
(1)雪中送炭help a lame dog over a stile(2)好好先生yes-man(3)一寸光阴一寸金an inch of time is an inch of gold(4)西部大开发western development(5)破产have/wear a green bonnet二..翻译下列句子。
Humor is the crystallization of wit, knowledge, and resourcefulness. It is also indispensable to our work, study ,family ,society ,and life in general.(2) 她使我知道人间的温暖;她使我知道爱与被爱的幸福。
It was to her that I owed my awareness of the fact that there is warmth in the world—that to show love is no less happiness than to be loved.(3)中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数。
(邓小平)China can be counted on. Among other things, first, it upholds principles and second, it honors its words.(4) 月光如水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。
Moonlight cascaded like water over the locus leaves and flowers, and a light blue mist floating up from the pool made them seem washed in milk or caught in a gauzy dream.(5)专家们认为,这种流行病不是由空气污染,就是由食物污染所引起。

英语专业期末考试翻译试题(4),汉译英2011--2012学年翻译理论与实践期末考试题班级___姓名___学号___Ⅰ、Translate the following phases into English(2point*5=10point) 1.一寸光阴一寸金__________________________________________________________ 2.归心似箭__________________________________________________________ 3.熟能生巧__________________________________________________________ 4.如鱼得水__________________________________________________________ 5.涸泽而渔__________________________________________________________ⅡTranslate the following sentences into English(5point*6=30point) 1. 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 正月十五元宵夜,街上挂着各式各样精巧的灯笼。
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 这家飞机该有多大的重量啊!它载着解放解放区人民的心。

大学英语专业翻译练习题汉译英翻译训练1. 翻译的定义翻译是指把一种语言文字的意义转换成另一种语言文字。
焦点问题:词语的选择参考译文:Definition of TranslationTranslation means the conversion of an expression from one language into another. To say it plainly, translation is an art to reproduce the exact idea of the author by means of a language different from the original. From the above definition of translation we know that the original thought of the expression must be kept as far as possible. Nothing should be added to or taken away from the original work. The duty of the translator is simply to change the vocabulary, not the thought. In translation therefore, there are two essential elements: accuracy and expressiveness. Accuracy is the first indispensable quality of translation. The translator must cautiously stick to the author’s idea. Words selected and sentences constructed must be such as to convey the exact original thought. Expressiveness is to make the translationreadily understood. In other words, the translator must express the author’s idea as clearly and as forcibly as he can by the medium he employs. Accuracy is to make the thought definite and exact; while expressiveness is to make the translation vivid and attractive.2.文化的交流当今的世界,既非丝绸之路时代,亦非马可.波罗时代。

专业英语八级翻译-英译汉(五)(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}TRANSLATION{{/B}}(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、{{B}}ENGLISH TO CHINESE{{/B}}(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.Michel-Guillaume de Crevecoeur (1735-1813) was born in France and came to the American colonies as a military in the French army. He became a naturalized American and settled down to farming. Between 1765 and 1780 he wrote on American life. He returned to France in 1780, came back to America in 1783, and became French consul in New York. In 1790 he went back to France where he lived the rest of his life.{{U}}I wish I could be acquainted with the feelings and thought which must agitate the heart and present themselves to the mind of an enlightened Englishman, when he first lands on this continent. He must greatly rejoice, that he lived at a time to see this fair country discovered and settled; he must necessarily feel a share of national pride, when he views the chain of settlements which embellishes these extended shore. When he says to himself, this is the work of my countrymen who when convulsed by factions, afflicted by a variety of miseries and wants, restless and impatient, took refuge here. They brought along with them their national genius, to which they principally owe what liberty they enjoy, and what substance they possess. Here he sees the industry of his native country, displayed in a new manner, and traces in their works the embryos of all the arts, sciences, and ingenuity which flourish in Europe{{/U}}. Here he beholds fair cities, substantial villages, extensive fields, an immense country filled with decent houses, good roads, orchards, meadows, and bridges, where a hundred years ago all was wild, woody, and uncultivated!(分数:20.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(米·居·奎维古尔(1734~1831)生于法国,随法军进入北美殖民地,取得美国国籍后定居务农,1765~1780年间执笔评论美国人的生活。

(10分)(1) frictionA. an accepted opinionB. disagreement or unfriendlinessC. a part of somethingD. a tale or a story(2) to assessA. to judge or decide the amount, value of somethingB. to assign a taskC. to possess somethingD. to support by giving money(3) validA. based on truth, able to be acceptedB. not to be acceptedC. to be discussedD. to be useless(4) extendA. to become largerB. to offer or giveC. to get out ofD. to be satisfied with(5) resort toA. to use something for helpB. to refuse someoneC. to claim for somethingD. to prevent something from happening(6) decision-making bodyA. an institution to make up a decisionB. a person who makes up a decisionC. the core of a decisionD. a plan(7) to allocateA. to give one’s place to eachB. to contribute a fundC. to project a programD. to come up with ideas(8) succumbA. to lose the determination to oppose sth.B. to succeedC. to take back propertyD. to take place(9) intangibleA. much greater than usualB. necessary and important as a part of a wholeC. slightly earlier than or before sth. ElseD. not solid or able to be seen or felt(10) entitleA. to pay for the damageB. to refuse to giveC. to have a particular right to doD. to compare with2. 该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有汉语词或词组来进行解释,请将正确项选出,要求英汉转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。
期末翻译试题答案 适合大学英语专业的翻译考试,作业

期末翻译试题题型及各部分分值1-2 长句部分上课列举的例子1. 他的观点被驳地体无完肤2. 但是一百年后,黑人依旧没有获得自由,一百年后,黑人的生活仍然不幸地被种族隔离的镣铐和歧视的枷锁桎梏着。
3. 将这一事实一带而过是无济于事的,需要强调和重复,充分地加以说明。
4. 所有的商品都免费送货,这个新计划在1998年亚洲经济危机最糟糕的时候启动实施。
5. 大规模杀伤性武器没有消失,由于在印度和巴基斯坦进行的核试验,核不扩散条约现在正遭到严重的破坏。
6. 对自己所做的事感到震惊,杰克冲向护栏,纵身跳向下面的岩石,在那里,大海迅速的淹没了他。
7. 将为中国提供多边论坛,用于商讨贸易问题年8. 决不能把个人利益凌驾于国家利益之上个9. 因此需要建立一种机制,让人们即能买得到,又能买得起.10. 他的谎言被当场曝光了重复1.发言人称国务院将修改安全规范和卫生规范2.电流的主要影响是磁效应,电效应,化学效应3.这是我们的立场,不是他们的立场4.他是个石油大亨,一个白手起家的石油大亨5.轰炸外国大使馆很明显的违背了国际法,尤其是违背了日内瓦公约。
10.这些请愿书一定会送到驻莫斯科的外国记者手里11.字母I代表我,O代表owe12.普通加速度是自由落体的加速度13.太空探测器在不到600英尺的地方穿过了火星,向地面传回许多火星表面的图片14.Out of sight, out of mind眼不见心不烦15.季节的每一次更迭,气候的每一次变换,以及一天中的每一个小时,使山峦的奇幻色彩和形状发生了变化,那些远近的家庭好主妇都把这看做准确的晴雨表正说反译1,第一次轰炸未击中目标2,Hasty makes waste勿用力过猛3,欲速则不达4,We may safely say so我们这样说万无一失5,The explanation is pretty thin这个解释是十分不充分的6,The doubt was still unsolved---他一再解释,一团仍然存在7,He was an indecisive sort of person and always capricious.他这人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常8,Don’t lose time in doing—赶紧把信寄出去9,With no exception无一例外10,The significance of these incidents wasn’t lost on us.这些事件引起了我们的重视合译1. 安然起初一家公司的名字,然后变成了一桩丑闻的代名词,现在又用做一个及物动词2. 那声音来自远处,但他知道这是一群猎狗在狂吠3. 1953年,我刚从爱尔兰的科尔克勒来此寻找出路被动语态1. 这种不分党派的态度,最常见于秘密会议中2. 许多盆地是由于地壳下沉而形成的3. 他昨晚在一家剧院遇刺了定语从句1. 月球是一个声断音绝的地方,一个万籁俱寂的世界2. There are many people很多人想看这部电影3. 这些会议促使他辞职,理由就是他的年纪越来越大,身体越来越差4. 我们驾驶的飞机几乎每一个部件都有国籍的某种标志5. 只有你能做到这件事6. 这是第一次我和老板发生严重的纠纷,7. 大使只宴请了几个人,因为他特别想她眼里是不错的丈夫人选和这几个人谈谈,听听他们的看法8. 他吃了一只蘑菇,结果就病倒了9. 钢零件上通常涂有油脂,免得生锈10. 水如果不清洁就会引起重病11. 趁你年富力强的时候,为人民做出更多的贡献吧12. 科学家皆勤奋分译1. 离公园几个街区便是与公园平行的克莱门特大街,哪有几十家民族餐馆,热闹得像第二个唐人街2. 他在公司的地位无可争议,又有相当可观的收入,这使得他在他眼里是不错的丈夫人选3. 他没料到他的知识如此渊博,但是觉得有些不好意思,没有说出口4. On December 31,2001,a dozen of members of the European Union 2001年12月31日,十二个欧盟成员国决定启用欧元5. 无论是在事实上,还是在感情上,我都不是他们的敌人,而是他们的朋友6. The shining flowerpot holder stood importantly in the west window--课外Neither should seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region and each is opposed to efforts (by any other country or group of countries) (to establish such hegemony), and neither is prepared to negotiate [on behalf of any third party] or to enter into agreements or understandings [with the other] (directed at other states).任何一方都不应该在“亚洲-太平洋”地区谋求霸权,每一方都反对任何国家或国家集团建立这种霸权的努力;任何一方都不准备代表任何第三方进行谈判,也不准备同对方达成针对其他国家的协议或谅解。

大学英语三级B级(翻译)练习试卷5(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 4. Translation from English to ChinesePart IV Translation from English to Chinese (25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (No. 61 to No. 64) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Make the best choice and mark the corresponding letter in the blanks. For question No. 65, write your translation of the paragraph in the corresponding space.1.An earthquake, which could suddenly happen in places where there are many people, is very harmful.A.地震因为可能会突然发生在人口稠密的地方,所以是十分有害的。
本句真正的主干应该是“An earthquake is very harmful”,即“地震是十分有害的”。

英语翻译基础(英汉互译)-试卷19(总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.汉译英(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:2.当我们从全球的角度来看环境问题时,首先注意的是环境问题所引起的人们的各种担心。
(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:When we examine environmental problems in a global context, the first thing that impresses us is the variety of concerns they evoke. Whereas in the developed world the focus is on air and water pollution, the energy shortage and chewing up of the rural areas by urban sprawl. The concern of the developing countries will most likely center on malnutrition, population growth, short of water, the lack of education and jobs.)解析:3.尽管一对夫妻一个孩子的政策还是强制性的,而且怀胎指标分配的做法在许多地方导致关系紧张。

2012翻译期末考试试题一.词语(10分)眼不见心不烦Out of sight, out of mind三思而后行Look before you leap物以类聚人以群分Birds of a feather flock together天下无不散之筵席All good things must come to an end欲速则不达Haste makes waste二.句子(20分)1 只有冷静,才能成功。
Success depends on calm minds.2 第一次见面,司徒乔给我的印象就极好。
The first meeting with Situ Qiao made a wonderful impression on me.3 动物没有水不能生存,职务没有水也不能生长。
Animals can't live without water,neither can plants ground.4 英雄造事实,时势造英雄。
Hero creates the times, the times produce their heroes.5 敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁。
The enemy troops threw the whole village into great disorder.6 专家们认为这种流行病不是由空气污染,就是由食物污染所引起的。
The experts believed that the epidemic disease was caused by either air pollution or food contamination.7 我们不得不零零星星的偿讨。
We have to pay in dribs and drabs.8 三十几个人,三三五五,各自在爱去的地方溜达。
Thirty-odd of us, in group of threes and fives, strolled wherever we liked.9 这对年轻夫妇并不相配,一个是西施,一个是张飞。

(Unit5)E TO C In this age of instantaneous communications,it has become harder to hide wrongdoings:corrupt officials and business-people are now exposed by private whistle-blowers,government leaks,aggrieved competitors,and investigative reporters.publicity is an important deterrent because corruption can terminate careers.during the past year alone,scandals have brought down the prime minister of the Ukraine,the deputy president of south Africa,the leader of Brazil’s ruling party,key Kenyan government ministers,and the majority leader of the U.S. House of representatives.but systematic changes are necessary to ensure that corruption scandals stop repeating themselves like prurient TV show reruns.Leadership changes have occurred or are about to occur in key entities:the world bank,the OECD,the UN,transparency international,and the international chamber of commerce.The resulting set of new leaders should get together with NGOs and leaders from other key organizations,such as export-credit entities and international law enforcement agencies,to map out a broad anticorruption strategy and develop a consensus for near-term and middle-term action.当前是一个信息即时交流的时代,要想掩盖恶行越来越难,因为眼下私人侦探、走漏政府内部信息的人、愤愤不平的竞争对手以及那些刨根问底的记者们都会把那些贪污腐败的官员和奸商暴露出来。

英语翻译基础(英汉互译)-试卷1(总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.汉译英(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:2.哲学家只是一味地同古往今来的灵魂交谈——他读书,是同古昔人物交谈;他写作,是同子孙后代交谈;他讲演,是同莘莘学子交谈;他沉思是同自己交谈。
(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:A philosopher is solely concerned with conducting dialogues with the great souls from ancient antiquity to the contemporary era. In reading books, he converses with the ancients. In writing his own books, he converses with the progeny. In delivering lectures, he converses with a multitude of young students. In contemplating, he converses with himself. He is adept at insights, penetrating into the future. He excels in speculations, speculating on the infinite. He indulges in reveries, traveling in the other world in unbounded fantasy. He abounds in sympathies, concerned about the eternal. He converses with the philosophers and the great minds in the remotest corners of the earth. In this sense, his vision extends into the infinite distance and his thoughts are connected with the past and the future. His vision and thoughts transcend all spatiotemporal boundaries whatsoever. He is great; he is immortal; because he is in permanent dialogue with the great souls of the past, the present and the future.)解析:3.有时候,在工作中重要的倒是能否处理好人际关系而不是有很多的才能。
【精品】五年级上册英语期末专题复习:翻译 牛津上海版(三起)(含答案)

牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级上册期末专题复习:翻译一、英汉互译(共9题;共159分)1. 英译汉(1)in Beijing________(2)go to the beach________(3)the Tian'anmen Square________(4)the Great Wall________(5)wonderful summer holiday________2. 汉译英(1)暑假________(2)探望我的祖父母________(3)去游泳________(4)在大海里________(5)去北京________3. 翻译下列短语(1)一条长尾巴________(2)一张大嘴巴________(3)抓苍蝇________(4)一只乌龟________(5)四条腿________(6)在河里________(7)又小又黑________(8)一个圆圆的脑袋________(9)没有腿________(10)没有尾巴________4.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)once upon a time(2)one day(3)stay with(4)again(5)in the forest(6)give Snow White an apple5.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)this is(2)a great city(3)the capital of.....(4)five hours(5)very fast6.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)at an insect museum (2)last Sunday(3)a toy bee(4)learn a lot(5)at the museum7.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)love films(2)would like(3)seven little friends(4)in the forest(5)bad people(6)next Sunday8.将下列词汇翻译成汉语(1)black smoke(2)so fresh(3)a lot of trees(4)keep the air clean(5)plant more trees9. 写出下列单词(1)汽车博物馆________(2)汽车模型________(3)科学博物馆________(4)各种各样的________二、翻译(共21题;共105分)10.王后很生气。

第五部分英译汉(2016年4月统考)全真翻译版1. 160个,重点复习。
----------------以下160必须掌握,可得分值20分------------------重点必须掌握以下160个,分值20分:1.A friend of mine from high school is working in England now.我高中的一个朋友目前在英格兰工作。
2.A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used.那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。
3. As is known to all, China is a developing country. 众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。
4. Are you fond of music?你喜欢音乐吗?5. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西,未必都是金子。
6. Apples here like water and sunshine. 这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。
7. Both Ann and Mary are suitable for the job. 安妮和玛丽都适合干这项工作。
8. Bill hit his car into a wall last night. 昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。
9. Could you tell me where the post office is?请问邮局在哪里?10. Do you have access to the Internet?你能上网吗?11. Do you think you can do it by yourself?你认为你自己可以单独干完这件事吗?12. Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up. 历史每重演一次,代价就增加一分。

学位英语翻译试题及答案一、英译汉(每题2分,共10分)1. The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives.2. The government has implemented a series of measures to tackle the issue of environmental pollution.3. It is universally acknowledged that education plays a crucial role in personal development.4. The company has invested heavily in research and development to maintain its competitive edge.5. The novel was written by an acclaimed author and has been translated into several languages.二、汉译英(每题2分,共10分)1. 随着互联网的普及,在线教育变得越来越受欢迎。
2. 保护环境是我们每个人的责任,我们应该采取行动减少污染。
3. 他是一位杰出的科学家,对医学领域做出了重大贡献。
4. 这个项目的成功需要团队成员之间的密切合作。
5. 随着经济的发展,越来越多的人选择出国旅游。
三、短文翻译(每题10分,共20分)1. 请将以下英文短文翻译成中文:"In recent years, the concept of sustainable development has gained widespread attention. It emphasizes the importance of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."2. 请将以下中文短文翻译成英文:"随着全球化的不断推进,跨文化交流变得越来越重要。

B. disagreement or unfriendliness D. a taleor a story B. to offer or give D. to be satisfied with B. to refuse someone D. to prevent something from happeningB. not to be accepted D. to be uselessD. a plan B. to contribute a fund D. to come up with ideas商务英语翻译试题(五)I 词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分)1. 该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行 解释。
(10分)(1) friction A. an accepted opinionC. a part of something(2) to assessA. to judge or decide the amount, value of somethingB. to assign a task C ・ to possess somethingD. to support by giving money⑶ valid A. based on truth, able to be accepted C. to be discussed(4) extend A. to become larger C. to get out of(5) resort to A. to use something for help C. to claim for something(6) decision-making bodyA. an institution to make up a decisionB. a person who makes up a decisionC. the core of a decision(7) to allocate A. to give one^s place to each C. to project a program(8) succumbA. to lose the determination to oppose sth.B. to succeedC. to take back property D ・ to take place(9) intangibleA. much greater than usualB. necessary and important as a part of a wholeC. slightly earlier than or before sth. ElseD. not solid or able to be seen or feltB. to refuse to give D. to compare with(10) entitleA. to pay for the damageC. to have a particular right to do 2. 该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有汉语词或词组来进行解 释,请将正确项选出,要求英汉转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。

专升本英语(翻译)模拟试卷5(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1.1.年满十八岁的公民,都有选举权和被选举权,依照法律被剥夺选举权和被选举权的人除外。
正确答案:All citizens who have reached the age of eighteen have the right to vote and to stand for election, with the exception of persons deprived of these rights by law. 涉及知识点:汉译英2.这是能想象得出的最好的办法。
正确答案:This is the best solution imaginable. 涉及知识点:汉译英3.他们五年前搬走了,但我们还保持着联系。
正确答案:They moved away five years ago, but we still keep in touch. 涉及知识点:汉译英4.在得到很多细节前,我想我应该避免跟他说话。
正确答案:Before getting more details, I thought I should avoid talking with him. 涉及知识点:汉译英5.如果你束手无策,就顺其自然好了。
正确答案:You’ d better leave things alone if you don’t know how to deal with it. 涉及知识点:汉译英6.美国人有许多风俗习惯在陌生人看来是颇费解的。
正确答案:Americans have a great range of customs and habits that may seem puzzling to strangers. 涉及知识点:汉译英7.这里的人民已摆脱了贫穷,并且过上了幸福且舒适的生活。
正确答案:People here have already got rid of poverty, and now they are living happy and comfortable lives. 涉及知识点:汉译英8.吉姆写作时身边总是放一部字典。

大学英语三级B级(翻译)练习试卷5(题后含答案)一、大学英语三级翻译英译汉1. Not until the problem 0f talents and funds is solved, is our talking about the project meaningful.A.不到解决人才和资金问题的时候,无须讨论这项工程的。
【答案】C【解析】本题的翻译要点是对“Not until…”这个句型的理解。
知识模块:英译汉2. The study shows that our computers are superior to those of our competitors in terms of functions and speed.A) 研究表明,我们的计算机在功能和速度两方面都优于我们的竞争对手。
B) 研究表明,我们的计算机与我们竞争者的产品在功能和速度方面有差异。
C) 研究表明,我们的计算机在效率和速度方面都与其它厂商不同。
D) 研究表明,我们的计算机正面临着高速发展的其它厂商的竞争。
【答案】A3.There is no way we’ll get lost in the mountains, since the tour guide has figured out the return route.A) 我们根本不会在山里迷路,因为导游已回到了原来的路线上。
B) 既然导游已经弄清了返程的路线,我们就绝不会在山里迷路。
C) 因为我们在山里迷失了方向无路可走,导游只好按原路返回。
D) ,所以导游一直都在寻找返回的路线。
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Out of sight, out of mind
Look before you leap
Birds of a feather flock together
All good things must come to an end
Haste makes waste
1 只有冷静,才能成功。
Success depends on calm minds.
2 第一次见面,司徒乔给我的印象就极好。
The first meeting with Situ Qiao made a wonderful impression on me.
3 动物没有水不能生存,职务没有水也不能生长。
Animals can't live without water,neither can plants ground.
4 英雄造事实,时势造英雄。
Hero creates the times, the times produce their heroes.
5 敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁。
The enemy troops threw the whole village into great disorder.
6 专家们认为这种流行病不是由空气污染,就是由食物污染所引起的。
The experts believed that the epidemic disease was caused by either air pollution or food contamination.
7 我们不得不零零星星的偿讨。
We have to pay in dribs and drabs.
8 三十几个人,三三五五,各自在爱去的地方溜达。
Thirty-odd of us, in group of threes and fives, strolled wherever we liked.
9 这对年轻夫妇并不相配,一个是西施,一个是张飞。
This young couple is not well matched, one is a Xi Shi -a famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhang Fei-a well-known ill- tempered brute.
10 医生仔仔细细给病人做了检查。
The doctor examined the patient ,very carefully
我渴望减轻这种灾难,但是我无能为力,我也在受苦. Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
A good companion is better than a fortune, for a fortune cannot purchase those elements of character which make companionship a blessing. The best companion is one who is wiser and better than ourselves, for we are inspired by his wisdom and virtue to nobler deeds. Greater wisdom and goodness than we possess lifts us higher mentally and morally.
Do not burn you house to get rid of a mouse
there is a story in "Hanshu" telling of a rich man, who being a lover of s and had a large collection. Among them was a rare vase made of jade. The vase of exquisite workmanship and of historical value and he loved it dearly. One night he noticed a mouse passing near the precious vase. The mouse jumped into the vase and was trying to eat some food which the man had carelessly left there. The sigh infuriated the man and in a fit of rage he threw a stone at the mouse. For sure, the mouse was killed, but the precious vase was broken also. The loss of the vase pained the man greatly and he deeply regretted his own thoughtlessness, which bought him this unrecoverable loss. He now realized that any one, who cares for the present and overlooks consequences is apt to bring disasters upon himself. So he exclaimed to warn people by saying do not burn you house to get rid of a mouse.