摩托罗拉 电话机 说明书it6c系列
![摩托罗拉 电话机 说明书it6c系列](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cd9a6116f7ec4afe04a1dfbc.png)
3.9.1 拨打内线电话........................................................................ 16 3.9.2 转接通话............................................................................... 16 3.9.3 三方通话............................................................................... 17 3.10 语音信箱......................................................................................... 17 3.11 键盘锁............................................................................................ 17
引 言欢迎您成为摩托罗拉大家庭的一员在使用前请仔细阅读本手册。
恭喜您成为摩托罗拉移动电话的用户!我们非常高兴您选择了本款MOTO V9 WCDMA 移动电话。
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Java和其他基于Java的标志均为美国或其他国家SUN公司的商标或注册商标,Microsoft和Windows的标志均为Microsoft公司的注册商标,Windows XP和WindowsMedia标志为Microsoft公司的注册商标。
© 009摩托罗拉公司版权所有。
摩托罗拉 A8 Mag One 商用手持对讲机
私线(PL-Private Line)及数字私线(DPL-Digital Private Line)
![MOTOROLA MICOM中文使用手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/858a262c580216fc700afd27.png)
4. 接收声音信号时,可调节 CLARIFIER 使声音自然。本调节对发射频率无效。 5. 电台会保持上次使用的信道,下次开机自动进入。 6. 键盘按动到位时有啪哒感。不要用尖锐物按键以免损坏。 7. 信道选择。两种不同的选择方式:上下箭头和数字键。
钮或按麦克风上的 PTT 键。要扫描少于 10 个信道,在 101 到 110 信道之间不感兴趣的信道 中通过编入 0 来去除其中的频率信息。按 RESET 返回按 SCAN 钮之前使用的信道。
8. 发射 a. 在发射之前先收听。关闭静噪。SQ 钮右上角的灯熄灭。如果是半双工信 道,按 TX/RX 钮监听发射频率的情况。方框将围绕着‘XMIT’直到再 按 RX/TX 钮,或 PTT 钮按下并释放,或 60 秒重设定时器重新设置控制。 如果这信道或频率没人用,扬声器中将听到噪声。如果有人使用,应当改 变信道或等待。 b. 正确握持麦克风 稳定的握住麦克风,网格面对嘴唇约 5cm 距离。 c. 讲话清楚并缓慢 充分按下麦克风侧面的 PTT,功率表图示下面的下划线 出现。如果这信道是单工(收发同频),显示的频率不会改变。如果信道 是半双工(收发不同频),平时显示的是接收频率,PTT 按下去时显示的 是发射频率。用普通声音清楚地缓慢地讲话。说话时观察 RF 功率图示。 产生的 RF 输出大约显示从左至右每一个柱形为 15W 增量。如果天线系 统调谐不合适,产生的反射功率通过从左至右熄灭柱形显示来指示。见下 面图示。
1. 模式 选择下列发射类型之一:SSB,AME。或 PILOT。
2. USB/LSB (可选)选择上边带或下边带用于发射和接收。
3. TX/RX 选择单工(SMPX)或半双工(RCV & XMIT)操作模式。在半双工模式 时也允许监视发射频率。
4.10 8)传输UPC-A校验位
5.11 9)不传输UPC-A校验位。
Motorola T230或T235手机说明书
![Motorola T230或T235手机说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/999f3517ac02de80d4d8d15abe23482fb5da024c.png)
Need help ?
User manual See the user manual that came with your CD 230 or 235.
Online help
Quick start guide
1 Connect 2 Install 3 Enjoy
Always use rechargeable batteries.
A Insert batteries
Charge handset for
B 24 hours
To set the time
1. Press
and scroll
2. Press TIME.
and scroll
O Insert the plug of the line cord into the socket on the bottom of the base station.
O Plug the power supply unit into your power outlet.
O Plug the line cord into the line socket.
O Check you have one DSL filter plugged directly on each line socket used in the house.
O Check the modem and the phone are plugged in correct filter slot (one specific for each).
目录1 手持终端介绍1.1 motorola mc31902 手持终端日常操作2.1 充电方法2.2 开关机、热启动、冷启动3 手持终端无线网络配置3.1 无线网络配置4 手持终端联机pc机4.1 概述4.2 同步工具安装4.3 手持终端中文字库安装5 手持终端键盘功能设置 6手持终端机故障分析1 手持终端介绍1.1 motorola mc3190motorola 讯宝symbol mc3190数据采集终端作为symbol mc3090手持终端的升级替代产品,mc3190是构建于成功的mc3090之上,mc3190采集器系列分为3100批处理盘点机和包含无线局域网wifi的mc3190条码采集器两款。
符合人体工程学的耐用型 mc3190 提供先进的计算能力以及数据采集能力、增强的安全性以及企业级的运动传感能力。
motorola 讯宝symbol mc3190数据采集终端性能参数:数据采集选项-1d 激光扫描仪、1d/2d 成像仪、dpm 内存 (flash/ram)-128mb ram/256 mb flash 或 128mb ram/512mb flash 处理器 (cpu)-marvell pxa320 @ 624 mhz 操作系统 (os)-microsoft windows mobile 6.1 classic, microsoft windows ce 6.0 pro 无线数据通讯:wpan(支持蓝牙技术)-ii 级、v2.1 增强数据速率 (edr), 集成天线wlan-三重模式 ieee? 802.11a/b/g;经过 ccxv4 认证;支持 ipv6;经过 fips140-2 认证(仅限mc3190)线性一维条码扫描器:光学分辨率-最小元素宽度 4 mil 扫描速率-104(+/- 12)次扫描/秒(双向)使用环境:环境密封-ip54(2 类)工作温度--4°至 122° f/-20°至 50° c 跌落规格-在工作温度范围内,多次从 4 英尺/1.2 米高处跌至水泥地面;满足并超过mil-std 810g 滚落规格-根据 iec 68-2-32,在室温条件下,500 次从 1.64 英尺/0.5 米高滚落(1,000次)2.1 充电方法摩托罗拉的每个手持终端都配了两粒电池,同时配了四位充电座。
摩托罗拉MD 系列中文简易说明 上海函世网络科技有限公司制作第 1 页 共 1 页摩托罗拉MD 系列数字无绳电话简易说明一.按键功能 1.拨通挂断电话(ON)flash 键:拨号/确认按电话号码后按键或按(ON)flash 键后按电话号码 (OFF)cancel 键:挂断/取消 通话完毕按(OFF)cancel 键 退出菜单2.handsfree:扬声功能(免提)按handsfree 键后按电话号码可以直接拨号 3.page:呼叫子机用于主机呼叫或者寻找子机之用。
5.redial:重拨查拨号记录:按redial 键后按“上”“下”键选择。
本机可重拨最后五组去电号码,先按ON 键货HANDSFREE 键,之可以重拨最后一组去电。
6.</>Volume:调节音量 按上下键调节 录音部分:7.memo:家人留言,按住memo 键约3秒,听到"嘀"的一声后开始留言,完毕后松后即可播放留言:按▲■键可听取所有留言,当座机inuse/voice mail 指示时,表示有新留言未放听 8. 播放录音或者停止:前一条录音后一条录音9.DEL :删除当前播放的录音播放录音时按DEL 即可删除当前条录音 二.MENU 菜单设置:屏幕下方有左键和右键两个按钮,分别是对应屏幕中左边或者右边的功能键,在不同的子菜单下可能表现为不同的功能键。
.一般表现为左键:SELECT/DONE (选择/确定) 右键为CHANGE (改变设置)或者其他,根据情况改变 按屏幕下方右键按钮即可进入菜单设置。
(左键为直接进入电话簿Phonebook ) 1.Caller ID log :来电记录 查来电记录:按“上”“下”键选择 查拨号记录:按redial 键后按“上”“下”键选择 来电号码储存:按上下翻键查阅来电信息时,如需要存储当前号码,按一下OPTIONS 键,再按两下SELECT 键,按数字键输入英文名字,如有误可以按DELETE 键可删除,按DONE 键确认按EXIT 退出。
(七)22 组频率对照表
频道 频率
频道 频率
1 462.5625MHZ 1W 12 467.6625MHZ 0.5W
2 462.5875MHZ 1W 13 467.6875MHZ 0.5W
用滚动键“+”或“-”设置新的干扰消除静音码。 然后按通话键(PTT 键)保存频道设置。 您可以为每一个频道设置特别的干扰消除静音码。要设置频道及 干扰消除静音码组合,按菜单键(MENU 键)及选择键“+”或 “-”设置频道。再按菜单键(MENU 键)及选择键“+”或“-” 设置干扰消除静音码。按通话键(PTT 键)退出菜单,保存频道 及干扰消除静音码的组合。 音量 按下监听建(MON 键)的同时旋转开关音量旋钮,直到调到
全神贯注地驾驶与注意路况。 如果可能,尽量使用免持功能进行发话和收话。 若有规定禁止驾驶时使用对讲机,请先将车开至路边停下,
再进行通话。 (八)操作注意事项 附安全气囊的汽车 不要把对讲机或其它物品放在气囊上方或气囊展开范围内,气囊 充气时会带来很大的力量。若放在气囊展开后能触及的区域,当 气囊展开时,对讲机或其它物品的可能受很大的力量而抛出,会 造成汽车内乘客严重受伤。 爆炸危险区 除非是危险地区专用的对讲机(例如,有 Factory Mutual,CSA, 或 UL 认证的),否则在潜在爆炸危险区内务必关机。不要在该 地区将对讲机中电池取出、安装或更换。在这种地区即使您的电 池发出微小的火花也可能会引起爆炸或火灾,造成意外的伤害或 死亡。 注意:以上所指的潜在爆炸危险区包括:燃料区,船舶甲板下方, 燃料,或化学制品运输或储存设施,能够闻到燃料气味的地方(例 如,汽车或房间里发生了汽油/丙烷泄露),空气中含化学物质或其 它颗粒(如含有颗粒、灰尘、金属粉末等)的地区,以及通常建 议您关闭汽车引擎的任何其它地区。潜在爆炸危险区通常没有明 显的标示。
Motorola TMAA10-01 桌面麦克风安装说明书
![Motorola TMAA10-01 桌面麦克风安装说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c12ea7c9d0f34693daef5ef7ba0d4a7303766c72.png)
402-00005-00IntroductionThe TMAA10-01 desktop microphone is anomnidirectional dynamic microphone which can beused in dispatch situations, where the microphone ispositioned on a flat surface. The desktopmicrophone plugs into the microphone socket onthe radio control head.The desktop microphone has an internal pre-amplifierand an adjustable sensitivity control on the underside of the desktop microphone base.Operation Hold down the monitor key and check whether the channel is clear.If the channel is clear, press the PTT key to transmit. Speak clearly into the microphone and release the PTT key when you have finished talking.Note: The monitor key can be locked in the ‘on’ position. T o do this, hold the monitor key down and slide the monitor key towards you. The monitor key should now be locked on.InstallationImportant: The desktop microphone grommet must be installed whenever the desktop microphone is plugged into the microphone socket. When installed, the grommet has two functions:I to prevent damage to the microphone socket when there is movement of the microphone cord, andIto ensure that the control head is sealed against water, dust and other environmental hazards.1.Plug the microphone cord into the microphone socket on the radio control head.2.Slide the grommet along the cord and push two adjacent corners of the grommet into the microphone socket cavity.3.Squeeze the grommet and push the remaining corners into position.4.Check that the grommet is seated correctly in the cavity.Correct desktop microphone grommet seating PTT key monitor key grommetmicrophone base grilleAdjustmentAdjust the output sensitivity of the desktop microphone usingR5. R5 is accessible from the underside of the desktopmicrophone, as shown below.The microphone sensitivity is set to maximum by rotating R5 counterclockwise.adjust R5 hereMore InformationRefer to the TM8100 Mobile Radio Service and Accessories Manual (product code MM8100-01-00-812) for more information about this product.402-00005-00。
摩托罗拉T1.pdf 宽带集群对讲机快速操作指南说明书
![摩托罗拉T1.pdf 宽带集群对讲机快速操作指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1414cdab6394dd88d0d233d4b14e852459fb3956.png)
地址:河南省郑州市金水区文化路 82 号硅谷广场 A 座 1211 官网: 电话:400 808 1798
可能引起爆炸的地点 在进入因潜在因素可能引起爆炸的区域之前,如油料仓库、化工厂、燃气煤 矿等区域,如果对讲机不是专业为这种区域设计的,请关闭对讲机。 在这类区域请不要取出、安装电池,也不要给对讲机充电,因为在这些环境中, 火花可能引起爆炸或火灾,造成安全事故。 为了避免干扰爆破作业,在爆破区域等贴有禁止使用对讲机标识的地方,请 遵守相关规定。 请勿在加油 / 气站拆卸对讲机电池,遵守相关规定。
POC 通话
对讲机呼叫时屏幕成员图标处显示“本机正在讲话”,接收时屏幕显示对方 的名称。 1. 对讲机开机进入预设定群组后,按下 PTT 键发起群组(一对多)通话。 2. 进入临时组发起单呼后,按下 PTT 键发起(一对一)通话。
GPS(选配) GPS 通过管理后台设置开启和下发配置信息,可通过微信小程序和调度平台 查看位置信息,开通方式联系经销商。
开机 / 关机
开机 1. 关机状态下长按电源键 3s, 屏幕显示开机画面,语音提示欢迎使用
公网集群对讲机。 2. 开机后默认进入预设定的群组,对讲机语音提示“群组名称”和“本机名
称 ",屏幕显示当前群组和名称。 关机 开机状态下,长按电源键 3s 以上,屏幕显示关机中,随后指示灯和屏幕熄灭, 对讲机关机。
通过按下菜单键进入菜单,选中设置选择,确认按下 OK 键进入菜单设置。 语音提示 开启或关闭语音提示音。 按键提示 开启或关闭按下按键的提示音(PTT 键除外)。 背光 调节屏幕显示的时长,可设置为常亮、15s、30s、60s。 PTT 对讲音 开启或关闭按下 PTT 键时的提示音。 蓝牙 PTT 开启或关闭蓝牙 PTT 功能。 SIM 卡选择 通过切换 SIM1 和 SIM2 来选择联网的 SIM 卡。 低电提示 对讲机电量过低时,间隔一段时间语音提示电量低,可设置为关闭、10 分钟、 30 分钟。 软件升级模式 默认自动升级模式,开机自动检查。可选择手动升级模式,选择手动升级后 检查是否有新的 OTA 推送。 心跳间隔 对讲机与服务器心跳通信时间,可设置 5s、10s、20s、30s、40s。 注意:不要随意更改,默认即可。随意更改有可能导致对讲机掉线和无法登录, 请咨询经销商和技术人员后更改。 恢复出厂设置 清楚设置和数据,恢复到出厂时的设置。 注意:此操作可能导致数据被清楚,无法登录,恢复前请咨询经销商或技术 人员。
Motorola TM8110 TM8115手持通信设备说明书
![Motorola TM8110 TM8115手持通信设备说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/544c608f112de2bd960590c69ec3d5bbfd0ada8d.png)
Rugged • High Speed Data • Integrator FriendlyThe Tait 8000 Series of innovative and high-performingproducts sets a standard of excellence for analogueradio communications technology. With advancedsoftware-flexible features, 8000 Seriesproducts lead their class.TM8110: 25W, 10-Channel ConventionalRadio with 1-Digit DisplayTM8115: 25W, 24-Channel ConventionalRadio with 2-Digit DisplayIntuitive Interface •Digital Controller Design •Optional Internal High Speed Data Modem •Rugged Construction •Robust RF Performance •Ultimate Flexibility for System Integration •Internal AVL Software Support •Windows-based Programming Application •TM8110 & TM8115mobiles••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Based on Digital Signal Processor (DSP) technology and capable of transmitting high speed data through an internal software modem, these new radios offer everything you need for reliable voice and datacommunications — and have been designed with ultimate flexibility for system integration.The TM8110 and TM8115 offer high performing,innovative and proven technology at a competitive price.Leading their class, the new TM8110 and TM8115 are robust, software-flexible radios, ideal for a wide range ofvoice and data applications.TM8110 & TM8115 mobilesmultiple D-range and serial portslarge options board area TM8110, with 1-digit displayDigital Controller DesignThe TM8110 and TM8115 feature a state-of-the-art DSP, providing exceptionally fast and reliable data processing. This optimises performance of IF filtering, FM demodulation, and transceiver and receiver audio processing.Data ReadySuited to the latest mobile data applications, the TM8110 and TM8115 support 1200 baud FFSK data out-of-the-box. System integrators can also connect external high speed modems via a robust D-range. A transmitter rise time under 10mS and very low group delay make the TM8110 andTM8115 the perfect platforms for data applications.Internal High Speed Data Modem — Software Option This optional software-based modem supports over 12kbps (12.5kHz channel) and 19.2kbps (25kHz channel)* and is activated with a software key. Digital processing optimises RF performance gains for both built-in and external modems, improving the integrity of your data.Rugged ConstructionEngineered with a strong diecast metal chassis and almost entirely constructed using Surface Mount Technology (SMT), the TM8110 and TM8115 meet stringent specifications for reliability including the MIL-STD 810 C, D, E & F specs and IP54.Robust RF PerformanceThe TM8110 and TM8115 have been built using innovative RF design. When the radio detects unusually high transmitter temperatures it reduces power output so it can continue to operate effectively.Advanced System Integration CapabilitiesFeaturing industry-leading integration capabilities, theTM8110 and TM8115 have been designed with customisation in mind. The built-in modems, serial control, AVL engine support and high speed data make the TM8110 and TM8115 market leaders. The integrator has maximum design flexibility with multiple ports for auxiliary connectors and a large options board area. The comprehensive 3DK Hardware Developer’s Kit provides support documentation and boards to develop custom solutions.Application-Ready SoftwareThe TM8110 and TM8115 feature many formats and hooks for application development. An AVL application can be easily integrated with the supported polling vehicle location format and direct connect GPS receiver port. Mobile alarm monitoring, asset tracking, and public address features are also simple additions with the TM8110 and TM8115 software interfaces.* 19.2kbps not available in Europe Standard Features:• Full Selcall Functionality• DTMF Encoder• Built-in CTCSS/DCS• Voice Inversion Encryption• Multiple Scanning and Voting Formats Supported • Emergency Mode, Stun and Revive• Low Stand-by Power Consumption• Three Control Signal Outputs• Four RF Power Levels• Three Mute Settings• Handset Audio• Remote Volume Control• AVL Software Support• Third Party Control Head CapableOptional Features:• Comprehensive 3DK Hardware Developer’s Kit with support documentation and boards to develop custom solutions• Blank Control HeadFeaturesTM8105 data radio also availableGeneralFrequency RangeFrequency Stability Channel Capacity TM8110:TM8115:Power Supply Channel Spacing Dimensions (LxWxH)WeightOperational Temperature Sealing Vibration Low PressureHigh Temperature Low Temperature Temperature Shock Solar Radiation RainHumidity Salt Fog DustVibration ShockRF ConnectorInterface ConnectorsProgrammable Digital I/O and Audio Tap PointsTransmitterOutput PowerModulation LimitingFM Hum and NoiseConducted/Radiated EmissionsAudio Response Audio Distortion Transmit Rise TimeReceiverSensitivityIntermodulation SelectivitySpurious Responses Audio Distortion Hum and NoiseAudio Response136-174MHz 400-470MHz 450-530MHz 216-266MHz +/-1.5ppm10 channels (simplex or semi-duplex)24 channels (simplex or semi-duplex)10.8-16VDC 12.5/20/25kHz 175 x 160 x 50mm6.88 x 6.29 x 1.97 inches 1.43kg 50.44oz-30˚C to +60˚C (-22˚F to +140˚F)Passes dust and rain testing to IP54Meets IEC 60571MIL-STD 810C,D,E & F MIL-STD 810C,D,E & F MIL-STD 810C,D,E & F MIL-STD 810C,D,E & F MIL-STD 810C,D,E & F MIL-STD 810C,D,E & F MIL-STD 810C,D,E & F MIL-STD 810C,D,E & F MIL-STD 810C,D,E & F MIL-STD 810C,D,E & F MIL-STD 810C,D,E & F 50 Ohm BNC/mini UHF3 Interface Connectors with Serial Ports1,5,10,25W<+/-2.5kHz 12.5kHz <+/-4kHz 20kHz <+/-5kHz 25kHz >38dB 12.5kHz >41dB 20kHz >43dB 25kHz <-36dBm to 1GHz<-30dBm 1-4GHz below 500MHz <-30dBm 1-12.75GHz above 500MHz 300-3kHzFlat or with pre-emphasis < 3% at 1kHz 60% mod <10mS< -118dBm for 12dB SINAD >66dB>65dB 12.5kHz >70dB 20kHz >75dB 25kHz >72dB <3%>40dB 12.5kHz >41dB 20kHz >43dB 25kHz 300-3kHzFlat or de-emphasis < 3mSTait is your complete supplier of radio communications equipment, with mobile, portable and infrastructure solutions. Tait is renowned for its flexibility,responsiveness and commitment to producing innovative wo r ld-class mobile radio communications products.Specifications are subject to change without notice and shall not form part of any contract. They are issued for guidance purposes only. For further information please check with your nearest Tait office or authorised dealer.Tait Electronics Ltd is an ISO9001: 2000 and ISO 14001: 1996 certified supplier.Authorised DealerTM8110 & TM8115 SpecificationsB M 8115-01。
摩托罗拉 W170c 用户手册 使用说明书
![摩托罗拉 W170c 用户手册 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4c2af27ca26925c52cc5bf93.png)
重要功能 ......................................... 23
数字缩放显示 .................................. 23 锁定/解锁键盘 ................................. 23 自动键盘锁定 .................................. 23 日程表 ............................................. 23 收音机 ............................................. 26 闹钟 ................................................. 26
其他功能 ........................................................... 46 信息................................................. 48 网络设置 ......................................... 50 游戏................................................. 51
为了安全、有效地使用您的手机,请您在 使用前阅读以下信息。 损坏手机。 通话期间请勿触摸天线。 触摸天线会影响 通话质量并使手机的功率高出正常使用 所需的功率。此外,使用未经认可的天线 可能会违反您所在国家的规定。 使用颈部挂绳的注意事项 如果您使用颈部挂绳,在拨打电话时,应 将手机放在耳边正常的使用位置或保证手 (1 。 机和天线距离身体至少 2.5 厘米 英寸) 起搏器的使用者使用颈部挂绳时, 为了避 免干扰起搏器, 先进医疗技术协会建议您 应将手机与起搏器保持至少 20 厘米(8 英寸)的距离。 手机使用方法 拨出或接听电话时, 按照使用有线电话的 方式手握手机,然后直接对着话筒讲话。
Motorola Mag One 无线通信设备用户手册说明书
![Motorola Mag One 无线通信设备用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3a0b2c58f02d2af90242a8956bec0975f565a41d.png)
P R O D U C T S A F E T Y A N D R F E X P O S U R E C O M P L I A N C EA T T E N T I O N !T h i s r a d i o i s r e s t r i c t e d t o o c c u p a t i o n a l u s e o n l y t o s a t i s f y F C C R F e n e r g y e x p o s u r er e q u i r e m e n t s . B e f o r e u s i n g t h i s p r o d u c t , r e a d t h e R F e n e r g y a w a r e n e s s i n f o r m a t i o n a n d o p e r a t i n gi n s t r u c t i o n s i n t h e P r o d u c t S a f e t y a n d R F E x p o s u r e b o o k l e t e n c l o s e d w i t h y o u r r a d i o (M o t o r o l a P u b l i c a t i o n p a r t n u m b e r 6881095C 98) t o e n s u r e c o m p l i a n c e w i t h R F e n e r g y e x p o s u r e l i m i t s .F o r a l i s t o f M o t o r o l a -a p p r o v e d a n t e n n a s , b a t t e r i e s , a n d o t h e r a c c e s s o r i e s , v i s i t t h e f o l l o w i n g w e bs i t e w h i c h l i s t s a p p r o v e d a c c e s s o r i e s : h t t p ://w w w .m o t o r o l a .c o m /g o v e r n m e n t a n d e n t e r p r i s eM a g O n e ™ b y M o t o r o l a i s r e g i s t e r e d i n t h e U .S . P a t e n t a n d T r a d e m a r k O f f i c e .A l l o t h e r p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v i c e n a m e s a r e t h e p r o p e r t y o f t h e i r o w n r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s .© M o t o r o l a , I n c . 2005, 2006, 20071301 E . A l g o n q u i n R d .,S c h a u m b u r g , I L 60196-1078, U .S .A .P r i n t e d i n C h i n a . 02/07. A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .*6881098C 61*6881098C 61-DAttaching and Removing the AntennaTo Remove Antenna 2.Rotate the antenna clockwise until tight.1.Turn the antenna in a counter-clockwise direction until it disengages from the radio.To Remove Battery 2.Secure the latch at the bottom of the radio.1.Unlatch the battery clasp at the bottom of the radio.2.Gently lift the hilt of the battery nearest to the battery latch away from the housing.3.Slide battery downwards to remove.Attaching and Removing the Belt ClipTo Remove Belt Clip 1.Align mounting rails of the radio with the grooves of the belt clip.2.Slide the belt clip downwards until it clicks into place.1.Lift the release tab.2.Slide the belt clip upwards.1.Turn off your radio and the A/C power supply to your charger (if they are on).2.Place your radio in the charger pocket.3.Turn on the charger’s A/C power supply.4.While charging your radio, the charger’s LED shows a steady red light. The radio should be charged at least 16 hours initially before decreasing charging time to 12 hours.5.Turn off the charger’s A/C power supply, and remove the radio from the charger pocket.6.For more details, refer to your Tri-Chem Charger User Guide (6871916T01).Audio Alert TonesTone Name Tone Cadence DescriptionIn Chirp Tone Programmable buttons are pressed.Out Chirp Tone Programmable buttons are pressed.Bad Key Chirp Tone Invalid programmable button function (i.e. pressing programmable button while button lock is activated.)Talk Prohibit Tone Continuous tone is heard if PTT is pressed when transmit is not allowed.Low Battery Alert Tone Repeating tone heard if battery level is low.PriorityChannel Alert ToneReceived priority channel in Priority Scan mode.Low ToneHigh ToneLED IndicatorsColour State IndicationRed Illuminated Radio is transmitting.Blinking Battery voltage is low.Green Illuminated Radio is receiving with PL/DPL disabled.Blinking Radio is in active scanning mode.OrangeIlluminated Radio is receiving with PL/DPL enabled.BlinkingAn error has occured.Accessories*Caution: Your radio does not support the VOX feature. Please set the accessory switch to ‘PTT’. If the accessory switch is set to ‘VOX’, your radio transmits constantly and never receives.Types Part No.DescriptionAntenna PMAD4051_R Mag One 150-174MHz Antenna PMAE4020_R Mag One 450-470MHz Antenna Audio AccessoryPMMN4008_Remote Speaker MicrophonePMLN4442_Earbud with in-line mic and PTT/VOX * Switch PMLN4443_Ear Receiver with in-line mic and PTT/VOX * Switch PMLN4445_Ultra Lightweight Headset with In-line PTT/VOX * Switch PMLN4294_Earbud with Microphone & PTT Combined PMLN4605_Clear Acoustic KitPMLN4606_2-Wire Surveillance Kit with Clear Acoustic Tube PMLN4658 _D-shell Earset with Boom Mic with PTT/VOX * Switch BatteryPMNN4071_R Mag One NiMH 1200mAH PMNN4075_R Mag One Li-Ion 1500mAH Carry AccessoryPMLN4743_Mag One Spring Belt Clip PMLN4741_Mag One Soft Leather Carry Case PMLN4742_Mag One Hard Leather Carry Case Charger PMLN5041_R Mag One Tri-Chem SUC BasePMLN5048_R Mag One Tri-Chem SUC with Switching PS US PlugEPNN9288_Switching Power Supply with AC Cord, US plug, 90–264 VACProgrammable Buttons•The following functions can be assigned as short press (press and release) or long press (press and hold for 1 second) in the programmable buttons.† In Chirp Tone* Out Chirp Tone•Your radio’s default functions are described below. If re-programmed, enter the new functions .ButtonFunctionHigh/Low Power Selects desired power level to High † or Low *.Volume Set Allows you to check the audio and alert tone volume level.Monitor Allows you to monitor the current channel for activity; disables squelch.Sticky Monitor *The radio monitors continually until you press this button again.ScanStarts * or Stops † channel scan.Nuisance Channel Delete †Removes unwanted channel(s) temporarily from scan list during scan.Repeater/Talkaround Toggles radio between functioning in Repeater mode † or Talkaround mode *.PL/DPL Enables †/Disables * radio from requiring matching PL/DPL to receive messages.Button Lock Locks * or unlocks † all buttons except PTT, Channel Knob and On/Off/Volume Knob .Battery Save Mode Toggles between functioning with Battery Saver ON * or Battery Saver OFF †.SquelchSelects desired squelch level: Normal † or Tight *.Press TypeProgrammable Button 1Programmable Button 2DefaultRe-programmedDefault Re-programmedShort Press Monitor ScanLong Press Sticky MonitorNuisance Channel Delete。