英文电影英语介绍 PPT

English Salon —— movie
Here are a few familiar movies, please guess th e movie's name and make a simple introduction acco rding to the pictures on the screen (Name the movi e in English as much as possible).
My mama always told me that miracles happen every day
Mama says, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见 什么人,会有什么样的结局。
These are some nice movie for yo u
ion movi e
adventure movie
animated movie
romance / love story
war film
The Titanic sank and in order to sur vive Rose, Jack died.
Rose survived and changed her na me into Rose Dawson. Jack lives in her heart forever.
我是世界之王! I'm the king of the world!
经典台词二: To make each day count. 要让每一天都有所值。
Here are a few familiar movies, please guess th e movie's name and make a simple introduction acco rding to the pictures on the screen (Name the movi e in English as much as possible).
My mama always told me that miracles happen every day
Mama says, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见 什么人,会有什么样的结局。
These are some nice movie for yo u
ion movi e
adventure movie
animated movie
romance / love story
war film
The Titanic sank and in order to sur vive Rose, Jack died.
Rose survived and changed her na me into Rose Dawson. Jack lives in her heart forever.
我是世界之王! I'm the king of the world!
经典台词二: To make each day count. 要让每一天都有所值。

Film English Listening and Speaking Training
Performance Skills:
Imitation Practice:
Start with a brief introduction of the movie, then focus on the plot, characters, cinematography, music, and other key elements. Conclude with your personal opinion and rating.
Marketing Strategy - 为电影制定的一系列推广和销售计划,以最大程度地提高电影的知名度和票房收入。
Critic - 对电影进行专业评价和分析的人,通过撰写影评来向观众提供观影建议。
Review - 对电影的全面评价和分析,包括故事情节、演员表现、导演技巧等方面。
Fundamentals of Film

Noir Film (黑色电影 )
A movie characterized by low-key lighting, a bleak urban setting, and corrupt, cynical (悲观的) characters. Scenes will be filmed at night, actors will be positioned with shadow, and it may be raining outside
• Kitchen Sink Film(Social Realist Film) 现实片
• Melodrama 情节片、家庭情节剧 • Morality Play 道德剧、伦理片 • Musical Film 歌舞片、音乐剧 • Opera Film (Film Opera) 歌剧片 • Preteen Film 儿童片 • Propaganda Film 宣传(煽动)片 • Realist Film现实片、现实主义电影 • Revisionist Film 修正主义电影 • Revolutionary Film (激进)革命电影 • Situation Comedy 情景喜剧 • Soap Opera肥皂剧、连续剧 • Surrealist Film超现实主义电影 • 3-D Film 三维(立体)电影 • Whodunit推理片,神秘惊悚片
Slapstick (Classical Comedy) 丑角喜剧、经典喜剧
•It is a type of comedy involving exaggerated physical violence or activities which exceed the boundaries of common sense,
Noir Film (黑色电影 )
A movie characterized by low-key lighting, a bleak urban setting, and corrupt, cynical (悲观的) characters. Scenes will be filmed at night, actors will be positioned with shadow, and it may be raining outside
• Kitchen Sink Film(Social Realist Film) 现实片
• Melodrama 情节片、家庭情节剧 • Morality Play 道德剧、伦理片 • Musical Film 歌舞片、音乐剧 • Opera Film (Film Opera) 歌剧片 • Preteen Film 儿童片 • Propaganda Film 宣传(煽动)片 • Realist Film现实片、现实主义电影 • Revisionist Film 修正主义电影 • Revolutionary Film (激进)革命电影 • Situation Comedy 情景喜剧 • Soap Opera肥皂剧、连续剧 • Surrealist Film超现实主义电影 • 3-D Film 三维(立体)电影 • Whodunit推理片,神秘惊悚片
Slapstick (Classical Comedy) 丑角喜剧、经典喜剧
•It is a type of comedy involving exaggerated physical violence or activities which exceed the boundaries of common sense,

Morgan Freeman(摩根·弗里曼)
Introduction: The Shawshank Redemption takes place over decades.As a prison
inmate,He retains his spirit and soul while breathing life into a dark institution .Finally, his patient nature leads him to freedom. The story is told by old Red, the guy who knows the whole story, about Andy Dufresne, a young banker jailed for the murder of his wife and her lover. The film encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings and to appreciate the beauty of life, the most important is to keep hope forever.
这个电影的内容是发生了几十年的事情了, 讲的是一个罪犯处在黑暗的牢狱之中仍能保持自 己的精神和灵魂。 最终,他耐心的天性使得自己 重获自由。这个故事是老里德来讲述的,他知道 整个故事,关于Andy Dufresne,一个年轻的银行家 由于谋杀自己的妻子和妻子的情人而入狱。
这个电影鼓励人们去捍卫人性的尊严,去珍 惜生命中美好的东西,最重要的,是永远的心存 希望。
Gone with The Wind 乱世佳人(飘)
Director:Frank Darabont (弗兰克·达拉邦特) Major Characters: Vivien Leigh(费雯·丽)
Introduction: The Shawshank Redemption takes place over decades.As a prison
inmate,He retains his spirit and soul while breathing life into a dark institution .Finally, his patient nature leads him to freedom. The story is told by old Red, the guy who knows the whole story, about Andy Dufresne, a young banker jailed for the murder of his wife and her lover. The film encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings and to appreciate the beauty of life, the most important is to keep hope forever.
这个电影的内容是发生了几十年的事情了, 讲的是一个罪犯处在黑暗的牢狱之中仍能保持自 己的精神和灵魂。 最终,他耐心的天性使得自己 重获自由。这个故事是老里德来讲述的,他知道 整个故事,关于Andy Dufresne,一个年轻的银行家 由于谋杀自己的妻子和妻子的情人而入狱。
这个电影鼓励人们去捍卫人性的尊严,去珍 惜生命中美好的东西,最重要的,是永远的心存 希望。
Gone with The Wind 乱世佳人(飘)
Director:Frank Darabont (弗兰克·达拉邦特) Major Characters: Vivien Leigh(费雯·丽)

Film critic evaluation
Film critics also give high praise to Inception, praising the director's talent and the innovation of the film. Many critics believe that Inception is a work that redefines the possibilities of a movie.
The Threat of Cybererror
The concept of using dreams as a vehicle for cybererror is introduced, exploring the potential for misuse of technology in the future
The attention to detail in the set design, from the props to the costs, completes the visual effects and helps to create a fully immersive world for the audience
The team used innovative techniques such as "in camera" effects, motion capture technology, and post production visual effects to create seamless transitions between reality and dream states
Themes and Reflections in Movies
Film critics also give high praise to Inception, praising the director's talent and the innovation of the film. Many critics believe that Inception is a work that redefines the possibilities of a movie.
The Threat of Cybererror
The concept of using dreams as a vehicle for cybererror is introduced, exploring the potential for misuse of technology in the future
The attention to detail in the set design, from the props to the costs, completes the visual effects and helps to create a fully immersive world for the audience
The team used innovative techniques such as "in camera" effects, motion capture technology, and post production visual effects to create seamless transitions between reality and dream states
Themes and Reflections in Movies
英语经典电影 ppt课件

Film <Forrest Gump> have got six Grand Prizes in 1995.
The best picture The best actor The best achievement in directing, adapting drama The best achievement in film editing (影片剪辑) The best visual effect(视觉效应) Etc ……
I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer,I'm gonna to tell you that I don't know.But I bet you whawer, and I'll find the answer.
Classic foreign films
The Pursuit of Happyness(当幸福来敲门) Forrest Gump (阿甘正传)
The Legend Of 1990(海上钢琴师) Titanic(泰坦尼克号)
Harry Potter(哈利波特)
美国电影《当幸福来敲门》 (The Pursuit of Happyness) 取材真实故事。故事的主 角就是当今美国黑人投资 专家Chris Gardner。成功诠 释出一位濒临破产、老婆 离家的落魄业务员,如何 刻苦耐劳的善尽单亲责任, 奋发向上成为股市交易员, 最后成为知名的金融投资 家的励志故事。该片获得 2006年奥斯卡最佳男主角 提名。
Run Forrest ,run! Run Forrest!

• Nowadays, there are so many American movies in our daily lives, such as Harry Potter, Final Destination. Some of may know more about them than me. So I do not tell these films to you again.
South Califors used the point technology and
skills to make the films which brought American film industries a
new life.
• Many film worker were charged to work for Communist Party and were arrested. Some of them were even being killed.
• After that, American film industries developed so slowly that it took more than 10 years to revival.
• What America did during the war was not only selling weapons but also developing its film industries. American movies flowed into Europe and won its market.
Film Patent Company closed down in 1915.

The movie tells us a story about a girl –Juli, who has adored a boy ever since he moved into the neighborhood in the second grade.
But beginning that day, and for the next six years, young Bryce does everything he can to keep his outspoken wannabe girlfriend at arm's length, which isn't easy since they go to the same school and live across the street from each other.
Warm ending
Maybe what makes "Flipped" such a warm entertainment is how it re-creates a life we wish we'd had when we were 14. That's true for adults, and also I suspect true for some 14-year-olds. In a way the audience flips, too.
Callan McAuliffe plays the young boy Bryce
Madeline Carroll plays Juli Baker
It's a simple story - girl likes boy, boy doesn't like girl and only realizes he does just after the girl begins to not like him.

他叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱。经由艾莎 的魔力创造而意外诞生,雪宝是史上最 友好的雪人。他天真、开朗的个性惹人 喜爱;他的古怪能力则能使其时不时就 身首分离,把场面变得尴尬又搞笑。雪 宝还拥有世界上最异想天开的梦想—— 他期待迎接夏日的暖风与骄阳。
Some people are worth melting for ----- Olaf
hapless snowman to find her estranged sister,
whose icy powers have inadvertently trapped
the kingdom in etern精a选课l 件wpptinter.
The image of the Snow Queen is from Andersen's Fairy Tales. The Snow Queen who has the ability to freeze everything is the queen of the word of ice and snow.
He met Meng Xiaojun and
Wang Yang and became
Meng Xiaojun
want to
change the
world,so he
went to his
desire for a
United States’
Brief Introduction of the Fairy Tale

Golden age of Hollywood: From the late 1930s to the 1950s, Hollywood dominated the global film industry Studios such as Paramount, Warner Bros., and Disney were at the forefront of movie making, creating classes like "Gone with the Wind" and "The Wizard of Oz"
Movie genre
Horror movies
Designed to scale the audience, hour movies typical feature months, ghosts, or other scale elements They aim to provoke fear and anxiety in the viewer
Drama movies
Emotional and character driven, drama movies often focus on themes such as love, loss, and redemption They aim to evoke strong feelings and are known for their intensive storytelling
Film History
Silent film era: Before the incident of sound technology in the late 1920s, movies were silent films Pioneers like Charlie Chaplin and Mary Pickford rose to fame during this period

Dramatic Films vs. Action Films: Action movies are characterized by intensive action sequences, Thrilling chases, and fit scenes Dramas, on the other hand, focus on characters and their emotional journals, with action serving to further develop the story and characters more than being the main focus
Character Development
Actors in drama films are expected to deliver high skilled and emotional performance They must be able to accommodate the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of their characters through sub factual expressions, body language, and voice modulation
Movie Master
Detailed description
Francis Ford Coppola is an American film giant known for her profound social insights and outstanding filmmaking skills. His works such as "The Godfather," "Apocalypse Now," and "Four Hundred Years of Vampire Zombies" have had a profound impact on film history.

Film evaluation
Audience evaluation
Box office performance
The box office performance is an important indicator of a movie's popularity and commercial success It measures the amount of money a movie gross and is a reflection of the audience's reception and satisfaction
Story background
Period setting
Many English movies are set in different historical periods,
providing a window into the culture and society of that era
The information or values preserved by movies
Movies can involve important information or values to the audience, either explicitly or implicitly They can teach about history, culture, or social issues, and can influence audience's perspectives and values
Public speech
The public speech of a movie is often determined by word of mouth and social media buzz Positive reviews and recommendations from friends and family can help a movie gain popularity and recognition
Audience evaluation
Box office performance
The box office performance is an important indicator of a movie's popularity and commercial success It measures the amount of money a movie gross and is a reflection of the audience's reception and satisfaction
Story background
Period setting
Many English movies are set in different historical periods,
providing a window into the culture and society of that era
The information or values preserved by movies
Movies can involve important information or values to the audience, either explicitly or implicitly They can teach about history, culture, or social issues, and can influence audience's perspectives and values
Public speech
The public speech of a movie is often determined by word of mouth and social media buzz Positive reviews and recommendations from friends and family can help a movie gain popularity and recognition

Big hero 6 by Man of Action
The film tells the story of a young robotics prodigy
named Hiro Hamada who forms a superhero team
to combat a masked villain.
Release dates November 7,2014(US)
Directed by Don Hall Chris Williams
Produced by Roy Conli
Screenplay by Jordan Roberts Dan Gerson Robert L. Baird
Based on
Wonderful Scenes
Can you find the Easter egg?
When a fire breaks out at
the university, Tadashi
rushes in to rescue the
professor, but both are
killed, and Hiro secludes
himself. One day, Hiro
accidentally activates
Protagonist Hiro Hamada is a 14-year-old robotics genius who lives in the futuristic (fictional) city of San Fransokyo (San Francisco+ tokyo) and spends his time participating in illegal robot fights. To redirect Hiro, his older brother Tadashi takes him to the robotics center at his university, where Hiro meets Tadashi's friends: GoGo, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred, as well the healthcare robot Baymax that Tadashi created.

Science fiction movies are known for their imaginative concepts, special effects, and some complex stories that explore the impact of science and technology on society
Horror movies often rely on jump scales, gore, and psychological tricks to elicit fear and anxiety in the audience
Science fiction film
Science fiction movies are set in a future or alive setting and often deal with themes such as technology, space exploration, time travel, and extramarital life
Technical Advancements
Over the years, technical advancements such as color film, widescreen formats, and soundtracks have transformed the way movies are made and experienced
The Golden Age of Hollywood
In the 1930s and 1940s, Hollywood emerged as the center of the movie industry, producing a large number of classic films that defined the era
Horror movies often rely on jump scales, gore, and psychological tricks to elicit fear and anxiety in the audience
Science fiction film
Science fiction movies are set in a future or alive setting and often deal with themes such as technology, space exploration, time travel, and extramarital life
Technical Advancements
Over the years, technical advancements such as color film, widescreen formats, and soundtracks have transformed the way movies are made and experienced
The Golden Age of Hollywood
In the 1930s and 1940s, Hollywood emerged as the center of the movie industry, producing a large number of classic films that defined the era

customs, values, history, and social structure
American cultural influence
Many English movies are influenced by American culture,
reflecting the close relationship between the two cultures
Oral practice
English movies can provide a good opportunity for students to practice their oral skills They can repeat the movie lines or try to limit the promotion and introduction of the actors
Entertainment and motivation
Movies are engaging and can motivate students to learn English
Improving language skills
English movies can help students improve their language skills, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing
The Role of English Movies in Cultural Exchange
Promoting cultural exchange
English movies are an important medium for promoting cultural exchange between British and other countries

Latika果然在电视上看到了他,Jamal的哥哥此时 也幡然醒悟,给了Latika车钥匙与电话,催她快去找 Jamal。最后一个问题是“请说出第三个火枪手的名 字”,此时Jamal开心的笑了,他想到了萨利姆,那是 他们小时候共同学过的课文,他想和萨利姆分享这一 时刻!他选择了电话求助,打电话给他的哥哥。电话 打给他的兄长萨利姆,接听的却是Latika。Jamal听到 她的声音非常兴奋,但Latika不知道答案。Jamal开心 的的选择了正确答案。而此时萨利姆为了能让他们幸 福地生活在一起,与黑帮老大同归于尽。那天晚上, Jamal与Latika终于在火车站相见。他们忘情拥吻,有 情人终成眷属。
但是Jamal对Latika的思念并没有因时间 的流逝而减少。最终他说服他的哥哥一起回 到孟买寻找Latika,可是一系列的变故使得他 虽然见到了Latika,却再次失去了她──她被 黑帮老大夺去;而他的哥哥也成了黑帮的一 员。于是Jamal想到了来参加这个电视节目, 因为他知道这是Latika最喜欢的节目,她一定 会看到他。此时,Jamal凭借他那传神的生活 经历破掉了一个又一个难关,隔在Jamal与 2000万卢比之间的,只剩下最后一个问题。
剧情介绍(Plot Summary)
But Jamal Latika thoughts and to do not have because of the passing of time reduced. Eventually he persuaded his brother together back to mumbai looking for Latika, but a series of events that although he met Latika, but again lose her ─ ─ she was gang boss taken away; And his brother also became a member of the gang. So Jamal thought of to participate in the TV programs, because he knows that this is Latika favorite show, she will see him. At this time, Jamal with his vivid life experience is broken one difficulty, lie between Jamal and 20 million rupees in between, only the laatika indeed as expected on television see him, Jamal's brother this time also awaken, give the car keys and Latika phone, push her to go find Jamal. The last question is "please say the third musketeers name", then Jamal happy smile, he thought of saleem, is that they have learned the text together when I was a child, he wants to share this moment saleem! He chose the phone for help, make a phone call to his brother. Phone call to his elder brother saleem, the answer is Latika. Jamal hear her voice very exciting, but Latika don't know the answer. Jamal happy choice the correct answer. But at this time in order to make them happy saleem to live together, and gang boss mutually assured destruction. That night, Jamal and Latika finally meet at the railway station. The distraction they kiss, jack shall have Jill.
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Classic line
• Bryce's grandfather says about Juli, "Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss.... But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare."
Callan McAuliffe plays
the young boy Bryce
Madeline Carroll plays Juli Baker
It's a simple story girl likes boy, boy doesn't like girl and only realizes he does just after the girl begins to not like him.
Warm ending
• Maybe what makes "Flipped" such a warm entertainment is how it recreates a life we wish we'd had when we were 14. That's true for adults, and also I suspect true for some 14year-olds. In a way the audience flips, too.
• There are moments in adolescence when your feelings about romance turn on a dime. The girl you thought was a pest becomes the object of your dreams. The boy you've had a crush on for years begins to seem like a jerk. The timing is off. Sometimes you can look back half a lifetime and see how things might have happened differently if you hadn't been so stupid. Rob Reiner's "Flipped" does the looking.
• 有些人浅薄,有些人金玉其外败絮其中,但是总有一天, 你会遇到一个绚丽的人,她让你觉得你以前遇到过的所有 人都只是浮云.
• The movie tells us a story about a girl – Juli, who has adored a boy ever since he moved into the neighborhood in the second grade.
பைடு நூலகம்
• But beginning that day, and for the next six years, young Bryce does everything he can to keep his outspoken wannabe girlfriend at arm's length, which isn't easy since they go to the same school and live across the street from each other.