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本系统是一个基于单片机AT89C51的语音温度计的设计,用来测量环境温度,整个设计系统分为5部分:单片机控制、温度传感器、液晶显示、语音报温以及键盘控制电路,整个设计是以AT89C51为核心,选用DS18B20单总线数字温度传感器,RT1602液晶显示器实现,液晶显示当前日期、时间和温度。当测量温度超过设定的温度上下限时,启动蜂鸣器和指示灯报警。温度显示稳定,且温度测量误差≤±1℃,温度值小数部分保留两位有效数字。增加了摄氏温度与华氏温度转换对比显示功能,设定了整点语音自动播报时间温度,手动实时播报时间温度功能。语音录放选用的集成块是ISD1420 芯片,其保真度高,录音效果好,而且经济实惠。LCD采用的是RT1602A,它具有功耗低、体积小、显示内容丰富、超薄轻巧等优点,应用越来越广泛。整个设计的重点在于编程,因为其外围电路相对比较简单,实现容易。在本论文中附带了软件实现的流程图以及部分子程序以及各种硬件电路图。

关键词: DS18B20;液晶显示;语音播报;声光报警

Design of intelligent sound thermometer based on SCM


This system is a design of the speech thermometer according to the microprocessor AT89C51,which is used to measure the environment temperature, The whole design system is divided into 5 parts: A microprocessor control, temperature sensor,the LCD display, the speech report and the keyboard control circuit, at the same time ,The whole design take AT89C51 as the core, choose to single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20, DS1302 serial clock chip, RT1602 LCD monitor realization, LCD display the current date, time, weeks and temperature. When measuring temperature over set temperature fluctuation limit, start with light alarm buzzer. Temperature display stability, and temperature measurement error acuities 1℃, plus or minus temperature the decimal part retained two significant digits. Increased Celsius temperature conversion contrast with Fahrenheit and sets up a display function beep voice automatically broadcast time temperature, manual real-time broadcast time temperature function.The speech recoding &;p layback I choose to use is the IC of ISD1420, it has high fidelity, good record effective, and economic. The LCD I choose is TC1602A, its power consume is low, it has many advantages , for example, the volume is small, the contents is abundant, super thin and agile etc, and its application is becoming more and more extensive. The whole design lies in the program, because its outer circuit is much more simple, and it can carry out more easily. In my thesis, there are flow chart and parts of subprogram and various hardware circuit diagrams.

KEY WORDS:DS18B20;LCD;speech function;sounding and light alarm.


前言 (3)

第1章设计要求与原理框图 (4)

1.1 设计要求 (4)

1.2 原理框图 (4)

第2章设计方案 (5)

2.1电源模块 (5)

2.2温度传感器模块 (5)

2.3显示模块 (6)

2.4键盘控制模块 (6)

2.5语音播报模块 (6)

第3章设计原理 (8)

3.1单片机模块 (8)

3.1.1单片机介绍 (8)

3.1.2 单片机外围电路设计 (10)

3.1.3AT89C51复位电路 (12)

3.1.4 AT89C51时钟电路 (13)

3.2电源模块 (13)

3.3温度传感器模块 (14)

3.3.1 DS18B20的测温原理 (14)

3.3.2 DS18B20测温原理图: (16)

3.3.3 DS18B20与AT89C51的接口电路设计 (16)

3.4键盘控制模块 (17)

3.5 报警模块 (18)

3.6 液晶显示模块 (19)

3.7 语音播报模块 (20)

3.7.1 ISD1420语音芯片录放音电路设计 (20)

3.7.2 ISD1420与AT89C51接口电路设计 (23)

第4章软件部分 (24)
