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What Are You Going to Do




1、能够听、说、认读句型:“What are you going to do this evening ' going to the cin ema.”并能对其中的动词和时间短语进行替换操练。

2、能够听说认读动词短语:take a trip, go to the cin ema, read a magaz ine

3、能够听、说、读、写时间短语:next week,

this morning/afternoon/evening ;并能够听说认读时间短语:tomorrow, tonight。

4、能够在Pair work中合理安排自己的活动时间并与他人交流;会唱本单元的歌曲。


本课时的教学重点是熟练运用句型:What are you going to do this evening 'Im goi ng to the cin ema进行问答和替换练习。



1. 教师和学生互相介绍

T:Good morning. My name'sJack. Wha'tyour name

S: My name s …

T: What'shis name

Ss His name s…

T:Now the bell is ringing, we're going to have English class.

2. 教师呈现Have English class, We are going to have English Class.





1. 教师画一个火车(并简笔画出车站)引出新课

We can see a train. And the train is in the station. 再将车站擦去,简笔画出路上的风景

Now the train is not in the station, it is going to take a trip.

T:If I am in the train, I am going to visit Suzhou.

I am going to take a lot of pictures.

What are you going to do if you are in that train Think about it.

Are you going to …


Ss: I am going to …


2. 给学生每人一张单词卡片,学生自读30 秒,并说一个句子。

Ss Take a trip. I am going to take a trip…

3. 把学生分成两组,每一组学生在30 秒之内以最快的速度说句子。说的多的获胜。

Ss: I am going to …

4. 呈现I m going to …

T: You want to go to many places. And it must be a good trip.

If I am in that trip, I also want to read some books.

I am going to read a magazine. 教师领读: Read a magazine.

I ‘m going to Suzhou . I am going to read a magazin. 接着呈现本课的第三个短语

Go to the cinema。

5. 呈现时间短语

教师继续提问学生,女口:What are you going to do this evening以便引出一天

中的三个时间段和另两个时间短语:this morning/ afternoon/ evening/

tonight/ tomorrow/ next week, 师生拼读其中的四会短语。




T:Today Chen Jie wake up early. She is going to do many things. Now listen carefully, What is she going to do today Is she going to take a trip Is she going to read a magazine Is she going to the cinema 教师放录音,录音内容为:


教师放录音的同时引导学生选择黑板上的短语,并用:She is going to•句型




待学生说出短语后,在播放课文录音,学生继续听录音并回答问题:What is Chen Jie going to do

She is going to the cinema.

Yes. She is going to the cinema.

When is Chen Jie going to the cinema


T: Is Chen Jie going to the cinema tomorrow

No. Let'slisten to the tape again.

T: Chen Jie is going to.

Tomorrow Yesterday next week This evening

S: This evening.
