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1. What does the boy want to be in the future?

A. A doctor.

B. A policeman.

C. A sportsman.

2. How often does Chen Fei watch TV?

A. Never.

B. Once a week.

C. Twice a week.

3. How does Ann get to school?

A. By bike.

B. On foot.

C. By bus.

4. What does Jane do after school?

A. Play volleyball.

B. Play the piano.

C. Play the guitar.

5. What is the girl studying?

A. History.

B. Computer.

C. English.



6. What is the weather like?

A. Sunny.

B. Cloudy.

C. Rainy.

7. How soon will the meeting start?

A. In 10 minutes.

B. In 15 minutes.

C. In 20 minutes.

8. How long does it take Jack to get to the city by bus?

A. 13 hours.

B. 11 hours.

C. 10 hours.

9. How much do two sweaters cost?

A. $90.

B. $45.

C. $70.

10. What's the matter with Jack?

A. He missed a birthday party.

B. He lost his MP5 player.

C. He didn't get a birthday present.



12. A. because he is a young singer

B. because he writes his own song

C. because of his beautiful voice

13. A. His grandfather B. His father C. His mother

14. A. football B. acting C. music

15. A. the violin B. the guitar C. the trumpet



1. W: What would you like to do when you grow up?

M: I want to be a policeman, but my brother's dream is to be a professional basketball player. 2. W: Do you enjoy watching TV, Chen Fei?

M: Yes, very much. But I only watch it twice a week.

3. M: Ann, do you get to school by bus?

W: No, I walk to school.

4. M: What do you do after school, Jane?

W: I often play the guitar in the music club.

5. M: How long have you been studying Chinese history?

W: For one year.


6. M: The heat is killing me. What about you?

W: Me, too.

M: Let's go to get something to drink.

W: OK.

7. M: Excuse me. What's the time by your watch?

W: Er... Let me see. It's twenty past two.

M: Thanks very much. I've got it. The meeting will start in ten minutes.

8. W: How long does it take you to get to the city, Jack?

M: About 10 hours by train or 13 hours by bus.

9. W: How much is the sweater?

M: It's $45. But if you take two, I can give them to you for $35 each.

10. W: Hi, Jack. You look sad. What's wrong?

M: I lost my MP5 this morning. It was a birthday present from my mother.


Declan Galbraith comes from Kent, England. He has become a very popular singer because of his beautiful voice. When he was very young, his grandfather always took him to concerts. At the age of 8, Declan Galbraith was famous for his voice.

Declan is like most other 19-year-old young men. He likes computer games, swimming and football. The only difference is that he can sing well. Declan says, "When I sing, I just fell happy." Music is important in Declan's life. Declan is good at all his schoolwork because he knows study is also important. Declan says, "Now I like playing the guitar and the piano. Sometimes I write my own songs. One day perhaps I'll do some acting."
