



SolidWorks的液压阀块结构设计3.1液压阀块的结构特点及设计3.1.1液压阀块的结构特点按照结构和用途划分,液压阀块有条形块(Bar Manifolds)、小板块(Subplates),盖板(Cover plates)、夹板(Sandwich Plates)、阀安装底板(Valve Adaptors)、泵阀块(PumpManifolds)、逻辑阀块(Logic Manifolds)、叠加阀块(Accumulator Manifolds)、专用阀块(Specialty Manifolds)、集流排管和连接块(Header and Junction Blocks)等多种形式[35][36]。















液压集成块设计实例1. 引言液压集成块是液压系统中的重要组成部分,它能够集成多个液压元件,简化系统布局,提高系统的紧凑性和可靠性。


2. 设计要求设计一个用于工程机械的液压系统,满足以下要求: 1. 最大工作压力为200 bar;2. 流量范围为60-120 L/min;3. 系统具有压力保持功能;4. 系统稳定性和可靠性高; 5. 尺寸紧凑,占用空间小; 6. 安装方式便捷。

3. 液压集成块设计3.1 系统布局设计根据设计要求,我们需要首先确定系统的布局。



3.2 集成块材料选择液压集成块需要承受较高的工作压力,因此材料的选择非常重要。



3.3 液压元件选型根据系统的工作压力和流量要求,我们需要选用适合的液压元件。


在本次设计中,我们选择以下元件:1.液压泵:根据流量要求,我们选用流量为120 L/min的柱塞泵。



3.4 液压回路设计在液压集成块中,我们需要设计和配置合适的液压回路。




4. 液压集成块制造和测试4.1 制造过程在液压集成块的制造过程中,我们需要按照以下步骤进行:1.制作液压集成块的模具和模具夹具。




4.2 测试过程为了确保液压集成块的正常工作和安全性,我们需要进行以下测试:1.检测液压集成块的工作压力和流量是否满足设计要求。



本科毕业论文液压支架液压缸参数化设计(1)THE PARAMETERIZED DESIGN OF HYDRAULIC SUPPORT HYDRAULIC CYLINDER(1)学院(部):机械工程学院专业班级:机设06-5班学生姓名:董雪松指导教师:梁超讲师2010年6月1日液压支架液压缸的参数化设计(1)摘要在制图软件中,参数化设计方法的研究已成为研究和开发的热点,参数化建模,参数化分析,逐渐成为一种趋势。




关键词:VBA,SolidWorks,参数化,液压缸THE PARAMETERIZED DESIGN OF HYDRAULIC SUPPORT HYDRAULIC CYLINDER(1)ABSTRACTIn drawing software, the method of parametric design research has become the focus of research and development, parameterized modeling, parametric analysis, and gradually become a trend. And the secondary development based on VBA SolidWorks application, simple development environment for many users realize trival, machinery, improve the daily life of office automation of users. Based on a large number of domestic parametric design based on the literature, hydraulic cylinder of parametric design, for example, further discusses the development and the process parameters. And according to the parametric process, API design personnel from drawing work freed, concentrate on selection and optimal design parameters, improve product quality, shorten the product design cycle.KEYWORDS:VBA,SolidWorks,parametric,Hydraulic cylinder目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)绪论 (1)1液压缸设计 (4)1.1基于VBA的SolidWorks 的二次开发概述 (4)1.1.1宏的应用 (5)1.2液压缸的一般设计 (5)1.2.1液压缸结构分析和优化的发展状况 (6)1.2.2设计的一般原则 (7)1.2.3设计的一般步骤 (7)1.2.4液压缸的设计理论体系结构 (8)1.3.1液压缸的参数化设计原理 (9)2液压缸的结构 (11)2.1缸体组件 (12)2.1.1缸体与缸盖的连接形式 (12)2.1.2缸筒、端盖和导向套的基本要求 (12)2.2密封装置 (12)2.3液压缸缓冲装置 (12)2.4排气装置 (13)2.5建立液压缸的三维模型 (13)3参数化设计 (14)3.1活柱的参数化设计 (14)3.2二级缸的参数化设计 (19)3.3一级缸的参数化设计 (22)3.4端盖和管道的参数化设计 (27)结论 (29)参考文献 (30)附录A(一级缸的参数化代码) (31)附录B(二级缸的参数化代码) (36)附录C(活柱的参数化代码) (40)附录D(端盖的参数化代码) (44)致辞 (47)绪论参数化设计(Parametrization design)也叫尺寸驱动(Dimension driven)是二维绘图非常有用的技术,只要对全约束的图形施加尺寸,图形根据尺寸自动发生相似性变化。

三维液压集成块(主板)专业设计软件MDTools 930 For SolidWorks 2011

三维液压集成块(主板)专业设计软件MDTools 930 For SolidWorks 2011

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Imageware Surfacer 逆向教学(pdf文档,简体中文总计124页)
Imageware Surfacer 中文使用手册
三维液压集成块(主板)专业设计软件MDTools 930 For SolidWorks 2011
MDTools 905 For SolidWorks 2006 1CD
MDTools? 是美国VEST公司旗下的一款三维液压集成块(主板)专业设计软件。该软件可在SolidWorks? 环境下进
造的企业在最少花费下更快、更好的完成产品的设计工作, VEST为改善液压装置以及集成块装配体、三维几何配
I-deas 10.0 最新简体中文设计指南






























关键字:液压系统;集成块;加工工艺Structure and Process of the Hydraulic Manifold on the Horizontal Single –sided Multi-axis Combination Drilling MachineDesign DescriptionThe traditional hydraulic system connects through oil pipelines, and has a higher demand for pressure of pipelines. With its easy to lead, unstable and lower efficiency. The design replaces the traditional hydraulic system with integrated system, on which the plate hydraulic components installed and the oil duct arranged in the block, which not only shrinks the device space and eliminates the leakage, but also improves the stability of the hydraulic system.The project is mainly focused on horizontal single-sided multi-axis combination drilling machine hydraulic system design, and with the help of Solidworks, completes the work application of advanced concepts.First part: according to the requirements and the parameters, the analysis of working conditions and the schematic diagram of the hydraulic system are proposed in this paper. The pressure and main dimensions of the hydraulic cylinder are determined. At last, the type and the size of hydraulic valves are selected based on the primary hydraulic cylinder pressure and flow calculation.Second part: the structure of the manifold. The circuit diagram of manifold block unit, a layout of hydraulic components and the dimensions of every oil holes which are shown in the 3D map, 2D view in this paper.Finally, the manifold processing. According to the technical requirements of the manifold, 45 steel is selected as the blank material. The blank margin, the processing line, the manufacturing processing card are worked out.The plate hydraulic valves are used in the design to make the hydraulic system integrated into manifold blocks, which can avoid the drawbacks of traditional hydraulic system. With Solidworks software the location of the holes in the manifold block are clearly demonstrated. However, this design also has many disadvantages, for example, the impaction of the oil flow on the block at the oil corner and the sink holes do not take into account, which be improved in the future .Key words: hydraulic system; manifold; processingII目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1选题目的和意义 (1)1.2国内外研究发展现状和发展趋势 (1)第2章液压系统的设计与计算 (2)2.1设计技术要求 (2)2.2系统工况分析 (2)2.2.1运动分析 (2)2.2.2负载分析 (3)2.3液压系统主要参数确定 (4)2.3.1初选液压缸工作压力 (4)2.3.2计算液压缸的主要尺寸 (5)2.3.3计算液压缸各工作阶段的压力、流量和功率 (5)2.4拟定液压系统原理图 (7)2.4.1供油回路 (7)2.4.2选择调速回路 (7)2.4.3选择速度换接回路 (7)2.4.4选择快速运动和换向回路 (7)2.4.5液压基本回路的组合 (8)2.5计算和选择液压元件 (9)2.5.1确定液压泵的规格 (9)2.5.2确定其他液压元件及辅件 (10)2.5.3简述各液压元件尺寸 (11)2.5.4确定油道尺寸 (15)第3章集成块的设计 (17)3.1液压集成块的结构 (17)3.2绘制集成块单元回路图 (17)3.3集成块的初步设计 (18)3.4集成块外形尺寸的确定 (19)3.5孔道的布置 (20)3.6绘制集成块零件图 (21)第4章集成块加工工艺的设计 (22)4.1确定集成块的生产纲领 (22)4.2集成块的技术分析 (22)III4.3集成块毛坯的设计 (22)4.3.1确定毛坯种类 (22)4.3.2毛坯加工方法的选择 (23)4.3.3毛坯的工艺分析及要求 (23)4.3.4毛坯余量和公差的确定 (23)4.4零件图的技术与工艺分析 (24)4.4.1安排工序的原则 (24)4.4.2工艺阶段的划分 (24)4.5集成块的工艺路线的拟定 (25)4.6机床,刀具,量具及其夹具的选择 (26)4.6.1机床的选择 (26)4.6.2刀具和量具的选择 (26)4.6.3夹具的选择 (26)结论 (27)参考文献 (28)附录 (29)致谢 (30)I V第一章绪论第1章绪论1.1选题目的和意义液压系统是由若干液压阀有机的组合在一起,根据参考文献[1]可知各液压系统间的连接方式有:管式连接、板式连接、集成式连接。



1 液 压 阀块 建模 设 计
阀块 是指 液压 系统 中控 制油 路走 向并 用来 安装 各
种控 制 阀 以及 辅 助元 器 件 的 过 渡块 体 , 其 上 具 有 外 接
口和 连通 各外 接 口或 阀件 的流道 。
文献标志码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 5 — 2 8 9 5 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 2 - 0 0 3 3 - 0 4 中 图分 类 号 : T H1 3 7 . 5
Op t i mi z a t i o n De s i g n f o r Ma ni f o l d Ba s e d o n S o l i d W o r ks a n d AN S YS
第3 2卷 第 2期 2 0 1 4年 4月
轻工机械 L 辔h f I n d u s t r y Ma c h i n e r y
Vo 1 . 3 2 No . 2 Ap r . 2 01 4
[ 研究 ・ 设计]
D O I : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 0 0 5 — 2 8 9 5 . 2 0 1 4 . 0 2 . 0 0 9
S HE K u a n g h u a , L I AO Q i u h u i , T A O Z h e n g a n g , Z HA N G F e n g
( C o l l e g e o f Ma t e r i a l s E n g i n e e r i n g , S h a n g h a i U n i v e r s i t y o f E n g i n e e r i n g S c i e n c e , S h a n g h a i 2 0 1 6 2 0, C h i n a )



用上述方法,根据已知的∥o和工艺参数h2,设计出的打 纬共轭凸轮运动规律曲线,在能够充分满足打纬工艺要求的前 提下,还可以通过对b、C的值进行适当地调解,来满足更多 的附加条件和工艺要求,使整个运动规律能够达到期望的效果 和更好的运动及机械性能,因此它可以广泛地应用到打纬共轭 凸轮机构的理论设计与反求研究当中。
f2】宋伟,吴建国.中文Visual Basic 6.0高级编程【M】.北京:清华大学出 版社,1999.
2000. The application of the 3D pammeterized hydraulic componenB database base on solid Edge to hydraulic virtual prototype technique
关键词:Solid Edge;Visual Basic;参数化;液压元件;虚拟样机
虚拟样机技术是建立在三维CAD模型的基础上,把虚拟 技术与仿真方法相结合的设计方法。采用虚拟样机设计方法有 助于摆脱传统设计方法对物理样机的依赖,可获得更低的研发 成本、更短的研发周期和更高的产品质量。根据液压系统设计 的特点,制作液压虚拟样机,虚拟装配成液压系统三维模型, 并在此模型的基础上进行各种仿真运动、受力和动态分析,最 后以空间的、直观的图形方式给出仿真结果,是一种省钱省力 的方法。但在液压系统设计过程中很多元件是标准的,可直接 选用,而进行液压元件三维CAD建模占据了设计人员的大量 时间,影响了设计效率。因此开发三维参数化液压元件库,应 用于液压系统虚拟样机技术,是提高设计效率的有效方法。



SolidWorks软件在RH液压系统设计中的应用张龙江【摘要】使用SolidWorks三维软件对RH精炼炉液压系统进行工厂设计,可以根据需要方便地添加或删除零部件,及时修改零件和装配体,直观地显示液压系统的管路分布和各装置之间的位置变化.保证了设计准确性,缩短了设计周期,同时为整机的标准化制定提供了参考依据.【期刊名称】《重型机械》【年(卷),期】2014(000)002【总页数】3页(P69-71)【关键词】SolidWorks软件;RH精炼炉;液压系统【作者】张龙江【作者单位】北京无极液压工程有限公司,北京 102308【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH1370 前言随着三维软件的日益普及,三维设计软件开始被越来越多的企业所接受。




1 RH液压系统总体设计在液压系统总体设计过程中,必须根据设计单位提供的液压系统原理图,按照液压站和液压阀台的位置、场地大小、管路走向、管径等资料,进行详细设计,并对设备的安装、运输、维修等多方面因素进行综合考虑。

如图1所示为设计单位提供的马钢110 t双工位RH精炼炉液压站房间图,位于两H型钢立柱之间,长9 200 mm,宽6 000 mm。


在这样一个狭长空间内,要放置一个7000 l的油箱和七台泵组,设计难度可想而知。














本文首先对液压阀块进行三维建模,然后利用SolidWorks中的装配模块对三个液压阀组进行了装配,并且应用SolidWorks中的干涉检查功能对三个阀组进行了干涉检查,然后应用SolidWorks simulation插件对液压阀块进行了有限元分析,从而验证了阀块性能的可靠性。


本试验台要求能够进行GB/T 15622-2005《液压缸试验方法》所要求的液压缸出厂试验,并在系统中附加了超高压测控系统。








1 建立液压元件模型









SolidWorks的液压阀块结构设计3.1液压阀块的结构特点及设计3.1.1液压阀块的结构特点按照结构和用途划分,液压阀块有条形块(Bar Manifolds、小板块(Subplates,盖板(Cover plates、夹板(Sandwich Plates、阀安装底板(Valve Adaptors、泵阀块(PumpManifolds、逻辑阀块(Logic Manifolds、叠加阀块(Accumulator Manifolds、专用阀块(Specialty Manifolds、集流排管和连接块(Header and Junction Blocks等多种形式[35][36]。















关于MDTOOLS三维液压集成块设计软件介绍关于MDTOOLS三维液压集成块设计软件介绍——南京东岱软件工程师关键词:MDTools、液压设计、SolidWorksMDTools 是美国VEST公司旗下的一款三维液压集成块(主板)专业设计软件,南京东岱软件公司是VEST指定的中国区技术服务分销商。

该软件可在SolidWorks和Inventor 基础上进行液压集成块三维设计(SolidWorks集成mdtools945, Inventor集成mdtools700)。


更重要的是面对孔道干涉,以往的 CAD 系统因多处在封闭或半封闭的设计环境下,无法清晰地观察到设计过程,不能自动确定移位方向及尺度和进行自动寻优设计,而是由人工凭直觉或经验确定调改方案,故其本质上是一种“试凑”的方法。

2、关于MDT ools的液压集成块设计在 MDTools 设计环境中,各种集成块设计操作都以命令按钮的形式进行了封装,用户只需调用就可在三维环境下灵活快速地布置各种标准阀孔,调整和连接孔道,轻松更改阀块大小等,系统会自动检查设计壁厚是否满足设计要求,同时自动输出包括尺寸标注、孔道标识、孔道连接信息、工艺孔信息等的二维工程图;三维装配图还可直观地显示集成块与液压阀块的装配关系,可直接用于指导阀块的配置安装。

MDTools可以根据应用自动创建标准阀孔、插装孔、法兰孔、螺塞孔等,MDTools 会自动以数据库形式进行保存,以方便调用。




【摘要】介绍了液压集成块 CAD系统的开发.分析了设计信息的计算和输入、三维实体造型和二维视图的输出、孔道实时校核和辅助计算功能等模块的实现过程,并对集成块CAD系统关键技术进行研究.本系统对提高液压集成块的设计效率和设计质量有较高的实用价值.
1.基于Solidworks软件的液压集成块CAD系统的研究 [J], 李宝玉;李卫民
2.液压集成块CAD系统的设计与实现 [J], 汤国兴;张柏清;白月龙;刘永峰
3.液压集成块CAD/CAM系统工程数据库的设计与实现 [J], 刘万辉;田树军;贾春强;张宏
4.液压集成块CAD系统的研究与设计 [J], 郭捷;朱世和;郭津津
5.液压集成块CAD/CAM系统的研究与开发 [J], 刘万辉;田树军;贾春强;曹宇宁


























外文原文:hydraulic pressure integration block design Based onSolidworks software1 SummarizeIn comparing the large and complex hydraulic system, the chip can take full advantage of the use of a variety of hydraulic components, enabling a more compact structure, seal better, easy to install and debug. However, a dedicated chip is strong, surface-mount hydraulic components and more complex holes in valve body, therefore, in accordance with the hydraulic schematic diagram of the logic of the requirements of reasonably correct chip design is a difficult and require high accuracy job.Chip design to solve two major problems: First, the design of body parts and checking; Second, inspection of the assembly structure. Expression pattern of two-dimensional engineering design methods, relies on the human brain to carry out two-dimensional drawings and three-dimensional space.Between structure, design is inefficient and error-prone, and some errors in the drawings found it difficult, if only in the prototype created by that enterprise would lead to economic losses, delays in product development time. Therefore, the use of three-dimensional.Parametric design software, design methods and means to carry out upgrading of the problem as far as possible, was found at the design stage, to avoid mistakes; At the same time in the series, multi-model design of hydraulic machinery, the design parameters of the design greatly are improved the efficiency .2 Three-dimensional parametric mechanical design software IntroductionWith the computer software and hardware technology, the rapid development emerged in a number of parameters of three-dimensional mechanical design software, a powerful and representative of: UG, PRO-E, such as, Solidworks is a country SOLIDWORKS developed the mechanical design of three-dimensional parameters software, which is based on Win-dows of a three-dimensional modeling capabilities with powerful mapping and engineering, physical rendering of computer software, which combines the UG and PRO-E characteristics of three-dimensional modeling software, the use of more simple and convenient.It is based on the parts of the three-dimensional solid modeling features of technology, can be physical assembly, motion analysis, animation design, three-dimensional entity can automaticallygenerate two-dimensional engineering drawings.Can also be a separate two-dimensional graphic design, such as the hydraulic system schematic drawing, the system provides a similar two-dimensional graphics AUTOCAD modules can be directly drawn engineering drawings.3 chip three-dimensional parametric design1) Feature-based chip design of the valve body is installed on a variety of hydraulic components, and its internal schematic diagram in accordance with the requirements of the hydraulic system to achieve the various components connected between the oil-RoadThe complexity of function blocks is the key chip design. Valve design characteristics based on modeling, the basic body is a rectangular body, the surface of hydraulic components to install, so the hole on the body is the main design features. Pore size and hydraulic components of the path, has been standardized, and hole-hole sub-blind hole, respectively, constitute a body of the hole, install screw, process-hole and hole level. Designed to create the design features of the library features, body parts in the modeling, the call database features, added to the basic body, so, parts of the design process that is characteristic of the generation process. And the characteristics of the tree parts on record, easy to modify, greatly accelerate the speed of modeling.2) Valve inspection of holesSolidworks software with the establishment of the body is a realistic three-dimensional entities of the parts, it will be convenient, visually check the hole location and the relationship between the hole with the hydraulic system schematic diagram of the logic of the requirements of the location of the mounting hole with the design requirements, as is the physical parameters of the model, modify it easily. In order to facilitate the software can be used to observe the display.(1)to entities on the site of truncated block line of sight, you can directly displaythe channel to the internal body;(2)the use of wire-frame model perspective shows that can be observed from thewhole there is the spatial distribution of holes;(3)has nothing to do with the site inspection or other characteristics of the holecompression, that is, do not show that line in order to avoid excessive disruption of peoples attention.3) three-dimensional hydraulic components of the establishment of the TreasuryTo install the valve on a variety of hydraulic components, such as plug-in valve,solenoid valve, proportional valve, all kinds of pipe joints and so on, can be designed to establish a database of hydraulic components, with reference to the parts of the business or professional manufacturer plans model of product samples. Components such as Valves Cartridge Valves, it is by the valve core, valve seats and other basic components, is actually a sub-assembly structure, as a result of hydraulic components has been the path of standardization and standardized, it can be the main path parameters in the assembly call.4) the overall structure of the virtual assemblyThe overall design of the chip can be designed from the bottom-up approach, and hydraulic valve components from the library out to the assembly environment, installed in accordance with the constraints, to generate a realistic virtual assembly structure. Designers to observe the use of perspective transform all parts of the assembly to check the correctness of the design. If the design can be modified in time for the parts, as the assembly is associated with the parts drawing and spare parts can also be modified at the same time.(1)check the design is reasonable, whether or not the right size parts,assembly of components did not interfere in between;(2)the hydraulic components in the space layout and accuracy of therationality of the entire chip in the machine's installation location isappropriate;(3)of the assembly after the motion analysis of hydraulic components,such as cartridge valve spool of the trip, then transferred under the scope ofthe trip;(4)can be generated by the explosion map, to show the assemblyrelations between parts, to facilitate the design, manufacture and installationof the technology exchange between, the various sectors to reduce thepossibility of error;5) the output of two-dimensional engineering drawingsOr as a result of the production of commonly used two-dimensional engineering drawings, and so in three-dimensional software to design parts of the processing to the output of two-dimensional map and the assembly drawing, Solidworks software can automatically generate the standard view of the project, but also can generate other view, such as: to view, partial view, axonometric map, you can view on a whole generation to carry out cutting and post-, semi-post-mortem, post-ladder, rotate orsection cutaway view of two-dimensional engineering drawings of the dimensioning is automatic, as a result of three-dimensional entities model and two-dimensional engineering drawings and the associated parameter, if one of them the size of the modification, as the linkage.The relationship between the two will be modified. Two-dimensional can be like any other editing software, as marked on the graph roughness, size or shape, such as tolerance, the layers, line settings, print out maps or export dwg, bmp graphics files, and other graphics or text-editing software for data exchange.4 Design ExampleCeramic Tile body of hydraulic forming machine is special equipment, work on the main piston-driven mode of the powder to the pressure, the work of 12 to 18 beats / min, system pressure of 15MPa, after the booster, the main hydraulic cylinder working pressure of 30 MPa, high pressure hydraulic system requirements, flow, and for the faster, better reliability. Press in accordance with the hydraulic system control functions, designed to plug-in three main hydraulic valve chip components: ①valve function of components I forming process in accordance with the requirements of the main control piston.The work of repression. In a working cycle, the drive mode for the soft reduction, in 3 times the weight of pressure and repression; ②II valve components of the function is to control the rise in the main piston, down and speed adjustment; ③valve function component III is the top mode and the pier is expected.I participate in the design of the compressor 600 ~ 4200 t from a total of eight kinds of models, a series of 600 design with a pencil drawing, 1000 to 1200 using two-dimensional software design, from 1600 t the beginning of the five models with three-dimensional parameters Solidworks design software. Significantly lower error rate, design efficiency greatly increased, so that the introduction of new products faster, create a better economic efficiency.5 ConclusionHydraulic Manifold software using three-dimensional design parameters, the establishment of virtual assembly structure, the analysis becomes intuitive observation, as far as possible, designers can identify problems at the design stage in order to be able to shake off the heavy graphics work, to focus on structure of functional analysis and thinking to ensure design quality, enhance the design efficiency and to avoid loss of end-of-life products. Solid model can be observed with different point of view, sothat body to check the correctness of holes become intuitive and reliable. Interference on the assembly to check and improve the success rate of one-time design.中文译文:基于Solidworks软件的液压集成块设计1概述在比较大型和复杂的液压系统中,使用集成块可充分利用各种液压元件的功能,使结构更紧凑,密封性更好,便于安装和调试。



1.基于Solidworks软件的液压集成块CAD系统的研究 [J], 李宝玉;李卫民
2.基于Solidworks软件的液压集成块设计 [J], 陈就
3.基于智能虚拟设计方法的液压集成块设计 [J], 冯毅;张宏;田树军;高艳明
4.基于κ-ε湍流模型的多泵合流用液压集成块仿真设计 [J], 霍佳波;卓成强;刘忠;张玉玺;扶佳
5.基于Creo与Ansys Workbench的液压集成块虚拟设计与仿真分析 [J], 滑利光;侯寅峰;李万有;王志亮;武瑞斌

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Int J Adv Manuf Technol(2000)16:182–188©2000Springer-Verlag LondonLimitedFeature Representation and Database Schema of an Object-Oriented Feature-Based Product Model for Hydraulic Manifold BlocksW.Xiang,C.W.Chuen,C.M.Wong and L.H.YamDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hong KongA feature-based hydraulic valve block model is built using an object-oriented method to integrate the information for CAD and CAM.Features are predefined in a feature library and can be instantiated and managed to form a hydraulic valve block.The block model is a dynamic database and can be updated at any stage of CAD/CAM,and has a user-friendly interface to different applications,such as design,evaluation, and CAPP.The model is developed with C++in a Windows environment. Keywords:Feature-based model;Hydraulic block;Object oriented1.IntroductionFigure1shows a hydraulic valve block which is the mounting block for different functional hydraulic valves and pipe joints. Using hydraulic valve blocks simplifies not only the design and assembly of a hydraulic system,but also makes the system more integrated and helps to improve the system stability and precision.They are widely used in hydraulic power systems, such as in numerical control machine tools,the metallurgical industry,the aviation industry,and so on.Most of the hydraulic components,including pumps and valves,have been standard-ised to achieve higher performance.It is essential to improve the properties of the non-standard components so as to ensure the overall performance of the entire system.A hydraulic valve block is such a non-standard component.Therefore,an efficient way to integrate design and manufacture of hydraulic blocks should be advantageous in improving the quality of a hydraulic power system.Research work has been carried out on the geometric design of manifold blocks[1,2].Software for manu-facturing cartridge valve blocks has been developed[3].How-ever,the software does not integrate the information of design Correspondence and offprint requests to:Dr C.W.Chuen,Departmentof Mechanical Engineering,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom,Kowloon,Hong Kong.E-mail:mmchuenȰ.hkFig.1.A manifold hydraulic block and its sectional view.and manufacture.Each application has its own information input,which is separated from the others.Over the last two decades,much work has been directed towards integrating computer-aided design(CAD)with advanced manufacturing systems.Recently,the feature concept has gained popularity in thefield of design and automation because it can facilitate high-level communications between design and manufacturing systems[4–6].The two main approaches currently employed in feature-based modelling are feature-extraction and design-by-features.The former is used for expanding the applications of traditional CAD system.The system recognises features by abstraction from surface and solid models[7–9].However,the technical information is unavailable in the source geometric database and,consequently, the user has to obtain the information from other sources.AObject-Oriented Feature-Based Product Model for Hydraulic Manifold Blocks183design-by-features system uses features from a feature library to create the part geometry[10,11].The feature library stores a number of predefined features.The latter approach is adopted in this paper to integrate CAD and computer-aided manufacture (CAM)of hydraulic manifold blocks.By analysing the characteristics of various kinds of hydraulic manifold blocks,classification of their features can be abstracted.This paper presents a feature-based model for hydraulic manifold blocks.This model is introduced to depict the information including geometric shape,tolerance and pro-cess information through a set of predefined features.The model is built using an object-oriented approach and can be used and expanded at any stage of CAD and er-friendly interfaces to CAD,computer-aided process planning (CAPP),and AutoCAD have also been developed.The user can easily maintain and administer the application software through a feature-based manager in the Windows environment.2.The Information Requirement ofFeature-Based Hydraulic Valve BlocksA product model is actually a database with complete and useful information for all applications.To support concurrently hydraulic schematic planning,manifold block design,manufac-ture and inspection,a hydraulic block model should capture a set of the following information:Geometric shapes and dimensions of hydraulic blocks. Tolerances including geometric tolerances,dimensional toler-ances and surfacefinish.The relative position of each feature object in a block.The functions of parts within the product.Connection-relationships between parts.Miscellaneous information about hydraulic blocks.The product model should cover and manage all the above information.Thefirst two items describe the different parts of the product using design-related and manufacturing-related information.The last four items are global information focusing on the whole product model and the relationship between different parts,which are essential for operations such as machining,inspection and assembly.Figure2shows the infor-mation requirements for different applications of manifold blocks and the informationflow.The line with a circle indicates that the direction offlow is from the circle side to the non-circle side.The cross and repeat of informationflowflux for different applications indicate the essence of a product model of hydraulic manifold blocks for CAD/CAM.3.The Feature-Based Model of Hydraulic BlocksHydraulic blocks can be manifold blocks,stacked valve blocks and/or cartridge valve blocks.By analysing their characteristics, features on the blocks are abstracted and a feature-based block model can facilitate the integration of CAD and CAM oper-ations.In this section,a brief introduction of the feature-based model,the classification of features,the construction of feature library and the management of feature-based manifold block model are presented with an example.Figure3shows an example of a hydraulic manifold block used in the metallurgical industry.There are altogether four cartridge valves(V1,V2,V3,V4)withfive ports(P1,P2,P3, O1,O2)for the input/output of oil and two ports(A,B)for connection to the actuator.3.1A Brief Introduction to a Feature-Based ModelA feature is the basic constructional unit of a product model. It includes geometric information,engineering significance and predictable properties of the product[12].The primary function of a feature-based model is to facilitate the assembly of a product from features which are predefined and stored in a feature library.The geometry of features is defined but their dimensions are designed as variables.Only after the variables are instantiated,is a feature instance created.The product model is formed by assembling different feature instances.If a feature instance is changed,the product model is also updated. Therefore,the feature-based model for a product is a dynamic database,which can be modified during any stage of design. Because features are closely related to the applications con-cerned,all the essential information can be covered in a feature-based product model.A feature-based model consists of the feature library,the product model and the feature management.In fact,the model is a database of the product which covers all the information used for CAD/CAM.Because of interfaces to different stages of CAD and CAM,the model can be transformed to related data formats.3.2The Classification of Features for HydraulicValve BlocksIn conventional research,the definitions of features in the design-by-features method focuses on manufacturing features, such as hole,slot,chamfer and so on.These features are very efficient for generating the product model for a rotational product[13,14]or a simple box product[15,16].In a hydraulic valve block,there may be nearly a hundred hole-features or other manufacturing features.If these holes or faces are defined using conventional manufacturing features,it will be very time consuming and inefficient to build the hydraulic valve block model.From the design point of view,some holes inside the hydraulic valve block can be grouped together to perform a particular type of control function.These grouped-holes can be regarded as design features.Considering the design and manufacture aspects,an appropriate definition of features for hydraulic valve blocks is introduced in this paper to describe clearly and concisely the geometry and the manufacturing information for the whole product.Prior to the feature description in the example shown in Fig. 3,it is useful to introduce two basic object-classes.First,a class,“TFeature”,is defined to be the basic feature-class.It has three variables which are“name”,“type”and“functional parameters”.184W.Xiang etal.Fig.2.The information flow flux in feature-based manifoldblocks.Fig.3.Schematic drawing for a manifold block.“Type”is the identifier of a feature-object.It is used to describe a feature-object associated with manufacturing features.The typical values are given in Fig.4.“Functional parameters”is an array which stores the useful system parameters,such as pressure and flowrate.Therefore,“TFeature”is the superclass of all other features for the model.Secondly,a class,“TComponent F list”,is introduced to express the one-way-list.It has three pointer-vari-ables pointing to the root-feature-object,the current-feature-object and the next-object.All components of the product can be found through this one-way-list.Figure 5shows the relationship among the various classes.To simplify the definition of a feature library,all other features for a hydraulic power system are classified into four levels according to the characteristics of the system.They are classifiedinto system F level features,assembly F level features,part F level fea-tures and hole F face F level features as in the following.1.The system F level features are features in the highest level because the whole hydraulic power system is built by combin-ing many functional circuits,such as circuits for regulating pressure,flow control,power supply,etc.A class,“TSystem”,is the abstraction of the system F level feature and is a subclass of “TFeature”.It inherits variables such as “name”,“type”and “functional parameters”from its superclass,“TFeature”,and has a component F list object pointing to all components of the system.2.The assembly F level feature,is a collection of specific components which can be either a set of standard componentsObject-Oriented Feature-Based Product Model for Hydraulic Manifold Blocks185Fig.4.The list of different feature types for hydraulic manifold blocks. such as valves,or non-standard components such as manifold blocks.The assembly F level feature is a child-feature of the upper level feature,i.e.system F level feature.Therefore,class “TAssembly”,which defines the assembly-level feature,inherits some attributes from the class“TSystem”.The attributes are relation,parent,size,standard and material parameters.For the given example,the instance of manifold block is shown in Fig. 6.This manifold block instance has connections with pump,actuator and tank.It is a non-standard component, therefore the string of the variable“standard”is null.It has many other feature instances stored in its component-list.The value of variable“size”is an array storing the length,width and height in units(mm)of the manifold block,andtheFig.5.The relationship between features in the featurelibrary.Fig.6.The example of a manifold block instance of class “TAssembly”.“function”parameters include the pressure(Pa)andflowrate (m3s−1)inherited from the system.3.The part F level feature is introduced to describe the standard components in a hydraulic power system.For example,a standard cartridge valve,V1,is an object instance of part F level feature in the hydraulic manifold block shown in Fig.3.A class“TPart”is defined for part F level feature and is the subclass of class“TFeature”.It has its own variables such as “size”,“standard”,“parent”,“component list”and“position”. Though the part F level feature is a basic part that cannot be separated or divided any further from the view point of CAD/CAM,there must be some holes on the manifold block to link to the related holes on the standard valve.Therefore, the part F level feature can be further regarded as a set of holes on the standard valve and has its own component list.Figure 7is the description of instance V1of the given example.4.The hole F face F level feature is the most basic unit in a hydraulic manifold block system for both design and manufacture.It can be abstracted using the definition of class “THole F Face”as shown in Fig.8.All kinds of holes and faces can be expressed by this definition.It inherits most geometric attributes from its superclass,“TPart”,and adds some manufac-turing information into its own attributes such as“roughness”,186W.Xiang etal.Fig.7.The structure of class“TPart”.Fig.8.The structure of class “THole F Face”.“tool”,“process”,and so on.The variable “tolerance”is a structure including the type and value of tolerance and the datum.The variable “additional value”is an array which stores some additional parameters of the detailed description for features.For example,in Fig.8,P1is a step hole feature instance,then the additional value array stores the parameters of the diameter of the large hole,the step depth and the step position.3.3The Construction of a Feature Class LibraryA feature library is the basic part of the product model which stores all the predefined feature classes.In order to simplify the definition of the feature library,each feature class has a kind of relationship to other feature classes according to the object-oriented approach.There are two kinds of relationship as shown in the following:Inheritance relationship (AKO –a kind of).The relationship of super-class and subclass.For example,the relationship between class “TFeature”and class “TSystem”.Reference relationship (REF).The reference-feature is regarded as an attribute (variable)of reference-feature,such as the relationship between class “TAssembly”and class “TCom-ponent F list”.Figure 5shows the construction of the feature library and the relationship between the classes.3.4The Management of the Feature-Based Model for Hydraulic Valve BlocksThe feature-based model is a dynamic database,which is expanded and updated during the design stage.Therefore,the feature-based model for hydraulic manifold blocks must be manageable.A management interface is designed to create,update,delete and save information of the feature-based mani-fold block model for this purpose.The manager is a message-sending centre.All kinds of operation messages for the feature-objects are sent from this centre.The core function of the manager is coded in the C ++language as follows:void Manager(TFeature *ID,int Message F ID)/*where,ID is the object identifier and Message F Drepresents a kind of message listed in following list.*/int Message F List ={Message F ID F Create ;Message F ID F Add;Message F ID F Update;Message F ID F Delete ;Message F ID F Save ;Message F ID F Open ;Message F ID F Close ;Message F ID F Solid F Mapping ;Message F ID F CAD F Input ;Message F ID F CHECK F Input ;Message F ID F CAPP F Input ;Message F ID F NCP F Input ;Message F ID F SIMU F Input ;%%}The mechanism of the manager is shown in Fig.9.Objects of a manifold block model and their attributes can all be administered easily by the manager.For the hydraulic manifold block of the example shown in Fig.3,the initial model information is shown as follows:Manifold F object =[M1]:TAssembly (Message F ID F Create)Valve F hole F set F object =[V1][V2][V3][V4]:TPart (Message F ID F create;Message F ID Fadd)Fig.9.The mechanism of the manager.Object-Oriented Feature-Based Product Model for Hydraulic Manifold Blocks 187Hole F object =[P1]:THole F Face (Message F ID F Create;Message F ID F Add)Hole F object =[P2]:THole F Face (Message F ID F Create;Message F ID F Add)Hole F object =[P3]:THole F Face (Message F ID F Create;Message F ID F Add)Hole F object =[O1]:THole F Face (Message F ID F Create;Message F ID F Add)Hole F object =[O2]:THole F Face (Message F ID F Create;Message F ID F Add)Hole F object =[A]:THole F Face (Message F ID F Create;Message F ID F Add)Hole F object =[B]:THole F Face (Message F ID F Create;Message F ID F Add)Hole F object =[L1][L2][L3][L4]:THole F Face (Message F ID F Create;Message F ID F Add)The feature representation and database schema described in this paper have been implemented using the C ++language in the Windows environment.Figure 10shows the program running environment.4.Application for CAD/CAM of Hydraulic Manifold BlocksManifold block design is basically a process to design,locate and interconnect the holes within a block so as to satisfy the functional requirements,which are indicated in the schematic drawing of the block as shown in Fig.3.The product model would be initialised with the trial parameters for the design process.A class “TDesign”can be constructed to cover all the algorithms used for the manifold block design.Because of the dynamic database properties,the hole parameters areimmedi-Fig.10.Program running environment.ately updated with the latest design values.After the manifold block design has been completed,the block model can be mapped to a solid model in the CAD environment using the message “Message F ID F Solid F Mapping”.Figure 1shows an example of the model generated.CAPP can be used to analyse the size,shape and location of various geometric forms on a part and translate them into manufacturing operation instructions.The process planning system retrieves the geometric description of a part and analy-ses the features with the knowledge-based rules and selects the most appropriate processes for manufacturing these features.The processes and instructions can then be translated into the codes for the numerical control (NC)machine.The program generated can be checked and the process simulated before it is downloaded onto the NC machine for production of the manifold block.5.ConclusionBy analysing the different kinds of hydraulic valve blocks used in a hydraulic power system,a new definition of feature classes is presented in this paper.It covers most form features and manufacturing features in hydraulic valve blocks and describes the integrated information not only for the geometrical data,the global information,but also for the process information.The developed feature-based product model can cover all infor-mation used for different applications such as design,evaluation and CAPP.Its advantages are:It realises the integration of information for CAD/CAPP/CAM.It is a concise and well-expanded product model which can be maintained easily.188W.Xiang et al.It is a dynamic model which can be updated at any stage of CAD/CAPP/CAM.It has interfaces to different applications,by which the infor-mation relating to the product model can be transformed into related data formats.An object-oriented approach is adopted to define the feature classes and to build a feature library,which makes program codes more concise and expandable.The software is developed under the Windows environment and has a user-friendly inter-face to the user and other commonly used application software.AcknowledgementThe work described in this paper was supported by a grant from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University(Project no.353/093). 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