



2015年1月10日雅思真题回忆解析2015年1月10日雅思真题回忆解析/20150112/337735.html?seo=wenku11252015年1月10日雅思真题回忆sction1:19岁女生找工作,10道填空section2 :evening class instructor介绍课程,6个选择,4个matchingsection3:两个学生谈注册入学,必修课选修课。

6个选择,4个matchingsection4:讲城市化优缺点的lecture2015年1月10日雅思A类阅读回忆阅读确实有点变化,有道题和剑十模拟题一样,7道问答题全是以Which 开头的P1旧题=V121020 悉尼的Bondi Beach。

题型 T/F/NG, short answer questionP2 旧题=V060722 经济和气候的关系,题型 List of headings,填空P3 科学论文的研究,题型summary,Yes/No/NG,选择题1、长沙room9 高白人一点笑容没有! P1 flat ..housework cooking machine P2 one thing you borrow from others.P3中国人经常借东西吗?向朋友借钱好吗?有些人喜欢买书有些人喜欢借书,为什么?2、山大千佛山r3,白人小帅哥,帅的我脑子一片空白,英标,会回应,会微笑,会打断。

P1 house flat weekends weather P2想再看的电影。


3、南昌大学 rm106 白人胖老头趴一nature 为什么喜欢nature,如何了解趴兔找你家人或者朋友借的东西,趴三,关于借东西的一系列问题,老头很不错,语速有点快,趴一趴二老头一直笑而且频点头,但是趴三问题最近实在太奇葩所以跪了4、山大R1。






Section 2:这一部分会考到单选题和匹配题。



Section 3:预测本次会考到填空题和选择题。




Part IWeather1. What kind of weather do you like?Part 1当中的“天气”题在本次的考试中出现的频率非常高,很多烤鸭都对这道题目感到头痛。


那么针对这个高频话题,我们为大家补充一些“天气”类的高频话题素材Gloomy 阴沉沉的humidity 潮湿freezing 寒冷的tormenting 折磨的squeeze…into… 把…挤在…Part IIDescribe an occasion when you borrowed something from others.2015年3月14日雅思机经下载:/20150204/yszh-fsy-0314ysztyc.html?seo=wenku2128。



2015年2月28日阅读机经by FloraFlora温馨分享:新旧文方面:一篇旧文章两篇新文章文章题材方面:人物传记类、心理类、经济类各一篇题型分布方面:判断题共11题、填空题共15题、选择题共4题、配对题10题总体来说,本次阅读考试难度中等。




Flora真题速递:Passage One标题:女考古学家身赴柬埔寨探索人类部分答案回忆:判断题:1. F2.NG3.T填空题:University Funding Map ArcheologyPassage Two标题:Multitasking Debate— Can you do them at the same time?类似题目链接:Talking on the phone while driving isn't the only situation where we're worse at multitasking than we might like to think we are. New studies have identified a bottleneck in our brains that some say means we are fundamentally incapable of truemultitasking. If experimental findings reflect real-world performance, people who think they are multitasking are probably just underperforming in all - or at best, all but one - of their parallel pursuits. Practice might improve your performance, but you will never be as good as when focusing on one task at a time.The problem, according to RenéMarois, a psychologist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, is that there's a sticking point in the brain. To demonstrate this, Marois devised an experiment to locate it. V olunteers watch a screen and when a particular image appears, a red circle, say, they have to press a key with their index finger. Different coloured circles require presses from different fingers. Typical response time is about half a second, and the volunteers quickly reach their peak performance. Then they learn to listen to different recordings and respond by making a specific sound. For instance, when they hear a bird chirp, they have to say "ba"; an electronic sound should elicit a "ko", and so on. Again, no problem. A normal person can do that in about half a second, with almost no effort.The trouble comes when Marois shows the volunteers an image, then almost immediately plays them a sound. Now they're flummoxed. "If you show an image and play a sound at the same time, one task is postponed," he says. In fact, if the second task is introduced within the half-second or so it takes to process and react to the first, it will simply be delayed until the first one is done. The largest dual-task delays occur when the two tasks are presented simultaneously; delays progressively shorten as the interval between presenting the tasks lengthens (See Diagram).There are at least three points where we seem to get stuck, says Marois. The first is in simply identifying what we're looking at. This can take a few tenths of a second, during which time we are not able to see and recognise a second item. This limitation is known as the "attentional blink": experiments have shown that if you're watching out for a particular event and a second one shows up unexpectedly any time within this crucial window of concentration, it may register in your visual cortex but you will be unable to act upon it. Interestingly, if you don't expect the first event, you have no trouble responding to the second. What exactly causes the attentional blink is still a matter for debate.A second limitation is in our short-term visual memory. It's estimated that we can keep track of about four items at a time, fewer if they are complex. This capacity shortage is thought to explain, in part, our astonishing inability to detect even huge changes in scenes that are otherwise identical, so-called "change blindness". Show people pairs of near-identical photos - say, aircraft engines in one picture have disappeared in the other - and they will fail to spot the differences. Here again, though, there is disagreement about what the essential limiting factor really is. Does it come down to a dearth of storage capacity, or is it about how much attention a viewer is paying?A third limitation is that choosing a response to a stimulus - braking when you see a child in the road, for instance, or replying when your mother tells you over the phone that she's thinking of leaving your dad - also takes brainpower. Selecting a response to one of these things will delay by some tenths of a second your ability to respond to the other. This is called the "response selection bottleneck" theory, first proposed in 1952.Last December, Marois and his colleagues published a paper arguing that this bottleneck is in fact created in two different areas of the brain: one in the posterior lateral prefrontal cortex and another in the superior medial frontal cortex (Neuron, vol 52, p 1109). They found this by scanning people's brains with functional MRI while the subjects struggled to choose among eight possible responses to each of two closely timed tasks. They discovered that these brain areas are not tied to any particular sense but are generally involved in selecting responses, and they seemed to queue these responses when presented with multiple tasks concurrently.Bottleneck? What bottleneck?But David Meyer, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, doesn't buy the bottleneck idea. He thinks dual-task interference is just evidence of a strategy used by the brain to prioritise multiple activities. Meyer is known as something of an optimist by his peers. He has written papers with titles like "Virtually perfect time-sharing in dual-task performance: Uncorking the central cognitive bottleneck" (Psychological Science, vol 12, p 101). His experiments have shown that with enoughpractice - at least 2000 tries - some people can execute two tasks simultaneously as competently as if they were doing them one after the other. He suggests that there is a central cognitive processor that coordinates all this and, what's more, he thinks it uses discretion: sometimes it chooses to delay one task while completing another.Even with practice, not all people manage to achieve this harmonious time-share, however. Meyer argues that individual differences come down to variations in the character of the processor - some brains are just more "cautious", some more "daring". And despite urban legend, there are no noticeable differences between men and women. So, according to him, it's not a central bottleneck that causes dual-task interference, but rather "adaptive executive control", which "schedules task processes appropriately to obey instructions about their relative priorities and serial order".Marois agrees that practice can sometimes erase interference effects. He has found that with just 1 hour of practice each day for two weeks, volunteers show a huge improvement at managing both his tasks at once. Where he disagrees with Meyer is in what the brain is doing to achieve this. Marois speculates that practice might give us the chance to find less congested circuits to execute a task - rather like finding trusty back streets to avoid heavy traffic on main roads - effectively making our response to the task subconscious. After all, there are plenty of examples of subconscious multitasking that most of us routinely manage: walking and talking, eating and reading, watching TV and folding the laundry.But while some dual tasks benefit from practice, others simply do not. "Certain kinds of tasks are really hard to do two at once," says Pierre Jolicoeur at the University of Montreal, Canada, who also studies multitasking. Dual tasks involving a visual stimulus and skeletal-motor response (which he dubs "in the eye and out the hand") and an auditory stimulus with a verbal response ("in the ear and out the mouth") do seem to be amenable to practice, he says. Jolicoeur has found that with enough training such tasks can be performed as well together as apart. He speculates that the brain connections that they use may be somehow special, because we learn to speak by hearing and learn to move by looking. But pair visual input with a verbal response, or sound to motor, and there's no dramatic improvement. "It looks like no amount ofpractice will allow you to combine these," he says.For research purposes, these experiments have to be kept simple. Real-world multitasking poses much greater challenges. Even the upbeat Meyer is sceptical about how a lot of us live our lives. Instant-messaging and trying to do your homework? "It can't be done," he says. Conducting a job interview while answering emails? "There's no way you wind up being as good." Needless to say, there appear to be no researchers in the area of multitasking who believe that you can safely drive a car and carry on a phone conversation. In fact, last year David Strayer at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City reported that people using cellphones drive no better than drunks (Human Factors, vol 48, p 381). In another study, Strayer found that using a hands-free kit did not improve a driver's response time. He concluded that what distracts a driver so badly is the very act of talking to someone who isn't present in the car and therefore is unaware of the hazards facing the driver.“No researchers believe it's safe to drive a car and carry on a phone conversation”It probably comes as no surprise that, generally speaking, we get worse at multitasking as we age. According to Art Kramer at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, who studies how ageing affects our cognitive abilities, we peak in our 20s. Though the decline is slow through our 30s and on into our 50s, it is there; and after 55, it becomes more precipitous. In one study, he and his colleagues had both young and old participants do a simulated driving task while carrying on a conversation. He found that while young drivers tended to miss background changes, older drivers failed to notice things that were highly relevant. Likewise, older subjects had more trouble paying attention to the more important parts of a scene than young drivers.It's not all bad news for over-55s, though. Kramer also found that older people can benefit from practice. Not only did they learn to perform better, brain scans showed that underlying that improvement was a change in the way their brains become active. While it's clear that practice can often make a difference, especially as we age, the basic facts remain sobering. "We have this impression of an almighty complex brain," says Marois, "and yet we have very humbling and crippling limits." For most of ourhistory, we probably never needed to do more than one thing at a time, he says, and so we haven't evolved to be able to. Perhaps we will in future, though. We might yet look back one day on people like Debbie and Alun as ancestors of a new breed of true multitaskers.Question 28-32Which paragraph contains the following information?28 A theory explained delay happens when selecting one reaction29 Different age group responds to important things differently30 Conflicts happened when visual and radio elements emerge simultaneously31 An experiment designed to demonstrate the critical part in brain for multitasking32 An viewpoint favors optimistic side of multitask performanceQuestion 33-35Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D33 Which one is correct about experiment conducted by Rene Marois?A participants performed poorly on listening task solelyB volunteers press different key on different colorC participants need use different fingers on different colored objectD they did a better job on Mixed image and sound information34 Which statement is correct about the first limitatio n of Marois’ experiment?A “attentional blink ” takes about ten secondsB lag occurs if we concentrate on one object while second one appearsC we always have trouble in reacting the second oneD first limitation can be avoided by certain measures35 Which one is Not correct about Meyer’s experiment and statements?A just after failure in several attempts can people execute dual-taskB practice can overcome dual-task interferenceC Meyer holds a different opinion on Marois’ theoryD an existing processor decides whether delay another task or notQuestion 36-40Do the following statement agree with the information given in the Reading Passage? (True, False or Not Given)36 Longer gap between two presenting tasks means shorter delay toward the second one.37 Incapable in human memory cause people sometimes miss the differences when presented two similar images.38 Marois has different opinions on the claim that training removes bottleneck effect.39 Art Kraner proved there is a correlation between multi-tasking performance and genders.40 The author doesn’t believe that effect of practice could bring any variation.部分答案回忆:人名观点配对题1. 做事速度快不意味着效率高2. 有些外界因素影响环境3 人们在面临很多选择的时候,也只能专注很少部分的事情填空题V oice mailPassage Three文章大意:由香港机构举办的企业家培训课程部分答案回忆:填空题:Venture workshops session training判断题:Y N NG Y(顺序待定)选择题A待补充。


2015 年 1 月 10 日雅思考试真题机经
更多最新考题回顾及备考资料请关注“环球雅思教研中心”微博 /u/2480824417
Part I–听力机经
A 类小作文 图表类型: 柱状图(bar chart) 作文题目: The bar chart shows percentage of adults in different age groups in the UK who use the Internet in the year 2003-2006 2003 年-2006 年间,5 个不同年龄段的人使用互联网的比率。
场景 课程介绍
题型 选择 6 配对 4
内容回忆 Evening class instructor 介绍课程 答案回忆 11-16 选择题 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. A 17-20 配对题 17. C 18. D 19. G 20. E Section three 版本号 场景 选课 题型 选择 6 个 配对 4 个
Part III–写作机经
——来自环球雅思教研中心&环球雅北京思学校&环球雅思苏州学校 2015 年 1 月 10 日雅思考试笔试已经结束,环球雅思北京学校王陆老师,环球雅 思苏州学校谈晓晶老师&马威虎老师亲临考场,为大家带来史上最全面的雅思考 试回忆。 (本次小作文为柱状图,变量较多,难度中等。本次大作文题目为 10 年和 14 年考过的旧题,内容基本属于原题重现,只是提问方式不同。)
冷的气候对于各个国家财富和农业的影响 Masters 读了一本书 得到灵感 低温利于农业发展 那些国家贫穷 富有的气候原因 很多因素导致贫富 Coldtemperature 传统的观点被否定





2015年5月16日雅思阅读机经:一、Passage One题目:Companies try to have new marketing practice传统公司市场销售行为面临困难题型:单选题、多选题分析:文章说的主要是与市场经营策略相关的内容,对传统的市场营销与现代营销进行了对比。


以B&J冰激凌店和The Body Shop 为例子,介绍了他们的成功经验,如适应市场趋势,热心社会活动,主要是得关注企业社会职责等。

各个段落涉及到的大概内容如下:1、传统公司市场销售行为面临困难2、dispensable bottles的例子3、新型的societal marketing手段4、Ben & Jerry’s5、Ben & Jerry’s6、The Body Shop7、总结市场营销二、At the opening of the century, with the exception of a crude plow, farmers could have carried practically all of the existing agricultural implements on their backs; by 1860, most of the machinery in use today had been designed in an early form. The most important of the early inventions was the iron plow. As early as 1790 Charles Newbold of New Jersey had been working on the idea of a cast-iron plow and spent his entire fortune in introducing his invention. The farmers, however, were not interested in it, claiming that the iron poisoned the soil and made the weedsgrow. Nevertheless, many people devoted their attention to the plow, until in 1869 James Oliver of South Bend, Indiana, turned out the first chilled-steel plow.1. The expression "make the most of" in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) get the best yield from(B) raise the price of(C) exaggerate the worth of(D) earn a living on2.The word "naturally" in line 3 is closest in meaning to(A) unsurprisingly(B) gradually(C) apparently(D) safely2015年5月16日雅思阅读机经下载地址:/20150325/bk-mm-0516ydjj.html?seo=wenku5.089。



2015年1月10日雅思阅读机经预测2015年1月10日雅思阅读机经预测/20141219/15110ysjj.html?seo=4?seo=wenku一、就业话题母题:In many countries, more and more young people are leaving school and unable to find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? Give reasons and make some suggestions.提示:在许多国家,越来越多的年轻人毕业后找不到工作。


二、教育类母题:It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfil both these functions? (050312)提示:本题围绕教育的两大功能来展开(个人与社会),准备好这篇文章,即可应付教育类话题中的最大分支—教育的功能,做到以不变应万变。

对于社会角度,可以从促进经济发展、增加社会流动性(social mobility三、生态环境、自然资源与动物保护类母题:Now many people think that we are spending too much money and time on protecting wild animals. The money should be better spent on human population. Do you agree or disagree?提示:这类题型采取驳斥的写法来写,先驳斥这是浪费钱,因为在动物上花的钱可以通过发展旅游业来得到补偿。




雅思阅读机经:体育赛事与兴奋的关系托尔斯泰的艺术观厄尔尼诺现象 ElNino伏尼契手稿英国海岸线考古舌头味蕾感知味道的区域划分蓝脚鲣鸟 Sulanebouxii磁疗 magnettherapy蝴蝶的保护色(防捕食)One of the disquieting facts stemming from this is that plastic bags can become serial killersThis has resulted in a ban on plastic bags being imposed there early in 2002.an increasingly crowded curriculum, maths is being sidelined.township hospitals are running at a loss or are on the verge of collapse.The world's tropical forests continue to disappear with disheartening speedfrom September through to December airborne pollen from olive blossoms is contributing to asthma and hay fever problemsBut recently a new trend has been evident - one person living in a housethe rise and rise of the single person household.问题原因This could be due to the fact that HDPE bags can not be put out for collection with other household recyclablesThe problem arises partly because charities have outposts in areas of conflict:Another cause for concern,the use of (DU), may also be less of a problem than many fear2015年2月7日雅思机经下载:/20150121/ielts0207ydjj.html?seo=wenku12603。




例如真题中有一篇是关于pulvis talci(滑石粉),考生如果提前知道它是一种具有润滑性、抗酸性、绝缘性、熔点高、化学性不活泼、遮盖力良好的物理、化学特性的物质,那么很快就能理解文章中它在工业、农业中的用途。






2015年5月21日雅思阅读机经部分内容:Passage 2主题:环境类文章主题:Economic Effect of Climate题型:List of headings 6 Sentence Completion 7Passage 1题材:科技类题目:The history of pencil题型:填空6+判断7文章大意:石墨的发现与应用Passage 1 (旧题)题材:动物类题目:Bovids题型:选择3+配对5+简答5Passage 2题目:close relative-chimpanzee文章大意:Chimpanzee的文化影响个体行为;ape和chimpanzee的相同祖先;制造工具;组织斗争;语言题型:信息段落配对题(6),填空(4),单选(3)Passage 3题目:Robert Louis主要内容:对Robert Louis的评论文章,包括改作者去世后的风评;冒险类小说受电影的热爱;对其他作者的影响;生活环境对他的影响;两位俄罗斯作曲家类比scott和Robert Louis。


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第一篇Bondi Beach,讲悉尼的一个海滩,是2011年8月20日和2012年10月20日的旧题。

澳洲的话题在雅思剑桥真题集中特别多,且2014年最后一场也考到了澳洲的古人,鉴于本篇文章与奥运会有关,所以剑六第一套第一篇Australia’s Sporting Success澳大利亚的体育成功是很好的参考素材。

第二篇Economic Effect ofClimate,讲气候与国家经济的关系,这一篇是2014年1月25日,即春节前最后一次考试的考题,同时也是2006年7月22日的考题。


第三篇verbal and non-verbal behaviors语言与非语言行为,是新题,不过剑四第三套第三篇Obtaining Linguistic Data 语料的获得与本篇文字非常接近。

Passage 1:Bondi Beach,悉尼著名的Bondi海滩。

Passage 2:Economic Effect ofClimate,气候与国家经济的关系。

Passage 3:verbal and non-verbal behaviors,语言与非语言行为。

