2020数学建模b题赛题评析摘要:一、赛题概述1.赛题背景2.赛题类型3.赛题难度二、赛题解析1.问题一1.问题描述2.解题思路3.模型建立4.模型求解2.问题二1.问题描述2.解题思路3.模型建立4.模型求解3.问题三1.问题描述2.解题思路3.模型建立4.模型求解三、赛题评价1.赛题优点2.赛题缺点3.赛题启示四、结论正文:一、赛题概述2020 数学建模b 题以“穿越沙漠”为背景,要求参赛者在规定时间内根据地图和初始资金,购买一定数量的水和食物,并在沙漠中行走。
四、结论2020 数学建模b 题赛题具有一定的难度和挑战性,要求学生在理解赛题背景的基础上,建立合适的数学模型,并通过相关数学方法求解。
第⼀篇1. 摘要的第⼀段格式和国赛的格式区别很⼤。
2. 使⽤了基于词典的⽅法、情感评分评价系统、主成分分析法、时间序列模型ARIMA、⾮参数检验其中,基于词典的⽅法和情感评分评价系统的结合与机器学习⽅法的区别很⼤。
3. 其中有⼀句话我们旨在探索三个变量之间的内在关系,在阅读论⽂的时候发现,优秀论⽂有些地⽅被加粗了作为重点了,这个我们需要注意。
4. ⽂献评论这⼀块⽐较有意思,写的都是以往对该问题的研究,⽽且与队伍的模型很相关。
⼏乎这样必然熬夜伤⾝伤神!!避免避免!!5. 我们的⼯作概述,与第⼆篇对⽐来说,流程图更加清晰。
6. 数据的预处理写的步骤清晰,把每⼀个操作写出来之后,⾮常像⼀篇操作指南⽽不是建⽴模型。
7. 图和表两者同时运⽤去表达同⼀组数据,将数据的统计特征表⽰地更加清晰,⾮常值得学习。
8. 三级评价模型是对主成分分析法的⼀种改进,"改善"是⼀种常见的建⽴模型的思路(可能是已经学习的简单模型也可能是⽂献中成熟的模型),但是需要留意的是建⽴模型的效果好坏应该评估(⼀般可视化),否则模型不完整。
马剑整理历年美国大学生数学建模赛题目录MCM85问题-A 动物群体的管理 (3)MCM85问题-B 战购物资储备的管理 (3)MCM86问题-A 水道测量数据 (4)MCM86问题-B 应急设施的位置 (4)MCM87问题-A 盐的存贮 (5)MCM87问题-B 停车场 (5)MCM88问题-A 确定毒品走私船的位置 (5)MCM88问题-B 两辆铁路平板车的装货问题 (6)MCM89问题-A 蠓的分类 (6)MCM89问题-B 飞机排队 (6)MCM90-A 药物在脑内的分布 (6)MCM90问题-B 扫雪问题 (7)MCM91问题-B 通讯网络的极小生成树 (7)MCM 91问题-A 估计水塔的水流量 (7)MCM92问题-A 空中交通控制雷达的功率问题 (7)MCM 92问题-B 应急电力修复系统的修复计划 (7)MCM93问题-A 加速餐厅剩菜堆肥的生成 (8)MCM93问题-B 倒煤台的操作方案 (8)MCM94问题-A 住宅的保温 (9)MCM 94问题-B 计算机网络的最短传输时间 (9)MCM-95问题-A 单一螺旋线 (10)MCM95题-B A1uacha Balaclava学院 (10)MCM96问题-A 噪音场中潜艇的探测 (11)MCM96问题-B 竞赛评判问题 (11)MCM97问题-A Velociraptor(疾走龙属)问题 (11)MCM97问题-B为取得富有成果的讨论怎样搭配与会成员 (12)MCM98问题-A 磁共振成像扫描仪 (12)MCM98问题-B 成绩给分的通胀 (13)MCM99问题-A 大碰撞 (13)MCM99问题-B “非法”聚会 (14)MCM2000问题-A空间交通管制 (14)MCM2000问题-B: 无线电信道分配 (14)MCM2001问题- A: 选择自行车车轮 (15)MCM2001问题-B 逃避飓风怒吼(一场恶风...) .. (15)MCM2001问题-C我们的水系-不确定的前景 (16)MCM2002问题-A风和喷水池 (16)MCM2002问题-B航空公司超员订票 (16)MCM2002问题-C (16)MCM2003问题-A: 特技演员 (18)MCM2003问题-B: Gamma刀治疗方案 (18)MCM2003问题-C航空行李的扫描对策 (19)MCM2004问题-A:指纹是独一无二的吗? (19)MCM2004问题-B:更快的快通系统 (19)MCM2004问题-C安全与否? (19)MCM2005问题A.水灾计划 (19)MCM2005B.Tollbooths (19)MCM2005问题C:不可再生的资源 (20)MCM2006问题A: 用于灌溉的自动洒水器的安置和移动调度 (20)MCM2006问题B: 通过机场的轮椅 (20)MCM2006问题C : 抗击艾滋病的协调 (21)MCM2007问题B :飞机就座问题 (24)MCM2007问题C:器官移植:肾交换问题 (24)MCM2008问题A:给大陆洗个澡 (28)MCM2008问题B:建立数独拼图游戏 (28)MCM85问题-A 动物群体的管理在一个资源有限,即有限的食物、空间、水等等的环境里发现天然存在的动物群体。
历年美国大学生数学建模赛题目录MCM85问题-A 动物群体的管理 (3)MCM85问题-B 战购物资储备的管理 (3)MCM86问题-A 水道测量数据 (4)MCM86问题-B 应急设施的位置 (4)MCM87问题-A 盐的存贮 (4)MCM87问题-B 停车场 (5)MCM88问题-A 确定毒品走私船的位置 (5)MCM88问题-B 两辆铁路平板车的装货问题 (5)MCM89问题-A 蠓的分类 (5)MCM89问题-B 飞机排队 (6)MCM90-A 药物在脑内的分布 (6)MCM90问题-B 扫雪问题 (6)MCM91问题-B 通讯网络的极小生成树 (6)MCM 91问题-A 估计水塔的水流量 (7)MCM92问题-A 空中交通控制雷达的功率问题 (7)MCM 92问题-B 应急电力修复系统的修复计划 (7)MCM93问题-A 加速餐厅剩菜堆肥的生成 (7)MCM93问题-B 倒煤台的操作方案 (8)MCM94问题-A 住宅的保温 (8)MCM 94问题-B 计算机网络的最短传输时间 (9)MCM-95问题-A 单一螺旋线 (9)MCM95题-B A1uacha Balaclava学院 (10)MCM96问题-A 噪音场中潜艇的探测 (10)MCM96问题-B 竞赛评判问题 (10)MCM97问题-A Velociraptor(疾走龙属)问题 (11)MCM97问题-B为取得富有成果的讨论怎样搭配与会成员 (11)MCM98问题-A 磁共振成像扫描仪 (12)MCM98问题-B 成绩给分的通胀 (13)MCM99问题-A 大碰撞 (13)MCM99问题-B “非法”聚会 (13)MCM2000问题-A空间交通管制 (13)MCM2000问题-B: 无线电信道分配 (14)MCM2001问题- A: 选择自行车车轮 (14)MCM2001问题-B 逃避飓风怒吼(一场恶风...) .. (15)MCM2001问题-C我们的水系-不确定的前景 (15)MCM2002问题-A风和喷水池 (15)MCM2002问题-B航空公司超员订票 (16)MCM2002问题-C (16)MCM2003问题-A: 特技演员 (17)MCM2003问题-B: Gamma刀治疗方案 (18)MCM2003问题-C航空行李的扫描对策 (18)MCM2004问题-A:指纹是独一无二的吗? (18)MCM2004问题-B:更快的快通系统 (18)MCM2004问题-C安全与否? (19)MCM2005问题A.水灾计划 (19)MCM2005B.Tollbooths (19)MCM2005问题C:不可再生的资源 (20)MCM2006问题A: 用于灌溉的自动洒水器的安置和移动调度 (20)MCM2006问题B: 通过机场的轮椅 (20)MCM2006问题C : 抗击艾滋病的协调 (21)MCM2008问题A:给大陆洗个澡 (23)MCM2008问题B:建立数独拼图游戏 (23)MCM85问题-A 动物群体的管理在一个资源有限,即有限的食物、空间、水等等的环境里发现天然存在的动物群体。
A 题热水澡一个人进入浴缸洗澡放松。
你的模型应该既能够评估单个的选择也能够评估组合的选择,且能够探讨一些重要的”what if ”情景。
1. 题目A,关于空中交通的问题,要求参赛者利用数学建模方法对航班的轨迹进行优化,以减少飞行时间和燃料消耗。
2. 题目B,关于林业管理的问题,要求参赛者利用数学建模方法对森林资源的管理和可持续利用进行分析和优化。
3. 题目C,关于自然灾害的问题,要求参赛者利用数学建模方法对地震后的救援物资调度进行优化,以提高救援效率。
2020年数学建模e题摘要:2020 年数学建模E 题I.背景介绍A.数学建模竞赛简介B.2020 年数学建模E 题概述II.题目分析A.题目内容B.解题思路C.难度评价III.解题过程A.问题一解析1.问题描述2.解题思路3.计算过程B.问题二解析1.问题描述2.解题思路3.计算过程C.问题三解析1.问题描述2.解题思路3.计算过程IV.答案验证A.结果检查B.答案可靠性分析C.相关拓展V.总结A.解题经验总结B.竞赛收获C.展望未来正文:2020 年数学建模E 题I.背景介绍A.数学建模竞赛简介数学建模竞赛是面向全球大学生的一项重要赛事,旨在通过对现实问题进行抽象、建模和求解,培养学生的创新意识、团队协作精神和实际问题解决能力。
2020 年数学建模竞赛吸引了众多高校参与。
B.2020 年数学建模E 题概述2020 年数学建模E 题是一道具有实际背景的应用题,涉及多个学科领域,需要参赛者综合运用数学、物理、计算机等知识进行分析和求解。
II.题目分析A.题目内容2020 年数学建模E 题的内容涉及一个实际工程问题,具体描述了一组数据和需求,要求参赛者根据题目信息,建立相应的数学模型,并求解模型的最优解。
C.难度评价2020 年数学建模E 题的难度较高,需要参赛者具备扎实的数学功底和较强的实际问题解决能力。
2.解题思路解题思路主要包括以下几个方面:1) 对题目中的数据进行预处理,如删除异常值、填补缺失值等;2) 对处理后的数据进行分析,找出其中的规律和特点;3) 根据分析结果,提炼关键信息,为建立数学模型提供依据。
AMC8(美国数学竞赛)历年真题、答案及中英文解析艾蕾特教育的AMC8 美国数学竞赛考试历年真题、答案及中英文解析:AMC8-2020年:真题 --- 答案---解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2019年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2018年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2017年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2016年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2015年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2014年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2013年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2012年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)析)AMC8 - 2010年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2009年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2008年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2007年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2006年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2005年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2004年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2003年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2002年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2001年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 2000年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)析)AMC8 - 1998年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 1997年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 1996年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 1995年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 1994年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 1993年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 1992年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 1991年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 1990年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 1989年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 1988年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)析)AMC8 - 1986年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)AMC8 - 1985年:真题----答案----解析(英文解析+中文解析)◆AMC介绍◆AMC(American Mathematics Competitions) 由美国数学协会(MAA)组织的数学竞赛,分为 AMC8 、 AMC10、 AMC12 。
5.除了技术报告外,还要为 Hook Line and Sinker 杂志准备一份长达两页的文章,以帮助渔民了解问题的严重性以及您提出的解决方案将如何改善他们的未来的业务前景。
2020年美赛F原题 word版
![2020年美赛F原题 word版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/608a39ca680203d8ce2f24b5.png)
2020 ICM Weekend 2Problem F: The Place I Called Home…Researchers have identified several island nations, such as The Maldives, Tuvalu, Kiribati, and The Marshall Islands, as being at risk of completely disappearing due to rising sea levels. What happens, or what should happen, to an island’s population when its nation’s land disappears? Not only do these environmentally displaced persons (EDPs) need to relocate, but there is also risk of losing a unique culture, language, and way of life. In this problem, we ask you to look more closely at this issue, in terms of both the need to relocate people and the protection of culture. There are many considerations and questions to address, to include: Where will these EDPs go? What countries will take them? Given various nations’ disproportionate contributions to the green-house gasses both historically and currently that have accelerated climate change linked to the rising seas, should the worst offenders have a higher obligation to address these issues? And, who gets a say in deciding where these nationless EDPs make a new home – the individuals, an intergovernmental organization like the United Nations (UN), or the individual governments of the states absorbing these persons? A more detailed explanation of these issues is given in the Issue Paper beginning on page 3.As a result of a recent UN ruling that opened the door to the theoretical recognition of EDPs as refugees, the I nternational C limate M igration F oundation (ICM-F) has hired you to advise the UN by developing a model and using it to analyze this multifaceted issue of when, why, and how the UN should step into a role of addressing the increasing challenge of EDPs. The ICM-F plans to brief the UN on guidance for how the UN should generate a systemized response for EDPs, especially in consideration of the desire to preserve cultural heritage. Your assignment is to develop a model (or set of models) and use your model(s) to provide the analysis to support this briefing. The ICM-F is especially interested in understanding the scope of the issue of EDPs. For example, how many people are currently at risk of becoming EDPs[1]; what is the value of the cultures of at-risk nations; how are those answers likely to change over time? Furthermore, how should the world respond with an international policy that specifically focuses on protecting the rights of persons whose nations have disappeared in the face of climate change while also aiming to preserve culture? Based on your analysis, what recommendations can you offer on this matter, and what are the implications of accepting or rejecting your recommendations?This problem is extremely complex. We understand that your submission will not be able to fully consider all of the aspects described in the Issue Paper beginning on page 3. However, considering the aspects that you address, synthesize your work into a cohesive answer to the ICM-F as they advise the UN. At a minimum, your team’s paper should include:•An analysis of the scope of the issue in terms of both the number of people at risk and the risk of loss of culture;•Proposed policies to address EDPs in terms of both human rights (being able to resettle and participate fully in life in their new home) and cultural preservation;• A description of the development of a model used to measure the potential impact of proposed policies;[1]There are multiple estimates for the current and predicted number of climate refugees in the existing literature, but they are vastly different. Therefore, you need to support your conclusions with analysis based on your own model(s), either building off of existing analysis or with a new and independent analysis.•An explanation of how your model was used to design and/or improve your proposed policies;•An explanation, backed by your analysis, of the importance of implementing your proposed policies.The ICM-F consists of interdisciplinary judges including mathematicians, climate scientists, and experts in refugee migration to review your work. Therefore, your paper should be written for a scientifically literate yet diverse audience.Your submission should consist of:•One-page Summary Sheet•Table of Contents•Your solution of no more than 20 pages, for a maximum of 22 pages with your summary and table of contents.NOTE: Reference List and any appendices do not count toward the page limit and should appear after your completed solution. You should not make use of unauthorized images and materials whose use is restricted by copyright laws. Ensure you cite the sources for your ideas and the materials used in your report.GlossaryEnvironmentally displaced persons (EDPs): people who must relocate as their homeland becomes uninhabitable due to climate change eventsCultural heritage: the ways of living of a group or society passed through generations to include customs, practices, art, and values.ICM Problem FIssue PaperAs noted in the problem statement, several island nations are at risk of completely disappearing due to rising sea levels.[1] The issue is quite complex. It is not simply a matter of identifying how to move a certain number of people around the globe – it is also about recognizing that these people are human beings who have rights and who are the last living representatives of their unique culture. In this Issue Paper, we highlight three of the essential ideas that frame this problem: relocation decisions as they relate to human rights, nation-state responsibility, and individual choice; the tension between assimilation and accommodation as part of resettlement and cultural preservation; and time factors such as the rate of the nation disappearing, the timing of these losses aligning with a global rise in nationalism, and the difficulty in making sound predictions about the size of this issue.Relocation Decisions: Human Rights, Nation-State Responsibility, and Individual Choice Considering the relocation issue, you might think that such EDPs would have similar rights as other UN-recognized refugees, but the United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) and the widely adopted 1967 protocol has historically only afforded rights to those who are displaced due to politically related security issues, such as ethnic or religious persecution. However, in a very recent ruling, the UN has acknowledged this issue and recognized that some EDPs might qualify as refugees.[2] Although a ruling has now been made, there is not yet a vision on how the international community should respond as these situations increase in magnitude and frequency.[3]Rights awarded to these refugees include right to work, freedom of movement, and protection by host governments. Additionally, the UNHCR, in collaboration with other aid organizations, work to provide aid and assistance to refugees until they are resettled in another country, become naturalized by their host state, or repatriate to their country of origin. Now, with this new ruling, the former inhabitants of the disappeared nation may be eligible for some of those rights or aid, but there is no hope of repatriation as the land itself is gone.Even if EDPs are eligible for rights somewhere else, it is not clear where this new home would be or who would be responsible for making that decision. There are individual and international considerations related to whether the selection of a new long-term residence is made by individuals or if the choices are made or swayed by immigration policies developed by nations in isolation or as part of a cooperative effort coordinated by the United Nations. Possible migration policies could consider the financial ability of the new nation to absorb these new individuals, but there is also discussion of setting up burden-sharing based on nations’ relative contributions (pollution) to the environmental conditions that is leading to the loss of these nations. In other words, the international community may press nations with high pollution records to contribute more to the resettlement of EDPs in some equitable manner.Resettlement and Cultural Preservation: Assimilation versus AccommodationIn terms of the cultural preservation issues, the nations that are most at risk are arguably some of the most culturally distinct in the world with languages, music, art, dances, social norms, and ways of life that can be different from island to island even within the same island chain. As a result, the loss of one of these nations could represent a significant cultural loss. While the displaced inhabitants may be able to preserve some aspects of their culture, some are geographically specific. For example, traditional ocean fishing techniques used in The MarshallIslands are unlikely to continue to be practiced by families who settle in the Alps. As another example, perhaps the language could be preserved, but this would require host nations to be more accommodating and less strict on the assimilation requirements of these special new residents who may be trying to preserve their culture in a new land. For example, France current requires refugees who resettle there to learn French, but if there were international pressure, perhaps France would waive this requirement for groups of EDPs who are trying to preserve a lost culture.This leads to a tension between accommodation and assimilation as other nations volunteer to absorb the populations of the former nations. It is important to note that it is the lack of a UN protocol for dealing with EDPs that forces other nations to volunteer to settle and naturalize those affected. In fact, the loss of a nation falls into the no-man’s land between several UN charges – the care of refugees (UNHCR), the protection of world culture (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)), and emergency aid response (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)). And while the residents of a handful of small island nations might be absorbed relatively easily by volunteer nations, the fact is that climate change has been ushering a literal wave of more frequent and more intense environmental disasters. Imagine a major tsunami taking out a nuclear power plant and causing enough other significant damage that a more heavily inhabited nation may become uninhabitable; or a place being hit by so many repeated severe storms that rebuilding was deemed unwise; or a place where climate change is making it impossible for a nation that was formerly flush with crops to provide for its people. At what point should the UN step in, and in what role?Time Factors: Raging Waves, Rising Seas, and Rising NationalismIf a nation is wiped out as a result of a rapid catastrophic event, such as a tsunami or hurricane, then there is no time to prepare, even if the country knew they were at risk of such an event. When a nation is sinking as a result of slowly rising sea levels, then there are issues about how a migration could be coordinated and planned, or even how the loss could be mitigated through land-preserving measures taken by the at-risk nation with or without international support. It is not clear how the timescale of the loss would impact, or should impact, the ultimate decisions that need to be made concerning the resettlement of a population, the protection of their human rights, and the preservation of their culture.Additionally, as the urgency to address this issue is literally rising with the sea level, the world is also experiencing a rise of nationalism, so the global response today may be very different than it would have been at other periods in history where globalism may have been more in favor than nationalism. If policies, or a lack of policies, end up pushing EDPs towards a subset of welcoming nations, then those countries may get overwhelmed and become less welcoming in response. Therefore, the changing global political climate may also be an important factor to consider.Lastly, all of these challenges make the size of this problem extremely difficult to predict. Credible studies have predicted anywhere from 140 million to one billion EDPs by 2050.[4,5] Summary:In summary, as a nation disappears, it is not clear if an international cooperative and coordinated effort should be adopted to address the loss of homes, the need to resettle, and the preservation of culture. This issue is complex, and no model or report would be able to adequately address everyaspect in detail, but excellent reports need to be aware of these different aspects and how they are interrelated. There is the aspect of human rights, which are now recognized in theory, but have never been applied in practice. There is the balance of individual choice versus policy-driven migration. Another aspect is defining equitable burden sharing which could be driven by the capacity for nations to absorb new residents and/or obligations due to contributions to climate change; specifically, whether the nations with the largest contributions to climate change have any ethical obligations to take on a higher burden in assisting climate refugees. Yet another aspect is a balance between assimilation and accommodation, as new residents preserve their culture and/or blend into their new home. Some nations may disappear slowly, such as sinking under rising sea levels or loss of the ability to produce food, while other nations may be wiped out in a catastrophic disaster; and the immediate needs and ability to plan for the long-term needs in these situations are different. Furthermore, the situation is evolving over time as climate change advances and as we see a global rise in nationalism. Lastly, all of this complexity has made it difficult to even measure the problem or predict how quickly it will escalate.Cited ReferencesNote that these are provided as citations to support claims in the Issue Paper. We have already pulled the important ideas from these resources for you, so although your team may use these sources, access to these is not required. Instead your team is encouraged to look for other sources to support your claims.[1]Letman, J. (2018, November 19). Rising seas give island nation a stark choice: relocate or elevate. National Geographic. Retrieved fromhttps:///environment/2018/11/rising-seas-force-marshall-islands- relocate-elevate-artificial-islands/.[2]Young, M. (2019, December 9). Climate Refugees Refused UN Protection & Denied Rights Under International Law. Retrieved from /2019/12/climate-refugees- refused-un-protection-denied-rights-international-law/.[3]Su, Y. (2020, January 29). UN ruling on climate refugees could be gamechanger for climate action. Retrieved from https:///2020/01/29/un-ruling-climate- refugees-gamechanger-climate-action/.[4]The World Bank Report. (2018, March 19). Climate Change Could Force Over 140-Million to Migration Within Countries by 2050. Retrieved fromhttps:///en/news/press-release/2018/03/19/climate-change-could-force-over- 140-million-to-migrate-within-countries-by-2050-world-bank-report.[5]Kamal, B. (2017, August 21). Climate Migrants Might Reach One Billion by 2050. Retrieved from /2017/08/climate-migrants-might-reach-one-billion-by-2050/.。
2020 AMC 10B (美国数学竞赛)真题加详解
![2020 AMC 10B (美国数学竞赛)真题加详解](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6c81c9aba45177232e60a268.png)
2020 AMC 10B Solution Problem1What is the value ofSolutionWe know that when we subtract negative numbers, .The equation becomesProblem2Carl has cubes each having side length , and Kate has cubes each having side length . What is the total volume of these cubes?SolutionA cube with side length has volume , so of these will have a total volume of .A cube with side length has volume , so of these will have a total volume of .~quacker88Problem 3The ratio of to is , the ratio of to is , and the ratioof to is . What is the ratio of toSolution 1WLOG, let and .Since the ratio of to is , we can substitute in the value of toget .The ratio of to is , so .The ratio of to is then so our answeris ~quacker88Solution 2We need to somehow link all three of the ratios together. We can start by connecting the last two ratios together by multiplying the last ratio by two., and since , we can link themtogether to get .Finally, since , we can link this again to get: ,so ~quacker88Problem4The acute angles of a right triangle are and , where andboth and are prime numbers. What is the least possible value of ?SolutionSince the three angles of a triangle add up to and one of the anglesis because it's a right triangle, .The greatest prime number less than is . If ,then , which is not prime.The next greatest prime number less than is . If ,then , which IS prime, so we have our answer ~quacker88 Solution 2Looking at the answer choices, only and are coprime to . Testing , the smaller angle, makes the other angle which is prime, therefore our answerisProblem5How many distinguishable arrangements are there of 1 brown tile, 1 purple tile, 2 green tiles, and 3 yellow tiles in a row from left to right? (Tiles of the same color are indistinguishable.)SolutionLet's first find how many possibilities there would be if they were all distinguishable, then divide out the ones we overcounted.There are ways to order objects. However, since there's ways to switch the yellow tiles around without changing anything (since they're indistinguishable) and ways to order the green tiles, we have to divide out these possibilities.~quacker88SolutionWe can repeat chooses extensively to find the answer. Thereare choose ways to arrange the brown tiles which is . Then from the remaining tiles there are choose ways to arrange the red tiles. And now from the remaining two tiles and two slots we can see there are two ways to arrange the purple and brown tiles, giving us an answerofProblem6Driving along a highway, Megan noticed that her odometershowed (miles). This number is a palindrome-it reads the same forward and backward. Then hours later, the odometer displayed the next higher palindrome. What was her average speed, in miles per hour, during this -hour period?SolutionIn order to get the smallest palindrome greater than , we need to raise the middle digit. If we were to raise any of the digits after the middle, we would be forced to also raise a digit before the middle to keep it a palindrome, making it unnecessarily larger.So we raise to the next largest value, , but obviously, that's not how place value works, so we're in the s now. To keep this a palindrome, our number is now .So Megan drove miles. Since this happened over hours, she drove at mph. ~quacker88 Problem7How many positive even multiples of less than are perfect squares?SolutionAny even multiple of is a multiple of , so we need to find multiples of that are perfect squares and less than . Any solution that we want will be in theform , where is a positive integer. The smallest possible value isat , and the largest is at (where the expression equals ). Therefore, there are a total of possible numbers.-PCChess Problem8Points and lie in a plane with . How many locations forpoint in this plane are there such that the triangle with vertices , ,and is a right triangle with area square units?Solution 1There are options here:1. is the right angle.It's clear that there are points that fit this, one that's directly to the rightof and one that's directly to the left. We don't need to find the length, we just need to know that it is possible, which it is.2. is the right angle.Using the exact same reasoning, there are also solutions for this one.3. The new point is the right angle.(Diagram temporarily removed due to asymptote error)The diagram looks something like this. We know that the altitude tobase must be since the area is . From here, we must see if there are valid triangles that satisfy the necessary requirements.First of all, because of the area.Next, from the Pythagorean Theorem.From here, we must look to see if there are valid solutions. There are multiple ways to do this:We know that the minimum value of iswhen . In this case, the equationbecomes , which is LESSthan . . The equationbecomes , which is obviously greater than . We canconclude that there are values for and in between that satisfy the Pythagorean Theorem.And since , the triangle is not isoceles, meaning we could reflectit over and/or the line perpendicular to for a total of triangles this case.Solution 2Note that line segment can either be the shorter leg, longer leg or thehypotenuse. If it is the shorter leg, there are two possible points for that cansatisfy the requirements - that being above or below . As such, thereare ways for this case. Similarly, one can find that there are also ways for point to lie if is the longer leg. If it is a hypotenuse, then thereare possible points because the arrangement of the shorter and longer legs can be switched, and can be either above or below the line segment. Therefore, the answer is .Problem9How many ordered pairs of integers satisfy theequationSolutionRearranging the terms and and completing the square for yields theresult . Then, notice that can onlybe , and because any value of that is greater than 1 will causethe term to be less than , which is impossible as must be real. Therefore, plugging in the above values for gives the orderedpairs , , , and gives a totalof ordered pairs.Solution 2Bringing all of the terms to the LHS, we see a quadraticequation in terms of . Applying the quadratic formula, weget In order for to be real, which it must be given the stipulation that we are seekingintegral answers, we know that the discriminant, must benonnegative. Therefore, Here, we see that we must split the inequality into a compound, resultingin .The only integers that satisfy this are . Plugging thesevalues back into the quadratic equation, we see that both produce a discriminant of , meaning that there is only 1 solution for .If , then the discriminant is nonzero, therefore resulting in two solutions for .Thus, the answer is .~TiblisSolution 3, x firstSet it up as a quadratic in terms of y:Then the discriminant is This will clearly only yield real solutionswhen , because it is always positive. Then . Checking each one: and are the same when raised to the 2020th power:This has only has solutions , so are solutions. Next, if :Which has 2 solutions, so andThese are the only 4 solutions, soSolution 4, y firstMove the term to the other side toget . Because for all , then . If or , the right side is and therefore . When , the right side become , therefore . Our solutions are , , , . There are solutions, so the answer is - wwt7535Problem 10A three-quarter sector of a circle of radius inches together with its interior can be rolled up to form the lateral surface area of a right circular cone by taping together along the two radii shown. What is the volume of the cone in cubicinches?SolutionNotice that when the cone is created, the radius of the circle will become the slant height of the cone and the intact circumference of the circle will become the circumference of the base of the cone.We can calculate that the intact circumference of the circle is . Since that is also equal to the circumference of the cone, the radius of the cone is . We also have that the slant height of the cone is . Therefore, we use the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate that the height of the coneis . The volume of the coneis -PCChessSolution 2 (Last Resort/Cheap)Using a ruler, measure a circle of radius 4 and cut out the circle and then the quarter missing. Then, fold it into a cone and measure the diameter to be 6cm . You can form a right triangle with sides 3, 4, and then through the Pythagorean theorem the height is found tobe . The volume of a cone is . Plugging in we findProblem11Ms. Carr asks her students to read any 5 of the 10 books on a reading list. Harold randomly selects 5 books from this list, and Betty does the same. What is the probability that there are exactly 2 books that they both select?SolutionWe don't care about which books Harold selects. We just care that Bettypicks books from Harold's list and that aren't on Harold's list.The total amount of combinations of books that Betty can selectis .There are ways for Betty to choose of the books that are on Harold's list.From the remaining books that aren't on Harold's list, thereare ways to choose of them.~quacker88Problem12The decimal representation of consists of a string of zeros after the decimal point, followed by a and then several more digits. How many zeros are in that initial string of zeros after the decimal point?Solution 1Now we do some estimation. Notice that , which meansthat is a little more than . Multiplying itwith , we get that the denominator is about . Notice that whenwe divide by an digit number, there are zeros before the first nonzero digit. This means that when we divide by the digitinteger , there are zeros in the initial string after the decimal point. -PCChessSolution 2First rewrite as . Then, we know that when we write this in decimal form, there will be 40 digits after the decimal point. Therefore, we just have to findthe number of digits in .and memming (alternatively use the factthat ),digits.Our answer is .Solution 3 (Brute Force)Just as in Solution we rewrite as We thencalculate entirely by hand, first doing then multiplying that product by itself, resulting in Because this is digits,after dividing this number by fourteen times, the decimal point is beforethe Dividing the number again by twenty-six more times allows a stringof zeroes to be formed. -OreoChocolateSolution 4 (Smarter Brute Force)Just as in Solutions and we rewrite as We can then look at the number of digits in powersof . , , , , ,, and so on. We notice after a few iterations that every power of five with an exponent of , the number of digits doesn't increase. This means should have digits since thereare numbers which are from to , or digits total. This means our expression can be written as , where is in therange . Canceling gives , or zeroes before the since the number should start on where the one would be in . ~aop2014 Solution 5 (Logarithms)Problem13Andy the Ant lives on a coordinate plane and is currently at facingeast (that is, in the positive -direction). Andy moves unit and thenturns degrees left. From there, Andy moves units (north) and thenturns degrees left. He then moves units (west) and againturns degrees left. Andy continues his progress, increasing his distance each time by unit and always turning left. What is the location of the point at which Andy makes the th leftturn?Solution 1You can find that every four moves both coordinates decrease by 2. Therefore, both coordinates need to decrease by two 505 times. You subtract, giving you theanswer of ~happykeeperProblem14As shown in the figure below, six semicircles lie in the interior of a regular hexagon with side length 2 so that the diameters of the semicircles coincide with the sides of the hexagon. What is the area of the shaded region — inside the hexagon but outside all of the semicircles?Solution 1Let point A be a vertex of the regular hexagon, let point B be the midpoint of the line connecting point A and a neighboring vertex, and let point C be the second intersection of the two semicircles that pass through point A. Then, , since B is the center of the semicircle with radius 1 that C lies on, , since B is the center of the semicircle with radius 1 that A lies on,and , as a regular hexagon has angles of 120,and is half of any angle in this hexagon. Now, using the sinelaw, , so . Since the angles in a triangle sum to 180, is also 60. Therefore, is an equilateral triangle with side lengths of 1.Since the area of a regular hexagon can be found with the formula , where is the side length of the hexagon, the area of this hexagonis . Since the area of an equilateral triangle can be foundwith the formula , where is the side length of the equilateral triangle,the area of an equilateral triangle with side lengths of 1 is . Since the area of a circle can be found with the formula , the area of a sixthof a circle with radius 1 is . In each sixth of the hexagon, thereare two equilateral triangles colored white, each with an area of , and onesixth of a circle with radius 1 colored white, with an area of . The rest of the sixth is colored gray. Therefore, the total area that is colored white in each sixthof the hexagon is , which equals , and the total areacolored white is , which equals . Since the area colored gray equals the total area of the hexagon minus the area colored white,the area colored gray is , whichequals .Solution 2First, subdivide the hexagon into 24 equilateral triangles with side length1:Now note that the entire shadedregion is just 6 times this part:The entire rhombus is just 2 equilatrial triangles with side lengths of 1, so it has an area of:The arc that is not included has an area of:Hence, the area ofthe shaded region in that section is For a final areaof:Problem15Steve wrote the digits , , , , and in order repeatedly from left to right, forming a list of digits, beginning He thenerased every third digit from his list (that is, the rd, th, th, digits from the left), then erased every fourth digit from the resulting list (that is, the th, th, th, digits from the left in what remained), and then erased every fifth digit from what remained at that point. What is the sum of the three digits that were then in the positions ?Solution 1After erasing every third digit, the list becomes repeated. After erasing every fourth digit from this list, the listbecomes repeated. Finally, after erasing every fifth digit from this list, the list becomes repeated. Since this list repeats every digits andsince are respectively in we have that the th, th, and st digits are the rd, th, and thdigits respectively. It follows that the answer is~dolphin7Problem16Bela and Jenn play the following game on the closed interval of the real number line, where is a fixed integer greater than . They take turns playing, with Bela going first. At his first turn, Bela chooses any real number in theinterval . Thereafter, the player whose turn it is chooses a real numberthat is more than one unit away from all numbers previously chosen by either player. A player unable to choose such a number loses. Using optimal strategy, which player will win the game?SolutionNotice that to use the optimal strategy to win the game, Bela must select themiddle number in the range and then mirror whatever number Jennselects. Therefore, if Jenn can select a number within the range, so can Bela. Jenn will always be the first person to run out of a number to choose, so theanswer is .Solution 2 (Guessing)First of all, realize that the value of should have no effect on the strategy at all. This is because they can choose real numbers, not integers, so even if is odd, for example, they can still go halfway. Similarly, there is no reason the strategy would change when .So we are left with (A) and (B). From here it is best to try out random numbers and try to find the strategy that will let Bela win, but if you can't find it, realize thatit is more likely the answer is since Bela has the first move and thus has more control.Problem17There are people standing equally spaced around a circle. Each person knows exactly of the other people: the people standing next to her or him, as well as the person directly across the circle. How many ways are there forthe people to split up into pairs so that the members of each pair know each other?SolutionLet us use casework on the number of diagonals.Case 1: diagonals There are ways: either pairs with , pairs with , and so on or pairs with , pairs with , etc.Case 2: diagonal There are possible diagonals to draw (everyone else pairs with the person next to them.Note that there cannot be 2 diagonals.Case 3: diagonalsNote that there cannot be a case with 4 diagonals because then there would have to be 5 diagonals for the two remaining people, thus a contradiction.Case 4: diagonals There is way to do this.Thus, in total there are possible ways. Problem18An urn contains one red ball and one blue ball. A box of extra red and blue balls lie nearby. George performs the following operation four times: he draws a ball from the urn at random and then takes a ball of the same color from the box and returns those two matching balls to the urn. After the four iterations the urn contains six balls. What is the probability that the urn contains three balls of each color?SolutionLet denote that George selects a red ball and that he selects a blue one. Now, in order to get balls of each color, he needs more of both and .There are 6cases:(wecan confirm that there are only since ). However we canclump , ,and together since they are equivalent by symmetry.andLet's find the probability that he picks the balls in the order of .The probability that the first ball he picks is red is .Now there are reds and blue in the urn. The probability that he picks red again is now .There are reds and blue now. The probability that he picks a blue is .Finally, there are reds and blues. The probability that he picks a blue is . So the probability that the case happensis . However, since the case is the exactsame by symmetry, case 1 has a probability of chance of happening.andLet's find the probability that he picks the balls in the order of .The probability that the first ball he picks is red is .Now there are reds and blue in the urn. The probability that he picks blue is .There are reds and blues now. The probability that he picks a red is . Finally, there are reds and blues. The probability that he picks a blue is .So the probability that the case happensis . However, since the case is the exactsame by symmetry, case 2 has a probability of chance of happening.andLet's find the probability that he picks the balls in the order of .The probability that the first ball he picks is red is .Now there are reds and blue in the urn. The probability that he picks blueis .There are reds and blues now. The probability that he picks a blue is .Finally, there are reds and blues. The probability that he picks a red is .So the probability that the case happensis . However, since the case is the exactsame by symmetry, case 3 has a probability of chance of happening.Adding up the cases, we have ~quacker88 Solution 2We know that we need to find the probability of adding 2 red and 2 blue balls insome order. There are 6 ways to do this, since there are ways to arrange in some order. We will show that the probability for each of these 6 ways is the same.We first note that the denominators should be counted by the same number. This number is . This is because 2, 3, 4, and 5 represent how many choices there are for the four steps. No matter what the stepinvolves numbers to choose from.The numerators are the number of successful operations. No matter the order, the first time a red is added will come from 1 choice and the second time will come from 2 choices, since that is how many reds are in the urn originally. Thesame goes for the blue ones. The numerator must equal . Therefore, the probability for each of the orderingsof is . There are 6 of these, so the total probabilityis .Solution 3First, notice that when George chooses a ball he just adds another ball of the same color. On George's first move, he either chooses the red or the blue witha chance each. We can assume he chooses Red(chance ), and then multiply the final answer by two for symmetry. Now, there are two red balls andone blue ball in the urn. Then, he can either choose another Red(chance ), in which case he must choose two blues to get three of each, withprobability or a blue for two blue and two red in the urn, withchance . If he chooses blue next, he can either choose a red then a blue, or ablue then a red. Each of these has a for total of . The total probability that he ends up with three red and three blueis . ~aop2014 Solution 4Let the probability that the urn ends up with more red balls be denoted . Since this is equal to the probability there are more blue balls, the probabilitythere are equal amounts is . the probability no more blues are chosen plus the probability only 1 more blue is chosen. The firstcase, .The second case, . Thus,the answer is .~JHawk0224Solution 5By conditional probability after 4 rounds we have 5 cases: RRRBBB, RRRRBB,RRBBBB, RRRRRB and RBBBBB. Thus the probability is . Put .~FANYUCHEN20020715Edited by KinglogicSolution 6Here X stands for R or B, and Y for the remaining color. After 3 rounds one can either have a 4+1 configuration (XXXXY), or 3+2 configuration (XXXYY). Theprobability of getting to XXXYYY from XXXYY is . Observe that the probability of arriving to 4+1 configuration is ( to get from XXY toXXXY, to get from XXXY to XXXXY). Thus the probability of arriving to 3+2configuration is also , and the answer isSolution 7We can try to use dynamic programming to solve this problem. (Informatics Olympiad hahaha)We let be the probability that we end up with red balls and blue balls. Notice that there are only two ways that we can end up with red balls and blue balls: one is by fetching a red ball from the urn when wehave red balls and blue balls and the other is by fetching a blue ball from the urn when we have red balls and blue balls.Then wehaveThen we start can with and try to compute .The answer is .Problem19In a certain card game, a player is dealt a hand of cards from a deckof distinct cards. The number of distinct (unordered) hands that can be dealt to the player can be written as . What is the digit ?Solution 1We're looking for the amount of ways we can get cards from a deck of ,which is represented by .We need to get rid of the multiples of , which will subsequently get rid of the multiples of (if we didn't, the zeroes would mess with the equation since you can't divide by 0), , leaves us with 17.Converting these into, we have~quacker88 Solution 2Since this number is divisible by but not , the last digits must be divisible by but the last digits cannot be divisible by . This narrows the options down to and .Also, the number cannot be divisible by . Adding up the digits, weget . If , then the expression equals , a multiple of . This would mean that the entire number would be divisible by , which is not what we want. Therefore, the only option is -PCChessSolution 3It is not hard to check that divides thenumber,As , using wehave .Thus , implying so the answer is .Solution 4As mentioned above,We can divide both sidesof by 10 to obtain which means is simply the units digit of the left-hand side. This valueisProblem20Let be a right rectangular prism (box) with edges lengths and ,together with its interior. For real , let be the set of points in -dimensional space that lie within a distance of some point . The volumeof can be expressed as ,where and are positive real numbers. What isSolutionSplit into 4 regions:1. The rectangular prism itself2. The extensions of the faces of3. The quarter cylinders at each edge of4. The one-eighth spheres at each corner ofRegion 1: The volume of is 12, soRegion 2: The volume is equal to the surface area of times . The surfacearea can be computed to be ,so .Region 3: The volume of each quarter cylinder is equal to . The sum of all such cylinders must equal times the sum of the edge lengths. This can be computed as , so the sum of the volumes of the quarter cylinders is , soRegion 4: There is an eighth of a sphere of radius at each corner. Since there are 8 corners, these add up to one full sphere of radius . The volume of thissphere is , so .Using these values,Problem21In square , points and lie on and , respectively, so that Points and lie on and , respectively, and points and lie on so that and . See the figure below. Triangle , quadrilateral ,quadrilateral , and pentagon each has area Whatis ?SolutionSince the total area is , the side length of square is . We see that since triangle is a right isosceles triangle with area 1, we can determinesides and both to be . Now, considerextending and until they intersect. Let the point of intersection be .We note that is also a right isosceles triangle with side and find it's area to be . Now, we notice that is also a rightisosceles triangle and find it's area to be . This is also equalto or . Since we are looking for , we want two times this. That gives .~TLiuSolution 2Since this is a geometry problem involving sides, and we know that is , we can use our ruler and find the ratio between and . Measuring(on the booklet), we get that is about inches and isabout inches. Thus, we can then multiply the length of by the ratioof of which we then get We take the square of that andget and the closest answer to that is . ~Celloboy (Note that this is just a strategy I happened to use that worked. Do not press your luck with this strategy, for it was a lucky guess)Solution 3Draw the auxiliary line . Denote by the point it intersects with , and by the point it intersects with . Last, denote by the segment , and by the segment . We will find two equations for and , and then solve for .Since the overall area of is ,and . In addition, the areaof .The two equations for and are then:Lengthof :Area of CMIF: .Substituting the first into the second,yieldsSolving for gives ~DrBSolution 4Plot a point such that and are collinear and extend line topoint such that forms a square. Extend line to meetline and point is the intersection of the two. The area of this square is equivalent to . We see that the area of square is , meaning each side is of length 2. The area of the pentagon is .Length , thus . Triangle is isosceles, and the area of this triangleis . Adding these two areas, we get . --OGBooger Solution 5 (HARD Calculation)We can easily observe that the area of square is 4 and its side length is 2 since all four regions that build up the square has area 1. Extend and let the intersection with be . Connect , and let the intersectionof and be . Notice that since the area of triangle is 1and , ,therefore . Let ,。
2020 AMC 12A Problems Problem 1Carlos took of a whole pie. Maria took one third of the remainder. What portion of the whole pie was left?Problem 2The acronym AMC is shown in the rectangular grid below with grid linesspaced unit apart. In units, what is the sum of the lengths of the line segments that form the acronym AMCProblem 3A driver travels for hours at miles per hour, during which her cargets miles per gallon of gasoline. She is paid per mile, and her only expense is gasoline at per gallon. What is her net rate of pay, in dollars per hour, after this expense?Problem 4How many -digit positive integers (that is, integers between and , inclusive) having only even digits are divisible byProblem 5The integers from to inclusive, can be arranged to form a -by-square in which the sum of the numbers in each row, the sum of the numbers in each column, and the sum of the numbers along each of the main diagonals are all the same. What is the value of this common sum?Problem 6In the plane figure shown below, of the unit squares have been shaded. What is the least number of additional unit squares that must be shaded so that the resulting figure has two lines of symmetryProblem 7Seven cubes, whose volumes are , , , , , , and cubic units, are stacked vertically to form a tower in which the volumes of the cubes decrease from bottom to top. Except for the bottom cube, the bottom face of each cube lies completely on top of the cube below it. What is the total surface area of the tower (including the bottom) in square units?Problem 8What is the median of the following list of numbersProblem 9How many solutions does the equation have on the intervalProblem 10There is a unique positive integer suchthat What is the sum of the digitsofProblem 11A frog sitting at the point begins a sequence of jumps, where each jump is parallel to one of the coordinate axes and has length , and the direction of each jump (up, down, right, or left) is chosen independently at random. The sequence ends when the frog reaches a side of the square withvertices and . What is the probability that thesequence of jumps ends on a vertical side of the squareProblem 12Line in the coordinate plane has the equation . Thisline is rotated counterclockwise about the point to obtain line . What is the -coordinate of the -intercept of lineProblem 13There are integers , , and , each greater than 1, suchthat for all . What is ?Problem 14Regular octagon has area . Let be the area ofquadrilateral . What isProblem 15In the complex plane, let be the set of solutions to andlet be the set of solutions to . What is the greatest distance between a point of and a point ofProblem 16A point is chosen at random within the square in the coordinate plane whose vertices are and . Theprobability that the point is within units of a lattice point is . (A point is a lattice point if and are both integers.) What is to the nearest tenthProblem 17The vertices of a quadrilateral lie on the graph of , and the -coordinates of these vertices are consecutive positive integers. The area of thequadrilateral is . What is the -coordinate of the leftmost vertex?Problem 18Quadrilateral satisfies, and . Diagonals and intersect at point , and . What is the area of quadrilateral ?Problem 19There exists a unique strictly increasing sequence of nonnegativeintegers suchthat What isProblem 20Let be the triangle in the coordinate plane with vertices , ,and . Consider the following five isometries (rigid transformations) of the plane: rotations of , , and counterclockwise around the origin, reflection across the -axis, and reflection across the -axis. How many ofthe sequences of three of these transformations (not necessarily distinct) will return to its original position? (For example, a rotation, followed by a reflection across the -axis, followed by a reflection across the -axis will return to its original position, but a rotation, followed by a reflection across the -axis, followed by another reflection across the -axis will not return to its original position.)Problem 21How many positive integers are there such that is a multiple of , and the least common multiple of and equals times the greatest common divisor of andProblem 22Let and be the sequences of real numbers suchthat for all integers , where . What isProblem 23Jason rolls three fair standard six-sided dice. Then he looks at the rolls and chooses a subset of the dice (possibly empty, possibly all three dice) to reroll. After rerolling, he wins if and only if the sum of the numbers face up on the three dice is exactly . Jason always plays to optimize his chances of winning. What is the probability that he chooses to reroll exactly two of the dice?Problem 24Suppose that is an equilateral triangle of side length , with the property that there is a unique point inside the triangle suchthat , , and . What isProblem 25The number , where and are relatively prime positive integers, has the property that the sum of all realnumbers satisfying is , where denotes thegreatest integer less than or equal to and denotes the fractional part of . What is2020 AMC 12A Answer Key1. C2. C3. E4. B5. C6. D7. B8. C9. E10.E11.B12.B13.B14.B15.D16.B17.D18.D19.C20.A21.D22.B23.A24.B25.C2020 AMC 12B Problems Problem 1What is the value in simplest form of the followingexpression?Problem 2What is the value of the followingexpression?Problem 3The ratio of to is , the ratio of to is , and the ratioof to is . What is the ratio of to ?Problem 4The acute angles of a right triangle are and , where andboth and are prime numbers. What is the least possible value of ?Problem 5Teams and are playing in a basketball league where each game results in a win for one team and a loss for the other team. Team has won of itsgames and team has won of its games. Also, team has won moregames and lost more games than team How many games hasteam played?Problem 6For all integers the value of is always whichof the following?Problem 7Two nonhorizontal, non vertical lines in the -coordinate plane intersect to form a angle. One line has slope equal to times the slope of the other line. What is the greatest possible value of the product of the slopes of the two lines?Problem 8How many ordered pairs of integers satisfy theequationProblem 9A three-quarter sector of a circle of radius inches together with its interior can be rolled up to form the lateral surface area of a right circular cone by tapingtogether along the two radii shown. What is the volume of the cone in cubicinches?Problem 10In unit square the inscribedcircle intersects at and intersects at a point different from What isProblem 11As shown in the figure below, six semicircles lie in the interior of a regular hexagon with side length so that the diameters of the semicircles coincide with the sides of the hexagon. What is the area of the shaded region—inside the hexagon but outside all of the semicircles?Problem 12Let be a diameter in a circle of radius Let be a chord in the circle that intersects at a point suchthat and What isProblem 13Which of the following is the value ofProblem 14Bela and Jenn play the following game on the closed interval of the real number line, where is a fixed integer greater than . They take turns playing, with Bela going first. At his first turn, Bela chooses any real number in theinterval . Thereafter, the player whose turn it is chooses a real numberthat is more than one unit away from all numbers previously chosen by either player. A player unable to choose such a number loses. Using optimal strategy, which player will win the game?Problem 15There are 10 people standing equally spaced around a circle. Each person knows exactly 3 of the other 9 people: the 2 people standing next to her or him, as well as the person directly across the circle. How many ways are there for the 10 people to split up into 5 pairs so that the members of each pair know each other?Problem 16An urn contains one red ball and one blue ball. A box of extra red and blue balls lie nearby. George performs the following operation four times: he draws a ball from the urn at random and then takes a ball of the same color from the box and returns those two matching balls to the urn. After the four iterations the urn contains six balls. What is the probability that the urn contains three balls of each color?How many polynomials of theform , where , , ,and are real numbers, have the property that whenever is a root, sois ? (Note that )Problem 18In square , points and lie on and , respectively, so that Points and lie on and , respectively, and points and lie on so that and . See the figure below. Triangle , quadrilateral ,quadrilateral , and pentagon each has area Whatis ?Square in the coordinate plane has vertices at thepoints and Consider the following four transformations: a rotation of counterclockwise around the origin; a rotation of clockwise around the origin; a reflection across the -axis; and a reflection across the -axis.Each of these transformations maps the squares onto itself, but the positions of the labeled vertices will change. For example, applying and then wouldsend the vertex at to and would send thevertex at to itself. How many sequences of transformations chosen from will send all of the labeled vertices back to theiroriginal positions? (For example, is one sequenceof transformations that will send the vertices back to their original positions.)Problem 20Two different cubes of the same size are to be painted, with the color of each face being chosen independently and at random to be either black or white. What is the probability that after they are painted, the cubes can be rotated to be identical in appearance?Problem 21How many positive integers satisfy(Recallthat is the greatest integer not exceeding .)Problem 22What is the maximum value of for real values ofProblem 23How many integers are there such that whenever are complex numbers such thatthen the numbers are equally spaced on the unit circle in the complex plane?Problem 24Let denote the number of ways of writing the positive integer as a product where , the are integers strictly greater than , and the order in which the factors are listed matters (that is, two representations that differ only in the order of the factors are counted as distinct).For example, the number can be written as , , and ,so . What is ?Problem 25For each real number with , let numbers and be chosen independently at random from the intervals and , respectively, and let be the probability thatWhat is the maximum value of2020 AMC 12B Answer Key1. C2. A3. E4. D5. C6. D7. C8. D9. C10. B11. D12. E13. D14. A15. C16. B17. C18. B19. C20. D21. C22. C23. B24. A25. BThe area of a pizza with radius is percent larger than the area of a pizza with radius inches. What is the integer closest to ?Solution Supposeis of . What percent of is ?Solution A box containsred balls,green balls, yellow balls,blue balls, white balls, and black balls. What is the minimum numberof balls that must be drawn from the box without replacement to guarantee that at least balls of a single color will be drawn?SolutionWhat is the greatest number of consecutive integers whose sum is ?SolutionTwo lines with slopes andintersect at . What is the area of the triangle enclosed by these two lines and the line?SolutionThe figure below shows line with a regular, infinite, recurring pattern of squares and line segments.How many of the following four kinds of rigid motion transformations of the plane in which this figure is drawn, other than the identity transformation, will transform this figure into itself?some rotation around a point of linesome translation in the direction parallel to linethe reflection across linesome reflection across a line perpendicular to lineSolutionMelanie computes the mean , the median, and the modes of the values that are the dates in the months of . Thus her data consist of , , . . . , , , , and . Let be the median of the modes. Which of the following statements is true?SolutionProblem 2Problem 3Problem 4Problem 5Problem 6Problem 7For a set of four distinct lines in a plane, there are exactly distinct points that lie on two or more of the lines. What is the sum of allpossible values of ?Solution A sequence of numbers is defined recursively by, , and for all . Then can be written as , whereandare relatively prime positive inegers. What is Solution The figure below shows circles of radius within a larger circle. All the intersections occur at points of tangency. What is the area ofthe region, shaded in the figure, inside the larger circle but outside all the circles of radius?Solution For some positive integer , the repeating base- representation of the (base-ten) fraction is. What is ?Solution Positive real numbers and satisfy and. What is ?Problem 8Problem 9Problem 10Problem 11Problem 12Solution How many ways are there to paint each of the integers either red, green, or blue so that each number has a different colorfrom each of its proper divisors?Solution For a certain complex number, the polynomial has exactly 4 distinct roots. What is?Solution Positive real numbers andhave the property that and all four terms on the left are positive integers, where denotes the base- logarithm. What is?Solution The numbers are randomly placed into the squares of a grid. Each square gets one number, and each of thenumbers is used once. What is the probability that the sum of the numbers in each row and each column is odd?Solution Let denote the sum of the th powers of the roots of the polynomial . In particular, ,, and . Let , , and be real numbers such that for ,, What is?Solution A sphere with center has radius . A triangle with sides of length and is situated in space so that each of its sides is tangent to the sphere. What is the distance between and the plane determined by the triangle?SolutionIn with integer side lengths,What is the least possible perimeter for ?Problem 13Problem 14Problem 15Problem 16Problem 17Problem 18Problem 19Real numbers between and , inclusive, are chosen in the following manner. A fair coin is flipped. If it lands heads, then it is flipped again and the chosen number is if the second flip is heads and if the second flip is tails. On the other hand, if the first coin flip is tails, then the number is chosen uniformly at random from the closed interval . Two random numbersandare chosen independently in thismanner. What is the probability that?Solution Let What is Solution Circles and , both centered at , have radii and , respectively. Equilateral triangle , whose interior lies in the interior of but in the exterior of , has vertex on , and the line containing side is tangent to . Segments and intersect at ,and . Thencan be written in the form for positive integers ,, , with . What is ?Solution Define binary operations andby for all real numbers and for which these expressions are defined. The sequence is defined recursively byand for all integers . To the nearest integer, what is ?SolutionFor how many integers between and , inclusive, isan integer? (Recall that .)Problem 21Problem 22Problem 23Problem 24Copyright © 2019 Art of Problem SolvingLet be a triangle whose angle measures are exactly , , and . For each positive integer define to be the foot of the altitude from to line . Likewise, define to be the foot of the altitude from to line, and to be the foot of the altitude from to line. What is the least positive integer for whichis obtuse?Solution2019 AMC 12A (Problems • Answer Key • Resources (/Forum/resources.php?c=182&cid=44&year=2019))Preceded by2018 AMC 12B Problems Followed by 2019 AMC 12B Problems1 •2 •3 •4 •5 •6 •7 •8 •9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18• 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25All AMC 12 Problems and SolutionsThe problems on this page are copyrighted by the Mathematical Association of America ()'s American Mathematics Competitions ().Retrieved from "https:///wiki/index.php?title=2019_AMC_12A_Problems&oldid=101818"See also2019 AMC 12A Answer Key1. E2. D3. B4. D5. C6. C7. E8. D9. E10. A11. D12. B13. E14. E15. D16. B17. D18. D19. A20. B21. C22. E23. D24. D25. E2019 AMC 12B Answer Key1. D2. E3. E4. C5. B6. A7. A8. A9. B10. E11. D12. D13. C14. C15. E16. A17. D18. C19. B20. C21. B22. C23. C24. C25. C2018 AMC 12A ProblemsA large urn contains balls, of which are red and the rest are blue. How many of the blue balls must be removed so that the percentage of red balls in the urn will be ? (No red balls are to be removed.)SolutionWhile exploring a cave, Carl comes across a collection of -pound rocks worth each, -pound rocks worth each, and -pound rocks worth each. There are at least of each size. He can carry at most pounds. What is the maximum value, in dollars, of the rocks he can carry out of the cave?SolutionSolutionAlice, Bob, and Charlie were on a hike and were wondering how far away the nearest town was. When Alice said, "We are at least 6 miles away," Bob replied, "We are at most 5 miles away." Charlie then remarked, "Actually the nearest town is at most 4 miles away." It turned out that none of the three statements were true. Letbe the distance in miles to the nearest town. Which of the following intervals is the set of all possible values of ?Solution What is the sum of all possible values of for which the polynomials andhave a root in common?Solution For positive integers andsuch that , both the mean and the median of the set are equalto . What is ?SolutionFor how many (not necessarily positive) integer values of is the value of an integer?SolutionAll of the triangles in the diagram below are similar to iscoceles triangle , in which . Each of the 7 smallest triangles has area 1, andhas area 40. What is the area of trapezoid ?Solution Which of the following describes the largest subset of values ofwithin the closed interval for which for everybetweenand , inclusive?Solution How many ordered pairs of real numbers satisfy the following system of equations?SolutionA paper triangle with sides of lengths 3,4, and 5 inches, as shown, is folded so that point falls on point . What is the length in inches of the crease?Problem 5Problem 6Problem 7Problem 8Problem 9Problem 10Problem 11Solution Let be a set of 6 integers taken fromwith the property that ifand are elements of with , thenis not a multiple of . What is the least possible value of an element in Solution How many nonnegative integers can be written in the form where for ?Solution The solutions to the equation, where is a positive real number other than or , can be written as where and are relatively primepositive integers. What is ?Solution A scanning code consists of a grid of squares, with some of its squares colored black and the rest colored white. There must be at least one square of each color in this grid of squares. A scanning code is called if its look does not change when the entire square is rotated by a multiple of counterclockwise around its center, nor when it is reflected across a line joining opposite corners or a line joining midpoints of opposite sides. What is the totalnumber of possible symmetric scanning codes?Solution Which of the following describes the set of values of for which the curvesand in the real -plane intersect at exactly points?SolutionFarmer Pythagoras has a field in the shape of a right triangle. The right triangle's legs have lengths 3 and 4 units. In the corner where those sides meet at a right angle, he leaves a small unplanted square so that from the air it looks like the right angle symbol. The rest of the field is planted. The shortest distance from to the hypotenuse is 2 units. What fraction of the field is planted?Problem 12Problem 13Problem 14Problem 15Problem 16Problem 17SolutionTriangle with and has area . Let be the midpoint of, and let be the midpoint of . The angle bisector of intersects andat and , respectively. What is the area of quadrilateral ?Solution Letbe the set of positive integers that have no prime factors other than , , or . The infinite sum of the reciprocals of the elements of can be expressed as , where and are relatively prime positive integers. What is ?Solution Triangle is an isosceles right triangle with . Let be the midpoint of hypotenuse . Points and lie on sidesand ,respectively, so that andis a cyclic quadrilateral. Given that triangle has area , the length can be written as , where ,, and are positive integers andis not divisible by the square of any prime. What is the value of?Solution Which of the following polynomials has the greatest real root?Solution The solutions to the equations and where form the vertices of a parallelogram in the complex plane. The areaof this parallelogram can be written in the formwhereand are positive integers and neither nor is divisible by the square of any prime number. What is Solution In and Points andlie on sides and respectively, so that Let andbe the midpoints of segments and respectively. What is the degree measure of the acute angle formed by lines and Solution Alice, Bob, and Carol play a game in which each of them chooses a real number between 0 and 1. The winner of the game is the one whose number is between the numbers chosen by the other two players. Alice announces that she will choose her number uniformly at random from all the numbers between 0 and 1, and Bob announces that he will choose his number uniformly at random from all the numbers between and Armed with this information, what number should Carol choose to maximize her chance of winning? Solution For a positive integer and nonzero digits , , and , let be the -digit integer each of whose digits is equal to ; let be the-digit integer each of whose digits is equal to , and let be the -digit (not -digit) integer each of whose digits is equal to . What is the greatest possible value offorwhich there are at least two values of such that ?SolutionProblem 18Problem 19Problem 20Problem 21Problem 22Problem 23Problem 24Problem 25See also2018 AMC 12A (Problems • Answer Key • Resources)Preceded by 2017 AMC 12B ProblemsFollowed by 2018 AMC 12B Problems1 ·2 ·3 ·4 ·5 ·6 ·7 ·8 ·9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25All AMC 12 Problems and SolutionsThe problems on this page are copyrighted by the Mathematical Association of America's American Mathematics Competitions.Retrieved from "/wiki/index.php?title=2018_AMC_12A_Problems&oldid=94197"Category: AMC 12 ProblemsCopyright © 2018 Art of Problem Solving2018 AMC 12A Answer Key1. D2. C3. E4. D5. E6. B7. E8. E9. E10. C11. D12. C13. D14. D15. B16. E17. D18. D19. C20. D21. B22. A23. E24. B25. DRetrieved from "/wiki/index.php?title=2018_AMC_12A_Answer_Key&oldid=90552"Copyright © 2018 Art of Problem Solving2018 AMC 12B ProblemsKate bakes 20-inch by 18-inch pan of cornbread. The cornbread is cut into pieces that measure 2 inches by 2 inches.How many pieces of cornbread does the pan contain?SolutionSam drove 96 miles in 90 minutes. His average speed during the first 30 minutes was 60 mph (miles per hour), and his average speed during the second 30 minutes was 65 mph. What was his average speed, in mph, during the last 30minutes?Solution A line with slope 2 intersects a line with slope 6 at the point . What is the distance between the -intercepts ofthese two lines? Solution A circle has a chord of length , and the distance from the center of the circle to the chord is . What is the area of thecircle?Solution How many subsets ofcontain at least one prime number?Solution Suppose cans of soda can be purchased from a vending machine for quarters. Which of the following expressionsdescribes the number of cans of soda that can be purchased fordollars, where 1 dollar is worth 4 quarters?SolutionWhat is the value ofSolutionProblem 2Problem 3Problem 4Problem 5Problem 6Problem 7Problem 8Line segment is a diameter of a circle with . Point, not equal toor, lies on the circle. As point moves around the circle, the centroid (center of mass) of traces out a closed curve missing two points. To the nearest positive integer, what is the area of the region bounded by this curve?SolutionWhat isSolution A list of positive integers has a unique mode, which occurs exactly times. What is the least number of distinct values that can occur in the list?SolutionA closed box with a square base is to be wrapped with a square sheet of wrapping paper. The box is centered on the wrapping paper with the vertices of the base lying on the midlines of the square sheet of paper, as shown in the figureon the left. The four corners of the wrapping paper are to be folded up over the sides and brought together to meet at the center of the top of the box, point in the figure on the right. The box has base length and height . What is the area of the sheet of wrapping paper?Solution Side of has length . The bisector of angle meets at , and . The set of all possiblevalues of is an open interval . What is ?Problem 9Problem 10Problem 11Problem 12Solution Square has side length . Point lies inside the square so thatand . The centroids of, ,, and are the vertices of a convex quadrilateral. What is the area of that quadrilateral?Solution Joey, Chloe, and their daughter Zoe all have the same birthday. Joey is 1 year older than Chloe, and Zoe is exactly 1 year old today. Today is the first of the 9 birthdays on which Chloe's age will be an integral multiple of Zoe's age. What will be the sum of the two digits of Joey's age the next time his age is a multiple of Zoe's age?SolutionHow many odd positive 3-digit integers are divisible by 3 but do not contain the digit 3?Solution The solutions to the equation are connected in the complex plane to form a convex regular polygon,three of whose vertices are labeled and . What is the least possible area ofSolutionLet and be positive integers such thatand is as small as possible. What is ?Problem 13Problem 14Problem 15Problem 16Problem 17。
美国数学竞赛2020年真题AMC10 A(真题加详解)
![美国数学竞赛2020年真题AMC10 A(真题加详解)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a17ce19d312b3169a551a468.png)
2020 AMC 10A Solution Problem1What value of satisfiesSolutionAdding to bothsides, . Problem2The numbers and have an average (arithmetic mean) of . What is the average of and ?SolutionThe arithmetic mean of the numbers and is equalto . Solving for , we get . Dividing by to find the average of the twonumbers and gives .Problem3Assuming , , and , what is the value in simplest form of the following expression?SolutionNote that is times .Likewise, is times and is times . Therefore, the product of the given fractionequals .Problem4A driver travels for hours at miles per hour, during which her cargets miles per gallon of gasoline. She is paid per mile, and her onlyexpense is gasoline at per gallon. What is her net rate of pay, in dollars per hour, after this expense?SolutionSince the driver travels 60 miles per hour and each hour she uses 2 gallons of gasoline, she spends $4 per hour on gas. If she gets $0.50 per mile, then she gets $30 per hour of driving. Subtracting the gas cost, her net rate of pay perhour is .Problem5What is the sum of all real numbers for whichSolution 1Split the equation into two cases, where the value inside the absolute value is positive and nonpositive.Case 1:The equation yields , which is equalto . Therefore, the two values for the positive caseis and .Case 2:Similarly, taking the nonpositive case for the value inside the absolute value notation yields . Factoring and simplifyinggives , so the only value for this case is .Summing all the values results in . Solution 2We have theequations and .Notice that the second is a perfect square with a double root at , and the first has real roots. By Vieta's, the sum of the roots of the first equationis .Problem6How many -digit positive integers (that is, integers between and , inclusive) having only even digits are divisible bySolutionThe ones digit, for all numbers divisible by 5, must be either or . However, from the restriction in the problem, it must be even, giving us exactly one choice () for this digit. For the middle two digits, we may choose any even integerfrom , meaning that we have total options. For the first digit, we follow similar intuition but realize that it cannot be , hence giving us 4 possibilities. Therefore, using the multiplication rule, weget . ~ciceroniiProblem7The integers from to inclusive, can be arranged to form a -by-square in which the sum of the numbers in each row, the sum of the numbers in each column, and the sum of the numbers along each of the main diagonals are all the same. What is the value of this common sum?SolutionWithout loss of generality, consider the five rows in the square. Each row must have the same sum of numbers, meaning that the sum of all the numbers in the square divided by is the total value per row. The sum of the integersis , and the common sum is .Solution 2Take the sum of the middle 5 values of the set (they will turn out to be the mean of each row). We get as our answer. ~BaolanProblem8What is the value ofSolution 1Split the even numbers and the odd numbers apart. If we group every 2 evennumbers together and add them, we get a total of . Summing the odd numbers is equivalent to summing the first 100 odd numbers, which is equal to . Adding these two, we obtain the answerof .Solution 2 (bashy)We can break this entire sum down into integer bits, in which the sum is , where is the first integer in this bit. We can find that the first sum of every sequence is , which we plug in for the bits in the entire sequenceis , so then we can plug it into the first term of every sequence equation we gotabove , and so the sum of every bit is , and we only found the value of , the sum of the sequenceis .-middletonkidsSolution 3Another solution involves adding everything and subtracting out what is not needed. The first step involvessolving. To do this, we can simply multiply and and divide by to getus . The next step involves subtracting out the numbers with minus signs. We actually have to do this twice, because we need to take out the numbers we weren’t supposed to add and then subtract them from the problem. Then, we can see that from to , incrementing by , there are numbers that we have to subtract. To do this we can do times divided by , and then we can multiply by , because we are counting by fours, not ones. Our answer will be , but remember, we have to do this twice. Once we do that,we will get . Finally, we just have to do , and our answer is .—Solution 4In this solution, we group every 4 terms. Our groups shouldbe: , ,, .... We add them together to get this expression: . This can be rewrittenas . We add this toget . ~BaolanSolution 5We can split up this long sum into groups of four integers. Finding the first few sums, we have that , , and . Notice that this is an increasing arithmetic sequence, with a common difference of . We can find the sum of the arithmetic sequence by finding the average of the first and last terms, and then multiplying by the number of terms in the sequence. The first term is , or , the last term is , or , and thereare or terms. So, we have that the sum of the sequenceis , or . ~Arctic_BunnySolution 3Taking the average of the first and last terms, and , we have that the mean of the set is . There are 5 values in each row, column or diagonal, so thevalue of the common sum is , or . ~Arctic_Bunny, edited by KINGLOGICProblem9A single bench section at a school event can hold either adults or children. When bench sections are connected end to end, an equal number of adults and children seated together will occupy all the bench space. What is the least possible positive integer value ofSolutionThe least common multiple of and is . Therefore, there mustbe adults and children. The total number of benchesis .Solution 2This is similar to Solution 1, with the same basic idea, but we don't need to calculate the LCM. Since both and are prime, their LCM must be theirproduct. So the answer would be . ~Baolan Problem10Seven cubes, whose volumes are , , , , , , and cubic units, are stacked vertically to form a tower in which the volumes of the cubes decrease from bottom to top. Except for the bottom cube, the bottom face of each cube lies completely on top of the cube below it. What is the total surface area of the tower (including the bottom) in square units?Solution 1The volume of each cube follows the pattern of ascending, for isbetween and .We see that the total surface area can be comprised of three parts: the sides of the cubes, the tops of the cubes, and the bottom of the cube (which is just ). The sides areas can be measured as thesum , giving us . Structurally, if we examine the tower from the top, we see that it really just forms a square of area . Therefore, wecan say that the total surface area is . Alternatively, for the area of the tops, we could have found thesum , giving us as well.~ciceroniiSolution 2It can quickly be seen that the side lengths of the cubes are the integers from 1 to 7, inclusive.First, we will calculate the total surface area of the cubes, ignoring overlap. This valueis. Then, we need to subtract out the overlapped parts of the cubes. Between each consecutive pair of cubes, one of the smaller cube's faces is completely covered, along with an equal area of one of the larger cube's faces. The total area of theoverlapped parts of the cubes is thus equal to . Subtracting the overlapped surface area from the total surface area, weget . ~emerald_blockSolution 3 (a bit more tedious than others)It can be seen that the side lengths of the cubes using cube roots are all integers from to , inclusive.Only the cubes with side length and have faces in the surface area and the rest have . Also, since thecubes are stacked, we have to find the difference betweeneach and side length as ranges from to.We then come up withthis:.We then add all of this and get .Problem 11What is the median of the following list of numbersSolution 1We can see that is less than 2020. Therefore, there are ofthe numbers after . Also, there are numbers that are under and equal to . Since is equal to , it, with the other squares, willshift our median's placement up . We can find that the median of the whole set is , and gives us . Our answeris .~aryamSolution 2As we are trying to find the median of a -term set, we must find the average of the th and st terms.Since is slightly greater than , we know thatthe perfect squares through are less than , and the rest aregreater. Thus, from the number to the number , thereare terms. Since is less than and less than , we will only need to consider theperfect square terms going down from the th term, , after going down terms. Since the th and st terms areonly and terms away from the th term, we can simplysubtract from and from to get the two terms, whichare and . Averaging the two, weget ~emerald_blockSolution 3We want to know the th term and the th term to get the median. We know thatSo numbers are in between to .So the sum of and will result in , which means that is the th number.Also, notice that , which is larger than .Then the th term will be , and similarlythe th term will be .Solving for the median of the two numbers, we getProblem12Triangle is isoceles with .Medians and are perpendicular to each other,and . What is the area ofSolution 1Since quadrilateral has perpendicular diagonals, its area can be found as half of the product of the length of the diagonals. Also notethat has the area of triangle by similarity,so Thus,Solution 2 (Trapezoid)We know that , and since the ratios of its sidesare , the ratio of of their areas is .If is the area of , then trapezoid is the area of .Let's call the intersection of and . Let .Then . Since , and are heights of triangles and , respectively. Both of these triangles have base .Area ofArea ofAdding these two gives us the area of trapezoid , whichis .This is of the triangle, so the area of the triangleis ~quacker88, diagram by programjames1 Solution 3 (Medians)Draw median .Since we know that all medians of a triangle intersect at the incenter, we know that passes through point . We also know that medians of a triangle divide each other into segments of ratio . Knowing this, we can seethat , and since the two segments sumto , and are and , respectively.Finally knowing that the medians divide the triangle into sections of equal area, finding the area of is enough. .The area of . Multiplying this by givesus~quacker88Solution 4 (Triangles)We knowthat , , so .As , we can seethat and with a side ratio of .So , .With that, we can see that , and the area oftrapezoid is 72.As said in solution 1, .-QuadraticFunctions, solution 1 by ???Solution 5 (Only Pythagorean Theorem)Let be the height. Since medians divide each other into a ratio, and the medians have length 12, wehave and . From righttriangle ,so . Since is a median, . From righttriangle ,which implies . Bysymmetry .Applying the Pythagorean Theorem to righttriangle gives,so . Then the areaof isSolution 6 (Drawing)(NOT recommended) Transfer the given diagram, which happens to be to scale, onto a piece of a graph paper. Counting the boxes should give a reliable result since the answer choices are relatively far apart. -LingjunSolution 7Given a triangle with perpendicular medians with lengths and , the area will be .Solution 8 (Fastest)Connect the line segment and it's easy to seequadrilateral has an area of the product of its diagonals dividedby which is . Now, solving for triangle could be an option, but the drawing shows the area of will be less than the quadrilateral meaning the the area of is less than but greater than , leaving onlyone possible answer choice, .Problem 13A frog sitting at the point begins a sequence of jumps, where each jump is parallel to one of the coordinate axes and has length , and the direction of each jump (up, down, right, or left) is chosen independently at random. The sequence ends when the frog reaches a side of the square withvertices and . What is the probability that thesequence of jumps ends on a vertical side of the squareSolutionDrawing out the square, it's easy to see that if the frog goes to the left, it will immediately hit a vertical end of the square. Therefore, the probability of thishappening is . If the frog goes to the right, it will be in the center ofthe square at , and by symmetry (since the frog is equidistant from all sides of the square), the chance it will hit a vertical side of a square is . The probability of this happening is .If the frog goes either up or down, it will hit a line of symmetry along the corner it is closest to and furthest to, and again, is equidistant relating to the two closer sides and also equidistant relating the two further sides. The probability for it tohit a vertical wall is . Because there's a chance of the frog going up and down, the total probability for this case is and summing up all thecases,Solution 2Let's say we have our four by four grid and we work this out by casework. A is where the frog is, while B and C are possible locations for his second jump, while O is everything else. If we land on a C, we have reached the vertical side. However, if we land on a B, we can see that there is an equal chance of reaching the horizontal or vertical side, since we are symmetrically between them. So we have the probability of landing on a C is 1/4, while B is 3/4. Since C means that we have "succeeded", while B means that we have a half chance, wecompute .We get , or-yeskaySolution 3If the frog is on one of the 2 diagonals, the chance of landing on vertical or horizontal each becomes . Since it starts on , there is a chance (up,down, or right) it will reach a diagonal on the first jump and chance (left) it will reach the vertical side. The probablity of landing on a verticalis - Lingjun.Solution 4 (Complete States)Let denote the probability of the frog's sequence of jumps ends with ithitting a vertical edge when it is at . Note that by reflective symmetry over the line .Similarly, , and .Now we create equations for the probabilities at each of these points/states by considering the probability of going either up, down, left, or right from thatpoint:We have a system of equationsin variables, so we can solve for each of these probabilities. Plugging the second equation into the fourth equationgivesPlugging in the third equation into thisgivesNext, plugging in the second and third equation into the first equationyieldsNow plugging in (*) into this, wegetProblem14Real numbers and satisfy and . What is the value ofSolutionContinuing tocombineFrom the givens, it can be concluded that .Also, This meansthat . Substituting this informationinto , wehave . ~PCChess Solution 2As above, we need to calculate . Note that are the roots of andso and .Thuswhere and as in the previous solution. Thus the answer is .Solution 3Note that Now, we only need to find the values of andRecall that andthat We are able to solve thesecond equation, and doing so gets us Plugging this into the first equation, we getIn order to find the value of we find a common denominator so that we can add them together. This getsus Recallingthat and solving this equation, weget Plugging this into the first equation, wegetSolving the original equation, weget ~emerald_blockSolution 4 (Bashing)This is basically bashing using Vieta's formulas to find and (which I highly do not recommend, I only wrote this solution for fun).We use Vieta's to find a quadratic relating and . We set and to be the roots of the quadratic (because , and ). We can solve the quadratic to get theroots and . and are "interchangeable", meaning that it doesn't matter which solution or is, because it'll return the same result when plugged in. So we plug in for and andget as our answer.~BaolanSolution 5 (Bashing Part 2)This usually wouldn't work for most problems like this, but we're lucky that we can quickly expand and factor this expression in this question.We first change the original expression to ,because . This is equalto. We can factor andreduce to. Now our expression is just . Wefactor to get . So the answer would be .Solution 6 (Complete Binomial Theorem)We first simplify the expression to Then, we can solve for and given the system of equations in the problem.Since we can substitute for . Thus, this becomes theequation Multiplying both sides by , weobtain or By the quadratic formula we obtain . We also easily find thatgiven , equals the conjugate of . Thus, plugging our valuesin for and , our expression equalsBy the binomial theorem, we observe that every second terms of theexpansions and will cancel out (since a positive plus a negative of the same absolute value equals zero). We also observe that the other terms notcanceling out are doubled when summing the expansions of . Thus, our expression equals whichequals which equals .Problem15A positive integer divisor of is chosen at random. The probability that thedivisor chosen is a perfect square can be expressed as , where and are relatively prime positive integers. What is ?SolutionThe prime factorization of is . This yields a totalof divisors of In order to produce a perfect square divisor, there must be an even exponent for each number in the prime factorization. Note that and can not be in the prime factorization of a perfect square because there is only one of each in Thus, thereare perfect squares. (For , you can have , , , , , or 0 s, etc.) The probability that the divisor chosen is a perfect squareisProblem16A point is chosen at random within the square in the coordinate plane whose vertices are and . Theprobability that the point is within units of a lattice point is . (A point is a lattice point if and are both integers.) What is to the nearest tenthSolution 1DiagramDiagram by MathandSki Using AsymptoteNote: The diagram represents each unit square of thegiven square.SolutionWe consider an individual one-by-one block.If we draw a quarter of a circle from each corner (where the lattice points are located), each with radius , the area covered by the circles should be . Because of this, and the fact that there are four circles, we writeSolving for , we obtain , where with , we get , and from here, we simplify and seethat ~CrypthesTo be more rigorous, note that since if thenclearly the probability is greater than . This would make sure the above solution works, as if there is overlap with thequartercircles.Solution 2As in the previous solution, we obtain the equation , which simplifies to . Since is slightly more than , is slightly less than . We notice that is slightly morethan , so is roughly ~emerald_blockSolution 3 (Estimating)As above, we find that we need to estimate .Note that we can approximate andso .And so our answer is .Problem 17Define How many integers are there such that ?Solution 1Notice that is a product of many integers. We either need one factor to be 0 or an odd number of negative factors.Case 1: There are 100 integers for whichCase 2: For there to be an odd number of negative factors, must be between an odd number squared and an even number squared. This means that thereare total possible values of . Simplifying, thereare possible numbers.Summing, there are total possible values of . ~PCChess Solution 2Notice that is nonpositive when isbetween and , and , and (inclusive), whichmeans that the amount of valuesequals.This reducesto~ZericSolution 3 (end behavior)We know that is a -degree function with a positive leading coefficient. Thatis, .Since the degree of is even, its end behaviors match. And since theleading coefficient is positive, we know that both ends approach as goes in either direction.So the first time is going to be negative is when it intersects the -axis atan -intercept and it's going to dip below. This happens at , which is the smallest intercept.However, when it hits the next intercept, it's going to go back up again into positive territory, we know this happens at . And when it hits , it's going to dip back into negative territory. Clearly, this is going to continue to snake around the intercepts until .To get the amount of integers below and/or on the -axis, we simply need to count the integers. For example, the amount of integers in betweenthe interval we got earlier, we subtract and addone. integers, so there are four integers in this interval that produce a negative result.Doing this with all of the other intervals, we have. Proceed with Solution 2. ~quacker88Problem18Let be an ordered quadruple of not necessarily distinct integers, each one of them in the set For how many such quadruples is it truethat is odd? (For example, is one such quadruple, because is odd.)SolutionSolution 1 (Parity)In order for to be odd, consider parity. We must have (even)-(odd) or (odd)-(even). There are ways to pick numbers to obtain an even product. There are ways to obtain an odd product. Therefore, the total amount of ways to make oddis .-MidnightSolution 2 (Basically Solution 1 but more in depth)Consider parity. We need exactly one term to be odd, one term to be even. Because of symmetry, we can set to be odd and to be even, then multiply by If is odd, both and must be odd, therefore thereare possibilities for Consider Let us say that is even. Then there are possibilities for However, can be odd, in which case we have more possibilities for Thus there are ways forus to choose and ways for us to choose Therefore, also consideringsymmetry, we have total values ofSolution 3 (Complementary Counting)There are 4 ways to choose any number independently and 2 ways to choose any odd number independently. To get an even products, wecount: , which is . The number of ways to get an odd product can be counted like so: , which is , or . So, for oneproduct to be odd the other to be even: (order matters). ~ Anonymous and Arctic_BunnySolution 4 (Solution 3 but more in depth)We use complementary counting: If the difference is even, then we can subtract those cases. There are a total of cases.For an even difference, we have (even)-(even) or (odd-odd).From Solution 3:"There are 4 ways to choose any number independently and 2 ways to choose any odd number independently. even products:(number)*(number)-(odd)*(odd): . odd products: (odd)*(odd): ."With this, we easily calculate . Problem19As shown in the figure below, a regular dodecahedron (the polyhedron consisting of congruent regular pentagonal faces) floats in space with two horizontal faces. Note that there is a ring of five slanted faces adjacent to the top face, and a ring of five slanted faces adjacent to the bottom face. How many ways are there to move from the top face to the bottom face via a sequence of adjacent faces so that each face is visited at most once and moves are not permitted from the bottom ring to the top ring?DiagramSolution 1Since we start at the top face and end at the bottom face without moving from the lower ring to the upper ring or revisiting a face, our journey must consist of the top face, a series of faces in the upper ring, a series of faces in the lower ring, and the bottom face, in that order.We have choices for which face we visit first on the top ring. From there, we have choices for how far around the top ring we go before movingdown: or faces around clockwise, or faces aroundcounterclockwise, or immediately going down to the lower ring without visiting any other faces in the upper ring.We then have choices for which lower ring face to visit first (since every upper-ring face is adjacent to exactly lower-ring faces) and then once again choices for how to travel around the lower ring. We then proceed to the bottom face, completing the trip.Multiplying together all the numbers of choices we have, weget .Solution 2Swap the faces as vertices and the vertices as faces. Then, this problem is the same as 2016 AIME I #3which had an answerof .Problem20Quadrilateral satisfiesand Diagonals and intersect at point and What is the area of quadrilateralSolution 1 (Just Drop An Altitude)It's crucial to draw a good diagram for this one.Since and , we get . Now weneed to find to get the area of the whole quadrilateral. Drop an altitudefrom to and call the point of intersection . Let .Since , then . By dropping this altitude, we can also see two similar triangles, and .Since is , and , we get that . Now, if we redraw another diagram just of , we getthat . Now expanding, simplifying, and dividing by the GCF, we get . This factorsto . Since lengths cannot be negative, .Since , .So(I'm very sorry if you're a visual learner but now you have a diagram by ciceronii) ~ Solution by Ultraman~ Diagram by ciceroniiSolution 2 (Pro Guessing Strats)We know that the big triangle has area 300. Use the answer choices which would mean that the area of the little triangle is a multiple of 10. Thus the product of thelegs is a multiple of 20. Guess that the legs are equal to and , and because the hypotenuse is 20 we get . Testing small numbers, we get that when and , is indeed a square. The area of the triangle is thus 60, so the answer is .~tigershark22 ~(edited by HappyHuman)Solution 3 (coordinates)Let the pointsbe , , , ,and , respectively. Since lies on line , we know that . Furthermore, since , lies on the circle with diameter , so . Solving for and with these equations, we get the solutions and . We immediately discardthe solution as should be negative. Thus, we concludethat.Solution 4 (Trigonometry)Let and Using Law of Sineson we get and LoSon yieldsDivide the two toget Now,and solve the quadratic, taking the positive solution (C is acute) toget Soif then and By Pythagorean Theorem, and the answeris(This solution is incomplete, can someone complete it please-Lingjun) ok Latex edited by kc5170We could use the famous m-n rule in trigonometry in triangle ABC with Point E [Unable to write it here.Could anybody write the expression] We will find that BD is angle bisector of triangle ABC(because we will get tan (x)=1) Therefore by converse of angle bisector theorem AB:BC = 1:3. By using phythagorean theorem we have values of AB and AC. AB.AC = 120. Adding area of ABC and ACD Answer••360Problem21There exists a unique strictly increasing sequence of nonnegativeintegers suchthat What isSolution 1First, substitute with . Then, the given equationbecomes . Now consider only . Thisequals . Notethat equals , since the sum of a geometricsequence is . Thus, we can see that forms the sum of 17 different powers of 2. Applying the same method to eachof , , ... , , we can see that each of the pairs forms the sum of 17 different powers of 2. This gives us . But we must count also the term. Thus, Our answeris .~seanyoon777Solution 2(This is similar to solution 1) Let . Then, . The LHS canbe rewrittenas。
2020年第十届MathorCup高校数学建模挑战赛题目C题 仓内拣货优化问题某电商公司客户订单下达仓库后,商品开始下架出库,出库主要包含5个流程如下图所示:l定位:仓库有多个货架,每个货架有多个货格,商品摆放在货格中,且每个货格最多摆放一种商品,商品可以摆放在多个货格。
备注:(1) 拣货员开始和结束复核台可以不一致。
(2) 一个拣货员负责对多个任务单时,每次只能拣一个任务单的商品。
(3) 拣货员的行走速度为1.5m/s,商品下架过程,对任意一个货格,若下架商品数量小于3件,每件完成下架花费5秒,否则每件花费4秒。
备注:(1) 只有复核台正常工作时,才可以进行复核打包操作,每个订单复核和打包花费30秒。
(2) 只有拣货员将任务单中商品通过拣货车送到复核台后,复核台才能对该任务单中商品进行复核和打包。
(3) 若一个复核台完成该复核台所有任务单的复核和打包,没有新任务前,该复核台将处于空闲状态。
2016 AMC12 AProblem 1What is the value of ?SolutionProblem 2For what value of does ?SolutionProblem 3The remainder can be defined for all realnumbers and with by where denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to . What is the value of ?SolutionProblem 4The mean, median, and mode of the data values are all equal to . What is the value of ?SolutionProblem 5Goldbach's conjecture states that every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers (for example, ). So far, no one has been able to prove that the conjecture is true, and no one has found a counterexample to show that the conjecture is false. What would a counterexample consist of?SolutionProblem 6A triangular array of coins has coin in the first row, coins in the second row, coins in the third row, and so on up to coins in the th row. What is the sum of the digits of ?SolutionProblem 7Which of these describes the graph of ?SolutionProblem 8What is the area of the shaded region of the given rectangle?SolutionProblem 9The five small shaded squares inside this unit square are congruent and have disjoint interiors. The midpoint of each side of the middle square coincides with one of the vertices of the otherfour small squares as shown. The common side length is , where and are positive integers. What is ?SolutionProblem 10Five friends sat in a movie theater in a row containing seats, numbered to from left to right. (The directions "left" and "right" are from the point of view of the people as they sit in the seats.) During the movie Ada went to the lobby to get some popcorn. When she returned, she found that Bea had moved two seats to the right, Ceci had moved one seat to the left, and Dee and Edie had switched seats, leaving an end seat for Ada. In which seat had Ada been sitting before she got up?SolutionProblem 11Each of the students in a certain summer camp can either sing, dance, or act. Some students have more than one talent, but no student has all three talents. Thereare students who cannot sing, students who cannot dance, and students who cannot act. How many students have two of these talents?SolutionProblem 12In , , , and . Point lies on ,and bisects . Point lies on , and bisects . The bisectors intersect at . What is the ratio : ?SolutionProblem 13Let be a positive multiple of . One red ball and green balls are arranged in a line inrandom order. Let be the probability that at least of the green balls are on the sameside of the red ball. Observe that and that approaches as grows large. What is the sum of the digits of the least value of such that ?SolutionProblem 14Each vertex of a cube is to be labeled with an integer from through , with each integer being used once, in such a way that the sum of the four numbers on the vertices of a face is the same for each face. Arrangements that can be obtained from each other through rotations of the cube are considered to be the same. How many different arrangements are possible?SolutionProblem 15Circles with centers and , having radii and , respectively, lie on the same side of line and are tangent to at and , respectively, with between and . The circle with center is externally tangent to each of the other two circles. What is the area of triangle ?SolutionProblem 16The graphs of and are plotted on the same set of axes. How many points in the plane with positive -coordinates lie on two or more of the graphs?SolutionProblem 17Let be a square. Let and be the centers, respectively, of equilateral triangles with bases and each exterior to the square. What is the ratio of the area of square to the area of square ?SolutionProblem 18For some positive integer the number has positive integer divisors,including and the number How many positive integer divisors does thenumber have?SolutionProblem 19Jerry starts at on the real number line. He tosses a fair coin times. When he gets heads, he moves unit in the positive direction; when he gets tails, he moves unit in the negative direction. The probability that he reaches at some time during this processis where and are relatively prime positive integers. What is (For example, he succeeds if his sequence of tosses is )SolutionProblem 20A binary operation has the properties that andthat for all nonzero real numbers and (Here the dot represents the usual multiplication operation.) The solution to the equation can bewritten as where and are relatively prime positive integers. What isSolutionProblem 21A quadrilateral is inscribed in a circle of radius Three of the sides of this quadrilateral have length What is the length of its fourth side?SolutionProblem 22How many ordered triples of positive integerssatisfy and ?SolutionProblem 23Three numbers in the interval are chosen independently and at random. What is the probability that the chosen numbers are the side lengths of a triangle with positive area? SolutionProblem 24There is a smallest positive real number such that there exists a positive realnumber such that all the roots of the polynomial are real. In fact, for this value of the value of is unique. What is the value ofSolutionProblem 25Let be a positive integer. Bernardo and Silvia take turns writing and erasing numbers on a blackboard as follows: Bernardo starts by writing the smallest perfect square with digits. Every time Bernardo writes a number, Silvia erases the last digits of it. Bernardo then writes the next perfect square, Silvia erases the last digits of it, and this process continues until thelast two numbers that remain on the board differ by at least 2. Let be the smallestpositive integer not written on the board. For example, if , then the numbers that Bernardo writes are , and the numbers showing on the board after Silviaerases are and , and thus . What is the sum of the digitsof ?2016 AMC 12A Answer Key1 B2 C3 B4 D5 E6 D7 D8 D9 E10 B11 E12 C13 A14 C15 D16 D17 B18 D19 B20 A21 E22 A23 C24 B25 E。
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