慧树答案《英伦历史文化掊遗(黑龙江联盟第三章测试050: William the Conqueror built at least 90 castles for (选项:A: good lookingB: visitingC:a kind of orotectionD: swimming答案:【 a kinc of protection】125: William the Conqueror had (aons选项:4:woB: ThreeOc:F。
uD:Five答案:【hxee】95s: William Conqueror won the Battle of () then he becae the first Norman King选项:A: HastingsB: Stamford BridgeC: londonD: westminster答案:【Hastings】问题: Norman Conquest happened on tHe yea选项:A:1000B:1001c:1002D:1066答案:【106】问题:()fEng1 and marked the estar11shme选项A: Tower of londonB: CastleC: Norman condue stD: French language答案:【orman Conquest】智慧树笞案英伦历史文化拾遗(黑龙冮联盟)第四章测试问题: Richard I was ca11ea()选项the man heartB: the girl heart不C: the cat heartOD: the lion Heart答案:【the lion heart】问题: ienry's quar2e15w1th(), have cast a1的hadw8论his reign.性T而A: his queenB: his motherC: Thomas BecketD: his father答案:【Thomas Becket】923: King John was forced to acceptsithe historic Magna Carta, and in English it is called (选项A: the Great ChapteB: the big chapterC: the large chapterD: the smali chapter答案:【the great chapter】问题:() owned more1 and in France than出终张e的选项:A: Edward the ConfessorB: Henry IIC: Canute the GreatD: Erma答案:【enry I】问题: he Angevin Empire,a1g。
ca11ea()选项:A: the House of PlantagenetB: cne house。
f FlowerC: the House of foodD: the House of frui答案:【che House of plantac9+】由灌73:2新快克树素英伦历使文遭(黑龙江联)第五章测试问题: The Wars of the Roses were a seriesnastic wais for (选项A: the throne of EnglandB: red rosesC: white rosesD:oink roses答案:【the throne of Enc1ana】问题:E1 izabeth woodii1 Le was the2选项:A: white queenB: Red queenC: pink queenD:orange queen答案:【White queen】问题: King Henry VI had() that he个的couhtry选项:线像4:cancerB: tumorC: teverD: mental illness答案:【menta1111ne】问题: Queen Margaret of Anjou was the()选项:A: white queenB: Red QueenC: black queenD: green queen答案:【Red Queen】问题:E1 zabeth Woodii11 became∈(的e分earith Edwardwas her () mariage6选项:4:ErstB: seconaC: ThirdD: Fifth答案:【Second】智慧树笞案英伧历史文化拾遗(黑龙江联盟)第六章测试oR: Mary I persecuted 300 Protestants earned her the nickname (选项A: Bloody MaryB: Beautiful MaryC:PrectD: Pure Mary答案:【B1 dy Mary】不O问题:hexe1 gn of the Tudor dyn的1nc选项角m2出A: Golden ageB: Good ageC: sweat aceD: Renals sance答案:【Renaissance】问题: Henry vIII had() WIves选项A:。
neB:twOC:fiveD:81X答案:【aix】问题: low many days did IADY JANE的p3 he orAdor()选项:A:。
neB: twoC: nineD: cen答案:【nine】oIER: Queen Elizabeth never married all her life, regarded as a o married her nation选项A: good queenB:virgin queenC:old queenD: lonely queen答案:【virgin queen】Pk i智慧树答案英伦史文化拾遗(黑龙江联盟第七章测试6O问题: he supporters of par1 i amenttHe/adherents ofthe King were called Cavaliers23选项A: RoundheadsB: big headsC: small headsD: bad heads答案:【Roundhead】93R: Gunpowder plot was an assassinate toward ( in 1605选项:A: Bloody MaryB: Queen1⊥zabe thC:Jame工D: Queen Anne答案:【James】问题: Who was the1 eader of New Mode选项A: James工B: Oliver Cromwell像c: v ames工工D: v ames工工工级答案:【1 iver Crome11】问题: James工firmly be1 ieved" the Divine Right of kings", which he1d that a kings actions are approved of (选项:二by motherB: by GodC: by father.y teacher答案:【ycd】问题: nes VI of Scot1 nd succeeded adz到Aeae, and he wa=(of England in the Union of the crows选项:A: v ames工B: v ames工工c: v ames工工工D: James Iv智慧树笞案英伦历史文化抬遗(黑龙冮联盟)第八章测试问题:3x1 tain was considered the Emoire on which()选项:A: the sun never redB: the sun never rightC: the sun never downD:the sun never set(答案:【the sun never set】不3问题:=280的的计5119today, that is the British (选项:A: gooamorning teaB: afternoon teaC: evening teaD: morning tea答案:【afternoon tea】o: In 1801, under the Act of Union, Great Britain and Ireland were v÷+A1==÷+=, v-AAAr=A以TTTe-Sr2+1+÷v=-----4------++1/king of the (选项:A: USAB: UKC: UFOD: UN答案:【Ur】问题: ueen victoria came to the threne sbirthday选项:A: 16thB: 17thC: 18thD: 28th答案:【8th】可题: George I1工was interested in agricu1tura1 1mmorovement, so he was given the nickname (选项:A: Farmer GeorgeB: Lawyer GeorgeC: Singer GeorgeD: Worker George答案:【Farmer George】智慧树答案英伦历史文化抬遗(黑龙江联盟第九章测试问题:aea5undy,ugu31,子的0 crash in选项:L:carB: airplaneC: trainD: boat答案:【eax】OE: () has become the United Kin'gdom's longest-reigning monarch, that means she has ruled for longer thas any other Monarch in Britishhistory选项:多A:E1 i zabeth IT工B: Elizabeth IvC: Elizabeth ID:E1 i zabeth工答案:【21 zabeth II】问题:Kng6e9 VI was the or191nE1g等选项:A: The Kind'3 TeethB: The Kind's LoveC: The king '3 SpeechD: The King 3 Mouth答案:【the king' 3 Speech】OE: George V first made ( broadcast across the Empire at Christmas in 1932.选项:A:¥adiB: TVC:KTVD:internet合菜:Lxaa1。