




1. pen [pen] - 钢笔(n. 名词)2. pencil ['pensl] - 铅笔(n.)3. pencil - box ['pensl bɒks] - 铅笔盒(n.)4. ruler ['ru:lə(r)] - 尺子(n.)5. eraser [ɪ'reɪzə(r)] - 橡皮擦(n.)6. crayon ['kreɪən] - 蜡笔(n.)二、颜色类。

1. red [red] - 红色(n. & adj. 名词和形容词)2. green [ɡri:n] - 绿色(n. & adj.)3. yellow ['jeləʊ] - 黄色(n. & adj.)4. blue [blu:] - 蓝色(n. & adj.)5. black [blæk] - 黑色(n. & adj.)6. white [waɪt] - 白色(n. & adj.)7. orange ['ɒrɪndʒ] - 橙色(n. & adj.)8. brown [braʊn] - 棕色(n. & adj.)三、身体部位类。

1. face [feɪs] - 脸(n.)2. ear [ɪə(r)] - 耳朵(n.)3. eye [aɪ] - 眼睛(n.)4. nose [nəʊz] - 鼻子(n.)5. mouth [maʊθ] - 嘴巴(n.)6. arm [ɑ:m] - 手臂(n.)7. hand [hænd] - 手(n.)8. head [hed] - 头(n.)9. body ['bɒdi] - 身体(n.)10. leg [leɡ] - 腿(n.)11. foot [fʊt] - 脚(n.,复数feet [fi:t])四、动物类。

1. cat [kæt] - 猫(n.)2. dog [dɒɡ] - 狗(n.)3. duck [dʌk] - 鸭子(n.)4. pig [pɪɡ] - 猪(n.)5. bear [beə(r)] - 熊(n.)6. elephant ['elɪfənt] - 大象(n.)7. monkey ['mʌŋki] - 猴子(n.)8. bird [bɜ:d] - 鸟(n.)9. tiger ['taɪɡə(r)] - 老虎(n.)10. panda ['pændə] - 熊猫(n.)五、其他类。



人教版三年级上册英语单词默写总结(汉译英)1. Lesson 1: Greetings- 早上好 - Good morning- 下午好 - Good afternoon- 晚上好 - Good evening- 晚安 - Goodnight- 你好 - Hello- 再见 - Goodbye2. Lesson 2: Numbers- 一 - one- 二 - two- 三 - three- 四 - four- 五 - five- 六 - six- 七 - seven- 八 - eight- 九 - nine- 十 - ten3. Lesson 3: Colors- 红色 - red- 黄色 - yellow- 蓝色 - blue- 绿色 - green- 橙色 - orange- 紫色 - purple- 黑色 - black- 白色 - white- 粉红色 - pink- 棕色 - brown4. Lesson 4: Family- 爸爸 - father- 妈妈 - mother- 弟弟 - younger brother - 姐姐 - elder sister- 哥哥 - elder brother- 妹妹 - younger sister - 爷爷 - grandfather- 奶奶 - grandmother 5. Lesson 5: Animals- 狗 - dog- 猫 - cat- 鸟 - bird- 鱼 - fish- 兔子 - rabbit- 马 - horse- 鸭子 - duck- 老鼠 - mouse- 乌龟 - turtle- 熊 - bear6. Lesson 6: Fruits- 苹果 - apple- 香蕉 - banana- 橘子 - orange- 葡萄 - grape- 草莓 - strawberry- 梨 - pear- 西瓜 - watermelon- 桃子 - peach- 柠檬 - lemon- 菠萝 - pineapple7. Lesson 7: Body Parts- 头 - head- 脸 - face- 眼睛 - eyes- 鼻子 - nose- 嘴巴 - mouth- 耳朵 - ears- 手 - hands- 脚 - feet- 腿 - legs- 胳膊 - arms8. Lesson 8: Food- 米饭 - rice- 面包 - bread- 红豆 - red bean- 牛奶 - milk- 鸡蛋 - egg- 面条 - noodles- 火腿 - ham- 糖果 - candy- 饼干 - biscuit- 蛋糕 - cake9. Lesson 9: School Objects- 书 - book- 桌子 - desk- 椅子 - chair- 笔 - pen- 铅笔 - pencil- 尺子 - ruler- 橡皮 - eraser- 刀 - knife- 学校 - school- 班级 - class10. Lesson 10: Weather- 天气 - weather- 晴天 - sunny- 阴天 - cloudy- 多云 - partly cloudy- 下雨 - rainy- 下雪 - snowy- 雾 - foggy- 雷雨 - thunderstorm- 风 - windy- 冷 - cold以上是人教版三年级上册英语单词默写总结的汉译英部分内容。



三年级英语上册单词英译汉Unit 1.- ruler:[ˈruːlə(r)],名词(n.),尺子。

- pencil:[ˈpensl],名词(n.),铅笔。

- eraser:[ɪˈreɪzə(r)],名词(n.),橡皮。

- crayon:[ˈkreɪən],名词(n.),蜡笔。

- bag:[bæɡ],名词(n.),包。

- pen:[pen],名词(n.),钢笔。

- pencil box:[ˈpensl bɒks],名词短语(n. phr.),铅笔盒。

- book:[bʊk],名词(n.),书。

Unit 2.- red:[red],形容词(adj.),红色(的)- green:[ɡriːn],形容词(adj.),绿色(的)- yellow:[ˈjeləʊ],形容词(adj.),黄色(的)- blue:[bluː],形容词(adj.),蓝色(的)- black:[blæk],形容词(adj.),黑色(的)- brown:[braʊn],形容词(adj.),棕色(的)- white:[waɪt],形容词(adj.),白色(的)- orange:[ˈɒrɪndʒ],形容词(adj.)与名词(n.),橙色(的);橙子。

Unit 3.- face:[feɪs],名词(n.),脸。

- ear:[ɪə(r)],名词(n.),耳朵。

- eye:[aɪ],名词(n.),眼睛。

- nose:[nəʊz],名词(n.),鼻子。

- mouth:[maʊθ],名词(n.),嘴。

- arm:[ɑːm],名词(n.),胳膊。

- hand:[hænd],名词(n.),手。

- head:[hed],名词(n.),头。

- body:[ˈbɒdi],名词(n.),身体。

- leg:[leɡ],名词(n.),腿。

- foot:[fʊt],名词(n.),脚(复数形式feet)Unit 4.- duck:[dʌk],名词(n.),鸭子。



小学三年级英语课本必须掌握的英语单词及翻译one——一two——二three——三four——四five——五six——六seven——七eight——八nine——九ten——十ruler——尺子pencil——铅笔eraser——橡皮crayon——蜡笔bag——书包pen——钢笔pencil box——铅笔盒book——书sharpener——卷笔刀face——脸ear——耳朵eye——眼睛nose——鼻子mouth——嘴arm——胳膊hand——手head——头body——身体leg——腿foot——脚school——学校your——你的,你们的who——谁what——什么friend——朋友red——红色green——绿色yellow——黄色blue——蓝色black——黑色white——白色orange——橙色purple——紫色pink——粉色brown——棕色father——爸爸mother——妈妈brother——哥哥,弟弟sister——姐姐,妹妹grandfather——爷爷grandmother——奶奶uncle——叔叔,舅舅aunt——阿姨,姑姑cat——猫dog——狗duck——鸭子rabbit——兔子pig——猪horse——马cow——牛tiger——老虎panda——熊猫elephant——大象apple——苹果banana——香蕉pear——梨orange——橙子watermelon——西瓜cake——蛋糕bread——面包hot dog——热狗hamburger——汉堡milk——牛奶park——公园zoo——动物园school——学校library——图书馆hospital——医院post office——邮局supermarket——超市museum——博物馆cinema——电影院restaurant——餐厅car——小汽车bus——公交车bike——自行车train——火车plane——飞机ship——轮船taxi——出租车motorcycle——摩托车shirt——衬衫dress——连衣裙skirt——裙子trousers——裤子shorts——短裤socks——袜子shoes——鞋子cap——帽子jacket——夹克tie——领带teacher——老师doctor——医生nurse——护士policeman——警察farmer——农民driver——司机cook——厨师singer——歌手writer——作家artist——艺术家sunny——晴朗的rainy——下雨的snowy——下雪的windy——有风的cloudy——多云的hot——热的cold——冷的sun——太阳moon——月亮star——星星happy——快乐的sad——悲伤的angry——生气的tired——累的hungry——饥饿的thirsty——口渴的full——饱的excited——兴奋的afraid——害怕的nervous——紧张的morning——早上afternoon——下午evening——晚上night——夜晚day——白天week——星期month——月份year——年January——一月February——二月March——三月April——四月May——五月June——六月run——跑jump——跳swim——游泳fly——飞read——阅读write——写draw——画sing——唱歌dance——跳舞play——玩Chinese——语文Maths——数学English——英语Science——科学Music——音乐PE——体育Art——美术History——历史Geography——地理football——足球basketball——篮球volleyball——排球table tennis——乒乓球badminton——羽毛球skate——滑冰skip——跳绳gymnastics——体操swimming——游泳sea——海洋river——河流lake——湖泊mountain——山beach——海滩forest——森林tree——树flower——花grass——草leaf——叶子open——打开close——关闭turn on——打开turn off——关闭show——展示find——找到help——帮助stop——停止start——开始wait——等待big——大的small——小的long——长的short——短的tall——高的short——矮的fast——快的slow——慢的clean——干净的dirty——脏的in——在……里面on——在……上面under——在……下面near——在……附近behind——在……后面in front of——在…前面left——左边right——右边。



一. 单词翻译:
1. 看见 - see
2. 听 - hear
3. 闻到 - smell
4. 买 - buy
5. 唱歌 - sing
6. 说话 - speak
7. 游泳 - swim
8. 跑 - run
9. 跳 - jump
10. 喜欢 - like
二. 句子翻译:
1. 我看见了一只小鸟。

- I see a little bird.
2. 你能听到音乐吗?- Can you hear the music?
3. 我闻到了香喷喷的面包味道。

- I smell the delicious smell of bread.
4. 我要买一本漫画书。

- I want to buy a comic book.
5. 她喜欢唱歌。

- She likes to sing.
6. 我们一起去游泳吧!- Let's go swimming together!
7. 小狗在跑步。

- The puppy is running.
8. 我会跳高。

- I can jump high.
9. 她喜欢跳绳。

- She likes skipping rope.
10. 我喜欢学英语。

- I like learning English.



三年级上册英语单词和句子1. hello - 你好2. good morning - 早上好3. good afternoon - 下午好4. good evening - 晚上好5. goodbye - 再见6. please - 请7. thank you - 谢谢8. sorry - 对不起9. name - 名字10. age - 年龄11. class - 班级12. school - 学校13. teacher - 老师14. student - 学生15. friend - 朋友16. family - 家庭17. mother - 母亲18. father - 父亲19. brother - 兄弟20. sister - 姐妹21. dog - 狗22. cat - 猫23. bird - 鸟24. fish - 鱼25. sun - 太阳26. moon - 月亮27. star - 星星28. sky - 天空29. cloud - 云30. rain - 雨31. snow - 雪32. wind - 风33. tree - 树34. flower - 花朵35. grass - 草36. fruit - 水果37. apple - 苹果38. banana - 香蕉39. orange - 橙子40. pencil - 铅笔41. pen - 笔42. book - 书43. bag - 包44. desk - 书桌45. chair - 椅子46. computer - 电脑47. color - 颜色48. red - 红色49. blue - 蓝色50. yellow - 黄色51. green - 绿色52. white - 白色53. black - 黑色### 句子:1. Hello, my name is Tom.2. Good morning, teacher.3. How old are you?4. I am eight years old.5. This is my friend, Lily.6. I have a dog.7. What color is your cat?8. My pencil is blue.9. I like apples.10. Can I help you?11. Thank you very much.12. You're welcome.13. I'm sorry for being late.14. It's sunny today.15. I can sing a song.。



人教精通版小学英语三年级上册重要词语及句型Unit 1 Hello! I’m Monkeycat monkey dog duck panda猫猴子狗鸭子熊猫Bear pig rabbit bird mouse (mice)熊猪兔子鸟老鼠(复数)重点句型1. Hello! I’m Kate.你好!我是凯特。

2. What ’s your name? 你叫什么名字?----My nam e’s Peter. 我的名字叫彼得。

3. Goodbye! 再见!4. Good morning, Miss Liu! 早上好,刘女士。

----Good morning, boys and girls! 早上好, 男孩和女孩们。

5. Good afternoon. 下午好。

6. Good evening. 晚上好。

7. Good night. 晚安。

8. Who are you? 你是谁?----I’m Monkey. 我是猴子。

9.Act like a duck.表演一只鸭子。

Unit 2 This is my pencil.book bag pen pencil pencil-box 书书包钢笔铅笔铅笔盒ruler eraser sharpener glue marker 尺子橡皮卷笔刀胶棒马克笔重点句型1.Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

----Glad to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。

2. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

----Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。

3. Welcome! 欢迎!4. Open your pencil-box. 打开你的铅笔盒。

5. Take out your ruler. 拿出你的尺。

6. Show me your pencil.给我看看你的铅笔。

7. Point at your pen.指着你的钢笔。



小学英语三年级重点词汇和句子三年级上册Unit1【单词】文具ruler(尺) pencil (铅笔) eraser(橡皮) crayon(蜡笔) bag (书包) pen (钢笔) pencil box ( 铅笔盒) book (书)【句子】1、 Hello, I'm Wu Yifan. 你好,我是吴一凡。

2、Hi, I'm Sarah. 你好,我是萨拉3、I have a ruler / an eraser. 我有一把尺子/一块橡皮。

4、What's your name ? 你叫什么名字?My name's John. 我叫约翰。

5、Goodbye! 再见!Bye, Miss White. 再见,怀特小姐。

Unit2【单词】颜色red(红色的) green(绿色的) yellow(黄色的) blue(蓝色的) black (黑色的) brown (棕色的) white (白色的) orange (橙色的)【句子】1、Mr Jones, this is Miss Green. 琼斯先生,这是格林小姐。

Good morning, Miss Green. 早上好,格林小姐。

2、I see red. 我看见红色。

3、Good afternoon, Wu Yifan. 下午好,吴一凡。

4、Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。

Nice to meet you, too. 见到你也很高兴。

5、 Colour it brown! 把它涂成棕色吧!Unit3【单词】身体部位face( 脸) ear (耳朵) eye (眼睛) nose(鼻子) mouth (嘴) arm (胳膊)hand(手) head (头) body (身体) leg (腿) foot (脚)【句子】1、How are you? 你好吗?I'm fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。



Unit3 red 红色的yellow 黄色的green 绿色的blue 蓝色的purple 紫色的white 白色的black 黑色的orange 橙色的pink 粉色的brown 棕色的Unit 4 cat 猫dog 狗monkey 猴子panda 熊猫rabbit 兔子duck 鸭子pig 猪bird 鸟bear 熊elephant 大象mouse 老鼠squirrel 松鼠Unit 5 cake 蛋糕bread 面包hot dog 热狗hamburger 汉堡包chicken 鸡肉French fries 榨薯条Coke 可乐juice 果汁milk 牛奶water 水tea 茶coffee 咖啡Unit 6 one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十doll 玩具娃娃boat 小船ball 球kite 风筝balloon 气球car 小汽车plane 飞机三年级上册句子1. Hello! Hi!2. Hello! I’m Wu Yifan. I’m from China.3. What’s your name?4. My name’s Chen Jie.5. I have a pencil. Me too.6. Good morning. Good afternoon.7. This is Miss White. Nice to meet you.8. Where are you from? I’m from America.9. Let’s go to school. OK.10. . How many cakes? One cake11. How are you? I’m fine, thank you.12. Let’s paint. Great13. I like green. Me too.14. I have a rabbit.15. Cool! Super! Great! Wow!16. May I have a look? Sure.17. Here you are. Thank you. You’re welcome18. I like hamburgers. Me too19. Have some French fries.20. Can I have some chicken? Sure.21. How old are you? I’m nine.Unit3 red 红色的yellow 黄色的green 绿色的blue 蓝色的purple 紫色的white 白色的black 黑色的orange 橙色的pink 粉色的brown 棕色的Unit 4 cat 猫dog 狗monkey 猴子panda 熊猫rabbit 兔子duck 鸭子pig 猪bird 鸟bear 熊elephant 大象mouse 老鼠squirrel 松鼠Unit 5 cake 蛋糕bread 面包hot dog 热狗hamburger 汉堡包chicken 鸡肉French fries 榨薯条Coke 可乐juice 果汁milk 牛奶water 水tea 茶coffee 咖啡Unit 6 one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十doll 玩具娃娃boat 小船ball 球kite 风筝balloon 气球car 小汽车plane 飞机三年级上册句子1. Hello! Hi!2. Hello! I’m Wu Yifan. I’m from China.3. What’s your name?4. My name’s Chen Jie.5. I have a pencil. Me too.6. Good morning. Good afternoon.7. This is Miss White. Nice to meet you.8. Where are you fro m? I’m from America.9. Let’s go to school. OK.10. . How many cakes? One cake11. How are you? I’m fine, thank you.12. Let’s paint. Great13. I like green. Me too.14. I have a rabbit.15. Cool! Super! Great! Wow!16. May I have a look? Sure.17. Here you are. Thank you. You’re welcome18. I like hamburgers. Me too19. Have some French fries.20. Can I have some chicken? Sure.21. How old are you? I’m nine.。



11. –What do you collec t, Guoguo ?
--I collec t rulers . I have twenty . I like them
all. --果果,你收集什么? --我收集尺子。我有 20 个。我都喜欢。
12. –Fifty minus ten is forty twenty is sixty.
--我们一月放寒假。 16. –Januar y 1st is New Year ’s Day.
--今天天气怎么样? --多云还有雨。
--1 月 1 日是新年。 17. –What a beauti ful Christ mas tree!
9. –Do you get a lot of snow in Beijin g? --这棵圣诞树真漂亮。
5. –I want to run in the race.我想参加 赛跑。
twenty -third. --今天/明天是几号?
6. –When is your birthd ay? --It’s on Decemb er 30th. --你的生日是什么时候?
--11 月 22/23 号。
14. –When were you born? --I was born on Januar y 29th .
in Englis‎ h 用英语 the tenth month 第‎ 十个月 Nation‎ al Day 国庆节‎ the twelft‎ h month 第‎ 十二个月 have sports‎ meet 开运‎ 动会 on Novemb‎ er 14th 在十一月十四‎ 日 want to run 想要跑步 in the race 在比‎ 赛中 do the high jump 跳高‎ do the long jump 跳远‎ be good at 擅长 sports‎ ground‎ 运动场 in the relay race 在接‎ 力赛跑中 some of us 我们中的‎ 一些人 Decemb‎ er 21st 十二月二十一‎ 日 Decemb‎ er 30th 十二月三十日‎ have a birthd‎ ay party 开‎一个生日聚会‎ have a lot of fun 玩得很‎ 愉快 Septem‎ ber 26th 九月二十六日‎ Octobe‎ r 14th 十月十四日 Novemb‎ er 12th 十一月十二日‎ chilly‎ and snowy 寒冷有雪 make a snowma‎ n 堆雪人 on the first floor 在‎ 第一层 get a lot of wind 经常刮风 collec‎ t marker‎ s 收集彩笔 collec‎ t pencil‎ s 收集铅笔 borrow‎ marker‎ s 借彩笔 so many eraser‎ s 这么多的橡皮‎ on the blackb‎ oard 在黑板上 the missin‎ g number‎ 缺少的数字 fifty minus ten 五十减十 fifty plus twenty‎ 五十减二十 one hundre‎ d minus thirty‎ 一百减三十 sevent‎ y plus ten 七十加十 in our grade 在我们年级 what day 星期几 Novemb‎ er twenty‎ -second‎ 十一月二十二‎ 日



文具类:pen,pencil,box, book,bag,ruler,eraser,crayon,处所类:home, school, classroom, zoo ,抽象类:question,too , and, but身体类:body,head,hair , face,eye,nose,mouth,ear,arm, hand, leg, foot,tooth颜色类:color, red, yellow, green, blue,white,black,orange,brown,动物类:animal, cat,dog,monkey,panda,rabbit,elephant,bear, tiger, lion, fish, mouse食物类:cake, bread, cookie, candy, egg, vegetable,饮品类:juice,milk,water,tea, ice-cream植物类:tree, grass, leaf,数字类:a, an, one, two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty,位置类:at, in, on , under, near,玩具类:toy,ball,kite ,交通工具类:ship,car,plane,train , taxi,bike,人物类:man, boy,girl,teacher,student,时间类:morning, afternoon, night,家庭称呼类:family, father,dad,mother,mom,grandma,grandpa,sister,brother,缩写形式:let’s=let us,I’m=I am, it’s=it is, they’re=they are, you’re=you are, don’t=do not, doesn’t=does not, what’s=what is动作类:look,see, meet, to, go, goes, come, comes, wear, find, like, likes, touch, draw, bye肯定类:yes, is, am, are, do, does, can否定类:no, not, don’t, doesn’t, can’t, aren’t, isn’t水果类:pear,orange,apple,banana,grapes ,室内用品类:desk, chair, door, light, window, TV, floor, fan, blackboard, umbrella,礼貌类:thank, thanks, nice, good, great, friend, goodbye , Bye-bye, welcome, hi, bye, OK程度比较类:sweet, big,long,short,tall,small,many, any(一些,任何的),some, very much, excuse me ,衣帽类:clothes, cap, coat, trousers, skirt, dress, shoes, sweater, socks疑问类:what, who, whose, where, how many, how are you? What’s, what about, how do, how does, is it, is this, is that, is he, is she, are these, are those, is the, are you,归属类:have, has, my, your, her, his, its, of, Colin’s, Wu Chen’s,You Li’s, Luo Yajiao’s, Liu Zhaoyang’s, mother’s人称类: I, you, he, she, we, they, me,所指类:this, that, the, it, these, those,自然景观类:sun, moon,人名类:kitty, Alice, Kevin, Colin, Liu Zhaoyang, Li Shan, Su Nan ,Wu Chen, Miss White, Mr. Zhao地名类:PRC, USA, UN, CCTV, Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an, Hong Kong, Hainan复数类:feet, leaves, candies, boxes, cakes, bananas, teeth感叹类:How big it is! How beautiful! So many candies! It’s too big! It’s too small!常用短语:at home, go home, come to school, go to the zoo, look at, what about, very much, excuse me.go to the classroom, go to Beijing, go to Hainan, go to Chongqing, on foot, by bike, by train, by bus, by taxi, by plane, by car, take a bus, ride a bike, drive a car句型配对:① Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. ②Thank you very much. You are welcome. ③Excuse me. Where is my pen? ④How are you ? I’m fine, thank you. ⑤What’s in your bag? There is a ruler in it. ⑥How does Alice go to the zoo? She goes to the zoo by bus. ⑦Where are the rabbits? They are in the box. ⑧How many blackboards are there in the classroom? There are two blackboards in it. ⑨ Are these your trousers? No, they aren’t.They are Wu Chen’s. ⑩What does your cat like? It likes fish. ⑪Who is she? She is my grandma. ⑫What’s under your book? There is an eraser under it. ⑬Where is my eraser? It’s on the floor. ⑭Whose crayon is this? It’s Yang Bin’s. ⑮Does the bear have a short tail(尾巴)? Yes, it does. ⑯Who is that boy? He is my brother. ⑰What color is the umbrella? It’s green.⑱What is nine and six? Nine and six is fifteen. ⑲ What do they like? They like bread very much. ⑳Look at his white dog. How nice it is! 21.What’s in your hand? There is an apple in it. 22.Who is that girl? It’s me. 23.Whose trousers are these? They are Dad’s trousers.His trousers are blue. 24.What do you likes? I like cookies. 25.What do you have? I have an eraser,a pencil, and some crayons. 26.Let’s play together. OK. 27.Does it have legs? No, it doesn’t. 28.How do you come to school?I come to school on foot. 29.What do you wear?(What does she wear?) I wear a pair of(一条)trousers.(She wears a red skirt.) 30.Does she like the mouse? No,she doesn’t.。




1. pen [pen],名词(n.)例句:I have a pen.(我有一支钢笔。

)2. pencil ['pensl],名词(n.)例句:This is my pencil.(这是我的铅笔。

)3. ruler ['ruːlə(r)],名词(n.)例句:My ruler is long.(我的尺子是长的。

)4. eraser [ɪ'reɪzə(r)],名词(n.)例句:I need an eraser.(我需要一块橡皮。

)5. crayon ['kreɪən],名词(n.)例句:She has many crayons.(她有很多蜡笔。

)6. book [bʊk],名词(n.)例句:Open your book.(打开你的书。

)7. bag [bæɡ],名词(n.)例句:My bag is blue.(我的书包是蓝色的。

)8. pencil box ['pensl bɒks],名词(n.)例句:There are many pencils in my pencil box.(我的铅笔盒里有很多铅笔。

)9. red [red],形容词(adj.)例句:I like the red pen.(我喜欢这支红色的钢笔。

)10. green [ɡriːn],形容词(adj.)例句:The tree is green.(这棵树是绿色的。

)11. blue [bluː],形容词(adj.)例句:His cap is blue.(他的帽子是蓝色的。

)12. yellow ['jeləʊ],形容词(adj.)例句:I see a yellow flower.(我看到一朵黄色的花。

)13. black [blæk],形容词(adj.)例句:The blackboard is black.(黑板是黑色的。

)14. white [waɪt],形容词(adj.)例句:A white rabbit is very cute.(一只白色的兔子非常可爱。



Unit 1 Hello一、大小写:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t U V W X Y ZU v w x y z二、重点单词:what (什么) is (是,用于第三人称) your (你的;你们的)name (名字,姓名) hi(喂,你好) hello (喂,你好)my(我的) I (我) am(是,用于第一人称) and(和,与)good morning(早上好) children(孩子,儿童) bye(再见)goodbye(再见)三、重点句型:1、询问他人姓名:What’s you name ? 你叫什么名字?My name is…. 我的名字是……。

例:What’s you name ? 你叫什么名字?My name is ken. 我的名字是肯。

2、介绍自己:I’m …. 我是……。

例:I’m ken. 我是肯。

3、日常问好:Hello/Hi 你好Good morning 早上好4、同义句:hello——hi 你好good bye——bye 再见thanks——thank you 谢谢5、完全形式与缩写形式:What is = What’s 是什么I am = I’m 我是My name is = My name’s 我的名字是四、重点句子。

(英汉互译、连词成句高频考点)1、Hello 你好2、What’s you name ? 你叫什么名字?3、My name’s Ann. 我的名字叫安。

4、Ken’s my name. 肯是我的名字。

5、Come and meet Uncle Booky! 来见见布奇叔叔!6、Good morning. 早上好。

7、Hi ,I’m Ken 你好,我是肯。

8、Good bye 再见。

9、An apple for you. 给你一个苹果。



人教版三年级英语上册单词和句子总结一、单词总结1. apple [ˈæpl] 苹果2. banana [bəˈnænə] 香蕉3. cat [kæt] 猫4. dog [dɔɡ] 狗5. elephant [ˈelɪfənt] 大象6. fish [fɪʃ] 鱼7. grape [ɡreɪp] 葡萄8. hat [hæt] 帽子9. ice cream [aɪs krim] 冰淇淋10. juice [dʒuːs] 果汁11. kiwi [ˈkiːwi] 猕猴桃12. lion [ˈlaɪən] 狮子13. milk [mɪlk] 牛奶14. nest [nest] 巢15. orange [ˈɔrɪndʒ] 橙子16. pear [per] 梨17. queen [kwiːn] 女王18. rabbit [ˈræbɪt] 兔子19. strawberry [ˈstrɔːberi] 草莓20. umbrella [ʌmˈbrelə] 雨伞21. vegetable [ˈvedʒtəbl] 蔬菜22. watermelon [ˈwɔtərmelən] 西瓜23. xylophone [ˈzaɪləfəʊn] 木琴24. yo-yo [ˈjəʊjəʊ] 悠悠球25. zebra [ˈziːbrə] 斑马二、句子总结1. What’s this? 这是什么?2. It’s an apple. 它是一个苹果。

3. What’s that? 那是什么?4. It’s a banana. 它是一个香蕉。

5. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?6. My name's Mike. 我叫迈克。

7. How are you? 你好吗?8. Fine, thank you. 很好,谢谢。

9. Good morning. 早上好。

10. Good afternoon. 下午好。



三年级上册一、一单元词句1、[ ] 尺子2、[ ] 铅笔3、[ ] 橡皮4、[ ] 蜡笔5、[ ] 包6、[ ] 钢笔7、[ ] 铅笔盒8、[ ] 书9、[ ] 不10、[ ] 你(们)的11、你好,我是吴一凡。





二、二单元词句1、[ ] 红色;红色的2、[ ] 绿色;绿色的3、[ ] 黄色;黄色的4、[ ] 蓝色;蓝色的5、[ ] 黑色;黑色的6、[ ] 棕色;棕色的7、[ ] 白色;白色的8、[ ] 橙色;橙色的9、[ ] 好;行10、[ ] 妈妈(美式英语:[ ]妈妈)11、琼斯先生,这是格林小姐。






17、把它涂成棕色吧!三、三单元——单词句子1、[ ] 脸2、[ ] 耳朵3、[ ] 眼睛4、[ ] 鼻子5、[ ] 嘴6、[ ] 胳膊7、[ ] 手8、[ ] 头9、[ ] 身体10、[ ] 腿11、[ ] 脚12、[ ] 学校13、你好吗?14、我很好,谢谢你。


18、(让)我们一起做个木偶吧!19、太棒了!1、[ ] 鸭子2、[ ] 猪3、[ ] 猫4、[ ] 熊5、[ ] 狗6、[ ]大象7、[ ] 猴子8、[ ] 鸟9、[ ] 老虎10、[ ] 大熊猫11、[ ] 动物园12、[ ]滑稽的;好笑的13、这是什么?14、(它)是只鸭子。


1、[ ] 面包2、[ ] 果汁3、[ ] 蛋4、[ ] 牛奶5、[ ] 水6、[ ] 蛋糕7、[ ] 鱼肉;鱼8、[ ] 米饭9、请给我些果汁。




1、[ ] 一2、[ ] 二3、[ ] 三4、[ ] 四5、[ ] 五6、[ ] 六7、[ ] 七8、[ ] 八9、[ ] 九10、[ ] 十11、[ ] 兄;弟12、[ ] 盘子13、请给我这个。



1. apple (苹果)。

2. cat (猫)。

3. dog (狗)。

4. book (书)。

5. school (学校)。

6. friend (朋友)。

7. happy (快乐)。

8. play (玩)。

1. I have an apple. (我有一个苹果。


2. The cat is black. (这只猫是黑色的。


3. I like to play. (我喜欢玩。


4. This is my book. (这是我的书。


5. I go to school every day. (我每天去学校。


6. My friend is nice. (我的朋友很好。


7. The dog is happy. (这只狗很快乐。








三年级下册英语单词表和句子Unit 1 Welcome back to school!单词:1. UK [ˌjuːˈkeɪ] 名词英国。

2. Canada [ˈkænədə] 名词加拿大。

3. USA [ˌjuː es ˈeɪ] 名词美国。

4. China [ˈtʃaɪnə] 名词中国。

5. she [ʃiː] 代词她。

6. student [ˈstjuːdnt] 名词学生。

7. pupil [ˈpjuːpl] 名词学生;(尤指)小学生。

8. he [hiː] 代词他。

9. teacher [ˈtiːtʃə(r)] 名词教师。

10. boy [bɔɪ] 名词男孩。

11. and [ænd] 连词和;与。

12. girl [ɡɜːl] 名词女孩。

13. new [njuː] 形容词新的。

14. friend [frend] 名词朋友。

15. today [təˈdeɪ] 名词今天。

句子:1. Welcome! [ˈwelkəm] 欢迎!2. We have two new friends today. [wiː hæv tuː njuː frendz təˈde ɪ] 今天我们有两位新朋友。

3. Hi, I’m Amy. I’m from the UK. [haɪ, aɪm ˈeɪmi. aɪm frəm ðəˌjuːˈkeɪ] 嗨,我是埃米。


4. Hi, I’m Zhang Peng. I’m from Shandong. [haɪ, aɪm ʒæŋ pɛŋ. aɪm frəm ʃænˈdɔŋ] 嗨,我是张鹏。


Unit 2 My family.单词:1. father [ˈfɑːðə(r)] 名词父亲;爸爸。

2. dad [dæd] 名词(口语)爸爸;爹爹。

3. man [mæn] 名词男人。



三年级英语上册每日单词默写(汉译英) 学校__________ 班级________ 姓名________一、单词大闯关。

(Unit1)1.名字_________2.耳朵___________3.手___________4.眼睛_________5.嘴_________6.胳膊_________7.可以_________8.分享_________9.微笑_________10.倾听_________11.帮助_________12.说; 讲_________13.再见_________14.玩具_________15.朋友_________16.好的_________17.友好的___________18.和;与_________一、单词大闯关。

(Unit2)1.(口语) 妈妈_________2.(口语)爸爸_________3.(口语) 祖母_________4.(口语)祖父_________5.祖父_________6.祖母_________7.妈妈_________ 8.爸爸_________9.我_________ 10.姐; 妹_________11.有_________ 12.家庭_________13.大的_________ 14.堂(表)兄弟_________ 15.哥; 弟_________ 16.婴儿_________17.叔父_________ 18.姨母_________19.一些_________ 20.小的_________一、单词大闯关。

(Unit3)1.喜欢_________2.狗_________3.宠物_________4.猫_________5.鱼_________6.鸟_________7.兔_________8.去;走_________9.动物园__________10.狐狸_________ 11.女士_________12.大熊猫_________ 13.小熊猫_________14.可爱的_________ 15.猴子_________16.老虎_________17.大象_________18.狮子_________19.长颈鹿_________20.高的_________21.快的__________22.动物__________一、单词大闯关。



新标准英语三年级英语单词和句型总汇1 颜色类colour颜色red红色的yellow黄色的blue蓝色的green绿色的brown棕色的black黑色的white白色的purple紫色的pink粉红色的orange橙色的gray灰色的2.家庭成员Father爸爸mother妈妈sister 姐妹brother兄弟grandma(grandmother)奶奶grandpa(grandfather)爷爷uncle叔叔aunt阿姨3. 数字zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen13 fourteen 14 fifteen 15 sixteen 16 seventeen17 eighteen18 nineteen19 twenty204. 身体部位body 身体head 头eye 眼睛ear 耳朵nose 鼻子hand 手foot脚arm手臂leg腿shoulder肩膀face脸hair头发fingers手指toes脚趾mouth嘴teeth牙齿5.学习用具及其它设备设施pen 钢笔pencil铅笔ruler 直尺rubber橡皮擦pencil-box 铅笔盒book 书school bag 书包window 窗户chair椅子desk桌子blackboard 黑板classroom 教室bedroom卧室bed床6. 动物animal 动物panda熊猫tiger老虎lion狮子bird鸟cat猫dog狗monkey猴子fish鱼elephant大象fox狐狸bear熊wolf狼7. 食物food 食物rice米饭noodles面条milk牛奶meat肉fish鱼肉chicken鸡肉hamburger汉堡water水orange橘子apple苹果pear梨子banana香蕉watermelon西瓜grape葡萄pineapple菠萝strawberry草莓lemon柠檬8.运动或活动Sport运动football足球basketball篮球table tennis乒乓球morning exercises早操ride a bike骑自行车go swimming游泳watch TV 看电视go shopping购物walk散步skating 滑雪play in the snow在雪里玩skipping跳绳fly a kite放风筝go fishing钓go to school去上学go to work去上班go to the park去公园go to the zoo去动物园9. 交通工具bus car bike train 火车plane飞机subway地铁10. 服装clothes衣服hat帽子cap鸭舌帽shirt衬衣skirt短裙dress连衣裙sweater毛线衫coat外套T-shirtT恤衫shoes 鞋子trousers长裤socks短袜shorts短裤11.季节和天气season季节spring春天summer夏天autumn秋天winter冬天warm温暖的hot炎热的cool凉爽的cold寒冷的windy多风的cloudy多云的sunny晴朗的raining(rainy)下雨的snowing(snowy)下雪的12. 星期Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六Sunday 星期日13.科目English英语Chinese语文(中国人)maths 数学PE体育art美术music音乐science科学14.人称代词I我you 你、你们we我们she她he他they 他们(她它)们it它my 我的your你的、你们的her她的his他的15.其它形容词good 好的nice美好的tall 高的short矮的、短的fat胖的thin瘦的big大的small小的funny有趣滑稽的favourite最喜爱的long长的beautiful漂亮的16.其它名词friend 朋友phone电话party聚会photo照片park公园tree树box盒子song歌曲TV电视台17其它动词及三单形式am是is是are是have-has有go-goes去walk-walks步行do-does做、干、助动词like-likes喜欢play-plays玩swim-swims游泳eat-eats吃have got-has got有haven’t-hasn’t没有18方位词:in在……里面on在……上面under 在……下面behind 在……后面。

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文具类:pen,pencil,box, book,bag,ruler,eraser,crayon,
处所类:home, school, classroom, zoo ,
抽象类:question,too , and, but
身体类:body,head,hair , face,eye,nose,mouth,ear,arm, hand, leg, foot,tooth
颜色类:color, red, yellow, green, blue,white,black,orange,brown,
动物类:animal, cat,dog,monkey,panda,rabbit,elephant,bear, tiger, lion, fish, mouse
食物类:cake, bread, cookie, candy, egg, vegetable,
饮品类:juice,milk,water,tea, ice-cream
植物类:tree, grass, leaf,
数字类:a, an, one, two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty,
位置类:at, in, on , under, near,
玩具类:toy,ball,kite ,
交通工具类:ship,car,plane,train , taxi,bike,
人物类:man, boy,girl,teacher,student,
时间类:morning, afternoon, night,
家庭称呼类:family, father,dad,mother,mom,grandma,grandpa,sister,brother,
缩写形式:let’s=let us,I’m=I am, it’s=it is, they’re=they are, you’re=you are, don’t=do not, doesn’t=does not, what’s=what is
动作类:look,see, meet, to, go, goes, come, comes, wear, find, like, likes, touch, draw, bye
肯定类:yes, is, am, are, do, does, can
否定类:no, not, don’t, doesn’t, can’t, aren’t, isn’t
水果类:pear,orange,apple,banana,grapes ,
室内用品类:desk, chair, door, light, window, TV, floor, fan, blackboard, umbrella,
礼貌类:thank, thanks, nice, good, great, friend, goodbye , Bye-bye, welcome, hi, bye, OK
程度比较类:sweet, big,long,short,tall,small,many, any(一些,任何的),some, very much, excuse me ,
衣帽类:clothes, cap, coat, trousers, skirt, dress, shoes, sweater, socks
疑问类:what, who, whose, where, how many, how are you? What’s, what about, how do, how does, is it, is this, is that, is he, is she, are these, are those, is the, are you,
归属类:have, has, my, your, her, his, its, of, Colin’s, Wu Chen’s,You Li’s, Luo Yajiao’s, Liu Zhaoyang’s, mother’s
人称类: I, you, he, she, we, they, me,
所指类:this, that, the, it, these, those,
自然景观类:sun, moon,
人名类:kitty, Alice, Kevin, Colin, Liu Zhaoyang, Li Shan, Su Nan ,Wu Chen, Miss White, Mr. Zhao
地名类:PRC, USA, UN, CCTV, Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an, Hong Kong, Hainan
复数类:feet, leaves, candies, boxes, cakes, bananas, teeth
感叹类:How big it is! How beautiful! So many candies! It’s too big! It’s too small!
常用短语:at home, go home, come to school, go to the zoo, look at, what about, very much, excuse me.
go to the classroom, go to Beijing, go to Hainan, go to Chongqing, on foot, by bike, by train, by bus, by taxi, by plane, by car, take a bus, ride a bike, drive a car
句型配对:① Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. ②Thank you very much. You are welcome. ③Excuse me. Where is my pen? ④How are you ? I’m fine, thank you. ⑤What’s in your bag? There is a ruler in it. ⑥How does Alice go to the zoo? She goes to the zoo by bus. ⑦Where are the rabbits? They are in the box. ⑧How many blackboards are there in the classroom? There are two blackboards in it. ⑨ Are these your trousers? No, they aren’t.They are Wu Chen’s. ⑩What does your cat like? It likes fish. ⑪Who is she? She is my grandma. ⑫What’s under your book? There is an eraser under it. ⑬Where is my eraser? It’s on the floor. ⑭Whose crayon is this? It’s Yang Bin’s. ⑮Does the bear have a short tail(尾巴)? Yes, it does. ⑯Who is that boy? He is my brother. ⑰What color is the umbrella? It’s green.⑱What is nine and six? Nine and six is fifteen. ⑲ What do they like? They like bread very much. ⑳Look at his white dog. How nice it is! 21.What’s in your hand? There is an apple in it. 22.Who is that girl? It’s me. 23.Whose trousers are these? They are Dad’s trousers.His trousers are blue. 24.What do you likes? I like cookies. 25.What do you have? I have an eraser,a pencil, and some crayons. 26.Let’s play together. OK. 27.Does it have legs? No, it doesn’t. 28.How do you come to school?
I come to school on foot. 29.What do you wear?(What does she wear?) I wear a pair of(一条)trousers.(She wears a red skirt.) 30.Does she like the mouse? No,she doesn’t.。
