



Deutscher Naturalismus
• Später als in anderen europäischen Ländern • ausländische Vorbilder: Zola Ibsen Tolstoi Dostojewski
Historischer Hintergrund
• 1.die Jahrhundertwende als die Blüteziet des Politischen und wirtschaftlichen Imperialismus 154 • 2.Bismarck tritt 1890 zurück 154 • 3.Die Verstädterung und der Ausbau der Industrie machten große Fortschritte. • 4.eine langsame Abkehr vom revolutionären Marxismus innerhalb SPD • 5.Das Gebiet der Habsburgermonarchie zerfiel am Ende des Krieges in unabhängige Nationalstaaten
• Drama
• Prosa • Lyrik(nicht bekannt)
Vertreter des Dramas
• Henrik Ibsen mit seiner Dramen A Doll’s House
Vertreter des Prosa
• Zola mit seimen Buch Der Experimentalroman
• Begründer : Französischer Autor Zola
• Der Naturalismus baut auf dem Realismus auf. • Das Thema ist das moralische und wirtschaftliche Elend.


娜与· 黑法》尼,尼小》说。副标题为“1830年纪事”。批判现实主义 奠基之作。小说的问世,标志着他创造作的高峰。这部作
七月王朝时期的创作(1830-1842) 第二次高潮
1839年,他出版了继《红与黑》后第二部描写复辟 时期意大利生活的政治长篇小说《巴马修道院》,出版后 受到巴尔扎克的高度赞扬。
包括91部长篇、中篇和短篇小说,分为“风俗研究”、 “哲学研究”、“分析研究”三个部分。重点是“风俗研 究”,作者给自己规定的主要任务是描绘人情风俗,特别 是复辟王朝时期的法国的风俗。
“风俗研究”又分为“私人生活场景”、“外省生活 场景”、“巴黎生活场景”、“政治生活场景”、“军旅 生活场景”、和“乡村生活场景”六个方面。
1)“亨利·贝尔 米兰人,写作过,恋爱过,生活过” 的司汤达(1783-1842)
弗列德里克·斯丹达尔,原名亨利·贝尔。十九世纪 上半叶法国杰出的批判现实主义作家,法国和欧洲批判现 实主义文学的奠基人之一。
他的创作以鲜明的政治倾向,对法国王政复辟年代的 阶级关系和阶级斗争的深刻描绘和在典型性格塑造中卓越 的心理分析方法而在法国乃至欧洲批判现实主义文学发展 中占着具有首创意义的特殊地位,对世界文学 。
1823年至1825年,浪漫主义与古典主义的大论战, 《拉辛与莎士比亚》,为批判现实主义理论著作。


在欧美文学史上,莫泊桑把短篇小说这种体 裁推向了一个新的高度,取得了多方面的艺术成 就。
首先,他的小说完全脱离了浪漫主义表现非 凡和神奇的传统,有意识地以冷静客观的现实主 义手法描写他最熟悉的生活。
• 第二,莫泊桑的小说继承了他的老师福楼拜冷静、 客观的风格,作者很少在作品中露面,而是在表 面上客观的描写中,在对人物心理的深入挖掘中, 自然而然地显现出作品的意义,给读者留下了充 分的回味的余地。这是他的小说深受读者喜爱的 一个主要原因。
十个人属于不同的阶级。其中,有三对夫妇属于 上层阶级:葡萄酒批发商“鸟先生”和他的妻子,纺 织厂厂主、省议会议员加雷-拉马东先生和他的太太, 贵族地主布雷维尔伯爵和他的夫人。除这三对有产者 外,还有两个修女和一个别号叫“民主党”的家伙。 再有一个身体过胖、外号“羊脂球”的妓女。
这十个人构成了一个小社会。莫泊桑通过这十个 旅客在马车上和多特旅馆的表现,检验了他们的道德 精神面貌。
“生活既不像我们想象的那样好,也不像我们想象的 那样坏。” “世界上不知有多少能够建功立业的人,却因为把
福 楼 拜 家 的 星 期 天
• 第三,他的小说构思奇特,布局巧妙,不拘一格。莫泊桑 说:“布局的巧妙决不在于有激动力或者使人觉得可爱, 决不在于引人入胜的开端或者惊心动魄的收煞,而在于那 些表现作品明确意义的可信的小事的巧妙组合。”并不是 任何一个作家都能够把小事写好,因为平铺直叙的写法很 难取得好的艺术效果,所以莫泊桑在选好材的基础上,非 常注意对题材的艺术化处理,这就是要把生活真实变为艺 术真实,对它进行一番重新组合,即要在构思上下功夫, 在详略上做文章,在对比中见深意,把平常的小事写得有 起伏、有波澜,从而调动起读者的阅读兴趣,使读者在获 得艺术享受的同时自觉地去探究作品的意义。

美国自然主义以及现代主义作家精选 课件

美国自然主义以及现代主义作家精选 课件

小说以美国南北战争为历史背景。主人 公亨利是一个农妇的独子。他怀着对战争的 奇妙幻想,不顾母亲的劝阻,参加了北方军 (即联盟军)。经过几个月平静的军营生活, 部队奉命开往前线去作战。激烈的战斗场面 虽然对他有刺激性的引诱,但死亡的威胁在 他心里发生着强烈的动摇作用。战场上的炮 声解除了他的矛盾心理,勇敢地投入了战斗, 但当遭到敌人突然袭击时,他惊恐万状,扔 下枪枝,从阵地上逃跑了。当他听到北方军 重又获胜的消息时,他悔恨不已为了弥补这 一过错,他冒着危险打听前方部队的消息, 但不幸被从火线上溃退下来的一个士兵用枪 托打伤了脑袋。一个过路的战士见他可怜, 就把他送回到原来的兵团。
❖ Died in Hollywoe
(1900) 《嘉莉妹妹》
❖ Jennie Gerhardt (1911) 《珍妮姑娘》
Separated in 1909
infatuation with his work colleague’s
teenage daughter, but were never
formally divorced.
Got married with his cousin Helen Richardson in 1944.
Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)
❖ Born in Indiana,1871
❖ Indiana University, reporter on the
Chicago Globe,1894
❖ Marriage : married Sara White in 1898.
❖ The Red Badge of Courage(红色英勇勋章)



自然主义哲学主张严格的因果关系和客观性,反对 唯心主义,推崇科学的观察和实验方法。
自然主义文学喜欢描述普通人的生活,强调环境和 命运对人的影响,主题通常是社会现实的丑陋和黑 暗。
自然主义推崇现实,追求的是社会真实的反映;而 浪漫主义推崇想象与幻想,追求的是生命力与感性 的表达。
自然主义是19世纪文学历史上重要的一个流派,反 映了当时社会和人文主义的危机,具有深刻的现实 意义。
自然主义文学强调对细节的描写和人物内心世界的 表达,具有重要的文学积累和表现价值。
自然主义推崇实证科学方法,影响人们对世界和社会的认识,提高了人们的理性和客观 观察能力。
2 自然主义对现代文学发展的启示和借鉴意义
自然主义在文学上强调思想性,人物形象和社会现实的真实性,启示我们更好地描写当 代社会生活。
自然主义和现实主义的区别和联 系
现实主义强调真实和客观,但对人物精神和内心状 态缺乏描写;而自然主义推崇现实主义的基础上, 更加注重人物内在的心理描写。
《文史-自然主义》PPT课 件
欢迎来到《文史-自然主义》课件,本课将带您领略自然主义的哲学观和文学 特色,以及其在文学史上的重要地位。
自然主义认为人类是自然界的一部分,文学需 要反映现实的本质和客观真相。
自然主义源于19世纪法国文学,反映了当时社 会和人文主义的危机,强调现实中的矛盾和不 可避免的命运。

十九世纪浪漫主义现实主义自然主义文学 ppt课件

十九世纪浪漫主义现实主义自然主义文学 ppt课件

十 九 世 纪 浪 漫 主 义 主 义 文 学
浪漫主义文学特征是什么? 浪漫主义文学注重表达理想,抒发个人情感,着力描 绘大自然景色,汲取民间传统题材,喜欢夸张手法描述奇 异情节、自然环境和人物。浪漫主义文学作品辞藻华丽, 比喻丰富,格律舒展,但时常流于矫饰。
1801年夏布多里昂(1768~1848)的中篇小说《阿 达拉》问世,震撼法国文学界,标志着浪漫主义的开始。
1)“亨利·贝尔 米兰人,写作过,恋爱过,生活过” 的司汤达(1783-1842)
弗列德里克·斯丹达尔,原名亨利·贝尔。十九世纪 上半叶法国杰出的批判现实主义作家,法国和欧洲批判现 实主义文学的奠基人之一。
他的创作以鲜明的政治倾向,对法国王政复辟年代的 阶级关系和阶级斗争的深刻描绘和在典型性格塑造中卓越 的心理分析方法而在法国乃至欧洲批判现实主义文学发展 中占着具有首创意义的特殊地位,对世界文学 。
2、十九世纪70年代到末期,为第二时期。 代表: 福楼拜 都德 法郎士 莫泊桑 罗曼·罗兰
福楼拜在小说《模斑小姐》(1835)中提出艺术美 应置一切道德、政治因素于不顾的观点,形成单纯追求 形式的“为艺术而艺术”的理论。戈蒂耶的诗集《珐琅 与玉雕》就是这套理论的实践。由此开始在诗歌创作中 产生了单纯追求形式完美的趋向,形成了被称为“帕尔 纳斯”(又称“高蹈派”)的诗派。
1、夏多布里昂(1768—1848)是法国浪漫主义小 说的先驱。
1802年,他的《基督教的真谛》一书问世,引起了强 烈的反响。这本书以“宗教的魅力”为副标题,从美学的 角度重申基督教的价值。
《阿达拉》和《勒内》 是插在《基督教的真谛》中的 两篇小说。勒内是法国文学史上著名的“世纪病”患者的 典型。 被称为“是整整一代人们的充满诗意的自传”。



法国的自然主义剧作家还有H.贝克,代表作品有《乌鸦》 (1882)和《巴黎的妇女》(1885)等。1887年,导演和戏 剧改革家A.安托万(1858~1943)等人在巴黎创建了“自由剧 院”,他们打破法兰西喜剧院的传统,专演反映当代生活的 剧目,为自然主义戏剧流派的活动提供了实验场地。
德国 自然主义戏剧
Überblick —— 什么是自然主义 自然主义(Naturalism)是一种文艺思潮和流派。

自然主义文学作为西方文学的一个流派产生于19 世纪下半叶的法国,19世纪末和20世纪初传至欧 美和世界各国。 自然主义文学是西方现实主义文学发展到极致蜕变 的产物,也是生物学、遗传学等科学理论影响文学 创作的结果。 自然主义思潮持续的时间并不长,成就基本只局限 于文学领域,尽管“自然主义”一词本身来自绘画 艺术领域。 自然主义作为连接现实主义和现代主义的桥梁起到 了承前启后的重要作用。
埃米尔· 左拉

他要用文学创作来证明生物学或遗传学的某种原理。 左拉的理论受了同时代法国文论家泰纳的三要素决 定论(即精神文明受种族、环境、和时代三要素决 定)的影响。左拉的这种“科学”把人生物化了, 抽象化了,否定了人行为的社会性。而他们的实验 对象通常是贫困的劳动者,因此他们对劳动者的苦 难充满了同情。所以,德国理论家梅林曾说过,自 然主义是日益壮大的工人运动在艺术上的反映。自 然主义作家详尽地事无巨细地描写劳动者衣食住行 等各方面的苦难细节。

10.1 Der historiscche Hintergrund

自从1871年德国统一后,生产力突飞猛进, 它为了开辟国外市场及获得原料市场,积极 开拓殖民地,便和老帝国主义国家产生了矛 盾。19世纪叶末,德国的资本主义迅速进入 垄断阶段,这就孕育了帝国主义国家之间为 争夺殖民地而进行的第一次世界大战的危机。

Mrs Chen外国文学课件之自然主义(左拉)

Mrs Chen外国文学课件之自然主义(左拉)

1、本质论上的真实性原则。(重视观察、调 查和精细的描绘,但缺乏艺术的提炼和概括 。无意义的生活细节、变态心理被写进作品 ) 左拉:‚当今时代,小说家最好的品质就是 真实感‛ 追求客观的真,重视原始材料的积累,特别 是细节的展示;其独特诉求在于科学意义上 的真实,即真理性的认识。
生 平 1、贫困的少年时代
生于巴黎,童年在法国南方普 罗旺斯的埃克斯度过。7岁时, 父亲去世,从此随母亲投奔外 祖父母,直至17岁,才随母亲 来到巴黎进入圣· 路易公立中 学。
到处谋职,因没有一技之长而屡屡失败,过 着赤贫的生活。直到1862年,才在父亲老朋 友的推荐下,进入阿舍特书局成为一名杂工。 后因为才华升任广告部主任,摆脱贫困,也 开始创作。
影响左拉的自然科学著作——吕卡斯《自然遗传 论》;达尔文《物种起源》;贝尔纳《实验医学 研究导论》
自然主义理论论著——《我的仇恨》(1866); 《〈戴蕾斯· 拉甘〉序言》(1867);《实验小 说》(1880);《戏剧中的自然主义》(1881) ;《自然主义小说家》(1881) 重视分析,忽视完整的人的存在



小酒店(1877 )
《小酒店》是一部“关于工人的小说”,它 解释现代社会环境造成人们肉体、精神上的畸 形。
● 《左拉作品集》(全9册),山东文艺出版社1993年版。 ●弗莱维勒:《左拉》,新文艺出版社1955年版。 ●亨利· 特罗亚:《正义作家左拉》,世界知识出版社2019年版。 ●德尼丝· 勒布隆-左拉 《我的父亲左拉》,广西师范大学出版社2019年版。 ●马克· 贝尔纳 :《左拉》,上海译文出版社1992年版。 ●阿尔芒· 拉努:《左拉》,黄河文艺出版社1985年版。 ●贝特朗· 德· 儒佛内尔:《左拉传》,天津人民出版社1988年版。 ●普齐科夫:《左拉》,上海文艺出版社1960年版。
《卢贡-马卡尔家族》(1869-1893 )
1868年,左拉拟订了一个创作《人间喜剧》式的 连续性大型作品的宏伟计划,作品总名《卢贡 ——马 卡尔家族》。 1869 年至 1893 年,左拉根据家族的及政治、军事、宗教、不动产投机、商业、 工人生活、农民、科学、艺术、交际界等等,描写了 约1200个各行各业的人物,构成了一部史诗。
爱 弥 尔 ·左 拉 (18401902),法国自然主义小说 的代表作家,自然主义理 论大厦的建构者,其文学 实践明显影响了 20 世纪西 方文学。
《黛蕾斯· 拉甘》(1867 )
被左拉自诩为“对生理学和心理学的伟大研究”的长 篇小说。
在《黛莱丝 · 拉甘》这部作品里,我所研究的是人的气 质,而不是人的性格。全书皆在于此。我选择了两个人物, 他们完全被自己的血肉筋骨所控制,丧失了自主的理智, 在他们血肉之躯的必然性的驱使下,作出他们生涯中的每 一个动作,黛莱丝和洛朗都是人形的畜生,如此而已,我 正是要在这两个动物身上,一步步地追崇肉欲、本能的压 力以及由于神经发作而来的脑系紊乱所发生的不声不响的 作用。” ——《<黛莱丝· 拉甘>第二版序》

兰州城市学院外国文学课件第八章 十九世纪自然主义文学课件

兰州城市学院外国文学课件第八章 十九世纪自然主义文学课件
• 提出艺术是心灵的故乡。 • 主张艺术超然于现实,躲进象牙之塔;现实
社会充满市侩气,没有艺术,没有美,艺术 的发展非但不依赖生活,相反,生活应该追 随和模仿艺术。
• 象征主义是西方现代文学中产生时间 • 最早、持续时间最长、影响最大的文 • 学流派之一。
• 先驱:波德莱尔《恶之花》

• 前期:19世纪中叶—20世纪初
• 后期:20世纪20年代—二战结束
• 前期象征派的思想艺术特点: • 大量描写城市中的丑恶现象,在艺术上则是化丑为美,丑中见
美。 • 注重挖掘人的精神世界,在艺术上则以具体意象去反映抽象事
物,并升华为哲理;它注意到语言的某种结合能产生巨大的效 果,这就是运用通感和象征手法。 • 追求诗歌的音乐效果,诗画结合,在语言和韵律上精益求精, 在诗歌形式上追求精粹、工整优雅。 • 认为诗歌是神秘的,本应晦涩难懂,读者要从表面形式中寻找 本质的东西。
• 1、早期创作(1840—1866) • 2、自然主义创作高峰(1867—1893) • 《苔蕾丝·拉甘》(1867) • 《卢贡-马卡尔家族》 • ——第二帝国一个家族的自然史和社会史 • 《小酒店》、《娜娜》 • 3、战斗的左拉(1894—1902)“德雷福斯案件”
(Zola,Emile;1840~1902) 法国作家。自然主义文学流

• 一、反映普法战争,控诉侵略者的残暴与 野蛮,揭露法国政府军队的腐败无能,歌 颂人民群众的自发反抗。
• 《羊脂球》、《蛮蛮小姐》、《米隆老爹》 • 《蛮子大妈》、《两个朋友》等是代表。

American Naturalism美国文学自然主义优秀课件

American Naturalism美国文学自然主义优秀课件

▪ The term “naturalism” was created by French writer Emile Zola, who influenced of French naturalism; Tolstoy and Turgenev came to American literature.
▪ Representative writers are Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, Jack London and Theodore Dreiser.
▪ The Red Badge of Courage by Crane ▪ Sister Carrie by Dreiser
American Naturalism
▪ 1. Origin ▪ (1) Industrialism: created a large group of very poor
people; lived in slums and could not control their lives; self-reliance disappeared in the fast development of economy
▪ 1897 “The Open Boat”, “The Blue Hotel” ▪ 1898 poems: “War Is Kind”, etc. ▪ Crane and Emily Dickinson were two
forerunners of Imagism. ▪ Basic motif: environment and heredity
overwhelm men
▪ The naturalist writers attempted to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness, presenting characters of low social and economic classes who were determined by their environment and heredity(遗传).


在一个等级制度、合法的贵族阶 级已不复存在的国家里,贫困的小人物 和穷苦的人大声谈论与切身利益有关的 事,以此激起人们的同情和怜悯。他们 的谈话声音是否会和大人物和富翁的谈 苦恼的声音一般大?总之,我们想知道 穷人哭泣的泪水会不会和富人的泪水是 一样的。
——《<杰米妮· 拉赛朵>初版前言》
法国著名生理学家和实验医学的奠基人 贝尔纳(1813~1878),其《实验医学研究 导论》(1865) 直接催生了左拉自然主义的 实验小说理论。
“自然主义,不必赘言,完全是在实验 的方法当中,即适用于文学的观察和实验 里面。” “实验小说就是接受被证明了的事实 ,在于人间或社会,示现科学所支配的诸 现象的机构,把个人的感情的先验的观念 ,尽可能以观察与实验,努力加以验证。 ”
梅塘集团 左拉是自然主义文学的发起人和领袖。
系列小说《卢贡 · 马卡尔家族》 学团体。左拉及一批年青的追随者经常在巴黎郊外的梅塘别墅聚会
指19世纪70、80年代法国文坛以左拉为首的六位作家组成的文 ,因而被称为梅塘集团。 1880年他们出版了以普法战争为题材的《 文论《实验小说论》《论小说》《戏剧中的自然主义》 梅塘夜话》6人集,首篇是左拉的《磨坊之役》。“梅塘集团”的 《自然主义小说家》 出现和《梅塘夜话》的出版,标志着以左拉为首的自然主义流派的 形成。但“梅塘集团” 成员对自然主义理论大多持保留态度,创作 戏剧 实践上也并不遵循自然主义创作原则。随着莫泊桑在“梅塘集团” 中率先宣布脱离自然主义,此后其他成员也逐渐疏远了左拉。 1887 “梅塘集团” 《梅塘夜话》6人集 年,有 5位一直被视为左拉门徒的作家在《费加罗报》上发表《五 “梅塘集团”的出现和《梅塘夜话》的出版,标志着以 人宣言》,公开宣称反对左拉的文学主张。至此,梅塘集团解散, 自然主义作为一个流派在法国已不复存在。 左拉为首的自然主义流派的形成。

西方文化导论 自然主义 naturalism

西方文化导论  自然主义 naturalism

Zola’s main works:
• Rougon -Macquart series(卢贡 马卡尔家族 traced the 卢贡—马卡尔家族 卢贡 马卡尔家族),it social and natural history of a family whose members were under the controlling power of heredity(遗传 and 遗传) 遗传 environment. • Germinal(萌芽 he handled subject as diverse as a miners’ 萌芽), 萌芽 strike. • The Drunkard(小酒店 and The Kill and Nana(娜娜 小酒店) 娜娜) 小酒店 娜娜 working-class alcoholism(酒精中毒 酒精中毒)and the sexual 酒精中毒 decadence(堕落 of the upper classes. 堕落) 堕落 Apart from these, There are also The Three Cities(三名 ( 城),The Four Gospels(四福音书),and so on. (四福音书)
Representative Novelists of Naturalism
• Emile François Zola (French pronunciation: ; 2 April 1840 – 29 September 1902)was a French writer, the most important exemplar of the literary school of naturalism and an important contributor to the development of theatrical(夸张的) naturalism. He was a major figure in the political liberalization of France and in the exoneration of the falsely accused and convicted army officer Alfred Dreyfus, which is encapsulated in the renowned newspaper headline J'Accuse.



爱德蒙· 龚古尔(1822— 1896)和于勒· 龚古尔 (1830—1870) 创作:1865年合写了《杰米 妮· 拉赛朵》,主要描写一个 女仆沉沦的故事,作品中有许 多赤裸裸的感官描写,但作者 重点是对女主人公的堕落作临 床的医学分析。(苦乐失调, 神经错乱,失去比例和平衡, 趋于极端) 影响:开山之作,对左拉自然 主义文学理念的最初形成具有 决定性的影响。
自然科学取得的成就增强了人们探求真理的 意识,也极大地改变了人们的价值观念。尤 其是生物学和遗传学。
科学方法所孕育的实证主义哲学,也为文学 提供了实证的方法和信心。
左拉研读了达尔文的《物种起源》、泰纳的 《艺术哲学》、吕卡医生的《对遗传的哲理 与生理考察》、克洛德·贝尔纳的《实验医学 研究导论》、意大利医生塞·隆布罗素的《犯 罪的人》、勒都诺的《情欲生理学》等学术 论著,他在上述学说论著的启发和影响下, 创建了与传统文艺观有所不同并有明显发展 的自然主义文艺理论。
重视实证,忽视了人的内在体验 过于注重人的共性,忽视了人的个性
近代科学理性 精神对“人” 的研究误区
自然主义的形成受到工业革命的推动。 扩大了艺术的题材范围和社会意义 改变了人的整个价值观念 从社会角度强化了自然主Fra bibliotek者的主张和追求
十九世纪中叶,西方国家的科学技术有了很 大的发展,进而大大推动了生产力的发展, 人们的生活条件有了很大的改善,社会科学 的各个领域都受到自然科学的影响,科学似 乎是万能的,能解决一切问题。
2、认识论上的科学主义追求(竭力科学、准 确地剖析人,但把人类社会等同于自然界, 刻意表现人的生物本能)
左拉:“我的目的首先是科学方面的”; “我仅仅怀着科学家的好奇心” 左拉:“对思想和感情的规律进行阐述”; “找出人类和社会现象的决定因素” 左拉:“科学的文学道路”



American Naturalism现实主义与自然主义的对比:According the novelist Frank Norris, Realism was the literature of the normal and the representative - "the smaller details of everyday life, things that are likely to happenIn contrast to a Realist, a Naturalist believes that a character is fundamentally an animal, without free will. Thus a character can be explained in terms of the forces, usually heredity and environment, which operate on him/her. between lunch and supper."⏹"Realism is a manner and method of composition by which the authordescribes normal, average life, in an accurate, truthful way."⏹"Naturalism is a manner and method of composition by which theauthor portrays 'life as it is' in accordance with the philosophic theory of determinism."Terms relating to Naturalism⏹Free Will or Determinism -In Naturalism, characters do not have free will; external and internal forces, environment, or heredity control their behavior. This belief is called determinism. All determinists believe in the existence of the will, but the will is often enslaved on account of different reasons.In many ways, naturalism grew out of the foundations laid by earlier realist writers, leading some to call it an “emphasized realism.” It also grew out of the work of French writer Emile Zola (himself influenced by the earlier writings of Balzac and Flaubert), who believed in a world not governed by choice, but determined primarily by heredity and environment.⏹Scientific determinism became Zola’s primary means to understandhuman behavior.He called this new kind of writing Le roman experimental, and here the novelist functioned as more of a scientist. For the writer, direct observation took the place of creative imagination. Life furnished abundant plots and themes for the w riter’s purposes.The significant period of fruition (获得成果)for American naturalist writing is typically seen as stretching from the 1890 to the first two decades of the 20th-century. But dramatic changes had taken place in the United States since the 1870s, and many younger writers felt that peopleneeded a more robust literature to understand the changing times.⏹Writers such as Frank Norris (who profoundly influenced by Zola),Stephan Crane, Jack London, and Theodore Dreiser—all of whom were born in the 1870s—absorbed many of the cultural changes going on during this time. As a result, they created a body of writing where the world seemed indifferent to its human inhabitants.There were dramatic events that were taking place in late 19th-century America. The 1890s were a watershed (分水岭)period, including such changes as:☐The closing of the frontier☐An end to the great days of railroad building, an industry that had helped propel the economy☐The late 19th-century rise of science☐The mid- to late-19th-century influences of Charles Darwin, as well as the later influences of Sigmund Freud☐Technology was growing at a rapid pace☐Powerful monopolies (垄断)owned by a smallnumber of robber barons (巨头) based their philosophy of business not on classical republican ideology but on social Darwinism and laissez faire (自由放任的)practices☐ A large influx (汇集,涌入)of immigrants helped lead to the creation of urban slums (with bad sanitation, poor living conditions, crime gross poverty, etc.)☐Industrialization increased rapidly, leading to child labor and poor labor organizationIn a land that had once believed in the dream of progress, poverty was now a growing nightmare. All of this made realism seem obsolete (退化的), because:◆The idea of the individual negotiating his own fate seemedridiculous◆Realism is based largely on character choice, the world presentedin naturalist text viewed as a matter of coercion (强制,压制)◆The notion of the unified self seemed an illusion◆The idea of tragedy is excluded from naturalism, because if thereis no choice there can be no tragedy◆Because people delude (欺骗,逃避)themselves into believing thatthere are real choices in the world, the theme of illusion-vs-reality takes on special significance in muchnaturalist writing◆The notion of a “surface” world (reality) seemed obso letecompared with determinants (决定因素)from “below” (economics, basic physical needs, sexual drives, natural and social environment, etc.)◆Unlike romanticists, life for naturalists was not beneficent, butdownright hostile◆By the 1890s, realism’s individu al problems seemed nothingcompared to crushing forces seemingly outside human control◆Realism’s concern with everyday life seemed a luxury compared toevents from social and economic forces自然主义的特点:In the world of naturalist fiction:•Characters are motivated by sexual desire, greed, and mob psychology. Many are stereotypes•Details are not important in and of themselves as in realism. In naturalism the symbolism is found in large world issues •Society is divided into the have and have-nots, predator and prey •Life is ugly, brutal, and short•Men and women are not far removed from the animal world•Free will is an illusion•Nature and fate are indifferent to humans•Words like “courage” and “virtue” have no meaning•The world is made up of random events•Everything and everyone is shaped by blind chance and environmental determinism自然主义的困惑:⏹Many naturalist writers, such as Crane, Norris, and Dreiser, begantheir careers as newspaper reporters, observing the world that was seemingly indifferent to human fate. As both journalists and as writers of fiction, they wrote to alert everyone to the bad conditions.⏹This leads to the paradox of naturalism: if the writer writes tochange things, how can they change a determined world?代表作家:Stephen Crane (1871-1900)Whose second book, The Red Badge of Courage(1895), brought him international fame.⏹Crane's first novel, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, was a milestonein the development of literary naturalism.⏹After leaving school, he went to live in New York, doing freelancewriting and working on his first book Maggie, A Girl of the Streets.⏹He published The Red Badge of Courage in 1895, The Red Badge wasquite different from Maggie in style and approach, and brought Crane international fame and quite a bit of money.⏹Bolstered (鼓舞)by the success of The Red Badge and his book ofpoetry The Black Riders, Crane became subsumed with ideas of war.⏹He was hired to go to Cuba as a journalist to report on the rebellionthere against the Spanish. On the way to the island, Crane was ina shipwreck, from which he was originally reported dead. He rowedto shore in a dinghy, along with three other men, having to swim to shore and drop his money in the sea to prevent from drowning.This experience directly led to his most famous short story "The Open Boat" (1897).His Major WorksNovels⏹Active Service 1899⏹Maggie: A Girl of the Streets 1893⏹The Red Badge of Courage 1895⏹The Little Regiment 1896⏹The O’Ruddy 1903⏹The third Violet 1897Short Stories⏹The Open Boat 1898⏹The Monster 1899⏹Wilomville Stories 1900⏹Men, Women and Boats 1921Poems⏹The Black Riders 1895⏹War is Kind1899Historical book⏹Great Battles of the War 1901Major Themes⏹In his themes and styles, Crane is an avant-garde (先锋派)writer.⏹Crane writes about extreme experiences that are confronted byordinary people.⏹His characters are not larger-than-life, but they touch themysterious edges of their capacities for perception, action, and understanding.⏹The New York City sketch, "A Detail," was reprinted in 1898 with"The Open Boat," and the two works express parallel naturalistic themes.⏹In both, individuals are shown to struggle for communication whilebeing buffeted by tumultuous forces.Significant Style⏹Crane's works reflect many of the major artistic concerns at theend of the nineteenth century, especially naturalism, impressionism, and symbolism.⏹His works insist that people live in a universe of vast andindifferent natural forces, not in a world of divine providence ora certain moral order. "A Man Said to the Universe" is useful inidentifying this aspect of Crane.⏹Crane's vivid and explosive prose styles distinguish his works fromthose by many other writers who are labeled naturalists.⏹Many readers (including Hamlin Garland and Joseph Conrad, who werepersonal friends of Crane) have used the term impressionist to describe Crane's vivid renderings of moments of visual beauty and uncertainty.The red Badge of Courage 《红色勇敢标志》⏹Commonly considered Stephen Crane's greatest accomplishment, TheRed Badge of Courage (1895) ranks among the foremost literary achievements of the modern era.⏹When Crane signed a contract with D. Appleton and Co. to publishRed Badge, he was not well-known enough to command an advance, and agreed to a flat 10 per cent royalty on the retail price of all copies sold.⏹Published in the autumn of 1895, Red Badge went through two editionsbefore the end of the year.⏹By March of 1896 the novel was in eighth place on the internationalbooksellers' list and had gone through fourteen printings;remarkably enough, Red Badge has never been out of print.⏹With the publication of Red Badge, Crane achieved almost overnightcelebrity.⏹During an unnamed battle, 18-year-old private Henry Flemingsurvives what he considers to be a lost cause by escaping into the nearby forest, deserting his battalion.⏹He then finds a group of injured men in which One of the group, the"Tattered Soldier", asks Henry, who is often referred to as "The Youth", where he is wounded.Henry, embarrassed that he does not have any wounds, wanders through the forest. He ultimately decides that running was the best thing, and that he is a small part of the army responsible for saving himself.⏹When he learns that his battalion had won the battle and that itwas not a suicide mission after all, Henry feels incredibly guilty.As a result, he returns to his battalion and is injured when a cannon operater hits Henry in the head because he wouldn't let go of his arm.⏹When he returns to camp, the other soldiers believe that he washarmed by a bullet grazing him in battle. The next morning he goes into battle for the third time. While looking for a stream to attain water from, he discovers from the commanding officer that his regiment has a lackluster reputation.⏹The officer speaks casually about sacrificing Henry's regimentbecause they are nothing more than "mule drivers" and "mud diggers".With no regiments to spare, the general orders his men forward. In the final battle, Henry becomes one of the best fighters in his battalion as well as the flag bearer, finally proving his courage as a man.Character ListHenry Fleming⏹The novel’s protagonist; a young soldier fighting for the Unionarmy during the American Civil War. Initially, Henry stands untested in battle and questions his own courage.⏹As the novel progresses, he encounters hard truths about theexperience of war, confronting the universe’s indifference to his existence and the insignificance of his own life.⏹Often vain and holding extremely romantic notions about himself,Henry grapples with these lessons as he first runs from battle, then comes to thrive as a soldier in combat.Jim Conklin⏹Henry’s friend; a tall soldier hurt during the regiment’s firstbattle. Jim soon dies from his wounds, and represents, in the early part of the novel, an important moral contrast to Henry.Wilson⏹ A loud private; Henry’s friend in the regiment. Wilson and Henrygrow close as they share the harsh experiences of war and gain a reputation as the regiment’s best fighters.The tattered soldier⏹ A twice-shot soldier whom Henry encounters in the column of woundedmen. With his endless speculation about Henry’s supposed wound, the tattered(衣衫褴褛的)soldier functions as a nagging, painful conscience to Henry.The lieutenant⏹Henry’s commander in battle, a youthful officer who swearsprofusely during the fighting. The lieutenant develop sympathy for each other, often feeling that they must work together to motivate the rest of the men.Henry’s mother⏹Encountered only in a brief flashback, Henry’s mother opposed hisenlisting in the army.⏹Though her advice is only briefly summarized in Henry’s flashback,it contains several difficult themes with which Henry must grapple, including the insignificance of his life in the grand scheme of the world.Major ThemesCourage⏹Given the novel’s title, it is no surprise that courage—definingit, desiring it, and, ultimately, achieving it—is the most salient element of the narrative.Manhood⏹Throughout the novel, Henry struggles to preserve his manhood, hisunderstanding of which parallels his understanding of courage.Self-Preservation⏹An anxious desire for self-preservation influences Henrythroughout the novel.The Universe’s Disregard for Human Life⏹Henry’s realization that the natural world spins on regardless ofthe manner in which men live and die is perhaps the most difficult lesson that Henry learns as a soldier.Youth and Maturity⏹Although the novel spans no more than a few weeks, the readerwitnesses a profound change in the characters of both Henry and WilsonTheodore Dreiser (1871-1945)⏹American author, outstanding representative of naturalism, whosenovels depict real-life subjects in a harsh light⏹After briefly attending Indiana University, he found work as areporter on the Chicago Globe. Later he worked for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, the St. Louis Republic and Pittsburgh Dispatch, before moving to New York where he attempted to establish himself as a novelist.⏹He was a voracious(如饥似渴的) reader, and the impact of suchwriters as Hawthorne, Poe, Balzac, Herbert Spencer, and Freud influenced his thought and his reaction against organized religion.⏹Dreiser worked for the New York World before Frank Norris, who wasworking for Frank Doubleday, helped Dreiser's first novel, Sister Carrie(1900), to be published. However, the owners disapproved of the novel's subject matter (the moral corruption of the heroine, Carrie Meeber) and it was not promoted and therefore sold badly.⏹Dreiser was left-oriented in his views.⏹Dreiser continued to work as a journalist and as well as writingfor mainstream newspapers such as the Saturday Evening Post, also had work published in socialist magazines such as The Call. However, unlike many of his literary friends such as Sinclair Lewis, and Jack London, he never joined the Socialist Party.1. Works⏹Sister Carrie 1900⏹ Jennie Gerhardt 1911⏹ An American Tragedy 1925⏹ The Financier 1912⏹ The Titan 1914 Trilogy of Desire⏹ The Stoic (posthumously) Trilogy of Desire⏹ The Genius 1915 Trilogy of Desire⏹ Dreiser Looks at Russia 1928 autobiographically⏹The Financier (1912) and The Titan (1914) about Frank Cowperwood,a power-hungry business tycoon.⏹An American Tragedy (1925) was based on the Chester Gillette andGrace Brown murder case that had taken place in 1906.2. About Sister CarrieSister Carrie, published in 1900, stands at the gateway of the new century. Theodore Dreiser based his first novel on the life of his sister Emma. In 1883 she ran away to Toronto, Canada with a married man who had stolen money from his employer. The story as told by Dreiser, about Carrie Meeber who becomes the mistress of a traveling salesman, is unapologetically told and created a scandal with its moral transgressions(违反道德准则).⏹The book was initially rejected by many publishers on the groundsthat is was “immoral”. Indeed, Harper Brothers, the firstpublisher to see the book, rejected it by saying it was not, “sufficiently delicate to depict without offense to the reader the continued illicit (违禁的)relations of the heroine".⏹Finally Doubleday and Company published the book in order to fulfilltheir contract, but Frank Doubleday refused to promote the book.As a result, it sold less than seven hundred copies and Dreiser received a reputation as a naturalist-barbarian.⏹Sister Carrie sold poorly but was redeemed by writers like FrankNorris and William Dean Howells who saw the novel as a breakthrough in American realism.⏹However, the publication battles over Sister Carrie caused Dreiserto become depressed, so much so that his brother sent him to a sanitarium for a short while.Sister Carrie, published in 1900, is one of the best-known story of American Dream, tracing the material rise of Carrie Meeber and the tragic decline of G. W. Hurstwood.⏹Carrie Meeber, penniless and full of the illusion of ignorance andyouth, leaves her rural home to seek work in Chicago. On the train, she becomes acquainted with Charles Drouet, a salesman. In Chicago, she lives with her sister, and work for a time in a shoe factory.⏹Meager income and terrible working condition oppress herimaginative spirit. After a period of unemployment and loneliness, she accepts Drouet and becomes his mistress.⏹During his absence, she falls in love with Drouet’s friendHurstwood, a middle aged, married, comparatively intelligent culture saloon manager. They finally elope. They live together for three years more.⏹Carrie becomes mature in intellect and emotion, while Hurstwoodsteadily declines. At last, she thinks him too great a burden and leaves him. Hurstwood sinks lower and lower. After becoming a beggar, he commits suicide, while Carrie becomes a star of musical comedy.In spite of her success, she is lonely and dissatisfied.⏹The theme in Sister Carrie, a novel written by Theodore Dreiser,is materialism. The theme is primarily personified through Carrie with her desire for a fine home, clothes and everything else money can buy.⏹Materialism, including the desire for money, is an important themein Sister Carrie. The materialism is shown mostly through Carrie's character but also through Hurstwood, a man with a respectable life and money, who still wants more and for that reason commits a crime.⏹The city in itself is also a place of materialism, it is a placethat offers all kinds of amusements, pleasures and things to buy, but to participate in what the city has to offer one has to havemoney.3. EvaluationHe faced every form of attack that a serious artist could encounter misunderstanding, misrepresentation, artistic isolation and commercial seduction. But he survived to lead the rebellion of the 1900s.Dreiser has been a controversial figure in American literary history.His works are powerful in their portrayal of the changing American life, but his style is considered crude.It is in Dreiser’s works that American naturalism is said to have come of age.Dreiser’s novels are formless at times and awkwardly written, and his characterization is found deficient and his prose pedestrian and dull, yet his very energy proves to be more than a compensation.Dreiser’s stories are always solid and intensely interesting with their simple but highly moving characters. Dreiser is good at employing the journalistic method of reiteration to burn a central impression into the reader’s mind.For a commemorative service in 1947, H. L. Mencken wrote a eulogy in which he stuck by the argument that he had been making for over thirty-five years: despite Dreiser's flaws as a stylist, "the fact remains that he is a great artist, and that no other American of his generation left so wide and handsome a mark upon the national letters.American writing, before and after his time, differed almost as much as biology before and after Darwin. He was a man of large originality, of profound feeling, and of unshakable courage. All of us who write are better off because he lived, worked, and hoped."Here lies the power and permanence that have made Dreiser one of America’s foremost novelists.。

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系学团指列体1小9。世说左纪《拉7卢及0、一贡8批·0马年年代卡青法的尔国追家文随族坛者》以经左常拉在为巴首黎的郊六外位的作梅塘家别组墅成聚的会文 文,因论而《被实称验为小梅塘说集论团》。《18论80小年说他们》出《版戏了剧以中普法的战自争然为主题义材的》《 《梅 出现塘自和夜然《话主梅》义塘6人小夜集话说,》家首的》篇出是版左,拉标的志《着磨以坊左之拉役为》首。的“自梅然塘主集义团流派”的的 戏形成剧。但“梅塘集团” 成员对自然主义理论大多持保留态度,创作
法国著名生理学家和实验医学的奠基人 贝尔纳(1813~1878),其《实验医学研究 导论》(1865)直接催生了左拉自然主义的 实验小说理论。
“自然主义,不必赘言,完全是在实验 的方法当中,即适用于文学的观察和实验 里面。”
“实验小说就是接受被证明了的事实 ,在于人间或社会,示现科学所支配的诸 现象的机构,把个人的感情的先验的观念 ,尽可能以观察与实验,努力加以验证。 ”
19世纪 (下半叶)
自然主义和其他流派 (非主流)
唯美主义文学 象征主义文学
出现于19世纪中后期的自然主义、唯美 主义和(前期)象征主义等文学思潮和流派 ,在审美观念、文学的功能以及艺术表现方 式诸方面,都程度不等地偏离了传统规范, 预示了新的文学发展态势。
“人宣梅言塘》集,团公”开宣的称出反现对和左《拉梅的文塘学夜主话张》。的至出此,版梅,塘标集志团着解散以, 左自然拉主为义首作的为自一个然流主派义在流法派国已的不形复成存。在。

少女坐在舵手席上,任船儿在水面上荡漾。她只 觉得头脑一片空白,没有任何思想,四肢懒懒的,全 然一种身在物外的感受,似乎一股难言的醉意袭占了 全身心。她满脸通红,呼吸急促。湍急的热流在她的 身边淌流,更使她晕乎乎,飘飘然,只见陡峭的河岸 和一排排的树木迎面而来,向她低头致意。一种模模 糊糊的享受欲、一阵沸腾的热血电流般穿过她那被白 天热浪刺激起来的肉体。
一、自然主义文学 Le Naturalism e
19 世纪中后期发源于法国而后流行于欧美各国的一种文学 思潮流派,以文学上的科学主义著称。它认为真实感是小说家 最高的品格,否定想象;强调客观、冷静地反映生活,认为小 说家应该站在科学立场“去研究性格、感情、人类和社会现象 ”,反对个人情感渗入。它不追求新鲜奇怪的故事和紧张复杂 的情节,出现淡化情节的趋势。龚古尔兄弟的《杰米妮·拉赛朵 》被视为自然主义的开山之作。左拉是自然主义文学的领袖和 理论体系的建构者,他的系列小说《卢贡——马卡尔家族》为 自然主义文学赢得了世界性声誉。19世纪70年代以后,在德国 、美国、瑞典等国都有自然主义的作品问世。自然主义在审美 观念、文学的功能以及艺术表现方式诸方面,都不同程度地偏 移了传统规范,预示了20世纪现代主义文学的萌芽。
实证主义、遗传学说和决定论对许多作家的观念更新 造成了深刻的影响,成为自然主义的理论先导。
人类所的谓认实识证已,进就入是第科三学个理 论的阶精段神,和即方科法学,阶在段认,识或论实证 阶上段排;斥在想这象个,阶强段调,真人实类和的精 神精“确不。再所求以知实各证种主内义在本原质因,而 只上把即推为理科和学观主察义密。切此结后合,起来, 以孔便德发又现倡现导象实的证实主际义规的律社”; 包会括学社,会把现人象的在生内物的性一当切作现象 ,认都识服社从会于发一展些的“基不点变,的提自然 规倡律以”自。然科学的观察、实 验和—比—较《作实为证社哲学会教学程研》究 的方法。
居 斯 塔 夫 · 福 楼 拜 ( 1821-1880 ) , 他是法国19世纪后期现实主义的重要 代表,也对自然主义文学产生了重要 影响。他的重要作品有《包法利夫人》 (1857)、《萨朗波》(1862)、《情 感教育》(1869)。
19世纪50年代-70年代法兰西第二帝国时期(1852-1970 )
易卜生 《群鬼》 斯特林堡 《朱丽小姐》 霍普特曼 《日出之前》 斯蒂芬·克莱恩 《街头女郎梅季》 弗兰克·诺里斯 《麦克提格》
19世纪中期起源于法国而后在英国产生广泛影响的一种文艺思 潮和流派,它在诗歌、小说、戏剧方面都有建树,同时还渗透在绘 画等艺术领域。唯美主义强调艺术的纯粹性,主张“为艺术而艺术 ”;倡扬艺术的独立性,否定艺术的政治、道德、认识等功利目的 ;它追求艺术形式美,认为形式本身是自足的。唯美主义在法国的 首倡者戈蒂耶,他为《莫班小姐》写的序言是唯美主义的纲领,唯 美主义的重要代表是英国作家王尔德,他的长篇小说《道林·格雷 的肖像》、 独幕剧《莎乐美》把唯美主义运动推向了高潮。唯美 主义在艺术上开拓了美的领域,扩大了艺术表现的范围,对形式美 和美感的独特性的强调有一定的参考价值,但片面强调美的超功利 性,过分注重形式而忽略内容,将艺术与生活割裂开来,这些观点 则产生了消极影响。
在一个等级制度、合法的贵族阶 级已不复存在的国家里,贫困的小人物 和穷苦的人大声谈论与切身利益有关的 事,以此激起人们的同情和怜悯。他们 的谈话声音是否会和大人物和富翁的谈 苦恼的声音一般大?总之,我们想知道 穷人哭泣的泪水会不会和富人的泪水是 一样的。
决定文艺创作的是种族、环境、时代三 要素。种族包括人的先天的、生理的、遗传 的和特定民族影响等要素,环境包括物质和 社会两重因素,时代包括文化和当时占优势 的观念等因素。
自然主义就是根据观察、按照科学方法描 写生活。
泰纳(1828~1893 )