



合作建议作文英语模板英文回答:Subject: Letter of Collaboration。

Dear [Recipient's name],。

I am writing on behalf of [Organization name] to propose a collaboration between our two organizations. We believe that a partnership between us would be mutually beneficial and allow us to achieve our shared goals.We are a leading provider of [Services or products offered]. We have a proven track record of success in our field and have a strong reputation for quality and customer satisfaction. We are always looking for innovative ways to grow our business and expand our reach.We are particularly interested in collaborating with organizations that share our commitment to [Mission orvalues]. We believe that your organization's expertise in [Area of expertise] would complement our offerings and allow us to provide even more comprehensive solutions to our clients.We have identified a number of potential areas for collaboration, including:[Area of collaboration 1][Area of collaboration 2][Area of collaboration 3]We are confident that by working together, we can achieve significant results in these areas. We are also open to exploring other areas of collaboration that may be mutually beneficial.We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss our proposal in more detail. We are available to meet at your earliest convenience.Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely,。



一封希望和别的公司合作的商业信函I hope you will consider our proposal carefully. I look forward to hearing from you soon. With best wishes.Yours sincerely,Luo Yu -yuanGeneral Manager约翰史密斯先生威尔士石油公司加的夫英国亲爱的史密斯先生:我是中国石油天然气公司的总经理。






























战略合作意向书英文战略合作意向书英文【篇一:战略合作协议书(中英)】战略合作协议书strategic cooperation agreement甲方:party a:乙方:甲、乙双方本着平等自愿、共同促进发展的原则,就化石燃料燃烧优化及尾气处理技术研究事宜,经友好协商,达成如下协议:in accordance with the principle of equity and free will, and common development, party a and partyb have arrived at the following agreement by friendly negotiation in terms of 一、甲方的权利义务i. party a’s right and obligation12、甲方帮助乙方争取新技术试点与推广,协助解决乙方在行业发展过程中的问题。


1. party a shall provide4. party a shall be in support of p arty b’s interactive exchange and cooperation in various forms.二、乙方权利义务ii. party b’s right and obligation1234、乙方有义务执行双方所达成的决议,维护彼此的合法权益。

1. party b is entitled to4. party b is obliged to carry out the agreement concluded by both parties, and safeguard the legitimate rights and obligations of each other.三、其它iii. others1、甲、乙双方中任何一方欲变更、解除本协议,必须采取书面形式,解除协议需提前一个月向对方提出。




I am writing to propose a collaboration between our two organizations, [Your Organization Name] and [Partner Organization Name]. I believe that our two organizations can achieve great things together by combining our resources and expertise.About Our Organizations。

[Your Organization Name] is a [Type of Organization] that has been serving the [Community Name] community for [Number] years. We have a proven track record of [List of Accomplishments].[Partner Organization Name] is a [Type of Organization] that has been serving the [Community Name] community for[Number] years. They have a proven track record of [List of Accomplishments].Why Collaborate?I believe that our two organizations can achieve great things together by collaborating on the following projects:[Project Name 1][Project Name 2][Project Name 3]These projects are all aligned with the missions of our two organizations, and I am confident that we can make a positive impact on the community by working together.Benefits of Collaboration。



中英文合作意愿书【篇一:中英文版战略合作协议(co-operationagreement)1.3 】strategic co-operation agreement战略合作框架协议stthis strategic co-operational agreement (the“agreement”) is made and effective the [january 1, 2012]本战略合作框架协议(以下简称“协议”)于 [xxx 年 x 月 x 日 ]签订并奏效between: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (the“party a”), a corporation organized andexisting under the laws of the people ’s republic of china, withits headoffice located at: [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]and: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx (the “party b ”), acorporation organized andexisting under the laws of the republic of xxxx, with its headoffice locatedat:[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx](以下简称“甲方”),签订协议的一方[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]一家依照中华人民共和国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx另一方: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(以下简称“乙方”),一家依据 xxxx 共和国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]in consideration of the terms and covenants of thisagreement, and other valuable consideration, the parties agreeas follows:基于本协议所含之互相商定和承诺,订约两方协议以下:1. recutalsa. both parties desire to join together for the pursuitof common business goals.b. both parties have considered various forms ofjoint business enterprises for their business.c. both parties desire to enter into a co-operation agreementas the most advantageous business form for their mutualpurpose.一.事实陈说a.合作两方欲结合起来追求共同所需的商业目标。



中英文合作意向书篇一:英文版合作意向书LOI EnglishHenan CBM Development and Utilization Co., LtdAndDart Energy PTE LTDAndHong Kong Prosperous Clean Energy Company Ltd Letter of Intent on CooperativeDevelopment of Unconventional GasDated: May 20, 2013Cooperating Parties:Party A: Henan CBM Development and Utilization Co., LtdParty B: Dart Energy PTE LTDParty C: Hong Kong Prosperous Clean Energy Company LtdA. Precondition to the Cooperation1. Party A is a business entity incorporated under the approval of Henan ProvincialGovernment. It is responsible exclusively for coal bed methane (CBM) exploration, extraction and production,development and utilization in Henan Province and is the first provincial CBM development and utilization company in China. Party A has obtained the qualification to exclusively cooperate with foreign enterprises.2. Party B is a company incorporated and operating under the laws of Singapore. Thecompany has the technical and capital capabilities of t assessing CBM resources, designing appraisal and pilot drilling programs and subject to technical success of those programs, moving to developing and producing commercially viable CBM. It has developed innovative, low cost horizontal and vertical drilling technology that is instrumental in establishing the sustainable growth of commercial CBM production and pre-drainage of several coal mining areas.3. Party C focuses on clean energy and is engaged in development and utilization ofautomotive new energy, including LPG, CNG and CBM. Now the company has eight CNG gas stations, two LPG gas stations and one L-CNG gas station in operation.4. It is the intention of the parties that Party A and Party B will cooperate and carry outexploration work in the 6 CBM blocks under the principle of “easier block/cherry-pick development first”subject to the condition that the choice is beneficial to all parties.5. As part of the process of entering into the PSCs, the parties wish to commence atechnical evaluation with a view to determining the feasibility and scale of CBM exploration and development within the corresponding areas. To this end, all parties agree to include a confidentiality clause in this LOI with the aim of facilitating the providing and sharing of appropriate data. 6. Party B and Party C agree to cover the costs to carry out the technical due diligenceand evaluation, and the parties agree to formulate the indicative timetable for the negotiation of the PSC in details after the completion details after the completion of the technical due diligence and evaluation.B. Cooperation Intention1. Evaluation. The parties propose to carry out a technical commercial & legalevaluation of the feasible area selected by Party A to determine the potential for CBM resources. The evaluation shall also identify a preliminary view of the most promisingareas for initial exploration activities, follow-up appraisal and potential development of a full-scale CBM project in the corresponding area.2. Technical data. Party A will use its best endeavors to coordinate the collection oftechnical data for the cooperated areas, as may be necessary to conduct the technical, commercial and legal evaluation. At the same time, Party A will also arrange for Party B and Party C to carry out site and underground mine visit(s) of the corresponding areas as appropriate and, if possible, carry out analysis of physical coal samples and available drill cores available from previous drill core programs undertaken in respect of the corresponding areas. Party A shall endeavor to arrange appropriate staff and party B and Party C’s technical personnel to work together, in order to complete all the technical, commercial and legal evaluation, and efficiently handle the mutual interference issues that may be occur in the evaluation and mining work.3. The parties shall use their best endeavors to work co-operatively at all times withinthe scope of the content of the cooperation and shall, where possible, openly share information between them that will assist in accomplishing the objective and purposes of this LOI.4. Production Sharing Contract. All parties shall use their best endeavors to concludeand sign the PSCs. The rights and obligations of each party will be defined in PSCs. The PSCs shall be reported to the various competent government authorities after being signed, and shall subject to the approval of the relevant regulatory authorities and the Ministry of commerce of the People’s Republic of China and other government authorities.5. Joint Venture. Three parties plan to set up a joint venture company outside of China,the proportion of the Joint Venture tentatively is:(1) Henan CBM 38%, Party B/Party C 62%, Party B has the right to bring in a strategic partner, Party B’s final share ratio must be not less than 31%.(2) The Joint Venture will sign the PSC with Henan CBM, the participating interest in Development period will be Henan CBM 20% and the Joint Venture 80% respectivelyConfidentiality1. The parties shall ensure that all Data referred to in Clause2 above and data obtainedfrom any subsequent joint evaluation activity relating to the cooperation, including any physical sampling analysis information:(1) Is used solely for the purposes stated in this LOI;(2) Is only disclosed to its employees, officers, consultants and directors forachieving the cooperation purpose who shall execute confidentiality agreement.2. No party shall disclose to any person or institution without prior consent of allparties any information, including but not limited to the cooperation partners and content, technology, operating methods, legal documents and any other information.3. If any party breaches the confidentiality terms, the non-default party will prosecuteagainst the default party for legal liabilities and claim for compensation for its losses.C. Miscellaneous1. Governing Law. This lOI shall be governed by, and construed according to, the Lawsof China.2. Termination. This LOI shall terminate:(1) After six months of execution date of this LOI;(2) sign the PSCThe condition of item (1) and Item (2) that occurs the later shall prevail. The confidentiality terms in clause 3 shall survive the termination of this LOI.3. Whereas Party A is a State-owned enterprise under the supervision of Henanprovince of the People’s Republic of China, according to the relevant laws and regulations, rules and policies, if the matters of the cooperation and content thereof need to be approved or recored, they shall be subject to the approval of the administrative authorities. Party B and Party C fully understand this and have no objection.4. This agreement is executed in Chinese and English. If there is any inconsistency, theChinese version shall prevail.This letter of Intent is executed in the meeting room at the 3th floor of Henan CBM Development and Utilization Co., Ltd of the People’s Republic of China on May 29, 2013.篇二:合作意向书(中英对照)羊毛衫加工分厂项目合作协议书Letter of Agreement(For the Cooperation On Knitted Sweater Workshop)甲方Party A:乙方Party B:双方就羊毛衫加工车间项目的合作事宜,经过初步协商,达成如下合作意向:Through a preliminary discussion on the cooperation of knitted sweater workshop, both parties have reached the intents as following:一、同意就羊毛衫加工车间项目开展合作开发。



合作建议书英文篇一:中国与加拿大安大略省政府间科技合作项目建议书附件:项目建议书信息表篇二:14 Business Proposal 商务建议书Business Proposal 商务建议书建议书是指单位或个人对某项事业或工作有所研究和思考,进而向有关领导、政府、企事业单位、专业团体提出改进措施和建设性意见所形成的一种书面材料。



Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (书写场合) “Too many good ideas die in business for the lack of a written proposal.” 当你想就某一问题提出对策、设想、建议或行动方案时,你可以进一步考虑“是否应该起草一份建议书?”这种主动提供的建议书在英文中称为unsolicited proposal,其主旨大多在于改变现状或改善局面。




非主动提供的建议书(solicited proposal)则指那些应对方要求而写的规划或方案,如投标书则属此列。


收件人在审阅完建议书后往往必须(本文来自: 东星资源网:合作建议书英文)做出明确答复,要么“肯定(接受、认可)”,要么“否定(否决、回绝)”。



英文版合作意向书 LOI English

英文版合作意向书 LOI English

Henan CBM Development and Utilization Co., LtdAndDart Energy PTE LTDAndHong Kong Prosperous Clean Energy Company LtdLetter of Intent on Cooperative Development of Unconventional GasDated: May 20, 2013Cooperating Parties:Party A: Henan CBM Development and Utilization Co., LtdParty B: Dart Energy PTE LTDParty C: Hong Kong Prosperous Clean Energy Company LtdA.Precondition to the Cooperation1.Party A is a business entity incorporated under the approval of Henan ProvincialGovernment. It is responsible exclusively for coal bed methane (CBM) exploration, extraction and production, development and utilization in Henan Province and is the first provincial CBM development and utilization company in China. Party A has obtained the qualification to exclusively cooperate with foreign enterprises.2.Party B is a company incorporated and operating under the laws of Singapore. Thecompany has the technical and capital capabilities of t assessing CBM resources, designing appraisal and pilot drilling programs and subject to technical success of those programs, moving to developing and producing commercially viable CBM. It has developed innovative, low cost horizontal and vertical drilling technology that is instrumental in establishing the sustainable growth of commercial CBM production and pre-drainage of several coal mining areas.3.Party C focuses on clean energy and is engaged in development and utilization ofautomotive new energy, including LPG, CNG and CBM. Now the company has eight CNG gas stations, two LPG gas stations and one L-CNG gas station in operation.4.It is the intention of the parties that Party A and Party B will cooperate and carry outexploration work in the 6 CBM blocks under the principle of “easier block/cherry-pick development first” subject to the condition that the choice is beneficial to all parties.5.As part of the process of entering into the PSCs, the parties wish to commence atechnical evaluation with a view to determining the feasibility and scale of CBM exploration and development within the corresponding areas. To this end, all parties agree to include a confidentiality clause in this LOI with the aim of facilitating the providing and sharing of appropriate data.6.Party B and Party C agree to cover the costs to carry out the technical due diligenceand evaluation, and the parties agree to formulate the indicative timetable for the negotiation of the PSC in details after the completion details after the completion of the technical due diligence and evaluation.B.Cooperation Intention1.Evaluation. The parties propose to carry out a technical commercial & legalevaluation of the feasible area selected by Party A to determine the potential for CBM resources. The evaluation shall also identify a preliminary view of the most promising areas for initial exploration activities, follow-up appraisal and potential development of a full-scale CBM project in the corresponding area.2.Technical data. Party A will use its best endeavors to coordinate the collection oftechnical data for the cooperated areas, as may be necessary to conduct the technical, commercial and legal evaluation. At the same time, Party A will also arrange for Party B and Party C to carry out site and underground mine visit(s) of the corresponding areas as appropriate and, if possible, carry out analysis of physical coal samples and available drill cores available from previous drill core programs undertaken in respect of the corresponding areas.Party A shall endeavor to arrange appropriate staff and party B and Party C’s technical personnel to work together, in order to complete all the technical, commercial and legal evaluation, and efficiently handle the mutual interference issues that may be occur in the evaluation and mining work.3.The parties shall use their best endeavors to work co-operatively at all times withinthe scope of the content of the cooperation and shall, where possible, openly share information between them that will assist in accomplishing the objective and purposes of this LOI.4.Production Sharing Contract. All parties shall use their best endeavors to concludeand sign the PSCs. The rights and obligations of each party will be defined in PSCs.The PSCs shall be reported to the various competent government authorities after being signed, and shall subject to the approval of the relevant regulatory authorities and the Ministry of commerce of the People’s Republic of China and othergovernment authorities.5.Joint Venture. Three parties plan to set up a joint venture company outside of China,the proportion of the Joint Venture tentatively is:(1) Henan CBM 38%, Party B/Party C 62%, Party B has the right to bring in a strategicpartner, Party B’s final share ratio must be not less than 31%.(2) The Joint Venture will sign the PSC with Henan CBM, the participating interest inDevelopment period will be Henan CBM 20% and the Joint Venture 80% respectively Confidentiality1.The parties shall ensure that all Data referred to in Clause 2 above and data obtainedfrom any subsequent joint evaluation activity relating to the cooperation, including any physical sampling analysis information:(1)Is used solely for the purposes stated in this LOI;(2)Is only disclosed to its employees, officers, consultants and directors forachieving the cooperation purpose who shall execute confidentiality agreement.2.No party shall disclose to any person or institution without prior consent of allparties any information, including but not limited to the cooperation partners and content, technology, operating methods, legal documents and any other information.3.If any party breaches the confidentiality terms, the non-default party will prosecuteagainst the default party for legal liabilities and claim for compensation for its losses.C.Miscellaneouserning Law. This lOI shall be governed by, and construed according to, the Lawsof China.2.Termination. This LOI shall terminate:(1)After six months of execution date of this LOI;(2)sign the PSCThe condition of item (1) and Item (2) that occurs the later shall prevail. The confidentiality terms in clause 3 shall survive the termination of this LOI.3.Whereas Party A is a State-owned enterprise under the supervision of Henanprovince of the People’s Republic of China, according to the relevant laws and regulations, rules and policies, if the matters of the cooperation and content thereof need to be approved or recored, they shall be subject to the approval of the administrative authorities. Party B and Party C fully understand this and have no objection.4.This agreement is executed in Chinese and English. If there is any inconsistency, theChinese version shall prevail.This letter of Intent is executed in the meeting room at the 3th floor of Henan CBM Development and Utilization Co., Ltd of the People’s Republic of China on May 29, 2013.Signing Page:Party A: Henan CBM Development and Utilization Co., Ltd Authorized representative:Party B: Dart Energy International PTE LTDAuthorized representative:Party C: Hong Kong Prosperous Clean Energy Company Ltd Authorized representative:Annex 1:Joint Venture Shareholding StructureAnnex 2: Geographical Location Map of the Six (6) Blocks。



中英文合作意向书中英文合作意向书篇一:合作意向书(中英对照) 羊毛衫加工分厂项目合作协议书 Letter f Agreement (Fr the Cperatin n Knitted Seater rkshp) 甲方Party A:乙方Party B:双方就羊毛衫加工车间项目的合作事宜,经过初步协商,达成如下合作意向: Thrugh a preliminary discussin n the cperatin f knitted seater rkshp, bth parties have reached the intents as flling:一、同意就羊毛衫加工车间项目开展合作开发。

1. Agreement n the cperative develpment n 该项目的基本情况是: 额的51%,乙方以生产加工设备为出资形式,占出资总额的49%。

Bth parties ill invest_***$ n the prject. PartyA ill prvide fund and rkshp facilities as investment, accunting fr 51% share. PartyB ill prvide the prcessing equipment, accunting fr 49% share.二、甲乙双方各自负责2. 甲方应做好以下工作Resnsibilities Fr PartyA:1、以租赁形式提供生产、办公场地201X平米(包括仓储),租金低于市场价,租金列入合作成本; 1) Rent ut the prductin and fficial field 201Xm2 (including arehuse) t the cperativerkshp. The rental shuld be ler than the market price and shuld be listed as a prductin cst f rkshp.2、负责流动资金的融资,其利息列入合作成本; 2) Prvide cash fl hichis listed as the prductin cst f rkshp.3、负责设备进口的相关税费; 3) Relative imprtatin tax frtransprtatin f the equipment.4、负责中国境内的运输、安装费用,此费用列入合作分厂成本 4) Transprtatin and installatin fee in Chinese Mainland, hich is listed as the prductin cst f rkshp.. 乙方应做好以下工作Respnsibilities Fr PartyB:1. 负责产品开发、销售; 1) Develpment , marketing and sales f the prduct2. 负责生产技术指导。

【精编范文】外贸合作意向书中英wen-推荐word版 (12页)

【精编范文】外贸合作意向书中英wen-推荐word版 (12页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==外贸合作意向书中英wen篇一:中英文合作意向书羊毛衫加工分厂项目合作协议书letter of agreement(for the cooperation on knitted sweater workshop)甲方party a:乙方party b:双方就羊毛衫加工车间项目的合作事宜,经过初步协商,达成如下合作意向:through a preliminary discussion on the cooperation of knittedsweater workshop,both parties have reached the intents as following:一、同意就羊毛衫加工车间项目开展合作开发。

1. agreement on the cooperative development on 该项目的基本情况是:额的51%,乙方以生产加工设备为出资形式,占出资总额的49%。

both parties willinvest_***$ on the project. partya will provide fund and workshop facilities asinvestment, accounting for 51% share. partyb will provide the processing equipment,accounting for 49% share.二、甲乙双方各自负责2.甲方应做好以下工作resonsibilities for partya:1、以租赁形式提供生产、办公场地201X平米(包括仓储),租金低于市场价,租金列入合作成本;1) rent out the production and official field 201Xm2 (including warehouse) tothe cooperative workshop. the rental should be lower than the market price and shouldbe listed as a production cost of workshop.2、负责流动资金的融资,其利息列入合作成本;2) provide cash flow which is listed as the production cost of workshop.3、负责设备进口的相关税费;3) relative importation tax for transportation of the equipment.4、负责中国境内的运输、安装费用,此费用列入合作分厂成本4) transportation and installation fee in chinese mainland, which is listedas the production cost of workshop.. 乙方应做好以下工作responsibilities for partyb:1. 负责产品开发、销售;1) development , marketing and sales of the product2. 负责生产技术指导。



合作意向书英文模板篇一:中英文投资合作意向书Letter of Intent 合作意向书After friendly consultations based on the principles of equality and mutual benefit本着平等互的原则,经过友好的协商,__________________________ Party A/甲方and与___________________________ Party B/乙方have agreed to execute this Letter of Intent LOI to accord the understanding reached duringdiscussions and to indicate the continuing corporation.一致同意以本意向书实前期谈判中达成的解并指导后续的合作。

The purpose of this LOI is to set forth certain non-binding understandings and certain bindingcommitments between both parties with respect to a proposed transaction/investment betweenboth parties.本意向书旨在陈述与双方交/投资有关的干无拘束的认识和具有拘束的约定。

Part I: Proposed Transaction/Investment第一部分: 交/投资LOI No. Description Amount 意向书编号意向内容简述额CCLI______ USD_____________1. The terms of the transaction/investment will be more particularly set forth in a Purchase Order for transaction or a Business Proposal forinvestment to be mutually agreed upon by the parties. This LOI outlines the proposed transaction/investment based on each party’s Page 1 of 2 present understanding of the current condition. 交的条款将在双方共同认可的一份采购订单(用于商品交)或者一份商业计划书(用于投资合作)中进特别限定。



合作建议书英文回答:Hello there! I'm reaching out to you today to propose a collaboration that I believe could be mutually beneficial for both of us. As you know, I'm a freelance writer with a strong track record of success in creating compelling and engaging content for a variety of clients. You, on the other hand, are a leading provider of [product/service]. I believe that our skills and experience could complement each other perfectly to create something truly special.One way we could collaborate is by creating high-quality blog content for your website. I have a knack for writing content that is both informative and persuasive, and I'm confident that I can create blog posts that will help you attract new customers and build your brand. For example, I could write a blog post about the benefits of using your product or service, or I could create a how-to guide that teaches your customers how to get the most outof your product.Another way we could collaborate is by creating social media content for your business. I'm an experienced social media marketer, and I know how to create engaging content that will help you reach your target audience and grow your following. For example, I could create a series of social media posts that promote your latest product or service, or I could create a social media campaign that encourages your followers to share their own experiences with your brand.I'm also open to other suggestions for collaboration.I'm always looking for new ways to use my skills and experience to help businesses grow and succeed. If you're interested in learning more about my proposal, I'd be happy to schedule a time to chat with you further.中文回答:各位,大家好!今天我联系大家是为了就一项合作建议进行提议,我相信这个提议对我们双方都有利。



合作项目建议书英文回答:Dear [Recipient Name],。

I am reaching out to you today to propose a partnership between our two organizations, [Your Organization Name] and [Recipient Organization Name]. I believe that our two organizations have complementary strengths and goals, and that a partnership between us would be mutually beneficial.We have a proven track record of success in [Your Area of Expertise], and we have a deep understanding of the needs of our clients. We are confident that we can bring our expertise and resources to bear on your projects, and help you achieve your goals.I understand that you are also a leader in your field, and I am impressed by your commitment to providing high-quality services to your clients. I believe that our twoorganizations could learn a great deal from each other, and that we could work together to develop new and innovative solutions to the challenges facing our clients.I would like to invite you to meet with me to discuss this partnership further. I am available to meet at your convenience, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this proposal.Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely,。



合作内容建议英文作文1. Let's brainstorm some ideas for our collaboration. What are some areas where our strengths and expertise overlap? How can we combine our resources to create something unique and valuable? Let's think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions that will benefit both of our organizations.2. Communication is key in any collaboration. Let's establish clear lines of communication and set expectations for how often we will check in with each other. We should also designate a point person from each organization to serve as the main contact and ensure that everyone is on the same page.3. It's important to establish a timeline and deadlines for our collaboration. Let's set realistic goals and break them down into smaller tasks that we can accomplish over time. This will help us stay organized and ensure that we are making progress towards our shared objectives.4. As we work together, it's important to be flexible and open to feedback. We should be willing to adjust our approach if something isn't working and be receptive to suggestions from our collaborators. This will help us build a stronger partnership and achieve better results.5. Let's also think about how we can measure thesuccess of our collaboration. What metrics can we use to track progress and evaluate the impact of our joint efforts? By setting clear goals and measuring our results, we can ensure that our collaboration is effective and beneficialfor both parties.。

合作建议 英文作文

合作建议 英文作文

合作建议英文作文Here are some suggestions for collaboration:Let's brainstorm some ideas together and see how we can combine our strengths to create something amazing.How about we divide the tasks based on our individual skills and expertise, so that we can work efficiently and effectively?It would be great if we could schedule regular check-in meetings to keep each other updated on our progress and address any challenges that may arise.I think it's important for us to communicate openly and honestly about our expectations and goals for this collaboration.Let's set clear timelines and milestones to keep us on track and ensure that we meet our deadlines.It might be helpful for us to establish a shared vision and purpose for our collaboration, so that we are all working towards the same goal.How about we create a shared document or folder where we can store all of our work and resources for easy access and collaboration?Let's also be open to giving and receiving feedback, so that we can continue to improve and grow throughout this collaboration.I believe that maintaining a positive and respectful attitude towards each other will be crucial for the success of our collaboration.Finally, let's celebrate our achievements and successes together, and acknowledge the hard work and dedication that we have put into this collaboration.。



ConfidentialMemorandum to:<insert name><insert title><insert department/division><insert company name>Proposal for International CooperationDear <insert name>:This memorandum represents an inquiry of Jiangsu Electric Power Company(“Jiangsu Power”) for establi shing an international cooperation with <insert company name> with the over-arching objective of developing a sustainable, trust-based, and mutually beneficial, long-term relationship.INTRODUCTION TO JIANGSU POWERJiangsu Power is the monopoly transmission & distribution electricity company of China’s Jiangsu province, an administrative region with 74 million people, and an GDP of EUR123bn in 2002. Jiangsu Power today is a leading transmission &distribution company with 2002 revenues of EUR4.9bn, total assets of EUR10.6bn, and an installed base of 24 million customers.Over the past three years, Jiangsu Power has enjoyed rapid development, with revenue growing at a compounded annual rate of 18% and fixed capital investment in grid construction totaling EUR1.4bn in 2002. In 2002, Jiangsuprovince’s power consumption was 124.5 TWh, growing over 15% from the previous year. Currently, Jiangsu Power has 3,933 kilometers of 500 KV lines, 9,078kilometers of 220 KV lines and 11,909 kilometers of 110 KV lines. The Company is ranked China’s third largest provincial electricity company in terms ofcapacity (20.7 GW) and China’s second largest provincial electricity company in terms of power consumption (124.5 TWh).As in many developing countries, China’s electric ity industry is undergoing broad and fundamental reform. By the early 1990s, foreign investors were allowed to invest in independent power producers. In year-end 2002, the State Power Corporation, the government operator of China’s electricity industry,was separated into five gencos and two gridcos, each with individual P&L responsibilities. This separation of the transmission & distribution business from generation business and the associated corporatization of transmission & distribution companies bring a new set ofchallenges to Jiangsu Power. In recognition of the increasingly competitive nature of its business environment, Jiangsu Power is undertaking systematic measures to comprehensively enhance its commercial capabilities.THE OBJECTIVEJiangsu Power has a grand and ambitious vision: to be one of the world’s leading transmission and distribution companies by 2010. Mr. Kou Shi Qing, the company’s top leader is committed to realizing that vision through the cultivation and development of world-class leadership and managerial processes, technology, and human talent. Despite challenges such as regulatory uncertainty in tariff pricing and social responsibilities in employment and network build-out, Mr. Kou believes Jiangsu Power has the intrinsics to achieve its goal.Furthermore, Jiangsu Power believes partnering with <insert company name> will accelerate the realization of its company vision because it can learn and benefit from <insert company name>’s first-rate managerial processes, technology, and operational best practices to continuously elevate the quality of Jiangsu Power’s people and processes. The company also believes that <insert company name> could benefit from cooperation with Jiangsu Power by gaining the following:¶Opportunity to pa rticipate in China electricity industry’s rapid development –China is already the world’s second largest consumer ofelectricity at 1,326bn KWh, and its power consumption is growing at10+percent every year, far ahead of the pace of other nations. On the supplyside, China experienced a dramatic build-out of its generation capabilitiesover the past decade; by 2002, installed capacity stood at 350 GW, havinggrown at a compounded annual growth rate of 8.1% since 1989. The speedand scale of the expansion in China’s electricity industry is unprecedented.Foreign enterprises can already invest in generation projects today. In thefuture, it is anticipated that there is potential for the transmission &distribution businesses to also be opened to foreign investment. For aninternational transmission and distribution company like <insert companyname>, this creates numerous investment and cooperation opportunities. Inorder to prepare and position for this impending opportunity, internationalcompanies nee d to start now to develop a deep understanding of China’smarket conditions. Establishing relationships with a leading Chinesepartner such as Jiangsu Power will help <insert company name> create animportant foothold in China, heightening its profile to regulators,government officials, and other key stakeholders.¶Potential savings in joint sourcing/purchasing–Jiangsu Power is one of China’s best transmission and distribution companies. Its rapid growth(power consumption in Jiangsu Province increased by 15% in 2002 vs. 2001)has compelled the company to spend a total of EUR1.4bn in gridinfrastructure. From now to 2005, Jiangsu Power expects to investEUR4.0bn in network infrastructure. <Insert company name> can cooperatewith Jiangsu Power to jointly source/purchase equipment and achieve costsavings through economies of scale. In addition, Jiangsu Power can also2help <insert company name> gain access to low-cost, high-quality Chinesesuppliers.¶Opportunities to provide services – Jiangsu Power’s business is undergoing fast growth, providing many opportunities for project basedcooperation between the company and <insert company name>. Forexample, Jiangsu Power has a growing demand for quality professionalservices such as consulting and training.PROPOSED PROGRAM OF WORKSpecifically, Jiangsu Power proposes the following elements of cooperation to be refined over the course of discussion:¶Holding of high-level CEO meetings and the creation of management seminars and workshops for purposes of enhancing mutual understanding.The meetings and seminars would provide both insight and information onChina and <insert company country>’s market and help both companiesbuild a basis of mutual understanding. We envision holding one CEOmeeting and two management seminars annually.¶Conducting benchmarking along multiple dimensions. Jiangsu Power would like to engage in a one-on-one benchmarking exercise with <insertcompany name> whose scope should include, dispatch, grid planning,production (e.g. safety, efficacy, and reliability), managerial processes (e.g.human resources, strategic planning, budgeting and financial control, capitalallocation, project management), and customer service. Jiangsu Powerbelieves that both itself and <insert company name> will benefit greatlyfrom this undertaking as it concretely illuminates areas for improvement forboth companies and further deepens mutual trust and understanding.Jiangsu Power would like to kick off this benchmarking exercise in July ofthis year.¶The establishment of an employee exchange program. Jiangsu Power would like to send ten to twenty senior managers and technical experts to<insert company name> for on-the-job training and exercise for betweenthree to six months. This employee exchange program can be targeted toaddress areas for improvement identified from the benchmarking exercisementioned above; in addition, Jiangsu Power is also interested in otherfunctional areas such as regulatory management and risk management. Allrelated expenses will be funded by the company. For its part, Jiangsu Powerwould be happy to host the same number of managers and technical expertsfrom <insert company name>.¶Joint sourcing of software and hardware equipment. Given Jiangsu Power’s purcha sing scale and its unique access to high-quality, low-cost34 Chinese suppliers, there should be ample opportunities to realize jointsavings in sourcing costs.¶ Payment for professional services. Professional services provided by<insert company name> to Jiangsu Power, such as consulting and trainingwith a payment arrangement, is also feasible since Jiangsu Power hasopenly engaged external professionals to conduct internal consulting andtraining projects in the past.NEXT STEPSJiangsu Power is open and flexible on the scope and conditions of the partnership. Senior executives from Jiangsu Power would like to set up a meeting at your earliest convenience to discuss the opportunity for friendship and cooperation. Ideally, this meeting would be with top <insert company name> management to make initial introductions and discuss the partnership’s basic framework and key principles. We are open to having the meeting in China or visiting your offices, depending on your preference and convenience.We request that you respond with feedback to McKinsey & Company, who is aiding Jiangsu Power in our partnership process. Responses should be directed to: <Bob Edwards or Leonardo Senni>McKinsey & Company <Singapore or Milan, Italy>Phone: xxxxMobile: xxxxFax: xxxxEmail: xxxxThank you for your time and consideration.Kou Shi QingGeneral ManagerJiangsu Power Electric Power CompanyMarch 28, 2003 情感语录1.爱情合适就好,不要委屈将就,只要随意,彼此之间不要太大压力2.时间会把最正确的人带到你身边,在此之前,你要做的,是好好的照顾自己3.女人的眼泪是最无用的液体,但你让女人流泪说明你很无用4.总有一天,你会遇上那个人,陪你看日出,直到你的人生落幕5.最美的感动是我以为人去楼空的时候你依然在6.我莫名其妙的地笑了,原来只因为想到了你7.会离开的都是废品,能抢走的都是垃圾8.其实你不知道,如果可以,我愿意把整颗心都刻满你的名字9.女人谁不愿意青春永驻,但我愿意用来换一个疼我的你10.我们和好吧,我想和你拌嘴吵架,想闹小脾气,想为了你哭鼻子,我想你了11.如此情深,却难以启齿。



合作建议英语作文模板英文回答:Dear [Name],。

I am writing to propose a collaboration between our two companies, [Your Company] and [Their Company]. I believe that our combined strengths would allow us to achieve great things together.[Your Company] is a leading provider of [Your Company's Services]. We have a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality service. [Their Company] is a leading provider of [Their Company's Services]. You have a strong reputationfor innovation and customer satisfaction.I believe that our two companies could complement each other perfectly. We could offer your clients our [Your Company's Services], and you could offer our clients your[Their Company's Services]. This would allow us to provide our clients with a comprehensive range of services that would meet all of their needs.In addition, I believe that we could work together to develop new products and services that would be of great value to our clients. We have a team of experienced engineers and product developers who are always looking for new ways to improve our offerings. I am confident that we could work together to create something truly special.I am excited about the potential of a collaboration between our two companies. I believe that we could achieve great things together. I would be happy to meet with you to discuss this further at your convenience.Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely,。

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篇三:中美国际高中班(高中ap国际班)项目建议书中美国际高中班(高中ap国际班)项目建议书一、项目背景1. 背景资料高中ap国际班项目是指在top global国际教育机构及其战略伙伴美国大学理事会的支持下,国内重点中学开办在三年全日制高中教育中嵌入ap课程及考试的国际教育特色试验班。

ap 国际班项目属于国内高中在教改的框架下自主创办的国际化教育特色实验,它并不局限于同某一所国外中学的合作、或某一所国外大学的预科教育,而是在国内高中教育的基础上引进先进的教学内容和测评体系,实施有特色的升学辅导,帮助学生以美国一流大学录取的考量标准作为提升学习能力和全面素质的尺度,为进入以世界前一百所大学为代表的优秀国际高等教育机构准备条件。


ap 课程是很多美国高中里所设置的大学一年级课程。

美国一流大学已经把高中学生的sat和ap 课程及考试成绩作为重要的参考标准,用以在招生和奖学金决策过程中衡量学生的学业及能力。

ap考试及sat考试均由美国大学理事会(college board)主办。

top global 国际教育机构将协助中国合作中学注册成为美国大学理事会的成员,美国大学理事会将在招收ap国际班的合作中学开设ap教学中心。


对于六门 ap 考试成绩达到 3 分以上成绩的学生,美国大学理事会还将颁发ap国际文凭。


2. 机构及ap课程简介美国大学理事会(college board)是举办sat i、sat ii、ap等考试的非政府组织,现在它已经发展成为全球最大的考试机构。

除了大学入学考试sat、sat ii以外,大学理事会还开发、举办面向高中学生的大学先修课程即ap课程及其考试项目。



sat考试是由美国大学理事会主办的“学术水平测验考试”(scholastic assessment test)。

sat考试是美国高中生进入美国大学的标准入学考试,sat考试成绩被美国 3000 余所大学接受认可,并据以比较来自不同地区和学校的学生的成绩。


ap课程及考试ap课程(advanced placement)是大学先修课,即在高中修读大学一年级课程。






ap采取的是5分制,从1分到5分,3 分以上的成绩为大多数的大学所接受,可以在以后上大学折抵学分。


美国大学理事会将对中国的 ap 国际班中六门 ap 课程(数学、物理、英语、中文、经济、世界历史)的考试成绩达到 3 分以上的学生颁发 ap 国际文凭。

3. 美国大学录取新生的主要考量标准不同于中国大学的高考分数决定一切,美国大学特别是名牌大学则看重发展潜力和综合素质。

标准考试如sat 成绩只是整体考虑中的一个基本因素。

美国各大学的录取标准各有差异,但一般来说包括以下考虑因素:- 学术能力和潜力学术优秀是美国大学招生的一个必要条件。





- 人品,综合能力和课外活动申请人的人格魅力,性格特征,动力、创造力,人际交流,社区服务积极性,领导才能等个人特质是大学录取的另一项重要考虑因素。


- 艺术特长和体育竞技美国大学普遍重视申请人对文艺活动和体育竞技的参与度,并视其为验证申请人综合素质的重要指标之一。


4. 美国高等教育及留学签证概况目前美国成为最吸引中国留学生的国家,在2012年有超过20万中国学生赴美求学,其中一多半为高中毕业生,近些年美国留学签证政策也已经大幅简化,为更多学生就读美国高校创造了便利的条件。

5. 国际课程特色班项目的政策分析在本国际班项目中,国内优秀高中的传统以及体现中国基础教育的基本要求、符合中国学生特点的教学内容将得到保留,同时又引进国际最先进的教育理念和内容,特别是采用侧重于学生的能力、素质和社会责任感的培养的新的升学录取标准来取代分数高于一切的老尺度,对于为我国长期可持续发展而源源不断地培养一流的国际化人才将产生深远的影响。




二、项目相关程序设置:(讨论稿)1. 办学目标:招生对象:应届初中毕业生。


国际课程班的办学宗旨和目标:学生通过三年的学习,获得中国的高中毕业证书以及美国大学理事会颁发的ap国际文凭;学生将接受top global国际教育机构内的一流教师及专家的授课及升学辅导,与美国一流大学接轨、培养高素质的国际化人才;办学目标是全部国际班毕业生得到美国一流大学的录取。

学制: 三年课程安排: 分国内课程与国际课程,国内课程是国家设置的高中必修课,学生通过考试可获得高中毕业证书;国际课程主要包括美国一流高中内普遍开设的大学预科课程(advanced placement,简称ap),以及准备toefl、sat考试的培训课程。

2. 课程具体安排:高一: 1)主要安排国内高中课程(语文、数学、物理、化学、生物等)2)英语强化课( toefl、sat 考试培训)和ap课程预备课高二:1)主要安排ap课程(英语、统计、物理、中文等)2)英语强化课程并通过 toefl 考试3)参加美国大学理事会组织的 sat 、 sat2 (数学、物理)考试4)高二结束时在升学辅导专家的帮助下开始准备升学申请,包括个人陈述、成绩单、推荐函等。

高三:1)主要安排美国ap课程(英语、微观经济学、世界历史等),五月参加部分 ap 考试2)完成中国高中其他课程(政治、历史、地理)3)上学期:申请美国大学的辅导课程。

3. 个性化辅导:此外,在top global升学辅导专家的指导和外教的参与下,国际班的课程和课外活动将积极鼓励学生从事涉及体育、艺术及社区服务的工作,目的是让学生学会探究、学会关爱、学会合作,培养学生的探索、创新能力,组织、策划能力和沟通、领导能力,并在申请升学时体现学生在素质、能力方面的特色。

4. 师资配置:top global负责安排所有toefl, sat及ap课程的教学;同时外教还将帮助学生准备各项国际考试。
