

chapter 10 dividend policy

chapter 10 dividend policy
1.法律规定 (1)资本保全 (2)公司累积 (3)净收益 (4)偿债能力 (5)超额累计利润
2.企业的资金需求-也即投资机会 3.流动性 4.举债能力 5.债务合同的约束 6.控制权
1.剩余股利政策Residual dividend model (1)根据资本投资计划和加权平均资本成本确定最
一、股利政策的基本观点 二、股利政策的实施 三、股利支付方式
(一)股利政策 dividend policy
股利政策所涉及的主要是公司对其收益进 行分配或留存以用于再投资的决策问题, 通常用股利支付率来表示(每股股利/每股 收益)。dividend-payout ratio
Chapter 10
Dividend Policy
能够为目标股利支付率和最佳股利政策下定义. 讨论三种关于投资者股利偏好的政策(1)股利无
关论(2)一鸟在手理论(3)税收差别理论;是 否存在实证证据来证明哪种理论是最好的?. 解释股利政策的财务信号作用以及股利顾客效应 列举在实践中影响股利政策的系列因素 解释四种股利政策,以及为什么公司倾向于采用稳 定的股利政策 了解股利发放程序,以及各个日期的含义 指出为什么公司要分割股票或发股票股利 理解股票回购问题
Stock dividends vs. Stock splits
Both stock dividends and stock splits increase the number of shares outstanding, so “the pie is divided into smaller pieces.”

Imperfectinformation,dividend policy, and the bird in the hand fallacy

Imperfectinformation,dividend policy, and the bird in the hand fallacy

• “在手之鸟”理论源于谚语“双鸟在林不如一鸟在手”。该理论可 以说是流行最广泛和最持久的股利理论。其初期表现为股利重要论, 后经威廉姆斯(Willianms,1938)、林特纳(Lintner,1956)、华特 (Walter,1956)和麦伦· 戈登(Gordon,1959)等发展为“在手之鸟” 理论。“在手之鸟”理论的核心是认为在投资者眼里,股利收入要 比由留存收益带来的资本收益更为可靠,故需要公司定期向股东支 付较高的股利。
1,外部投资者对于其投资的资产盈利情况信息不完全,同时其代理人不会在无 “道德风险”的条件下和外部投资交流相关信息(财务报表的真实性有待考 证),并且旧项目的盈利情况不能说明新项目的盈利,因此外部投资者只能利 用股利来推断新项目盈利。 2,政府对于资产累计股利比最后清算时征收的税收要高。 3,作为外部投资者实在风险中性的条件下估计现金流这样就不会存在风险规避 的问题。 4,未来各期的股利是一个固定值,同时各期的盈利也被看做固定值,这样便于 分析
股 利 的 均 衡 值
外部投资 者对于股 票盈利估 值
外部投资 者对于股 票需求
• 在前面一系列假设前提下得到:
E(D)是内部投资者的最大化收益,(1-α)为税率,D为股利,X为股票对应的资产带来的未来现金流, f(x)是现金流分布的密度函数,M为现金流均值,r为市场利率,β是内部投资者的借贷成本,V(D)是 清算价值增值,和股利持有的资本利得接近,最后导出
• 根据前文假设有:D(0)=0,我们假设D(t)具有以下形式;D(t) =At,可以得出关于A的方程:
• 根据二次方程的求根公式,我们有
• 通过对一阶条件积分,并且借助边界条件V(0)=0,我们最终可以得出 清算价值增长的函数为:

财务管理第十八章 双语

财务管理第十八章 双语

2.Dividend Stability 股利稳定性
股利稳定有利于树立公司良好形象,所以许多公司支付固定或固定 增长的股利,或低正常股利(Regular Dividend)+额外股利 (Extra Dividend)政策。
虽然从长期来看,A、B公司支付的股利总和相同,但是在其他条件 相同的情况下,B公司的股价可能高于A公司(稳定的股利给投资者 带来正效用,因而投资者愿意为此支付溢价)。
3.Stock Dividends and Stock Splits 股票股利和股票分割
从经济意义上说,二者几乎没有区别,只有从会计上讲,两者才有 重大区别。 股票股利: 小比例股票股利(Small-percentage stock dividends)-低于 原发行在外普通股的25%; 大比例股票股利( Large-percentage stock dividends ) 增加股本、资本公积,减少留存收益(盈余公积、未分配利润); 但股东权益总额不变。 发放小比例股票股利,按市价结转,所以会增加股本和资本公积。 发放大比例股票股利,按面值结转,所以只会增加股本,而资本公 积不变。
实证证据和统计结果表明: 股票分割通常引起股价上涨,是有利的财务信号; 股票合并通常引起股价下跌,是不利的财务信号。
4.Procedural Aspects股利发放程序
Declaration Date 股利宣告日 Ex-dividend Date 除权日 Record Date 股权登记日 Payment Date 股利支付日
的期望,股东可以出售部分股票换取现金,但出售部分股票时需缴纳手 续费(印花税、佣金),交易成本的存在使得股东更加倾向于公司支付 股利,而非“自制”股利。而不想取得股利的股东需要将其股利再投资, 也有交易成本。所以股利不可能是无关的。



如果存在信号均衡(signaling equilibrium),外部 投资者就能在资本市场上依据内幕人选择的信号进行 竞争并支付合理价格,外部人也就可以通过对内幕人 发出的信号的观察来消除信息不对称现象。与之相适 应,内部管理当局根据由此产生的市场价格变化来选 择新的财务政策以达到个人所得最大化。因此,股利 能够传递公司未来盈利能力的信息,从而股利对股票 价格有一定的影响;当公司支付出股利水平上升时, 公司的股价会上升;当公司支付的股利水平下降时, 公司的股价也下降。当一个公司遵循稳定的股利政策, 股利政策的变化使投资者认为是管理层对未来利润预 期的变化。因此股价的变化遵循股利的变化,因为股 利的变化涉及到公司未来的收入的预期。

不如一鸟在手”的谚语。 • 主要代表人物M.Gordon 和 D.Durand • ● 基本思想:股票投资收益包括股利收入和资本利得两种,
即 • • • 股票投资收益率=股利收益率+ 资本利得 (风险小) (风险大) 由于大部分投资者都是风险厌恶型,他们宁愿要相对可靠的 股利收入而不愿意要未来不确定的资本利得,因此公司应维持较 高的股利支付率,即:“双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手”。

• • •
在股利所得税税率为40%的情况下, 股利税后所得为:10×60%=6(元) B公司股东每股拥有的价值为:102.5+6=108.5(元) 为提供12.5%的收益率,B公司现在每股价值应为预期 未来价值的现值,即
108 .5 96.44(元) 1 0.125

r(1 Tc )(1 Tpl ) 18% (1 40%) (1 20%) 8.64%



本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译原文:The Impact of Dividend Policy on Shareholders’ Wealth1. IntroductionIn an ever-increasing Indian economy, globalization, liberalization and privatization together with rapid strides made by information technology, have brought intense competition in every field of activity. So, Indian companies at present are dazed, confused, and apprehensive. To maintain the competitiveness of, and add value to the companies, today’s finance managers have to make critical business and financial decisions which will lead to long-run perspective with the objective of maximizing the shareholders’ wealth.Shareholders’ wealth is represented in the market price of the company’s common stock, which, in turn, is the function of the company’s investment, financing and dividend decision. Managements' primary goal is shareholders' wealth maximization, which translates into maximizing the value of the company as measured by the price of the company’s common stock. Shareholders like cash dividends, but they also like the growth in EPS that results from ploughing earning back into the business. The optimal dividend policy is the one that maximizes the company's stock price which leads to maximization of shareholders' wealth and thereby ensures more rapid economic growth. The present study is intended to study how far the dividend payout has impact on shareholders' wealth in general; and in particular to study the relationship between the shareholders' wealth and the dividend payout and to analyze whether the level of dividend payout affects the wealth of the shareholders.2. Statement of the ProblemsIn India few studies have analyzed the relationship between the shareholders'wealth and dividend payment. Net earnings are divided into two parts –retained earnings and dividends. The retained earnings of the business may be reinvested and treated as a source of long-term funds. The dividend should be distributed to the shareholders in order to maximize their wealth as they have invested their money in the expectation of being made better off financially. Therefore, the present study mainly analyses how far the level of dividend payout affects the shareholders' wealth, particularly in (Organic and Inorganic) Chemical Companies in India.3. Objectives of the Study• To study the relationship between dividend payout and shareholders' wealth.• To analyze the impact of variation in dividend policy on shareholders' wealth of dividend paying and non-paying companies in (Organic and Inorganic) Chemical Companies India.• To analyze the impact of retained earnings and past performance in the presence of dividend policy on shareholders’ wealth of (Organic and Inorganic) Chemical Companies in India.4. Hypotheses• H1: “There is no significant difference in average market valu e relative to book value of equity between dividend payers and non-payers of (Organic and Inorganic) chemical companies.”• H2:“There is no significant impact of dividend policy on shareholders’ wealth in (Organic and Inorganic) chemical companies.”5. Methodology5.1. Sources of DataThe study used only secondary data which are collected from CMIE (Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy) prowess package. Analytical method is used for interpreting the data. The data collected from this source have been compiled and used with due care as per the requirements of the study.5.2. Sampling DesignOriginally the sample for this study has been planned to choose from the list of companies listed in National Stock Exchange (NSE). Since the number of companieslisted in the NSE is lesser in number (21 companies in Organic and Inorganic Chemical Industry), the sample of 28 companies in Chemical Industry (Organic-19 and Inorganic-9) has been chosen from 114 listed companies in BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) using Multi-Stage Random Sampling Technique. The sample units have been chosen for the study based on the availability of required financial data like share price, DPS etc.6. Tools used for Analysis of DataThe equations and variables used for the study are given below:The subscript ‘i’ denotes the ith company in a sample of ‘n’ companies selected from a particular industry, and all variables are measured in the ith time period. Market price per share is the closing prices for the year. To analyze the data, the statistical tools that have been used are Mean, Standard Deviation, multiple regression technique and stepwise regression method to ascertain best fitted model for predicting the dividend policy impact on shareholder’s wealth. The significance of various explanatory variables has been tested by computing t-values. To determine the proportion of explained variation in the dependent variable, the coefficient of determination (R2) has been worked out. The significance of R2 has also been tested with the help of F-Value.7. Period of the StudyThe data used for the analysis are relating to the selected (Organic and Inorganic) Chemical Companies for the period of Ten years (1997-2006).8. Analysis and Results8.1. Comparison of Shareholders’ Value between Dividend Payers an dNon-Payers among Organic CompaniesBefore going through evaluating the relationship between dividend policy and shareholders’ wealth of selected (Organic and Inorganic) chemical companies in India, it has been tried to compare the average wealth of investors between dividend paying and non-paying Organic and Inorganic companies in India. The comparison of mean shareholders’ wealth of companies of all types pooled under dividend paying and non-paying companies are also carried out. The mean values between two groups arecompared with t-values. The results of the analysis are shown from tables 1 – 3.Table 1: Year-wise Comparison of Market Value to Book Value of Equity between Dividend Payers and Non-Payers among Organic Chemical Companies in IndiaYear Dividend Payers Dividend Non-Payers Mean SD Mean SD t-value LS 1997 1.89 1.55 1.00 1.88 1.13 ns1998 1.87 1.54 0.98 1.86 1.14 ns1999 1.90 1.56 0.97 1.83 1.19 ns2000 1.90 1.58 0.97 1.84 1.18 ns2001 1.87 1.53 0.99 1.89 1.12 ns2002 1.83 1.49 0.97 1.82 1.13 ns2003 1.84 1.50 0.95 1.82 1.16 ns2004 1.87 1.52 0.98 1.86 1.15 ns2005 1.82 1.41 0.97 1.89 1.11 ns2006 1.83 1.43 0.97 1.85 1.14 nsAll Years 1.86 1.44 0.98 1.76 3.81 0.01An examination of the results of year-wise comparison of market value of equity to its book value between dividend payers and non-payers of chemical companies in India (vide table 3) shows that the mean market value of equity relative to book value is well above 1 for all the years under study as well as for pooled years. It has been ranging from minimum of 1.53 in 2005 to 1.60 in 2000 with overall mean of 1.56 for all the years. This shows that the market value is well above the book value for the chemical companies which pay dividend. But the scenario has been slightly different in the case of dividend non-paying chemical companies in India.Table 2: Year-wise Comparison of Market Value to Book Value of Equity between Dividend Payers and Non-Payers among Inorganic Chemical Companies.Year Dividend Payers Dividend Non-Payers Mean SD Mean SD t-value LS 1997 1.04 0.56 -0.70 1.70 2.39 0.051998 1.03 0.54 -0.68 1.62 2.47 0.041999 1.05 0.58 -0.71 1.68 2.43 0.052001 1.10 0.72 -0.76 1.75 2.36 0.052002 1.07 0.65 -0.77 1.85 2.29 ns2003 1.07 0.66 -0.74 1.75 2.35 0.052004 1.07 0.63 -0.69 1.68 2.38 0.052005 1.05 0.59 -0.87 1.98 2.32 0.052006 1.06 0.60 -0.93 2.07 2.31 0.05All Years 1.06 0.58 -0.75 1.48 8.36 0.00An average market value relative to book value is <1, revealing marginal increase in wealth of the investors of these companies. The mean values vary between 0.50 in 2006 to 0.57 in 1997 and 1998. The decline in mean value in 2006 has indicated the decline in wealth of the investors during the period. However, comparison of mean values between dividend payer and non-payer under chemical sector (Organic and Inorganic) revealed that the wealth creation in each year does not show any significant difference. However, in the long-run, the difference is highly significant at 1 per cent level.H1: “There is no significant difference in average market value relative to book value of equity between dividend payers and non-payers of (Organic and Inorganic) chemical companies in India.”Table 3: Year-wise Comparison of Market Value to Book Value of Equity Between Dividend Payers and Non-Payers among Organic and Inorganic Chemical Companies.Year Dividend Payers Dividend Non-Payers Mean SD Mean SD t-value LS 1997 1.57 1.32 0.57 1.92 1.63 ns1998 1.56 1.30 0.57 1.89 1.64 ns1999 1.58 1.33 0.55 1.88 1.70 ns2000 1.60 1.35 0.55 1.89 1.71 ns2001 1.58 1.31 0.55 1.94 1.68 ns2002 1.54 1.27 0.54 1.91 1.68 ns2004 1.57 1.30 0.56 1.90 1.67 ns2005 1.53 1.20 0.51 2.00 1.67 ns2006 1.54 1.22 0.50 2.00 1.71 nsAll Years 1.56 1.25 0.54 1.85 5.49 0.00The H1 is rejected. Therefore, it is found that in the long-rum, wealth of shareholders of dividend paying chemical companies has increased significantly when compared to that of the dividend non-paying counterparts, which further shows the impact of dividend policy on wealth creation. Hence H1 stands: “There is significant difference in average market value relative to book value of equity between dividend payers and non-payers of (Organic and Inorganic) chemical companies in India.”8.2. Relationship between Dividend Policy and Shareholders’ WealthDividend Paying Organic Chemical CompaniesTable 4: Results of Regression showing the Impact of Dividend Policy on Market Value of Equity of ALL DIVIDEND PAYING ORGANIC CHEMICAL COMPANIES in India.The impa ct of dividend policy on shareholders’ wealth of organic and inorganic chemical companies with adoption of dividend policy has been elicited using multiple regression analysis. The Dividend per share (DPS) has been used as proxy for measuring the dividend policy of the companies and Market value (MV) of equity of the companies under study is considered as proxy for measuring the shareholders’ wealth and used as dependent variable. Apart from DPS, Retained earnings (RE), lagged Price-Earning Ratio (PEt-1) and lagged Market value of equity (MVt-1) are also used as explanatory variables in order to know whether dividend policy of Organic and Inorganic chemical companies are dominated by these factors in influencing the creation of shareholders’ wealth. Table 4 shows the regression results for all selected organic chemical companies in India with regard to impact of initiating dividend payout on shareholders’ wealth. Perusal of the results indicates that the fit of all four models is significant at 1 per cent level (F = 23.77, p < 0.01 formodel 1, F = 11.77, p < 0.01 for model 2, F = 7.44, p < 0.01 for model 3 and F = 123.15, p < 0.01 for model 4). Among the four models, F value for model 4 is very high. Further, the coefficients of DPS in all four models are highly significant at 1 per cent level and positive in sign (β = 92.68, t = 4.88, p < 0.01 in model 1; β = 92.81, t = 4.84, p < 0.01 in model 2; β = 94.57, t = 4.66, p < 0.01 in model 3; and β = 32.34, t = 3.08, p < 0.01 in model 4). Also, from the perusal of adjusted R2 values, it is clear that the explanatory variables in the model 4 could together explain 80.46 per cent of the variance in market value, whereas explanatory variables in model 1, 2 and 3 could, together, explain 18.70 per cent, 17.87 per cent and 17.83 per cent respectively of the variance in dependent variable Hence, model 4 is the appropriate one for the final interpretation. Interestingly, the coefficient of DPS in model 4, though statistically significant, has declined considerably in the presence of RE and lagged MV, even though the coefficients of those variables are insignificant. Also, the intercepts, which are insignificant in the first three models, become significant in model 4, indicating that there are some factors inherent in the market dominated over dividend policy when market has started considering RE and lagged MV of organic chemical companies under chemical sector.H2: “There is no significant impact of dividend policy on shareholders’ wealth in Organic Chemical Companies in I ndia.”9. Summary and Concluding RemarksGenerally, higher dividend increases the market value of the share and vice versa. Shareholders preferred current dividend to future income so, dividend is considered as an important factor which determines the shar eholders’ wealth. This is normally true in case of salaried individuals, retired pensioners and others with limited incomes. Dividend has information content and the payment of dividend indicates that the company has a good earning capacity. The wealth of the shareholders is greatly influenced mainly by five variables viz., Growth in Sales, Improvement of Profit Margin, Capital Investment Decisions (both working capital and fixed capital), Capital Structure Decisions, Cost of Capital (Dividend on Equity, Interest on Debt) etc. As far as the dividend paying companies are concerned, there is a significantimpact of dividend policy on shareholders’ wealth in Organic Chemical Companies. Whereas, as far as the Inorganic Chemical Companies are concerned, the share holders’ wealth is not influenced by the dividend payout.Source: R. Azhagaiah, Sabari Priya.N. The Impact of Dividend Policy on Shareholders’ Wealth. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics,2008(20) :P181-187.译文:对股东财富影响的股利政策1.简介印度经济不断发展,在全球化、自由化和私有化,特别是信息技术取得了迅速进展的情形下,带来了在各个活动领域的激烈竞争。

股利政策的主要理论 股利政策的基本理论

股利政策的主要理论 股利政策的基本理论

















以下是小编精心整理的股利政策的理论依据的相关资料,希望对你有帮助! 股利政策的理论依据一、股利政策定义股利政策是指公司股东大会或董事会对一切与股利有关的事项,所采取的具有原则性的做法,是关于公司是否发放股利、发放多少股利以及何时发放股利等方面的方针和策略,所涉及的主要是公司对其收益进行分配还是留存以用于再投资的策略问题。

















外文翻译原文Material Source: Fortune; 11/24/2008 Author: Tully-Shawn Dividend policy, one of the three corporation financial decisions, has been concerned among theoreticians and practitioners. John Linter (1956) brought forward a model of dividend adjustment. According to the model, firm that is currently paying dividends at the rate of Depts., and that has a target payout ratio of POR, ill adjust (ADJ) its dividend rate, but less than fully, as its earnings per share (EPS) changes. Modigliani and Miller (1961) argued that dividend policy has no effect on either the price of a firm’s stock or its cost of capital, a perfect world, the dividend policy is irrelevant to shareholders wealth. His proposition has laid a solid theoretical foundation for the dividend policy. After that, economists have offered explanations in different ways about dividend payment, such as effect of taxes, ividend signaling, agency costs issues and transaction costs. Over decades, conformists could not come to an agreement. Thus, Black, Fischer (1976) gave it a name “dividend puzzle”.In China, the dividend policy of listed companies has its unique characteristic in the strong emerging market economy if comparing the type of dividend payment in China with the type used in developed countries. In addition to cash dividend and stock dividend, several mixed types of dividend payment derive from cash dividend and stock dividend such as mix of bonus issues and dividend, mix of rights issues and dividend, According to China Secur ities Journal’s relative statistical data, there are more listed companies who adopted the pattern of stock dividend in 1993 which were 36%, and more listed companies adopted cash dividend policy during 1994 and 1995 which were 40% and 36% respectively. The companies that paid no dividends account for 35%, 54%, 59% and 62% respectively during the period of 1996 and 1999. The proportion of total listed companies that adopted cash dividend increased from 47% to 54% during 2000 and 2001.In this situation, in o rder to resolve the “dividend puzzle”, many Chinese scholars have done a number of empirical studies. Two main approaches were taken in these studies:First, using event study method to analyze the influence of different dividend the policy on share price and the value of a firm. Wei Chen at (1999) empirical analyzedthe dividend policy of Shanghai stock market by the method of Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) and studies the existence and character of the signaling effect of dividend policy in this market. This study showed that the degree of CAR was very different from different dividend policy. The CAR of right issue was higher than cash dividend but lower than bonus. Yu Qiao et al (2001) found that there was evidential positive statistical relationship between the dividends and mix dividend policies of firms on the stock market. But their study showed that the market was not sensitive with cash dividends. This phenomenon is opposition with the result being observed in developed countries’ mature markets. Gang Wei (2000) found that dividend policy often signal the information of long-term earnings about a firm for investors.Second, based on diversified dividend policy theories, analyzers analyzed dynamic reasons of dividend policy, and tried to find impact of dynamic factors and influencing extent on dividend policy of firms. Different point of view offered different significant conclusions. For example, cash dividend may be affected by currency balance and retained earnings, and has positive relationship with them (Yang, 2000); different size of firms choose different pattern of dividend: small firms tend to choose stock dividend, while large firms prefer cash dividend (Yan, 2001; Zhao, 2001). If the firms have lower proportion of holding state shares and corporative shares and the stronger self-growth and development of firms, the firms enjoy the higher stock dividend payment, and also the lower cash dividend payment (Lu, 1999).Domestic theoretic and empirical researches based mostly on profit flow (net income, EPS or retained earnings) investigated the dividend policy, and ignored the effect on cash flow. In fact, cash dividend distribution not only depends on profitability of firms, but also depends on free cash flow to firm. Compare profit flow with cash flow, the latter not only express the value which has been created by firm, but also express how many value that has been realized. From the point of view of cash flow to analyze it, it can patch the faults of profit flow (accounting policy choice, earning management), and declare real relationship between cash flow and the ability of cash payout.Recently, more and more investors prefer cash flow, because of the idea that “cash is king” which have become many managers’ conception. Therefore,this paper seeks to analyze the problem of cash dividend payment from the cash flow point of view, and three questions answered in this paper: (1) how much cash will be distributed to shareholders by paying a cash dividend after all expenses. What is theactual dividend? (2) Why is the cash dividend payment higher or lower than cash flow? What are the factors that affect cash dividend payment? (3) What are the features of cash dividend payment in different industries?Firstly, the payment of cash dividend is usually less than accounting profit in Chinese listed companies, but quite a number of listed companies which had more payment of cash dividend than free cash flow to equity, the gap between cash dividend and FCFE is right issue. By theory, the phenomenon of both cash dividend and right issue is contrary to basic regulation of corporate financial management. This phenomenon of self-contradiction may be related to the rule by China security commission in 2000, which the listed companies must have cash dividend payment last three years while they finance by adding shares or right issue. In contrast, cash dividend payment in some listed companies were less than free cash flow to equity, which is result in forming cash storage in these firms. In China, dividend payment of firm can be described as: the firms have very few cash dividend payment and more stock dividend payment, while some firms have not paid any dividend. This is maybe one of the evidences that Chinese stock market full of speculation and unfair financing from stock market.Secondly, payment of cash dividend in Chinese listed companies is relevantly positive for current return per share and total assets but negative for debt to asset ratio. For the index of cash flow, it is closely related to the payment of cash dividend and net operating cash flow; the index of free cash flow to equity is irrelevant. This is because listed companies understand the index of free cash flow to equity in significant limit, they seldom use free cash flow. Additionally, the payment of cash dividend is irrelevant to non-outstanding shares.Lastly, comparatively, the results indicate that firms with a higher ROE, ONCF and higher cash dividend payment belong to traditional industry; the firms with a higher ROE, lower ONCF and lower cash dividend payment belong to high-tech industry. We find there are quite many firms, which cannot make enough residual cash flow, but they still invest big projects. They return back cash dividend to shareholders by financing from stock market. Other firms with little investment opportunity have plenty of cash flow but no cash dividend payment, still finance too. These phenomena should be paid more attention to.译文股利政策资料来源:财富;11/24/2008作者:Tully-Shawn 股利政策,是理论家和实践家一直关注的公司的三个财务决策之一。



股利政策理论研究的三次飞跃与展望【摘要】从最早的“一鸟在手” 理论开始,到Miller & Modigliani(1961)的MM股利无关论,再到后续的一系列研究,国际会计理论界关于股利政策理论的成果非常之多。






但至今人们对股利变化具体如何影响公司价值还远未达成一致,西方一些著名的财务学者对此也深感困惑,而Fisher Black(费雪·布莱克)1976年则干脆称之为“股利之谜”。






1938年,William s(威廉姆斯)运用股利贴现模型(Dividend Discount Model)对股利政策进行研究,形成了早期的“一鸟在手”理论。



把握股利政策的理论与种类股利政策(Dividend policy)是指公司股东大会或董事会对一切与股利有关的事项,所实行的较具原那么性的做法。

下面是我整理的关于如何把握股利政策的理论与种类,欢送阅读!股利政策的理论传统理论二十世纪六七十年月,学者们争辩股利政策理论主要关注的是股利政策是否会影响股票价值,其中最具代表性的是一鸟在手理论、MM 股利无关论和税差理论,这三种理论被称为传统股利政策理论。


该理论最具有代表性的著作是M.Gordon 1959年在?经济与统计评论?上发表的?股利、盈利和股票的价格?,他认为企业的留存收益再投资时会有很大的不确定性,并且投资风险随着时间的推移将不断扩大,因此投资者倾向于获得当期的而非将来的收入,即当期的现金股利。








股利政策基本理论股利政策(Dividend policy)是指公司股东大会或董事会对一切与股利有关的事项,所采取的较具原则性的做法,是关于公司是否发放股利、发放多少股利以及何时发放股利等方面的方针和策略,以下是店铺精心整理的股利政策基本理论的相关资料,希望对你有帮助!股利政策基本理论股利政策(Dividend policy)是指公司股东大会或董事会对一切与股利有关的事项,所采取的较具原则性的做法,是关于公司是否发放股利、发放多少股利以及何时发放股利等方面的方针和策略,所涉及的主要是公司对其收益进行分配还是留存以用于再投资的策略问题。















税差理论 股利相关论
9.3 股利理论与股利分配政策
二、制定股利分配政策应考虑的因素 (一)法律限制 1、资本保全的限制 规定公司不能用资本(包括股本和资本公积)发放股利。 股利支付不能减少法定资本,如果一个公司的资本已经减 少或因支付股利而引起资本减少,则不能支付股利。 2、企业积累的限制 公司税后利润必须先提取法定公积金和任意公积金,只有 当提取的法定公积达到注册资本的50%时,才可以不再提 取。
9.3 股利理论与股利分配政策
二、制定股利分配政策应考虑的因素 (三)公司因素 5、资本成本 与发行新股相比,保留盈余不需要花费筹资费用,是一种 比较经济的筹资渠道。所以,从资本成本考虑,如果公司 有扩大资金的需要,也应当采取低股利政策。 6、债务需要 具有较高债务偿还需要 的公司,可以通过举借新债、发行 新股筹集资金偿还债务,也可直接用经营积累偿还债务。 如果公司认为后者适当的话(比如,前者资本成本高或受 其他限制难以进入资本市场),将会减少股利的支付。
9.3 股利理论与股利分配政策
三、股利分配政策 (二)固定或持续增长股利政策 2、优缺点 优点:①稳定的现金股利向市场传递着公司正常发展的信 息,有利于树立良好的公司形象,增强投资者对公司的信 心,稳定股票的价格; ②稳定的现金股利有利于投资者安排股利收入和支出,特 别是对那些对现金股利有点很高依赖性的股东; ③即使推迟某些投资方案或者暂时偏离目标资本结构,也 可能要比降低股利或降低股利增长率更为有利。
9.3 股利理论与股利分配政策
二、制定股利分配政策应考虑的因素 (一)法律限制 5、无力偿付的限制 基于对债权人的利益保护,如果一个公司已经无力偿付负 债,或股利支付会导致公司失去偿债能力,则不能支付股 利。




The study found that 72% of these companies have a specified dividend policy。

with larger and XXX。

The study also found a positive XXX and the presence of large long-term private or industrial owners with the XXX.Corporate finance is an essential aspect of any business。

and dividend policy XXX to have a defined dividend policy in place。

The XXX.The study also found a positive XXX and the presence of large long-term private or industrial owners with the XXX。

the results of this study support the use of defined XXX.In n。

this XXX firms have a specified dividend policy。

with larger and XXX。

The study also found a positive XXX and the presence of large long-term private or industrial owners with the XXX.XXX (1956) and Fama and Babiak (1968)。

numerous papers have XXX research has focused on the choice een dividends and share repurchases。

上市公司股利政策 外文翻译

上市公司股利政策 外文翻译

文献出处:Brunzell T, Liljeblom E, Löflund A, et al. Dividend policy in Nordic listed firms[J]. Global Finance Journal, 2014, 25(2): 124-135.第一部分为译文,第二部分为原文。

默认格式:中文五号宋体,英文五号Times New Roma,行间距1.5倍。








最近,重点是股息和股票回购之间的选择(参见例如Guay Harford,2000; Jagannathan,Stephens,Weisbach,2000; Skinner,2008),消除股息的问题(参见DeAngelo,DeAngelo,Skinner,2004; Fama French,2001),以及少数民族保护与股息之间的关系(参见Faccio,Lang,Young,2001; La Porta,Lopez de Silanes,Shleifer,Vishny,2000)。






















MM理论1961年,股利政策的理论开创者Miller(MH)和Modigliani (f)在他们的“股利政策,增长和公司价值”即理想的市场中提出了著名的“ mm股利独立性理论”。





















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外文翻译Imperfect information, dividend policy, and "the bird in thehand" fallacyMaterialSource:The Bell Journal of Economic Author: Sudipto BhattacharyaThis paper assumes that outside investors have imperfect information about firms' profitability and that cash dividends are taxed at a higher rate than capital gains. It is shown that under these conditions, such dividends function as a signal of expected cash flows. By structuring the model so that finite-lived investors turn over continuing projects to succeeding generations of investors, we derive a comparative static result that relates the equilibrium level of dividend payout to the length of investors' planning horizons.This article develops a model in which cash dividends function as a signal of expected cash flows of firms in an imperfect-information setting. We assume that the productive assets in which agents invest stay in place longer than the agents live and that ownership of the assets is transferred, over time, to other agents. The latter are a priori imperfectly informed about the profitability of assets held by different firms. The major signaling costs that lead dividends to function as signals arise because dividends are taxed at the ordinary income tax rate, whereas capital gains are taxed at a lower rate. Within this framework, this paper explains why firms may pay dividends despite the tax disadvantage of doing so.Recently, Leland and Pyle (1977) and Ross (1977) have used the paradigm of Spence's signaling model (1974) to examine financial market phenomena related to unsystematic risk borne by entrepreneurs and firm debt-equity choice decisions, respectively. In its spirit and cost structure, our model is closely related to the Ross model (1977).The essential contributions of our model are the following. First, we develop a tax-based signaling cost structure founded on the observation that signaling equilibria are feasible, even if signaling cost elements that are negatively related to true expected cash flows are small, provided there are other signaling costs that are not related to true cash flow levels. Second, we develop the model in an intertemporal setting that allows us to identify the relative weights placed on the benefits (increase in value) and costs of signaling with dividends. Our modelsuggests an interesting comparative static result concerning the shareholders' planning horizon; namely, the shorter the horizons over which shareholders have to realize their wealth, the higher is the equilibrium proportion of dividends to expected earnings. Other comparative static properties of the dividend-signaling equilibrium, with respect to major variables like the personal income tax rate and the rate of interest, are also developed and are shown to be in accord with the empirical results of Brittain (1966).To keep the analysis manageable, and to highlight the essential characteristics, we employ two major analytical simplifications. First, we assume that the valuation of cash flow streams is done in a risk-neutral world. Second, we allow the "urgency" of the agents' need to realize their wealth to be parameterized by the length of the planning horizons over which they maximize expected discounted realized wealth, with no detailed consideration of the intertemporal pattern of asset disposal. These assumptions are further discussed below, after the basic model is developed. The general structure of the dividend-signaling model and the conditions for the existence of dividend-signaling equilibria are developed in Section 2.In Section 3 we analyze an example with uniformly distributed cash flows to facilitate discussion of comparative static properties and issues related to multiperiod planning horizons and dynamic learning possibilities. Section 4 contains the concluding remarks and suggestions for further research.In this section we outline the nature of the dividend-signaling model and the signaling cost structure. The model applies to a setting in which outside investors cannot distinguish (a priori) the profitability of productive assets held by across section of firms. Existing shareholders of firms care about the market value "assigned" by outsiders, because the planning horizon over which they have to realize their wealth is shorter than the time span over which the firms' assets generate cash flows. The simplifying assumption of risk-neutrality eliminates the diversification motive. The usual noncooperative evolution arguments of the Spence-type (1974) suggest a signaling equilibrium, if a signal with the appropriate cost-structure properties exists. Dividends are shown to satisfy the requirements.We ignore the incorporation of other sources of information (e.g., accountants' reports) on the ground that, taken by themselves, they are fundamentally unreliable "screening" mechanisms because of the moral hazard involved in communicating profitability. Hence, the model of this paper is somewhat exploratory in nature, a property that it shares with most other signaling models in which the costliness ofsignals derives from exogenous consideration.To preserve the simplicity of the model's structure, we assume that assets owned by firms generate cash flows that are perpetual streams, which are, in most of what follows, taken to be intertemporally independently identically distributed. In this section, and for most of the paper, we assume that existing shareholders have a single-period planning horizon. The firms are assumed to have sufficient investment opportunities, so that all of the cash flows from existing assets can be rationally reinvested. This simplifying assumption can be relaxed somewhat. The communication of even ex post cash flows from existing assets is assumed to be costly, because cash payouts in the form of dividends on regular share repurchases are assumed to be taxed at a higher personal tax rate than capital gains. In the absence of explicit cash payout, before taking on outside financing for new investments, ex post cash flows cannot be communicated without moral hazard, because one of the "inside" variables that a firm cannot readily communicate without moral hazard is the level of new investment.It is assumed that the signaling benefit of dividends derives from the rise in liquidation value V (D) caused by a committed, and actually paid, dividend level D. We develop the model in terms of a marginal analysis for a new project taken on by a firm. This simplification serves two purposes. First, not analyzing dividend decisions vis-à-vis existing and new asset cash flows enables us to postpone discussion of dynamic learning issues to the example in Section 3. Second, this mode of analysis permits us to retain simplicity and flexibility with respect to the modeling of costs incurred in making up shortfalls of cash flows relative to promised dividends. For example, one way of making up such short-falls is likely to be the postponement of investment/replacement plans, although fundamentally we adhere to the sound partial equilibrium practice of analyzing the dividend decision when the investment policy is given. It is assumed that dividend decisions are taken by shareholders' agents, whom we term insiders or managers. These agents optimize the after-tax objective function of shareholders, possibly because their own incentive compensation is tied to the same criterion. The insiders are the only people who know the cash flow distributions of their projects.Having discussed the general structure of the model and the costs that permit dividends to function as a signal, we now use a simple example to examine in more detail the nature of equilibrium and its comparative statics. Suppose the incremental cash flow of the project whose value is being signaled is, in any given period,distributed uniformly over [0, t] with mean t/2.All projects are perpetuities and, forthe time being, the cash flows of each project are taken to be intertemporallyindependently identically distributed. In the cross section of firms the value of t isassumed to vary between t min and t max,but investors cannot discriminate amongprojects with different t's held by different firms. It is further assumed that t=0.This is partly for analytical convenience but, vis-à-vis a marginal project in minany given firm, this is a natural assumption since one of the "inside" variables that afirm cannot costlessly communicate to the market without moral hazard is theamount of investment it undertakes. Initially, we continue to assume shareholdershave a one-period planning horizon.The signaling cost structure that we have developed is not only realistic(dividends linked only to expected cash flows), but also the only simple structureconsistent with the assumption of an exogenously costly dividend-signalingequilibrium. Superficially, another simple possibility that satisfies the marginal-costcharacteristics required for signaling is a "lower-truncated" structure with cash flowX in dividends paid if and only if X is less than some "promised" D! Since the moralhazard in costlessly communicating X to outsiders is the basis for the dissipativesignaling equilibrium, this is not going to be a very enforceable structure. In adifferent context Ross (1977) has developed a financial-signaling model of leveragebased on a "lower-truncated" cost structure of significant bankruptcy penalties formanagers. A difficulty with such a structure is that unless enforceable penalties ofsimilar magnitude relative to the benefits of nonbankruptcy exist for shareholders,there is an incentive for shareholders to make side payments to managers to inducefalse signaling by employing higher levels of debt. In anotherpaper(Bhattacharya,1977), I have developed a model of nondissipative-notexogenously costly-signaling of insiders' information about future cash flows, basedon expectations revision in the market, in a setting in which there is no tax cost todirectly communicating ex post cash flows. As noted in Section 2, it is my belief thata synthesis of the two types of models, which should allow us to provide a partialrole for sources of ex post earnings information like accounting reports, is aninteresting, if difficult, problem for further research.Convergence to equilibrium in financial-signaling models is an interesting issueprimarily because the time structure of events is likely to be different from that inthe job-market signaling model of Spence (1974).In both our model and that of Ross(1977), the signaling cost arises in the future, whereas the benefit, the rise in value,is likely to get established in current as well as liquidation values. If unconstrained liquidation with no effect on value is posited, then current shareholders, and their agents, clearly have an incentive to signal falsely and sell out at an inconsistently high value. One must assume that premature or excessive-relative to normal trading by "retiring" stockholders-liquidation bids by shareholders would significantly affect market value so as to virtually eliminate such problems. It is also likely that observations of insider trading, conditional on their signaling decisions in the current shareholders' interest, or eliciting (conditional) insider bids in a tâtonnement model will play a significant role in convergence to the equilibrium valuation schedule as a function of the signal. These are clearly issues that need further study, as do the issues related to multiperiod planning horizons discussed in Section 3.译文不完全信息,股利政策,和“一鸟在手”的谬论资料来源: 贝尔经济杂志作者:巴特查亚本文假设外部投资者对公司的盈利能力持有不完全信息和现金股息比资本利得税率更高。
